Great News from Lymerick in IRELAND.

A full and true Account of the State and Siege of that City, by His Majesties Forces, commanded by Count Solms, and Lieutenant General Douglas. With a particular Relation of the Surrendring of Cork and Yaug­hall, by the IRISH.

THeir Majesties Armies in Ireland, as well that under the Command of Lieutenant General Douglas, as that Commanded by the Gen. the Count de Solmes, have been forced to make very slow marches, in their way to Lymerick, on the account of their Cannon, and heavy Bag­gage; they seldom marching above eight or nine miles a day. In the 30th. past, Lieutenant General Douglas joyned his Army with the Count de Solmes, at a place called Goallen-Bridge, after which they immediately marched in two Lines to Limerick; on their approach, near the Town, the Lord Tyr­connel, with his numerous Rable Irish Army, retired from about Limerick, further into the Countrey. Our forces were very busie in disposing all things for a Regular Siege, in order to which, they have brought with them in Waggons, Engines made in Holland, to make a Bridge of Boats over the Shannon. His Majesty is hourly expected in the Camp, upon whose Arrival we shall immediately begin a regular Seige, if they deliver not on Summons. The Garison consists of three thousand French Infantry, and some few Troops of Horse: The Priests have been very diligent, both h [...]re, and in most other Garisons, in their endeavours to hearten the Ene­my, deluding them with the Stories, that the French have Landed F [...]fty thousand men in England that the Protestants have joyned with them, that we are all in co [...]usion, that King James is Landed with them, and that there will be speedy Relief come to Ireland from France, &c. The St. Malloe Frigats, with the Priva [...]eers, and Merchantment, or Traders, that were in Cork, Kinsale, Waterfoo [...]d &c. have been all ordered reund to the River of Limmerick, most of which are sailed in already; by which it's plain. That the endeavouring to keep this City is the last Game they de­sign to play, which when they are beaten from, they will cuit all further Hopes of Pretensions to Ireland; these Ships being certainly desined to bring off the Gentry and chief Officers, with their [...]ag [...]ard Baggage, &c. We have an account that the City of Cork, and Town of Yaughal [...], are quit­ted by the Enemy, having first plundred most of the Inhabitants.

This City is the biggest in Ireland, except Dublin; its Haven lies on the West-side of Ireland, and South of Galway; it divideth the Province of Cannaught from Munster, being of a very great length, no less than sixty miles; for so far it is from the mouth of the Haven to the City of Limme­rick, and yet Men of War may ly under the Cannon of the Walls of the Ci­ty. The River Shannon of this great depth so encompasseth it round, that it makes the City a perfect Island: Here is a very strong Wall, on which are several Bastions, also a good Castle, and Stone Bridge, viz. King's Castle and Thomond-Bridge, Pieces formerly of very great streng [...]h and beau­ty; but very antient, after the old way of Fortification, being of the Foun­dation of K. John; but the late King has made some small additional Fortifications, as Pallisadoes Ravelins, &c. according to the modern way; this City being all along, ever since K. James's first coming to Ire­land, designed the last place of Refuge for the Rebels to have [...]etreat to.

Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh, Anno Dom, 1690.

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