Printed in the year 1653.
ALthough we are not ignorant, that mockers of all sorts may take occasion by this Acknowledgment of the Sins of Ministers, to strengthen themselves in their prejudices at our persons and Callings, and turn this unto our reproach, and that some may misconstrue our meaning therein, as if we did thereby intend to render the Ministery of this Church base and contemptible, which is far from our thoughts, We knowing and being perswaded in our selves, that there are many able, godly and faithful Ministers in the Land; yet being convinced that we are called to humble our selves, and to justifie the Lord in all the contempt that he hath poured upon us: That they who shall know our sins, may not stumble at our judgments: We have thought it our duty to publish this following Discovery and Acknowledgment of the corruptions and sins of Ministers, That it may appear how deep our hand is in the Transgression, and that the Ministers of Scotland have no small accession to the drawing on of these judgments that are upon the Land.
Only in this following Acknowledgment we desire it may be considered, That there are here enumerated some sins, whereof there be but some few Ministers guilty, and others whereof moe are guilty, and not a few, which are the sins of these whom the Lord hath keeped from the more grosse corruptions herein mentioned; And that it is not to be wondered at, if the Ministery of Scotland be yet in a great measure unpurged, Considering that there was so wide a door opened for the entering of corrupt persons into the Ministery, for the space of above thirty years under the tyranny of Prelats, and that also there hath been so many diversions from, and interruptions of endeavours to have a purged Ministery in this Land.
First, such as are before their entry to the Ministery.
1. LIghteness and prophanity in conversation, unsuitable to that holy Calling which they did intend, not throughly repented of.
2. Corrupt education of some in the Prelaticall and Arminian way, whereby their corruptions and errors were drunken in, and abilities improven, for strengthening and promoving the same, not repented of.
3. Not studying to be in CHRIST, before they be in the Ministery; nor to have the practicall knowledge and experience of the Mystery of the Gospel in themselves, before they preach it to others.
4. Neglecting to fit themselves for the Work of the Ministerie in not improving prayer and fellowship with God, education at Schools and opportunities of a lively Ministery, and other means, and not mourning for these neglects.
5. Not studying self-denyall, nor resolving to take up the Crosse of CHRIST.
6. Negligence to entertain sight and sense of sin and misery, not wrestling against corruption, nor studying of mortification and subduednesse of spirit.
Secondly, in entering.
1. CArnall, corrupt and crooked wayes for entering to the Ministery, such as bribing in the time of Prelacie, soliciation of friends and the like; whereby many have not entered by the door, but did climb up another way.
2. Entering to the Ministery by an implicite, execrable, Canonicall Oath and subscription given to the Prelats for acknowledging them, and advancing their corruptions introduced and to be introduced.
3. Entering to the Ministery without tryals, and receiving ordination either from the Prelat, or by a recommendation from him to the Presbyterie, and sometimes without or against the minde of the Presbyterie.
4. Entering either only by Presentations, or by purchased Supplications from the plurality of the Parochiners, without or against the consent of the godly in the Parioch.
5. Entering to the Ministery without respect to a Commission from Jesus Christ, by which it hath come to passe, that many have run unsent.
6. Entering to the Ministery not from the love of Christ, nor from a desire to honour God in gaining of souls, but for by-ends, for a name, and for livelyhood in the World, notwithstanding solemne declaration to the contrary at admission.
7. Some offering themselves to tryall without abilities, and studying to conceal and hide their weaknesse, by making use of the help and pains of some friend and acquaintance, or other mens Papers, in severall parts of the tryall; and some authorized to preach, and others admitted to the Ministery, who have little or no ability for performing the duties thereof.
8. Too much weighed with inclination to be called to the Ministery in a place where we have carnall relation.
Thirdly, After entering, which is first in their private condition and conversation.
1. IGnorance of God, want of nearnesse with him, and taking up little of God in reading, meditating, and speaking of him.
2. Exceeding great selfishnesse in all that we do, acting from our selves, for our selves.
3. Not caring how unfaithfull and negligent others were, so being it might contribute a testimony to our faithfulnesse and diligence: but being rather content, if not rejoycing at their fault.
4. Least delight in these things wherein lyeth our nearest communion with God, great inconstancie in our walk with God, and neglect of acknowledging of him in all our wayes.
5. In going about duties, least carefull of these which are most remote from the eyes of men.
6. Seldome in secret prayer with God, except to fit for Publick performances, and even that much neglected, or gone about very superficially.
7. Glad to find excuses for the neglect of duties.
8. Neglecting the reading of Scriptures in secret, for edifying our selves as Christians, only reading them in so far as may fit us for our duty as Ministers, and oft-times neglecting that.
