An Advertisement to Booksellers.
THe Publisher of this Catalogue being sensible that some Booksellers, were displeased that he Printed the first part, which commences (from Sept. 1678. To January 1680.) and the Continuation from January to Midsummer, without directions where to find the Pamphlets therein mentioned, by reason of which Omission they pretend they have been often put to much trouble to procure such Sheets, as they have had occasion to enquire for.
To satisfie those Booksellers, he has to the third part (now publish'd and adjoyned to this, and entituled a second Continuation &c.) Printed the Booksellers Names where they are to be had, and he has also with much trouble informed himself (who Printed almost all those) mentioned in the two first parts a Copy of which he keeps, with their names writ against the figure of the number of Sheets, and if any Bookseller has a mind to Copy one for his own use (by his) it shall not be denyed him.
Printed the two last years, Commencing from the first Discovery of The Popish Plot, (September 1678.)
And Continued to Michaelmas Term 1680.
Very useful for Gent. that make Collections.
LONDON, [...] J. R. and are to be sold at the Green [...] in St. Pauls Church Yard. 1680.
A COMPLEAT CATALOGUE OF ALL THE Stitch'd BOOKS and Single SHEETS Printed since the First Discovery of The Popish Plot, (September 1678.) to January 1679▪ / 80▪
To which is Added a CATALOGUE of all His Majesties PROCLAMATIONS, SPEECHES, and DECLARATIONS, with the Orders of the KING and COUNCIL, and what ACTS of Parliament have been Published since the PLOT.
The Continuation is intended by the Publisher.
Printed in the Year 1680.
A Compleat CATALOGUE Of all the Stitch'd BOOKS and Single SHEETS Printed since the First Discovery of the POPISH PLOT, (Sept. 1678.) to January 1679▪ / 80▪
Books relating to the Plot and Popery.
Plot. | Number of Sheets. |
1. THE Tryal of Staley, for Treasonable Speeches against His MAJESTY. 1678. | 3 |
2. An Account of the digging up of Staley's Quarters. 1678. | 1 |
3. The Tryal of Coleman, for endeavouring to Subvert His MAJESTIE's Government, &c. 1678. | 25 |
4. Ireland, Pickering, and Grove's Trials. eod. an. | 22 |
5. Green, Berry, and Hill's Tryals, for the Murther of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey. 1678/9. | 22 |
6. Writings found in Hill's Pocket at his Execution. 1678/9. | 1 |
7. Depositions of Captain Bury and Alderman Brooks, taken before Sir Joseph Williamson, and Sir William Waller. 1679. | 5 |
8. Dr. Oates's first Narrative of the Plot. 1679. | 19 |
9. Tryal of Reading, for endeavouring to stifle the King's Evidence. 1679. | 19 |
10. Everard's Discourses on the Present State of Protestant Princes. 1679. | 12 |
11. Everard's Depositions of the Plot. 1679. | 5 |
12. Prance's Narrative of the Plot. 1679. | 12 |
13. The Tryal of the five Jesuits, White, Harcourt, Fenwick, Gavan, and Turner. 1679. | 26 |
14. The Tryal of the five Jesuits, and Langhorn. 1679. | 1 |
15. Execution of the five Jesuits. 1679. | 1 |
16. The Speeches of the five Jesuits. 1679. | 1 |
17. The last Speeches of the five Jesuits. 1679. | 2 |
18. Lying allowable with Papists. 1679. | 1 |
19. An Answer of Dr. Tongue to the Speeches of the five Jesuits. 1679. | 2 |
20. The Mystery of Iniquity unfolded, or, Reflections upon the last Speeches of the five Jesuits. 1679. | 1 |
21. The Plot of Sir Thomas Gascoign discovered. 1679. | 1 |
22. Sir Robert Walsh's Narrative. 1679. | 10 |
23. A Narrative of the Apprehending of Blundell. 1679. | 1 |
24. The Depositions of the Plot Sworn before the Parliament. 1679. | 1 |
25. The Tryal of Langhorn. 1679. | 18 |
26. Langhorn's Confession and Execution. 1679. | 1 |
27. Langhorn's Speech. 1679. | 1 |
28. Bedlow's Narrative of burning the Cities of London and Westminster. 1679. | 10 |
29. The Information of a Smith and his Journey-man before Sir William Turner. 1679. | ½ |
30. An Apparition of the five Jesuits. 1679. | 1 |
31. A Letter from Saint Omars. 1679. | 6 |
32. The Tryal of Wakeman, &c. 1679. | 22 |
33. Tickle-foot's Observation on Wakeman's Tryal. 1679. | 3 |
34. Chetwind's Narrative of Jennison's Depositions. 1679. | 5 |
35. Bedlow's Play. 1679. | 15 |
36. Behaviour of the fourteen Popish Malefactors in Newgate by Smith the Ordinary. 1679. | 10 |
37. The true Speeches of the five Jesuits, with Animadversions thereon. 1679. | 9 |
38. Langhorn's Memoires. 1679. | 6 |
39. An Answer to the Reflections on the five Jesuits Speeches. 1679. | 1 |
40. The Caball between Ireland, White, Harcourt, Fenwick, Gavan▪ and Turner. 1679. | 5 |
41. The History of the Plot, by L'Estrange. 1679. | 23½ |
42. Jennison's Narrative. 1679. | 13 |
43. Prances Additional Narrative. 1679. | 14 |
44. Blundell's Letters to the Jesuits at Cambray. 1679. | 1 |
45. An Answer to Blundell's Letter. 1679. | 1 |
46. A Speech of Lewis a Jesuit at his Execution in Monmouth-shire. 1679. | 1 |
47. An Abstract of Letters concerning the Duke of York. 1679. | 2 |
48. The Tryal and Execution of Garnet. 1679. | 2 |
49. A Narrative and Discovery of the Priests and Jesuits. 1679. | 3 |
50. Memorandums upon the Deaths of Evans and Loyd, two Priests. 1679. | ½ |
51. The Life and Death of Jennings a Priest at S. Omars. 1679. | 1 |
52. A True Narrative of that Grand Jesuit, Father Andrews, &c. 1679. | |
53. The Last Speech and Confession of Southworth a Priest. 1654. Printed 1679. | 1 |
54. A Letter to the Lord Mayor relating to Whitebread. 1679. | 1 |
55. The Papist's New-fashion'd Allegiance, or, Harcourts Letter about the Oath of Supremacy. 1679. | 1 |
56. A Speech of Johnston a Priest at his Execution. 1679. | 1 |
57. A Letter concerning a Prophecie of Father Lewis. 1679. | 1 |
58. The Tryal of two Priests, Brommich and Atkins, in Staffordshire. 1679. | 2 |
59. A Dialogue between S. Peter and the five Jesuits. 1679. | 1 |
60. A Letter to a Friend in the Country, in vindication of the Parliament's Proceedings the last Session. 1679. | 1 |
61. A Letter from an Impartial hater of the Papists to a Friend. 1679. | |
62. A Receit for the relief of our present Distempers. 1679. | ½ |
63. The Tickler Tickled. 1679. | 2½ |
64. A Dialogue between Cold-pate and Ticklefoot. 1679. | 3 |
65. A Letter of the Impossibility of Popery's Establishment in England, 1672. Printed 1679. | 1 |
66. Dugdales Narrative concerning Gondamore. 1679. | 5 |
67. An Answer to Langhorns Speech. 1679. | 1 |
68. A Narrative of the Apprehending of Mac-Carte a Priest. 1679. | ½ |
69. Kerbey's Narrative of the first Discovery of the Plot. 1679. | 2 |
70. A Speech of Plessington a Priest, at his Execution in Cheshire. 1679. | ½ |
71. Growth of Popery. 1679. | 18 |
72. Smith's Narrative of the Plot. 1679. | 11 |
73. Oates's Vindication against the Compendium of the Plot. 1679. | 14 |
74. The Lord Chief Justice Scrogs's Speech at the King's Bench. 1679. | 3 |
75. The Tryal of two Priests, Brommich and Atkins in Staffordshire, with Kerns Tryal in Herefordshire. 1679. | 5 |
76. Blood's Narrative of the Presbyterian Plot. 1679. | 5 |
77. Mansell's Narrative of the late Presbyterian Plot. 1679. | 22 |
78. A New Plot of the Papists discover'd. 1679. | 2 |
79. A Letter from a Gentleman in the Country to some Friends in London, That the Jesuits Protestations at their Death, is no argument of their Innocency. 1679. | 2 |
80. A Letter out of the Isle of Ely to Collonel Mansell, about the pretended Presbyterian Plot. 1679. | 1 |
81. The Reputation of Dr. Oates cleared in the Tryal of Knox and Lane. 1679. | 2 |
82. Dr. Oates's Narrative of his Tryal against Knox and Lane. 1679. | 9 |
83. Dangerfields Narrative of the Pretended Presbyterian Plot. 1679. | 21 |
84. Dr. Oates's Tryal against Knox and Lane, put out by the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs. 1679. | 16 |
85. A True Relation of the New Popish Plot, for Surprizing the City of Limerick in Ireland. 1679. | 1 |
86. The Behaviour, last Words, and Execution of the five Jesuits at Tyburn, the 20 th of June. 1679. | 1 |
87. An Impartial Consideration of the five Jesuites Speeches lately Executed. 1679. | 4 |
88. News from Purgatory, or, the five Jesuites Legacy. 1679. | 1 |
Papist. | Number of Sheets. |
1. A Letter upon the discovery of the late Plot: By Dr. Burnet. 1678. | 6 |
2. The Unreasonableness and Impiety of Popery, in a Second Letter upon Discovery of the late Plot: By Dr. Burnet. 1678. | 5 |
3. The Papists and Jesuites Designes detected. 1678. | 5 |
4. The History of the Gunpowder Treason: By Dr. Burnet. 1678. | 4 |
5. The Catholick Cause; or, the Practice of Murthering Kings; being a Speech of Sixtus the Fifth, upon the Death of King Henry the Third, Murthered by Jaques Clement. 1678. | 3 |
6. Grand Designes of the Papists against King Charles the First, in the Treason discovered by A. Habernfield, before Sir William Boswell. 1678. | 5 |
7. A Relation of the Massacre in Paris, Ann. 1572. Printed 1678. | 6 |
8. The Jesuites manner of Consecrating the Persons and Weapons for murthering Kings and Princes. 1678. | ½ |
9. The Jesuites Policy to suppress Monarchy; in a Dialogue between Orthodox a Royalist, and Cacodaemon a Papist. 1678. | 5 |
10. The Religion of the Church of England, the Surest Establishment of the Royal Throne. 1678. | 5 |
11. The Healing Paper, or, a Catholick Receipt for Union. 1678. | 5½ |
12. The Antichristian Principle discovered, or, an Account of all the Popish Plots, till this present year 1679. | 6 |
13. A brief Account of the several Popish Plots and Conspiracies against this Kingdom, from the Reformation to this present Year 1678. | 6 |
14. A brief Account of the Rebellions and Bloodshed by the Jesuits in Ethiopia. 1679. | 5½ |
15. Popish Mercy and Justice, in a Petition to the French King. By Dr. Tongue. 1679. | 2½ |
16. The Jesuites wayes to draw other persons to the Murthering of Princes cleared, in the attempts of William Parry and Edward Squire, on Queen Elizabeth. 1679. | 4 |
17. King-killing Doctrine of the Jesuites in a Discourse to the French King. 1679. | 10 |
18. An Account of Romish Doctrine in case of Conspiracy and Rebellion, by Dr. Tongue. 1679. | 4 |
19. The Jesuites Unmasked, or, observations on the subtile Intrigues of that Society. 1679. | 4 |
20. Popery, or, Popish principles pernicious to Protestant Princes, in a Letter, by the Bishop of Lincoln. 1679. | 15 |
21. The Romish Priest turn'd Protestant, with the Reasons of James Salgado's Conversion. 1679. | 5 |
22. Several weighty considerations recommended to all, but especially to Roman Catholicks. 1679. | 6½ |
23. The Proselyte of Rome called back to the Church of England. 1679. | 4 |
24. A Farewell to Popery, in a Letter to Dr. Nicholas. 1679. | 5½ |
25. The horrid and diabolical practice of the Jesuites discovered in the manner whereby they seduce unwary Protestants. 1679. | 2 |
26. A Narative of the discovery of the Jesuites Colledge at Come in Herefordshire. 1679. | 3 |
27. The Legacy of the Bishop of Hereford, or, a short determination of all Controversies with the Papists. 1679. | 18 |
28. A Letter to a Member of the House of Commons in vindication of the Protestant Religion against Popery. 1679. | 2 |
29. The Church of Rome no sure Guide. By Dr. Owen. 1679. | 6½ |
30. A Letter to a friend concerning Popish Idolatry. By the Bishop of Hereford. 1679. | 5 |
31. A true History of the lives of the Popes. 1679. | 3 |
32. A Discovery of the Mystery of Iniquity, practised by the Jesuites. Englished by Dr. Oates. 1679. | 5 |
33. Brocard's Alarm to Protestant Princes, with a Discovery of Popish Plots and Conspiracies after his Conversion from Popery. 1679. | 4 |
34. Christianity abused by the Church of Rome, or, an answer to a late Printed paper given about by Papists. 1679. | 3 |
35. The Jesuites Intrigues, with private Instructions to their Emissaries. 1679. | 10 |
36. A Decree made at Rome, condemning some Opinions of the Jesuites and Casuists the Second of March. 1679. | 4½ |
37. A true and lively Representation of Popery; shewing it to be New-modelled Paganism. 1679. | 10½ |
38. A Seasonable Discourse touching the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy: By W. Berry, Priest. 1679. | 5 |
39. A short and seasonable Dialogue between a Protestant and a Papist. 1679. | 1 |
40. The Cabinet of the Jesuites Secrets opened. 1679. | 6 |
41. Sir John Winter's observations on the Oath of Supremacy. 1679. | 2½ |
42. The established Test for securing the King's Person and Government against the Papists. 1679. | 7 |
43. Aphorismes or Summaries of the Doctrine of the Jesuites. By Dr. Tongue. | 5 |
44. A Dialogue between a Protestant and a Papist. By Dr. Coles. 1679. | 28 |
45. Which is the true Church, the Protestant or the Church of Rome. By Mr. Baxter. 1679. | 20 |
46. A Treatise of the Oath of Supremacy. 1679. | 11 |
47. The Church of Rome Unmasked, or her False principles detected. 1679. | 9 |
48. The Protestant's Answer to that Question, Where was your Church before Luther? By T. Doelittle. 1679. | 13 |
49. A Discourse prepared for the Ears of some Romanists, about the Oath of Supremacy. By Sir Christopher Wyvill. 1679. | 2 |
50. A friendly call, or, a seasonable perswasive to Unity. 1679. | 9 |
51. Popery a great Enemy to Truth, Peace, and Civil-Government. 1679. | 10½ |
52. The Jesuites Catechisme, according to St. Ignatius Loyola. 1679. | 8 |
53. A Letter concerning Invocation of Saints, and Adoration of the Cross. By the Bishop of Lincoln. 1679. | 5 |
54. The Jesuit Countermin'd, or, an account of a new Plot. 1679. | 5 |
55. A Letter from a Jesuite, or, the Mystery of Equivocation. 1679. | 1 |
56. Sentiments of N. N. touching the Roman Consistories. 1679. | 5 |
57. Friendly advice to Protestants, or, an Essay towards uniting of Dissenters to the Church of England. 1679. | 8½ |
58. England's grievances in times of Popery. 1679. | 5½ |
59. The Jesuites Letter of Thanks to the Covenanters in Scotland. 1679. | 9 |
60. A Word in season, or, a Parallel between the intended Massacre of the Jews in the Reign of King Ahasuerus, and the Powder-Plot in the Reign of King James. 1679. | 6½ |
61. Argumentum ad Hominem, or, an Argument against Protestants who hold that Papists, quà tales, may be saved. 1679. | 5 |
62. Papists no Catholicks, and Popery no Christianity. 1679. | 9 |
63. The Pope's Cabinet unlocked, or, a Catalogue of the Pope's Indulgences belonging to the Order of St. Mary. 1679. | 10½ |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
1. A Narrative of the present state of Affairs about the Rebellion. 1679. | 1 |
2. A farther account of the proceedings against the Rebells in Scotland, after the Duke of Monmouth's arrival. 1679. | 1 |
3. A fresh Relation from the King's Army in Scotland, and the Retreat of the Rebells on their approach. 1679. | 1 |
4. The Declaration of the Rebells in Scotland. 1679. | 1 |
5. The great Victory of the Duke of Monmouth against the Rebells in Scotland. 1679. | 1 |
6. A true account of the great Victory obtained against the Rebells in Scotland, by the Duke of Monmouth; in a Letter to a person of quality. 1679. | 1 |
7. A Farther and more particular account of the total defeat of the Rebells in Scotland. 1679. | 1 |
8. The humble Supplication of the Presbyterians in Scotland to the Duke of Monmouth. 1679. | 1 |
9. A Sermon preached to the Rebells at Glascow in Scotland. 1679. | 1 |
10. The Examination and Confession of Kelso, a Scotch Rebell, taken in Ireland after the defeat of the Rebells in Scotland. 1679. | 1 |
11. An exact relation of the defeat of the Rebells at Bothwell-Bridge. 1679. | 2 |
12. Particular matters of Fact relating to the Administration of affairs in Scotland, under the Duke of Lauderdale. 1679. | 1 |
13. Some farther matter of Fact relating to the Administration of affairs in Scotland, under the Duke of Lauderdale. 1679. | 1 |
14. The Impeachment of the Duke and Dutchess of Lauderdale, with my Lord Hatton, by the City of Edinburgh. 1679. | 1 |
15. The Commons Address, against the Duke of Lauderdale, May 9. 1679. | 1 |
16. The benefit of the Ballot in the Re-publick of Venice. 1679. | 1 |
17. A true Relation of the Murther of the Arch-bishop of Saint Andrews. 1679. | 1 |
18. A true Account of the horrid Murther of the Arch-bishop of Saint Andrews. 1679. | 2 |
19. A Letter from a Friend in Ʋtrecht to a Friend in London concerning the Duke of Monmouth. 1679. | 1 |
20. A Relation of the Birth and several remarkable passages of the Duke of Monmouth. 1679. | 2 |
21. One Project for the good of England, dedicated to the Parliament. 1679. | 3 |
22. The last Speech of Queen Elizabeth to her Parliament after her delivery from Popish Plots. 1679. | 1 |
23. The present Interest of Tangier. 1679. | 1 |
24. Articles between the King of Sweden and the Elector of Brandenburgh at Berlin. 1679. | 1 |
25. The wonderfull preservation of Gregory Crow, shipwrackt on the coast of Lent. 1679. | 1 |
26. Two Letters of the Earl of Clarendon to the Duke and Dutchess of York. 1679. | 1 |
27. The Proceedings at the Sessions-house the 16 th of July. 1679. | 1 |
28. The Tryal and Condemnation of twelve notorious Highwaymen, at the Assizes of the County of Derby. 1679. | 1 |
29. The Proceedings at the Old Baily, August 27 and 28. 1679. | 1 |
30. A Letter from the Governour of Algier to the States▪General on the Signing a Peace between them. 1679. | 1 |
31. A Catalogue of Pensioners in the long Parliament 1678. Printed 1679. | 1 |
32. A Relation of the Comet or Blasing-Star on the 28 th and 29 th of July. 1679. | 1 |
33. A Wife for a Husband, and a Husband for a Wife, or, a Popish Priest turn'd Match-makes. 1679. | 2 |
34. A Letter from the Pope to the French King. 1679. | 1 |
35. An answer to the Pope's Letter written to the King of France. 1679. | 1 |
36. Hobbes's Historical Narration of Heresie. 1680. | 4½ |
37. The Speech of Alderman Garroway, at a Common-Hall on Tuesday the 17 th of January 1642. Printed 1679. | 1 |
38. Dreadfull News from Southwark or, a Relation of the dreadfull Thunder which happened there the 4 th of August. 1679. | 1 |
39. Observations on Wakeman's Tryal, and the six Prisoners that suffered at Tiburn, July 23. 1679. | 1 |
40. An Account of the Tragedy of old Madam Gwynn drowned near the Neat-Houses. 1679. | 1 |
41. The Modell of Presbytery. 1679. | 1 |
42. The present danger of Tangier, or, an Attempt made on it by the M [...]ors. 1679. | 1 |
