Ʋranomantia Reformata.
The First ESSAY. Shewing how to rectifie the Genitures of deceased Persons, by the two principal and most common Accidents of Humane Life, namely, Marriage, and Natural Death. And thereby preparing a plain and easie Way to discover the true Method of performing the same by all others. And consequently, affording a never failing Key to unlock the whole Treasury of Genethliacal Mysteries: Which has hitherto lain hid from Ages and Generations; but is now here partly, and shall shortly be more fully laid open to the Sight of all Men.
FOrasmuch as that I now undertake and intend to unfold the sublime and sacred Mysteries of the Heavenly Science, and to declare how and in what manner are represented and portended thereby, the Actions and Events of all Earthly Creatures; whether whole [Page 16]Nations in general, or single Persons in particular. It seems most convenient to begin with that part of the said Science, which concerns the Genitures of Mankind, and shews how by the Positures of Heaven at the Moment of a Person's Birth, or first Entrance into the World, to fore-see the sundry Actions, Undertakings, Changes, Dispositions, and all other Circumstances and Occurrences of his Life, and the Time and Manner of his final End, or Death: As being a Branch of this Divine Skill, which many account, of all others, the most useful; and therefore is by most Modern Professors chiefly pursu'd and cultivated. And in the performance hereof, it will be safest and surest, and consequently fittest, to begin with those Actions and Events which are common to all, or the greater part of Mankind; and are also the Extremities of their several Kinds, and therefore most obvious to Experimentation, and their signifying Particulars most remarkable and discernable. Which said most common Actions and Events I affirm to be, Marriage, and Natural Death: Of which, the former is the Extremity of Love and Courtship; and the latter, of Disease and Sickness; and being both of them incident to very many, their true Signs in the Heavens are much more speedily and easily discoverable, than [Page 17]are the Signs of Chances that happen only to some few; and are therefore the surest means of Genethliacal Rectification.
Moreover, the better to prepare the Way to go through with this weighty Task, I must in the first place require my Reader to be moderately (if not perfectly) versed in, and acquainted with, at least some one Treatise introductive to this Science; of which there are already so many published, even in the Vulgar Tongue of this Kingdom, by Mr. Lilly, Mr. Gadbury, Mr. Coley, and many others, that all who have them not already, may very speedily provide themselves. And nextly, I shall lay down some fundamental Maxims, or Propositions, whereon to raise, and firmly superstruct my intended Genethliacal Edifice; some of which are wholly novel to the World; and though others of them have languidly glimpsed to the Apprehensions of some few Authors, yet so very dimly, seldomly, and uncertainly, that they plainly appear to be doubtful and unresolved whether they were true or no, or any whit more true than some which by others are opposed unto them: Whereas I certainly know, and shall in due time abundantly prove them to be beyond all Exception.
1. That the only true, effectual, significant, and Divinely ordained, as well as [Page 18]most rational Division of the Heavens into those Prognosticative Partitions which Astronomers term Houses, is that which divides the visible or apparent Sphere of each particular place or point of the Earth, whether City, Town, House, or other place of Birth or Residence, into twelve equal Shares or Portions, by Lines meeting at the North and South Points of the Horizon, and equally distant in the said apparent Sphere's own Vertical Aequator, or Circle passing from East to West.
2. That those Essential Dignities and Debilities, and Geocentrical Configurations of the Planets, handed down to us in these after Ages, by Ptolomy, from the ancient Chaldean and Aegyptian Astronomers, are sufficient, of themselves alone, to signifie all things properly significable by such Matters, either in a Nativity, or any other Face of Heaven; and are also the only true and significant Dignities, Debilities and Configurations, by Almighty God ordained so to do: The Keplerian Aspects, Placidian Familiarities, and pretended Planitary Dignities and Debilities vended to the World by some late and modern Authors, being only the hasty, groundless, ill digested Fancies of rash and idle Brains, and single vain-glorious persons; who, though but little read or skilled in this Science, and as little acquainted [Page 19]with the true Methods of making Experience therein, to which, by reason of their many other Studies, they afford but the very least part of their Time and Endeavours, would nevertheless pretend themselves, and fain be thought able, by their very few and seldom Searches and Trials, to discover the true Grounds and Principles of this Science, better than the whole manyaged Succession of the zealous and industrious Ancients, who wholly devoted their Time and Endeavours thereunto.
