A SERMON Preached before the GENERAL AND OFFICERS, In the KING's Chappel at Portsmouth; On SUNDAY, July 24. 1692. Being the Day before they Embarqu'd for the Descent upon FRANCE.

By WILLIAM GALLAWAY, A. M. Chaplain to Their Majesties Sea-Train of Artillery.

Printed at the Request of the OFFICERS.

LONDON: Printed for Rich. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane. MDCXCII.

Mr. GALLAWAY's SERMON Before the GENERAL AND OFFICERS At Portsmouth, July 24. 1692.

DEUT. XX. 3, 4. ‘Let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terri­fied because of them. For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.’

WHEN I considered the Circumstances of the ap­proaching time, in which some Grand Enterprize was to be put in executi­on, and the Persons to whom this Discourse was to be more particularly Address'd, who are to share no inconsiderable part in it; I could not think of any more proper or seasonable, than that which I have chosen as the subject of my present Discourse: A Subject of that [Page 6] Importance, that it requires both your de­vout Attention, and serious Consideration; especially of those who are more imme­diately concerned in it; and a Subject too, which from Moses's Precept to the Priests, appears in some measure a Duty incumbent on me to treat on: Thus the Exhortation begins, verse 1. When thou goest out to battel against thine▪ enemies, and seest horses, and cha­rets, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: For the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. And then 'tis added in the next verse, And it shall be when ye are come nigh unto the battel, that the Priest shall approach and speak unto the people, and shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, you approach this day unto battel against your ene­mies,

Let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble; neither be ye terrified because of them. For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.

[Page 7]The Prophet Moses foreseeing the great Consternation the Israelites would be sub­ject to, by reason of the dreadful appre­hensions that should possess them, occasi­oned by the mighty Power, and boasting Insults of their Enemies, directs the Priests to animate and encourage them against these terrors in the day of battel; and for this end and purpose prescribes such a method in the words of my Text, as in all probability might raise their spirits above those threat­ning dangers; which Words are a Dehorta­tion from Fear or Pusilanimity, described in all its kinds and degrees: Let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, nei­ther be ye terrified because of them: Which Dehortation is founded on this infallible Antidote against Fear, or the most convin­cing Reason to expel it, in the Words im­mediately following: For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you a­gainst your enemies, to save you. Tho the Enemies of Israel appeared in all respects terrible, and in a manner invincible, by reason of their Strength and Numbers, [Page 8] yet allowing there was one mightier than they, so long as the Lord of Hosts was their God, since they might assure them­selves, that he would not only accompa­ny and assist them against their Enemies, but protect and shelter them under the shield of his Power, they were to be­have themselves like men, and in the most extreme dangers banish all Fear, in a full assurance of Victory and Suc­cess.

The Promises made by God to Abra­ham and his Seed, That they should be a Numerous People; that they should be rescued and delivered from their Egyptian Bondage; that they should discomfit and destroy the mighty Hosts of their Ene­mies, and enjoy a Land flowing with Milk and Honey, that is, full of all man­ner of Plenty, was in every Circumstance fulfilled and compleated. The Miracles that were wrought for the people of Is­rael at sundry times, and divers places, sufficiently testifie, that they were under [Page 9] the peculiar Care and Protection of the Almighty; as the Judgments that fell on their Adversaries, declared them to be under his Displeasure. Whilst they were journeying in the Wilderness towards the Land of Promise, they had a Cloud that led them by day, and a Pillar of Fire to direct them in their way by night: They had Manna, the Food of Angels, showered on them for Bread; and Quails for Flesh, to satisfie their Hunger; and the Rocks gushed forth Water to quench their Thirsts: As to the Success that al­ways attended their Arms, Joshua declares (when he cautions them neither to serve nor bow down to the false Gods of their Enemies) this as a reason, Joshua 23. 9, 10. For the Lord hath driven out from before you great nations and strong; but as for you, no man hath been able to stand be­fore you unto this day. One man of you shall chase a thousand; for the Lord your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you. But on the other side, as for their Enemies, when they had ima­gined [Page 10] craftily, taken secret counsel, and said, Come, and let us root them out, that they be no more a people, and that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance: when they were grown so insolent as to boast their own strength, and despise their Adversaries as weak; when they spoke disdainfully, and blasphemed the Name of the Holy One of Israel; then it was that the mighti­est of them were slain; then it was that the destroying Plagues were inflicted on them. Thus Moses represents Pharaoh proudly boasting in the 15th Chapter of Exodus, and the 9th Verse, I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil; my lust shall be satisfied upon them; I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them. The Children of Israel at the sight of Pharaoh and his Host marching after them, were sore afraid, and began to expostulate with Moses, saying, Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? Wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt? And Moses said unto the People, Fear ye not, stand still, [Page 11] and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: For the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. All which was soon verified in the event. For the children of Israel went into the midst of the Sea upon the dry ground, and the waters were a wall unto them on the right hand, and on the left. But when their Enemies pursued them, the wa­ters returned, and covered the charets, and the horsemen, and all the hosts of Pharaoh that came into the Sea after them: there remained not so much as one of them.

