GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISES, OR, Some Sermons concerning the Promises, and the right application thereof: Whereunto are added some other concerning the usefulness of Faith in advancing Sanctification. As also, three more concerning the Faith of Assurance.
By Mr. ANDREW GRAY, late Minister of the Gospel in Glasgow.
All being revised since his death by some friends. The last Impression carefully corrected and amended.
Having therefore these promises (dearly beloved) let us cleanse our selves from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holinesse in the fear of God.
Edinburgh, Printed by George Swintoun and Iames Glen, Anno Dom. 1669.
To the Reader.
ALthough (upon some considerations) these following Sermons have been keeped back till now, and have waited the vacancy of the Presse from other things: yet was it at first intended (the connexion of the purposes so requiring) that they should have come forth as soon as some other of this precious Author, which we did formerly publish: And therefore in the Preface which we then prefixed, we did relate to both, and gave the Reader such advertisements as we conceived necessary, concerning the one as well as the other: So that we have nothing to do at present, but to put this little Piece into thy hands, commending it to thy serious thoughts, and the Lords blessing upon them. Neither shall we use many words to this purpose; Only, we find some help is offered unto thee, in three most weighty and concerning points of Christian Religion. 1. How by the [Page] lively exercise of faith; thou may apply the great and precious Promises. 2. How by faith thou may advance the work of Sanctification. And 3. How thy faith may grow up unto Assurance. Of all which we may truly say, that nothing can more seasonably take up the thoughts nor bring more advantage to the souls of the Lords people in these times.
O how necessary is it in such troublesome days, to learn, how through Faith and Patience, we may inherit the Promises: and now when our strong corruption (hath in a manner necessitate the wise Physician to mix unto us so bitter a cup, and give so strong a potion, in what a fainting and swouning condition must we be, if by the two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we reoeive not also the strong consolation.
Again, when profanity and ungodlinesse hath so abounded in these Nations, that from the top of the head to the sole of the foot, there is no soundnesse, but wounds and bruises, and putrifying sores: And when the corruptions of the Time like the sons of Zerviah, are grown too strong, even for the Davids who are amongst us; What should we study with more earnestnesse, then to purifie our hearts by faith, and by having these promises, to cleanse our selves from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holinesse in the fear of the Lord? 3. When the Lord hath removed us so far from peace, that the souls of many have even forget prosperity, and the multiplied changes and [Page] revolutions in our days, hath so clearly demonstrate the instability of all sublunary glory, and so convincingly taught us, that this [...] not our [...]est; Vndoubtedly, it is time to look for a city that hath foundations, and to give all diligence to make our calling and election sure. The subject then is useful.
As to the manner of handling it: It is true, much accuracy and neatnesse, is not to be expected in any work of this nature, being only the hasty gleanings of a Church Writer; And as to livelinesse and power, though it he as easie to draw a picture with the heat and motion of a living man, as to Write or Print, these lively motions of the spirit which do often accompany the Lords Messengers in Preaching, and in an eminent measure were also let out upon this blessed Author, yet we suppose thou will find, the matter most seriously and feelingly spoken unto, as from a heart which believed, and therefore spake: Yea, both conceptions and expressions savouring much of an exercised Spirit, not only much taken up in communion with God within it self, but even thirsting also, and panting for the salvation of others; nay (in some measure) travelling in birth, till Christ might be formed in them. Oh, that more of this holy zeal and fervency, might accompany this great measure of light and knowledge in the mysteries of the Gospel that the Lord hath graciously bestowed both on Pastors and People in this generation, that once again we might see, (as in the dayes of John Baptist) the Kingdome of Heaven suffering violence, and the [Page] violent take it by force. And that the blessed Spirit by the same gracious operations, may so warm and inlarge thy soul in the use of this and all other means for thy eternal Salvation, is, and shall be the sincere desires of
- Robert Traill.
- Iohn Stirling.
Great and precious Promises.
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
MAy we not truly say, that if ever the Christians who live in those dayes shall be advanced to stand within the holy place, and shall inherit everlasting life, all these are now before his Throne may lay aside their harps and give us leave to sing? Will it not be a mysterie, suppose ye, unto heavenly Enoch that spent so much of his time in communion and fellowship with God, when he shall behold such Christians within that everlasting rest, that have spent so little of their time in corresponding with God? Will [Page 2] it not be a mystery unto believeing Abraham, when he shall behold such misbelievers, such disputers of the promises of God, advanced to reign with Christ? Will it not be a mystery unto wrestling Iacob, when he shall behold these Christians once crowned with immortal glory, that did so little know what it was as Princes to wrestle with God, till they did prevail: Will it not be a wonder to patient Iob, when he shall behold such impatient Christians as we have been, entering into that blessed place of repose? Will it not be a mystery unto holy David, when he shall behold such unmortified Christians entering within that City, into which no unclean thing doth enter? Will it not be a mystery unto tender Iosiah, to behold such Christians as we are, that have our hearts dying as a stone within us, entering into Heaven? Will it not be a mysterie unto upright Nathaniel, to behold such hypocriticall Christians as the most part of us are, entering within the holy place, and to see those that have been cloathed with hypocrisie and guile, now cloathed with the robes of immortal Glory? And will it not be a mysterie unto self denied Paul, when he shall behold so proud and selfish Christians enter into Heaven? Give me leave to say this, go where we will, we shall be matchlesse and singular; for if we shall go into eternity of pain, we shall be the greatest debtors unto the infinit justice of God, in regard of mercies we have received: and if we shall enter into eternity of joy, we shall [Page 3] be the greatest debtors unto the spotlesse grace of Christ, in regard of mercy we have abused. There shall be none in heaven like to us, and if we shall go to hell, there shall be few there that may be compared unto us. And let me but adde thus further before I come to the words, go where we will, we shall be out of doubt with our condition: Within a short time a real Christian shall be exalted above the reach of his misbelieving, a hypocrite shall be depressed below the reach of his faith, and one that is grosly in nature, he shall be abased beyond the reach of his presumption: A Christian ere long shall m [...]sbelieve no more; a hypocrite ere long shall believe no more; and one that is grosly in nature shall ere long presume no more: there is no misbelief in heaven, and there is no faith nor presumption of well being in hell. But to come to that which we intend to speak to, we told you when first we began our discourse upon that precious and exalting grace of Faith under a twofold notion and consideration. first, As it is justifying: And, secondly, as it is sanctifying. For the first, we resolved to speak to it in a twofold consideration. First, As it closeth with Christ simply as the object upon which it resteth, and of this we have spoken from that place, 1 Ioh. 1.3.23. Secondly, As it closeth with Christ, as held forth in the Promises. And now being to speak of it in this consideration, we have made choise of this place, in which those things concerning the promises, shortly.
[Page 4]1. Ye have that fountain and spring from whence the promises do flow, holden forth in the first words of the verse, Whereby, or (as the words may be more fitly rendered) By whom relating unto Jesus Christ who is the original and spring of all the Promises.
2. The properties of the Promises, and these are, 1. The freedom of the promises held forth in that word, Given, whereby are given, which speaketh this, that the promises are free gifts flowing only from good pleasure, 2. Their unchangeablenesse, and that is holden forth also in the word, Given, the gifts and calling of God, being without repentance. 3. That they are exceeding great, and the Promises are called great, either in respect of that price that was laid down to purchase the Promises, or they are called great in respect of the great things that are contained in them. 4. That they are precious; Now the Promises are called precious; either in respect of their originall, that they come from precious Christ; or else in respect of this, that they are the object (I mean the object, quo, or by which) of precious Faith, as it is called in the first verse of this Chapter; or else they are precious, because they are things that a Christian ought to put a high account upon; for the word that is rendered precious may likewise be rendred honourable, whereby are given unto us exceeding great and honourable promises.
3. We have holden forth in the words the [Page 5] great advantage of the Promises, By them we are made partakers of the divine nature: Now this is not to be understood of any essentiall conversion of our substance into the substance of God, but of a Christians having the divine vertues of Jesus Christ impressed upon his soul, and expressed in his life and conversation.
And there is this lastly, concerning the promises in the words, even the time when the promises are eminen [...]ly accomplished; It is, when we have escaped; or as the word is, When we have fled from the corruptions that are in the world through lust: That is the time when a Christian meeteth with the accomplishment of the Promises.
Now before we can speak to any of these, we must speak a little unto some things as necessary to be known, in order to the better understanding of all. 1. We shall not dwell long in pointing out unto you what is a promise: We conceive it is a glorious discovery of the good will of God towards sinners, and withall, a purpose and intendment, and (if we may say) an engagement to bestow some spiritual or temporal good upon them, or to withhold some spiritual or temporal evil from them: And certain it is, that in this description of the promise, there is a divine harmony betwixt Mercy and Truth, betwixt Righteousnesse and Peace, they kisse one another: Neither shall we stand long to point out the distinction of the promises: 1. There are some promises that are conditional, and there are some promises [Page 6] that are absolute, absolute promises are these that have no condition annexed unto the performance of them; such a promise is that, that God will destroy the world no more by water, that is an absolute promise; such a promise was that of God sending his Son into the World, that was an absolute promise; and such is that promise of conversion, in giving the heart of flesh, it is an absolute promise: As for the conditionall promises, they are these that do require some condition to be performed by the Christian, before the accomplishment of the promise, such as that promise of Salvation, it requireth believing as going before it, He that believeth shall be saved; And pardon, it is promised unto a Christian upon Repentance: and yet we confesse, that there is not a conditional promise that is in all the Covenant of Grace, but it may be reduced unto an absolute promise, in regard that the thing promised (in the conditional promise) is one absolute free gift, and the condition of the promise is another. 2. There are some promises that are temporal, and some that are spiritual; temporal promises are these, that promise some temporal thing unto a Christian, and spiritual promises are these, that promise the bestowing of something that is of everlasting concernment. 3. There are some promises that are not accomplished in this life, such as this, That wee shall see him [...] he is, and shall be made like unto him: But for the promises of Faith and of [...]ustification, these are accomplished in this [Page 7] life. 4. There are some promises that are extraordinary, and there are some promises that are common: extraordinary promises are these, that are given to some particular Believer as a singular priviledge: such was that promise that was given to Abraham, that in his seed should all families of the earth be blessed, and that promise that was given to Rebekah, That the elder should serve the younger: As for common promises, they are these, that every believer in Christ hath a right to make use of.
Neither shall we stand long to point out that it is the duty of a Christian to be much in the exercise of Faith, upon the promises; it is clear from Psal. 62.8▪ Trust in him at all times ye people: and it is clear from the practice of that precious cloud of witnesses, recorded of in Heb. 11. that spent their dayes in imbracing of the Promises. But, 7. We would have you consider, that it is more easie for a Christian to believe spiritual Promises, then to believe temporal promises; it is easier to trust Christ for eternal Salvation, then to trust him for our daily food when we are redacted unto straits; and the grounds upon which we assert this, may be these; 1. Because it is hard for a Christian to believe that Christs death reacheth for the purchasing of temporall promises, which more easily he taketh up in spiritual promises; for a Christian can hardly believe that such a thing was in Christs intention, as to die for his daily food, which yet is most certain, if we consider it as a special mercy. [Page 8] 2. In a Christians believing of spiritual promises, there is often some sense and reason that helpeth him to the exercise of Faith, at least, they presse not the contrary; but to believe a temporal promise, when a Christian is redacted unto a strait, and that he can see no outgate present, sense and reason stands upon the top of his Faith, and presseth him to dispair: As for instance, when a Christian is living upon the top of a mountain, and knoweth not where to sup at night, to believe that there is a promise upon which he may rest, that he shall not want his food; but if that the Lord had service for him he will provide: Here, he hath not only reason to dispute against, but the strong pinching sense of hunger, both crying out, How can bread be given in the wildernesse? 3. The tentations that assault a Christian to misbelieve upon temporal promises, they are more subtile and more con-natural to a Christian, then his temptations that assault him in resting upon spiritual promises: When a Christian is in straits in the world, the temptations that hinder his exercise of Faith, they are more consonant to flesh and blood; we are ready to yeeld to misbelief then, because we think it is rational, and speaketh the truth. 4. A Christian is often so affrighted by his daily failings, or some particular more grosse outbreakings in his life, that howbeit he may (through grace) be helped to believe that the Lord shall make out these promises which concern his eternal salvation, and so [Page 9] do him good in the latter end: yet may he be sadly perplexed and distrustfull in making use of any particular temporary promise, for drawing forth any comfort or encouragement therefrom, as to his present exigent: because he knoweth, that although the Lord doth forgive his peoples iniquities, yet may he take vengeance on their inventions, Psal. 99.8. and therefore may punish his present failing with the like calamities as he hath done others. 5. There is also much of a natural and carnal self love to a present life, remaining in the best, that we are many times worse to satisfie in our securities for the things of this life, then of that which is to come, and can more easily trust the Lord for our souls, then for our bodies; so that though his naked word will sometimes satisfie us for the one, yet it will not for the other: And the last ground of it may be a Christians unacquaintednesse with that lot of exercising Faith upon temporal promises, there being many who think not that there is use for Faith, except for Salvation and the things above, which maketh his Faith upon these more difficult then upon promises that are spiritual: And this may appear most clearly, in that we find men more easily bear their spirituall wants (even a Christian that is most exercised) then they bear their temporal want; and more corruption and impatience doth arise from temporal want, then from spiritual want.
2. Consider, That all a Christians duties are turned over into promises: there is not [Page 10] a duty that is required of a Christian, but it is converted into a Promise. Is not Faith a duty, 1 Ioh. 3.23. This is his Commandment that ye should believe? And is not that turned over in a promise, Ier. 3 19. Thou shalt call me thy Father? The word importeth not only an act of necessity, but of violence, thou shalt do it: And in the thirteenth of Zechary, at the close, Thou shalt call me thy Father, and so in Ezek. 11.19. Is not mortification a Christians duty, Colos. 3.5. Mortifie therefore your members; and it is turned over in a promise▪ Ier. 32.28. and Ezek. 36.25, 29. where he promiseth, that he will purge away all their uncleannesses: and it is clear from Micah 7.19. I will subdue (said he) all thine iniquities, it is not said, thou must subdue them, but, I will do it, Is not also the knowledge of God a commanded duty? and yet it is turned over in a promise in the Covenant of Grace; They shall know me from the highest to the lowest, neither shall there be need any more that one should say, know the Lord, for they shall be all taught of me. Is not the commandement of fear your duty, as is clear from Eccles. 12.13. and yet that is likewise turned over in a promise; I will put my fear in their inward parts, they they shall not depart away from me: So tendernesse is a Christians duty, and yet that is turned over in a promise, I will take away their heart of stone, and give them a heart of flesh. And that I may say no more of this, look but to these four places, and there ye will see almost all duties turned over in promises: [Page 11] there is Ier. 31. Ier▪ 32. Ezek 11. and Ezek. 36. ye will see all the duties of the Covenant converted into Promises. But may not some say, what advantage is there of this? much certainly, every way: That the duties are turned over into promises; it may give a Christian hope, that he shall once perform these duties: Will ye not once be tender? Yes certainly, because your tendernesse lieth within a promise; Will ye not once be much in the exercise of fear? No doubt ye will, and the ground of it is this, because your fear lieth within a promise, and so of the rest. And 2. There is this advantage of it, that all the duties required of a Christian are turned over in promises because by this means, a Christian may go to God when he cannot perform such a duty, and desire him to fulfill his word, and accomplish his promise; and so may make use not only of the Omnipotency of God, but of the faithfulnesse of God also.
There is this third Consideration that we would propose, that there are some things of a Christian within a promise, that he doth not believe to be within it, especially these three: First, the challenges of a Christian are within a promise, when ye are convinced, that is the accomplishment of a promise, this is clear from Isai. 30 21. where convictions and challenges are turned over in a promise; When thou art turning unto the right hand or to the left, thine ears shall hear a voice behind thee, crying, this is the way, walk in it: And it may be clear, that our convictions [Page 12] are the accomplishment of promises, because it is a work of the Comforter, as well to convince, Iohn 16.9. as it is for him to make one rejoyce: and if a Christian could believe that his challenges were the accomplishment of a promise, he might imbrace his challenges, he might see the faithfulnesse of God in his challenges, and he might see much love in his challenges. 2. A Christians crosse is within a promise, so that when a Christian meets with such affliction, he may sit down and cry out, this is the accomplishment of a promise, and this is clear from Psal. 89 31, 32. wherein in the midst of the promises of [...]he Covenant of Grace, that promise of visiting their iniquities with rod [...], is put in the bosome of them: and from Psal. 119.77. In faithfulnesse hast thou afflicted me; Why doth David say in faithfulnesse? It was this, because his crosse was the accomplishment of a promise: and it may be clear also from that word, Heb. 12.7. Forget not the exhortation, (speaking of the crosse) the word is, Forget not the consolation that speaketh unto you, As if the holy Ghost did say, crosses do yeeld much consolation, as in vers. 11. They yeeld the peaceable fruits of righteousn [...]sse: And if this were believed, that our crosses were the accomplishment of the promises, it would help a Christian unto much humble submission, and there would not be murmuring under them, if once we did believe that they were the accomplishment of a promise: Yea, there is this advantage further, that if we did believe [Page 13] that our crosses were the accomplishment of a promise, we would be much in advanceing holinesse under our crosse. There is nothing that obstructeth the sweet fruits of righteousnesse under a crosse so much as impatiency: and I would say this to commend the crosse, a Christian never moveth so swiftly to heaven, as when he is under a sanctified crosse; a crosse when it is sanctified, will prove a Christians motion to Heaven, more then ten enjoyments, for our enjoyments ordinarily do retard our way as much as further it. And there is this, Thirdly, that is within the promises, even your daily food, and the hairs of your head, the hairs of a Christians head are numbered, and within the Covenant. So that ye may see what a high respect Christ hath put upon Christians, that is clear from that word, Psal 111.5▪ 8. He hath given meat unto them that fear Him, He will ever be mindfull of His Covenant.