3. That in all Humane Genitures, whether of Males, or Females, the first Marriage is always signified by some Direction of the Mid-Heaven to the Body, or some Ray of the Lord of the Seventh House, agreeable to the Quality and Success of the Marriage, who or whatsoever Planet the said Lord of the Seventh be: For Saturn and Mercury are in this case as effectual and significant as the Moon or Venus; and these latter no more so than the former, but only by their being Lords of the Seventh; and never but when they are so; neither do the Directions of the Ascendent, Sun, or Moon, to any Planet or Aspect whatsoever, ever produce or signifie Wedlock; as shall in due time and place be plainly proved.
4. That Natural Death, by Sickness or Distemper of Body, is in all Nativities, of [Page 20]whatsoever Kind or Sex, denoted and accomplished by some Direction of the Cusp of the Ascendent, or First House to the Malefical Body or Beam of some Lord of the Sixth House, or else to the Moon's Southern Node, commonly called the Dragon's-Tale. And in this case, the evil Aspects, even of Jupiter and Venus; are full as efficacious as those of Saturn or Mars; neither of whom have any Power or Significancy of Natural Death, but when they are Lords of the said Sixth House; and then so have the other five Planets also; that is to say, when any of them is Lord of the Sixth. The Directions of the Sun or Moon, and much less of the pretended parts of Life or Fortune, being never effectual or significant of Natural Death; and the ordinary vulgar Rules of chusing Givers of Life and Death, being utterly fabulous, and extreamly erroneous.
5. That not all such Directions as those mentioned in the two last preceding Propositions, are always effective of Marriage, or Natural Death; but only when the promising or Menacing Planet is qualified with some certain Positions, and other Circumstances, which are requisite to render the said Direction effectually Mortal or Conjugal, and free from certain others that may obstruct or impede its being so; without which aid requisite Qualification and Vacancy, (of [Page 21]which there are several Kinds, that shall in due time and place be declared,) the Native may persist in Life and Singlehood, notwithstanding any such Direction. The Ignorance or Inconsideration of which Assertion hath caused some late and modern Professors to run headlong into the greatest Absurdities; vainly, weakly and rashly concluding, that because (in their Estimate, or Corrected Figures) the Ascendent overpass'd the Body or ill Aspect of ♄ or ♂, in some Nativities, especially wherein, according to their rules, it was not Giver of Life, therefore such a Direction could never kill in any.
6. That though Rectification by either of these said Accidents, if duly and discreetly performed, will yield and produce the true Figure of Birth so sufficiently near as that Judgment may by a skillful Artist be safely given thereof, both as to the Native's general Fate, and Time of his particular Actions and Occurrences, without any considerable Errour in point of Time, but what may be redressed by other Means; yet is it not to be expected, that from any Figure so rectified, the very Year or Month, and much less the Day of any other fore-going or following Accident, will be exactly pointed out by Directions only, so as that the Directional Distance between any two [Page 22]promising or threatning Bodies or Aspects directed to, and the Temporal Distance between the two Accidents signified by them, should (especially in Accidents which happen many Years asunder) be always punctually and precisely equal; which I clearly find they never are, though never considerably differing; but near enough for any necessary Occasion of the Fore-knowledge of such Matters: For albeit that the precise Year and Month, and possibly also the Day of an Action or Event may be deduced and discovered from a Geniture so rectified, yet not by the alone Directions of the Nativity, as some have fansied and suggested, who, had their Measure of Time, and Method of Directing been never so true and genuine, (as it is evident they were not) yet the Errour in their Planets places would have thwarted such a Co-incidence, and was manifestly the Cause of that punctual Agreement in some few Directions and Accidents; which they therefore fondly concluded to be universal to all, and for which the best Tables yet extant are insufficient.