Having thus far briefly shewed how the words of my Text have been ful­filled in relation to the Israelites, in those visible Assistances and signal Deliverances wrought for them by the Arm of the Al­mighty; and reflecting of what force the successful Consequences were, to embolden and inspirit them against their Enemies, up­on the undoubted Consideration, that God was on their side. I shall now proceed to apply this Dehortation to you all; Vigour and Cheerfulness being as necessary in the [Page 12] Promoters of any Design, as well as in those who are to put it in execution. Every man who loves his Country, his Religion, his Liberty, and who doth not espouse a French Interest; that is, every honest Englishman, and those engaged in our Interests, being like to share either in the Miscarriages or Success. And now would to God I could address my self to you with the same assu­rance of prevailing (as the Priests of Levi did to the Israelites;) and tho it would look like too much presumption in me to declare any thing absolutely and positively; yet I will endeavour, and I am sure I may adven­ture to offer such Reasons to your Conside­ration, as may raise your Hopes, expel all Fears, and strengthen your Faith, that ye may stedfastly believe that the Almighty go­eth with you, to fight for you, and to save you. Therefore, Let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neitheir be ye terri­fied because of them

Fear is properly distinguished into two sorts or kinds, Fear, and fearfulness; the for­mer, [Page 13] The Affection or Passion of Fear, as it is opposed to Hope. 'Tis a Diffidence or Despondency, tamely yielding to, or timo­rously flying from an approaching evil; it hath its different symptoms and degrees ac­cording to the Object or Subject-matter it is concerned in. The latter, which I call fearfulness, is a Vice, as it is a de­fect, or want of Fortitude; It renders men either unwilling to undergo any hardships, or to expose themselves to Hazards and Danger, and causes them to shrink from, and avoid what is the duty of a valiant man to perform; this, as well as the o­ther, hath its effects and degrees, both kinds being comprehended in the sense of my Text, exprest by Faintheartedness, visible by its external or outward Symp­toms, such as a palpitation or beating of Heart, trembling of the Joints, paleness of the Face, and hesitation of the Tongue, arising by degrees to a Pannick or Pu­nick Fear, when men are over and a­bove terrified by some approaching Dan­ger.

[Page 14]For as the Israelites were to contend with the mighty Hosts of the dreadful Enemies, the Race of Anak, Gigantick men, arm'd with the most formidable Weapons; so Moses directed the Priests to encourage and animate them against those frightful Apprehensions they had en­tertain'd of them: And though they were unequal, both in respect of their numbers, stature and strength, yet this one convin­cing Motive or Reason, that the Lord would be on their side, was sufficient to support their fainting Hearts, and raise them to such a degree of assurance, as was of force to inspirit their benum'd Bodies, and ex­pel all the damping Fears and Terrors they might be possess'd with. But to re­turn.

As there is a Vicious, so there is a Vir­tuous and Religious Fear too; mention'd by Solomon in these words, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, that is, an awful dread of God, when we have a re­verence [Page 15] for his Name and Word. And here I cannot but reflect on those who are guilty of blaspheming the Holy and tremendous Name of God in their com­mon Discourse; if any such there should be here, to them, I am sure, I might have spared this Dehortation from fear, for cer­tainly those who do not fear, who dare provoke the Anger and Detestation of the Almighty by their Imprecations, and foolish Oaths, cannot fear the weak weak Efforts of mortal men; can any man be more da­ring than he who calls upon God for Damnation? Certainly Death in all its frightful Shapes cannot be terrible to him, who slights and despises the immi­nent Danger of Eternal Flames and Ever­lasting Torments: And as the fear to of­fend God, by disobeying his Commands, is the beginning of Wisdom (that Wis­dom which, as the Apostle saith, will make us wise unto salvation); so also the fear of God is the beginning of Fortitude; 'tis that which lays the sure foundation of Courage; For 'tis almost impossible, that [Page 16] he that doth not fear God, should be fearless of Man: There may be other Motives indeed which may oblige a man not to misbehave himself, or play the Coward, such as Honour, Duty, and Interest, but these are accidental, and from without: But on the other side, if he fears God, his Courage is rais'd from a nobler Principle, Dangers become insignificant, Death hath lost its Terrors, because his passage out of this Life is but to a better, and he hath a hopeful prospect of future Rewards: So that if we take care to secure an Inte­rest in the next World, I presume the way thither will prove far easier, by a Sword, or Bullet, than by the lingring Deaths of the Gout; or Stone, or by the acute Disease of a burning and ra­ging Fever.

