Julio Mazarin

THE HISTORY OF THE MANAGEMENTS OF Cardinal JƲLIO MAZARINE, Chief Minister of State of the CROWN of FRANCE. Written in Italian by Count Galeazzo Gualdo Priorate. And Translated according to the Original. In the which Are Related the Principal Successes Happened from the Beginning of His Management of Affairs till His Death.

Tom. I. Part I.

LONDON: Printed by H. L. and R. B. in the Year 1671.

To their most Serene HIGHNESSES the Duke and Dutchess Regent of Modena and Regio, &c.

CArdinal JULIO MA­ZARINE'S Government of Affairs, hath deser­ved all the Applauses that Fame can give. The World hath admired him as the Product of a Phoenix. I have writ his History; And as he hath been the Splendour of our times, I think it proper to bring him to the Feet of your Highnesses of Este, who are the most splendid [Page] Ornaments of all Italy. In the Heroick Actions of so great a Minister your most Serene High­nesses may behold your own proper Glory; take therefore (as I most humbly supplicate) this testimony of my observance, with that be­nignity which is proper to the Greatness of your most Serene Family, known for thousands of years to be the true Seminary of Heroes. There is no room for Pa­negyricks in this short Dedication, neither ought your Modesty to be wronged by my weak Pen, with in­feriour Praises to your unexpres­sible Merits; and therefore with a most humble submission, asking Pardon for this my boldness, I rest,

Your most Serene Highnesses most hum­ble and most obsequious Servant, Galeazzo Gualdo Priorato.

TO THE Reader.

THE HISTORY of the Managements of Cardinal Julio Mazarine is a matter most proper and most curious for Posteri­ty. The Rules this man went by wil serve for a most profitable Example to whom­soever shall have the Fortune to pass thorough the degrees of the like Sphere. Histories do mention many Statesmen with Applause and Veneration, and the Managements of the late Cardinal Richlieu are Celebrated with more then humane Attributes, as if Nature had given him the preeminence of all her Graces.

Without doubt Richlieu was a great Politician, a great Minister of State; and a man may truly say, that for Hu­mane [Page] Prudence France never had his equal. He knew, loved, and had in so much esteem the vivacity of Maza­rine, that oftentimes he has been heard to say, that this man by his ability and his fortune would surpass not only his Master, but the most sublime Wits that have guided States and Monarchies. Richlieu was not at all deceived, for whoever compares their Actions, shall not finde them equal.

Richlieu was a Frenchman, Mini­ster of State to a King in his Majori­ty, strengthned by Kindred, Friends, and Parties. Mazarine an Italian, Minister to a King in his Minority, and to a Regent of an emulous and suspect­ed Nation, without Relations, and no other friends but his own spritely Wit.

Richlieu was at the Helm when France was assisted by the Conjunctions of Swedeland, Holland, the Protestant Princes of Germany, the Royal House of Savoy, and many others; and en­joyed [Page] an entire obedience of its sub­jects: When England naturally e­mulous of the Greatness of France was embroiled by Intestine troubles, and when there was a perfect Corre­spondency with Pope Urban VIII.

Mazarine governed in a time that Holland was reconciled to Spain, that the major part of the Princes of the Empire had deserted the Cause, the Swedes abated in their Power, the Eng­lish become formidable by their Vi­ctories; In the heat of the Revolutions of the Kingdom, Persecuted by the Princes of the blood, by the major part of the Grandees; by the Parlia­ments and by the People, and under the Pontificate of Innocent X. little affecting his Person.

Richlieu acted with Rigour, and with too high Pretensions, ending his life in no good opinion with the King his Master, disgusted with his vast Aims, and left the Warre unquen­ched.

[Page] Mazarine deported himself with Affability and kindness, and exercised Humanity more then Austerity. He died in compleat favour with their Ma­jesties, who lamented his loss with tears, and was he wailed by his very Enemies. He gave his King a great Queen for his Wife, and with her the Peace so longed for by the Kingdom; with so great advantages, and so much Reputation, that the most Christian King Lewis XIV. may rightly be in­styled the Great; being that France hath never had greater strength in For­ces, nor a greater King for Valour, and all other Eminent Vertues. The Reader will pardon the feebleness of my Pen, if it hath not sufficiently ex­pressed the merits of so great a man for his Actions, having brought forth Effects above the order of Nature, would require a Style Supernatural, not to say Divine, to celebrate them.

The HISTORY of the Managements of Cardinal MAZARINE. Lib. I.

HE was born in the Year 1602, at Piscina in Abruzzo the 14th. day of July, son of Peter Mazarine, and Hortensia Buffalini.

In his Infancy he was instructed in the Rudiments of that tender Age, and by little and little in all those Exercises befitting a Gentle­man.

In the Jesuits Colledge at Rome he so cultivated his Understanding, that the vivacity of his Wit, and the sublimity of his elevated Mind, shined forth even to Admiration.

He compleated his course in Phi­losophy, [Page 2] at the Age of 17. main­taining Conclusions in the most subtile Points, to the Wonder of all men.

His courageous heart began to be inflamed with desire of new things, and to see and be informed of the Manners and Qualities of fo­rein Nations; for that purpose he accompanied Don Girolamo Colonna, (now a Cardinal) into Spain, and together with him studied the Law in the University of Alcalà, and in a short time he became perfect in the Spanish Tongue. While he was intent upon his Studies, it hapned that his father, being accused of a certain Homicide, was in some trouble, and having no other sons, (for Alexander the younger brother was become a Dominican) so that he was obliged to return to assist his father in his troubles, where he ar­rived with all diligence, and be­stirred himself in his Defence so ef­ficaciously, [Page 3] that he was clear'd from his accusations.

He had no sooner Accomplished the Age of 20 years, when as his Heroick Genius excited him to the desire of Armes, and being favour­ed by the House of Colonna, he obtained to be chosen Captain Lieu­tenant of the Colonels Company in the Regiment of the Prince of Palestrina; he led his Company to Milan, where he came acquainted with Giovanni Francesco Sacchetti, Commissary General of the Popes Souldiers, sent to take possession of the Valtoline; and in the manage­ment of divers smaller Affairs he made appear so much Ability, that he was soon employed in matters of greater moment, performing them to the entire satisfaction of those who employed him, and of the parties with whom he Negoti­ated.

He made a Relation of the Oc­currences [Page 4] in the Valtoline, full of such exquisite Observations, that Torquato Conti, General of the Popes Forces, sent them to his Ho­liness, that perused them with much satisfaction and commendation of Mazarine, who by his sweet carri­age, and by Gaming, in which For­tune was very favourable to him, he increased his acquaintance with great men, and gained the good will and esteem of all that conversed with him.

The Pope afterwards being desi­rous to disburden himself of the charge of the Warre, sent Giovanni Ginetti, brother to the Cardinal of that name, to the aforesaid General Conti, and to Commissary Sacchetti, with order to disband the Souldi­ers, which being done, Conti return­ed into Germany, and the two Bro­thers Sacchetti retired to Fano, where Cardinal Sacchetti was Bi­shop, Mazarine being their great [Page 5] friend and familiar Acquaintance accompanied them.

The Cardinal was made Legate of Ferrara, and Superintendent of the Military Forces of that Go­vernment; Giovanni Francesco Sac­chetti being bred a Soulider, com­manded the Militia, and took Maza­rine along with him, in whom he confided above all others.

Giovanni Francesco afterward re­turning to Rome, Mazarine went al­so along with him, and endeavou­red by all means to enter into the Service of Cardinal Antonio the Popes Nephew, knowing how ge­nerous and obliging he was towards his Servants, but he was hindered by the malice of those that envied his Endowments.

He strove likewise to put himself into the Court of Cardinal France­sco; but there also he received little encouragement, that Cardinal not being inclined to favour so Aspiring a Wit.

[Page 6]Perceiving therefore that he had no luck in that Court, and having fail'd of making his Fortune by his Sword, he returned again to his Stu­dies; declaring that Virtue, al­though she be suppressed by Envy, yet he is always Master who pos­sesseth her, nor can she be taken a­way by any thing but Death, which levels all men.

In a years time he made a great progress in the study of the Laws, improving still his Friendship with the Family of Sachetti.

In the mean while the war of Mantua brake out by the death of Duke Vincenzo last of that Line; whereupon the Pope resolved to di­spatch Giovanni Francesco Sachetti to Milan, with whom likewise went Mazarine, who quickly introduced himself into the management of those weighty publick Negotiati­ons, with intire satisfaction of Sa­chetti, and of all that treated with [Page 7] him, having a Genius so applicable to the humour of all Nations, that when he negotiated with the Mini­sters of Spain, he knew how to form himself to their garb, and with the Frenchmen according to their mode; but withall he had so pleasing a manner in his Discourse, accompa­nied with so modest a Civility, that every one was ambitious of his Con­versation.

The occasion being come (which I call Fortune) that Sachetti was to depart for Rome by reason of his In­disposition, and afterwards by the death of one of his Brothers, the Su­perintendency of all those Affairs was by him (in his absence) left in the hands of Mazarine, by which means he had a large Field to give proof of his Parts and Capacity, ad­vertizing continually the Court of Rome of what passed, by Letters so well indited and relishing, that the Pope greatly delighting in them, re­solved [Page 8] to continue him in his Ser­vice, omitting to send any other in the place of Sachetti, who was gra­ced by His Holiness with the Go­vernment of his House, which Place was vacant by the death of Sachetti his brother lately deceased.

The rumours of the War after­wards increasing, Urban deliberated to send Cardinal Antonio his Ne­phew, Apostolical Legate into Pie­mont, and gave him Monsignor Pan­ziroli for his Coadjutor, with the Title of Nuntio, who was afterward Cardinal and Secretary of State in the Pontificate of Innocent X.

Mazarine having notice of this, went in all haste to Bologna, to inform the Cardinal of what had pass'd, and from thence to Rome, to give His Holiness a distinct Account of all those Negotiations, with due Re­flexions thereupon.

The Pope was highly satisfied with his acute Discourse, and judg­ed [Page 9] it necessary to make use of him, as one who besides his being well in­structed in all things, had already acquired great credit and esteem a­mongst them with whom he had ne­gotiated; wherefore he dispatch'd him back to Cardinal Antonio, or­dering him to make use of his Ser­vice, having found him capable of all Imployment.

He found the Cardinal still at Bologna, and in a long Discourse to­gether, His Eminency rested so high­ly satisfied, that immediately he sent him to Count Collalto, the Em­perours General, who quatter'd at St. Benedetto in the Territories of Mantua. He insinuated himself so far into the favour of the said Count, that having dispatched Pic­colomini for some Affair to Cardinal Antonio, gave him to understand, that he was so well satisfied with Mazarine, that he would rather treat with him then with any other, de­claring [Page 10] himself not at all content with the austere manner of proceed­ing of the Nuntio Panzirolo.

In the mean time Don Gonzales de Cordoua, Governour of Milan, was gone with the Spanish Army to besiege Casal in Monferat, but with ill success; for that place being well fortified, and well defended by Mon­sieur de Toiras, held out so long, till the French Army passing the Alpes, it behoved the Spaniards to quit the Siege and retire.

The Catholick King, much un­satisfied with Don Gonzales, recal­led him into Spain, and sent thither Governour and Captain General Marquess Ambrosio Spinola, the fa­mous Souldier in the Warres of Flanders.

In the mean while the Pope and the Cardinal Legate efficaciously endeavour'd to divert the ap­proaching ruine of Italy, by seek­ing an Accommodation. Maza­rine [Page 11] was before all others employed, and knowing how to lay hold on the occasion, laboured to ingratiate himself with all parties, and amongst the rest he captivated the good-will of Charles Emanuel the potent Duke of Savoy, in such a manner, that that wise Prince finding him capable of the most important Affairs, desired him to make a Voyage into France, to en­deavour by his perspicacious Wit to prevail with Cardinal Richlieu to stop the French Army from pas­sing over the Mountains.

Thereupon he went with leave of the Cardinal Legate and the Nuntio to Lions, where Richlieu was already arrived with the French Army; He had conference with his Eminence, proposed divers Ex­pedients, and used all Art to stop him, but all in vain.

This was the first time that ever Richlieu saw Mazarine, and although [Page 12] his Proposals were little to his li­king, nevertheless he was extream­ly pleased with his so pertinent manner of discourse, affirming that he had found him far beyond what he expected; so that in those few days Mazarine staid at Lions, he so well knew how to deport him­self with that great Minister of State, that he ingrafted himself deeply in his favour. But failing to serve the Duke as he heartily desired, he endeavored at least to render him another service of no small moment, which was to per­swade Prince Thomas his son, who was then at Chambery in Savoy, to return into Piemont, to avoid an open breach with the Crown of France, which his Presence in those parts might occasion.

The Duke laboured by all means, with the assistance of the Spaniards and Imperialists, to op­pose the designes of the French; [Page 13] Mazarine had his eye continually on the Liberty of Italy, and on the Conservation of Mantua at that time besieged; which was one of his principal Instructions; and see­ing the maintaining Duke Charles of Nevers in the possession of his Hereditary Countreys in Italy de­pended on the Protection of the French, he advertised the Mi­nisters of the most Christian King of the powerful Forces of the Con­federate enemies, that Cardinal Richlieu might opportunely provide against them, and shun the ap­proaching danger. To this, and to the easier Acquist of Pignerol, Spinola's clashing with the Duke of Savoy, and refusing to assist him in such manner as he desired, did not a little conduce; and was cause that he died afterward with discontent; and that the Imperialists missed of ob­taining their designes.

The Duke sent the Abbot Scag­lia [Page 14] into Spain, to represent to the Catholick King, that Spinola giving ear to the Propositions of the Car­dinal Legate for an Accommodati­on, occasion'd all the ill success, and that the French through his fault were got on this side the Mountains, for which the King being full of in­dignation against Spinola (in oppo­sition to whom there wanted not the Suggestions and Arts of those that envied his Employment) re­solved to take from him all Autho­rity and Command of the Army, which through so great experience of his worth he had conferr'd upon him.

Mazarine continuing a Mediator between each party, demean'd him­self with such exquisite Sagacity, and with so sweet a manner Ne­gotiating, sometimes with one, sometimes with another, that he ren­dred himself equally beloved and confided in by all; and continu­ing [Page 13] by Play and Familiarity to ac­quire every ones Friendship, he came at length to penetrate into the most hidden Caballs, and to dis­cover the most secret Designs. He by this means seasonably advised the Duke of Mantua's General of the Surprisal, the Imperiallists were plotting against that City on the side of the Mincio, not over careful­ly guarded by the Besieged. Spino­la in the mean while had laid siege to Casal with a most flourishing Ar­my, and had begun very much to streighten it. Mazarine brought on new Treaties, and persuaded Spino­la to condescend to some honourable and honest Accommodation. He for­med a Writing to the satisfaction of the Duke of Savoy, of Spinola, and of Colalto, and immediately went to find the King of France at St. John di Moriana, (who staid there expect­ing the yielding up of Montmelian attaqu'd by his Forces) and brought [Page 14] back from the King what he desi­red.

He returned into Piemont, but in those few days of his absence the face of Affairs being changed by the surprize of Mantua, as also by the death of the Duke of Savoy; and that Spinola was far advanc'd in the siege of Casal, his first Projects were confounded, and he was forced to mould new ones, with which he went back to the most Christian King at Paris, by order of his Patron Cardinal Antonio.

He was received there with great Honour, and demonstrations of high Esteem for his Person, and obtained His Majesty's assent to the Agree­ment, with which he hastened to find Vittorio Amadeo the new Duke of Savoy and Collalto.

He demonstrated to them the good inclination of the King to the accord, and left them satisfied and inclined to the Peace. But because [Page 15] Spinola longing to take Casal, seem­ed likely to withdraw himself from the Treaty; Mazarine went again to find him at the Camp, and with convincing Reasons disposed him to the Agreement. He requested that for the Honour of the King and himself the City and Castle of Ca­sal might be deposited in his hands, the French retaining still the Citta­del, promising to resign up the said City and Castle within the term of 15 days; and that Mantua should likewise be delivered up to that Duke: for the performance of which he offered in Hostage his own Son.

The King of France condescend­ed to the Proposals of Spinola, and gave order to his Lieutenants Gene­rals to conclude the Treaty; but in the very point of effecting it the King of Spain sent an Express, de­priving Spinola of all Authority: At which he was so much cast down and struck with grief, that [Page 16] when Mazarine returned to give him an account of his Negotiation, and how he had accomplished what Spi­nola had desired and proposed, he could get no other Answer from him then these two words:

V. S. es hombre da bien pero, jo tambien.
Your Lordship is an honest man, and I am so too.

And thus walking to and fro, and stamping, he shewed himself to be agitated by a most fierce and secret grief. Wherefore temporizing with artificial Excuses, he gave no other Answer then the former words often reiterated.

Finally, Cardinal Antonio resol­ving to see the end of it, with the approbation of the Duke of Savoy and Collalto, sent back Mazarine to Spinola, who was sick in bed, and prevailed so much, that Spinola in [Page 17] the end not being able to resist the force of the Reasons produced by Mazarine, broke out into a grievous lamentation in defence of his Ho­nour: saying,

M' hanno levato l' honore.
They have taken away my Ho­nour.

Then calling one of his Servants, he ordered the King of Spains Letter to be brought, by which all his Power was taken from him, and shewed it to Mazarine, that he might know the true cause of his Irresolution, and said again,

M' hanno levato l' honore.
They have taken away my Ho­nour.

Afterwards turning himself to the other side of the bed (with the Letter in his hand) he aggravated [Page 18] his Misfortune, and the injury done to his Reputation, and the Merit of so many Services performed by him to the Crown of Spain for 40 years together.

The business being in this po­sture, Mazarine by order of Cardi­nal Antonio entered upon new Ne­gotiations, and proposed a Suspensi­on of Arms, but Spinola being dead, and the Marquess di Sante Croce en­tering upon his Command, who found all things in disorder by the death of the General, underwrit the Truce, which was already subscri­bed to by the Duke of Savoy and Collalto. In the mean while the French Army descended into Pie­mont, to relieve Casal, and each Par­ty hoping to win by their Arms, the business was in a ready way to be decided by them.

To that purpose the French Army advance within sight of the place. The Legat made use of Mazarine [Page 19] also in this occasion, who flying like Lightening, now to one side, now to the other, behaved himself with such dexterity, that in the very instant that both Armies were ran­ged in Battalia ready to engage, he concluded the Peace, to the general satisfaction of all, and with so great applause for himself, that by this action the way was open'd to those Grandeurs which afterwards he arri­ved at, becoming in a manner ab­solute Moderator of the greatest Af­fairs of the World.

Upon putting the Peace in execu­tion the Spaniards by their slow de­parture out of the Territories of Monferat, giving some apprehension to the French, they presently con­veyed several Troops into the Cit­tadel of Casal, contrary to the Ar­ticles of the Stipulation, whereat the Duke of Feria taking Alarm, advanced part of the Army to fall upon the French in their disorderly [Page 20] return into Piemont. Cardinal An­tonio having advice thereof, so or­der'd the matter, that Mazarine not only gave notice to the chief Com­manders of the French Army, but likewise by gentle means delayed Galasso and Piccolomini, who were advancing to fight them; so that the French had time to retreat with­out any disturbance.

With new windings and Nego­tations he finally adjusted every thing, and by his means the Peace was fully concluded at the Treaty at Chirasco, in which Mazarine was the person that by the Popes order negotiated secretly with the Duke of Savoy, and caused him to deliver up Pignerol to the King of France, whereat the Spaniards took so great distaste, that calling him Traytor made bitter complaints against him to the Pope and Cardinal Barbarine; who ignorant of the private Orders given to Mazarine by His Holiness, [Page 21] and believing that he had gone be­yond those of his Patron, began to favour the Spaniards complaints, de­nied to give him Audience, and sol­licited the Pope that he would ap­point that a Process might be drawn up against him.

The Pope to please the Cardinal his Nephew gives way to it, but underhand encouraged Mazarine not to fear any thing, who was shunn'd and murmurr'd against on all sides by the wicked and hollow-hearted Courtiers; Truth lying hid, and Lies taking place, to please those on whom they had dependance.

At length, being admitted to the Audience of Cardinal Barbarine, with sweetness of language and much respect he lamented the wrong done him, and the slender Acknowledgments he had received in recompence of all his pains and eminent services, performed to the Holy Church and all Italy; and so [Page 22] efficacious were his Reasons, that the Cardinal was much mollified: but as there was an Antipathy between their Genius and his malignant En­viers never ceasing to torment him, the aversion he had conceived against him could never be eradica­ted out of his heart.

Mazarine in the mean time by his courteous carriage and affability made it his business to gain Friends and Acquaintance, declaring that mens Fortunes did depend on their good Friends, who are preserved by means of Services and Civilities, the most proper Instruments to ca­ptivate mens Affections.

And therefore putting in practice this Maxime, he began to gain the good will of many, that were am­bitious of his Friendship; by which means having at last overcome all oppositions, and abated the bitter­ness of Barbarine, That Preferment was offered him both by this Car­dinal [Page 23] and his brother Cardinal An­tonio, that at other times he had sought after, and could never ob­tain; and the Election being in his own power, he chose rather to serve Cardinal Antonio then Francesco, their Humours suiting better toge­ther, for Antonio was of a magna­nimous spirit, and generous in the highest degree.

The Place he gave him was Vice-Treasurer, with an Assignment of 800 Crowns a year, but His Emi­nence afterwards having changed the Office of Treasurer to be Legat of Avignon, declar'd him his Auditor, setting a high value on him for those Affairs. And a little after the Pope willing to give him some sign of his not-forgotten thankful­ness, made him his Houshold Cha­plain and Vice-Legat of Avignon, and afterward sent him Nuntio Ex­traordinary into France, to sollicite the most Christian King for the Re­stitution [Page 24] of Lorrain to that Duke; as also to endeavour to prevent the War which began to break out be­twixt the two Crowns, by the sur­prisal of Philipsbourg, and afterward of Treves, with the imprisonment of that Elector.

But before he went from Rome he married two of his Sisters, Mar­guerit the Elder to Count Girolamo Martinozzi of Fano, and Girolama the younger to Lorenzo Mancini, both of them of ancient Families. Monsignor Mazarine taking his Voy­age towards France, in the Quality of Apostolical Nuntio Extraordinary, was kindly received, and splendidly treated, by all the Princes thorough whose Dominions he passed; but especially he found an extraordinary kind Reception in the Royal Court of Savoy.

No sooner arrived at Paris, but he revived his Friendship with his former Acquaintance, and sudden­ly [Page 25] gained a Sympathetical corre­spondence with all the Statesmen and Grandees of that Court, and particularly contracted an intimate Friendship with the Count de Cha­vigny, principal Secretary of State, Cardinal Richlieu's greatest Confi­dent and most imployed by him.

The King, the Queen, and Richlieu himself, esteemed him highly, and the Cardinal was never better pleased then when any occasi­on offered it self to discourse with the Nuntio, in whom he admired the Acuteness, Eloquence, and hand­som way of representing of business. Chancing once to fall sick, the King himself honoured him with a Vi­sit.

The Popes Mediation for Peace proving ineffectual by reason of the too high Pretensions of both Parties, at the end of two years His Holi­ness recalled Mazarine; who not­withstanding in his Nuntiature did [Page 26] not omit to perform many import­ant Services for the Holy See. He went directly to Avignon, where he staid about six Moneths, demeaning himself with seemly decorum, and with all affability: He finished and adjusted many things, and did not neglect to cultivate a most intimate correspondence with Cardinal Rich­lieu, oftentimes presenting him with divers choice things from Italy.

Finally, having obtained leave to return to Rome, he went by Sea; and having given the Pope and the Cardinal Nephew an account of his Negotiations, he was received by them with all demonstrations of Esteem.

The Pope, who was a Prince of a deep understanding, taking delight to discourse with a person of so live­ly a Wit, enrich'd with the know­ledge of the Affairs of the world, admitted him often to Audience, entertaining him for many hours [Page 27] together. Cardinal Barbarine grow­ing jealous of so great esteem and familiarity, and not enduring that any one should insinuate himself so far in his Uncles favour, rigorously forbid him his so frequent Visits, and cajoling His Holiness with his Discourses, by which he had wrought upon him to be content that Cardinal Antonio might be ho­noured by the most Christian King with the Protectorship of that Crown, to the great disgust of the Spaniards and their Party, who en­creasing their disdain against Maza­rine, as the Contriver of this blow, they began to study by what means they might lessen him, and avoid those prejudices to their Interests which they did prognosticate by his professed Devotion to France. Though he did not enjoy the good Graces of him that was prevalent in the Popes affections, yet by his extraordinary ability he still main­tained [Page 28] the Reputation he had merit­ed for his good Services towards the Holy See, and continued his Prote­ction under Cardinal Antonio. Some differences happening betwixt the House of Medici and Don Filippo Colonna, by his Mediation they were composed.

And it was no small matter he did in hindering greater disorders, when that unfortunate accident happened of the Gentleman of the Horse to the Mareschal d'Estree the French Embassadour. But as the best qualified and ablest men are most envied, and most liable to Per­secution and Malice, so he being watch'd on every side, could not ad­vance himself to those Honours, which the Malignity and Emulation of others hindered him from. Whence the King of France percei­ving that this Person (for being well affectionated to his Crown) was persecuted by the Spaniards, and [Page 29] esteeming it a dishonourable thing to keep idle and depress an Under­standing so sublime, took him near himself, with profession of great esteem, and with offers of support, honour, and assistance.

Many other Princes of Italy prof­fered him considerable advantages in their Courts. Vittorio Amadeo Duke of Savoy, a very intelligent Prince, particularly invited him with much benignity to his Court. Resolving finally to pass into France, he went thither in the beginning of the year 1639. and arrived just at the time when Father Joseph the Capucine died, one (for his great Parts and Experience in the Affairs of State) imployed with great assu­rance by Cardinal Richlieu in the Intrigues of the Kingdom. The King had nominated him to a Car­dinalship, and his Promotion was with all earnestness sollicited by Mazarine, whose Fortune it was [Page 30] not to obtain the Scarlet for Father Joseph, seeing that the King named him instead of the other, declaring by this the great esteem he had for him, in preferring him before any other of his Kingdom, qualifying him besides with the Title of his Plenipotentiary at the Treaty of the General Peace, which Mazarine va­lued more then his Recommendati­on to the Cardinalship.

Few days after his Arrival in France His Majesty sent him Extra­ordinary Embassadour into Piemont upon business of Importance, and particularly to win to the French fide Prince Thomas, and to reunite those Princes to the chief of their House. He dexterously atchieved them both, though that which con­cerned the first with Prince Thomas had not then its effect, for some impediments which he could not suddenly surmount: but he fixed the second in such manner, that [Page 31] France thereby received many ad­vantages.

Returned from Piemont he wait­ed upon Cardinal Richlieu into Lan­guedoc, honoured by that great Poli­tician with an entire Confidence; and his Zele for the Kings Service was succesful, not onely in the Af­fairs of that Voyage, but also in remoter parts; for at the same time by his Negotiations he redu­ced the strong Town of Sedan into the Kings power, which was a re­ceptacle of Male-contents. He was the man that designed the Attempt of Tortona in the State of Milan, and took upon him to provide all things necessary for the gaining of that City; and it was he likewise that drew the Prince of Monaco to the French Party.

Finally, on the 16th. of Decem­ber 1641. with universal Applause, he was promoted to the purple robe, to the particular satisfaction of the [Page 32] King, and of Richlieu, who was pleased to see him his Companion in the Ecclesiastical Function, whom he already presaged his Successor in his Ministery. He prepared for his journey to Rome, to receive the Hat, and to perfect many important Com­missions. But Richlieu's indisposi­tion of body increasing, and the ma­chinations of his enemies growing stronger, to justle him out of the Kings favour; he thought fit to cause him stop his journey, to make use of his help and councel (of which he had so good experi­ence,) very useful in that rugged conjuncture.

The King perfectly knowing Mazarines abilities: in the foreseen failing of Richlieu, had oftentimes thoughts to make use of him, in direction of the Affairs of the Crown, and had also discovered this his intent to some of his Con­fidents, extolling him for the most [Page 33] able he knew to undergo this bur­den; which gave much trouble to Mazarine, doubting with himself that such manifestation of his Ma­jestie might give Richlieu some jea­lousie; it being for the most part the humour of Courtiers, to look with a scouling brow on those they deem able to sustain the same charge with themselves; and therefore he urged anew for leave to go to Rome, which was still denied him by the King, and opposed by Rich­lieu himself, quite contrary to Ma­zarines expectation; besides, Rich­lieu, before his death, assured His Majestie, that he could not better trust the Management of his weigh­ty Affairs to any, then to Maza­rine.

Richlieu dying, the King immedi­ately began to make use of Maza­rines Advice and Councel, with open shew of the value and confi­dence he had of his ableness and fi­delity, [Page 34] and to qualifie him higher, caused him one day to sit in his Pre­sence, an honour that was never bestowed on Cardinal Richlieu in so many years of his Attendance.

The King desirous he should take notice that the Choice he had made proceeded solely from him­self, assured him that of his own proper inclination he had chosen him out from amongst so many ex­cellent men of his Kingdom.

The Cardinal being very wary in his demeanour, conformed him­self so well to the humour of his Majestie, that he did not give him the least doubt of that odious pow­er, that he had abhorred in his Pre­decessor; from whence it hapned that he became in a short time dis­poser of the Kings Will and Trust.

By how much the more he saw himself advanced in his Princes fa­vour, so much the more did he re­flect [Page 35] on his tottering Fortune; for while the King lay under a lan­guishing condition, he began to weigh what a difficult passage it would be from a firme to a wa­vering Government, by the disor­ders, changes and turbulencies, commonly hapning in Minorities, e­specially the Queen-Mother, being of a Nation so much exposed to the jealousie of that Countrey.

The first trial the King made un­der the direction of Mazarine, was to render his Armies victorious the next Campania; to the intent that the world might not attribute his past Victories totally to the Go­vernment of Richlieu. Mazarine in this occasion gave great proof of his dexterous abilities, by obtaining that the Command of the Army in Flanders might be conferred on the Duke d' Anguien, eldest son of the Prince of Conde, notwithstanding his Majestie had some aversion a­gainst it.

[Page 36]The Kings sickness increasing with little hope of recovery, calling for Mazarine, he communicated to him his intent of forming a Coun­cel without the Princes of the blood; of which he intended to make him President. The Car­dinal, though astonish'd at so great honour, was not at all dazled with the ambition, but with great reve­rence demonstrated to his Majestie the disorders such a form might cause; and with convincing rea­sons framed his answer in favour of the Queen, comprehending also the Princes of the blood, as for what concerned his own person, he be­seech'd his Majestie that others might share in that honour, which he thought too far exceeding his merit, and too probable to excite envy against him, being a stran­ger.

The King, notwithstanding con­tinued resolute, in his purpose, to [Page 37] limit at least the Regency of the Queen, with Restriction of the Council to the plurality of Voices; he was confirmed in this determi­nation by the Prince of Conde, who by the Authority he had above the other Counsellors, imagined to turn and wind all at his pleasure; where­fore the Councel of Mazarine for the uncontrolled Authori­ty of the Queen, conformable to the examples of former Regencies remained fruitless.

That which only remained to settle the Kings minde, was to have an assurance that the Cardinal would not return into Italy after his death, wherefore having earnestly besought him never to abandon his sons, importun'd him to a direct pro­mise, as likewise the Queen, not to permit him upon any pretext what­soever to quit the Affairs; and to engage him the more, he was plea­sed that he should answer for the [Page 38] Dauphine at the Holy Font in Qua­lity of Godfather, together with the Princess of Conde, confessing that he did it more straitly to oblige him to his sons service. His Ma­jestie well knowing the need he should have of him in his unripe years.

The King dead, it seemed not convenient to the Queen, to suf­fer that Authority to be retrenched in such manner which other Queens had enjoyed freely, wherefore she permitted her self to be perswaded, against the sense and counsel of the Cardinal, to make the Parliament annul the Will of her late husband; which Mazarine foreseeing would prove a mortal blow to the State, and highly prejudicial to the Re­gent her self, did not only forbear to appear in Parliament, but likewise prepared himself to retire, which was by no means assented to by the Queen, who having the Authority [Page 39] of the Regency confirmed to her, not only assured him of an entire confidence, but engaged him also to remain, minding him of his pro­mise made to the King, never to depart from his children, and not­withstanding the great oppositions made against Mazarine by the ene­mies of Richlieu, and by the disaf­fected he carried himself so well, that in a short time he engrossed all Affairs.

The Bishop of Beauvais, whom the Queen had added to the Coun­cel (where, in those few days of his direction all things were fallen in­to disorder) being excluded.

On the contrary, Mazarine en­tred upon the business of the King­dom with very lucky beginnings, when many important considerati­ons would have been enough to have discomposed the stoutest mind, in so dangerous a condition of so Infantine a Minority.

[Page 40]The unquiet nature of the French desirous of Novelties, easie to be drawn into sedition, the Court full of turbulent spirits, many pri­soners set free, many returned from their exile; others, who before, for their rebellious attempts, durst not so much as shew their heads now so arrogant, as to pretend a share in the Government.

The Parliament depressed and discontented, desirous to recover their lustre, and dilate their power. The Provinces oppressed by the grievances of a long War, more inclined to disloyalty then obedience; the Princes disposed to the most desperate attempts to make their advantage of these Conjunctures, the people animated to shake off so weighty a yoke. The appre­hension not ill grounded, that the Confederates of France fearing the unstable Resolution in a womans [Page 41] Regency, and for their own pro­per Interests, were ready to relin­quish their former Union. And last­ly, all the Concerns of the Crown threatning on all hands fear and ter­ror. Yet nothing could dismay the courage of the Cardinal, resolved to despise all danger for the Royal service. He applied himself sud­denly to strengthen and conserve the external and internal vigour of the Kingdom. And procured in the first place to confirm the Confederates in their Adherence to the Crown, writing to all with such assuredness of the stability of the Regency in the established mutual Union, and with such motives of honour and profit to themselves, that he easily confirmed them in their Confederations; thus in that be­ginning was established to the Crown the Amity of the Swedes, of the Duke of Savoy, of the Lan­grave of Hesse, of the States of Hol­land, [Page 42] of the Catalonians, and of the Portugals, a League which rendred the Power of France so much the stronger and feared, and which at last did so much cooperate to the Conclusion of the Peace. And secondly, considering that intestine evils are most dangerous, and aptest to destroy the Individual; and fore­seeing how much Civil discords do indamage a State, he placed all his care to preserve the Peace of the Kingdom, by uniting the Royal Fa­mily, which was easily brought to pass for some years.

To handsel the Regency with some egregious deed, he propound­ed, and against the opinion of every one, undertook the Siege of Teon­ville, a place of great importance, which happily succeeding, he gain­ed great commendation.

Frieburg afterward being at­tacqued by the Army of the Ele­ctor of Baviere, with manifest dan­ger [Page 43] to be lost: he opportunely pro­vided to relieve it, causing the Queen to command the Duke of Anguien to joyn speedily his Troops to those of Mareschal Turenne, and to bring timely succours, which suc­ceeded prosperously, by which means not only the possession of that City was kept, which had al­ready capitulated; but also other considerable Conquests were ac­quired. The French Armies pas­sing beyond the Rhine, the Danube, and the Lech; and the Duke d' An­guien having gained a singular vi­ctory; they over-ran Spire, Gher­mensain, Landau, Bindemo, Cronach, and Magonza.

By like advantages in those parts the Confederates were got in a condition to lend their helping hand at any time of need, who by making themselves Master of a great part of Franconia and Sue­via, they became much stronger [Page 44] then their enemies, but chiefly by the taking of Hoilbrun, yet an Imperial City of very grear importance, confirmed to them by the Treaty of the Truce concluded at Ulme, with the Elector of Bavaria.

He cooperated afterward to the Peace of Munster, and quickly saw it concluded, with notable advan­tages to the Crown of France, to which he establish'd the possession of both the Alsatia's, and the two very strong places of Brijac and Phillipsburg near the Rhine, opening a Pass into Germany at their plea­sure.

By this Peace there did accrew to France the three Bishopricks of Metz, Tul and Verdun, and by the creating Metz a Parliament, hereto­fore found a matter of much diffi­culty, firmly established the con­troverted Jurisdiction of them, with an absolute and perpetual possession ratified by the Emperor, and the [Page 45] several Orders of the Empire.

The cares of the Cardinal were not restrained to these Expeditions only: but at the same time he was likewise intent upon the Caballs of the Cabinet, finding himself com­pelled by the Court-Intrigues, to apply himself to extinguish in the beginning every spark of Civil trouble, and oft-times to ward his own life from the treacheries of his enemies.

By this his care he saved himself from the Conspiracy contrived a­gainst him by the Duke of Beaufort, who thinking the Cardinal an ob­stacle against his high designes, by the occasion of a certain Collation which the Count of Chavigny had prepared for the Queen at the Castle of Vincennes, which was in his Government, whether the Duke came accompanied by many fol­lowers, with design to murder him; the Cardinal Advertized of it, for­bore [Page 46] to appear to the Treat, saved himself in the Louvre, where the day following he caused Beaufort to be arrested, and sent him with a strong Guard to the said Castle of Vincennes.

With admirable subtilty he rai­sed a glorious Envy betwixt the Dukes of Orleans and Anguien, en­ticing the former to the Incommo­dities of Warre, as well by the Allurements of Glory, as by the diligent furnishing him with all things necessary, to make it less irk­som to him; by this means making use of the Triumphs of the one, to moderate the haughtiness of the o­ther, which was one of his greatest Artifices, to enjoy the benefit of a well-concerted Union.

Hereupon the Duke of Orleans, marched into Flanders at the head of a most puissant Army, and after the taking of Graveling, Mardike, and Dunkirk, by all men esteemed [Page 47] impossible; he opened a way into the heart of Flanders, passed the Ri­ver Colma, and brought in a short time under the French Dominion Lens, Bourbourg, Merville, Bettunes, St. Venant, Armentieres, Bergues, Courtray, Ypres, la Bassee, Dixmude, Landresy, Furnes, and other pla­ces.

He put them upon few Underta­kings that did not succeed; and though he failed in that of Cam­bray, attempted by the Count d' Harcourt, yet it cannot be said but that he merited great praise for the most accurate diligence that he shewed they ought to use in those Conjunctures, which in all proba­bility would have rendred the de­fence of that place more difficult, then the taking it, if his Orders had been put in execution, accord­ing as he directed.

He caused to be sent to the Catalonians a considerable assistance, [Page 48] with which they got Tortosa, Roses, and other places, and to give that people a fuller assurance of the firm Protection of France, he made his brother the Cardinal of Sancta Cicilia Governour of that Pro­vince.

In Italy after the Kings death many enterprizes were begun by his directions and Counsel, and many things done to the great be­nefit of the Crown. The Town and Cittadel of Aste were suddenly recovered; they gained great ad­vantages in the Siege of Turin, in the Enterprize of Pontestura and Vigevano, and many other Expedi­tions prudently undertaken, al­though some were unsuccessful, whether for the ill fortune of Prince Thomas of Savoy in the Warre of Italy, or for the variable Accidents of War.

Considering moreover how be­neficial the friendship of the Prin­ces [Page 49] of Este would be to the French in their Affairs of Italy, and ma­king use of the happy Conjuncture, when by the phlegme of some Mi­nisters of Spain those Princes thought themselves not treated ac­cording to their merit. He bent his thoughts to draw them to the French party, beginning luckily with the Acquisition of Cardinal Rinaldo d' Este, a Prince in earnest very worthy of that high esteem, which he enjoys in the opinion of all the World, causing him to be honoured by the King of France with the Protecti­on of that Crown in the Court of Rome; and afterward obliging Duke Francesco his brother, by gi­ving him the charge of General of the Army of his most Christian Ma­jesty in Lombardy: Both these, by their generous actions have always upheld, (the one in Rome, the other in the Army) the Reputation of the Crown of France, to their e­ternal [Page 50] glory and merit.

Mazarine, well knowing, that to attaque the Spaniards in their holds of Italy would touch them to the quick, caused to be set out to Sea a very potent Fleet, and aim­ing to gain some Poste on the Shore of Tuscany, caused Orbitello to be beleagured by the Army under Prince Thomas of Savoy by Land, and by the Navy commanded by the Duke of Bresé by Sea. But the Duke of Bresé being slain at the very first by a Cannon-shot, and the Prince probably ill served by his Officers, the Action succeeded not, which otherwise was well de­signed by the Cardinal, intending by the gaining of this place to fa­cilitate the Enterprise, which he had plotted against Naples, and to hinder the communication betwixt that Kingdom and the State of Milan.

Likewise, in the other attempts made upon the same Kingdom by [Page 51] the Duke of Guise they found no better fortune, for the sinister cor­respondencies of those giddy head­ed Napolitans with the Crown of France, together with the contrari­ety of their humours that hindred all good operations; yet whether they succeeded or not, Mazarine gave not over to make his advan­tage of them, as potent diversions for the Enterprizes of Flanders, which were of greatest concernes, being nearest to the heart of the Kingdom.

Mazarine desirous to recover the Glory of the French, which the ill success in Italy had much eclipsed, with an incredible and unexpected resolution; that Navy which was supposed incapable to appear in the Mediterranean for a long time, was seen to return a­gain the year following more for­midable then ever, under the Com­mand of the Mareschals de la Mil­leray, [Page 52] and Plessis Pralin, with which in a few days they possest themselves of Piombino and Porto Longone in the Isle of Elba, half belonging to the King of Spain, and half to the Duke of Tuscany; by which Vi­ctories the Reputation of the French was much recovered, the Applau­ses and Fame of the Victors echo­ing every where, to the great ad­vantage of the Neighboring Prin­ces, especially of the Cardinals Bar­barini, who flying the indignation of Innocent the tenth, had sheltered themselves under the Protection of the King of France; by the efficacious and powerful Offices of Cardinal Mazarine; who by a noble Example of Gratitude up­held that Family, which newly fal­len from a potent and long Domini­on (a warning to elective Princes) knew not whether to turn them­selves for a friendly Sanctuary.

Thus by the help of Mazarine, [Page 53] they saw themselves honoured with the Protection of the most Christi­an King; by which means they were in a short time re-established by the Pope himself, and with a strange Metamorphosis embraced a­gain. The Comedy of their wan­dring ending in a strict Union and Alliance, by the Marriage of one of the Popes Nieces Daughters to Don Maffeo Barberino, to whom Don Carlo Prince of Pellestrina, re­nounced his Titles and Honours, himself being promoted to the Scar­let, whereby he had a fair pretence to free himself from the engage­ment wherein he had promised to wed no other then the Countess Martinozzi, Mazarines Niece, who finding in this as in all other occa­sions the usual experiment of work­ing good out of evil, saw after­ward his said Niece more highly matched in the Family of Este, and Dutchess of Modona.

[Page 54]It will not be amiss, since we are entred upon the discourse of this Family, to give a touch of what Cardinal Mazarine, being chief Minister of State, did in favour of the Barbarini in the War with the Duke of Parma, with whom most of the Princes of Italy were joyned in League, for the aversion that they bore to Cardinal Barbarini, with whom they were generally dis-sa­tisfied.

The Warre being kindled, the Fire seemed unextinguishable, not only because it chiefly arose, as the common report went, from private passion, and particular envy; and the flames daily encreasing from those puffs of anger, the discon­tents grew still higher, which ac­cording to the Contingencies of Warre administred new matter of rancour. But also on the Popes Ac­count, that he being the Common Father, should with a constant re­sentment [Page 55] pretend a just title to di­sturb the quiet of Italy by armes, when all Christendom, groaning so long time under the weight of in­numerable miseries, thought they might expect from his Piety a pa­ternal and serious application, to compose the inveterate motions of War, and not to excite new ones. On the other side the interessed Confederates, longing to abate the temporal power of the Ecclesiasti­cal Princedom; and to give a wholesom Admonishment to those, that being destin'd by God to enjoy it for a season, are oftentimes un­mindful of returning again to their private condition, were resolved to maintain with all perseverance the reputation of their Armes.

For this cause the mediation or the Spaniards and the Emperor for a pacification proved a long time ineffectual; the King of France not omitting to interpose his [Page 56] his Authority, for the service of her, to whose Assistance his Ance­stors had so often passed the Moun­tains, dispatched, by the Counsel and dictates of Mazarine, the Mar­quess of Lionne to the Confederate Princes, to whom he delivered his Message with such vigour and re­putation, that by his prudent Ne­gotiations he ripened that fruit which Cardinal Bichi (who was ordered by the King to manage the Treaty) afterward had the good fortune to gather, by the Conclusi­on of the Peace, as acceptable and advantageous to the Barberines, as afterward the memory of that War proved prejudicial to them.

The Cardinal likewise got no small reputation by composing the differences between the Kings of Swedeland and Denmark, who were entring into a most cruel War.

He shewed himself also very [Page 57] constant in overcoming all the dif­ficulties which hapned upon the Marriage of the Princess Maria Gonzago with Uladislao King of Poland, brought to an end by his great Prudence. While the Affairs of France went thus prosperously on, and that all Europe had their eyes fixed on the greatness and power of that Crown, admiring the Ascen­dant Fortune of the most Christian King, with the same Reflexions wherewith heretofore were admi­red that of the most victorious Emperour Charles the Fifth; on a sudden she saw her self over­whelmed by those Civil broils which have always been the most powerful mischiefs to depress her.

The first ground from whence these turbulent Revolutions arose was from the Treasurer Emery, who was the Person that disposed the minds of the Parlementarians of [Page 58] Paris to Commotions, by troubling them in their places, hereby to raise money, not without the opinion of many, that he did this with an in­tent to overthrow the Cardinal, who vigorously opposed such his dangerous Undertakings, knowing the nature of the French to be most extremely violent for their particu­lar benefit.

For this cause therefore the Par­lement of Paris having declared a­gainst the Kings Government, the Queen thought to destroy this growing Hydra, by punishing three of her Heads, giving order for the Imprisonment of the Counsellour Brussel, and the Presidents Blamenil and Charton, though Mazarine did greatly impugn it, well perceiving that it was not yet time to stir the Humours, when there was no like­lihood to dissipate them, and it suc­ceeded just so as he foresaw; for the People having taken Arms and [Page 59] chained the streets, compell'd the Court to set free the prisoners, and to turn out Emery, to the great pre­judice of the Royal Authority, and to the emboldening of the Seditious to undertake new Villanies.

The Cardinal on this occasion maintained, but it did not help him, that by the rule of good Govern­ment they ought constantly to ad­here to their resolutions once taken, although they were not assumed with their due precautions, it being always hurtful to Princes to recede from that which they have once pretended to be observed by their Subjects.

From the like beginnings the Alterations plotted by the restless minds of those who hoped to ad­vance their private Fortunes great­ly increased.

These disorders were fomented by the Coadjutor of Paris, allured by the hopes of Mazarines ruine, to [Page 60] enter into his place of Chief Mini­ster, being a person of an high spi­rit, and very intelligent in the Af­fairs; and by the Count de Chavi­gny likewise exasperated, seeing himself by the Queens aversion to him, not in that full Credit and Au­thority which he had in the Con­sultations in the time of Richlieu's Government: So that all things be­ing in a confusion, and impossible to provide against the disorders without. That flourishing and potent Kingdom at the height of its great­est glory became a Scene of most lamentable miseries, losing in one Campania the fruits of many others, purchased with so much sweat, with so much bloud, and with so great expence of money.

The Cardinal sought neverthe­less to hinder what he could the growth of these disorders, and know­ing how dangerous it would be to France if England should declare for [Page 61] Spain, as it was by all Arts endea­voured by the Spanish Agents, he knew so wisely to manage the busi­ness, that he frustrated the Enemy's design, and preserved the friendship of the English, though ever emu­lous and no well-willers to the French.

The Events that after these com­motions rent in pieces the Regency and all France were infinite and de­plorable; for although Mazarine with all sweetness and gentleness did endeavour to smooth their minds by temporizing till the Kings Majority, but the more he endea­voured by these means to appease the Animosities of the Seditious, the more they were hardened in their insolence, and by open vio­lence opposed the Orders of the Re­gent: whereupon by his advice the Queen resolved to remove from Pa­ris with the King, which she did on Twelveth-night 1649.

[Page 62]For this cause the City was in a great commotion, and the Court in a state to recover its due regard; but hereupon their Animosities a­gainst the Cardinal grew higher, suspecting him to be (as indeed he was) the Author of this Retreat; whence the fury of the People and Parlement breaking out against him, he was by the later order'd to depart within eight days.

The Court stoutly supporting the Cardinal, resolved to block up Pa­ris with the Army, as it was forth­with done by the Prince of Conde, who, though he had his Brother, his Sister, and his Brother in Law on the Parlements side, yet held himself always united with the Regent and Mazarine, who failed not in the mean while accurately to watch how to compose the differences. In this occasion Cardinal Mazarine made manifest the height of his Intellectu­als, the excellency of his Skill, his [Page 63] Wit, and his Craft, joyning himself now with the one, now with the other Party, and finally crushing them both, remained Conquerour in the field, and obtained the Laurel of a glorious victory.

Finding himself amidst these In­trigues, the Prince of Conde agriev­ed with the Cardinal for breach of his promise, as he said, in not pro­curing the Government of Pont de l' Arche for the Duke of Longue­ville his Brother in Law, declared publickly, that he would not come to Court while the Cardinal was chief Minister; who to take from the Prince all pretence of breach with the Regent, offered his readiness to retire: but Conde afterward revol­ving in his thoughts, that if the Cardinal absented himself, none could enter into the Ministry but the Coadjutor, or the Marquess of Chasteauneuf, his most bitter ene­mies, resolved to reconcile himself [Page 64] with Mazarine, obtaining beside the Government of Pont de l' Arche for Longueville, with a promise not to proceed further in the overture of Marriage between one of his Nie­ces and the Duke de Mercure; and moreover to send his three Nieces out of France, which two years be­fore with a Nephew he had caused to come to Court; in pursuit of which the Cardinal cloystered his Nieces in a Nunnery in the Sub­urbs of S. Germaine.

For all that the Duke of Longue­ville and others gave not over to demonstrate to Conde, that to obtain their ends of Mazarine suitable to the Conjunctures, it would be con­venient to necessitate him to pro­cure his own concern. Whence out of these contrarieties there ari­sing nothing but diffidences, suspici­ons, and jealousies, all their minds were agitated by secret passions, bending onely to their own private [Page 65] Interest. The Prince bore still a hidden malice against Mazarine, who likewise being aware of it, behaved himself daily towards him with more refined dissimulation; and Conde having drawn upon him­self the publick odium of the Parisi­ens, for having discovered by his re­conciliation with the Cardinal (at least in appearance) that he prefer­red his private Interest before the Publick good, (which was to see the chief Minister of State suppressed) a great many began to wish the ruine of the Prince himself. And the greatest Politicians grew amazed at the shifting of this Scene.

The Frondeurs seeing in the mean time their hopes of a change in the Government (which they long'd for) frustrated, went watching all opportunities to draw the people of Paris to some considerable commo­tion; and to that purpose they con­trived with the Counsellour Joly, [Page 66] that he should cause a Harquebuss to be discharged at an appointed time, to provoke the people to an Insurre­ction, the Marquess de la Bollaye ma­king himself Head of the Faction, who endeavoured (though in vain) in divers parts of the City to stir them up by his Exclamations.

This Essay becoming frustrate, and it being told at Court, that there were some Horsemen in Arms upon the new Bridge, they made the Prince believe, who at that instant was at Court, that doubtless there was Treachery intended him from the Frondeurs; and to make proof of it, the Queen detaining him in her Lodgings, caused him to send his Coach empty with his Pages and Laquays after the accustomed manner, to observe what those arm­ed men did there: this was done, and the Coach was no sooner on the Bridge, but some came up to it to discover, and not finding the [Page 67] Prince, letting it pass, discharged di­vers Shot at the Coach of the Count de Duras, which followed it, and killed a Laquay.

The news of this accident arri­ving at Court, the Prince was furi­ously enraged, and fill'd with desire of revenge against the Frondeurs. And the Cardinal profiting himself of this lucky hit, failed not to insti­gate Conde, nourishing betwixt him and the Frondeurs a distrust, which afterwards turned into open enmity.

The Prince complained to the Parlement of the Coadjutor, the Duke of Beaufort, and others, as Authors of this Assassinate; and seeking to extinguish that Faction▪ fondly hoped to ruine afterward the Cardinal. But he most vigilant knew to govern himself in such manner, that laying hold on the op­portunity, obliged the Court to think of moderating Conde's Au­thority, which he daily by little and little increased.

[Page 68]The Prince having in contempt of the Regent concluded the Marri­age betwixt the Duke of Richlieu and the Marchioness of Pons, fur­thered this Application. The Court surmizing that this was done, that he might the easilier afterwards get the Fortress of Havre de Grace out of Richlieu's hands, of which he was Governour, or at least to have it at his devotion on all occurren­ces.

The Frondeurs perceiving them­selves persecuted by the Prince, of­fered to piece with the Cardinal, to lessen him, being thereunto sollicit­ed by the Dutchess of Chevreuse, offended with Conde because of the aforesaid Marriage, in regard she had designed her own daughter to be Dutchess of Richlieu, for the love the Duke himself bore him.

The Coadjutor, chief Head of this Faction, propounded to have the [Page 69] Prince imprisoned; for he being weakened, he reckoned that Ma­zarine might be the easilier ruined, who still carrying it fairly on with dissimulation, thought of nothing more then to shock one Party a­gainst the other, and to sustain inte­merate the Authority of the Re­gent.

The Dutchess of Chevreuse wish­ing the Princes ruine in what man­ner soever, had already obtained to this end, the Duke of Orleans con­sent, enjoyning him not to commu­nicate the secret to the Abbot della Riviera, as one not to be trusted; for the strict correspondence which he held with the Prince of Conty upon the account of his Cardinalship, and by consequence with the Prince himself.

The Coadjutor, in the same time that he counselled and sollicited the imprisonment of the Prince, per­sisting nevertheless in his desire first [Page 70] to abase the Cardinal, (of whose subtilty he was more apprehensive then of the other) he sought with great diligence to reconcile himself to Conde by means of Friends, Sub­missions Protestations, and Offers; but all his Attempts proving in vain, by reason of the strong Anti­pathy that the Prince had against his person, as likewise against Beau­fort: they resolved to joyn with the Cardinal to the prejudice of Conde, with a full intention afterward to destroy him too.

With these Preparatives for a change began the Year 1650, and all things being already well dispo­sed. The evening before the 18th. of January, that was allotted for securing not onely the Prince of Conde, but likewise his Brother and Brother in Law.

These Princes upon some prece­ding rumour among the people that they should be imprisoned, agreed [Page 71] among themselves never to appear at the Council all together, and till that time they observed that rule.

Mazarine this notwithstanding was so much his Crafts master in dissimulation, and so well feigned himself a stranger to any such reso­lution, that finally with a most sub­til artifice he so wrought, that the Prince himself prepared the Guards, under pretext to imprison one Cou­tures, and became instrumental to his own imprisonment.

The Prince that very morning had been in the Cardinals Apparti­ment, in the instant that Monsieur de Lionne was writing the Warrant for the Arrest of him, his Brother, and Brother in Law.

The Cardinal shew'd not the least alteration in his Countenance, re­ceived the Prince with all demon­stration of affection and sincere friendship: and Conde complaining [Page 72] to him of the bruit spred thorough the City, that he was not his true friend, and sought his ruine: Ma­zarine with the greatest protestati­ons of sincerity and friendship assu­red him of the esteem he had for him, and of his affectionate and loyal correspondence, redoubling still his Asseverations, that he never had the least thought of being against him; and yet at the same time Mons. de Lionne was writing the Order.

To entice the Duke of Longue­ville to transgress the Agreement made with his brothers in Law, ne­ver to appear all three at the Coun­cil they made him believe, that in the evening of the 18th. of January 1650, the Affair concerning the Marquess of Beveron his great Con­fident would be debated; so that for his care to favour his friend he for­got his own concern, and notwith­standing that Mons. Priolo his familiar Acquaintance advertiz'd him not to [Page 73] go to the Council, yet would he not be persuaded, so that all three came thither one after another, though Conde and Conty were dis­suaded by the Princess their Mo­ther that very morning; the Prince not apprehending any thing, as well for the Cardinals demonstrations of his true friendship, as for his con­fidence of the Abbot della Riviera, who would have told him all, sup­posing that the Duke of Orleans without his assent would have ta­ken no such resolution; and though it had been taken, would have com­municated it to the Abbot his bo­som-friend.

They went together to wait on the Queen, who feigning her self not very well was lain down to re­pose her self on her bed; wherefore they suddenly withdrew, and stay­ing awhile in the Anti-chamber, the Queen being alone with the King, and sollicitous for what she [Page 74] knew must happen, prayed the King to shut the door, which he did. The Princes going afterwards into the Gallery where the Council was held, they found every one there but the Cardinal, who was in his own Appartement discoursing with the Abbot della Riviera, ignorant of this business, after which he found himself openly in disgrace, with the Duke of Orleans his Pa­tron, who likewise came not to Council, as they had agreed, for fear of what might happen abroad.

The Sieur de Cominges Lieutenant of the Queens Guards entered im­mediately into the Gallery with the Sieur de Guitault his Uncle, and Croissy, who told the Princes the Orders they had from the King to secure their persons.

They standing amazed at such news, the Prince of Conde requested to speak a word with the Queen, but being refused, as also to speak [Page 75] with the Cardinal, they were con­strained to descend by the Back­stairs that leads to the Garden, without the least noise or suspicion given to any, although the Halls, Chambers, and Courts were full of the Princes friends and follow­ers.

They were carried away in a Coach with a Guard of Horse to the Boys de Vincennes. The Partizans of the Princes were exceedingly a­stonished at this news, which was presently noised in the City, the sign being given by discharging a Can­non, that the prisoners were arrived at Vincennes, whereupon the whole City was immediately in Arms, the people believing that the Duke of Beaufort was likewise secured, as the friends of the prisoners did arti­ficially divulge, to exasperate the people against Mazarine; so that Beaufort was obliged that very night to ride thorough the City by [Page 76] Torch-light, that he might be seen which pacified and much contented the people, who rejoycing at the imprisonment of the Princes, made Bonfires in several parts of the Town, with such Acclamations as if the Kingdom had been redeemed from all misery and affliction, and all blessed the Cardinal for so pious a resolution.

But the more reputation he gain­ed by this act, the more did he awa­ken their envy, and incited the Fron­deurs to contrive his destruction, since they had obtained their intent in seeing the Prince of Conde's Party laid low, pursuing still their for­mer design of getting the sole ma­nagement of Affairs in their own power.

After this there arose new distur­bances in divers parts of the King­dom, stirred up by the Prince of Conde's Mother the Dutchess of Longueville, and many other Princes [Page 77] and Noblemen of their Kindred and Friends in the Provinces under their Government; and in Paris it self the favourers of the imprisoned being assembled in the House of the Princess Palatine, consulted about the properest remedies to draw them out of prison. The Coadju­tor and Beaufort concurred with them in this Consultation, on design to ruine also Mazarine, and remain sole Masters.

The Cardinal finding himself more at liberty to act, began to practise the ways how to arrive at his intent, which was to destroy the Faction of la Fronda, serving him­self to that end with his wonted dis­simulation, excellently by him pra­ctised, to make appear his reconci­liation with the Duke of Beaufort seem candid and sincere, who at that time was in the highest degree of Esteem and Veneration with the Parisiens: and with design to make [Page 78] them diffident of him he went pub­lickly to pay him a Visit, unusual for him to do, for which the Fron­deurs murmured against the Duke, calling him a Mazarine, which much lessened his credit and esteem with the people and the Faction of la Fronda.

The Friends and kindered of the Princes ceased not at the same time to raise new commotions in the o­ther parts of France; so that the Tumults of Normandy, Champagne, and Burgundy were scarce appeased, when as those of Guienne and chiefly of Bourdeaux began to break out.

Mazarine being no less agitated by the commotions of the Kingdom, then by those in Paris, where the peo­ple were more and more set on to Se­ditions, he thought fit to cause the K: to leave the City again, under pretext to oppose the Preparations of the Spaniards, who were united with the Male-contents on the Confines of [Page 79] Flanders. Whereupon the Court went to Compeigne; and because the Spaniards at this time had be­sieged Guise, a place of great impor­tance, the Cardinal thought it con­venient to go in person to the Ar­my, and attempt to relieve it; which successfully he performed, having encourage the Souldiers and Officers with money, and many Presents distributed amongst the principal Commanders, by which kind of dealing he kept the Soul­diery always well-affected, and faithful to the King and his own person.

Upon this good success the Car­dinal took courage to go with the King to chastise the Rebels of Bour­deaux, and drew the Duke of Orle­ans and all the Council to his Opi­nion.

This resolution displeased the Frondeurs, for the advantages they foresaw the happy execution of this [Page 80] Enterprize might bring to the Court and to Mazarine, and by con­sequence the damage and prejudice to their own Party. Whereupon they began to divulge new calum­nies against the Cardinal, namely that this Progress was for no other purpose then to establish the Matri­mony of his Nieces, who after the imprisonment of the Princes were taken out of the Monastery, and brought to live in the Palace Roy­al with the Dukes of Mercure, and Candale only son of the Duke of Espernon, so that they plotted all they could to hinder the chastise­ment of those of Bourdeaux, and to reconcile themselves to the Princes, and to release them, with design to fall altogether upon the Cardinal; and having ruined him to fall upon the Princes, and remain sole in the Government.

To this end, they flattered the Dutchess of Chevreuse with hopes [Page 81] of marrying her daughter to the Prince of Conty; and she being in great credit and esteem with the Duke of Orleans, by her means they gained the good-will of that Duke, and with various Artifices perswa­ded him to press the Queen, that the Princes might be brought from Vincennes to the Bastile, of which place the Councellour Brussel (one of the chief of the Fron­deurs) being Governour, they thought by this means to get the Princes into their custody, and to unite themselves with them, to con­found the Cardinal; or if they should be able to ruine the Cardi­nal of themselves, then to detain the Princes still prisoners, and keep the dominion in their own pow­er.

They joyned themselves thereup­on in a stricter union, and diligent­ly laboured to hinder the King from going into Guienne, using in­numerable [Page 82] devices, to frustrate this intention of the Cardinal, who for all that, mock'd at all the tricks of his enemies, and with more discern­ing and wise Counterplots deluded them.

Their endeavors to hinder the Voiage into Guienne not succeed­ing, they found out another pre­text to stir up the people, giving out that Mazarine was the only Obstructer of the Peace, and that they ought to consider of the means to force him to conclude it; the the Duke of Beaufort with like pre­texts endeavored to regain his cre­dit with the people, from which he was much fallen, ever since the Cardinals Visit.

The Court at this time went in­to Guienne. The Duke of Orleans remained in Paris in quality of Lieutenant General of the Crown. The Cardinal, though he found himself strong enough in forces to [Page 83] chastise the Bourdelese, yet did not omit according to his wonted cu­stom to seek by fair means and by treaty to quiet these differences, knowing the ill consequences that follow the bloody remedies of Arms, against ones own Subjects.

But the Bourdelese that were back'd by the Parliament of Paris, by the Faction of the Princes, by the Frondeurs, and by the very Spa­niards, obstinately prepared them­selves to a defence.

The Spaniards, making advan­tage of this diversion, recovered Piombino and Portolongone in Italy. And in Flanders, joyning with Ma­reschal Turenne they took Rhetel, and la Chappelle over-running the Countrey within ten Leagues of Paris.

The Frondeurs rejoycing at this Progress of the enemy, thought of nothing more then of the delivery of the Princes, to counterballance [Page 84] the Cardinal, hoping that the Ob­ligation, in freeing them from Pri­son, would cancel the demerit of making them Prisoners.

None was more zealous to serve the Dutchess of Chevreuse then the Coadjutor, who by means of Let­ters reciprocally convey'd to and from the Princes, had gained a pro­mise from the Prince of Conty to marry her Daughter.

Hereupon the Dutchess pressed the Duke of Orleans that he would likewise set his helping hand to their liberty.

But the Persuasions of Monsieur Tillier, Secretary of State, (left by the King at Paris to assist the Duke of Orleans) prevailing with the Duke, and knowing the danger, that if the Spaniards should advance as far as the Castle of Vincennes, they might set the Princes at liber­ty, consented, that they should be remove to the Castle of Marcoussy, [Page 85] to keep them still in the Kings Power.

The Spaniards making use of this favourable conjuncture, for their interests, thought to increase the a­nimosities of the Parisiens, by send­ing a Trumpet from the Arch-Duke, with Letters to the Duke of Orleans, inviting him to a Treaty for a General Peace, with a shew of sincere intentions.

The Duke willingly lent an ear to this invitation, hoping thereby to acquire no less glory abroad, then credit and good-will amongst the French: wherefore dispatching se­veral Courriers to Court, they to please him sent him Power and Authority to Treat; the Cardi­nal not doubting but that quickly (as it afterwards happened) he should discover the Arts by which this Engine was levell'd.

The Princes friends in the mean time did not let slip this opportuni­ty [Page 86] to instigate the people so much the more against Mazarine, affixing several papers in divers parts of the City, in the Mareschal de Turenne's name, containing in substance that there being in the Cardinal as great a reluctancy to the peace, as in the Archduke and the Spaniards there was a readiness and inclination for it, they ought by no means to lose this opportunity of enjoying again so great a happiness; aggravating withall the miseries and ruine that by the continuation of the war ho­vered over all France.

To this effect the Marquess de Bagni Apostolical Nuntio, with the Count d [...] Avaux went to Soissons to confer with the Archduke about the first Overtures. Where they not onely found none on the part of the Catholick King, but also were slightly answered by Don Gabriel di Toledo, that it behoved them to ex­pect Orders from Spain; whilest [Page 87] the Archduke made account he had been Plenipotentiary, having made the invitation with such earnestness and importunity.

Those of Bourdeaux in the mean while were reduced to great streights by the assault made upon the Town by the Kings Army, so that they inclined to an Accommo­dation; nor did the Court shew much aversion thereunto, for the apprehension they had of the com­motions of Paris: wherefore the King granted them a general Am­nesty, without giving ear to their importunities for the delivery of the Princes; but giving them the satisfaction in the removal of the Duke of Espernon from that Go­vernment, the rest remaining in the same state.

This Peace of Bourdeaux was re­ceived with unexpressible bitter­ness by the Frondeurs, who jealous that the Cardinal would set the [Page 88] Princes at liberty without acquaint­ing them, they united themselves afresh with the Duke of Orleans, and sought by all means to set him at odds with Mazarine, whom they gave to understand that the Court should return Paris, and this with intent to hinder him of those ad­vantages that he might reap by the Voyage of Tholouse and Provence, which was of the Cardinal for many weighty reasons, who preferring the urging desire of the Duke of Orleans for the Kings return to Pa­ris, and the necessity of providing for the securing of the Princes (in causing them to be transported to a safer place then Marcousy) before any other consideration, he brought back their Majesties towards Paris, and they remained at Fountainbleau, whither the Queen invited the Duke of Orleans to consult Affairs of great importance; but in effect [Page 89] it was onely to win him to the re­moval of the Princes; a thing dread­ed by the Frondeurs, who foreseeing it, had made the Duke promise them never to consent to it: but the easie nature of that Prince submit­ting after his accustomed manner to the Genius of the Queen, and to her Caresses, he could not deny to give his assent for the transport of the Princess to Havre de Grace, which was done the 15th. of November fol­lowing, the Count d' Harcourt being their Convoy.

This blow much confounded the Frondeurs, and therefore they sought anew to possess the Dukes mind with fears and suspicions, and joyn­ed themeselves again (with all the Princes Kindred, Friends, and Par­takers) with the Dutchess of Chev­reuse, the Marquess of Chasteauneuf, the Dutchess of Orleans, and Mada­moiselle, and imployed all their thoughts on the liberty of the Prin­ces.

[Page 90]But they doubted by what course to attempt it: Some were of opinion that they should gain the Cardinal; for the Prisoners once delivered, and la Fronda uniting himself with them, they might ru­ine him at pleasure: But the major part concluded, that they ought to make use of la Fronda's power. The first way was tried, but proved in vain, Mazarine opining, that for the safety of the Kingdom they ought not to trust them at liberty till the Kings Majority: wherefore they had recourse to the second ma­king the Duke of Orleans Head of the Caball; who at length having by his intreaty won the Queen to re­move to Paris, gained a great step to the designs of the Frondeurs.

By these intestine distractions France continued to feel in divers parts more and more the effects of the present calamities, losing at the same time Flix, Miravet, and Tortosa [Page 91] in Catalonia, and Mouzon in France.

The Cardinal to recover these losses, and to clear Champagne from the enemy, who was fortified there, upon the gaining of the Rhetel, re­solved to go in person to regain that place, which he accordingly did about the end of November with 12000 Souldiers, and recovered it within the space of five days, to the great glory of the Mareschal du Plessis Pralin, who commanded the Army. The Opinions were vari­ous, whether they should prosecute the Victory by giving battel to Tu­renne, who was drawn near to suc­cour it: the Cardinal concluded contrary to the rest, that they ought to fight him, which they did, and gained a remarkable Victory, with the total rout of Turenne, taking prisoner Don Stephano di Gammara, a Cavalier of considerable condition, and General of the Spanish Troops that were united with Turenne.

[Page 92]The Cardinals enemies consider­ing, that notwithstanding all their Machinations he had the hap in a few moneths, and in the heat of the greatest troubles, to imprison the Princes, to secure their Towns, to relieve Guise, to conserve Havre de Grace, to recover the Castle of Di­jon, the Towns of Danvillers, Belle­garde, Clermont, St. John de l'Ausne, Verdun, Caen, Diepe, to confirm Rou­en in the Kings obedience, which had began to rebell, to quiet Bour­deaux, and put an end to the com­motions of Guienne, and lastly dri­ven the Spaniards from Rhetel: Suc­cesses able to bring his enemies to the greatest despair; but which (quite contrary) gave occasion to his friends to do him that mischief by their flatteries, which the others could not do by their persecutions; for while he was resolved to conti­nue yet some time with the Army, those that had an affection for him [Page 93] invited him with great importunity to return to triumph in Paris, to the end that (as they said) by the splen­dour of his glory he might dim the eyes of his Maligners; which so awakened their envy, rancour, and jealousie, that minding nothing else but his ruine, judged there could be no better way to compass it then to free the Princes; so that all uniting themselves with the Duke of Orle­ans and the Parlement, they caused this last to make a Remonstrance to the Queen for the Princes liber­ty.

Her Majesty very prudently en­deavoured to gain time, hoping by these means to effectuate her de­signs, but the Combiners continued their Assemblies, and after divers Treaties they concluded with the Duke of Orleans; and by engage­ments of Alliances and other ways took the boldness whatsoever came on't to have the Princes out of pri­son.

[Page 94]The Cardinal was not well ser­ved in the management of these Treaties, not having those Adver­tisements that were necessary; for if he had been thoroughly inform'd of their designs, there is no doubt but he would have found ways to have frustrated them.

The Coadjutor appeared in Par­liament the first of February 1651, and enlarged himself in an eloquent speech in favour of the Princes, giving weight to his discourse by shewing that it was wholly con­formable to the sentiment of the Duke of Orleans: whereby he more and more disposed the minds of the Parliamentarians in fa­vour of the Prisoners, and confirm­ed the Duke in his resolution, per­swading him openly to avow to the Court, not to appear any more at Council, so long as the Cardinal came there with whom he shewed himself extreamly offended.

[Page 95]The Court was much perplexed at the found of so many Alarms, and knowing that the present constituti­on of Affairs disabled them to shun the blow, they resolved to prevent it, by setting the Princes free before it came to force of Arms, wherfore the Mareschal de Gramont, the Mar­quess de Lionne, and Secretary Gou­las were dispatched away secretly to treat with them.

The Coadjutor in the mean­while was much afflicted that the Parliament could not be induced to decree against the Cardinal, whose innocency appeared so much the more clear, that notwithstanding the most diligent Inquisition of his very enemies, they could not find any proofs of the accusations laid to his charge.

Finally, another invention was found out to incense the Parliament more highly, which was to make them believe that the Cardinal had [Page 96] publickly communicated those Counsels with Fairfax and Crom­well, which so exasperated even those that had yet some kindness for him, that they not only voted the innocency of the Princes, but also the Cardinals Condemnation; ag­gravating that he had dissipated the Treasure, hindred the Peace, and aspersed the Parliament with injuri­ous and dishonourable words; pro­pounding in conclusion, to suppli­cate the Queen to send him away from Court: and accompanied this their deliberation with publick cries and clamours against Maza­rine.

The Duke of Orleans went after to the Parlement, to confirm what the Coadjutor had delivered in his name, and sollicited for the effectu­al removal of the Cardinal, and for setting the Princes at liberty, ear­nestly speaking in their behalf, and with great sharpness against the [Page 97] Cardinal, which emboldened the Parlement to persist in their delibe­rations against him, although the first President Mollé (a well-mean­ing man) did seek to allay those too licentious discourses: but he him­self was constrained to go to the Queen, to remember Her Majesty of her promise to free the Princes; to whom the Queen answered that she did continue in the mind to set them at liberty; and to that pur­pose had dispatched Gramont and Li­onne to Havre de Grace, to treat with them about it, but that they ought not to pretend nor expect the exe­cution of it, without due precauti­ons for the security of the State; ag­gravating withall, that all the sup­positions brought in against the Cardinal were seditious, lies, and ca­lumnies.

But the Regents exaggeration a­vailed nothing: for the delivery of the Princes, and the removal of the [Page 98] Cardinal, were decreed anew by the Parliament

All the three Factions were at this time united against that of Ma­zarine, who was upheld by the sole Authority of the King and Queen, and Forces of the Kingdom; and being in this streight, his only Me­ditation was how to put in practice the laudable Maxime of tempori­zing.

The Court, by reason of the ge­neral uniting of so many Seditious, was necessitated to give way to so many contrivings, in which the Dutchess of Chevreuse acted her part to the life, stimulated by inter­est, and by the ambition of the a­foresaid Marriage; for, setting that aside, she was the Cardinals inti­mate friend. And feigning her self still so, told him confidently, that if he did withdraw himself for some short time, he should by that means appease these first passions of [Page 99] the Duke of Orleans, who returning to the Council, the Queen would soon win him to her party; and in few days he would be recalled a­gain, knowing the nature of the French, that having obtained their desire, they presently grow weary, and change their minds.

The Cardinal suffering himself to be lulled asleep by the harmony of this Syren, and not to put to ha­zard the publick Tranquillity, re­solved his Departure, and went to impart it to the Queen, advising her to stand firm in her resolution of keeping the Princes fast, while he, securing his own person, should take away all pretext from the Male-contents to proceed further; and leaving her many good Memorials for the service of the King and the State, with a Letter from the Re­gent to the Sieur de Bar (who had the custody of the Princes) contain­ing a precise Order to obey the [Page 100] Cardinal in every particular, he went in all diligence towards Havre de Grace, with design that if he could not handsomly secure the de­taining of the Princes, to cause them at least to acknowledge him the Author of their liberty, and by this act to oblige them to a grati­tude, making the Count de Servi­ent and Monsieur le Tillier partakers and actors in this and other se­crets.

The evening before the 6th, of February 1651, he got on Horse­back, with onely three persons, and passed out by the gate of Richlieu, without which he found divers Gen­tlemen, to the number of 400 Horse, that expected him; and with these he went to St. Germaines, whence he dispatched a Courrier to the Marquess de Lionne at Havre de Grace, to understand the issue of his Negotiations, and to Monsieur le Tillier, putting him in mind to [Page 101] give way to the Princes delivery, till he had adjusted what they had agreed upon amongst themselves; which being come to the know­ledge of the Marquess de Chasteau­neuf, he making use of it for his own benefit, hoped by rendering himself the principal Author of the Princes liberty, to delude the de­signs of the Cardinal; who being advised of the streights to which the Queen was more and more re­duced, resolved no longer to defer the Princes releasment.

The 12th. of February he hasted away to Havre de Grace, where he was received with all demonstrati­on of Honour, and entering where the Princes were, with much frank­ness uttered these words, Jo porto per ordine della Regina la liberta a V. V. A. A. senza alcuna conditione; I bring by the Queens Order your High­nesses liberty without any reserve: yet adding, S.M. vi prega però d'amar [Page 102] lo Statto il Re, la di lei persona; Her Majestie prays ye to love the State, the King and her Person; delivering all this in a posture of Respect and Reverence, yet not un­beseeming his Quality and sweet manner of speech.

The Prince answered in name of them all, with a chearful but grave countenance, Noi si chiamamo obli­gati a S. M. della giustitia che ci ren­de; serviremo sempre il Re, la Re­gina: We hold our selves obliged to her Majestie for the justice which she renders us; we shall always serve the King, the Queen; and embracing the Cardinal, ancora voi Signore, and also you Sir.

The Prince of Conde resolved to dine before he went out, wherefore the Princes, the Cardinal, Gramont, Palleau, Lionne and Goulas sate down to dinner, entertaining one another with mutual familiarity, in which was verified the saying of Caesar, [Page 103] speaking of the French Humour.

After dinner the Cardinal had private Conference with the Prince, and immediately going out of the Fort they entred into Mareschal de Gramonts Coach, the Prince of Conde, going in last, placed himself in the Boot, and hearing the Car­dinal to with him a good Voiage, did not answer him with the least shew of courtesie, making the Coach drive on without saying any thing: giving the Cardinal quick­ly to understand the requital he was to expect, for the kind embrace­ments with which he received him on the day of his imprisonment, with Protestations of a sincere friendship, when at the same instant he made the Marquess of Lionne write the order for his Arrest.

Upon the News that the Cardi­nal was gone from Paris, the peo­ple were presently up in arms, run­ning tumultuously to the Palace [Page 104] Royal, and suspecting that the King and Queen were also upon depar­ture, they placed 2000 men in Guard: and the diffidence and impu­dence of the Frondeurs went so far, that they placed Guards even at the Kings bed-fide, who ever and anon opening the Curtains observed if he slept, and if he were there.

The Cardinal being departed, the Queen sent to invite the Duke of Orleans to the Council, who under several pretences refused to come, for fear lest the Queen should gain him, and send for the Cardinal back; who caused his Nieces also to be conducted out of Paris.

Mazarine's Enemies greatly fear­ing his return, insisted that Orleans should receive a promise from the Queen, that he should return no more, about which the Parlement framed a most rigorous Decree, by which they enjoyned him to depart the Kingdom within 15 days, as [Page 105] likewise his Kindred and familiar Friends, under a great Mulct to any that should receive them; procuring this Order to be confirmed by all the Parlements of France.