These are all the fundamental Maxims (besides what are common to the whole Science, and already publick from other Hands) which I think needful whereon to raise my intended Edifice; and which, as I have found them most indubitably true, by [Page 23]a clear and manifold Experience, so shall I by the same declare and evince them to be so to others also, even when and where it may to many seem altogether impossible: And though I could discharge my forepromised Explication by many experienced Nativities, not only of my own private Enquiry, which by many Circumstances I find, and am assured to have been nearly estimated, and by which I have discovered the fore-given Propositions to be most true and certain; but also by many others already published by several, and in which I find the said propositions to hold true also; amply discussing and illustrating each individual Geniture, by instancing all its known and considerable Accidents, and assigning them to their proper Directions, and shewing the strange Agreement that is between them, both as to Quality, Time, and all other Circumstances, (save only the forementioned immaterial temporal Discrepancy, otherwise easily redressable,) yet shall I confine my self to the number of only three, and those also already published by others, and such as are credibly said and granted to have been observed with great or moderate Care, and shall by me be Astronomically proved to have been so accordingly, at least near enough for an intelligent Practitioner truly to correct and reduce them.
With this said Number and Quality of Nativities I do the rather chuse to begin my Explications; partly that none may suspect or object them to be of my own Timing, or Estimation, a Crime wherewith some (how truly I know not) are now-a-days by others largely and loudly taxed; and partly because that as a Threefold Cord is not easily broken so a Threefold Testimony is not easily disproved, nor reasonably distrusted, being held sufficient to ratifie the Matter debated, in all, as well Legal as Scientifical Decisions. Neither shall I insist on the Instance or Assignation of any other Accidents in these first illustrated Genitures, but of Marriage and Natural Death alone, unless they all three, and not only one or two of them, were concern'd therein; because I intend to insist upon nothing but what I give a threefold Proof of; as not at all approving of that unsatisfactory Method now followed and practised by the generality of our Professors, who not only do confidently offer to the World for true and exact, when rectified only by one single Accident; and that also assigned to a Direction which has manifestly fai [...]'d of effecting the same in many others, without giving or knowing a Reason why it should do so: But do also give us practical Rules and Aphorisms for the Judgment of a Nativity, deduced [Page 25]from only one single Geniture, and which therefore seldom or never holds true in any other, to the great Discredit of themselves, and of those who credulously practise or judge by their Doctrines.
THE first Nativity which I shall produce, for the Eviction and Confirmation of my said Propositions concerning Marriage and Natural Death, (intending to do the like for all other Principles and practical Rules of this Science, by degrees, and in due Season,) is, that of the late King Charles II. In the Rectification whereof, to reduce it from the estimate Time, to the true, as nearly [...] can be done by accidental Correction, I shall make use of the Sun's mean daily Motion, as the Measure of Time for a Year: Not that I think this too fully, either natural or rational; or that it will yield an exact Equality between the Distance of Directions, and their signified Events; which I have already proposed, as a thing not to be expected; but because that, one time with another, it affords as great an Agreement both in all Nativities, and also in the various Accidents of one of the same Nativity, as any other Measure of Time that ever I saw propos'd, or could [Page 26]any way conceive or suspect to be true and rational, or which had any the least likelihood or appearance of being so. All and every of which said seemingly rational Measures (save one or two which I have lately thought on, and shall very shortly bring to the Touch-stone) I have throughly tried by several experimented Genitures, but never found them to answer Expectation any more or nearer than this of mean Motion.