And now give me leave to enquire into the nature and causes of Fearful­ness, and shew how little reason any man hath to fear, who is engaged in this [Page 17] Honourable undertaking. 'Tis an infir­mity incident to the nature of Man, to fear, so long as we are clothed with cor­ruptible flesh, we are and shall be subject to passions (the Stoicks indeed with in­sensibility enough maintained the con­trary, but their Opinions have been suf­ficiently derided and exploded) yet the strength of natural courage in some men, hath made the same difficulties easily su­perable by them, which others have trembled at. Use and Custom (which is a second and more powerful nature) makes men gain so full a mastery over fear, that they willingly undertake and easily perform the most dangerous enterprizes. So that when I reflect, that many of you here have been well acquainted, and long accustom'd to hazards, and have con­quer'd them with bravery and resolution, I may easily affirm, that no danger can shake that rooted habit of courage you are masters of: And I dare also be confi­dent, that those who have had little or no experience, animated by your examples, [Page 18] will attempt to equal, if not out do, the pattern you shall set them. It may not perhaps be an unjust or improbable con­jecture to think, that there are some de­generated, false-hearted as well as faint­hearted men, among us, who call them­selves English-men and Protestants (as there were Israelites of old, who frighted their Companions with the stature and strength of the Anakims) there are I fear too many bribed and unthinking men, who industriously make it their business to discourage us. by lessening our actions, magnifying and aggrandizing the con­duct and courage of our enemies. It must be confest, that we have to do with powerful and subtle Enemies, and 'twould be imprudent as well as unsafe to under­value and despise them, yet at the same time, 'tis true, that we are upon equal terms with them in every respect, and 'twill be no great concession to allow them preference, in unworthy corruptions and ig­noble treacheries. Besides, we will grant them to be men of Courage, because mean [Page 19] Adversaries give no Honour to the success of their Competitors, and those Atcheiv­ments are most glorious, when the enter­prizes meet with opposition and difficulties. But we are not altogether strangers to their methods, when they would pass treachery upon us for bravery, and it is not long since they have undeceiv'd us as to their bribed Character, and have visibly verified, what Historians have always recorded of them, That at their first onset they were more than Men, at the second less then Women. We have less reason, I hope, to fear them, and they more to fear us, and I question not, but they will find that we are not wholly degenerated, and tho' all methods have been formerly used to make us dissolute, and so consequently effeminate, yet still the same Seeds of Vir­tue and Courage remain in us undestroyed, and the present example of an Heroick and Gallant King will make them shoot up and flourish, and excite us to imitate what even our Forefathers acted in the Reigns of Edward the 3d. and Henry the 5th. that [Page 20] the French may experimentally find, that we have neither forgot to attempt and perhaps succeed too. Besides, 'tis Liberry and Freedom that for the most part makes men valiant and couragious, when on the contrary, cowardice is the natural Product and Off-spring of Slavery. Those who are kept under and trampled on, can hardly aspire to noble and brave attempts. For which reason in an Air and Govern­ment, so well temper'd as ours, where neither extream heat or cold is predomi­nant, where neither arbitrary Power nor an ungovernable Liberty prevails, we may reasonably suppose the Hearts and Spirits of those Subjects will be sprightly and bold, agreeable to their Constitution and Climate. Nor is this consideration im­proper to encourage you, since your ene­mies are absolute Slaves. Nor is it proba­ble, they will fight heartily, who have nothing to defend they can properly call their own, and I presume 'twill ap­pear evident upon Trial, that when men are Slaves to a barbarous Tyrant, they will [Page 21] be so too, to fear and baseness of Spirit. Again, The design it self, barely consi­dered, is enough to raise the most dejected spirit into courage; but when reflected on in all its glorious Circumstances and ad­vantageous Consequences, then it hath force enough to transport us beyond the bounds, even of prudential Fortitude, to attack an insulting enemy at his own door, to endeavour something extraordinary to resettle our Friends and Allies into their own possessions unjustly seiz'd and detain'd from them, to be the generous instruments of so great and so much good to all Man­kind, at least all Europe, in attempting to lower the grandeur of that Pharaoh-like and swelling Tyrant, to redeem and retreive the Interest and Honour of our own Na­tion, which is in a manner lost, to be the Arbitrators of the Peace of Europe, and to have it in our power to hold the Ballance so equal, that none shall over-run or op­press his Neighbour, which is in effect, to give Laws to all other Princes, certainly this must give such an edge to the attempt [Page 22] as must make those who are actors in it even out do themselves. It was bravely said of Caesar to the affrighted Marriners who almost despair'd of safety in a violent Storm, Be of good cheer, ye carry Caesar with his Fortune; thus ye go with Caesars For­tune too, ye fight under his Banner who was always a stranger to fear, yet well acquain­ted with never avoided dangers. His com­mands are weighed with Judgment, and his Counsels with caution and circumspection, his designs because laid with wisdom and pro­secuted with resolution, have seldom prov'd abortive or fail'd of success. If he hath been disappointed at one time, he hath succeeded at another with interest, and made amends for the loss, with a double advantage. He never imprudently trusted in the uncertain arm of flesh, or vainly and proudly boasted his Victories as ow­ing to his own strength or conduct, but always with a religious deference, gave the whole Honour and Glory to the Lord of Hosts, strong and mighty in Battle; therefore I cannot, for my own part, but believe, [Page 23] that God, will, in his own due time, Crown his Endeavours and Designs with Glory and Success, and cloth his enemies, whether Foreign or Domestick, with shame and confusion of face. I could not but offer this weighty Consideration as a forcible Motive, amongst many others, to per­swade you to Embarque in this Expedi­tion (whatsoever it is or wheresoever in­tended) with vigour and courage, since 'tis in his service, and in obedience to his commands, who hitherto hath been, and I trust in God, will still continue, a Fa­vourite of Heaven.