Our fourth consideration shall be, to point out a little these grounds upon which Christ doth delay his accomplishment of the promises; It is certain that a Christian is oftentimes put to this, Doth his promise fail for evermore? and cryeth out, Why art thou become unto me as a liar, and as waters that fail; and the grounds of this delay are these: 1. Christ knoweth that a Christian can often better improve the delay of the accomplishment of the promise, then he can improve the accomplishment it self: we might find this in our experience (it being for the [Page 14] most part) easier for a Christian to bear his crosses, then to bear his enjoyments. I think David never had so sweet a time as then, when he was pursued as a Partridge by his son Absolon; then grace did breath forth most sweetly in his actions: but let David be under prosperity, and then we see he falleth in the sin of Adultery. And therefore never repine when ye are under a crosse; for certainly, if we had spirituall understanding, we would not judge it so great a hazard to be under a crosse, as under prosperitie, since we have greater strength to bear the one, then to endure the other. 2. The slothfulnesse of a Christian [...]o whom the promises are made, this makes the promises to be delayed in their performance, as was clear in the people of Israel; they are fourty years in a wildernesse, before that promise of entering into Canaan is accomplished; It was a promise that could have been accomplished in a few dayes, and yet because of their sin, it was not accomplished for fourty years, as ye may see from that word in Numb. 14.33, 34. 3. The accomplishment of the promises is delayed, that Faith may be more put in exercise; this is clear from that remarkable word, Psal. 105.19. Vntill the time that his word came; that is, un [...]ill the word of the Lord was accomplished; The word of the Lord tried him, that is, it was the matter of his exercise, an exercise espe [...]ially unto Faith; for indeed it is much for a Christian to believe upon a word, when it is delayed in its accomplishment. [Page 15] The fourth ground of delay is, that the exercise of prayer may be more; and it is certain, that the best improvement of delayes is, to be much in prayer; the promises they do occasion prayer, as is clear from Exod. 4. last, They believed, and bowed down their heads and worshipped, and from 2 Sam. 7.27. where the great promises being made to David, he cryeth out, Therefore have I found in my heart to pray this prayer unto God, and it is clear from Psal. 119.49. Perform the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope. It is a bad improvement of delayes when we turn impatient; and it is a bad improvement of delayes, when we quite our confidence. Know that promises are accomplished after delayes, and they have a luster upon them that may compence all the delay. 5. There is this other ground of the delayes of accomplishment of the promises, even that the thing that is promised may be more sweet to a Christian when it cometh: this is clear from that word of Solomon, Prov. 13 12. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire doth come, it is as a tree of life; O but a mercy that cometh to a Christian through a promise, it is sweet; yea, a drink of cold water taken up as the accomplishment of a promise, is more sweet then a feast of fat things full of marrow, and wine on the lees well refined; to take up your bread and your dink as the accomplishment of your promises, it would make them refreshfull to you. 6. The Lord delayes his promises, that a Christian may be more in [Page 16] the exercise of dependency, and may be alwayes keeped about the throne. A Christian goeth to God from a threefold principle, he goeth to God from a principle of Faith, from a principle of necessity, and from a principle of love: but would you know that which putteth the Christian oftenest to God? it is a principle of necessity: and believe it, that if necessity did not drive a Christian unto the foot of the Throne, we would seldom go from a principle of love, or from a principle of faith. And there is this last ground of the delay of the accomplishment of the promises, that the glory of the wisdom of God may appear, and the glory of his power in the accomplishment of the promise. When the promise is long beneath ground, then the wisdome and power of God doth more appear in the accomplishment of that promise. And from this I would only say to Christians that are under that exercise, complaining of the want of the performance of the promises, these few things: 1. Believe that the promise shall once be accomplished, that though the vision tarry, yet at last it shall speak. 2. Believe, that every hours delay of the accomplishment of the promise hath a sweet design of love: there is not one moment of delay, but it is for the advantage of a Christian, as is clear from that word, Rom. 8.28. And, 3. that promise that cometh after long delays, it hath these three sweet and soul-refreshing attendants. 1. It is performed most seasonbly, a Christian if he will observe, he will see infinite [Page 17] wisdome shining in timeing the accompaniment of the promise to such a particular day: a Christian will be constrained to cry out, if the promise had been fulfilled before there had been no such Art of wisedome appearing in the performance of it. 2. That the promise when it is accomplished, will engage a Christian more in the exercise of [...]ove, than four promises accomplished at a [...]hort and smaller time: there is nothing that will so inflame the soul with love, as to have a promise accomplished after delayes. And, 3. the promises accomplished after de [...]ayes, have much sense waiting upon the per [...]ormance thereof: I think hardly a Chri [...]tian ever met with the accomplishment of [...] promise after long delay, but his soul was made as a watered garden, and as springs of water whose waters fail not; this promise [...]aileth and cometh to a Christian perfumed with love.
Now we shall shut up our discourse at this [...]ime, and shall only speak to these six defects of a Christians faith in believing the promi [...]es. 1. That our faith is impatient, wee [...]annot stay upon the promise if it be delayed: Hence ye will see, that in Scripture of [...]en patience is annexed to faith; which [...]peaketh this, That it is impossible for a Christian to believe as he ought, that wanteth the exercise of patience. See Heb. 6.12. Be ye followers of them, who through faith and patience inherit the promise: And that word [...]n the Revelation, This is the faith and pa [...]ience of the Saints. 2. Our faith in closing [Page 18] with the Promises, it is most unconstant: A Christian when first a promise is born in upon his spirit, he will then believe the promise and joyn with it; but after six or seven dayes go about, he will change his Faith: this is remarkably clear from Exod. 4.31. compared with Exod. 6.9. When first the promise cometh to the people of Israel, that they shal go out of Egypt, it is said of them in the fourth Chapter at the close, They believed the Promise, and worshipped: But look to them in Exod. 6.9. and there ye will see them not believing, because of bitterness and anxiety of heart: And I will tell you the grounds why our Faith is unconstant. 1. Sometimes the reading of a promise to a Christian will be as his savory meat; sometimes when a Christian will read one time in the Covenant, it will be perfumed with love, and his soul will bee transported with joy after it, and at another time when he shall read that promise again it will be tastelesse as the white of an egge, and as his sorrowfull meat 2. That we are not much in studying the exercise of the thing [...] that are promised, which certainly would cu [...] short many of our debates. There is this third defect of our Faith, That we are not diligent, a diligent faith we call this, that after a Christian hath believed, he would be much in the exercise of prayer, for the accomplishment of the promise, he would be much in the exercise of meditation, to make that promise sweet and lively to him. And a fourth defect is this, We build our faith [Page 19] more upon Dispensations then upon the Word: when dispensations say that which [...]he promise saith▪ then we will believe: but when dispensation speaketh the contrary language unto the promise, then we will re [...]ect our confidence and hope. I will tell you two great mysteries of believing, it is hard for a Christian to believe when the Commentary seemeth to destroy the Text, that is, when the Commentary seemeth to declare, that the promise shall never be accomplished. In [...] it is this, It is hard to believe when dispensations will say, the Word of the Lord will faill, and when promises bids you believe. 2. It is hard for a Chri [...]tian to take impossibilities in the one hand, and the word of promise in the other, and [...]ay, O precious Christ reconcile these two together, that impossibilities do not destroy the promise, but that the promise may be accomplished notwithstanding of this. [...]. We have this defect of faith amongst us, That we build our faith more upon sense, [...]hen upon the word of promise; when a Christian is in a good frame, he will believe, but when Christ hideth his face, he will then give over his hope. And lastly, there is this, That our faith upon the promises is general, we believe the truth of the promises, but we study not to make a particular application of them. I shall not stand long to make any use of what we have spoken▪ Only I would have the Christians of this age, and those that are here, to go home with this conviction, the damnable neglect of believing [Page 20] of the promises. A Christian neglecteth these three duties of Religion most, he neglecteth the duty of self examining, the duty of believing the promises, and that noble soul exalting duty of meditation: these three duties [...] Christian doth so constantly neglect, that almost he is above the reach of conviction, that he doth neglect them.
But I would say a word unto these tha [...] are destitute of the Faith of the promises, and are strangers unto these blessed things that are recorded within the Covenant: And i [...] is onely this; doubtlesse ye must believe your senses, if ye will not believe his Word. It is a question indeed, Which of all the senses shall be most satisfied in heaven, whether that of seeing, when we shall behold the King in his beauty; and see him as he is, o [...] that of hearing, when we shall hear these melodious Halelujahs of that innumerable company, which are about the Throne, withou [...] any jarring amongst them all▪ o [...] that of smelling, when we shall find the sweet perfume of his garments, which are perfumed with all the powders of the merchant; or, that of touching, when we find Maries inhibiti [...]on taken off, Touch me not, and be admitted to imbrace him who is now ascended to his Father; Or, that of tasting, when we shall drink of these rivers of Consolation, that shall neuer run dry. This, I say, is indeed a question; But give me leave to tell you [...] athiests and enemies of God: It is also a question, Which of all the five senses of a Reprobate shall be tormented in Hell, and [Page 21] what would ye answer to it now? Whether [...]hink ye the sense of sight, when ye shall be [...]old that darknesse of wrath, the devil and [...]is angels, and your fellow prisoners in that [...]ungeon? Or whether shall your sense of [...]earing be most tormented in hell, when ye [...]hall hear those screighings and howlings [...]hat shall eternally ascend up before God, [...]y the souls that are in prison? O but the [...]reatest enemy would have compassion upon [...]is enemy, to hear their cryes: Or, whether [...]ill ye say the sense of tasting shall be most [...]ormented, when ye shall drink of these ri [...]ers of brimstone? Or, will the sense of [...]uching, when ye shall be eternally scorch [...]d [...] with these flames of eternal indignation▪ [...] the sense of smelling, when ye shall eter [...]lly be, as it were, suffocated with the [...]oke of that sulphurious furnace that shall [...]ever be quenched? O think you if Cain [...]ould come from hell and preach that do [...]rine, that we should not persecute the [...]ints, would we listen unto him? If Ab [...]on should come from hell, and should [...]each against the evil of ambition, would ye, [...] unto him? And if Achitophel should [...] from the dead and preach that doctrine [...]to you, Let not the wise man glory in his [...]sdome, would we stop our ears? Or if [...] would come from hell and preach to [...] the evil of hypocrisie, in betraying the [...] of man with a kisse, would we believe [...]? Or if Dives that is recorded in the [...]ospel should come from hell, and choise [...] Text to preach upon, Iam. 5.1. Go to [Page 22] ye rich men and howl, and weep for your miseries that shall come upon you. And if Dem [...] would come and second him with that word love not the world, nor the things that are in the world: I fear ye would cry out wee will imbrace that doctrine at another time. Wee desire not to insist much upo [...] these, but O to believe, that there is an eter [...]nity of pain, and that there is an eternity [...] joy. I will give you a description of the athiest, and let him think upon it, it is easie [...] to convince hundreds of you, that ye wa [...] the fear of God, then that ye want the fait [...] and love of God. Oh, an imaginary faith [...] and a conceit of love, will yee ever quit [...] these it w [...] Idols. I confesse, once ye sha [...] have a faith that no man shall ever rob yo [...] of, and that is, the faith of that truth, th [...] when once yee enter into eternity of pai [...] there is no redemption out of that plac [...] Awake, awake, for behold the Judge comet [...] and he shall render vengeance unto the [...] that know him not. To his blessed [...] precious Name wee desire to gi [...] praise.
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious Promises, that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
THough Justice and Judgement be the habitation of His Throne, yet mercy and truth do go before it [...]s two divine Ushers to convey [...]s home unto God. There are these two things that we would [...]ave Christians principally to study. 1. That ye would be much in the study of these wrongs and injuries that ye have done to Christ: And, 2. that ye would be much [...]n the study of these infinite acts of precious [...]ondescendency that Christ hath manifested [...]owards you, that the one may provoke you [...]nto sorrow and humility, and the other may provoke you unto a sweet astonishment [...]nd admiration. And I would ask you this, [...]f Christ should present that challenge unto you. which Absolon presented unto Hushai, Is this thy kindnesse unto thy friend? O be [...]oved, what could you answer, when you were thus reproved? I think if Christ had not forgetfulnesse for that blessed end, to [...]orget the wrongs and injuries of his own; [Page 24] I know not unto what use Christ should have forgetfulnesse, for he knoweth not what i [...] is to forget our good works, but he hath [...] blessed arte of forgetting our wrongs; though we may say upon the contrary, that we hav [...] a cursed arte of forgetting them our selves▪ There are these three things that Christian [...] doth forget; they forget much Christ, tha [...] is the great author of the promises, so tha [...] he may charge them with this, Why have [...] forgotten me? 2. They forget their mercies, and these divine receipts of love that Christ hath given unto them. 3. They forget even their iniquities, yea sometimes the [...] forget them before Christ doth forget them and passe an act of pardon upon them. [...] shall not stand long to plead with you fo [...] your undervaluings of that blessed and nobl [...] Plant of renown; I think if there were no more to evidence that low esteem that we have of Christ, but only this, that we ar [...] so much in sleighting the promises, it were more than sufficient: but besides, is there not this to testifie how much you under [...] value that holy and just one; that ye study more to have an outward conformity unto him, than to have an inward. We may cal [...] the Christians of this time Nephthali; they are as a hind let loose, and they give goodly words, but we do not give Christ godly practices: And is there not this also th [...] testifieth our undervaluings of Christ, tha [...] we slight so much, secret and retired correspondance and communion with him? [...] suppose there are some that are here, whos [...] [Page 25] consciences beareth them record, they do not exercise themselves unto godlinesse, and I shall only say that word, that Gideon spake in another case, If God be with us, how then is all this come upon us? such a spirit of formality, such a spirit of lazinesse, such a spirit of hardnesse, and such a spirit of undervaluing of Christ? I suppose, that if there were a Chronicle written of all the lives of the Saints that have been since Adams dayes, and the Christians of this time should read over that Chronicle, when they should begin and read the life of Adam, they might put this to the close of it, my life is not like his, and when they should read the life of Abel, they might put this to the close of it▪ my life is not like his; and when they should read the life of Enoch, they might put this to the close of it, my life is not like his: O! to which of the Saints can we go: and if ye should call, is there any that would answer you, your life is like mine.
But to come to the words, we told you at the last occasion tha [...] we spake upon them, that there were these things concerning the promises holden forth in them. 1. The rise of the promises is holden forth in these words, Whereby, or as we cleared the words may be thus rendered, by whom, which relateth unto Jesus Christ.
The second thing concerning the promises holden forth in the verse is, the property of the promise, and they are these four. 1. That the promises are free, holden forth in that word, Whereby are given unto us; all the promises [Page 26] of the everlasting Covenant are gifts, and not debt. There is that second property of the promises, that they are unchangeable, holden forth in that word, Given, the gifts and calling of God being without repentance. And the third property of the promises was, That they were exceeding great ▪ And the fourth, That they were exceeding precious.
The third thing concerning the promises, holden forth in the words, is the advantage [...] that floweth to a Christian by the promise [...] that by them they might be made partakers o [...] the divine nature.
And the last thing concerning them was that time when the promises were especially accomplished, it was then when we had escaped the pollutions of the world throug [...] lust.
Now, as for the first thing, to wit, the fountain, original and rise of the promise [...] which is Jesus Christ, By whom; In speakin [...] unto this, we shall speak a little unto thes [...] two. 1. In what respects Christ may b [...] said to be the fountain and original of th [...] promises; and we conceive he may be sai [...] to be so. First, Because he purchased th [...] promises unto us by his own precio [...] bloud. There is not a promise in all th [...] everlasting Covenant, but it is the price [...] the bloud of the Son of God; this is clear [...] Ephes ▪ 2.12, 13. where speaking of the Ge [...]tiles, that they were strangers unto the Co [...]venant of promise: he setteth down in th [...] 13. verse, the way by which they wer [...] [Page 27] brought near unto the Covenant, and had [...]ight unto it, it was through the bloud of his [...]rosse: and it is clear in Ephes. 3.9. that the promises of the Gospel were given unto us in him, that is, through the purchase of him, [...]nd his merits: and 1 Pet. 1.19. where we are said to be bought by his bloud: for the promise of Redemption, was the price of [...]loud. Secondly, Christ may be said to be [...]he fountain of the Promises, in this respect, [...]hat hee is the Person unto whom the promises of the Covenant are first made, and [...]hrough him are made over unto us; this is clear in Gal. 3 16. the promises were given unto Abraham, not unto many seeds, but as [...]nto one, that is Christ; and it is clear from 2 Tim. 1.9. where the promises of Grace [...]nd Salvation are said to be given unto us in [...]im before the world was made: It is true, [...]hat the promises are not given to Christ, considered only as the Son of God, (for so he had no other relation to us then the Fa [...]her of the holy Ghost) but yet they are, first, made to him as the Mediator and head [...]f his Church, and as that blessed Dayes man, [...]nd King of Saints, and the Great Lord [...]eeper of all the Rights of the young heirs of Glory; And we all receive of his fulnesse, and grace for grace. Thirdly, There is this [...]espect, in which Christ may be said to be [...]he fountain of the promises, that he it is [...]y whom we have a right unto all the promises; this is clear, [...] Cor. 3.12, 13. where [...]hese two are conjoyned, yee are Christs, and [...]hen all things are your [...]: If once a soul [Page 28] close with Christ in the Covenant of Promise, there is not one promise in Scripture but he may write this superscription abov [...] it, This is mine, this is mine. Fourthly Christ may be said to be the fountain of th [...] promises, in regard that he is the Person tha [...] applyeth the promises, and maketh us t [...] rest upon them, and to believe them, thi [...] David did acknowledge, Psal. 119.49. Re [...]member thy word unto thy servant, upon whic [...] thou hast caused me to hope: as if David said I had never believed a promise, except tho [...] hadest caused me, and it is clear, Ephes. 2.8▪ where faith is called the gift of God, eve [...] faith to believe the promises, it is the roy [...] donation and gift of Christ. Fifthly, H [...] may be said to be the fountain of the pro [...]mises, in that he qualifieth us for the accom [...]plishment of them. Christ giveth us strengt [...] to obey the condition that is annexed to th [...] promise, and Christ he infuseth habitua [...] grace in us, by which we may be helped [...] exercise faith upon the promises; so th [...] grant all the Scripture were promises, y [...] if Christ did not help us, we would never be [...]lieve a promise, and there would never a pro [...]mise be accomplished unto us. Sixthly▪ The last respect in which Christ may be sai [...] to be the fountain of the promises, is, Th [...] all the promises of the everlasting Covenan [...] they have their accomplishment throgh hi [...] according to that word, 2 Cor. 1.20. All [...] promises of God are in him yea, and in him Ame [...] so that ye are to blesse Christ, not only fo [...] the giving of the promises, but for the accom [...]plishment of them also.
[Page 29]That which secondly we shall speak to from this, that Christ is the fountain of the promises, shall be to presse upon Christians these three excellent and soul concerning duties. The first, That they would not have a light account of the promises, since they are rivolets and streams that flow from that blessed Ocean: O but if a Christian did believe that the promise that he hath for his daily bread, it was bought with the blood of the second Person of the blessed Trinity, would he not have an high account of that promise? And let me tell you, it is impossible for the promises to be in high account with you, till once ye reduce them unto their [...]ise, and to their fountain: but once know that all the promises are sweet streams of [...]ove that have run through the heart of precious Christ, and from thence they have [...]lowed unto you, and then when this is be [...]ieved, how shall ye sit down and comfort your [...]elves in the promises, and rejoyce exceeding [...]y in them.