And whereas some may captiously object, that this confessed Unexactness may be occasion'd by a mistakeful Assignation of Accidents to improper Directions; To this I answer, That I can give a positive General Rule, not only for the two grand Accidents aforesaid, but also for several others; and expresly nominate all those Circumstances and Qualifications requisite to render the Promissor effective or ineffective of them; and prove by many indubitable Nativities, that the said Directions fulfill'd or fail'd accordingly: Which is more than ever was yet done by any Author, and than can possibly be done by the Rules and Methods they follow, who make or take so many both Significators and Promissors, for one and the same Accident, (as the Ascendant, Mid-Heaven, Sun, Moon, and sometimes Fortune also, for Significators of Marriage; and Jupiter, Venus, Sol, Luna, and the Lord of the [Page 27]Seventh, for Promissors; and the like for all other Accidents;) and so many sorts of Aspects, old and new, Mundane and Zodiacal, that they can never miss of a Direction fit enough by their Method, to which to assign any Accident, and by which to rectifie any Nativity, without any great Change from the given Time, how much amiss or mistaken soever; nay, even though both the Birth, and the Time and Quality of the Accidents be merely and utterly feigned, and that no such things really ever were; for having so many several Significators and Promissors as aforesaid, they take that seemingly resemblant Direction to signifie the Accident, which in their Estimate Figure happens pretty near the time of it, as in such a Variety some or other of them cannot fail to do; and do frequently assign Accidents to Directions which they grant passed over without any such Effects in many other Nativities, even when the Promissor had the same or other equivalent Qualifications in both: And in each Nativity in which they assign any Accident to a Direction, they allow many other Directions to pass over without the like Effects though they assign the fame unto them in several other Nativities. By all which Means, it is very common and easie to find a near Agreement of Directions with Accidents, or rather [Page 28]impossible to miss of it, at any Hour of the Day, how far soever from the true Time of Birth; and oftentimes much better at a wrong Time, than the right one; so that a certain Rectification is by these Methods impossible. Whereas, according to the Method by which I practise, (the Grounds whereof I have discover'd from sundry Genitures of both my own and others Observation and Enquiry; and whose both given Year, Day and Hour, appear, and are proved by several observed and related Circumstances to have been very true, and the Moment nearly also,) it is scarce ever possible to find an Agreement of Directions with Accidents, to any reasonable or tolerable nearness, but at the true Time of Birth only; at which time they never fail to agree, and that also with as great an Exactness in Time, as can be shew [...]d by any other Method whatsoever. All which is abundantly sufficient to evince the Truth and Excellency of this.
These things being premised, and the aforesaid Objection clear [...]d, I shall now proceed to a Discussion of the Geniture of the Prince above-named; who is certainly known, and generally granted to have been born on Saturday, May the [...]th, in the Year of Christ (according to Vulgar Account) 1630 [...] near about Noon; some saying a [Page 29]little before, and others a little after: But Noon we may take for an Estimate sufficiently exact, in regard my Rule of Rectification is sufficient to lead me to the true Time of Birth, were it a whole Hour or two sooner or later; for that about that time of the Day it yields no Agreement of Directions with Accidents, but at one certain Point of Time only. Wherefore finding that at the said Estimate Time the Mid-Heaven is possess'd by 17 Degrees and an half of the Sign Gemini, and that this Native was Royally married at almost 32 Years old, and continued till Death a Husband to the same Party, without either Divorce, or open Dislike or Repentance, I consider whether about that time of Day, and by the aforesaid Measure of Time, the Mid-Heaven do meet with any good Direction to the Body or Beam of the Lord of the Seventh, or of any Planet, who upon Rectification by such a Direction, will be found to be Lord of the Seventh, at a distance agreeable to such an Age: And accordingly, I find a Trine of Jupiter, who is not only Lord of the Seventh in the Estimate Figure, but also upon Rectification by the said Measure of Time, and Age of Marriage, is found to be so too; and gives the annexed Face of Heaven for the true Positure at Birth, with so small a Distance from the given or estimate Time, [Page 30]as is very consistent and reconcilable with the common and daily discernible unexactness of Clocks, Watches, and Ocular Observations.
Thus have I rectified this Royal Geniture by one of the said grand Accidents: And though many others do give us many Nativities for true and certain, upon only one single Correction, yet I hold it not sufficient nor satisfactory to do so. And therefore let us examine whether, according to the fore-given Rule, there happen in this Figure, corrected as before, any dangerous Direction of the Ascendent to the Lord of the Sixth, at or near about the time of this Prince's Death: Upon which Examination I find, [Page 31]that the Ascendant comes to the Body of Saturn, Lord of the Sixth, nearly about that time, without any Discrepancy between the Distances of the Directions, and of the Accidents, but what is, and has always been allowed of, as usual, by all the most skilful and experienc'd Artists in all Ages. And these two Directions do mutually confirm each other, not only by agreeing so nearly in Time, with their ascribed Effects; but also by their being Lords of those Houses, which, according to the traditionally delivered, frequently experienced, and generally received Doctrines of this Science, do signifie the Means of the said Accidents: And having also such Qualifications and Positions in this present Geniture, as are sufficient to render them effectual to those Purposes.