9. Not given to reflect upon our own wayes, nor suffering conviction to have a through work upon us, deceiving our selves by resting upon abstinence from, and abhorrencie of evils, from the light of a naturall conscience, and looking upon the same as an evidence of a reall change.
10. Evill guarding of, and watching over the heart, and carelesnesse in self-searching, which makes much unacquaintednesse with our selves, and estrangednesse from God.
11. Not guarding nor wrestling against seen and known ills, especially our predominants.
12. A facilite to be drawn away with the temptations of the time, and other particular temptations, according to our inclinations and fellowship.
13. Instability and wavering in the wayes of God through the fears of persecution, hazard, or loss of esteem, and declining duties, [Page 78] because of the fear of jealousies and reproaches.
14. Not esteeming the Crosse of Christ and sufferings for his Name honourable, but rather shifting sufferings from self-love.
15. Deadnesse of spirit after all the sore stroaks of God upon the Land.
16. Little conscience made of secret humiliation and fasting by our selves apart, and in our Families; that we might mourn for our own and the Lands guiltinesse and great back-slidings, and little applying the Causes of publick humiliation to our own hearts.
17. Finding of our own pleasures, when the Lord cals for humiliation.
18. Not laying to heart the sad and heavy sufferings of the people of God abroad, and the not thriving of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and the power of godliness among them.
19. Refined hypocrisie, desiring to appear what indeed we are not.
20. Studying more to learn the language of Gods people not their exercise.
21. Artificiall confessing of sin without repentance, professing to declare iniquity, and not resolving to be sory for sin.
22. Confession in secret much slighted, even of these things whereof we are convinced.
23. No Reformation after solemn acknowledgments and private Vows, thinking our selves exonered after Confession.
24. Readier to search out and censure faults in others, then to see or take with them in our selves.
25. Accounting of our estate and way according to the estimation that others have of us.
26. Estimation of men as they agree with or disagree from us.
27. Not fearing to meet with tryals, but presuming in our own strength to go through them unshaken.
28. Not learning to fear by the falls of gracious men, nor mourning and Praying for them.
29. Not observing particular deliverances and rods, nor improving of them for the honor of God, and edification of our selves and others.
30. Little or no mourning for the corruption of our nature, and less groaning under, and longing to be delivered from [Page 79] that body of death, the bitter root of all our other evils.
Secondly, in our Conversation and Walk with and before these of our Flocks and others.
1. FRuitless conversing ordinarily with others for the worse rather then for the better.
2. Foolish jesting away time with impertinent and useles discourse, very unseeming the Ministers of the Gospel.
3. Spirituall purposes often dying in our hands, when they are begun by others.
4. Carnal familiarity with naturall wicked and Malignant men; whereby they are hardened, the People of God stumbled, and we our selves blunted.
5. Slighting fellowship with these by whom we might profit.
6. Desiring more to converse with these that might better us by their parts, then such as might edifie us by their graces.
7. Not studying opportunities of doing good to others.
8. Shifting of prayer and other duties when called thereto, choosing rather to omit the same, then we should be put to them our selves.
9. Abusing of time in frequent recreation and pastimes, and loving our pleasures more then God.
10. Taking little or no time to Christian Discourse with young men trained up for the Ministery.
11. Common and ordinary discourse on the Lords Day.
12. Slighting Christian Admonition from any of our Flocks, or others as being below us, and ashamed to take light and warning from private Christians.
13. Dislike of, or bitternesse against such as deal freely with us by admonition or reproof, and not dealing faithfully with others who would welcome it off our hands.
14. Not making conscience to take pains on the ignorant and prophane for their good.
15. Our not mourning for the ignorance, unbelief, and miscarriages of the Flocks committed unto us.
16. Impatient bearing of the infirmities of others, rashly breaking out against their persons, more then studying to gain them from their sins.
17. Not using freedom with these of our charge, and for most part spending our time with them in common discourses, not tending to Edification.
18. Neglecting Admonition to friends and others in an evil course.
19. Reservednesse in laying out our condition to others.
20. Not praying for men of a contrary judgment, but using reservednesse and distance from them, being more ready to speak of them then to them, or to God for them.
21. Not weighed with the fallings and miscarriages of others, but rather taking advantage thereof for justifying our selves.
22. Talking of, and sporting at the faults of others, rather then compassionating of them.
23. No pains taken in religious ordering of our families, nor studying to be Paterns to other Families in the governement of ours.
24. Hasty anger and passion in our Families and conversation with others.
25. Covetousnesse, worldly mindednesse, and an inordinate desire after the things of this life, upon which followeth a neglect of the Duties of our Calling, and our being taken up for the most part with the things of the World.
