Astrological PREDICTIONS FOR THE YEAR, 1679.

SHEWING, According to the most Approv'd of Rules of that Sublime Study, What Revo­lutions, or Accidents, are likely to happen in many Parts of the World; especially, in England, Scotland, and Ireland.

Multi multa sciunt, sed nemo omnia.

By J. G. Student in Astrology.

With Allowance.

LONDON, Printed for R. G. 1679.

Astrological Predictions, FOR THE YEAR, 1679.

QƲeris a me quantum Operantur Astra? saith an eminent Artist) Dico, in nos nihil astra urgere, sed animos praeclives trahere, &c.—Desirest thou to Know of me, How far the Stars have an Operation up­on Us? I tell thee they do not compel, but in­cline; and that so gently, that if we apply our selves to be governed by our Reason, they have no power over us; but if we resign our selves to the Conduct of our Corrupt Natures, they work as much in us as in Bruits; and then we are indeed no better than they.

Which is an Axiom, every Knowing & Ingenious Artist must of necessity own; Although I know there are some Sir Positives in Astrology as well as in Play-Houses, who, (with great Impu­dence & greater fraud) pretend they have the Stars in a String: Can by them discover and Cure Witch-Craft, &c. Whereas indeed those glorious bodies are not to be Subjected to any such base purposes: for the influences of the Stars are pure­ly natural, and directed by Natural Beams, or Aspects Geo­metrical; [Page]and do only gently incline, but force or Compel None; and therefore can neither cause nor Cure Witch-Craft: This being premis'd, we hope we may without imposing on any mans Credulity, give our modest observations, on their this years influence, and leave Heav'n and time to produce their Effects. The Remarkable influence which ushers in this year, much resembles that which happened in the later end of July last, viz, &c. A Conjunction of Saturn and Mars, in the Terms of Saturn, and Decanate of the Sun — whence accor­ding to Astrologers, its effects will be Famous, Malicious, Craf­ty and Treacherous: But by Sol and Jupiters falling present­ly after the Vernal Ingress, into Conjunction, we may ex­pect to hear that the Grandees of Church, and State, are Vi­gorously Active for the Good of Both. That a time is Com­ing, and we hope not sar distant, wherein both Kings, Prin­ces and Magistrates shall be voluntarily and unanimously ho­nor'd, obey'd and loved; and the Reverend Clergy be had in their Primitive Veneration and Respect, which our wiser Fore-Fathers knew it Deserv'd. In the interim, by Saturns Con­tinuance in Jemini, and Retrograde there, we cannot but expect much unnecessary Censuring, Murmuring and Disconten [...]; some discontented heads over fond of their little Sense, will take upon them more than becomes them, and to be thought wiser than their Superiours, will be whispering to each other as Politick Secrets, those things which indeed they nothing understand. Yet ere the first Month expire, some of them may chance to be over-heard, and found to Weep, with the Weather — The Conjunction of Mars, and Mercury, from M. Caeli and fourth Angle, lets loose among us a raging Spirit of Lying, detracting, and Libelling; Which like the Arrows Shot by the irritated Indian at Jupiter, will revert on their own heads. Mercury in Med. Cali pushes Magistrates on to the making, and executing good Laws, for the prevention of disorders.

But yet from the Malevolent Conjunction of Saturn and Mars (if we will believe Haly, or Johannes Angelus,) we have great reason to fear, that not only Single persons, but whole Societies, and the Generality of Men, by over-indulging [Page]themselves; by Contemning and despising their Adversaries; By their too great confidence in their own designs and Con­ [...]ivances; and lastly, by an unwarrantable Security, and great forgetfullness of following the Presidents, Actions and Councells of Antiquity, will bring on themselves those Miseries and Calamities, which nothing but their early Circumspection, and their earnestly imploring the Assistance of Almighty pro­vidence, can be able to prevent! O the Frauds, A dulation, Craft, Cunning-Circumvention, Over-reaching, Under-mining and Treachery, which this Conjunction is Naturally prone to promote! It naturally influences the disclosure of Secrets a­mongst the nearest Relations; Councel of most private con­cern will be apt to be laid open: and that Friendship which before was thought inseparable, may perhaps now suffer a Dissolution: unless such men as are signified by this Con­junction have their several Nativities happily qualified by Jupiter, and Mercury, &c. Whereby the Operation will be much more Moderate.

May the Effects of this Conjunction be to our Enemies; but to England, Jupiter in Aries brings the happy tidings of Peace and Victory, and great hopes that many of our well­deserved Souldiers, and Courtiers, will be worthily rewar­ded with preferment. —

By the Conjunction of Mars and Venus, which happens about the middle of March, we may Expect, if there be any Great Lady, Princess, &c. in Urope, who hath Aries for her Horoscope: that she may be about that time ren­der'd very Happy, Honourable and Illustrious; and that she is very likely shortly to bless the world with a Prosperous Male-Issue that shall Spring from her Loyns, who in time may render that Nation happy, and its Scepter secure, in which she now dwells; Mauger all its Enemies hopes to the Contrary.

