Prince George's Letter to the KING.
With a Heart full of Grief am I forced to write, that Prudence will not permit me to say to your Face. And may I eer find Credit with your Majesty, and Protection from Heaven, as what I now do is free from Passion, Vanity or Design, with which, Actions of this Nature are too often accompanied. I am not ignorant of the frequent Mischiefs wrought in the World by factious Pretences of Religion; but were not Religion the most justifiable Cause, it would not be made the most specious Pretence. And your Majesty has always shewn too uninterested a Sense of Religion, to doubt the just Effects of it in one whose Practices have, I hope, never given the World Cause to censure his real Conviction of it ; or his backwardness to perform what his Honour and Conscience prompt him to; how then can I longer disguise my just concern for that Religion, in which I have been so happily educated, which my Judgment throughly convinces me to be the best ; and for the Support of which I am so highly interested in my Native Country ; and is not England now, by the most endearing Tye become so.
Whilst the restless Spirits of the Enemies of the REFORMED RELIGION, back'd by the cruel Zeal, and Prevailing Power of France, justly alarm and unite all the Protestant Princes of Christendom, and engage them in so vast an Expence for the Support of it, can I act so degenerous and mean a part, as to deny my Concurrence to such worthy Endeavours for disabusing of your Majesty by the Reinforcement of those Laws, and Establishment of that Government, on which alone depends the Well-being of your Majesty, and of the PROTESTANT RELIGION in Europe. This, Sir, is that irresistible and only Cause that cou'd come in Competition with my Duty and Obligations to your Majesty, and be able to tear me from you, whilst the same Affectionate Desire of serving You continues in me. Could I'secure your Person by the Hazard of my Life, I should think it could not be better employed: And wou'd to God, these Your distracted Kingdoms might yet receive that satisfactory Compliance from your Majesty in all their justifiable Pretensions, as might upon the only sure Foundation, that of the Love and Interest of your Subjects, establish your Government, and as strongly unite the Hearts of all your Subjects to you, as is that of,
The Lord Churchill's Letter to the KING.
Since Men are seldom inspected of Sincerity when they act contrary to their Interests; and though my dutiful Behaviour to your Majesty in the worst of times, (for which I acknowledge my poor Services much over-paid) may not be sufficient to incline You to a charitable Interpretation of my Actions, yet I hope, the great Advantage I enjoy under Your Majesty, which I can never expect in any other Change of Government, may reasonably convince Your Majesty and the World, that I am acted by a higher Principle, when I offer that Violence to my Inclination, and Interest, as to desert your Majesty at a time when Your Affairs seem to challenge the strictest Obedience from all Your Subjects, much more from one who lies under the greatest personal Obligations imaginable to Your Majesty. This, Sir, could proceed from nothing but the inviolable Dictates of my CONSCIENE, and necessary concern for my RELIGION (which no good Man can oppose) and with which I am instructed, nothing ought to come in Competition ; Heaven knows with what partiality my dutiful Opinion of Your Majesty hath hitherto represented those unhappy Designs, which inconsiderate and self-interest Men have framed against Your Majesty's true Interest and the Protestant Religion. But as I can no longer joyn with such to give a pretence by Conquest to bring them to effect, so will I always with the hazard of my Life and Fortune (so much Your Majesty's due) endeavour to preserve Your Royal Person and Lawful Rights with all the tender Concern and dutiful Respect that becomes,