26. Want of Hospitality and Charity to the Members of Christ.
27. Not cherishing Godlinesse in the People, and some being afraid of it, and hating the people of God for Piety, and studying to bear down and quench the work of the spirit amongst them.
Thirdly in the discharge of Ministerial Duties. Which is first in regard of labouring in the Word and Doctrine.
1. NOt entertaining that edge of spirit in Ministeriall Duties, which we found at the first entry to the Ministery.
2. Great neglect of reading and other preparation, or preparation meerly Literal and bookish, making an idoll of a book, which hindereth Communion with God, or presuming on bygone assistance, and praying little.
3. Trusting to gifts, parts and pains taken for preparation, whereby God is provoked, to blaste good matter well ordered and worded.
4. Carelesse in imploying CHRIST, and drawing vertue out of him for inabling us to preach in the Spirit and in power.
5. In prayer for assistance, we pray more for assistence to the Messenger then to the Message which we carry, not caring what become of the Word, if we be with some measure of assistance carried on in the Duty.
6. The matter we bring forth is not seriously recommended to God by Prayer to be quickened to his People.
7. Neglect of Prayer after the Word is Preached, that it may receive the first and latter rain; and that the Lord would put in the hearts of his People what we speak to them in his Name.
8. Neglect to warn in Preaching of snares and sin in Publick affairs by some, and too much frequent and unnecessary speaking by thers of Publick businesse and Transactions.
9. Exceeding great neglect and unskilfulnesse to set forth the excellencies and usefulness of Jesus Christ, and the New Covenant which ought to be the great subject of a Ministers Study and Preaching.
10. Speaking of CHRIST more by hear-say then from knowkedge and experience, or any reall impression of him upon the heart.
11. The way of most Ministers Preaching too Legall.
12. Want of sobriety in Preaching the Gospel, not favouring any thing but what is new, so that the Substantials of Religion bear but little bulk.
13. Not Preaching Christ in the simplicity of the Gospel, nor our selves the Peoples servants for Christ sake.
14. Preaching of Christ not that the People may know Him, but that they may think we know much of him.
15. Preaching anent Christs leaving the Land without brokennesse of heart, or up stirring of our selves to take hold of him.
16. Not Preaching with bowels of compassion to them who are in hazard to perish.
17. Preaching against Publick sins, neither in such a way nor for such an end as we ought for the gaining of souls, and drawing men out of their sins, but rather because it is of our concernment to say something of these evils.
18. Bitternesse in stead of zeal, in speaking against Malignants, [Page 82] Sectaries, and other scandalous persons, and unfaithfulnesse therein.
19. Not studying to know the particular condition of the souls of the people, that we may speak to them accordingly, nor keeping a particular record thereof, though convinced of the usefulnesse of this.
20. Not wealing what may be most profitable and Edifying, and want of wisedome in application to the severall conditions of souls, not so carefull to bring home the point by application as to finde out the Doctrine, nor speaking the same with that reverence which becomes his Word and Message.
21. Choosing texts whereon we have something to say rather then suting to the condition of souls and times, and frequent preaching of the same things that we may not be put to the pains of new studie.
22. Such a way of Reading, Preaching and Prayer as puts us in these Duties further from GOD.
23. Too soon satisfied in the discharge of Duties, and holding off chall enges with exucses.
24. Indulging the bodie, and wasting much time idlely.
25. Too much eying our own credite and applause, and being taken with it, when we get it, and unsatisfied when it is wanting.
26. Timorousnesse in delivering Gods Message, letting people dye in reigning sins without warning.
27. Voguinesse and pride of heart because the Lord fulfilled our word in the year 1648.
28. Rash speaking in the Name of the Lord in reference to the successe of our Armies of late.
29. Studying the discharge of Duties, rather to free our selves from censure, then to approve our selves to God.
30. Shifting to preach in places where we were for the time for fear of displeasing, in this time of Publick backsliding and triall.
31. Not making all the Counsell of God known to his People, and particularly not giving testimony in times of defection.
32. Not studying to profite by our own doctrine, nor the docctrine of others.
33. For most part preaching, as we our selves were not [Page 83] concerned in the Message we carry to the People.
34. Not rejoycing at the conversion of sinners, but content with the unthriving of the Lords Work amongst his people as suteing best with our minds, fearing if they sholuld thrive better, we should be more put to it, and less esteemed of by them.
35. Many in Preaching and practice, bearing down the power of godliness.
36. Unfaithfull discharge of Ministeriall Duties in attending the Armies.
37. We Preach not as before God, but as to men, as doth appear by the different pains in our preparation to speak to our ordinary heares, and to others to whom we would approve our selves.