The second duty that we presse upon you [...]rom this, is, That since Christ is the foun [...]ain and original of the Promises, be much [...] the application of the Promises: And [...]ere I shall speak a little upon these three [...]hings. 1. A little unto the evidences and [...]arks of those that have a right to apply [...]he promises; and shall only name unto you [...]hese few: The first is, to be a person under [...]onvictions of sensible need and necessity of [...]uch a promise; have ye convictions of such [...] necessity; Then from that ye may infer, I [Page 30] have a right to the promises, and are not these glad tiding [...]? I know there are some that are under such convictions of their sin, tha [...] they think it boldness to apply the promises▪ But I would say this unto you, that if y [...] were under sensible convictions of your lostnesse, ye would give a world for an hair o [...] a promise whereby to hang: believe it, the exercise of misbelief is never at its height, till we would be content to dig through the earth to get a promise, and till we were at that, that our souls would pursue after them from the one end of the world to the other: And for the grounds of this assertion, that sensible necessity giveth a right to the promises, if ye will look to these grea [...] promises of the everlasting Covenant, are they not given to that Christian that is under a need, Isai. 55.1, 2. and Matth. 11.28 where the great promise of the Gospel [...] given out, and the invitation of Jesu [...] Christ, is unto these that are weary and heav [...] laden. Christ would account it an excellen [...] courtesie, that ye would not dispute, bu [...] believe, and that ye would look upon you [...] necessities as his call to believe the promise▪ 2. A person that hath a high account of th [...] Promises, he hath a right to apply the pro [...]mises: Let once your soul, close with Chri [...] by Faith and Love, and then you may wit [...] boldnesse close with the Promises. I con [...]fesse, if we were more in believing the pro [...]mises, we would have a higher and mo [...]full esteem of the Promiser: Would yo [...] [...]now the reason that Christ is not acounte [...] [Page 31] matchlesse, it is because of this, our necessities of the promises is not alwayes within our sight, and our exercising of Faith upon the promises is not our daily work. 3. This looketh like a right to the promise; that which is born in upon a Christians spirit when he is near God in prayer, and is under most sensible exercise under his own inf [...]rmities, he hath readily a right to apply that promise: As for instance, when a Christian is debating himself out of Christ, which is but an unpleasant exercise; to meet with a promise born in upon their spirit, that giveth them some ground of hope, that they may apply and rest upon Christ: or when a Christian is fainting under affliction, and is like to give over; to meet with a word of promise born in upon his spirit, that doth uphold him in the day of his triall, he may probably conclude he hath a right to believe that promise. 4 There is that evidence, persons that have an high account of the promises, they have a right to apply the promises, it is an excellent and most concerning work for a Christian to believe the excellency of the promises, when he cannot have the actual application of the Promises. For when once a Christian cometh to this, that the great things of the everlasting Covenant are matchlesse in his eyes; then that is the val [...] of Achor, and a door of hope, that ere long Christ will apply them. 5. When a Christian hath great delight in the promises, when they are sweet to his taste, and are the refreshing and rejoycing of [Page 32] his heart, that is an undeniable sign that h [...] hath a right to make use of such promises▪ Were your souls never refreshed by readin [...] of the boundlesse Covenant of love, an [...] the sweet promises that are in it? I woul [...] have Christians marking these promises tha [...] have upholden them in their straits, I woul [...] have them marking the promises that hav [...] been lively to their souls, and say, Th [...] once was my goodly meet, and made me to rejoyce in the house of my affliction; and [...] would have a Christian marking the time o [...] the accomplishment of the Promises, i [...] which he will see infinite wisdome shining i [...] ordering the accomplishment of the pro [...]mises to such a time. And I would have [...] Christian marking the frame of his own spirit, when the promises are accomplished (as ye will find often in Scripture) and by all this, ye should find such a reviving an [...] profitable delight in the promises, that should give a very full evidence of your righ [...] unto them. 6. Lastly, when a Christia [...] understraits can receive consolation from no other thing, but all prove Physicians of no value and miserable comforters: when [...] Christian is convinced, there is no joy to be had under such a crosse but in the faith o [...] the promises, that is an evidence that th [...] person hath a right to the promises. I would only say this, O beloved in the Lord▪ is not this your guilt, your undervaluing o [...] the promises, and your little exercise o [...] faith? I would pose you with this, when last studied ye to apply any promise of the [Page 33] Covenant of Grace? When last did ye exercise saith upon any of them? Shall I tell you what is the practise of the most part of us, we study perhaps to apply one promise, but for the rest of the promises we lay them aside, and do totally neglect them: we study to apply the promises of salvation, and of having redemption through Christ, but for the promises of Sanctification, for the promises to help us to perform duties, for the promises to support us under the crosse, for the promises to comfort us in our way to heaven, for promises in reference to all ordinary things, we are not much in application of these. O but if a Christian were believing the promises, he might sit down even while he is here, and sing one of the songs of Zion, though yet but in a strange land.
The second thing that I shall speak to upon the application of the promise, shall be to propose unto you some rules that ye would make use of in the application of them, and [...]hall name unto you these.
First, Study these four things, one is the [...]aithfulnesse and truth of the promises, that [...]uch a thing is the saying of him that is the faithful witnesse, and Amen: This was the practice of Paul, 1 Tim. 1.15. the way how [...]e was brought to make application of the promise, was, 1. by laying down that conclusion, this is a faithfull saying; and Rev. [...]2. from the beginning to the 6. verse, when [...]here are great promises made, and much [...]poken to the commendation of heaven, this [Page 34] is subjoyned in the 6. verse, These are the faithfull and true sayings of God: As if Iohn had said, all that I have spoken concerning heaven, will be to no purpose, except ye believe the truth of the promises; and this was the practice of David, 2 Sam. 7.28. Thy words are truth, O Lord, he subjoyned th [...] unto the actual application of the promises. 2. Study the sweetn [...]sse and excellency of the promises, this was the practice of Paul, 1 Tim. 1.15. This is a faithfull saying, and then he subjoyneth, and worthy of all acceptation: And this was the practice of David, Psal. 119.72. I have esteemed the laws of thy mouth better then thousands of gold and silver. O such an opinion, to esteem the promises better then thousands of gold! It is heterodox amongst the most part of you, that prefer the world before the promises of the Covenant: and it was his practice, vers. 103. and vers. 162. I rejoyce at thy word as one that findeth great spoil: he had an higher account of the Promises, then to divide the spoil after war. 3. Let the Christian study the necessity that he hath of the promise, that there is no way of winning above that neces [...]sity but the closing with the promise, an [...] laying hold upon it. 4. Lastly, A Christi [...]an would study the suitablenesse that is in th [...] promise to answer their necessities, that i [...] they be under need, there is a preciou [...] way of remedy manifested unto them by these.
The second rule that we would prescrib [...] in the application of the promises, is, Tha [...] [Page 35] ye do not expect sensible comforts immediately after ye have believed the promise, a Christian may apply the promises, and yet want the joy and sweetnesse that is in them: This is clear, Psal. 119.25. My soul cleaveth unto the dust. There he is under much anxiety and much sorrow; and yet he is a believer of the promises in the mean time, as the words following doth clear, Quicken me according to thy word, he layeth claim to the promise, and this is clear in the 81. vers. of that Psalm, My soul doth faint within me; There is much exercise of sorrow, and yet he is a believer in the promise, But I hope in thy word: A Christian after he hath believed [...]he promise, he would put a blank in Christs hand concerning the sweetnesse of the promises to be made out in its own time. What is sense? Is it the precious indulgence of Christ that he giveth to his own. I would presse this upon you, prophesie nothing before your believing of the pomise; but, having believed, ye may surely prophesie that the promise shall be accomplished in its own time, and the word that he hath spoken shall certainly come to passe: but as for sense, as for quickening, as for comforting, as for receiving, ye must put a blank in the hand of Christ to dispense these things to you as he seeth fit.
The third rule in the application of the promises, is, That ye do not build your faith upon this, that the promises shall be accomplished, because probability and reason seem to say the thing: I would say this to a [Page 36] Christian, that ye may oftentimes suspect the promise is not near to be accomplished when reason saith, Behold the word of the Lo [...] cometh, and that oftimes the Lord is neare [...] when we begin to passe a conclusion, the Word is not at hand, and the time of the accomplishment of the promise is not near▪ Certainly many times before Christ accomplish the promises, he will learn us to be liv [...]ing above sense and reason, and he will hav [...] reason to submit to faith, and he will hav [...] probabilities to contradict the accomplishment of the promise; and when probabilities are furthest away, that is His time [...] work: this is clear in these two signal deliverances of the people of Israel from Egy [...] and Babylon, Exod. 3.4, 5. and Ezech. 37. [...] the beginning. And therefore as a Christia [...] would not quite his grip of the promises, because dispensations seem to contradict th [...] accomplishment of the promise, and sometime cryeth out, Why art thou become unto [...] as a liar, and as waters that fail? So on th [...] other hand, ye are to build your faith upo [...] the promises, and not upon dispensation [...] even when favourable; seeing that we kno [...] the way that Christ taketh many times [...] accomplish the promises, is by contrar [...] means to our apprehension; His paths [...] in the whirlewind, and his footsteps are [...] known. And may we not cry out, Who ca [...] take up the wayes of God, whose wa [...]es ar [...] more subtil than the way of an eagle in the ai [...] or the way of a serpent upon the rock, or the wa [...] of a ship upon the sea, &c.
[Page 37]The fourth rule that we would prescribe unto you in the application of the promises, is, That ye would close absolutely with the promises, I mean, without limiting the only One. There is a limitted closing with the promise, which is the frequent exercise of our hearts; we will close with the promise, but with this restraint laid upon Christ, That whensoever we begin to believe the promises, all things might go as we desire: and this is the great occasion that we do so frequently reject our confidence, and do refuse our hope when God doth not answer our peremptory expectations.
Fifthly, We give you this rule, that ye would eye Christ much in the application of the promises. There is a threefold sight of Christ that a Christian should have when he applyeth the promises, a Christian should have a sight of the boundlesse and condescending love of Christ, that so he may be constrained to hope, and may be constrained to love. 2. A Christian should eye the faithfulnesse and unchangeableness of Christ, [...]hat what his blessed lips have spoken, he will also do, and what he hath said, he will likewise bring to passe. And, 3. in the application of promises, he must eye the omnipotency of Christ, that what he hath said, he [...]s able to bring to passe. And O when shall we have occasion to sing that song, What hath God wrought for us, which was the song [...]hat Balaam sung who yet was but a profane wretch.
[Page 38]6. There is this rule that we would prescribe unto you in the application of the promises, that a Christian after he hath applyed them, he would be much in the exercise of Prayer for the accomplishment of these promises; this was the practice o [...] David, 2 Sam. 7.27. When God in passing many precious promises; David doth subjoyn that word, Therefore have I found i [...] my heart to pray this prayer: And we see i [...] Ezek. 36.37. All alongs that Chapter, Go [...] is passing most excellent promises; and yet in vers. 37. this is subjoyned, For all these things, I will be enquired of the house of Israel: And in Ier. 29.10, and 12. where the time is coming, when God would accomplis [...] his good word (as he speaketh) that is subjoyned in vers. 12. Then shall ye call upon me▪ and seek after me: And Daniel 9.2, 3▪ when Daniel knew that the promise [...] near the time of its accomplishment, the [...] hee set himself by prayer and supplication [...] seek the face of God. I would say these three words unto a Christian; The smallest mercy that a Christian meeteth with, if he can call it Samuel ▪ that is, The son of prayer, and [...] ye can call it Isaac, that is, The childe of promise, he may then, and doth ordinarily receive much consolation in that mercy. O but a mercy flowing to a Christian through a promise, if it were but a drink of col [...] water, and a piece of brown bread, it wil [...] be more excellent chear, then all the dainties of the Kings of the earth. O but to [Page 39] eat and drink, taking these things as the accomplishment of the promises, this would make us eat our bread with singleness of heart, and much chearfulnesse. And there is this, [...]econdly, I would say unto you, When a promise is accomplished, and a Christian is [...]ot much in the exercise of Prayer in the [...]ccomplishment of it, one to a hundred if [...]ee loose not the sanctified use of the accom [...]lishment of that promise. Ah, know yee [...]ot that a promise when it is accomplished, may bee a curse to a Christian. That word [...]s most terrible, Mal. 2.2. I will curse your [...]lessings. And the last word that I would [...]ay to this, is, That a Christian who believeth [...]he promises, notwithstanding that dispen [...]ations seem to contradict it, that promise [...]hall be made most refreshfull unto his spirit, when it is accomplished. O but a Chri [...]tian that never had much jealousie, nor much staggering about the accomplishment [...]f the promise, when it cometh, it will bee most refreshfull unto him: And believe it, [...]here is not one hours entertainment of jea [...]ousie about the accomplishment of the promise, but it will impare the sweetnesse of [...]he promise when it is accomplished, ex [...]ept so far, that the transcendant and free [...]ove of Christ is seen in the accomplishment [...]f them, notwithstanding of our misbe [...]ief.
The last rule that I shall offer a Christia [...] [...]n his application of the promises, when ye meet with objections that yee cannot answer, [Page 40] but they do silence you; I will tell you what ye should do with them, misken these obstructions and lay them by. This was the practice of believing Abraham, Rom. 4.9. He considered not his own body being weak, and the deadnesse of Sarahs womb. The weaknesse of his own body, and the deadnesse of Sarahs womb were so strong objections in the way of the accomplishment of the promises, that he could not answer them; and the way he taketh to refute them was, He did not consider them; as it were, he forgot those objections and went about his duty.
The third thing that we shall speak to, in relation to the application of the promises, shall be somewhat for helping a Christian that is standing at too great a distance, to get the promises applied.
First, A Christian would be much in the study of these experiences of the faithfulnesse of God, and what others have met with. When ye begin to apply a promise, ye may be helped in the Faith of applying promises▪ by beholding these great records of the faithfulnesse of God that are extant. This was the way the Angel took with Mary, Luke 1.36. where helping her to believe that promise, that of her should be born the Messiah; this is the way that he strengthened her, Thy cosin Elizabeth is now with childe, and hath gone six moneths, even she that was called barren. And, I shall onely name these two places in Scripture which may help you exceedingly, and strengthen you to believe the [Page 41] promises upon this acount. There is that [...]ord in Exod. 12.41. and 51. It is a most re [...]arkable saying, At the end of the four hundred [...]nd thirty-years, on that same very day, (there [...]as not one day missed after the time that [...]as set was accomplished) In that same very [...]ay they came out, and this is marked in ver. 51. [...]gain: And there is that word 1 Kings 8.56. [...]here Solomon, when he is singing most [...]weetly to God, he taketh an observation of [...]is, Loe (saith he) there hath not failed one [...]ord that God hath spoken to you by his servant Moses.
Secondly, Ye would be much in the con [...]deration of your own experiences, that [...]ou have in the accomplishment of promises [...]rmerly. This was Davids way that he [...]ok to strengthen himself to believe the [...]romise, He that hath delivered me from the [...]ge of the Lion, and the paw of the Bear, he [...]ill deliver me from this uncircumcised Phi [...]stine, 1 Sam. 17.35. and 37.46. And this [...]as the practice of the Apostle Paul, 2 Tim. [...] ▪17, 18. God hath delivered me from that [...] lion: And from thence he subjoyneth, [...]nd the Lord will deliver me from every evil [...]ork: And this was his practice. 2 Cor. 1. [...]. where these three are swetly knit to [...]ther, God hath delivered me, he doth deli [...] me, and he shall deliver me. There is [...] one experience of this kinde, but it [...]eacheth that [...] your [...] O, believe the [...]omise, and do not [...]all in question his faith [...]nesse.
[Page 42]Thirdly, There is that help; that ye [...] study much the excellency of the promise [...] that is the most noble and excellent way [...] move you to apply the promises, accordin [...] to that word, Psal. 119.111. I have ma [...] thy testimonies my heritage for ever; and th [...] ground of it is that, Because they are the r [...]joycing of my heart. The sweetnesse of the promises would engage our heart to apply them.
And there is that fourth help, a Christi [...] would study the omnipotency of God, th [...] so hee may bee helped to believe and appl [...] the promise: This is clear in Zech. 12.1▪ where God going to passe many excelle [...] promises, hee ushers in that discourse wi [...] high and magestick description of his powe [...] in that hee streatcheth forth the heavens, [...] layeth the foundation of the earth, and forme [...] the spirit of man within him. And this [...] the practice of Abraham, Rom. 4.21. the [...] how he came to believe the promise, He [...] him able that had made it, that he [...] perform it.
Fifthly, For your help in applying [...] the promises, Study much the unchang [...]ablenesse of Christ, and his faithfulnesse, kno [...] that hee is the same, yesterday, and to [...] and for ever. This was the way that [...] came to the faith of the promises, Heb. 11. [...] ▪ Shee believed, [...] the [...] of it [...] that shee judged him faithfull that had pr [...]mised. There [...] of misbeli [...] that a Christian falleth into, but it sai [...] [Page 43] that God is not faithfull, and that hee is not true.
Now the last duty that wee would presse [...]rom this point, that Christ is the fountain of the promises, is, that wee may have an high esteem of the Promiser; even of Jesus Christ, in whom they are yea, and Amen. And I shall close all at this time with this, [...]re there not many here, that have no re [...]pect unto him who is that faithfull witnesse, [...]nd the Amen; who hath promised us him [...]elf, and all things: and if yee will not take with the challenge, let your hearts but an [...]wer these two or three things: 1. Hath [...]ot the losse of things in the world affected [...]our heart more, then ever absence from [...]hrist did? Hath it not? And can such a [...]oul say, I have an high account of the Pro [...]iser? Is it possible, that these that will [...]ourn more under the absence of their Idols [...]an for the want of him, that they can have [...] high account of Jesus Christ? I am per [...]aded of this, there are some Merchants, [...] the losse of their goods at the Sea, hath [...]verted them from their nights rest, and [...] absence from Christ never did divert [...] from their sleep one hour. O when [...] love to find out Jesus Christ, and to enjoy [...] fellowship, make you rise up in the silent [...]atches of the night, and to pursue after [...]. 2. Have not your souls delighted [...]ore on the enjoyment of the things of a [...]orld, than ever they did in the enjoyment [...] Christ. Is not this true, that the increase [...] wine and oyl, and of silver and gold hath [Page 44] affected your hearts more with joy than ever Christ did? And have you a high esteem of the Promiser? 3. Are you taking delight to entertain fellowship and communion with the Promiser; Is this true? When went you to your prayers, but yee wearied ere yee went away? And have yee a high account of the Promiser? Is not that th [...] language of your hearts; O when shall the Sabbath be over? and when shall the new mo [...] be gone, that I may pursue after my Idols? [...] would pose you with this, if there were n [...] eye to take notice of you, would you [...] slight secret prayer, would you not sligh [...] Family Prayer? Wee love not to serve Je [...]sus Christ. I know there are atheists her [...] that would love to go to heaven witho [...] Faith, Love, Prayer and Repentance, the [...] would love to go to heaven by a way th [...] never one went before them. And now [...] shall say but this one word to you that [...] the heirs of the promise, and have the bless [...] expectation of heaven, what ever the [...] do, esteem yee highly of him: O rememb [...] and comfort your selves in the thoughts [...] the blessed day which Christ (after hee [...] past the sentence of condemnation upon [...] wicked) shall go in upon the head of [...] Troups of the first born, hee shall walk [...] before us through the Ports of the New J [...]rusalem, having Crowns of Immortal Glo [...] upon his head, and then shall follow aft [...] Him His Angels, and then shall follow aft [...] Him the blessed company of the first [...] every one having the Harps of God in the [Page 45] [...]and, and they shall be singing as they enter [...] through the Ports of the City, Hallelujah [...]nto him that was dead, and is alive, and now [...]iveth for evermore. O to believe that day when first we shall all enter in through the [...]reets of the New Jerusalem, when we shall [...]ee cloathed in white robes, having Crowns [...]pon our head! O such a day, if it were [...]elieved, might it make us often shake our [...]lasse, and streach out our necks, (as the word [...], Rom. 8.19) till once we saw that blessed [...]ay were approaching to us! There is no [...]earying in heaven, the promises are now [...]ccomplished unto them, and they are inhe [...]ting the promises; When shall that word [...] accomplished, or when shall we have oc [...]asion to say it? Mark 1.37. Behold all men [...] after thee; the word that these Disciples [...]ake to Christ: O study to love him, study [...] believe on him, for bee perswaded hee is [...]pon his way. And I shall say no more but [...]his, that as all the promises that are within [...] bounds of this everlasting Covenant, they [...] yea, and Amen, in an imbraced Christ, [...] laid hold on by faith; so I say, all the [...]rses that are in Deut. 26.27, 28. and all the [...]rses that are within the volumn of the Book [...] this Covenant, they shall be yea and Amen [...] a despised Christ, and not laid hold upon [...] faith.
