GENEVA & ROME: Or, The ZEAL of both boiling over: In an earnest Dispute for Praeminence, carried on at a Private Conference between Iack a Presbyter and Believe-All a Papist.

Now Printed for Publick Satisfaction.

JOhn Presbyter and the Sons of the Pope
Had a late dispute of the right of the Rope,
Who'd merit hanging without any Trope.
Which no body can deny.
First Jack held forth and bid him remember
The horrible Plot on the fifth of November,
The very Month preceding December.
Which, &c.
The Thirtieth of January, th'other reply'd,
We heard of't at Rome, which can't be deny'd,
Had Jack been Loyal then Charles had not dy'd.
Which, &c.
Then John cry'd, out Damn'd Jesuit thou ly'st,
I only appear'd for the Lord Jesus Christ,
Which thou as a Merit-monger deny'st.
Which, &c.
The Powder Treason, Oh horrible Plot!
Why prithee. Jack Presbyter, be not so hot,
For Charles was kill'd and Jemmy was not.
Which, &c.
Then Presbyter John his Zeal was inflam'd,
And now I find it I'le make thee asham'd.
If so, prithee Jack, let the Cov'nant be nam'd.
Which, &c.
Why the Covenant nam'd?'tis found on Record
To be an old and new Testament word,
As I prov'd to Charles by Text and by Sword.
Which, &c.
Thou prove it to Charles ? impertinent Ass,
What thou design'dst old Noll brought to pass,
And then like a Beast he turn'd thee to grass.
Which, &c.
A Truce, a Truce, quoth Presbyter Jack,
We both love Treason as Loyalists Sack,
And if either prevails the King goes to rack.
Which, &c.
The Bishops tell Charles we both have long nails,
And Charles shall find it if either prevails,
For like Sampsons Foxes we are ty'd by the Tails.
Which, &c.
The Jes;uits and the Brats of John Knox
Both visited Europe with the French-Pox,
By the means of Loyola and Calvin the Fox.
Which no body can deny.

LONDON: Printed in the Year 1679.

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