38. Not making the Ministery a work in earnest as a thing to be accounted for in every duty, which makes much laziness and unfruitfulness, doing duties ex officio, not ex conscientia officii, rather to discharge our Calling nor our conscience.
Secondly, In the Administration of Sacraments. I. In Baptisme.
LIttle minding in our selves, or stirring up of others to minde the obligation that lyes on us and them, by the Covenant made with God in Baptisme.
2. Not instructing Parents in their duty, not charging them with their promise given at the Baptizing of their Children, nor trying what pains they have taken to perform the same.
3. Being very superficiall and formall in the administration of this Ordinance.
Thirdly, In the Administration of the Lords Supper.
ADmitting of mixt multitudes to the Lords Table, not separating betwixt the pretious and the vile.
2. Unequall dealing with poor and rich, in admitting to, or suspending and debarring from the Lords Table.
3. Great neglect to prepare for that action, preparing for it more as Ministers, then as Christians.
4. Carnall and unworthy carriage of Ministers at the Communion, [Page 84] being more desirous to have that action by our hands, with credit to our selves, then with profit to the people.
5. Thinking when that action is by-hand, that we have a vacancie from other Ministeriall duties for a time.
6. Little wrestling with God to have the People prepared for it, or the guilt of prophaning of it by our selves and others taken away.
Fourthly, in Visiting.
NEgligent, lazie and partiall visiting the sick; if they be poor, we go once, and only when sent for; If they be rich and of better note, we go oftner, and unsent for.
2. Not knowing how to speak with the tongue of the Learned a word in season to the weary and exercised in conscience, nor to such as are under the losse of husband, wife, children, friends or goods, for the improving of these tryals to their spiritiall advantage, nor to dying persons.
3. In visiting, wearying, or shunning to go to such as we esteem gracelesse.
4. Not visiting the People from house to house, nor praying with them at fit opportunities.
4. In Catechising.
1. LAzie and negligent in Catechising.
2. Not preparing our hearts before, nor wrestling with God for a blessing to it, because of the ordinariness, and apprehended easiness of it; whereby the Lords Name is much taken in vain, and the People little profited.
3. Looking on that Exercise as a work below us, and not condescending to study a right and profitabl way of instructing the Lords People.
4. Partial in Catechising, passing by these that are rich and of better quality, though many of such stand ordinarily in great need of instruction.
5. Not waiting upon and following the ignorant, but passionatly upbraiding of them often.
5. In Ruling and Discipline.
1. NOt making use of this Ordinance of Church-Censures for gaining of souls, but turning it in a meer Civil punishement; [Page 85] and in the administration thereof becoming either coldrise, or without a spirit of meekness, and using a way either meerly rational by wordly wisdom, or meerly authoritative, more then by motives drawn from the love of Christ; and by our carriage in Judicatories putting a humane shape upon the Ordinances of Jesus Christ, carrying our selves in too stately a way, like the men of this world.
2. Partiality in administration of Censures with respect of persons, not using the like faithfull freedom towards high and low, sib and fremd.
3. Rash taking on us to open and shut Christs door.
4. By our practice, teaching (as it were) formality in Repentance to offenders, hardening them in their sins, by accepting bare forms without any evidence of Repentance, and loosing when we were perswaded Christ did not loose: and of late turning profession of Repentance into a State engine for men to step unto preferment and publick employments.
5. Following scandalous persons with the highest Censures of the Kirk, with little or no care to hold them up to God.
6. Want of compassion to these on whom Discipline is exercised, not laboring to convince them of sin, but imperiously and with passion instead of zeal threatning them, thinking it sufficient if we be obeyed, though they be not gained to Christ.
7. Superficial, sinful, and slight censuring one another, at times appointed for that end in Presbyteries and Synods, and neglect of faithful freedom and love in performing that duty.
8. Admitting of men to the Ministry who were not qualified with Grace as wel as Gifts, not withstanding the Word of God and Constitutions of this Kirk do require the one, as wel as the other; which hath been the fountain of many evils.
9. Great unfaithfulness in bringing in, and holding in, unworthy persons in the Ministry, and keeping Censures off unfaithful men.
10. Unfaithfulness in giving Testimonials and Recommendations, and receiving persons upon Testimonials meerly negative, especially Expectants and Students of Divinity.
11. Constituting Elderships of such men as are known to be ignorant prophane and disaffected to the Work of God, and being [Page 86] careless to have them consisting of the most able and godly men within the Congregation, a great cause of much ignorance, prophane and scandalous carriage among the People.