Whereby are given unt [...] us exceeding great and precious Promises, that by these you might b [...] partakers of the divine nature, hav [...]ing escaped the corruption that is i [...] the world through lust.
SOmetimes the soul of a Christian do [...] move in the paths of God, and in th [...] wayes towards Zion as the chariots [...] Aminadab, when they are under the so [...] enliving and quickening influences of heave [...] and sometimes the soul of a Christian do [...] move in those blessed paths as Pharaohs ch [...]riots, they drive most heavily, when there [...] a cloud between the precious face of Chr [...] and them: and wee conceive that sound [...] spirituall exercise of Faith upon the Pr [...]mises, would make a Christians motio [...] more swift towards heaven. We grant Chr [...] hath three different wayes of guiding [...] and daughters to Glory: there are some th [...] Christ carrieth to heaven in a chariot pav [...] with love, that all alongs their life they [...] living within sight of that promised La [...] and are taken up with the refreshing fo [...] tastes of the heavenly joyes; such a one [...] Henoch, who spent his dayes in walking wi [...] God: there are some that Christ guideth [...] [Page 47] heaven in a chariot that is drawn with speck [...]ed horses; they have mixed dispensations of sorrow and joy attending them in their walk, they have a winter and a summer, they have a night and a day, and such a one was Iob. 3. There are some that Christ carryeth to Heaven in a fiery chariot, that all alongs their life they are under distracting terrours of the most High, and are living perpetually to their own apprehensions upon the borders of hell, and such a one was Heman, whom Christ thus did guide to heaven: however, if wee shall go there, we need not much dispute the way how wee came, for he doth all things well. And upon the other part, Satan hath three different wayes of guiding souls unto everlasting torment; there are some that Satan carryeth to hell in a chariot of delusions, making them believe that they are still going to heaven; and such are the hypocrites in Sion: and I shall say; I think that chariot was never so [...]illed as it is in those dayes. O fear that [...]nxious disappointment that many of you (it is like) will meet with? An hypocrite hee hath strong hopes, hee hath strong idols, [...]nd hee hath strong delusions, these are his three attendants. And there are some that Satan carryeth to hell in a chariot of profa [...]ity and ignorance of God, whose judgement goeth before hand, and they are known that [...]hey are going there. And there are some [...]hat Satan carryeth to hell in a chariot of civility, whose Religion stands in this, con [...]erning the letter of the Law to bee blamelesse. [Page 48] And certainly, believing of the promises▪ and studying to exercise faith upon them, [...] that which might prevent many of these damnable soul destroying and murdering delusions that are within some of our beast [...]. There are three things in Scripture that are called precious: Christ he is called precious 1 Pet. 2.7. Faith is called precious, 2 Pe [...] ▪ 1.1. To you that are partakers of the li [...] precious faith with us, and the promises they are called precious, in the words that [...] have read, and Faith (as it were) hat [...] two blessed eyes, by one of those it beholdeth Christ, and by another of these it beholdeth the promises, and fixeth it self upo [...] them. O Christians and expectants of He [...] ven, would you know what is the rise of [...] the sad things that have befallen you in the [...] dayes? It is this in short, ye believe not th [...] promises. O Christians, what is the reaso [...] that ye carry not your crosses with patience it is, because ye believe not the promises b [...] which your soul must be upholden in th [...] day of your affliction. O Christian, wh [...] is the rise of your little mortification? [...] it not because ye believe not the promises for by them ye should be made partakers [...] the divine nature. O Christian, what is th [...] ground that ye pray so little, and that yo [...] pray with so little successe? It is, becaus [...] ye believe not the promises. A Christia [...] when he goeth to pray, he should take the [...] two things along; 1. The sensible co [...]victions of his necessities: And, 2. Th [...] precious promises that is given to answe [...] [Page 49] that necessity, the one would provoke fervency, and the other Faith. Are there not some here that knoweth not what it is to pray upon a promise, and that maketh you pray to so little purpose. O Christian, what is the reason of your so much sorrow, and of your little spiritual comfort? It is, that ye believe not the promises: It is no wonder that your names be called Marah, because ye exercise not faith upon the precious promises of God. I think without wronging you or any that are here; I doubt much if ever Christians had such hearts as the most part of us have; O what a heart is that, that can neither pray nor praise? both are alike mysteries unto them: What a heart is that, O Christian, that can neither believe promises, believe threatnings, nor obey commands? What a heart is that, that can neither sorrow for sin, nor rejoyce in God? and what a heart is that, that can neither love Christ when he is present, nor can they [...]ong for Christ when he is absent? and what [...] heart is that, O Christian, that can neither [...]ove heaven, nor can fear hell? and is there nor such hearts with us, even with us that [...]re here this day?
At the last occasion that we spake upon these words, we spake a little to the first [...]hing in them, which was the rise and originall of the promises, holden forth in that word, Whereby, or by whom. The second [...]hing in the words, was the properties of [...]he promises; and wee told you that there were these four holden forth in the words. [Page 50] The first property of the promises is, that they are free, which is imported in that word, are given; all the promises of the everlasting Covenant being the precious and free gifts of God. Hence you will see that oft times the tenor of the Covenant of Grace runs upon that strain, I will give you, as i [...] clear, Ier. 32.39. I will give you one heart, and Ezek. 36.26. I will give you a new heart, and Ezek. 11.19. I will give you; It is the strain of the language of the Covenant of Grace, to give.
Now in speaking upon this first property of the promises, to wit, their freedom, I shall speak a little unto these two, the first thing shall be to point out unto you the way how a Christian may win to the distinct uptaking of the freedom of the promises▪ and then I shall from thence presse some duties.
And in short, as to the first, we conceive that a Christian may win unto the distinct uptaking of the freedom of the promises, by these Considerations. 1. Let a Christian cast his eye upon the sweet rise, and spring, or fountain of the promises, and there ye will see their freedom shining most clear: for what is the fountain of the promises? Is it not the boundlesse and everlasting love of Christ: this is clear, Deut. 7▪ 7. where God giving a reason of all the great things that he had performed for them, he setteth down the rise of it, Because I loved you, saith he: and again the ground of this is, Because I have loved you, there being no reason of love, but love: and it is clear, 2. Sam. 7.2. [Page 51] where David having received many precious promises, hee setteth down the rise of all these in that verse, For the words sake, saith he, and according to thine own heart, hast thou done all these things to make them known to thy servant. And it is clear, Ezek. 17.8. where God calleth the time of entering into Covenant with them, a time of love; that love it was eminently shining in that day when God did condescend to Covenant with them: And hence yee see in Scripture, that the promises they are called by the name of mercy, Micah 7.20. To perform the mercy to Abraham, which is the Promises, and they are so called, because mercy and boundlesse love is the sole fountain and spring of all these promises. Secondly, Consider the persons who have right to make use of the promises? Must not the promises be free when the proclamation is upon these tearms, Rev. 22.17. Whosover will, let him come, there is nothing to give you a right to the promises, but only a willingnesse to embrace them, if yee will, yee may take them. And, thirdly, yee may read the freedom of the promises in this, that any condition which is annexed to the promise: Christ giveth to the Believer strength to perform that condition: It is known that Faith is the condition of the promises, and it is certain Christ giveth a Believer that condition as well as hee giveth him the promise, Philip 1 29. To you it is given to believe, and Eph. 2.8▪ It is the gift of God: It is impossible for a Christian to perform the condition, except Christ who [Page 52] is surety for him did perform it. Fourthly, Ye may read the freedom of the promises, [...] ye consider the time when the promises are accomplished, it is often at such a time, when the Christian hath been, and is under no very spirituall frame. Hence yee will see in Ezek. 16.60, 61. that when the promises are accomplished, then God requireth confusion and blushing of face, because of their former wayes: and Ezek. 36.31. when the promises are accomplished, then that is the time when the Lord calleth them to remember their own evil wayes, and their doings that were not good; yea, hee will have them and all the world to know, it is not for their sakes that he doth this; therefore he commandeth them to bee ashamed and confounded for their own wayes, or the posture they were in when he accomplished his promise: And if there were no other thing to speak the freedome of the promises, but the trysting of the accomplishment of them with such a frame, it were more then suff [...]cient: But besides this, see Davids practice, 2 Sam. 7.8. hee readeth the freedome of the promises from his own imperfections, What am I (saith hee) and what is my fathers house, that thou shouldest have brought mee hitherto? And even in the same Text, there is an Emphasis in that word, to us, Whereby are given to us, as if the Apostle did say, to prove that the promises are gifts: I can bring no other argument so strong as this, They are given to us. Fifthly, Yee may read the freedom of the Promises, if yee will consider and take up the infinite fulnesse [Page 53] and all-sufficiency of the Promiser, that there is nothing without himself that can perswade him to give such promises. Hence yee will see, Gen. 17.1. when hee is making the Covenant with Abraham, hee putteth it still in the Frontispiece of the Covenant, I am God all-sufficient, as it were, to put off all thoughts of merit that Abraham might have, and that Abraham might bee perswaded of this, that there was not any imaginable perfection in himself, that could be the ground and rise of such promises. And there is that, lastly, from which yee may read the freedom of the promises, if yee consider the greatnesse of these promises: if they were of a lower nature; then were it lesse to bee wondered, if merit should come in to plead for it self: But when a Christian shall compare himself, and the greatnesse of the promises together, hee cannot but then sing that blessed song, These are the gifts and donations of God, and what am I, and what is my fathers house that thou hast brought me hitherto.
Now the second thing that wee purposed to speak to, is, to presse some duties upon you from this, that the promises are free, and wee shall lay before you these three. The first, That since the promises of God, are free, then as you would not destroy your own souls, bee much in making use and application of the Promises: Are not the promises your life? Did not all the Saints that went to heaven before us go to heaven, living upon the promises? There was not a step of Abrahams life, but hee walked with [Page 54] a promise in it; there was not an affliction that Abraham met with, but hee took comfort to himself from the promises; and I shall remove these two mistakes that are incident to Christians in the application of the promises, even from this ground, that they are free.
The first is this, There are some Christians that will not apply the promises, because they are under the convictions of their own infirmities, and of their own basenesse: so that when wee presse you to believe the promises, yee reject this counsell, because yee consult with your own infirmities. This was the practice of David, Psal. 22.4. Our fathers trusted in thee, they trusted and were delivered: but hee durst not trust in the 6. verse, But I am a worm, and not a man▪ I am a reproach among the people. And it is that same divinity that is in these dayes, when we presse you to believe the promises, because of the great cloud of witnesses that have gone before you, that believed the promises. O say yee, if I were like David, and Abraham, I would believe the promises; but truely David said that same, that lived before you, if I were like my fathers, I would believe the promises, but I am not like my fathers. And therefore I would say to you these two words. 1. Are yee inferiour o [...] short unto David in holinesse, or necessities? Wee do not question but all of you will answer, wee are not inferiour to David in necessities, but in holinesse; Then say wee, if ye be not inferiour to David in necessity, [Page 55] then make use of the promises: for as we cleared the last day, necessity giveth [...] right in making use of the promises. 2. I would say, I am certainly perswaded, that sensible necessity would cut short many of our formal debates, in closing with the promises, necessities (as ye use to speak) hath no Law, and necessity hath no manners. Let mee say that to you who will not close with the promises, that if yee were under sensible necessity▪ if Christ should forbid you to close with such a promise, ye would close with it though hee forbid you, as the woman of Canaan did, there is nothing but sensible necessity will overcome it: necessity never disputes its right, for it goeth over the belly of such a dispute, it presently maketh use of that that its need calleth for.
Secondly, There is that other mistake amongst Christians in believing the promises, that they want the qualifications annexed to the promises, and therefore they dare not believe the Promise, especially that promise of closing with Christ, they think they are not under such a deep measure of humiliation, of sorrow for sin, nor under such lively apprehensions of the excellency of Christ. And I shall say but these six things unto these that will not close with Christ, because they want qualifications, or at least, have not these qualifications after such a way. First, Let mee tell thee (O Christian that thus disputes,) go between the first steps of a Christians way to heaven and the last, and see if yee can behold a grave upon which this is [Page 56] written, Behold here lieth a man or a woman that came to Christ to imbrace him, and hee would not receive them; Did yee ever behold such a grave as this? And why then do ye so much dispute? Will ye take a trial of Christ whether hee will refuse you if yee come, and if hee shall refuse you, sure I am, he will do that which he never did to any before you. The second thing I would say to such, that the want of such degrees of such things, ought not to be a ground of your not closing with Christ; for if yee had these qualifications that yee require, yee would maintain that same dispute that yee do now; for when we desire you to close with Christ, ye answer, that your sorrow is not come to such a height as it ought, nor is your humiliation come to such a height, as ye pitch for your self to come to. O Christian, if yee come to ten times more, and yet ten times more, yee would have that same dispute then which ye have now: and the ground of it is this, the more that a Christian have real sorrow, he will oftentimes be the more in the apprehension that hee hath not sorrow. Thirdly, If yee want the qualifications that are required in these that should close with Christ in the Covenant of promise, then come to Christ to get these qualifications. I would only ask at you, think yee to spin sorrow for sin out of your own hearts; Think ye to spin humiliation for sin out of these wretched breasts of yours, yee must come to Christ for sorrow, as well as ye come to Christ for life. Fourthly, All the qualifications▪ that [Page 57] [...]re annexed unto that promise of closing with Christ, and coming to him, they point [...]ut rather the qualification of them that will come, then the qualification of these [...]hat ought to come: Yee read such a command as that, Come unto mee all ye that are wearied and heavy loaden. O say yee, I am not weary, and I am not under the burden of sinne, therefore I cannot come. I will tell you what is the meaning of that command; Christ inviteth these who have the greatest unwillingnesse, to come and get willingnesse: But withall, it sheweth this, none will come to get rest from Christ, but these that are first weary; and that this is the Lords method of working, first, to make weary, and then to ease; but no such matter in his Word, That first, wee must have a wearinesse of our own making, or else hee will not receive us: now but when yee come, yee will be weary, and hee will receive you. Fifthly, let mee say to you who thus disputes, make your want of qualifications the very ground of your closing with Christ. I shall but in three places let you see this strange arguing of Faith in closing with the promises: There is that, Psal. 40.11, 12. Let thy truth continually preserve mee, that is, let thy promises be accomplished and made lively unto mee, which are my preservation: and would yee know the ground and reason that hee anexeth unto this; For saith he, Innumerable evils encompassed me about, they have taken such hold of me, that I am not able to look up. He maketh [Page 58] his very want of qualifications, the grounds of his closing with the promise, and seeking the accomplishment of it. And there is that second expression which is most wonderfull, Psal. 25 11. David prayeth for the accomplishment of that promise, Pardon my sinne upon that same very account, Because it is great. And I shall give you a third place in which the arguing of Faith is most mysterious, Exod. 33. compared with Exod. 34.9. In the first place, God denieth the accomplishment of that promise, of going up amongst that people: And the ground hee giveth of it, is, Because, saith hee, yee are a stiff necked people. And chap. 34. verse 9. when Moses is praying for the accomplishment of that promise, That God would go amongst them; he taketh that same very argument out of the mouth of God; Go up amongst us; For, saith hee, wee are a stiff-necked people: God said he would not go up because they were a stiff necked people, and Moses desireth him to go up because of this▪ And there is this, lastly, that wee would say to you, that so much dispute; If yee would have these qualifications that yee want, yee would study to close with Christ by Faith; Would ye have sorrow for sin? then believe; Would ye have high thoughts of Christ? then believe: Would ye have humiliation? then believe; for believing is a mother grace unto all these.
The second duty that we would press upon you from this consideration that the promises are free, is, That when the promises [Page 59] [...]re given to you, and are accomplished, ye would study to be denied to any merit in your selves, which ye may suppose to be the [...]ise of the giving or accomplishment of the promises. There is nothing that a Christian [...]eceiveth, but it is a fruit of infinit love, there [...]s not a conviction that trysteth a Christian, [...]ut it is the fruit of infinite love; there is [...]ot one real sigh for sin, but it is the fruit of [...]nfinit love; there is not one blink of the precious countenance of Christ, but it is a [...]ruit of infinit love; there is not the least [...]egree of hatred against sin, but it is the fruit of infinit love; there is not the least promise that is accomplished unto you, but it is [...]he fruit of infinit love: so that upon all our [...]eceipts from God, there is reason to sing that [...]ong, Not unto us, not unto us, but unto thee [...]oth belong the glory: And therefore, I would presse this upon you, O Christians, [...]educe all your mercies unto the fountain, [...]nd there sit down and pen songs of everlast [...]ng praise to him. Will ye but take a view [...]f this, there is not one bit of bread that ye [...]at, that is within a promise, but it is a mercy [...]hat hath come running to you through the [...]owels and tender heart of Christ: his heart [...] the fountain of all our mercies, and they [...]weetly stream out of that precious foun [...]ain; so that if ye had no other thing to com [...]end your mercy from, but that it is a gift [...]f the heart of Christ, ye may take it in your [...]rms upon this account, and solace your [...]elves with it.
The last duty that we would presse upon [Page 60] you from this consideration, that the promises are free, is this; Ye would be studying to close with Jesus Christ that is promised and freely holden out to you in the Gospel; O sinner of eighty years old, O sinner of sixty years old, O atheists of fourty years old, and O sinner of twenty years ol [...] and downward! I do here invite you, [...] the Ambassadour of Jesus Christ, to imbrace Christ freely offered in the promise; yea, [...] do invite you by all the vertues of that noble Plant of renown; by that everlasting love that dwelt in his precious heart, by all the sufferings and wounds that he received, by his eternal glory, and by all the blessings and joyes of heaven, and by that love that ye owe unto your precious and immortal souls▪ that ye would come and imbrace him freely offered to you in the Gospel. And for the further pressing of this, and for clearing of the way of your closing with him, I shall first propose some Gospel mysteries, and sweetly agreeing contradictions, (if so we may speak) held forth in Scripture. 1. Come and buy Christ, and yet buy him without money; that is, come and receive Christ, and ye shall have as unquestionable a right to him as if ye had bought him, that is to buy without money; ye have nothing to commend you to Christ but necessities, and necessities bideth you go, and Christ biddeth you come, why then will ye sit this call. 2. What a Gospel mysterie is that, Yee ar [...] to buy Christ, and Christ is above price, there is nothing that we can give to buy that pear [...] [Page 61] of greatest price, and yet we must buy him: then the meaning is, come, and buy Christ by faith, and by forsaking of your idols, this is all the price that he doth require for himself; and so he requireth nothing of you but what he himself doth give, or what is both your duty and advantage to forsake, and which is no gain for him to receive: Christ is not enriched by your hearts, and by giving of your consent to him. 3. This is a Gospel mysterie, that we are to buy without money and without price, and yet to buy with a price, according to that word, Prov. 17.17. there is a price put in the hands of fools, to buy wisdom, and what is the meaning of tha [...], to buy with price, and buy without price? It is in short this, though Christ be offered to you in the Gospel freely, ye must not sit down, but be active in closing with him; What is the price that Christ requireth of you? even this, that ye would forsake your soul destroying idols, and that ye would forsake your former evil wayes, and take hold of the present opportunity for imbracing him. And O! cursed shall the heart be that will not imbrace Christ; O but to have him one hour in our arms, it were well worth ten thousand E [...]ernities of the enjoyment of all things that are here below; ye would never open your arms again to another lover, if once ye had him between your breasts. O but a sight of him that now is the eternal ravishment of all that are above, would transport your hearts with joy, with delight, and admiration, [Page 62] above all expression. Fourthly, There is this Gospel mystery by which we would presse you to imbrace Christ; A Christia [...] must buy Christ, and yet he must have him freely. Is there not an inconsistence, do you suppose between buying and having freely▪ But I would say this to clear it, Christ is bot [...] the seller, he is the wares, and he is th [...] buyer; Christ he presenteth himself unt [...] your hearts, and he desireth to sell himself and he perswadeth and freely enableth yo [...] to buy him: I will tell you what Chris [...] doth, he standeth without our hearts, and within our hearts, he standeth without an [...] knocketh by the Word, and he standeth within and openeth by his Spirit; Christ he bot [...] commandeth, and he obeyeth, both withi [...] doors, and without doors, and all this [...] doth freely.