'Tis hardly possible to enumerate or foresee the invaluable advantages we may reap, by an undaunted prosecuti­on of the Expedition; how far 'twill tend to procure an uninterrupted tranqui­lity at home, under the happy Govern­ment we now enjoy, how much 'twill secure and enlarge our Trade and Commerce abroad, and make us both a terror to our enemies, and the admiration and envy even of our Confederates and Allies. Re­flect [Page 24] but on these Considerations, for they speak an Exhortation. For my part, I must declare, I am so fully perswaded of your forwardness, that could I be guilty of a thought, that look'd like a mistrust of any mans zeal amongst you to promote and pursue this noble enterprize, the next words should be an Apology for it. Having thus far observ'd, and laid before you these obvious reasons to expel all the least de­grees of fear. I proceed now to offer some few Considerations to perswade you, that in all probability God will go with you, to fight for you and to save you. The works of Providence are framed in the depth of God's Wisdom. His Counsells are steady and immutable. He who shall look slightly on the different position of the Wheels of a Clock, at the first sight perhaps they will appear confusedly mixt among each other, yet by the skill and judgment of the Artificer, every the least part is so order'd, that the motion is both just and regular, and answers the end for which it was at first design'd. So let a [Page 25] man cast his eyes round, view, and reflect on the affairs of this World, what a con­fusion of interests there seems to be a­mongst men? what alterations in King­doms? what Revolutions of things? one Country destroyed and lost, another regain'd? one interest prevailing, ano­ther sinking; to our shallow apprehensi­ons, the whole Scene of Affairs appears full of giddy and unsteady Chance; yet not­withstanding in this seeming discord of jarring of things, the All-wise God makes them all Harmonious, and composed, and serve the purposes and designs he intended to bring to pass. He beholds at once, things past, present, and to come, they must obey his unbounded Will, because his Power is Almighty. Through the past favours and influences of his Providence we have already experimented, abundant­ly testifie, that God hath taken our Cause into his own hand and management; He hath visibly espoused our interest and will support it, if our ingratitude and sins do not force him from it. He who hath [Page 26] commanded the Winds and the Waves to conduct our Joshua (as great a Deliver to us as the former to the Children of Israel) through the perils and dangers of the roar­ing and foaming Waves, to rescue us from Popery and Slavery, (a Bondage, which would have equal'd that of Egypt) He who hath wonderfully preserv'd the Person of our King, expos'd to the most apparent dangers both by Sea and Land, that God who hath rais'd the Spirits and Courage of our Officers and Souldiers to attempt the greatest and almost insupera­ble difficulties, and hath given them suc­cess and victory in the total reduction of Ireland. He who hath united the divided interests of the Confederates, that their Counsels and Armies are cemented into one common Obligation to secure and assist each other, notwithstanding all the powerful and tempting Artifices that have been cunningly devised to break it. At the same time, that we do not own these providential Dispensations and De­liverances, we must commence Atheists. [Page 27] What shall I say more, that God, who hath discover'd and defeated the late un­natural and ungrateful designs of those, who would have expos'd us to the power of the most barbarous and mercyless enemy, who would have betray'd us to irrecoverable misery and slavery, to have been dragoon'd out of our Estates and Re­ligion, who would have subjected us to all the insolencies and indignities that could have been inflicted on us, though at the same time, the encouragers and promo­ters of the exquisite mischeifs, notwith­standing their conceited, but deluded fancies, would have been liable to this unavoidable dilemma, if they had suc­ceeded, they must have been Slaves to France, or if they miscarried, mark'd with the disgrace and infamy of being betrayers of their native Country. But as a Crown to all, they, who will not willfully shut their eyes, against those visible Provi­dences which attended and procur'd suc­cess to our Fleet, must own and must con­fess, that God was on our side and fought for [Page 28] us, to have winds continue contrary when our enemies had a prospect of compassing their designs against us, which at the same time favour'd us, by giving a timely and seasonable opportunity to joyn our di­vided Fleets, and then to have another wind to drive them upon us, when the advantage was on our side, to destroy so many of our enemies Ships and not suffer the loss of one, seems strange e­ven to us now, and will hardly be believ'd by future ages. If all that I have pro­posed to your considerations, all this train of past Providences are not sufficient to e­stablish and confirm a relying Faith in you, to believe that God will accom­pany you with his guiding assistance and mighty power, all other Demonstrations will prove ineffectual, and nothing will provoke his displeasure more then this in considerate sin of infidelity and di­strust.