12. Neglecting to remove from the Elderships such as are ignorant and scandalous.
13. Neglecting to hold out the necessary qualifications and duties of Ruling Elders, and to stir them up to their duty.
14. Not carrying our selves in Judicatories and other wayes toward Ruling Elders as towards Brethren, and joynt Overseers in the work of the Lord.
15. Not making conscience of keeping Kirk Judicatories, but wearying of the expences and attendance, whereby diverse things hath been hastert and miscaried therein: willing deserting of them, and shunning to give testimony in them, for fear of inconveniences.
16. Not stouping to a gaining way in Debates, nor making application to God for knowledge of his mind in things debated, before they pass in a conclusion.
17. Wearying to hear men fully who represent their doubts, and to weigh all the Arguments that can be represented for the negative, before the affirmative be concluded.
18. Too great animosities in Judicatories, even about matters of small weight.
19. Pride, impatience and peremptoriness of spirit, not staying on others clearness in our debates and conclusions, through which it comes to pass that we judge rashly of precious men; and alienatition of affections steals in and is entertained.
20. Hasty concluding of Acts & pressing obedience thereto without convincing grounds holden forth from Scripture for satisfying the consciences of the Lords People.
21. Silence in Assemblies when unsatisfied, being carried by the authority of men, and too much following other mens light and suppressing their own.
22. Making Votes subservient to the humors of men and humane interests.
23. Some altogether neglecting wholsome Acts and Constitutions of Assemblies, and others, receiving their Acts too implicity.
24. Too bitter expressions against Adversaries in Publick Papers and Sermons, for eshewing reproaches, whereof there is no fruit but irritation.
25. Abusing transportations by making them too frequent, and almost the ordinary way of Planting places of any eminency; sometimes enacting them when there is no pressing necessity, and without tender endeavouring the satisfaction of the People interested and without care of providing them thereafter.
In relation to the Publick.
1. NOt studying the controversies of the time, that we might be enable to hold forth light, and convince gain sayers of the truth.
2. Not fearing to meddle in matters too high for us, and desiring to be taken notice of, more then to be stedable in the Publick.
3. Following of Publick bussiness, with too much neglect of our Flocks.
4. Following of Publick bussiness with much pride and passion, and loftiness of spirit upon carnel principles and desire to be esteemed of, rather then true zeal to Jesus Christ and his matters, and with little or no prayer.
5. Superficial admitting of all to the Covenants, and solemn Acknowledgment, without taking sufficient pains to instruct and inform them in the knowledge of the things contained therein.
6. Being too instrumental for bringing disaffect persons to trust.
7. Unequal zeal against enemies, cooling in our zeal against one enemy as it is increast against another.
8. Much repining at the judgments of God upon the Land from carnal respects, and transferring the causes of the wrath off our selves upon others.
9. Too easie satisfied in such things as might tend to the prejudice of Christs inteaest, weighing the consequences of great Revolutions more by respect to our selves, then to his honor.
10. Agreeing to receive the King to the Covenant barely upon writing, without any apparent evidences of a real change of Principles.
11. Not using freedom in shewing what we were convinced, was sinful in reference to the late Treaty with the King, but going on therein when we were not satisfied in our consciences for fear of reproach and of being mistaken.
12. Silence in Publick, and not giving Testimony after a discovery of the Kings Commission given to James Graham; for invading the Kingdom.
13. Pressing the King to make a Declaration to the world, whilest we knew by clear evidences that he had no real conviction of the things contained therein.
14. Too much desiring to lurk upon by ends, when called to give a Testimony.
15. Not bearing Testimony against Publick Defections in a right and spiritual way.
16. Unfaithfulness in bearing burden with them, whom the Lord raised up to be his witnesses against the publick backslidings, omitting to bear Testimony our selves upon carnal respects and lukewarmness in adhering to publick Testimonies formerly given.
A Postscript. Which could not be gotten printed.
THe foregoing causes of Gods wrath being on severall dayes of solemne Humiliation laid out & confessed before the Lord, we thought fit to subjoine here some other causes of our late Humiliation; as
1. The late declining of the Land by consenting & engaging unto the publick actings of the present Powers, so contrary to the Covenants, & so much prejudicial to Religion & liberties.
2. The defection of diverse, who are accounted religious, from their former principles, unto Separation, & other Errours of the time.
3. The Usurpation & Carriage of the present pretended Assembly.
4. The English their great Encroachments, upon the Liberties of this Church.
5. That the promised Conversion of His Ancient people of the Jewes may be hastened.
6. That the Lord may make our present resolutions for reforming our selves, our Elderships & people effectual, and may bless our Endeavours to this purpose.