The Cardinal lingered some time at Havre de Grace, consulting with his friends to what part he should retire, upon which occasion they that coveted his Charge reported, that he staid there to make himself Master of that place. Wherefore to take away all pretexts of their Exclamations, and being daily more convinced of the ill will of the Prince of Condé, who spake injuri­ously of his Person, he resolved to depart with many Gentlemen his Friends, who together with seve­ral Souldiers made up the number of near 100 Horse, and travel­ling with great hardship and incom­modity by reason of the sharp season, he went to Dorlans a Town in Pi­cardy, under the Government of the [Page 106] Sieur de Bar, who was one of those that followed him, being re­ceived with great honour and civi­lity in all those Provinces.

He stayed there some time to re­solve where he might best retire out of the Kingdom. The Parisiens renewing their clamours to the Queen, constrained her to write to the Cardinal, that for the good of the State he would speedily go out of the Kingdom, inducing her more­over to make a Declaration, that all strangers, though naturalized, should not for the future be capable of being admitted into the Council of State, some insisting that even the French Cardinals should be comprehended; and this chiefly to keep off the Coadjutor from being Chief Minister of State (to which he aspired together with the Cardinalship) who was really more hated then loved, being held to be a man very violent, and hardy in his [Page 107] resolutions, though he was doubt­less one of the bravest Persons of France.

This Declaration was passed in Parliament, but by reason of the contrariety of opinions in the par­ticular of the French Cardinals, ac­cording to the inclination of those Counsellors, (thought it passed al­so in this particular) it was mode­rated, and had not its full force, and was put in execution, only against Mazarine, who staying still in France, expecting his Pass-port from the Spaniard, gave new occasion to his adversaries to murmur, who induced the Queen again to sollicit his departure out of the Kingdom, to which the Cardinal shewed himself most ready, though his friends offer­ed him 10000 fighting men to de­fend him against the persecution of his enemies; and even the Spaniards themselves promised him all vigo­rous assistance, with a Pension not [Page 108] inferiour to what he had in France.

The Cardinal rejected all most generously, into whose Heart the French (his Enemies) with all their injurious dealings could never in­troduce the least sense of revenge to the damage of France, since that the sense of gratitude towards their Ma­jesties, and his Cordial affection for those that were Loyal, were too prevalent in his Noble Soul. He departed therefore speedily from Dorlans, from whence he wrote two very handsom Letters, which were seen in Print, on to the Queen, and the other to the Count de Brienne, at that time chief Secretary of State, full of cordial expressions of his constant fidelity to their Majesties, and of prudent counsel for the good of the State; the tenour of which Letters moved a tender compassion in the minds of his Friends, and in­wardly convinced and staggered his Enemies. From thence he went to [Page 109] Perone, not without some inconve­nience, where he found his Nieces conducted thither in safety by the Abbot Ondedei. He went with them to la Fere, and thence to Rhe­tel, from whence Generel Rosa with 300 Horse conducted him to Barle­duc. Where in sequence of the Honours done him in every place in this his Retirement, by an express Courrier he received the most cour­teous proffers of the Elector of Co­len, who sent to invite him, offer­ing him his whole State to be at his service, with all the kind expressi­ons that could possibly be expected from a generous Prince and a true Friend.

For which having given to that Prince most affectionate thanks, he proceeded on to Clermont, by the assistance of the Mareschal de la Ferté Seneterre, who in that Ren­counter gave him many authentick proofs of a loyal and faithful friend­ship, [Page 110] which he made more particu­larly appear in refusing to put the Town into the hands of two Gen­tlemen of the Prince of Conde's, who had brought him the Kings Order, the Mareschal excusing him­self by telling them that he had too much cause to believe, that that Or­der was extorted by violence, and that therefore he would not give credit to it unless he were com­manded by him that intrusted it with him, which was as much as to say the Cardinal, who under­standing this, notwithstanding the foresaid reflexions, to shew how much a Kings Order ought to be respected, prayed the Mareschal to obey it, which immediately he did.

From Clermont he went to Se­dan, where once more by the im­portunity of his enemies receiving the Queens Orders to depart quite out of the Kingdom, he went to [Page 111] Boullon in the State of Liege, con­voyed by Don Antonio Pimentelli, Major General of the Spanish Army, with 500 Horse; the Spaniards themselves concurring to demon­strate to the world, that they under­stood the Merits of the Cardinal, and the Honours due to the Sacred Purple better then the French.

From Liege he continued his journey towards Aix la Chapelle, and from thence he passed to Brul, a place belonging to the Elector of Colen, who sent immediately to complement him, offering him all manner of courtesie; and being Royally received in the Electoral Palace, he was first visited by all the Cannons of the Archbishoprick of Colen, the principal Gentle­men of the Country, and afterward by the Elector himself, who came expresly from Bona place of his residence. The Cardinal went to return his Visit, where he was re­ceived [Page 112] with all the Honours that could be done to the greatest Prince, and came back to Brul infinitely ob­liged to the Elector for his civi­lities.

Here he fixed his abode, and the concourse of all sorts of people that came to see him was such, that that place seemed a great Court. He was complemented here by Expres­ses from the King and Queen of Poland, from the Queen, of Swede­land, from the Electors of the Em­pire, and finally from most of the Princes of Europe, who sent to offer him their Dominions; to the great mortification of his enemies, who the more they, sought to abase him by their passionate resolutions, the more they saw him honoured and extolled by all the world.

The Princes in the interim arri­ving at Paris, and the Queen with the King remaining in a manner prisoners in the Palace Royal, where [Page 113] they were begirt on all sides by the armed Parisiens, all the concourse of the Cavaliers was at the Prince of Conde's, and of the Ladies at the Dutchess of Longueville's, so that there seemed to be no such thing as a King. But although the Cardi­nal was absent in person, yet he was virtually present, applying himself continually with the greatest arti­fice to divide the minds of the Fron­deurs from the Union of the Prin­ces: and the Dutchess of Chevreuse being the person, that together with the Coadjutor governed the whole Caball, he applied himself to those means that might draw her from the Prince's party, or indeed make her their enemy; for which he knew no better way then to frustrate the Match betwixt the Prince of Conty and her daughter. Taking this business in hand, he suggested to his Confidents at Paris such items, which being by them punctually [Page 114] observed, they made Conty believe that the Princess of Chevreuse was not of that Quality besitting his birth, and they intimated to the Prince of Conde, that if the Prince his brother should marry, it would much prejudice the Revenue of his Family, by the division of the com­mon Patrimony. Besides, the Prince of Conty being of a bleak complexi­on and tender, Marriage would shor­ten his days.

These discourses did so far pre­vail with both the Princes, that Conty declared that he would not marry.

Upon this repenting, and going off from their word, the Dutchess of Chevreuse swell'd with such disdain against the Princes, that she soon withdrew her self from the Union, together with the Coadjutor, who was likewise much nettled at it. They joyned themselves with the Duke of Orleans, and endeavoured [Page 115] (which at length they accomplish­ed) to reunite him to the Court, re­conciling themselves to the Cardi­nal, all things being agreed on as hereafter shall be declared.

The Duke of Espernon in the mean while foreseeing the disorders inevitable in a Province against which he had shewn himself so op­posite, and drawn upon himself the general odium of those people, he made a Proposal to the Prince of Conde, to exchange his Government of Guienne for that of Burgundy, where the Prince was Governour, who at first did not shew any incli­nation to it, but afterward under­standing that Mazarine having an inkling of it with strong rea­sons had dissuaded the Queen from it, he was more earnestly bent upon it. And although most of the Statesmen were of Mazarine's Opi­nion, not to permit such an Ex­change, nevertheless the politick [Page 116] Reasons alledged by the Count de Servient prevailed for it, who soon, after perceived his errour, in belie­ving to gain the Prince, by satisfy­ing him in this particular, which clean contrary rather proved an in­citement to him to pretend to great­er things; for he had no sooner ob­tained the Government of Guienne, but he immediately requested to make an Exchange of Champagne, under the Government of the Prince of Conty, that of Provence; but in this (it being of greater import­ance then the other) he met with a general opposition of all the other Ministers of State, and of Servient himself.

The Cardinal (though absent) was nevertheless secretly inform'd of all the Affairs of the Crown, as if he had been present; he highly aggravated the concession of Gui­enne, and reproved those that unad­visedly had given ear to the other [Page 117] pretensions for Provence, it being a business too prejudicial to the Kings service and the Commonwealth, for the consequences that might fol­low.

The King on all occasions expe­rimenting the refined prudence of Mazarine, thought on nothing more then his return, continually giving him notice, and assuring him of this his fixed resolution.

The Prince of Conde himself co­operated to this desire of the King; who being disgusted with the Dut­chess of Chevreuse, about the Marri­age of her daughter with the Prince of Conty as also with the Princess Palatine, for many dissatisfactions past betwixt them, by reason that the Princess having interposed for the reconcilement of the Prince with the Court, and having recei­ved some promise upon the effecting it, she complained that she had been mock'd.

[Page 118]These two Princesses therefore were united with the Queen for the depression of the Prince, who per­mitted himself in this occasion to be led away by the Male-contents of this Court, and in particular by the Count de Chavigny, who had been thorough Mazarine's counsel at his departure out of the Kingdom re­called by the Queen; to oblige him in that manner to depend on her, lest if Conde should have caused his return, it was to be doubted that he would not hearken to the Propo­sals that were made him on the Kings behalf, to alienate him from the Frondeurs, and the other Male-contents.

These two mettled Princesses thus joyning with the Queen and the Cardinal, drew along with them the Coadjutor, promising him a Nomination to a Cardinalship, and to cause the Marquess of Chasteau­neuf, a great Confident of the Dut­chess, [Page 119] and the Prince's Enemy, to be recall'd to the Council, upon the gaining of these persons, intimate friends of the Duke of Orleans, the Court resolved what e're came on't to recall the Cardinal, who was wish'd for at that time by his very Adversaries for their particular Interests, (men of spirit laying hold on all occasions that seem opportune to them for obtaining that which is not to be had by other means.)

To which end Bertet (a Confi­dent of Chasteuneuf's) was dispatch­ed with this Negotiation to find the Cardinal: who, the better to establish the business, and to assure himself thoroughly of the Queens mind, sent the Abbot Ondedei pri­vately to Paris, who having run many dangers in his Voyage, arri­ved there safe, and without being discovered lying hid in the House of the Marchioness of Ampoux, he [Page 120] negotiated all this Affair succesful­ly: He assured Chasteauneuf, that at the Kings Majority he should be made chief Minister of State; that the Chief President of the Parle­ment Mole should have the Seal; the Marquess of Vieville should be made Superintendant of the Finan­ces; and the Coadjutor nominated to the Cardinalate.

The Prince having sented these proceedings, began to suspect that the Court was musing to imprison him anew, and these doubts were fomented by those that sought to revive the dissentions; wherefore he resolved without saying any thing to retire to his Seat of S. Maur, whither the Queen dispatch'd di­vers Lords, to assure him of her sincerity towards him; but all her diligence proved in vain, the Prince justifying his suspitions to be found­ed upon good grounds, and that ha­ving been once cousen'd, he durst [Page 121] trust himself no more: nevertheless he might easily have been pacified, being naturally of a good dispositi­on. But all his Kindred and Friends threatening to abandon him if he agreed with the Cardinal; and he considering, that losing these, he should remain too much expos'd to the Arbitrement of the Court, he resolved (though against his will) to stand firm, declaring neverthe­less openly to his Relations and Friends, that he began a dance that he should not so easily finish, and that all of them afterward would forsake him. He endeavoured then to engage the Parlement of Paris in his behalf, and pretended to have the Count de Servient and the Sieurs de Tellier and Lionne removed from Court, taxing them for being Ma­zarine's Creatures. To this remo­val the Coadjutor also underhand assisted, hoping that these being sent away, who were esteemed the wisest [Page 122] Heads of the Cabinet, he should with more ease introduce himself into the management of Affairs.

The Prince concerting with the Duke of Orleans for the expelling of these three persons, they endea­voured to draw likewise the Parle­ment to their Party, who refused to interest themselves in this affair. The Sieurs de Servient, Tillier, and Lionne, to take away all pretexts of new disturbances, resolved to ask leave of the Queen to retire, to which Her Majesty consented, though very unwillingly. Here­upon the Prince of Conde returned immediately to Paris, and going first to the Parlement, to give them thanks for their Protection of him, went afterwards to visit their Maje­sties, who received him somewhat coldly; which moved him to utter these words, That he would return thither no more, complaining pub­lickly of this reception.

[Page 123]The Duke of Mercoeur in the mean while remaining in Paris after the departure of the Cardinal, was every night with the Queen when all others were retired, conferring with Her Majesty about those Ex­pedients that were most urgent; and seeing his own Affairs but in an ill condition, by reason of the dissatis­faction of those of his Family for his Interest with the Cardinal, he supplicated the Queen for the Go­vernment of Auvergne. Her Ma­jesty, before she would gratifie him, asked the opinion of one of her Mi­nisters of State, in whom she confi­ded, who represented to her, that the Duke obtaining what he desi­red, might perhaps take an occasion to withdraw himself from the Mar­riage with Madamoiselle Mancini, and therefore judged rather to defer it, to gain time, which ripens all things. Which counsel being im­braced by the Queen, caused Mer­coeur [Page 124] (aware of this artificial de­lay) to protest with much frank­ness, that his intent was to con­summate the Marriage, and that there was no reason to doubt of his word, shewing all readiness to complete every thing agreed up­on.

Upon this they writ to the Car­dinal, who though he did not re­cede from the terms agreed on, yet knowing that this Parentage would give new occasion to his Enemies to foment the disturbances, he re­solved by any means to prefer the Kings service before his own pri­vate Interest; wherefore he answer­ed the Advocate Bluet, that he did not approve that the Duke should stir from Paris, as well to avoid the dangers that might happen in such a journy, and for the alterations that might follow in that City under this pretext; as also by reason there was none else at that time nigh His [Page 125] Majesty, with whom the Queen might discourse freely, and confide in, except himself and the Mareschal de Plessis Pralin. But the Duke seeing his Word and Honour enga­ged, admitted not of this repulse, esteeming that to expose himself in so turbulent a time, and in the greatest heat of the persecutions, to a journy full of danger, would give a more clear testimony of his Fide­lity, and more oblige the Cardinal and the Spouse to effectuate the Marriage; so that having repre­sented to the Queen several times his determined resolution, he dispo­sed her at last to grant him leave to depart, receiving besides a thousand Pistols to help to defray his char­ges. Having thus established his departure, and resolved to take his journy with all secresie, to shun the Ambushes that might be laid for him on the way, he sent his Gen­tlemen into the Country of Ven­dosme, [Page 126] with semblance that he would make a journy thither; and feign­ing himself a Servant of the Sieur de Siron, a Domestick of the Cardi­nals, in the beginning of July 1651 issuing out of the Queens Cabinet, and descending all alone by a pri­vate stairs, in the dusk of the Even­ing he took Post, and with the Sieur de Siron rode to Peronne, and from thence with a Spanish Pass-port pas­sed to Brules, where on the 12th. of the same Moneth the Marriage was celebrated and solemnized by the Archbishop the Elector of Colen; after which with the same celerity he returned to Paris, where it being understood, that there was an Am­bush laid for him on the way, the Marchioness d'Ampoux, by an ex­press Courrier (borrow'd of the Ve­netian Embassadour) advertized him of the danger, whereupon he returned to Paris another way, and remained there hid for some time [Page 127] in the house of the said Marchio­ness.

At the news of this Match a great rumour was spred in Paris, ar­guing probably from this, that Maza­rine's return was no more covertly, but publickly endeavoured: but because by their Majesties Declara­tion, and by the Decrees of the Par­lement, not onely the Cardinal, but also his Kindred were condemn'd, they persuaded themselves that the Marriage ought to be held invalid, since that (as they said) a Prince of France could not marry without the Kings consent, and much less with an exiled person, and an enemy of the State; not reflecting that if this Contract was not valid, neither ought the Decrees of Parlement to be esteem'd valid which were made without the Kings assent, and not ratified by his Authority.

Upon the account of this Invali­dity the Parlement met often, and [Page 128] the business would have run a grea­ter Praecipice (notwithstanding the Duke was not wanting in his own concern) if for the change that fol­lowed, and that obliged the Parle­ment to think of something else, this Affair had not been laid aside; for the which Mercoeur being call'd as Duke and Peer of France went to the Parlement, accompanied with so great a number of Friends, that the Duke of Orleans and the Prince of Conde arrived not till two hours after, retarded by putting their Fol­lowers in order to appear full as strong as Mercoeur. He being there very much pressed to clear this Af­fair, Answered, that he was not obli­ged to say any thing else, then that he had not in the least transgressed their Ordinances, and justified to their faces, that the Duke of Orle­ans and the Prince of Conde were the persons that had persuaded him and engaged him in the aforesaid [Page 129] Marriage; and if afterward the consideration of their Interest [...] had made them change their Opinion, he for his part knew what was to be expected from a Cavalier and a Prince born, in maintaining his Faith and Word. This notwith­standing, his Father the Duke of Vendosme was call'd, who appearing in Parlement, and being demanded if he had given his Assent, could not deny but that he had formerly consented to it; and withall said, that he had done it by the counsel and assistance of the Duke of Orle­ans, but after the Cardinals depar­ture there was no more said of it, there being no occasion for it; so that the Affair rested in this manner without passing further.

For these Controversies Paris be­ing in a great commotion, every one cast their eyes on the proceed­ings of the Court, and of the Prin­ces; and their curiosity was grown [Page 130] to that pass, that whensoever the Parlement assembled to treat of publick Affairs, and against the Cardinal, and infinite number (as well of the People as of the Nobi­lity) ran to the Palace with all sorts of Weapons to assist, some the one, some the other Party; by which the dangers daily increasing for the variety of Interests, which divided and incensed their minds, the Par­lement decreed, that every one should retire upon pain of death, and the Kings Officers were charged to see the Decree observed.

The Queen courted the Duke of Orleans at this time to concur with her for the Election of a Council to assist the King: the Duke answer­ed that he would speak with the Prince of Conde, but Her Majesty would not consent that he should communicate any thing to him, holding him for one of her bitterest Enemies.

[Page 131]The Parlement met again, and went on to treat about the Marri­age of the Duke de Mercoeur, to whom it was given in charge, that within the space of three days he should put into the hands of the Se­cretary of the Parlement the Cir­cumstances of his Espousals, with the Avouchment of them, to be communicated to his Father the Duke of Vendosme: that all the Decrees against the Cardinal, his Domesticks, and Kindred should be renewed, and particularly against Madamoiselle Mancini, who especial­ly was prohibited to return into France, and if she were there to de­part within 8 days.

The Declaration that the King was to set forth against the Cardi­nal was likewise read, and the Duke of Orleans made them adde, The damage which ensued upon his hindering the General Peace; as also for undertaking the War a­gainst [Page 132] Bourdeaux without his con­sent. The Prince of Conde obtain­ed to be added, That his imprison­ment was for no other cause, but that he would not consent to the Marriage of the Cardinals two Nie­ces with the Dukes of Mercoeur and Candale.

Upon the retirement of Servient, Tillier, and Lionne, the Regent saw it necessary to elect a new Council, to which the Duke of Orleans as­senting, (counselled thereunto by the Dutchess of Chevreuse and the Co­adjutor, who had pressed him a great while before they could pre­vail) it was resolved on to call the Marquess de Chasteauneuf to exer­cise the charge of Chief Minister, the Marquess of Vieville to be Su­perintendent of the Finances, and to confirm the Chief President, Keeper of the Seal; and the Coadju­tor was nominated to be Cardi­nal.

[Page 125] Chasteauneuf taking upon him the Management of Affairs, be­gan immediately to think upon those means that might hinder the Cardinals return, which were to make the King to go into Berry, and from thence towards Poictu; for the further off he was, the more difficult and impracticable it would be for the Cardinal to return, as well for the Animosities of the Parle­ment, as for the ill season of the year, being to pass 14 Rivers; and by keeping the King absent he should put the Duke of Orleans into the Government of Affairs, which was his principal end.

These designs of Chasteauneuf be­ing suspected by the Cardinals Confidents, who discovering that there were but few in the Council which delivered their mind cordial­ly, (the rest onely in appearance, and to gratifie the Queen, professed themselves good friends) concluded, [Page 126] that there was no better Expedient for their Majesties, and for the Car­dinal himself, then to make use of their power, and to get that by force which they could not obtain by rea­son and fair means. To this intent the Abbot Ondedei by the Kings Order (who with reiterated Letters had recall'd the Cardinal to Court) hasted to Brules, to let Mazarine understand the necessity of taking this course, and to inform him re­ally of what past, assuring him of their Majesties good intentions, for whose service it was absolutely ne­cessary he should return to his Charge, it being manifest that there was no person served them with more readiness and cordiality.

The Cardinal hearkened to what the Abbot delivered; for having found him in all occasions of an in­genious, free, and sincere nature, he much confided in him: but he rest­ed somwhat doubtful in his resolu­tion, [Page 127] for fear of making a greater alteration in Affairs, and of giving new matter to the Male-contents and to his Enemies, to raise pretexts for Seditions and Tumults, to quiet which he thought it best to remain in exile, with the loss of all he had gained hitherto. But in the end the reasons alledged by the Abbot pre­vailing, who with an equal zele to his hearty affection laboured to make him comprehend the necessity of his return, he determined with his own mony, to make without de­lay a Levy of four or five thousand Souldiers, giving the command of them to the Mareschals at la Ferté, Seneterre, and d'Hoquincourt, the Counts de Novailles and Broglio, his intimate friends, and persons of great integrity, who took upon them the command, and with all diligence applied themselves to serve him, desiring earnestly to see him read­mitted to his former State, to his [Page 128] Enemies shame and reproach.

This being resolved on, the Car­dinal desired a Pass-port of the Spa­niards to return to Bovillon, which was by them delay'd, foreseeing perhaps of what prejudice his re­turn to Court might prove. Where­fore departing suddenly from Brules, instead of going to Juliers (with­out drawing bit) he rode to Duren, a City belonging to the Duke of Newbourg, from thence to Aix la Chapelle, and so to Liege, to Huy, and lastly to Dinan, whither the Counts of Novailles and Iroglio came to him to agree on the Levies, for which he there disbursed the Mo­neys, and in 40 days time that he staid there they raised their whole number of Souldiers.

Upon this news the Parlement renewed the Decree against the Cardinal, laying to his charge that he had infringed their Order, by le­vying of Souldiers to enter again [Page 129] into France, and did what they could to hinder his return; but he conti­nuing at Dinan, hastened with all diligence the new Levies, that he might accompany them to reinforce the King: and the time of his mo­tion drawing nigh, he renewed his request to the Spaniards for a Pass­port, but it not appearing, one night unexpectedly in 18 hours riding (without drawing bit) he came to Bovillon, not without danger of be­ing snapt by the Prince of Conde's Troops, who watched diligently to intercept him, skirting ever and anon the adjacent Campagne.

From hence he sent word to ad­vertise the Spanish Commanders that he was gone, and since they had not favoured him to with the de­sired Pass for himself, desired that they would at least vouchsafe one for his Nieces, which was immedi­ately granted, and with much Ho­nour they were served, and convey'd [Page 130] to Bovillon by Don Antonio Primen­telli; and from hence arose the good correspondence betwixt him and the Cardinal, which afterward so much conduc'd to the Peace of the two Crowns, to which the Ele­ctor of Colen contributed much, by encouraging Mazarine to so pious and holy a work. He went on to Sedan, and determined as soon as might be to advance with his levied Souldiers, and with those the Ma­reschal d' Hoquincourt had gathered, who had Order from the King to joyn with him, and with one Body to enter into France.

This novelty made a great noise in Paris, but alarm'd most the Fron­deurs, the Parlement, and the Dukes of Orleans and Beaufort; who being surprised when they least imagined with clamorous complaints, gave out that it was a thing not to be en­dured, that the Court should so no­toriously infringe their Promise and [Page 131] Word so often given, and that the contempt was too remarkable, to see themselves so palpably deluded.

The Parlement therefore de­creed, that in prosecution of the Judgment concluded four days be­fore against the Cardinal, to depute some with a Message to their Maje­sties, to complain of what was act­ing on the Frontiers against their service, by levying of Souldiers, distributing of Mony, and bruit of Mazarine's return, all contrary to the Kings Declaration and his Roy­al Word, for the maintaining of which they should beseech him with all earnestness, that the commotions likely suddenly to arise to the de­struction of the Peace and the pub­lick good, might be avoided: and the Duke of Orleans was intreated to joyn some of his with the said Deputies, mutually to importune that the Cardinal might be kept at distance.

[Page 132]By a publick command they did prohibit all Cities, Towns, and all those who were in Authority on the Frontiers not to receive him, nor give him any assistance upon pain of High Treason. Though they reaped small benefit from these deliberations, because every one laugh'd at it, reputing it mere mad­ness and folly, to pretend to controle with scribling and papers, where the Kings lawful power was predomi­nant, back'd with the strength of Arms; nevertheless they were so intoxicated with a most sottish pre­tension of Authority, and so instiga­ted by their Passion, that they per­suaded themselves that an Order of Parlement was sufficient to bring the whole Kingdom under obedi­ence; and so passing from one ab­surdity to anothet, to end this year 1651, the 29th. of December, in virtue of the aforesaid Declarati­ons, of the 7th. and 9th. of Febru­ary, [Page 133] the 11th. of March, the 2d. and 8th. of August last past) and of those and some other Parlements against the Cardinal, he was by the Parle­ment of Paris declared guilty of High Treason for returning to Se­dan, contrary to the Prohibition; and for putting himself in a posture to return into France: ordering moreover to finish the selling his Library, and all the Furniture of his House, with the Confiscation of all his Ecclesiastical Emoluments, depositing 50000 Crowns to be gi­ven to him that should kill him, or deliver him alive to Justice, petiti­oning His Majesty in such case to give his Grace to the Assassine, who if by his misfortune in giving the blow should not escape, but be kill'd himself, that his Heirs should be capable of the reward, making their account that so great a recom­pence would invite some desperate Villain to take away his Life: a [Page 134] thing never heard of, and unwor­thy to be decreed, nay not to be pro­pos'd in a Catholick Parlement, the bounds of whose Authority extend­ed no further then to judge of Civil and Criminal causes, and not in the least to interest themselves in the Affairs of State. It was therefore looked upon with detestation, that they should proceed to the condem­nation of so conspicuous a States­man, so dear to the King, and by His Majesty's Council known to be so advantageous to the good of France, and adorned with the Di­gnity of Cardinal.

All Europe abhorr'd this Action, and every good Catholick was scan­daliz'd, that the Life of a Prince of Holy Church should be expos'd to sale, so acceptable to the King, by whose express Order onely he acted. And many foresaw, that the Au­thors of these execrable doings, though Humane Revenge should [Page 135] fail, would find in their season (no less then those English who con­demn'd their King to death) the chastisements of Heaven, for the little respect that they bore not on­ly to the Cardinal, but also to the King and the Holy Church.

This Decree (as far as could be guess'd) pass'd not without the secret intelligence of the Count de Cha­vigny, who believed by such means to hinder the Cardinals return, sup­posing that if the Order had but is­sued out a little before, he would not have enter'd again into the Kingdom. The Count was the first that tasted Gods judgment, dying a while after in despair, conscious of betraying the Court, and the Prince of Conde his greatest Confident, in one and the same time.

All this was represented to the Court of Rome, supposing that the Sacred College would not allow that such an Example should re­main [Page 136] in the memory of the present Age, much less be transferred to posterity, without those remedies and punishments which belong to the Popes Authority. But the Ro­manists considering that if the suc­cess should not answer the attempt, the reputation and dignity of the Apostolical See would be too far engaged; wherefore they passed it over, palliating it with dissimulati­on: for Mazarine had his back-friends in Rome as well as in France, and the Pope himself was his Ene­my,

These news coming to the Court, they rejoyced at the seditious Pari­siens, and valued little their words and inconsiderable strength, and had frequent Consultations about this business; and although few pressed the return of Mazarine, yet finding the King was resolved to have him near about him, according to the Court custom, where they flatter [Page 137] more the Fortune then the Person, they began with an affected ostenta­tion to shew, that they desired as much; some of them persuading the Queen to hasten his return, con­straining their own inclination, that they might appear to be his most cordial friends. But Prince Thomas (being a little before come out of Piemont into France) the Mareschal de Plessis Pralin, the Sieurs de la Fer­té and Seneterre, the Count de Ser­vient, the Sieur de Lionne, and other Noblemen of a clear Fidelity, inge­nuous Disposition, and true Friends, deliver'd their minds with affection and sincerity; as also the Princess Palatine, the Secretary Tillier recal­led to Court by the means of the Marquess de Chasteauneuf, and of the Mareschal de Villeroy, which vexed those at heart who persuaded themselves that they might be use­ful in that charge, and beheld with an evil eye that Mazarine's Affairs [Page 138] proceeded so smoothly on to his re­establishment. They that chiefly opposed his return in the Council were the Marquess de Chasteauneuf, who exercised the charge of first Minister of State, and deliciously relished the Applauses and the Ho­nours, which to it paid Tribute as Rivers to the Sea; but he vailed his thoughts with the pretext, that yet the conjuncture of Affairs was not ripe for his return, because the unseasonableness of it would colour the pretences of the Prince of Conde, and of the other Male-contents, with the face of Justice, and would ferment new grievances and revolu­tions, not only in Paris, but in other parts of the Kingdom; and said, it would be better counsel to seek first to remove out of the way the Prince and his Party, that he might return with more security.

The Proposition truly in it self look'd well; and if at that time no­thing [Page 139] had been innovated about Mazarine's coming back, the Prince had been totally ruined, the whole Kingdom standing firm for the King: but when it was considered, that if while the Cardinals return was delay'd, the business of the Kingdom, and the present state of Affairs should be mitigated, and the Prince destroyed, the reasons for his return as a necessary Minister would not have so much vigour as when it might be averred, that the King had no person about him sufficient to undergo so weighty a Charge. For this reason Chasteauneuf's Opi­nion did not take place, and their counsel was imbraced who support­ed the Cardinals Interest; alledg­ing that his presence was of great importance for the better carrying on the Affairs, besides the recruit of a Body, of old Souldiers levied by him, to hasten the depression of Con­de; it not seeming decent to the [Page 140] Greatness of the King, who was Master, not to be able to have near him such as he liked best. And albeit any other consideration might require, that the Cardinal should continue out of the Kingdom, the pretensions of the Parlement and the Frondeurs were sufficient, that to confound them the contrary should be done, by which means the Sove­raign Authority (independant from all other) might shine with greater lustre, and not to permit so scanda­lous an Example, that the Servants should impudently give Law to their Master.

These Reasons were fomented by the first President more then any other, being no friend to Chasteau­neuf, and alienated from the Prince, for having no greater passion then that of his service to his King. He had a principal part in this resolve, sufficiently knowing the need that they had in Court of a prime Mini­ster [Page 141] thoroughly inform'd of all the Affairs of the Kingdom.

The President was called to Poi­ctiers, with the Marquess of Vie­ville. The Parisiens and the Parle­ment regretted their departure so much the more, by how much they knew it prejudicial to their Party, that a person of so high estimation had totally given himself up to the Kings Interest and the Cardinals. Chasteauneuf for this cause not being able to make good his Maxim, he took himself to those Arts, which were suggested to him by his many years experience in the Affairs and Interests of the Court. To disturb then Mazarine's return, he writ to the Sieur de Fremont, Secretary to the Duke of Orleans, to dispose his Master to come to Court, because by his presence, giving countenance and support to them that opposed the Cardinal, he should easily pre­vail to hinder the designs of those [Page 142] that adhered to him. But the Co­adjutor on the contrary foreseeing, that the Duke would be quickly brought about to the Queen, and instead of opposing would conde­scend to her satisfaction, he oppo­sed the counsel of Chasteauneuf, and with great sagacity diverted the journy of His Royal Highness, who had undertaken it, if instead of wri­ting to Fremont he had writ to the Count of Chavigny and the Secreta­ry Goulas.

In that interim the Mareschal de Hoquincourt had rendezvouz'd his Troops about Laon to joyn with the Cardinal, who was ready with o­thers under his pay to enter into France; wherefore having agreed to meet about Derlans and Espernay upon the Marne in the beginning of January, the Mareschal began to move the 18th. of December, and the Cardinal leaving his Nieces at Sedan, advanced likewise toward [Page 143] Espernay with 5000 chosen fighting men, and there calling a Council of War it was concluded, that the Mareschal with 1000 Horse should secure the Passes on the Rivers Aube and Sene, which he accord­ingly did, passing luckily without any opposition by l' Anglure and l' Aube, and crossed the Sene at Me­ry, where the Regiments of Horse and Foot under the command of the Sieur de St. Mor joyned with him, and receiving intelligence that the Duke of Orleans had sent out four Companies to Pont sur Sonne, Ho­quincourt charged them, routed some Horse which infested the road to Sens, and compelled the Sieur de Morandiere, Commander of the Dukes men, to quit his Post and re­tire.

It was thought that the Princes did not do all their endeavour to hinder this return; for perceiving that their Affairs were in a most de­sperate [Page 144] condition, (the whole King­dom concurring in favour of the King) they knew that nothing could keep them from their last tottering, but some new pretext that might give an honest colour to their Cause, and retard the Sub­jects from the assistance which they contributed to their Sove­raign. And it was suspected, that instead of providing to de­fend the Passes with some compe­tent Forces, which they might soon­er have gathered together, they de­layed so long till the Cardinal was far advanced into the Kingdom; and it was believed that not onely the Princes that were in Paris pro­moted this design, but that it was also secretly fomented by the Prince of Conde, it being known that he had made Gourville and others to sollicit the Cardinal to undertake his return to Court, hoping that this would serve him either for a [Page 145] pretext to justifie his proceedings, or for an occasion to piece with him, because he had rather have to do with Mazarine then with Chasteau­neuf.

The thoughts in the mean time of the Coadjutor were to induce the Duke of Orleans to frame a third Party of Male-contents, and Enemies to Mazarine, which per­haps might be seconded by the Courtiers that were averse to him; and therefore he used all industry to make the plot succeed: imagining that the Queen being intimidated by the Duke, more firmly adhering to Conde, she would be necessitated to keep the Cardinal further off; in which case ( Orleans uniting him­self to the Interest of the Court, and fortifying himself with the Troops of Lorrain) he should totally ruine the Prince.

But the Count of Chavigny, and the rest of Conde's friends kept Orle­ans [Page 146] firm, making him understand that he could not sustain himself but by uniting with the Prince; and though they should not fully make sure of him, they hoped at least to prevent him, by closing with the Court, in which case he would hardly be able to uphold himself. In the interim the Duke of Nemours coming to Paris, con­firmed in the name of the Prince of Conde the Treaty with Orleans, and the result was for the keeping out of the Cardinal, and to make peace with Spain.

The news being spread in Paris of Orders given out by the King different to his former Declarati­ons, it is not to be imagined how the contrary Spirits were enraged; yet they could do no more then make a noise, so long as the Kings Authority was prevalent in the Kingdom: but however the Cardi­nal was thwarted by the one side, [Page 147] yet he was animated by the other; for the Parlement of Brittain being sollicited by that of Paris, to frame a like Ordinance in favour of the Princes against the Cardinal, they ordered quite contrary, that all Proceedings against him should be suspended till the Prince returned to his duty, and the Spanish Troops were departed the Kingdom. The Tumults of the Frondeurs continu­ing, the Parlement decreed to pro­ceed to the sale of the Cardinals goods, and not to ratifie the Kings Declaration against the Prince, till that against the Cardinal had first taken effect; from whence it be­hoved that he should again quit the Kingdom, if they meant that the Parlement should pass the Declara­tion. They had many Consultati­ons great in appearance, but weak in substance, and some Overtures to the King succeeded them. The Court talked in ambiguous terms, [Page 148] and amused them still with hopes, because Time (which ripens all things) they hoped would also ma­turate the bitterness of the turbulent minds. The Queen afterward sent to exhort the Duke of Orleans to retire from Paris, to remove the um­brage that they had of him: but the design succeeded not, and increa­sed the distrust, whereat the others taking Alarm became much more audacious and undertaking.

The Parlement added to the In­structions given to their Deputies, dispatched to the Court to urge the release of the Counsellour Bitant; and that the Mareschal de la Mille­ray could be advanced to the Dig­nity of Duke and Peer, if first he did not give the pretended satis­faction to the Parlement of Brit­tain. Moreover, that no Duke, Mareschal of France, or other Offi­cer of the Crown, should hence for­ward be admitted to their Function, [Page 149] if the Cardinal were not first with­drawn out of the Kingdom. It was thought that this was done to lessen the Interest that he had by disposing of the Offices of the Crown; thereby to gain those Of­ficers to their Party. But of this the Gentry and Nobility of the Kingdom made no reckoning; but by how much the more the Parle­ment shewed themselves eager a­gainst the Court, so much the more contemptible they render'd them­selves, no body regarding their De­crees, so long as the Authority of the King could annul them, and render them invalid; and therefore they who sounded the Affairs to the bottom, found it better counsel to keep the streight way of Obedi­ence, then to walk in rugged paths and praecipices.

In this manner the Princess Pala­tine Anna Gonzaga, from being first Conde's Friend became the Queens [Page 150] greatest Confident, and the Cardi­nals, to which the King correspond­ing called her to Court, to foment by her ready and smart Wit the Parties proper to destroy the Ca­balls of the Male-contents. She arrived there, as likewise divers other Lords did, who openly con­demned the Opinion of those, which could not but in the end be lo­sers, yet obstinately follow'd the Game.

In the mean while the Cardinal at the Head of the Army departing from Pont sur Saone, came to Cha­steaurenart, and from thence ad­vanced to Gien upon the River Loire. The Souldiers of the Mar­quess of Sordis, who were enter'd into the Town, upon news of his March, quitted it. The Cardinal pass'd the River over the Bridge, and was civilly receiv'd by those Inhabitants. He went thence to Vierron, where he left the Army [Page 151] under the command of the Count Broglio, to continue their March to­wards Guienne; and His Eminence, accompanied with Hoquincourt and Grançay Mareschals of France, with a great number of other principal Officers and Persons of Quality, went in diligence towards Poitiers, where the King was, and drawing near was met by His Majesty with­out the City. The King light out of his Coach, and imbraced him with so much affection, that the Honours were greater which the Cardinal received by that benign Reception, then his misusage by so many Decrees of the Parlement. His Majesty took him into his Coach, and conducted him to kiss the Queens hand, where the joy of the Court was redoubled.

By how much the more splend­ent the Applauses and Contentments were in this part, by so much the more the hatred was dismal and [Page 152] cloudy in other parts; and in no City greater threatnings appeared then in Bourdeux, whose Parlement after the example of that of Paris, persevering in their Assemblings, and unlawful and seditious Decrees, drove from the City the persons and whole Families of those who were esteemed faithful to the King, and did all that Rebells and Enemies of their lawful Soveraign could do.

THE HISTORY Of the Managements of Cardinal MAZARINE. Lib. II.

MAZARINE being en­ter'd into France the 16th. of January 1652, the King cancell'd and annull'd the Decree of the Parlement of Paris, of the 29 September 1651, with express pro­hibition to put it in execution, and not to attempt any thing against him upon pain of death.

He forbad also not to proceed to the sale of his Goods, nor Books; the Transgressors in this case being to lose what they had paid, and [...]0000 Livres penalty: declaring [...]at the said Decree was contrary [Page 154] to His Majesty's intention, to the ordinary Forms of Justice, to the Customs of the Kingdom, and inju­rious to the Sacred College of Car­dinals, to the Head of the Church, and to the Holy Apostolick See, to­wards which he protested, following the example of the Kings his pre­decessours, always to observe an un­alterable devotion and reverence: that the Cardinal was entered into the Kingdom by his express Order, to conduct a good Body of an Ar­my levied at his own proper char­ges, to serve him in the present Emergencies; and that he being a Soveraign King, and absolute Ma­ster of all, he ought to be obey'd by his Subjects without any limita­tion.

In Poitiers, after the arrival of the Cardinal, divers Consultations of War were held, which were re­duced to the examinations of two points: The one, to go with all the [Page 155] Forces into Guienne, to bring under Bourdeaux, and totally to suppress the Prince of Conde's Party: the Queen and the Cardinal were of the same judgment. The other was, to go towards Paris with the greatest part of the Forces, to di­sperse those of the Duke of Orleans, encourage the well-affected Citi­zens, and hinder the passage of the Duke of Nemours Souldiers, who were about to enter into France. Divers Reasons were alledged for both these Opinions, and it was re­solved on to pass into Guienne, but the City of Angers being up in Arms by means of the Duke de Ro­han Chabot Governour of Anjou, the Cardinal judged it more opportune to direct their course that way: so that unexpectedly on the 6th. of February the Court hasted to Sau­meur, to the great resentment of the Marquess de Chasteauneuf; who see­ing that in the Kings Council it [Page 156] was resolved on to march into Gui­enne, and afterward, without con­sulting him, they changed their resolution for Anjou. He thought they made little Account of him, and that the Cardinal was become again the sole Disposer of all Af­fairs; wherefore he took free leave of the Court, and retired to live privately at Tours, whereby Mazarine remain'd to direct all as before, without any companion, but not without the envy and jea­lousie of some of his friends, who could not brook the preeminency of a stranger.

The Court having finished the Enterprize of Angers, which was reduced to the Kings obedience, possessed themselves also of Pont de Cé, and secured the Provinces be­yond the Loire; the News coming of the Duke of Nemours Arrival in France, with some Troops out of Flanders; the Cardinal thought [Page 157] fit not to defer time, but to pro­vide carefully for the Affairs of those parts, where all their friends desired the Kings Presence. The Court then departed from Saumeur, the 7. of March 1652, and settled at Tours, whether from divers Provin­ces and Cities came several Per­sons of Quality, deputed to con­firm to the King their fidelity and obedience; and amongst others the Archbishop of Rouen Chamvallon Primate of Normandy, deputed by a great Assembly of Prelates met at Paris upon the Decree against the Cardinal, to demonstrate to his Majestie the wrong that was done to the Church of Rome, and the in­jury she received in the person of one of her Members out-raged. The Archbishop had a favourable Audience. This Deputation was very famous, not only for the qua­lity and importance of the matter, but for the merit and prerogative [Page 158] of the said Prelate, who exagge­rated highly the Ptoceedings of the Parliament, in treating with so much rigour, and such unusual courses, a Prince of the Holy Church, without considering, that these were formes prohibited by di­vine and humane laws; and that which appeared admirable in his discourse, was, that openly praising and yet oblikely touching the Parliament, he obliged the whole Ecclesiastical Order. While the Court was at Tours, the Count de Servient was restored by the King to his Charge of Minister of State, who being a very able and expe­rienc'd person, it turn'd too much to the damage of the publick in­terest to keep him at such a di­stance; but the Sieur de Lionne his Nephew was not recall'd, by the prevailing of his particular ene­mies, to whom the Court was wil­ling at that time to give that satis­faction. [Page 159] From Tours the Court removed to Blois, and made some stay there, which was very preju­dicial to it, since those of the con­trary party had time to provide for the Conservation of Orleans (into which City Madamoiselle entred) and for the defence of Chartres, proposed and considered by the Car­dinal, for the shortest way to ap­proach near Paris.

Not being able therefore nei­ther to pass to Orleans, nor to go to Chartres, it was determin'd to take the way of Gergeau, because the Bridge of Beaugency was broken by the swelling of the River, hap­ning a little before, with very great floods: but that of Gergeau being likewise spoil'd, the only Pass that remain'd was that of Gien, whereupon the Court went to Sully, and the Army to Sandilon, a little distant. According as this moved toward Gien, that of the [Page 160] Princes went continually coasting on the other side the river, to dis­pute their passage, and interrupt their design. They muster'd in the Princes Camp betwixt nine and ten thousand, four thousand cho­sen and old Souldiers, most part of them Infantry of the Duke of Or­leans, under the Command of the Duke of Beaufort, and the rest un­der the Duke of Nemours; and these were partly French of the Prince of Conde's, and partly high Germans and other Nations levied by the King of Spain. The Dukes of Beaufort and Nemours did not a­gree together, though they were Kinsmen, and should have fought a Duell near Orleans, if it had not been prevented by Madamoiselle, who by her interposing made them friends; wherefore the Prince of Conde, who was in Guienne thought fit to convey himself to this Army, not only moved thereunto for this [Page 161] cause, but for divers other reasons, amongst which were the following; First, that by making this diversi­on all the Kings Forces would be drawn that way where the Prince was, and by that means Bourdeaux would be out of danger. Second­ly, because the condition of Paris stood in need to be strengthned by his Presence, chiefly suspecting that the King would come thither, and to oppose himself to cross the de­signes of the Coadjutor, who u­sed all his endeavour to disjoyn the Duke of Orleans from him. And, what obliged him most to go, was to see, whether it would turn to best Account, to reunite himself to the Court, or to adjust with the Co­adjutor; or at least to render his Intrigues with the Duke of Orleans unuseful. With these considerations, and with thoughts of piecing with the Coadjutor, he took a journey the most difficult and most dange­rous, [Page 162] that could possibly have come into his thought, being like to have been taken Prisoner by the Sieur de Saint Mor, dispatcht from Court with 300 horse to track him, and seize on his person: nevertheless he came safe thither, and the News of his coming being spred abroad, the Army was as much joy'd and pleas'd, as the Prince confounded and troubled at the dissention of his Generals. From hence he gave advice to the Duke of Orleans, and to the Parliament of his welfare, and had thoughts of passing thither, to resolve what was to be done, to encourage his party, and to settle the peoples inconstancy, accustomed to vary, according as the Accidents that nourish it do alter. But ha­ving afterwards understood, that by the Arrival of the Duke of Bovillon, and many Cavaliers and Souldiers from divers parts, the Ma­reschal of Turenne was constituted [Page 163] their General by the King, and by this means the Court was recruited no less in courage then in forces. He stayd with the Army, not a little discompos'd by the differences a­mongst the Commanders; where­fore the Court was not a little trou­bled, seeing that their designs of their Generals upon the ill-order­ed Camp of the Princes were va­nish'd. The Discipline being esta­blish'd in the Army by Conde, and their minds reincouraged upon the confidence that every body had of his valour, he caused Montargis to be be attaqued, and took it, by which Post he opened a Passage in­to Burgundy, and made feasible his designes. The Royallists lodged betwixt the River Loire, and the Canal of Briare. The Quarters of the Mareschal d' Hoquincourt were a little distant, and exposed to the enemy. The Prince made sem­blance to march toward Chasteau­renard, [Page 164] to go into Burgundy; but altering his March he went to­wards Blenau, Hoquincourts quarters, and unawares surprized him in the night, in such sort that he routed him, and took all the Baggage.

At this News, the Mareschal de Turenne caused sound to horse throughout all his quarters, and speedily drawing the Troops toge­ther, advanc'd towards the Posts as­saulted, to succour them; but having notice of those that fled, of the disorder and disaster, wont always to be increased by Fame, being confirm'd to him by divers Offi­cers, with the foresight of a great Captain he thought it not fit to hazard a new Engagement: where­fore he took the way of Osoy on this side the Canal, where was the quarters of Novailles, with design to put himself into a safe Post, they had divers skirmishes, marches, and counter-marches, and all day the Ar­mies [Page 165] faced one another, without engaging otherwise then by the Exchange of many Cannon-shot.

The Cardinal being inform'd of the suceess, gave sudden account to the King how things stood, mode­rating the vapourings which were cunningly spred abroad. His Ma­jesty with a generous heart, and courage of a great King, leaping out of his bed, said that himself would be at the head of his Army. All mounted on Horseback, and no man that had a sword by his side stayd in Gien. The Cardinal very undauntedly gave all expedient Or­ders, and dispatch'd the Duke of Bovillon to the Camp, with a Squa­dron of Gentlemen Voluntiers, and afterward advanc'd with the King to the Army of Turenne, by whose means not only the disperst troops of Hoquincourt were rallied, but also the Princes were constrained to re­tire into Estampes, which afterward [Page 166] was attaqued by the Royallists.

The Prince of Conde went to Paris, where the number of Male-contents daily increased, heightned by the hopes that they had of the coming of the Duke of Lorain's Army. Every one desired to e­stablish his own interest by dimi­nishing the Royal Authority, sup­porting themselves with the pre­text, that Mazarine was the ruine of the Kingdom; and all Paris was full of seditious Libells, Satyrical Verses, lying Stories, and Politick Discourses, which tearing the name of the Cardinal, and other Mini­sters of State, did redound to the con­tempt and disgrace of their Royal Majesties; and with such formes those seditious did seek to make si­nister impressions in the people, ig­norant of the Mysteries of State. On the contrary, all the streets and corners of the City did echo forth the Praises of the Princes, and of [Page 167] the Arch-Duke himself, celebrated in prose and verse by a number of Writers, with the Title of Deliver­ers of the oppressed people; and many Preachers getting into the Pulpits, wearied themselves with no less li­berty, speaking detractingly of the present Affairs; and all this to im­print sinister apprehensions in the people, which redounded more to the blame of the Superiours, which tolerated them, then of those that recited them. The Parlement con­tinuing still in their purpose to re­duce Mazarine to the last extremity, dispatch'd the President Nesmond, with other Counsellours, to Sully, to represent to the King what they thought necessary for his removal from Court, in conformity to their first Deliberations and His Majesty's Word: but the Court was not at all moved for any of these instan­ces, judging it a petulancy and too great an impudence of the Parle­mentarians, [Page 168] in pretending to give Law to their Master.

In the mean while the Spaniards making use of these favourable con­junctures, which the discord in the Kingdom of France gave them, they possess'd themselves of Trino in Ita­ly, taken by the Marquess of Cara­cena, and in Flanders of Graveling, gained by the conduct of the Count of Fuensaldagna, who commanded under the Archduke.

The Cardinal did his utmost to succour Graveling, a place of great importance: but the remedies are too weak, in a time that the Court was miserably distracted by dome­stick broyls, when the Foreign ene­my from many parts assailed her with powerful Forces, and in a con­juncture that the Seditious of the Parlement (to render the Malady more incurable) diverted the Kings revenues in such manner, that of­tentimes he was reduced to great [Page 169] necessity, not having wherewithall to provide even for the Court it self.

In Paris the disorders continued more then in any other part. The Prince of Conde being come thither, it is impossible to relate with what Applauses he was received; where­at the Kings faithful servants and the Cardinals friends were so much astonish'd, that they durst not set their foot out of doors.

These sent Dispatches to Court, supplicating their Majesties to draw near the City with all speed, other­wise (the Faction of Conde growing stronger) they should be constrained to abandon it, and let all their con­sultations fall to the ground. The Kings Council being moved by these Sollicitations, and much more persuaded by reason to preserve by all means that great and potent Ci­ty, determin'd to approach nigh it.

[Page 170]In order hereunto their Majesties came to Auxerre, from thence to Sens, to Montreul, to Melun, and other places near; and in the Kings Council it was debated to famish Paris, by taking away the com­merce of the River, but this was not assented to by the Cardinal, who knowing well that these Ex­travagancies of the Citizens pro­ceeded from the Arts of a few Se­ditious people, more covetous to advance their particular Interests, then desirous (as they gave out) of the publick good; and that sud­denly they would perceive their er­rour, and put themselves again in their due obedience to their King: adding that it was not good by ri­gour to exasperate the people of that City further, and precipitate them by despair to declare for the Princes, which was the Card they call'd for, without which their Par­ty was weak and declining. That [Page 171] the people ofttimes changed their minds, and sometimes for the bet­ter, as there was some hopes they would do now, when they continu­ally invited His Majesty to return to his Royal Palace, having to that purpose sent the Sieur de Lerygue. But the Cardinal was not for em­bracing that counsel, it not beho­ving to trust the Kings Person on the word of the people and la Fron­da without good caution; he con­sented nevertheless to hold the Pa­risiens in hand with hopes and fair words, without coming to any particular Declaration. And thus by Mazarines dexterity Pa­ris was in effect kept Neutral, though in outward appearance it seemed the contrary, by which they gain'd time to perfectionate those things, which afterward fol­lowed to the Kings advantage.

The Court departed from Melun, and came to Corbeil, and thence by [Page 172] the way of Chily to St. Germains, still under covert of the Army.

Though Paris was not in open breach with the Court, they ne­vertheless continued to keep a good correspondence with the Princes; the Inhabitants took Armes, and began to keep guard, held consul­tations and made preparations for Warre; And among other Assem­blies, they held a General one, of the Body of the Citizens, assisted by the Deputies of the Parliament, in which was decreed, that when the Cardinal should be driven out of the Kingdom, with security not to return again, they would presently lay down their arms: but as they made use of this pretext, only to make their actions appear innocent to the people, and that they direct­ed their intentions to no other end, then to the publick relief, by send­ing farther off that Minister, to whom they imputed all their grie­vance, [Page 173] and continuance of the Warre: so the Court, admitting they did deprive themselves of the Cardinal by licensing him to de­part, knew that they should be at the same pass that they were the last time he left the Kingdom. And by yielding to the pretensions of subjects, they sensibly wounded the Royal Authority, which ought to be kept absolute and independent, wherefore they pretended on the contrary, that it did not belong to any one to give laws, but to re­ceive them from their Sovereign; and that the sole pretension that the King should serve himself of Mini­sters of their appointing, deserved as much blame and correction, as it was contrary to the Maxims of good Government, to permit that any body of His Majesty's Council should depend on any other then on the King himself; so that they cried Out on't, as too great an imperti­nency, [Page 174] to require that one should be driven away (of whom his Patron did profess himself well served) to put in another that probably would not please him, and who might per­haps study more the Interest of par­ticular persons then the publick good and the Crown's; it mani­festly appearing, that to deprive the King of the Cardinal, was to take away from him all satisfaction, and to make him depend on their plea­sure. And therefore not to give so pernicious an example (though he had had a mind for other causes to put him away) he ought not to do it; but to uphold him, that the world might know that he was Ma­ster.

The Parisiens the day following had another general Assembly, and selected some Deputies to desire their Majesties to remove the Car­dinal further off, and to return to Paris; but it was to no purpose, the [Page 175] Court standing firm in their resolu­tion not to sully the Royal Authori­ty, endeavouring to gain time, and to keep Paris Neutral, that they might not supply the contrary Party with Men and Money, of which they stood in need enough. The Princes and the Parlement on the other side studying to maintain themselves in the Peoples favour, did not omit to imploy all their in­dustry to stir up the people against the Kings Ministers; and because it was necessary (to keep afoot the commerce of Paris) to hinder the Kings Army from passing the Sene, they made some Levies, which joyn'd with some other Troops of the Princes to scower the neigh­bouring Campania. The Army of the Princes possest themselves of the Country of Estampes, situated be­twixt Orleans and Paris, where they found a great quantity of Corn; and here they intended to abide and [Page 176] fortifie themselves with hopes, by maintaining this Post to keep Paris and Orleans faithful, which was the main scope of all.

While the Kings Army lay quar­ter'd at Chartres and thereabouts, they cast themselves into Estampes, with their Lieutenants Generals; for the Prince and the Dukes of Nemours and Beaufort were gone to Paris, where they staid to make sure of the Frondeurs and their Party, a good part of whom desiring the Kings return, hearkened willingly to the Treaties that thereupon were had about the entry and reception of His Majesty, who if at that in­stant he had frankly shewn himself, he would have been received with all joyfulness and applause, and the Princes and their Party chased a­way, since the Citizens were at last weary of these hurly-burlies, but nothing was done, the King not daring to venture himself on the [Page 177] peoples instability, nor willing to let the Cardinal depart as he often pressed, to take away all pretext from the Male-contents.

The Kings Army besieged that of the Princes in Estampes, where followed divers skirmishes, and a­mongst the rest a very bloudy one in possessing themselves of the Sub­urbs.

The Court fixed at St. Germains, and here the first Deputation which was sent was in the name of the Duke of Orleans and the Prince of Conde, who dispatched thither the Count de Chavigny, the Secretary Goulas, and the Duke de Rohan Chabot; Chavigny was for the Prince, Goulas for Orleans, and Cha­bot for both. At first they decla­red, that they would not treat with the Cardinal; but this was only a shew, for they had secret order to see him, and to seek all ways to come to an Agreement with him, [Page 178] with a firm resolution to gain him to their particular interests, suppo­sing, that he to continue in France, and in his Ministry, would easily condescend to their pretensions. They were secretly in the Cardinals Cabinet, treated with him, and Chavigny, a person of great worth, propounded to the Cardinal to make an entire Agreement with the Prince, by granting him four De­mands. One was to make the Count d' Ognon Duke and Peer; the Count de Marsin a Mareschal of France; the Prince of Conty Go­vernour of Provence; and the Prince himself Plenipotentiary for the Ge­neral Peace. To the two first the Cardinal did comply, because they simply concerned only honourable titles: But the Government of Provence, and the Plenipotentiary of the Peace, he did wholly reject, de­claring, he would never consent, that for his particular interest the [Page 179] Kings Authority and Service should be prejudic'd.

This Deputation was of huge prejudice to the Princes, because it was made in a time that the Par­liament and the Parisiens were more incensed against the Cardinal, and when all the Sovereign Courts had deliberated to require his removal, and that the Commonalty of Paris were of the same mind; in a time that the Duke of Orleans and the Prince had declared in Parliament, that for a general satisfaction they desired nothing but the banishment of the Cardinal: so that the peo­ple seeing them act against such ex­press Declarations, from thence for­ward they were not a little jealous of their carriage, and many that were very well inclined towards them began to be more wary in their proceedings, which was after­ward one of the principal causes of their fall.

[Page 180]In the neck of this Deputation the Deputies of the Parliament ap­pear'd at St. Germains, with their Remonstrances to their Majesties about giving the Cardinal his Congé, against whom the President Nesmond spake with great liberty. The King heard them with much civility, and afterward told them that he was very well informed of the good intentions of the Parlia­ment, and wish'd that they were as well perswaded of his. That he would confer with his Privy Coun­cil, and in three days they should understand his will; with such words and general termes conclu­ding nothing, the Deputies return'd to Paris. The same day those sent from the Chamber of Accounts and Court of Aids had Audience, and the Answer was the same he gave the Parliament; also the Pro­vost of Merchants, the Sheriffs, the Attorney-General, the City-No­tary, [Page 181] and others deputed from the Communalty, presented themselves before his Majestie, representing to him the unhappy state of his Sub­jects, and of the necessity of dis­missing the Cardinal, the sole cause of all the distasts and differences. The Keeper of the Seals answer'd, that his Majestie was assured of the good affection of the City of Paris, and to satisfie them he intended to return thither so soon as the Passes should be open; and this he said to give them a wipe, that in the same time they made these Addresses, they endeavored to hinder his com­ing, cutting off the Bridges of the Sene and Marne. The King there­fore not yielding to condescend to such licentious demands, the Male-contents took occasion to exclaim a­gainst his Council, who on the o­ther side complaining of the Sub­jects Proceedings, every thing went more and more into confusion, [Page 182] and all the faults, which indeed did concern onely a few interessed peo­ple and Male-contents, were char­ged upon Mazarine, against whom their hatred and fury not abating, he was commonly called The root of all evil, and The cause of all the mi­series of that flourishing Kingdom; which would have been more un­happy (wanting the protection of the Cardinal, and the power of the Princes and of the Parlement increa­sing) if the Kings Authority had been diminished, which the more independent and absolute, the more profitable to Subjects, who are al­ways most miserable where there are most Masters.

The Parliament Assembled to hear the Answers that the Depu­ties brought from Court, where were present the Duke of Orleans, and the Prince of Conde, with all the chief of the Faction, when the News came, that the Royallists [Page 183] were assaulting the Bridge of St. Cloud, defended by a little Fort; whereupon the Prince of Condé, mounting suddenly on Horseback, with several Gentlemen, and above eight thousand Parisiens, made them retire, and from thence marching towards St. Denis, where were 200 Swisses of the Kings Guards in Gar­rison, and assailing those old and rotten walls, they made themselves Masters of it, taking those soul­diers prisoners, which were led to Paris in triumph. But this City was soon recover'd by the Kings Forces, commanded by the Sieur de Renville Colonel of Horse, after which a Neutrality was granted to the Town of St. Denis, upon con­dition that the Princes should also, leave free the Passes of St. Cloud, Neully, Charenton, and St. Maur.

After these divers successes the Parliament assembled again, and having heard the Relation made by [Page 184] the President Nesmond, they deter­mined to send him back to St. Ger­mains to receive the Kings An­swer, which he had promised in three days: But it being to the advantage of the Court to gain time, Mazarine with great subtil­ty prolong'd the Resolutions, keep­ing still the Treaties on foot, not to put the people in despair, and ne­cessitate them (when they should have no more hopes) to declare for the Princes; and for that cause the Duke d' Anville made divers jour­neys from Court to Paris on the Kings behalf, managing dexterously the Treaty with the Princes, who pressed more and more the Cardi­nals departure.

The Prince of Conde, who by a particular gift of Nature was no less endowed with a most prudent faculty of discerning, then with a marvellous and unparallel'd valor in Arms, observing the instability of his [Page 185] Party, grounded on uncertain and wavering designs, he inclined to an agreement in any manner, even without the removal of the Cardi­nal from the Ministry, considering it better to treat with him who was of a sweet and gentle nature, then others of a violent Genius, as the Cardinal de Retz was reputed to be. But the good intention of the Prince was diverted by his Kindred and Friends, who declared that in such case they would forsake him; and lastly, by the Duke of Orleans, sollicited thereunto by the Cardinal de Retz, who was accused that for his private advantage he equally desired the ruine of the Prince and of Maza­rine; so that His Royal Highness vi­gorously opposed it, and was cause that this Overture took no effect.

From S. Germain the Court re­moved to Melun; for this City be­ing upon the Sene, and nearer to Estampes, they might from hence [Page 186] with more ease send Supplies and Recruits to the Kings Camp, stop­ping in the same time the Provisions which are wont to be brought down the River from those fertile Fields to Paris: and here the King gave Order to Mareschal Turenne to endeavour what er'e came on't to expugn Estampes, and defeat the Army of the Princes, who defend­ing themselves bravely, there fol­lowed many hot Skirmishes, with no small slaughter of Souldiers and considerable Captains on either side: wherefore the Princes percei­ving that their Army would subsist a long time in Estampes, sollicited the Spaniards that the Army of Duke Charles of Lorrain might ad­vance to their succour. The Mini­sters of Spain chearfully assenting to uphold the Party of the Princes, and keep afoot the Civil War in France, presently set themselves a­bout it.

[Page 187]The Duke of Lorrain was wont every year to make a bargain with the Spaniards for the next Campania, by which they obliged him for a certain summe of money to serve them with his Troops. This year therefore 1652 they engaged him to pass into France, to succour the Princes. In pursuance of which ac­cord he marched with his Army of 4000 Foot, and about 5000 Horse, with some Pieces of Artillery, tho­rough Champagne towards the Sene, to raise the Siege of Estampes: lea­ving his Forces at Lagny, he went to Paris, where he was received with all the Honours wont to be gi­ven to a Prince of whom they stood in need.

At this news the Cardinal began to set his Wits at work, and to give necessary Orders for securing the most important places. He sought to gain Duke Charles by the mediation of the Dutchess of Che­vreuse [Page 188] his Ally, and of the same House.

She being a Lady of great sense, and full of Intrigues, making use of the natural jealousie wont to be be­twixt the Princes of the Bloud and the Dukes of Lorrain, and especi­ally betwixt Conde and them, who was much esteemed amongst the Spaniards, she gave the Duke to understand, that it would not turn to his benefit to assist them. The Duke was convinc'd by her Rea­sons, and inclin'd to imbrace her counsel, so he could find a sufficient pretext to disingage himself from the Spaniards, to whom he had pro­mised to succour Estampes. Maza­rine sent the Marquess de Chasteau­neuf to negotiate secretly with the Duke, and they agreed together, that to disingage his word, and to keep himself from the blame he might incur, he should raise the Siege of Estampes; and the morn­ing [Page 189] following that Turenne should retire from thence, the Duke pro­mis'd to retreat to the Frontier of the Kingdom, (to make a shew that it was not by compact, but by rea­son of the State of the Kings Ar­my, that obliged him to take this course) to which purpose they should furnish him with all necessary pro­visions. The Princes knew him by his Conduct, and by the difficulty he made in passing the Sene, that he had intelligence with the Court; wherefore they went to find him at his Camp, and oblige him to pass the River; but he represented to them, that they ought to rest satis­fied if so be he raised the Siege of Estampes; and having some hopes that the Court would take the same resolution, it was not necessary to engage himself further. The Prince of Conde gave him to under­stand, it was a small matter to cause the Siege to be raised, if he did not [Page 190] give them the opportunity to put their Troops in safety, because they could no longer subsist in a ruina­ted place, so that after many Dis­courses the Duke permitted himself to be engaged before he was aware, to give in writing a Declaration to the Princes, by which he obliged himself to stay yet some days in the same Post upon the River Sene, that in the mean while the Princes might withdraw their Troops from Estampes, and come nearer Pa­ris.

The Kings Army being retired from the Siege of Estampes, and the Court seeing he failed in perform­ing the private Treaty concluded with Chasteauneuf; the Mareschal de Turenne by advice of Mazarine moved his Camp with expedition toward Corbeil, with design to fight the Lorrainers, before they should pass the River to joyn with the Princes Forces, and they faced the [Page 191] Enemy so opportunely, that being surprised and astonished, doubting they should be engaged in fight, they presently retired, taking the ad­vantage of the high Hills of Ville nieufve and S. George, and putting themselves under covert of a little River, that dischargeth it self into the Sene. The Kings Party advan­cing towards Corbeil took several prisoners, which obliged Duke Charles to desire the Sieur de Beau­lieu, who was present with him, to procure the fulfilling of the Agree­ment, and to let him know the rea­son why they brought the Army against him, while he was in Trea­ty with the Court. Turenne re­turned him answer, that he suppo­sed there was no more Treaty with him, he having failed of his word, or at least retarded to perform his promise; yet if he would stand to the Treaty in good earnest, he would advance no further, and [Page 192] granted him four hours to consider on it, which being past he was ac­quit of his word. The term expi­red without any Answer, and with­out any effect; and therefore with­out delay the Kings Army marched hastily (leaving their baggage be­hind) against a Castle upon the Ri­ver held by the Duke, half a League distant from his quarters, and took it upon discretion; and casting a Bridge over the River, passed it with the greatest part of the Foot and Cannon, making the rest of the Troops foard it a little above, and came within Cannon-shot of the Lorrainers; which the Duke see­ing, and being resolved not to fight, and hazard the defeat of his people, which was all he had to trust to, he sent my Lord Germain, a principal Officer of the King of England's, (who was one that mediated in the said Agreement with the Mare­schal) to let him understand that he [Page 193] was reayd to fulfill the Treaty con­cluded. Turenne told him, that this was good the day before; but that then being upon the point of fight­ing, and having drawn back his word, they ought to speak no more of preceding Treaties, matters be­ing now changed; and dispatch'd the Sieur de Varennes to let him un­derstand, that he would not defer any longer to attaque him, if he did not suddenly yield up the Bridge of Boats which he had upon the Sene, if he did not forbear to fortifie himself, and if he did not immedi­ately depart out of France within 15 days by the way he should ap­point him, giving responsible Ho­stages for the performance. The Duke, after he had made some dif­ficulty, and sought to prolong the Affair, being press'd anew with po­sitive threatnings, determin'd to assent to all that was requir'd him, conditionally though, that Turenne [Page 194] should not make use of the Bridge which he put into his hands, to march against the Army of the Prin­ces; and that the Troops that he had with them of theirs should have Pass-ports to go to Paris; that they should give him Billetings for his March, and 15 days time to get out of the Kingdom. All was con­cluded. The Duke gave for Ho­stage the Count de Linville, and the General of the Ordnance. On the Kings part were given to the Duke the Chevalier of Marcoussé, and the Sieur de Vaubecourt.

In this manner the Treaty with Turenne being agreed on, to his great glory, at the head of the Ar­mies, the Lorrainers began with­out delay to file off towards Brie Comte Robert. The Duke having in this manner deluded the Princes and the Spaniard they were there­at highly disgusted; and this was [Page 195] one of the chief motives that caused the Court of Spain to resolve his imprisonment, as shall be related in its due place.

The Parlement of Paris believed by the coming of the Lorrainers, that they had won the Game, and therefore raising more and more their pretensions, they deputed again to Court the President Nesmond, to insist upon sending away the Cardi­nal; who coming with the other Deputies to Melun, they made their Remonstrance on the same subject, adding that it was a small matter for the King to deprive himself of one Statesman, to gain the obedi­ence of all who for that one reason had withdrawn themselves from him.

The King returned answer in writing, that having divers times heard the Remonstrances made him by his Parlement, he let them un­derstand, that he had always in his [Page 196] thoughts what they represented to him, being assured that as the Par­lement were very much concerned for the maintaining of the Royal Authority, so he should have no other thought, then to contri­bute all his power for the advantage of his service; wherefore percei­ving that the wound would prove incurable without present remedy, desired that the Deputies or others that were chosen should joyn with those of his Royal Council, and to­gether procure to find a remedy for the threatning inconveniences to ward his Subjects, from the evident ruine into which (for the caprice of a few disturb'd by their own Ambi­tion) they were ready to cast them­selves, His Majesty having nothing nearer his heart then the desire of Peace and Union, and to restore his Kingdom to its pristine splendour. Nesmond having read this Answer, replied, the onely means to quiet all [Page 197] was the putting further off the Car­dinal. The King instantly inter­rupted him, and with a serious grave brow told him, You have understood my Will, and so brake off. The De­puties returned to Paris, where they rendred a distinct account to the rest of their Members of what had past, they differ'd in their Opini­ons, whether they should accept of the Conference propos'd, and many assented to it: but Brussel with a pretence of Zele for the publick good stood firm, that there was no need of other Conference, nor of other Treaties, seeing that all was reduced to this one point, which was, the departure of Mazarine, who being the onely occasion of all the distastes, they ought to stand upon that, which being obtain'd, all the other Controversies would be at an end. And the more they per­ceived the King averse to deprive himself of that Statesman, the more [Page 198] clamour they made about it; not that they really much desired it, but because they saw it was the way to nourish the distrusts, and keep alive the differences. It being manifest enough, that if the Parlement had believed, that the King by sending away Mazarine would unite the Princes to his service, they would never have wished it, but rather underhand have endeavoured his stay, it not being for their advan­tage that the Princes joyning with the King should so much the more strengthen his Authority, and by consequence weaken their pretensi­ons. Holding therefore to the Opi­nion of Brussel it was decreed, that without any delay the Deputies should return to declare anew to His Majesty, that they had nothing to adde nor to propose, then the ef­fective removal of the Cardinal, conformable to the Decrees and Declarations of His Majesty, and [Page 199] the Protests of the Princes, who re­plied in full Assembly that they were ready to lay down their Arms so soon as Mazarine should be out of the Kingdom. To the same Deputies were consigned also the Queen of Swedeland's Letters to the Parlement (brought expresly by one of her Gentlemen) to deliver to the King, the Contents of which contained an offer of her Mediati­on to bring them to an Agreement, as a Friend and Confederate of the Crown of France, whose troubles did much grieve her. The Depu­ties appeared at Melun (where the Court was) the 12th. of June, they had Audience two days after, and represented the desolation of the State to proceed from the re­turn of Mazarine, who was the sole occasion of all these disturbances. The Affair was remitted to the Council of State; they examined the Answers. The Cardinal re­newed [Page 200] his instances divers times made for leave to depart, alledging that it was not convenient, that for him alone the tranquillity of the Kingdom should be discompos'd. He was oppos'd by the King him­self, saying that he was Master, and would be served by them that liked him best, nor did he acknowledge any to give him Laws but God. The Sunday following the Deputies return'd to the Audience of the King, who plucking out from under his Garment a Writing said, that by that they should know his Will. Monsieur de la Vrilliere Secretary of State read it, and afterwards deli­ver'd it to the President Nesmond, who return'd with it to Paris.

It contain'd that the King did wonder very much, that having in his Parlement so many persons en­dued with so excellent understand­ing and acuteness, they did not di­scern, that the request of removing [Page 201] the Cardinal was onely a specious and varnish'd pretext, since it was manifest, the true cause of the pre­sent disturbances was the Interest and Ambition of them that had ta­ken Arms, and kindled the Civil war, when the Cardinal was as far as Germany from the Court and Mi­nistry; which made it clearly ap­pear, that the evils of a State were not to be healed so long as they rested upon pretences, whose roots do produce as much as are lopp'd off; wherefore the onely remedy left was, to pluck up the deepest and most principal. That if His Maje­sty should resolve to permit the Cardinal to retire upon some im­ployment abroad, and with due re­putation to his Honour; what Se­curity should he have, that the wa­verings of the unquietness of the Male-contents should calm, since it was fresh in memory, that his de­parture in the beginning of the last [Page 202] year had rather augmented then moderated the Troubles; which if they were not allay'd by his going then (though it was proposed for the only remedy:) nor ought he less to believe that it would succeed otherwise, if he were sent away a second time, unless at the same in­stant the occasion was taken away that caused these matters. That the prudence of His Majesty sought a prompt and permanent repose to his Subjects, that they might not fall again into the same inconveniences, of which they had too much felt the sad effects: It being very well known, that in the same time that the Princes declar'd themselves rea­dy to lay down their Arms if the Cardinal was sent away, they en­deavoured to fortifie their party by fomenting of strangers, and drawing other of His Majesty's Subjects from their obedience. That the Decla­ration made a few days before by [Page 203] the Duke of Orleans to the Com­munalty of Paris, shewing that he had no Authority over the Forces of the Duke of Lorrain, which he boasted he had drawn into France, was not conformable to that he made in Parlement. That the Trea­ty concluded by the Prince of Condé with the Spaniards did not speak of laying down their Arms when the Cardinal should be sent away; nor could it be mentioned, for when it was concluded, Mazarine was in Ger­many. That in the mean while therefore it behoved to have real and positive Security of the Princes for the entire performance of what they offered; and therefore he de­sired to know if they would re­nounce all their Leagues and Asso­ciations contracted with strangers, and all Treaties concluded in parti­cular with his Subjects against his Royal Service. If they would make no other pretensions after the depar­ture [Page 204] of the Cardinal. If this being done, they would repair to His Ma­jesty to serve him according to their duty. If they would cause the strangers they had brought in to de­part the Kingdom, and would pro­mise that the Spanish Troops and the Duke of Lorrains should retire, without giving them that they might pretend to, in prejudice of the King and the State. If the Souldiers, that under their name made war against His Majesty, should be disbanded. If those of the King of Spains at Stenay, at Bourg in Guienne, and in other pla­ces, should retire, and refusing to do it what way should be taken to force them. If the Prince of Conty and the Dutchess of Longueville would return to their devoir, and whether the Prince of Conde had power to promise for them. If the Prince of Conty would lay aside all pretensions. If they have joyntly the [Page 205] power from the Persons of Quality that have engag'd with them, to give Security for their obedience. If the Cities and Fortified places kept in the name of the Pr. of Conde should be put into the same state and being that they were before. If the City of Bourdeaux would return to its duty. If the Establishment made against the Kings service since these present troubles should be revoked. And finally, all things settled in their former state, according to the Articles in the Kings Declaration of December, 1649. Concerning which Points when His Majesty should receive full assurance of their performance, without cavils and and new pretences, he should be in­duced to believe, that the Malady which afflicted the Kingdom might be easily remedied.

This Answer being read in Par­lement, with the twelve Questions in reply to that of the Princes, the [Page 206] Duke of Orleans said it was all of the Cardinals dictating, who (ill-inform'd of the Customs of France) framed Questions to the Princes of the Bloud in form of Interrogato­ries, which was never yet seen pra­ctised; and having declared over and over, as they did now again, to lay down their Arms so soon as the Cardinal should be out of France, there was no need of other Securi­ty, since all was done with sinceri­ty, and without any doubleness. They disputed a great while upon this subject in the Assembly, in which it was proposed by those on the Kings side, that they ought to send again Deputies to His Majesty, with Authority to treat of Peace so necessary to the State. The Coun­sellour Brussel stood still fix'd in his averseness to the Conference, and to hold themselves simply to the De­claration. There followed other Disputes and Contests in words [Page 207] amongst some of the Counsellours, and the 21th. of June the Cham­bers met again, where they made two Propositions, one to seek a way to maintain the poor, and the other to raise 150000 Crowns for the price of the Cardinals head, having thoughts that there would be some rash enough to offer themselves to kill him; but this was laid aside as then, as an unworthy thing and detestable in Christians: and all that was done was to raise 100000 Crowns for the relief of the poor, every Counsellour taxing himself 100 Livres.

Many of these poor people were paid expresly to clamour at the Par­lement door, and raise some tumult, to oblige the Assembly to a decla­red Union with the Princes, which was the design of these, to necessi­tate Paris to provide Moneys and other necessaries for sustaining the War. As the Counsellours came [Page 208] out of the Palace People began to cry, Bread and Peace, and no Maza­rine. Some of them they shut in, and misused others. The Duke of Beaufort returning into the Palace-hall, spake in a loud voice to the people, that that was not the right way of proceeding, but that they ought to assemble in some place, and there deliberate of what was fitting to be done to bring the Ma­zarinists to reason; wherefore he invited them all that evening to the Palace Royal, where he would be himself, and there every one should propound his Opinion.

There assembled about 5000 people: Beaufort told them it was not handsom to make a noise about the Palace, and pretend with wea­pons to force Justice, in that man­ner oppressing the good as well as the bad; but they ought to make a distinction, and 24 of them to frame a Request, whereby to ob­lige [Page 209] the Counsellours to declare whether they were Mazarinists or not; that so being able to distinguish those that were on the contrary par­ty, and taking particular notice of them, they might easily disperse them, attaquing them on all sides. He found the people well disposed to follow his counsel, and every one willingly embracing those resoluti­ons which did square with their hu­mour, he had no trouble to dispose them all unanimously to fury and sedition; which being aware of, he ended briefly his Discourse, say­ing he expected them the next morning at the Palace.

The Parlement being advertised of this, the Provost of Merchants gave notice presently to all the Wards, and to the Colonels, with order to have the Chains prepar'd, and the Inhabitants in a readiness to take Arms upon the first Order they should receive.