43. The [...] ques [...]on to be considered by the King and Parliament, how far Religion is concerned in Policy or Civil Government. 1679. | 2 |
44. Strange News from Barkshire of Ships and Men in the Aire, which seemed to be fighting. 1679. | 1 |
45. The divine Right of Kings asserted, in General and Particular. 1679. | 1 |
46. Day-Fatality, or, Observations on Days lucky and unlucky, and about the Duke of York. 1679. | 2 |
47. Englands Alarm, or, an humble Address and Petition to the King, the Parliament, the City of London, and the whole Nation in general. 1679. | 3 |
48. Simeon and Levi, or, a Comparison between a Papist and a Scotch Presbyter. 1679. | 1 |
49. A Letter from a Minister to a person of Quality, with Reasons for his Non-conformity. 1679. | 1 |
50. Jenks's Speech spoken in the Common-Hall, June 24. 1679. | ½ |
51. The present great Interest of King and People, in a Letter to a Lord of the Privy Council. 1679. | 1 |
52. A Letter to a Friend, shewing from Scripture, &c. how false that State Maxim is, Royal Authority is originally and radically in the People. 1679. | 3 |
53. A Word to the approaching Parliament for the settlement of the Nation. 1679. | 2 |
54. A Narrative of the Sessions at the Old Bayly the 15 th of October. 1679. | 1 |
55. Plain truth, or, a Discourse betwixt P. and H. 1679. | 1 |
56. A Hue and Cry after P. H. 1679. | 1 |
57. The Speech of Sir Robert Clayton, Lord Mayor, at his Election September the 29 th 1679. | 1 |
58. Lex Talionis, or the Character of Poor Robin. 1679. | ½ |
59. An Answer to a Letter from a Minister to a person of Quality shewing the Reasons of his Non-conformity. 1679. | 2 |
60. A touch of the times, or, two Letters intercepted from the Author of the Day-fatality. 1679. | ½ |
61. The Author of the Touch of the times brought to the Whipping-Post. 1679. | 1 |
62. The Protestant Conformist, or, a plea for Moderation, contained in a Letter. 1679. | 2 |
63. A Letter from I. B. Alias Oldcut, to Mr. Jenks. 1679. | 1 |
64. A Relation of the Marriage between the King of Spain and the King of France's Daughter. 1679. | 3 |
65. An Impartial account of divers remarkable Proceedings the last Parliament, relating to the Plot. 1679. | 4 |
66. An Impartial account of divers remarkable Proceedings the last Parliament relating to the Plot, with Additions. 1679. | 7 |
67. The Reasons of the House of Commons delivered to [...] of Lords about the Tryals of the Lords in the Tower. 1679. | 1 |
68. Fiat Justitia, &c. or, an Answer to a Speech spoken in the House of Commons upon reading the Bill against the Duke. 1679. | 1 |
69. Pereat Papa, or, Reasons why a Popish Successor should not Inherit the Crown. 1679. | 1 |
70. Great and weighty Considerations relating to the Duke, offered to the King and Parliament. 1679. | 2 |
71. A Plea to the Duke's Answers. 1679. | 1 |
72. A Letter to a Baron relating to the late Bill concerning the Duke. 1679. | 2 |
73. The Protestant Admirer, or, a Vindication of a Popish Successor. 1679. | 1 |
74. A Letter from a Gentleman in the Country to his Friend, being an Argument about the Succession. 1679. | 5 |
75. Great and weighty Considerations about the Duke, with an Answer to a Letter from a Gentleman in the Countrey to his Friend. 1679. | 10½ |
76. A Letter on the Subject of Succession. 1679. | 3 |
77. A Word without-doors concerning the Bill for Succession. 1679. | 1 |
78. A Word within-doors, or, a Reply to a Word without-doors. 1679. | 1 |
79. A Coffee-house Dialogue between Captain Y— and a Barrester of the Middle-Temple. 1679. | 1 |
80. The Honour of the Lords Spiritual Asserted. 1679. | 9 |
81. A Discourse of the Peerage and Jurisdiction of the Lords Spiritual in Capital matters. 1679. | 9 |
82. The Clergy vindicated, or, their Rights and Privileges Asserted in Capital Cases. 1679. | 9 |
83. A Rejoynder to the reply concerning the Jurisdiction of the Lords Spiritual in Parliament. 1679. | 4 |
84. Two Treatises proving that Bishops may be Judges in Capital Cases. 1679. | 10 |
85. A true Relation of an attempt to fire the Town of Barnet in Hertfordshire. 1679. | 1 |
86. An Account of the Tryal and Condemnation of the late Earl of Strafford, 1641. Printed 1679. | 13 |
87. The Bishop of Carlisle's speech in Parliament against Deposing of Princes in the Case of Richard the Second. 1679. | 2 |
88. A Time-serving Speech spoken once in Season. Ann. 1659. Printed 1679. | 2 |
89. The Swans welcome to the Duke of York. 1679. | 1 |
90. A List of the Club of Voters in the long Parliament dissolv'd 1679. Printed 1679. | 1 |
91. Reflexions upon the Earl of Danby about Godfreys Murther. 1679. | 1 |
92. An Answer to the Objections against the Earl of Danby about Sir Edmunbury Godfreys Murther. 1679. | 1 |
93. An Answer to the Earl of Danby's Paper touching Sir Edmundbury Godfreys Murther. 1679. | ½ |
94. E. Christian's Reflections on a Paper intituled Reflections upon the Earl of Danby touching Sir Edmundbury Godfreys Murther. 1679. | 1 |
95. Timothy Touchstone's Reply to Christians Letter. 1679. | ½ |
96. An Answer to Timothy Touchstone. 1679. | ½ |
97. Timothy Touchstone's Reply to Sir Anonymus. 1679. | ½ |
98. Fair warning, or, a Catalogue of Compounders for their Estates. 1679. | ½ |
99. Englands safety, or, two Unanimous Votes in the last Parliament about the Duke of York. 1679. | 1 |
100. Londons Loyalty to King and Country about Sir George Jefferies waiting on the Duke at Windsor. 1679. | ½ |
101. The Proceedings at Guild-Hall, September the 12 th 1679. with Sir Thomas Players Speech, &c. | 1 |
102. An Answer to Sir Thomas Players Speech the 12 th of Septemb. 1679. | 1 |
103. A Vindication of Sir Thomas Player, being a Reply to the Answer to Sir Thomas Players Speech. 1679. | ½ |
104. An Answer to the Vindication of Sir Thomas Player. 1679. | 1 |
105. The Vindicator vindicated, or, a Sur-rejoynder on behalf of Sir Thomas Player. 1679. | 1 |
106. A Hue and Cry after the Reasons to be given in on September the 18 th 1679. by Sir Thomas Player. | 1 |
107. A List of the Parliament of Women. 1679. | 1 |
108. A Collection of Orders, Votes, &c. in the late Parliament, relating to the Earl of Danby and the Lords in the Tower. 1679. | 4 |
109. A Collection of Messages and Addresses from the House of Commons to the King, from Anno 1660. to the 14 th of August, 1679. | 14 |
110. Antiquity and Dignity of Parliaments, by Sir R. Cotton. 1679. | 4 |
111. An Impartial State of the Case of the Earl of Danby. 1679. | 6 |
112. A Catalogue of the Names of the Martyrs burnt in Queen Maries Reign. 1679. | 1 |
113. An humble Address to the Citizens of London, with a reprehension to the Intelligencer B. Harris. 1679. | 1 |
114. The Coffee-house Dialogue examined and refuted. 1679. | ½ |
115. An Account of the Jesuits attempt on Mr. De Luzancy, upon his Conversion to the Protestant Religion. 1679. | ½ |
116. A Relation of the Raining of Blood at Shewall in Herefordshire. 1679. | 1 |
117. The Case of the Earl of Shaftsbury at the King's Bench on his Confinement in the Tower. 1679. | 4 |
117. England's Improvement justified, or, Captain Tarranton vindicated, in answer to the Coffee-house Dialogue. 1679. | 1 |
118. The Pope's Lamentation, or, a compendium of Speeches of several of his Retinue. 1679. | 1 |
119. A List of the Parliament begun March 6. 1678/9. | 1 |
120. A List of the Parliament begun Octob. 17. 1679. | 1 |
121. An account of the entertainment of the Duke of York by the Artillery Company. Octob. 21. 1679. | 1 |
122. Battering Rams against Rome's Gate, or the remark of her Character. 1679. | ½ |
123. A description of the Castle and Increase of the race of the Huffs. 1679. | 1 |
124. The tragical History of Jetzer. 1679. | 13 |
125. The Jesuites Gospel. 1679. | 10 |
126. The Trial and Condemnation of the Earl of Essex and the Earl of Southampton, Anno 1600. Printed 1679. | 8 |
127. The Trial of the Lord Cornwallis. Printed 1679. | 3½ |
128. The late proposall of Union amongst Protestants revived and rectified; Being a vindication of Dr. Sandys Arch-Bishop of York, and Dr. Tillotson Dean of Canterbury. 1679. | 4 |
129. The Bawds Trial and Execution. 1679. | 2 |
130. Material and useful considerations about Laws positive, and Laws of necessity. 1679. | 5 |
131. A Declaration of the Treasons practised by Dr. Parry against Queen Elizabeth. 1679. | 10 |
132. London's Defiance to Rome, or, a Narrative of the burning of the Pope at Temple-bar, Novemb. 17. 1679. | 1 |
133. Observations on the Prophecies of John Gadbury, with Predictions for the Year 1680. Printed 1679. | 1 |
134. A serious expostulation with the Citizens about their standing so high for the Duke of York's Interest. 1679. | 1 |
135. The Caball of Romish Ghosts and Mortals, or, the Devil deceived, and the sick Pope. 1679. | 4 |
136. His Majesty's Declaration for the dissolution of the Privy-Council, and constituting a new one April 20. 1679. | 3 |
137. His Majesties Speech, with the Lord Chancellor's, to the Parliament, April 30. 1679. | 2 |
138. Dr. Oates's Witch of Endor. 1679. | 13 |
139. The Jesuites condemned by their own Witness, or, an account of their Principles about Equivocation, deposing of Princes, and the King-killing Doctrine. 1679. | 6 |
140. A Narrative of the Popish Plot against K. Charles the first, discovered by A. ab Habernfield, to Sir William Boswell, 1643. Printed 1679. | 10 |
141. A seasonable Corrective to the one project for the good of England. 1679. | 3 |
142. The Speech of the Recorder of Barwick to the Duke of York. 1679. | ½ |
143. The address of several Peers to the King for the fitting of the Parliament. 1679. | 1 |
144. A Letter from a Gentleman in the Countrey to a person of Honour in London, in vindication of the Church of England. 1679. | 1 |
145. The Poisoner Poisoned, or a relation from Lewes in Sussex, how one R. Brinkhurst poisoned one W. More. 1679. | 1 |
146. The Trial of the Lord Audley for Sodomy. Anno 1631. Printed 1679. | 4 |
147. Snotty-nose Gazette, or, the Coughing Intelligence. Nov. 24. 1679. | ½ |
148. A Narrative of the proceedings at the Sessions house, Dec. 10. 1679. | 1 |
149. The Resolution of the Judges, and Lords in the Star Chamber 2 Reg. Jacob. touching procuring hands to Petitions, &c. 1679. | ½ |
150. A new Prophecie, or, a propheticall discourse of the Blazing Star, that appeared April 23. 1677. | 1 |
151. A proposal of Union amongst Protestants, from the last Will of Dr. Sandys, Arch-Bishop of York. 1679. | 1 |
152. An Order by the Lord Mayor, for the better execution of the Laws, in relation to the Government of the City, 29. Novemb. 1679. | 3 |
153. The Judges Opinions concerning Petitions to the King in publick matters. 1679. | ½ |
154. Strange news from Chippingnorton in Oxfordshire, of dreadfull Apparitions seen in the Air, July 28. 1679. | 1 |
155. Strange news from Staffordshire, or, a relation of two bloody Murthers committed by one A. Sympson. 1679. | 1 |
156. The Association, or, the Instrument of writing by the Protestants in Queen Elizabeth's Reign; together with the Act of Parliament in 27 Eliz. Cap. 1. for the same, and Queries thereon. 1679. | 3 |
157. An Answer to a Letter, written on reading the Gazette, about Petitions, Decemb. 11. 1679. | 1 |
158. A Compendium of the Birth and Exploits of the Duke of Yorke, with his entertainment in Scotland. 1679. | 1 |
159. A profitable method, compiled for the promotion of the Linnen Manufacture. By R. Hains. 1679. | 1 |
160. The Confession and Execution of the seven Prisoners at Tyburn, Decemb. 9. 1679. | 1 |
161. Memoirs of Queen Mary's days touching a Popish Successor. 1679. | 1 |
162. A Letter to Dr. Du Moulin, in Answer to his short and true account of the advances of the Church of England to that of Rome. 1679. | 4 |
163. Speeches in the House of Lords, October 20. 1675. on the debate of Dr. Shirley's Cause. Printed, 1679. | 1 |
164. The Mock-procession of the Pope through London, Nov. 17. 1679. | 1 |
165. The last Will and Testament of the Earl of Pembroke. 1679. | 1 |
166. A Catalogue of the Lord Treasurers to this year, 1679. | 1 |
167. The Loyal Protestant's Association. 1679. | 1 |
168. The last sayings, or dying Legacy, of Mr. Hobbs of Malmesbury. 1679. | 1 |
169. A Narrative of the Spanish Inquisition. By Mr. Dugdale. 1679. | 8 |
170. An Appeal from the Countrey to the City. 1679. | 2 |
171. The Speech of the Earl of Pembroke in the House of Peers, 1648. Printed 1679. | 1 |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
1. REasons for a Registry. 1678. | 4 |
2. Reasons against a Registry for Lands. 1678. | 3 |
3. Proposals for the imploying of the Poor, in and about the City of London. 1678. | 3 |
4. The life of Herod the great. 1678. | 5½ |
5. A Treatise of Combinations, Compositions, &c. of Quantities. 1678. | 7½ |
6. Poor Robin's Character of a Pawn-Broker, Tally-man, and Bum-Bailiff. 1678. | 1 |
7. Mr. Reeves his Alarm to London. 1678. | 1 |
8. The humble Remonstrance and Petition to the Parliament of Protestants against Papists. 1679. | 1½ |
9. A Letter from Amsterdam to a Friend in England. 1678. | 1 |
10. Coleman's Letters to Monsieur Le Cheise. 1678. | 3½ |
11. Articles of Impeachment against the Earl of Danby, by the Parliament, December 23. 1678. together with the said Danby's Letter to Mr. Montague. | 1 |
12. An account of the rising of the Rebells in Scotland; together with their Declaration. 1679. | 1 |
13. A Letter from No-body in the City to No-body in the Countrey. 1679. | 1 |
14. A Letter from Some-body in the Countrey, in answer to Nobodies Letter. 1679. | 1 |
15. A Letter from Captain Tosier, Commander of the Hunter, at Jamaica; with his Embassy to the Governor of Havannah, about freeing our Kings Subjects from slavery. 1679. | 1 |
16. A Letter to the Earl of Essex from Dublin, declaring the strange obstinacy of Papists at their death. 1679. | 1 |
17. An account of the Sickness of the King of Sweden. 1679. | 2 |
18. The English Oracle, or, a Prophecy of the miseries will happen. 1679. | 1 |
19. The grounds of Unity in Religion, or, an expedient for general Conformity. 1679. | 1 |
20. Episcopall Government, and the honour of the Bishops to be maintained, in an address to the Citizens of London. 1679. | 2 |
21. London's Flames, or, an account of divers informations given in to the Parliament, about the Fire 1666. Printed 1679. | 4 |
22. The Papists Plot of firing discovered, or, an account of the Fire, in Fetter-lane, April 10. 1679. | |
23. The discovery of Captain Bury and Alderman Brooks, whereby the Plot was to be laid upon the Protestants. 1679. | 3 |
24. Mr. Montague's Letters to Danby Lord Treasurer; together with the said Lord Treasurer's Speech in the House of Peers. 1679. | 2 |
25. A Letter from a Jesuite at Paris to his Correspondent in London. 1679. | 1½ |
26. A Narrative, and Reasons of the House of Commons about the Triall of the Lords in the Tower, at a Conference with the Lords, May 26. 1679. | 2 |
27. Sober and seasonable Queries, offered to all Protestants, to a choice of the new Parliament. 1679. | 1½ |
28. A relation of a Murther committed between Ravensden and Bedford. 1679. | 1 |
29. Omnia comesta à Belo, or, an answer out of the West to a Question out of the North. 1679. | 1 |
30. Ananias and Saphira discovered, or, an answer to Omnia comesta à Belo. 1679. | 2 |
31. Cleombrotus's most strange and wonderful Predictions, Anno 1272. Printed 1679. | 1 |
32. The weekly Character of a Pope. 1679. | 1 |
33. The Bishop of Worcester's Letter to the Clergy within his Diocess, about an Election of a Parliament-man. 1679. | ½ |
34. The Cloak in its colours, or, the Presbyterian Unmasked. 1679. | 1½ |
35. The Knave Un-cloaked, or, the Jesuite in his Colours; being an answer to The Cloak in its Colours, or, the Presbyterian Unmasked. 1679. | 1½ |
36. An Answer to a Letter from a Minister to a person of Quality; shewing some reasons for his Non-conformity. 1679. | 4 |
37. A Letter from a Justice of Peace to a Councellor, concerning Conventicles, with the Answer thereto. 1679. | 1 |
38. Episcopall and Presbyteriall Government conjoyned, by Arch-Bishop Ʋsher. 1679. | 2 |
39. Observations on the last Dutch Wars, Anno 1672. and 1673. Printed 1679. | 2 |
40. The politicall Catechisme. 1679. | 1 |
41. Mr. Lilly's new Prophecy in September, October, November, December. 1679. | 1 |
42. The Speech of a Bishop in defence of themselves and Government. 1679. | 1 |
43. The reformed Catholick, or, the true Protestant. 1679. | 5½ |
44. Popery and Tyranny, or, the present state of France. 1679. | 2½ |
45. The life and death of Thomas Hellier Executed at Virginia. 1679. | 5½ |
46. The Plot of the Jesuites in Ireland, for killing the Duke of Ormond, discovered. 1679. | 1 |
47. The Deposition of one Clement, against Sir Thomas Gaseoign about the Popish Plot. 1679. | 1 |
48. An account of the publick affairs in Ireland, since the discovery of the Plot. 1679. | 4 |
49. A just vindication of Learning, or an address to the Parliament, for liberty of the Press. 1679. | 3 |
50. The case of Succession to the Crown of England stated in a Letter to a Parliament man. 1679. | 2 |
51. The case put, concerning the Succession of the Duke of York. 1679. | 5 |
52. The new Plot of the Papists to transform Traitors into Martyrs. 1679. | 2 |
53. The Jesuites plea, in answer to a Letter entituled, Lying allowable with Papists. 1679. | 2 |
54. A Letter to both Houses of Parliament, on the proceedings against the Roman Catholicks. 1679. | 2 |
55. News from Brussels, in a Letter from an attendant on the King to a person here, 1660. Printed 1679. | 1 |
56. A seasonable Speech by a member of the House of Commons concerning the other House, March 1659. Printed 1679. | 1 |
57. A Compendium of the Plot, or a view of the late Trials. 1679. | 11 |
58. The Free-born Subject, or, the English-man's birth-right. By R. L'Estrange. 1679. | 5 |
59. The Privileges and Practice of Parliaments, Collected out of the Common Laws of the Land. 1679. | 5 |
60. An Account of the French Usurpation upon the Church of England. 1679. | 4 |
61. An Appeal from the Country to the City. 1679. | 4 |
62. An Answer to the Appeal from the Country to the City. 1679. | 5 |
63. Vox Lunaris, or, an Astrological Discourse of two Moons seen in London, June the 11 th 1679. | 3 |
64. Conscientious Queries from Mr. Jenkins, or, the grounds of his late Petition and Submission to the present Power, Ann. 1651. Printed 1679. | 2 |
