To Both Houses of Parliament.

FRiends, many Warnings have you had, time after time, from those that love the Lord, and the prosperity and good of all men, that you would not go about to limit the Consciences of People, but that in matters of Religion and Worship all might be left free, to worship the Lord as by Truth they are perswaded in their hearts, and not to use Violence to any on the account of Religion and Worship; Therefore from the Lord I warn [...], not to meddle with the Hearts nor Consciences of People, let him have [...] Supremacy there; and by you let the Sword of Justice be laid upon the [...]doers, and be ye a praise to them that do well, for that is your place: There­ [...], as you tender the Glory of God, the Good of the Nations, and your Souls [...]nal Peace, go not about to limit the Lord, nor his Spirit in his People, that [...] should not be led thereby; neither do you endeavour to make the King to [...]ak his Word, which he hath often solemnly promised, and hath shewed his [...]d affection unto you to fulfil the same: for if you go about to make him [...]k his Word, herein you will not honour him, but rather dishonour him, [...]d bring Reproach upon your selves. Therefore this further know, that if [...] go on, and will not let People alone in matters of Worship, the Hand of the [...] will certainly turn against you, and in his Fury will he plead with you, [...]he line of Confusion will he spread over you; which if you let the Con­ [...]ces of People alone, then will you have a good Esteem in the hearts of all [...]est People, and by it the Peace of the Nation may be prolonged: for there nothing outwardly so much prized by People, as the Liberty of their Consciences [...] [...]atters of Religion; having that, Tribute, Taxes and Customs are not so much [...]ed at: But if you will go on, endeavouring by Laws to contract People to [...]way of Worship, and leave not the Conscience free, you will be the cause of [...]dling the Lord's Wrath against you, and of bringing Desolation upon you; [...] you are set as in a slippery place, therefore take heed unto the Light in our Hearts and Consciences, which lets you see many times something in you that is contrary to God; that so by that you may be led to make Laws according [...] God's Witness in every man; Then will you be strong, for the Lord will be as your side, and his Witness in the hearts of People will plead for you: but on the contrary, If you reject the Counsel of the Lord, which by his living Witness in your Consciences you may receive; which if you turn from, and go [...] in Cruelty, the Lord's Hand will turn against you, and you will cut you off this sore displeasure: Therefore mind to glorifie the Lord, and to honour the King in this matter, or else your Enemies will be many; therefore let the Consciences of People alone. And thus in short have I cleared my Conscience in the sight of God, as concerning you, whether you hear or forbear.

From one who desires the Prosperity of all men who love Truth, Righteous­ness and Peace.


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