The second thing I shall say to perswade your hearts to take Christ freely promised and offered unto you, shall be this; Will yo [...] consider that there is willingness in the hear [...] of Christ to take you. I shall give unto you these six things that speaketh ou [...] Chris [...] his willingnesse to receive you. First, Doth he not command you to come and receive him? and if ye could multiply objection [...] throughout eternity, why ye should no [...] close with Christ, ye may cut them all asunder with this knife, This is his Commandement: And doth he not command you, Mat▪ 11 28. Come unto me all ye that labour: And Isai. 55 1▪ Ho, every one that thirsteth▪ com [...] to the water. Secondly, Hee doth regra [...] [Page 63] and deeply resent it that ye will not come. [...] think Christ never weeped so bitterly, as [...]hat day when he weeped over Ierusalem, [...]hat they would not imbrace him, Luke 19. [...]. If thou, even thou, at least, in this thy day, [...]ad known these things that belong unto thy [...]eace: And Iohn 5.40. Yee will not come to me that ye may have life. O what think yee can be the rise of this, that Christ should [...]orrow because yee will not give up your hearts to him; doth hee increase his gain when yee give him your hearts? No cer [...]ainly, but he cannot endure that madnesse [...]n you, that ye should forsake your onely gain. Thirdly, Would you do Christ a joy [...]ull turn, and make his heart glad? Imbrace him; This is clear, Luke 15.5. that when hee finde [...]h the sheep that is going astray, He returneth rejoycing. Fourthly, I say no more unto you, would you make all the Persons of the blessed Trinity to rejoyce, would yee make all the Angels of Heaven to [...]ing, would yee make all the Saints that [...]re round about the Throne to ex [...]lt for joy; [...]hen give your hearts up to Christ, and close with him in the Covenant of promise; according to that word, Song 6. last vers. Re [...]urn, return O Shulamite, return, return, that we may look upon thee. Four times that command is repeated, return ▪ and the great argument with which he ba [...]keth it, is. That [...]ll the Persons of the Trinity may rejoyce, That we may look upon thee. Fourthly, Con [...]ider but how he hath concescended to give himself at a very low rate: What will yee [Page 64] give for Christ? O sinners, what will ye give for him? Would yee give the world for Christ? I will tell you what yee will ge [...] Christ for, ye will get him for a very look, Isa. 45.22. Look unto mee, O all yee ends of the earth: And think yee not that is a matchlesse mercy, that the thirty three years sufferings of Christ, all the pains and torture [...] of his heart, his being under the unsupportable wrath of an offended God, the fruit o [...] all that should be yours for a look. Will ye deny that to Christ, Oh, do yee ever think to finde a more down-coming market? Ye [...], fifthly, doth not this speak an admirable willingnesse to have you, hee is to give you that look. It is impossible for these cursed eyes of ours, ever to give precious Christ a look, and therefore he hath Promised to give that to us, that we may give to him, Zech. 12 10. They shall look to mee, that very look yee are to get from Christ, and ye see it is withi [...] the compasse of a promise. Lastly, That speaketh Christs willingnesse to receive and take you, that he doth not take the first refusal. O Christians that are now in Christ, if Christ had taken an hundred refusals from you ye should never have been in heaven, but he waiteth for an answer, and doth not take us at our first word: acording to that word, Song. 5.2. I am wet, saith he, with the drops of the morning, and my locks with the dew of the night: Hee was long knocking at her heart, and stayed a long time there patiently▪ suffering all the injuries he could meet with. And I would only pose you, think yee that [Page 65] [...]f one of the richest of you were suiting a [...]ery poor woman, and shee refused you so [...]any times, would your proud hearts sub [...]it to take her? And yet how often-times [...]ath the precious heart of Christ submitted [...]o many effronts, and refusals that wee have [...]iven him: I think if it were possible, Chri [...]ians would wink when first they behold [...]hrist upon the day of their espousals: For [...] suppose their wil be a great dispute between [...]me and love, desire and confusion; shame [...]ill make you to close your eyes, because ye [...]ave oftentimes undervalued that Prince, and [...]et love will not let you close them; desire [...]ill put you to look, though reflecting upon our former wayes, will make you blush and [...] ashamed.
Thirdly, To perswade you to receive [...]hrist in the offer of his free promises▪ I [...]all but say these three words and close.
Look to these excellent gifts that Christ [...]ingeth with him, he bringeth Justification [...]ith him, and is not that an excellent gift? [...] bringeth Sanctification with him, and is [...] that an excellent gift? Hee bringeth joy [...] the holy Ghost with him, and is not that [...] excellent gift? Hee bringeth the love of [...]od with him, and is not that an excellent [...]? Hee bringeth patience under sufferings [...]ith him, and is not that an excellent gift? [...] why should I name what hee bringeth? [...] bringeth himself and all things, and what [...]ould ye have more? O but for one saving [...]ink of his face, it would make your hearts [...] down your enimity that you have maintained [Page 66] so long. 2. O Christian, that ye ma [...] close with Christ, do but remember the hap [...]pinesse that yee will have in imbracing him I told you not long since, and now I put yo [...] in mind again: There is a sixfold crown whic [...] shall bee put upon your head; Would yo [...] have long life, then come to Christ, and y [...] shall have a crown of eternal life: Would [...] have glory? then come to Christ and ye sha [...] have a crown of glory: Would ye have know [...]ledge of the mysteries of God? then come [...] Christ, and he shall crown you with know [...]ledge: Would you have an eternal felicity and an uninterrupted happinesse, then com [...] to Christ, and ye shall have an immort [...] crown: Would you have holinesse and s [...]ctifiation, then come to Christ, and yee [...] have a crown of righteousnesse; yea, he sha [...] put a royal crown upon your head, a crow [...] of pure Gold; and then that word shall be accomplished to the full, Zech. 9.16. The [...] shall they be as the stones of a crown lifted [...] and as an ensign upon the land. O what a [...] think yee will it bee, when Christ shall [...] your crowns upon his hand, and shall [...] them upon those heads never to be remov [...] again, here we are often put to sigh [...] that lamentation, The crown is fallen from [...] heads, woe unto us for wee have sinned, b [...] there shall be no more sin to make our crow [...] to totter. 2. I must tell you, There is [...] fourfold sute of apparel that yee shall be cloathed with ere long: ye are now cloath [...] with heavinesse, but then yee shall be cloath [...]ed with the garments of praise; And did [...] [Page 67] [...]ver know such a robe as that? Is it not a more excellent robe then the robes of Kings [...]nd Emperours in the earth, to bee cloathed with praises? Many of them are and shall [...]e for ever cloathed with infamy and [...]. Yee shall be cloathed with change of ray [...]ent, and shall be brought unto the King in [...]ayment of needle work. O poor L [...]sse and [...]oor Lade that sitteth upon the dung-hill, [...]hat knows not what it is to have change of [...]pparel, yee shall have it in that day, when [...]hrist shall solemnize the Marriage with [...]ou, ye shall misken your self. O Christian, [...] yee knew your self never so well, ye will [...]ee forced to cry out, O▪ is this I? Is this I [...] am now made perfect through his comeli [...]sse. 3. Ye shall be cloathed with the gar [...]ents of immortall glory, yee that have your [...]undation in the dust, and dwell in the houses [...] clay, yee shall then bee cloathed with these [...]cellent robes of immortality, and cloathed [...] with your house from heaven. And lastly, [...] shall bee cloathed with the garment of [...] spotlesse righteousnesse of Christ. O such a [...]jestick walk as ye will have, when ye shall [...] a scepter in one hand, and a palm in [...] other, these robes put upon your back, [...] these crowns upon your heads, and then [...] bee walking through these streets that [...] paved with Gold. 3. I shall give you [...] word to think upon, That there are [...] things that shall be your exercise in [...]. 1. Yee shall be constantly taken up in [...]ndering: If it be not presumption for us [...]hink a little; What is the exercise of [Page 68] Christ and the Saints that are above, we conceive it is this, Christ is wondering at thei [...] beauty, and they are wondering at his beauty, Christ is looking upon them, and the [...] upon him; and is it not true, that if Chris [...] [...]e now ravished with one of our eyes, Son [...] 4. ver. 9. much more shall he be ravishe [...] when both our eyes shall be given to hi [...] and shall eternally behold him, without go [...]ing a whoring after other lovers. 2. [...] shall be continually in the exercise of prais [...] joy and light shall be flowing in, and admir [...]tion and praise shall be flowing out eternally ye shall then sweetly warble upon the [...] Harps of God, and shall cry, Hallelujah [...] him that sitteth upon the Throne, there [...] be no discord there; there is a sweet [...] beautifull harmony amongst all these spirit [...] all and heavenly Musicians. O but to [...] them, it were a heaven, though we had [...] that blessed lot as to sing with them. 3. [...] shall be continually taken up in the [...] of love: Faith is your predominant [...] while ye are here, but Love shall be [...] predominant grace when ye are there. [...] is it not a mysterie to take up these [...] emanations of love and delight, that [...] passe between Christ and you? ye shall be folding Christ, and Christ shall be infold you. 4. Ye shal be continually beholding [...] I think it is hardly possible for the Wife to [...]member her Husband in heaven, though loved him as her own heart, they will [...] taken up in beholding him that sitteth on Throne, they will think it too low an [...] [Page 69] to be taken up with looking upon another in these relations: all will be ravished beholding him, and one another in him, and for him. O the blessed exercise of these that are now entred within tha [...] City, and within these Gates, whose name is praise. 5. Ye shall be continually taken up in beholding, ye shall be alwaye [...] knowing, and yet never able to comprehend the endless mysteries and perfections of Jesus Christ. O such a study! Is it not pleasant alwayes to be studying Christ? and will not these things perswade you.
And now but a word more to these that will not have this free offer: If yee will not [...]mbrace Christ and take him, let me tell you, [...] would not bee in the stead of that person [...]or ten thousand worlds, if yee will not im [...]race Christ and take him for your portion, [...]he stones of the wall of this house will bear witnesse against you, and they shall have a [...]ongue to speak against you, that yee have [...]een invited to take him, and would not: [...] long that day is approaching, and draw [...]g near, when the Athiests and refusers of [...]hrist they shall change their faith, they shall [...]hange their love, they shal change their fear, [...] they shall change their joy; and they [...]all change their mind, ye shall change your [...] yee that are refusers of Christ; for I [...] there are many that thinks they have [...] with Christ, who never did close with [...]; that faith shall flee away, and ye shall [...]lieve the con [...]rary: yee shall change your [...], or at least, your opinion of your love: [...] think yee love Christ, but yee do not imbrace [Page 70] him; I will tell you what will be you [...] exercise, and I can tel you nothing so te [...]rible Christ shall eternally hate you, and ye shal [...] eternally hate Christ, there shall be a [...] hatred betwixt you two for evermore. [...] that dreadful word, Zech. 11.8. it shall the [...] bee accomplished to the uttermost, My [...] loathed them, and their soul also abhorred mee [...] ▪ And ye shal change your fear, for now thoug [...] ye fear not God, nor reverence man, yet the [...] the horrour of God shall make you shake [...] a leaf, and ye shall change your light and you [...] judgement. Ye do now undervalue Christ and thinks him of nothing worth; when Chris [...] is presented unto you, there is no beauty [...] yee should desire him: But, O think on th [...] day when Christ shall sit down in the cloud [...] and ye shall see his beautifull face, every [...] of which shal be able to captivate your hear [...] if they were then capable to be ravished [...] the sight. O what will be your thoughts [...] him? And if the blessings of a crucified [...] our come not upon you, then the eternal, [...] unsupportable vengeance of Christ shall [...] upon your heads that would not condesce [...] to take him: ye shall be cursed in your [...] ye shall be cursed in your death▪ and ye [...] be cursed after death; What say ye to [...] Are ye content to take him! ye might [...] the day that ever ye were born, if yee [...] once come to close with Christ. Now [...] him that hath the keyes of the house of D [...] vid, that can open your hearts to give [...] entry, we desire to give praise.
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious Promises, that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
THere are three most glorious and excellent gifts that God hath bestowed upon man, there is that comprehensive gift of heaven, Iesus Christ, who is so called, Iohn 4.10. and sure such a gift as [...]hat, ought in some sense to blind our eyes, [...]nd make us look upon all things that are be [...]ow him, as nothing. The second royal Gift that the Lord hath given, is the precious promises of the everlasting Covenant, which are given to us thorow him: A Christian [...]hat is united unto him by the bloud of Faith▪ [...] may write this above the head of every promise of the everlasting Covenant, this is [...]ine, and this is mine. His third precious gift, is the gift of Faith, which is that grace that maketh use of the former two: and wee conceive, that our little making use of [...]hese three excellent gifts, is the great occasion and cause why these four most sad [...]nd lamentable evils have befallen us. [...]. The evil of a silent conscience, that though we be profound to commit iniquity, and [Page 72] do love a reward under every green tree, yet our conscience doth not speak nor reprove us; and if at any time they do speak; yet there are some that are so possessed with a dumb and dea [...] spirit, they can neither hear what God doth speak, nor can they hear their cons [...]ience. 2. The evil of a [...] nod, wee know not the voice of our rod, and who is he that hath appointed it; God doth not now open our ears to discipline, nor seal up our instruction. 3. There is that evil of silent mercies, the mercies that we receive of God, we understand not the language of them: ar [...] not our mercies Barbarians unto us, speaking to us in an unknown tongue? and yet we may say, there is not a rod nor a mercy a Christian meets with, but it hath a voice, if wee did understand it. And lastly, there is that evil which hath befallen us, and alas, this is the capestone of all, a silent God, who doth not hearken unto the voice of our cryes, but turneth about the face of his Throne, covering himself with a cloud in his anger, so that our prayers cannot passe through. Alas, may not each Christian of this time cry out▪ Call mee no more Naomi, but call me Mara, because th [...] Lord hath dealt bitterly with me. In short, I think there are these two things that may b [...] our lamentation upon the high places of Israel. First, That we live without sight of God; And secondly, that wee live without sight of our selves, and all this, because wee live without a sight of these precious Gifts▪ Christ and his Promises.
But now to the words; We to [...]d you▪ tha [...] [Page 73] in them there were these four things holden [...]orth concerning the promises. 1. The original and fountain of the promises, in that word, Whereby, or by whom: 2. The properties of the promises which we told you, were these four. The first was, that the promises were free▪ holden forth in that word, they are Given; all the promises of the everlasting Covenant being the noble gifts of God. The second (of which we are to speak at this time) is this, that the promises of the Covenant they are unchangeable, which is imported also in that word▪ they are given, the gifts of God being indeed without repentance; And as to this: 1. Wee shall prove the truth of the point: and for this end, consider that place, Numb. 23.19. which was a part of Balaams song, Hath hee not spoken it, and will hee not also d [...] it? Hath hee said it, and shall it not also come to passe? and Psal. 89.34. I will not break my Covenant, nor alter the word that hath gone out of my mouth: and the point is clear also, from the name that the promises getteth in Scripture, are they no called the sure mercies of David, Isa. 55.3. and are they not sometimes in Scripture called Truth, as wee may see from Micah 7.20. Thirdly, The nature of the Covenant proveth it; in that it is called an everlasting Covenant, and sometimes a Covenant of Salt, because that Covenant is above the reach of alteration or putrifaction: And fourthly, It may be likewise shown from the constant experience that the Saints have had of the [Page 74] unchangeablenesse of the promises. This Ioshua taketh notice of, Chap. 23.24. where when he was a dying, There hath not failed (saith he) one thing of all these good things that God hath spoken; and hee is so confident of this, that he is forced to repeat that word over again in that verse: and hee taketh notice of it, Iosh. 21.45. where hee hath tha [...] same expression again, There hath not failed (saith he) one thing of all the good things that God hath spoken: and this Solomon hee took notice of, 1 King. 8.56. There hath n [...]t failed one thing that God hath spoken unto us by Moses; and indeed, there is near six thousand years experience that preacheth this truth, the promises are unchangeable, so that wee may now say, The word of the Lord i [...] tried as silver is purified in a furnace of earth hot seven times: If there had been any falshood in the precious promises of the everlasting Covenant, six thousand years triall should have brought it to light; but doth not every one of the cloud of witnesse [...] that have gone before us, leave this testimony upon record, Faithfull is he that hath promised, who will also do it ▪ his promise [...] with the night and with the day, it cannot bee altered, the ordinances of heaven continue to this day, much lesse can this Covenant of love be broken or altered, only wee would have you taking this Caution by the way, that there are some conditional promises that God passeth unto his people▪ which in the depths of his spotlesse wisdom hee doth not accomplish unto these who never [Page 75] fulfill the condition; such was that promise that he gave to the Israelites in the land of Egypt of their possessing the land of Ca [...]aan, who yet died in the wildernesse: And [...]ence is that strange word, Numb. 13.34. see shall know my breach of promise, saith the Lord, which is a word spoken after the man [...]er of men, not importing any change of pur [...]ose in God, but only shewing that because [...]hey did not believe, and so fulfill the condi [...]ion of the promise, therefore it was not to [...]e fulfilled personally to them▪
The second thing that we shall speak to [...]pon this, that the promises are unchange [...]ble, shall be to propose these six golden [...]illars and excellent foundation [...], upon which the unchangeablenesse of the promises [...] built. And the first of them is the omni [...]otency of God, that there is nothing that he [...]ath promised, but he is able to effectuate [...]nd to bring to passe, Therefore, 2 Cor. 6.8. when God had been passing many ex [...]ellent promises, he strengtheneth their faith with this, Thus saith the Lord God Almighty: [...]nd no doubt, Where the word of this King [...], there is power, and who can say unto him, [...]hat dost thou: O misbeliever of the pre [...]ious promises of the Covenant; be ashamed [...]o cast up your eyes to heaven above, or to [...]he earth beneath; we think the Stars, the [...]un, the Moon, and all the works of God, they [...]ay speak out that to you, do not misbelieve God, but trust in him, That is wonderfull in [...]ounsell and excellent in working. The se [...]ond is, the wisdome and infinit counsel of [Page 76] God, hee hath not only complea [...] ability to accomplish the promise that hee hath given, but hee hath the depths and treasures o [...] knowledge, by which hee hath contrived th [...] way of the accomplishment of such a promise: Hence is that word, 2 Sam. 23.5▪ that the Covenant is well ordered, which speaketh out the wisdome of God: and the [...] that word is subjoyned, the Covenant is sure [...] yea, the Covenant of Grace is such a thing [...] that there is so much of the arte of heaven [...] so much of infinite wisdom shining in it, tha [...] it is called the counsel of God, Heb. 6.17. Tha [...] ye might know the immutability of his counsel. The third golden pillar, is, the infinite love [...] God, that though there be nothing in us tha [...] can put him to [...]complish the promises, ye [...] he will take an argument from his own love, to make out such a promise to us; there i [...] sometimes (if not alwayes) nothing in us, but that which may speak forth delayes o [...] the accomplishment of the promises; but when God can bring no argument from us, he can bring an argument from his own love, [...] Deut. 7.7, 8. where giving a reason of the accomplishment of many promises, and o [...] his love to them, I loved you, saith he, because I loved you; there being no reason that ca [...] bee given for love, but love. The fourth is, The unchangeablenesse of the Promiser, that he is the same, yesterday, and to day, and for ever, and without all alteration and shaddow of change: Hence yee may see, Exod. 3.14. when God is repeating many preciou [...] promises unto Moses, Hee (as it were) [Page 77] [...]trengtheneth Moses faith with this, I am, [...]aith he, that I am, which wee conceive to point sorth the unchangeablenesse of God, [...]hat what he hath said, he will certainly ac [...]omplish in its own time, and though the [...]ision do tarry, yet at last it shall speak. The [...] i [...], The faithfulnesse of God, and that hee [...] one that cannot lie, but certainly will [...]ake out what hee hath spoken. Love, it [...]aketh the promises, the faithfulnesse and [...]ower of God accomplisheth the promises, [...]nd the infinite wisdom of God chooseth the [...]ost fit time f [...]r the performing of them. [...]ence it is said, Psal. 119 89, 90. Thy word [...] Lord, is for ever setled in heaven, and the [...]round of it is in the following verse; For [...]y faithfulnesse is unto all generations: Hence [...]ou may see, that oftentimes when God is [...]aking promises to his own, he putteth to [...]at word, I that speak in righteousnesse, Isa. 5, 19. and Isa. 63.1. O! must not the [...]omises be unchangeable that are made by [...] Father who is the God of Truth? Must [...] the promises bee unchangeable that are [...]ceived and merited by the Son, that is [...]ruth it self, and the faithfull Witnesse, and [...]men? Must not the promises be unchange [...]le that are applyed by the holy Ghost, that [...] the Spirit of Truth? And must not the [...]omises bee unchangeable that are made [...]own unto us by the Gospel, that is the [...]ord of Truth? Was there ever any who [...] leave that upon record of God, that he [...]as unfaithfull in the accomplishment of his [...]omises. O what a clear sight of the faithfulnesse [Page 78] of God shall a Christian get, whe [...] he shall be standing upon the outmost li [...] between Time and Eternity, then he will [...] God faithfull in accomplishing all his pr [...]mises unto him from first to last. The [...] golden pillar, is, The justice of God, [...] justice, it now putteth him to accompli [...] his promises, mercy and righteousnesse ha [...] now kissed each other: Hence is that wor [...] 1 Joh. 1.9. He is just and faithful to forgiv [...] So that now the accomplishment of t [...] promises, it is not only an act of love, but [...] is an act of justice also: We confesse indee [...] love and mercy maketh the promises, [...] justice and truth also putteth God to the ac [...]complishment of them: Hence is that word Micah 7.20. To perform the truth to Iaco [...] and the mercy to Abraham: Why is it mercy to Abraham, and it is truth to Iacob? It i [...] in short this, because mercy made the promises to Abraham, but truth did accomplis [...] the promises to Iacob?