65. Marvell's Historical Essay touching Councils, Creeds and Impositions. 1679. | 5 |
66. Advice to Lovers, or, Rules for their Behaviour. 1679. | 4 |
67. Truth and Honesty in plain English. 1679. | 5 |
68 An Account of the advances of the Church of England to that of Rome, by Dr. Du-Moulin. 1679. | 14 |
69. The True Protestant Subject, or, the Rights of Sovereignty discuss'd. 1679. | 5 |
70. Tell-Troth's Knavery of Astrology discovered, in observations upon 1680. Printed 1679. | 3 |
71. Muggleton's Last Will and Testament, or, a Recantation of his blasphemous Doctrine. 1679. | 1 |
72. A Relation of a wonderfull Dissolution of the Earth, in the Forest Charnwood in Leicestershire. 1679. | 1 |
73. A strange and wonderfull Relation of a Murther committed by James Robinson on his own Wife, in Dorsetshire; with an Account of another Murther committed by R. Brown, a Priest in Northumberland. 1679. | 1 |
74. The Tryal and Condemnation of William Staley, at the Kings-Bench Barr, 21. of Novemb. 1679. | 1 |
75. A Relation of the Execution of William Staley at Tyburn. 1678. | 1 |
76. The true manner of the Execution of Edward Coleman at Tyburn the 3 d of December, 1678. | 1 |
77. Bishop Ʋshers Prophecie. 1678. | 1 |
78. The great Robbery in Hatton-Garden committed by 20 Thieves, the 29 th of December, 1678. | 1 |
79. The Confession and Execution of the 12 Prisoners at Tyburn, the 22 d of January 1678/9. | 1 |
80. A Relation of the Execution of Groves and Ireland at Tyburn, January the 24 th 1678/9. | 1 |
81. A perswasive to Preparation for observance of a Solemn Fast. 1679. | 1 |
82. The Pope's Downfall at Abergaveny, or, a Relation of his Procession at his burning there. 1679. | 1 |
83. An Account of the Tryal and Condemnation of Father Lewis at Monmouth Assizes, March the 28 th 1679. | 1 |
84. The Confession and Execution of the Prisoners that suffered at Tyburn, together with T. Pickering, May the 9 th 1679. | 1 |
85. Gadbury's Astrological Predictions for the Year 1679. | 1 |
86. Poor Robins Prophecie for the Year 1679. | 1 |
87. A true Relation of a Town in Piedmont sunk under ground. 1679. | 1 |
88. Luthers Prophecie of the destruction of Rome, and downfall of Popery. 1679. | 1 |
89. A Relation of the Monstrous Whale cast on Shore at Rings-End, near Dublin, in Ireland. 1679. | 1 |
90. An Account of the Tryals of the five Jesuites at the Old Bayly, June the 13 th 1679. | 1 |
91. The Nativity of Lewis the 14 th, King of France, and the Dauphin his Son Calculated. 1679. | 4½ |
92. A Relation of the Inhumane Cruelties acted by the Rebels in Scotland, in a Letter to a Person of Quality. 1679. | 1 |
93. The Lord Lucas's Speech in the House of Peers on reading the Subsidy Bill, Feb. 1670/1. Printed 1679. | 1 |
94. An Account of Scotlands grievances under Duke Lauderdale, tendred to the King. 1679. | 6½ |
95. The Mystery of Mony-catching, or, the Character of an Importunate Dunn. 1679. | 1 |
96. The Character of a turbulent Jesuit and factious Priest. 1678. | 1 |
97. An exact Account of the Tryals at the Old Baily, December the 11 th. 1678. | 5 |
98. An Account of the Popish Books, Beads, &c. taken at the Savoy by Sir William Waller, and burnt at Westminster, Feb. the 11 th 1678. | 1 |
99. The Confession and Execution of Ireland and Grove at Tyburn, January the 24 th 1678/9. | 1 |
100. The Court of Honour, or, the Virtuous Protestants Lookingglass. 1679. | 1 |
101. An Alarm for Sinners, together with the Confession of Robert Foulkes at his Execution, January the 16 th 1678/9. | 5½ |
102. An Account of strange Apparitions seen in the Air at Poins-Town, in the County of Pipperary in Ireland, March the 2 d 1678/9. | 1 |
103. King James's Charge to the Judges when they went their Circuits. 1679. | 1 |
104. An Antidote against the present Fears and Jealousies of the Nation. 1679. | 3 [...] |
105. A Modern Account of Scotland; with a Description of the Country. 1679. | 2½ |
106. The Plot discovered, or, a Dialogue between the Pope and the Devil. 1678. | 1 |
107. The Execution of Green and Hill at Tyburn, the 21. of Feb. 1678/9. | 1 |
108. The Execution of Berry at Tyburn, February the 28 th 1678. | 1 |
109. The Execution of Berry at Tyburn, the 28 th of February 1678/9. | 1 |
110. The Execution of Mr. Foulks the Minister. 1678/9. | 1 |
111. The Execution of the Persons Condemned Fryday the 7 th of March 1678/9. | 1 |
112. Prayers to be used on the Fast-day, the 13 th of Nov. 1678. | 6 |
113. Prayers to be used on the Fast-day, the 11 th of April 1679. | 1 |
114. The Golden Fleece, or, Old England restored to its former Vocation. 1679. | 1 |
115. A Model of Government and Wealth of the Nation: By R. Haines. 1678. | 1 |
116. A True Narrative of the Murther of Sir Edmundbury Godfry, October the 17 th 1678. | 1 |
117. A Narrative of the Proceedings at the Assizes in Southwark, March the 24 th 1679. | 1 |
118. News from Essex, or, an Account of the Tryals at Chelmsford Assizes, April the 14 th 1679. | 1 |
119. A Narrative of the Proceedings at the Old-Bayly, April the 30 th 1679. | 1 |
120. Strange News from Durham, or, the Virgins Caveat against Infant Murther. 1679. | 1 |
121. Strange News from Smithfield, or, the Man-Child of Manchester. 1679. | 1 |
122. News from Little Brittain, or, an Account of a Bloody Murther committed upon the Body of Mr. Bayly, a Black-Smith, January the 12 th 1678/9. | 1 |
123. Strange News from Lemster in Herefordshire, of the opening of the Earth, and wonderfull Sights in the Air. 1679. | 1 |
124. A Narrative of the Proceedings at the Old-Bayly, June the 15 th 1679. | 1 |
125. Strange News from Arpington, near Bexly in Kent, of a Young Maid who was possest with Evil Spirits. 1679. | 1 |
126. London in Luster, or, my Lord Mayors Show, October the 29 th 1679. | 3 |
127. The Discovery of the Plot, being the several Examinations of Dr. Oates. 1679. | 6 |
128. The Earl of Pembroke's Speech in the House of Peers when the seven Lords were accused of High Treason, 1648. Print. 1679. | 1 |
129. The Cobler turn'd Courtier, being a pleasant humour between King Henry the Eighth and a Cobler. 1679. | 1 |
130. Venn and his Mirmydons, or, Serious and Seasonable advice to the Citizens of London about their Election of Sheriffs. 1679. | 2 |
131. A Letter from a Friend in Spain to a Friend in London. 1679. | 1 |
132. The good Old Way, or, a Discourse to all Protestants concerning the Way of the Church, by Mr. Pelling. 1679. | 18 |
133. An Endeavour for Peace among Protestants. 1679. | 4 |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
1. DEcrees of Pope Innocent the 11 th for suppressing the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin. 1679. | 4 |
2. Why are you not a Catholick, or, an Answer to a Pamphlet why are you a Catholick. 1679. | 4 |
3. A Protestants Resolution, with the Reasons why he will not be a Papist. 1679. | 5 |
4. The Point of Church-Unity and Schisme discuss'd. 1679. | 6 |
5. Directions how to read the Scriptures, by T. Williams. 1679. | 1 |
Elect. | Number of Sheets. |
1. THE Bill for regulating Elections of Parliament-men. 1679. | 1 |
2. An Impartial Survey of Candidates for the approaching Parliament. 1679. | 1 |
3. Englands great Interest in the Choice of the New Parliament. 1679. | 1 |
4. A Seasonable warning to the Commons of England in the Choice of their Parliament-men. 1679. | 1 |
5. Tell-Truths advice to the Nation in the Election of their Parliament-men. 1679. | 1 |
6. The Countries Vindication in Answer to Tell-Truth's advice in choice of the next Parliament. 1679. | 1 |
7. Seasonable Queries offered to all in the choice of the New Parliament. 1679. | 1 |
8. The Freeholders Choice, or, a Letter of advice concerning Elections. 1679. | 1 |
9. The Nations Aggrievance, or, an address to the King for the due choice of Parliament-men. 1679. | 1 |
10. The Moderate Parliament, or, an Answer to a Letter about Electing a Parliament-man. 1679. | 1 |
11. The Case of the Burrough of New Windsor. 1679. | 1 |
12. Essex's Excellency, or, the gallantry of the Freeholders of that County in choice of their Parliament-men. 1679. | 2 |
13. An Account of the Behaviour of the Essex Freeholders at their Election. 1679. | 2 |
14. A Letter from a Freeholder of Buckinghamshire concerning the Election of Knights of that County. 1679. | 1 |
15. An Expostulatory Letter from the Farmers of the Neighbouring Villages to the Men of Buckingham. 1679. | ½ |
16. A true Account of the Election of Bucks in a Letter from a Freeholder, &c. 1679. | 1 |
17. The Speech of Ferdinando Huddleston Esq; at the Election at Baggry in the County of Cumberland. 1679. | ½ |
18. A Letter from a Friend in Abingdon concerning the Election of Parliament-men there. 1679. | 1 |
19. The Case of John Peachy Elected one of the Burgesses of Portsmouth. 1679. | ½ |
20. An Answer to a Letter from a Freeholder of Buckinghamshire to a Friend in London. 1679. | 1 |
21. News of a Strange Monster found in Stow Woods near Buckingham. 1679. | 1 |
22. Londons choice of Citizens to serve in the ensuing Parliament. 1679. | 1 |
23. Observations on the Query concerning the choice of Parliamentmen for the City. 1679. | ½ |
Poetry. | Number of Sheets. |
1. A Poem on the Parliament, March 6. 1678/9. | 1 |
2. Wild's Poem on the Parliament, March 6. 1678/9. | 1 |
3. An answer to Wild's Poem on the Parliament. 1679. | 2 |
4. Father Whitebread's walking Ghost. 1679. | 1 |
5. A Paradox against Liberty. 1679. | 3 |
6. A Satyr against Man. 1679. | 1 |
7. The Common-hunt of the Pope. 1679. | 1 |
8. Mantuan's character of a bad Woman. 1679. | 1 |
9. An answer to the character of a bad Woman. 1679. | 1 |
10. The Buckingham Ballad. 1679. | ½ |
11. A Panegyrick upon Oates. 1679. | ½ |
12. Bradshaw's Ghost. 1679. | 1 |
13. Female Excellence. 1679. | 2 |
14. Whitebread's Contemplations in Newgate. 1679. | 1 |
15. Exclamations against Julian. 1679. | 1 |
16. The Jesuites Character. 1679. | 1 |
17. A new Scotch Ballad, or, Bothwell Bridge. 1679. | 1 |
18. The Sentiments, a Poem on Danby. 1679. | 3 |
19. An Elegy on Sir Nathanael Hern. 1679. | 1 |
20. An Epitaph on the Lord Fairfax. 1679. | ½ |
21. A Prophecie found at the Lord Powis's, with the Jesuits Justification. 1679. | 1 |
22. Oliver Cromwells' Ghost. 1679. | 1 |
23. Coleman's Ghost in Answer to H. Nevil. 1679. | 1 |
24. Coleman's Legacies, or, a discovery of Popish Malice. 1679. | 1 |
25. A Letter from Artimisa in the Town to Cloe in the Country 1679. | 1 |
26. The Unjust Judges Creed. 1679. | ½ |
27. A Poem upon nothing. 1679. | ½ |
28. The Ghost of Hugh Peter. 1679. | 1 |
29. Garnets Ghost. 1679. | 1 |
30. A Poem on Bow Church and Steeple. 1679. | ½ |
31. The Character. 1679. | ½ |
32. A Poem by the Lord Arundel of Warder. 1679. | ½ |
33. A Poem to his Royal Highness the Duke. 1679. | 1 |
34. A Dialogue between a Papist and a Quaker. 1679. | 1 |
35. A Ballad of the licentiousness of the Times. 1679. | 1 |
36. The Protestant's Congratulation to the City for their choice of Members. 1679. | 1 |
37. The Duke of Buckinghams Litany. 1679. | 1 |
38. A Ballad upon the Popish Plot. 1679. | 1 |
39. The Second Part to the Popish Plot▪ 1679. | 1 |
40. The Third Part to the Popish Plot. 1679. | 1 |
41. A Ballad on the Duke of Buckingham. 1679. | 1 |
42. The Enjoyment. 1679. | 1 |
43. The Fanatick Rampant, or, an Election at Cambridge. 1679. | ½ |
44. An Heroical Epistle upon my Lord All-Pride. 1679. | ½ |
45. A Congratulatory Poem on the Safe Arrival of the Duke of Monmouth at Ʋtrecht, Sep. 27. 1679. | 1 |
46. A Poem on the right of Succession to the Crown of England. 1679. | 1 |
47. An Answer to the Satyr against Man. 1679. | 1 |
48. A Poem upon the departure of the Duke of Monmouth. 1679. | 1 |
49. A Pillar on the Grave of Dr. Wild. 1679. | ½ |
50. A Poem on the Charming fair one. 1679. | ½ |
51. To the Duke of York on his Arrival. 1679. | ½ |
52. Gratulamini Mecum, or, an Essay upon His Majesties Recovery. 1679. | 1 |
53. The grand Imposture. 1679. | 2 |
54. Batt upon Batt. 1680. | 2 |
55. Advice to a Painter. 1679. | 1 |
56. The Second advice to a Painter. 1679. | 1 |
57. The Third advice to a Painter. 1679. | 1 |
58. Advice to the Painters Adviser. 1679. | 1 |
59. A Poem on Sir William Waller. 1679. | 1 |
60. A Paraphrase upon Justice. 1679. | 1 |
61. S— upon S— 1679. | ½ |
62. The Lamentation. 1679. | ½ |
63. Englands Remembrancer, or, a Discovery of the Plot found in a Meal-Tubb, by Sir William Waller. 1679. | 1 |
64. Naboth's Vineyard. 1679. | 5 |
65. A Dialogue between Death and Dr. Wild. 1679. | 1 |
66. A Satyr against Coffee. 1679. | ½ |
67. Englands Over-joy at the Duke of Monmouths Return. 1679. | 1 |
68. A Congratulation upon the Return of the Duke of Monmouth the 27 th of November 1679. | 1 |
69. A Poem of Congratulation on the Return of the Duke of Monmouth. 1679. | 1 |
70. An Elegy on Mr. Hobbs of Malmsbury. 1679. | 1 |
71. An Elegy on Sir Edmundbury Godfry. 1678. | 1 |
72. Englands Memorial, or, a Thankfull remembrance of the delivery from the Popish Plot. 1678. | 1 |
73. Englands Lamentation for the Duke of Monmouths departure. 1679. | 1 |
74. Geneva and Rome, or, a Dispute between Jack a Presbyter; and Believe-all a Papist. 1679. | 1 |
75. A Second Consultation between the Pope and the Turk. 1679. | 1 |
76. A Rod for Rome, or, a Description of the Popish Clergy. 1679. | 1 |
77. Englands Obligations to Captain Bedlow. 1679. | 1 |
78. The Character of a Loyal Statesman. 1678/9. | 1 |
79. A Ballad of the Cloak, or, the Cloaks Knavery. 1679. | 1 |
80. A Satyr on the Pen-men and Speech-men of the times. 1679. | 1 |
81. Merlin reviv'd, or, a Prophecie found in Pontefract Castle in Yorkshire. 1679. | ½ |
Poetry. | Number of Sheets▪ |
1. A Satyr against Hypocrites. 1677. | 4 |
2. The Pope's Advice to his Sons in a Conference at the Castle S. Angelo. 1679. | 2 |
3. Tom Tell-Troth, or, a Dialogue between the Devil and the Pope. 1679. | 1 |
4. Cowley's Poem on the Civil War. 1679. | 5 |
5. A Satyr against Vertue. 1679. | 2 |
6. A Pindarique Ode, or, Reflections on the Satyr against Vertue. 1679. | 1 |
7. A Ternary of Satyrs. 1679. | 6 |
8. Matrimonii pensitatio, or, no Jointure but the Hugg Rurall. 1679. | 2 |
9. Three Poems upon the Plot against Atheism, and a Panegyrick upon the King. 1679. | 3 |
10. The true Effigies of the Monster of Malmsbury, or Hobbes in his proper Colours. 1679. | 3 |
11. Horaces Art of Poetry, translated by the Earl of Roscommon. | 5 |
12. Thomae Hobbesii vita. Lat. 1679. | 2 |
13. The Country Club, a Poem. 1679. | 4½ |
14. Englands Passing-Bell. 1679. | 3½ |
Serm. | Number of Sheets. |
1. A Sermon at the Funeral of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, by Dr. Loyd, Octob. 31. 1678. | 6 |
2. A Sermon preached before the House of Lords by the Bishop of Exeter the 5 th of November. 1678. | 6 |
3. A Sermon preached before the House of Commons, by Dr. Tillotson, the 5 th of November, 1678. | 5 |
4. A Sermon on the Gunpowder-Treason, with Reflections on the Plot, by Thomas Wilson. 1679. | 6 |
5. A Sermon preached before the House of Lords on the Fast, by the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, the 13 th of November, 1678. | 5½ |
6. A Sermon preached before the House of Commons on the Fast, the 13 th of November, by Dr. Stillingfleet. 1678. | 7 |
7. A Sermon preached on the Fifth of November, by Dr. Loyd. 1678. | 5 |
8. A Sermon preached before the King, the 24 th of November, by Dr. Loyd. 1678. | 9½ |
9. A Sermon preached at the first General Meeting of the Yorkshire-men, the 3 d of December, by Dr. Tillotson. 1678. | 5 |
10. A Sermon preached before the King, by Dr. Patrick, Dec. 10. 1678. | 5½ |
11. A Sermon preached before the King, by Mr. Young, Dec. 29. 1678. | 5 |
12. A Sermon preached by Mr. Pelling on the 30 th of January. 1678/9. | 4 |
13. A Sermon on Ezek. chap 21. ver. 24, 25, 26, 27. in vindication of the Christian Religion. By J. T. Febr. 2. 1678/9. | 6 |
14. A Sermon preached before the King, by Dr. Stillingfleet, Mar. 7. 1678/9. | 7 |
15. A Sermon preached before the House of Commons on the Fast, April. 11. By Mr. Jane. 1679. | 6½ |
16. A Sermon preached before the House of Commons, by Dr. Sharp, on the Fast, April 11. 1679. | 6 |
17. A Sermon preached at Wood street, by Dr. Oates. 1679. | 5 |
18. A Sermon, by Dr. Hascard, before the Lord Mayor, Septem. 29. 1679. | 4½ |
19. Three Sermons, or, Ancient and Modern Delusions of the Church of Rome. By Mr. Pelling. 1679. | 8 |
20. A Sermon by Mr. Williams, before the Lord Mayor, October 12. 1679. | 5 |
21. A Sermon, by Mr. Turner, or, Animadversions on Transubstantiation, before the Lord Mayor, Octob. 19. 1679. | 5 |
22. A Sermon preached to the Artillery Company, by Mr. Pelling, Octob. 21. 1679. | 4 |
23. A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, by Dr. Woodroffe, Octob. 26. 1679. | 5 |
24. A Sermon, or, the Religious Villain, preached before the Lord Mayor, by Dr. Gregory, Novem. 5. 1679. | 5½ |
25. A Sermon, or, the Deceitful Witness, by Mr. Ramsey, Nov. 5. 1679. | 4 |
26. A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, by Mr. Lynford, Novem. 16. 1679. | 4½ |
27. A Sermon preached at the Anniversary meeting of the Sons of the Clergy, by Dr. Sprat, Nov. 7. 1678. | 7 |
28. A Sermon preached before the King by Dr. Sprat, Decemb. 22. 1678. | 6 |
29. A Sermon preached in St. Pauls before the Lord Mayor, by Dr. Reynolds Bishop of Norwich. 1678. | 4½ |
30. A Thanksgiving Sermon, by Mr. Reynolds, preached at St. Peters Exeter, Nov. 5. 1678. | 4½ |
31. A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, by Mr. Nevil, Aug. 18. 1678. | 7 |
32. A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, by Mr. Nevil, Aug. 18. 1678. | |
33. A Sermon preached by Mr Camfield on the Fast-day, Nov. 13. 1678. | 7 |
34. A Sermon preached by Mr. Davies on Psalm 119. ver. 57. 1678. | 5 |
35. A Sermon preached by Dr. Barrow, on the 5 th of November 1673. Printed 1679. | 5 |
36. A Sermon preached at Whitehall by Dr. Tillotson, April 4. 1679. | 5½ |
37. A Sermon preached by Mr. Topham on the Fast-day, April 11. 1679. | 5 |
38. A Sermon preached by the Bishop of Hereford, Nov. 24. 1678. | 6 |
39. A Sermon preached by Mr. Cade, January 30. 1679. | 4½ |
40. Maroma the Lord of Rome, or, a second Sermon on Prov. 14. ver. 25. Preached in Istleworth, by Mr. Ramsay, Novemb. 16. 1679. | 4½ |
Weekly News.