[Page 210]In the mean while they talked up and down the streets of nothing but of falling upon the Parlement, wherein they said there were divers Mazarines that would not declare themselves.

The same People cried out when the Prince of Condé entered into the Parlement, that they would have Peace; to whom he answer­ed, that he desired it himself, and that he took pains to that purpose, (but without Mazarine.) The Par­lement intimidated by the Sedition begun at the Palace Royal, forbore to assemble (as they were wont to do) the 22th. of July.

The Frondeurs nevertheless met, but the Presidents convened at the House of Bailleul, to consider what to resolve on: which being under­stood by the Prince, he went him­self to desire them in his own and the Duke of Orleans his name, that they would be at the Palace after [Page 211] dinner, but they excused them­selves, being informed of the Plot laid for them, for which reason they could not be secure. All the Presidents were of this Opinion, without being a jot affrighted at the threatenings of the Princes: but being again intreated by the Duke of Orleans and Conde, with a promise that they should have no wrong, they assembled the 25th. following, and here the Princes de­clared, that they were willing to lay down their Arms, and ready to fulfill all that the King desired in the Writing brought by the De­puties, so soon as His Majesty should send away Mazarine, ac­cording to the Contents in his De­claration of the 6th. of September last past.

After this Declaration of the Princes there remained no more difficulty in this Affair, but onely [Page 212] in the form that they ought to keep in sending it, whether by those that were for the King, or by the De­puties of the Parlement that had been there already, or by others that they should chuse out of every Chamber. To all which the Prin­ces agreed, excluding onely the President Nesmond, impeaching him to have been corrupted by the Car­dinal. This clause occasioned in the Assembly no little confusion, it seeming strange to the Counsel­lours, that they should be limited in their Deliberations at the pleasure of the Princes, in which they ought to be free, and depend upon none whosoever. The Debate lasted three hours, and the gravest of them considering, that the pretences of the Princes were insupportable, de­plored the miseries of the times, clearly seeing, that by flying the Obedience of the King they slipp'd [Page 213] into the Subjection of the Princes: wherefore they saw it necessary to make use of the same Maxim to­wards these as the Court practised with them, boldly refusing what­ever seem'd to depend on the Au­thority of others; for in such cases (by little and little) Intreaties be­came Commands, and he that would not be persuaded to obey, ought not to suffer himself to be governed. It was therefore resolved to send again Nesmond with the other De­puties, to remonstrate to the King, that upon sending away the Cardi­nal according to His Majesty's De­claration of the 6th. of September, the Princes would lay down their Arms, and put in execution the Ar­ticles contain'd in the Writing sent by His Majesty to the Parlement. In this manner ended that Assem­bly, coming out of which the Counsellours were beat back by the people that were gathered toge­ther [Page 214] in great number at the En­trance, who cried out, Peace and Union with the Princes; which did evidently shew that their design was to have the Parlement and the City publickly engaged on their side, it being known that many of the Prin­ces Souldiers were shuffled in a­mong the people, who occasioned a dangerous Commotion against the Parlement, the Counsellours of which were pursued by the Rabble with great hazard of their Lives in­to the neighbouring houses, where they saved and absconded them­selves, not without marvel that they escaped unhurt from the thick hail of shot that was discharg'd against them: divers innocent persons were slain out-right, besides many others hurt; and amongst these the Presi­dent Novion saved himself by great good fortune, follow'd by the peo­ple three or four streets. The Lieu­tenant Civill retired himself into the [Page 215] Chastelet with some Counsellours, where he was beset by the Multi­tude, who determined to set it on fire, not being able to enter (pro­hibited by the great number of Ar­chers that defended it;) which they would have effected if they had not been opposed by Monsieur de Miton, Colonel of that Quarter, who with his Company made the Multitude retire. Other Presidents and Coun­sellours saved themselves as well as they could, and the Sedition lasted till the shutting in of the Evening, no less to the horrour and distraction of the Parlement then of the Civil Inhabitants, fearing what might be the issue of the fury and inso­lence of the baser sort of people, kindled with rage and desire of In­novation. This action was highly complain'd on, not onely in the Par­lement, but also in the Town-house: they detested the enormity of it, and and lamented the publick misery, [Page 216] occasioned by the phantasticalness of a few particular persons; and it was resolved on to provide for the publick security. The Parlement was convocated, and a Decree made, that Monsieur de Champrond (a Counsellour) should form a Pro­cess against the Heads and Authors of the Sedition, as also against those that had printed and published any infamous and abominable Libells against the Court and Parlement, an Ecclesiastical Monitory was like­wise exhibited against the Compli­ces of these proceedings. And the Provost of Merchants, the Consuls, the Sheriffs, with the other Heads of the Citizens, being assembled, they order'd that the Colonels and Ca­ptains of the several Wards should have their Companies ready, and a Court of Guard placed about the Palace to hinder greater insolen­cies, and conserve the Liberty of the Parlement, whose power was too [Page 217] weak to preserve the Peace, since the number that followed the Par­ty of the Princes was greater then those who adhered to the Parle­ment and the Common Council of the City. It was concluded on to have a general Meeting of all the Inhabitants the 4th. of July, to re­solve on the most convenient Expe­dients for the Indemnity of Paris, and of the Parlement.

In the mean while the Duke of Lorrain was discamp'd from Ville neufue St. George the 17th. of June, and already out of the Kingdom. Which unexpected News greatly surprised the Parisiens, fearing that the said Duke had abandon'd and betray'd the Princes, from which arose great rumours and no ordina­ry Trepidation in all those that were against the Court-Faction, suspecting that the Kings Army ap­prehending nothing from the Lor­rainers, should beleaguer Paris, and [Page 218] the Princes be necessitated to com­ply with force. Wherefore the Prince of Conde caused his Troops that came out of Estampes to march towards Paris, and encamp betwixt S. Clou and Surenne upon the Sene two Leagues from Paris; and hi­ther also were sent those few Soul­diers that the Princes had about them in Paris, with the which they formed a Body of about five or six thousand men, and were provided of all necessaries from the City; but all with the Princes own Money, for they never could draw from the Parisiens neither Money nor other sustenance; but onely free com­merce, popular affection, and shel­ter in time of need. Wherefore the Prince knowing that he could not long subsist, without an open Declaration of the City and the Parlement in his behalf, he sought all ways to oblige the one and the other to second his designs: but all [Page 219] was thwarted by the address of Ma­zarine, who in these fastidious E­mergencies shewed in a more ex­traordinary manner the refinedness of his Wit.

And because the Castle of Vin­cennes in these conjunctures was of no little importance, it was reinfor­ced with 100 Souldiers by the Count de Chavigny, Governour of the said place, who was then in Pa­ris, and in good intelligence with the Prince of Conde, although (as the same went) he held private cor­respondence with Cardinal Maza­rine, and by his dexterous carri­age his Enemies were by little and little won over. Divers other provisions were likewise made for maintaining their common Interest: to which end by reiterated Carri­ers, and by dispatching away seve­ral Gentlemen, they sollicited the Spaniards in Flanders for their pro­mised assistance, and to enter into [Page 220] France with a powerful Army to drive away the Kings Forces from about Paris, who held the Male-contents in continual jealousie and fear, and fill'd the Kings Party with hopes and confidence. But the Count de Fuensaldagna (a sage Politician, and a Cavalier of a ve­ry acute understanding) consented not to give any larger help then what might suffice to uphold them in their pretensions; thereby to keep afoot the civil disturbances in France, and be able by such means to advance the Interest of His Ca­tholick Majesty in Flanders, Italy, and Catalogne, where it was more behoveful to imploy the Armies then in France, where (by the insta­bility of that Nation) he foresaw that if the Princes by the assistance of Spain should be made more pow­erful then the Kings Party, His Ma­jesty would upon easier terms agree with the Parlement and the Princes [Page 221] themselves; who afterwards would turn with greater zele against those that had helped them. He conti­nued nevertheless to feed them with hopes, and now and then with some returns of Money; things not seem­ing to him to be reduc'd as yet to such straits to require so great aid: and that they should neglect their own business to attend onely that of others.

The Princes and the Frondeurs were not wanting to instigate in Bourdeaux the minds of those who were desirous of novelties; where many of the Citizens being more and more inclined to Sedition: Am­bition and Avarice added more fuel to the fire. And here it will not happen amiss to understand how a­mong those of the same Party, by means of Mazarine, many divisions did arise, while in all reason they ought to have been united as well in Affection as Interest.

[Page 222]It is a common Maxim, that One Absurdity begets another; and he that cannot submit to a lawful Go­vernment, much less will he endure an unlawful Usurpation. The Fron­deurs of Bourdeaux were divided in­to two Factions, one was call'd the little, and the other the great Fron­da; each compos'd of various per­sons as well of the Parlement as of the Citizens. These divided the Province betwixt them, to levy Contributions: Those of the great Fronda had a strong pretext to ac­cuse them of the losser, for causers of all the disorders. From these two Factions there sprang another, call [...]d the Ormiere, which in a short space being become more potent then the others, (because follow'd by the people) there happen'd divers dangerous Seditions. The Princes endeavour'd to weaken the Ormiere by the Authority of the Parlement, but this occasion'd greater disor­ders, [Page 223] and made them more inso­lent. And the distempers grew so high, that there followed divers fierce Conflicts, and greater would have happened without the pre­tence of the Prince of Conty, who interposing his Authority many times quieted the fury of the peo­ple, and endeavoured to divert those Innovations which were plotted by some of the most insolent and sedi­tious.

In several Cities of Provence there arose likewise some disorders, but having none of Reputation to head them, nor sufficient means to support themselves, they signified little, and by the vigilance of the Duke of Mercoeur, who acted ac­cording as the Cardinal his Uncle (who loved him extremely) advi­sed him; with a few people, and with little ado, they were suppres­sed, maintaining that Province in its due obedience.

[Page 242]The Court in the interim did not lay aside the endeavours for adjust­ing with the Princes, and in parti­cular with Conde, upon whom they bottom'd their greatest foundation, as of most repute in respect of his Followers, and the esteem he had gain'd by his valour. Nor was it difficult to bring him to an Agree­ment, he being very much inclin'd, and very willing to it: but by the means of the Cardinal de Retz and others, to whose Interest the Peace did not sute, all the Negotiations were interrupted, the Cardinal of Retz prevailing still with the Duke of Orleans to oppose it; and Conde resolving not to abandon Orleans, having so many times declar'd al­ways to stand by him, so that all the proposals were obstructed. Cardinal Mazarine trying all means to render these Machinations un­useful, the aptest was found to be to make the people of Paris see their [Page 225] own error, which if he could make them comprehend, he thought it not difficult to disjoyn them from the rest; for when the support of Paris should be taken from them, all their fabrick would moulder away and be ruined. Upon these consi­derations the Court departed from Melun towards the end of May, and came to S. Denis, a League or two distant from Paris, to countenance the Managements undertaken by the Kings Party in that City, to­wards which place, by the Cardinals counsel His Majesty us'd as great clemency as if it had been Loyal, that they might see it was far from the Kings mind to block them up, as the Princes divulg'd abroad. He caused moreover the commerce to be kept free and order'd, so much as the Bread to be convoy'd by his own Guards, which in great abun­dance is brought thither twice a week. The Kings Army led by [Page 226] Turenne follow'd the Court, and be­ing reinforc'd with 3000 men of the Mareschal de la Ferté Seneterre, who together with Turenne was left to command the Army; they in­camped near S. Denis, on the left hand upon the River towards Paris, which was in this manner every where beyond the Sene on the West side inviron'd by the Kings Forces, who at their pleasure could shut up the Passes on the River, and reduce the City to greater straits for provi­sions then it was, though they paid at that time an excessive price for bread and every thing else, not only in Paris, but in S. Denis and the Camp it self.

This Expedient was thought by Mazarine to be the best, foreseeing that the people not being able to endure the scantness of Victuals, nor the Citizens to see their Trade interrupted, by which they have their subsistence; and lastly weari­ed [Page 227] out by the desolations which they daily felt in their Territories round about, equally ill-treated by Friends and Foes, they would re­solve to deliver themselves from such tedious mischiefs; but not­withstanding they suffered so many miseries and incommodities, yet the obstinacy of the people was such, by reason of the credit of the Prin­ces and the Frondeurs, that feeding themselves with hopes to hear sud­denly of the ruine of all the Maza­rines, (for so they call'd those of the Kings Party) they did not mind their own destruction, and this ser­ved to render their grievous suffer­ings tollerable, which they experi­mented very considerably, as well for the continual dammages to which they were daily ex­pos'd, as for the interruption of their rest, being obliged to keep in that vast City 10000 upon the Guards day and night: the Kings [Page 228] Party then not being able to reduce into a streight path that people back'd by the Army, and encoura­ged with hopes given them by the Princes. They endeavour'd to de­stroy as soon as might be their Troops, the attempt not seeming difficult, their Camp being neither fortified nor advantaged by the Si­tuation, and inferiour by more then the half to that of the Kings. The Cardinal provided what was neces­sary for the execution of this En­terprise before the Spaniards should appear with their promis'd Supplies, and which were continually sollicit­ed for by the Princes. The 29th. of June then the Mareschal de Tu­renne drew near to the River to make a Bridge of Boats beneath Espinay, and there passing the Sene to assault the Camp at S. Cloud, which having allarm'd the Army of the Princes, the Count of Tavan­nes sent 150 Foot, and as many Horse, [Page 229] and he with the rest of the Troops followed thither. In the same time advertizing the Prince of Conde at Paris, who suddenly issuing forth put himself at the head of them, and hindered the Royallists from fra­ming the Bridge, as likewise their Passage down lower at Poissy; but suspecting that Turenne should pass at Espinay, and come upon their backs, he resolved to raise the Camp from St. Cloud, and pass over to Charenton, as a more safe Post, ha­ving the Marne on their backs, and flank'd by the Sene. In pursuance of this, rising from S. Cloud the first of July, two hours before Sun-set, he pass'd the Sene over the Stone­bridge, and another of Boats, and march'd thorough the Wood of Bo­logne and Chaliot directly to Paris. But finding that Order had been given to the Captains that were in Guard with their City-companies at the Gate of the Conference, and all [Page 230] the other Gates, to permit no Souldi­ers to pass whatsoever, he caused his Army to advance along the Town-ditch towards the Gate of Richlieu, continuing his March to­wards Charenton.

About an hour after Mid-night Cardinal Mazarine had advice of it by one of his Confidents hid in Pa­ris, who made his Servant pass over the Wall to give notice to Turenne, who without losing time mounted his Cavalry with such diligence, that at 5 a clock the morning fol­lowing he encounter'd the Rere of the Prince at the entrance of the Suburbs of St. Denis street. The Count de Novailles charg'd them so briskly, that the Regiment of Conty was greatly endamag'd, and another Squadron which was drawn up in Battalia with him near the Gate of the Temple, was no less ill-handled. The Prince entering into Paris went to confer with the Duke of Orleans, [Page 231] and issued out afresh at S. Martins Gate, flying like Lightening from the Van to the Rere of his Army, which was marching to the design­ed Post. All the Royal Camp and Court was got on Horse-back, be­ing confident that day to conquer and put an end to the War, not on­ly for the superiority in Number, but also for the length of the Way which the Prince was forc'd to take in regard of the Baggage. The Cardinal upon this confidence lea­ving fit Orders with Turenne, con­ducted the King to the hill of Sa­ronne, that he might be Spectator of so famous an action, in which they discoursed to have the Prince dead or a prisoner, his Army destroyed, and the War ended. Mazarine sent to his party in Paris to be of good courage, and to use all their industry to hinder that the Gates might not be opened to the Enemies Troops, nor to the succour that [Page 232] might be sent them from the City.

The Kings Army being arrived at Villette, half a League from Pa­ris, and having notice that the For­ces of the Princes were already past those places, in which if they could have set upon them they would without doubt have been defeated, Turenne taking to the left hand pas­sed the hills of Saronne, and came into the Plain between the Suburbs of S. Anthony and Charenton, putting his men in order, while the other part of the Army remained on the right hand with the Mareschal de la Penté Seneterre; and although the Prince being in the Suburbs, and under the Walls of Paris, had the ad­vantage of the Post; nevertheless the Kings Generals knowing that they could not in the end be able to defend themselves against their Attaque, and being assured by the Court that they would not be re­ceived [Page 233] into Paris, having been de­nied the Evening before, they resol­ved to advance boldly, and fall up­on some Squadrons that were enter­ed into the Suburbs it self, which they did, and pursued them into the very houses. Here the Prince, who with an unmatchable valour bore all the brunt of this hot Conflict, though he declar'd aloud that the danger was great and inevitable, using his Wit where Force fail'd, galloping from Squadron to Squa­dron, put his men into very good order. The Royallists press'd on with marvellous courage and fury, assaulting vigorously the Enemies Posts in two several places, where they were courageously resisted and beat back for some while. But the Regiments of Languedoc, Valois, and Langeron, not being able to resist any longer, and retreating with some loss as far as the Market-place of the Suburbs, the Prince himself [Page 234] came speedily to their assistance at the head of his Regiment of Horse and that of Anguien; and here the Fight was renewed afresh so hotly, that the Prince gave high proofs of his skill in the art of War, and of his undaunted Courage, never shewing greater boldness, nor more hazarding his Life, then in this pe­rillous Rencounter, engaging him­self as a common Souldier amongst the Enemies Ranks, killing many with his own hands, and repelling others; so that to his eternal glory those Regiments assumed new cou­rage, and regained their Posts, from whence they had been chased.

But in the other Posts command­ed by the Count de Tavannes they had not the like fortune; for the Marquess de St. Magrin, a Cavalier of great courage, with divers noble Voluntiers, the Light Horse, and Cuirassiers of the Kings Guards, su­stained by a Battalion of Suissers, [Page 235] fell on with such fury, that the Princes Troops were much shatter­ed, and near being totally routed, if by the death of St. Magrin the heat of that Onset (which by his bold­ness was fomented with an extra­vagant, not to say bizzarre temerity) had not been abated; for he being in the Skirmish mortally hurt and unhors'd, was miserably slaughter'd by some Freebooters, who were mingled amongst them: so that the Kings Troops in this part also were beaten and repulsed by those of the Princes, though with the expence of much bloud, for here happened their greatest loss, many of the principal Gentlemen of the Army being slain or wounded.

In the mean while the Royallists had possessed themselves of the street Rambovillet, with some Houses and Barricadoes, notwithstanding the obstinate defence of the Assail­ed, to whose succour a Regiment of [Page 236] Germans advancing, they fail'd not to perform their parts manfully. The Prince kept the street from the Gate of Paris to a large place upon the same street environ'd about with Houses and Garden-walls; here the Royallists had made holes in the Houses and Walls, and from thence they gall'd with shot the Princes people. The Dukes of Nemours and Beaufort joyn'd both at the same instant with the Prince; and although betwixt these two Brother-in-Laws there was no good intelligence, they agreed very well in this Emergency, and were cause that the resolution was taken to at­tempt the recovery of the lost Bar­ricado. The Prince, though he suddenly foresaw the ill success, it being difficult with people weary and worsted to vanquish those who were under shelter and fresh; yet for all this his Generous Heart never refusing the most dangerous and [Page 237] difficult bickering, he submitted to this reason, that though the attempt succeeded not according to their in­tent, he should by such a bold and extraordinary an action give his Enemies cause to look about them, and lengthen the Dispute, which would be the onely remedy for his safety.

They were thereupon attaqued by these two Dukes, together with the Duke de Rochefoucaut, and the Prince of Marsillac, followed by a Bo­dy of Musquettiers, who refusing to advance further, they dismounted from their Horses, run on without fear of death, with so much cou­rage, not to say rashness, that the Royallists being surprised and ama­zed, they abandon'd the Barrica­does, and those four Princes alone recovered them with admirable Gallantry, and would have main­tained them if the Enemies (flank'd on both sides the streets, and [Page 238] thundering in continually Volleys of shot against the Assailants) had not made them see it impossible to make a stay in that open place, where the Duke of Nemours recei­ved 13 Musquet shot in his Cuirace, and two in his right hand.

The Duke de la Rochefoucaut was wounded in the face betwixt his Eyes, and the Duke of Beaufort and the Prince of Marsillac being oblig'd to help the wounded, were necessi­tated to abandon the Post; which being observed by the Royallists, they issued out of the houses in all haste to take them prisoners, which they had done if the Prince of Con­dé with his wonted courage had not pressed forward thorough the cloud of smoke and fire, with some few Gentlemen that followed him, gi­ving by this means time and op­portunity to the wounded Prin­ces to retire. Many were slain and hurt on the Princes side in this [Page 239] Skirmish, and the rest would have very hardly escaped, if with the same care as the Royallists attaqued this side, they had assailed that part behind the Suburbs, putting them­selves betwixt it and the City gate, which was not done, it being not thought fit to put themselves under the mercy of the shot from the Ramparts of Paris, full of armed Inhabitants, doubting lest they might have been persuaded to dis­charge upon them, or as it was whisper'd (though upon what grounds is not known) that some persons did not desire the loss of the Prince with so many brave French Gentlemen, against whom the Vi­ctory could not be but damageable, it being probable that they finally perceiving their own errour, would return to their duty, and serve His Majesty with as much Fidelity, as now they express'd Affection for the Party that oppos'd Mazarine.

[Page 240]In the same time that without the Walls they were fighting with their weapons, the contest was no less in words within amongst the Citi­zens; some pretended that they should not onely issue out to help the Princes, but that opening the Gates they should give them a fa­vourable reception. Others insist­ed, that letting the Prince be de­stroyed (the occasion of all their misfortunes) thereby they should put an end to those miseries, and settle the City in its former tran­quillity, and be freed from those sad accidents wont to accom­pany the confusion of War. Fi­nally, upon these differences that concluded nothing in favour of the Princes, Madamoiselle d'Orleans came into the streets, went to the Town-house, told the Citizens, that with­out loss of time the Inhabitants ought to go out to assist the Princes, allowing the Baggage and Troops [Page 241] of their friends to enter the City; which she urged with such efficacy, that adding hereunto the lament­able and horrid spectacle of so many Noblemen of high condition gasp­ing, wounded, and besmear'd with bloud, they concluded to open their Gates and receive them; and many crying in the streets they ought to help the Prince, who with so much valour put his own Life, and the Lives of so many good Frenchmen, in evident and almost inevitable pe­ril for the publick cause; there issued out about 300 Inhabitants, who were placed by the Prince to guard certain Posts. One part of the Baggage enter'd by the Gate of the Temple, and the other by that of S. Anthony. The Prince gave the Orders for the favouring and secu­ring their retreat, and sent to Mon­sieur de Louviere, Commander at that time of the Bastile in lieu of his father the Counsellour Brussel, to [Page 242] cause the great Guns to be dischar­ged upon the Kings Troops, which being delay'd as a thing unbeseem­ing a Subject, Madamoiselle came in­to the Bastile, and mounting briskly upon the Wall, with an Amazonian courage, as if she her self had par­ticipated of the glory and danger, commanded that in her presence the Artillery should be discharged a­gainst the Kings Army, which was done accordingly. Thereupon Or­der being given for the Retreat, the Horse, Foot, and Canon march'd forthwith. It was thought at the first discharge of the Bastile, that it was against the Princes Troops, the Parisiens, having assured the Kings Ministers that they would not receive the Princes People; but af­terward perceiving that they shot against the Royallists, and that the Inhabitants failing of their promise, the Baggage was already safe, and the Troops began to enter into the [Page 243] City, those of the Kings Party were greatly astonished for the lost hopes of their assured Victory. The Kings Generals were no less troubled, as well for some reproofs of their slowness and negligence, as to see themselves at the very point of their Victory defrauded of their Expectations, so that they re­treated again to S. Denis. The Cardinal being very sad for the ill success of the Enterprise, and for the mortal Wound his Nephew Mancini receiv'd, of which he died in few days; in which time the King with a demonstration of sin­gular affection visited him often, as also the afflicted Lady of S. Ma­grin.

The Forces of the Princes en­camp'd themselves in the Fields of Yvry, without the Suburbs of St. Marceau, and in two days time sackt all the Villages and Houses for three Leagues about. Madamoiselle in this [Page 244] occasion did another mad prank, which was seconded by all Paris. She stuck a handful of straw up­on her head, and passing thorow the streets, cried, that was the sign which they that were not Maza­rines, ought to wear; In a mo­ment, not only all the Inhabitants, but the strangers of every Nation, and of all sorts, even to the Religi­ous Men and Ministers of forreign Princes were seen to follow this fa­shion, to secure themselves from the violence and insolence the people used towards those that had not this distinction about them.

But this was a fore-running Pre­sage of unhappy events to follow; for straw-fire being the weakest, and the easiest to be extinguisht por­tended that that Party should sud­denly be dissolved, like straw-fire into smoke.

In this manner ended the memo­rable Fight in the Suburbs of St. [Page 245] Anthony, the second of July 1652, in which the quality of the slain and wounded was more consider­able then the number. The Prince of Conde not at all valuing his own life, running now to one place, now to another, where the fight was most bloody, and his men in greatest danger, he perform'd the Office not only of a General, but of a Common Souldier, and often­times was at the Graves Mouth, His Horse was slain under him, he received several shot on his Ar­mour, his Cloaths pierc'd through in many places, his Feather and Hair burnt; and yet to the admi­ration of all he remain'd unhurt. The Mareschal de Turenne behaved himself with no less valour, who pressing on with great celerity on every side, gave worthy proofs of his experience and skill, and he was heard to say, that he had received order to go and fight the Prince of [Page 246] Conde. But wheresoever he charg'd the Enemy, he always found the Prince at the Head of them. All the other Generals and Captains behaved themselves bravely. And for their extraordinary boldness, and famous and courageous deeds of both Parties, this was accounted amongst the noblest and worthiest Exploits that ever happened in any Age.

The Prince of Conde being grown more confident upon the increased reputation of his Arms, he tried to make them declare openly in fa­vour of his Party, seeing he want­ed money and other necessary assist­ance to maintain the War. But because till that time his pressing instances made to the Citizens had taken little effect, who by Maza­rines means were daily more and more gain'd to the Kings party, he thought (as it was famed abroad, and the Parisiens themselves fear'd) [Page 247] to constrain them by force to do what he desired.

A General Assembly of the Ci­tizens being to be held in the Town-House at the Greve, the 4th. of July, in the same year 1652; It was resol­ved by the Princes to make the common people fall upon that As­sembly, and by putting them in fear bring them to their will.

All the Officers of the Commu­nalty being come together, which might be about 400 of the chief of the City, the Duke of Orleans sent the Mareschal of Estampes to the Mareschal de l' Hospital, who presided in the Assembly as Gover­nour of Paris, to assure him, that that morning there should happen no disorder; and that he desired, that laying aside publick affairs, they would consult how to put the Par­lement in safety, and give time to their Deputies, which were gone to Court, promising to be himself [Page 248] within two houres at the Assem­blie.

The Mareschal answer'd, that it was fit that his Royal Highness should have all satisfaction. The Assembly met, the Duke came thither at half an houre past four in the afternoon, at which time the Greve was full of armed seditious people, with straw upon their heads; an evident token of some extrava­gant disorder, and a Prelude to the funest Tragedy that followed.

The Duke being entred into the Hall, the Mareschal resigned his Chair to him, placing himself up­on the Prevost of the Merchands Bench. It is not amiss to observe, that the Mareschal having received the Duke at the foot of the stairs, seeing him adorned with his bunch of straw, told him boldly; What your Royal Highness then enters with the mark of sedition into the Kings House. The Duke replied, he had [Page 249] indeed received that straw, but did not approve of it; they went up the stairs, and Orleans taking his place, thank'd the City for granting a passage to his Troops, asking them if in a like occurrence they would do it again. The Prince appear'd there also, and spake to the same purpose. The Mareschals Answer was, that they should al­ways have the same inclination to their service; and when they pleas'd to withdraw, they would take it into their consideration; in which Speech the Prevost of Merchands concurr'd. In the mean time a Trumpet arrived with a Letter with a Seal, in which the King or­dered, that the Assembly should be put off till the 8th. of the same moneth. The Mareschal caused it to be read, and then asked the Prin­ces and the rest of the Assembly, if they were in the mind to obey the Kings Orders. The Princes with­out [Page 250] answering any thing retired, judging their Party not strong e­nough to make them determine on the Union which they desired, and coming out of the Parquet (so is the Tribunal, or place rail'd in, where the Lords sit, called) to accompany the Duke and the Prince, the Ma­reschal was presented by an imper­tinent fellow with a posie of straw; with which sawciness being much incens'd, turning himself briskly told him, that if it were not for the respect he bore to his Royal Highness, he would cause him presently to be thrown out at the window, and hang'd upon a Gibbet.

The Princes going out said, that place was full of Mazarines, who had a mind to prolong and gain time, which occasion'd so great a commotion, that the Souldiers of the Princes and the seditious peo­ple fell to discharge against the windows and doors.

[Page 251]Some Officers of the Princes to give countenance to this business, had appointed several Musquettiers with their Leaders, who having at­tempted in vain to raise a tumult in some other parts of the City, came at last to this place, ming­ling themselves with the people.

One of the people that stood up­on the steps of the Cross, in the midst of the place, happened in this time to be kill'd by a shot, whether by chance or on purpose, which much more increas'd their rage and fury, every one beginning to cry the Mazarines had made that shot, and therefore they ought to kill them all, menacing those that were within the Town-house; and in this hurly-burly many were heard to cry, Union, Union, and away with the Mazarines; and all running with the straw in their Hats, like so ma­ny possess'd with Furies, they began to commit the accustomed insolen­cies, [Page 252] that the indiscretion and be­stiality of the rabble are wont to inspire. The City-Companies that guarded the Town-house fled pre­sently away, which emboldning the seditious more and more they ran to fetch wood from the next boats, and set fire to the great Gate, en­deavouring to get in, to commit all the insolencies that blind passion could prompt them to. In this dan­ger the Mareschal and divers o­thers undauntedly resolved, rather to perish gloriously, then to sub­mit and save their lives weakly and dishonorably; wherefore they prepared for a generous defence. The Mareschal ordered them to make a Barricade of great Pieces of Timber above stairs at the en­trance of the great Hall that looks into the Court, which was defend­de and maintain'd bravely by the Mareschals Guards. He gave or­der likewise to spare their powder [Page 253] till night, and in the mean time they should defend themselves with the stones of the pavement; but at the same instant, the great Gate being burnt and fallen down, the seditious assaulted the Barricade, where Blancart Commissary of the Princes Army received a mor­tal wound, of which he died, a little after, with him some other Souldiers of the Princes were also slain. While this pass'd, the Prince of Conde was at the Palace of Or­leans, where having notice that the business went contrary to his inten­tion, which was to put them in fear, but not to carry it on to ex­tremity, he intended to transport himself presently upon the place, and making them by his Presence to cease the assault, oblige those within to acknowledge their lives and safety from him: But the Duke, to whom it seemed not per­haps convenient that the Prince [Page 254] should hazard his person amongst that mad rabble, or whether he thought it not expedient he should gain the good-will of the Citizens, by that generous action, and him­self to bear all the hatred, detain'd him by force, and in no wise would not permit him to go out of his house, so that to his great discon­tent he was constrain'd to remain quiet.

Many in this while seeing the imminent danger, and excited by fear, desiring to get out of the Pa­lace, attempted to make their way thorow the thickest of the people; several of them were kill'd, but some had the good fortune to save them­selves without hurt. The Duke of Beaufort, and the Marquess de la Bollay, who were in a house near by, issuing out, call'd aloud to some of the Assembly by their names, saying, he came to bring Peace, and free them from the danger they [Page 255] were in. The Mareschal believing this to be only a trick to get out those of the Princes Party, and leave the rest to the discretion of the peo­ples fury, sent to ask him if there was safety; and with a constant and stout mind, declar'd that they would all have their lives, or all perish together. The Assault lasted from five a Clock in the Evening till ten at night; at which time the Mareschal going to the Barricade, found it abandon'd, and his Guards retired, upon the false report spread that he had made his escape. The people thereupon entred, sack'd e­very thing, and stript all they met, who were glad to part with their cloaths to save their lives. The Mareschal not knowing how to get out, without being discover'd, took the opportunity to put himself among the people, and so passed into the next Chamber. He had given the Order of the Holy Ghost [Page 256] to one of his Pages to keep, and chang'd Hats with him, and having on a Coat of a dark colour, stood in the midst of them, that blas­pheming and raging with madness sought him every where; and by the Address of a friend of his that call'd him by another name he got safe out.

At last Madamoiselle being mo­ved to pity for so great a Massacre, with her wonted generosity (though it was three houres within night) went to the Town-house, and took along with her the Duke of Beau­fort, where she quieted the tu­mult, and caused those of the As­sembly to pass out safe and un­hurt, to her great commenda­tion.

The Confusions and Cruelties committed in this Action served only to put the Prince of Conde in the ill opinion of the Parisiens, whence as the second of July was [Page 257] the day of Triumph and height of his glory in that City, so the fourth following was the impulsive cause of his fall; being the Pa­risiens could never be got to contri­bute any money, nor to come to an open rupture with the Court, com­plaining generally of the Princes, who to abate the ill esteem, and to disguise as much as they could the part they had (which was very considerable) in this deliberation, they imprisoned two Complices of the sedition, who were also execu­ted.

The 6th. of the same month the Assembly was called again to the Town-house, but few went; and for all the entreaties the Duke of Orleans made, sending thither even his own Swisse Guards, none appear­ed, but some few dependents of the Princes.

The Prevost of Merchands sent to declare, that he should come no [Page 258] more to the Councils nor publick Assemblies, till the Kings Autho­rity was re-established; wherefore Orleans substituted the Counsellor Brussel in that Charge, making him take his Oath in forme: and the Mareschal de l' Hospital, being no more to exercise his Command of Governour of Paris, that dignity was conferr'd on the Duke of Beau­fort, and this was the first effect of the foregoing violence, and the first step the Princes mounted to arrive at their intents.

The Parlement being afterward convened, and although none of the Presidents of the Morter appeared there, they did not cease to give Counsel; the Dean of the Parlia­ment presiding by way of Supple­ment. The Duke of Orleans pro­pounded four things, which he said was convenient should speedily be taken care of.

The first to take order about the-Provisions; [Page 259] and particularly, about bread, which was risen to an exor­bitant price. The second, the safety of the City and Parlement, shewing great displeasure for the accident hapned at the Town-house. The third, to finde means to retain those that left the City, (amongst which were several Officers of the Parlement) in contempt of the De­cree, which prohibited them to de­part from their Companions; and the fourth, that it being a great while, that the Deputies were kept at Court, without being able to obtain an Answer, they ought to resolve what was to be done upon these Points: It was resolved, that the Decrees of the fourth of the same month, and others heretofore made, concerning the ordering the Provisions, should be punctually observed. That the Officers should be prohibited to depart from Paris, and the Counsellors invited to [Page 260] come and assist in their several Charges. Messieurs de Lesne and de Gilbert, Members of the Parle­ment, had order to forme a Process against the Riot committed by the People at the Town-house three days before; That no publick nor private meetings should be held up­on pain of death. And because the disorders of the Princes Souldi­ers were insupportable, who sack'd all the neighboring Territory, and rifled all that pass'd those High­ways, it was likewise ordered to prosecute, not only those who cut or sold the corne in the fields, but those also that bought it, or help'd to convey it away. Besides these Decrees there followed likewise an Ecclesiastical Monitory against the Authors and Complices of fi­ring the Town-house, and nothing was forgot to soften the Parisiens, who were generally offended, there being few Citizens, that in the late [Page 261] disorder were not concern'd either by alliance or friendship.

The Prince seeing the small hopes of subsisting only with his own forces, and that there was need of speedy help, he dispatch'd in all haste a Courier to the Baron de Bat­teville at S. Sebastian, with advice of what had hapned, and of the urgent necessity of assistance, with­out which he could not long sub­sist. Batteville sending the Letters into Spain, they arrived so oppor­tunely, and that it was easie for the Spaniards to supply him with a sum of ready money to finish those enterprizes, which without ready coyn, they could not bring to pass. This was the Arrival of the Plate Fleet from the Indies the 8. of July in this same year, which delivered Spain from a mischief, which with­out money could not have been a­voided.

Conde sent also into Flanders, to [Page 262] represent to the Ministers of Spain the state of his Affairs: And they perceiving the Princes party, after the retreat of the Duke of Lorrain, not a little weakned, and in dan­ger to be suppress'd or forc'd to yield to an Agreement, which would prove very prejudicial to their in­terest; they fill'd the Prince with great hopes and large Promises, re­solving to strengthen his Faction with a recruit of six thousand men, under the Command of Prince Ul­deric of Wirtemberg, General of the German Horse in Flanders; to which purpose the Count de Fuensaldagna entring into the Fields, and taking the common Rode betwixt the Ri­vers of Somme and Oyse, came un­der Chauny, where the Duke of El­boeuf, Governour of Picardy was with many people gathered together out of the Neighbouring Countrey, to hinder the Spaniards from advan­cing further into France, but having [Page 263] no Provisions, nor the place de­fenceable, they yielded upon con­ditions, that he and his Monsieur de Manicamp his Lieutenant General, with some other of the chiefest Of­ficers, should march out, all the rest remaining prisoners of Warr, amongst which there were above a hundred Gentlemen Voluntiers, and about 500 Souldiers, Officers, and some few Horse, which were all taken. Here the Spaniards stayed several days, as well to enjoy the benefits of that fertile Country, as to expect a better opportunity to ad­vance towards Paris, not judging it prudent Council to give further as­sistance to the Male-contents while the Treaty was on foot, and nigh being concluded, lest the Court should condescend ro the Pretences of the Princes; wherefore they neglected to answer the hopes given to the Princes and Parlement, le­velling their aim, not to fortifie [Page 264] them so, thar they might by their strength make the Court ply to their demands, the Ministers of the Catholick King considering, that if it should so happen, as there was likelihood, in stead of adding new fewel to these Civil broyles, they should at their own charge and ru­ine quite extinguish them.

The time thus passing away, without any resolution on this side, was spent likewise on the other without any considerable accident; for from the 2. till the 20. of July, the Kings Army about St. Denis, and the Princes without the Suburbs of St. Victor, lay quiet without any stirring, all those days being spent in Treaties of Peace betwixt both parties. The result of which was, that the King finally declared, that although he did ever believe, and still thought, that the instances made unto him to send away the Cardinal were only pretexts to [Page 265] colour other designes: Neverthe­less, his Majestie wishing nothing more then the Quiet of the King­dom, he was content to gratifie the Cardinal, granting him the fa­vour oftentimes requested by him to retire from Court; but yet not until all things necessary for re-establishing the Peace in France, should be better settled: to which effect his Majestie ordered the De­puties to advertise the Duke of Orleans, and the Prince of Conde, to send some on their part to discuss the essential points; and they in the mean time remaining at Court to expect the resolution from Paris: and because some doubt might a­rise, if before or after the Ratifi­cation the Cardinal should be ef­fectively withdrawn, His Majesty declared, he should depart imme­diately upon the Conclusion of the Treaty, and before the Consum­mation. This Affair was variously [Page 267] debated in Parlement. The Duke of Orleans said, the Answer was ambiguous, and contrived to en­gage them to a Conference to spin out the business; That if the Car­dinal had really an intent to retire, he ought not to have kept the De­puties of the Parlement 15 days for an Answer, and in the Interim betake himself to violent resoluti­ons, as was that of the second of this Month in the Fauxbourgs of St. Anthony, to destroy the Army, and afterwards cut the throats of all the Parisiens. If he intended to retire, there was no need of any o­ther Conference upon this subject; for so soon as he should be out of the Kingdom, according to the Kings Declaration, they asked no more; nor would they fail to ren­der immediately all duty and obedi­ence to his Majesty. That to send Deputies in their names was super­fluous, since those of the Parlement [Page 266] being there, in whom they reposed all confidence, they did not intend to do any thing without the privity of the Parlement, to which effect they should at all times write their mind to President Nesmond. After which it was concluded, to return thanks to his Majestie for his fa­vourable Answer, for sending away the Cardinal, and to supplicate him anew, that it might be done speedi­ly. That the Princes would be pleased to write to Nesmond, or to some other of the Deputies, to se­cond this their Declaration, that whensoever the Cardinal should be out of the Kingdom, they should perform what they had promised, and order the said Deputy to receive what Commands the King should deem necessary. In this Assembly the Prince was observed to discourse with some sternness, as if he were angry. Monsieur de Bust proposed to choose new Deputies, that might [Page 268] find out the most convenient means to send the Troops farther off, and to do their utmost endeavour to procure the Peace; and although all things should happen to be a­greed on, yet nothing to be done till the Cardinal was first departed. Upon this the Parlement thought it expedient, to order their Deputies at Court, to give the King thanks for his Promise of giving Mazarine licence to depart, and to sollicit the performance of it: and to desire the Duke of Orleans and the Prince of Conde to write to the President Nesmond, with assurance (as they had declared in the Assembly) to lay down their Arms, and yield entire obedience to his Majestie, so soon as Mazarine should be gone. Orle­ans therefore writ, that by the de­sire of the Court, that he and the Prince should send Deputies to the King, they could imagine no other thing, considering with what de­lays [Page 269] the Audience of the Deputies was retarded) but that it was a de­vice of the Cardinal to elude his Majesties resolution in banishing him the Kingdom, and making Peace with his subjects: that al­though the solemn Declarations made and reiterated before the Par­lement might suffice, yet to make it more clearly appear, how sin­cerely and candidly he had behaved himself in all those Transactions, he was resolved to let him know by that Letter, that he might as­sure and faithfully promise to the King, that he should punctually make good his said Declaration so soon as ever the Cardinal should withdraw in good earnest, and with­out any other shadow of suspition; and should send to render him his humble thanks, receive his Or­ders and Commands, having no o­ther Agreements or Conditions to make with his Majestie, but only [Page 270] to obey him, as he was always rea­dy to do, with all respect and sub­mission, according to the obligati­on of his birth. The Prince writ also to Nesmond in the same form, and charged him to give all assu­rance of the reality of their inten­tions: Hereupon Nesmond being admitted to the Kings Presence, spake in this manner, Sir, The As­surance that it hath pleased your Ma­jestie to give us for the retirement of Cardinal Mazarine, hath fill'd the hearts of your Vassals with hope, upon the confidence they have, that the words of Kings, as the Word of God, bring their full effect, and can never be but profitable. Your Parlement hath given us in charge to testifie to your Majestie with all humbleness and respect their desire; and to request the effecting it, conformable to their Declaration, and to the Decrees that have seconded it; supplicating your Majestie to consider, that the miseries [Page 271] of France augmenting daily, and suf­fering no delay, it will be an effect of your bounty. Not to defer the reme­dy, so desired a benefit, any longer, the Duke of Orleans and the Prince of Conde have given us in charge, to confirm to your Majestie their first Declarations, and represent on their behalf, that they have nothing to pro­pound▪ by employing Deputies, submit­ting themselves to obey your Orders with all obedience, so soon as the Car­dinal shall have fulfill'd your Majesties Declaration. It depends now, Sir, on your Authority, to shorten all these ills, yielding to this departure at our supplication. We have no more words to express our grief, the force of which does stop our utterance. The publick disorders, the ruine of the State, the Power of the Enemies, the Misery of the People, are sensibly ob­vious to your Majesties sight, and will yet more touch your Majesties heart, to whom we protest that we shall always [Page 272] have an eternal obligation; for the end of so many mischiefs, and for the Peace the Kingdom. The King reply'd, that he would participate all this to his Council, and they should receive his Answer, which was delivered them the day follow­ing in writing, and read by the Count de Brienne in these words:

That the King had granted the request made him to send away the Cardinal, though he clearly saw it was only a pretext to disturb the State; if the Princes had accepted the Articles that were to be per­formed on their part sincerely, there would have remained no other stop to the establishment of the quiet of the Realm: That if his Majestie had believed, that his Answer to the Deputies, touching that Af­fair, should have served as an oc­casion for a new Decree of Par­lement, he would not have given it in any wise, knowng that in the [Page 273] condition the Parlement was then in, (as well for the absence of a great number of the principal Counsellours, as for the violent Authority usurp'd by the Heads of the Rebellion) they were deprived of their freedom, and reduced to obey other mens wills; since by the Decree of the first of July it was resolved, not to treat nor determine any thing concerning the publick Affairs, till the Courts of Justice and the City were restored to their free­dom; but instead of providing for their safety, when the Assembly was convened in the Town-house to that effect, the burnings, vio­lences, and slaughters, had reduced the Tribunals and the City to the extreamest oppression, so that his Majestie could no longer regard the determinations made in a Compa­ny where the Liberty of Voices was not free.

The Kings intention in his An­swer [Page 274] to the Deputies was to give them opportunity, that the Princes might send persons of their own, with Authority to receive Orders for putting the Articles by them ac­cepted in execution, and to agree upon the time, the manner, and the security for the performance: so that not without Reason His Maje­sty was surprized to see Subjects pretend to obtain things of their Soveraign, that were never practi­sed even among Princes that were equal. It was not fit that he should be the first to fulfil on his part what hath been agreed on, till the Conditions which comprehend the true cause of these distractions be solemnly promised, and cleared as they ought to be: It being evident that the principal occasion of the Disturbances of the Kingdom hath been the taking up of Arms, the Union of the Princes with the Spa­niards, the introducing them into [Page 275] His Majesties Fortresses, and the ruines and desolations caused by the Souldiers of the Princes, and by con­sequence the peace can never be re-established till the Hostilities be forborn, their Arms laid down, the Spaniards driven out of the King­dom, and the Leagues made with them intirely broken. It is there­fore necessary for all these reasons, that the Princes do agree upon the time, the manner, and the security for performance of the Conditions, that they seem to have accepted. And although His Majesty may in reason insist (as well for the conser­vation of his Dignity as for Inter­est of State) to have all the said Conditions performed by the Prin­ces before he advance a step fur­ther on his part; yet nevertheless the King persisting in his Declara­tion, gives his Word again upon their continued instances, to permit the Cardinal to retire so soon as the [Page 276] Duke of Orleans and the Prince shall agree, not in general and ob­scure Declarations, but clearly and in good form, as is wont to be pra­ctised in occurrences of that impor­tance, and in the manner as above-mentioned, for putting in executi­on the Articles included in His Ma­jesties Answer of the 16th. of June last past; there being no likelihood that onely general Declarations in­serted in a Register are of sufficient force to annul the Princes Treaty concluded and ratified with Spain, for the performance of which he seemed very much concern'd, and from which there is no probability he will depart, if the Spaniards con­tinue to make good their promise in sending Souldiers and Money: and when he really should have a mind to break off the said Treaty, he must necessarily give notice of it to the Spaniards, to the end that they for­bear to execute their Promise. That [Page 277] which the King desires therefore of the Prince is, that he agree of the time, and manner, how to declare to the Ministers of Spain, that he in­tends to be no longer engaged with them. And this His Majesty finds himself obliged the more earnestly to insist on, knowing by divers Letters intercepted, which were shewn and verified to the Deputies, that the said Prince after the Decla­ration made in Parlement hath sol­licited the Spanish Generals, as he still continues to do, that they will enter into France with all their For­ces; and it is very hard to believe, that his intention is to establish Peace in the Kingdom, which he gives out to depend on the Cardi­nals removal, making use of the Spanish Forces for the obtaining thereof. That nothing can be more for the interest and designes of the Ministers of Spain, then to continue the divisions; wherefore his Majesties pleasure is, that the [Page 278] said Deputies do give notice of all this to the Duke of Orleans, and the Prince, to the end that they may know the Reasons for which they are obliged to send some one to Court in their name sufficiently im­powered, to declare more particu­larly their will, for the real effect­ing every thing contain'd in the Articles: and that in the mean time they remain at Court to expect the Answer, and to be eye-Witnesses of His Majesties sincerity in conde­scending to whatever may conduce to settle the Kingdom in quiet; the retarding of which can be imputed to none but the Princes, if they re­fuse to agree to what hath been deli­vered, with His Majesties accustom­ed Clemency, which shines forth the more brightly, and ought to be the more valu'd, considering that he hath the absolute power to give Law to whom he please without condition.

The Court not well satisfied with the Pric [...]s for sending their [...]p [...] ­ties [Page 279] to receive orders, and adjust businesses which they had declar'd were agreed upon they used all art and diligence to inform the people, that not the Cardinal, but the pretension of the Princes, was the sole obstacle of the Peace, and the principal cause of all the mise­ries of the poor subjects, not omit­ting by the help of their party, and those servants who had stuck to them, to keep Intelligence, and put in practice all fit means for the esta­blishment of the Royal Authority, and for the ruine of the lawless and inconsistent party: seeing more­over the little effect the Kings near approach to Paris had produced in all this time; the great scarcity of Provisions, which more and more incommoded them; the Infection in the Royal Camp, which destroyed many; and the fear lest that the Spa­nish Army, keeping along the Oyse, should advance towards Pontoise, a very important place at that time. [Page 280] By the Council of the Cardinal His Majestie resolved the 16. of July to dislodge from St. Denis and go to Pontoise, fix leagues distant, the Car­dianal continuing still in his Mini­stry by His Majesties express Com­mand, though he continually press'd for leave to depart. All the Af­fairs therefore, being regulated as he saw fit, they were so well order­ed, that those good effects ensued which were seen afterwards: but the Princes and their Favourers continually quarrelling at the do­ings of the Court, taxing them, that they studied only tricks to delude the people, and had very little in­clination for the Peace, which de­pended on the sending away of the Cardinal; they redoubled their de­tractions with so much heat & ma­lice, that it is not to be imagined the conceits spread in publick and in private against the Cardinal and o­ther Officers of Court, continually slandered with opprobrious lan­guage. [Page 281] The Court removing from St. Denis, left there the Depu­ties with orders, to expect what Answer his Majestie should think fit to return them, since they had refused to follow him, upon pre­tence that they had not their Equi­page, and that it was necessary they should return to Paris to exercise their charge. The King lay at Pontoise, and the Army in the adja­cent places upon the River, to watch the motion of the Spaniards, who made excursions into those Territories, to the great damage of the Inhabitants. The News of the Kings and Armies departure from St. Denis being spread abroad, it was divulged in Paris (according to the nature of same, which always makes things appear more then they are) that the Deputies were detain­ed prisoners, wherefore the Prince of Conde with 400 Horse posted thither, to inform himself of the [Page 282] business, found there the Deputies at liberty, and offered eo conduct them to Paris. They excused them­selves, that they had engaged their word to Monsieur de Saintot to stay at St. Denys till further Order from the King, but the Parlement meet­ing the day following, and deter­mining to call them back; Oleans, Conde, and Beaufort went out again with above 2000 persons, and bringing them to Paris, conducted them to the Parlement with such universal applause, as if they had re­turn'd from some glorious conquest, albeit the King by express Order had call'd them to Pontoise, for Af­fairs of great concern that hapned unexpectedly after his departure from St. Denis. Yet the Male-con­tents divulged, that this was an ar­tificial reach of the Court to wea­ry them out by delays, in stead of giving consolation in good earnest; and to protract time, by which Ma­zarine [Page 283] hoped to be able at last to gain the Parisiens by force of suf­ferings, accustomed to enjoy peace­ably their rich Traffick, and to make extraordinarily advantage of those commodities that they send to all the parts of the world.

To take order for all these things, the King with advice of his Council the 18th. of July, after a long rehearsal of all things past, and of the principal causes of those ill events, decreed, that Information should be taken of the horrible and scandalous attempt upon the Town-house the 14th. of the present mo­neth, seeking and finding out the circumstances and dependencies al­so by way of Monitory, and to pro­ceed against the Authors and Com­plices of the Massacres and Vio­lences committed, according to the Statutes and rigour of the Laws; and in the mean time annull'd and revoked the pretended Election of [Page 284] the Counsellour Brussel into the place of Provost of Merchands, whom His Majesty expresly prohi­bited to act in that Function upon pain of Death, and he and all his posterity to be accountable for the disorders happened, or that should happen since his pretended admini­stration. He declared moreover all the Resolves made from the first of July, as well in the Parlement as in the Town-house, touching the pub­lick affairs null and invalid, till the Governour, and the Provost of Merchands, and the other Magi­strates that were constrained to ab­sent themselves were restored, and that sufficient Provision were made for securing of the due Administra­tion of Justice, and safety of the City, according to the tenure of that Decree. The King expresly prohibited all the other Cities of the Kingdom, and all his Subjects and Servants, not to take any cog­nizance [Page 285] of any Orders or Decrees from Paris, so long as it remain'd under the Tyrannical power of Re­bels. And to the end that the Money destin'd for the publick Uses of the City should not remain at the Enemies disposal, to make use of it for the Warre, and to pay the Spanish troops that they had call'd in; His Majestie ordered it to be brought to the place where he should establish his abode, to be put into Hands of the Pay-Masters of the publick Rents, who were com­manded to repair to Court with all the other Consuls and Sheriffs of the Cities, within the term of three days after the publication of the Decree in the usual manner.

The Princes, the Parlement, and the Frondeurs, were greatly di­sturb'd at this departure, believing that the Court did but mock at their licentious and extravagant Pretences. The Count de Servient [Page 286] had signified to the Deputies in His Majesties Name, that if the Duke of Orleans and the Prince of Conde (not willing to nominate Commissioners of their own) should rather desire to make use of the Par­lements Deputies, that the King was content, and would adjust the Propositions with them contain'd in the foresaid Answer, promising to send away the Cardinal, and that before the Articles should be per­formed on their part, provided they could come to an Agreement with their Deputies, or with those of the Parlement, when they should be im­powered. but the Princes, in stead of accepting this offer, and staying the Deputies at St. Denis, to expect there the Kings Answer, or to go and find him at Pontoise, as he had ordered, they were conducted (as hath been said) to Paris, where con­tinuing their Complaints of their being slighted by the Court, they [Page 287] stood firm to have the Cardinal ex­pell'd before any thing else was done, flattering themselves in their own opinions, and esteeming every thing easie, arising from an over­weening sufficiency.

The Parlement (ambitious to usurp a greater Authority then what became them) fell at last up­on the resolution to chuse the Duke of Orleans Lieutenant General of the Crown, and the Prince of Con­de General of the Army under Or­leans, and supplicated His Royal Highness to take upon him this Quality under pretence of freeing the King from the hands of the Cardinal, who had snatcht him from his people and kept him in con­straint. But this determination pro­fitted them little, as well because it was not imbraced by the other Par­lements of the Kingdom, but rather refused and reprehended, as also be­cause Orleans being of a disposition [Page 288] absolutely contrary to violent cour­ses, would not imbroil himself in that attempt: but especially be­cause he and the Cardinal de Retz (the Contriver of all the Plots) promised to themselves, that with­out their ruining the Court Maza­rine would be gone of himself. The Cardinal de Retz put this into the Dukes head for fear that the Court being too much depressed, the Prince of Conde (his irreconcilable Enemy) should rise too high. Retz thus endeavouring to arrive at the Ministry, first with the expulsion of Mazarine, and afterward with the ruine of the Prince, (through the re-uniting the Queen with the Duke of Orleans) was supposed the onely and true cause of the total downfall of that Party, and after­ward of his own imprisonment.

The Parlement moreover de­creed, that should go in the sale of the Moveables and other [Page 289] things belonging to the Cardinal. The fond was likewise laid for the 50000 crowns, the price of the Car­dinals Head, upon a years tax on Cat­tel. But whether it was lukewarm­ness, or the policy of those who endeavoured with like arts to bring to an advantageous conclusion the secret Treaties still managed in the Princes name by Monsieur de Gou­court, with the assistance of the Duke of Bovillon, (who insisted earnestly for bringing the Prince of Conde and the Cardinal to an Agreement, ex­cluding Orleans) or for what other secret respects, the money was never deposited, and many other things were passed by, by reason of the concerns of the parties that inter­ven'd.

The day following Orleans went to the Parlement, and after many Complements declared that he would accept the charge of Lieu­tenant-General of the Crown, so [Page 290] long as the King should be retain­ed by the Cardinal; but desired to have a Council about him esta­blish'd by the Parlement. The Chambers return'd Answer, that they referr'd themselves to what his Royal Highness should deter­mine. He went in the same man­ner to the Chamber of Accounts, where he declared the same thing, and made the same request to have some of their Members in his Council; and here again he had the like Answer, that all was left to his own choice: in pursuance whereof he took into his new Council of State the major part of the Male-contents, and the first Con­sultation that was held was the third of August.

But these Proceedings, so preju­dicial to the Crown, were carried on with as much coldness, as they were embraced with eagerness. And although in appearance these [Page 291] Decrees of the Parlement, and Actions of the Princes, looked like some great matter of importance; in reality they were only shadows, which in a short time vanished of themselves; for by the cunning con­trivances of Mazarine, by little and little the Peoples affections thorow­out the Realm, and even in Paris it self, were won to the King; few being found that would obey the new Lieutenant-General; and the Parlement of Tholouse Metropolis of the Province of Languedoc and Go­vernment of the Duke of Orleans, although they acknowledged them­selves much devoted to his service, decreed against the Ordinance of the Parlement of Paris, declaring it null and invalid.

All things falling thus contrary to their expectation, and the Prin­ces seeing their designs begin to fail, the Prince of Conde was in much perplexity; and little caring [Page 292] to gratifie other, while he himself was nigh ruine for want of money, he used such means, that finally in an Assembly of the Inhabitants by the assistance of those of his party, he prevail'd with them to aid him with a small summe. There were many ways to draw money from the people with little noise, but by the vigilance of Mazarine that way was taken, which seeming most specious and practicable in appear­ance, but hard and difficult in sub­stance, might prove ineffectual, and increase the distasts of the Citizens against the Authors of these Novel­ties; and this was a tax upon all the Gates of Houses capable of re­ceiving Cart or Coach, paying twenty five Crowns for the bigger, the Shops ten, and the little doors five, and this in Paris and the Bo­roughs only. By this Collection, which made a great noise and heart-burning, they could not raise above [Page 293] twenty thousand Crowns, by reason of the avarice or streights of the Citizens, or both, disheartened by so many pressures and grievances, but much more for the detestation they had of the War. The Prince foresaw the ill effect of that deter­mination (as he declared to many) before it happened. This design therefore did not hit the mark it was aimed at, which was intended to raise his reputation at Court, and make them believe that he was Master of Paris, (in which consist­ed the summe of all the Affairs) to necessitate them by these jealousies and threatenings to condescend to the Agreement and yield him his demands, which were the same that were propounded heretofore, and refused in the preceding Treaties of the Count de Chavigny and the Se­cretary Goulas, by reason the Court could not swallow the bitter morsel, to put Provence, so considerable a Province, under the Govern­ment [Page 294] of the Prince of Conty, nor to make the Count Marcin (a person so diffident and refractory) Lieute­nant General of Guienne; so that this Remedy producing little effect at Court, helpt as little among the Parisiens, who in lieu of contribu­ting Mony brake out into the great­est Maledictions imaginable, against what was done the 4th. of July, ac­cusing the Prince for the Author of it, and that he alone was the person that disturb'd the quiet of the King­dom. This conceit was so strong­ly imprinted in the minds of the Citizens, that it much increased their hatred against him and his Ad­herents, and made way for the change that followed. The Prince and the Duke of Beaufort beginning to decline in their repute with the people, the Parlement fell likewise into their disesteem, because in­stead of seeking remedies against the mischiefs, they exasperated and [Page 295] abetted them more then the rest.

The Prince of Conde apprehend­ing no more the Kings Forces, they being gone towards Pontoise, he sent his Troops further off to Jouisy, a Village 4 Leagues from Paris; but here provisions and forage failing, he came with part of them to Cha­renton, and part he sent to Saint Clou.

In this interim the heart-burning and emulation betwixt the Dukes of Nemours and Beaufort his Brother in Law still continuing, it proceed­ed to a Duel, where the Duke of Nemours being slain, it behoved Beaufort to retire from Paris, those of the Union that opposed the Car­dinal remaining in this manner de­prived of two Princes, of the most value and esteem with the people.

There arose likewise a contest and dispute betwixt the Count de Rieux (of the House of Lorrain) and [Page 296] the Prince of Tarante (of the House of Trimouille) about precedency in the new Council established by the Duke of Orleans, whose onely Son of about two years old, dying also at this time, those of that Party be­gan to consider, that God when he purposes to chastise men, takes from them their earthly comforts, and raises discords and dissentions a­mongst the most intimate friends.

The King remain'd at Pontoise with all the Court from the 17th. of July till the 19th. of August, du­ring which time what with the in­commodities they suffered in so streight a place, & the scarcity of all things necessary, diseases multipli­ed, and many persons died, amongst whom the loss of the Duke of Bovillon was much lamented for his great capacity, and the intire confi­dence betwixt him and Mazarine.

The Spaniards in the mean while taking advantage of the Civil [Page 297] Troubles in France (seasonable for their Interest) laid Siege to Dun­kirk, and began very much to streighten it. By Land it was im­possible to succour it, because the Royal Army was necessary about the Kings Person; wherefore there remaining no way open but that of the Sea, the Duke of Vendosme, High Admiral, was commanded to take care for the relief of it. The French Fleet was gone toward Bis­cay to fight the Spaniards, who with 17 Men of War were crusing in those Seas. The 9th. of August both Fleet came within fight of each other about the Pertuis d'An­tioch: the Fight began with the fu­rious discharge of their Cannon. But each side advancing with a re­gard not to engage themselves too far where the success might prove hazardous: the night in the mean time drawing on, and the wind blowing hard, they were separated. [Page 298] On the Spanish side the Ship called The Nativity was set on fire, and ano­ther Vessel of the Squadron of Na­ples taken and sunk. Vendosme would have prosecuted this fortu­nate Encounter, but wanting neces­sary Provisions and Money, he rest­ed himself satisfied in having dri­ven them out of those Seas. He went ashoar at Rochel, and the Fleet returned into Brittain, from whence by Order from the King they hoys'd sail again toward the English Cha­nel, and steer'd their course to give succour to languishing Dunkirk. The Parlement of England, who were not willing that that place and Haven should remain in the hands of the French, fell upon the Kings Fleet in such manner, that taking them unawares in the Road of Ca­lais, without fighting took all those Ships except three, which getting by the English saved themselves in Flushing.

[Page 299]The people that were aboard were set ashour by the English on the Coast of France, and the Ves­sels retained under the title of Re­prisals. Wherefore on the 18th. of September Monsieur d Estrades Go­vernour of Dunkirk, was forc'd to march out with Honourable Con­ditions, And in this manner the Spaniards recover'd that Town; after which the Prince of Ligne ad­vanced toward the Frontiers of France with 4000 Souldiers, to se­cond the designs of the Princes, who were incamped about Paris.

The distastes continued still more and more in the minds of the good Frenchmen, for the affronts and a­buses offered them by the Sediti­ous, and for the little safety that was for them at that time in Paris, where the burning of the Town-house had let them see how violent the designs were of the Male-con­tents: whereupon Cardinal Maza­rine, [Page 300] who continually studied all opportunities for the service of the Crown, perceived at last that the surest remedy was to call the Parle­ments from Paris; of which al­though he had often thought, and for some doubt of opposition omit­ted. At this time he found it ne­cessary not to defer it any longer. The Cardinal and Monsieur Fouquet the Attorney General keeping cor­respondence with each other, and taking the opportunity, Fouquet propounded and maintained, that the Parlement ought to remove to Pontoise, which was done by His Majesty's Decree the 6th. of Au­gust, containing first a long dis­course upon the Reasons that mo­ved him to it, annulling and abo­lishing all the Decrees and Arrests made as well in the Parlement as in the Town-house, and particu­larly those of the 20th. and 24th. of the same August, prohibit­ing [Page 301] all persons not to acknowledge the Duke of Orleans of Lieutenant of the Crown, nor the Prince of Conde for General of the Army, who made use of these Attributes for scandalous intents, and of dan­gerous consequence, forcing the Subjects to execute Orders and Designs tending to the subversion of the Kingdom. He commanded moreover all the Counsellours and Officers of the Parlement to appear at Pontoise, under the penalty of los­ing their Offices, and with express prohibition to all, not to take no­tice of nor obey other Orders then those of His Majesty's, nor other Decrees then those of the Parle­ment removed to Pontoise.

In order to this the major part of the Presidents went thither, five of six Masters of Requests, and a­bout twenty Counsellours, to whom divers Counsellours of State joyn'd themselves, with the Dukes and [Page 202] Peers that were at Court: these formed a Party strong enough to precipitate the whole Faction of the Princes. This new Parlement then beginning to act, that they might acquire Authority, and to let the people understand that they desired the publick good, they pro­posed to the Cardinal that now he would do well to retire himself, since his stay was the onely pretext of the Princes, and of the Fron­deurs, so that he being gone, they would either lay down their Arms, and return to their duty, (by which means the King would remain ab­solute Master;) or persevering in their disobedience, the world would plainly perceive their evil intention, the honest people would be a weary of following them, and the Parle­ment of Pontoise, now acknowledged by the other Parlements for lawful, would give out Decrees against the Princes and the Rebels, and the [Page 203] King having made it clearly appears that the Cardinal served merely for a pretext to the Enemies of the Common wealth, might (the people remaining convinc'd and satisfied) recall him at his pleasure. The Car­dinal declared that he desired no­thing more then the service of His Majesty, and with much readiness and zele resolved to depart against the sentiment of most of his friends, and the King himself, who knew not how to dispose himself to give him leave, which he had so often requested. This the Parlement did, not only for the Reasons abovesaid, but to surprise the Opinions that went about concerning the Kings breach of his Word, given hereto­fore both in Speech and Writing, for the assuring of the Cardinals departure. Since that, not seeing it accomplished, they branded the Court with falsness, and the Princes set a fair colour, and strengthened [Page 304] their contumacy with that pretext, they added moreover, that this re­tirement of the Cardinal would greatly facilitate the Negotiation, which was carrying on in Paris for receiving the King and expelling of Condé. In the managing of this Affair Father Forz Bishop of Ami­ens, and Father Bertaut a Francis­can, and Monsieur Prevost a Coun­sellour of the great Chamber, with others devoted to the King, did in­terest themselves with much affecti­on and fidelity, who found the way more open after the departure of the Cardinal. The wisdom of this Coun­cil quickly manifested it self, be­cause the People (who pierce not so far) took it for granted he should return no more. With these con­siderations therefore the King gave the Cardinal leave to be gone, al­though at that time there was more need of his presence then of his de­parture. But before we proceed [Page 305] any further, it must not be omit­ted, that the Kings Council, being greatly disturbed at the resolution of the Parlement of Paris, in choo­sing the Duke of Orleans Lieute­nant General of the Crown, and in declaring the King the Cardi­nals Prisoner, they proclaimed in­valid, not only what the Parlia­ment had done till that time, but all other deliberations for the fu­ture, as unlawful, insufficient, and void of all Prerogative, and that no other Parlement ought to be ac­knowledged, then that which was lawfully called to Pontoise.

The major part of the Coun­sellors that remain'd in Paris (a­mongst whom were divers of the most seditious) contesting about this matter, several Declarations were pass'd in opposition to that of His Majestie, that the translating of the Parlement to Pontoise was invalid and unlawful, protesting a­gainst [Page 206] it, and maintaining, that the Parlement was never kept out of Paris, though Charles the VII. once removed it for certain Affairs to Montargis. They annull'd be­sides, all that was done in the Kings Council about Prohibiting the levy of the imposition upon the gates of Paris, ordering on the con­trary, that none should be exempt from paying it. They decreed moreover, that the Farmers of the Salt, should pay the dues of their Farmes to the Deputies of the Par­lement; and that the Goods of those Counsellours and Presidents that were gone to Pontoise, should be confiscated if they did not sud­denly return to Paris, to the exer­cise of their places, and further would they have proceeded, if force had been coupled to their will, which failing, all those determina­tions proved vain and ridiculous.

The Cardinal making haste for [Page 207] his departure, the day before he went, he procured the Kings Grant for a Brevet of Duke and Peer of France to Monsieur de Crequy, first Gentleman of the Chamber to the King, to the Marquesses de Mortmar also first Gentleman of the Chamber, and de Roquelaure Great Master of the Wardrobe. The Cardinal afterward consigned into the Kings hands particulars In­structions of all things concer­ning his Government. Though his Majestie had given express Or­der to all the Counsellors of the Parliament to assemble at Pontoise, yet many of them refusing to give their Consents, the thing seemed to many to have something of im­possibility in it, which proved to be the safety of the Kings party▪ since those that remain'd in Paris, not having means to maintain the War, and to hinder this removal to Pontoise, they were constrain'd to [Page 308] yield to all the conditions that were prescribed them by the Court.

The Cardinal left in the exer­cise of his Charge of chief Mini­ster of State, with the Kings good liking, Prince Thomas of Savoy, as one, who besides being his great Confident, was of an incomparable Integrity, in whom the King might wholly confide without any suspi­cion; he left also the Count de Servient, a Person no less Politick then versed in all the Affairs of the Kingdom, Tillier the Secretary of State, a man of great wit and understanding ready to execute the Court-orders, with faithfulness and zeal, and these three for the Negotiations of the State and the War; he left besides with the Queen, for the directions of the most important and most secret Af­fairs, the Abbot Ondedei (who was afterwards Bishop of Fregius) Coun­sellor [Page 309] of State to Her Majestie, of whose known and experienc'd fide­lity and practice in managements, he had full assurance.

This being done, he took leave of their Majesties with that tender­ness, which his ardent affection ur­ged him to, and the 19. of August 1652. departed from Pontoise for Se­dan, passing first to the Mareschal de Turenne's Camp, to view the Ar­my, which from Lagny was already advancing into Brie to oppose the March that the Duke of Lorain was taking, after the Prince of Wirtem­berg had sent back the Count of Fuensaldagna's Spaniards into Flan­ders; and proceeding in his jour­ney with a good Convoy, he came to Sedan, and from thence went to Bouillon where he staid, expecting from time, the fruits of his truth and innocency.

The Prince of Conde understand­ing that the Cardinal was going, [Page 210] and by consequence the Pretext of the War ceasing. He sent the Marquess de Jersé to the Army of Lorain, (to which were joyn'd the Troops that Wirtemberg conducted to the Princes) with direction to take his time, and set upon the Cardinal in his journey, and take him prisoner. But the Spaniards upon this becoming diffident, he was by their means advertized, and shunn'd the danger, seeing the Mi­nistry of Spain knew, that it was for their interest that the Cardinal should subsist, for under this colour the civil dissentions in France were kept afoot, from which they drew much profit.

The same day the King, the Queen, and all the Court went to Compeigne; and the better to dis­pose the minds of the Parisiens to joyn themselves to their party, the King so soon as he was arrived at Compeigne, put forth a General Act [Page 211] of Oblivion, the Contents whereof imported, (after a summary Re­hearsal of all things past, from the year 1648. till that time) a General Pardon, and abollition of all that had been done against his Royal Service, making void and of no effect, all the Informations, De­crees, Sequestrations, and other Proceedings following thereupon, by occasion of the disorders from the first of February 1651. till this time, as also His Majesties Declarations of the month of September, and the 8. of October in the same year, upon this Condition, that the Duke of Orleans, the Princes of Conde and Conty, and all others of their party, should lay down their Arms within three days after the Publication of this Act. To this end the Duke of Orleans should send to His Maje­stie within the term of three days an Act subscribed with his own Hand, by which he renounced all [Page 312] Treaties, Leagues and Confedera­tions made with what Prince so­ever, without his Majesties Appro­bation; the like was enjoyn'd the Prince of Conde and Conty, who were also at the same time to put into the Kings Hands necessary Or­ders, as well to send the Spanish Souldiers out of Stenay and Burg in Guienne, and other places whereso­ever; as also to cause the Enemies Ships to draw off from the Coasts of France. That the said Duke of Orleans and Prince of Conde should cause the foreign Troops that were about Paris, to march directly to the Frontiers of Flanders, and u­nite their Souldiery to the Army of Turenne, and la Ferté Seneterre, and all those who were further off, within the space of fifteen days: declaring, that those who should fail to perform in the space of three days the Contents of this Amnesty should reap no benefit by it, from [Page 313] which his Majestie only excepted the Crimes committed betwixt par­ticular persons, which were to re­main as before without other alte­ration.

This Amnesty with such an Ex­ception at the end of it, was esteem­ed only as an Artifice by those that did not desire it: though for that time it took no effect, for it was publish'd abroad, that, not including those that had fought in duel, and assaulted the Town-house the 4. of July, it rested in the Will of the King to chastise whom he pleased, under colour of this Delinquency; yet it ceased not to leave an im­pression in many, who understand­ing the cavil introduc'd by the Princes, and the Frondeurs, were much offended, having always be­lieved, that when the Cardinal should be gone, the Princes and the Parlement would have cast them­selves at the Kings feet. But al­though [Page 215] those with the Frondeurs had no thought to receive the said Amnesty, though it should be made in the forme they desired, ne­vertheless they feined themselves zealous for the publick good, shew­ing themselves very well pleased at the Cardinals departure. The Duke of Orleans and the Prince of Conde went afterward to the Parlement, where it was concluded to present the King their thanks for sending away the Cardinal; and the Sove­reign Courts, and the body of the City send Deputies to the King to the same effect, and to compleat all that was necessary for the welfare and repose of the State.

A little after, the Parlement re­solved to desire the King again to return to Paris, and the Princes de­clared that they were ready to lay down their Armes, so an Amnesty were granted them in good forme, making the same Protests in the [Page 214] Chamber of Accounts, and Court of Aids. The Duke of Orleans dispatch'd a Courier to the Duke d' Anville his Friend, and a Mini­ster of State very dear to the King, and most faithful to the Queen, to obtain of his Majestie Passports for the Deputies that were ap­pointed to negotiate the final Peace: But d' Anville having kept the Courier a while, sent him back empty, because it did not seem de­cent, for the King to enter into o­ther Treaties, since by the Amnesty he had perfected every thing, and expected that the Princes should suddenly lay down their Armes, as they had formerly declared to do, so soon as the Cardinal was gone from Court. D' Anville writ with­al another Letter to the Duke of Orleans, importing, that he belie­ved the Passports would be granted, if they renewed their requests di­rectly to the King himself, which [Page 316] being done, a Passport was granted to the Mareschal d' Estampes to come to Court, not as a Deputy, but as a meer Courtier; and at the same time some secret Negotiations were renewed betwixt the Secretary Goulas, the Marquess de Chasteau­neuf, and the Dutchess of Aiguil­lon, the drift of which was to take off the Duke of Orleans from the Union with Conde, they clearly perceiving, that the Declarations that he made to the Par­lement and the Court were not sin­cere, while at the same time that he profess'd himself ready for the Peace; he protested at Madrid and Brussels that he would always ad­here to the Crown of Spain, and hold on the War, negotiating like­wise in England to get assistance to carry on his designes; and there­fore it concern'd them to take a­way his Helps and Associates in France, without which he would [Page 317] remain only a bare Captain of the King of Spain, and be able to do little against a Kingdom more po­tent then any other, when united, and obedient to its King.

In the mean time the Troops of the Princes remain'd encamp'd on the other side the River Sene, be­twixt Surenne and St. Cloud, expect­ing the supplies which were sent him from Flanders, but those fruit­ful hills being full of Vineyards, and the Grapes beginning to ripen, the damage which the Souldiers did to the people, was very grie­vous, by whose Sollicitation they were drawn out, to the end of the Suburbs of St. Victor, where in quartering themselves, they fell to blows with the Citizens, that were upon the Guard at the street end, where four or five inhabitants, ans [...] fifteen or twenty Souldiers were slain, which help'd so much the more to augment the discord a­mongst them.

[Page 318]But the Cardinal knowing that the safety of the Royal party con­sisted in reducing the Parisiens, to seek their quiet, which began to be wish'd for by them, The people, the Merchants, and all persons ge­nerally being weary of the calami­ties they sustain'd, and tired out by the continual Guards, which with­out pay, and with abandoning their traffick they were constrained to keep, he advised the King to stay at Compiegne, and not to be pre­vail'd on by intreaties to return to Paris without unquestion'd securi­ty, that he should not be detain'd again; and this was one of the Maxims especially recommended to the Queen in his absence, and which he particularly gave in charge to the Abbot Ondedei. He added, that the Kings Army ought to go to op­pose the troops of Flanders, which were marching to assist the Prin­ces, and if they were too weak so [Page 319] that enterprize, they should remove to Ville neufve S. George on the North-side the Sene, four leagues from Paris, and fortifying them­selvs with good trenches, live upon the provisions, that from Corbeil, Me­lun, and other neighboring places, they should get in abundance by means of the River, where ma­king a stay, the Enemies troops by consequence must lodge themselves thereabouts; so that the Souldiers sacking and pillaging the Country, and robbing and killing all that should pass that way, without com­ing to a rupture, of shewing any such intention, Paris would be in­volv'd in a very troublesome siege, and the Princes rendred odious, as being reputed the principal occasion of all those disasters; and thus car­rying on their intelligence with their loyal friends in the City, the Parisiens would be brought with greater facility to take fit resoluti­ons [Page 320] to free them from their mise­ries, which could not be done so long as they were deprived of the King.

This was the greatest stroak the Cardinal could give, and it is cer­tain that this Maxim duly observed promoted the ruine of his opposite Party; for Paris could not free it self from the hovering ruine, with­out sending away the Prince of Con­dé, whose fall was most certain, be­cause staying there with the Army he increased their miseries, which stirred up the peoples hatred against him; and by retiring himself he lost the support of so rich and pow­erful a City, with so much the more prejudice, as that he would be forc'd to retire to his places upon the Mose, quit the Realm, and throw himself into the arms of the Spani­ards.