The third thing that we shall speak to fro [...] [...]his, That the promises are unchangeable shall be, to presse these six duties upon yo [...] from this point.
O Christians and Expectants of Heaven, who have Christ in you, the hope of Glory, rejoyce and be exceeding glad that the promises are unchangeable. 1. This is a duty that is pressed from that ground, Heb. 6.18. That by two immutable things we might have strong consolation: There is exceeding much joy that may come to a Christian from this, that the promises shall be accomplished i [...] [Page 79] their own time. We conceive that the word unchangeable, it is engraven upon the head of many a Christians mercies. Is not unchangeable written above the head of our promises? Is not unchangeable written upon the head of our blessednesse? Is not unchangeable written above the head of our enjoyment of God? That day is coming when we shall have unchangeable love, unchangeable enjoyment of God, and all things unchangeable: A [...]d we conceive, that if these two were believed, the truth of the promises, and the unchangeablenesse of the promises, a Christian might walk through this valey of tears with joy, and comfort himself in hope.
The second duty we would presse, is this, that ye would sursease and give over your disputings and carnal reasonings about the accomplishment of the promises, since the promises of God are unchangeable, ought not we with this to silence misbelief, and all that blind humane reason can say: This is pressed, Heb. 6.16. An oath for confirmation, it is an end of all strife. Gods confirming of his Covenant by an oath, it ought to cut short the disputings of misbelief; And here give me leave to point out a little these grounds upon which it is that Christians doth so much dispute the accomplishment of promises: and to let you see how all these grounds may be answered from these six pillars that were given of their unchangeablenesse.
The first is, When dispensations seemeth [Page 80] to contradict the truth of the Promises, the promise it speaketh one thing, and dispensations seem to speak another: and this is the occasion that oftentimes Christians cry out, Doth his promise fail for evermore. This is clear from the practice of David, 1. Sam. 27.1. when dispensations were upon the top of the accompl [...]shment, and truth of the promises, then misbelief it ariseth as a Champion mighty to war, and cryeth out, I shall one day fall by the hand of Saul: And wee conceive, that dispensations contradicting the truth of the promises, was the occasion of his speaking that word, Psal. 116.11. I said in my haste, all men are liars. And I would only say to you that dispute the truth of the promises upon this account, that dispensations contradicteth them: Do but consider this: God in his way is not like unto you: Would ye know the time when the promises are nearest their accomplishment, it is then when we can least see that they are to be accomplished, the promises are never nearer their performance, then when wee think that they are furthest off from it: And therefore let the faith of the omnipotency of God, uphold your spirit under such a debate, then let dispensations speak what they will, yee may answer all with this, There is nothing too hard for him, there is nothing too hard for the Lord. I grant this may try the strength of the strongest faith, yea, we finde it hath made the best to stagger when they had no probabilities to tell them that the promise shall be accomplished: this was the [Page 81] ground of Sarahs misbelief, Gen. 18.12. that when she heard she should bear a son in her old age, shee laughed within her self, and did, as it were, mock at such a promise: and this was the ground of Moses his misbelief, Numb. 11.21, 22. hee did not see a probability that such a multitude should be [...]ed with flesh, and therefore hee did call in question the truth of that promise: this was the ground of the misbelief of that Lord that is made mention, 2 King. 7.2. and this was the ground of Zecharies misbelief, Luk. 1.20. But I would only say to you that do so much consult with probability in the exercise of your faith, these two things. 1. There is nothing too hard for God, this was the very argument that God took to convince Sarah in the 14. vers. of that 18 Chapter, Is there any thing too hard for God? And, 2. Faith is never in its native and spirituall exercise, till once probabilities contradict the truth of the promise, then faith it is put upon the stage, and then faith doth act; but as long as faith and probabilities think one thing, then the day of the trial of the strength of faith is not yet come.
The second ground upon which Christians dispute the accomplishment of the promises, [...]s their much disputing of their interest in God? Sometimes a Christian will believe [...] promise, and before the accomplishment of [...]he promise come, their hope will be darkned, their interest in Christ will be obscured, and then they do quite their faith in adhering to the truth of that promise. These [Page 82] two are joyned together, want of the faith of our interest, and want of faith of the accomplishment of the promise, as it is clear from that word, Psal 77.8. Is his mercy clean gone. There is disputing of his interest, and presently this is subjoyned, Doth his promise fail for evermore. Except a Christian can read his name in the ancient records of heaven, and can seal this conclusion, I am my beloveds, and my beloved he is mine, it will be a hard, and a difficult task for him, if not impossible to believe the promises.
The fourth ground of a Christians disputing the truth of the promises, is, their mistaking the way how the promises are to be accomplished, There are some that suppose that when ever they close with a promise by faith, there is no more but to enter to the possession of such a promise; but do not mistake it, between your believing the promise and the accomplishment of it, there may bee sad and dark dayes interveening, according to that word in Mark 10.30. where Christ passing great promises to his Disciples, He, as it were doth adde, do not mistake me that ye shall have these promises without trouble and affliction, Ye shall receive (saith he) an hundred fold in this life with persecutions. A Christian when he believeth the promises, he must resolve to have a winter before the spring time come, wherein the promise shall bud and flourish.
The fifth ground of a Christians disputing the truth of the promises, is, when the promises [Page 83] are long in their accomplishing. A Christian when first hee meeteth with a promise, he will cry forth, O I believe, but when [...]ime is taken for the accomplishment of it, [...]hen his faith beginneth to faint, and his hope beginneth to languish and give over; yea, sometimes Christians they fall in this [...]a [...]lt, when they believe a promise, they fix [...] day for the accomplishment of it, which [...]f God do not keep, but go over; then they [...]mmediately cry forth, What is my strength [...]hat I should wait, and what is my confidence [...]hat I should prolong my dayes. This is clear in the practice of Abraham, where the promise of having a numerous seed being given [...]o him, Gen. 2.12. the long time before that promise was accomplished in part to him, was the occasion of his misbelief, that hee vented, Gen. 15.3. O Lord, what wilt thou give me, since I go childelesse: But yee must know, that before the vision shall speak, there is an appointed time that ye must wait, according to, 1 Pet 5.9, 10. After yee have suffered a while, then the promises shall bee accomplished, and yee shall bee made perfect.
The sixth ground upon which Christians call in question the accomplishment of the promises, is, The consideration of the greatnesse of the thing that is promised, when they compare it with their own worth and deserving, then they begin to dispute, O shall such a thing be, shall unworthy I, shall sinfull I, shall self-destroying I, shall I that am lesse then the least of his mercies, receive [Page 84] the accomplishment of such a mercy▪ This we may suppose was one ground o [...] Abrahams misbelief, Gen. 17.18. when h [...] cryed forth at that same time, when the Lord was giving him the excellent promise of [...] Isaac, O that Ishmael might live: He though [...] an Isaac such an excellent mercy, that he [...] could not without presumption, expect th [...] accomplishment of that promise. And Zach. 8▪ 6. this was the ground of their misbelief which God doth sweetly obviate, If i [...] be wonderfull in the eyes of the remnant of th [...] people in these dayes, should is also bee wonderfull in mine.
The last ground upon which Christian [...] dispute the accomplishment of the promises is, When in the time between their believing and the accomplishment of the promise they fall into some grosse iniquity, [...] maketh them exceedingly debate, whethe [...] the promise shal be accomplished unto them for since they have transgressed the Covenant of God, and have broken their purposes and resolutions, they cannot suppos [...] God will abide faithfull to them, and [...] accomplish his promises unto them, [...] the only way how to answer this dispute, is to look to the faithfulnesse of God, and [...] that word, 2 Tim 2.13. Though we believ [...] not, yet God doth abide faithfull, he cannot [...] himself.
And now to shut up this second duty tha [...] we presse from the unchangeablenesse of th [...] promises: I shall only say these two word [...] unto you, 1. Assure your selves of thi [...] [Page 85] [...]at these accomplishments of promises that [...] not through the lively exercise of [...], doth loose much of their sweetnesse, [...]uch of their luster, and much of their ad [...]ntage: Sometimes a promise will bee ac [...]mplished unto a Christian, when he hath [...] been much in the constant lively exer [...]se of Faith in believing such a promise; [...] then the disadvantage that attendeth [...]ch a one, are not easily experessed: How [...]ften may hee cry out, The Lord was in this [...]ace, and I was not aware: How little of [...] doth hee see in it, how short is hee in [...]raises and rendering to the Lord according [...] the good hee hath received? How negli [...]ent in improving or keeping the mercy, [...]nd how loath to lay it out for God, when [...]ee saith, The Lord hath need of it: and many [...]ing [...] more of this kinde which may presse [...] to be stedfast in believing. And, 2. O [...]ispute lesse, and believe more, what pro [...]te shall yee have of your disputings; and [...] yee would produce all your strong argu [...]ents why yee should not believe the pro [...]ises, yee may drown them in this immense [...]epth, God is unchangeable. Let mee say [...]ut this further, There are three most re [...]arkable changes in a Christian, in his ma [...]ing use of the promises: Fi [...]st, Sometimes [...]ee will believe the promises and make [...]pplication of them, and ere many hours [...]o about, hee will misbelieve that promise [...]hich presently he believed. Will not some [...]me a Christian in the morning cry out, I [...]m my beloveds, and my beloved he is mine, [Page 86] and ere twelve hours come, they will chang [...] their note and cry out, My hope and [...] strength is perished from the Lord: Some [...]times a Christian in the morning will cry out My mountain standeth strong, I shall never b [...] moved, and ere many hours go about, he wi [...] change his note, and cry out, Thou hast [...] thy face from me, and I was troubled. Secondly Sometimes a promise will bee to a Christia [...] sweeter then the honey & the honey comb: Some [...]times a Christian would die and live upon [...] promise: Sometimes the believing of a pro [...]mise will bee to a Christian as the valey [...] Achor for a door of hope, that will make hi [...] to sing, and yet ere many dayes go about, h [...] may come to that same very promise, and i [...] will prove tastelesse to him as the white of [...] egge; so that he may cry out, O that it [...] with mee, as in months past, and in the ancie [...] times: And O where is the sweetnesse tha [...] found in such a promise? O it is gone, it [...] gone, and I am left desolate. Thirdly, Some [...]times when a Christian will be believing su [...] a promise, and resting upon it, he wil (throug [...] the Spirit of the Lord) see much light an [...] clearnesse in that promise, hee will take [...] the deep things of God that shineth therei [...] and at another time hee may come to th [...] same promise, and it may be dark to him, [...] that his light hath evanished: and sometime the joy of a Christian in the promise will be gone when his light that hee had in it, [...] remain with him. A Christian may come [...] the promise, and finde his ancient light, ye [...] [Page 87] not his ancient joy, nor his ancient delight. Therefore if yee would have the promises [...]lwayes sweet unto you, pray over them, [...]ray that God might breath upon such a pro [...]ise, and make it lively to you.
The third thing that wee would presse [...]pon you from the unchangeablenesse of the [...]romises, is that which by proportion yee [...]ay gather even from this, that the threat [...]ings of God are unchangeable; these two [...]re conjoyned, yea, Ioshua seemeth to infer [...]he unchangeablenesse of the threatnings [...]rom the unchangeablenesse of the promises, Chap. 23.14▪ compared with verse ▪ 15. and [...]hese two are conjoyned, Zech. 8.14, 15. That as I thought to punish you, and it hath [...]ome to passe, so I have thought to build you up, and it shall come to passe. And I would from this desire you to stand in awe, lest you come under the lash of the unchangeable threat [...]ings of God; for know, that as God is unchangeable in the promises, and there is not one word in all the everlasting Covenant that shall not bee accomplished; so likewise know, there is not a curse in all the Book of the Covenant, but it shall bee accomplished in its time: And know this likewise, that the day is coming when that sad word that is in Hos. 7.12. shall bee accomplished, I will chastise them as their Congregation hath heard. And O yee that live in this place, if all the threatnings that your Congregations hath heard, shall bee accomplished in their time, yee may take up the last words of Baalams song, alas, Who shall live when God shall do [Page 88] these things: And therefore, since the threa [...]nings of God are unchangeable, as also th [...] promises, life and death is set before you and either yee shall bee the Object of [...]he [...]changeable threa [...]nings of God, or yee mu [...] be the Object of the unchangeable promise [...] of God: And therefore, I would from th [...] charge you, that as you would not be help [...]full to the destruction of your own immo [...]tal souls, you would not undervalue th [...] threatnings that ye hear in your Congreg [...] tions, since there is a declaration past, th [...] the threatnings in your Congregations sha [...] be accomplished.
Now there is that fourth duty that we [...] would presse upon you from this, that th [...] promises are unchangeable, have an unchange [...]able love to the Promiser; let this comme [...] the Promiser, let this constrain your hearts t [...] delight in the Promiser. O what a blessed dispensation of love is this, that an unchangeabl [...] God should make unchangeable promises u [...]to changeable Creatures. If the promises [...] the Covenant of Grace were as changeable i [...] their nature as we are changable, there shoul [...] not one of us go to Heaven; but know, it i [...] the blessed design of love, and it hath been [...] blessed practice of the infinit wisdom of God that when he hath to do with changeable creatures, he will give them unchangeable promises. And I would once invite you again that you would come near and imbrace thi [...] unchangeable Promiser: I shall speak these five words that may perswade you. First Christ is easily to bee gotten if yee will take [Page 89] [...]im, ye will get Christ if ye will but hear; [...]ea, for one listening of your ear to his [...]oice ye shall get him: according to that word, Isa. 55.3. Hear, And what of that, [...]nd your soul shall live; Is not this to get Christ at an easie rate: and as we spake be [...]ore, ye will get Christ for a look, and is [...]ot that an easie rate, Isa. 45.22. Look unto [...] all ye ends of the earth and be saved: Have ye a desire to take Christ, ye shall get him for that desire; according to that word, Isa. 55.1. Ho every one that thristeth, let him [...]ome and he that wills let him come: Will ye [...]ut consent to take him, ye shall have him, and what can you have at a lower rate then [...]his: Shall never your cursed hands take the [...] and put to your name to the blessed con [...]ract of Marriage? Shall never these cursed hearts of ours cry forth, Even so I take him, and do promise to live to him, and to die to him. O strange, will ye not do it, upon what terms would the world have Christ, is [...]t possible to have him without a consent to take him? Oh if ye would but open to him, he would condescend to come in unto you, and to sup with you, and ye with him; do ye but stir to open, Christ hath the Keyes in his own hand, and he would help you to open. O what if Christ the precious Gift of Heaven, the eternal admiration of Angels, that branch of Righteousness shall be despised, being offered upon so easie terms; then cursed eternally shall be that perso [...] that thus undervalueth Christ, it had been better for him that he had never been born: [Page 90] Cursed shall ye be in your birth, and in yo [...] life, and in your death, all the curses of th [...] Persons of the Trinity will light upon yo [...] yea, believe it: O wife that hath a believin [...] husband, in the day that the great sentenc [...] of eternal excommunication from the pre [...]sence of the Lord, shall bee past against th [...] undervaluers of Christ, a believing husban [...] will say amen to that sentence, even to hi [...] wife that did thus undervalue that Nobl [...] Plant of renown: and the wife upon th [...] other part will say with hearty consent, ame [...] to that sentence against the unbelieving husband, and the father to the son, and the so [...] to the father.
Now there is this fifth duty that we [...] would presse upon you from this, That th [...] promises are unchangeable, that ye woul [...] be perswaded to make the promises your portion and your inheritance; What can ye wan [...] that will choise the promises for your portion? I know, our cursed eyes doth not love to make invisible promises, and that invisibl [...] crown, and an invisible God our portion, w [...] look to walk by sight, not by faith. But [...] if you knew once what it were but to clai [...] a relation to Christ! Did ye once know wha [...] it were to have but Christ a moment between your breasts, ye would cry forth, O! wh [...] would not love him who is the King of Saints [...] who would not be content to quite all thing [...] that they might get Christ that noble pearl o [...] price.