- 1. THE London Gazette, by Tho. Newcombe, twice a Week, Mondays and Thursdays, in half a Sheet of Paper.
- 2 The Domestick Intelligence, or, News from City and Country; by Ben. Harris, begun July 9. 1679. in half a Sheet, and came out twice a Week; Mondays and Thursdays at first; but afterwards Tuesdays and Fridays, and so it continues.
- 3. The English Intelligencer, by Tho. Burrell, began July 21. 1679. in half a Sheet, and came out the three or four first twice a Week, Mondays and Thursdays, then after but once a Week, and that on Saturdays, and so continued to Num. 8. Aug. 30. 1679. and then left off.
- 4. The Faithfull Mercury, by [...] begun July 22. 1679. in half a Sheet, and came out but two of them for one Week, Tuesday and Friday, ending July 25. 1679.
- 5. The Domestick Intelligence, or, News from City and Country, by Nathan. Thompson, begun at Num. 16. the 29. of Aug. 1679. in half a Sheet, and came out twice a Week, Tuesdays and Fridays; then at Num. 20. he called it the True Domestick Intelligence, and so it continues.
- 6. The Friendly Intelligence, by begun Sep. 7. 1679. in half a Sheet of Paper, and came out but three of them, and then left off.
- 7. The English Courant, or, advice Domestick and Foreign, by Tho. Burrell, in half a Sheet, came out but one Monday, Sep. 8. 1679. and then left off.
- 8. Poor Robin's Intelligence, Received by in half a Sheet, began Sep. 4. 1679. and came out once a Week every Wednesday, and so it continues.
- 9. Mercurius Anglicus, &c. by Robert Hartford, began Nov. 13. comes out Wednesdays and Saturdays in a ½ Sheet.
- 1. THE Weekly Bill of Mortality, once a Week, every Thursday, in a quarter of Paper.
- 2. The City Mercury comes out once a Week every Thursday Morning, with the Weekly Bill, in a quarter of Paper.
- 3. The Weekly Packet of Advice from Rome, &c. by Mr. Henry Care, began Decemb. 3. 1678. in a Sheet of Paper, and came out a little at first on Tuesdays every Week; but now every Friday, and so continues to do.
- 4. The Weekly Packet of Advice from Germany, or, the History of the Reformation, by begun Sep. 3. 1679. in a Sheet of Paper, and came out once a Week every Wednesday, and so it continued; it left off to come out at Num. 16. the 17 of Decemb. 1679. was the last that came out.
Proclam. | Number of Sheest. |
1. AN Act for granting to the King 206462 l. 17 s. 3 d. for disbanding the Forces raised since the 29th. of Sep. 1677. Printed 1679. | 43 |
2. An Act for the better securing the Liberty of the Subject, and for prevention of Imprisonments beyond the Seas. 1679. | 5 |
3. An Act for Reingrossing of the Records of Fines, burnt or lost in the late Fire in the Temple. 1679. | 2 |
4. His Majesties Speech, together with the Lord Chancellor's to both Houses of Parliament 21 of Octob. 1678. | 5 |
5. His Majesties Speech to both Houses of Parliament on the 5 of Novemb. 1678. | 1 |
6. His Majesties Speech together with the Lord Chancellor's to both Houses of Parliament, 6 of March, 1678/9. | 5 |
7. His Majesties Speech, together with the Lord Chancellor's to both Houses of Parliament, Apil 30. 1679. | 2 |
8. An Order of the House of Lords about Licences for Papists to stay in Town, April 23. 1679. | 1 |
9. An Order of the House of Lords about Licences for Papists to stay in Town, May 5. 1679. | 1 |
10. An Order of the Council Decemb. 6. 1678. forbidding any to go to Chappels where Mass is said. | 2 |
11. An Order of the Council commanding all Papists to depart from Whitehall, Somerset-house, Jan. 3. 1678/9. | 1 |
12. An Order of the Council touching the Queries resolved by the Judges about a late Proclamation concerning the Papists, Jan. 17. 1678/9. | 2 |
13. An Order of the Council inforcing strict Execution of late Proclamations touching Papists, the 31 of Jan. 1678/9. | 1 |
14. A Proclamation for a general Fast, the 25 of Octob. 1678. | 1 |
15. A Proclamation for the discovery of Sir Edmond-bury Godfrey's Murtherers, the 20. of Octob. 1678. | 1 |
16. A Proclamation for banishing Papists ten Miles from London, &c. Octob. 30. 1678. | 2 |
17. A Proclamation for confinement of Papists within five Miles of their dwelling, the 10 of Novemb. 1678. | 2 |
18. A Proclamation for apprehending Conniers, Simonds, Walsh, &c. Priests, the 17 of Novemb. 1678. | 2 |
19. A Proclamation for the discovery and apprehending all Popish Priests and Jesuits, the 20 of Novemb. 1678. | 1 |
20. A Proclamation for the discovery of the death of John Powell Merchant, the 22 of Nov. 1678. | 1 |
21. A Proclamation for the farther discovery of the Plot, the 27 of Novemb. 1678. | 1 |
22. A Proclamation for disarming and securing the Papists, the 20 of Decemb. 1678. | 1 |
23. A Proclamation for the immediate return of His Majesties Subjects who are in any Foreign Seminaries, the 8 of Jan. 1678. | 2 |
24. A Proclamation for the apprehending Evers, Gaven, Gifford, Leviston, Broadstreet, the 15 of Jan. 1678/9. | 1 |
25. A Proclamation for dissolving the Parliament, and calling a New one, the 2 of Jan. 1678. | 1 |
26. A Proclamation against Papists in Scotland, the 3 of Jan. 1679. | 2 |
27. A Proclamation for apprehending of Gifford, Clinton, &c. about Firing of Houses, the 4 of May 1679. | 1 |
28. A Proclamation commanding all Papists to depart ten Miles from London, &c. the 4 of May 1679. | 1 |
29. A Proclamation in Scotland on the Murther of the Archbishop of S. Andrews, May 4. 1679. | 2 |
30. A Proclamation commanding Heritors and Freeholders to attend the King's Host in Scotland, the 7 of June 1679. | 1 |
31. A Proclamation against the Resset of the Rebells, and for delivering them up to Justice in Scotland, the 26 of June 1679. | 1 |
32. A Proclamation against Field-Conventicles in Scotland, the 29 of June 1679. | 1 |
33. A Proclamation for dissolving this present Parliament, and calling a New one, the 12 of July 1679. | 1 |
34. A Proclamation of Pardon and Indemnity to Field-Conventicles, and the late Rebells, the 27 of July 1679. | 1 |
35. A Proclamation concerning Circuit Courts in Scotland, the 14. of Aug. 1679. | 1 |
36. A Proclamation for apprehending the four Irish Ruffians, the 8 of Sep. 1679. | 1 |
37. A Proclamation for Proroguing the Parliament, the 30 of Octob. 1679. | 1 |
38. A Proclamation for the more speedy and effectual discovery of the Popish Plot, the 31 of Octob. 1679. | 1 |
39. A Proclamation for the suppressing Seditious and Treasonable Books and Pamphlets, the 31 Octob. 1679. | 2 |
40. A Proclamation for the discovery of Estates belonging to Jesuits, Popish Priests, and Seminaries, the 12 of Nov. 1679. | 1 |
41. A Proclamation banishing all Papists ten Miles from London, the 3 of Decemb. 1679. | 1 |
42. A Proclamation against tumultuous Petitions, the 12 of Decemb. 1679. | 1 |
43. A Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament to the 11 of Novemb. next, Dec. 11. 1679. | 1 |
44. An Order of Council for discovering of Papists in the King's Palaces, Dec. 19. 1679. | 1 |
45. A Proclamation by the King for the more effectual suppressing of Papists, Decemb. 21. 1679. | 2 |
Printed since the First Discovery of The Popish Plot, September 1678.
From the 1 st. of January 1679/80. to the 25 th. of June. 1680.
To this is prefixed some Omitted in the last.
The Continuation is intended by the Publisher.
LONDON, Printed and are to be sold at the Green Dragon in St. Paul's Church-yard, where is to be had a Compleat Catalogue of all printed since the PLOT. 1680.
Omitted in the last CATALOGUE.
Folio's. Relating to the Plot.
