BY Anne Gargill.

LONDON, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the black Spread-Eagle, neer the West end of Pauls. 1656.


A Warning to all Priests & People; the Lord is burthened with your iniquities, the Lord God will overthrow your table of Idols, and the imagination of your hearts shall be confounded; the Lord God will call to an account your Abomination, and the workers of iniquity shall be confounded; the Lord is going about to search all hearts; the Dominion of the ungodly, shall be overthrown, and the wisdom of God revealed to the simple, & the prudence of the Serpent brought to nought; the subtil shall be confounded in their own snares, and the wisdom of the eternall God shall stand for ever; the pure in heart shall see God and live for ever, and the A­dulterous Woman shall be confounded: Long hath the Heritage of the Lord layen wast, through the abomina­tion of the Harlot; but now shall the innocent judg the Whore, her reward shall be doubled and her pride [Page 2] brought to nought, and the Merchants of the earth shal howle over her, their profession shall be taken away; the abominations of all hearts is known to the Lord, their wisdom is accursed: The bitter Root shall be removed, and the Plant of the innocent shal stand, and the wisdom of God shall guide the pure; the Eternall Plant of the Lord shall live for ever. Minde the wisdom of God to guide your mindes; the Light of Christ that sheweth sin and evill, by it to be guided, til the imaginations of your hearts be destroyed, and subtilty cease, and the dead shall rise, and wisdom set up. In stead of the Lord you have obeyed subtilty, and the Lamb layen slaine un­der the abomination of your hearts: Now shal the Lord arise and call to an account the heathen, and the inno­cent that hath been slain shall judge the Whore, and reward her double. The Righteous soul of Lot was grie­ved at the abomination of Sodome; the Lord alone de­livered him, by the wisdome of God he was preserved, and the whole world was overthrown. Abide in the wis­dome of God, O ye simple, that the innocent may be preserved, and the power of God known to confound all your enemies, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life; that the bands of iniquity may be loosed, and the Priso­ner set free, and the Lamb upon his Throne. The Heri­tage of the Lord hath long laine wast, the seditious seed of the Devill hath ruled. No longer will the Lord bear with your abomination, he will confound your wisdom, and bring to nought your pride, the simple shal confound your wisdome, and your shame shall be made manifest to all that dwel in the light of the Lamb; your deceit is known to the pure God; he shall confound your wis­dom and bring to nought your pride, the workers of in­iquities shall be blasted, and their Pathes consumed; [Page 3] and the Throned in the hearts of the innocent; he that denies God shal be ashamed in the day of his power, when he comes to reckon with all flesh; the Potentates of the earth shal be confounded, and their glory brought to nought. In the presence of the Lamb can they not stand, for the Lord alone shall be exalted; O ye bubbles: why do ye rebell against God? why is your hearts exal­ted against the innocent that calls for purity? the light of the Lamb discovers the deceits of your hearts, and wil judge you in secret when you rebel against God the pure God sees you all, nothing is hid from the Lambs presence; his presence is pure and holy, and no unclean thing can stand before him; wherefore return to the Lord, dwell in that which discovers sin; then shall the wisdome of God be made manifest, & his power known to cleanse your hearts, and to make manifest the works of the Devill to be the enemy of your souls, that long hath been exalted above the innocent, and the pure God hath not been known; your wisdom hath been exalted, & the innocent burdened, and the Lambs Power not known; Pure is God, and wil bear your iniquities no longer, your Tables of Idols shal be overwhelmed, and the righte­ous shal raign: In the Day of the Lords Power shall his enemies be made his Foot-stoole, and the worker, of ini­quity shall be confounded; and over all shall the Lamb raign; he shall bring to confusion the counsel of your hearts, and the builders of Babel shall be destroyed. Blessed is that man that feares the LORD, by his wisdome shall he be guided. Dwel in wisdome all ye simple of the Lord, til Purity is Throned, and the glo­ry of the Lord is seen to confound your wisdome, that hath been exalted against God, that the Lamb may judg and bring to nought the haughtiness of man: And all [Page 4] that hath been exalted against the innocent; The [...] God hath born your iniquities, long and patient hath the Lord been, but now the innocent shall reign, the whole earth shall witness his Power, and the wisdom of God shall be made manifest, the haughtiness of man shal be confounded; the Lord shall guide the hearts of the simple, and dwel with them of low degree; the Ceaders shall be cut down, and the plant of the Lord shal stand, and his wisdome shall guide the heart of the innocent, who dwels in the Light of the Lamb, by it to be guided; the exceeding wisdom of God wil dwel with the poor, and the rich shall be sent empty away; he that is abased shall be exalted, he dwels in the hearts of the lowly, and the lofty to him is not known; he that waits on God for wisdom, shall renew his strength, and the pure in spirit shal see God and live; the proud he beholdeth a far off, therefore shal your haughtiness be judged of the Lord, and innocencie shall overspread the Nation, and the Lamb shall be Throned for ever in the hearts of the obedient: Obey God all ye Ceaders, let the imaginati­ons of your hearts be confounded; your shame shal ap­pear to all men; the Lord shall establish the heart of the innocent, who by him is guided; the eternall God is wisdome, and his Peace is end loss; and Purity shall possess the hearts of those that fear him; his glory shall never decay, his Plant of renown shall stand for ever: The Root of the Devil shall be abased, that proceedeth from the lust and concupiscence of man that was by A­dams fall, the fall of Adam maketh desolate: The resur­rection of the Lord is pure, and purity possesseth the light of the Lamb; the lambs purity is peace, and the worlds glory is shame; therefore be ashamed you un­godly beasts, and minde the light of the lamb you to [Page 5] guide, that your bodies may be cleansed from dead works, to serve the living God, and cease from vanity, and obey the living God, who hath given every one a Talent; the Lord shall be clear of your blood at the lat­ter day, when a reckoning shall be made with all flesh, to consume his enemies who hath trodden on the inno­cent, and lent his ear to the wicked, by it to be guided, while the Heritage of the Lord hath lain wast; therefore shal the Lord consume his enemies, and bring to nought their wisdome, and the Lamb shall be throned in the hearts of the simple for ever & ever. Blessed is the man that fears the Lord, he shall be as a Lanthorn to his pathes.

A. G.

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