THE Second Experienced Geniture, by which I chuse to demonstrate the Verity of the two said Propositions concerning Marriage and Natural Death, is that of Lewis XIII. King of France; who, by the Records of that Kingdom, is said to have been born Septemb. [...]. N. S. 1601. about half an Hour past Ten at Night; Royally Married in November, 1615. but Betrothed [Page 32]in August, 1612. and died in April, 1643. Which said given Time, how nearly it agrees with the Time corrected by the said
Accidents, and (which is chiefly to be regarded) the Time of the Acccidents, with the Directions to which they are, according to the Rule, assigned, any who considers, may easily perceive. The personal Circumstances of the Promissors (besides their being Lords of their proper Houses) being also very fit to signifie such Events, as shall in due Time and Place be declared.
But whereas some Currish-minded Pretenders, whose Annual immodest Railleries seem to insinuate, that they use this Science only as a Tool of Obloquy and Contention, [Page 33]may captiously object, That I assign this Prince's Betrothal, rather than his Marriage, to the proper Direction, only for a Shift, because it better agrees with that for his Death. I answer, That instead of jarring at my so doing, they rather ought, as undoubtly every true Lover of Heavenly Knowledge will, be thankful for giving so fair an Occasion of making so useful an Enquiry, whether Sponsation, or Consummation; especially when considerably distant, or that the former happens, and never the latter, be the Time of the Direction's Incidence: To the Decision of which Matter, though I could give some further Light, yet this here offer'd shall suffice for the present.
THE Third and last Nativity which at present I shall produce for Proof of my said Method of Rectification, is that of Capt. William Bellew, (improperly, though commonly, called Bedloe,) one of the Discoverers of the Romish Plot in the Year 1678. the published History of whose Life and Death affirms him to have been born at Chepstow, on the 20th of May, 1650. near about Noon; and that he died in August, 1680. having been handsomly married but [Page 34]some small time before, between that and his said Discovery. All which Accounts do so nearly agree with the Geniture corrected
by the Rule aforesaid, that Obstinacy it self, unless with the highest Ignorance or Impudence, cannot but freely acknowledge it; his Marriage happening upon the Mid-Heaven's Direction to the Trine of Jupiter, Lord of the Seventh; and his Death at the Ascendant to the Quartile of Saturn, Lord of the Sixth.
I Might here proceed to a further Demonstration of the Genuine Truth and Certainty of these Rectifications, by particularly shewing the wonderfully exact Agreement, which, according to sound and never-failing Rules, which generally hold true in all Nativities, appears, and is to be found between the Positions, Configurations, and the other unmentioned Directions of each of the said three Genitures, and the known Fates, Dispositions, Events and Circumstances of the respective Natives. And the like I could also do by the Figures of their several Revolutions, for the Affairs and Occurrences of each particular Year, wherein any thing remarkable happen'd, or was done: As also by producing and discussing the Genitures of many other deceased Persons, and shewing the great and near Agreement of their Death and other Occurrences, according to a single and determinate Rule for each, with the Quality and Time of the Directions which by the said Rule do signifie them. But partly to omit a Superfluity of Testimonies, as unnecessary; and partly because the Time or Manner of Death of some of them is controverted, or void of Authentick Testimony; and partly because divers of them never married, or that I have received no Account of the Time when; [Page 36]and chiefly for that I intend not to instance any Particulars, but what I give a threefold Proof of; which the fore-going three Genitures will not afford for any other Matters; I shall leave them to be the Subject of succeeding intended Essays.
I could likewise give a further Confirmation to the said Truths, by examining the Genitures of sundry Persons who have marryed, and have had a Direction for their so doing, according to the fore-going Rule: But as they are still living, or died some way unnaturally, (the radical and directional Signs whereof do greatly differ from those of the other, as well as from those many blind Rules already given by many for judging it,) so has there happen'd no Direction yet, or not before their said violent Deaths; which, according to my Rule, could denote a natural Expiration. But to avoid Prolixity and Superfluity, I shall do this only by the Nativity of the present French King; and that not so much in order to the said Confirmation, as to clear a great Mistake, or Uncertainty, which the Generality of the Professors and Students of these three Kingdoms are under, concerning the true Genesis of this crafty Monarch.