Plot. | Number of Sheets. |
1. THE Petition and Declaration of Mr. Langhorn to the King. July 10. 1679. | 1 |
2. A Letter from the Devil to the Pope, and his Prelats, at the beginning of the Reformation. Prin. 1679. | 1 |
3. The Jesuits new Discoveries. 1679. | 1 |
4. A Letter from Mr. Hutchinson, alias Bury, to the Jesuits in Prison, shewing them how they may get out. 1679. | 1 |
5. A Letter from Rome to a Friend in London, in Relation to the Jesuits Executed, and those that are to be Executed in the Countries. 1679. | 1 |
6. England's Grand Memorial, the unparallel'd Plot to destroy the King, with Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey's Murther, made visible. 1679. | 1 |
7. An Account of the Deportment, and last Words of Mr. Richard Langhorn. July 14. 1679. | 1 |
8. The Behaviour, last Words, Non-Confession, and Just Execution of Richard Langhorn, July 14. 1679. | 1 |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
1. A Letter from Sir John Suckling to Mr. Henry German. 1640. Print. 1679. | 1 |
2. The Parallel, or an Account of the Growth of Knavery, in Answer to the Growth of Popery. 1679. | 4 |
3. An Answer to Pereat Papa, against the Reasons why Popery should not inherit the Crown. 1679. | 1 |
4. The Character of Popery and Arbitrary Government, with a Caveat for choosing good Members to serve in this New Parliament. 1679. | 2 |
5. The Bishop of London his Letter to the Clergy of his Diocese. 1679. | 1 |
6. The ripping up of Sir John Presbyter's Garment, or the Groundwork of Schism. 1679. | 1 |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
POOR Robin's true Character of a Scold. 1678. | 1 |
2. A Scourge for Poor Robin, or the Character of a bad Husband, in Answer to the Character of a Scold. 1678. | 1 |
3. The Tyburn Ghost, or the strange Downfall of the Gallows. 1678. | 1 |
4. Triumphs of London, or the Lord Mayor's Show. 29 Octob. 1678. | 3 |
5. Articles of High Treason, &c. against the Earl of Danby, with his Letter to Mr. Montague, late Embassadour in France, with an Additional Postscript. 1678. | 1 |
6. A Breviat of Proposals by Mr. Haines, for the Speedy Promoting the Woollen Manufacture. 1679. | 1 |
7. The Proposals for Promoting the Wollen Manufactory promoted. 1679. | 1 |
8. A Method of Government for such publick working Almshouses, by Mr. Haines. 1679. | 1 |
9. God's wonderfull Judgment in Lincolnshire, or a dreadfull warning to undutifull Children. 1679. | 1 |
10. The Man of Destiny's hard Fortune, or Squire Ketch's Declaration concerning his late Confinement in the King's Bench and Marshalsea. 1679. | 1 |
11. The Lord's Voice, crying to England speedily to prepare to meet him in the way of his Judgments. 1679. | 4 |
12. A perfect Account of the Tryals and Condemnation of the Five Jesuits, and Mr. Langhorn for the Plot. 1679. | 1 |
13. A Letter of a Gentleman to his Friend, shewing Bishops are not to be Judges in Capital Cases. 1679. | 4 |
14. The Seaman's Kalender, or an Ephemerides of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, by Henry Phillips, 1679. | 24 |
15. Mr. Lilly's new Prophecy for the Year 1678. | 1 |
16. Poor Robin's Intelligence reviv'd, or a Narrative of the late dreadfull Battles between the potent Prince de L'Or, and the Grand Duke of Penuria alias Ragland. | 1 |
17. A Narrative of the proceedings at the Old Baily. Octob. 16, 17, and 18. 1678. | 1 |
18. The manner, of the burning the Pope in London, Nov. 5. 1678. | 1 |
19. A Letter from a Catholick Gentleman to his Popish Friends now exil'd from London. Nov. 16. 1678. | 1 |
20. A Collection of horrid Murthers in several Counties of Ireland, committed since Octob. 23. 1641. Prin. 1679. | 4¼ |
21. A Disputation proving that it is not convenient to grant unto [Page] Ministers secular Jurisdiction, and to make them Lords and States-men in Parliament. | 4½ |
22. The miraculous Child, or wonderfull News from Manebester, of a Child but three years old speaking Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. 1679. | 1 |
23. Strange and wonderfull News from Glascow in Scotland, or an account of an Earthquake there. 1679. | 1 |
24. An Abstract of all the Penal Laws in force against Priests and Jesuits. 1679. | 3 |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
1. AN Account of the number of Parliament Men in England and Wales. 1679. | 1 |
2. A Scriptural Catechism, or the duty of Man laid down in express words of Scripture. 1678. | 5 |
Poetry. | Number of Sheets. |
1. AN Elegy on Mr. William Whitmore. 1678. | 1 |
2. Bishops-gate Lamentation, or an Elegy on the Death of their late Rector Mr. Robert-Clark. 1678. | 1 |
3. An Elegy on Sir Richard Ford, formerly Lord Mayor. 1678. | 1 |
4. The Catholick Ballad, or an Invitation to Popery. 1678. | 1 |
5. A Poem, with the Essigies of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey. 1678. | 1 |
6. The Proclamation promoted, or an Hue and Cry after Trenson and Bloud, upon the Murther of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey. 1678. | 1 |
7. The Bull of Pope Pius against Queen Elizabeth. Print. 1678. | 1 |
8. A Narrative of Popish Plots, with a full Account of their Bloudy Designs. 1678. | 1 |
9. The horrid Popish Plot happily discovered, or a Poem on the Powder Treason, and burning of leveral Cart-loads of Popish Books at the Royal Exchange. 1678. | 1 |
10. An Elegy on the Death of Sir Jonn Moor. 1679. | 1 |
11. A Satyrical Poem on the horrid Jesuitish Plot. 1679. | 2 |
12. Babel and Beth [...]l, or the Pope in his Colours, with the Church of England's Supplication to the King. 1679. | 1 |
13. Justice in Masquerade, [...] Poem. 1679. | ½ |
14. A passionate Satyr, on a Devillish He-Whore at Rome. 1679. | ½ |
15. An Elegy, and Anagram on the Death of Mr. Mathew Pool. 1679. | ½ |
16. A Broadside against Marriage. 1679. | 1 |
17. Answer to the Broadside, or a defence of a Married Life. 1679. | 1 |
18. A Paradox against Liberty. | 1 |
19. An Elegy upon old Madam Gwyn. July 29. 1679. | 1 |
Poetry. | Number of Sheets. |
1. POOR Robin's Perambulation from Saffron-Walden to London. 1678. | 3 |
2. St. Crispin's Triumph over Pope Innocent, or the Monks and Fryars Routed, a Trage-Comedy. 1678. | 1 |
3. Naboth's Vineyard. 1679. | 2½ |
4. Ba [...] upon Ba [...], Reprinted. 1679. | 1½ |
Serm. | Number of Sheets. |
1. THE Care of the Peace of the Church, the duty of every Christian; a Sermon preached by Mr. Adderley on Psalm 122. 6. 1679. | 7 |
2. A Sermon at the Coronation of King Charles the Second, Preached at S [...] in Scotland, by Mr. Douglas. 1 Jan. 1651. and Reprint. 1679. | 3 |
3. Christian Liberty asserted, in Opposition to the Roman Yoke, delivered in a Sermon at Windsor, Dec. 8. 1678. by Dr. Butler. Print. 1678. | 5½ |
4. A Discourse of Divine Providence, in a Sermon Octob. 11. 1678. by Samuel Herne. Print. 1679. | 4½ |
5. The Famine of the Word threatned to Israel, in two Sermons, Preached Nov. 13. 1678. and April 11. 1679. by James Brome. Prin. 1679. | 9½ |
6. A Sermon preached at the Assizes at Leicester, July 31. 1679. by John Cave. Prin. 1679. | 4½ |
Folio's Relating to the
Plot. | Number of Sheets. |
1. A Narrative of the proceedings at the Old Baily, or the Tryal of Six Popish Priests and Jesuits for High Treason, January 19. 1679/80. | 1 |
2. An Account of the proceedings against the Six Popish Priests at the Sessions House. Jan. 17. 1679/80. | 1 |
3. A further discovery of the Plot, drawn from the Narrative and Depositions of Dr. Oates, by Roger L' Estrange Esquire. 1679/80. | 2 |
4. The Tryal of the Six Romish Priests, (viz.) Anderson, Rushell, Parris, Starkey, Corker, and Marshall. Jan. 26. 1679/80. | 14 |
5. The Narrative of Lawrence Mowbray concerning the bloudy Popish Plot. 1679/80. | 9 |
6. Mr. Dangerfield's second Narrative of the Plot. Feb. 12. 1679/80. | 9 |
7. Mr. Prance's Whore of Babylon's Pocky Priest, or a true Narrative of the apprehension of William Geldon, alias Bacon, a Secular Priest. 1679/80. | 5 |
8. Mr. Baldron's Narrative of the Plot. 1679/80. | 9 |
9. The Tryal and Conviction of Mr. Tasborough and Mr. Price, in endeavouring to perswade Mr. Dugdale to retract his Evidence about the horrid Popish Plot. Feb. 26. 1679/80. | 16 |
10. Some of the most Material Errors, and Omissions in the late printed Tryals of the Romish Priests at the Old Baily. Jan. 17. 1679/80. | 1 |
11. A Narrative of the Proceedings, and Tryal of Mr. Johnson, a Franciscan, at Worcester Assizes. 1679. with his Speech at his Execution, Writ with his own hand. 16 [...]/80. | 6 |
12. A moderate Expedient for preventing of Popery, and the more effectual Supression of Jesuits and Priests. 1679/80. | 3 |
13. A full and final proof of the Plot from the Revelations, proving Dr. Oates and Mr. Bedlow to the two Witnesses therein mentioned. 1679/80. | 5 |
14. The Sick Pope's last Will and Testament. 1679/80. | 1 |
15. A Narrative of the Imprisonment and Tryal of Mr. David Lewis, Jesuit, at the Assizes held at Monmouth, together with his Speech at the place of Execution; written by himself. Printed. 1679/80. | 3 |
16. The Popish Massacre discovered to the House of Commons, sitting in a Grand Committee for the suppression of Popery. June 1678. by Richard Green. 1679/80. | 3 |
17. A short Narrative of Mr. Fitz-Gerald, lately summon'd up from Bristol for suspition of High Treason, giving an account of his Carriage at the Board, his Innocency, and other particulars relating to the further Discovery of the Popish Plot. 1680. | 2 |
18. An Additional Discovery of Mr. L'Estrange's further Discovery of the Popish Plot, wherein Dr. Oates and the rest of the King's Evidences are vindicated. 1680. | 5 |
19. England's second Warning-piece, or Observations on the Attempt to Murther Mr. Arnold, with the pretended Speech of Evans the Popish Priest, executed in Glamorganshire, with a ment thereon. 1680. | 2 |
20. The Narrative of Mr. William Boys, relating what came to his knowledge concerning the Popish Plot, and the Death of Sir Edmund-bury Godfrey. 1680. | 5 |
21. Jesuits Assassins, or the Popish Plot further declared, and demonstrated in their murtherous Practices and Principles; the first Part. By Dr. Tongue. 1680. | 9 |
22. The Plot reviv'd, or a Memorial of the late and present Popish Plots, published to refresh the memories of all under-praved English-men. 1680. | 1 |
23. The Pope's dolefull Lamentation for the unfortunate miscarriage of his several late Plots; with a brass Cut. 1680. | 1 |
24. Lucifer's Bull to the Pope and his Prelates, written at the beginning of the Reformation, and now Printed. 1680. | 1 |
25. The very Beggers Petition against Popery, in the times of King Henry the VIII. and now Reprint. 1680. | 2 |
26. An Abstract of the Accusation of Rob. Baldron, and Lawrence Mowbray, against Thomas Gascoigne for High Treason, with his Tryal and Acquittal. Jun. 6. 1680. | 4 |
Papist. | Number of Sheees. |
1. A Seasonable Warning to Protestants, or a Relation of the Parisian Massacre. 1679/80. | 5 |
2. A Memento for English Protestants, or a Relation of several Massacres. 1679/80. | 7½ |
3. A Letter wherein is shewed, First, What Worship is due to Images. Secondly, That the Papists are very unjust in charging Schism on the Church of England. 1680. | 4 |
4. Rome's overthrow, in a fatal blow at her greatest Idol, against Transubstantiation. 1680. | 3 |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
1. A Full and true Relation of a Maid in Newgate-street, who was buried alive near Christ-Church Hospital. 1679/80. | 1 |
2. A New-years Gift for J— S— being remarks made on his Speech the first day of Michaelmas Term. 1679. | 1 |
3. The Earl of Strafford's Letter to the King to pass the Bill. 1641. Printed 1679/80. | ½ |
4. Paul Grebner's Prophecy in the Reign of Queen Elozabeth, Anno 1582. Print. 1679/80. | ½ |
5. The Tryal of Philip Earl of Pembroke before the Peers in Westminster-hall. April 4. 1678. Print. 1679/80. | 8 |
6. A Caution against Tumultuous Petitions from a Gentleman in the Country to his Friend in London. 1679/80. | ½ |
7. The Romanists best Doctor, or the Approved Remedy of John Ketch Esquire. 1679/80. | 1 |
8. A List of the Lent Preachers before the King, and of those appointed by the Bishop of London, to preach the Wednesday, and Friday Lectures in Lent. 1679/80. | 1 |
9. A Letter from Legorn. 1679/80. | 1 |
10. A Speech for the incouragement of the City of London to Petition for the sitting of the Parliament. 1679/80. | ½ |
11. An Account of the proceedings at the Sessions for the City of [Page 8] Westminste [...], against those that tore the Petition for the sitting of the Parliament. 1679/80. | ½ |
12. An Account of the State of the Press in the University of Oxford. 1679/80. | 1 |
13. A Second Letter from Legorn. Dec. 10. 1679. | 1 |
14. A Narrative of the proceedings at the Old Baily, the 15. and 16 of Jan. 1679/08. | 1 |
15. An Answer to the Letter from Legorn. Jan. 19. 1679/80. | 1 |
16. The King's Prerogative, and the Subjects Priviledge. 1679/80. | 5 |
17. The Penalty for false Verdicts. 1679/80. | 1 |
18. Articles of misdemeanour against the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs, by Dr. Oates. Jan. 21. 1679/80. | 1 |
And it came out that Evening in half a Sheet of Paper. | |
19. A Narrative of the Confession and Execution of the Prisoners at Tyburn. Jan. 21. 1679/80. | 1 |
20. An Answer by Ralph Mean-well, or a pursuit of the former Legorn Letter. 1679/80. | ½ |
21. The Answer of the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs, to Dr. Oates's Articles. 1679/80. | ½ |
22. An Answer to the Second Letter from Legorn. Jan. 23. 1679/80. | 1 |
23. The two Memorials of Mr. Sidney, Ambassadour in Holland to the States General. 1679/80. | 1 |
24. England's defence, or Adamson upon Invasion, being a discourse for repulsing of foreign Forces. 1679/80. | 5 |
25. Articles against D. P. 1679/80. | ½ |
26. The humble Address and Petition of several Peers to King Charles the First. 1640. Print. 1679/80. | 1 |
27. A Catalogue of Papists, not as yet Convicted within the County of Middlesex, Cities of London, and Westminster. Jan. 26. 1679/80. | 1 |
28. The Loyal Protestants Vindication offered to all sobes minds. 1679/80. | 2 |
29. The inconveniences of a long continuance of a long continuance of the same Parliament. 1679/80. | 1 |
30. The Solemn League and Covenant, commonly called the Scotch Covenant. 1679/80. | ½ |
31. Reasons by a well Wisher to King and Kingdom, against Petitioning for the sitting of the Parliament. 1679/80. | 1 |
32. A Letter from Paris, with an Account of the Poysonings there. 1679/80. | 1 |
33. A Petition to the Petitioners. 1679/80. | 1 |
34. A Table of the Fees of the Head and under Searchers in the port of London, established by the Parliament, An. 14 Car. 2. 1679/80. | 1 |
35. The Tryal of Benjamin Harris, on an Information for printing an Appeal from the Country to the City. 1679/80. | 2 |
36. A Narrative of the Positions and Practices of the Jesuits and Papists towards Protestants, especially as to the points in Murther and Treason. 1679/80. | 9 |
37. The Tryal of Francis Smith, on an Information for printing Tom Ticklefoot, as also the Tryal of Jane Curtis, for publishing Scroggs upon Scroggs. 1679/80. | 2 |
38. The Spirit of Popery speaking out of the Mouths of Phanatical Protestants, or the last Speeches of J. Kid and J. King, who were executed in Scotland, Aug. 14. 1679. | 23 |
39. A Letter to a Friend on the present Condition of this Nation, and demonstrating an Exclusion of the Duke of York from the Succession to be unlawfull and unjust. 1679/80. | 2 |
40. The Speech without an Oath of the late Earl of Pembroke at his admittance as a Member of the House of Commons. 1649. Print. 1679/80. | 1 |
41. An Examination of the State of the Case of the Earl of Danby. Feb. 11. 1679/80. | 10 |
42. The matter of Fact, A la mode de France, in Relation to the Alliance proposed by England and France to the Hollanders. 1679/80. | 2 |
43. A Learned Speech spoken in the House of Commons, by a Lawyer there. Jun. 23. 1647. Print. 1679/80. | 1 |
44. Memorable Sayings of Mr. Hobbs in his Books and at the Table, with his Pictures. 1679/80. | 1 |
45. A true Account of the Rise and Growth of the Reformation, in the Lives and dying Speeches of the first Reformers. 1679/80. | 1 |
46. The Tryal, Conviction, and Condemnation of Popery. 1679/80. | 2 |
47. The Letters and Memorials concerning the offered alliance of England and France to the Hollanders, with Considerations thereon. 1679/80. | 5 |
48. Magna Veritas, or John Gadbury not a Papist, but a Protestant of the Church of England. 1679/80. | 5 |
49. A Cronology of the Rise and Growth of Popery. 1679/80. | 2 |
50. Holy and profitable Sayings of that Reverend Divine Mr. William Dyer. 1679/80. | 1 |
51. Unio Dissidentium, Heir Apparent and Presumptive made one. 1679/80. | 1 |
52. Tbe Fanaticks Dream. 1679/80. | ½ |
53. A Political discourse of the Ruin of States, considered from the History of Jesus King of the Jews. 1679/80. | 6½ |
54. A Narrative of the proceedings at the Old Baily, from Feb. 26. to Mar. 1. 1679/80. | 1 |
55. A Seasonable Speech made by Alderman Atkins in the Rump Parliament. Print. 1679/80. | 1 |
56. An Exstract of the Acts against Importing Irish Cattle. 1679/80. | 1 |
57. A List of the Horse Races that are to be run in March and April, at Newmarket. 1679/80. | ½ |
58. A Narrative of the Confession and Execution of the Fifteen Prisoners at Tyburn. March 8. 1679/80. | 1 |
59. The White Rose, or a Word for the House of York, vindicating the Right of Succession, in a Letter from Scotland, Marc. 9. 1679/80. | 3 |
60. An Answer to a pretended Letter to a Friend in the Country, touching the present Affairs of the Nation. 1679/80. | 1 |
61. A Narrative of the Tryal and Acquitment of Mr. John Satterthwayt, at the Assizes held at Kingston, March 13. being Accused for Firing the House of Mr. Peter Delanoy in Southwark. March 17. 1679/80. | 1 |
62. A Narrative of the proceeding at the Assizes holden for the County of Surrey. March 17. 1679/80. | 1 |
63. Great News from Middle-Row in Holborn, or a Relation of the Ghost of Mrs. Adkins. 1679/80. | 1 |
64. A Relation of the Adventures of a Christian Ship at Alexandria in Egypt. 1679/80. | 1 |
65. Reasons offered to the King for dispensing the Oath of Allegiance as to the Duke of York. 1679/80. | 1 |
66. The Pope's late Procession, on Q. Elizabeth's Coronation-day, revenged upon Mr. Remmington's Nose, being a Relation how a piece of it was bit off, by J. C. a Life Guard-man. 1679/80. | ½ |
67. A Narrative of the Confession and Execution of the three Prisoners at Kingston in the County of Surrey. Marc. 22. 1679/80. | 1 |
68. A Protestant Prentice's Loyal Advice to all his Fellow-Apprentices in and about London, in Relation to present Tumults. 1680. | 1 |
69. An Account of the Royal Bagnio, with a discourse of its Virtues. 1680. | 2 |
70. A Relation of the proceedings at the Assizes at Maidstone for the County of Kent. March 23, &c. Prin. 1680. | 1 |
71. A Relation of the proceedings at the Assizes at Chelmsford for the County of Essex. March 29, &c. 1680. | 1 |
72. The Resurrection proved, being a Relation of what happened to Mrs. Atherton who lay in a tranc [...] 7 days. 1680. | ½ |
73. The Narrative of Collonel Blood, concerning the design reported to be laid against the Life and Honour of George Duke of Buckingham. 1680. | 9 |
74. Hosanna, or a Song of Thanksgiving by the Children of Zion, being the Speeches of Alderman Atkins, Alderman Pennington, and Hugh Peters at Grocers Hall. Jun. 7. 1649. Prin. 1680. | 1 |
75. The Old Man's Complaint. 1680. | 1 |
76. The power of Kings, and in particular the King of England. By Sir Robert Filmer. 1680. | 4 |
77. An Account of an Attempt made upon Mr. Arnold a Justice of Peace for Monmouthshire. April 17. 1680. | 1 |
78. The Cry of Bloud, being an Account of a bloudy assault made upon Mr. Arnold. April 17. 1680. | 1 |
79. A Narrative of the Execution of John Marketman Chirurgeon, for Murthering his Wife. April 21. 1680. | 1 |
80. A Narrative of the proceedings at the Sessions house in the Old Baily. Print. 1680. | 1 |
81. A Letter from a Minister to his Friend concerning the Game of Chess. 1680. | 1 |
82. A true Copy of a Popish Will, made in the 19th. year of King Henry the VIII. Print. 1680. | 1 |
83. A Narrative of the Confession and Execution of the Nine Prisones at Tyburn. April 28. 1680. | 1 |