And there is this last duty that wee would presse upon you from this, That the promises [Page 91] are unchangeable; read a lecture from his, O Christian, even your misbelief; God [...]ath confirmed his everlasting Covenant [...]ith an oath, with the Bloud of his Son, by [...] two great broad Seals of heaven, the Sa [...]ament of Baptism, and the Lords Supper; [...]nd what doth all these confirmations speak [...]ut our dreadfull misbelief, and that wee now not what it is to be resting on a naked [...]ord of promise. I shall say no more, but [...]esire that yee would consider and take no [...]ce of these three. First, Ye have been [...]lemnly and often invited by the Ambassa [...]ors of Christ to close with him, and to [...]ke him for your Husband and your Lord, [...] will you consider presently, that all [...] Angels in heaven, and all that are about [...] Throne, and the three most glorious [...]ost blessed Persons of the Trinity, that they [...] witnesses, and shall bee to your dissent. [...]nd are there not many here whose hearts [...]ould never be brought up to give a hearty [...]onsent to close with Christ that is the great [...]omiser, and who hath laid all the bonds [...]at heaven or earth could contrive to gain [...]ners hearts unto himself: O precious [...]hrist, what could hee do to perswade us to [...]ve him which hee hath not done; and yet [...] may bee your name, which is in Ephes. 2. Children of disobedience. Or as the [...]ord is, Children of Imperswasion, wee can [...]t bee perswaded. Secondly, I fear if [...]hrist Himself would come from heaven [...] invite you, and say, here am I, imbrace [...], there are some here who would close [Page 92] not only their eyes, but their ears, they would close their eyes lest the beauty o [...] Christ should allure them, they woul [...] close their cursed ears lest they should be gained and captivate by the sweet enchaunt [...]ing voice of that blessed Charmer, when h [...] should charm so wisely. And, lastly, wi [...] thou tell mee, O Christian and expectant o [...] heaven, what a day shall it be when all th [...] unchangeable promises of God shall bee a [...]complished? What a day shall it bee whe [...] that promise shall be accomplished, Ye sh [...] see him as he is? What a day shall it b [...] when that promise shall bee accomplished▪ Yee shall bee made like unto him? What a da [...] shall it be when that promise shall be accom [...]plished, yee shall know as yee are known? [...] are ye not longing for the day of the full ac [...]complishment of the precious promises o [...] God, when yee shall sit down and comfor [...] your selves in the eternal and unspeakabl [...] fruition of them? O let us long and wa [...] till the day shall bee when that voice shall [...] heard in heaven, That the mysteries of God [...] finished, till the day when that voice sha [...] be heard in heaven, Behold, the Bridegroo [...] cometh, go yee out to meet him. Oh how [...] willing are wee to leave a world. And ho [...] gladly would wee take up our rest on th [...] side of Iordan. I think if this were th [...] night that that blessed voice were to be heard in heaven, Behold, the Bridegroo [...] cometh, go yee out to meet him; some, if no [...] many of the Christians (that are so indeed [...] in this time would cry forth, Oh spare [Page 93] little that wee may recover strength, before wee go hence and shall bee no more. Are yee not longing to bring the King over Iordan, and to bring him home to your self, and to have your heart brought home to him? O blessed, blessed are these that are above; Is not the voice of these that shout for victory heard [...]mongst them? Is not the voice of these that sing for joy heard among them? Iob doth not now any more complain, Why dost [...]hou make mee to possesse the iniquities of my [...]outh, and setteth a print upon my heels? David doth now no more complain, Why doth [...]hy promise fail for evermore, but rather doth [...]weetly sing, How is thy promise fulfilled for [...]vermore? Heman doth now no more complain, While I suffer thy terrours I am di [...]racted, but rather cryeth ou [...], While I feel [...]hy comforts I am ravished. The voice of [...]ourning is now sweetly gone away, and [...]he voice of Hallelujah and of eternal prais [...]ng of him that sitteth upon the Throne is [...]ow heard in the place of it: O such a day [...]hat shall never admit of a following night. [...]ow to him that is upon his way, that will [...]ome, and shall come, and shall not tarry, [...]e desire to give praise.
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious Promises, that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
THere are three cardinal and excellent Graces that are exercised and taken up with the precious promises, there is the excellent grace of Faith, th [...] believeth the truth and the goodnesse of th [...] promise; there is the precious grace o [...] Hope, that with patience waiteth for th [...] accomplishment of the promise, and do [...] stay untill the vision speak: and that nobl [...] grace of Lov [...], that loveth the thing that [...] promised; and taketh exceeding much de [...]light in the Promiser. If we may be allowe [...] to speak so, we think these strange revolu [...]ons and times we live in, are another Eccl [...]siastes, which doth fully preach forth th [...] vanity and emptinesse of all things that ar [...] below God: And wee do indeed conceiv [...] that it is the great design of God in the dar [...]ning of our pleasant things, and in makin [...] every gourd to wither, under the shaddow [...] which we use to repose our self, and in f [...]mishing all the gods of the earth, to bring h [...] own to delight themselves in this visib [...] [Page 95] Treasure, the promises of the everlasting Covenant, and in him who is the substance of them; and that since all things else [...] declared to be vanity, we might choise these, as our own portion for ever.
At the last occasion that wee spake upon these words, we were speaking unto the properties of the promises; and wee told you that there were [...]our of them holden forth. 1. The freedome of the promises. 2. The unchangeablenesse of the promises, of which two wee have spoken unto you; and now there remains other two to be spoken to, to wit, that the promises are exceeding great, and that they are exceeding precious, a sweet and excellent, though a rare conjunction, greatnesse and goodnesse here kissing one another, preciousn [...]sse and highnesse linked [...]ogether by the bond of Union: And we shall speak unto these two properties toge [...]her, and shall clear a little this thing, in what respects the promises of the Covenant may be called exceeding great and precious: And we conceive in short, they may be cal [...]ed so in these eight respects. First, They [...]re exceeding great, in respect of the great price that was laid down to purchase them, [...]here not being a promise of the everlasting Covenant above the head of which this may not be engraven in great letters, Here is the price and purchase of bloud: And no doubt [...]his ought highly to commend the promises, [...]hat they are bought at so infinite a rate. Must they not be great and precious things [...]hat so wise a Merchant did lay down so infinit [Page 96] a treasure for the purchasing of them 2. They may be called exceeding great an [...] precious, in respect of those great and pre [...]cious things that are promised in them. [...] not godlinesse a great thing, and this is with [...]in the bosome of a promise; Is not heave [...] an eternal enjoyment of God a great an [...] precious thing? and yet this lyeth withi [...] the bosome of a promise? Is not the know [...]ing of God as he is, our perfect conformit [...] with God, our victory over Idols, great an [...] excellent things; and yet all these are trea [...]sured up in the promises. 3. They maybe called exceeding great and precious, in re [...]spect of the great advantage that redound to a Christian through the enjoyment o [...] them: the promises of the everlasting Co [...]venant (if so we may speak) are the Pensi [...] that draws the draughts and lineaments o [...] the Image of Christ upon the soul, it is th [...] promises of the everlasting Covenant b [...] which we are changed from glory to glory, [...] it were by the Spirit of the Lord, and as Pete [...] doth here speak, the promises are such thing [...] whereby we are made partakers of the divin [...] nature. 4. They may be called exceedi [...] precious, in respect of that neer relation th [...] they have unto Jesus Christ; What are [...] the promises of the Covenant of Grace Are they not streams and rivolets that flo [...] from Jesus Christ; Christ is the fountai [...] out of which all these promises do spring and can this fountain that is sweet in it se [...] send forth any bitter waters? must they [...] be precious things that have such a nob [...] [Page 97] [...]escent? as to be streams of love flowing [...]ut from the Father to the Son, and from [...]im unto us, as the pouring out of the [...]yntment upon the beard of Aaron which ran [...]own the head unto the skirts of his gar [...]ents. 5. They may be called exceeding [...]recious promises, in respect they, or ra [...]her Christ in them are the object of precious [...]ith: What is the meat upon which faith [...]oth feed? is it not upon the promises of [...]he Covenant, and Christ the kernel of them: What are these things that faith taketh so [...]uch delight in, and is suported by? Is [...]t not the promises of the Covenant: [...]. They may be called exceeding precious, [...] that they are the things that guideth and [...]adeth us to precious Christ. There is not [...] promise within the Book of the Covenant, [...]ut, as it were, it cryeth forth with a loud [...]oice, O come to Christ; The promises are [...]ndeed the Star that leadeth us unto the [...]ouse where Christ dothly, and there is no [...]ccesse unto Jesus Christ but by a promise, Christ is to be found there, for he dwells within the bounds of the everlasting Cove [...]ant, and there he will tryst with his people, [...]nd be found of them. And, 7. They may [...]e called exceeding precious, in respect that [...]he Saints have found such sweetnesse, and [...]uch unspeakable delight in these promises. Did not David find a great sweetnesse in the [...]romises when he cryed forth. The words of [...]hy mouth are better unto me, then thousands of [...]old and silver? Did he not find much sweet [...]esse in the promises, when he was constrained [Page 98] to cry out, Thy Law is sweeter unto me, then the honey and the honey comb? David in a manner was put to a nonplus, to find out any suitable similitude and significant resemblance, to point out the sweetnesse of the promises; though we may see the Christians of this time in a spiritual fever, they have lost their spiritual taste, so that they may say, if wee may allude unto that word, 2 Sam. 19.25. I am this day fourscore years old, and cannot discern between good and evil, can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink. They know not what it is to bee overcome with the sweetnesse that is to bee found in these excellent streams of divine consolation. Lastly, The promises may be called exceeding precious, in that the Sai [...]t [...] have a high and matchlesse account of them▪ Hence that word here rendered Precious, may likewise bee rendered Honourable, which speaketh forth that there is nothing th [...] hath so much of the esteem of a Christia [...] as the promises. Would ye put wisdom, o [...] riches, or honour, or what ye will in the ballance with the promises, they would cry forth, what should I profit to gain all these if I lose the promises. We shall say no more of this, but that the promises are indee [...] that Apple, the eating of which would mak [...] us in some respect, (and in humility be i [...] spoken) as God knowing good and evil: Th [...] promises are these things that doth elevat [...] the soul unto a divine conformity with God [...] And oh that this might be the fruit of them the promises are as cords let down to soul [...] [Page 99] sinking in the myrie clay, and in the horrible [...]it, do but lay hold upon them, and ye shall undoubtedly be drawn up, and he shall set your feet upon the rock, and order all your goings.
Now we come to speak of the third thing [...]n the words: which is the advantage and [...]nspeakable gain that floweth to a Christian [...]hrough the promises, holden forth in these words, That by them ye might be made par [...]akers of the divine nature; which words [...]oth not hold forth tha [...] there is any sub [...]tantial change of our natures unto the es [...]ence of God; but onely it holds [...]orth this, [...]hat the soul that is taken up in believing of [...]he promises, they arise unto a liken [...]sse and [...]onformity to Him in Holinesse, Wisedome [...]nd Righteousnesse. And as to these ad [...]antages that come to a Christian through [...]he promises: 1. We must lay this for a [...]round, that the fruit of all cometh to him [...]hrough believing the promises, and in [...]aking application of them.
And the first is, That they do exceedingly [...]elp and promove that excellent and neces [...]ary work of mortification: This is clear [...]rom the words of the Text; As likewise [...]om 2 Cor. 7.1. Having these promises, [...]early beloved, let us cleanse our selves from [...] filthinesse of the flesh and spirit, perfecting [...]olinesse in the fear of the Lord. And the [...]fluence that the promises have upon San [...]ification, may be shown unto you in these [...]hree. First, They lay upon a Christian [...] [...]ivine bond and obligation to study holinesse, [Page 100] that since Christ hath signified and testifie▪ His respects unto us, in so ample and larg [...] a way as to give us such precious promise [...] we ought to endeavour to study holinesse which is that great reward of love that h [...] seeketh from us for all things that he hat [...] bestowed, and we receive, and this is th [...] meaning of that, 2 Corinth. 7.1. Secondly▪ The strength and furniture of a Christian fo [...] fulfilling and accomplishing of the work o [...] Sanctification, lyeth within the promises▪ Are not the promises of God unto a Christ [...]an, as Samsons lo [...]ks, in which their grea [...] strength dothly; and if once they cut them [...]selves off from the promises through misbe [...]lief, their strength doth decay, and [...] become as other men. Where must th [...] Christian go to for strength? Is it not to th [...] promise: Is it not the Name of the Lord▪ yea, this is the strength of a Christian unt [...] which he must resort continually. And thirdly, the promises of God they hold fort [...] that unspeakable reward that attendeth th [...] Christian that shall study holinesse. Ther [...] are several promises of the everlasting Cov [...]nant that cryeth forth to the Christian, t [...] him that overcometh will this promise b [...] accomplished, to him that overcometh sha [...] this truth be fulfilled, and this doth exceed [...]ingly provoke a Christian to wrestle with [...] his discouragements he meeteth with in th [...] way, he burieth all his anxieties within th [...] circle of his immortall Crown, which h [...] hopeth for, and seeth in the promise, and hi [...] hope maketh him dispence with his want [...] [Page 101] his expectation maketh him overcome his fears, and his looked for joy maketh him to dispence with his sorrows.
The second advantage, is, That the faith of the promises do help a Christian to a spiritual and heavenly performance of the duty of prayer, and withall, maketh him delight in the performance of it: This is clear from [...] Sam. 7.27. where David believing the promises, it is subjoyned, Hee found in his heart to pray that prayer unto God; and if any will look unto the words of that prayer, they will see them running in a heavenly and spiritual strain, speaking him one much acquainted with God, and under most high and majestick apprehensions of his Glory, as is clear also, Psal. 119.147. I prevented the [...]awning of the morning and cryed; and as if David had said, would you know what made me thus fervent and diligent in prayer, [...]t was that, I hoped in his word; and hence [...]t is, that he hath so many prayers in that Psalm, all were occasioned through the [...]ith of the promises: As for instance, when [...]e cryed forth, Quicken me according to thy [...]ord, be mercifull unto me according to thy [...]ord. And we conceive, the faith of the [...]romises helpeth a Christian in his prayer to [...]hese four Divine ingredients of that duty. [...]. It maketh him pray with faith: when [...]nce he buildeth his prayer upon the pro [...]ises, then he venteth his prayer with much [...]onfidence of hope, according to that word, [...]sal. 65.3▪ where ye may see a man be [...]ieving, and praying when he is believing, [Page 102] and expressing his confidence mo [...] strangely in th [...]se words. As for our trans [...]gressions thou shalt purge them away; It i [...] not said, thou wilt purge them away, or we desire that thou should purge them away, bu [...] thou shalt, which speaketh forth both the confidence of Faith, and the boldnesse o [...] Faith: A Christian that believeth the promises, he can take the promise in his hand and present it unto God, and say fulfill this promise since thou wilt not de [...]y thy Name but art faithfull. 2. It maketh a Christian pray with much humility, for when he doth understand that there is nothing that he hath but it is the fruit, and accomplishment of [...] promise, he doth not boast as those tha [...] have received, but walketh humbly unde [...] his enjoyments: this is clear, Gen. 32 10▪ where we may see Iacob speaking to Go [...] with much humility, and in the ninth verse he is speaking to God with much Faith And 3. It maketh a Christian pray wi [...] much love: Would you know the grea [...] ground that we are so remisse in the exercis [...] of love in prayer, it is, because we build no [...] our prayers upon the promise. And 4. I [...] helpeth a Christian to pray with much fer [...]vency; when was it that David cryed to God? Was it not when he was believing the promise that past to him of old, we would not plead with God with such remissnesse i [...] we did believe the promises that are withi [...] the Covenant.
The third advantage is, That the faith o [...] the promises doth somtimes uphold a Christian [Page 103] under his spiritual disertions and tentations. Is it not certain, that sometimes he hath been ready to draw that conclusion, I am cast out of his sight, and shall no more behold him in the land of the living? when a promise hath been born in upon his spirit, hath supported him and made him to change his song, and to invert his conclusion. This is clear from Psal. 94.18. when I said, my foot slippeth, there is the conclusion of misbelief and dispair, yet thy mercy, O Lord, did hold me up, there is the gate at which faith doth bring in consolation, not from bygone experiences onely; but certainly from that which he found in some precious promises that was born in upon his spirit: Many excellent cords of love hath Christ let down unto a soul, when they have been going down into the depths, and the weeds have been wrapt about their heads: It is clear likewise from Psal. 119.81. My soul fainteth for thy salvation: as if David had said, I am in hazard to give over my hope, and to break my confidence: And would ye know what was it that supported me under such an estate, I hoped in thy word: Hath not this oftentimes been the song of a Christian in their darkest night, In the multitude of my thoughts within me, thy comforts do delight my soul: Faith will see a morning approaching in the time of the greatest trouble; and no doubt that promise that upholdeth a Christian in their doubting and most misbelieving condition, the lively impressions of that promise will remain a long time with him; [Page 104] and when first it is born in upon their spirits, they will see no small love shining forth in carving out such a promise to suit with such a providence as they are (it may be) meeting with for the time.
The fourth advantage in believing the promise, i [...], that thereby we have an excellent help to patience and divine submission under our saddest outward afflictions: this is clear from Psal. 27.13. I had fainted unlesse I had believed to see the goodnesse of the Lord in the land of the living; and from Psal. 119.49, 50. where David telling his exercise in the 49. I hope, saith he, in thy word, Immediately he subjoyneth, This is my comfort in mine affliction, as if he had said, if I had not had the promises to be my comforters, I had sit alone and kept silence, and should have remained without comfort in the day of my adversity, and vers. 92. Vnlesse thy law had been my delight, I should have perished in my afflictions; and we conceive in short, the influence which faith upon the promises hath upon the patient bearing of the crosse, may be shown unto you in these two particulars; First, Faith it is an excellent Prophet, that alwayes prophesieth unto us good things. Would ye enquire at Faith at your midnight of affliction, what is its opinion of God and of your own estate; Faith would sweetly resolve you thus, Wait on God for I shall yet praise him for the health of his countenance. Faith knoweth not what it is to have a wrong construction of God; and therefore it is the noble interpreter of a [Page 105] Christians crosse: If sense, reason, and misbelief interpret your crosse, they will make you cry out unto God, Why art thou become unto as an enemie, or as a liar, and waters that sail? but if faith that noble Interpreter do interpret your crosses, it will make you cry out, I know the thoughts of his heart, that they are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give me an expected end. Faith letteth a Christian see a blessed ou [...]gate and issue of all the sad dispensations that he meeteth with. Faith, that is its divinity, I sow in tears, but I shall reap in joy, weeping may be at evening, saith Faith, but joy shall come in the morning. Secondly, It affordeth unto a Christian such soul refreshing consolation in the midst of their afflictions, that in a manner they forget their sorrows, as waters that passe away; this David doth divinely assert in Psal. 119.50. This is my comfort in mine affliction: The faith of the promises are indeed that tree which if they be cast into our waters of Marah, they will make them immediately become sweet.