LEwis XIV. was certainly and attestedly born at or near Paris, in the Year 1638. [Page 37]on September the 5th, New Stile, at some time in the Morning, or Forenoon; the particular Hour of which Birth is greatly disagreed upon: Some saying it was about Four-a-Clock; and some, about Eleven: So that there must be a wide Mistake on the one side, or the other. But this Controversie will soon be decided by my said General Rules for Marriage and Natural Death; which yield or afford no rectified Time of Birth, whose Positions and Directions are agreeable, or consistent with the Incidence of the one, and hitherto Non-incidence of the other, and with the rest of his other
known Fates and Circumstances, but that which is expressed in the annexed Figure; [Page 38]which declares the former of the two Estimate Times aforesaid to be nearest the Truth, and the latter the most erroneous; as by many other good Reasons and Arguments I could strongly prove it to be.
This raking and designing Prince was Royally Wedded when aged about 20 Years and 6 Months, at the Access of his Vertical Cusp to the Trine of Jupiter, Lord of his Seventh House; whose Qualifications here are such as may render him fully effective of that Accident. And as this great Native is yet alive, so has there yet happen'd no Direction in this Celestial Transcript, which, according to my Rules for Death of all sorts, could be in any manner mortal; neither is there any such likely to happen, till the Ascendant comes to the Quartile of Saturn, who is not only Lord of the Sixth, but otherwise killingly qualified also. And this said dangerous Direction takes place about the Sixty second Year of his Age; about which time (the precise Year whereof may be discover'd by other Means, but not by Direction alone) he will certainly and naturally expire, in spight of all the Means that can possibly be us'd to save him. Whose Death, though eagerly thirsted by many who publickly profess this Science; and who, by what they have already done concerning it, do declare they would readily and publickly [Page 39]predict it if they could, yet do plainly appear unable (and therefore afraid) to do it; thereby visibly bewraying their own Ignorance and Insufficiency for all such Undertakings, and Performances.
Thus have I compleated all that for the present I intended, concerning the two Directional Propositions aforesaid; fully purposing, by God's Permission and Assistance, to do as much for the Confirmation of the other Propositions also, and for the Detection and Illustration of all other Principles and Practical Rules of this Science. And though, in handling the fore-going Genitures, I have neither consider'd some Circumstances of some of the given Accidents, nor used some other and further Means of Correction; which would yield a somewhat nearer Agreement than will result from what is already done; yet these single (and only preparative) Rectifications, and the manifested near and regular Agreement of Directions with Accidents, are enough to render the Propositions strongly probable: Which is all that I either designed, or desired.
A Particular Account and Enumeration of the several Sources, Causes and Occasions of the many erroneous Principles, Doctrines and Aphorisms, now in, or falsly father'd upon the Heavenly Science of Prognostical Astronomy.
1. MAny are so foolishly and carelesly credulous, as to receive for absolutely true and certain, whatsoever has been deliver'd as such by the more ancient and more famous Authors in this Science, without either receiving from the said Authors, or making for themselves, any Experimentary Proof or Demonstration of its Verity; and this even in the Grounds and first Rudiments hereof: Which also are in some Particulars variously deliver'd, some saying one thing, and some another; as guided by their own bare Fancies, (by them mis-called Reason,) without the least Testimony from any certain or rational Experience.
2. Having espoused such affirmed Principles as they fancifully conceit (rather than solidly find and know) to be genuine, they then, upon Supposition (or rather groundlesly [Page 41]confident Conclusion) of their being so, do by the bare Light of their own weak Reason, without taking or seeking any Help from Experience, (were they able to make a right Use of it,) forge such Rules as to them seem suitable to those Principles; and accordingly, because the Ninth House is said to signifie Religion, (which they only know by Reading or Hear-say,) therefore the Lord of the First in the Ninth, or the Lord of the Ninth in the First, must needs denote a holy, gracious Native. And a Thousand more such shallow, and daily thwarted Whimseys.