In June, Gemini is great Dignities of Mercury; And a signe of Eminent Regency in this Age: From whence, by the Rules of Astrology, we may expect great Assemblies, Con­ventions and Synods, to Congregate towards the Western [Page]part of the World about this time, to Debate of Weighty Affairs, both Humane and Divine. Saiurn in Horoscopo will also occasion Blustring Weather, and consequently some Shipwracks towards the North-East parts of our Kingdom.

September is likely to prove a Vigorous and Active Month in several respects; many Contentions are likely to happen about this aiery subtle Mistress called HONOƲR, of which many men will, about this time, prove so strangely enamou­red, that they will voluntarily expose their Lives and For­tunes to the usual Dangers which generally attend on Com­mendable Actions, rather than part with her Company.

To conclude, although the Inauspecious Conjunction of Saturn and Mars, seems to threaten a deprevation on the Moral Vertues, which will run some hazard of being war [...]'d against by Subtlety, Hypocrisy, Treachery, &c.— which will be chiefly caused by the envious and malifick nature of of Saturn. Yet if we Credit the knowing Bonatus, fol. 567. we have this for our Comfort, That Jupiter in the Eleventh, gives them much comfort and assistance from Friends: Influ­ences Joy, Pleasure, Prosperity, Peace and Delight. Also it enclines men to a reciprocal, or mutual administration of Civilities; makes them careful of each others Reputations; faithful in their Trusts; by which means men compass a Halcyon Serenity, or contentedness of Mind, and happily come to enjoy the utmost of their temporal wishes. — To whose Judgement Haly also accords, Fol. 371. Si Jupiter fuerit in unde [...]ima, &c. When Jupiter is posited in the eleventh Angle of a Revolution, Men shall have Good Fortune multiply'd unto them, and live freely and prosperously, enjoying Peace and Plenty, &c. nay (sayes he) although they despair'd of those Blessings, yet during that Revolution they shall be made happy with them, and shall obtain such things as they can reasonably hope for, or expect. And to render our condition more happy, the Thoughts and Actions of Kings, Princes, and Magistrates; will wholly tend towards the preservation, and of the Rights and Priviledges of the People. And very probable it is, that from this Auspicious position of of benign Jupiter, some Honourable Acts, or Act of Grace, [Page 7]may be expected from our Illustrious Caesar, and his grave Sonators, which shall effectually quiet the discomposed minds, and quell the Disorders which are now too rife among us. Quicquid ligat Saturnus solvit Jupiter: And this we have the greater Hopes of, by comparing that of Learned Herm [...]s, with the Judicious Haly, who sayes; S [...] Luna fuerit in se­cunda Domo (as here) significat quod populos habebit illo an­no bonum & utilitatem: If the Moon be Posited in the Se­cond House, the People may that Year expect to Enjoy all the Benefits of Peace and Plenty. And she being seated in her Proper Mansion, and in a Trine Aspect of Mercury on the Eleventh, and Jupiter disposing of them, we have great Hopes, that his Noble Influences will pervert the Malig­nity of Saturn, and turn his Venom into an Antidote; at least, as long as this Revolution shall remain.

In fine, Let the Friendly Influences of Indulgent Jupiter attend our Land, and then its Inhabitants can hardly be Unhappy: He is a great Lover of Peace; and there are scarcely any, but are Con­vinc'd, That nothing can Hurt us, but our Divisi­ons.

The Stars look like so many Glorious Eyes, with Benevolent Aspects on us: There is hardly a Frown (unless in that leering Conjunction of Saturn and Mars) to be found in Heaven's smiling Superficies, which we may properply appropriate to England. So that, if we be not our own Enemies, by industriously groping for feigned Fears and Jealousies, where there are really none to be found: If we would not (by private Surmises, and seditious Whisperings) antici­pate Misfortunes, and with Melancholly Contem­plations, render our selves Fictiously Miserable, be­fore we are so, (or Heaven intends we shall be so in­deed.) I say then, I doubt not, but we might En­joy [Page 8]all the Blessings of Providence in a large Pro­portion: And whil'st our Neighbours and Enemies are sharing among themselves, the Calamitous Re­tinue of a Bloody War; we might [...]it not only Hap­pily, but Secure our Own at Home; quietly Pru­ning our own Vines, and peaceably partaking of all those other Incomparable Blessings, which may be reasonably expected under a Gracious KING, and Happy Government.


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