Upon the news of the Cardinals departure out of the Kingdom the [Page 321] Ministers of Spain were not a little troubled, because they perceived by his removal the Male-contents had no more pretext for what they did. Taking their measures there­fore to assist (but not to strengthen too much) the Party of the Prin­ces, two things were propos'd: One was to advance with their whole Army, and forcing the Kings Ar­my from about Paris, keep those Citizens faithful and united to the Princes. The other, to amuse that Party and the people of Paris with great hopes, but little effects, that by their seeming assistance they might hold firm in their pretensi­ons, and redoubling their disobedience and injuries against the Court, be finally necessitated to declare a­gainst the King; so that rendering themselves unworthy of favour, and affrighted with the thoughts of chastisement, they would endea­vour to preserve their Usurped Au­thority. [Page 322] To the first Proposition were opposed the imminent dangers that the Court seeing themselves reduc'd to, should be forc'd to grant to the Princes those Points, which with much fervency were insisted on by their friends and partakers. Neither did the other seem conve­nient in that present conjuncture; for when the Princes and the Par­lement should perceive themselves depriv'd of the hopes and promises made them by the Spaniards, know­ing they were not able to subsist by Paris alone, (which was wavering even in the beginning of the Uni­on) they would be constrain'd to regulate themselves as Necessity should counsel them, and accept those conditions that had been al­ready offer'd them upon the Ac­commodation: so that by either of these ways they apprehended they should not much help forward their Designs, which they had proposed [Page 323] to themselves upon the continuance of the civil troubles in France. Em­bracing therefore a third counsel, they resolved to cause their Troops to advance, knowing that if the Pa­risiens did not continue firm, they should at least encourage the Mar­tial and haughty thoughts of the Prince of Condé, who making war in France as first Prince of the Bloud, and esteemed one of the Va­liantest of the Age, he could not but much trouble and annoy the contrary Party. Wherefore the Spanish and Lorein Troops began to move towards the Sene, to the num­ber of 3000 Horse, under Prince Ulderick of Wirtemberg, 6 other Re­giments of Horse conducted by the Chevalier de Guise, and 6000 Lor­rainers with their Duke, who all together formed an Army of about 11000 combatents. These thought to put themselves into the Post of Villeneuf S. George, but were pre­vented [Page 324] by the Mareschal Turenne, who (according to the Instruction of Cardinal Mazarine) had already possessed it, and intrenched himself there with the Kings Army, and cast two Bridges over the Ri­ver.

The Spaniards, the Lorrainers, and the Troops of the Princes, quar­tered round about the Country; so that the Souldiers of both Parties scouring the Campania on all sides, Paris remained besieg'd by their own friends; wherefore the Citi­zens daily pressed the King to re­turn to Paris; who answered, he was ready so to do, if the Duke of Orleans would cause the Prince of Conde to retire to his Government of Guienne, the Duke of Beaufort to his Castle of Anet, and the strangers out of the Kingdom.

The Cardinal de Retz took the advantage of these favourable acci­dents, and with the Dutchess of [Page 325] Chevreuse and the Marquess of Chasteauneuf, Condé's Enemies, en­deavoured to separate the Duke of Orleans from the Prince, and unite him to the Court, that so remain­ing together near the King they might hinder the return of Maza­rine; and having ruined the Party of Condé, get the management of Affairs into their own hands. And this was the onely true cause of all the Caballs of these Lords, for they had no ill will against the Kings service; onely thought to do it handsomer then Mazarine did, who was hated by many as a stran­ger, and not beneficial.

Yet notwithstanding the troubles of the Court, the Kings Troops went on with the Siege of Monte­rond, and took it, obliging the De­fendants to yield it up for want of Provisions.

Brisac was likewise put into the Kings hands by the Mareschal of [Page 326] Guebriants Lady through the Ad­dress of Mazarine, after strange oc­currences happened in that place by the Intrigues of Charlevois, who was taken prisoner, and of the Count d' Harcourt, who under some vain pretences that he was not se­cure at Court retired into that For­tress, and staid there some time, till he had spent all the Money he had got in managing the Kings Army in Guienne, in which Affair Maza­rine had the whole direction, and ordered the matter so dexterously, that the Count d' Harcourt refusing the Offers of the Spaniards and Im­perialists, returned at last to his due obedience.

The Princes in the mean time prosecuted their design, to streight­en so the Camp of Turenne, that forcing them to quit the Post they might fight him, and destroy him by the superiority of their For­ces.

[Page 327] Turenne staid there with much hardship, hoping to weary out the Parisiens, and reduce them to their duty, obliging them to drive away the strangers from the Town. But all this while there happened no A­ction of moment, because both Par­ties proceeded with caution and re­serve, lest they should receive any disaster; so that the Countrey be­ing on all sides, overrun by the Soul­diers, Paris chiefly found the trou­ble and incommodity, none being secure to traffick without the gates, without danger of being robb'd and kill'd. Upon these disorders the Townesmen began to frequent the Assemblies more then ordinary, to devise how to free themselves from these tedeous miseries.

The 5th. of September it was re­solved on in the Town-house to send some of the Body of the City to supplicate the King to come to Paris. For the same effect the [Page 328] Clergy likewise deputed some of theirs, and the Cardinal de Retz was chosen their Head, as Coadjutor of that Archbishoprick. He went in a very splendid Equipage, and made a most elegant Oration to their Maje­sties, exhorting them to return to Paris. The motive of this his go­ing (as the report went) was to gra­tifie the Parisiens in their desire for the Courts return, to gain the cre­dit as Mediator, of so great a work for the universal good, and drawing advantage by Mazarines absence, render himself necessary at Court, gain the Kings favour, and by means of the Duke of Orleans make his way.

The Kings answer was in gene­ral, and like to the others formerly given to those that went upon the same account; which was, that he was ready to grant their request whensoever the Enemies of the publick peace should be driven [Page 329] away. And this was the result and drift of the Court (according to the advice of Mazarine) to stir up the City against the Princes, who though they laboured all they could to make them understand, that the Amnesty given at Pontoise was full of Prevarication, they could not so prevail but the major part accept­ed it, and not onely in Paris, but also in Bourdeaux it caused some di­spute. 'Tis true, that the Princess of Condé, the Prince of Conty, the Dutchess of Longueville, and others, being in this remote City, their Presence and Authority prevailed. The new Council of the Ormiera determined not to permit by any means the Parlement to accept it, without the consent of the Prince of Condé. The Bourdelois were in this point more resolute and con­stant, because the Kings Army in Guienne, wanting a General after the departure of the Count d' Har­court, [Page 330] they hoped (encouraged there­unto by Count Marcin) to recover the Towns and places possessed by the said Count d' Harcourt; especially the Kings Troops being grown lasie and negligent, they let Marsin at­tempt what he pleased. Wherefore it being necessary to provide ano­ther Chief, by the counsel of Ma­zarine the Government of the Army and the Province was conferred on the Duke of Candale, onely Son of the Duke of Espernon, a young Prince sprightly and generous, and valiant above measure, who under­took divers Enterprises, and finally constrained the Bourdolois to return to their obedience.

THE HISTORY Of the Managements, of Cardinal MAZARINE. LIB. III.

AT the same time the Duke de Mercoeur was in Provence, with Commissions for Go­vernour of that Province, yet without the dismission of the Duke of Angoulesme, who was the true Governour, but by order of the King was kept Prisoner in Berry; because having promised His Ma­jesty not to go into Provence with­out his Permission, but to stay at Paris, he notwithstanding, afterwards under colour of going to his estate, went out of the way with design, (as it was discovered by Mazarine,) to foment the sedition begun in the [Page 330] City of Tolon; by this imprison­ment, with the diligence of the Duke of Mercoeur, and the direction of Cardinal Mazarine, Tolon was restored to its former obedi­ence, and the gates were opened to the Kings Troops, and all the Province thereupon kept in peace, which was otherwise threatned with sedition and troubles. The Duke of Angoulesme remained pri­soner three months, but afterwards the King being assured by the pro­mises and good intentions of the Dutchess his wife, and by the in­terposition of the Duke of Joyeuse his son-in-law, he was set free the beginning of October following, and was permitted to stay in Paris, and at Court, keeping all this while the Patents of Governour of Provence; but few months after he passed to another life, and with his death his Family was extinct.

At the same time that the Car­dinal [Page 331] of Retz, with the other De­puties of the Clergy, were com­pleating their business with their Majesties at Compeigne, the Depu­tation of the Commons of Paris was sent back by the King, with the Answer which followeth.

That his Majesty always preser­ving a gracious inclination for his good City of Paris; and having a perfect knowledge of their fideli­ty, and disposition to his service, and their due obedience did suffer an unspeakable grief of heart, to understand the oppression which it underwent, and particularly since the fourth of July, all seeming to be perverted, which he had endea­vor'd, to make known his right in­tentions, in opposition to that ma­lice and violence through which those Conflagrations, Massacres, and other strange effects had taken place, for no other end then to turn away his faithful subjects from [Page 334] their obedience, that the Officers and lawful Magistrates were ba­nished, the Governour, the Prevost of the Merchants, the Deputy and others compell'd to flie away, to secure their own lives▪ in whose room the Authors of these attempts, for their recompence, were placed; new Sheriffs were made contrary to the Kings Prohibition, Taxes laid upon the goods of the Citizens and people, whilst those of the Villages and Countrey were sack'd and plundred with all temerity and insolence.

That his Majesty had done all things possible, even to the preju­dice of his own honour, to restore them to their former liberty, and to preserve them from the miseries of the War, granting the Princes leave honourably to lay down their Armes, and return to their obedi­ence; but they, instead of resting quiet, had called together an As­sembly [Page 335] of the Body of the City, the chief of which were without title or legal character; this to de­lude the people with a pretence of desiring peace, at the same time that themselves refused it, declaring that they could not accept of the Conditions offered them; whenas there were no others then the very same they had demanded, that far from any thoughts of laying down their Arms, they had caused a part of the Spanish Army to draw near to Paris, to which they had joyned their own troops, with design to maintain their usurped Authority, and to share betwixt the enemy and themselves the goods of the poor subject. That they had put a sini­ster interpretation upon those deli­berations which the King had made, and did still make to pre­serve the lives of his Officers and Magistrates, by getting them out of their hands. That he lived in [Page 334] greatest impatiency, till he saw a possibility of restoring that Noble City to her ancient splendour, to that plenty enjoy'd in the first years of his Reign, the Trade there, and the Parliament re-esta­blish'd, and to honour it with His Royal Presence, not only for his own content, but also for the satis­faction of all his obedient subjects. That in the mean time His Majesty would be much satisfied, that a good number of Officers and Inhabitants did come to him, but considering that the Body of the City was o­ver-powered, guided, and com­pos'd by the Adherents to the Princes, who came contrary to the ordinary custom into the Assembly, held on the fifth of that moneth, to hinder that nothing else should be concluded on but what contributed fewel to the War, having by such designs turned away all good reso­lutions, which might have been [Page 335] taken there, to oblige the Princes to lay down their Arms, and return to their duty; he neither could nor ought to authorize that which was determin'd in their Presence, parti­cularly in the presence of the Duke of Beaufort and Counsellor Brussell, principal Authors of all these dis­orders; without offending for ever the publick liberty and secu­rity. He did therefore declare the aforesaid Assembly null, invalid, and unlawful; and consequently could not grant the Passports which were demanded for them whom they had deputed; but free leave should be given to any particular men, which were dispos'd to come and see him, whether they were Magistrates lawfully established in their Charges; or other publick Officers, Citizens, Companies of Merchants, or Inhabitants of the City, who should be courteously heard upon all matters which they would represent.

[Page 338] De Pietre, who had been sent by the Assembly, being return'd with this Answer to Paris, where the troubles daily more and more encreasing, (not only by the Com­merce being interrupted, but also by the damage done to the coun­trey, round about, which was made a spoil to both Armies; with in­supportable licentiousness, especi­ally of the Lorrainers and Germans, who because they were strangers, thought they might do any thing though never so extravigant) the Parisiens understood how nigh their total and irrecoverable ruine did approach, Especially considering that the time of sowing and the Vintage was very near, wherefore they began more openly and with greater heat (fomented continu­ally by the ingenious Artifices of Mazarine; to renew the Nego­tiation with the Court, by the means of Cardinal de Retz, of the [Page 339] Marquess de Chasteauneuf, and other persons, who desired no less the fall of Mazarine, then the destruction of Conde.

The Duke of Orleans shewing himself of the same opinion, and wearied with these disorders, being a Prince of a very good disposition, and an enemy to violence, beside the often repeated Promises of his good intention to the Peace, pro­moted by the endeavours of the Duke d' Anville and others, he wrote to the Queen the 20. of September in these terms.

That having understood with great comfort by the Marquess Joyeuse Lambert, the favourable in­clination of her Majesty towards the peace, he thought himself ob­liged to assure her by these lines, that he also, together with the Prince of Conde did passionately de­sire it; and although the first sub­ject of their Requests which they [Page 338] made to Heaven, ought to be the good of the State; yet he did pro­test with sincerity, that the incli­nation which he hath always had to honour her Majesty, which was one of the principal Reasons, and that there could never any thing happen, which should upon any account ever alter that zeal any respect, with which he decla­red himself her most obedient Ser­vant.

At the same time the Court of Aids, through the secret manage­ment of Mazarine found an expedi­ent to assemble at Pontoise, in con­formity to the Kings order.

The Kings good subjects in the mean-while, did not cease to con­trive how to draw themselves out of these troublesom disturbances. The Bishop of Amiens, and others having made palpably evident to their friends, and those that knew the state of Affairs; the necessity of [Page 339] some ready and fit resolution to re­store to Paris the splendour of the Kings Authority, obscured and da­maged by the pretensions of the Princes, and the artifices of the E­nemies to the publick good; the 24th. of September they held an As­sembly of between four and five hundred persons in the Palace Roy­al, where the Counsellour Prevost appeared, who was in perfect intel­ligence with Cardinal Mazarine, and consequently with the Court: he presented them a Letter of the Kings, in which he declared that His Majesty had a very great desire to come to Paris, but that he ought not to return so long as there were Seditious Governours; he propo­sed therefore, that all those who were faithful Citizens should take Arms, throw away the Straw, stick Paper in their Hats, go out into the Streets and cry Vivele Roy; and with one accord seise upon the prin­cipal [Page 342] places of the City, drive out the disturbers, and fall upon as many as should oppose this design: this being done, the King would then soon return.

The chief Heads and principal Authors of this Company, after the aforementioned Bishop of Amiens, Father Bertaut, and the Counsellour Prevost, who had all the secret and ordering of this Affair in their hands, were the Sieur Barby Con­troller of the Kings Houshold, who drew after him many of the people about the Gates of Monmartre and Richlieu; the Sieur de Luynes, Counsellour of the Parlement of Metz, followed by divers Inhabi­tants of the streets of S. Opportune and S. Innocent; the Sieur Borgon, accompanied by many from place Maubert; the Sieur de Fay, Keeper General of the Artillery, strength­ened by a multitude of followers from the Suburbs: of S. Anthony and [Page 343] S. Marcellus, and with a number of Bargemen and Workers of Saltpe­ter and Gunpowder; the Sieurs de Bidal and de Villais, both principal Silk-merchants in the Street de Fer, who drew after them the Young men and the Silk-workers therea­bouts, and being esteemed gallant men and liberal, were seconded by a great number of those of that Pro­fession; le Sieur Brun, a Merchant of Tapistry in S. Denis Street, fol­lowed by the greater part of the Neighbourhood; and from the pla­ces about the Grand Chastelet, a man of a ready Elocution, the same who was deputed afterwards to make a Speech to their Majesties, and who did it with so general a sa­tisfaction; the Sieur Farin, the Kings Secretary, a Confident of the aforementioned Counsellour Pre­vost, and of esteem amongst the Watermen; the Sieur de Mare, Lieutenant to the Sieur Reghenlt, [Page 342] Perfumer in the Street of S. Hone­ré, Head of a great Faction of peo­ple in those quarters, and who was afterwards Author of those insolen­cies committed in seising the Prince of Wirtenbergs Baggage, as we shall relate hereafter; the Sieur le Mi­chel, Lieutenant Colonel to Signior Thibul, who caused his Company to take Arms, and rais'd a great number of people about the Palace Royal.

All these declared that they met together upon no other design then to search out means most expedient to procure the Kings return to his former residence, which place was now upon the brink of its total ru­ine without His Majesty's Presence. They made therefore joyntly a So­lemn Protestation to observe per­fectly those Resolutions which were taken, and to spend their Lives and Fortunes in maintaining them, to defend all in general, and every one in particular that should be injured [Page 343] by the contrary Party; and con­cluded this Engagement in protest­ing, that their assembling together was to no other end but the Glory of God, and the Re-establishment of the King in his Lawful Autho­rity, after the manner of his Prede­cessours.

In this Assembly although there met no more then between four and five hundred persons, yet the Ad­herents were [...] [...]rous. The [...] Companies of Merchants did concur with them, and the greatest part of the Colonels, and almost all The Deputies of the Town-house. The true and secret end of this was to let the People see, that there was a powerful Party in Paris for the King, and to oblige the Duke of Orleans to grant Pasports to those who were deputed by the six Com­panies of Merchants, and by the Colonels to go to the Court and Negotiate with their Majesties; [Page 346] [...] [Page 347] [...] [Page 346] which was refused by the said Duke as hurtful to the Interest of his Party. This Engagement be­ing taken, some propos'd for Head of this new Faction the Cardinal de Retz, a person very fit both in respect of his own Accomplish­ments, and of the great esteem which every one had of him; but they who considered that this might be done to no other end, but to bring him into favour again at Court, which if it succeeded there would be no further hope of ever seeing Mazarine return, did oppose it with forcible Reasons, demonstrating that it would not be convenient to receive any other Head, but one who was chosen and sent by His Majesty himself, seeing also that for the most part the Actions of those men are suspicious, who sollicit with much artifice for those Offices which they desire. At this news the Princes and all their Party were [Page 347] extremely troubled, foreseeing those Events which must needs prove de­structive to their designs; they con­sidered therefore of the most proper means to redress these disorders, and stop that torrent which was coming in upon them.

The Mareschal d' Estampes went presently with Orders from the Duke of Orleans to the Palace Roy­al to endeavour to dissolve the Meeting, but all in vain. Mada­moiselle d' Orleans thought also to go thither, to interrupt by her Presence and Authority those undertakings, as fortunately as she had formerly done others upon the like occasion; but when upon second thoughts she considered, that she might thereby very much hazard her Reputation, she let it alone, and advisedly, for they had prepar'd in the Assembly a white Riband for her instead of the Straw which the wore.

The whole morning of the 24th [Page 346] of September was spent in these and the like deliberations, and the As­sembly adjourning till the next day, every man was ordered to bring as great a number of his Friends with him as he could. The same day they sent to the Court, to give an account of the good disposition of the Loyal Inhabitants for His Ma­jesty's return to Paris.

The good effect which this As­sembly produced was this; That the Counsellour Brussel knowing that the Office of Provost of the Merchants conferred upon him by the violence and fury of the people was insubsistent, resolved to lay it down voluntarily, to avoid the be­ing constrain'd to do it by force; but declared that he did it because his keeping it was look'd upon as one of the causes which hindered His Majesty's return to Paris. The two Sheriffs Gervas and Orry, who were put in in the places of the other [Page 347] two turned out by the Duke of Or­leans, although they were counsel­led to follow the example of Brussel, would not consent to it, maintain­ing that their Election was lawful, being unwilling to lose that Ho­nour; but when they had better thought on't, and consider'd that they should be in the end constrain­ed to withdraw, they declar'd them­selves ready to submit, so soon as they should know that the Kings will and pleasure was such. So that the Town-house in this manner was at the Courts devotion, and a great part of the Inhabitants followed them, bewailing the miseries and losses that so many innocent persons had suffered by the extravagancies of some few who were guilty of all these disorders.

The day following le Sieur de Vieux Upper Sheriff, and le Sieur de Pierre abovementioned, were depu­ted to Court to keep on the Nego­tiation, [Page 350] supplicating earnestly in the name of the People for the Kings return. To render what they did more authentick, and to encourage them to proceed, the Parlement at Pontoise made an Order in favour of the said Counsellour Prevost, and all those who met or should meet at the Assembly under the Protection of the King and his Parlement; for­bidding every one of what degree or condition soever in any wise to acknowledge the Duke of Beaufort for Governour of Paris, Brussel for Provost of the Merchants, or Ger­vas and Orry for Sheriffs; com­manding these in particular under pain of being declared Rebels not to exercise any longer those Offices. He commanded further that they should not receive or grant passage for Victuals or Ammunition to the Troops that served under the Prin­ces against His Majesty.

This Decree was read and pub­lished [Page 351] throughout Paris the 27. of September: there was also fixed to all the corners of the principal streets a Manifesto of the Assembly made at the Palace-Royal, the Contents of which were, that His Majesties good Servants and Sub­jects there met together had no o­ther design then to re-establish Peace in the City, which could not otherwise be effected, then by the Presence of its lawful Prince, and by driving out the Strangers and Disturbers of the publick quiet.

To this Manifesto was annexed an Edict of the Kings made at Com­peigne the seventeenth of the same moneth to this effect, that His Ma­jesty being informed of the Perse­verance of the inhabitants of his good City of Paris in their right intentions for his service, and for the publick good; and of their rea­diness to employ all their power to [Page 350] reduce things to their former estate, and to deliver themselves from the oppression they then suffered under, by recovering their liberties under his obedience, he granted leave to all the forementioned inhabitants, and to every one of them in parti­cular, and ordered them in case of necessity to take armes, to joyne themselves together to seize upon those places which they judged most fit, to fall upon those who should oppose their design, to im­prison the seditious, and in gene­ral to do whatsoever they should judge necessary and convenient to the re-establishing quietness and perfect obedience towards the King; and to reduce the City to its Government, according to an­cient custome, by lawful Magi­strates under the Authority of His Majestie, who granted them all ample and full power to this pur­pose.

[Page 351]In pursuance of these good in­tentions of the Citizens it was concluded at the Meeting of the six Companies of the Merchants, to choose ten persons out of every one of these six Companies, and to send them to Court, to attest not only their services and fidelity to the King, but also to supplicate His Majesty to return to Paris, it being so universally desired by all his faithful Subjects. The Assembly met again the 28. at the Palace-Royal, where the aforesaid Reso­lution of the six Companies of Merchants being proposed, they treated immediately of providing a Guard for the City, that forein Forces might not be received in, and other Troops that continually passed to and fro; and to hinder the sending out of Victuals and Ammunition to the Camp of the Confederates; and that they should send to the Colonels to put this or­der [Page 354] punctually in execution. Their meeting at the Palace-Royal was put off till the return of the De­puties of the six Companies of Merchants from Court, at which time they hoped to obtain the so much desired and longed for Peace.

He that was sent to Court before being returned, brought with him a new peculiar Act of Oblivion granted by the King to the Inhabi­tants of Paris, excluding the Parlia­ment and the Princes, as those who by perverse Interpretations had a­bused the former.

He brought also the Kings Let­ters to the Colonels, containing, af­ter a fair Preamble, express Order to keep strict Guard at the Gates, not to let any of the Spanish, Lorrain, nor Princes Forces to enter, nor suffer the carrying out of any sort of Pro­vision for the Enemies Army; to search through all quarters and [Page 355] houses where any Souldiers of the adverse party might be lodged, and drive them presently out of the Ci­ty; so that by this means every one returning to his due obedience, there might not remain any obstacle to his Majesties return, assuring them that he would take particular no­tice of whatsoever they should per­form in this juncture of Affairs.

The Princes and Parliament be­ing advertised of the Assembly, of the Message from the six Com­panies of the Merchants to the Court, and of the Kings Letter to the Colonels, the same day that they met upon the Duke of Beau­forts Affairs, concerning the duell with the Duke of Nemeurs, they were all of them troubled, and so much the more, by reason that they had not received any Answer of the Letter written by the Duke of Or­leans to the Queen, although that the Duke d' Anville had given [Page 354] them notice it was well received, and that they should have suddenly a favourable Answer.

They debated on the prejudice which might happen to their party, if the publick and private Meet­ings and Assemblies of the Citi­zens, tending to open sedition, con­tinued as they began, and consulted how to remedy them; but finding so many difficulties not to be sur­mounted, they resolved to send le Sieur le Talon, Advocate-General, to the Court to renew the Treaty, and decreed to prohibit the Assem­blies, the wearing of paper or straw in their Hats; and they nominated le Sieur Meusnier and Lesné Com­missaries, to take information con­cerning those who had been the first Authors of the Meetings at the Palace-Royal; and some were of opinion that they should send for le Sieur Prevost to the grand Cham­ber, to give an account to the Par­liament [Page 355] of his assisting at that As­sembly; but this advice was not followed, most being of opinion that this business was too nice to be handled without serious con­sideration.

In the mean time the Sieur le Vieux and Pierre met the King at Mantes, where he was then arrived from Compeigne by reason of the in­conveniences which the Court be­gan to suffer in that City, and to be nearer Paris, that by his Pre­sence he might give more life to the Negotiations. They produ­ced their Commissions with all re­spectful and affectionate supplicati­ons, testifying to his Majesty the good-will of the people towards his service, and to the re-establish­ment of his Authority. They were received graciously, and returned to Paris the 28. of September with this following Answer.

That his Majestie was very well [Page 358] pleased, that it was the resolution of the Communalty, to establish the ancient Orders, and to put eve­ry one in their due obedience: and commended the decree made by them in conformity to his Com­mands, not to suffer any sort of Provision, Armes or Ammunition, to be sent out to the Enemies Camp, or to permit any Troops of the contrary party to come into the City. That he was also well satisfied, that Brussel had voluntari­ly laid down the Office of Provost of the Merchants, which he had taken upon him contrary to the Laws, and in prejudice of the law­ful Possessor; and as for the pre­tended Sheriffs, who thought they might lawfully exercise their charge under pretence of leaving it so soon as they should know his Majesties pleasure, they could not be ignorant that their Election was very much displeasing to him, [Page 359] seeing that he had made it null and void by an Order of Parliament passed in his own Presence, of which they had been sufficiently in­formed; and therefore he had rea­son to take it ill, that these pre­tended Sheriffs, after such Adver­tisement given them of their er­rour, should still continue audaci­ously to exercise those Offices, and did therefore again command them to give up their places without de­lay, under pain of most severe pu­nishments due to Rebels and Di­sturbers of the publick Peace.

As to his Return to Paris the substance of his answer was, that as soon as his Enemies (and those who by abusing his Name and Authority to keep the people in disobedience, had procured the destruction of the principal Inhabitants in the Town­house, and did still make use of the Spanish Forces to keep them in sub­ [...]ection) should have left the Town, [Page 358] that then he would immediately return, having drawn right to Paris to that intent.

His Majesty added, that as he was much contented and satisfied, that those who had entred upon offices without a lawful title, and contrary to His Royal Will, were discharged of their places, and from the Assemblies at the Town­house; so he declared that he could not for the future but dis­approve and declare void and un­lawful whatsoever should be done at their Meetings in the Presence of the Rebels and their Adhe­rents, if they continued to appear there, or did any thing by their order, or any ways favoured their evil designs; of which he thought fit to advertise the Inhabi­tants, that they might take care for all things, as they should judge convenient and necessary, assuring himself that upon these occasions [Page 359] they would give good proofs of their fidelity; of which His Ma­jestie would take particular notice, and give proof of his Royal grati­tude to all those who should be assisting in so important an occasi­on, as the Preservation of the State, and the re-establishment of the Metropolis of his Kingdom to its ancient splendour.

While Affairs pass'd in this manner at Court, they fail'd not at Paris to attempt all manner of ways the Accomplishment of these designes; and the Citizens grow­ing daily more and more weary of the Spanish Troops, which lay a­bout Paris, a part of the Duke of Wirtenberg his baggage was plun­dred by the people of St. Honore's street, near to the Croix du Teroir, whilst those who conducted it were busie at some Taverns in lading of Muscat and Spanish Wines for the Camp of the Confederates.

[Page 362]After this strict Order was gi­ven, that the Gates should be guarded, and none of the Army to be permitted any more to enter the Town, esteeming it a dishonour to the French name, that the enemies of their King and Countrey should be seen publickly in their red Scarfs in the Capital City of the Kingdom; whereat the Parlia­ment and Princes were extraordi­narily surprized, perceiving that their Authority became every hour more weak and languishing, being deprived of the support of the people, and the Citizens in Arms; but what astonish'd them more was, to see the device of the Straw ob­scured by the splendor of the white Scarfs and Ribands worn by many of the Kings faithful Ser­vants.

The Assembly at Palace-Royal was afterward advertised, that the Guards of the Duke of Beaufort [Page 363] were to go out to Convoy the bread made at Gonesse; a Captain of a Quarter being spoken to, and perswaded to cast away his Straw as a mark of Sedition, and to take a white Scarf, the Colours of those who were Loyal; and threat­ned withall, that if he did other­wise he should be set upon, seeing that in the Assembly it was resol­ved to fall upon as many as should be found without Scarfs or White paper about them; and that they should begin to execute this design at the gate of St. Martin, where this Captain was to keep Guard, who thereupon (and all his Company) very joyfully accepted of the white Colours, and drank the Kings health and the Cardinals; obliging moreover the Captain of the Duke of Beaufort's Guards to do the like, who going out at that Gate were stopped, telling them that none must go out there with­out [Page 362] Passports from his Majestie on his Generals; and that by the white colours they wore, they might perceive they were the Kings Servants. The Captain answered, that he had a Passport from the Duke of Orleans; they replied, that that was not the question, but that they must drink the Kings Health and return back again, which he was constrained to do, the Souldiers making use of their Hats in stead of Glasses; all this was done, and not a man of that quarter offered to stir. The Duke of Beaufort having notice, imme­diately took Coach to remedy this Affair; but having understood the resolution of the Assembly, he stop­ped at the Curates house of Saint Nicholas Parish, expecting while that Company should come off the Guard.

After this beginning, there fol­lowed many happy occurrences and [Page 365] great advantages to the Kings par­ty, many in emulation of one an­other following this example. The King being very much satisfied with these demonstrations of their loyalty, to encourage them the more, commanded upon the 29. of September, that the Passages should be opened for the conveying of Corn, Wine, Wood, and other ne­cessary Provisions for so numerous a people. The Answer afterwards which he gave to the six Compa­nies of Merchants contained, That His Majestie was very sensible of these new Testimonies of Affection and Fidelity from his beloved City of Paris, and profess'd himself the more satisfi'd in that he discovered in their looks the good intentions of their hearts by the tears which accompanied their speeches. As to the new instances they made for his return to Paris, he gave them the same Answer he had signified [Page 366] to the Deputies of the Town­house upon the same subject; of which he caused a Copy to be de­livered into their hands, adding only, That there was no need of applying themselves any further to His Majesty for Peace, since he had already granted it them by the Declaration of the Amnesty given in the Parliament at Pontoise; the forme or termes of which ought not at all to be censured by Sub­jects, seeing that the most guil­ty and blameable, with perfect security, might therein finde the Pardon and Oblivion of all their Errours; but that they ought with­al to oppose them who were the cause of the continuation of the War, and made their advantage by it: and these were the only persons to be complained of, seeing that His Majestie for his part upon these occurrences had out of his incom­parable goodness granted (without [Page 367] any exception) whatsoever was pre­tended to or desired, when the o­thers had so often gone back from their word so solemnly given, ma­king use still of the Royal Autho­rity, to the great prejudice of His Majesty and the State, continuing armed contrary to their Promise, and united with the declared Ene­mies of the Crown, keeping the Capital City of the Kingdom in awe, by continual seditions and vi­olences, sacking and ruining the French by Foreiners; and to serve Spain, made desolate and de­stroy'd France: and therefore it be­ing the interest of all the Inhabi­tants, to put an end to these disor­ders in that City, he hoped that they would apply themselves with all diligence to restore her to her former state, notwithstanding the opposition of those who were ene­mies to the publick good; he end­ed this Answer with a demand [Page 368] which he made them to try their good intentions, and as a business most necessary, which was, That the Inhabitants would re-establish in their Offices, the Governour, the Prevost of the Merchants, and the Sheriffs who had been turned out. Which being done, his Majestie would presently send Orders to be observed in the Town-house; as­suring the six Companies of Mer­chants of his entire satisfaction, good-will, and Protection.

The Princes, the Parliament, and the whole Faction were very much disturbed at this Message; and as they clearly saw that those of Paris had changed their minds, and most earnestly sought for Peace, which was not a little de­structive to their designs, they ap­plied themselves with all industry to finde out means to overcome the Kings Army by force of Arms, and make themselves Masters of the [Page 369] Field; esteeming this the only way to maintain themselves in Pa­ris, while it remain'd deprived of that support which on all occasi­ons it might deceive from the Kings troops.

But to return to Mazarine, who arriving at Sedan, and from thence Bovillon out of the Kingdom; there wanted not persons who in­terposed for the adjusting at least of the Duke of Orleans with the Court.

The Cardinal de Retz, and the Marquess of Chasteauneuf, promi­sing to themselves, that if once his Royal Highness should return to Court, he might by degrees regain His Majesties favour, and taking his place again in the Council they should not be left behind: To this end, with the consent of the Duke of Lorrain, the Marquess of Saint Lambert was dispatch'd to the Court to begin the Negotiation.

[Page 370]But the Queen and the Kings Officers, who were attent upon the return of Mazarine and their own security, could in no wise consent that the Duke of Orleans, a Confi­dent of the Prince of Conde's and a Confederate of the Spaniards, should meddle in the Government, consi­dering that if the Duke of Orleans, with his followers and Adherents, should insinuate themselves into the Affairs of the Kingdom, there would be more danger then ever of diminishing the Kings Authority, for the secure support whereof it is requisite, that no Officer of State should depend upon any other then the King himself: for these by di­minishing the credit of others would endeavour to dispose of all things after their own fancies, threatning whomsoever should op­pose them to turn all things up­side down again.

The Prince of Conde, who was [Page 371] engaged with the Duke of Orleans by the Promise of Marriage between his Royal Highness his Daughter and the Duke of Anguien, and thought he went hand in hand with him; although he was left out of the Treaty, might in time also have made his Peace with those advantages himself desired, and the Duke of Orleans had promised.

Mazarine therefore making pru­dent reflexions upon considerations so nice, who though far from the Court, yet directed all things, was very sensible how inconsiderate ad­vice this must be, that exposed the Government to the will and dis­cretion of others, which under an absolute Monarch will admit of no Companion.

These Affairs being thus on foot, the Princes and the Parliament stood much upon the Point, that the Act of Oblivion granted by the King did not contain a full aboli­tion [Page 372] and pardon of what had been done in the last five years past; nor was expressed in those termes which were desired, viz. in gene­ral, and without conditions, but served only for the inhabitants of Paris, with design that if they were once satisfied, not to matter much the Princes and Parliament.

They urged therefore, that the King ought to give full and irre­vocable Authority to the Duke of Orleans to forme another without any exceptions, to be ratified in the Parliament of Paris, where the Counsellors gone to Pontoise ought to appear, and this to be done in the Presence of the King himself; for this cause the Parliament met often, some Letters were writ by the Duke of Orleans, the Duke d' Anville and the Marquess of St. Lambert negotiated with the Kings Council, and many things were done, the particular relation of [Page 373] which would be too tedeous.

But Cardinal Mazarine know­ing how prejudicial this would be to the Kings Authority, by his Advice the granting of Pass-ports was absolutely denied to those de­puted by the Parliament, already declared invalid, holding firm to their first resolutions; so that Af­fairs remained in the same posture as at first, each party endeavouring to uphold their own opinions.

The third of October the Par­liament in Paris being assembled to hear what News the Marquess of St. Lambert brought from the Court, two Watermen were laid hold of, who cried aloud, God bless the King and Cardinal Mazarine; and were seconded by many others, they were led to the prison of Con­ciergery, and Order given to draw up their Indictment, as also a­gainst divers others, who cried the same in several streets of Paris, gi­ving [Page 374] out that such kind of Fellows were set on by some that gave them money, on purpose to move the peo­ple to sedition.

This News being brought to Court, and besides that the Par­liament continued to proceed a­gainst some of those who met at the Assembly in the Palace-Royal; the King with the Advice of His Council passed a Decree upon the fifth of October, by which he can­cell'd and annull'd all the aforesaid pretended proceedings, informati­ons, and orders, published, or to be published, imposing severe penal­ties upon the Commissioners or Judges that should proceed any further, commanding all the Inha­bitants of Paris to execute His Majesties Orders and Commands.

In the mean time the Kings Ar­my was at Villeneufue St. George, much streightned and pressed hard upon by the Troops of the Princes [Page 375] and their Confederates, who were superior in number, and in danger either to be forced as they lay, or set upon in their retreat; seeing that for want of provisions and forage many both men and horses died. This troubled the Court very much, and above all Mazarine, who was the cause that the Army put themselves in that place, and doubted some sinister event, the winning of the day consisting in keeping the Kings Army near Pa­ris, by which means those Practi­ces were fomented, which were managed by the Cardinals directi­ons in that City in favour of the King.

The Princes, who understood the importance of this business, and that if the Kings Army should pre­serve themselves all their designs were ruined, omitted nothing, ei­ther to overcome them, or reduce them by famine and sufferings to [Page 376] the utmost despair; but the nearness and delights of Paris, together with the sickness which hapned to the Prince of Conde, Wirtemberg, and many other of the Principal Com­manders, (which may be truly at­tributed to an effect of the Divine Providence) was the break-neck of their party; but besides the sick­ness of these Princes, the Dukes of Lorrain and Beaufort, and most of the other Chief Officers, with a considerable number of the best Souldiers, were also in the City, as well for the suspicion they had that the Citizens might rise, as to see what was most expedient to be done in this wavering condition of the inconstant people, and tired out by the long continuance of these di­sturbances. Mareschal Turenne, a no less prudent then valiant Cap­tain, stood always vigilant to ob­serve those moments, which oppor­tunely taken bring great advantage [Page 377] to those who know how to make use of them in Warre; and being advertised of all that past, after a short Conference with his Col­league the Mareshal de la Ferte Seneterre, he resolved to get out of these streights, and bring his Ar­my into a securer place, and more proper for their subsistence.

Having caused therefore the Baggage and Artillery to pass over the Sene October 4. in the night, up­on the Bridges of Boats which he had there, at break of day he dis­camped with such order and silence, that the Army was got over be­fore they were discovered by the E­nemies Sentinels.

There was no other General-Commander left in the other Camp but the Count de Ta­vannes, who perceiving (though late) the March of Turenne, cau­sed presently to sound to Horse, and put his Army in order to follow him, and fight him. But the Ma­reschal [Page 378] continuing his march under covert of the River quickly arrived at Corbeil, a place held by the King, where passing the Sene over the Stone-bridge, very happily and to his great reputation he withdrew himself from all danger, and encam­ped upon the River Marne, between Meaux and Lagny, getting provisi­ons for his Army from all the neigh­bouring Country, and observing the motion of the Enemy with so much advantage to His Majesties Interest, that this action (becoming a great and experienced Command­er) was acknowledged to be the sa­ving of the Kings Party, and one of the most celebrated acts of this Prince and true Master of the art of War.

This blow brought extraordina­ry confusion and astonishment to the Princes, particularly to the Prince of Condé, who shewed him­self very much grieved at the ne­gligence [Page 379] of his Officers, reproching Tavannes as if he had lost his sense of Hearing, saying, If he had been well, so favourable an occasion should never have escaped his hands; but there being no help for things past, and Fortune chang­ing, being weary of staying in the midst of Confusion, and so many different Humours, upon the 7th. following the whole Army of the Princes drew up at the end of the Suburbs of S. Anthony, and encamp­ed near to the Castle of Vincennes, to keep Paris in awe. The King and Court were already come to Mantes to pass the Sene, (the Bridges of Poissy and Meulan being broken down) and so to go forwards to S. Germain, with intent to enter into Paris when Affairs should be brought to that pass to which they seemed to tend every day more and more. The Parisiens were resolved to free themselves of these miseries [Page 380] before they were irrecoverable: Wherefore following one anothers example, and concurring in the same mind, as Fortune abandon'd the Princes, so they inclin'd more and more to the Kings side. The Prince of Conde therefore percei­ving that the tempest which threat­ned him was near at hand, and be­gan to provide for his own safety & his Armies by withdrawing with all speed from Paris. And because by his departure and the Kings return they foresaw the quiet of Paris, and the recalling of Mazarine, many strove to second the rising fortune of that Minister of State; and even among the Princes own friends, up­on this turn of Fortune, some chan­ged their inclinations, and in parti­cular the Count de Chavigny.

Ever since the Cardinals return into France he had thoughts of clo­sing with him, considering that if [Page 381] his Enemies were not able to ruine him at a distance, they would be less able to do it when he should ap­pear at Court, and be Master of all affairs.

Besides, at this time the Coadjutor was made Cardinal, his capital E­nemy; who might (he feared) be made chief Minister if Mazarine was kept out. He resolved there­fore to come to an agreement with Mazarine, so as to oblige him; and that his Authority might be limit­ed. He entered therefore upon a secret Treaty for adjusting the Prince with the Cardinal, and re­placing of Conde, there seeming an apparent necessity of making use of him; and that he might live quietly at Court, they would find means that he should not only preserve his For­tune, but increase it.

But as it is not always easie to walk streight between two Praeci­pices, so in the end he found himself [Page 382] deceived in his Maxims, on the one side while he thought himself se­cure; on the other, for whether it was that he was resolved to forsake the Prince, as he was accused, that he was not Loyal to his Interests, or whether he would have necessita­ted him to make peace, by persua­ding him that the Duke of Orleans would otherwise conclude it with­out him; or whether indeed he preferred his own and the Courts Interest before the Princes, he made the Abbot Fouquet believe, to whom the Cardinal committed the ma­nagement of this affair, that if the Prince did not conclude the peace upon those terms which he thought reasonable, he would so order it that the Duke of Orleans should quit his Party. The Letter which Fouquet wrote to the Secretary Tillier, to in­form him of this, was taken by one of the Prince's party, and presently delivered into his hands; who [Page 383] perceiving that his confidence was misplaced in Chavigny, complain'd of it to persons who were not much Chavigny's Friends, and that in terms injurious to his Reputation, yet would not openly fall out with him.

The noise of this being divulged about Paris, and increased by the malice of those who were engaged in the same disorders, obliged Cha­vigny to justifie himself to the Prince at a Conference held be­tween them, from whence he came out so mortified and con­cerned, for having dealt with a Prince after this manner, from whom he had received such high Honours, that returning to his house he threw himself in de­spair upon his bed, and after a Feaver of six days, encreased by the passions of his mind, he died the 19th. of October.

This was the end of Lion de Bout­tilier, [Page 384] Count de Chavigny, in the 44th. year of his age; a person who for being related to the deceased Cardinal Richlieu was admitted in­to His Majesty's Council at 19 years old, at 24 he was made Secretary of State, and at 34 Minister of State, had the care of the most important affairs of the Crown, and after the death of Lewis XIII. he was nominated Ple­nipotentiary for the Treaty of Munster; a person of a quick Wit, a haughty Spirit, of a rea­dy Judgment, and covetous of Glory and Greatness, to pro­cure which he spared no In­dustry.

In the mean time the Parlement and the Assemblies at the Town-house met often upon the occur­rent emergencies, where all the well-wishers to the publick thought themselves obliged to deliver the poor Country people from the in­solencies [Page 385] of the Souldiery, and especially of the Lorrainers, who destroyed and wasted every thing. Upon the 9th. of October in the Assembly held at the Town-house divers were chosen and deputed to go to Court, and to intreat His Majesty again to return to Paris; but because His Majesty did not ad­mit of publick Messages from an Assembly where the Duke of Beau­fort (pretended Governour of Paris) used to be present, contrary to the Kings Prohibition; so that by consequence the Assembly was ac­counted unlawful: it was proposed in Parlement, and concluded on, that the Duke of Beaufort should be desired to renounce his Charge voluntarily, that he might not hin­der the conclusion of the Peace which was so earnestly sought for by all; wherefore Beaufort remit­ted it into the hands of the Duke of Orleans, who had conferred it up­on him.

[Page 386]The whole Body of the Militia of Paris was also resolved for Peace; and knowing that the presence of the King was necessary for the con­summating of it, they made choice at the same time of 250 persons, Colonels, Officers, and other Inha­bitants, to go and render their due respects to His Majesty, and to en­treat him that he would honour his good City of Paris with his re­turn. These Officers having gi­ven notice of this to the Court, and desired the accustomed Pasports; they were immediately granted, and the King himself wrote to them, with Orders to come to S. Germans Octob. 14. where he intended to be that night: and besides this Letter to all in general, he sent one in par­ticular to every Colonel, in which he thanked them for the affection and goodwill which they expressed to his service. He wrote also to the Communalty, and commanded [Page 387] them to call a general Assembly, and to restore to their Offices the Prevost of the Merchants and the Sheriffs, which had been turned out.

The Prince of Conde seeing by all these changes that his longer stay at Paris would be to no purpose, and that every thing was in readiness to receive the King, he resolved to ha­sten his departure. The Duke of Lorrain also took leave of his Bro­ther in Law the Duke of Orleans, upon the 11th. of October, to follow his Army which were on their march not far off; but at his going out of S. Martins Gate the Guard stopt him for not having a Pasport from the Communalty, and were very near giving him some affront, for some of them reproching him for all those evils which had hap­pened to France, proposed to have him imprisoned and detained till his Forces were out of the King­dom, [Page 388] and he had given satisfaction for the damage they had done to the Country about: but this was not put in execution for the respect they bore to the Duke of Orleans; but they gave him a thousand in­jurious words, and the next morning they permitted him to de­part upon His Royal Highness command. The Prince of Condé went away two days after, together with the Duke of Wirtemberg, the Duke of Rochefocaut, the Prince of Tarante, and many other peesons of Quality, who resolved to take their Fortunes with him. At his going away he said as he passed through the streets, That the Parisiens hoped for the return of the Court, but that would not end the War. He went af­terwards towards Rheims, a great City and Metropolis of Champagne, with intention to lay hold of what he could in that Province, that he might the better winter there, un­der [Page 387] the Protection of Stenay and Mauson, two places upon the Mose, which held for him.

At his departure from Paris he left a printed Manifesto, in which he set forth how much he had done for the publick, and in par­ticular for the Parisiens, exhorting them not to trust to the Court, and to believe, that he could by the force of Arms have constrained them to make Peace.

Conde therefore and all the Of­ficers of the Army, having thus abandoned Paris, upon the fifteenth following, the aforesaid Colonels and Officers went to St. Germains, Accompanied with two hundred Citizens more, who joyned with them upon the way.

They had a favourable audience in which they express'd the gene­ral desire of all, to see these mists cleared up by the splendour of his Royal Presence, and assured His [Page 388] Majesty of their inviolable faith, and entire Obedience, engaging faithfully their word, that they would be all in armes upon any oc­casion ready to spend their lives and fortunes in his Royal service, beseeching him not to refuse them this favour, but to be touched at their sighs and tears, proceeding from their sincere and zealous de­votion: protesting to him finally, that he should finde nothing from them but due observance, and a perfect propensity to make good the Character which they bore of His most humble and most faithful sub­jects.

The King Answered them with his own mouth, that he should be mindful all his life-time, of the ser­vice they had done him upon this occasion, and desired them to be always assured of his affection; and that although the disorders, stirr [...] up by those who were revolted [Page 389] might oblige him to take some o­ther journey, yet nevertheless see­ing they had so great a desire, he was resolved to go with the first oc­casion to Paris, and would sig­nifie to the Prevost of the Mer­chants and the Sheriffs, what he thought necessary to that effect; the Deputies gave him thanks, and did their obeisance to their Maje­sties severally, who were pleased to receive them with testimonies of extraordinary satisfaction.

After this they were treated with a Dinner, and had leave to depart to Paris, with so much joy of the people, that see­ing them pass through the streets, and hearing the News of the Kings sudden return, they loaded them with benedictions, and deaf­ned them with their continual shoutings of Vive le Roy.

The same day that the Colonels went to St. Germains, his Majesty [Page 390] before he left Mantes, answered the Letters which the Duke d' An­ville had delivered him from the Duke of Orleans, to desire an Act of Oblivion in better forme then the former; the Contents were, that the King did not desire any further Declaration from the said Duke, it being sufficient if he made his word good which he had so often given to lay down his Arms, and send the foreign Troops to the Frontiers thereby to free Paris, his Majesty having nothing more to do, seeing he had already publish'd a General Amnesty, and such an one as the most seditious could not find what more to adde to it for their security, and less to pretend that it should be registred at Paris, seeing that it was done publickly in the Parliament at Pon­torse, so that his Majestie having anticipated all that the Duke de­sired of him without any reserva­tion, [Page 391] there remained nothing but that he on his side should perform his Promises. And that therefore his Request for Passports was su­perfluous, and from the purpose, because it tended to no other end, but to gain time, till the Spanish Troops commanded by the Duke of Wirtenberg, were drawn near Paris to joyn with those at the Prince of Conde, and to amuse the people, whilst that another Body of the Spanish Army, under the Command of the Prince of Ligne should ad­vance into the Kingdom; which Forces were designed to keep Paris in that servitude, under which it now suffered, and to hinder His Majesties Return.

So soon as the Colonels before-mention'd, were departed, it was va­riously debated at the Counsel, whe­ther the Court, according as they had resolved, should return to Paris or no. They who apprehended some [Page 392] danger of receiving affronts, by reason that there were still divers ill-affected persons, said, that there was no trusting to the people, who being always inconstant, are apt to be led away with every Novelty, and to forget all Promises; and therefore they ought to walk cau­tiously to secure themselves from falling into new inconveniences.

The greater part of the Counsel was of this opinion, adding that they ought not to trust those who had deceived them so often, or to think to finde faith amongst per­sons, who with such bruitish inso­lence had shewn themselves un­faithful; that to forsake the King, and now again to forsake their friends, whom they had so often protested never to leave, was an Argument of an inconstancy, which was as easie to promise, as not to perform. That this City, by its out-rages committed against [Page 393] His Majesty and his Officers, had rendred it self unworthy of the Presence of the King and his Court, neither would it be well thus by the easiness of the Pardon to encourage subjects to commit new misdemeanors.

But Prince Thomas of Savoy, who had the chief Management of Affairs, and who being a Stran­ger, examined matters with no o­ther passion then that of serving their Majesties discreetly, weighing the prejudice they might receive by letting slip out of their hands such favourable opportunities, proposed and maintained, yet with the Advice of the Cardinal, that they ought to enter into the City without loss of time, and drive from thence, the principal Lea­ders of the sedition, and as the Princes had made use of the fa­vour of the people to strengthen their party, so the King ought to [Page 394] do the same to overthrow their Fa­ction.

Mareschal Turenne was also of this opinion, who considering that the Countrey about Paris was wast­ed, and the Kings Army not well provided for, represented to them the necessity of making themselves Ma­sters of Paris, in respect of the a­bundance of all things there; and that the King might be said to be without his Crown, so long as he was deprived of that potent City.

The opinion of these Princes, of so great reputation and experience, overcoming all Arguments produ­ced by others to the contrary, was at length unanimously received; and the rather, because both of them assured their Majesties upon their words and lives, that they should be received with all testi­monies of affection, and that the Citizens, to wash off that spot they had contracted by what was past, [Page 395] would with so much the more rea­diness procure the satisfaction of the Court, as they had before act­ed to its displeasure.

In order to this, the Mareschal of the Hospital, the Prevost of the Merchants, and the Sheriffs, being restored to their places, followed the Collonels to Paris, those of the contrary party endeavored to hin­der their entrance into the City, perswading them that there could be no security for their persons a­mongst those people, who had their very names in abomination. The Duke of Orleans in particular told them, that not being able to pro­mise them any security, they ought to consider to what danger they ex­posed themselves; but these threat­nings took no effect, for they being informed of the good intention of the people to receive the King, doubted not but to be welcom also, and therefore freely entred.


[Page 396]The Mareschal of the Hospital took presently possession of the Ba­stille, and the Arsenal, which the Sieur de Louvieres son to Counsel­lour Brussell quitted, and Orders were given through all the streets and quarters of the City, to keep the people quiet, and in obedience to the King.

After this His Majestie ordered the Parliament of Pontoise, to be at Paris upon the 22. following in the Palace of the Lovure, where he designed to lodge for his greater security, the King of England who lodged there removing to the Pa­lace-Royal, he wrote also to the Communalty to advertise them, that his Entrance should be on the same day, and that therefore they ought to take away the Guards from the Gates, and all the Inhabitants fall to the exercise of their several Pro­fessions and traffick, which was presently done. To- Mademoiselle d' [Page 397] Orleans, it was signified, that the Kings Brother intending to lodge in her Apartment in the Lovure, was therefore to be left free, which she submitted to, with some displea­sure, and removed into the Hostel of the Embassadors extraordinary, in the suburbs of St. Germain.

On Munday morning the Par­liament met, where the President Nesmond declared that he had re­ceived a Letter with the Kings Seal, and that His Majesty had sent the like to each Counsellour in particular, in which they were ap­pointed to meet on the morrow Morning at the Lovure, there to understand His Majesties pleasure concerning the present Affairs. The Duke of Orleans replied, that he knew nothing of it, and some o­ther Counsellours, about twelve in number, said, that they had recei­ved no such Letters, with much re­sentment and paleness of face, per­ceiving [Page 398] that all their designs were totally ruined, and those of the Kings Party being called to give in their opinions, they gave their voices for the adjourning of the Parliament to the Gallery of the Lovure, although those who had received no Letters from His Ma­jesty, as the others had, and that knew themselves not to be in fa­vour, endeavoured to oppose it, re­presenting the prejudice the Privi­ledges of Parliament might receive from this unaccustomed Novelty. The President Nesmond made it ap­pear, that the King was Master to hold it in what part of Paris he pleased, alledging that formerly in the Reign of Henry the second, and Henry the third, it was held in the Tournelle, and in the house of Saint Paul, and that the Chamber of Va­cations had ordered the Canopy of the Kings Seat of Justice to be re­moved into the said Gallery, and [Page 399] they ought to obey; to this the major part consenting, they de­termined to meet the next morn­ing by Sun-rise in their Scarlet, at the place appointed.

Upon the 22. of October the King departed from St. Germains, dined at Ruel, and from thence sent the Count of Nogent to the Duke of Orleans to give him notice of the Kings journey, and to exhort him, as from himself, to come and meet the King, and do his respects to him, assuring him of His Maje­sties favour and kinde reception. The Duke of Orleans was surpri­zed, not thinking that the King would in earnest come and trust himself in Paris, where the inqui­etude of those spirits who had so highly out-raged him, was not yet appeased, but the effect confirmed how fallacious those designes are which are founded upon the incon­stancy of the multitude, naturally [Page 400] inclined to follow what flies them, and flie from that which follows them. He answered Nogent coldly, and desired eight days time to con­sider of it, for he could not, nor would not do any thing without the Prince of Conde, with whom he was bound in a strict League of Friendship. The King being come to St. Clou, hearing nothing of the Duke of Orleans his coming to meet him, but rather that there was little appearance of it, he sent the Duke d' Anville for the same purpose to him, whereat the Duke was much perplexed with two great Considerations; On the one side, he was touched with re­morse, that he should deny his Af­fection and due respect to the King his Nephew; on the other side; his faith & fair dealing with his friend the Prince of Conde, would be called in question by all the world should he proceed, in this perplexity there­fore [Page 401] at last he resolved not to stir, and it is thought that he took this resolution by the Counsel of Car­dinal de Retz, who promised to him­self, that if the Duke were resolved to stay in Paris, he might make his party strong enough against the Court by the great number of peo­ple, his dependents and followers; but whether the Duke could not, or would not enter upon this design, the Proposition was rejected, as shall be related.

A great number of Persons of the better sort, besides all the Of­ficers and Magistrates went out to meet the King, and returned with him the same night to Paris: His Majesty came in late by reason of his staying by the way, expecting the Duke of Orleans his Answer, not thinking it convenient to come into the City, if the Duke did not go out, or promise to do so the next Morning.

[Page 402]At the Gate of the Louvre the King was received by the Cardinal de Retz, with a great number of Prelates, and other Persons of Quality.

The Sieur de Sevin was sent the same Evening to the Duke in His Majestie's Name, to give him no­tice that he should retire to his dwelling at Lemours, he made An­swer with some resenting words. They consulted again what expe­dient to take, some insisted not to obey, but that the Duke should de­fend himself in his Palace in St. Germains suburbs, from whence it was no easie matter for the Kings Guards alone to drive him out, for they judged that the People would never take Arms against the Kings Uncle, especially seeing that a great number of the Parisiens were dependent upon him, and on other Lords of his party; amongst these was the Cardinal de Retz, who was [Page 403] in favour with a great part of the people, as well in respect that he was their Pastour, as for his libe­rality in all things, and chiefly to the poor; He insisted, that if the Inhabitants that were affectionate to their party, were united, with the help that they might receive from those of the Suburbs of Saint Germain, they should be able to contest with the Court, if in case they should set upon them, and up­on occasion they might call the Prince of Conde back again with the Army, by which means it might so happen, that their Majesties to avoid living in the midst of such confusions, upon the confidence of the Inhabitants so much given to change, would return to St Ger­mains, or else the business being brought to a Treaty, and this Car­dinal entring as Mediatour, he should by this means set himself right again at Court, and perhaps [Page 404] partake in the Management of Af­fairs of State, which was thought to be the scope of all his Actions.

The Duke would not embrace this Counsel, but resolved to obey, and give way, retiring the next Morning to Limours, with the Dukes of Beaufort and Rohan, and other Lords of his party. Made­moiselle went to Fargeaux a house of hers near the Loire.

It was very fortunate for Maza­rine, that Orleans refused to agree; for if after the Agreement he had remained at Paris, the people would have thought that all this was brought about by his contriving, whereby he would have increased his reputation with the Parisiens, and maintained his former Autho­rity, so that Mazarine would not have dared to return to Court, whilst there was a strong party in Paris against him, and especially the Cardinal de Retz, who for his ge­nerosity, [Page 405] was more generally belo­ved then Mazarine, who in his Actions shew'd somewhat of cove­tousness, and was more sparing both in his expences, and in gratifying his friends and servants. The King therefore being absolutely restored to his full Authority, and the Duke deprived of all obedience, and a great way from Paris, with all his Adherents, those happy events which succeeded afterwards were more easily brought to pass.

The next Morning being the 23. all the Courts of Parliament met in the Gallery of the Louvre, except those persons who had not received particular Letters from the King, as the President le Bailleul, son of the late Chancellour to the Queen, and Surintendant of the Finances, De Thou and Viole; the Counsel­lours Brussell, Genou, Portail, Brisac, Croyssi, Foquet, Machault, and Marti­neau. At this Meeting they made [Page 406] four Declarations; the first was, for the reuniting of the two Par­liaments; the second, the General Amnesty; the third, was a Pro­hibition to the Parliament, not to meddle in any matters but civil and criminal, according to the Laws; and the fourth, was to no­minate those who were by the Kings ordet to retire, viz. the fore­mentioned, and Counsellour Bi­taut, to whom a Letter had been sent by a mistake.

The Duke of Beaufort, of Rohan, of Rochefoucaut, Frontailles, le Bollay, Penis, the Domesticks of the Prince of Conde, of the Dutch­ess of Longueville, the Wives and Children of all those who were then in the service of the Princes, and in the places which they held, as well in Guienne as elsewhere, had order to be gone from Paris, and not to return upon any pretence soever, without express leave from his Ma­jesty [Page 407] these being the persons accu­sed, who always perverted the Par­liament, and made the people discontent and seditious; there were also express orders made a­gainst all things contained in the third Declaration.

The same day the Queen of Eng­land, and the Dutchess of Chevreuse, went to visit the Dutchess of Or­leans who remained in Paris, by reason of her being great with Childe, and the Dutchess of Chev­reuse told her from the Queen, that she had liberty to stay in her Palace.

The Dutchess was very much surprised at the Novelty of it, and answered in modest expressions, that she could not leave the Duke her husband, and seeing that she could not take a journey any other­wise in the condition she was in, she would be carried in mens arms, and prepared for it; but she recei­ved [Page 408] express Orders from the Duke to stay, and not to hazard her life, being so near her t [...]e; which she did, and was brought to bed of a Daughter a few days after.

Prince Thomas went also to visit her, and assured her that it was ne­ver his opinion at the Counsel, that the Duke should withdraw from Court, where if he had appeared; he would have been received by their Majesties with extraordinary testi­monies of their cordial affections.

But because it was not thought good, that so great a Prince should be left under the notion of the Kings enemy, the Wednesday fol­lowing the Duke d' Anville was sent to Limours to treat with him, where the King desiring that Car­dinal Mazarine might be compre­hended, they could not agree; the Duke continuing firm in his reso­lution, never to be friends with him more, nor to come to Court so [Page 409] long▪ as he should have the ma­nagement of Affairs; but in eve­ry thing else he should be ready to give His Majestie all manner of sa­tisfaction.

The Secretary Tellier, and o­thers of the Kings Ministers went some days after to try to gain him: but the Duke, that he might not seem mistaken in his deliberations, would not yield to their reasons; and having at length given notice of this to the Prince of Conde, by the Sieur de Godovin, Field-Mare­schal, whom he sent expressly to him, and receiving Answer that the Prince was of the same opinion with the Duke of it was concluded in this man­ner, that he was contented to live quietly at Blois, that he would call back his Forces from the Prince of Conde's Army, and unite them to the Kings, upon condition that they might not be employed [Page 410] immediatly against the said Prince, to whom, by reason of the en­tire friendship that he professed to him, he could not be wanting in what unfortunate estate soever he might be cast.

The Affairs of the Duke of Or­leans being concluded in this man­ner, he executed punctually all that was agreed upon, and withdrew himself from the care of all world­ly affairs, applying himself to live quietly, and free from all distur­bance. The Duke of Beaufort went to live at Vendosme, and the rest of those who were exiled, lea­ving Paris, retired to their Coun­trey-houses, very much grieved; but especially when they saw Mazarine triumphant in their misfortunes.

The President Maison and Coun­sellour Vedeau proposed to assemble the Chambers of Inquest to treat vpon means how they might pro­tect their Companions fallen into [Page 411] disgrace, and gave out that they would rather renounce their places, then support a grievance so preju­dicial to the publick dignity. But the greater part being of another opinion, the Chambers met not, and Maison being sent for to the Louvre received a sharp reprehensi­on, with some threathings, which were afterward put in execution; for he and Vedeau were also ba­nish [...]d; some of these were back­ward to quit Paris, but it helped no­thing, being constrained to do it for fear of greater violence. On­ly Brussel being old, poor, and with­out any Countrey-house, did not stir from his in Paris, where he re­main'd privately, saying boldly, That he feared nothing, because he was guilty of nothing; that if the Court desired his life they might take it, for he was now old enough and for a year or two more or less he cared very little, see­ing [Page 412] that the praises of good men have their birth from the bosom of death. These expressions made deep impression in the hearts of many of the people, whose spirits were not yet quieted, and who had not forgot the good-will they had had for him, nor their Prejudices a­gainst the Court.

The Court took no notice of this, and made as if they believed he were out of the Town, being out of Commerce and sight of the people; Brussel therefore remain­ed private and retired, in the City, although he was banished by name.

Afterwards, there was very good order taken for the Government of the City, the security of Paris con­sisting in winning the affection of the people, which succeeded happily by the help of him who go­verned in a time, when by the weakness of the Court they might [Page 413] have expected great misfortunes; it was no small marvel, not to say a miracle, to see in so short a time the fury and indignation of a mul­titude appeased of its own accord, which boasted of nothing more then their firm and immutable re­solutions, of maintaining their own phrenzies; to see the Meeting of the Fronda broken and dispersed, the Parliament curbed, the most au­dacious brought low; and lastly, the King triumphing more by the Power of Justice, of his Innocence and Mildness, then by the force of his Strength and Authority.

Whilst things pass in this man­ner at Paris, many new disturbances broke out at Bourdeaux. Those of the Faction called de l' Olmiere dis­mantled the Palace du Ha, and com­mitted many insolencies upon those of the Parlement, so that there was great disorder amongst them. The Parlement sought by all means [Page 414] to keep this Faction under, but in vain, seeing it was backed by the greater part of the common peo­ple; Mazarine fail'd not also to use all industry, to appease these dis­orders, endeavouring to sow dis­cord amongst them, and to render them diffident of one another; and in the end obtained his intent, as shall be related.

The Spaniards in the mean­while engaged in the siege of Bar­cellona, failed not to do their ut­most for the gaining of that most important place.

The Cardinal, though absent, took care that the King gave neces­sary Orders for the relief of it: and the Marquess de St. Andre Mon­brun was commanded to march from Piemont into Catalonia, with a good number of Horse and Foot; which he did with all speed, & there ensued divers exploits. The besie­ged making a Sally by night out of [Page 415] the gate of Trussana upon the 16. of July 1652. with design to drive the enemy further off, assaulted and took the Fort upon the Mountain of Mongirick; but not having furnish­ed it with Provision and Ammuni­tion, it was attacqued again, and retaken by the Spaniards giving good quarter.

St. Andrew Montbrun had relieved the Town, if he had had money enough for Provisions to have put into it, and for the maintaining his Army, for having happily attaqued the line. He entred in, but was af­terwards forced to retire for want of Provisions; and the Horse mu­tinying by reason of the great hard­ships they endured; the Spaniards took all the places which are be­yond upon the Sea-Coast, from Palamos to Barcelona; and so depri­ved the besieged of that little which used to be brought in to them by night in small barks, so [Page 416] that being reduced to the greatest extremities, upon the eleventh of October the Mareschal de la Motte capitulated with Don John of Au­stria for the surrender, and so that City returned again under the o­bedience of His Catholick Majesty.

Upon the 21 of October the same year, neither the French nor the Sa­voyards being able to relieve Casal in Italy, the Governour thereof Monsieur de St. Angel was constrein­ed to surrender it upon Articles, and to put the Citadel into the hands of the Duke of Mantua's Captains, who put in a Garrison of his own souldiers, laughing at them who imagined, and even af­ter the taking of it, were so confi­dent to maintain, that the Spaniards should have entred the Town, and not the Mantuans. But the Mar­quess of Caracena kept his word punctually with the Duke in all what he had promised, in so much [Page 417] that his Highness thinking it con­venient for the security of that place, to put in a Garrison of Ger­man Souldiers; he proposed to take in some of those which had served in the Spanish Army, after they should be disbanded by the Spani­ards, and had taken an Oath of Al­legiance to him, but the Spaniard would not consent to it, left there might be some suspicion of deceit in this, neither would he suffer any of his to enter into the Town, nor would he go himself, but in Com­pany of the Duke of Mantua, who came thither a few days after.

The Savoyards not being able to relieve Casale, assaulted and took Crescentino, and would have obtain­ed their desired intents, if those of Montferrat had corresponded with them, but they being very faithful to their Prince, were assisting to­wards the Recovery of the Town.

The Duke of Mantua declared [Page 418] the French Plenipotentiaries, that whensoever his Territory of Mont­ferrat should be restored to its for­mer estate, and put peaceably into his hands, without trouble or in­jury to the Treaty of Chirasco, he would presently renounce the three thousand Crowns a month, which the Empress was to give him for the paiment of the Garrison, and maintain it at his proper charge, without any ones help, This his Highness did to take away all jea­lousie or pretence, which the French might have upon this ac­count, though this was not his principal motive; for it is cer­tain that he had not the least ima­gination of letting this most noble place go out of his hands again, which rendred him conspicuous to all Italy, and made him esteemed by both Crowns, and this was al­ways the opinion of the Marquess de la Val.

[Page 419]But these Declarations of the Dukes and his Agents availed little; for things being diversly suggested at the Court of France, suspicion had such force, that they judged always sinisterly; nor could the Kings Ministers of State rest satisfied, after the loss of so im­portant a place, and which rendred their Authority so considerable to all Italy.

Most of the other Italian Prin­ces grew jealous also that Casale should at length fall into the hands of the Spaniards, and therefore la­mented that the French had not provided against it in time, which they said, they might have done very easily, if they had not busied themselves more in persecuting Cardinal Mazarine, and overthrow­ing his Counsels, then in taking care for the concerns of the Crown; their Jealousies and Sus­pitions were also much more en­creased [Page 420] by the report which went a­bout that the Spaniards after they had driven the French out of Ca­sale, were in a close Treaty with the Court of Savoy, soothing their chief Ministers, with a belief that his Catholick Majesty would re­store Vercelli, drive the French from Pignerol, and the Cittadel of Tu­rin, make up the differences with Mantua, and perhaps espouse the Infanta to the Duke of Savoy, by which insinuations they went about to gain that house, and keeping the French beyond the Mountains, re­store Peace to Italy, and their own Authority to its former splendour.

These Propositions were heark­ned to by the Piemontesi, who open­ed their ears with no little attenti­on, and the more by reason that they were fearful that whilst his Christian Majesty was involved in Civil Wars, and not able to con­tribute to the defence of Piemont, [Page 421] the Spaniards might make some considerable Progress, so that if they should defer the remedy to another time, it might so happen that they should find neither time nor remedy.

These Treaties cast a great cloud upon the Affairs of the Court of France. The Cardinal particu­larly considering the Prejudices which the King might receive, if the Spaniards after they had setled their Affairs in Italy, should em­ploy all their forces in Flanders and Catalonia; he endeavored with all industry, by the means of the Embassador Servient, and the Ab­bot of Aille, to keep the Savoyards in hopes, of a speedy and certain care of their Affairs, so that Ma­zarine being in great credit, and strict friendship with the house of Savoy, his word alone prevailed more then all other means to elude the Artifices of the Ministers of the [...] [Page 422] but because the troubles at home permitted not at that time the ef­fecting of those things, which the necessity of affairs required, he sought no further at present, then to keep Piemont united with the Court, by putting them in hopes of restoring into their hands Verva and Villeneufve d' Astinelle, and of the Honour of treating their Em­bassadours for the future, equal to those of Kings.

Besides these Honours, the Count de Quincé General of the French Forces in Piemont was sent to them, who arrived at Turin in December, accompanied with a great number of Officers and Persons of Qua­lity.

Mazarine who amongst these dan­gerous storms had saved the Kings Authority from imminent ship­wrack, made himself known to all the World, for one of the most ex­pert [Page 423] and undaunted Pilots, that sails in the Ocean of Policy; so soon as ever he saw the Whirlwindes of those commotions which had so fu­riously agitated the whole King­dom allayed, by the Presence of the King in Paris. He applied him­self with all sollicitousness to search out means proper not only to calm the intestine troubles; but to raise up the trampled upon credit and reputation of the Regal Dignity. Wherefore he judged it would be easier to render it esteemed and ho­noured by pardoning then by pu­nishing. This being the Cardinals constant Maxime, to win upon the generous humour of the French Nation, rather by gentle usage then by violence of Arms.

He began therefore to treat with those who were most contumaci­ous. He was of opinion, that the sole love of the King ought to be the Quintessence fit to nourish that [Page 424] Concord amongst subjects, which is interrupted by nothing more then by the apprehensions of hatred and revenge. He revived new Trea­ties and Propositions of Peace with the Prince of Conty, with the Par­lement of Bourdeaux, with the Count d' Harcourt, the Count d' Og­non, and with all the other Princes and great Lords of high spirit. He sent also an Intimate of his to ne­gotiate closely with the Prince of Conde, to pacifie him, and remove him from the Spanish service, of­fering him the Sovereignty of some state out of France: but whether the Prince found himself too far engaged with the Catholick King, or whether the Nobleness of his minde would not suffer him to be worse then his word without cause or apparent reason, or whether he judg'd the dignity offered him in­consistent, or moved with other reasons or regards, the effect of [Page 425] these Propositions vanish'd.

The Prince declared, that he had no ambition of Sovereignty, but was contented with the honour which he had of being first Prince of the blood-Royal, that he knew not how to trust him any more, who under the pretence of friend­ship had deceived him; nor could he esteem him faithful, who had not shewn himself so to him, that these offers might be like those Gifts sent exchangeably between Hector and Ajax. That we ought to give least credit to things which seem most credible, and to consider that the more any one offers and promiseth out of Necessity, the sooner he will fail when his turn is served; that he knew sufficiently the Cardinal to be a person as rea­dy to promise much, as industrious afterwards not to observe more then what he thought convenient for his interest, and protested fi­nally [Page 426] that he would not consent to any Agreement, but wherein the Catholick King should be included, to whom he profess'd himself high­ly obliged.

The Envoy laboured to draw him from these sinister opinions, putting him in minde that he was a French-man, and of the Blood-Royal of Bourbon, and that he had too much honour and glory, not to be hereafter made the object of the Envy and Jealousie of a Nati­on so emulous of the French. That to lay foundations on the Promises of those who built upon the hopes of others, was no sure structure; That friends follow the fortune and not the persons of their friends; That he abandoning France, the French abandon'd him; That to a prudent man, his Countrey ought to be as dear to him as the shell to the Tortoise; and that as he was sincerely his faithful servant, he de­clared [Page 427] freely, that it was much more honourable for a Peace, as he was, to bear the Title of Cousin to His Christian Majesty, then that of Servant to the King of Spain: He used also many other urgent Rea­sons, but all in vain, for the ha­tred and contempt which he had for the Cardinal did at that time turn away the minde of the Prince, so that the Cardinal not being able to prevail with him, he endea­vour'd to disengage his brother the Prince of Conty from his party, and caused to be proposed to him very advantageous conditions, and such as were worthy his consideration, thinking that if he could gain Con­ty, he might by that means reduce Bourdeaux and Guienne to their for­mer obedience, seeing that this Prince had a powerful party in that City and Province. The Cardi­nal thought to draw from hence great advantages to the Kings ser­vice, [Page 428] by ihe Jealousies which the Spaniards might have of Conde, and by the treatment he might re­ceive from them, which would be slender enough, when they should see him deprived of those supports which rendred him so considerable; but although Conty was no great friend to his brother, and had a mind much more pliable, yet he was fixed, to satisfie his Sister the Dutchess of Longueville, that with­out her he would resolve of no­thing: and she not being able to disengage her self from that inti­macy she held with Conde, nor from the hopes which were suggested to her by the generosity of his mind, the attempts on this side were also rendred fruitless; and by conse­quence all those Practices weak­ned which were made by the well-affected to the Kings Party in Bour­deaux, while it was evident that that City was resolved to follow [Page 429] the resolutions of the Prince of Conty, and Dutchess of Longue­ville.

But the Cardinal had recourse to other Expedients, and because the design of gaining the Princes fail­ed him; he went about by new Stratagems to take away from the Princes, and those of Bourdeaux, the assistance of those people and places which fomented their pre­tensions. He ordered therefore the Duke of Vaxdosme to carry his Fleet into the Garonne, and sent to the Duke of Candale, (who was al­ready upon his march,) with all the forces that he could gather out of the Neighboring Provinces. He treated also with the Count d' Og­non, and others, to disengage them from the Union, and to render the Kings party more strong in that Province, as it afterwards suc­ceeded.

In the mean time the Prince of [Page 430] Conde was in Champagne with his Army, where his designs upon Reims, Soissons, and other great Ci­ties (full of Warlike people, and faithful to the King) proving little successful, he went to Vervins, where leaving two Regiments of Foot, and one of Horse, he went with the Body of his Army towards Rhetel, which in a short time was surrendred to him by the Gover­nour; the Sieur de Rale by reason of the weakness of the place, and for want of Necessaries to defend it, he took also Chasteau Porcien, not far distant from it; he attaqu­ed afterwards St. Menhand another walled Town; which was yielded up to him upon the 13 of November by the Sieur de St Mor. and because this place was being situated be­tween the Mose and the Marne upon the river Aisne and between Verdun and Chalon was some what considerable, he left there a strong [Page 431] Garrison, under the Command of the Sieur de Montalt, and ordered it to be fortified; hoping by main­taining this place and Rhetel to winter his forces in France.

From hence having dismissed the Troops of the Duke of Orle­ans, he went speedily into Barre, where he took Barleduc the Castle of Lagny, and Voet, but not being able to attempt any thing more by reason the season was too far ad­vanced, and his Troops wearied, he sent away the Spanish and Lo­rain forces, and put his own into Winter-Quarters about the Mose.

The Cardinal on the other side, indefatigably exercising his minde in intricate and dangerous affairs, considered that it was absolutely necessary before the Army went into Winter Quarters, to dislodge the Princes, forces and drive them out of the places which they held, he therefore reinforc'd the Kings [Page 432] Camp with two thousand Souldi­ers, which the Duke of Elboeuf had gathered together in Picardy, and with others drawn out of Normandy, and the Neighbouring Provinces, and in stead of coming to Paris he stayed in the Camp, to redress by his Presence the Affairs of the Army, much diminished and weak­ned; which the Generals would scarce been able to have done without him, he drew after Him many friends and dependents, and confirmed those, who wearied out with long travel and pain, thought rather of retiring home, then of continuing the Warre at that sea­son of the year; and encouraged every one to continue in the Kings service, being in great veneration and high esteem amongst the Soul­diery, by whom he was as much loved and respected, as he was ab­horred and hated by some seditious and contemptible people of Paris. [Page 433] He was not a jot deceived in the hopes he had to draw profit from these opportune endeavours, for the souldiery, awakened by his graci­ous aspect, and the military Af­fairs enlivened by his Counsel, he gained those advantages that made him in a short time return glori­ously, and as it were, triumphant in­to Paris, more then ever in his Ma­jesties favour, and setled him in the Authority of his Ministry.

The Marquess of Chasteauneuf in the mean-while remained in Paris without employ, deprived of his Offices, and not being able to refrain from bewailing his ill fortune and the miserable estate of the King­dom, he was also banished the Ci­ty in the month of November; up­on the 13. of the same month the King appeared in Parliament, and caused the Decree made in his Counsel of State against the Prin­ces of Conde and Condy, the Dutch­esse [Page 434] of Longueville, the Duke of Rochefoucaut and others, to be rati­fied and registred.

The Court continued after this to give out convenient Orders for the good Government of the King­dom, but always regulating him­self by Mazarines Instructions; but above all, the Kings counsel appli­ed themselves to settle the minde of the Cardinal de Retz, who as he was a person of an eminent judge­ment and deep understanding, so he was considered by Mazarine a­bove all others, as the greatest im­pediment to his designes. He ha­ted the greatness of Conde, and at the same time the exorbitant Au­thority of Mazarine; he declared himself a good French man and the Kings servant; and thought it no offence to procure the ruine of the one, and the suppression of the o­ther; He sollicited therefore the Parliament to meet, to procure the [Page 435] return of their banished Compa­nions, to bring his designs to pass: Mazarine on the contrary, and the other Ministers of State en­deavored to remove him from Pa­ris, where he was in great esteem and veneration; but finding no way to do it, by all the Arts they could use; and Mazarine, not willing to return to Paris, so long as he was there, so powerful in friends and dependents. It was finally concluded to impri­son him.

The difficulty consisted in the manner, for it was not to be done in his own house, and dangerous in the streets of Paris. Besides, this was far from the Kings mind, who desired it might be without noise, as well in respect of his dignity of Cardinal, as that his intentions were to do all quietly and without confusion. While therefore the Ministers of State were seeking out [Page 436] means to bring about this Affair, and discovered every day more and more difficulty in the execution of it; there hapned a more favour­able Conjuncture then they could have wish'd for.

