WHereas a Book Entituled, Musaeum Regalis Societatis, being not only a perfect Catalogue of all the Rarities Natural and Artificial, belonging to the Royal Society, and preserved at Gresham Colledge.
But containing moreover large and full Descriptions of those Particulars, which are either not at all, or falsly, or very defectively described in the Musaeum's of Calceolarius, Septalius, Wormius, the Colledge of the Jesuites at Rome, of Monsieur Ferdinand Cospy, or by Aldrovandus, Rondeletius, Gesnerus, Salvianus, or other Authors.
Whereunto the more especial Vses, Natural, Medicinal and Mechanical, and divers Experiments relating to them, are also added; all which will be comprized in about Fourscore Printed Sheets:
Together with the Figures of such Particulars as are omitted by Others, to be contained in about Twenty five half Sheets, wrought off from Copper-Plates.
Whereto is also subjoyned a Treatise, Entituled, The Comparative Anatomy of the Stomachs and Guts of about Thirty sorts of Animals; being several Lectures read before the Royal Society; which will be contained in about Ten Printed Sheets.
With the Figures of the said Parts; which will be contained in about Five half Sheets, likewise wrought off from Copper-Plates.
And both being, as at first undertaken upon the desire, so now to be Published by the Order of the said Society.
IT is therefore Proposed by the Author, Doctor Nehemiah Grew, That whoever Subscribeth for Six English Copies in Quires, or procureth Subscriptions for so many, shall receive seven such Copies Imprinted with a fair Letter, upon very good Paper, in Folio. And he that Subscribeth for one, or any number under Six, shall receive his Copy or Copies of the same Impression and Paper as abovesaid, to be prized at no more than a peny per Sheet, and a peny per Plate; which, for each Copy, will amount to about Ten shillings.
Every Subscriber or Procurer giving Notice to the said Doctor Grew of his Subscription, or procured Subscriptions, at or before the Twentieth of April next: For that it is intended the Copies shall not exceed the number of Subscriptions.
And within Fourteen days after Publick Notice is given to every Subscriber or Procurer, That the Impression of the said Book is finished (which, God willing, shall be within or before Michaelmas Term next) every Subscriber or Procurer to give Order for the payment of the Subscription-Monies to the said Doctor Grew, upon the Receipt of the said Copy or Copies, at his House near Warwick-Court in Warwick-Lane, London.
Note, That although the said Book be prized no higher than at about Ten shillings, yet at the usual and ordinary price, of Books of this nature, it will be worth about Eighteen shillings.
Proposed at a Meeting of the Royal Society, February 16th, 1679/80.
A List of those Persons, who have already Subscribed, for One or more Copies, according to this Proposal.
- ARTH. Earl of ANGLESEY, Lord Privy Seal.
- Sir Edward Abney, Knight.
- William Aerskine, Esq
- Thomas Allen, M. D.
- Francis Aston, Esq
- JOHN, Lord Visc. BRACKLEY.
- Robert Boyle, Esq
- John Baker, Esq
- Thomas Bard, Esq
- Thomas Barrington, Esq
- Mr. Richard Baxter,
- William Bell, D. D.
- Robert Bennet, Esq
- Robert Blaney, Esq
- John Boothby, Esq
- John du Bois, Merchant.
- William Briggs, M. D.
- Edward Brown, M. D.
- Anthony Burgess, M. A.
- William Burnet, M. D.
- Hezekiah Burton, D. D.
- Sir ROBERT CLAYTON, Knight, Lord Maj.
- Mr. Peter Clayton.
- Andrew Clench, M. D.
- Daniel Colwall, Esq
- Thomas Coxe, M. D.
- Daniel Coxe, M. D.
- Henry Crispe, Esq Com. Serjeant of Lon.
- William Crowne, M. D.
- HEN. Earl of DAVENTREY, Lord Chan.
- Thomas Day, Esq
- Sir George Ent, Knight.
- Francis Edes, M. D.
- Nathaniel Fairfax, M. D.
- John Feak, M. D.
- Thomas Firmin, Merchant.
- Percy Freke, Esq
- Thomas Gale, D. D.
- Charles Goodall, M. D.
- Mr. Lovett Goring,
- Peter Gotte, Esq
- Charles Howard, Esq
- John Hampden, Esq
- Theodore Haak, Esq
- Thomas Henshaw, Esq
- John Herbert, Esq
- Edward Hearne, Pharm. L.
- Abraham Hill, Esq
- Francis Hill, Merchant.
- William Holder, D. D.
- Robert Hook, Geom. Pr. Gresh.
- Anthony Horneck, M. A.
- John Houghton, Pharm. L.
- Edward Hulse, M. D.
- Thomas Jac [...]mb, D. D.
- Samuel Jordan, M. D.
- Edmund King, M. D.
- Joseph Lane, Esq Comptr. of the Ch. of L.
- Mr. Thomas Langham.
- Mr. William Lightfoot.
- Sir John Lowther, Baronet.
- Christopher Love Morley, M. D.
- Mr. Thomas Long.
- Sir John Micklethwait, Knight, Pr. C. M. L.
- John Marlow, Ph. L.
- Christopher Merret, M. D.
- Sir Thomas Millington, Knight.
- Daniel Mills, D. D.
- Jonas Moore, Esq C. O.
- John Moore, B. D.
- John Morris, Esq
- Roger Morris, M. A.
- Richard Morton, M. D.
- William Moses, Esq
- Mr. William Naper.
- Sir Paul Neile, Knight.
- Walter Needham, M. D.
- Robert Nelson, Merchant.
- John Nicoll, Esq
- Michael Noble, Esq
- Sir Thomas Norton, Baronet.
- Thomas Novel, M. D.
- Philip Packer, Esq
- Thomas Paget, B. D.
- John Parsons, Esq
- William Perkins, Esq
- Sir William Petty, Knight.
- Sir Thomas Player, Knight, Ch. of London.
- Thomas Povey, Esq
- William Rawlinson, Esq
- [Page] Sir Robert Reading, Baronet.
- Sir Metcalfe Robinson, Baronet.
- Tankred Robinson, M. B.
- John Rosseter, Esq
- Henry Sampson, M. D.
- Samuel Sanders, Esq
- Clement Sankey, D. D.
- Sir Charles Scarburgh, Knight.
- Mr. Dutton Seaman.
- John Sharp, D. D.
- William Simpson, M. D.
- Sir Robert Southwell, Knight.
- William Stokeham, M. D.
- Mr. Samuel Stubs.
- Thomas Sydenham, M. D.
- David Thomas, M. D.
- Jeremiah Thompson, Esq
- John Thornhaugh, Esq
- John Tillotson, D. D. and D. C.
- John Torkington, M. B.
- William Trumbull, LL. D.
- Sir William Turner, Knight, and Ald. of L.
- Edward Tysan, M. A.
- Sir Theodore de Vaux, Knight.
- Peter Vandeput, Merchant.
- Cornelius Vermuyden, Esq
- Bartholomew Vermuyden, Esq
- Mr. William Vertrey.
- Charles Vmfrevile, Esq
- Sir Joseph Williamson, Knight, Pr. R. S.
- William Wharton, Esq
- William Wagstaffe, Esq T. Clerk of L.
- Mr. Joseph Watmough.
- Samuel Western, Esq
- Sir Paul Whichcott, Knight.
- Benjamin Whichcott, D. D.
- Daniel Whistler, M. D.
- John White, Esq
- Sir Cyril Wiche, Baronet.
- Sir John Winne, Baronet.
- Anthony Wither, L. L. B.
- Sir Christopher Wren, Knight, Surv. Gen.
- John Wright, M. D.