3. The very Proper Names of the Signs, given them only for Distinction, by such as little understood their Qualities; and merely because at that time possessed by some Constellations very imperfectly resembling the Things by whose Names they were called, are by many very ridiculously made a Rule whereby to judge of their signified Natures and Dispositions, and of the Inclinations and Propensions of those Natives, whose personal Significations are placed in them. And therefore, if in Taurus, the Party must be laborious; if in Leo, fierce and cruel; if in Scorpio, false and treacherous; if in Aquarius, gentle and courteous; and the like of all other Signs, and for the most part quite contrary to what they really are, [Page 42]as are these Whimseys concerning the Four here mentioned. And the same is done concerning the Planets also, as confidently, as if Adam had been their God-father.
4. This Science is inspected and studied by many; not in any vertuous Inclination to consider the Works of God, and contemplate the wonderful Harmony hereby discernible between Fate and Nature, and to be thereby serviceable to their Generation; but merely in hope of reaping Profit to themselves by the Practice of it, if they see any likelihood or possibility of so doing: Or through a sneaking Itch of Praise and Applause; as thinking that if they can but truly predict Things to come, it will be accounted a glorious Business, and make them be every where gazed at with Admiration. And all whose Studies are influenc'd by such Ends, do generally prove but ignorant Botchers in any Mystical Science whatsoever.
5. The most of those who profess this Science, or pretend an Affection thereunto, do busie themselves in so many other Arts and Studies beside, no way pertinent or necessary hereunto, and only because they are gainful, creditable, or fashionable, that it is not possible for them to be compleat or competent in any, but especially in this, which is, of all others, the most mysterious [Page 43]and sublime, yet is commonly afforded but the very-least part of their Time and Endeavours, though vast and profound enough to employ the whole of both: Concerning which; so much has been already delivered elsewhere, that I need not say much here.
6. Many who make a deeper Search hereinto, than by bare Speculation, and (conceitedly) rational Deduction and Inference; and who spend some Time and Pains in grounding their Knowledge upon their own Experience, by comparing Fates and Accidents with Radical Positions and Directions, do yet too hastily receive, and too credulously stick to estimate Times of Birth, and the given or computed Times of other significant Faces of Heaven, received from the Mouths or Hands of others; and such Positions, and other Sydereal Particulars as they find in these erroneous Copies of Heaven, they take, without further Scruple, or Examination, to be the true Signs of the subsequent Events and Occurrences: Whereas, did they but privately observe, and carefully compute some few Times of that kind themselves, and compare them with the Accounts taken by, or received from others, they would very frequently find a wide Disagreement. And therefore, such as desire to be perfect and exact, ought, from Observations and Computations of their own, [Page 44]or other curious Artists, truly and carefully made, by proper and sufficient Means, to frame and discover Rules concerning, at least, some small Plurality of notable Accidents, especially Death and Marriage; and these will greatly help to discover the true Signs of other Events, and the true Times of other less accurate Observations.
7. Another very mis-guiding Course, follow'd by many Experimentators, and a great Oversight committed by them, is, That they rest satisfied with some very few (and oftentimes one alone) of a Native's Accidents; and this they usually assign to the next agreeably good or bad Direction, which, in their Estimate Figure, happens about that time; requiring no more, but that, in a general manner, it resemble (according to received Rudiments) the Quality of the Event, as to Goodness or Badness, without heeding or considering whether, in all other Nativities, it effect that same kind of Accident in particular: Whereby it comes to pass, that we frequently find the same kind of Direction given for Marriage in one Nativity, for Preferment in another, for Legacy in another, for the Birth of a Child in another, &c. never heeding any more, but that the Direction happen (in their given Figure) about the same time with the Accident, and be, in general, good or bad, [Page 45]as that is: Whereas, did they diligently enquire and know the whole Series of a Native's regardable Accidents, and turn their Estimate (if it needed a Change) to such a corrected Face of Heaven, as afforded an Agreement, both in Time and Quality, between all the several Accidents and Directions, it would much more rightly guide them to make a right Assignation, and thence to discover the proper Effects of particular Directions more truly; the Omission of which Enquiry, and Lack of which Knowledge, is the Cause that many good and bad Accidents are attributed to (accordingly good or bad) Directions, which do not at all signifie them.