His friends represented to him, how that the King would now be Master of all, and therefore he ought to render His Majesty the ac­customed Visits, or to abandon Paris, shewing him how scandalous it was for him to act in that man­ner which he did; these Reasons sufficiently perswaded the Cardinal, and therefore the Feast of Christ­mass being near at hand, he resol­ved to preach himself in the Church of St. Germain l' Auxerrois, of which the Queen being advertised, she gave notice to the Parochial, that she did intend to be present there her self.

The Cardinal took this for a fa­vourable occasion, and thought [Page 437] himself obliged to go render thanks to her Majestie for so great an Ho­nour; and to this intent, upon the 20. of December, most improvi­dently; and without the least sus­picion he went to the Louvre, and entring the Court, he found that the Queen was not fully dressed; wherefore going up the great stairs to visit the King in the mean time, he met His Majesty just upon the middle of the stairs as he was com­ing down, who received him cour­teously, and carried him with him into the Queen-Mothers Chamber, while the Cardinal was comple­menting and discoursing with the Queen; the King whispered le Tel­lier the Secretary of State in the ear, and ordered the detaining him, which was presently done by the Marquess of Villequier Captain of the Guard, who arrested him as he was going out of the Anti-chamber.

[Page 438]The Cardinal was in great con­fusion, and said, What me? for what reason? Villequier with some Souldiers conducted him into the great Gallery, and from thence to the Duke of Anjou's Apartment, where he stayed about two houres, whilst the Coach and the Guards were made ready, which carried him through the Gate de la Confe­rence to the Castle of Vincennes, without the peoples knowing the least of it; and when they after­wards heard the News, they dis­coursed of it without any concern, praising the Kings resolution, and saying, It was well done to impri­son the Cardinal de Retz, but to do better, he should likewise impri­son Cardinal Mazarine, and give such an example to Ecclesiastical Persons, that for the future they should not meddle any more with secular Affairs.

Upon this accident not ordinary, [Page 439] and so fortunately succeeding, there were presently various and diffe­rent discourses. Those of the Court said, that the King began to shew himself a King, and That his Majestie had taken this resolu­on on the sudden, without any prompting or counsel of his Mini­sters; That the Order was given of his own proper accord, and from his own mouth, being incensed at the strange proceedings of the Cardinal, and induced hereto by the necessity of the publick good and quiet.

Those of the prisoners party on the contrary gave out, that this blow came from Cardinal Mazarin, who would not, nor could not return and live at Paris, with so considerable an Emulatour, supported by so many friends that opposed his interest, That he on purpose kept himself at some distance from Court, that he might not be known to be the [Page 440] contriver of this fact, and for fear that the people rising in the defense of the imprisoned Cardinal, should vent their inveterat and immortal hatred against him, but however it was, Mazarin declared that he had no hand in it, to confirme which he wrote a letter to the King, which was suddainly published, very much in favour of the impri­soned; wherein he represented to his Majesty, that by the title which he bore of most Christian King, he was obliged to defend the Ecclesiastical immunities; and therefore he hum­bly beseeched his Majesty that he would in these cases have that re­gard; which was becoming his Roy­al Piety, and the title which he bore of eldest Son of Holy Church, re­commending to him with all ear­nestness the concernes of the im­prisoned.

This Letter was diversly censured, some were of one opinion and some of another.

[Page 441]Many other considerable persons of the Clergy of France, did very good Offices in favour of the Pri­soner; But the publick good be­ing more prevalent then the satis­fying of particular persons. His Majesty openly declared, that he had no other intention in this, then the quiet and happiness of his sub­jects; and least the Court of Rome should take occasion to resent this action of the French, in doing what was so contary to the Ecclesiastical Laws, a Courier was dispatched to the Pope, to inform him fully of this Affair. The friends of the prisoner likewise a few houres af­ter sent another to complain to his Holiness of this violence, and to en­gage him to protect the imprisoned.

This News arrived in a few days at Rome, and the Pope was much troubled at it, not only as being obliged to maintain the reputation of the Scarlet Gown, and the in­demnity [Page 442] of one of his own Crea­tures; but because it was thought he was one of not so entire an Af­fection to the Court of France, nor Mazarine; and if he had had means to testifie his resentments, as he had the will, there might per­haps have followed considerable di­sturbances. His Holiness called divers Congregations of the most learned Cardinals, and in whom he most confided; and although there were not some wanting who were more moderate, to represent to them how circumspectly they ought to proceed in so nice an Affair; yet Monsignor Marini was ordered to go to Paris, and there to forme a plea­ding of what was imputed to the Criminal, and to sollicit that the Judgment of it might be left to the Holy See, which was the only Court and Tribunal for the Cau­ses of Cardinals.

But as they were very certain at [Page 243] Rome, that if they would not re­ceive in France Monsignor Corsini in quality of Legat to that Court, because there was not Advice first given of it to the King, or his Mi­nisters of State, much less would they admit of the Arch-Bishop Marini with the like Commissions; and consequently they determined a thing which could have no effect; so they at Paris did verily appre­hend, that this proceeded from the Counsel of them, who desired to arm the Pope with pretences to blame France, for bearing so little respect to the Apostolick See, gi­ving him occasion to joyn with their enemies, it being certainly be­lieved in Rome, as also in Paris, that the King would never have venture to thwart the Pope in those unhappy Conjunctures; so that by this bold Resolution of sending the Arch-Bishop Marini in­to France, they should uphold the [Page 444] Pontifical decorum, and make the Ecclesiastical Authority very glori­ous. The Cardinal Prince Trivultio, who was at that time in Rome, to take care of the Spanish Interest, and supplied the place of Ordinary Embassador for His Catholick Ma­jesty, wisely foresaw the bad suc­cess of this deliberation, which fell out exactly as he had foretold; for those that were concerned, judging presently, that these Maxims of the Court of Rome, had no other foun­dation then a flattering opinion of their own wishes, they quickly ap­plied themselves to overthrow them.

Cardinal Mazarine, convinced of the nature of the French, as easie to give way to Novelties, that bring their delight, as inflexible to those things that threaten them, he was constrained to minde nothing else but the maintaining of the Kings Authority, and therefore [Page 445] Marini was not permitted to enter into the Kingdom; the French were unsatisfied with the Court of Rome, taxing them of great par­tiality. For the Affronts and A­buses having been oftentimes re­presented to them, that were put upon Cardinal Mazarine a year be­fore by the Parlement of Paris, a­gainst all Law divine and humane, without drawing up his Indictment, without lawful Authority, and con­trary to the Kings minde, who de­fended him, and acknowledged himself faithfully served by him; and what was worse, although the Parlement proceeded so far as to set a Tax of fifty thousand Crowns on his Head, besides the Confiscation of all his estate, yet for all this the Pope never concern'd himself for defence of the said Cardinal, who had no other support left him then that of his Holiness, the Kings Au­thority being at that time con­temn'd [Page 446] and trampled on, where on the contrary, for the only detenti­on of Retz (which was done out of meer necessity for the publick good, and for maintaining of the Royal Dignity, against which he was ac­cused to have a long time plotted) they made so much noise. They added moreover, that the Pope had the less reason to find himself ag­grieved, seeing the most Christi­an King had no other intent, then to stop the imprisoned Cardinal from going on in his Instigations, and not to bring him to trial, much less to judge him, knowing very well that this did belong to the sole Vicar of Christ, although the Par­lement, passing all respects due to the Holy See, and to a Prince of the Holy Church, had arrogated to themselves the Authority to do it against Mazarine.

These, and the like Reasons were deduced by the French, alledging [Page 447] likewise the example of Lewis the 13. who caused Cardinal Ballua, to be imprisoned and detained many years, for holding correspondence with the Kings Brother, and the Duke of Burgundy; and yet the Pope resented it only with fatherly Admonitions, and good Offices for his freedom; and his errours were not to be parallel'd with those wherewith de Retz was charged. They said moreover, that the King had caused to be conferr'd upon him the dignity of the Scarlet Robe to oblige him to serve him with the greater affection, and not to make use on't to the prejudice of the Crown. That to Sovereign Princes all things were permitted for the security of their States. And as the most Christian Kings did justly boast to have al­wayes defended and protected the Holy See, and to have [Page 348] also reverently and piously obey'd it, assisting them in all occasions with their forces and power; so His Majestie should glory to follow the footsteps of his Ancestours. But that he ought likewise to take care for the benefit and quiet of his lo­ving subjects, of whom the King was the Common Father.

The Imprisonment of this Car­dinal, who was one of the princi­pal Supports of the Faction of la Fronda, compleated their total rui­ne and destruction: for though there remained in Paris some Re­liques of this Fire, the Sparks were so weak, that of themselves they were not able to raise the least Flame; and therefore the Royal Authority being more and more setled, the Ministers of State pro­ceeded in those deliberations, which they judged most proper for the re-establishing the Kingdom in its ancient splendour.

[Page 449]By these troubles the Kings Re­venues were much diminished, and the necessity of having money was very urgent, great debts being con­tracted, and the credit of the Court reduced to last extremity, notwith­standing that the King enjoys a yearly Revenue of above eight millions of Pistols; so that to raise money, His Majesty made divers Decrees, which upon the last day of December were ratified and regi­stred in Parliament, in Presence of His Majesty, with all readiness, although they amounted to the number of thirteen; but to please them it was declared, that the mo­ney raised should be employed up­on the most urgent Affairs of the Kingdom, and particularly in pay­ing the Souldiery. These Edicts were also ratified upon the 7. of January following in the Cham­ber of Accounts and Court of Aids, in Presence of the Duke of Anjon, who to that purpose was [Page 450] sent thither by the King with these Redresses of the Political Affairs the Military also took vigour in the Managements of the War with good success, in regard of the ru­ines and losses suffered by the King and the whole Kingdom, not only in those parts towards Flan­ders, and in Guienne, but also in Italy and Gatalonia; Cardinal Ma­zarine was resolved to keep the War on foot in this last Countrey, to divert the Spaniards from em­ploying their forces more power­fully in other parts, and therefore he opportunely reliev'd Roses with some barks of Provisions which he ordered to be sent out of Pro­vence by the Duke of Mercoeur: The Arrival of this succour occa­sion'd the discovery of a notable Conspiracy in that Fortress, against the Governour of it the Marquess de la Farre, laid by his own fami­liar friends.

[Page 451]The Kings forces in Guienne be­gan also to prosper, according as those of Bourdeaux began to grow weak, by the discord which Ma­zarine had sown among them. The Duke of Candale being sent into this Province, (as hath been said) to command the Kings Forces in the place of Count de Harcourt, took the Castle of Poniols, and se­cured Marmende and Aiguillon, situ­ated between Bourdeaux and Agen, on this side the Garonne, set upon and routed some Troops of the Prince, seized upon Bastide and o­ther places; and by the directions of Mazarine, secret Plots were car­ried on for reducing of Bourde­aux to the Kings obedience. But because it was difficult to gain that important and powerful City by force of Armes, therefore they made use of Art and Industry. Fa­ther Faur a Franciscan, who was afterwards made Bishop of Glan­deves, [Page 452] an understanding person, and zealous for the Kings service; and who had been successfully employ­ed in bringing Paris to its duty, pro­posed the holding of Intelligence in Bourdeaux it self, by means of the Fathers of his Order: to this ef­fect Father Bertaut Guardian of Brode, was sent to consult with Fa­ther Itier Superiour of the Fran­ciscans Convent in Bourdeaux, who carried with him divers Instructi­ons, for the advancement of this design, according as they should have opportunity. Bertaut being discovered by the Prince of Conty, escaped out of his hands with much dexterity, having under a dissembling confidence told him many lies, to take away from him the true knowledge of their de­signs, and of the Conspiratours: But Father Itier was not at all mo­ved at this, for knowing himself to be greatly esteemed and loved by [Page 453] the Citizens; he hope, that in case his Practices were discovered, he should be protected by them; and the rather, because he was assured, that many of them were weary of groaning under the Tyranny of the Olmiere, which proceeding in pre­cipitous & inconsiderate Progresses, put their Countrey and Religion upon the point of being ruined by treating with the English to bring them into Guienne; it was conclu­ded therefore, that there was no means more expedient, and more sure, them to gain some of the Heads of the Olmiere. Mother Angelica Abbess of the Carmelite Nuns, gave Father Ityer a fit occasion, and dis­covered to him how that one of the Mothers of her Convent, Sister to Villars, had communicated to her the good disposition of her Brother to return to his obedience towards the King, out of remorse of Con­science, and the fear of a miserable [Page 454] end, which he had deserved by his great wickedness, and therefore he had desired his Sister, that she, to­gether with the rest of her Com­panions, would pray to God to give him grace to amend his life. Father Ityer made no difficulty of confiding in the Nun, and procured that she should confirm her Brother in his purpose. Villars engaged to re­store the City to its obedience if the King would grant a General Act of Oblivion, and give him the Office of Procurator and Syn­dick of the Communalty, and the summe of fourty thousand Crowns for himself, and those who should be employed in this affair. The Court consented to his demands, & being besought by the said Father, they ordered that no injury should be done to the Princes or Princesses.

This design went forward well, and had easily taken effect, if Villars, unconstant in his resoluti­ons, [Page 455] had not discovered the Con­ [...]piracy, which hapned by the vain [...]rating of the Sieur de Lenet, who making as if he knew, (although [...]ndeed he knew nothing of it at all) that there was a new Intrigue carrying on in Bourdeaux, in which were many who professed them­selves of the Princes Party: Villars believing that some of his Com­panions had revealed the secret to Lenet, was in fear of being ruined, and therefore sought to save him­self, by declaring the whole matter to the Prince of Conty, saying, that he had not engaged in this business; but the better to discover it, and then to give a more particular ac­count of it to his Highness, and that this was the reason that he did not disclose it to him before. The Prince answered him, that he was well sa­tisfied touching his fidelity, and charged him to continue his dissi­mulation, and to observe the whole [Page 456] whole matter, that he might learn the Names of the Complices, and get sufficient proof against Father Ityer; he bound Blerno and Giraut Goldsmiths, under a solemn Oath to go and receive the money promi­sed by the King, of which there were 1500 Pistols consigned, so that upon his examination and depositi­on Father Ityer was imprisoned and carried before a Counsel where Marsin was President, with many of the Olmiere, and Officers of the Army; and here arose a Contest upon the Point, that Laymen had not power to judge Churchmen, but they did not long demurre up­on it.

The Prince of Conde and Dutch­ess of Longueville commanded ab­solutely that they should not put him to death, but that it was suf­ficient to keep him in prison. Marsin and Lenet, who sought to inrage people more, caused some of the [Page 457] [...]abble to cry out Tolle, Tolle, Cru­ [...]ifige, &c. At this rumour some of the Judges were much disorder­ [...]d, and with disdainful countenan­ [...]es said, We are no Jews, and [...]f you are not Christians you may go and search out some Pilates, for we do not intend to dip our hands in innocent blood. Marsin was much humbled, and composed the difference, causing him to be ad­judged to an open pennace, which Spectacle moved the whole City to Compassion, and loaded the Prin­ces party with blame and hatred; for the Father being led through the streets, with a thousand repro­ches and insolences from the Rascal­lity, was not at the least disturb'd either at death, which they threat­ned him, or at the injuries they did him, but walked along with as great an assurance, as if he had been going to a glorious triumph. This behavior of his so fearless, [Page 458] and yet full of humility and pati­ence, did so move the Citizens, that they were forced quickly to send him back to the prison, from whence they had taken him; and because they had taken from him the habit of his Order, the Dutch­ess of Longueville, detesting such wicked doing, gave command that it should be restored to him a­gain, and to check the inso­lence of these people. After this, they imprisoned a Cousin of the said Fathers, a Complice in all his Contrivances, whom they put to a strange torture; but, as if it had been nothing, he endured it with an incredible and marvellous constancy, nor could they ever draw from him the least word concerning this matter. The same morning that Father Ityer was taken, the President Dasis, Counsellour Bort, and Counsellour Castelnaut were al­so attached and committed to the [Page 459] Castle du Ha, and afterwards re­leased upon their words.

D' Asis withdrew himself from these Intrigues, and went to his Brother the Bishop of Lombes.

At the same time another Frier called Lande, by the means of a Gentlewoman named Laure, at­tempted to gain Colonel Marché, who hearkned to the sollicitations of the Friars brother, and com­municated his design to the said Widow, which was to make use of an hundred light horse which he commanded in the City, to deliver up a Gate to the Duke of Candale, desiring this Window to write him the design, and to instruct him the most proper means to execute it; This Plot was also communicated to the Jurate Robert. But in the end Colonel Marché himself dis­covered it to Marsin; and after a few days Lande revealed it to the Prince of Conty; whereupon the [Page 460] Gentlewoman was imprisoned and examined a long while in the Pre­sence of Lande, and maintained to his face that he was the Author of all this, accusing him of infidelity and treacherousness, whereupon he was laid hold on, and banished from the Olmiera, and the Widow sent back to her Countrey-house.

In the mean-while the City of Monsegur, wherein the Regiment of the Marquess of Monpouillon, lay in Garrison, was surrendred to the Royallists, and the Officers pre­tending that two thousand Pistols were due to them, put themselves into His Majesties service, impri­soned the Commissary, and took from him a good summe of money which he had levied on the people thereabouts; but they sent him free afterwards, with some Offi­cers belonging to Marsin, who at the same time with the Princes Troops besieged St. Ferme a small [Page 461] Town near by. This was a Prelude to the fall of the Princes party, be­ing forsaken by their best Troops, in a time when they had most need of them, not contented to take pains continually for so small profit, the hopes of those rewards daily declining, which the Princes pro­mised them, to soften the labours and sufferances of those of their party.

Divers other Accidents hapned, which rendred this party still more infirm; which having no other foundation then the imagination of becoming more happy by the change of fortune, in stead of meeting with their desired relief, they encountred the most unex­pected misfortunes. A certain En­gineer called Larsigne was impri­soned, and 3500 Pistols taken from him, set him in the Pillory, and banished under pretence that he wrote to Paris the News of what [Page 462] hapned in Bourdeaux. They ar­rested a vessel also, and confiscated twenty five thousand Crowns, which belonged to Dutch Mer­chants for corn sold in that City, and were carrying to Rochelle, de­claring it to be counterband goods, with these and the like proceed­ings; the foreign Merchants, and the better sort of Citizens them­selves were sensibly touched and exasperated, seeing that without shame or conscience, they exempt­ed none from barbarous and unjust punishments.

The Duke of Vandosme appear­ed with his Fleet in the Garonne at the beginning of February, and pre­sently began to build a Fort in the Isle of Cazaux, situated in the middle of the River, and therefore of great consequence, and which gave no small trouble to the inha­bitants of Bourdeaux; amongst whom there being many that were [Page 463] affected to the Kings party, it be­hoved the rest to be vigilant a­gainst surprises and stratagemms, which were easie to be put in pra­ctice in such Conjunctures.

The Curate of St. Peters, having exhorted his Parishioners in a pub­lick Sermon to shake off the yoke of their servitude, and to withdraw themselves from under the Autho­thority unlawfully usurped by that wicked counsel of the Olmiere, he was taken and put in prison; but the people of that parish, who were very affectionate to him, beginning to rise, they were forced to let him go and escape away, for fear some greater mischief might follow: for those who are admitted to preach the Word of God, have great power over the people when they denounce to them peace and quietness; for the same cause were banished also the Curates of St. Simon and St. Remi, with the [Page 464] Prior and Guardian of the Capu­cines, and the Dominicans, divers Counsellors of the Parliament, and some Citizens, who were content­ed rather to undergo any persecuti­on, then to follow a Faction di­rectly contrary to the service of the King, so that the Parliament being at that time by the Advice of Mazarine removed to Agen, that at Bourdeaux was so weakned that there remained no more then nine Counsellors, and some of them so confused and fearful, that they knew not what to resolve on.

The Parliament at Agen, begin­ning to assemble on the third of March, the Sieur de la Lane, Second President, presided at the opening of the Parliament, in the Presence of the Duke of Candale, and the Bishop of Agen, the Sieur de Pon­tac, President of the Treasurers of France, came thither with divers o­ther well-affected persons: But in [Page 465] Bourdeaux the suspitions of some new Conspiracy being revived, all possible diligence was used to in­terrupt it, and to maintain the Prin­ces Concerns in their vigour, Pro­clamation was made, that all stran­gers who were found in the City without employ, should presently depart: All Inne-keepers, Taver­ners, and those who let lodgings, were prohibited to receive any one without express order and bil­let from the Magistrate appointed for that purpose; Meetings were forbidden, and going about in the night after such an houre, and eve­ry where they kept vigilant Guards, to watch all surprizes, e­specially because the Neighboring Towns and Provinces were every day more and more incumbred with Souldiers and people of the Kings party.

And because that by the taking of Sarlaet, Sallagnac, Terrason, and [Page 466] other walled Towns of Perigord, by the Princes Troops; the Soul­diery over-ran all the Countrey, to the great damage of that Province. The Marquess of Pompodor, Lieu­tenant of the Province of Limosin, gathering together some of the Kings Troops, and divers Gentle­men encountred the enemies near to the Village St. Robert, in the County of Agen, defeated and destroyed them, and so delivered the Coun­trey from the continual molestati­on of these Souldiers, who were the more licentious by reason they wanted their pay, and were dissa­tisfied with the Princes themselves whom they served. The Town of Montignac, maintaining it self in its due obedience to the King, did in­commodate all they could the Prin­ces forces, who lost the Castle of Surin and other places, which ei­ther rendred voluntarily, or were gained by the force of Armes, [Page 467] whereby those of their party being reduced to streight termes, the greater part of them were perswa­ded by others example to return to their due obedience.

To these favourable events in Guienne, seconded by other prospe­rous successes of the Kings party, was added the engagement upon the 28. of February in the Narrow Seas, between the English and Hol­landers, each party glorying to have had the advantage; but seeing there was no great difference in the loss of Vessels, the Victory remained undecided, so that the English being busied in this new Warre, they were not in a posture to embrace those resolutions, which if they had been free, they might have taken, to encourage the se­ditious in Bourdeaux, and thereby have notably prejudiced the Crown of France, which certainly might have been reduced to great streights [Page 468] if on the one side being assaulted by the powerful forces of the King of Spain, and shaken by intestine troubles, it had been also on the o­ther side set upon by the English; but the propitious fate of France, subordinate to the benigne Will of God, who disposeth of all things according to the Rule of his divine Providence, preserved in these dis­asters that most Christian King­dom, from the dangerous Enterpri­zes of that Nation, which differ­ing in Religion and manners, would have found a fit opportunity of putting France into a very great disorder; but they governing them­selves by violent means, took reso­lutions very much different from what was suspected; so that con­founding themselves they gave oc­casion to the Royal Authority to recover its strength, letting the dis­obedient want forces, and those who sought by their Factions and [Page 469] Cabals to disturb and overturn all, This was the Warre against the Hollanders, to the promoting of which Cardinal Mazarine did so much contribute by his secret Ma­nagements and Arts, considering the damages the English might do the French without such a diversion. Not to interrupt by a digression the thread of our discourse: we shall only touch upon the principal motives of this War.

After the Parliament of Eng­land had made themselves Masters of that Kingdom, and with their victorious Arms also overcome the Kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland, they endeavour'd to keep them­selves armed, and to exercise them­selves with foreign wars, now that the Civil were at an end. Having learnt this good Maxime of State, to keep open in their own body the necessary Preservative of a Cau­tery, whereby to purge out the [Page 470] boyling and malignity of the pec­cant humours.

It hapned then that wanting law­ful cause to break with France, and held back by divers Reasons of State, no less then by the Arts of Mazarine, who made appear his marvellous parts in dealing so dex­terously with a Nation so ill af­fected to the French, they betook themselves to a War with Holland, which having a glorious reputation at Sea, seemed not a little to ob­scure the ancient splendour of the redouted and irresistible power of the English.

Besides, the natural emulation of bordering Nations, the secret and artificial encouragement of the Neighboring Kingdoms, did pro­mote these thoughts, who obser­ving with an ill eye two powerful Republicks on each hand, they could not but suspect those sudden Growths of States well furnished [Page 471] with Sea-forces. The English took their pretext from the Herring-Fishing, which the Hollanders used with great gain every year in the Orcades in the North of Scot­land.

They pretended that the Hollan­ders had usurped this Fishing-trade by the negligence of their King, to the great detriment of the publick, and therfore not to be tolerated by a Nation, that for so many Ages held the principal dominion of the Ocean. On the contrary, the States of the United Provinces maintain'd, that by long possession and ancient custom their right was sufficiently lawful, and establish'd with just rea­son; especially it being never known that the English pass'd into those seas to fish.

This was the motive, for which both parties beginning to arme, the one to pretend custom, the other an exemption from paying [Page 472] custom, and to preserve their right, they came at length to an open breach, to the great prejudice of both their interests, for their chief­est subsistence consisting in Trade and Navigation, which being in­terrupted, they found the War re­ciprocally destructive and pernici­ous, but especially to Holland, which being confined to a narrow Compass of ground, with an in­finite of people, their greatest wealth depends upon the Sea. To these Reasons derived from State-interest, and particular profit, were added other causes also touching Punctilio's of Reputation, the Eng­lish pretending they had been af­fronted by the Hollanders in divers occasions, and principally in the Massacre of their Embassador Do­ctor Dorislaws at the Hague, killed by the English of the Kings party, and by the Adherents of the Prince of Orange. To this they joyned o­ther [Page 473] Grievances, concerning the death of several of their Nation slain at Amboina, where they had setled themselves, the Hollanders being jealous of the Commerce of the Indies, from which they drew great emoluments. The Quarrel began upon the meeting of some English Vessels with some Hollan­ders, about the complement of stri­king sale. The Hollanders sent o­ver Adrian Paw Extraordinary Em­bassador famous for the Treaty of Munster, managed by him with the Spaniards; but he in stead of bring­ing things to a good end rather ex­asperated the minds of the English, so that the business going on to be decided by arms, much against the wishes of those of Amsterdam espe­cially, who desired to withdraw themselves from the dependence on the House of Orange; The States of Holland were much perplexed; but nevertheless, by their fresh and [Page 474] multiplied Victories obtain'd a­gainst the power of Spain, having rais'd their fame to that height, that they were generally feared and e­steemed; and having made so ad­vantageous a Peace with the Ca­tholick King, they resolved not to prejudice their reputation by yield­ing to the threats and pretensions of England, and therefore made little account of giving satisfacti­on to that Parlement; but provi­ding for the War, they set out a numerous Fleet, so that every one preparing for Hostility, many Mer­chants were taken and lost on both sides; and at length the Fleets meeting of above one hundred Ships a piece, there followed divers Bat­tels and Sea-fights, with reciprocal damage, so that each pretending to the Victory, no certain decision could be made on't, the losses and victories consisting in the number of Vessels that were destroy [...]d on ei­ther [Page 475] side, which never hindred them from returning to Sea again, ready for a new Engagement. But the Hollanders were very sensible of the loss of their Admiral Trump, a Per­son of great value, and of great ex­perience in Maritine Affairs, and much troubled that several Vessels had not perform'd their duty, by reason they had not the Standard of the Prince of Orange, to whom a great part of the Fleet shewed themselves much affected, to the particular disgust of those of Am­sterdam, jealous and no good friends to that House. The Court of France taking the opportunity of these dif­ferences, applied themselves to se­cure Guienne and Bourdeaux, a City above all others disposed to Re­bellion; for the reduction of which, Mazarine made all ne­cessary preparations; and there­fore besides the sending of the French Fleet into the Garonne, [Page 476] and the advancing of forces from all parts into that Province: he gave himself to make Overtures of reconciliation with divers per­sons, to see if it were possible to terminate that War, rather by fair means then by Arms, which being among their own people and sub­jects, wheresoever the Victory fell it would turn to loss.

The designes of the Cardinal went on prosperously, as shall be related hereafter, not only in these parts but in others also; in the mean time he did not fail to act vigorously in Champagne, to ease the Countrey of the enemies Troops where they lay quartered. He went to the Army which was rein­forced with divers troops, took Barleduc, and having passed the River of Aisne, attached Chasteau-Porcien, where the Sieur de Brisson commanded, with a strong Garri­son of old souldiers, which ren­dred [Page 477] the place very considerable, especially it being then the midst of Winter, a season improper far Ar­mies to lie in the field.

This difficulty was surmounted by the affectionate and accurat assi­stance of the Cardinal, so that all labour and hardship seemed light to the souldiery, who endured it with as great resolution as they served and followed him with affection. In seven dayes he took Chasteau-Porcien, & had also taken Rhetel and Saint Menhaut if the season had been less sharp; and if the Prince of Conde had not opportunely reinforced them with a great number of Soul­diers, wherfore the Cardinal gave o­ver the thought of them, and having put the army into winter quarters made towards Paris being often importuned by their Majesties.

He was met by the King him­self and the Duke of Anjou two leagues out of the City; His Majesty [Page 478] received him with extraordinary tenderness and affection; took him into his own Coach, and coming in at St. Denis Gate, conducted him through a great throng of people to the Louvre.

The Cardinal took up his Lodg­ings there, to be nearer, as first Mi­nister of State, to His Majesty, he was presently visited by the Body of the Town-house, and by all the other Orders and Magistrates; who declared their acknowledgment for many singular advantages received through his care, and that all France was obliged to the conduct of so great a Minister, expressing their joy for his happy return. Though many thought that how much the more kind they were in outward appearance, so much the more cor­rupted they were in reality, there being no greater malice then that which is hid under the mask of dissimulation. Yet I who have [Page 479] procured with much accurateness and long experience, to instruct my self in the knowledge of [...]he nature of those persons of whom I write, can say to the glory of France, not to have found any Nation less addicted to dissimu­lation then this, which being free and frank of speech, thinks little of what is to come; and no­thing of what is past. Who­soever shall consider the contempts and abuses done in Paris to the name of the Cardinal in the month of September 1652. and shall compare them with the ho­nours and welcome he received in the moneth of February 1653. will perceive, that the Fine of fifty thousand Crowns, which was set upon his head, with all the reproches & ignominies, with which his reputation was wounded, were nothing else but the effect of passion [Page 480] which being prudently dissembled by Mazarine, served him afterwards to fortifie his right and good in­tentions, and rendred him trium­phant over his persecutions, ma­king his Ministry still more glori­ous.

The same Evening the King caused him to sup with him, in the Apartment of the Mareschal de Vil­leroy; and that night was signali­zed with a great number of Bone­fires in the City the next morning, as he came from Mass he cast a quan­tity of money amongst the people, as he had done the day before in those places where he passed; and after he had received the Visits of the chief of the Court, and of o­ther persons, of all sorts and con­ditions, he applied himself to the most important Affairs of the Crown.

On the 3. of February, being the same day which he entred Paris he [Page 481] brought with him his three Nieces which were met out of the gate of St. Honoré by the Pincesse of Ca­rignan, Louise her daughter by the Mareschall de Guebrian's Lady, by the Marchionesse of Ampous and many other ladies of quality. These Ladies were lodged also in the Lou­vre in an apartment by themselves, over the Queens Lodgings.

The King had not conferred any Office or Charge, either Ecclesi­astical or Secular, since his Return, although there were many vacant, and a great number of Pretenders, willing to stay for the Cardinal, and give him the honour of confer­ing them: He was exactly in­formed of the deservings of each particular person, so that keeping every one in hopes to receive re­wards proportionably to their worth, he rendred them more rea­dy and zealous to the Kings ser­vice.

[Page 482]The King had passed the Edicts of the new Impositions, and dis­patched all other things which might sound less grateful in the ears of the people; lest that doing them after the Cardinals return, they should seem to be suggested by the Minister of State, against whom they might renew the pretences of those fault, which formerly though wrongfully, they had laid to his change; so that the Cardinal, by His Majesties special favour, ha­ving the disposal of the Benefices of the Church and divers other offices of the Court and Kingdom, he be­gan presently to distribute them to those he judged most deserving, and most fit to be employed in His Ma­jesties service; detaining a consi­derable part vacant to keep those that remained at that time, exclu­ded in hopes and obedience, know­ing by experience that the French are as ready to serve when they hope [Page 483] to be recompensed, as negligent to performe, when they have obtained their desires.

He conferred the office of Super­intendant of the Finances, vacant by the death of the Marquis of Vie­ville, upon the a count de Servient Minister of State who had deserved well of the Crown, being very cordiall in the Kings service, and grown aged in the course of many useful negotiations, to whom he join­ed the Sieur de Fouquet Procurator General, who was also made Mini­ster of state, a person of great worth for his constant fidelity towards the King, whom in all things, but par­ticularly in the removall of the Parliament to Pontoise he had ser­ved with great zeale, so that at this time there was two Super-inten­dants of the Finances in France as also a Chancellour and a Keeper of the Seal, which though it seemed strange yet had been practised at [Page 484] other times, and namely, under the ministery of Cardinal Richelieu.

To these Superintendants were joyned four Intendants of the same Finances, who were the Sieurs de Paget, de Boisleve, de Hausset, and de Brisaciers, besides this, he gave good orders for the payment of the Kings revenues, to the relief and satisfaction of the Farmers, and Cardinal Antonio Barberin coming to Paris at this time, the dignity of great Almoner of France was con­ferred upon him, Vacant by the death of Cardinal Richilieu Archbi­shop of Lions. This was done by Mazarin to make his gratitude the more conspicuous, and to oblige him he conferred it on, more streightly to the Crown, esteeming his assistance in Rome necessary for the Interest of France, since that Cardinal Francesco his brother had given som jealousie of his intentions having lately done some ill offices in [Page 485] his tart Letters to His Majestie touching the direction of the Go­vernment.

It was discours'd at Court, that Barbarin had changed his first in­clinations, having been gained by the Pope and the Spaniards, upon the hopes of having the Ecclesiasti­cal Revenues of Naples and Sicily, restored to him, and the money sei­zed upon in Rome by the Chamber­lains when the Pope pretended to ruine the family of the Barberines, by forcing them to an account.

The Pope was inclined to a re­conciliation with the Barberines, because having not long to live, he thought it not convenient to leave his Kindred at variance with these great persons, who were still very powerful in Rome; the Spaniards also concurred herein, thereby to disengage this Family from their dependence on France, that they might not oppose them in the [Page 486] Election of a New Pope.

Cardinal Francesco cherishing himself (as was supposed) with these hopes, complain'd, having no other pretence, that they made little account of him in France, seeing that Cardinal Mazarine had mar­ried his Neece to the Duke of Mercoeur, without concerning himself to finde out a Match for the Prin­cess Lucretia Barberini, at which he manifested so much displeasure, that he sent his Nephew the Abbot Don Maffeo to Lions, to bring away, privately, the said Princess, and the Prince Don Carlo Praefect of Rome into the Countrey of Vicenza in Italy, which was done while Car­dinal Antonio was at Paris, without his having the least inckling of it.

This resolution seemed strange in France, and the more, because the same Cardinal Barbarine had sent his Cousin Colonel Vaini, a Person of great value and esteem, [Page 487] some years before into France, to ratifie the Espousals betwixt that Prince and his said Neece.

After this uniting of Cardinal Barberin with the Pope, to engage that family to him by a streighter Tye, a Marriage was concluded between Don Maffeo Barbarine, at that time Abbot, and a Grand Neece of his Holiness, in conside­ration of which, the Prince Go­vernour was promoted to the Car­dinalship, who renounced his Pri­mogeniture to his Brother Bride-groom, as hereafter shall be said.



  • Angers in Armes page 155
  • Archbishop of Rouen deputed to Court. page 157
  • Assembly of the Citizens of Paris. page 172
  • Army of the Princes at Estampes. page 175
  • Encamped betwixt St. Clou and Fu­renne. page 218
  • Assembly at the Palace-Royal. page 349.
  • Gives great disturbance to the Princes page 347
  • Brisac put into the Kings hands. page 326
  • The Battel in the Surburbs of St. An­thony page 230
  • Barcelona rendered to the Spaniards. page 415
  • Cardinal Mazarine his Birth 1 His Voyage into Spain. 2. He be­takes himself to the Wars. 3. Makes [Page] a Relation of the Affairs of the Valtoline. 5. Endeavors to put himself in the Barberins service, ib. Returns to his Studies, 6. Goes to Milan with Sacchetti, ib. Re­turns to Rome, 8. is sent back to Cardinal Antonio, 9. treats with the Count de Collalto, ib. He ca­ptivates the affection of the Duke of Savoy 11. Chasteauneuf ba­nished Paris 433 Chavigny en­deavours to make his Peace with Mazarine 380 his death 383 Counsellor Brussel lays down his office of Prevost of Merchants 346. Cardinal de Retz deputed to the King 328 The City begins to treat with the Court 338 Ca­sal delivered to the Duke of Man­tua 416 Cardinal Mazarine his Advice to the King 318 His re­turn to Paris. 477 His Artifi­ces to render the Princes odious to the Parisiens 292 his Plots to to reduce Bourdeaux 451 Con­trives [Page] the Imprisonment of Cardi­nal de Retz 435 He goes to the Camp 432 Endeavors to gain those of the contrary party 423 Cardinal Antonio Barbarin Le­gate à Latere for the Peace 8 Pro­tector of France 27 Sends Maza­rine to Spinola 16 Cardinal Francesco Barberine complains of Mazarine 21 Grows jealous of him 27 Cardinal Richlieu takes an affection to Mazarine 12 Con­spiracy of the Duke of Beaufort a­gainst Mazarine 45 Cardinal de Sancta Cicilia, Vice-Roy of Cata­lonia 48 The Coadjutor of Pa­ris, and the Count de Chavigny envy Mazarins fortune 60 Com­motions at Bourdeaux quieted 87 Cardinal Mazarine sent to the Court of France 11 treats with Car­dinal Richlieu ib. He begins to ren­der good Offices to the French, treats with Spinola ib. passes into Savoy to the King of France 14 after the death [Page] of Spinola he propounds a Suspen­sion of Arms 18 Concludes the Peace 19 treats secretly with the Duke of Savoy to deliver Pignerol to the French 20 Enters into the ser­vice of Cardinal Antonio 23 is made his Auditor ib. is sent Nun­tio Extraordinary into France, ib. gains the Affections of the French Ministers of State 24 is recall'd to Rome 25 the King of France recalls him to Paris 28 Nomi­nates him to the Cardinalship 29 Flempotentiary for France at the Treaty of Munster 30 Extra­ordinary Embassador into Savoy ib. is made Cardinal 32 Extraor­dinary Honour conferr [...]d on him, he causes the Command of the Army to be conferr'd to the Duke'd Angui­en 35 Godfather to the Dolphin 38 He endeavours to confirm the Alli­ance with the foreign Princes 40 He draws the Princes of Este to the French Faction 49 His good [Page] Offices to the Barberins 52 En­deavours to preserve the friendship of England 61 His dissimulation with Conde 72 His Art to draw the three Princess together ib. He endeavors to quiet Bourdeux 78 He leaves Paris 103 Arrives at Havre de Grace 102 Departs the Kingdom 105 He is comple­mented by several Princes 112 en­deavors to divide the Princes and the Frondeurs 113 Recall'd by the King 126 Returns into France with an Army 142 is kindly re­ceived by the King 151 Endea­vors to gain the Duke of Lorain 187 Raises discord among those at Bourdeaux 414 He encourageth the Court of Savoy to persist in their Union with France 421 Great commotions in Paris 130 Cha­fteauneuf chief Minister 132 re­tires from Court 156 The Count de Servient recalled to Court 158 the Count de Chavigny and o­thers [Page] dispatched to Court 177 con­sternation of the Parisiens upon the retreat of the Duke of Lorain 217 The Cardinal de Retz hinders the Peace 242 The Court resolves to destroy the Army of the Princes 228 The Court of Aids assemble at Pon­toise 338 The Colonels of Paris go to the King. page 386
  • The Duke of Angoulesm imprisoned 311 Duke of Orleans Lieutenant General of the Crown 286 The death of the Duke of Bouillon 226 Designes of the Cardinal the Retz 324 The Duke of Nemours slain by the Duke de Beaufort 295 Duke of Beaufort invites the people to assemble at the Place-Royal 208 Made Governour of Paris 258 re­nounces his Government 385 The Duke of Savoy complains of Spi­nola 14 the Duke of Lorain stopt going out of Paris 387 Dutchess of Chevreuse disgusted with the [Page] Prince of Conde 68 Divers Lords banish'd Paris 406 Distur­bances in divers parts of the King­dom 76 Duke of Wittenbergs baggage plundred 359 Dutchess of Chevreuse undertakes to free the Princes 81 Duke de Mercoeur marries the Cardinals Neece 126 His Marriage questioned in Par­lement 127 Decrees of the Parle­ment against the Cardinal 132 Death of the Count of Chavigny 135 Designs of the Coadjutor 145 Difference betwixt the Duke of Beaufort and Nemours 160 The Duke of Lorain marches into France 187 Dunkirk taken by the Spaniards 299 A dispute be­twixt the Citizens and Souldiers 317
  • Exceptions against the Amnesty page 313
  • Endeavors to take off the Duke of Orleans from Conde page 316
  • [Page]The Frondeurs of Bourdeux divided into two Factions 222 French Fleet in the Garonne page 462
  • A General Pardon granted by the King 311 the Guards of the Duke of Beaufort stopt the Gates of Paris page 363
  • Hoquincourt routed page 164
  • King of Spain takes away Spinola's command 15 The King draws near Paris 170 His Army at St. Denys 226 His Answer to Nesmond 272 Gives the Cardinal leave to depart 304 His Letters to the Co­lonels of Paris 354 His Answer to the Deputies of the City 357 His Answer to the Duke of Orle­ans his Letter 390 He comes to Paris 398 His Answer to the De­puties from the City. page 233
  • [Page]Losses of the French in Catalonia. page 90
  • Metz, Tul and Verdun confirm'd to France 44 Mareschal de Tu­renne advances against the Duke of Lorain 185 Mazarine studies to quiet the people 242 The Ma­reschal de l' Hospital his words to the Duke of Orleans 248 threat­ens the fellow that presented him the straw 250 Madamoiselle qui­ets the people 256 Manifesto of the Assembly at the Palace-Royal 351 Mazarine foments the War betwixt England and Holland 470 his Progress in Champagne page 476
  • New disturbances at Bourdeux page 413
  • Orbitello besieged by the French page 50
  • The Princes conducted to Havre de de Grace 89 The Pope disbands his Troops in the Valtoline 4 [Page] Satisfied with Mazarines Relati­on 8 Progress of the French in Flander 46 in Italy 48 Plom­bino and Porto Longone taken by the French 52 Three of the Par­lement of Paris imprisoned 58 Pa­ris besieged by the Kings 60 Prince of Conde dissatisfied with Maza­rine 64 displeased with the Fron­deurs 67 The three Princes im­prisoned 74 Prince of Conty pro­miseth to marry the Princess of Chevreuse 84 Princes freed from Prison 102 Paris alarm'd upon the Cardinals March 130 The Princes Army endeavors to hinder the Kings Passage 159 Prince of Conde comes to the Army 161 Pari­siens exclaim, against the Cardi­nal 166 Prince of Conde recei­ved with joy at Paris 169 The Parlement of Paris send Deputies to the King 180 The Princes desire Aid of the Spaniards 186 The President Nesmond deputed to the [Page] King 195 the people incensed a­gainst the Parlement 213 The four Proposals of the Duke of Orleans to the Parlement 259 Parlement of Tholouse declare against that of Paris 291 The Parisiens com­plain of the Prince 294 The Par­lement removed to Pontoise 300 That at Paris declared unlawful 305 Prince Thomas of Savoy chief Minister in Mazarines ab­sence 308 Prince of Conde sends to take the Cardinal Prisoners 310 The Perisiens weary of the Warre 327 The Prince of Conde leaves Paris 388 Prince Thomas ad­vises the King to go to Paris 393 President Brussel stays privately in Paris 411 Progress of the Prince of Conde's Army in Champagne 430 The Parlement at Pontoise return to Paris 396 The Preach­ers in Bourdeaux perswade the people to Loyalty 463 Parlement of Bourdeaux removed to Agen [Page] 464 Progress of the Royallists in Guienne page 466
  • The Queen of France anualls the Kings Will 38 Queen of Eng­land visits the Dutchess of Orle­ans page 407
  • Roses in Catalonia relieved by the French 490 Royallists assault St. Clou page 183
  • The Spaniards retire from the Siege of Casal page 10
  • Spinola made Governour of Milan. ibid.
  • Surprize of Mantua page 14
  • The Spaniards complain of the French for putting forces into Casal 19 [Page] open enemies to Mazarine 20 They invited the Parifiens to a Treaty of Peace 85 Servient, Tellier and Lionne retire from Court 122 The Spaniards take Graveling and Irino 168 The sedition begun at the Townhouse 250 Succours out of Flanders to the Prices 262 A Sea-fight be­twixt the French and Spaniards 297 The Spanish Army marches to Paris 323 Several imprisoned at Bourdeux page 458
  • Tumults in Guienne 78 Tumults in Provence quieted by the Duke of Mercoeur 223 Turenne discamps from Villeneufve St. George page 377
  • War betwixt England and Holland. page 467


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THE HISTORY OF THE MANAGEMENTS OF Cardinal JƲLIO MAZARINE Chief MINISTER of STATE of the Crown of FRANCE. Written in Italian by Count Ga­leazzo Gualdi Priorato. And Tran­slated according to the Original. In the which Are Related the Principal Successes Hap­pened from the Beginning of his Ma­nagement of Affairs till his Death.

Tom. I. Part II.

LONDON, Printed by H. Lloyd for George Calvert and Sam. Sprint at the Ball in Duck-lane, and Chri­stopher Wilkinson at the black Boy, over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet. 1672.


THE YEAR 1652. concluding with worse Fortune and Success to the Crown of France, then it had begun; Cardinal Mazarine being trium­phantly returned to Paris with the universal Applause (either true or pretended) of the People and Par­liament it self, which had treated him so ignominiously not long be­fore; and wounded his reputation with so many extravigant injuries, [Page 2] applied himself with great dili­gence to the continuation of the Government, as well in its Poli­tick, as Military Authority, en­deavouring both by his Negotiati­ons and his Armes, not only to re­duce the disobedient and seditious Towns that were in rebellion at home, but to purge the Kingdom of all Foreign Armies, and restore it to its primitive Potency and Grandeur.

Proceeding therefore in his Pre­parations for War, the Cardinal in the first place caused several sums of money to be paid to the Colonels and Captains of the old Troops for their Recruits, and Commissions to be given out for new Levies; he thought it necessary likewise to entertain a Squa­dron of German Horse, as Persons very proper for his Incampments, and constant to the Party in which they engage, to that end he dis­patch'd [Page 3] the Count de Nantueil, Monsieur Milet, Monsieur Gontier, Monsieur Gravelle and others into Germany with ready money, as like­wise the Counts de Grandprè, and Beaujeu, into the Countrey of Liege.

And because of the loss of Casal, and the Preparations for War which the Spaniards made in the State of Milan, (where great Re­cruits were expected, as well from Naples as Germany) Piedmont was so dangerously threatned, that the Duke of Savoy by his rieterated so­licitations, prest hard for consider­able supplies, or else to be permit­ted to enter into a Neutrality with Spain; the Court of France dis­patch'd into Piedmont 4500 Foot, and 1500 Horse, which arrived happily in the Month of May at Anone, as an insorcement to the French Troops already in those parts under the Command of [Page 4] Count de Quincy, till the Arrival of a Mareschal of France, who was expected every day.

And because the Spaniard con­tinued the Negotiations which were begun long before with the Duke of Savoy, to gain him to their party, or at least reduce him to a Neutrality, by their advan­tageous Exhibitions, to which a Minister of that Court appear'd to be inclin'd; The King sent Mon­sieur de Plessis Besanzon his Lieute­nant General, with the Title of one of his Gentlemen, to all the Princes of Italy, to Negotiate a­bout the present Affairs of those parts.

In execution therefore of his Orders, Besanzon advanced with great diligence to Turin, from whence, Having assured the Duke that his Majesty would maintain the Treaty of Chirasco, that he would defend Piedmont, always pro­tect [Page 5] that State, and cause an Ar­my with considerable Comman­ders to march immediately thither; to that purpose he proceeded to Casal, where he found the Duke of Mantua at that time, and being receiv'd with the honours usually exhibited to the Kings Embassa­dor, he contracted his business in­to two Points. One was, that His Majesty should be satisfy'd about the interest of Casal, and that that place should be put into a conditi­on, not to be surprized, exchanged, or fall any other way into the hands of the Spaniard. The other was, about the pretences the Mi­nisters of Spain might make under the name of the said Duke of Man­tua to Montferrat, which was then in possession of Savoy, forasmuch as His most Christian Majesty wa [...] ready to deposit the sum contained in the Treaty of Chirasco, for th [...] discharge of the House of Savo

[Page 6]To these two Propositions the Duke reply [...]d, That he esteem'd the coming of the said Monsieur du Plessis as a particular favour, not doubting but he (as a prudent person) would apprehend the ne­cessity which obliged him to pos­sess himself of those places, and be perswaded, that by no accident whatever, he should be alienated from that devotion, which upon so many reasons and obligations his Highness profess'd to His most Christian Majesty; so he hoped also on the Other side, he would shew himself so courteous, as to convince His said Majesty, that he was resolved to hazard his own life and estate, and the lives and estates of all his subjects, before he would suffer the Spaniards or any other to make themselves Master of the said places. That it might possibly be, the money for the pay­ment of the Garrison might come [Page 7] out of the Coffers of the King of Spain, which yet was more then he knew; but however, he pro­tested he receiv'd it as coming from the Empress his Aunt, and her Sister, under whose Authority that Treaty was concluded.

That whenever he should be re­possess'd of that part of the estate, which the House of Savoy, with manifest injustice detein'd from him, and might freely make use of those Rents, as he had formerly done: and as he had often pro­tested against the Treaties, which were never consented to by the House of Mantua, as being too much to its prejudice, he would maintain that Garrison himself without the assistance of any one, and therefore he conceived in that respect it would have been more proper for him to have been sent to the Court of Savoy, to have in­terpos'd his Majesties Authority [Page 8] there, and caus'd them without further expostulation, to have re­stor'd what so unjustly they de­tein'd, then to address himself to his Highness, who would be more ready to embrace ways of Amity and Peace, then of Violence and War, which he knew would di­sturb the quiet of all Italy, so much desired and endeavoured by the House of Mantua, which would clearly appear to whoever would impartially look back, and con­sider who they were which did really interrupt it; and at length he told him that he could not in reason accept of the sum he was of­fer'd, seeing he had not only not consented to, but oppos'd the a­foresaid Treaties; and besides, the said sums would fall much short of what was due, by reason of the advantages had been made of the rents of it, since the House of Sa­voy had it in their hands.

[Page 9] Du Plessis had declar'd before, both to the Duke, and the Mar­quess de la Val, his Highnesses prime Minister, that they could not satisfie France any other way, but by putting the affairs of Casal and Monferrat in the same conditi­on they were in, before his High­ness made use of the Spaniards to cause the French to march out. But perceiving by their Answers, both by word of mouth and in writing, that that instance was in vain, and believing it would be sufficient for His Majesty (consi­dering the importance of the place) if it were well fortified and provi­ded with a Garrison independent on the Spaniards, and able to keep them out upon any pretence what­soever; he propos'd, that to sa­tisfie those ends if it were possible, That half the Garrison should consist of the subjects of the said Duke, and the other half of Swisses, [Page 10] raised in the Catholick Cantons, That all of them should remain under the Command and Autho­rity of his Highness. That one half of them should be paid by His most Christian Majesty, and the other half by the Princes and Potentates of Italy, his Allies, and such as were most interested in that Affair: He considered this Expedient would be a great ease to the Dukes Treasures, till a Gene­ral Peace could be concluded bet­wixt the two Crowns; upon such conditions as should be proper to draw his Highness out of the ne­cessity (in which he was at that time) of taking money of the Spaniards, which was a thing much to the dishonor of those who had so often defended that place against them, and might at length pro­duce inconveniences absolutely re­pugnant to the quiet and security of the said Duke and his subjects.

[Page 11] John Coexens, Secretary to the Emperess Leonora, whom she had sent Post with all possible dili­gence, to the end he might in her behalf, and in the name of the Emperess Regnant, superintend the said Treaty, was arrived, and at that time present in the Court.

Whereupon the Duke, having communicated the aforesaid Pro­positions with him, he replied, That his Highness's Aunt and her Sister, would have no small reason to complain, if, after his Catholick Majesty had pass't his Royal word, that all things should always be maintained in the free disposition of his Highness, and they re­ceived that Promise as a great Obligation, he should have re­course to other persons for the sub­sistence of his Troops, and de­monstrate so little faith and confi­dence in his Majesty, whose inter­est it was to conserve his Famil [...] [Page 12] and his Estate: To this Coexens added, That it would be taken ill from his Highness, if while he re­ceived Investiture for Montferrat from his Imperial Majesty, he should receive into the places de­pending upon it, either Garrison or money from any other Prince, without the Privity and Consent of the said Emperour, and the ra­ther, because the aforesaid Empe­resses, his Aunt and her Sister were his Sureties in that Affair.

At length all the Dukes An­swers were reduc'd to one Point, which was this, That if the E­states which were taken from him, and possest by the House of Savoy were restored, and all the rents which belong'd to them, he should be able without assistance from any person to secure and preserve those places himself. But Monsieur du Plessis, who foresaw that would be the most ready and the most pro­per [Page 13] Answer could be given, was not however satisfy'd with his Answer, though, as the Duke told him, he doubted not but upon a prudent and serious reflexion he would approve it, and according to his accustomed courtesie repre­sent it to the King, adding a thou­sand Professions of the Obsequi­ousness and Devotion he intended always to preserve for his Ma­jestie.

Du Plessis was not at all satis­fied with his Answers, and there­fore finding his Propositions despe­rate, having received many ho­nours, and demonstration of esteem as to his person, but refus'd the Pre­sents which the Duke out of his Generosity design'd for him, de­parting from Casal, he return'd to Turin, from whence he gave the King an account of his Negotiati­on; From Turin he was conducted to Genoa, here he transacted with [Page 14] that state to their mutual satis­faction; from thence he went to Parma, and Modena, and having managed his Affairs there with the same good success, he arrived at Venice the 24. of July.

The substance of his Negotia­tion was, to let the Princes of I­taly know of what importance it was to them to have Pignerol con­served in the hands of the French; That the Treaty of Chirasco should be observ'd, and that satisfaction should be given to His most Chris­tian Majesty, by the Duke of Mantua, in reference to the Affair of Casal, to prevent those disorders which would be pernicious to the quiet and liberty of Italy, if his most Christian Majesty, should be constrain'd to transport his Arms into the very heart of Lombardy, as without their compliance he would be necessitated to do.

The Mareschal Turenne was [Page 15] confirm'd in the Command of his Army against the Spaniards in Flanders; for his Lieutenant-Ge­nerals he had deputed the Marquess de Uxelles, the Count de Beaujeu, the Sieurs de Castelneau, and de Sant Maur, all brave persons, of great experience and renown. There were designed likewise 7500 Horse and Foot for Rossiglion and Cata­lonia, under the Command of Ma­reschal Hoqiuncourt; and at last, after several Negotiations, by the intercession of the Bishop of Xain­tes, he prevail'd upon the Count de Ognon, to resign the Govern­ments of the Countrey of Aunis, the Isles of Oleron and Rhe, and the strong Town of Brouages, which he held as the Queens Lieutenant-General, upon the paying him 3000 Francs, and delivering a Pa­tent to be Duke, Pair and Ma­reschal of France.

The Reasons upon which this [Page 16] person was brought to this resig­nation was this, That not being able to stand upon his own legs, he must have been constrained to have thrown himself under the Protection of Spain, or of England, or return to his obedience to his Majesty; so that foreseeing dis­creetly, he should at last become a prey to those who had undertaken his defence, and considering that it is the property of a wise man to prevent other people, and not at­tend till they be circumvented themselves, and to return with se­curity to his own Countrey, and obedience to his natural Sove­reign, rather then plunge his Name and Family in perpetual Infamy, he resolv'd to surrender all into His Majesties hands.

The Lieutenancy of all these Governments was confirm'd upon Monsiëur d' Estrades, a Person of tried integrity and experience.

[Page 17]The Lieutenancy of Brouage was given to Monsieur Champfleury; that of Oleron to Monsieur de St. Leonard; the Fort of Preda in the Isle of Rhe to the Sieur de Louch­es, and the Towers of Rochel to Sieur de Aunais, all four the Car­dinals Confidents, with whose contrivances Fortune very courte­ously corresponding, by his suc­cess, and his wisdom together, he managed things so well, the effects still rendred his Actions most com­mendable and glorious.

Mazarine was in the mean time contriving all ways most probable to reduce the minds of the discon­tented, by gentle rather then by vi­olent means; he heaped up great Treasures of money for the pay­ment of the Souldiers, and for the carrying on of the War. The Recruits of the old Troops, and the Levies of new, were not small, nor difficult, in respect that the [Page 18] reputation of the Cardinal among the Souldiers prevail'd over any interest whatever, they applying themselves with effectual diligence to such ways as might render them grateful, and enable them to merit his favour, which was so exceed­ingly desired by them all: and this was the cause, that by their fidelity and assistance he undertook such Enterprizes, and succeeded con­trary to the opinions of those who were emulous of his honour.

The principal design of the Car­dinal, was to calm all intestine A­gitations, and reunite the distract­ed minds of the French; and con­sidering, that restoring France to its former Amity and Obsequious­ness to its King, there would be no further apprehension of any Foreign Power, he addrest him­self therefore with the utmost of his industry and his Arms, to re­duce Guienne to its duty, not omit­ting [Page 19] what correspondences he could make with the inhabitants of the Town of Bourdeaux, with several of which he treated to that pur­pose: In the mean time, he gave peremptory Orders, that the Ri­ver called the Garonne, which pas­ses by that City, should be stopt up, to the end, that perceiving all succour excluded, all Commerce intercepted, and the Kings Army encompassing the Town, they might be terrifi'd into a surrender, without the hazard of fighting.

The Duke of Vendosme with his Fleet, possest himself of the Passes upon the River, and by building of Forts in places of most import­ance, and with his Forces by land, had already beaten off the Princes Troops from several Posts; upon which it was resolv'd in His Maje­sties Councel, to transmit a new Amnesty to the Citizens of that Town, to let them understand, [Page 20] that notwithstanding the advanta­ges the King had, which rendred affairs almost secure and infallible, yet such was his gracious clemen­cy, that he stood always with his Arms open to receive them again into his favour, who had so un­gratefully offended him.

This Amnesty was published and registred in the Parliament, transferr'd to Agen, upon which divers Assemblies were held in Bourdeaux, in which the most mo­derate declar'd themselves very sensibly for their Countrey, ma­king it plain and palpable, in what damages and dangers those sub­jects would finde themselves invol­ved, who establish't the Fabrick of their contumacy and disobedience upon the foundation of foreign as­sistance; but the incentives o [...] ambition, and the temerity of th [...] multitude were too potent to be capable of Reason, so that they [Page 21] [...]mmerged themselves over head and ears in their former presum­ption, and more particularly those of the Olmiera, who perverting the Counsels of the good Citizens, and calling them unfaithful, who with more fidelity and reason prosecuted the advantage of the Publick, they rejected all their Counsels and Ad­vice, threatning those who spake any thing to the contrary, insulting the more, by how much they would have them perswaded that the said Propositions were rather an effect of the weakness of the Kings Power, then of the sincerity of his heart.

They believ'd their best sup­port was that which was promis'd [...]hem by the Spaniard, who with their money and their insinuations, gain'd daily upon the Principals of [...]hat Counsel and Faction. They presumed likewise, that the Eng­ [...]ish would not neglect so favourable [Page 22] an occasion of improving their in­terests in the divisions of France, and assisting that City, which was upon the point of establishing it self into a Commonwealth, like another Rochel. They hoped the Prince of Condy, with his Flan­ders Army would be able to force his way to the very gates of Paris, and give them so strong a diversi­on in those parts, that the Kings forces would not be strong enough to do any thing there, where the Princess, the Prince of Conty, and the Dutchess of Longueville with their presence, gave so great lustre to the darkness which overspread the Town.

These Considerations were very plausible; and their fair Shew had a great power to effacinate the eyes, even of Prudence it self, so that the spirits of the people were become so obsti­nately perverse, that the reestablish­ment [Page 23] of the Kings Authority in those parts, was esteemed a very difficult if not an impossible thing, so strangely were they possest of the irresistable assistance of the Spaniard, who with a vast Profusi­on of money, omitted no provision that might quicken that party, which was so likely to contribute to his Grandeur. But, as private interest for the most part prevails over the publick, and hopes that are only grounded upon appear­ance, produce the least fruit, so the Bourdelots in time found it true to their Costs. For though they dispatcht their Deputies to Lon­don, to that Parliament and Crom­well, to represent of what import­ance it was to England to assist them at that time, and to foment the divisions in France; and though the English understood their interest well enough, and were likewise in­clined to their assistance, yet those [Page 24] inclinations were overweighed by other reflexions, relating more to their future then to their present advantage.

The English at that time were at Wars with the Hollander, and their new Government stood upon too tottering a foundation, to embark in such mighty designes. The consideration, that the ruine of France would be the aggrandish­ment of Spain, (which was al­ways a more implacable enemy to their Religion) made them recol­lect that a rupture with France at that time would not suit with their present affairs, in respect that the French accommodating (as proba­bly in that case they would do) with the Crown of Spain, they would be able by a Conjunction afterwards with Holland, and by the intelligence they had with the English, who for the most part sub­mitted to that new Government, for [Page 25] want of power to dispute it any longer) they might bring King Charles once more into that King­dom, and pull that slautry and confusion upon their own backs, which they design'd upon their Neighbours: whereupon their re­solution being to foment the dif­ferences betwixt the two Crowns equally, and with such Artifice, that should harrase and weaken one another, and not engage them­selves wholly with one, which would be the way to drive them to a Peace, the people of Bourdeaux had but small hopes of expectation of assistance from England.

Besides these, there was ano­ther reason more secret and in­trinsick then the rest; and that was a private design which Crom­well had to reform that Govern­ment, which he knew well e­nough, (not suiting with his de­signs) [Page 26] to be of no long duration; so that it was not convenient for him to engage in any foreign troubles, whilst the discontents and emulations at home gave him such employment both for his Counsels and Armes. Yet though President Bourdeaux the French Embassador at London assur'd his Master, that the English would conserve the Peace, and continue their intelligence with that Crown; nevertheless, the people of Bourdeaux did not absolutely de­spair, but that at length some re­solution would be taken for their relief, flattering themselves, that when the peace with the Hollan­der (at that time in Agitation) should be concluded, and those differences compos'd, they would apply themselves to their interests and support.

In the mean time the Spaniard used all possible Art to propagate [Page 27] their troubles, and make his ad­vantage thereby. But his Indian Fleet being insufficient, and his Treasure at home too small to sa­tisfie all sollicitations, and main­tain War in so many places; be­sides, the Kingdoms and States under the dominion of that Mo­narchy, being almost depopulate with long Wars, and by conse­quence unable to afford them suf­ficient supplies of men, they were forc't to address themselves to the English for a certain number out of Ireland, which were immediate­ly rais'd and transported, to evacu­ate that Countrey of such persons as were Catholicks, and ill-affected to the new Commonwealth. In Germany and other parts they could make no levies at all; insomuch than being uncapable of making any benefit of so benigne a Con­juncture, it made the weak­ness of the Spaniard more then [Page 28] ordinarily conspicuous.

To the reinforcement of the Princes party 2000 Irish were sent at several times into Guienne. The Marquess of Santa Croce had Orders to refit the Navy in the Bay of Biscay, the Baron Batteville to beat up his drums for men, and to provide Ammunition and all Accommodation for their speedy return into the Garonne; besides which, large Promises, and a considerable sum of ready money was sent to Bourdeaux, and into Flanders to hasten new Levies, and reinforce those Armies, that by the assistance of the Prince of Condy and his party, they might be able to make a vigorous In­road upon the French on that side, whilst the forces of Bourdeaux gave them strong and considerable diversion on the other.

The money which was remitted was very welcom to those that [Page 29] had the good fortune to receive it; who, for the most part, mis­appli'd it, and converted to their own, what was intended for the publick use; by which means the designes and deliberations of the Catholick Court, were not only retarded, but oftimes precipita­ted; for being so remote from those Provinces in which the War was carried on, it could not contribute nor proportion its Re­cruits, according to the suddenness and variety of the Accidents which hapned; an inconvenience of great importance to that Crown, by which the wisest and most prudent of their resolutions have been many times enervated and lost.

To these Reasons another may be added, and that is that the Royal Council of Spain was from time to time deluded by the suc­cessive relations they receiv'd from [Page 30] the French in their service, who (magnifying the power and in­terest of their party, and villifying that of the Kings) fill'd the heads even of the gravest of them, with vain and impertinent hopes, and they taking their measures ac­cordingly, found themselves at last not only mistaken, but involv'd in greater difficulties then be­fore.

On the other side, the French being an united and entire body, able to derive Orders immediatly to its several members; and be­ing animated and directed in their affairs by Cardinal Mazarin, a Person of miraculous knowledge in the nature and interest of all Nations; no wonder, if he knew how to make his advantages, and apply remedies to the maladies of that Country, which without his Judgment and dilligence, would by degrees have grown incurable.

[Page 31]In the mean time then, whilst in the Court of Spain they were con­triving expedients to foment the troubles in France; and in France the Cardinal was as busie to re­invigorate the declining Grandeur of that Kingdom: the Generals of the Armies on both sides, omit­ted no opportunities that might advance the interest of their seve­ral Princes. The Count Marcin, General for the Prince of Conde in Guienne, desirous to enlarge his Quarters, by the taking in of such places as were most easie to be attaqu'd, he commanded out Colonel Baltassar with 800 Irish, to fall upon Grenada on the Garonne in the County of Grave, as a place which would facilitate his passage into the County's of Armaniack and d' Auches: The Sieur Baz en­deavor'd to possess himself of a Pass upon the River call'd La dou­xand, hoping to force the Chevalier [Page 32] de Aubeterre to abandon those pla­ces, that he might enter with great profit and advantage to himself and his Party: Bat Monsieur de Aubeterre, having intelligence of his design, with a Party of 300 Horse, and some commanded Mus­quetiers, fell so furiously upon his Forlorn (which consisted of some select Horse and Foot drawn out of their Gross) that without so much as drawing a sword, they be­took themselves to their heels, part of them being drown'd in the River, and part taken Priso­ners by the enemy.

The inhabitants of Sarlat, being much infested by the Garrisons be­longing to the Princes, took heart at this good success, and signifi'd to the Marquess of Sovebeuf, that if he pleas'd to advance at a cer­tain time with his Troops, they would receive him into the Town by a private Water-course which [Page 33] ran under the Town-wall: but that design miscarrying, the Towns-men attempted to corrupt some of the Officers of the Gar­rison, whom they perceiv'd dis­contented with their General; and having concluded an intelli­gence with them: they gave no­tice thereof to the Duke of Can­dale, who sending them a party of four hundred men under the Com­mand of the Count Marin: On the 23. of May, an houre before-day, they were receiv'd by the Sieur Boreel, Advocate and Coun­sellor for the City, where having joyn'd with what forces could be made in the Town, they march'd immediately to the Bishops Pa­lace, where Chavagnac was quar­tered at that time. Chavagnac be­ing awak'd with the noise, leap'd out of his bed, and endeavor'd to escape in his shirt; but he was pursued by the Citizens and taken [Page 34] Prisoner. The main Guard in the Market-place made some little defence, till the Sieur Boismale, their Lieutenant Colonel, three Captains, and other inferiour Of­ficers were slain. Chambelloy their Camp-Master, della Roche their Field-Marshal, and the rest of the Officers who had barricadoed themselves up in the houses, sur­rendred, and voluntarily took up Arms for the King.

This fortunate Acquisition was seconded by the taking in of seve­ral other places and walled Towns, in which the Princes forces were quartered: so that the Kings Army advancing towards Bordeaux on all sides, and the City every day streightned more then other, the sober and more provident part of them, were in no little distraction to consider the consequences which were too likely to follow, they foresaw, that without a sudden and [Page 35] a vigorous supply (the Kings Ar­my encreasing daily as it did) all would in a short time be reduc'd to the utmost extremity.

The City of Bordeaux was at this time capable of relief but two ways, either from England or Spain. To which end the Sieur de Couppes, and Count Marsin's Secretary were dispatch'd to Saint Sebastian, and from thence to the Court of Spain to sollicit the per­formance of their Promises made for the support of those Parts, which being the most expos'd of all the Provinces and Cities in France, brought Bordeaux into a dilemma of becoming a prey to those that fought against it, or those which defended it.

In the mean time, the Sieur de Saint Agolin had not been wanting in his solicitations in Spain, to press the dispatch of their Fleet, and the supplies of money which had [Page 36] bin promis'd, and at last practi­sed in the name of his Master the Prince of Condy, that unless a considerable sum was sent before the last of that month (which was February) he should be constrain'd to depart. They had already dis­burs'd 100000 Crowns, which they had sent to Bordeaux; but upon the Arrival of de Chouppes, who was immediately followed by a Deputy from the Counsel of Olmiera: the Court of Spain being fully inform'd of the danger all Guienne was in, by the vigilancy of Cardinal Mazarin, they immedi­ately dispatch'd 30000 Pistols to Priscay, with peremptory Orders to put forth six of their most consi­derable Ships, and four Fireships, with all possible diligence, that they might force their way into the Garonne, and oppose them­selves against the French.

The said Persons were likewise [Page 37] immediatly returned with 150000 Crowns more for the Prince of Conde; and because it was concei­ved, that the Sieur Lenet had not observ'd the respect which was due to the Prince of Conty, by rea­son of his particular intimacy and correspondence which he held with Conte Marsin, who had no great veneration for the said Prince; there were Instructions given by the Spanish Ministers, which way they should conduct themselves for the future, in the maintenance and support of the Condean Party. But the Count d' Ognon's Accommodation with the King of France, did not a little startle Don Lewis de Haro, and the rest of the Grandees of the Coun­cil; the foundation they had laid upon the fidelity of this Cavalier, (who had franckly undertaken the defence of Guienne) being taken a­way, and no grounds left for any [Page 38] future resolution, by reason of the inconstancy of the French, who would promise the highest fidelity one day, and the next day leave them in the lurch. So that the Kings party increasing hourly in those parts, and the Princes grow­ing every day weaker, their ap­prehensions could not but be very great; nevertheless, in this very Exigence, the Court of Spain fail'd not to send their Orders, to suggest their Counsels, to transmit Men and Money, as far as the utmost of their power and ability would ex­tend.

Not long after, the Baron Batteville represented to the Court the difficulty of getting in to the Garonne, unless he were re­inforc'd with a much stronger Squadron of Ships. Twenty thou­sand Crowns were immediatly dis­patch'd to him with new Orders to ship himself upon the aforesaid six [Page 39] Men of war and to put 500 Irish into Bordeaux: But affairs chang­ing daily their face, it was neces­sary to change Counsels as often, and Batteuille being unable to ex­ecute them without further sup­plies, their Commands were re­ceived oftner then put in exe­cution.

After this, the Marquess of Lu­signan was dispatch'd in great haste from Bordeaux to Madrid, where he Arrived in May. The pretence of this Embassy was to complement his Catholick Majestie, upon the recovery of the Queen, who had had the small Pox, with great danger of her life, besides the King him­self had been ill five or six days of a Feaver: But the intrinsick reason was the soliciting for fresh forces in respect the French had made themselves Masters of the Garonne, and fortified it so, that it would be no easy matter to remove [Page 40] them; and by consequence the Kings Army increasing without interruption, as it did, it must needs follow that Bourdeaux must be lost.

Lusignan had many fair Promi­ses, 200000 Crowns were deli­ver'd to him, and the Dis­patches for the Ships from Port de Passage consigned to him: Not long after, that design being look'd upon as impos­sible, Battiville had new Instructi­ons, if it were possible, to get into Bourdeaux by the Lake of Arca­zon, with all imaginable diligence, to keep that people in their fideli­ty, and support as much as in him lay, the drooping spirits of the Prince of Conty, and the rest of the Officers in his Party. He had Orders moreover to propose three things to them, viz. Whe­ther they would have the Spanish Fleet force its way up the River [Page 41] Garonne, and fight them; Whe­ther they would have them clap before the Mouth of the River, and lie there; Or whether they thought it not more convenient for them to cruse along the Coasts of Britain and Normandy; and by alarming them in those parts, give them a diversion in Guienne.

Nine hundred more Irish were dispatch'd into Guienne, and Let­ters sent Post to the Arch-Duke, and the Ministers in Flanders, that they should take the Field with all Expedition, that they should sup­ply the Prince of Condy with 200000 Crowns mere for the re­inforcement of his Troops, to put him into a Condition to march immediatly for France.

The Spaniard considering, that Mazarine being in all likelihood thereby constrained, to draw down what force he could make against that Invasion, would not be able [Page 42] to pursue his Enterprizes against Guienne, but by consequence give them opportunity to make Provisions for the defence of that Province. But neither in this could the Spaniard compass his de­sign; for the Ship which carried the 300000 Crowns into Flan­ders, to hasten that Affair, falling unluckily into the hands of the English, they made no scruple to to seize upon it, (though the King of Spain was at that time in Amity with that Nation) and to stop the Ship likewise for some time, it being a Dutch bottom.

Nor was this Miscarriage to be imputed to the negligence of the Ministers, but to the uncer­tainty of humane accidents, which many times run counter, though managed and contrived by the best Counsels in the World.

Besides these sums, 30000 Pi­stols more were sent to the Fleet, [Page 43] with express Orders to Batteville, to try all ways of introducing himself into the Garonne, and open a Passage into the Town; to which end, and no other, that sum was intended.

At the same time, the Count de Fiesco and several other persons went also into Spain, to represent the necessities of those parts, and to sollicit for relief. But some are of opinion, the chief end of these journeys, was to receive Presents and Gratuities, which the King of Spain distributed very liberally to all French-men that came to his Court; so that many pretended to joyn with him, more to be nibling at his money, then out of any true service they intended him; and it is believ'd, that if the mo­ney he in this manner distributed among the French-men, were fair­ly computed, it would appear suf­ficient to have conquered a whole [Page 44] Kingdom; and yet either by their treachery or inexperience, all these vast sums were utterly lost, and these great preparations become entirely ineffectual.

In the mean time the Duke of Vandosme, was employ'd in hasten­ing the building of Caesars Fort up­on the Garonne, as likewise ano­ther in the Countrey betwixt the two Seas, beginning above Val­lier, before the house of Ali­net, who considering of what importance it would be, to inter­rupt the Communication betwixt the several Posts belonging to the Prince, and the Town of Bordeaux, if he could possess himself of Ler­mont, which was situate exactly upon the mouth of the River, and Garrison'd by 500 Irish, under the Command of Colonel Dillon; On the 26. of May he caused the Tertia's of Moasieur Milleray and Normandy, to be drawn out and [Page 45] ship'd in such Galleys and Brigan­tines as he had ready, under the Command of the Chevalier d' Al­bret his Camp-Master, who with o­thers being embark'd, they sally'd forth by the favour of the Tyde, against the Galliots which lay un­der that place.

Being arriv'd, there disbarqu't the Count of Comminges, the Lieu­tenant General, the two Brothers, the Count and Baron of Montesson, the Baron of Croix Camp-Master, and Sir George Carteret, who (as they say) perswaded the Gover­nour of the place, to take up Arms with his whole Party for the King of France. They agreed upon the paiment of 7500 Franks to deliver up the Town, and it was done ac­cordingly, for the Irish Soldiers be­ing much discontented, and look­ing upon themselves as sold to the Spaniards like so many slaves, did not hold themselvs oblig'd to them by any faith or duty in the world. [Page 46] The rest indeed had followed their Example, out of a temple they had taken up, that they could not in conscience serve the Spaniard, because of the League and Amity at that time betwixt them and the English, to whom they were pro­fest enemies. But Marsin foresee­ing the danger, had provided ve­ry politickly against it, by con­firming the Officers of their Ter­tia's to put Hostages into his hands.

The loss of Lermont was a cool­ing Card to the Bordelots, it being of such importance, that by the ta­king of it, the Kings Army intercep­ted the benefit of the River, in the dominion of which their loss of security consisted.

Notwithstanding all these ad­vantages, the King desisted not from his Overtures of Peace, with the milder sort of his Rebels, and that in such manner as gave them [Page 47] more assurance of his Pardon, then suspicion of his revenge; so that in the Month of May he publish'd an­other General Amnesty, in such terms as demonstrated his incli­nation to be less vindicative then merciful. Upon this Proclama­tion the Bonrdelots call'd a General Assembly in the Town-Hall, where it was consulted, Whether it was better to accept of this Act of Oblivion, and put an end to their miseries, or persist in their Contu­macy. The sober part was of o­pinion, it was more expedient for subjects to live in obedience to their natural Prince, then in the shadow of liberty under a stranger. The fear of the Olmiera made eve­ry body startle, yet in private, things were largely debated by some of the Olmiesti; but the ob­stinacy of the Populacy, could not be over-ruled by any politick con­siderations. As if they had been [Page 48] all bewitch'd by the Spaniards, they were possest with an opinion that they should be set at liberty immediately; they perswaded themselves they should have what­ever they desir'd: they believ'd no­thing but what agreed with their own imaginations; and conclu­ding they had that sure in their own hands, which was but the false reflexion of the Artifice of the Princes; they resolv'd, That no Amnesty should be propos'd or accepted, but such in which the consent and satisfaction of the Prince of Condy should concur, for whose sake they had taken Arms, and brought the War home to their own doors; and if any should be so audacious to deliver his opi­nion to the contrary, as a Trai­tor to his Countrey, he was to be thrown headlong into the River. They argued, that the Offers made them by the Court, [Page 49] was but the effect of their weak­ness, and the product of necessi­ty, rather then any Compassion to them; and in that mind they suppos'd themselves able to justi­fy their disobedience to the King; especially if by their sollicitations in England, they could prevail with Cromwell to undertake their defence, they doubted not in that case, but under his protection they should be able to vindicate their liberty, and shake off their Dependance upon their natural Prince. But these being the dic­tates of fury and passion, ra­ther then rational deductions, it was not long before they found themselves deceived by the vani­ty of their imaginations.

The Court of France perceiv­ing therefore all the ways they had taken, to sweeten the ob­stinacy and fierceness of the peo­ple, to be absolutely ineffectual, [Page 50] they gave themselves over to a re­solution of acting with all seve­rity and vigor against that Rebel­lious City.

