An Exact Description of the Growth, Quality, and Vertues of the Leaf TEE, alias TAY, Drawn up for Satisfaction of Persons of Quality, and the Good of the Nation in General.
TEE is generally brought from China, and groweth upon little Trees (for the most part) in one of the six Northern Provinces of that Kingdome, called Xemsi, Latitude 36 Degrees, Bordering upon the West of the Province of Honam; the Leaf is about the bigness of Scordium or Mirtle, there are divers sorts of it, some much better then other, and the upper Leaves do excel the other in fineness (a property almost in all Plants) there is likewise of the Growth of Iapan, and is called Cha or Tcha.
The said Leaf is of such known Vertues, that those very Nations, so Famous for Antiquity, Knowledge and Wisdome, doe frequently sell it among themselves, for its weight in Silver; and the high estimation of the Drink made therewith, hath occasioned an enquiry into the Nature thereof, among the most Intelligent Persons of all Nations, that have Travelled into those Parts; who after exact Tryal and Experience by all wayes imaginable, have commended it to the Use of their several Countries for its Vertues and Operation, perticularly as followeth, viz.
The Quality is moderately Hot.
The Drink is Declared to be most Wholsome, Preserving in Perfect Health until Extreme Old Age.
The Perticular Vertues are these:
IT maketh the Body active and lusty, strengthning the Muscles and Sinnews.
It helpeth the Head-ach, Giddiness and Heaviness thereof.
It removeth the Obstructions of the Spleen.
Its very good against the Stone and Gravel, cleansing the Kidneys and Ureteries.
It taketh away the difficulty of breathing, opening Obstructions.
Its good against Lipitude, Distillations, and cleareth the Sight.
It removeth Lassitude, and cleanseth and purifieth adust Humors, and a Hot Liver.
Its good against Crudities.
It strengthneth the weakness of the Ventricle or Stomack, and causeth a good Appetite and Digestion.
It vanquisheth heavie Dreams, easeth the Brain, strengthneth the Memory.
It overcometh superfluous Sleep, and prevents Sleepiness in general, a draught of the Infusion being taken, so that without trouble whole Nights may be spent in Study, without hurt to the Body, in that it moderately heateth and bindeth the mouth of the Stomack.
It prevents Agues, Surfets, and Fevers, by infusing a fit quantity of the Leaf, thereby provoking a most gentle Vomit, and breathing of the Pores.
It strengthneth the inward Parts, and prevents Consumptions.
It asswageth the Pains of the Bowels.
It cureth Colds, Dropsies, and Scurveys, by a proper Infusion, purging the Blood by Sweat and Urine, and expelleth Infections.
It drives away all pains in the Collick proceeding from Wind.
It purgeth safely the Gall.
And that the Vertues and Excellencies of this Leaf and Drink are many and great, is evident and manifest by the high esteem and use of it (especially of late years) among the Physicians and knowing men both in France, Holland, and other Parts of Christendome; and in England it hath been sold in the Leaf for six pound, and somtimes for ten pounds the pound weight, and in respect of its former scarceness and dearness, it hath been only used as a Regalia, in high Treatments and Entertainments, and Presents made thereof to Princes and Grandees, till about the yeer 1657, Thomas Garway of London Merchant, living in Sweeting's Rents neer the Royal Exchange, did purchase a quantity thereof, and there first publiquely sold the said Tay in Leaf and Drink made according to the Directions of the most knowing Merchants and Travellers into those Eastern Countries: And upon Knowledge and Experience of the said Garways continued Care and Industry in obtaining the best Tee, and making the Drink thereof, very many Noblemen, Physicians, Merchants, and Gentlemen of Quality, have ever since sent to him for the said Leaf, and daylie resort thither to drink the Drink thereof.
And that Ignorance or Envie may have no Ground or Power to Report or Suggest that what is herein asserted of the Vertues and Excellencies of this precious Leaf and Drink, hath more of Designe then Truth; for the Justification of my self, and Satisfaction of others. I have here ennumerated several Authors, who in their Learned Works have expresly Written and Asserted the same, and much more, in Honour of this Noble Leaf and Drink, viz.
- Bontius, Riccius, Jarricus, Maffaus, Almeyda, Horstius, Alvarez Semedo, and
- Alexand. de Rhodes in his Voyage and Missions in a large Discourse of the Ordering of this Leaf, and the many Vertues of the Drink; Printed at Paris 1653. Part I. Chap. XIII.
And to the end that all Persons of Eminency and Quality, Gentlemen, and others residing in or neer the Court, Westminster, and Parts adjacent, may the better be fitted and supplied, the said Tho. Garway hath now purposely taken part of a House in the paved Yard or Court by the Harp and Ball at Charing Cross, over against Kirke-House, and there at the Signe of the China-man, daylie sells both the best of the said Leaf and Drink; and for the accommodation of such as are more remote, and are desirous, or have occasion to make use thereof, they may there, or at his fore-mentioned House in London, have of the very best Leaf, and perfect Directions how to make use of the same, so as to be efficacious and operative, according to their expectations, and the several Vertues afore-mentioned.
And such as have occasion for Spanish Chocolata in the Cake, from three shillings to ten shillings the pound weight, and right Turkey Coffe-berry pulverized, may there be supplyed by the said Thomas Garway.