8. The Reports and Accounts of the Time and Quality of Actions and Accidents, both publick and private, are some or oftentimes amiss, and may thereby cause an erroneous Notion of the Significations and Effects of a Planetary Direction and Configuration. Wherefore an honest Student ought to be very careful not to be over-hasty in believing Relations or Histories, without some Plurality of Testimonies, or other very assuring Circumstances; nor to make his Experience by any but such as he is, by those Means, very sure of, and beyond the Danger and Possibility of Deception.
9. It must be confessed, that the long Ignorance of the true System of the Heavens, and of the Frame and Order of the Planetary Orbs and Motions, and of the true and natural Equation of Time, and of other chief Uranometrical Matters, and the consequent Unexactness and great Imperfection of Planetary Tables, both General and Diurnal, has greatly contributed to the many Imperfections of this Mantical part of the Science; which being wholly grounded upon the other, can, even with the greatest Care and Judgment, be no further perfect than that is so. But we hope that as the former daily draws nearer to Perfection, by the Sagacity and Industry of many eminent Skillsmen, so will the other also, whose hitherto Defects are altogether as excusable, though I cannot say that its Errours are so too.
10. Many false and ignorant Pretenders, through a groundless Conceit of themselves, or a base Ambition to be thought what they are not, or a shirkish Endeavour to flatter some Patron or Favourite, do give us for certain Signs of great Vertue, Wit, Wisdom and Happiness, such Positions and Configurations as happen'd in their own, or their soothed Minion's Nativity, how dissonant soever to both Art, Nature, Reason and Experience. And therefore, Mercury in the House [Page 47]of Saturn or Mars, or in Reception or good Ray with either, or in Airy Signs, or he strong in his own Dignities, or the Ascendant or its Lord in either of his Houses, must give a great Wit, and a very ingenious and judicious Person; and a Thousand more such Trifleries, whose Untruth is obvious and notorious, as being frequently found to be utterly false, and serve only to puff up Fools, and incapable Blockheads, as the Natives of such Positions very often are, (especially Mercury in the Houses, or in Conjunction with the Persons of Saturn or Mars,) with vain and idle Conceits of their Accomplishments; and afford them Colour for Jackanapish Brags and Pretences, when they find such Fables deliver'd by Men of Name, and in large, well bound, and neatly garnish'd Volumes, which to many Capacities gives great Credit to the Matter.
11. Others, in Spight and Malice to some particular Person, and to render him hated or contemned, in revenge of some (perhaps deserved) ill Turn, do canker dly propose, as sure Signs of some great Vice, Defect, or future Calamity, such Positions, Radiations, and Directions as happen at the Birth, or in the Geniture of the said maligned Party. Thus an Infortune in ill Aspect to the Ascendant, its Lord, the Sun, or Moon, must infallibly betoken a Villain, or wicked Person. [Page 48] Mercury cadent, weak, or afflicted; one void of Wit and Judgment: And Millions more of such forged Sotteries; which, when attended with the aforesaid Circumstances, do glibly go down with many for real Truths, to the Abashment of many honest and ingenious Persons, in whose Nativities they are often to be met with.
12. Such as study this Science, do almost wholly and generally confine their Endeavours to only some one part of it; which is a grand Reason of their making so slow Advances therein, and being all their Lives so far short of any competent Perfection: There being many things discoverable in each Particular Branch thereof, that may be very helpful to a right Understanding of every of the other Branches; and will not so readily be found, nor fit Opportunities of discovering them be so frequently met with by such as apply themselves to one part alone. And the Part or Branch thus chiefly pursued, is that of Nativities; which, as things commonly happen, is of all others the unfittest, in regard that not only the true Moment is usually much mis-given, but oftentimes the Day, and sometimes the Year also: And even when the true Day and Hour of Birth are given, yet by the Over-sight of the Calculator or Publisher, the Places of all or some of the Planets are amiss, by Errour in [Page 49]Computation, or Mistake of the Day in their Ephemeris. Of all which kinds of Errour I could give full Proof in sundry Nativities now publick, and which pass current for true ones: Whereby Learners and Experimentators are often greatly puzzl'd and distracted, as finding no Harmony in the several Genitures examin'd about any one Accident or Circumstance, for the finding and framing a Rule concerning it. So that Beginners have need to try a Nativity throughly in all those Respects, before they receive it as a Foundation of Knowledge or Practice.