Orders were sent to that end, that by streightning it on all sides, it should be necessitated to return to its duty, seeing no other way was like to succeed. Above all, they were to secure the River, against whatever at­tempt should be made by the Spaniard, for if they could cut off the benefit of that from them, the City would be desperate in a short time; especially if they could keep things in that po­sture till the Vintage was over, for that being in the power of the Kings Army, and to be destroyd or intercepted by them as they pleas'd, there could be no grea­ter loss nor punishment befal them, the Estates of the chiefest Citizens in the Town consisting [Page 51] principally in the plenty and ex­cellence of their Wines, which they selling yearly to the English, Hollander, and other Northern Nations, afforded them very con­siderable profit.

But because it was necessary likewise, to provide for the Frontiers towards Flanders, where the Prince of Condy (joyn'd with the Spaniards) made Extraordi­nary preparations, boasting of what he would do that Cam­pagne, by means of the places he held in the Province of Cham­pania, and the intelligence he had settled with his friends in Paris, towards which City he gave out he would march directly. The Cardinal with no less dili­ligence provided to prevent him; making all provisions to oppose him; he consider'd that all consist­ed in the unity of the forces of that Kingdom; That his greatest [Page 52] difficulty would be to preserve himself against his enemies at home; That if he could not reduce the Prince of Condy to his Alle­giance, (whose mind was elated with high hopes and advanta­ges, he expected from Spaine) it would be his best way by all pos­sible means to lessen his party and reputation in France, so as he might be left as it were a bare Commander of Spaniards, who being to recompence him for the losses he received in France, and to maintain him in the Quality of first Prince of the blood, would be weary of him by degrees, and he become a greater burden to that Crown, then a Compleat and intire Army.

Two things therefore were more especially under the Cardinals consideration; one, to reduce what places he had in his possession in France; the other, was to debauch [Page 53] his friends away from him: in pursuance of this design, a Gene­ral Pardon was publish't to all such as should before a prefix'd time return to their obedience. The Count de Tavanes, who had been very zealously engaged with the said Prince, upon some parti­cular dissatisfaction return'd to his house, upon whose example several others of the Princes Adherents fell off likewise.

In the mean time the Prince of Condy seem'd to be unconcern'd at what past, though, to speak truth, he wanted wherewithal to recom­pence, or repair the losses his friends receiv'd in their own Countrey, the supplies he had from Spain being too small for his own private expences, much less to remunerate those who had ser­ved him. He would have com­plied notwithstanding, if the King's Council could have been brought [Page 54] to condescend to his termes, which in that case it is possible he would have moderated; but, as when he had a numerous train of dis­contented persons attending him; it was then of importance to re­concile him; so now when he was as it were alone, and aban­doned by all of them, it was not thought necessary to continue their applications; forasmuch as in that condition he would be rather a trouble and expence to the Spa­niards, then of any use and advan­tage: so that according to the Cardinals Judgment, there was less danger in remaining abroad then in his return; for being a Prince ambitious of honour and reputation, he supposed he could hardly comport with the Spaniards, who were no less am­bitious then himself; and that the frankness and liberty of the French, would not accommodate [Page 55] with their gravity and reserved­ness. The Prince was of an hu­mour so haughty and disdainful, it could not but become odious to the Grandees of Spain, who stood much upon the Ceremony and Punctilio; besides the natural antipathy betwixt the Nations; and his ignorance in their Lan­guage must of necessity produce some inconveniences, seeing he could not speak so as to make himself understood or obey'd by the several Nations in the Spanish Army. And if it should so happen, that by his extraordinary valour he should atchieve any thing ex­traordinary, it would but make them jealous and emulous of his glory, and let his Actions be what they would, he should be always look'd upon in Spain, not only as a Foreigner, but as a Conspicu­ous Prince of an Enemies Coun­trey, who might every moment [Page 56] find out some way or other to re­gain him if they pleas'd.

But if his fortune should be ad­verse, his loss would be accompa­nied with disdain and regret, for having consumed as much gold for the support of one person, as would have sufficed to have maintained a whole Army. So that when e­ver the Prince came to any differ­ence or rupture with the Spaniard, it must needs redound to the ad­vantage of France, because in that case it would fall out, either the Spaniards would destroy him, or he ruine the Spaniard; so that the leaving the Prince still in their hands would be so great a burden to them, that in stead of giving them the assistance they expected, he would be an impediment and obstruction to all their deliberati­ons.

Again, if the Prince should be restor'd, and the affairs of France [Page 57] succeed to advantage, the honour would be attributed wholly to his conduct; and adding new lustre to his former reputation, he would be able to eclipse the glory of other people; so that reassuming his old sentiments of giving, not receiving Lawes, the good Go­vernment would becom confused and distracted, which under a Mo­narchy ought to acknowledge but one Master: besides which, they should want occasion to evince, that in France there were other Captains as considerable as he, con­trary to what the Royal Council of Spain had given out. The King of France, out of his inexpressible clemency would have condescend­ed to have received the Prince a­gain into his favour, if without concerning himself in the affairs of that Kingdom, he could have resolved to have retired out of France into som unsuspected State, [Page 58] and quietly enjoy the profits of his Revenue, till the War were ended. But being in the flower of his Age, and accustomed to command, he was too passionately addicted to honor (which is ac­quir'd by labour and pains) to make himself a slave to his own quiet and repose.

Upon these Maxims the French interest being managed, and the Cardinal proceeding with all cour­tesie and demonstration of kind­ness, his Ministery being full of sweetness and Moderation, (pre­tending to revenge himself no fur­ther of his enemies, then by ma­king himself known to be a good man and a vertuous, the acrimo­ny and disgust at his Administra­tion (which had been infus'd in­to the fancies of the people, by a few seditious persons,) began to clear up and dispel. The first ef­fects of this alteration was seen in [Page 59] Paris, where his Reputation ha­ving been more wounded then in any other part of the Kingdom; the Citizens touch't with Remorse for what they had done, thought themselves obliged to make some publick manifestation of their Re­pentance, which they perform'd by inviting him on the 29, of March 1653. to a most sumptuous Dinner in the Town-Hall, an honour sel­dom shewn in France, but to some great Prince.

The Cardinal went thither, ac­companied by several Grandees of the Court, and the Principals of the Counsel of the Communalty of Paris) where he receiv'd a Din­ner so pompously prepar'd, and serv'd up with so great demonstra­tion of affection from the people, (with whom the great Piazza cal­led the Greve, was full) that I my self being there in curiosity a­mong the rest, heard his name [Page 60] very frequent among their Accla­mations, heard them applaud his management, and curse those who had misrepresented him, with an astonishment equal to the facility wherwith those animals pass from one extream of contempt, to the other of honor and esteem.

The Cardinal appear'd to them several times at the window, and caused several sorts of money to be thrown out among them, who return'd their thanks in extraor­dinary Applauses: The Citizens drank his health very often, and did him all the Honors could be exprest to a chief Minister. Whilst he was at Dinner, the Rooms, and Hall were as full of the Citi­zens Wives as they could hold, who were come thither as fine as they could make themselves, to behold a man, who (as they call'd him) was the Miracle of Nature, The Cardinal treated them with [Page 61] all imaginable Civility, distribu­ting Sweet-meats and other Jun­kets amongst them in abundance: When he went down the stairs he stop'd very often, discoursing som­times with one, and somtimes with another; and though he was then in the sight of the whole Pi­azza, there was not one of the un­ruly and insolent multitude which gave him the least ill word, but all saluted him with benedictions and well-wishes for his health; with the same noise and acclamation they follow'd him to his Coach, only one of them was observd to cry, Per mia fe voi non sete Mazarino ma un hono­rato huomo, In my conscience you are not Mazarine, but an honest Gentle­man. Every one strove to see him, and to be seen by him; Their Au­gury was good, and the event was suitable, their happy Annunciations corresponding in their effects, for the Prince of Condy's Troops under the Command of the Count de Co­ligny, [Page 62] being drawn out to fall up­on Couvin, a little Town upon the River Noirau, they were catch'd in an Ambuscade by the Count de Beaujeu, cut to pieces; and Coligny and others of the principal Officers taken Prisoners, which the Court looking upon as a good Omen, concluded the Duke of E­spernon Governour-General of Bur­gundy should commence the En­terprise against Bellegard.

After the Surrender of the Castle of Dijon, Burgundy was in no small distraction, by the conti­nual excursions of that Garrison that continually infested the Coun­trey: to restrain their Extravi­gancies, the aforesaid Duke clapt a Garrison into the Castle of Pag­ny, which was not far off, but wanting strength sufficient to re­duce it, he hearkned to certain Propositions made him by the Creatures of the Prince of Condy, [Page 63] who had some thoughts of put­ting it into his hands, as being ve­ry hard to be kept in respect of its scituation, which was in the midst of the Kings Provinces. But that treaty being interrupted by the high remands of the Governour thereof the Marquess de Batteville, the Duke of Espernon made Pre­parations to besiege it; and be­ing advis'd, that those of the Franche County, (though at that time in Neutrality) might break with them, and relieve it, he dis­patch'd a Messenger to the Mar­quess de Saint Martino, and the Sieur de Cea, the principal Direct­ors of his Catholick Majesties Af­fairs in that Province, and was assured from them, they had no intention not thought of breaking their Neutrality: Being encou­rag'd likewise by the Burgundians, who to draw the thorn out of their own foot, had undertaken to pro­vide [Page 64] them money, and all neces­sary Provisions for that Enter­prize: the Duke past the Soan at Saint Jo. de Losne: the Mar­quess of Uxelles marched from Challons to Verdun with what souldiers he could draw out of the adjacent Garrisons, which being rendezvouz'd, amounted in all to about 4000 men, under the Com­mand of the said Uxelles and Ron­celleres, both of them Lieutenant-Generals. On the 19. of May, the Duke of Espernon, possest himself of the Posts of Chamblanc and Pa­vy, whilst the other took their sta­tions at Caselles and Saint George, and beginning their intrench­ments, they approach'd with their Artillery, battering it in two se­veral places: and a while after, on the other side of the River, where the Sieur de St. Quintin pla­ced himself with 400 Musquetiers. The Besieged defended themselves [Page 65] couragiously, and by frequent Sal­lies endeavor'd to interrupt the advancement of the Royallists to­wards the Foss: But Roncelleres having got as far as the Counter­scarp, diverted the water, and fill'd up the Ditch with Bavins and Timber, he began a Mine un­der the Bulwark towards the Ri­ver: Batteville despairing of re­lief; and in no condition to de­fend himself long, signified to the Duke, that amongst Christians it was never the Custom to proceed to an assault before Summons was given; and therefore he desir'd to know, upon what grounds he was so severely dealt with. The Duke of Espernon replied, that that in­deed was the Practice against law­ful enemies, but not against Re­bels; and that he was resolv'd not to defer the assault, seeing his Troops were then ready to fall on; but being perswaded from that [Page 66] asperity by the Officers of his Army, as a thing which many times precipitate men into despair, he comply'd; more for the pre­servation of his own, then any Compassion for the enemie; so that upon the 8. of June, the Articles being signed, Batteville march'd out of the Town with 700 men, upon very honourable Conditions, and was conducted to Stenay. The Burgundians were very much consolated with the reducement of this Town: for by that they acquired the peace and tranquillity of their whole Pro­vince: the Duke of Espernon ac­cording to his Promise, caused it to be dismantled, whereby the passage of the Sona was left open, and the people excus'd from the great Contributions they would have been necessitated to pay the Garrison, to keep them from plun­dring, and the ill treatment of the Soldiers.

[Page 67]The Army which took in this Town, was divided afterwards, and part of it sent to the Marceschal Turenne, who was then preparing with all speed, and almost ready to take the field; the rest were commanded to the Mareschal della Ferte Seneterra, who was at that time upon the Frontiers of Lorain; and had taken several Castles from the Enemie in the Territo­ries of Verdun.

These good Beginnings were followed by an Exploit (as bold as unexpected) perform'd by the Count Broglia, Governour of la Bassee, a Captain of great fame and experience. He had Intelli­gence, that the Troops which were quartered at Esterro, de la Goruge, and the Posts adjacent, (intended to be employ'd, in the Army of the Prince of Condy) were most of them drawn away to a Gene­ral Rendezvouz, and that there [Page 68] remain'd in their quarters not a­bove 700 Irish Foot under the Command of Colonel Morphi, and about 70 Horse under the Baron of Lambech: upon this Intelli­gence he march'd out of la Bassee, with 400 Firelocks, and a hun­dred Horse, and by a Bridge of Boats pass'd the River Lis, be­twixt E'sterre and Armentiers, and fell into the quarters of Morphi's Regiment; he commanded the Sieur de Avogadre Camp-Master to the Regiment of Piemont, to pass the River with some Firelocks, whilst he kept his Post with his Horse, and the remainder of his Foot on the other side, to re­lieve them as a reserve upon any occasion. On the 13. of June a­bout midnight, the Sieur de la Tre­oy Serjeant-Major of the Town of la Bassee, advanc'd with a hundred Firelocks, and charge them so briskly, that though their opposi­tion [Page 69] was very good, he beat them in­to the Church, where they defend­ed themselves afterwards for above two hours; but at last the Royalists having secur'd the door, the Irish which were 300 soldiers, 7 Cap­tains with other inferiour Officers) were glad to surrender and becom prisoners of War, Colonel Morphi saved himself by the benefit of the night. From thence the Count advanc'd to the Fort, but he found if forsaken, and having march'd up and down the Neighboring Vil­lages, he return'd to la Bassee with considerable booty.

These Rumours awakened the Prince of Condy, and doubtless he would without delay have taken the Field, had not the taking of the 300000 Royals by the English (as abovesaid) retarded the provisi­ons of Horse, which were with that money to have been bought, both for the remounting his Cavalry, [...] [Page 70] for his Train of Artillery, which were supply'd afterwards in Hol­land, but with great difficulty.

Cardinal Mazarin, taking the advantage of this Conjuncture, he caus'd the Mareschal Turenne, (after he had commanded his Troops into the Countrey about Reims) to depart out of Paris the 14. of June; and there in a cer­tain place, not far from Chillery in Champagnia, having consulted what course he was to take with the Mareschal de la Ferte Seneterra, who at the same time had drawn down his forces about Verdun, it was resolv'd they should fall upon Rhetel, and endeavour by the ta­king of that place, to cut off the Princes advance into Champagnia, which being an open Countrey, and very plentiful in corn, it was too probable he would otherwise have done to his great advantage. Turenne advanc'd to Chasteau Por­cien, [Page 71] and clapt himself in betwixt Rhetel and Chaumont; This is a Castle in which the Spaniards had a Party of Foot, and some 60 Horse, who at the very first fight of the Kings forces, rendred them­selves up Prisoners of War, with­out further Conditions. The Mareschal de la Ferte came on the other side the River Aisne, tho­row the Valle di Bourg, and having drawn up their men in the fields of Chaumont, they advanc'd against the Town, on two sides, and that very night the Regiments of Pi­cardie, Turenne and Palvan, possest themselves of all the out-works, and rais'd two Batteries, one a­gainst the Gate towards Rocroy, (on which side Turenne was quar­tred) the other at the Gate by the River, within the quarters of la Ferte.

In the Town there were 600 men Commanded by the Mar­quess [Page 72] de Persan, who ran great hazard of being taken prisoner in the night, at the taking of the out­works. Within two days time they made two breaches so large, that they prepar'd to give the assault, but in the mean time the Town capitulated, surrendred, and were Convoy'd with two Pieces of Can­non to Stenay.

Mareschal Turenne left the Sieur Boda Governour of the Town, with his Tertia of French Foot, and march'd himself to observe the motions of the Prince of Condy and the Spaniard, who during this Leagure were joyn'd at Hayes d' Auvenes, having been retarded in their Campagne, both by their want of Horses, as abovesaid, and also by a Negotiation they had with a Ci­tizen of Arras for the surprize of that City. But the same Person held Intelligence likewise with the Cardinal, as he had done with [Page 73] the Prince, to gain money on both sides.

This Correspondence was began the Year before, and continued till the Prince found himself de­luded and cheated at several times of about 2000 Pistols. The French having notice, that the Spaniard had not yet their Forces united to engage the French Army (which was then numerous and flourish­ing) till they were reinforc'd, which they most sollicitously en­deavor'd: by express Order from the Cardinal, they advanc'd a­gainst the Prince, with full reso­lution to attaque him; But he had drawn up his Army betwixt two Woods behind a streight Pass, by which means he prevented being fallen upon in a disadvantageous place; as it might have hapned, had it bin but one half houre longer, before he had had the News of the French Army. The Mare­schals [Page 72] him in so good a posture return'd to their Posts, and after­wards march'd towards Vervins, passing thorough certain Villages not far from the Abby of Tougny, they drew near to Vervens about Proussy, and thence coasting by Guise, they encamp'd at Riblemont, to observe the motion of the ene­my, who, being reinforc'd with the Lorrain Troops, and other sup­plies from Flanders, did principally design to make an Inroad into France, upon presumption that at their first appearance many would declare for them: The French Ge­nerals, being inferiour in number, were oblig'd for that reason to be more wary and circumspect, and to have a care how they ran the risk of a Battel, which if it went cross, would be more dangerous in the consequences, then in their pre­sent loss.

[Page 73]The Cardinals design was to protract time, and to set the Af­fairs of the Kingdom to rights, by the reduction of Bourdeaux; to incapacitate the Prince to raise new troubles by the assistance or intelligence of his friends, and to let the Spaniards at length see they were mistaken in the o­pinion they had conceived of that Juncture to ruine France, and the confidence they had re­pos'd in the reputation and in­terest of the Prince in his own Countrey, th [...]t being the prin­cipal mark to which all their Councils were directed, it seem­ing unlikely to the Court of Spain, that that Crown of it self, with its States and King­doms, so distant and depopula­ted, should act any thing with ad­vantage against France, whilst it was entire and unanimous; [Page 64] [...] [Page 65] [...] [Page 64] [...] [Page 65] [...] [Page 66] [...] [Page 67] [...] [Page 68] [...] [Page 69] [...] [Page 70] [...] [Page 71] [...] [Page 72] [...] [Page 73] [...] [Page 72] [...] [Page 73] [...] [Page 76] [...] [Page 77] [...] [Page 76] for this cause they spared no mo­ney, but were many times lavish and profuse in their distributions to the discontented French, (who always deceived them with vain hopes and pretences) endeavoring still to draw more of them into re­bellion, that by that means they might be able, as it were, to com­pel the French to a solid Peace, to which his Catholick Majesty was seriously inclin'd, but could not hope to obtain any other way.

But the effects did not answer Expectation, for placing their hopes upon particular persons more sollicitous of their own then of other peoples advantage, who propos'd only such things as might render themselves necessary to the Spanish affaires; founding their principles upon this Maxime, That to draw benefit from Princes, they ought to make them expect more then they intended to perform, for­asmuch [Page 77] as their custom is, when they are once delivered, to regard them no longer who brought them out of their exigence. Things being acted in this manner, and hastned by the Spaniard, in order to the ap­proaching Campagne, the Princes and Generals of the Armies held many Counsels what way they were to proceed. The chief of of the Spanish Officers, and parti­cularly the Count de Fuensaldagna (a person of great judgment) pro­pos'd to fall upon some of the most considerable of the King of France's. Towns, by the benefit of which they might be enabled to pass on, and upon a solid foundation main­taine the War afterward in the E­nemies Country. Some propounded to ship 5 or 6000 men, under the Command of the most expert Of­ficers could be chosen, and to send them into Guienne, to reinforce the Princes Troops in that Province, [Page 76] and support the courage of the Bourdelots, thereby to sustein the War in those parts, which was the strongest diversion could be given to the French Armes. To that end it was proposed, they should sit down before Bayon, and the Princes repair thither with their Troops, which would be more feasible in respect that Co­lonel Baltasser had made himself Master of Tarsas. But the hopes that the Reliefe from Spain would be sufficient; and ha­ving no Orders for dividing their Army in Flanders, confuted all those Propositions. The Count of Fuenseldagne was of opinion, that laying all other things aside, they should sit down before Ar­ras, whilst their Army was fresh, and the Alarmes so hot in o­ther parts of the Kingdom, for which reason he look'd upon the Enterprise not so difficult as o­ther [Page 77] people might imagine, and that the Prince of Condy might consent, he offered to give him Mouson.

But the Prince insisting upon his Intelligence in Paris, prest hard, and upon very good rea­son, that drawing all their for­ces together, they should pass the Soma, march up to Paris, and give their party in that City op­portunity to rise, while the Court growing jealous of them, would be easily perswaded to quit the Town, and that in these confusi­ons, their Army advancing to Mantes, might possess themselves of all the Countrey about Pon­toise, Saint Lis, and other adjacent Towns, where recruiting them­selves with the discontented party, which in probability would throng to him daily, they should reap ex­traordinary advantage, and foment the Civil War in France.

[Page 80]This Proposition was in appear­ance plausible, and so well repre­sented by the Prince, that the Council were of the same minde, and esteemed that his opinion ought really to be followed, as was seemingly desired by those who applauded his Actions with their tongue, more then by their deeds.

But there were two considerable difficulties objected. The first was that by the loss of Bellegard and Rhetel, the minds of many people were much dejected, so that there were but few of the opinion, but the King of France would be stronger that Campagne then the Prince of Condy, who had lost two such considerable places, as it were under his Nose, to the great diminution of his credit. The o­ther was, that the French Army being come into the Field much stronger then was imagin'd, it was dangerous to pass so many Rivers, [Page 81] and put themselves into the Ene­mies Countrey, without any place of Retreat in case of disaster, whilst also the Spanish Army was attend­ed by another, though less nume­rous, yet superiour in courage, be­ing all French, bold and experi­enc'd, besides 4000 German Horse, the remainder of the famous Waymers forces, and supported by several strong Towns and Fortres­ses, all firmly devoted to their King. Nevertheless, as there is nothing deludes the imagination more then a mans esteem of him­self; the Prince of Condy was so transported with an opinion of his Reputation in France, he thought that sufficient to do his business, without being troubled to fight for't. This opinion there­fore was embrac'd, contrary to the judgement of Fuensaldagne, who for two secret reasons, was really averse. The first was, that he [Page 80] believ'd the Princes designs were not upon good foundation, and if they were, it did not consist with the interest of Spain to ad­vance them, forasmuch as it was most certain, if he reduc'd the Cardinal to any streight, he would find some way or other to accommodate with him, and then the Spaniard would run great ha­zard of having him engag'd a­gainst them, and the troubles in France would cease of them­selves. The other was, that it was not convenient for him to expose the whole Forces of Spain, without a certainty of gaining some considerable place, and with the hazard of some dangerous disgrace, not daring to be too confident in the Prince, who was a Frenchman, or in the Duke of Lorrain, who the Count of Fuensaldagne knew, had his ears always open to any Propo­sition [Page 81] of advantage, and might easily be gain'd by the Artifice of the Cardinal. These two Rea­sons reflecting so nearly upon the Prince of Condy, and the Duke of Lorrain, could not be publick­ly urged in the Council; and therefore the other opinion pre­vailing, the Spanish Army march­ed towards Cambray, from thence to Crevecoeur, and came to Cha­stelet without interruption, and so to Fonsomme, where the River Som­ma arises, which was but two Leagues distant from the French Camp,

The Spanish Army comprehend­ing the Prince of Condy's, and the Duke of Lorrain's forces, consisted of 30000 effective men: it was compos'd of Spaniards, Italians, Walloons, Dutch, Burgundians, Fle­mins, Irish, and other Nations, who by the diversity of their Languages [Page 84] and customs were the cause of great confusion in that Camp; Their Train was very great, both for Cannon, Ammunition and Baggage: Here the Prince of Con­dy made a halt for several days in the face of the French Camp, pas­sing the time in frequent, but in­considerable skirmishes with their Horse, which with most exact di­ligence were kept scouting upon the Roads.

The Princes hopes were im­pregnated with strong conceit of his Party in Paris, by whose assist­ance he thought his success would be in infallible; but he reckon'd without his Host, for the King be­ing there, and the Cardinal very watchful against the least insurre­ction, there was not one person durst appear in the City, nor one Officer of those which were ba­nish'd, who durst venture to come into Paris, and head the Male-con­tents, [Page 85] who wish'd the Prince well in their hearts, though they durst not shew it, his design vanishing in fumo, He lost his Reputation a­mong the Spanish Commanders, who discover'd him to be without that interest and dependence which he was suppos'd to have in France, and which his friends had promis'd upon their Parols. Perplex'd there­fore, and in confusion about the resolution they were to take, the Armies confronted one another for several days. The Prince of Con­dy being stronger in number, de­sir'd by all means to come to a ge­neral Engagement, but the French, unwilling to hazard themselves on so great a disadvantage, endea­vor'd by the benefit of their In­campments, and the convenience of the Fortresses they had there­abouts, to give impediment to their Progress, and make them lose time.

[Page 84]This posture of affairs gave occasion to the discovery of the valour and conduct of two Cap­tains, Competitors at that time in point of Glory and Renown; the disadvantage under which the Mareschal Turenne then lay, in respect of the disparity of his Numbers, making his Prudence in that Juncture more remarkable then his courage.

But the Cardinals designs pro­ceeded at another rate, his prin­cipal Object was to reduce Bour­deaux to its obedience; he knew very well, that to secure this part of the Kingdom, would be the safety of the other; His judgment was approved by the whole Council, and resolution was taken to amuse the Prince on the Frontiers of Picardy, or Champagnia, till the Affairs in Guienne were dispatch'd, where all things tended to a fortunate Conclusion, though the means [Page 85] used in the management were not entirely successful.

The Marquess de Theubon, who had defended with great courage and better fortune the Town of Villeneuf de Agenois against Count Harcourt, disdaining that Count Marsin should arrogate to himself the glory of preserving that City, for that (during an inundation of waters, which had forc'd the Kings Army further off) he had put into it 200 Horse, as also because by his Order, the Houses of some of his Relations were plundred, a­mongst which was that of Colon­ges, and of the Marquess Dowager of Villefranca, which said houses he had taken into protection, he came to Bourdeaux to make his Complaint to the Prince of Conty, who intreated him to lay aside his animosity at that time, and not to think of revenging himself up­on Marsin, as he had publickly threatned; but neiher that, [Page 88] nor the giving him 500 Crowns by way of Reparation, prevailing, he dispatch'd a Messenger to Blaye, to negotiate his Accommodation with the Duke of Saint Simon and Vandosme, the last of which was newly arrived at that place, the Dukes giving the Cardinal Advice thereof, were required by all means to bring him off, if it were possible, and what other of that Party they could; This business was of im­portance, and in a fair way to suc­ceed; but the Advocate Literie, being banish'd in the interim, upon some suspitions, though nothing was perfectly discover'd, that de­sign was for the present laid by. Theubon was advised by his friends, and by those that were true ser­vants to the King, to remain in Bourdeaux, to make himself Head of that Party in the Town, and never to reconcile himself to Mar­sin, but to study a revenge; for if [Page 89] he could be so happy as to kill him, he would not only satisfie his private resentment, but put a Con­clusion to the War, and perform an Action extreamly meritorious to the publick. Nevertheless, be­ing too much taken notice of, he departed the Town, having first setled there a good correspondence, and communicating his thoughts to the Duke of Candale, they a­greed, that advancing the Fleet to Lermont, he should endeavor to introduce the Army into the City, by the assistance of the Sieurs Mous­nier and du Sault, (both highly dis­gusted at the Princes Government) and by the help of the Counsellor de Bordes exceedingly incensed, for having been imprisoned by the Princes Order, though he was pre­sently releas'd, and receiv'd with great courtesie. These three per­sons were of the chief of the Fron­deurs, and of great Authority in [Page 88] the Town, and therefore with their directions it was no hard matter to compass their design, especially considering several of the Olmiera were joyned with them; and particularly one Cot, a Ring-leader of the seditious, and another called Chevalier, a son of one of the Attourneys of the Palace, carried all the Let­ters which past betwixt the Con­spirators and the Commanders in chief for the King.

The Fleet appear'd at Lermont, ready for the Enterprize, but the Messenger was taken with his Letters about him, hang'd as a Spie before the Town-Hall, and the whole Plot interrupted. At the same time the Sieur de Cham­bon (who was sent by the Prince of Condy into Guienne, to hinder the Count d' Ognon from reconciling [Page 89] himself to the Court, by offering him 300000 Crowns in ready money, and one of his Mannors, with the Title of a Duke) ran the same hazard, for after he had found all his Negotiations with the Count, absolutely in­effectual, desiring to pass into Bourdeaux (though they had no good opinion of him, for ha­ving delivered up Xantes to the enemy the year before) He was arrested by the people drawn to the Gallows, and had doubt­less been hang'd, if in the time granted him to make his Con­fession, the Prince of Conty had not sent to deliver him, and lucki­ly rescued him from that infamous death.

Yet all this could not discou­rage Theubon to set on foot new Machinations for the compassing [Page 92] his designes, and entring into a correspondence with the Count de Marin Camp-Master under the King, he held frequent Intelli­gence with all such as he thought serviceable upon that occasion, in which number having judg'd one of the Treasurers of France, called Filiot, a proper person, in respect of the liberty he had of entring the Town daily, and going out at his pleasure, he committed the im­provement of the correspondence to him which Count Marin held with the two Brothers of Chastein, and the Counsellor du Sault, Son of the Advocate-General, who being offended to see the Authority of that Parliament, prostituted to the impertinencies of the Olmiera, en­gaged himself in that Plot, and resolv'd to put himself at the Head of a Party of Citizens, and open one of the Gates to let in the Kings Army.

[Page 93]This Scene was very well laid, and the success not improbable, because all was managed by Per­sons in whom the people had very great confidence. But young Heads (especially of the French Nation, who are a communicative peo­ple, keeping their secrets as Wa­ter in a Sieve.) One of the Cha­steins, having imparted the whole business to the Count de Auteuil, the Duke d' Enguins Governour, by the means of a Citizens daugh­ter (with whom the said Count was in love) Filiot, and the Coun­sellor de Sault, were both taken and clap'd into prison. The other Cha­stein, not knowing the treachery of his Brother, was gone out to per­swade the Duke of Candale to ad­vance with his Troops towards Bourdeaux, as believing all sure. The Dukes forces march'd with that diligence and secresie: That though the Plot was discover'd, [Page 92] and the assistance expected within, totally interrupted; yet had not the Prince of Conty been in person at the Gate, to encourage his men, the Duke of Candale had questi­onless (without any Complices) entred the Town in that confu­sion.

This advance of the Duke of Candale was so strong a confir­mation of the truth of the Con­spiracy, and fill'd the Olmeisti so full of disdain, that like mad men they ran up and down the streets with their swords in their hands, crying out, That it was better to die a thousand deaths, fighting va­liantly for their liberty, then to suffer themselves to be so basely and villainously betray'd.

They immediately ordered a so­lemn Procession to be made, to give God thanks for their delivery, and caused a Franciscan Frier to preach a Sermon to exhort them to unity [Page 93] and fidelity to their Countrey: The Frier got up into the Pul­pit, and though in his affecti­ons he had been a Frondeur, ne­vertheless, being at that time illu­minated by the Divine Wis­dom, he delivered himself in such a manner, before the Prince, the Princess, the Frondeurs, the Olmeisti and the rest, and perswa­ded them so efficaciously to Peace, that all of them were touch'd, and the people extreamly edified with his extraordinary eloquence and doctrine, so that hence we may see that Gods Providence is as active in the confirmation and establishment, as in the de­struction of Kingdoms. Here the innocence and goodness of the King was protected, and the wickedness and ingratitude of his subjects chastised by the Justice of Heaven.

[Page 96]After this, a Process was form'd against Filiot, and the Evidence being short, he was most inhumanely put upon the Rack in the Presence of Dura­testa (the chief of the Olme­isti) and the Advocate Ponte­lier, who took his examination: Filiot swooned at first, but having implor'd the divine assistance, he found himself so strangely encou­raged, (as he reported afterwards himself) that he kept firm to his resolution of confessing nothing, nor did he discover one man of all his Accomplices. For du Sault, they proceeded not so violently a­gainst him, by reason the tears of the father, and the former services of the son, out-weigh'd the resent­ment of a Treason (which had it succeeded) would have left the Princes expos'd to the fury of the Souldiers, without any capitu­lation.

[Page 95]The Negotiations and Conspi­racies for reducing Bourdeaux to its obedience to the King, not having the expected success, and the For­ces under the Dukes of Vandosme and Candale, being too weak to reduce so potent and obstinate a City by force, the Cardinal dis­patch'd his Orders to the Count d' Estrades, Lieutenant-General in Rochel, to draw what strength he could out of the Neighbouring Towns, and lead them with all speed to the Duke of Vendosme. Estrades us'd all imaginable dili­gence, and being a good souldier, and well-affected to his Majesties service, he suddenly appear'd with a considerable body of men before Bourg, the Conquest of which Town being judg'd conducive to the reduction of Bourdeaux, it was undertaken by his advice. And to proceed the more vigorously it was necessary to attaque it in three [Page 96] several places, but they having foot enough but for two, the Duke of Candale was desired that he would furnish them with men for the third. The Duke granted their desire very readily, and go­ing immediately to Caesars Fort, to discourse the business with the Duke of Vandosme, and l' E­strades, he caus'd his own Tertia, and some other Companies to march, and he himself (having a­greed with the Duke of Vendosme about the Command) would needs be of the Party.

Bourg was beleagured, and on the 29. of June their Trenches were opened in three places; The first was commanded by the Duke of Vendosme, the second by the Duke of Candale, and the third by l' Estrades. The last Approach was managed so vigorously, that the fourth day, the Sieur Delus, Camp-Mareschal, lodg'd himself [Page 97] upon the brow of the ditch, cut down a strong Pallisadoe in the middle of it, notwithstanding se­veral showers of small shot made against him, and the Granadoes and other Fire-works poured upon them from the walls, so that in spight of all the impediment they gave them, l' Estrades men made this Progress without any assist­ance from their Battery, which by the negligence of the Canno­neers, and quality of the Guns, they were shot off but twice.

The besieged was so amazed at this so extraordinary boldness of the French, and so dazled with the lustre of their Armes, and the Gallantry of their clothes, (which were most gloriously trimm'd according to the new Mode at that time) that they could not but admire, and pay a respect to the very splendour of their Apparel [Page 98] Whereupon Don Joseph Osorio, without further Consultation (then for his own security) capitulated on the third of June, and on the 5th. march'd out with 800 men, with bag and baggage, and two Pieces of Cannon, but with the imputati­on of a base fellow and a Cow­ard; for by express Order of the King of Spain he was clap'd up afterward at Saint Sebastian, though he insisted very much up­on his want of Victuals and Am­munition.

This important Town being in five days time lost in this manner, (for the keeping of which the Spaniard had parted with great sums of money, and fortifi'd, and wall'd it about very strongly; the Spanish Generals and Commanders were not only dismayed at this misfortune, but the whole Prin­ces party were sorely afflicted, as knowing the loss of that Town [Page 99] was, as it were, the Prologue to their future ruine. On the other side, the Kings Army encouraged by their fortune and success, were excited to greater attempts, and resolv'd without any delay to fall upon Libourn, so that while the Duke of Vendosm continued at Bourg, to give out Orders there, and dispatch the Artillery; and such provisions as were necessary for so considerable an Enterprise. Monsieur d' Estrades after two days repose, advanc'd that way with 2200 Foot and four hundred Horse, by the way he took the Castles of Chavignac and Laubar­demont; and on the 9th. of July passed the River Liste, his Foot at Guistres in Boats, and his Horse a League higher fording the River at Goustres, a Village belonging to the Princess of Conde.

The next day he took a view of Libourne, and having setled his [Page 100] Quarters. On the 11th. at night the Duke of Vendosm arrived with the Cannon and Ammunition, ha­ving got happily up the River Dordogne, and pass'd all the Ene­mies fire, (which was not above Pistol-shot from them,) by the as­sistance of the Guns from the Galleys which Convoy'd them, under the Command of the Sieur de la Monnery, Commissary-Gene­ral at Sea: upon Arrival of the Cannon, the Trenches were open­ed near the said River, where the Duke took up his quarters. The care of that Post was committed to the Count of Montesson, Mare­schal de Camp, with the Regiment of Britain, and a Battery of two Pieces of Cannon: d' Estrades commanded the Approaches on the other side of the River Liste, by the assistance of the Sieur de Saint Romein, with the Regiment of Douglas, and another Battery: [Page 101] The besieged made a stout Sally on this side; but being repuls'd as couragiously, they thought it not convenient to sally any more; The two Approaches were so vigorously carried on, that on the second day the French possest themselves of two Half-Moons, in one of which they took 17 pri­soners: not long after a breach being open'd on the Dukes side, and the Mines ready to spring on Monsieur d' Estrades; the 17. of July in the Morning the Town beat a Parly, and desir'd the same Conditions, had been given to Bourg; but the French not think­ing fit that Libourne should be e­quall'd with Bourg refus'd their Proposals; at length it was con­cluded, the French and Irish Soul­diers should be Prisoners of War, the Officers should have liberty to return to their own Houses, [Page 102] and that twelve of them only should be allow'd to march away with their Baggage. The Town be­ing surrendred, the Soldiers, both Horse and Foot, to the number of about 800, took up Arms volunta­rily, and listed themselves in the Kings service.

The Justice of the Kings Cause was most remarkably visible in the facility, wherewith these two strong places were reduc'd by his Majesties forces. Where the dili­gence and Conduct of his Officers; were no less conspicuous, especi­ally in the taking of Libourne, which (though there were 800 select men in the Town) was at­taqu'd and taken by 2200 Foot and four hundred Horse; The rest of the Troops being imploy'd, part about the Posts of Castillon, and Montreal, and part in Parties sent out by the Generals Order, up­on advice received, in a Letter of [Page 103] Marsins, intercepted and disciphe­red, importing that supplies were sending from Perigort and Quercy, under the Command of his Lieu­tenants; for that Place, which being of great importance for the supporting of Bourdeaux, was fortify'd and provided with all things necessary for a long Siege.

This second loss, succeeding as it were, upon the Neck of the for­mer, put the inhabitants of Bour­deaux into great apprehensions. The Princes party began to lose much of their former reputation, the people perceiving, that instead of the promis'd releif, they were to expect nothing now but misery and destruction.

The Townsmen had several Assemblies; and having examin'd Affairs, they found clearly, that without present supplies, there would be no possibility of holding out long; and forasmuch as these [Page 104] supplies could not be expected any way, but from Spain or England, they dispatch'd their solicitations to the Court of Spain for their pro­mis'd and seasonable relief; nor did they forget their Addresses to Cromwell, to implore his assistance to open a Passage into the River, and preserve that City, which might recompence his Compassi­on with so many advantages to the English Nation: But the Spa­niards, (who were willing enough to have gratify'd their desires) wanted forces to give them any vigorous assistance in so many se­veral places. The English who were better able were not so well inclin'd: for Cromwell being to establish the Authority he had u­surped, thought it not suitable to his interest to engage in any quar­rel against France; and besides, the Cardinal ceas'd not in the mean time, to puff him up with other [Page 105] thoughts of more advantage to his Person.

The Cardinal well-knowing, that Expedition is the Mother of success; and foreseeing, that in time either the Spaniard might be strong enough, or the English wil­ling enough to attempt its relief, sent Directions to the Generals to apply themselves with all imagin­able industry to the reducing of Bourdeaux; and therefore having taken Libourne, the Royallists took up their Quarters as near the Town as they could, to cut off all Communication with the Countrey,

The Duke of Vendosme kept the Castle of Lermont, commanded all the Countrey betwixt the two Seas, and with the Fleet block'd up the River. The Duke of Candale with his Troops, dis­pos'd into the principal Passes, [Page 88] [...] [Page 89] [...] [Page 88] [...] [Page 89] [...] [Page 92] [...] [Page 93] [...] [Page 92] [...] [Page 93] [...] [Page 96] [...] [Page 95] [...] [Page 96] [...] [Page 97] [...] [Page 98] [...] [Page 99] [...] [Page 100] [...] [Page 101] [...] [Page 102] [...] [Page 103] [...] [Page 104] [...] [Page 105] [...] [Page 106] was Master of all the Avenues, back'd by Caesars Fort, the Town of Blanqufort, and a strong quarter at Begle, by which means he cut off all supplies on that side, from whence they had been formerly re­liev'd. The Count Marin was sent to possess himself of the Forts of Testa and Certes.

But though the Cardinal was not insensible, that force was the most secure way of reducing that Town to obedience, yet consider­ing very prudently it was like to be the longest, he began to think of some other way to bring them to a voluntary submission, to which end he sent particular in­structions; The House of Espernon by a long residence in those parts, having made many creatures, and gain'd much upon the affections of the people, contributed exceeding­ly to the Duke of Candale renew­ing his Practices with the well-af­fected [Page 107] Citizens in the Town.

By the help therefore of their Friends and Confidents (there be­ing several others dispos'd also to peace) they esteem'd it convenient to take such measures as were most likely to succeed. The throng of Countrey-people, which were re­tir'd into the Town, increas'd their scarcities very much, the corn was conceal'd very dexterous­ly in particular houses, the build­ing or repairing of their Mills neg­lected, and the other Machines laid (as on purpose) out of the way, so that their meal failing, and the Bakers unable to furnish Bread for such a number of people, that coming in great multitudes to re­ceive their distributions, began to believe that their necessities would be great, and that it was therefore time to think rather of the publick safety, then of their private interest. Besides this, the [Page 118] care and Government of the Hos­pitals was utterly left off, and the poor people sent to their doors, who were suppos'd to be the most concern'd in the Conti­nuation of the War, and this was done, that by their miserable clamours and importunitys they might be brought to consider, that not being longer able to con­tend with those calamities, their best way would be to mode­rate the Obstinacy which caused them.

The sight of these Troops of poor creatures, sighing, and begging at their gates who where esteem'd the authors of the War had a wonderfull influence to dispose them to peace, whilest they began to feare least those very poor peo­ple of whom they had made use for raising those desturbances, should fall uppon them and pillage [Page 109] their houses. It was also proposed to the Religious orders to expose the Holy Sacrament in all the Churches of the Towne, veiled with black, to signify that God Almighty was displeas'd with, and detested that Rebellion; But the Counsellors of Parliament and the Princes suffer'd it to be expos'd in the great Church only, to imply that they desired of God a General peace, which was the pretence they made vse of to foole, and delude the poor people.

In this kind of destraction they continued till Wednesday the 9th of July 1653. Upon which day, after divers private conferences, several Marchants mett publickly upon the Exchange, and declared it was high time for them to shutt up their Shops, seeing they were not like to have any more Trading during the Wars.

[Page 110]The Prince of Conty, having private intelligence of these Mur­murs, made a publick Cavalcade thorow the City, but went no fur­ther. The next day, a certain person call'd de Bas, being by his Order apprehended for crying out Peace, Peace, before the Palace of Judicature, all the Neighbouring quarter took up armes, and de­manded to have him released. This de Bas had private Consultations with a conventual Minim, call'd Friar Romein, who holding corre­spondence with the Count d' Au­tenil, shew'd a certain writing to several Citizens, which he said was from the Prince of Conty, wher­in he gave them liberty to meet, to give him advice of what pas­sed relating to his party, but this Affair had another intent; for the Friers design was to discover by this means, which were the Kings good and bad subjects; and the [Page 111] good Citizens perceiving it, they proceeded reservedly in commu­nicating things of importance to the Friar.

The reputation therefore this de Bas had in the common opinion, was the cause the Citizens were so obstreporous for his enlarge­ment, as to threaten a Commoti­on, without immediate satisfacti­on. The Prince of Conty and Mar­sin, with the greatest part of the Nobility and Officers in the Town got on Horseback forthwith; the City-Companies, whose Captains for the most part were of the Fa­ction of the Olmiere, were com­manded to their Arms: but the Butchers, led up by one Gilbert, and Master Isaac arm'd with Musque­toons, and other weapons, cried out for Peace, and that if any one had any particular disgust, he should revenge himself with his own hands as he could, and not endan­ger [Page 112] the Lives of the whole City. A Hollander, that had House and Family in the City, told Marsin to his face, that they knew how to die, but not unreveng'd, and that their deaths would not trouble them, so they died free-men. At this, being all amazed, it was con­cluded that all the Olmeisti should meet in the Town-house after dinner, where several things were propos'd, and the plurality of Voices concurr'd in this, to assault the Ci­tizens inhabiting the Quarter to­wards Rochel, and the New-street, and to bring down the great Guns against them. The Prince of Conty was of a contrary opinion, and thought it better to expect the judges and Consuls of the City, who were coming to beg of him with great submission, that he would not suffer the good Citi­zens [Page 113] of the Town to be abus'd and ruin'd in compliance with the Ol­mieri, who were about him, and had threatned to plunder their houses.

The Merchants appeared before him, and intreated for Peace, as the only probable way to pre­vent greater disorders. The Prince reply'd, That he would not subject any body by compulsion, though it was easie for him to do it; but if they would remain constant to the service of his Brother the Prince of Condy and himself, he would protect them and their interest; and by their unani­mity all the difficulties would easily be overcome, which their dissentions increased, and ren­dred past Remedy: and that he would advise with his Counsel what was best to be done in this Affair.

[Page 114]During these tumults at Bourde­aux, the Count de Fiesco had his Dispatch at the Court of Spain, and imbarking in a Frigat at St. Sebasti­an, he arrived at the Port Testa di Bus, where at his landing he found all the Citizens in Arms for the Kings, and had much ado to escape; but his Ship remain'd at the dis­cretion of those Bores; who took it and all that was in it, making use of their Artillery against the Forts of la Teste de Bus, and Sertes, which were Garrison'd by the Princes Souldiers; to keep open the passage for those that went and came from Spain. To these Coun­trey-men the Count Marin, joyn'd with 600 Foot, with which recruit in five or six days both those Posts were taken.

The Count de Fiesco arriving at Bordeaux the twelfth of July, went immediatly to the Town-house with the Prince of Conty, where [Page 115] with great Rhetorick he magnify'd the power and greatness of the King of Spain, and assured the Ol­miera of a speedy and effectual supply of Men, Money, Ships and all other provisions: Affirming he had seen so great, and so forward preparations in the Porto di Passage, that it could not be long before it would appear. Upon this News there was a solemn Assembly ap­pointed by the several Companies in the City, where the said Count made the same relation, and with so much the more Zeal, by how much it was farther from the truth.

These promises and representa­tions were receiv'd by the honest party with horror, but some Coun­sellors of the Parliament, blinded with their own vanity, said, that the King of Spain's Courtesy was not to be abus'd, under whose Pro­tection all things would be happi­ly [Page 116] concluded, with absolute quiet and liberty. But notwithstanding all this, the next day the Presidial Court (which is a Magistracy con­sisting of about 30 persons, to whom belongs the administration of ordinary Justice) deputed some persons to the Prince of Conty, and requested of him in expresse terms, that they might have Peace; re­presenting, that they ought not so easily to beleive the relation of Fiesco, who was biass'd by the pas­sion he had for the service of his King, by which he drew profit to himself, receiving Gifts and Pre­sents from his Catholick Majesty, to whom he told as many falsities as he had done there. After which, all the Religious Orders, one after another, presented their Addresses for Peace, and their pub­lick safety, which consisted in their obedience to their natural and lawful King, and not in runing [Page 117] vainly after foreign Protectors.

The same instance was made by the Chapiter of the Cathedral of Saint Andrew; But their Deputies were threatned by a Goldsmith, called Geraut, who was a principal man among the seditious: The Ministers of the Huguenots (who in all their troubles had shew'd themselves zealous and faithful to the Kings service) were likewise check'd by Duratesta. The Prince return'd this Answer to them all, That he himself was also for Peace, provided it might be per­manent and safe, and when he could be assur'd of obtaining such an one, he could be more ready to embrace it then any of them all.

In the mean time he dispatch'd an Express to the Marquess de Santa Croce, General of the Spanish Fleet, remonstrating their necessity of of present supplies, that the least [Page 118] delay would reduce them to extre­mities, beyond all possible recove­ry: and that he was resolv'd (if a­ny thing hapned adverse in attem­pting their relief) to send Baltasser before to scour the ways with a Party of Horse, and to follow him­self with his Nephew the Duke de Enguien to Tartas, and from thence to pass by land to the Fron­tiers of Spain.

This was a bold and desperate resolution, and as such, was oppos'd not only by the Princess, but by Marsin and Lenet.

In the mean time, the Citizens being grown weary of the indis­cretion and tyranny of the Ras­callity of the Olmiera, resolved to make themselves Masters of the Gates of the City, by surprizing them upon the relieving the Guards, which were most of them of the Olmeisti, they listed them­selves therefore as the common [Page 119] people did, to serve in the same manner and forme as the ordinary souldiers; Whereupon some of the very Captains of the Olmiera, offred to joyn with them in their Petition for Peace.

Some of the Citizens seeing themselves Masters of the Gates, were of opinion, their best course would be to bring in the Kings Army, and shake off their yoke at a blow; But the rest, who de­sir'd no less preservation of the Prince of Conty and his Family, then the liberty of their Coun­trey, oppos'd such violent resolu­tions, and endeavor'd to obtain peace by honourable means, and not by treachery: undertaking the service of his most Christian Ma­jesty with zeal and vigour enough: but accompanied with good Or­der and Decorum, reteining still a a duty and respect for the Princes according to the dignity of their [Page 120] Royal Birth; designing to re­duce all to the Kings obedience, by gentle means, and upon such termes as might produce most ad­vantage to their Countrey, and glory to themselves.

Whilst these things were in Agitation, Marsin and Fiesco had agreed to bring some Troops in­to the Town, to reduce the Ci­tizens to their Will by force of Arms: and (to vent their whole fury at once, they designed to seize upon the Prince of Conty himself, and to kill Saracin, and the Abbot of Cognac his two prin­cipal Confidents.

The Prince had Intelligence of this Plot, from the Jesuits, and was desired for his better security, to take up his lodging a nights at the Town-house, or at their Col­ledge hard by.

Virlade also having Advice to the same purpose, put his Com­pany [Page 121] immediately in Arms, and possess'd himself of the Gate next the Red Chappel, by which the aforesaid Troops were to enter: They treated also with the Irish, who were to have effected the de­sign, telling them, that Marsin in­tended to deliver them up to the English, their mortal Enemies and Persecutors; and that the business was negotiating in England, by the means of Francars and de Blaru, two Commissioners of the Ol­miera.

The disgusts betwixt the Prince of Conty and Marsin were grounded upon Marsin's presumption, and arro­gance, assuming all the Authority to himself, and using the Prince as he had been but an inanimate Statue, so that the Prince not being able, nor the Princess of Longueville his Sister, to endure such insolence, they writ to their Brother the Prince of Condy with great resentment, [Page 122] desiring, that (if he intended to preserve the good correspondence which had been hitherto betwixt them) that he would contrive some way of giving them satisfaction, otherwise they should be forc'd to withdraw.

The Prince of Condy was two months in returning his Answer; and when he did, it was different from what they expected, being only a general recommendation of unity among them, declaring withal, that he intended Marsin should have the principal Manage­ment of the Military Affairs, and Lenet of the Finances, and because de Chouppes had writ likewise a­gainst Marsin and Lenet, he sent them the Original of all the Let­ters.

This kind of usage was suffici­ent to have added new fuell to the generous resentments of the Prince of Conty, and the Duchess of Lon­gueville; [Page 123] and to have devided them from the Union of their Brother, who treated, them with so little confidence: But those Princes were too moderate and wise, dissem­bling all, and continuing firm to the utmost extremity. Having be­sides de Chouppes, and the Marquess of Lusignan, sent Brequigny to the Court of Spain, and Fay, to the Marquess of Santa-Croce at that time at Saint Sabastian, where the Baron Batteville, not at all pleas'd that others should reap the fruit and honour of his labour, hindred all he could, the deliberations of the Court of Spain, who with their accustomed delays kept the Princes and their Partie in perpe­tual hopes without any consider­able releif.

By vertue of these differences and Emulations betwixt the Prince of Conty, and the Ministers of the Prince of Condy, the Assemblies of [Page 124] the Merchants were upon the Ex­change as a place most commodi­ous, more frequent then formerly, in respect the Town-house was taken up by the Counsel of the Ol­miera, and the Palace where they keep the Court of Justice, by the Frondeurs: Lenet went twice to speak with them to sowe division amongst them, insinuating that he himself approv'd of what they did, so it were without the intervention of the Advocates, and other per­sons of the Courts of Justice, who being always for their own interest, would ascribe all the honour to themselvs, and leave only the trou­ble for them. To others he inculca­ted their own interest, the strength of the Prince of Condy, and his af­fection to the City, so that partly by terror, partly by diffidence, and partly with hopes, he endeavor'd to gain them all: But all this artifice could not prevent the meeting and [Page 125] concourse of the honest party in this Assembly, by which he per­ceiving all things to run counter to his intention, and that the hearts of the Cititizens were set immove­ably upon peace, instead of confi­ding in the Prince of Conty (who continued still constant to his Bro­ther and his family) he suggested certain jealousies of him, to the Princess, his Sister, and with the most pernicous counsel which could be given at that time, to make him universally odious, he exhibited several charges and ac­cusations against the said Prince, to weaken the only support he had left, sowing discord in his family and among those of his party, and endeavouring with crafty plots to delude them.

Fiesco took his Lodgings in the New-street among the Merchants, to be more ready at hand to per­swade them; that to establish a [Page 126] secure peace, their best way would be to follow the Counsel of Marsin, a person of long experience, and not be led by the Nose by Conty, an unexperienc'd Youth.

They contrived likewise, that certain of the Frondeurs (in whom they had greatest confidence) should be present at these Assem­blies at the Burse, among which there were also the Counsellers of the Parliament which remained in Bourdeaux, and these to raise dif­ferences and distractions amongst them to gain time, in which they placed all their hopes. They con­triv'd moreover, that one Ramont (standing Sentinel at that time in the Town-house) should deny Admission to one Orial (though of the Olmira) because he did not se­cond their designes, as was ex­pected; which was resented by their Companions, and the whole Olmiera, Who commanded him to [Page 127] depart the City. Having after this discover'd, that Marsin gain'd up­on the people every day; by com­mon consent, they call'd a General Assembly on the 19th. of July, 1653. on the Exchange, in which Assembly there met the Deputies from all the Companies in the City. Whilst they were sitting here together, the Chevalier To­dias a Jurate, appear'd unexpected­ly amongst them, whereupon lay­ing hold on the occasion, That the Presence of a Magistrate of the City rendred the Assembly lawful, they constrain'd him to accept the deputation they made to the Prince of Conty, to signifie to him the reso­lutions of the good Citizens of the Town, and to intreat him to ap­prove of the design they were up­on, to make an Overture of peace, and to consent, That the Faction of the Olmiera, which was the only ob­stacle, might be abolish'd, That the [Page 128] Captains and Officers of the City might be cashier'd; it being not reasonable, that so many Per­sons of good quality and birth, as went personally to the Guard for the safety of the Publick, should be commanded by the seditious and Plebeians; and that therefore they might be chang'd, and other sober and deserving persons of condition and worth employ'd in their dead. It was concluded in like manner, that such as were pre­sent should be deputed as from the several Fraternities, and meete daily as the principal Counsel of the City. These to the number of about thirty, with several Heads of the Ar­tizans, went together towards the house of the Dutchess of Longueville, where the Prince then was, part of their number remaining behind on the Ex­change; [Page 129] some thought it neces­sary to do somthing extraordina­ry, so that whilst their Depu­ties were attending the Prince, they caused all they met in the streets, to cry, Viva il Re, e la Pace, Long live the King, and the Peace, distributing a white Favor to every one of them. Upon this noise the Deputies took heart, and the Sieur Todias, encourag'd by them, represented with great franckness to the Prince of Conty, the miseries occasioned both by the Kings forces, and the Prin­ces which were quartered un­der the Walls, but especially by the tumultuous and insolent Olmeisti, who in one year had occasion'd more mischief then many ages would be able to re­pair: That the good Citi­zens could no longer endure the licentiousness of the Souldiers. [Page 130] Wherefore, in the Name of the whole Corporation, he most hum­bly besought him to take some speedy course for the Consolation of all parties, assuring him of the affection and constancy of the Ci­tizens towards his Highness, the Prince of Condy, the Duke d' An­guien his Nephew, and his Sister the Dutchess of Longueville, the Prince told them, that they should meet him the next day at the Arch-bi­shops Palace, to agree about the means of procuring a durable Peace. The Deputies coming out of the Dutchess of Longueville's house, and meeting the people that were crying Peace, they took each of them a white Signal, and joyning with them in a moment, the Cry went thorow the whole Town, Vi­va il Re, e la pace, e muoia l' Olmiera, Long live the King, and the Peace, and let the Olmiera perish. The wo­men, the children, every body put [Page 131] on white colours, and they which had no other, made use of their Handkerchiefs or white paper: On the other side, the Olmeisti and others of the Princes party distin­guish'd themselves by Isabella and blew.

The next Lords day, by order of the Prince of Conty, there were pre­sent at the Council the Counts of Marsin, de Mora, Fiesco, de Mata, de An­tel, the Marquess of Lusignan, Coll. Baltasser, the Counsellors Ramont, Du Duc and Spagnet, who had been at the Exchange to desire Peace; the President Fresne was also call'd to the Council, who had conceal'd himself for two years together, un­der pretence of a fit of sickness real or feigned. They argued and dis­cuss'd this Affair with variety of opinions; some of the Frondeurs, to hinder them from coming to a Conclusion, endeavor'd to divert the Resolutions of the Assembly, [Page 132] and delay time; But this be­ing discover'd by some who were well enough acquainted with the intention of the Frondeurs, and understood how much it imported them not to lose time, they re­mained behind in the Exchange with some other of their friends; and besides those they had with them the day before, getting some other active Persons, they hear­tened their Deputies, who at that instant were at the Arch-bishops Palace, and startled Mar­sin, their number being encrea­sed to above 2000 persons, they assaulted the house of Bleru, who was at that time an Agent in England, that by this means the tumult, (which they noised abroad to be much increased) might dispose the Prince and the Assembly to sa­tisfie the Petition of the City; but the unstable Rout soon gave a proof of their inconstancy, deserting their [Page 133] Leaders in the very height of the Action: who did what they could to keep them together, but to no pur­pose; and in the mean time, night coming on, and nothing done, Vir­lada resolv'd to give some money to his Kinsman Cabanieux, if with other of his Companions he would go and take down a red Stand­ard, which had been set up by the Olmeisti upon Saint Michaels Steeple, and in stead of that funest and bloody colours, put up a white one (the Kings co­lours) in its place; which being done, and another of the fame, in like manner advanc'd on the Steeples of St. Remy and St. Peters, by the well-affected of those pa­rishes; as also on the Gate next the Exchange, the appearance of these colours had so great an influence, that Marsin himself who did all he could to di­vert the Propositions for Peace, [Page 134] condescended to all, the Deputies of the Merchants desired, upon a suspicion of some unavoidable sur­prize; Twelve Deputies there­fore were chosen, to consult with the Princes Counsel upon such terms and expedients as should be most proper for the Conclusion of the Peace; but Marsin perceiving that their fear was without any foundation: the same night com­ing to the Town-house (where the Prince of Conty lodg'd,) with all the Officers of the Army, and the chief of the Olmiera, they consult­ed how to disturb and prevent the designes of the well-affected to the King.

The Olmeisti propos'd to fall up­on those that were assembled in the Burse. Marsin and Fiesco were for standing upon their defence, and (bringing in their Troops) to place them in the street before the Town-house, as far as the quarter [Page 135] of Santa Eulalia towards the Arch­bishops Palace; and the Castle of Ha, where the inhabitants had not declared against them: it was re­solv'd also to make use of an Ar­rest of Parliament offer'd by the Frondeurs, which under pretence of Remonstrating for Peace; forbade all Assemblies, as unlawfull and se­ditious, to the end that the Olimiera might unite with the remainder of the Parliament against the other Citizens: The Prince of Canty did not approve of bringing in the Troops, as a thing which would make the Citizens disperate and and force them to open a Gate to the Dukes of Vandosm and Candal, which would prove the utter de­solation and ruine of the whole City: so that the result was, that they should only make use of the Ordinances of Parliament. The next day the Counsellors of Par­liament going to meet, were hin­dred [Page 136] by a party of Citizens, telling them the Parliament was at Agen, and not at Bourdeaux: Virlade clap'd a Court of Guard before the Palace of Judicature, to hinder the Entrance of the Counsellors; and upon the Ex­change ordered the Sieur de Loverg­nac, one of the Advocates, to reade a Letter publickly from the Duke of Candale, in which he offered the Citizens his Mediati­on, and a General Amnesty: The people, though they did not ac­cept thereof, yet they desired Vir­lade and Baccalan, that they would be present as their Tribunes, at the Counsels held for publick bu­siness in the Archbishops Palace. This being the posture of Affairs in Bourdeaux, and the greater part of the Citizens dispos'd for Peace, the Kings Generals thought it not amiss to encou­rage [Page 137] these Proceedings, and to hinder the seditious spirits of the Olmiera from interrupting them,) to cause their Troops to ad­vance from their Quarters about Begle, towards the Gate of Saint Julian, and at the same time to bring the Fleet above Lor­mont.

This Council was immediate­ly put in execution, the Duke of Candale's Troops marching forward by Land, to the number of about 4000 Foot and 200 Horse. The Clouds of dust, which the trampling of the Horses rais'd in the Air, and the noise of the Artillery from the Ships against the Post of Bacalan, was seen and heard with so much confu­sion and terrour, that the Fron­deurs, and some Counsellours of the Parliament, who were met in the Burse, or Exchange, [Page 138] dissolv'd the Assembly suddenly in great fear, upbraiding the others that under the colour of Peace they had plotted the surprize and desolation of the Town. Virlada did his utmost endeavor to change the Officers that had the Com­mand of the Gates (which were all of them Olmiesti) but being yet all alone with the Advocate Dalon, advising what was to be done, their design being discover'd, and seeing the people incens'd against them, he resolv'd to repair to the Town-house, and there with the help of some of his friends, attempt the nomination of new Captains. Here he found the Prince of Con­ty, and represented to him, that in respect of the confusions within the City, and the approach of the enemy without, the Citizens also being refractory, and unwilling to follow their old Officers, not so much as their Serjeant-Major Pe­riera; [Page 139] it was better (as he did most humbly intreat) for his own proper security, to accept of those few Captains, which in the name of the Citizens he tendred to him, insinuating withal a jealousy, of the pretension of the Jurates of the City against his Authority, if it should happen into their pow­er to choose them, as they desired. The Prince to rid himself of him quickly, fearing to be surprized, having taken their Oaths, they took possession of their places in the Council held in the Arch-Bi­shops Palace, and fell into debate immediately about the most pro­bable Expedients to obtain a Peace; to which end Virlade offred himself to go forthwith and nego­tiate with the Duke of Candale, without expecting a Passport, not to lose time.

Marsin thought to elude him, ap­pointing him for his Companion [Page 140] Baz, a Mareschal de Camp, and his very great Confident. But Virlade departed at Mid­night with the single Permission of the Prince, without the said Baz: Bacalan was nominated also to go to Vandosme with Ca­lapian, (another Mareschal de Camp, Brother to the Marquess de Lasignan, and strictly enga­ged in Marsin's interest;) Vir­lade represented to the Duke of Candale the intention the City had to submit themselves to the obedience of the King, and shewed him the full power they had given him to treat, as al­so a Letter of credit from the Prince of Conty, who to pre­vent the fatal effects of a Con­spiracy contrived against his life, by certain persons which had been banish'd, and were return'd again into the Town, conde­scended to treat with the said [Page 141] Duke, his particular friend, in the behalf, and for the security of his Nephew the Duke de Engui­en, the Princesses, and the rest of his Party, and he entreated him most earnestly to interpose his Authority, that the good Ci­tizens might receive the ef­fects of the Kings Clemency, rather then of his justice.

The Duke receiv'd these Over­tures with great civility, and de­claring himself a friend to the Prince of Conty, he express'd all the demonstrations of esteem that could be expected from an entire Correspondence, it being necessary for the better carrying on of the Treaty, first to make a Truce, which Viralda earnestly press'd, the Duke reply'd, he would con­clude nothing of himself, till he had advised with the Duke of Vendosm, with whom he went hand in hand in carrying on the Kings Interest; yet they proceeded so far, [Page 142] that the Duke prohibited his soul­diers under severe penalty to go out of their Quarters, or to com­mit any Acts of Hostility, either against the Goods or Lives of the Bourdelots. The Duke in the mean time sent the Chevalier de Muns, Captain of his Guards, to complement the Prince, and to assure the inhabitants of his good affection, and sincere mediation to his Majesty in their behalf; from thence the said Captain repair'd to the Duke of Vendosme, to give him an Account of what had passed. Bacalan made the same submissi­ons to the Duke of Vendosm, who receiv'd him with extraordinary Courtesie, answerable to the sweet­ness and affability of his hu­mour.

That very same day Gourville arrived from the Court, at the Duke of Vendosmes quarters, and desiring to pass likewise into the [Page 143] Duke of Candales, the next way being thorow the Town; he sent thither for a Passport, which (eve­ry one being curious to understand how Affairs went since their sepa­ration from the Prince of Condy,) they presently granted. He arrived late in Town, and Lenets house being near the Post-house, where he alighted; he made his first Vi­sit to him, and stayed with him all night, which gave some jea­lousie to the Prince of Conty, and the Dutchess of Longueville, who imagin'd, that coming from the Court he had had private Instru­ctions to treat with Marsin and Le­net, who were then in no good correspondence with the Prince and the Dutchess.

The next day he went to pay his Visits to them, who were very importunate with him, to know what Orders he had brought along with him from the Court, and be­cause [Page 144] he assured them, that he would not meddle with any thing, without communicating with them, and desired them that they would look upon him as a Person wholly devoted to the service of the King, they look'd upon him with more suspicion then be­fore.

The Curiosity of the Princes entertain'd him in long Discourse of several things, so that the same effect his Conference with Lenet had wrought in the Prince, the same did his discourse with the Prince produce in Marsin and Le­net, and the rather because not ha­ving negotiated any thing with them, they concluded his Orders were to treat only with the Prince, so that they were all of them e­qually in the dark. Gourville pur­sued his Voiage in the Company of Baz, (who was sent by Marsin to the Camp at Begle, to have an [Page 145] eye upon Virlade's Proceedings) and coming to the Duke of Candale, who received him with great kindness, he communicated to the Duke all that was to be done for his Majesties service in Bourde­aux, according to the Instructions he had received from Cardinal Mazarine. Joyning with Viral­de, they together obtain'd a sus­pension of Arms for three days, in which time the Duke of Can­dale promised to speak with the Duke of Vendosme, to adjust the Articles of the Truce, not only for the City, but for the whole Province of Guienne.

In the mean time the Prince of Conty went to the Exchange, and put on a white Scarf, to the great joy of the people. But the inconve­niences which might arise from the frequent resort of the Kings Officers and Souldiers to the town, [Page 146] being represented to him, he pro­hibited the admitting any of them for the future, without a Pass­port.

Whilst things were thus in A­gitation, Virlada return'd to Bour­deaux, and inform'd both the Prince and the Citizens of his Ne­gotiations with the Duke of Can­dale.

Marsin, being enrag'd to see the Conclusion of the Treaty so near, which he sought with all Art and Industry to protract and interrupt, he would not consent that any An­swer should be return'd from the Arch-bishops Palace. Whereup­on Viralda, (to animate the people the more, and to excite them to Peace) produced another Letter from the Duke of Candale, by which he permitted the Citizens to go to their Countrey-houses if they pleas'd, to get in their Har­vest, and distributed Passport to [Page 147] those that desired them, who came in great throngs.

The Duke of Vandosm likewise sent Butin his Secretary into Bour­deaux, to assure the Citizens of his inclinations to favour them, but that he would not admit of any Treaty without the con­sent and participation of the Duke of Candale, and that the Propositions might be the better discuss'd and examin'd, they would meet together, and not separate, till the Treaty was concluded or broke off.

Butin was receiv'd with extra­ordinary Acclamation; but the Chevalier Todias represented, that it was contrary to the Rules of War, and against their proper in­terest to shew such partiality. The Secretary was sent back, and Van­dosmes Letter delivered to the Prince of Conty: Marsin came in­to the Council assembled in the [Page 148] Arch-bishops Palace, and sharply reproved Virlade, for that in his Presence he had suffered Feran (a Huguenot Minister) to inveigh a­gainst the Princes party before the Duke of Candale, adding, that this was a clear demonstration, that the Huguenots hated the Spaniards, which was repugnant to the com­mon interest, by reason they could hope for relief from no other Coun­trey but Spain, and that he and Feran both, would have but little thanks from the Citizens.

Marsin hearing the relation of these transactions was not a little distur­bed, who foreseeing that all would be lost, the greatest part of the in­habitants being disposed to return to the obedience of their King.

A Passport was here demanded for the Duke of Vandosm's Gal­leys to go and receive the Duke of Candale at Begle. Marsin oppos'd it, saying, it might be a Treache­ry, [Page 149] and proposed that the Duke might be conveyed in the Vessels belonging to the Town, where­upon a Contest arose betwixt him and others, who maintained, that it was not decent for the Kings General to appear in any Ships, but what belong'd to His Majesty; Mar­sin insisted that the Deputies might be changed; but these being in good esteem with the people that were well-affected, they were con­firm'd, and the Articles of the Truce enlarged. The Contents of them were, that all Hostilities should cease till the Consummati­on or Rupture of the Treaty; That there should be no communication betwixt the souldiers and inhabi­tants, without passports from the Kings Generals. That when the Kings Troops should be remo­ved further off, quarters should be granted to the Princes For­ces, four leagues from Bourdeaux. [Page 150] That during the Treaty, there should be free entrance for all kind of Provisions into the Town; That Passes should be given to cer­tain persons, to be sent into Flan­ders, to give advice of what pass'd to the Prince of Condy, and into Spain, to his Catholique Majesty, That Baltasser with his Troops might retire to Tartas. The Article concerning the Passport into Spain was disputed, and at length altered by the Prince of Conty, it being agreed on, that only notice should be given to the Generals of the Spanish Fleet; But with order not to come near Bour­deaux, for if they did they should neither be received nor assisted. All these Transactions being highly displeasing to Marsin, and all such as were enemies to the peace, they raised new murmures and divisions in the City, and plotted all ways to break or disturb the Treaty; [Page 151] They assured the people that there was Corn enough in the Maga­zines for three Months; That the want of provisions, and sickness encreasing daily in the Kings Ar­my, they could not long subsist, nor be able to make the least op­position against the Spanish Fleet, which was expected every mo­ment, with ample supplies, both of Victuals, Money and men, so that holding out but a few days longer they should obtain a Peace much more advantageous. That the Prince of Condy was in Flanders with a powerful Army, able to march to Paris without any obstru­ction, by reason of the weaknes of the Kings Forces, and the peoples disaffection to the Cardinal. Mar­sin continued to declaim aganst the Propositions of the peace, as dis­honourable to the name of their Union, and to their Promises, and oaths so often reiterated, not to [Page 152] abandon the Prince of Condy, That it was nothing but the effect of a Conspiracy of a few persons cor­rupted by the flatteries of Maza­rine, and inveigled with the thoughts of bettering their own fortune by the ruine of the publick interest. That their Offers were to be shunn'd as the singing of a Sirene, That having offended a Prince to the quick, the best Coun­sel was to see him no more except in a Picture: But on the contrary, those who understood the Artifices and machinations of seditious per­sons, were of another judgement, and declar'd,

That things were reduc'd now to such an extremity, they must fall inevitably into the hands of the Spaniard, and live under their yoke and dominion, or become miserable sacrifices to the armes and vengeance of their own King. That the State could never fall [Page 153] under greater Tyranny, then what they then suffered under the Offi­cers of the Princes, who had no o­ther aim then to satisfie their in­satiable desire of robbing them both of their honour and estates, leaving them in a miserable and languishing condition. That the City, not being to be brought to a worse plight, ought to embrace so happy an opportunity of redeem­ing it self from such imminent dangers, whilst the Generals, with unexpected Courtesie, distributed every where his Majesties grace and favours, full of clemency and pity, and thought it greater ho­nour to be the instruments of his mercy then revenge. That now was the time to wipe off all the unwor­thy stains of rebellion, by making it appear, they were rather the ef­fects of a few peoples violence, then any universal disgust. That Marsin (as a stranger) was manifestly more solicitous for his own private [Page 154] interest for the Princes, and there­fore he ran things to Extremity, with false and pretended promi­ses of releif, which if soberly con­sider'd, was rather to be abhorr'd then receiv'd, seeing by prolong­ing the War, all the people must of necessity be precipitated into an eternal, and inextricable confu­sion, and their revenues brought to nothing, consisting principally in trade with strangers, and in the fruits of the field, the one ab­solutely precluded and inter­rupted, and the other like to be destroy'd, by the spoiling of their Vintage.

They further added, that the Princes professing the ease of the people, to whom they had so many Obligations, it was to be suppos'd, they would not consent, that for the advantage of a few of their party, so many innocents should be ruin'd; and that themselves, be­ing [Page 155] of so high a birth, by return­ing to their obedience, they might restore themselves to their pristine Authority and Grandeur in the Kingdom of France, where no true Frenchman, by reason of their na­tural antipathy could willingly brook the Spaniards, who sought to advantage themselves by these troubles, alluring the uncautious by the lustre of their Gold, and deluding the people more with false hopes then really assisting them with any formidable and ef­fectual force. Finally, they con­cluded, that having for their own Sovereign, a King given them by God, they ought not to doubt of his being endowed with so Noble and Generous a mind as to forget injuries, and pardon Offences.

These Reasons, with the En­gagement, into which most of the Citizens had publikely entred, and the fear of falling again under the [Page 156] outrages of the Olmeira, in case they should recover their former Authority by the means of fo­reign force, was the cause that the Assembly of the Olmeisti, was ex­presly forbidden, and the Captains of the quarters renewed with all di­ligence, and strict Guards placed at the Gates to hinder the entrance of forreign Soldiers. They treated also privately with Colonel Bal­tasser, to gain him to their side, as a valiant and generous person, and one that was capable of doing much mischeif, were he united with Marsin, with whom (by reason of several disgusts past betwixt them) he held no very good cor­respondence.

Virlade, being in the mean time return'd to Begle, to accompany the Duke of Candale to Lormont, and assist at the General Truce, re­ceiv'd an express from the Duke of Vandosme at Mid-night, that 33 [Page 157] Sail of Spanish Ships were arriv'd within sight of Blay; Whereupon the three days Truce being expir'd, the Duke of Candale thought it expedient to give them another in­definite, till the conclusion of the peace, and the publication of the Amnesty, which he did to en­gage the Citizens in a Treaty, before the news of the approach of the Spanish Armada, lest they should change their resolutions, and concurr with the contrary party.

It being concluded therefore, and establish'd as firm as was pos­sible, Virlade was dispatch'd back to Bourdeux, to draw the Prince of Conty to a peremptory resoluti­on to declare puplickly for the ser­vice of the King; where being arriv'd, he found the City much altered by the Artifices of Marsin, who (having been at the Burse, to clear himself and Lenet of the ma­chinations [Page 158] wherewith they were charg'd) he had in some measure mollifi'd the hearts of those who had been exasperated against him, and by the distribution of Mo­ney amongst the Plebeians, cap­tivated a good part of them, par­ticularly those of the Fraternity of Saint John, (which are so numerous they seldome appear less then 1500 in their procession upon that Saints day) so that he caus'd them to fasten peeces of Red Ribbon to their Pro­cession-staffs, and to cry up and down the streets, and in their very Procession, Viva i Principi, Long live the Princes.

Virlada, astonish'd at this change, rid amongst them with a Trumpet of the Duke of Candales before him, snatching from some of them their Red Ribbons, giving them white, and casting some Moneys a­mongst them, he caus'd them quick­ly to change their note, and cry out [Page 159] as fast, Viva il Re, e la Pace, Long live the King and the Peace, and from thence passing to the Town-house, where the Prince of Conty then was, he prest him to declare himself either for Peace or War, telling him, that as his servant, he could not but advise him of the evident danger he was in, seeing the design was to make themselvs Masters of the Town, though with the destruction and ruine of his Highness. That therefore he did earnesly desire him to continue the suspension of Arms, which during till the conclusion of the peace, would secure him, and take away all occasion from the Kings Ge­nerals to attempt any thing against the City, which in the confusions they were then in, would be no hard matter for them to do, to the endangering of his person, and his friends, or at least to his disho­nour.

[Page 160]These Propositions sunk very deep into the heart of the Prince, full of generosity, and therefore the more dispos'd to receive such counsels as were grounded on rea­son and honour; Besides, Gourville, being in private Treaty with him at that time, who took great pains to remove him from all contrary sentiments; he finally resolv'd to subscribe the suspension of Arms; which was solemnly publish'd, and went to the Exchange to declare openly, that he renounc'd all leagues and confederacies with Spain.

Here were likewise read the Ar­ticles of peace, which were to be propos'd, as also a renunciation of the Citizens, of all Treaties with the English, and the Ministers of Spain, and this was also done in publique by the Prince, with much frankness, which drew after him all the acclamations of the people.

[Page 161]The Arrival of the Spanish Fleet was not yet known in Bour­deaux, and those that understood the inconstancy of the people al­ways desirous of novelties, endea­vour'd to conceal it as much as was possible.

The Duke of Candale went to Lormond to the Duke Van­dosme, and the articles of the Truce were agreed on in the same form they were presented, except the granting of quarters to the Prin­ces Troops, a passport to Baltasser, or liberty for bringing in victuals or Ammunition into the Town. They agreed afterwards, on the houre to meet the Deputies, to treat about the peace. The de­signes of the seditious and the Spaniards being in this manner defeated; The Kings Generals were much rejoyced, and the ra­ther because they had reason to fear, that if the Spanish Navy had [Page 162] appear'd before the Treaty had been concluded, they would easily have made themselves Masters of Bourdeaux, and all the Kings Affairs in Guienne, been utterly ruin'd, be­sids the prejudice they would have receiv'd in the other parts of the Kingdom by so potent, and so con­siderable a diversion.