84. The Confession and Execution of the Prisoners that suffered at Tyburn. April 28. 1680. | 1 |
85. That the Bishops in England may, and oughr to Vote in Cases of Bloud; written in the late times upon occasion of the Earl of Straflord's Case. Reprint. 1680 | 5 |
86. A just reproof to Mr. Richard Baxter for his pride and insolence in Calumniating that great and most Orthodox Council of Ephesus. 1680. | 2 |
87. Propositions for insuring Houses from Fire. 1680. | 1 |
88. A Treatise of matters beneficiary, by Fra-paolo Sarps, Translated out of Italian. 1680. | 21 |
89. The Northern Star, the British Monarchy; or a Collection of many choice Ancient, and Modern Prophecies. 1680. | 17 |
90. The Answer of the Earl of Danby to a late Pamphlet, entituled, an Examinanation of the Impartial State of the Case of the Earl of Danby. 1680. | 5 |
91. The onely Legal Answer which Constables and Church-wardens may give to Articles inquiring in any of his Majesties Ecclesiastical or Civil Courts, concerning the absence of persons from their Parish-Church. 1680. | 2 |
92. An Information for all people where to deliver their Letters by the Penny-Post. 1680. | ½ |
93. A strange and wonderfull Account of a most barbarous and bloudy Murther committed May 11. at Grays-Inn in Essex. Print. 1680. | 1 |
94. A Narrative of the proceedings at the Sessions house in the Old Baily, begun May 26. ended 28. 1680. | 1 |
95. A true Account of the proceedings at the Sessions in the Old Baily. May 26. Print. 1680. | ½ |
96. A true Relation of two prodigious Births in Somersetshire. 1680. | ½ |
97. The Confession and Execution of the Five Prisoners that suffered at Tyburn. June 4. 1680. | 1 |
98. An Extempore Sermon on Malt, preached out of a Hollow-Tree. Print. 1680. | ½ |
99. A Reply to some Libels against the Earl of Danby. 1680. | 5 |
100. A Hue and Cry after Beauty and Virtue. 1680. | 1 |
101. A parallel between Episcopacy and Presbytery, or the Church of England vindicated from the false Reports of Papists or Presbyterians. 1680. | 2 |
102. A Relation of the most remarkable Transactions which have lately happened at Tangier. 1680. | 1 |
103. Sir William Waller his Vindication by a Friend that understood his Life and Conversation. 1680. | 1 |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
1. A Word in Season for Christian Union to all Protestant dissenters. 1679/80. | 1 |
2. A Letter to a Friend about the late Proclamation on Dec. 11. 1679. for further Proroguing the Parliament till Nov. 11. following. 1679/80. | 2 |
3. The Power of the Lords and Commons in Parliament in point of Judicature. 1679/80. | 1½ |
4. The last Speeches of the Ministers, J. King and J. Kid at the place of Execution at Edenburgh. Aug. 14. 1679. Print. 1679/80. | 4½ |
5. The last Speech and dying Words of Thomas (Lord alias Colonel) Pride. Jan. 12. 1679/80. | 1½ |
6. The last Will and Testament of Sir John Presbyter. 1647. Prin. 1679/80. | 1 |
7. A seasonable Memorial in some Historical Notes upon the Liberties of the Press and the Pulpit. 1679/80. | 5 |
8. The Nun's Prophesie, or Sir Heldegard concerning the downfall of the Jesuits. 1679/80. | 1 |
9. A Lively Picture, or Character of Lewis Du-Moulin; by Monsieur Daily. 1679/80. | 4½ |
10. A Survey of the Office, &c. of the Lord High Steward of England. 1679/80. | 4½ |
11. Moral Reflections upon the Number of the Elect. By Dr. Lewis Du-Moulin. 1679/80. | 5 |
12. A few Words amongst many, about the touchy point of Succession. 1679/80. | 1 |
13. The Answer to the Appeal expounded. 1679/80. | 4½ |
14. A Seasonable Memento to King and People. 1679/80. | 1½ |
15. A Relation of the appearance of the Devil in the shape of a Lion to a Popish Novice near Redborn in Hertfordshire. 1679/80. | 1 |
16. Magna Gharta, made in the Ninth year of King Henry the III. with some Observations thereon, taken out of the Lord Coke's 2 Institutes. 1679/80. | 10 |
17. Citt and Bumpking, in a Dialogue over a Pot of Ale, concerning matters of Religion and Government. 1679/80. | 5 |
18. The late Keepers of the English Liberties drawn to the Life. 1679/80. | 1½ |
12. A further discovery of the Plot, dedicated to Dr. Oates; by Roger L'Estrange. 1679/80. | 4½ |
20. A Moral Prognostication of what must be expected in the Churches of Christendom, till the Golden Age returns. By Mr. Baxter. 1679/80. | 9 |
21. Excommunication excommunicated, or a Dialogue between a Dr. of both Laws, and a substantial Burgher of Tannton-Dean. 1679/80. | 3½ |
22. Study to be Quiet, or serious and seasonable Advice to the Citizens of London. 1679/80. | 2 |
23. The Non-Conformists Advocate, or a farther Account of their Judgment, in Vindication of a Letter from a Minister to a Person of Quality, shewing some Reasons for his Non-Conformity. 1679/80. | 11 |
24. The State and Interest of the Nation, with respect to his Royal Highness the Duke of York; in a Letter to a Member of the House of Commons. 1679/80. | 4½ |
25. The Conformity of the Government of Independants, with that of the Ancient Primitive Christians. By Dr. Lewis Du-Moulin. 1679/80. | 9¼ |
26. Mixt Marriages vindicated, or a Discourse of Mixt Marriages, by way of Dialogue, between A. and B. By Stephen Tory. 1679/80. | 8 |
27. The Sovereign, or a Political Discourse upon the Office and Obligations of the Supreme Magistrate. 1679/80. | 9 |
28. The Presbyterians Loyalty and Zeal for Religion demonstrated, being a reply to a Pamphlet, intituled, the Knave Uncloak'd, or the Jesuit in his Colours. 1679/80. | 7½ |
29. A Learned and Devout Exercise, or Sermon; by Oliver Cromwell. April 1649. Print. 1679/80. | 2½ |
30. A Dialogue between Tom and Dick over a Dish of Coffee, concerning matters of Religion and Government. 1679/80. | 4½ |
31. An Abstract of Letters, by Mr. Robert Rich, treating of Spiritual matters. 1679/80. | 3½ |
32. The Opinion of divers Learned and leading Dissenters, concerning the Original of Government. 1679/80. | 1 |
33. A Dialogue between the Pope and Phanatick concerning Affairs in England. 1679/80. | 2½ |
34. The true Confession of Margaret Clark who was executed for Firing her Master's house. Print. 1679/80. | 1 |
35. Honour's Preservation without Bloud, or a sober Advice to Duellists. 1680. | 4 |
36. Mercy Triumphant, the Kingdom of Christ inlarged; being an Antidote against Dr. Du-Moulin's Book of More Reflections on the Number of the Elect. 1680. | 7 |
37. Citt and Bumpkin, the Second Part. By Mr. L' Estrange. 1680. | 5 |
38. Peter's Pattern, or the perfect path to worldly happiness, being a discourse at the Interment of Hugh Peters. | 2 |
39. A Warning for Protestants, or the Case of Margaret Clark lately executed for Firing her Master's house in Southwark. 1680. | 5 |
40. A Discourse of Hodge and Ralph, or an Answer to a scandalous Pamphlet, called, a Dialogue between the Pope and a Phanatick. 1680. | 5¼ |
41. Articles stipulated and required from old Nick by the Duke of Luxenburgh when he resign'd himself to the Devil. 1680. | 1 |
42. Popery and Tyranny, cording it over the Consciences of Men, &c. By Mr. L' Estrange; a second Edition of it. 1680. | |
43. A Pattern or President for Princes to rule by, and Subjects to obey by; being a lively Character of Queen Elizabeth. 1680. | 5 |
44. The Abridgment of the Charter of the City of London. 1680. | 10½ |
45. Discovery upon Discovery, in Answer to B. W.'s Additional Discovery. By Roger L' Estrange. 1680. | 5 |
46. God and the King, or Monarchy proved from holy Writ to be the onely Legitimate Species of Politick Government, and the onely Polity constituted and appointed by God. 1680. | 4½ |
47. Vindiciae Veritatis, a Narrative against the Invective, Malitious and Slanderous Aspersions of certain Non-Conformists in and about London. By John Humphrys. 1680. | 1½ |
48. A full and true Account of the Penitence of John Marketman, Chirurgeon, during his Imprisonment in Chelmsford Goal for Murthering his Wife. 1680. | 5 |
49. The Way of Peace, or a Discourse of the dangerous Principles and Practices of some pretended Protestants. 1680. | 4 |
50. A brief Survey of the Life and Reign of Henry the III. King of England. 1680. | 4 |
51. The English Man's Right; a Dialogue between a Barrister at Law and a Jury-man, setting forth the Antiquity, Use, and Priviledge of Juries. 1680. | 5 |
52. A Treatise of the New Heavens and New Earth, proved to be Perpetual and Eternal, in that visible State of both, in the Restitution after the destruction of the World by Fire. 1680. | 2 |
53. English Presbytery, or an Account of the main Opinions of those People in England who go under the Name of Presbyterians. 1680. | 2 |
54. A Letter to a Person of Honour, concerning the Black Box. Print. 1680. | 5 |
55. The Godly Man's Legacy to the Saints upon Earth, in the Life of Mr. Stephen Marshall. 1680. | 4½ |
56. The French Politician found out, or Considerations on the late pretensions France claims to England and Ireland. 1680. | 7 |
57. Magna Charta de Foresta, or the great Charter of the Forest. 1680. | 5 |
58. The Epistles of Mr. Robert Rich to the Seven Churches. 1680. | 23 |
59. The Morning-Star out of the North, or the ruin and destruction of the Pope and the Church of Rome, and the advancement of Protestant Religion. 1680. | 1 |
60. An Account of several strange and prodigious Storms of Thunder, Lightning and Hail. May 18. Print. 1680. | 1 |
61. A Relation of several late and remarkable Accidents. 1680. | 1 |
62. Observations on a late famous Sermon intituled, Curse ye Meroz. 1680. | 1 |
63. A Relation of the Contents of the Black Box, with some other Occurrences. 1680. | 1 |
64. An Answer to Dr. Stillingfleet's Sermon, by some Non-Conformists, being the peaceable Design renewed. 1680. | 5½ |
65. The Presbyterian Sham, or a Commentary upon the New old Answer of the Assembly of Divines to Dr. Stillingfleet's Sermon. 1680. | 1 |
66. The Interest of the Three Kingdoms, with respect to the business of the Black Box. 1680. | 4½ |
67. A Dialogue betwixt Gitt and Bumpkin, answered in another betwixt Tom the Cheshire Piper, and Capt. Crack-brains. 1680. | 5 |
68. Reflections on a late Libel, intituled, Observations on a late famous Sermon, called, Curse ye Meroz. 1680. | 6 |
69. A Relation of several and strange wonderfull Apparitions seen in the Air in Germany and Sueden. 1680. | 1 |
70. The Counter-Plot, or the close Conspiracy of Atheism and Schism opened, and so defeated. 1680. | |
71. A short Answer to a whole Litter of Libells. By Mr. Roger L' Estrange. 1680. | 2 |
72. A Discourse touching Tangier, in a Letter to a Person of Quality, to which is added the Interest of Tangier. 1680. | 5 |
73. Some short Remarks on a Book, intituled, an Answer to Dr. Stillingfleet's Sermon, by some Non-Conformists. 1680. | 2 |
74. A brief Vindication of the Non-Conformists from the Charge of Schism, against them in Dr. Stillingfleet's late Sermon, before the Lord Mayor. 1680. | 7½ |
75. A Discourse of Pluralities, shewing the great evil in taking, and necessary duty of forsaking them. 1680. | 4 |
76. A sober Discourse of the honest Cavelier, with the Popish Couranter, [Page 16] being a Vindication of the Author of the Dialogue between the Pope and Phanatick. 1680. | 4½ |
77. A Prophetick demonstration of many remarkable passages found in a Manuscript, intituled, the Mistery of observable Predictions on the present State of Reynelus and Romulus. 1680. | 3 |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
1. GReat is Diana of the Ephesians, or the Original of Idolatry. 1679/80. | 3½ |
2. The Woman's priviledges above the Man's. By John Humphrys. 1679/80. | 1 |
3. Youth's Comedy, or the Souls Tryals and Triumph. 1679/80. | 8½ |
4. An Essay upon Satyr, or a Poem on the Times under the Names of the Golden, Silver, Brazon, and Iron Age. 1679/80. | 5¾ |
5. Prodomus, or an Astrological Essay upon those Configurations of the Celestial Bodies with the effects in 1680. and 1631. By John Partridge. 1679/80. | 3½ |
6. Directions to a Painter for describing our Naval business in imitation of Mr. Waller. 1679/80. | 3 |
7. A Warning to young Men, or a Relation of a horrid Murther acted by Robert Brinkhurst on his Friend and himself at Lewis in Sussex. 1679. Print. 1679/80. | 3½ |
8. The facility in Loving of God, being a Sermon preached at the French Church in the Savoy. By L. Des Ecotais. French and English. Print. 1680. | 4 |
9. A Supplement to a late Book, intituled, the Non-Conforming Conformist. 1680. | 1 |
10. Considerations on the Reputation, Loyalty, Manners, and Religion of Thomas Hobbs of Malmesbury. Written by himself. 1680. | 6 |
11. The Negro's and Indian's Advocate, suing for their admission into the Church, or a perswasive to the instructing and baptizing of Negroes and Indians in our Plantations. By Mr. Morgan Godwyn. 1680. | 12 |
12. Some Arguments to prove the Salvation of Infants before Actual Sin, &c. 1680. | 4 |
13. Popish Instructions, or a Book of Wonders, being a further Conference between the Boy and the Papist, by way of Dialogue. 1680. | 1 |
14. Short directions for Sick Persons how to behave themselves in the time of their Sickness, in order to the Health of their Souls. 1680. | 1 |
Poetry. | Number of Sheets. |
1. EPithalamium, on Captain Bedlo's Marriage. 1679/80. | 1 |
3. A Nest of Plots discovered, or a Rod for the Romish Jesuits, set forth in a Picture. 1679/80. | 1 |
4. A Tale of the Tubbs, or Rome's Master-piece defeated; in a Figure. 1679/80. | 1 |
5. A Satyr on D. J. and a W. 1679/80. | ½ |
6. A Dialogue between Duke Lauderdale, and the Lord Danby. 1679/80. | ½ |
7. Minerva's Check, or an Elegy upon the Earl of Orrery. 1679/80. | 1 |
8. The Uncasing of the Knight, or a Copy of Verses on a Pagan Knight in the Tower. 1679/80. | 1 |
9. Mr. Hobbs's Life. 1679/80. | 5 |
10. The true Protestant Litany. 1662/80. | ½ |
11. Dr. Oates's Vindication of his Evidence not to be baffled by the Papists. 1679/80. | 1 |
12. Innocence unveil'd, or a Poem on the Acquittal of the Lord Chief Justice Scroggs. 1679/80. | ½ |
13. News from Westminster, or a Congratulation on the assembling of the Parliament. Jan. 26. 1679/80. | 1 |
14. On Man, a Satyr. 1679/80. | ½ |
15. The true Protestants Litany. 1679/80. | 1 |
16. The good old Cause revived. 1679/80. | 1 |
17. The Carmans Poem, or advice to a Nest of Scriblers. 1679/80. | 1 |
18. Good Deeds ill requited, or an Answer to Innocence unveil'd, in Vindication of Dr. Oates and Mr. Bedloe. 1679/80. | ½ |
19. News from Rome, or a Dialogue between the Pope and a Caball of Cardinals at a late Conference. 1679/80. | 1 |
20. The Wiltshire Ballad. 1679/80. | 1 |
21. Mr. George Withers's Prophecy reviv'd. 1628. Print. 1679/80. | 1 |
22. The Caball, or Verses on several Lords, &c. 1679/80. | 1 |
23. The humble Petitions of the Presbyterians for a blessed Reformation. 1679/80. | ½ |
24. New Advice to a Painter. 1679/80. | 1 |
25. A Congratulatory Poem on the Arrival of the Duke of York into England. 1679/80. | 1 |
26. To the Duke upon his Return from Scotland. 1679/80. | 1 |
27. A Poem on the happy Return of his Royal Highness from Scotland. 1679/80. | 1 |
28. Bacchanalia, or a Description of a Drunken Club. 1679/89. | 4 |
29. A Panegyrick upon Monarchy, Written 1658. Print. 1679/80. | 1 |
30. Rome's Hunting match for three Kingdoms, or the Papists last run for the Protestants Life and Estate. 1679/80. | 1 |
31. Tom and Will, or News from the Country, being a further Narrative of the late Popish Plot. 1679/80. | 1 |
32. The Catholick Gamesters, or a double Match of Bowling, in a Picture. 1679/80. | 1 |
33. Qui mihi Liliense Burlesque Redditum, a Latin Poem. 1679/80. | ½ |
34. A Hue and Cry after Beauty and Virtue. 1680. | ½ |
35. A Canto to a Canter, or the Pulpits Complaint. 1680. | ½ |
36. A Prophecy of Englands future Happiness, or the Second Impression of Dr. Oates his Vindication. Print. 1680. | 1 |
37. An Elegy on the Death of Denzel Lord Hollis. 1680. | ½ |
38. The Essex Ballad. 1680. | 1 |
39. Dagon's Fall, or the Knight turn'd out of Commission. 1680. | ½ |
40. The Committee, or Popery in Masquerade, in a broad Sheet, with a large Copper Plate. 1680. | 1 |
41. The Devil's Triumph over Rome's Idol; in a Brass Cut. 1680. | 1 |
42. Truths Triumphant, or a familiar Epistle from the Muffty of the Grand Cham of Tartary to the Jesuits. 1680. | 1 |
43. The description of the Singers of Israel, or the Family of Love, in a Song of Sion. 1680. | ½ |
44. The Jesuits Lamentation for the discovery of their two late Plots, of the Apprentices, and the Irish Massacre. 1680. | ½ |
45. New Verses concerning the Plot, London's Fire, and Godfry's Murther, with the attempt on Justice Arnold, and Sir William Waller, given into his Majesties hand Sep. 2. last. Print. 1680. | 1 |
46. The Loyal Subjects Litany. 1680. | 1 |
47. Bacchanalia Caelestia, a Poem, in praise of Punch. 1680. | 1 |
48. An Answer to Dagon's Fall, or the Knight turn'd out of Commission. 1680. | 1 |
49. Prolusio Laudativa Gulielmo Scroggs, Militi, & De Banco Regis Capitali Justiciario. 1680. | 1 |
Poetry. | Number of Sheets. |
1. THE Poet's Complaint of his Muse, or a Satyr against Libels. By Thomas Otway. 1679/80. | 3½ |
2. A New Narrative of the Popish Plot, with the cunning contrivance thereof. 1679/80. | 1 |
3. Satyr against Hypocrites; an old thing Reprinted. 1680. | 3½ |
4. Satyr against Satyrs, or St. Peter's Vision transubstantiated. 1680. | 4¼ |
5. A Translation of the Sixth Book of Mr. Cowley's Plantarum; being a Poem on the late Rebellion. 1689. | 5½ |
6. Ovid Travestie, a Burlesque, upon several of Ovid's Epistles. By Mr. Radcliffe. 1680. | 6 |
7. News from Hell, or a Speech of a Ghost of one of the old Kings of Ourus. 1683. | 1 |
8. The Misfortunes of St. Paul's Cathedral. | 1 |
Serm. | Number of Sheets. |
1. A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, by Mr. Mannyngham. Dec. 7. 1679. Prin. 1679/80. | 5 |
2. A Sermon, by Dr. Gregory; or a Discourse upon the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles by the Star. Oxford. Print. 1679/80. | 6½ |
3. A Sermon preached by Mr. Philips, in the Parish of St. Maries in Scilly. Oct. 14. 1677. Print. 1679/80▪ | 4 |
4. A Sermon preached by Mr. Power▪ at the Funeral of H [...]nry Sir-John Esquire; who was killed by the Tories in Ireland. Sep. 9. 1679. Print. 1679/80. | 4 |
5. A Sermon preached at the meeting of the Eaton Scholars. Nov. 18. by Mr. Horn. Print. 1679/80. | 5 |
6. Maroum, or a Sermon preached by Mr. Ramsey. Dec. 7. 1679. Print. 1679/80. | 5 |
7. A Sermon preached at the Assizes in Leicester. July 31. 1679. Print. 1679/80. | 4½ |
8. A Sermon preached at Sudbury in Suffolk the last Summer; by Mr. Battis. Feb. 19. 1679/80. | 5½ |
9. The Grand Apostacy of the Church of Rome, or a Sermon preached Dec. 28. 1679. by Mr. Hill. Print. 1679/80. | 10 |
10. A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor at Guild-hall. Jan. 25. 1679. by Dr. Goodman. Print. 1679/80. | 5 |
11. A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor. Feb. 29. 1679/80. By Dr. Littleton. Print. 1679/80. | 5 |
12. The Commination prescribed in the Liturgy of the Church of England vindicated, in a Sermon on the first Sunday in Lent. 1679/80. By Benjamin Canfield. Print. 1679/80. | 4 |
13. The Protestant Religion vindicated from the Charge of Singularity and Novelty, in a Sermon preached before the King at White-hall. April 2. 1680. By Dr. Tillotson. Print. 1680. | 4½ |
14. Cain's Mark and Murther, King Charles I. his Martyrdom, in a Sermon on Jan. 30. By David Jenner. 1680. | 5 |
15. A Sermon preached by Fryar John, Curate of Colignac in France, upon the Feast of Epiphanie. 1680. | 1 |
16. Curse ye Meroz, or the Fatal Doom; in a Sermon preached at Guid-hall, London, before the Lord Mayor. By Mr. Edmund Hicheringill. May 9. 1680. | 6 |
17. The Mischief of Separation, a Sermon preached at Guild-hall, London, before the Lord Mayor. May 11. 1680. By Dr. Stillingfleet. | 8½ |
18. A Sermon preached at the Funeral of Denzel Lord Hollis of Dorchester, by Mr. Samuel Reyner. Print. 1680. | 4 |
19. A Sermon preached May 16. 1680. at the Funeral of Mr. Thomas Gilson; by Mr. Samuel Slater. Print. 1680. | 5½ |
20. A Sermon preached April 23. 1680. in the Cathedral Church of Bristol before the Artillery; by Sam. Crosman. 1680. | 5 |
21. The Cities Exaltation by Uprightness, in a Sermon preached at Guid-hall, Jun. 6. 1680. before the Lord Mayor; by Mr. John Rowley. |
Weekly News.