Again, God is just and righteous in all his dealings towards the Children of Men, he will deliver the oppressed and punish the [Page 29] Oppressor, but we must wait his appointed, because the most seasonable time; there­fore let us not be impatient and think it long when we have all the most cogent reasons to believe it sure and certain. God hath chained and limited the power of the Devil: He hath set bounds to the wide and masterless Ocean, and when his infinite Wisdom shall judge it best, he can humble the Pride, and will stop the Progress of the most insolent and threatning Tyrant: And as all Empires and Kingdoms have had their growth and decay by steps and degrees, so the common enemy hath lately receiv'd a wound in his vital part, which I hope, and I believe, will be a certain fore-runner of his unpitied Fall. 'Tis usual for men who unjustly grasp at all to lose all: And God many times suffers Tyrants to raise themselves to the highest pitch of grandeur, that their fall may be greater and more remarkable. And now, I cannot but mention the de­sign of the Spanish Invasion against our Country and Religion, with their vainly [Page 30] boasted invincible Armado, which by the blessing of the Almighty upon our Forces at that time, not only came to nothing, and prov'd an infatua­ted bravado, but that defeat gave so deep a wound to that Kingdom, that all the healing Gold and Silver of the Indies since that time hath prov'd insufficient for its recovery or cure: so that they, who at that time aspired to a Western Monarchy, have ever since, (caused by that fatal over­throw,) been utterly unable to secure their own Territories: Nor is it in the least im­probable, but that the designs of the second Western Monarch may be blasted, and that he may share the same fate with his as­piring Predecessor, having already receiv'd a wound too, in his most sensible and mor­tifying part. For which reason amongst those many others I have enumerated, let not your hearts faint, fear not and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them; For the Lord your God is that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.