The Spanish Fleet came to an Anchor at the mouth of the Ga­ronne, and the Generals (having no­tice of the resolution of the Bour­delois whilst they lay there, attend­ing the opportunity of the Tyde, to attempt the relieving of the Town) were in great confusion, and at a stand what to do, fearing to engage themselves in vain, fur­ther in the River, with so much hazard, not being assur'd to be re­ceiv'd by the City, but rather treated as Enemies; They conclu­ded at length to continue where they were upon their Guard, and [Page 163] to dispatch away a Messenger with all speed to the Spanish Court, to give notice of the alteration of Affaires, that they might delibe­rate what was best to be done in this exigence. They sent like­wise advice into Flanders, to the Spanish Ministers and the Prince of Condy, who at the receipt of this News saw his expectations quite vanisht, while with a secure confi­dence he had cherish'd himself, that the Spanish Fleet would have got easily to Bourdeaux, and have had the better of the day, if they came to an engagement; which the Spaniards themselves, gave evi­dent tokens they were not willing to undertake upon a slight ac­count.

On the 27. of July, the Deputies, being twelve in number (whereof Chevalier Todias was the chief) to whom was joyn'd the aforesaid Virtade, they propounded the Ar­ticles [Page 164] of the Peace. By the per­mission of the Prince of Conty, Bartau a Citizen of Bourdeux, was sent to the Spanish Navy, to let them know, that the City re­nounced all leagues and confede­deracies concluded with his Ca­tholick Majesty, and disowned all succours that came from him.

The Generals having perus'd the Propositions of Peace, they found some things too prejudicial to his Majestie's honor, so that they had like to have sent back the De­puties; But apprehending, by rendring the Bourdelots disperate, they might throw themselves into the Arms of the Spaniards already advanced too far, they found out a medium very proper to compose all, which was to shorten the Trea-and come to a Conference, in which those Articles that could not be granted, should be remitted to the King, rather then to send away [Page 165] the Deputies. It being more then probable, that Marsin would take new courage by the discontents of the people, and the well-affected themselves, seeing their hopes fru­strated, would easily be perswa­ded to admit the Spanish supplies.

For these Reasons the Deputies were recall'd, and after having offer'd them the favour of the General Amnesty for the inhabi­tants of the Town, in the same form as it was granted to the Pa­risiens, and as it was Registred in the Parliament, transferr'd to A­gen, To the Princes and Princesses, and all others of their partie, as ample passports as they could de­sire; to the Generals and French Officers, leave to retire to their own houses, and to the Foreign Troops to depart out of the King­dom. They promis'd to exa­mine the Articles in a Conference the day following; All which being tendred to the Prince of [Page 166] Conty and the assembly of the Citi­zens in the Burse, in two Sessions, they resolv'd them in this manner following.

Upon the 1. and 2. (after the Kings Declaration of 1650. was read,) it was agreed, That a ge­neral Amnesty should be granted to the Citizens of Bourdeaux, with confirmation of their prviledges.

The 3. (which respected the Person of the Prince of Condy, and his indemnity) was referr'd to the King: but it was propos'd, that they might have a months time to give him notice of their Treaty, by a Messenger express, to whom the Kings Generals were to give a Passport to the Court, and from thence he was to have the Kings safe conduct into Flanders. That the Prince of Conty, and the Dutchess of Longueville were to be compre­hended, if they pleased in the Am­nesty of Bourdeaux, or if they de­sired [Page 167] one separately, it should be granted them, in the best form, and verified for them and their depen­dents in the Parliament of Paris, as that for the Bourdelots was to be in the Parliament of Guienne. That the Duke d' Enguien, and the Prin­cess his Mother should have Pass­ports given them for their securi­ty and residence, in case they were inclin'd to abide in any part of the Kingdom; That Marsin should have liberty to go to Liege by Sea or by Land, as he pleas'd, it being his native Country; and the same to the Count de Mora, the Mar­quess of Lusignan, Lenet, and the rest, if they refus'd the benefit of the Amnesty.

Some difficulties arose about the Gens d'armes, the Princes Guards, and the Regiment of Enguien, the Generals pretending that those Troops belonging to the King, they ought either to be disbanded, or [Page 168] entred again into his Majesties ser­vice, but the Example of the Ca­pitulation at Bellegard prevailing; They consented that they should have ticketts given them for quar­ters, till they came to the Fron­tiers of the Kingdom. The Re­giments of Marque, and Marquese, with the rest of the Princes party, were all of them disbanded. The Irish had leave to retire into Spain, having secretly treated with the French Generals.

The Castles were surrendred, the Prisoners released, but the dis­mantling of Fort- Caesar, Bourg, and Libourne, and other places upon the River, was referr'd to the plea­sure of the King.

There was a long debate like­wise upon the restitution of the Parliament in Bourdeaux, as also upon the Article about the taking off the Imposts establish'd at Blay, of two Crowns upon every Tun [Page 169] of Wine, the reimbursement of the debts contracted during the War, upon the Merchandizes and Rents, as also the revocation of the subsi­stence of the discharge of Taxes, and Tenths for ten years, and the suppression of the Court of Aids, all which Articles being of more then ordinary importance, were left to the decision of his Ma­jesty.

Moreover, the Generals refus'd to comprehend Villeneuf d' Age­nois, and the other Towns of the Princes side in this Treaty, al­ledging they were free to ac­cep of the Amnesty, and return to their obedience without it if they pleas'd.

After this Conference the Duke of Vandosme demanded of the De­puties what the sentiment of the City of Bourdeaux would be. [Page 170] these Articles being granted, the Kings General Pardon pass'd in the forme and manner requested, and the Souldiers drawn off: This was a long time under debate the 29. of July in the Burse, where in the presence of the Prince of Con­ty, the Duke d' Enguien, and Le­net, the Propositions of the Gene­rals were read.

Which contained this, That the Articles being signed, they were to rely upon the word of the Gene­rals as Persons of honour, seeing it would require time to procure the Kings confirmation, That the said Generals would enter into the Ci­ty, allow Provisions to be brought in, and give security to the Prin­ces and their Troops to retire; if otherwise they chose rather to ex­pect the Kings Declaration before they suffered them to enter, in that case no Provisions were to be [Page 171] brought in, nor liberty for any to come out but the Deputies themselves.

The Counsellors of the Parlia­ment, who were then in Bourde­aux, and who were all of them Frondeurs, especially Spagnet and Saux, declar'd their opinions, That in that case War was to be pre­ferr'd before a doubtful and uncer­tain Peace; That they ought not to consent that the Kings Decla­ration should be registred any where, but in the Parliament sit­ting in Bourdeaux: Nor the Ge­nerals permitted to enter into the City: But the Prince of Conty and Lenet were of another minde, and declar'd that they ought to treat with their Sovereign in termes of obedience and respect.

In this Intrigue they took this expedient, To cause the peace to be published, To attend the Kings rati­fication, with mutual Hostages on [Page 172] both sides without admitting the Generals into the Town. To this was to added, That (the people beginning to tumult and cry out for an end of the Treaty, and their miseries) the Troops should be sent away, and only some few days granted to the Princes, to adjust their Affairs; But the Generals would not condescend to these de­mands, replying, that if the peace was not absolutely concluded, they could not draw off the Kings Troops from the Town, and that whilst the Prince, Princesses, Mar­sin, Lenet, and others remain'd in the City, they must only expect the benefit of the bare suspension of Armes agreed on by the Truce of the 30th. of July.

The Prince of Conty (who for himself and his whole family, had subcrib'd a Treaty with Cour­ville, declar'd in the Assembly at the Burse; that for his part he [Page 173] relied upon the Generals Parole, nor should his interest or his fa­milies hinder the Citizens from obtaining a speedy remedy for their miseries, by the withdrawing off the Troops, That as for his part he was resolv'd to leave the Town forthwith, and retire to Ca­dillac.

It was declar'd likewise by the Chevalier Todias, That the Princess of Condy would retire to L' Esparre, and the Dutchess of Longveville to Plassac, there to expect either their passports, or the Amnesty. The Dutchess of Longueville as soon as hers was arriv'd, by the consent of the Duke her husband, retired out of the noise and clamours of the world, into a Monastery of Nuns in the Suburbs of Moulins in Bourbonnois.

The Deputies being return'd the same day, it was concluded that the Dukes might enter the Town, [Page 174] when they pleas'd, according to their condition and quality, and the honour due to His Majesties Armes, and that the Princes troops should withdraw as was desired.

The Passports were brought to the Princess of Condy, the Duke d' Enguien, Marsin, Lenet, & the same day were dispatch'd to Court, the Count of Montesson from the Duke of Vandosm, and the Conte de Marin­ville from the Duke of Candale, for the ratification of the Treaty; The 3d. of August the Dukes were re­ceiv'd into the Town, with great Ceremony, and the universal ap­plause of the people who but few days before were of a cleer contra­ry mind. The Dukes, to demon­strate the entire confidence they had in them, dismiss [...]d their own Guards, and caus'd their hou­ses and persons to be guarded by the inhabitants. They elected new Jurats, and the Assemblies which [Page 175] were held in the Burse, were remo­ved to the Town-house. The Prin­cess with the Duke d' Enguien her Son, went to Chastillon de Medoc, Marsin into Spain by Sea; The Count de Fiesco took Post thither by land, the Prince of Conty reti­red to Cadillac, where he found Langlade, Cardinal Mazarine's Se­cretary sent thither to assist at the Treaties of Bourdeaux, but falling sick he could not be present at the Conclusion.

Colonel Baltasser entred himself into the Kings service with 600 Foot, and 400 Horse. Monsieur de la Rocque, who was at that time with some Horse and Foot, at the City of Perigueux, followed the example of Baltasser, and took up Armes for the King, the said la Rocque conceiving a jealousie, that the Marquess de Chanlo, Governour of that Town, had a design to take him Prisoner, went out himself [Page 176] with some of his freinds, and re­pairing to the Commanders of the Kings forces, was an occasion of a Treaty with the Inhabitants of that place, in order to their returne to their Obedience. Father Ythier a Jesuite, by directions from Car­dinal Mazarine, led the Dance, and not only disposed the mindes of the Inhabitants, but observing what pass'd, gave intelligence to Father Bertaut, who follow'd the business whilst Ythier was sick.

Besides this, another private Treaty was set on Foot with the Irish of that Garrison; But the Governour, (not fully confiding in that Nation, disgusted with those that had ordered them thi­ther, and not satisfied with those that had receiv'd them) kept so vi­gilant an eye over them, that having a suspition of some design, he caus'd their Officers to be se­cur'd, and disperst the Soldiers [Page 177] amongst his own companies he most trusted.

The Duke of Candale (who was too Generous to approve of a vi­ctory obtain'd by Circumvention or treachery) could not endure any such dishonorable ways, but resolv'd to besiedge that City, and reduce it with his Sword in his hand according to the more Glori­ous methods of War.

He had already caus'd the Ar­tillery to be embarqu'd, and dis­patch'd the Marquess de Sovebeuf, with part of his Troops, (com­manded by the Marquess de Ca­villac, and the Count de St. Ger­main) to invest it; But the Citizens, knowing how prejudicial it would be to expect a formal Siedge, re­solv'd after the example of the Bourdelots, to betake themselves to their Arms, and force the Guard [Page 178] of the Gates out of the hands of the Garrison. The Governour having notice of their design, and being at that time in Treaty a­bout leaving the Countrey, upon condition he might be permitted to march with his Troops to the Prince of Condy, his Master; he drew up all his men immediatly in the great Market-place, and his head being a little hot with wine, (having been at a Wedding-din­ner) he went haftily (accompanied only with his Page, and one of the Consuls of the City) to the house of Budan the Kings Attourney, to demand the reason, how they curst hold such private Assemblies with­out his cognizance and permission; when he came there, they re­puls'd him very rudely, and told him there was no such Assembly; but he pressing on to enter by force, some of the Attourneys friends discharg'd their Firelocks [Page 179] upon him, so that he fell down dead in the place, upon which the Inhabitants taking heart, they issued into the streets arm'd, crying out, Viva il Ré e la Pace, Long live the King and the Peace, and dragging his body about in a most barbarous manner. The Soldiers were in no small confusion upon this acci­dent, the Officers could not keep them together, nor oppose them a­gainst the fury of the people: they running from their colours, some one way, some another, insomuch that the City remain'd entirely in the Citizens hands, without fur­ther obstacle, who immediately dispatch'd a Messenger to the Mar­quess de la Douze, to desire a Pass­port for their Deputies to wait up­on the Duke of Candale, from whom they desired the benefit of the Amnesty, and to return to their obedience to his Majesty, as they accordingly did, one of the [Page 180] most seditious amongst them be­ing hang'd up, several others ba­nish'd, and the Officers and Cap­tains of the Quarters chang'd.

Villeneuf d' Agenois, proud that they had resisted the Count de Har­court, and defeated his attempts; emulating the fury of the Olmi­era of Bourdeaux; and in imi­tation of those inhabitants they listed several Companies, boast­ing to defend their liberty, To suppress their insolence, the Kings forces under the Command of the Marquess d' Aubeterre approach'd the Town, at the time when their grain being ripe, (with which that place does exceedingly a­bound) the Inhabitants were pre­paring for Harvest; so that the Citizens foreseeing the loss of their Revenues, and that they could not live happily, being deprived of their estates, they preferr'd the fear of misery before the ambition [Page 181] of liberty, and sent Deputies to the Prince of Conty, supplicating him to send them succour, or make their Peace. But Bourdeaux, ha­ving already capitulated, and the Prince of Conty laid down his Arms, and retir'd to Cadillac, they began to treat with the Con­te de Vaillac, and afterwards with the Duke of Candale, who sent thither la Ribere a Counsellour of State, and Commissary of his Ar­my, with whom their Amnesty was concluded, upon condition that their walls should be pull'd down, their fortifications demolish­ed, and the Citizens who had bin too busie and pragmatical, to pay 4000 Pistols; besides, to deliver 20 persons prisoners, to be dis­pos'd of as the Duke pleas'd, two of which were hang'd pre­sently, Dureteste also arrested by Order from the Count d' Estrade, was ex­ecuted at the same time.

[Page 182]Whilst the Duke of Vandosme and Candale, were proceeding with great sweetness and Moderation, towards the settlement of Affairs in Bourdeaux, they omitted not to watch over the Actions of some perfidious persons, who became more savage and brutal, by how much the Generals (repleat with all vertue) used them with more then ordinary kindness and cour­tesie.

Sir George Cartret an English-man had intelligence, that one Ed­wards, sent by the Parliament of England, lay privately in a certain place in the Town, blowing up the coals of Rebellion, which were not quite extinct, but lay still glowing in the hearts of some se­ditious people. About the same time a small Felucca was taken casually, with Letters from Lenet to the said Edwards, inviting him to a Counsel which was to be [Page 183] held aboard the Spanish Admiral. Two Citizens of Bourdeaux were apprehended likewise with Let­ters from the said Lenet, to several persons in the Town, and particu­larly to certain Ladies.

By all these Discoveries, it be­ing sufficiently clear their design was to reunite with the Spaniards, and to revive the hopes of the Frondeurs, which were not yet quite extinguish'd, the Dukes were more vigilant then before, and ap­plied themselves with all imagine­able diligence, to find out fit re­medies for these wounds, which were not yet well closed.

After the Procession of the 15. of August, Espagnet was imprisoned, and sent with a good Guard to the Castle of Angoulesme. Passports were given to several persons sus­pected to contrive new troubles, to remove elsewhere, among which were the Counsellors du Duke, [Page 184] de Manvesin, and la Chese: Some Troops were commanded towards Merau, to be imbark'd, if need were, in the Kings Ships, in order to the ingaging of the Spanish Fleet, which was then at An­chor within sight of Royan, a small Town, but of great strength, and importance, having Xain­tonge, on its right hand, and the Country of Medoc on its left. Other Souldiers were sent into Xaintonge, where the whole Countrey was in Armes appre­hending the landing of the Spa­niards in those parts. And all Inconveniences were with such diligence prevented, by the or­der of Mazarine, that the Rebel­lion could by no wayes take Footing again, nor disturb the peace and tranquillity of the Bourdelots. Who being grown wise at their owne cost had found that the worth and ex­cellency [Page 185] of good Orders is not to be discern'd, without a sence and experience of disor­ders.

The HISTORY of the Manage­ments of CARDINAL MAZARINE. Part II. Lib. II.

AFfairs going on in this manner in Guienne, with such advan­tage to the King, and glory of the Cardinal, whose fortune appear'd more and more favourable to him in all his Enterprizes. In the other parts, on the Fron­tiers of Flanders, the Armies encamp'd themselves with dif­ferent designes. The Spaniards with the Prince of Condy, trusting in the greatness of their force, which consisted of 30000 fighting men, extended their quarters and lay at large, seeking to allure the French Army to a Battel, because [Page 187] if they obtein'd the victory, they hoped to advance to the very Gates of Paris, to encourage those as were dispos'd to sedition, to create new troubles before the Affairs in Guienne were compos'd to the ad­vantage of the King, and by for­cing their way into the heart of the Countrey, to fill the whole Kingdom with horrour and confu­sion. The number of their Coun­sellors being great, the opinions were various what course they were to steer to bring their designs to a happy issue: For though the Prince of Condy stood firm in his opinion of marching—to the Seine, without engaging in any tedious Leagure; yet the Spanish Captains were backward in concurring with the undaunted thoughts of this warlike Prince, as being fearful to engage their Ar­my in some desperate Affair, or puff up the Prince with too much [Page 188] glory, of whose instability, as a French-man, (though their experi­ence since has convinc'd them of his constancy) it appear'd, they were not a little jealous: after various consultations upon the best and most seasonable expedi­ent, it was resolv'd all ways should be tried to force the Enemie to a battel, and according to the event of that, they might proceed after­wards to other resolutions. With these designes the Army advanc'd, facing the French for several days, and parted only by the River Oyse.

The Mareshal de Turenne, though in number inferiour to the Spanish Army, out of the greatness of his courage, would with all his heart have accepted of the Com­bate, but his generous Spirit was restrain'd by the mature experi­ence he had gain'd, to his great [Page 189] glory, in 22 Campaigne's, in which, though young, he had always the Principal Command; besides, he was with-held by express orders from the Cardinal, who consi­dering very wisely, that the fortune of the whole Kingdom, depending upon that Army, they ought not to expose their past labours, their pre­sent condition, and their future hopes, to the hazard and uncertain­ty of a Battel, with so much dis­advantage; wherefore in this case, following the example of that poli­tick Roman, who by his cunctati­on and delays destroy'd the Army of the Carthaginians; He content­ed himself to Alarm the Enemies Camp, now in the slanck, now in the Front, now in the Rear, and by forcing them, somtimes to keep close, somtimes to hasten, somtimes to retard their March, reduce them to a scarcity of provisions, and fi­nally to frustrate all the designes [Page 190] they had contrived against France. But their being in the Mareschal Turenne no less, then in the Prince of Condy an ardent and immense de­sire of glory, he could not satisfie the fervour of his mind, if in so conspicuous an occasion he gave not some proof or testimony of his valour. He past the River there­fore one day with 7 or 800 Horse, and joyning with his main Guard, which was kept on the other side, he fell upon the E­nimies Guards at the head of the Fens of Fonsomme, and charg'd them so briskly, that he beat them into their main Body, took several Prisoners, and return'd with great honour to his quarters.

In the mean time the King, the Cardinal, and the whole Court arriv'd at the Army the 24. of July, where he was received with extra­ordinary applause, there being drawn up in excellent Order an [Page 191] hundred Squadrons of Horse, and 18 Battalions of Foot, in all about 16000 old Souldiers, well inured to the Warres, with a great Number of experienc'd Officers, and Re­formadoes. The Mareschal de Tu­renne being willing to entertain the King with the sight of a Skir­mish, very much desired by his Ma­jesty, who is naturally Martial: He forded the Oyse with his light Horse, Gens d' armes, and about a Thousand other select Horse, and fell again upon the same Guards of the enemie and beat them back: The Prince of Condy, being con­fident, that upon the arrival of the King, the French Generals would dispose themseves for a Battel, he put his Troops in Order, and stood firm, observing their motion, till the King was retreated, and un­derstanding afterward it was but a party of Horse, he was much [Page 192] troubled he had not advanc'd, and try'd his fortune in a charge.

The King remain'd all that day in the Camp, animating every bo­dy with the Majesty of his presence, and filling them with an impatient desire of signalizing themselves in his service.

He dined at the Mareschal Tu­renne's, with a great number of his principal Officers, who had the ho­nour to be called by his Majestie to his own Table. He supped with the Mareschal de la Ferte Se­neterre in the same order, and re­turn'd to lodge in the Mareschal de Turenne's Quarters, in the midst of the Army. The Cardinal having given the Generals Orders and In­structions how they should regu­late themselves that Campagne, re­turn'd with the King to Paris.

Two or three days after the Kings departure, the Spanish Army quitted their Posts, and took their March directly towards San Simon [Page 193] and at Serocourt pass'd over the Somme. The French Army fol­low'd them by the way of la Fere, and quarter'd at Chery, and Maiau, and pass'd the Oyse, at the place where it formes it self into a lit­tle Island, and a little above Ver­duel, and Trauessy, they drew into Battalia, from whence they march-to Fargny, where they encamp'd; observing always the enemy, that they might not have time to sit down before any place, and en­trench themselves, which was their design, after they found how difficult it was to draw the French to an engagement.

The Prince of Condy, suspecting that Turenne would fall upon his Rear as he was passing St. Simon, he march'd through with all speed, and lodged within a league of Ham, doubting he would at­taque that most important place, scituate upon the Somme, betwixt St. Quintin and Peron.

[Page 194]This sudden motion obliged the French Generals to advance to Chauny, a Town upon the Oyse, and from thence to Noyon, the chief City of a County upon the same River, with a strong wall about it, and well-peopled, where they made a halt for some days, while the Spaniards facing them, the Prince of Condy pass'd with six thousand men at Magny, and march'd from thence to Roye, and approaching it in three several places, he forced it to surrender: Turenne hearing what had pass'd, and suspecting he might surprize some of the Towns upon the Som­me, he advanc'd to Magny. Condy designing against Corbie, pretended to march with part of his Army to­wards Beauvais, to draw the French Army from their Post, and at the same time to invest Corbie.

Turenne, who by long experience understood the Arts of the Prince, [Page 195] and knew very well he would not engage himself far in France, with so many strong Towns at his back, and an Army in his flanck, in stead of following him, as seemed requisite by the Rules of War; On the 9. of August he marched to Magny, where they made Bonefires and rejoycings in the Camp, for the happy news of the reduction of Bourdeaux, which much encouraged the Army, so that speedily passing the River, he dispatch'd the Comte de Schomberg, with 400 Horse and 200 Foot, to reinforce the Garrison of Corbie, and prevent the Princes design.

At the same time the whole French Army march'd towards Ham, pass'd the River in the night, and lodg'd on the other side, where Turenne, having intelligence that the Count de Maille, with a large Convoy of Ammunition, and 4000 Pioneers was departed from [Page 196] Cambray, to reinforce the Spanish Army, in case they should invest a­ny place; Incontinently with the greatest part of his Horse, and a commanded party of Foot, the the next morning at break of day he clap'd himself in the way that the Convoy was to pass, with re­solution to set upon them: But the Prince having smelt his design, (as being no less acquainted with the Practices of Turenne, and the greatest part of his Commanders, most of them having serv'd under him) and that there was nothing to be done at that time, turning head with his light Horse, and marching with all diligence to­wards the Somme, sent advice by Polenet (Groom of his Chamber,) to the Count de Maille, to return again with his Convoy to Cam­bray.

Polinet, returning back the same [Page 197] day was taken Prisoner by a Party of the Royallists, who under­standing by him, and afterwards by the Scouts (which had been at the very Gates of Cambray) that Maille was retreated, and that the Prince having cast two Bridges of Boats over the Somme, had pass'd it, and lodg'd himself upon the banck of it, betwixt Corbie and Bre, Turenne return'd with great dexterity towards his Camp, which was already ad­vancing towards him; and ha­ving joyn'd with the Mareschal la Ferte, they secured their Bag­gage under the walls of Pe­ronne, and encamp'd at a Vil­lage not far from that Town, and at no great distance from the Spanish Army, taking pos­session of a convenient place to sustain a battel, if occasion of­fered it.

[Page 198]The Prince in the mean time believ'd he should catch Turenne unprovided, and constrain him to fight; and in this confidence he march'd all night long, and with so much expedition, that the next morning, in sight of Peronne, he found the enemies baggage with its Guards, who having no Alarm, thought his coming im­possible: But his men being very weary with the tediousness of their March, he forbore falling upon them, Turenne in the mean time ha­ving drawn his Army to Mont St. Quintin, which is an Abby upon a Hill. The Prince found him in so good Order, he had no minde to provoke him at such a disadvan­tage. However Condy made as if he was come on purpose to attaque him, thereby to hold him in sus­pence, till he could receive the Convoy from Cambray, without which there was no probability of [Page 199] being able to lay Siedge to any place. But in the mean-time, while he endeavored by small skir­mishes to amuse them with the expectation of a Battel: he caus'd his Vauntguard to march directly towards Saint Quintin, leaving the Kings Camp on the right hand, and a great Wood betwixt both Armies: Turenne, having his eyes open upon all occasions, and not willing the enemie should march directly before him, as the Prince of Condy did design, he ad­vanc'd with equal diligence, and prevented him at a Post which the Prince thought to have possest: Condy was hereupon obliged to make a halt, by which means the Armies were once again brought to face one another, there being nothing betwixt them but a little valley, and that very easie and accessible, above which the French placed a strong Guard over against [Page 200] a Wood which ran up almost to the Enemies Camp, not above a Musquet-shot distant, Here both Armies stood their ground, facing one another three or four days; with great wariness, the Prince and the Spanish Generals, being unwilling to come to an Engage­ment, in a place the Mareschals had chosen so much to their ad­vantage.

On the 14. of August, there hap­pen'd a smart skirmish, in which the two Counts, brothers of Russy ingaged themselves too far, and Tu­renne's Lieutenant-Collonel was slain: The same day the Prince of Taranto, the Marquess de Bouteville and the Count de Duraz, being up­on the Prince of Condy's out-Guards, and curious of seeing and saluting the Mareschal Turenne, who at the same time was by ac­cedent at his, they sent a Trumpet to desire they might have the ho­nour [Page 201] to kiss his hands, which be­ing granted, they were received by Turenne with his usual kind­ness and affability, and discours'd together with reciprocal Com­plements. Some Gentlemen also ftom the Kings Camp, went to pay their respects to the Prince of Condy, who drew near within 200 Paces of Turenne, and possibly with a desire to speak with him; but Turenne being aware of it, pre­tending some business, he departed from that place without staying for the Invitation, which as was supposed, the Prince was about to send him by one of his Gentle­men.

Two houres before day, upon the 25. of August, the Prince raised his Camp, and march'd towards St. Quintin, of which Turenne ha­ving advertisement, and suspecting the attaque of some of those places, he caused the Count de Beaujen to repass the Somme with 1200 Horse, [Page 202] and 600 Foot, with Orders to keep nigh Ham and Saint Quintin, to be ready to succour which of those places he should fall upon: The French Generals repass'd the Ri­ver at Peronne, marching all Night, and the next day directing their way towards Ham. Beau­jeu, being arriv'd at Saint Quintin, he had news that the Count de Duraz was with 2000. Horse com­manded out of the Enemies Army, and advanc'd to invest Guise; whereupon with all diligence cros­sing the Fere, he put a good supply of men very seasonably into that place, of which the Prince of Con­dy having notice, he commanded the said Count back to the Army, after he had fac'd the Town 12 houres together.

The Prince perceiving his de­signes hitherto ineffectual, and much troubled to find so much Conduct and Courage in the Kings [Page 203] Captains, he resolv'd to try ano­ther way, advancing his Army within a League of Ham, distend­ing it along a little River (which there dischargeth it self into the Somme,) with a resolution to at­taque that place, or if the Kings Army appear'd to relieve it, to fall desperately upon them, and with his sword in his hand, in that field, to determine all differences and emulations. He was no sooner ar­rived at his appointed Post, but he saw the French Army on the o­ther side ready to flanck him, and at his back the Count de Beaujeu, who having repass'd the Oyse, had placed himself at Fargny, to take such resolutions as the accidents of Affairs should direct.

Three weeks together the Ar­mies lay facing one another in this posture, without any Action: at length the Prince of Condy and Spanish Generals, despairing of [Page 204] their design'd Inroad into France, or of giving them battel, or sur­prizing any Town upon the Somme, by reason of the great vigilancy and precaution of the French Ge­nerals, they grew very confus'd and variable in their Counsels. Condy had insinuated into the Spanish Mi­nisters and Captains, that upon his entrance into France, he should meet with so much welcom and assist­ance, that they should make their way more by the good-will of the people, then by the sword: But not managing his Interest dexterously, and wanting the means the Cardinal had, to in­veigle and cajole by recompences, those who were of a contrary judg­ment, he found himself deluded, and those persons who had pro­mis'd him their fidelity, in lieu of proving constant to his party, let themselves be corrupted by the said Cardinal, and served more to endamage and prejudice him, then [Page 105] to assist and profit him.

The generous mind of the Prince being netled in point of reputation, (which being lessned already by his daily misfortunes, would be absolutely lost, if with so much preparation, and so great forces, he should consume unprofitably a whole Campagne, which at first did seem to promise so much ad­vantage and glory to Spain, and threaten so much ruine and destru­ction to the Kingdom of France) in a full Counsel of War he propos'd the Enterprize of Rocroy, making good his opinion both with mar­tial and politick Arguments.

He acquainted them, that he was inform'd the Garrison was ve­ry weak, by reason the Chevalier Montague, Governor of the place, upon confidence that he could not be attaqued, had sent away the Regiment of the Crown to Rhetel: That therefore in 12 dayes time it might be taken, [Page 206] That there would be no great dif­ficulty to invest it, in respect there were no great Rivers to pass, and the Siedge would be very easie, since the Town lying betwixt thick woods, whosoever were first to gain the Passes, might be able to maintain them & defend their lines with a very few men. That Rocroy would be of very great import­ance being a Key of the Frontiers of Picardy; and though indeed the loss of it would be no great detri­ment to France, yet it was very con­siderable to the Spaniards; for by this place the French made all the adjacent Countrey pay Contri­bution, and a great part of the Province of Luxenbourg.

These Considerations of the Prince of Condy were excellently good, and his opinion credited and receiv'd as an Oracle by all the Commanders: But the Spaniards who seldom put their foot into [Page 207] the water, till they have first sounded the bottom, and who hold Prudence as an inseparable Companion of all their Actions, though in appearance, they in­clined to the Propositions of the Prince, by way of Complaisance, yet in reality they did not assent in their hearts, for it being former­ly by agreement betwixt them and the said Prince, declar'd, that all such Towns as should be taken within the distance of three Leagues from the Frontiers of Flanders, should belong absolutely to the Prince, they considered, that they should expose and con­sume their Army in the acquisiti­on of a place that would adde nothing to the advantage of their Crown, and would be rather in­strumental towards the reconcili­ation of the said Prince with the Court of France, then any further­ance towards the General peace, [Page 208] of Spain: To this they added, that if the Siege should happen to prove longer then was propos'd, they ran a great hazard of consu­ming their Men, their Money, and their patence; So that at length their Souldiers failing, they should no longer be Masters of the Field, in which consisted the hopes of those, who relying upon their as­sistance, were contriving new Ca­bals in France. The Count de Fuensaldagne's judgment was to lay siege to Arras, seeing they had an Army big enough to undertake it, and maintain a line of Circumvallation about it.

Others were of opinion, that encamping still with their Army in the Enemies Countrey, they should not only put them to a great burden of the War, but might with money and promises encou­rage and propagate their Intelli­gence, [Page 209] whereby to obtain an ad­vantageous victory, which could never be compleat unless they ad­vanc'd into the very bowels of France, and divided that powerful and opulent City of Paris from their Union with the King; But as this had been endeavor­ed, even from the beginning without any effect, so was there less hopes now, especially since by the pacification of Guienne, the interest of the Princes was in a declining condition, and the credit of the Cardinal much increased. At last the Enter­prise of Rocroy was resolv'd on, To which effect the Count de Ligneville advanced with 3000 Horse with all speed, to block up the Town the 5th. of Sep­tember by break of day, and was followed by the whole Army, which was so unexpected, and not foreseen by the Governour, [Page 210] that 100 of his best Souldiers were shut out of the Garrison, being gone a scouting according to cu­stom. The French Generals did their utmost to put in supplies, but the ways being narrow and diffi­cult, they could by no means ef­fect it.

The Spaniards having possest themselves of all the Passes, the Prince of Condy took up his quarters at a place call'd l' Vn­ghero. The Count de Fuensadagne in the Champion Country, extend­ing his quarters from the Main body, to the watch above: The space from thence to the Prince of Condy's Post was possess'd by the Lorainers, Their Army be­ing Lodg'd in this posture, they began immediatly their line of Circumvallation, which in 4 days was compleated, and on the 11th of September they open'd their Trenches, directing their ap­proaches [Page 211] to the Bulwarks of Chene, and del Perdu, and to the Half-moon or Ravelin betwixt them.

The Commanders in chief of the Spaniards in this Leagure, were the Count de Fuensaldagne Gene­ral, the Count de Garzias Lieute­nant-General, and the Prince of Ligny in the third place. Prince Uldric of Wittembourg was Captain-General of the German Horse.

The Lorraine Troops were Com­manded by the Count de Ligne­ville. The Prince of Condy's, by the Marquess de Bouteville, the Count de Briole, the Count de Duraz, and the Prince de Tarante, who a while after left the Camp, disgusted with the Spaniards, be­cause they would not admit him to the Command conferr'd upon him by the Prince.

Rocroy was well-provided with [Page 212] Victuals, Ammunition, Cannon, Forts, and a good wall. Their chief want was of men, there be­ing in the whole Garrison not a­bove 450 Foot, 50 Horse, 30 In­habitants in Armes, and about 90 Peasants that had fled thither; The foss was full of water, and the Plain without the Works spungie and morish, but 4 or 5 Foot deep, chalkie and firm.

The French Generals, at the first motion of the Enemies Army, perceived immediately they could nave no other design but upon Ro­croy; and because they judged it impossible, either to disturb them in their Siege, or put relief in­to the Town, they march'd with­out delay to la Fere, pass'd the Ri­ver, and by the way of Heppe, Auchenne and Pollieux, they came to Armilly, from whence they dis­patch'd away a strong party to joyn with the Count de Grand Pre, who was already advanc'd from la Fere [Page 213] to invest Mouson. The Prince of Con­dy foresaw, that Turenne, to recom­pence the loss of Rocroy, would en­deavor to get Mouson, and there fore had very opportunely commanded the Count de Briole to convey him­self to Stenay, with 400 Horse and 1200 Foot, to joyn with the Marquess of Persan's Troops, who upon the surrender of Rhetel were retir'd into that Town, and with them to have a special eye upon the conservation of the adjacent places, which were under his command; accordingly the Count de Briole, understanding the motion of the French Army, march'd immediately to Beaumont, a Village within a league of Mouson, from whence he put into the town some Companies of Foot, return­ing with the rest to Stenay, to be ready upon occasion to succour the Garrisons of Clermont and St. Men­haud, if the French finding the Gar­rison of Mouson too strong, should turnback upon som of these places. [Page 214] But notwithstanding these sup­plies, the French late down be­fore Mouson, dividing their Ar­my into four quarters, one at Able­mont, where Turenne lay; the se­cond at Vaux where la Ferte lodg'd, the third, by the River, command­ed by the Marquess de Uxelles, Lieutenant-General; and the fourth in the Suburbs on the other side the Mose, where the Count de Plessis, son of the Ma­reschal of that name, entred with his Regiment of Foot and some Dragoons. And because it was necessary to secure their quarters in the said Fauxbourg, from any prejudice they might receive from the besieged, by reason of a Fort or Tenaglia they had at the very point of the Bridg; Turenne past the River himself, and caus'd it to be assault­ed in his Presence, which was per­form'd with so much courage and good Order, that they presently [Page 215] presently made themselves Master of it; the Defenders retreating into the Town; The taking of this Fort rendred the Bridge un­serviceable to the enemy, and se­cur'd their quarters in the sub­urbs. The Count de Beaujeu, who lay with a Body of Horse at Lobe, 4. Leagues from Rocroy, to observe the motion of the Spaniards, came likewise to Mouson, and quartred with his Horse in the Fauxbourg.

Mouson lies upon the river Mose, one branch of which runs thorow the Town, the other washes it on the right side; it hath a fair Bridge, and at the end of it was the said Fort or Tenaglia, which commanded the suburbs, which lie at a little distance: The Town is encompass'd with a strong wall, and Towers of an ancient Fa­brick, fill'd in many places with earth, and flancked with half-Moons and Ravelins. On one side, [Page 216] the ditches are watered with the River, which runs very pleasant­ly thorow them: besides which, it has very strong out-works which encompass it from one side of the River to the other with Bulwarks and Half-Moons. There were in the Town about 1500 Foot, and 200 Horse, under the Command of Collonel Wolf a German, with sufficient provision of all sorts, and 18 Pieces of Cannon.

The Tenaglia at the Foot of the bridge being taken, and the Faux­bourg secured, the French opened their Trenches, and in 4 or 5 days possest themselves of the out­works, lodging themselves upon the brow of the Ditch in two pla­ces, where they planted three batteries. The Marquess de Ca­stelneau, Lieutenant-General lodg'd himself upon the bank on that side next the River, and pos­sessing himself of a half-Moon, [Page 217] which the besieged had deserted, and attempted to place himself at the Foot of the wall, to spring a Mine, but he was beaten off by the Defendants, with Granadoes and other Fire-works: upon which the besiegers were obliged to break the Counterscarp, which was li­ned with stone, and throw them­selves into the Ditch to advance under Covert with their Galleries, even to their very Pallisadoes and in this attempt the Vidame of Laon (son to the Count de Boussy, Nephew of the Mareschal Turenne, a brave youth of 18 years of age) was slain.

The French made their approach­es over against a great Tower, and passing the Ditch without the help of a Gallery, they began their Mines at the Foot of it, and springing one of them, which taking effect, they lodg'd themselves in the said Tow­er, continuing their work in the Mine, that they might utterly [Page 218] demolish it, as they did on the o­ther side, which more then ordinary diligence, pressing hard upon the Town to take it, before the Spa­niards should make themselves Ma­sters of Rocroy, so that their Mines being ready to spring, the besieged fearing they should not be able to resist an assault, resolv'd to capi­tulate, which they did upon the 26. of September, 18 days after they were attaqued▪ the Governor marching out with 1400 choice men.

While the French were intent upon the taking of this Town, the Spaniard was no less busie about the reduction of Rocroy, hoping to compel that Garrison to surrender, before they lost Mouson, and so come in time enough to its relief, which if it succeeded, they should easily obtain their intent: having finished their trenches, their ap­proaches and their batteries, (in [Page 219] five of which they had dispos'd 23 whole Cannons, two upon the brow of the Ditch, and 3 in the field) The 16. of September the Prince of Condy caus'd 400 of his men to attaque their covert way, and Lodge themselves upon the Counterscarp, falling furiously up­on the Half-moon, betwixt the two Bulwarks, which was with great courage defended by the be­sieged. The Governour wanting neither experience nor valour, by frequent and well-managed Sal­lies, rendred the Enterprize much more difficult then was imagin'd; and because the Count de Fuensal­dagne had always oppos'd this Siege, from whence nothing could be expected but the consuming of their souldiers, the loss of one of the Kings Towns, and a Conquest without profit, it falling to the Prince of Condy's share; upon which score, some sharp expressi­ons [Page 220] falling out betwixt him and the said Prince, the Arch-Duke thought fit to come himself to the Camp, to compose by his prudence and dexterity, all differences be­twixt them. But if his coming did one way appease the mind of the Prince, another way it discon­tented him as much, he being very sensible, that the Arch-Dukes pre­sence would diminish the Glory which in the taking of that Town he conceiv'd did belong solely to himself, of this disgust he gave a cleer proof, refusing to receive the word from the Arch-Duke, which he highly resenting, Commanded the Prince of wirtenbourg (who was lodg'd in the same quarter with the Prince of Condy) not to obey his orders any more. But this Affair likewise was accomodated by the Duke of Lorrain, who arrived at that time at the Spanish Camp, the Medium he found out was this; [Page 221] That the word should be given nei­ther by the Arch-Duke nor by the Prince, but by a third person Cho­sen to that purpose by them both.

The Duke of Lorrain pretend­ing that by the ill Air of that place, his Troops were grown sickly, and died daily: on a sudden without the least intimation to the Arch-Duke, he March'd off with his Forces, to the great wonder and astonishment of the other Gene­rals, for without his forces which made up the third part of the Ar­my, if the French should attempt the relief of the Town, they might easily effect it, and force them to raise the Siege, not without great danger of a further disaster: where­fore the Count de Fuensaldagne fol­lowed the said Duke, who was al­ready some leagues off: and over­taking him at Mariambourg, with much ado perswaded him back to the Leagure.

[Page 222]The first Salley the besieged made, was upon those that were lodged on the Countrescarp, to­wards the point of the Half-Moon, by 60 choice men, arm'd all of them with a kind of Syths upon strong staves, with which having entred the work, they cut all in pieces that were advanc'd the most forward: after this Salley, another Captain issu­ed out with 45 men, and two Gra­nadeers; and entring into another work, advanc'd by the enemy a­gainst the Bulwark of Chene, un­der the Pallisadoe, to facilitate their passage into the ditch; they put all they found within it to the sword.

Yet notwithstanding, such brave opposition, the Besiegers ceas'd not to double their strength advancing to the Wall of the Bul­warks to open a breach with their Mines, & come to an assault: In the [Page 223] mean time the besieged made an­other Sally upon the Spanish quar­ter, doing them great mischief, and taking Prisoners a Lieutenant Co­lonel with a Spanish Captain. The besiegers some few days after, open­ing a way into the Foss, they pass'd it by the help of two Bridges of Bavins, and gave fire to their Mines under the aforesaid Bul­warks, one of which prov'd ineffectual, by the diligence of those that were within: the other took effect at the Bulwark of Chene, where the Governour re­ceived a wound in the Head by a Musquet-shot, who notwithstand­ing caus'd himself to be carried up and down in a Chair, where his Pre­sence was most requisite. Two brea­ches in the mean time were made in the front of these bulwarks, and furiously assaulted by the Spani­ards, and as stoutly defended by the Garrison. The same night the [Page 224] besiegers were repuls'd in another assault upon the half-Moon, yet not so, but that they lodg'd themselves at the point of it, & carried it after­ward, for they within not being able to defend it any longer, thought best to abandon it, especially there being no Port of Communicati­on, which made them doubt, that if it hapned to be forc'd, all those men would be lost: of which they stood in need. The Governor having taken a review of the remainder of his men fit for service, and finding they amounted not to 300, and seeing the breaches open in the bulwarks, and another Battery began upon the Courtin, which had no defence with­out, nor water in the Ditch, That same night the enemy was ready for the assault, he resolv'd to capi­tulate, which was concluded on the 30th. of September, and on the first of October, he march'd out with 220 Souldiers, with honourable conditi­ons, and was convoy'd to Charleville

[Page 225]This Town was deliver'd into the hands of the Prince of Condy, garrison'd by his souldiers, and the Government of it given to the Duke d' Anguien his son, which gave some resentment to such as were truly for the interest of his Majesty of Spain, who discoursing politickly among themselves, said, that they had lost Mouson, and not gain'd Rocroy, for it remaining in the Princes hands, would serve rather to foment his pretensions, and faci­litate his reconcilement with the Court of France, then to augment his affection to the service of Spain.

Rocroy being taken, the Spanish Army remain'd there for some days, to demolish their lines of Cir­cumvallation, and make up the breaches, and finding themselves much weakned and harrass'd with that siege, they retired into the countrey, about Avennes, to refresh themselves, the Prince remaining at Rocroy, being fallen ill of a quartane Ague.

[Page 226]The Mareschal de Turenne ha­ving taken Mouson, as hath been related, left in it a Garrison of 600 Foot, with the Regiment of the Count de Grand Pre, giving him the Command of it: and passing the Mose, march'd directly towards Meziers, and whilst he lay there, he had News of the Surrender of Rocroy. At the same time the Count de Novalles ad­vanc'd to Vervins, with 1500 men, and having taken it, Mareschal Turenne, March't to Aubigny, to observe more narrowly the mo­tion of the Enemy, and obstruct their attempting of any other place, and here he rested for some days: Whilst he was at Meziers, he sent the Marquess d' Uxelles, with 1200 men towards the Castle of Bousancy, which not being ca­pable of relief from the Garrisons of Stenay, and the adjacent Towns, (by reason they were watch'd [Page 227] with a Party of Horse under the Count de St. Maur) it surrendred before the Cannon came up.

The King was come from Paris the first day of September, and af­ter a short stay at Amiens, remo­ved to Soissons the 30. of the said month) and thence to Laon, in or­der to the relieving of Rocroy, which he had a design to have at­tempted, and to that purpose the Duke of Elbeuf was call'd out of Picardy, who with 3000 men lay quartered in those parts, to which the King joyn'd the greatest part of his Guards: but the Surrender hapning before all the Preparati­ons were ready, those thoughts were laid aside, and chang'd into another resolution taken up by the Cardinal with great undaunted­ness and courage.

He judged it very convenient for the King to go to Amiens, whilst Affairs were in that po­sture, [Page 228] to cajole the Duke of Chau­nes out of that City and Cittadel, who had insinuated himself into the possession of that place, after the death of his Brother, and as was doubted would keep it, con­trary to the desire of the Kings Counsel, and thought the said Duke having a considerable estate in France, and his mind well compos'd to the service of the King, was suppos'd to have no other intent, but to create a jealousie in the Court, thereby to addvance his for­tune (which Arts are no where pra­ctised so much as in France) never­theless, it was judg'd no ill piece of policy, to secure themselves against the least suspicion of a person, who by the Variation of his mind, might contribute so largely to the preju­dice of his Soveraign; And though the said Duke had sent to the Court the Letters which were writ him by the Prince of Condy, [Page 229] full of invitations and promises if he would engage on his side, yet the Cardinal look'd upon it as a Sea­sonable piece of service, to make sure of that important place, con­sidering how unstable the minds of men are, and particularly of that Nation, in whose brains there al­ways boyls a certain vivacity, more turbulent, with the desire of Novel­ty, then the Waters with the Wind. All this was managed and effected without noise, the said Duke being contented to deliver it up to the Sieur Bar, and he in Exhange, to enter upon the Go­vernment of Dorlans, held by the said Bar; To which was added the Title of his Majesties Lieutenant General in the parts about Dor­lans, and a certain sum of Money payd him for such Arms and Am­munition as he had provided at his own Charge, in the Cittadel of Amiens.

[Page 230]But the end of this Voiage was not barely the securing of Amiens, but to be more ready at hand to assist the Army with his Coun­sels, and (besides the usual Guards of Horse and Foot,) there being great numbers of the Nobles at­tending the King, with the one and the other, to succour the Ar­my in time of need.

Nevertheless, it had not been amiss, had their Majesties stay'd in Paris, to prevent such acci­dents as might arise in that City, where the sinister intentions of some persons towards the Go­vernment, were not absolutely dispell'd, especially the Archbishop being decrepit, and the Cardinal de Retz to succeed him, new trou­bles might arise among the people, who would have pretended not to be satisfied without their Pastor, he being a person of much esteem amongst them for his Generosity. [Page 231] But there being a necessity of the Kings going into the Field, the Cardinal thought (to evade all accidents that might happen, and to remove the said Retz out of Paris, as a person of too high and extravigant a spirit to be left be­hind) to offer him his liberty, and the Kings favour, upon condition he would renounce the hopes of his future succession, and retire to Rome with promise to stay there, and not return into France, in re­compence of which he promis'd him an Equivalence to the Arch­bishoprick, though his Uncle was living, and other assistance be­sides, to augment his dignity and splendor.

Cardinal de Retz, though under the durance and inconveniences of a Prison, preferr'd the glory of his Constancy, before all other private considerations, and being puff'd up with hopes of seeing in a short [Page 232] time the face of things altered, ei­ther by the death of the Arch-bi­shop, or by the means of his friends at Rome, emulous of Mazarine, he stood firm in the Negative, not to quit his dignity, declaring, That for the King he would do this, or any thing else, to the very effusion of his blood, and loss of his whole estate, but knowing it to be no o­ther but the Artifice and interest of Mazarine; he could not swal­low so bitter a potion presented to him by his most irreconcileable e­nemy. The Pope, though not much inclin'd to the interest of France, declar'd that the Proposition in his judgment was honourable and pra­cticable; of this also the Prisoner had notice, but it would not sweet­en the bitterness of his mind, who bearing his adversity with great constancy, he gain'd the reputati­on of an intrepid person; and ha­ving found a way to write to the Sa­cred [Page 233] Colledge of Cardinals in Rome Letters full of Lamentation, with earnest requests to be assisted with their Protection, by whom he did humbly conceive he ought not to be abandon'd, for fear of manifest pre­judice to the dignity of the Purple. One of the Cardinals of principal credit amongst them, seeing they were inclined to answer him, de­clar'd, in delivering his opinion, that he could not see why they should engage in an Affair, more likely to prove a detriment to the Church, then any benefit to the prisoner, see­ing they could give him no other assistance then by words, which would perswade more by gentleness then by rigour. He urged moreover that Cardinal Mazarine was in the same or greater perplexities with the Parliament of Paris, and that nothing have been done in his behalf, though concurrent with the service of the King his Master. [Page 234] much less were they obliged to do any thing for Cardinal de Retz who was at that time in his Ma­jesties displeasure.

The Counsel of this Cardinal being heared and approved as the best, gave occasion to the resolution they took of interceding to his Holiness, that out of his paternal care he would exhort his most Christian Majesty to grant Cardi­nal de Retz his liberty. The King shew'd himself very ready, and after divers Negotiations, the Dutchess of Chevreuse undertook it, shuffling in Conditions for the Duke of Lorrain, who though he was secured by the Spaniards, as we shall hereafter relate, Neverthe­less, the Treaty about the Cardinal was not laid aside, but at last was concluded, upon Condition he should renounce his Coadjutorship of Paris, giving him as many Benefi­ces as were Equivalent to that [Page 235] Arch-bishoprick, the revenue of which amounted to a vast sum.

This affaire was almost brought to a Period, all difficulties being re­duc'd to two points, the one about the value of the Benefices, the other about the security for the performance, when the death of the Archbishop chang'd the face of Affaires, but though the Curates of Paris, all the factious party, and the friends of the Coajutor, had rais'd new tumults in his be­half, nevertheless the Cardinal re­solv'd to accept of the Conditions offered him,

Being brought therefore from the Castle of Vincennes, he was deliver­ed into the hands of the Mareschal de la Melleray, who convey'd him to Nantes, where he was to re­main till the Articles agreed on were accomplished, after which he was to be sent to Rome, and mo­ney given him for his Voiage, and [Page 238] subsistence there, but he making his escape from Nantes, all things were disordered again, as we shall relate in its proper place.

In the mean time the enemies of Mazarine, seeing their Artifices and Cabals to ruine him ineffe­ctual, they began to plot and con­trive how to take away his life. It was divulged, that the Prince of Condy had a hand in this busi­ness, upon a suspicion that the Cardinal had attempted his life.

It is most certain (as was after­wards made manifest) that neither the one nor the other were true, but that all was plotted and de­signed by the malice of the com­mon enemies.

One Recous and Bertau were gain'd and perswaded to do the deed, who being resolv'd upon the Enterprize, they began to frequent the Louvre, and to watch for a place and time to put their design in execution; it hap­ned [Page 235] that Letters were accidentally intercepted, which gave such disco­veries as were sufficient to cause them to be apprehended: upon which they freely declar'd their resoluti­on, to have stabb'd the Cardinal with a knife, as he was coming down (as he was accustomed every night) from the Kings Apartment, by certain private and strait stairs. They were according to their de­serts condemn'd to be broken up­on the wheel, the 11th. of October in Paris, near the Bastile, in the great street of St. Anthony.

The Cardinal according to the gentleness of his nature, and as a true Prince of the Church, abhor­ing such bloody spectacles, interce­ded very earnestly for their Pardon, and had certainly obtain'd it if in so enormous a case it could have bin done without violence to justice, which in such accidents ought not to be overpowered by pity and compassion.

[Page 238]There follow'd several other Ex­ecutions in Paris, upon persons im­prison'd for hainous Offences, but without doubt the King's Clemency was greater then his Justice, they that received grace and pardon, being superiour in Number to those that were punish'd.

We cannot omit in this place the action of a dilinquent, who be­ing to loose his Head, declar'd, his ambition should triumph over his fate, and therefore before he was to appear upon the Scaffold, as he had been to go to a Feast, he put himself in a gay dresse, caus'd his face to be Shaved; his haire, curld and powdered, and his Mustaccio's turn'd up, boasting with an un­daunted boldness, That Persons of Honour, even in the most ignomi­nious death, ought to die like themselves.

And though clemency and too much indulgence gives but fresh [Page 239] boldness and encouragement to fall into the same crimes again, and, is therefore look'd upon in many peoples opinions, as a very ill Maxime, yet that was no im­pediment to the present Councils, for to all generous minds, the op­portunity of meriting the benedi­ctions of such as received grace, being much rather to be chosen, then the imprecations of those which were punish'd, the Kings Ministers took this course, where­by their Charity working upon Heaven, has since produc'd those Miracles that have rendred his Government the happiest, who bearing the hereditary Title of most Christian, has to his ever­lasting honour added to it the E­pithite of most merciful.

And certainly, they may justly be called Miracles, which were seen in France, in this Year 1653. for whilst it was expected, and too probably, that that Kingdome [Page 240] could not avoid destruction by so many storms and tempests both at home, and from abroad. The Hea­vens cleered up on a sudden, and that Clime became quiet & sedate, which was before so dismally dread­ful, for by the reduction of Guienne and Bourdeaux, being rid of that fastidious diversion, they were able to use those Armes in other places, which have since secured the Frontiers from daily Alarms; and penetrating into Catalonia and Lombardy, interrupted those de­signes, which by the favour of their antecedent Victories would have brought extraordinary ad­vantage to thinterest of Spain.

Whilst the military Affairs in Catalonia, Guienne, and Champagne were managed in this manner; in Piemont also they began to have a better face, and those doubts to clear up, which by reason of their want of assistance, the people of that Province might have reason­ably [Page 241] pretended, if to evade the calamities of a War, they had come to an Agreement with the Spaniards. For the Count de Quincè having past into Piemont, and by order from Mazarine, being enforc'd with fresh Troops from France, he advanc'd with 5 or 6000 men into the Enemies Coun­trey, and encamping at Annone, upon the Banks of the Tanaro, in a months time that he was there, he infested the Countrey about Alexandria, with continual incur­sions, after which he return'd into the Territory of Montferrat, and passing the Po at Verrica, he went to encamp above Crescentino, to ob­serve the motion of the Marquess of Caracene, who having taken the field with 8000 men, was come to Fo [...]tane and Palazzuolo three miles distant. Here the Armies remain'd several days, observing one ano­thers motion, in which time the French made several excursions, [Page 242] and one in particular with 1500 men as far as Vercelli; afterwards, before they drew off, Quince drew out his Horse into the Fields of Bertola, within Cannon-shot of the enemies Camp, and challenged the Spaniards to a battel; but they holding it as a Maxime, to tire out the French fury with the Spa­nish Phlegme, laugh'd at his defi­ance.

This Gallantry of the French vanishing in this manner without effect, Quincè repass'd the Po in the Month of July, and entred a fresh into Montferrat, passing the Tanaro upon a Bridge of Boats near Asti, and from thence having stay'd two days at Rochetta, he en­camped at Monbersel. At the News of this March, the Mar­quess of Caracene cross'd the Po likewise with his Troops near Pontestura, and traversing Montfer­rat, came to Felezzano, to pass the [Page 243] Tanaro at Rochetta; but discover­ing the enemy ready to oppose him, he went to pass it lower to­wards Alexandria, advancing as far as Nizza de la Paglia: Quince stayed, observing his motion a­bout 15 days at Castel nuovo Bru­zato, where hapned daily skirmish­es betwixt their Horse. But Ca­racene resolving finally to fall into Piemont, and by this diversion ob­lige the French to quit Monferrat, he pass'd the Po at Pontestura, and began to scour the Countrey round about which yet was not sufficient to make Quince remove, who judg­ing it a thing very prejudicial, to transfer the War into the Coun­trey of his Friends and Allies, he took another resolution; He sent his baggage to Asti, and forded the Tanaro at Rochetta, and so pas­sing to Bormida, by the way of Novi, he came to Serravalla a great Village, above Alexandria, upon [Page 244] the Confines of the Territories of Genoa, betwixt the Rivers Scrivia, and Orba, and having sack'd it, he March'd towards Tortona, and Ca­stel nuovo di Scrivia, making great Booties in those places, where he was not expected. Upon this Ca­racene was constrained to change his designes upon Piedmont, and pass with all diligence to Alexan­dria, draining his Garrisons, and drawing all the forces together he was able, to cut off the retreat of the French to Nizza: But Quince having notice both of his motion and design, he march'd by Cassino di Stradda, by Aicqui, and by the vale of Bistagno and Nizza, where the Spanish Army was arrived be­fore him: The same Night the French retreated to Santo Stephano, and hasted away to gain the Pass of la Madonna de Tennello, pre­venting the enemie, who arriv'd there at the very instant that the [Page 245] French had made themselves Ma­sters of it with their Vauntguard. Here they fell a skirmishing, but with reservation on the Spanish side, who would not engage them­selves in a Battel with the French, who though they were inferiour in number, yet were too strong for them, in respect of the good­ness of their Horse, Quince past directly towards Alba without any stop, and from thence to Go­venne, betwixt Alba and Asti, extending his Troops along the Banks of the River Tanaro, where the French made a stay till the Arrival of the Mareschal de Grancè, who having pass'd the Mountains with a Recruit of 1200 men, on the 18. of September ar­rived at the Camp, where inform­ing himself of the state of the Spa­nish Army, which was likewise en­camp'd upon the same Confines, [Page 246] endeavouring to penetrate further into Piedmont: he had News that Caracene was removed from Monte­nego, and march'd with all dili­gence to gain the Pass of the Ta­naro at a place called Rochetta, with design to go to Felezzano.

Hereupon they held a short Council of War, and it was re­solv'd not only to hinder his Ad­vance, but engage him to a battel, on which depended their hopes. Grancè sent out the Marquess of Monpesat, his Lieutenant Gene­ral (who had the Command of the Rear) to possess himself of the most advantageous ground, and having drawn up the rest of his Army himself in a large field, reaching to the Neighbouring Hills: He advanc'd with 4 Squa­drons to descry the enemy, and ha­ving discover'd that Caracene be­gan to pass his men over upon a Bridge of Boats, followed by the [Page 247] Infantry, under the Conduct of Don Vincenzo Monsuri, and that the Horse foorded the River a little beneath, led by the Duke de Sesto, General of the Gens d' Arms, and Count Geleazzo Trotti Ge­neral of the Neapolitan Caval­ry: He thought it best not to give the Spaniards time to finish their Passage, but by possessing himself first of the Field, to ne­cessitate them either to retire or to engage upon disadvantageous termes, he caused therefore his main body to advance with all possible speed; Caracene not be­ing able to prevent the French, by reason of the slowness of his men, in passing the River, and the loss of two houres time, in staying for the Bridge, resolv'd to ex­pect them under the Advantage of the Posts where he was, and because he had not time to draw into the Plain, and the ground be­ing [Page 248] somewhat strait on that side the Tanaro, accommodating him­self as well as he could, both as to his time and his ground, he drew his Horse into Squadrons be­hind his Infantry.

Thence he possess'd himself im­mediately of two Cottages, pla­cing there the Tertia's of Don Lu­igi Benaudes, and Don Inigo de Ve­landia, and in the space betwixt the two Houses, the Regiments of Don Giuseppe Velasco, Don Diego d' Arragon, and of Beltin, with de­sign to have united them by a branch of a Trench, which for want of time could not be per­fected.

The Mareschal observing the posture of the enemy, and percei­ving that by the advancing of his Van he might put the Spanish Camp into some disorder, by the advantage of the hill (though with­out Musquet-shot, and provided [Page 249] only with two little Field-Pieces) he drew his Army into two lines with all possible expedition.

The Marquess of Monpesat had the Command of the right Wing, consisting of the Regiments of Na­varre, Perault, Aiguebonne, the Kings Swiss-Guards, the Squadron of the Mareschals Guards, the Re­giments of Orleans, Feron; of Prince Maurice of Savoy, Marcoussè, Ferues and Epinchat. The left Wing was commanded by the Marquess de Vardes, with the Regiment of Foot of Orleans, Lionnois, and Quincè, and of Horse there were the Regi­ments of St. Andrè, Brigy and Ville­franche, on the left hand of which stood all the Companies of Vo­luntiers, the Cavalry of Savoy, un­der the Command of their Gene­ral the Marquess de Monte of Ve­rona, to whom were joyned the In­fantry of the Regiment of Mon­pesat, and Villa, Lieutenant-General of the Savoy Horse.

[Page 250]In the second line stood the Re­giment of Saux, as a Reserve to the Regiment of Navarr, with the Regiment of Carignan de Sault: and on the left the Regiment of Grancè, sustein'd the Regiments of Orleans and Lyennois, having with them in the same line the Guards of Savoy, the French Gens d' Armes, with the Regiments of Ris, Deon­cly, and Saint Agnan.

In this Order the French ad­vanc'd and with great fury, charg'd three Companies of light Horse, and some parties of Foot, which appearing upon the top of the Hills, were repulsed as far as the Battalions of Benavides, Velandia and Beltin, by whom the French were received so couragiously, both with Pike and Musquet, which flanked them thorow seve­ral holes of the Cottages, that Monpesat finding it impossible to advance further, made a stand.

[Page 251]The French resolv'd to possess themselves of a little Church or Chappel towards the River, about some 20 paces distant from the little Houses, where Caracene had placed two Files of Spanish and I­talian Musquetiers, with Orders, if they were attaqu'd, to retire to a body of his, drawn up hard by, compos'd of the Tertia's of Don Carlo d' Este, Don Giusippe Bran­caccio, Danel Assy, Count di Santi lana, and some foreign souldiers of the State of Milan; Grancè caus'd the said Chappel to be As­saulted by 200 Foot, seconded by some Horse, which was immedi­ately taken, the Musquetiers re­tiring according to their Orders, to their main Body, which stood firm in their Post. He sent out after them his Company of Gens d' Armes, who advanc'd within 30 Paces of the Trenches, on the Spanish left wing, and as the same [Page 252] time he made a brisk charge with his Foot, hoping that if he could disorder the Enemies Battalion, the French Horse might fall in, and put them to an absolute rout, but meeting with a certain tor­rent of Waters which in that place falls into the Tanaro, the Horse were forc'd to stop their carreer. In the mean time the Troops of Savoy, made their charge betwixt the River, and the right Wing of the Spaniards, which was the most open place, where at the first volley of the Enemies Masketiers, the Marquess Monte, (a person of great Conduct and experience, and of great same, for several valiant Exploits) was shot in the Head, and died immediatly. The Marquess Villa had a slight wound in the Arme, and was afterwards made General in the place of the said Monte, the Count de Medavid, son of the Mareschal and the Sieur de [Page 253] Boussy, Mareschal di Battaglia, and several other Officers were hurt. Whereupon Grancè (observing the resoluteness of the Spaniards, ani­mated by the presence of their General Caracene, who according to the example of an excellent Captain, kept still in the front among his first Files, thrusting him­self forward where the danger was greatest) commanded up his se­cond line, with two small peices, one of which was disabled at the first shot, by the breaking of the Carriage, the French continued shooting with the other, but to so little purpose, That being repuls'd in all places, at length about Sun­set their fury beginning to abate for want of Artillery and Amuni­tion, (it being observ'd, that the Swissers for want of leaden Bullets had shot away most of their Pew­ter-buttons off their doublets,) they retreated to the Hill where [Page 254] and the next Morning took their March towards Montemagno and Granai. There were slain of the French in this Engagement, be­sides the Marquess de Monte, 4 Captains, and several other Of­ficers, with a considerable num­ber of common souldiers, which was not precisely known, and a­bove 100 wounded, amongst which several Officers. The Spaniards lost but few Souldiers, and few or no Officers, but several were wounded, and among the rest the Marquess de Caracene was slightly hurt with a Musket-shot.

After this Fight, the French Army remained 17 days at Moun­temagno, and neither the one nor the other being in a condition to undertake any considerable En­terprize, all the rest of that Cam­pagne was spent in Marches, and Counter-Marches from one place to another; The French to keep [Page 255] themselves in the Territories of Milan, and to subsist in the Ene­mies Countrey: and the Span­ [...]ards, as much as they could, to pre­vent them, upon which several skirmishes hapned with reciprocal successe: Afterwards the French Army dislodg'd from Mountemagno and came to Tuline, attended still by the Spaniards, which at the same time discamp'd from Fe­lezzano, and was got in the Ene­mies front. Here Caracena and Grancè had a Conference, each of them accompanied with the prin­cipal Persons in their Armies, dis­coursing together for two houres with great Complement and Civi­lity, the French remaining well sa­tisfied with the humanity and va­lour of Caracena, holding him in the esteem of a most prudent and most generous Captain.

This Conference being over, the French Army kept the Field [Page 256] for some time, now in this place, and now in that, but still (accord­ing to the Instructions they had re­ceiv'd from Mazarine) in the Ene­mies Countrey, where by the vigi­lance of the Spanish Commanders, not being able to gain any Post to subsist in, and at length the Weather growing sharp, they were forced to retire into Piemont, where they winter'd their Foot, and sent their Horse over the Mountains, into Dauphinè, Bress and Dombes, and in this manner ended the Cam­pagne in Italy in the Year 1653.

Whilst things went thus in Flanders and Italy, Letters were brought to Court with the Capi­tulations of Bourdeaux, which be­ing read in the Royal Council, and the relation of de Las heard, (who was sent from the Generals, and the Sieur d' Estrades,) the Am­nesty was immediately dispatch'd away, conteining an entire abo­lition [Page 257] of all crimes, without ex­ception of any, but Francar the Counsellor, Blaru, and Desert, Merchants, deputed from the Ol­miera into England, as also Dura­teste and Villars, Heads of that Fa­ction, with Clerat their Agent in Spain. It was decreed moreover in the said Amnesty, That the Citi­zens should renew their Oath of Allegiance, That they should re­pair the Castles of Trompet and du Ha, as necessary to restrain the unruly turbulencies of the people, and support the honest and more honourable fort, it being observe­able able in all Cities, that the Popula­cie is always an enemy to those who have any thing to lose.

This Declaration of the Kings being propos'd to La vie, the Advo­cate-General (who was at that time at Bourdeaux, to draw up a Process against the two Spies which Mar­sin and Lenet had sent back into the [Page 258] City) he promis'd the Duke of Vendosme, it should be speedily ve­rified; who expected from every one of the Parliament such testi­monies of their submission, as might be able to cancel and oblite­rate the memory of their late dis­obedience: But the said La Vie, making use of this opportunity to render himself necessary; created so many difficulties and ambigui­ties, perplexing it with such in­tricate Interpretations, that gave encouragement to the Coun­sellors of the Parliament, to re­strain the Kings pleasure with their Comments, Glosses, and Modi­fications, that they seem'd not on­ly to be the Intepreters, but the Moderators and Disposers of his Majesties Favours, as if they had come by their means. They stirr'd up the people particularly not to suffer the yoke (as they call'd it) of the Castles, ordering to renew [Page 259] their instances at Court for the demolishing of all the Fortresses in the City, and that if it should be the Kings peremptory resolution to force that servitude upon them, they should not however consign the said places to the Governour-General of the Province.

This reflexion was not at all pleasing to the Cardinal and the o­ther Ministers, much less the Con­tion, that the Publication of the Amnesty should be deferr'd, till the Parliament should be establish­ed and resident in Bourdeaux, as if that had been deemed necessary for the security of the people, and to make valid his Majesties Will and Pleasure, which made the Court the more suspicious of them, by how much they press'd to have their desires in this Point granted. These kinde of Pro­ceedings and Extravagancies of the Parliament, were extreamly [Page 260] resented by the Dukes of Vandosme and Candale, as looking like mani­fest demonstrations of their express disobedience; wherfore they order'd the Counsellors which were come from Reole to Bourdeaux, to return again to their residence. The said La vie, who was suppos'd to be the Author of this boldness for his own ends, was expresly forbidden to abide in Bourdeaux. After which, having with a wile pro­cured the Original of the Declara­tion, out of the hands of the Clerk, of the Parliament, it was published by Order of the Generals, by the Magistrates of the City. The Court was as much surprized at these disorders as disgusted with the Par­liament of Guienne, the most Loyal of whose Members, seem'd by this, to be as much Rebels as the rest, wherupon by a severe decree of the 26. of September, they were prohi­bited (to their great mortification) to meddle in any matters pertaining to the State.

[Page 261]The King Generals observing the inconvenience of their Troops lying so near the Town, resolv'd to remove them: and by the surren­der of Peregueux, the war in that Province being at an end, the Count de Bougy, Lieutenant-Gene­ral was by Order from the Court sent away with 6000 Horse and Foot towards the Frontiers of Flan­ders; Three Thousand other Horse, and 2000 Foot were Commanded into Catalonia, there remaining only part of the Duke of Van­dosme's Army in the Country, cal­led, Betwixt the two Seas, to be rea­dy to be Ship'd upon the first Or­der, in case the Spaniards should continue to block up the Mouth of the Garonne, who landed some men within 12 Leagues of Blaye, and set on fire certain stacks of Hay, be­longing to the Duke of St. Simon, and on the other side they fell into the Country of Medoc, and burnt all the Neighboring Villages.

[Page 262]The Duke of Vendosme in the mean time, having view'd all his Ships under the Fort Caesar, and with those which had been equip­ped by the Bourdelots, during the Siedge, he proposed to engage the Spanish Fleet, as was earnestly de­sired by the Duke of Candale, and the Count d' Estrades, who to that end had brought along with him 700 Seamen from the Isles under his Government of Rochel, But the Sea Commanders represented that their force was unequal in re­spect of their great Ships; for though they out-numbred them in the whole; yet the French Ships were much less in bulk; so that the Spaniards had great advantage by their Galeons full of fresh men, with which they would be too hard for the French Fleet, which was neither well mann'd, nor pro­vided with other things neces­sary.

[Page 263]And if the Spaniards should put out to Sea; or keep themselves at the Mouth of the River, where they then were, it was not possible for the Galleys (though never so well arm'd) nor the small Ships in the French Fleet, to do them any mis­chief. But if they should advance higher in the River, where the Channel is narrower and full of Sand, then they might be able to Attaque them with more advan­tage.

To rectify the differences and difficulties the Sea-Commanders objected, the Count d' Estrades In­gaged to muster up all the Seamen that were able to bear Arms, and put them on the Ships. But as they were Executing the Duke of Van­dosm's Orders, to conduct them, on on a sudden the Spanish Fleet was discover'd under Sail, standing to­wards Blay, and advanc'd as far as Paulliac; not as formerly, five or [Page 264] six in Company to fetch fresh wa­ter; but the whole Body of their Navy, in appearance, to fall up­on the French, at a time when the Duke of Vandosme had withdrawn his Troops into Xaintoigne, to ease the Countrey about Bourdeaux: But being called back again in great haste, and advancing some Regiments to put aboard the Ships, the Spaniard retired to the Foss of Verdun.

The Duke of Vandosme had taken a view of the Spanish Fleet the 26. of September, and sent Sir George Carteret to inform himself more particularly of their conditi­on; who found they were 28 vast and stout Galeons; but by some which had been taken prisoners in the Island of Patiras, he understood they were much infested with the Scurvey, which is a disease that eats up the Gumms. Nevertheless, they landed some men at St. Surin [Page 265] de Cadurna in Medoc, and burnt some few houses, before the Kings troops were in a condition to repulse them, or accost them with their Cannon: As Vandosme was prepa­ring to engage them, and had sent several Galeots to Saint Surin de Mortagne, and to Mortagne it self, to take in some corn; the Count Mar­sin arriving at the Spanish Fleet, had a design on that place, and accord­ingly landed about 3000 men, sur­prized the ten Galeots, sent thither to furnish themselves with corn for the necessities of the Army and Fleet, forc'd the Castle, and pillag'd some houses; but apprehending, lest the Marquess of Breval Mare­schal de Camp, should fall upon him with the Regiment of Normandy, which was quartered hard by, he a­abandon'd the Post he had taken, and if Breval had had but the least number of Horse, to have cut off the passage from the Spaniards, [Page 266] who had no Horse at all, and were laden with booty, he had undoubtedly defeated them.

Marsin made some barricadoes in a Meadow, which extends it self to the River, having on one side the Canale de Mortagne to shelter that flanck, and on the other, his own men, which he drew into Battalia; He sustein'd the skirmish vigo­rously, & embark't all the plunder of that miserable Country, losing nevertheless some few men in his retreat, which the Regiment of Normandy fell upon as they found their Number lessen upon the Shoar.

In the mean time the Count de Estrades, had got together about Ro­chel and Browages, and other pla­ces belonging to his Government, some 1200. Mariners, which he put aboard French vessels, and sent them away without delay to joyn with the Duke of Vandosme.

[Page 267]The Duke being gone on board the Admiral, and all his men embarkt, the set Sail, resol­ving to give them Battel, but the Spaniards surprized with this unexpected resolution, set fire on certain small Vessels, and with the favour of the wind retired. The Duke followed them out of the mouth of the River, where he saw them divide their Fleet into two Squadrons, one of them making to­wards Biscay, and the other towards Dunkirk.

The Duke went on shore at Roy­an, and whilst he stayed there to receive more certain news of the enemies Fleet, the San-Salvatore, Vice-Admiral of Spain, which came from Saint Sebastian, together with another small Ship, both of them laden with Victuals and o­ther Provisions for the Fleet, en­tred into the River, not knowing they was departed, and were so far [Page 268] engaged amongst the French Ships before they were aware, that after some small opposition against the Ship called the Berger, they were forc'd to strike Sail, and surrender: In the Vice-Admiral there were 40 Peeces of Cannon, in the o­ther Vessel 700 Marriners, and a Months Provision for the whole Armada: After this Prize the French Navy retired into the River Su­dra, and the Duke of Vandosme went away to Court: The Count d' Estrades for his great merits was declar'd Major of Bourdeaux, an Office of great honour and im­portance, and the Principal in all that Town, signifying as much as the Head or chief Governour of the City: which Office is so con­siderable, that it was formerly en­joy'd by the Sieurs de Mattignon, d' Ornano, and de Roquelaure Mare­schals of France.

In this manner the disturbances [Page 269] at Bourdeaux were composed: But whilst these inhabitants were en­joying the fruits of the peace, which had bin granted them by his Majesties clemency, the Plague breaking out in that City, inter­rupted their liberty and their Trade, the Countrey, round about was so sorely visited, that it remain'd almost depopulate.

The Deputies of Bourdeaux be­ing arrived at Court, which was at that time it Chalons in Champagne, were received by their Majesties with such demonstrations of cle­mency and affection, that the guilt of their past errors was quite forgot and gave them confidence to expect even the favour of the Kings bounty, The Parliament of Gui­enne, who had removed them­selves to Reole, receiving the Provi­sions of the Government of Limou­sin, granted by his Majesty to the [Page 270] Mareschal Turenne) who with his Valour and Counsels maintain'd the Frontiers against the strongest efforts of the enemie, encamping always so, as to be ready upon the least motion of the Prince of Con­dy, who though he was retired to give his Army refreshment, yet not without thoughts of returning in­to the Field again, and take up at least his Winter-quarters in France.

The Cardinal, finding by the reduction of Guienne, the Kings Army's free from a most powerful diversion in those parts, and being able thereby to apply himself with the whole Army, to check the bold designes of the Prince of Condy, and ruine his reputation in France; He call'd the Generals of the Armies together in his Abbey at Laon, to a Councel of War, and propos'd to them, that before they went to their Winter-Quarters, to [Page 271] attempt some new Enterprize, and if possible to take from the Prince of Condy the Town of Saint Mene­haud, which having a strong Gar­rison in it, infested all the Neigh­bouring Country, and forc'd, not only the Villages and open places, but the walled and strong Townes to pay them very large contribu­tion.

The Judgment of the Major part of the Officers was not to ingage in any new Enterprize that year, for that the Spaniards, though much weakned by the siege of Rocroy, might recruit themselves, and re­turning with considerable forces, either raise their siege, to the great di [...]reputation of the French Arms, or by some other diversion, recom­pence the loss they should sustein, and perhaps to double the value.

The Cardinal oppos'd this opi­nion, and made it appear, that with the Army of the two Mareschals [Page 272] Turenne, and la Fertè Seneterre, they might oppose the Spaniards and the Prince of Conde; and in the mean time with the Kings Guards and some other few Troops, block up St. Menehaud, till the forces from Guienne, and certain new Levies from Ger­many, (which had at that time Or­ders to march) arriving, they might be able to forme a Leagure, and by taking that Town, free the whole Countrey of Champagne from their Incursions.

These Reasons prevailing, the Court removed from Laon to Cha­lons. The Marquess de Castelneau with 1500 men, Monsieur de Saint Maur with 500 Horse, and some Foot provided by the Cardinal, on the 21. of October block'd up the Town, disposing themselves into four Quarters, without any line of Circumvallation, because their Camp being secured by the Ar­mies [Page 273] of the aforesaid Mareschals, they concluded they should be able to reduce it without any formal siege.

And though it seem'd ridiculous at first, that 3500 men should un­dertake the reducing of a City and and strong Castle, Garrison'd with above 1500 Souldiers, under good Commanders, which were the Marquess de Forz Governour of the Town, and Monsieur de Montal Commander of the Castle, and indeed the chief Director, as be­ing a particular Confident of the Prince of Conde's; yet the siege was undertaken with such brisk­ness and dexterity, that the unex­pected success did much confirm the great Judgment and Parts of the Cardinal in all mens opinion. And certain it is, his good fortune in that Enterprize added very much to his honour, forasmuch as against the sense of the whole Council of War, he alone defended the possibility of it.

[Page 274]The Marquesses of Castelneau, and Uxelles, the Count de Novailles, and Mounsieur de St. Maur, commanded in the Camp before St. Menehaud, in quality of Lieutenant Generals: The Provisions for the Camp were supply'd from Chalons; and because the Countrey, being ru­in'd by the War, could not furnish them with Horses and Carts, for the conveying of such things as were necessary for the siege, they remedied that defect with those belonging to the baggage of the Court; which was never thought on by the enemie; who look'd up­on that Enterprize as vain, being undertaken without conveniencies for carrying on the siege; and the rather, because Clermont flanck'd them on the left side, whose Gar­rison scour'd the Countrey conti­nually, and much molested the Neighbouring villages: One day they hapned upon the Court-Waggons, [Page 275] carrying Ammunition and Provisions to the Camp, and took away their Horses.