- 1. THE London Gazette, by Tho. Newcomb, twice a Week, Mondays and Thursdays, in half a Sheet of paper, begun with Number 1. 13 Nov. 1665. and so it continues.
- 2. The true Protestant Domestick Intelligence, or News from City and Country; by Ben. Harris, begun Numb. 1. July 9. 1679. in half a Sheet, came out twice a Week, Tuesdays and Fridays, and so continued to Numb. 82. April 16. 1680. and then left off.
- 3. The true Domestick Intelligence, by Nathan. Thompson, begun at Numb. 16. Aug. 29. 1679. in half a Sheet, and came out twice a Week, Tuesdays and Frydays, and so continued to Numb. 90. May 14. 1680. and then left off.
- 4. Poor Robin's Intelligence revived, in half a Sheet, begun Numb. 1. Sept. 4. 1679. came out every Wednesday, and so continued to Numb. 38. May 12. 1680. and then left off.
- 5. Mercurius Anglicus, &c. by Robert Hartford, began 13 Nov. 1679. came out Wednesdays and Saturdays, in half a Sheet, and so continued to Numb. 51. May 15. 1680. and then left off.
- [Page 21]6. Haerlem Courant, translated into English, sold at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard; came out in half a Sheet of Paper, but at no certain time; it begun at the beginning of January, and so continued to Numb. 11. Feb. 19. and then left off.
- 7. Smith's Currant Intelligence, came out twice a Week, Saturdays and Tuesdays; begun Numb. 1. Feb. 14. 1679/80. and so continued to Numb. 24. May 4. 1680. and then left off.
- 8. Catholick Intelligence, or Infallible News Domestick and Foreign, printed for J. How, came out every Monday, begun Numb. 1. March 1. 1679/80. so continued to Numb. 5. March, 29. 1680. and then left off.
- 9. Mercurius Infernus, or News from the other World, printed for John Marlow, came out every Thursday, begun Numb. 1. 4▪ March, 1679/80. and continued to Numb. 4. 25 March, 1680. and then left off.
- 10 Bank's Currant Intelligence, came out once a Week, every Saturday, begun, Numb. 1. March 16. 1679/80. and continued to Numb. 4. April 3. 1680. and then left off.
- 11. The Loyal Intelligence, or News from City and Country, begun Numb. 1. March 9. 1679/80. and continued to Numb. 3. March 31. 1680. and then left off.
- 12. Mercurius Civicus, or a true account of Affairs Domestick and Foreign, by R. E. begun Numb. 1. 22 March 1679/80. It came out no certain day; it continued to Numb. 14. May 6. 1680. and then left off.
- 13. Mercurius Librarius, or a faithful account of all Books and Pamphlets, came out in half a Sheet once a week on Friday, begun Numb. 1. 16 April 1680. and so continued to Numb. 3. April 29. 1680. and then left off.
- 14 The true Protestant Domestick Intelligence, came out twice a week, every Fryday and Tuesday, in half a Sheet of Paper, begun when Harris's Intelligence left off. with Numb. 1. April 23. 1680. so continued to Numb. 7. May 14. 1680. and then left off.
- 15. Mercurius Civicus, or the City Mercury, came out every Thursday, in half a Sheet of Paper, begun Numb. 241. May 12. 1680. and so continues 1680.
- 16. Rotterdam Courant, translated into English, for Benjamin Harris, came out but once, June 4. 1680. in half a Sheet of Paper.
- 1. THE Weekly Bill of Mortality, in a quarter of Paper, once a week, every Thursday, and so continues.
- 2. The City Mercury, in a quarter of Paper, came out every Thursday, but left off at Numb. 226. March 24. 1679/80.
- [Page 22]3. The Weekly Packet of Advice from Rome, &c. by Mr. Henry Care, began Decemb. 3. 1678. in a Sheet of Paper, comes out every Fryday, and continues now in the third Volume.
Proclam. | Number of Sheets. |
1. A Proclamation by the King for the better putting in Execution divers Statutes made against prohibited Goods. Jan. 21. 1679/80. | 2 |
2. His Majesties Speech to both Houses of Parliament. Jan. 26. 1679/80. Print. 1679/80. | 1 |
3. A Proclamation by the King for Prizing of Wines. Jan. 23. 1679/80. | 2 |
4. A Proclamation by the King for the Apprehending of Highway-men and Robbers. March 9. 1679/80. | 1 |
5. A Proclamation by the King against Duells. March 10. 1679/80. | 1 |
6. Order of Council at Whitehall, April 7. 1680. forbidding making of Bonfires on the 29th of May, Prin. April 10. 1680. | 1 |
7. Order of Council at Whitehall, April 16. 1680. for discovering those that attempted to Assassinate John Arnold Esq; Prin. Ap. 16. 1680. | 1 |
8. Order of Council at Whitehall, April 21. 1680. promising the additionall Sum of 100 l. to the former 100 l. as a reward for the discovery of those that made the attempt on Mr. Arnold. Prin. Ap. 22. 1680. | 1 |
9. A Proclamation by the King for suppressing the Printing and Publishing unlicensed News-books and Pamphlets of News. May 17. 1680. | 1 |
10. His Majesties Declaration to all his loving Subjects about the Duke of Monmouth. May 8. 1680. | 2 |
A SECOND CONTINUATION OF THE COMPLEAT CATALOGUE OF Stitch'd BOOKS and Single SHEETS Printed since the First Discovery of The Popish Plot, (September 1678.)
From the 24th of JUNE to Michaelmas Term 1680.
The Continuation is intended to be publish'd every Term.
LONDON, Printed by J. R. and are to be sold at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church Yard, where is to be had a Compleat Catalogue of all Printed since the Plot. 1680.
A Second Continuation. Of the Compleat CATALOGUE OF Stitch'd BOOKS and Single SHEETS &c. Printed since the First Discovery of the POPISH PLOT, (Sept. 1678.) from the 24th. of June to Michaelmas Term, 1680.
Popery. | Number of Sheets. |
1. ENglands Calamity fore-shown in Germanies misery, being the dire consequent of the growth of Popery Printed for Langley Curtis. | 1 |
2. The Tryal of Sir Thomas Gascoyne Bar. for High Treason, Printed for T. Basset, and S. Heyrick. | 17 |
3. A seasonable caution to Apostate Protestants; or Mercy and Judgment at once made visible, Printed for Langley Curtis. | 1 |
4. Truth known to few that the Jesuits are downright Atheists, proved by two Sentences of the faculty of Sorbonne sold by Langley Curtis. | 5 |
5. The Roman wonder being truth confest by Papists, wherein the Clergy of the Church of England, in their charge of Heretical Doctrines upon the Jesuits, are fully justified Printed for W. Kettilby. | 15 |
6. A narrative of the late Popish Plot in Ireland, for the subjugating thereof to the French King, together with the Tryal of the Earl of Tyrone, by Thomas Sampson Printed for S. Lee and D. Major. | 9 |
7. Malice defeated or a brief Relation of the Accusation and Deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier, Printed for her self. | 12 |
8. The Scarlet Beast stripped Naked, or a Brief Answer to Mrs. Celliers Narrative Instituted, Malice defeated, &c. Printed by D. Mallet. | 2 |
9. The Midwife unmask'd being a second Answer to Mrs. Celliers scandalous Libel, Printed for T. Davies. | 1 |
10. The Matchless Rogue or a Brief Account of the Life of Don Thomaso, Printed for Elizabeth Cellier. | 2 |
11. Mr. Dangerfield's Answer to Mrs. Celliers scandalous Lying Pamphlet, entituled Malice defeated sold by R. Taylor. | 5 |
12. An Abstract of the contents of several Letters relating to the management of Affairs with Rome, by the D. of Y. and others. | 2 |
13. A Letter from the Lady Creswell to Madam Cellier, on the publishing her late Vindication, Printed for Langley Curtis. | 1 |
14. The Tryal of Mrs. Cellier at the Old Baily, Printed for Langley Curtis. | 1 |
15. The Tryal and Sentence of Elizabeth Cellier for writing, and publishing a scandalous Libell called Malice defeated, &c. Printed for T. Collins. | 9 |
16. The Popes Letter to Mrs. Cellier in relation to her great sufferings for the Catholick cause, Printed by D. Mallet. | 1 |
17. Mr. Prance's Answer to Mrs. Celliers Libel, and other false Aspersions cast upon him, &c. Printed for Langley Curtis. | 5 |
18. Modesty triumphing over impudence or some notes upon a late Romance published by Elizabeth Cellier Midwife and Lady Errant, Printed for J. Wilkins. | 5 |
19. A caution to all true English Protestants concerning the late Popish Plot, by way of conference between an old Queen Elizabeth Protestant, and his Country Neighbor, Printed for R. Janeway. | 3 |
20. Mrs. Celliers Answer to the Popes Letter, wherein she declares her fidelity and saintness to the Catholick-cause, Printed by D. Mallet. | 1 |
21. The case of Tho. Dangerfield, with some remarkable passages, that happened at the Tryals of Mrs. Cellier and the Earl of Castlemain, at the Kings Bench Bar at Westminster, before the Lord Chief Justice Scrogs, Printed for the Author. | 10 |
22. Dr. Oates Narative of the Popish Plot vindicated, in Answer to a Scurrilous Libel, called a Vindication of the English Catholicks &c. Printed for T. Cocker [...]ll. | 14 |
23. The Popes threatning Letter to the French King, or the present grand controversy between Pope Innocent the II, and King Lewis the 14th about the Regalia, Printed for H. Brome. | 2 |
24. The Popish damnable Plot against our Religion, and Liberties discovered in the Breviats of Threescore & four Letters, & Papers for Intelligence past betwixt the Pope, Duke of York Cardinal Norfolk, of Cardinal Cibo, Cardinal Barbarino, Nuntio and internuntio for the Pope in France and Flanders, and the Lord Arundel Mr. Coleman &c. as they were drawn up by the secret Committee of the House of Commons; for the satisfaction of the House of Lords, in the Bill against the Duke of York, Printed for R. Janeway. | 9 |
Plot, and Popery. | Number of Sheets. |
1. L'Estranges Narrative of the Plot set forth for the edification of his Majesties Liege-People, Printed for H. Brome. | 4½ |
2. The Church Papist (so called) his Religion and Tenets fully discovered, in a dispute between a reputed Papist, and an open professed Romanist, Printed for R. Harford. | 5 |
3. The great Idol of the Mass overthrown in 24 Arguments, wherein the Doctrine of transubstantiation is fully refused. Print. for E. Proser. | 2 |
4. Foxes and Fire-brands or a specimen of the danger, and harmony of Popery and Separation. Printed for B. Took. | 5 |
5. The rise and fall or degeneracy of the Roman Church. | 4 |
6. The Memories of James Wadswort a Jesuit that recanted, &c. Print. for H. Brome. | 9 |
7. A Vindication of the English Catholicks from the pretended conspiracy against the Life and Government of his Majesty, Printed at Antwerp. 1680. | 8 |
8. The Popes third brief threatning to Excommunicate the most Christian King, Printed for J. Vade. | 2 |
9. The grand Inquest or a full and perfect Answer to several Reasons, by which it is pretended his Royal Highness the Duke of York, may be proved to be a Roman-Catholick, Printed for J. Vade. | 3¼ |
10. The Zealous and Impartial Protestant shewing some great, but less heeded dangers of Popery, Printed for H. Brome. | 8½ |
11. An Account of a Vindication of the English Catholicks, from the pretended conspiracy against the Life and Government of the King. Printed for J. Vade. | 4½ |
12. The Case of Protestants in England under a Popish Prince, if any shall happen to wear the Imperial Crown, Printed for R. Janeway. | 4½ |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
1 A Brief Method of the Law being an exact Alphabetical disposition, of all the heads necessary for a perfect common place, Printed for John Kidgel. | 16 |
2 An exact Journal of the Siege of Tangier, from the first sitting down of the Moors, before it on March 25 1680. to May 19 following, Printed for Joseph Hindmach. | 4 |
3 A Narative of the Confession and Execution of Thomas Pardue at Tyburn. June the 25th. 1680. | 1 |
4 An Account of the proceedings at the Common-Hall London, June the 24th 1680. Printed for L. Curtis. | 2 |
5 Absalon's Conspiracy, or the Tragedy of Treason. | 2 |
6 A Catalogue of the Names of all his Majesties Justices of the Peace in Commission, throughout England and Wales, according to the late alterations, Printed for W. Davies. | 9 |
7 Mr. Ch [...]llingworth's Judgment of the Religion of Protestants of Scripture the only rule &c. Printed for Francis Smith. | 3 |
8 Narative of the proceedings at the Sessions House in the Old-Baily. | 1 |
9 A Letter to the Earl of Shaftsbury from Tom Tell truth. | 1 |
10 A Relation of the extraordinary Thunder and Lightning which lately happened in the North of Ireland. | 1 |
11 An exact Coppy of the petition of the Protestants in France, to their Sovereign Lewis 14th. sold by L. Curtis. | 2 |
12 A Narative of the Confession and Execution of the Eight Prisoners at Tyburn, July the 14th 1680. | 1 |
13 A Letter written to the French King, by the Arch-bishops and Bishops about the last brief of the Pope, upon the subject of the Regale, Printed for R. Bently. | 1 |
14 A Letter to the Duke of Monmouth. | 1 |
15 A Letter from the King of Morocco, to his Majesty the King of England [Page 7] Charles the 1st. for the redeeming of [...]lly Argiers &c. Printed for Rowland Reynolds. | 1 |
16 A true List of Names of those persons appointed by the Rump m [...], to sit as a Council of State, Reprinted. | 2 |
17 A Seasonable Address to the L. Mayor and Court of Aldermen and Commoners of the City of London, upon their present Electing of Sheriffs, July the 17th 1680. | 1 |
18 The Tryal and Condemnation of John Giles, that notorious Ruffian, for wounding John Arnold Esq; Printed for L. Curtis. | 1 |
19 The Names of the Field Officers Captains, Lieutenants &c. of the Militia of the City of London 1680. | 1 |
20 The Protestant Antidote or an answer to a Pamphlet, entituled a seasonable Address to the Honorable the Lord Major, touching the Election of Sheriffs, Printed for L. Curtis. | 2 |
21 A Letter from Jack the Cobler to any Body. sold by L▪ Curtis. | 2 |
22 Narative of the proceedings at Surrey Assizes at Kingstone, upon Thames from July the 19 to the 22th. 1680. | 1 |
23 The Bill of Indictment against John Gyles, for his barbarous attempt upon the Body of Justice Arnold, Printed for L. Curtis. | 1 |
24 The Character of a Town-Gallant, sold by W. Whitwood. | 1 |
25 The Character of a Town-Miss, sold by W. Whitwood. | 1 |
26 News from Guild-Hall, or an answer to the address answered, | 1 |
27 Relation of a great and Bloody Fight between the English and the Moors before Tangier, | 1 |
28 The proceedings of Guild-Hall for declaring the Sheriffs. | 1 |
29 An Account of the defeat of the Rebells in Scotland, by the Kings Forces at Crawford John. | 2 |
30 Bloody News from Southwark of a horrid Murther, committed on the Body of Walter Osily by his own Wife. Aug. the 2d. 1680. | 1 |
31 A true Copy of a Treasonable Paper called the Fanaticks new Covenant, taken from Mr. Donald Cargill, at Queens-Ferry, Printed for A. Forrester. | 3 |
32 Goodman Country to his Worship the City of London. P. for W. K. | 1 |
33 Brief Compendium of the Birth and exploits of Thomas Earl of Ossery. | 1 |
34 The Cities just Vindication or a Scourge for a Vagabond Libel, entituled Goodman Country to his Worship the City. | 1 |
35 Tell truth's Answer to Tell-truth's Letter to the right Honorable the Earl of Shaftsbury in Vindication of his Lordship, Printed for L. Curtis. | 1 |
36 The proceedings of the grand Jury of Bristol against Mr. Edward Flower, for speaking scandalous and seditious words. | 2 |
37 An Act of Common-Council of the City of London, for re [...]hing the expences of the Lord Major and Sheriffs, &c. with Reasons for putting the same in present Execution, Printed for F. Smith. | 2 |
28 A Letter to Dr. Brurnett from the Earl of Rochester on his Death Bed, Printed for R. Bentley. | 1 |
29 A full relation of Two old Men aged above a Thousand years, coming invisibly into the City of Tholouze in France from Damascus in Galilee, Printed for N. Thompson. | 1 |
40 Address of the Common-Hall, for the sitting of the Parliament. | 2 |
41 A Letter to Dr. Burnet from the Lord Rochester on his Death Bed, Printed for R. Bentley. | 1 |
42 The Method of turning the Militia of Scotland, into a standing Army, Printed for J. Gay, and W. English. | 1 |
43 The Imperfection of most Governments, taken out of the Epitomy of the Roman History, Printed for L. Curtis. | 1 |
44 A Relation of the two pretended Apostles that came invisibly, into the great City of Tholouze in France from Damascus in Galilee, aged above a Thousand years, Printed for R. Janeway. | 1 |
45 A Whip for the Tholouze Lyer, in Answer to the Relation of the two old Men, Printed for D. Mallet. | 1 |
46 Great and Bloody News from Turnham Green, or a Relation between the Earl of Pembrook and his Company, with the Constable and Watch, belonging to the Parish of Chiswick, P. for D. Mallet. | 1 |
47 An Account of the misfortune that lately happened to the Earl of Pembrook, Printed for Sam. Miller. | 1 |
48 An Account of the Sickness Death and Burial of Captain Willam Bedlow, Printed for Rand. Taylor. | 1 |