[Page 31] To Conclude the whole,

As it is our indispensible duty to re­flect, and gratefully own all those unde­serv'd Mercies and Blessings we have from time to time receiv'd from the inexhau­stible Fountain of Love and Bounty, so let us return our best Thanks to God, which cannot be better acknowledged and performed, than by a true and sin­cere obedience to his Commands, let us adorn the Religion we profess, (and which God alone hath preserv'd,) with our unspotted Conversations and Lives visibly Reform'd and Christian; let us be Zealous to carry on and pursue with our utmost vigour the great Work, which by a train of Providences God Almighty seems to have design'd, that so in some measure we may engage his particular protection and favour, and say with Da­vid in the 9th Psalm, God is our strength, in whom we will put our trust. How of­ten have we been surrounded with fears [Page 32] and dangers? How often have we al­most despair'd of those Blessings which we now enjoy? God hath most undeni­ably manifested himself our Protector, Rescuer and Preserver. If past Mercies and Deliverances will not be of force to per­swade you to an hearty and sincere repen­tance and amendment of your Lives, 'twill be in vain for me to offer any reasons or arguments to shake off and lay aside your provoking Sins. When men unfeigned­ly repent, God will repent him of the Judgments he hath purposed to bring upon them, and avert them. So that if we still continue obstinate and unreform'd in our Lives the fault only lies at our own doors, and we justly suffer what we have foolishly and wilfully deserv'd. Repen­tance is ingeniously call'd by one of the Fathers, Ʋltima tabula post naufragium, the last Plank, after a Shipwrack, if we do not lay hold and make use of it to save our selves, we must sink into the bot­tomless Pit. 'Tis now offer'd to you, 'tis now in your choice to lay hold on the [Page 33] long-suffering of God; he will speak Peace and Pardon, if you will quit your Sins. I will only add, that we implore the Divine, Protection in all our dangers, and assistance in all our endeavours, let our Prayers be made to God with the qua­lifications necessary to make them preva­lent, which are, by a true repentance of our sins, a settled and relying Faith, an humble resignation to the disposal of his Divine Will. Let us readily concur, and vigorously co-operate with his Pro­vidence in order to our Temporal Preser­vation, as with his Grace for our Eternal Salvation. And last of all, let us give God all the Glory for his past invaluable mer­cies, and pray that he will preserve the Persons, and prosper the Attempts of our gracious Sovereigns, who seem to be the Instrument chosen to accomplish and per­fect his Will against the common Enemy and Oppressor, and whose past successes give a promising earnest (if not prevented by our ungrateful sins) of future and more considerable Atcheivments.

[Page 34] And now O Lord God of Hosts do thou go out with our Armies, do thou protect and defend us, and though we cannot but acknow­ledge our selves unworthy and undeserving of those mercies thou hast from time to time heaped on a wicked and ungrateful Generati­on, yet O Lord let not thy hand be shortned towards us; but let all the World see and know that thou alone art our Saviour and mighty Deliverer, and give us once more, by our success, in this enterprize, an opportunity of praising and magnifying thy holy and great Name, not only with our lips but in our lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory both now and for evermore. Amen.


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A Faithful Account of the Renewed Persecution of the Churches of Lower Aquitain in France, in the Year 1692. To which is prefixed, A Parallel between the Ancient and New Persecutors; or the Protraiture of Lewis XIV. in some of his Cruelties and Barbarities. With some Re­flections upon the unreasonable Fondness of a certain Party amongst us, for the French King.

Europe' s Chains Broke; Or, A Sure and Speedy Project to Rescue Her from the present Usurpations of the Tyrant of France.

Bibliotheca Politica: Or a Discourse by way of Dialogue; Whether Ab­solute Non Resistances of the Supream Powers be enjoyned by the Doctrine of the Gospel, and was the Ancient Practice of the Primitive Church, and the constant Doctrine of our Reformed Church of England. Collected out of the most Approved Authors▪ both Ancient and Modern. Dialogue the Fourth. Printed for R. Baldwin in Warwick-Lane, near the Oxford Arms; where also may be had the First, Second and Third Dialogues.

Ʋtrum Horum: Or, God's Ways of disposing Kingdoms: And Some Clergy Mens Ways of disposing of Them.

The Devout Christian's Preparation for holy Dying. Consisting of Ejaculations, Prayers, Meditations and Hymns, adapted to the several States and Conditions of this Life, and on the four last Things, viz. Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell.

The Memoirs of Monsieur Deagant: Containing the most Secret Trans­actions and Affairs of France, from the Death of Henry IV. till the begin­ning of the Ministry of the Cardinal de Richlieu. To which is added, a particular Relation to the Archbishop of Embrun's Voyage into England, and of his Negotiation for the advancement of the Roman Catholick Reli­gion here; together with the Duke of Buckingham's Letters to the said Archbishop about the Progress of that Affair: Which happen'd the last Years of King James I. his Reign. Faithfully translated out of the French Original.

The Gentleman's Journal: Or, the Monthly Miscellany. By Way of Letter to a Gentlemen in the Country Consisting of News, History, Philo­sophy, Poetry, Musick, Translations, &c. July 1692. Printed for Rich. Parker; and are to be Sold by R. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane. Where are also to be had Journals for January, Febru­ary, March, April, May and June.

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