Whilst the Cardinal was em­ployed in promoting this siege, the Mareschal de Turenne march'd from Aubigny with five or six thousand men, to observe the E­nemies motion, who made a shew as if they intended towards Ro­croy.

The Mareschal de la Ferte Seneterre put himself with his men, betwixt Clermont and the Mose, to give en­couragement to the Leagure. The Count de Beaujeu with 1500 Com­manded men march'd further into Picardy, to have an eye to the Fron­tier Towns. The Duke de El­beuf, and the Count de Illebonne his son, with their Troops, kept somtimes at Rosan, sometimes at Mon Carnet, and somtimes in o­ther stations as Necessity requi­red.

[Page 276]On the 26. of October, the King accompanied by the Cardinal, and a great number of the Principal Cavaliers of the Court went to the Camp to see what Posture it was in, and to encourage them with his Presence. He lodg'd that night in the Abbey of Cicussy, be­longing to Cardinal Bicchi; the next morning he visited the Quar­ters of Nouailles: from thence he went to the top of a Hill, under which was the quarter of Castel­nau, form hence certain Cavaliers, to shew their courage, pickeer'd within Musquet-shot of the walls; the King was very well pleased with their Gallantry, which is not unusual among the French Gentle­men, the Nobleness of whose blood is for the most part accompanied with undauntedness of mind. The King had a Council of War cal­led in his Presence, and resolv'd to send Monsieur Villequier to the [Page 277] Town with a summons, address'd more particularly to the Marquess de Forz. This Marquess, by the means of his Father-in-law Mon­sieur de Vaubecourt, Governour of Chalons, had treated with the Court, and in a manner made his Peace, but in the very instant, whilst he was in expectation of the Prince of Con­dy's consent, the Town being in­vested he thought it not consistent with his honour to abandon it, and therefore to perform the Punctilio of a generous Cavalier, he resol­ved to defend it; and that Montal might have no occasion to suspect him, he declar'd he would serve in the siege, only in the quality of a private Reformade, and leave the care and Government of the whole to him, as the accordingly did.

The 28. of October the King returned to Chalons: The 1. of [Page 278] November the Trenches were open­ed in two places; and the French began to batter the Town, but with little progress, by reason of the brave defence made by the Garri­son, who by their Salleys, and their Counter-batteries, gave them more difficulty then was ima­gin'd.

Upon the News of this Siege, the Prince of Condy, who (as hath bin said) was sick of a Quartan Ague, commanded the Counts of Briole and Duraz, to draw out what Troops they could out of the nearest quar­ters, and endeavour to relieve the place, whilst himself with the Spa­nish Generals, should joyn their Forces, not so much to raise the Siege, as to quarter in the French Territories.

The said Counts with the As­sistance of the Lorrainers, got toge­ther 3000 Foot and 2000 Horse; and passing the Mose, advanced to [Page 279] effect their design, which doubtless had succeeded had it not been pre­vented by the diligence of the Car­dinal; Who having intelligence of their Motion the 4th of Novem­ber 1653. at Midnight, from Grand-Prè Governour of Mouson, he leap'd out of his bed, and gave Order immediately. He first dispatch'd Mounsieur d' One, the Lieutenant of his Guards, to Vitry, to cause the Count de Bougy with the Troops of Guienne, to march with all speed to the Camp. He commanded the Gens d' Arms, the light Horse of the Kings Guards, and his own; and all the Gentle­men of his Train to march forth­with; He dispatch'd Courriers to all the adjacent parts, requiring all souldiers to repair immediately to the Army, which he design'd should be commanded by the Ma­reschal du Plessis Praslin, in whose valour and fidelity he had great [...] [Page 280] very great confidence; by break of day all the Souldiers and Gentle­men attending the Court appear'd mounted and armed, with an ala­crity suitable to the greatness of their courage.

The Mareschal the same day af­ter dinner departed from Chalons, and being accompanied by the a­bove-mentioned Guards, and a good number of Voluntiers, he took his way directly towards the Camp: with design to arrive there in the night, as privately as he could possibly; intending, if the ene­mie appear'd, as he expected they would the next morning, to fight them; but they were too well ad­vised to come on; perhaps out of fear of being enclosed by the Ma­reschal de la Fertè, (who by Or­ders from the Cardinal, was march­ing to put himself between Cler­mont and St. Menehaud, a proper place to have fallen upon their [Page 281] Rear, in case they should adven­ture to raise the siege. Or else, as the Spaniards pretended afterwards, by reason the Duke of Lorrain would not give his consent.

The next day, the Guienne Troops, (consisting of 12 Regi­ments of Horse, and 10 of Foot; all old and well-disciplin'd souldi­ers) arriv'd at the Camp; so that the Army being recruited with these and other forces from Ger­many, the Prince of Condy was out of hopes of making any further attempt to relieve it, without an entire Army, and that with evident danger of being forc'd to a bat­tel, which was at that time much desired by the French, but not by the Spanish Commanders, who would have hazarded too much. Wherefore they proceeded very deliberately in second­ing the bold Counsels of the Prince of Condy, especially the [Page 282] dispute being for a Town belong­ing to the said Prince, so that the more forward he was to engage, the more averse they were from venturing their souldiers for ano­ther mans advantage; besides, the Lorrainers pretended they had done enough that Summer, and would retire to their VVinter-quarters.

Upon the Arrival of du Plessis Praslin, the siege was carried on with more vigour then before, and the Town as bravely defended by Mental, with frequent Salleys, and reciprocal damages; and he would have done much better, had not one of his Magazines of Ammu­nition been fired by a Can­non-shot, or some other accident, (for it was diversly reported). The night before the 6th. of November, the French storm'd the Half-Moon before the Porte du Bois, and opened a way into the ditch: but [Page 283] the besieged sallying out upon them, they not only interrupted their works, but took d' Ortis (a Lieutenant of a Company in the Kings Guards;) prisoner, and sharply handling several other Officers and Souldiers, amongst which Pontet a Captain in the same Guards was wounded.

The 16th. at night they sallied again upon the Guard of Nancre, (who had then the Command in the Approaches) but were repuls'd, as they were afterwards in another Sally upon the Trenches, guarded by the Regiment of Guards; and again, two days after they were worsted by Carmon a Captain in the said Regiment, but with the loss of la Garde, a Lieutenant-Co­lonel in the Regiment of Bur­gundy.

The next day, Damon the Ser­jeant Major of the Town was slain in the ditch, as he was viewing [Page 284] which was to convey his men with most security to attaque the enemies works.

Castelneau in the mean time caus'd a work to be assaulted, cal­led, the Ferra cavalli, and having taken it, he descended into the ditch, where he prepared a Gal­lery to shelter their Mines, which he happily accomplish'd, after he had beat back the besieged, and slain several of their men in two consi­derable Sallies.

On the other side, the Regiments of Uxelles, and Dampierre took the Half-Moon on the right hand of the Breach; so that the French standing ready to storm on the one side, and the Mine ready on the o­ther to blow up the Bastion; they within the Garrison wanting Pow­der, the Governour beat a Parley, offering to surrender upon good Conditions, if they were not re­liev'd in 8 days, but this was re­fus'd [Page 285] by the Mareschal, who went on with his Works so fast, that on the 24. of November 1653. Montal was constrain'd to deliver up the Town, march­ing away to Rocroy on the 27. onely with their Armes and Baggage, followed by a few French; the most part of those that served under him accepting of the Amnesty, entred either into the Kings Pay, or retired to their Houses, amongst which the Mar­quess de Forz, and others, (invi­ted by his Majesties clemency, and finding by experience, that the subjects truest felicity consists in their entire duty to their lawful Sovereign) laying aside all bitter­ness and animosity, return'd to their obedience.

The taking of St. Menehaud concluded the Campagne for that year, which in the beginning was likely to have proved very troublesom and dangerous the [Page 286] Kings interest, as well for the in­equality of their Forces in those parts; as for the diversion in Guienne, where at that time the Power of the Princes was much greater then the Kings, so that by how much the difficulty was the greater, to obstruct the progress of the enemy, by so much the more did it redound to the Honour of the Cardinal, and valour of the Captains, who knew how to Man­nage their Affaires to the best ad­vantage, for having put so happy an end to so many disasters and Misfortunes, it was but reasonable to expect the Continuation of their success: Seeing the malignity of times can never be so great, but at length by the Constant force of policy and prudence, it may be overcome.

The Conquest of this place freed the Neighbouring Country, from the Contributions which [Page 287] they most vigorously exacted to­wards their maintenance. During this siege, the Cardinal with great vigilance had an eye over all, and gave out such Orders as were most convenient for the good Govern­ment of the Kingdom. He dis­patch'd Messengers into Provence, with directions for the Galleys to put in all necessary Provision of Victuals into Roses, apprehending that after the happy relief of Girona, the Spaniards would at­tempt that place. He sent the Captain of his Guards to Brisac, to compleat the Negotiations with the Count de Harcourt, and put that strong Town once more into the Hands of his Majestie. To the turbulent and unquiet spirits of Bourdeaux, he apply'd such suitable remedies, as made them not only relish the sweetness of Peace, but abhor and nauseate their former confusions.

[Page 288]At length having issued out Or­ders for disposing the Souldiers in­to their Winter-quarters upon the Frontiers, with the least grievance to the subject as was possible, he re­turn'd with the King to Paris, where his Majesty made his entry in great triumph, and was recei­ved with incredible applause, and with such admiration of the Cardinals Management, that his name became venerable, and was immortalized by the very Tongues of those who had former­ly traduc'd him. By order like­wise of the Cardinal, Count Har­court was treated withal, for the accommodating his Affairs, and to draw him out of Brisac, upon a jealousie that he might treat with some foreign Prince, and endanger that important place: but the bu­siness was interrupted upon the very point of Conclusion; for whilst he seemed content with the Government of Anjou, and the [Page 289] Town of la Fere, in lieu of his Government of Alsatia, being mis­chievously informed of a design of seizing the Prince of Armagnac his eldest son, who was following his studies in Paris, he caus'd him to steal away secretly, and come to him to Brisac, whereupon the whole Negotiation ceased, and their jealousies and diffidences re­vived.

It was the general opinion, that Count Harcourt, being a Person of valour, and having such Fortresses in his hand, would push on his Af­fairs to the highest pitch, the better to capitulate, and make his advan­tage for his reestablishment at Court; but they were mistaken in their Account; he had too noble a mind to engage in any Action that might reflect upon his fidelity, contenting, himself, to pay the Garrison, and establish his se­curity in that place, without making any new Propositions, [Page 290] since the first were interrupted; On the other side, the Kings Counsel did not much press him for several Reasons.

The first was, because they ho­ped, when once they began to want money, the Garrison would re­volt for want of their pay. The second, because they would not engage in a Treaty with him, till they were sure he was Master of the Town; for Charleroy being also there, his Presence was sufficient to create a doubt, That the Count's Authority was not absolute. The third was, that he being a great friend to his own reputation, would never be drawn into an Action that might eclipse the glory of his name; wherefore they thought it not Prudence to enter into a Trea­ty with him, lest they should be forced to another afterwards with Charleroy. So that when Har­court began to treat with the [Page 291] Court, by the mediation of the Baron de Milet, and the Abbot of Charente, (who imparted all to the Duke d' Elbeuf, and the rest of his relations and friends) the Car­dinal did what he could to protract the Affair; Monsieur de Besimaux Captain of Mazarins Guards, went to Brisac under pretext of finishing the Treaty, but in stead of con­cluding it as he made shew he in­tended; he privately corrupted the Officers of the Garrison of Philipsbourg, and prevail'd with them to receive in the Kings Troops, publishing a Declaration too injurious to the loyalty of Harcourt, as if he had treated to sell that place to the Duke of Lorrain.

Whereupon Command was gi­ven to the Officers of the Kings Stables to receive no future Orders from him, as Grand Escuyer of France, and Directions dispatch'd to the Mareschal de la [Page 292] Fertè Seneterre to advance with his Troops into Alsatia, and make War upon such Towns as held for him, that he might be compell'd to ac­cept of such terms as his Majesty should please to grant. The Mare­schal besieg'd, and in a few dayes took the Castle of Betford, valiant­ly defended by the Count della Sufa, and sent to Harcourt to deliver up Brisac without further Expostulati­on, and to retire to his Government of Alsatia, or to Philipshourg, which should be restor'd him. The Count shew'd himself very ready to com­ply with his Majesties Commands, entred into a Treaty with the Mare­schal, and accepted the Articles, which both subscribed to, by which it was agreed, That 40000 Pistols should be deliver [...]d him to pay Char­leroy and the Garrison of Brisac, and 10000 for himself towards what he had disburs'd, in main­taining the Garrisons of Brisac and Philipsbourg.

[Page 293]The Mareschal dispatch'd away the Sieur de Brinone, his Nephew, with the Articles, to have them ra­tified at Court. But the Cardinal be­ing assur'd that Harcourt could not treat with the Spaniards, as not ha­ving the Town absolutely at his command; much less with the Em­peror, who would not hearken to a­ny such Proposition, as well for the 3 millions, which the French were to pay to the Arch-Duke, Charles Fer­dinand of Inspurg, according to the treaty of Munster, as also not to give the French occasion to cause the Swedes to return into Germany. The Mareschals Agreement was disap­prov'd, and the Sieurs de Brinon, and D' Hautichamp who was sent also to the Court by the Count for the said Ratification, were sent back with Orders to revoke what had past; wherupon the Sieur de Seneterre writ by Brinon to his son, that he should not be disgusted because the Ar­ticles were not approv'd, but to obey without further dispute.

[Page 294]The Mareschal observ'd the Or­ders punctually, and sent Brinon to the Count with his Letters of ex­cuse, telling him, that the King had not approved of his Treaty, and that therefore there remained nothing for him to do, but to re­store all things into their pristine condition, putting Brisac immedi­ately into his hands; and that he was marching forthwith into Al­satia with his Army, to reduce such places as should refuse to submit. Harcourt was much troubled at this unexpected News, complaining he was deluded, and urged that the Mareschal was obliged to make good his Parole; for which rea­son he kept Brinon Prisoner, but to no purpose; for the Mareschal caused Monsieur D'Hautichamp to be secured, and sent away the Sieur de Castelnau Lieutenant-General, to reduce Tannes. D' Hautichamp per­ceiving all his instances for his li­berty [Page 295] ineffectual, he desired the Mareschal to consider him as a Prisoner of War, and permit him to go out upon his Parole, which being granted, he proceeded in his journey towards Brisac, and arri­ving at Tannes, at the very in­stant that Castelnau was about storming the suburbs which were entrench'd, he writ suddenly to the Mareschal, intreating him to cause them to forbear the assault; and assuring him the Count de Har­court should command the Sieur de Grum Covernour of that place to open the Gates. But the Ma­reschal looking upon this as a de­lay, only to gain time, would not condescend to any Protraction: Whereupon the suburbs being taken, and a Cessation granted by Castelnau, till D' Hautichamp return­ed; he departed with all speed, and visiting the Mareschal by the way, who gave him hopes that the [Page 296] Truce should be continued till the 9th. of March in the morning, that he might have time to return with an Answer from Brisac; but not­withstanding the Truce, the Town was sharply assaulted, upon intel­ligence of which, Count Harcourt dispatched Orders with all speed to Monsieur Grum to receive the Kings Troops into the Town, without further Contest: D' Hautichamp sent away the Or­ders over night by a Souldier of the Kings Guards, and was there himself in the Morning early: But the Mareschal, not willing to receive from Harcourt the thing he knew he could compass himself, would not be spoke with, and in the mean-while the Town was stormed, where Castelnau receiv'd a hurt with a Musquet-shot, & several other Of­ficers on both sides were wounded.

The Governour, in confidence of the Treaty with the Mareschal, [Page 297] coming out of the Town to dis­course the business with him, was taken Prisoner; the Kings forces entred the Town, plundred the Governours house, and he him­self was condemn'd to pay 3000 Pistols, to his great regret, com­plaining he had been betray'd un­der the Publick faith.

At length Hautichamp obtained liberty to speak with the Mare­schal, who because the Regiment of Lorrain had been introduced in­to Tannes, (whereas at first he de­manded only the Town, and had promis'd, as Count Harcourt af­firmed, not to meddle with the Castle,) insisted to have that like­wise surrendred, allowing the Go­vernour only four days time to ex­pect Orders from the Count.

Harcourt again by this last Action resolved to take away all Ob­jections that could be made against his sincerity, and at the same [Page 298] time he releas'd Brinon, and sent back D'Hautichamp to the Mareschal, and thence to the Court, to as­sure his Majesty of his submission without further reserve, and that he would retire forthwith to Phi­lipsbourg, and there attend his Roy­all pleasure, In this manner this Prince left Brisac, at the same time Charleroy, having received his Ar­rears, the Garrison was changed, and Monsieur de Besemaux Captain of the Cardinals Guards was made Go­vernour, with whom were left se­veral other Officers, entirely de­pending on the King.

This Affair having succeeded, as the Cardinal (contrary to the opi­nion of many of the Council) had presaged, contributed much to his reputation, and rendred his merits more considerable to the Crown. The Cardinal after all this assured the Duke d' Elbeuf, that being thorowly informed of the sincerity [Page 299] of Count Harcourt, he had the same kindness for him as former­ly; & that seeing he had submitted himself so ingenuously, he would take an opportunity that he should have absolute satisfaction. The Court remain'd very well pleas'd with the Respect and Generosity of the Count in that Action; but those who were emulous of his glory, and with several suggestions had wounded his reputation, were much astonish'd and confus'd.

The Duke d' Anville, who not many dayes before had been banish'd the Court, was re­call'd, and receiv'd into favour again, both by the King and the Cardinal. The displeasure was grounded upon this, that ha­ving promised to resign his Go­vernment of Limousin, which was design'd for the Mareschal de Tu­renne, in recompence of his ser­vices perform'd for the Crown, by [Page 300] the instigation of the Arch-bishop of Burges, d' Anville seemed unwilling to give his Consent; whereupon to Court having en­gaged their word to Turenne, thought themselves obliged to make it good, as well to satisfie him, (who otherwise might have thought himself eluded) as to sig­nifie his Majesties resentment to the Duke, but he, acknowledging his fault, and having perform'd what he promis'd, was restor'd a­gain to Court.

Whilst the Mareschal de Hoquin­court was preparing for his jour­ney into Catalonia, the States of Languedoc that Winter were held at Pezenas, a Town and Castle seated upon the Confluence of the two Rivers, the Peyne and the E­raut; the Marquess de Plessis Bel­liere residing there, and finding the humour of those people, by the infelicity of the times more dis­pos'd [Page 301] to Factions and Cabals, then to pay their Contributions to the King, he used all possible means to reduce them to their obedience; and at last perceiving the said States resolved to contribute no­thing, unless the Troops were drawn out of that Province: and knowing that the Provisions of Oats for the Horse, and other Ne­cessaries for the Camp, were to be made out of the Benevolen­ces of that Country, which would amount to a very little, if nothing was given by the States, and by consequence the Army would be uncapable of doing any thing con­siderable: He offered to take the Field, if any reasonable Contri­bution would be made towards the subsistence of the Army, to which the States were well enough incli­ned. He considered moreover, that the time of the year was far spent, [Page 302] That supplies of men were coming to the Spaniards out of Italy, That the Enemy were drawing toge­ther, and made Provision of Can­non, Powder, Ladders, and other Necessaries of Warre at Castillon, in order to the besieging of Ro­ses; wherefore concluding it would be too late to relieve it, if their Line of Circumvallation should be finished before his Arrival, it was necessary to provide against it in time.

He departed from Pezenas the 25. of May, and advanc'd to Ri­gean, and Rivesalta, where he made some stay to get his Troops toge­ther, and to see what the final re­solution of the States would be. Above all, he consider'd the im­portance of conserving Rossilion, a­bout which the Cardinal had writ to him, and recommended that Province particularly to his care. He rendezvouz'd his Army at Bau­lori, [Page 303] from whence he marched the 16. of July, to pass the Mountain of Pertus; his whole Number con­sisted of 2500 Horse, and 4000 Foot, all expert and veterane soul­diers. The Spaniards Army was a Regiment of Foot more in num­ber then the French, and was com­manded by the Baron Saback, the Constable of Castile, and the Mar­quess Serra; so that it was pro­bably judged they would have op­posed the French at that Pass: but they only put a Guard into the Tower of Longuiera, purposing that whilst these had stopp'd them, to come in opportunely and defend the entrance, but contrary to all expectation, the Tower yielded at the sight of two small field-peeces, which the French had brought with them from Rossillion: here they stay'd a day, attending the coming up of their Baggage and Rear-Guard: thence they advanc'd [Page 304] into the Plain beyond Oustelnau: Plessis Belliere divided his Army into two Battalia's, upon intelli­gence that the enemy would ex­pect him about Castillon, who the more to engage their men to keep the Field, had set fire on their Forts before Roses, and drawn out the Garrison from Teguiers. The French March'd in good Order di­rectly towards the Spaniards, leav­ing Teguiers on their right hand. Their Vanguard discover'd the Spaniards drawn up in Battalia be­hind Castillon, under the shelter of the Town, a great Moor, and several Canals and Ditches, but as soon as they saw Night ap­proaching, and that the French Rearguard was at hand: Their Horse, which had faced the enemy till their Foot and baggage March'd off, began to face about, and retire under the benefit of the Night, lea­ving only 1200 Men in Castillon, to [Page 305] hinder the advance of the French.

The Marquess de Plessis Belliere call'd a Council of War, to consi­der whether they should follow the Enemy or not, and i [...] was conclu­ded in the Negative, because in a Country full of difficult and strait passes as that was, it was impos­sible to force the Enemy to fight, unless he had a mind to it himself; Besides, their provision of Victuals was not yet come up to the Army, and they should be necessitated in a short time, to return for want of it, to the great prejudice of their reputation amongst those people, accustomed to judg of things ac­cording to their outward appear­ance, and it concern'd the French, to preserve their friendship. It was resolv'd on therefore to take Castil­lon, before they procdeded any fur­ther, and to advance fair and soft­ly, and not engage in long Marches that they should not afterwards be able to prosecute.

[Page 306]To this purpose two Pieces of Cannon were sent for from Ro­ses, and having taken a view of the Town, they began presently to open the Trenches which were in a short time advanc'd to the ve­ry brim of the Ditch, notwith­standing the perpetual firing from the walls.

Castillion has a Rampart about it lin'd with stone, made curtain-wise, with a small dry ditch: the Garrison were Irish and Neapoli­tans, commanded by Colonel Mi­lon, who being made Head of the people of Naples to their late Re­volutions, deserted their Party, and entred himself into the Spanish ser­vice, in which he behav'd him­self with much reputation. The Besieged made no Salleys as ha­ving no works to shelter them without, but they threw such quantities of stones, that the As­sailants were obliged to raise a [Page 307] Gallery, in the Ditch, to get to the wall with more security, which being finished, and a Mine ready to spring under a Corner of one of the Towers, the Garrison knowing themselves not able to hold out, capitulated and surrendred upon honourable terms, with obligati­on to return into Spain, by the way of Fonterabbia, which was a long way about. The French found in the Town six Pieces of Cannon, and 5000 pound of Powder, which came very seasonably to them, having ventured upon that Enter­prize, very ill provided Am­munition: During this siege Ples­sis Belliere sent the Marquess de Bellefonds with part of his troops to attaque Empouries, the Tower Medes, and some other small pla­ces, all of them yielding upon the same Conditions as those to Ca­stillon.

The French, before they entred [Page 308] into Catalonia, knowing the Irish not to be over-well satisfied with the Spaniards, they invited them to their party, made them very ad­vantageous Offers, which were ac­cepted, with a promise to come over to them with seven Re­giments, upon the first opportuni­ty presented.

While the French were before Chastillon, it was signified to the I­rish that were within, to perform their Promise; but they reply'd, that they could not abandon the Spaniards like Cowards; While they were in that Town, they would de­fend it like persons of honour; but when the siege was over, they would perform their word, as they did presently after, so soon as they came into Rossilion, where taking their leave of their Neapolitan Camerades, they march'd into Dan­phine, where they took up their quarters, and by degrees were fol­lowed [Page 309] by many more of that Na­tion.

So soon as the Spaniards were march'd out of Chattillon, Plessis Belliere renew'd his Orders already given to all the Neighboring-Vil­lages after the taking of Barce­lona, compelling them to bring in Provisions to Roses: he command­ed them likewise to throw down the works the Spaniards had made about Roses and Chattillon, commit­ting the care of it to the Gover­nour, who remain'd in the place with a Regiment of Foot, and an­other of Horse; but he neglecting to put these Orders in execution was punish'd severely.

Having intelligence afterwards, that the Enemy was retired to Gi­rona, and entrenched there, he suddenly took his March that way with resolution to engage them, but finding it not feasible, he march'd along by the River Fer, [Page 310] putting himself at the Head of his Scouts, the better to observe the posture of the enemy.

Here he discover'd, that their Horse-Guard, which they kept at the Great Bridge, was retiring to­wards Girona, whereupon the fore­most Squadrons of the French left the said Bridge of their left hand, and descending along the River side, till they came past the town, they found the Spanish Horse at forrage on the other side of the River, who immediately drew themselves up into Squadrons, and the rest of the troops marching out of Girona with their Cannon, they drew up into Battalia with­out the trenches, and here (whilst the Scouts were skirmishing toge­ther, from one side of the River to the other) those who went closing up placed themselves directly be­fore the Spanish Army, whose Commanders perceiving the de­sign [Page 311] of the enemy, they retired im­mediately within their lines, which were very large, strong and deep, with a well contrived bank, and flanked with four or five Stone-houses, well-lined with Mus­quetiers.

These fortifications made ex­actly according to the Rules of Art, began at the walls of an Hospital in the Suburbs, and end­ed at a little Brook that was not fordeable. In the mean time the Night approach'd, most part of the Souldiers wanted powder, and the Waggons which carried that little they had, were not come up; this notwithstanding, the Souldiers express'd great desire to fight; wherefore not to deny them this satisfaction any longer, Plessis Belliere took all his Horse along with him with 700 Foot, and cau­sing every one of them to take a faggot on his back, he past the [Page 312] River on the left hand not far from the Town, and Bellefonds did the same about 50 Paces below him.

There were other troublesome Passes betwixt the River and the Spanish Camp, so that it was Mid­night before their Forelorn could arrive there, where they found the Trenches stuck with lighted Matches, and approaching, per­ceived the enemy was gone.

Plessis Belliere sent out several small parties, for intelligence which way they were gone, who having sought them all night to no purpose, in the Morning they des­cried them upon the Mountain be­hind the City.

The French had left their Bag­gage on the other side of the Ri­ver, with some few Foot to se­cure it, and attend the coming of their Cannon; the Spaniards per­ceiving it, caus'd their Horse to [Page 313] march down from the Mountain passing thorow the Town, with de­sign to have plundred it, but they reckon'd without their Host, for no sooner were they observ'd to march that way, but the French immediately sent seven or eight Squadrons over the River, who constrain'd them to quit their de­sign, and betake themselves again to the Mountain; after which the Baggage and Cannon past over the River with the rest of the Foot. So soon as their Ammunition arri­ved, which was expected from Nar­bon, the French encamp'd in the open Field, within half Cannon-shot of the Mountain and the town, so that if the enemie drew down their Foot to defend Girona; in that case they resolved to attaque the Mountain, and if they stirr'd not, they should be able to attaque and take the Town, at a cheaper rate.

[Page 314] Girona is a great City, situate upon the side of a Mountain, en­compass'd with a wall, and flank­ed with some little Towers. The Houses of the Town serve as a Parapet on that side next the Ri­ver Fer, which washes it on the right side, so that it would have been no hard matter to have taken it, had there not been an Army to defend it. The French were Ma­sters of the Field, their Convoys came to them without any danger, and in every skirmish (which were very frequent) the Spaniards were still worsted: Belliere endeavor'd by all ways to debauch the Spa­nish Souldiers; who both Horse and Foot, came over to them in such numbers, that the Officers themselves were forc'd to be a Guard to their own Souldiers, the Irish had promis'd to come in entire Companies to the French service; The Town began to be straitned [Page 315] for want of Provisions; Their Horse already for some days had nothing to sustain them, but what Grass they could gather upon the Parapetts of the Wall.

The Spanish Generals perceiving their troops daily decreasing, to pre­serve themselves on the Mountain, they had built three Forts; And de­sign'd (as was collected by some in­tercepted Letters) to send away part of their Horse to Barcellona, as well to give them some refresh­ment from their sufferings in the Siege, as that they might joyn with the Constable of Castile, who was preparing an Army to releive Giro­na; The French hereupon were con­strain'd to very hard duty, in so much that they kept their Horses Sadled Night and Day. Whilst the Siedge went on in this manner, Plessis Belliere had gain'd an intelli­gence with the Inhabitants of San Tibeau, a small Town, with a very [Page 316] strong Castle lying upon the Sea, betwixt Pallamos and Blanes, whose Garrison suspecting nothing, and not keeping strict Guards were easily surprized.

Affairs standing thus, the Ma­reschal d' Hoquincourt taking his leave at Court, hastned with all speed into Languedoc, where ha­ving got together the Souldiers that were design'd to serve under his Command, he march'd away to the Army before Girona: Plessis Belliere having notice of his approach, sent his Brother-in-law Monsieur de la Rabiliere to complement him, and give him an account of what had passed in the Leagure. He ac­quainted him likewise with their want of powder, and how neces­sary it would be to cause that to be sent to the Camp, which was ex­pected at Narbon, and in the mean time to endeavour to borrow a quantity of the Governours of Per­pignan [Page 317] and Roses; he advertiz'd him likewise, that if he intended to storm Girona, or continue the Siege, it would be convenient to hasten the levies of the Catalonians, which were raising in Rossillon, to cause the Regiment of Swisses, which remain'd at Locoman to ad­vance, as also the Queens Regi­ment, the Regiments d' Anjou and Languedoc, which refused to march with the rest, (by reason of the pre­cedence, to which the Regiment of Auvergne pretended) and stayd at Constans, under the Command of Tilly.

The Mareschal did what Bel­liere had desired him; he brought these Regiments along with him, who renewed their pretensions to that height that he was forc'd to cause all the Officers of the Regi­ment of Auvergne to be secu­red, till the Enterprise of Gi­rona was over, besides which he [Page 318] brought 3000 pound of Powder with him from Perpignan. Plessis Belliere went out to meet him, and brought him to the Camp the 27. of July; He took upon him the Command of the Kings Armies in those parts; Belliere fell sick of a Feaver, which kept him in his bed several days. The French resolving to put an end to the siege, batter'd the walls, made a breach, and attempted to have carried it by assault; but whether the breach was not wide enough, or that the Parapets and Flankers were not well razed, or whether the Souldiers commanded to the assault, did not perform their du­ties, not following their Officers. They could not make their way through, and desisted from their En­terprize, in hopes that the besieged forwant of provision, would yield of themselvs; and indeed they were re­duc'd to the utmost extremity when [Page 319] their supplies began to appear, entring on the 24. of Septemb. (at the most difficult side of the Town to pass) with a great quantity of meal in Mailes. The Swiss, and the Queens Regiment, seconded by the Regiment of Horse of Carvisson had the Guard of that quarter, but these were no sooner charged by the Spaniards, but they fled, and gave them liberty to joyn with those who sally'd out of the City.

The Mareschal was gone to vi­sit certain Posts, where having News that the said Regiments were attack'd, he repair'd thither with all diligence, but arriving found his own men Flying, and the enemy united. Belliere, at the Alarm, made likewise to that quar­ter, and meeting with the Mare­schal he participated to him the Accident; after convenient Con­sultation, they resolv'd to abandon the Enterprize, without losing more time.

[Page 320] Hoquincourt intreated Belliere to take care of their Retreat; in order whereunto he sent his own Regiment of Foot and the Swisses, to make good the Great Bridge, to facilitate their passage over the River; after which he caus'd the Army to march in good Or­der, and passing the River they encamp'd at Madignan. So soon as the Guards had quitted the Bridge, the Spaniards took pos­session of it; and whilest the French were march'd away, the Constable of Castile sent 400 Horse over the River with some Musquetiers, who placed themselves in the houses on the other side of the water. They were no sooner over, but the French faced about, and charg'd them so briskly, that they forc'd them back to the River, and took most of [Page 321] them Prisoners; This blow so cool'd the Spaniards, that they pursued their enemy no fur­ther,

From Madignan, Hoquincourt march'd to Barca; And on the 26. of September came to Ville­neufve d' Ampuries, where he re­main'd for some time, to take up what corn was to be found in that Countrey, and convey it to Roses, causing each Company to carry six quarters of that mea­sure along with them. After this, having nothing more to do in that Countrey of Lampurdam, and not being able to maintain his Troops any longer there, he order'd them to pass the Moun­tain Pertus the 28th following. The Regiments of Anjou, Lan­guedoc, Roquelaure, Gramont and Harcourt were left in Roses: [Page 322] On the 30th. the rest of the Ar­my arriv'd at Bouillon (a Town up­on the River Teich) The Mareschal quartred his Troops in Rossiglion, and those of Belliere in Conflans.

All these Forces remain'd in that little Countrey, till the appear­ance of those from Guienne, under the Command of the Marquess de Marinville, upon whose Arrival in Rossillion, Hoquincourt resolv'd to put Provisions into Roses.

He caus'd all things to be pre­par'd to that effect, and resolv'd to conduct them himself with all his chief Officers, and such of his Ar­my as could be spared from the posts which were necessary to be kept, about Conflans.

On the 29. of October 1653. he passed the Mountaines, and the next Morning put the said Convoy into Roses The French Army ad­vancing eagerly against the Spani­ards, They were in an ill condition [Page 323] near Lousteneau, but the French be­ing a little slow in passing the Hills they had opportunity to retire.

The Marquess de Marinville, who led the Van that day, with the Troops of Guienne, followed the enemy as far as Feguiers, where the Spaniards, taking the Garrison a­long with them. The Inhabitants upon the sight of Marinville's Troops, cry'd out, Viva Francia, Long live France.

The Garrison in Castillion reti­red likewise in all haste. The 6. of November, Belliere having the Van, commanded out 100 Horse to discover the enemy; who bringing intelligence of seven Squadrons of Spaniards on the o­ther side of the River towards Servia, Hoquincourt and Belliere being at that time together, they march'd with all speed to the River bank: and Belliere being acquainted with the Fordeable places, by order of [Page 324] the Mareschal, he pass'd over and put himself in pursuit of these Squadrons, with so much expedition and so good success, that he overtook them, charg'd them, and beat them as far as Bordilles, one of their quar­ters, where they endeavoured to rally by the assistance of those that were there, but they were routed again, and pur­sued to another of their Posts, and from thence to their Head­quarters, where meeting with fresh Troops, they turned face and fought bravely for some time, but having the disadvan­tage of the ground, they were at length quite broken and dis­pers'd, many slain and wounded, and many Prisoners, and all their bag­gage taken and plundred. Of the French few were slain and wound­ed, and only the two Vallavoirs, bro­thers, [Page 325] taken Prisoners, by enga­ging too far into a Squadron of Spanish Officers, who were retreating very bravely toward Girona.

After this defeat the French Troops lodged themselves with­out any disturbance, in the same quarters that had been taken up for the Spaniards, though more enlarged, that they might sub­sist the longer in those parts, and with more convenience, till the Arrival of Monsieur Picoy, who was expected from Court with the Kings Or­ders for their Winter-quarters in France.

And in this posture the French Army continued about two months in Lampurdam, the Spaniards not da­ring to approach them in the [Page 326] least. The 20. of December; Picoy arrived from Court with Or­ders from the King, for their Win­ter quarters, upon which a Coun­sel of Officers being called, it was concluded how the Troops were to be dispos'd: In the mean time, they supply'd Roses with all man­ner of Provisions, and transported thither whatever they could finde in Lamprudam. On the 27. of De­cemb. 1653. the French Army re­pass'd the Mountains, and as soon as they were entred into Rossillon, the Mareschal gave Orders to Bel­liere for the quartering of his Troops, who having distributed and dispatch'd them to their several places, he took his farewel of the Mareschal, and repair'd to the Court, according to the leave granted him by the King. Hoquin­court stay'd with the Army, distri­buting the rest of them into their Winter-quarters, and making such [Page 327] Provisions for them as were con­venient.

Whilst the Cardinal was busied in the functions of the Field, and intent upon the taking of St. Menehaud, the Countess of Man­cini and Martinozzi, his Sisters, with one of their daughters, (who after the Parentage betwixt the Pope's Family, and the House of Barba­rini, were departed from Rome) arrived in Provence,, receiving great honours in all places where they pass'd, and particularly in Genoua, where they were receiv'd with the greatest splendour that could be expected from the Gene­rosity of that State, and befit­ting the merits of their Brother, and the dignity of those Ladies, who among their other vertues where adorn'd with admirable Mo­desty, and a noble behaviour. They stay'd in Provence some days.

The Court being return'd to [Page 328] Paris; these Ladies repaired thi­ther also, and were receiv'd with extraordinary affection and civi­lity, not only by the Grandees of the Court, but by their Majesties them selves.

The Prince of Conty arriving at Cadillac, found Langlade the Cardi­nals Secretary there lying sick; In the Discourse they had toge­ther, the Prince intimated to him his design of reconciling himself to the Court, and to fulfil the last Precepts he receiv'd from his dying Father, which were, to keep himself firm to the interests of the King, and never to deviate from his obedience; he reflected upon the example of his brother the Prince of Condy, who whilst he continued in his Allegiance, en­joyed the fruits of a fortunate glory: He considered, that the treachery of those about him, deluded by the private interest [Page 329] of their friends, had constrain'd him to separate from his Brother, so that he was reduced at present to a necessity of remaining in an ill condition, where ever he was, if he did not find out some expedi­ent, to return with glory and ad­vantage to his former obedience, and preserve his family in the same state and condition in which his father left it.

He foresaw, that to retire into Spain, would not only be against his own genius, but also expose him to his Brothers revenge, who being prepossess'd by the sinister Infor­mations of Marsin and Lenet, would certainly despise him. He considered to retire into Italy, or to any of his houses in France, he could not avoid the suspicions of the Court, so that either the one way or the other, his life in the very flower of his Age, would become unhappy, idle, [Page 330] and unworthy the vivacity of his spirit. Hereupon, considering with himself what was most essential to his own interest, and having prudently weighed what he was to do, he found the only way to con­serve himself in the quality he was born was to introduce him­self, by some strict Alliance, into an entire friendship with the prime Minister, and by consequence into the Kings favour. Of these thoughts he gave some little hint to the aforesaid Langlade, but did not declare himself too far: A while after he discover'd his mind more freely to the Duke of Can­dale, whom he look'd upon as his particular friend; and he was not at all deceived, for the Duke con­curring in his opinion, approved his judgment as very prudent and well-grounded, and with a gene­rous frankness encourag'd him to proceed, though he himself at the [Page 331] same time was in treaty of Marri­age with the same Lady, and did most ardently desire the accom­plishment of it.

It did no seem convenient to the Prince to discover his inclinations so suddenly to the Court: he only sent Menil the Captain of his Guards, to pass some few Com­pliments, without any Letters of Credence, or others instructions whatever; Menil was received with great Civility, and having discover'd the sentiments not one­ly of their Majesties, but also of the Cardinal, and the other Mi­nisters of the Court, he assured the Prince at his return, that he had found such a propension in the Cardinal towards him, that he could assure him of an eter­nal Oblivion of what was past, and a sincere renovation of his affection for the time to come.

Upon this information, he con­cluded [Page 332] to send Saracin his Steward to Court (as a person in whom he much confided) to Negotiate this Affaire with more liberty, and freedom which had bin only dark­ly hinted to Langlade at Cadil­lac.

Saracin soon discoverd the Car­dinals good disposition and after some journeys and meetings be­twixt him, and Langlade, the Treaty of Marriage betwixt the Prince of Conty, and the Countess of Martinozza the Cardinal's Niece, was so far advanc't that no doubt was made of it; Such as envyed the glory and repose of the Prince and the Cardinal, hearing the News, endeavourd to sow Tares, and create jealousies and suspicions amongst them: Some represented to the Abby Ondedei, that all this was but an invention, and artifice. And that Conty held private intel­ligence [Page 333] with the Prince, his Bro­ther, and his Sister the Duchess of Longueville, and that the effect would not answer the outward ap­pearance; Others out of their pretended zeale to the Cardinal, Suggested to him; That to joyn himself in parentage with the great­est Princes in France, (he being a stranger) was not the way to secure himself from envy, and establish more solid foundations for the Au­thority which he at that time pos­sest, seeing the ambition of man­kind is such, that every one flatter­ing himself with his own proper esteem, oftimes growes weary of valuing another persons though his principal friend; That the fav­ours of Princes the higher they rise the nearer they are to the dis­graces of fortune. That there are but few Masters who will make their Servants their Companions [Page 334] and for the most part, the Patient being cured, the Physician is de­spised; As an example, they al­ledged Cardinal Richlieu, who by his extravigant greatness, was be­come so odious to Lewis the 13th. that without doubt, had they lived longer together, that Minister must of necessity have fallen; That it would be better therfore to settle his Alliance further off, to secure a retreat if any accident should happen without exposing himself to the inconstancy of that Nation, who are friends to none but their own fortune.

But the Cardinal esteeming the advantage to be reciprocal, his in­clination to his own interest pre­vail'd above all other Advice, so that the Contract was at last a­greed on, and the Marriage con­cluded by their Majesties, to whose determination the Cardinal left the whole disposure of that Affair, [Page 335] submitting his will to their plea­sure, (as he said) he had sacrificed all the rest of his faculties to their service; but the consummation was put off, because the Prince was unwilling to be present in the Parliament of Paris, whilst they were forming a Process of High Treason against his Brother the Prince of Condy.

He obtein'd therefore, to pro­tract his coming to the Court, till the latter end of the Carnevale, a­bout which time he arrived, and was received with all applause and satisfaction imaginable. The first Saturday in Lent the Ceremony of touching the hand, and signing the Articles of Marriage was perform'd. The Princess had a Dowry of 200000 Crowns given her by her Uncle, and 50000 by the Kings bounty, besides a Pension to the Prince, equivalent to his Ecclesi­astical Revenue, which he resign'd [Page 336] into his Majesties hands; after this followed the Espousals and the Nuptials, which were honoured by the continual Presence of their Majesties, the Duke of Anjou, and all the Princes and great Lords of the Court: where there was not any one found so stimulated with envy, or overwhelm'd with rancour; no mind so enraged or corrupted that durst cavil at this Alliance, since the deserts of the Uncle towards the Crown were unparallel'd; and the Beauty of the Bride, such an entire Compendium of the most conspicuous qualities in a woman, which were able to excite the praises and com­mendations of the greatest Emula­tors and Detractors.

The Queen her self would needs do her the honour to see her in bed; by which incomparable Ci­vility, her Majesty made appear, how much she was pleased with this Wedding.

[Page 337]The King afterwards made a Present to the new married Prince, of all the Estate and Offices be­longing to his Brother the Prince of Condy; but he out of an exemplary Grandeur of mind refused that grace, as despising the riches which came from that spoil.

To express the content and joy every one conceiv'd for the reuni­ting this Branch to the Royal Stock; The days following were spent in Balls, Feasting, Musick, and other Recreations and Divertise­ments becoming a Royal and Ma­jestick Court, as is that of the most Christian King.

The HISTORY of the Manage­ments of CARDINAL MAZARINE. Lib.II. Part III:

WHilst Paris was thus full of joy and festivity, at Brussels all was in sad­ness and confusion for the Impri­sonment of Duke Charles of Lor­rain, who was Arrested Prisoner in that City, as shall be related in the ensuing Narrative. The Spa­nish Troops were retiring into their Winter-quarters, and the Count de Fuensaldagna considering, that by reason of the Numbers of great Officers, and the Generals of the three Armies, it would be impos­sible to quarter them all in the Low Countreys; he treated with the Duke of Lorrain, and paid him [Page 339] a sum of money, upon condition he would quarter his Troops, and some of the Prince of Condy's out of the Countreys belonging to his most Catholick Majesty, as he was accustomed to do at other times, under pretence of being General of the Empire, by which he made bold with several Neutral Coun­treys in those Provinces, and other Principalities of the Empire, as were most expos'd to that inconve­nience. The Duke began to take up his quarters accordingly, and about the middle of Winter march­ed with his Army into the Coun­trey of Liege, pretending the E­lector of Colen had given Sanctu­ary to Cardinal Mazarine in his State, permitting him to make le­vies there, and giving him other assistances against the Prince of Condy. The Elector desir'd help of the King of France against the Troops of the Prince and take Duke. [Page 340] Immediately Orders were sent to Faber the Governour of Sedan, to draw a Body of an Army together, and march to the assistance of the Elector. He executed the Orders with all possible expedition, march­ing with the French Troops directly towards Liege. The Duke of Lor­rain, so soon as he had notice here­of, in stead of meeting and enga­ging them, as he might easily have done, being much stronger then Fa­ber, retired into the Territories of the King of Spain, took up quar­ters there for his men, and came himself to Brussels. The proximity of these Troops of the enemie, be­ing as it were in the heart of the Countrey, and the Dukes retreat, without attempting in the least to oppose them: The various Advi­ces they received from several parts, that what was acted by the Duke of Lorrain, was done by private Intel­ligence with Cardinal Mazarine, [Page] gave no small trouble to the Arch-Duke and the Count of Fuen­saldagne, and so much the more, because these Advertisements did quadrate with the Treaty the Duke made with the King of France near Paris, deserting the Princes in their greatest need; With the withdrawing of his Troops from the siege of Rocroy: with the Negotiations (which were lately dis­cover'd) he had held with the Crown of Swedeland and other Prin­ces, to hinder the New Election of the King of the Romans, hoping him­self, by the help of his money, and the assistance of the King of France, and the Protestant Princes in Ger­many, to be able to pretend to that dignity: This jealousie was not a little fomented by the strait correspondence he held at that time with the Elector Palatines Family, with the Swedes, and with other Princes of Germany, [Page 342] to whom he had sent Ronselot his Secretary; having sent likewise for the Prince Palatine of Sultz­bach, in the place of his Brother, killed at the battel of Rhetel, with design to marry him to his daugh­ter. By the displeasure he express [...]d for the assistance granted to the Prince of Condy, by whose Treaty with the Court of Spain, he pre­tended to be very much prejudi­ced, by reason that all the acquisi­tions made in France, being to be deliver'd into his hands, there remain'd no place in the power of the Spaniards, to exchange afterward for those of Lorrain, at the General Peace. He began therefore to doubt that the bare Protection of Spain, would not be sufficient to restore him to the So­vereignty of his Dominions. This was one of the principal Rea­sons that renewed in the Duke the ancient emulation betwixt the [Page 343] Houses of Lorrain and Bourbon, not being able to endure that the Prince of Condy should be Master, not only of Stenay, Clermont, and other pla­ces belonging to Lorrain, but of the Conquests they should make in France also, with the assistance of his forces. He complain'd of these things very earnestly, urging, that Condy might be obliged at least to deliver him one of the Towns in his Possession, belonging to Lorrain, or otherwise, that he might equal­ly participate of the Conquests that should be made with the help of his Army: Declaring openly, that if they would not consent to one of these Proposition,, neither would he assist them with his Troops in any Enterprize to be un­dertaken for the sole profit of the Prince of Condy.

Upon these suspicions and jea­lousies the Spaniard began to think of a remedy, for so manifest a dan­ger, [Page 344] both present and to come: that which imported most, was to oppose the French, and to pacifie the Ele­ctor of Colen, with whom it was not convenient at that time to have any dispute.

Hereupon, it was propos'd to the Duke, That with his own Troops, the Prince of Condy's, and some of the Spanish, he should make head a­gainst the French, and the Electors forces, the Prince of Condy being un­able for that expedition, as being sick at that time at Rocroy, but the Duke refus'd it, nor would so much as stir out of Brussels; he was de­sir'd at least to consign them his Troops, but he denied that also, which increased their jealousie more and more, and gave them greater cause to suspect him. It was al­ready three years, that the Count of Fuensaldagne had received pri­vate Orders from the Court of Spain, to secure the Person of [Page 345] Duke, when he should see a fit time to effect it; but as the success of an Affair which drew so many conse­quences after it was uncertain, and the Count not being able to promise himself, whether this Act would be approved or disapproved by the Counsel of Spain when it was done, (though the King of Spain had every day new Reasons to confirm his re­solution, without seeking fur­ther pretences;) He address'd him­self to the prime Minister to be excus'd from that Commis­sion; but could not be dispen­sed withal: On the contrary, his Orders were renewed, to take the time he should judge most conveni­ent, without participating with the Arch-Duke, giving him withal the Letter that his Majesty had writ him concerning that Af­fair, and perswaded him to give or­der about it.

[Page 346]The Election of the time gave no small trouble to the Count, in re­spect the Dukes comportment ren­dred the execution of his Orders every day more necessary; To secure his Person, and not lose his Troops, was very difficult.

For the better execution of his design, the Count with great dex­terity had gain'd certain of the Dukes chief Officers, but without the least discovery of his Plot: he made sure of several who promised to stand by him in whatever he at­tempted. The late occasion the Duke gave, was of very great im­portance for the furtherance of this Affair; for hereby they should not only pacifie the Elector, but sa­tisfie the Emperour (who was al­ready informed of all the Dukes Negotiations) and had need of the Electors of Colen and Bavaria, in­separable, in respect of their Parent­age and common interest. On the [Page 347] one side the securing of the Dukes Person seemed to Fuensaldagne not very difficult, he being in Brussels, and at a distance from his Army; but on the other he saw infinite di­scouragements; for the French Army being within three leagues of Brussels, and the Dukes troops united with the Prince of Condy's, he knew not (though the said Prin­ces had been perpetual enemies) how Condy might resent this resolution, apprehending perhaps the same fortune himself.

The Dukes Troops were so near the French, they might joyne with them in very few houres; the Spa­nish Army were dispers'd in their Winter-quarters: The Count con­sider'd likewise, that the Duke was in good correspondence with the inhabitants of Brussels, and that there were many Lorrainers in the town; that the Arch-Duke perhaps would not have him taken in the [Page 348] manner as was to be wished, for though he had but little friendship for the Duke, and was entirely for the interest of the House of Austria; yet he was a Prince of so tender a Conscience, that he imparted every thing that gave him the least trouble to the Jesuits, who being always in­tent upon the greatness and conser­vation of their Society, would not concern themselves in any thing that might prove a stop or impediment to their common advantage.

All these Reasons, both on the one side and the other, kept the Count for three days together in great perplexity of thoughts, think­ing within himself, without daring to communicate it with any one, whether he had best conceal his Or­ders from the Arch-Duke, or disco­ver them to him: but seeing that danger does always increase with delay, he resolv'd to draw the Spa­nish [Page 349] Army together under pretence of opposing the Enemy, and to se­cure anew the Dukes Troops by Regalio's and Presents, of which the said Count was always very libe­ral. He determin'd afterward to impart all to the Arch-Duke, to shew him his Orders he had from the King, and to present him his Majesties Letter. His Imperial Highness concurr'd immediately, and the execution of it was disposed in the ensuing manner.

First, they drew 300 Horse a­bout Brussels, under another pre­tence; and it was resolved, that the Count de Garcies, Camp-Ma­ster General, should go with some particular persons to find out the Duke, and conduct him to the Arch-Duke, under colour that he must speak with him im­mediately about urgent Affairs. [Page 350] Garcies went, and found the Duke with a Father Confessor of the con­verted Courtizans in their little Church, and acquainted him that the Arch-Duke desir'd to speak with him presently about some matters of great consequence that concern'd the interest of the Crown, and that he stay'd for him at the Palace. The Duke answered, Par­mi esser l' hora un poco tarda, domuttina saro à servirlo, I suppose it is too late now, I shall wait on him in the morn­ing. The Count replied, Tengo or­dine de condur V.A. alla Corte prima. che si faccia notte, My Orders are to attend your Highness to the Court be­fore it be night. To which the Duke answer'd, V. S. vada che la Seguiro, If you please to go, Sir, I shall follow you.

Being arrived at the broad place before the Palace, where the Cour­tiers use to walk, the Count said to him, V. A. prenda il cammino verso [Page 351] quell' altro appartamento tenendo io ordine, dal Re mio fignore d' arrestarla, Your Highness please to walk towards that other Appartment, for I have Or­ders from the King my Master to Ar­rest you: The Duke stopt immedi­ately, and desired to be conducted to the Arch-Duke, but was denied, leading him hastily to the quarters prepared for him, where he was honourably served, and guarded by the principal Officers of the Army.

Assoon as he was entred the Pa­lace, the Count de Fuensaldagne sent word to the Burgo-Master to put the inhabitants in Armes, and place Guards in all the streets that lead to the Palace.

He clap'd double Guards at the Gates and in the Piazza's, and the same night dispatch'd the Count de Bruny, to the Count de Ligneville, who commanded the Dukes Troops to give him an Account of what had [Page 352] hapned, and to let him know that the next day he would come and dis­course the business with the Offi­cers, and bring money along with him to satisfie the souldiers; he sent him word likewise that the Count de Sant Amour was gone Post that night to acquaint the Em­perour, and to invite Duke Francis to come and take upon him the Command of the Army, and to take care of his Brothers Concerns. The next day the Duke was sent to the Castle of Antwerp, accompanied with 300 Horse, and the aforesaid Camp-Master General, with several other Cavaliers, and committed to the custody of Colonel Barnaby de Vergas.

This being dispatch'd, Fuensaldagne went to the quarters of the Lorrain­ers, though many disswaded him, in respect of the great danger to which he expos'd himself, among those peo­ple extreamly affected to their [Page 353] Prince, he discours'd with the Of­ficers, and carried himself so dexte­rously, that he perswaded them, part­ly by fair words, and partly by ready money, to continue in his Majesties service, without any more stir, assu­ring them Duke Francis would be with them in a short time.

After this they consulted to oppose the French, and drive them from their Neighbouring quarters, and it was concluded, that the whole Army should march against them. They endeavor'd likewise to establish a good correspondence with the E­lector of Colen, which was easily ef­fected by the means of a Conference held in Tirlemont, by the Prince de Ligni, and the Seecretary Navarro: whereupon the French retired, the E­lector having signified to them that he had no more need of them, much less of the Spanish troops, by which means the Country of Liege remained free; in this manner this great difficulty [Page 354] was overcome, which might have produc'd great inconvenience in that countrey, & the souldiers were sent again into their quarters, in­tending to fill up their Companies and recruit them. Fuensaldagne issued out Orders for the good Go­vernment, and setled all Affairs, sparing for no money, which upon such occasions ought to be liberally dispensed.

Many are of opinion the Duke did absolutely believ he should have his life taken away by some linger­ing death: But the Count de Garcies told him very discreetly that he could not but wonder his Highness had such apprehensions; That the King his Master desired only to se­cure him for some time, upon some occasion that concerned the Crown.

A Manifesto was afterward publish'd by the Arch-Duke, declaring, that when the Duke retired first into the Spanish do­minions [Page 355] to secure himself against the violences the French began to exercise both upon his per­son and Estate; He was receiv'd by his most Catholick Majesty and his Lieutenant Generals, with cordial friendship and assurance of protect­ion, and with so much sincerity to his interests that they included him in all Negotiations and Treaties for a General Peace, giving here­by sufficient proof of their candid faith, and honourable esteem of his person, admitting him more­over into all Councils and Resolu­tions concerning the War, which was carried on by his Majesties Mi­nisters. That not withstanding so many and so great obligations, contrary to his duty, and all terms of thankfulness and gratitude, he had swerv'd from these streight ties of Obligation, to the great preju­dice of the interest and welfare of the Crown; for besides the tears, [Page 356] sighs and general Lamentations of the people, which had rendred the inhumanities, rapines, and sacriledge of his souldiers sufficiently notori­ous, committed even upon his own subjects, whose insolencies were con­nived at by the Duke himself. His secret Intelligences and private de­signes tending to the prejudice of the publick benefit and service, (to which he was bound to give a most sincere assistance with all his forces) were amply discover'd; e­very one might discern his incon­stancy and dissimulated variableness. Besides, in the resolutions of war, and the delays he affected in the executi­on of the most important expeditions, form whence there hapned by his on­ly fault so many funest and unhappy results, in several considerable Enter­prises, which according to all hu­mane Providence would have proved fortunate and successful. That all these things were so manifest, not [Page 357] only to the Lieutenant-Generals, the Collonells, and all the Officers of the Army, but to the very Soul­diers themselves and the common People, who were eye-witnesses thereof, every one exclaiming and wondering that such abuses should be suffer'd to run on and no remedy apply'd. True it was, his most Catholick Majesty out of his extraordinary kindness and affection for the house of Lorrain, had bin indulgent to the last ex­tremity, being very much trou­bled to have recourse to such ex­pedients, hoping still that the re­morse of his own conscience would some time or other awaken the Duke, and putting him in mind of his ingratitude towards so favour­able and incomparable a King, dis­pose him to return to his duty; But growing worse every day then o­ther, and the irregularities of his actions beyond all tolleration, [Page 358] so that all his Majesties subjects, all the Princes and Neighbouring States, had him in such detestation, that the effect of their vengeance was like to fall heavy upon Flan­ders. That His Catholick Maje­sty, not to provoke any longer the displeasure of Heaven, the indig­nation of the people and the Prin­ces, that were abused in their own Dominions, could not any longer defer the necessary precautions for the stopping of these disorders, and therefore had caus'd his person to be secured; in which he had neither transgrest the Law of Nature nor Nations, which allow all Sovereign Princes liberty to remove (without respect of persons) the oppressions and violences against their States, or their subjects, and to do justice to themselves, their People, and their neighbouring Potentates & friends, after the trial of all ways of sweet­ness and perswasion proves ineffe­ctual: [Page 359] That what was acted was not done upon any aversion to the House of Lorrain, protesting on the contrary always to protect it, and its interests; in testimony whereof he had proposed Duke Francis his Brother to the Com­mand of the Dukes Troops; and accordingly did declare and re­quire all persons to receive and observe the Orders of the Count de Ligneville Lieutenant-General of the said Troops till the Dukes Arrival; assuring moreover all the Officers and Souldiers of a Ge­neral Pardon of all their Disor­ders committed till that time, under the command of the said Duke Charles. This Manifesto was made the same day the Duke was Arrested, which was the 25. of Feb: 1654.

It was afterwards insinuated to the Souldiers, that the Duke should not be sent into Spain at [Page 360] all, but that when some certain points were adjusted, and he had given security for his future fide­lity, he should be set at liberty, by which suggestions they appeased the minds of the Officers and Souldiers, who being wel-affected to the service of their Prince, were not a little surprized at the novel­ty of this case.

Several reflexions were made upon this Action, and some omitted not to consider, whether the advantage or prejudice that might succeed upon it, was likely to be the greater. It was con­sider'd, that the services the said Duke had done for the Crown of Spain, were apparent: but his fail­ings, publish'd in the Arch-Dukes Manifesto and Declarations were not known to all, and that little credit is ordinarily given to what is publish'd by those that are in­teressed. That it would be hard to [Page 361] disposses the people of an opinion they had imbided, That the Duke out of meer complaisance to the Spaniards, had drawn upon him­self the displeasure chastise­ment of the King of France: so that if after being beaten out of his countrey for their sakes, they had received him into Flanders, it was rather what they were obliged to, then a courtesie.

That by how much the more the said Duke was blamed by the Ministers of Spain, by so much the more justifiable were the Pro­ceedings of the French against him, because if the Spaniards, who were so much obliged to him had just cause to chastise him, it might well be thought the French had more reason, he having proceeded in a hostile manner against them: Moreover, the doubt that this example would be mis-inter­preted by others that served [Page 362] them, gave no small trouble to the Spaniards, fearing it might move them to resolutions little beneficial to their service, upon suspition that their merits might hereafter meet with ingratitude, and their errours never be pardoned. Upon this News the Court of France made a great stir, endeavouring to make advantage of this Conjun­cture as favourable, to calm the Actions of their enemies: And because the whole Affair will be more clearly comprehended by the Manifesto which was publish'd in the Name of his most Christian Majesty, the 2. of July 1654. at Se­dan (where the Court was then re­sident) it will not be amiss to in­sert it here, as followeth.

His most Christian Majesty be­ing informed, that several Offi­cers as well as Souldiers and o­ther persons belonging to the Wars, Natives of the countreys [Page 363] of Lorrain and Barrois, to the prejudice of their honour and duty, (notwithstanding the great injury done by the Spaniards to Duke Charles their lawful Prince, in detaining his person) have taken part and engaged themselves with them, contemning the advantage­ous offers made them to enable them to set him at liberty; and his Majesty considering further that to continue the same tender­ness towards them which he had shewn ever since Lorrain was reduced under his obedience (have­ing never proceeded to any severity against those who abandoned their Country, seeing they followed the fortune and commands of their Prince) his Clemency would prove too prejudicial to his affaires, he is resolv'd, as in justice he is bound, to have recourse to all such means as are in his power, to repress them and make them sensible of his in­dignation, [Page 364] since they acting in­directly against the interest of his Crown, as also against the interests of their own Duke and his Fami­ly, for whom his Majesty has always sufficiently manifested his esteem and affection. having many times, (as is notorious to all the world) offered the said Duke to restore him to his Coun­trey, if he would desert the Spa­nish interest, and come over to his Partie; but he could never be brought to any resolution, to prevent the disgrace which is at length fallen upon him; imagin­ing perhaps, that by refusing such considerable and advantageous Propositions from France; and by his strict Alliance with Spain, (so long continued, and with such ex­traordinary constancy) he should have deserved of them another kind of recompence, then to be laid in prison, and deprived of his [...]state.

[Page 365]His Majestie therefore Orders, and expresly commands all Offi­cers, Souldiers, and other Natives of Lorrain and Barrois, serving in the Army of the said Duke, and that are any way engaged with the Spaniards, to abandon them, and retire themselves within the space of 15 days after the Publication hereof, into the Frontiers of France, either to take up Armes under his Majestie (in which case they shall be entertained and u­sed as the rest under his Com­mand) or to return into their Na­tive Countreys, or wherever else their Estates do lie, provided they make a Declaration in authentick manner and form before the Kings Judges, in those places where they intend to reside, or the next they can meet with, never to bear Arms, nor to engage directly or indirectly upon any account to the prejudice of his Majesties service, under pe­nalty (to those which transgress [Page 366] after the time allotted) of being declar'd guilty and convict of High Treason, and as such, to be treated by the confiscation of their E­states, the razing of their houses, cutting down their woods, and o­ther most severe Penalties con­tain'd in the Orders upon such crimes. His Majestie does further­more command and require the Sieurs de Turenne and la Fertè Ma­reschals of France, to cause these Presents to be Published in every place where need shall require, to the end that no man may pretend ignorance; and that they be aid­ing, as much as in them lies, to the full and entire execution of all and every particular herein con­tained; declaring, that equal cre­dit is to be given to the authentick Copies hereof, as to the Original it self.

To this Manifesto there was an­nexed a Declaration, concerning [Page 367] what reception should be given to the Colonels, Captains, Officers and Souldiers of the Duke of Lor­rain's Army, which should come into the French service, in the Te­nor ensuing.

That the King being highly con­cerned for the detention of Duke Charles of Lorrain by the Spaniards, and for the unworthy treatment he receiv'd from a Nation, that have no Authority over his Person nor his Troops, he caused to be propo­sed to the Count de Ligneville Commander in Chief of the said Dukes Army, divers ways for the procurement of his liberty, before he were convey'd into Spain, ac­cording as the said Count had notice was intended. But he would not hearken to this Advice to the prejudice of his honour and fidelity, having suffered himself to be gained by the Spaniards, to whom he hath shewn greater affection [Page 368] then to his own Master, and con­sidering that the Colonels, Cap­tains and other Officers might be inclin'd to follow his Majesties de­signes for the enlargement of the said Duke, he did by these Pre­sents give assurance to all Officers and Souldiers, as well of Foot as Horse, belonging to the Lorrain Army, which to vindicate the wrong done to their Master, and to set him at liberty, should come into his Majesties service and pay, That they should be placed, and continued together in one body, under the Command of the Mare­schal de la Fertè Seneterre Gover­nour of Lorrain and Barrois.

That according as any such bo­dy or company of the said Troops shall unite and joyn together, they shall immediately receive a Pay, both Officers and Souldiers, and every one shall be preserv'd and maintain'd in the same qua­lity [Page 369] and condition as before.

That Justice shall be admini­stred by the Colonel of every Regiment, in the same manner as heretofore.

That his Majesty will assign them Winter-quarters, so soon as the Campagne shall be ended, and that they shall be treated in all places, and upon all occasions, as other forreign Troops in his Maje­sties service, promising in the faith and word of a King, to maintain and cause to be punctually obser­ved, what he has declared and promised.

At the first News of the Dukes Imprisonment, his most Christi­an Majesty had dispatch'd Mon­sieur de la Borez to the Count de Ligneville with instructions, to let him know the obligation that lay upon him to endeavor the [Page 370] enlargement of his Master by force of Armes, if amicable ways would not prevail: But all the Arguments used to the said Count, and to Duke Francis, (who not many days before arrived in Flanders from Germany,) proved ineffectual, the Management of the Spanish Ministers having had better success then the sollicitati­ons of Cardinal Mazarine: Lig­neville excusing himself that he had express Orders from Duke Charles to obey his brother Duke Francis: and this Prince relying upon the Promises made him of being put into the same command as his Brother, did hope to be able to obtain more favour by his own merit then by force.

The Cardinal continued in the mean time with prudent Councils, to manage other designs, the princi­pal was, to carry on the Wars in the Enemies countrey, thereby to [Page 371] force the Spaniard to a Peace, which he said they pretended very much to wish for, but in such manner, and with such advantages to them­selves, that not being fit to be granted, they accus'd him of being an enemy to all accommoda­tion.

He reassumed the Negotiation of a League with the Protect or Crom­well at London, to secure the French from the jealousies they had rea­son to conceive of that Nation, at that time in Armes, and free from any diversion elsewhere. And to observe the motions of the Spaniards in Biscay, that they might not introduce any new confusions in those parts; he caus'd the Ma­reschal de Gramont (in whose val­our and fidelity he rely'd very much) to repair to his Government of Bayon and Bearn, there to have an eye to any attempt that might be made against those Provinces, [Page 372] for the better security of which, he concluded a Truce or Treaty of Neutrality and Commerce du­ring the War: betwixt Bayon and the Basques subjects of France, and the Biscailins subjects of Spain.

He sent out new Orders for re­cruiting the old Troops, and for levying of new, to the end, that in the Spring they might be able to take the field in Flanders, Cata­lonia and Piemont; He command­ed the fitting up of the Fleet in Provence, and all necessary Provi­sions to be got ready to put to sea when occasion should require, ei­ther towards Catalonia or the Kingdom of Naples, from whence the Duke of Guise reiterated his instances for their sudden reso­lution, upon the Account of the good intelligence he held with the malcontents in that City, by whom he was sollicited over and over, [Page 373] and many Messengers sent to in­vite him thither.

And as he was seriously intent up­on his martial Affairs, so was he not unmindful for the establishment of quiet at home, prevailing with His Majesty to extend his cle­mency even towards those as were still contumacious, and to receive every body into favour, putting an end to all domestick jealousies, that it might appear to all men, that there was nothing he desired more, then to render his Ministry equally profitable and grateful to all the French Nation, towards which (notwithstanding the ill Treatment he had receiv'd) in stead of seeking revenge, forget­ting all provocations, his aim was by his goodness and meekness, to work them gently to a repentance for their past faults, rather then by punishing them, precipitate them into new & more desperate offences.



  • MOnsieur de St. Agolin sol­licits the Court of Spain in behalf of the Prince of Condy page 35 Another Amnesty sent to the Bourdelots 246 Encamp­ing of both Armies 84 A notable Artifice 118 The Kings Army advan­ces towards Bourdeaux 137 The Assembly of the Olmiera is prohi­bited 155 Additions to the Capitu­lations at Bourdeaux 172 The Ar­mies on the Frontiers of France 188 Several Persons of both Armies meet and discourse 200 The Arch-Duke comes to the Camp before Rocroy 220 The Order of the French Army 249 A General Amnesty granted to the Bourdelots 256 The Armies in Catalogne 303
  • The People in Bourdeaux sollicit for help from Spain 35 The Baron de Batteville raises difficulties in [Page] the Spanish Court 38 Orders gi­ven to Batteville from the Court 40 Propositions made by the Spa­niards to the Bourdelots 41 Bel­legarde taken 66 The Count Broglia surprizes the Irish 68 Bourg taken 96 Divers distur­bances in Bourdeaux 110 Brisac returns to the Kings obedience 298
  • Cardinal Mazarine returns to Pa­ris with universal Applause 1 Ap­plies himself to the War 2 By the Cardinals means the Count d' Og­non makes his Peace at Court 16 The Cardinal beloved by the Soul­diers 18 His remarkable Policy ib. Count Marsin endeavors to take Granade 31 The communalty of Paris invites the Cardinal to a Dinner at the Town-Hall 59 con­course of the People to see the Car­dinal at the Town-Hall 60 The Speech of a Plebeian to the Cardi­nal 61 The Count de Coligni [Page] taken Prisoner 62 The Prince Condy's of intelligence in Ar­ras vanishes 73 Designes of the Cardinal concerning the Warr 73
  • Councell of war held by the Spanish Commanders 77
  • Condy's opinion prevailes 85
  • The Prince of Condy deceaved by his friends 85
  • The Conspiracy at Bourdeaux dis­covered 88
  • The Duke of Candale endeavors to enter Bourdeaux 92
  • Cromwell refuses to assist Bour­deaux 104
  • The Cardinal endeavours to win Bourdeaux rather by fair meanes then force 106
  • The Prince of Conty's answer to the Citizens of Bourdeaux 112 the Count de Fiesco returns from Spain to Bourdeaux 114 the Prince of Conty's answer to those that persuade him to peace 117 The [Page] Prince of Conty and Dutchess of Longueville disgusted with Marsin 121 The Prince of Con­dy shewes great esteem for Marsin 122
  • The Prince of Conty resolves to consent to the peace 140 the Duke of Candale treates with the Prince of Conty 141 The Contents of the Articles of peace at Bourde­aux 166 The Court of Rome has thoughts of defending the Cardi­nal de Retz 233 He is conveyed to Nants 235 A conspiracy to Kill Cardinal Mazarine 238 Great Clemency of the King 238.
  • Expedient of the Cardinal to al­lay the disturbances at Bourde­aux 259 decree of the Councell against the Parliment of Bourde­aux 260 Courage of the French Nobility 276 The Prince Con­dy being sick orders his Comman­ders to succour S. Menehaud 278 [Page] The Cardinals diligence to hinder the succour 279 The Court re­turns to Paris 288 The Count de Harcourt's Negotiations with the Court 289 He complains of the Ma­reschal 296 The Cardinal's expres­sions to the Duke of Elbeuf 299 The Cardinals Sisters come into France 327. The Prince of Conty Mar­ries the Cardinals Niece 335. The Count de Fuensaldagna's orders after the imprisonment of the Duke 354. The Cardinal renews the treaty with Cromwel. 373
  • The Dutchess of Longueville goes to Molines. 143. Dispatches to Court for ratification of the peace at Bordeaux 174.
  • The Duke of Chaunes delivers up his Government of Amiens 229.
  • The Duke of Lorrain dissatisfied with the Spaniards 342. He is arrested prisoner 350. Duke Francis of Lorrain is sent for to command his Brothers Troops 352.
  • [...] [Page]the English refuse to assist Bourde­aux 24 The Count de Estrades sent with Troops towards Bourdeaux 95.
  • Endeavours of the well affected in Bourdeaux to dispose the people to peace 107.
  • The Spaniards come to an agreement with the Elector of Colen 353.
  • Filiot put upon the Rack 96. The French besiege Mouson 213. France begins to recover its pristin splendour 240. The French make inroad into the state of Milan 243
  • A fight betwixt the French and Spaniards at Rochetta. 250. The French attaque Castillion 305. They advance towards Gi­rona 309. the French Troops re­tire out of Catalonia to their Win­ter-quarters 325. Prudent reflex­tions of the Count of Fuensaldagna 344. His dexterity in gaining the Lorrain Officers 346 He comunicats [Page] the Kings Order to the Arch-Duke, for securing the Duke of Lorrain. 349
  • Several Persons sent out of Bourde­aux to treat with the Kings Gene­rals 139
  • Gourville's Arrival at Bourdeaux, creates jealousie in the seditious. 142
  • Guise attempted 202
  • General Monte slain 242
  • Scituation of Girona 314
  • Besieged by the French 315
  • Girona relieved by the Spaniards. 318
  • The Irish desert the Spaniards. 308
  • The King resolves to send an Act of [Page] Oblivion to the People of Bour­deaux 20
  • The King goes to the Army. 190
  • Returns to Paris 192
  • The King at the Camp before Saint Menehaud 270
  • His Majesties Manifesto upon the Imprisonment of the Duke of Lor­rain 362
  • Levies of Germane-Horse 2
  • The Marquess of Lusignan goes into Spain 39
  • Lermont taken by the Duke of Van­dome 45
  • Libourne attaqued 99
  • Mazarins Orders to streighten Bour­deauz 50
  • [Page]Prudent Councell of Mazarine 51. by Mazarines Councell the King grants another Amnesty 53. Maza­rines Opinion concerning the agreement with the Prince of Condy 54.
  • Mazarine by his sweet cariage wins the affection of many. 58. By the advice of Mazarine, Bellegarde is attaquaed 62. He endeavours to reduce Bourdeaux 84. the Marquess de Theubon complaines of Marsin, to the Prince of Con­ty 85. Treates with the Duke of Candale 89. Marsin endeavours to bring the Prince of Condy's Troops into Bourdeaux 120 The Merchants of Bourdeaux assem­ble at the Bourse 124. A Generall meeting of the Citizens 127.
  • Marsin endeavours to disturb the a­greement with the Bourdelots 150. the Citizens oppose him 152. He endeavours to prolong the Warr 157. Mazarins Maxim of tempo­rizing 189. Divers marches and [Page] designes of the Armys. 195
  • Description of Mouson. 215
  • Mazarine offers to the Cardinal de Retz 231
  • Marsin lands with 3000 men 265
  • Propositions of Mazarine in the Councell of Warr at Laon. 271
  • His reasons for the attaquing of St. Menehaud 272
  • The Mareschal de Plessis Pralin sent to command the Army before St. Menehaud 284
  • St. Menehaud taken 279
  • Mazarines diligence in ordering the Affairs of the Kingdome 287
  • By his Managements Phillips­bourg is surprized 291
  • The Mareschal de Hoquincourt prepares for Catalogna 316
  • A manifesto published by the Spa­niards concerning the imprison­ment of the Duke of Lorrain. 354
  • A Notable accident 93
  • Negotiations betwixt the French [Page] and the Lorainers Neutrality be­twixt the Basques and Biscai­lins.
  • Obstinaey of the Olmiera. 48
  • Plessis Bezanson sent to the Princes of taly. 4
  • His Negotations with the Duke of Mantua. 5
  • Progress of the Royallists in Gui­enne. 34
  • Preparations of the Prince of Condy 54
  • Propositions made by the Count de de Fuensaldagne in the Council of Warr. 77
  • Propositions made to the Olmeisti. 134
  • The Prince of Conty signes the sus­pension of Armes. 160
  • The Peace concluded, the Princes depart from Bourdeaux. 174
  • Perigueux puts it self under the Kings obedience. 176
  • [Page]New Plots in Bourdeaux 183
  • The Prince of Condy's friends fail him. 204
  • He proposes the besieging of Rocroy 205
  • Progress of the French Army. 226
  • Progress of the War in Piemont. 240
  • Some seditious endeavours top disturb the Peace at Bourdeaux 258
  • Provisions conveyed into Roses. 287
  • Progress of the Marquess de Plessis Belliere. 302
  • The Prince of Conty resolves to make his Peace at Court. 328
  • He designes to marry the Cardinals Niece. 330
  • Recruits sent into Flanders. 41
  • Great sums of money distributed by the Spaniards among the French Rebels. 43
  • The Revenues of Bourdeaux con­sists chiefly in Wines. 51
  • Progress of the Koyallists. 70
  • Siege of Rhetel. 71
  • [Page]Resolutions if the good Citizens to introduce the Royallists into Bour­deaux. 118
  • Resolutions of the Spanish Generals. 188
  • Roye taken by the Prince of Condy. 194
  • A remarkable Passage. 238
  • Roses victualled by the French. 322
  • Relation of the Imprisonment of the Duke of Lorrain. 338
  • The Spaniards foment the Civil Wars in France. 28
  • Sarlat returns to the Kings obedi­ence. 32
  • Dispatches from Spain in favour of the Bourdelots. 37
  • A Spanish Ship taken by the Eng­lish. 42
  • The 300000 Crowns taken by the English, retards the Spaniards from taking the field. 69
  • The Spaniards take the Field. 81
  • The Kings Colours displayed on seve­rall [Page] steeples in Bourdeaux 133
  • A suspension of Arms for 3 days 145
  • The arrivall of the Spanish Fleet is kept secret 161
  • The Spanish Generalls are surprized at the peace of Bourdeaux 162
  • The Citizens give the Spaniards an Account of their agreement 164
  • The seditious appose the peace at Bourdeaux 171
  • A Skirmish betwixt the French and Spaniards 190
  • Another skirmish 200
  • The Spaniards Land and plunder the Country 261
  • The Spanish Ship retire to the Foss of Verdun 263
  • A skirmish betwixt the French and Spaniards 266
  • The Spanish Fleet goes part to Biscay and part to Dunkirk 267
  • The Vice Admiral of Spain taken [Page] by the French 268
  • The Plague at Bourdeaux 269
  • The States of Languedoc assemble at Pezenas 301
  • The Spaniards routed by the French 34
  • Troops sent into Piemont 3
  • The Chevalier Todias his ad­dress to the Prince of Conty 130
  • The Truce at Bourdeaux is con­cluded indefinitely 157
  • Tannes taken by the Kings forces 296
  • Tiliou surprized by the French 316
  • The Duke of Vandosme promises pro­tection to the Bourdelots 147
  • Ville-neuf d' agenois returnes to the Kings obedience 181
  • Valour of the Marquess Caracene 253 He is slightly wounded. 253


Page 72. line 2. reade finding. From fol. 73. to fol 97. amend the Numbers.


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