49 Great News from Saxony, or a Relation of the mighty Gianr Koorbmep of his devouring Men &c. | 1 |
50 An Account of the behavior of the Condemned Prisoners in Newgate. Sept. 6th 1680. | 1 |
51 The Bishop of London's second Letter to the Clergy of his Diocess, Printed for H. Brome. | 1 |
52 Will with a Whisp to Robbin Good-fellow, Printed for T. Davies. | 1 |
53 A Letter from the Duke of Brandenburg to several Ministers of State, shewing his resolution to defend the Protestant Religion, P. T. Davies. | |
54 A Relation of a dreadful storm accompanied with Thunders and Hailstones, some of them being above two pound weight about, the C [...]ty of Millain, Printed for T. Davies. | 1 |
55 An Account of the Tryals at the Old Baily, began the 10th of Sept. 1680. Printed for T. Davies. | 1 |
56 The two Noble Converts, or the Earl of Marlborough and the Earl of Rochester, their dying requests to the Atheists and debauche [...]es of this Age, Printed for Rand. Taylor. | 1 |
57 Remarks on some eminent passages in the life of Collonel Blood, in a Letter to a Person of Quality, written upon the occasion of the late [Page 9] Tryal, Relating to his Grace the Duke of Buckinghum, Printed for John Norris. | 4 |
58 An Account of the New Sheriffs holding their Office, Printed for The. Snowden. | 1 |
59 The Speech of Sir Patient Ward the 29th of September 1680. being the day he was Elected Lord Major of London, Printed for Tho. Collins, and Brab. Milmer. | 1 |
60 A Relation of two remarkable Tryals, at the Sessions of the Peace for the liberty of Westminster, on the third of October 1680. the one for scandalous words by one Skippon, the other of a Priest in the Gate-house, for spoyling of a Girl of nine Years old, Printed for W. H. and T. F. | 1 |
61 The naked truth, (the second part) concerning the Cannons, and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Canonical Obedience &c. Printed for F. Smith. | 16 |
62 A Petition of the City of London to the Lord Major, against Sir George Geoffrys the present Recorder. | ½ |
63 A Serious Vindication of the Church of England, shewing the Nations happiness under the present Government, being an Answer to a late Pamphlet entituled the Naked truth. | 1 |
64 A Narrative of the proceedings at the Sessions for London and Middlesex, Printed for T. Davies. | 1 |
65 The dying Speeches and Confessions of the Prisoners Executed the 22 of October, Printed for Tho. Davies. | 1 |
66 A Petition of the Booksellers in Westminster-hall, to the Honorable House of Commons, to Print their Votes. | 4½ |
67 Another Letter from Legorn to an Eminent Merchant in London, Printed for R. Janeway. | 1 |
68 An. Answer to another Letter from Legorn, to an eminent Merchant in London, Printed for R. Janeway. | 1 |
69 The Confession of John Nicholson, who committed that Barbarous Murther on the Body of John Dimbleby servant to Mr. Marriot, Printed for Rich. Janeway. | 1 |
71 The Protestants joy, or the Relation of the Duke of Monmouth's reception in the City of London on the 29th of October, Printed by D. Mallet. | 1 |
72 An Account of the State of his Majesties Revenue, as it was left by the Earl of Danby at Lady Day 1679. (in a Letter to a Friend) occasion'd by his Lordships Answer to an examination of the State of the case of the Earl of Danby, by the Honorable. Sir Robert Howard, Printed for T. Fox. | 6 |
73 A Narrative of the Duke of Monmouths late Journey into the West, in a Letter from an Eye-witness thereof, Printed for R. Janeway. | 1 |
74 The Votes of the House of Commons, (Printed by their Order) from the first day of their sitting the 21 of October (1680) and [Page 10] usually comes out every Morning in half a Sheet of Paper, Printed for T. Newcomb, &c. |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
1 LOve and truth in two modest and peaceable Letters concerning the distempers of the present times, Printed for H. Brome | 4½ |
2 The Interest of the three Kingdoms, with respect to the business of the Black Box in a Letter to a Friend, Printed for J. Vade. | 4½ |
3 Treason and Popery &c. brought to a publick test with regard to the grounds of his Majesties late Declaration, concerning Succession of the Crown; The same with the true Protestant Sudject of the Nature, and rights of Sovereignty discuss'd and stated in Anno 1679. Reprinted. | 5 |
4 The Religion of the Dutch, represented in several Letters, from a Protestant Officer in the French Army, to a Pastor and Professor of Divinity, at Berne in Swisserland, Printed for S. Heyrick. | 9 |
5 Rich [...]rd Baxters Answer to Dr. St [...]llingfleet's charge of Separation, in his late Sermon before the Lord Major, Printed for N Simmons. | 12½ |
6 Advice to a Soldier in two Letters, written to an Officer in the late English Army, Printed for J Gay. | 2½ |
7 A short reply to Mr. L'Estranges short Answer, to a litter of Libels in a Letter to a Friend. | 1½ |
8 A persuasive to Reformation, and union as the best security against the designs of our Popish Enemies, Printed for W. Kett lby. | 4½ |
9 Short Animadversions upon a Sermon lately Preached by Dr. Tillosson, upon Joshua 24. 15. sold by B. Alsop. | 3 |
10 The charge of Schi [...]m renewed against the Separatists, in Answer to the renewer of that pretended peaceable design, which is falsely call'd an Answer to Dr. Stillingfleet's late Sermon, Printed for H. Brome. | 3 |
11 Aarons Rod Blossoming the Orthodox Government of the Church of England, by Bishops &c. afferted from the practice of the Apostles &c. Printed for R. Butler. | 5 |
12 A strange Apparition of several Spirits and Visions, at Cow Cross in St. Sepulchres parish London, [...]rinted for J. Clark. 1680. | 1 |
13 A Letter out of the Country to a [...]erson of Quality in the City, who took offence at a late Sermon of Dr. Stillingfleets. sold by S. Tidmarsh. | 6 |
14 The Mischief of Impositions, or an Antidote against a late Discourse [Page 11] Preached at Guild-hall Chappel, May 2d, Printed for B. Alsop. | 16 |
15 The Rector of Sutton committed with the Dean of St. Pauls, or a defence of Dr. Stillingfleets Irenicum and other writings; against his late Sermon, sold by R. Janeway. | 11½ |
16 Magnalia naturae or the Philosophers Stone, lately expos'd by John Joachim Becher, sold by L. Curtis. | 5 |
17 Strange news from East-Barnet, or a true Relation of a Murther committed by a Woman on her self and two Children, Printed for J. Clarke. | 1 |
18 A Relation of two conferences between Father L'cheese and four considerable Jesuits. | 5 |
19 Speculum Baxterianum, or Baxter against Baxter, being sober reflexions upon a Treatise of Mr. Richard Baxters stiled sacrilegious desertion of the holy Ministry rebuked and tolerated Preaching of the Gospel Vindicated, Printed for R. Chiswell. | 10½ |
20 Oratio Aniversaria habita in Theatro Inclyti Collegii medicorum Londinensium 55th Augusti 1680. à Gualtero Charletono. M. D. Sumptitibus J. Baker. | 4½ |
21 The Casuist uncas'd in a Dialogue betwixt Richard and Baxter, with a moderator between them by Roger L'estrange, Printed for H. Brome. | 11 |
22 The Moors Baffled being a discourse concerning Tangeer, especially when it was under the Earl of Teviot, by which you may find what Methods and Government is fittest to serve that place, P. for W. Crook. | 4½ |
23 L'Estrange case in a Civil Dialogue betwixt Ezekiel and Ephraim, Printed for H. Brome. | 5 |
24 A Just and Modest Vindication of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, Printed for Tho. Benskin. | 2 |
25 A Letter to Monsieur Van B—de M—at Amsterdam written 1676. Printed 19. Octob. 1680. | |
26 Liberty of Conscience in its Order to Universal peace Impartially stated, &c. Printed for T. Parkhurst. | 22 |
27 L'estranges Appeal humbly submitted to the King and the three Estates Assembl'd in Parliament, Printed for H. Brome. | 5 |
28 The Conversion and Persecutions of Eve Cohan now called Eliz. Verboon, a person of Quality of the Jewish Religion, who was Baptized the 10th of October 1680. at St. Martins in the Fields, by the Bishop of St. Asaph, Printed for R. Chiswell | |
29 An Appeal of all the Non-conformists in England to God, and all the Protestants in Europe in [...] to Manifest their sincerity in point of Obedience to God and the King, Printed for R. Janeway. | 4½ |
30 The Grand-jury Mans Oath and Office explained, and the rights of English Men Asserted in a Dialogue between a Barrister at Law and a grand Jury-man, Printed for L. Curtis. | 3 |
31 Londons Glory or the Lord Mayors shew, Printed for H. Playford. | 2½ |
32 The case of the People called Quakers stated in relation to their late and present sufferings. | 10 |
33 A prefatory discourse to a late Pamphlet, entituled a Memonto for England Protestants &c. or an Answer to that part of the Compendium, which Reflects upon the Bishop nf Lincolns Book, P. by T. Dawks. | 4½ |
34 The Case of Protestant Dissenters of late prosecuted on old Statutes made against Papists, Printed 4. Nov. 1680. | 1 |
Miscel. | Number of Sheets. |
1 TRuth made manifest or the dead Man's Testimony to the living, being a Compendium of the last sayings of Captain William Bedlow, with a Sermon Preached at his Funeral by Mr. T. Palmer, Printed for P. Rooksby. | 1½ |
Poetry. | Number of Sheets▪ |
1 THe Saints Jubilee, or the fullness of Joy to the sweet Singers of Sion, sold by J. Blith. | ½ |
2 The Claret drinkers song or the good Fellows design, Printed for R. Harford. | ½ |
3 Elegy on the Death of the Earl of Ossory. | 1 |
10 Elegy on the Death of the Earl of Rochester, Printed for Langley Curtis. | 1 |
11 A Poem on the Death of Mr. Stephen Charnock, Printed by Tho. Snowden. | 1 |
12 Jockies downfal, a Poem on the late total defeat, given to the Scotish Covenanters near Hamilton Park 22th. of June 1679. by His Majesties Forces. | 1 |
13 An Elegy on the Death of Captain Bedlow, Printed for J. Gay. | 1 |
14 A Poem on the Arrival of the Prince palatine of the Rhine, Nephew to Prince Rupert, Printed for L. Curtis. | 1 |
15 An Elegy on the truly worthy and ever to be remembred Captain William Bedlow, Englands deliverer &c. with an account of his pious end, Printed for L. Curtis. | 1 |
16 Funeral Tears on the Death of Captain William Bedlow, Printed for James Vade. | ½ |
17 An Elegy on Colonel Blood, who dyed the 26th of Aug. 1680. P. by J. S. | 1 |
18 The Dutches of Mazarines farewel to England, Printed for L. Curtis. | ½ |
19 A Song upon Titus. | ½ |
20 A Character of a true Christian, sold by L. Curtis. | 1 |
21 To the praise of Mrs. Cellier the Popish Midwife, on her incomparable Book, Printed for Walter Davies. | 1 |
22 The Epitaph of Captain William Bedlow. | ½ |
23 A Poem on the Earl of Ossory, who dyed July the 30th. 1680. P. for L. Curtis. | 1▪ |
24 The second part of the Loyal Subjects Letany, Printed for B. Took. | 1 |
25 A Satyr on Madam Celliers standing on the Pillory, Printed for T. Davies. | 1 |
26 The progress of honesty or a view of a Court and City, Printed for J. Hindmarsh. | 6½ |
27 A Commentation on the late Wonderful discovery of the new Popish Plot being the Jesuits device to inveagle the Son to betray the Father, Printed for T. Adams. | 1 |
28 A Poem on the History of Queen Hester, and an Elegy on the Death of the Lord Chief Justice Hales and other occasional Poems, Printed for W. Leech. | 4 |
29 An Heroick Poem on the Right Honorable Tho. Earl of Ossory, P. for W. Cademan. | 10 |
30 A Congratulatory Poem on the meeting of the Parliament. | 1 |
31 A Panegyrick, to his Royal Highness upon His Majesties late Declaration, Printed for the Author, sold by J. G. | 1 |
32 A Congratulatory Poem on the Right Honorable Sir Patient Ward, Lord Major of the City of London, Printed for R. Janeway. | 1 |
33 A pindarique Ode on the Death of the right Honorable Tho. Earl of Ossery by Tho. Flatman Esq; Printed for B. Took. | 2 |
Serm. | Number of Sheets. |
1 THe Improvement of Navigation a great cause of the encrease of knowledge in a Sermon June 7. 1680. by Mr. Richard Holden, Printed for J. Martin. | 5 |
2 The duty and happiness of doing good, in two Sermons, the first at the Yorkshire Feast in Bow Church Feb. 17. 1679. the other before the Lord Major &c. at the Spittle April 14. 1680. by Dr. John Sharp, Printed for W. Kettilby. | 11 |
3 The Plotters Doom, in a late Sermon upon the Hellish Plots, which have been discovered in these Nations, and may be an Answer to Mr. Hs. late Sermon upon Curse ye Meroz, Printed for B. Alsop. | 5 |
4 A Sermon Preached before the Lord Major and Court of Aldermen, June 27. 1680. by Mr. Charles Hickman, Printed for H. Brome. | 5 |
5 A Sermon Preached before the King at Windsor, June 13. 1680. by Mr. John Lambe, Printed for W. Kettilby. | 4½ |
6 A Sermon Preached on [...]he fourth Sunday in Lent, in the Ca [...]hedral Church of Nor [...]ich, by Dr. William Smith, Printed for W. Kettilby. | 5 |
7 A Sermon against Murmuring, Preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter Exon on the 29th day of May 1680. by T. Long, P. for R. Royston. | 4½ |
8 Divine Providence the support of good Men, under all events in a Sermon Preached before the Lord Major at Guild-hall Chappel, June 20. 1680. by W. Shelton, Printed for N. Ranew and J. Robinson. | 5 |
9 A Sermon at the meeting of the Natives of the County of Worcester Bow-Church, by Dr. Littleton, sold by J. Crump. | 5 |
10 A Sermon Preached by Mr. Charnock, on 2 Cor. verse 19, sold by L. Curtis. | 5 |
11 The Christians prize and race, or a discourse of the good things promised to us in Christ, being a Sermon Preached by Mr. Zachary Cawdrey, Printed for J. Leigh. | 4 |
12 Spirit of Enthusiasm exercised in a Sermon, Preached before the University of Oxford, on Act Sunday by D. G. Hicks, Printed for W. Kettilby. | 6½ |
13 A Sermon Preached before the Lord Major and Aldermen of the City of London at Bow-Church, Sept. 2. 1680. by G. Burnet, D. D. Printed for R. Chiswel. | 5 |
14 A Sermon Preached at the Funeral of the Earl of Rochester, by Mr. R. Parsons, Printed for R. Davis and T. Bowman. | 6½ |
15 The Shining forth of the Rig [...]teous being a Sermon Preached on the Death of Mr. Stephen Charnock, by Mr. J. Johnson, Printed for T. Parkhurst, W. Miller. and B. Alsop. | 6 |
16 A Sermon Preached before the Artillery Company of London, at St. Mary le Bow, Sept. 15. 1680. by Mr. J. Scot, Printed for J. Baker, and W. Kettilby. | 4½ |
17 A Sermon Preach'd before the Lord Major in Bow-Church, on the Feast of St. Michael, at the Election of the Lord Major by Dr. Sharp, Printed for W. Kettleby. | 5½ |
18 A Sermon Preached before the Lord Major at Guild-hall, 19. Sept. 1680. by Mr. Robert Hancock, Printed for Tho. Fletcher, and W. Leech. | 5 |
- 1 THe London Gazette, begun with number 1. the 13. Nov. 1665, and is still Printed twice a Week Mondays and Thursdays, in half a sheet of Paper by Tho. Newcomb.
- 2 The City Mercury, from the Office at the Royal Exchange together with a weekly Advertisement of Books in half a Sheet of Paper, Printed by R. Everingham.
- 3 Another City Mercury, to which is also adjoyned, a weekly Advertisement of Books, Printed by T. James in half a Sheet of Paper, they are both publish'd on Thursday Morning.
- 1 THe Weekly Bill of Mortality in a Quarter of a Sheet of Paper, published every Thursday Morning.
- 2 The Weekly Packet of Advice from Rome, left off Fryday the 25th of June 1680. and on Fryday the 9th of July it came out again with a new title (viz.) the Anti Roman Packet or Memories of Popes and Popery, and so continues and comes out every Fryday in one Sheet Printed for Langley Curtis.
1 A Proclamation in Scotland, declaring R [...]chard Cameron and other Rebels and Traytors, &c. Reprinted at London for Andrew Forrester. July the 15th 1680. | 1 |
2 A Proclamation declaring the Parliament shall sit the one and twentieth day of October. came out Aug. the 30th. 1680. | 1 |
3 A Proclamation commanding all Papists or reputed Papists forthwith to depart from the Cities of London and Westminster, and from within Ten Miles of the same. 4th. of Octob. 1680. | 1 |
4 A Proclamation declaring that if any Church Wardens or Overseers of the Poor, can find a Convicted Papist within 10 Miles of London, contrary to the Proclamation of the 4th of October, they shall receive for the benefit of the Poor of the Parish where such Papists, shall be found the Moiety of a Hundred Pounds penalty due by the Law to his Majest [...]. 16. Octob. 1680. | 1 |
5 His Majesties Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament on T [...]ursday the 21th of October 1680. | 2 |
6 A Proclamation for Incouragement of the further discovery of the Popish Plot. came out the 30th. of Octob. 1680. | 1 |