The fifth advantage is, that the faith of the promises doth help a Christian to a greater distance with the world, and to live as a pilgrime, as is clear from Heb. 11.13. where these two are sweetly linked together, their imbracing of the promises by Faith, and confessing that they were strangers and pilgrims here on earth. And we shall show the influence that faith hath upon this, in these three. 1. It maketh a Christian see the end of all perfection here, and that there [Page 106] is nothing within this Glob of the World that is not vanity and vexation of spirit, Faith is that prospect through which a Christian hath most clear discoveries of the vanity of all things, and this doth exceedingly help him to live as a pilgrime. 2. It letteth a Christian see the endlesse perfections of heaven, and bringeth it within sight of that immense and everlasting hope, and this maketh him to live as a pilgrime, and to declare plainly that he seeketh a Countrey. And, 3. It doth exeedingly help him forward in that blessed work of weaning of affections from all things that are here; Would you know where a Believers heart is? It is in Heaven; would you know where his thoughts are? They are in Heaven; Would ye know where his conversation is? It is in Heaven; Would ye know where his hope is? It is in Heaven, his treasure is in heaven, and therefore his heart and his conversation is there, And Christ in him is the hope of glory: and indeed, more faith of the promises would constrain us all to subscribe that Confession of Faith that is in Heb 11.13.
The sixth advantage that attendeth the believing of the promises, is. That it is the mother of much spiritual joy and divine consolation, and maketh a Christian to be much in the exercise of praise: this is clear from Psal. 71.14. But I will hope continu [...]ally, and then immediately is subjoyned, And will yet praise him more and more; As likewise from Rom. 15.13. and from 1 Pet▪ 1.8. If a man would have his way to heaven [Page 107] made pleasant, and while they are sitting by the rivers of Babel, would bee admitted to sing one of the songs of Zion, then ought they [...]o believe the promises, and to choose them as their heritage for ever: and then hee may sing in hope, and praise in expectation, though he have but little in hand for the present: indeed when he looketh to his possession, there will not be so much matter of rejoycing, but when hee looketh upon his hopes and his expectations, hee may be constrained to cry [...]orth, Awake up O my glory, I my self will awake early.
The seventh advantage is, That the faith of the promises is a notable mean to attain unto spiritual life: This is clear from Isa. 38.16. By these things, saith Hezekiah, do men live, (speaking of the promises) and in all these things is the life of my spirit. As likewise from Psal. 119.50. Thy word, saith David, hath quickned mee. O what spirituall and divine life doth attend that Christian that is much in the exercise of Faith upon the promises: And what is the great occasion that our hearts are oftentimes dying within us like a stone, and wee are like unto [...]hose that are free among the dead? Is it [...]ot because wee do not make use of the promises.
Eighthly, there is that advantage, that [...]aith of the promises, it maketh a Christian have an esteem of the thing that is promised: What is the reason that wee write [...]his above the head of the great things of [...]he everlasting Covenant, this is a Zoar, a [Page 108] little one? Is it not because we do not believe; great things sometimes to us have no beauty, and there is no comlinesse that appeareth in them why they should be desired▪ but if we had so much faith as a grain of mustard seed, we would cry forth. How excellent are these things that are purchased to the Saints, and how eternally are they mad [...] up that have a right but to one line of the everlasting Covenant, That is well ordered i [...] all things and sure.
And ninthly, The faith of the promise [...] is the door at which the accomplishment o [...] the promises doth enter in: according to tha [...] word, Luk. 1.45. Blessed are they that believe for there shall be a performance of these thing [...] that are spoken of the Lord unto them. If w [...] were more in waiting for the accomplishmen [...] of his promises, the vision should speak and should not tarry: And no doubt, a mercy coming to us as the fruit and performance o [...] a promise, will make it an exceedingly to freshfull thing; When a Christian getteth leave to sing that song which is in Isa. 25.9. Lo, this is our God, we have waited for him and he will come and save us: And when [...] mercy is the fruit and accomplishment of th [...] promise, there is a beautiful luster an [...] dy [...] upon that mercy, which no arte could [...] on, but only the finger of the love of God The smallest mercy then becometh a matchlesse mysterie of love, and the most matchles [...] mysteries of love without the exercise o [...] Faith, they become as things that are contemptible in our eyes, and we do not value [Page 109] [...]or praise them. Faith maketh our thoughts [...]o ascend, and misbelief makes our thoughts [...]o descend, in relation to the mercies of heaven.
Lastly, Besides all these advantages, We [...]ave these two mentioned in the Text: [...]. That by them we are partakers of the Di [...]ine Nature, and are brought up unto tha [...] [...]lessed conformity with God, which we had [...]ost in the fall. 2. That by them we escape [...]he corruptions in the world through lust: I [...]ntend not particularly to open up the nature of these things at this time, because I am only [...]o speak of the exercise of Faith in the promises. But O what excellent mercies are these [...]o get on the beauty of the Image of God, and [...]o get off these ugly defilements which were [...]he image of Satan upon our souls. O how [...]hould this commend the promises unto us, [...]hat by faith in them, we do all behold with [...]pen face as in a glasse, the glory of the Lord, [...]nd are changed into the same from glory to glo [...]y as it were by the Spirit of the Lord.
Now that which, secondly, we shall speak [...]o, shall be the advantages that results to a Christian from a spiritual observation of the Lords accomplishing his promises; for here ye see in the Text, the Apostle maketh [...]n observation of these excellent things that [...]re the fruit of these precious promises when they are accomplished. And the first [...]dvantage is, That it stampeth the soul of a B [...]liever with most divine impressions of [...]ove: This is clear, Isa. 38 15. where Hezekiah cryeth out, What shall I say, he [Page 110] hath spoken it, and himself hath done it, being as it were, astonished and overcome with th [...] apprehensions of the condescendency of God He is put to a non plus, and to what shall [...] say, Psal. 41.8, 9. As we have heard (sait [...] David) so have wee seen in the City of th [...] Lord of hosts, That is according to his promise, we have had suitable performance and he subjoyneth, verse 9. that which wa [...] both their exercise and their advantage, We [...] have thought of thy loving kindnesse, O God, i [...] the midst of thy Temple; as it were, the ob [...]servation of the performance of the promise made their thoughts wholly to bee taken up with the love of God: and no doubt, ther [...] is more love in performing one promise, the [...] eternity were sufficient to make a commen [...]tary upon. It is one wonder of condescendency, that God should obliege and bind himself to us by promises: and another depth of wonderfull love, that he should perfor [...] these bonds, and answer his words with performance.
The second advantage is, That the observing of accomplishment of promises doth bring in to the soul new discoveries of God this is clear, Exod. 6.3. where God th [...] speaketh to Moses: I was known (saith he) unto Abraham, and unto Isaac, and unto Iacob by the name of the Almighty, but by the nam [...] of Iehovah was I not known unto them, tha [...] is, by the Name of giving an accomplishment unto my promises, that Name was no [...] discovered unto them, but should bee mad [...] known unto their posterity, in the day whe [...] [Page 111] [...]is promises should passe unto performances▪ [...]nd hence it is also, that when the Lord is [...]peaking of the accomplishment of great pro [...]ises, he doth so often in the Scripture sub [...]yn that word, Ye shall know that I am Ieho [...]ah, or the Lord, Isa. 49.23, 52. and 60.16. [...]nd indeed we do daily find it so; for, is not [...]very accomplshment of a promise, a new [...]iscovery of the wisdome of God, that shineth [...] the suitable tyming of the accomplishment [...]f a promise: Is not every accomplishment [...]f a promise a new discovery of the faithful [...]esse of God, that hee will not alter that which hath gone out of his mouth? And is [...]ot every performance of the promise a new [...]iscovery of the love of God, that hee desir [...]th to magnifie his mercies above all his work, and a new discovery of the power and [...]mnipotency of God, that can bring forth the [...]erformance of his promise, notwithstand [...]ng of all things that are in the way, yea, [...]ake things that are not to bee, and bringeth to [...]ought things that are.
The third advantage is, That it helpeth [...] [...]hristian to have high apprehensions, and [...]ajestick uptakings of God: This is clear, [...] Tim. 1▪ 15 compared with vers. 17. whe [...]e Paul closing with that promise, That Christ [...]ame in the world to save sinners, and behold [...]ng in the accomplishment of it, in himself, [...]is heart (as it were) i [...] elevated within [...]im, and he cryeth forth. Now unto the King [...]ternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, [...]e honour and glory for ever and ever, Amen. [Page 112] There is an Emphasis in that word, Now, [...] if Paul had said, I could never praise and ex [...]toll him till now, and I am so much bound [...] Christ that I will not delay this exercise on [...] moment, now I will blesse him, and it is clea [...] from Mic. 7.18. where the accomplishmen [...] of the promises that are there, made th [...] Church cry out, Who is like unto thee, he be [...]came matchless unto them through the performance of the promises. And so we conceiv [...] that these who are much in spiritual observation of the performance of the promises, they will see precious draughts of the Majesty o [...] God engraven upon them; so that they wil [...] bee constrained to cry out▪ that hee above [...] mighty, that his Name is Iehovah, and in hi [...] is everlasting strength, upon which we ough [...] to rely in our greatest straits.
The fourth advantage is, The observing of the accomplishment of the promises, wil [...] help a Christian when hee is redacted unto new straits, to be much in the exercise of faith upon God; his former experience will produce hope in his soul; for there is not [...] discovery of the faithfulness of God, but hat [...] a voice, and cryeth out, O believe him who i [...] able to give a clear being unto his word: Thi [...] is clear from Psal. 56. at the close. Thou has [...] delivered my soul from death, saith David, an [...] then he subjoyneth, Wilt thou not deliver m [...] feet from falling: that is▪ I am certainly per [...]swaded, thou wilt likewise perform that wor [...] unto me. And from Psal. 37.2, 3. he giveth that tittle unto God, vers. 2. that he performeth all things for him, and then he doth subjoyn. [Page 113] Hee shall send from heaven and save mee: [...]nd (by the way) the soul that can give God [...]at tittle and stile. That hee performeth all [...]hings for them, that soul must of necessity be [...] a choise and excellent state: And the point [...] likewise clear from 2 Cor. 1.10. where Paul saith, God hath delivered me, and he doth [...]eliver me; and from hence he draweth that [...]onclusion of Faith, And hee will yet deliver [...]. We confesse somtimes our former ex [...]eriences of the faithfulnesse of God, they do [...]ot support our faith when wee are redacted [...]nto new difficulties, which is either occasio [...]ed through the greatnesse of the strait that [...]e are now put to, (in our apprehensions) [...]bove that which we were put to before; so [...]hat though God did deliver us when we were [...]unning with footmen, yet we have no faith to [...]elieve that hee shall deliver us when we are [...]bout to contend with horses: or else it is, [...]hrough the unfaithfulnesse of our walk, in [...]ot answering the precious dispensations of Christ in accomplishment of his promises, for [...]his maketh us that we cannot with boldness [...]ake use of his Word when we are brought [...]nto a new strait, a guilty conscience is the [...]ther of misbelief.
The fifth advantage is, That the accom [...]lishment of the promises doth occasion [...]uch spiritual joy & rejoycing unto his own. We told you, the giving of the promises occa [...]oneth joy, and when the promises travelleth [...] birth and bringeth forth, that occasioneth [...]uch more spiritual joy: this is clear from Psal. 28.7. The Lord is my strength and my [Page 114] shield, my heart trusted in him, and I was hel [...]ed: And he draweth this excellent conclusio [...] from it, Therefore my heart greatly rejoycet [...] and with my soul will I praise him, And we [...] conceive, that sometimes, that God tryste [...] the accomplishment of the promises wi [...] some precious manifestation of himself to th [...] soul, which maketh them to rejoyce with jo [...] unspeakable, and full of glory; but however this is the matter of a spiritual song, Th [...] mercy and truth have met together, and righte [...]ousnesse and peace are kissing one another: Is i [...] not a pleasant matter of a song to behol [...] love making promises, and to behold faithful [...]nesse accomplishing them?
And the last advantage is, That the observation of the accomplishment of promise [...] doth strengthen a Christians faith in his inte [...]rest in God; so that now many disputings ar [...] silenced, and many questions now are out o [...] the way, this is clear Psal. 31.21, 22. Davi [...] confesseth his quarrelling before, but whe [...] once the Lord had shewed his marvellous lovi [...] kindnesse in a strong city, then all his quarrel [...] was against himself, because he had quarrelled and did say in his haste, I am cut off from befor [...] thine eyes.
And now wee shall only speak a little un [...]to some duties that wee would presse upo [...] you, from that which wee have spoken▪ And the first duty is, That Christians would bee much in waiting for the accomplishmen [...] of the promises, and standing upon thei [...] watch tower untill the vision shall speak ▪ And wee shall only give you these to enforce [Page 115] [...]t. 1. It is commanded that you should so do: this is clear from Psal. 27. at the close, where David presseth that duty very much, Wait on the Lord, saith hee, and if [...]hat be not enough, he will repeat that command in that same verse: Wait I say on the Lord: and no doubt the doubling of it [...]peaketh not only advantage that is in it, but [...]ur difficulty to obey it, and the great necessity that wee have to go about it: and [...]hat same word is repeated by David, Psal. [...]1.24. Bee of good courage, which is that [...]ame, to wait upon the Lord. 2. These that wait patiently for the accomplishment of [...]he promises, God will strengthen them to [...]ait: this is clear from Psal. 27. at the close, Wait on the Lord, and when wee are Hagar [...]ike, casting away the childe of hope, hee [...]ill open our eyes, and give us refreshment, [...]y which wee may bee supported under our [...]isquietment, and hee shall strengthen thine [...]eart: And there is this. 3 There shall [...]e a speedy accomplishment of the promises: [...] is not long before all the mercies that ever [...] Lord hath promised, and thou hast be [...]yed, shall be told down to you, as it were, [...] one sum, principal and interest: as is clear [...] Hab. 2.3. where hee positively assert [...]h, That the vision will come, and will not [...]rry. There is indeed a pleasant seeming▪ [...]ntradiction in that verse, hee had said be [...]re, that the vision would tarry, and yet here [...] [...]aith, Tho vision will not tarry, but will [...] come: in which ye may see the divini [...] both of sense and faith, and that noble [Page 116] contradiction that is between their assertions, Sense asserting that the promise doth tarry too long, and Faith crying out, it will surely come, it will not tarry; which i [...] set down, 2 Pet. 3.9. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise. 4. Promises that come unto us through the most strong and lively exercise of Faith, and that are expected and longed for by us before they come, they are most relishing and sweet, and these mercies come unto us with a binding tye of love: this is somewhat pointed at in Isa. 25.9. where the Church cryeth forth, Lo, this is our God, wee have waited for him, wee will bee glad and rejoyce in his salvation ▪ their waiting and expecting of the promise to be accomplished in its time is there the fountain of their song and of their spiritual joy: I think sometimes a Christian is like that misbelieving Lord, 2 King. 7.2. that though they meet with the accomplishment of a promise, yet they do not taste of the sweetnesse that is in it, because they did not believe the Word of the Lord.
The second duty that wee would press [...] from what we have spoken, is, That Christians would close with the promises for their everlasting inheritance, since the promise [...] of the Covenant are exceeding great, and ex [...]ceeding precious, and the advantage that lyet [...] in them is unspeakable. O! should no [...] these things proclaim aloud unto us, Clos [...] with the promises [...]s your portion for ever. [...] think, one that hath a right to the promises and hath entered himself heir unto the [...] [Page 117] [...]nheritance; he may sometimes rejoyce in [...]hat threefold mystery of the Gospel, that [...]o a naturall man can hardly appear other [...]hen a contradiction. 1▪ He may sometimes, [...] have nothing, and yet I possesse all things; [...]or when hee looketh unto his being in the word, hee is as poor Lazarus, having no [...]lace whereon to lay his head; but when [...]ee casteth his eye unto his spiritual inheri [...]nce, then hee beholdeth his treasures, and [...] constrained to cry out, I possesse all things. [...] ▪ Sometimes hee may cry forth, I am [...]ich, and yet I am exeeeding poor; he may be [...]ch in hopes, and yet poor in his possessions. [...]here is much of a Christians treasure that [...] in hope; hope is that thing that will [...]ake the Christian sweetly quite all other in [...]mparison of that: that is the motto of the [...]hristian, spero meliora which he holdeth [...] in his flag, even in the great [...]st storm, [...] at length hee findeth it true, that hope [...]aketh not ashamed. 3. Sometime the Chri [...]an will cry forth▪ I am alwayes sorrowing, [...] yet alwayes rejoycing: when hee casteth [...] eye upon himself, he will sit down and [...] his couch with tears, but when with [...] other eye he reflecteth upon Jesus Christ▪ [...]ee will rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full [...] glory; a Christian can both weep and re [...]ce at one time, and again hee can rejoyce [...] weep: No doubt, the reflecting upon [...] immense hope, and that everlasting [...], will make a Christian rejoyce under [...] his disquietmen [...]s and anxieties in the [...], he can look to the back of time, and [Page 118] behold a glorious inheritance. A Christia [...] hath the eye of an eagle that can behold an [...] discern things afar of.
The third duty that we would presse upo [...] you, is, To long for the day when all the promises of the Covenant of Grace shall receiv [...] their compleat accomplishment, and when [...] shall be entered into the everlasting fruitio [...] of all these things wherein your blessedness [...] lyeth. There is a threefold come that Chris [...] speaketh to the soul that is united unto him all which they sweetly obey. There is tha [...] first come, which is in Matth. 11.28. Com [...] unto me all ye that are weary and heavy loaden And there is that second come, Isa. 26. Com [...] my people, enter into the chambers, which is t [...] entertain that excellent correspondency wit [...] him in troublesome times: And there is th [...] third matchlesse come, when Christ shall sa [...] to his own in the day of their standing befor [...] the tribunal, Come, O blessed of my Father ▪ Shall we say it, that if we had faith [...]s a [...] of mustard seed, we would cry forth, Why [...] his chariot so long in coming; and did we [...] or made a high account of the matchless pr [...]mises of the boundlesse Covenant, we wou [...] cry forth, O that our time would flee away [...] the ships of desire. I shall say no more but th [...] Christ is gone up with a shout unto heaven, an [...] shall come again with the sound of a trumpe [...] sing praises to God, sing praises, sing praises un [...] our God, sing praises.
The last thing that we would presse up [...] you is, That ye would mark the time of [...] accomplishment of the promises. And as [...] [Page 119] [...]his, I shall say but these: 1. That ordina [...]ily the time of the accomplishment of the promises, is the time when sense, reason, and probability doth most contradict them: this [...]s clear, Ezek. 37. in the fulfilling of the promises that were past to Iudah in their capti [...]ity, was it not when they were as a valley of dead bones, and their hopes were in a manner cut off for their part, from the 11. verse of [...]hat chapter, compared with the 12. And 2. That the time of the accomplishment of [...]he promises, ordinarily i [...] a praying time: [...]his is also clear from Dan. 9.2, 3. and from Ier. 29.12. compared with the 11. vers. and [...]he 10. thus saith the Lord, the time when he will visit them, and perform his good word [...]o them, in causing them to return, it shall be a time when they shall call upon me, and shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken [...]nto them. And, 3. the time of the accomplishment of his promises, it is a time when our thoughts of the promises are high and [...]arge, when once we begin to value our mercies, this is a sign that our mercy is near, and [...]t is bringing forth: However, it is our duty [...]o wait on Him who can give a being unto his Word, and sweetly perform his promises. We ought not to limit infinit wisdom, nor to [...]ay unto him that is infinite in strength, How [...]an such a thing be? but answer all objections of misbelief with this, God hath spoken it, [...]nd he will also do it, and drown all our ob [...]ections of misbelief in that glorious and my [...]terious Name of His, I am that I am. To Him be praise.
To open their eyes, an [...] to turn them from darknesse to light and from the power of Satan unt [...] God, that they may receive for [...]givenesse of sins, and inheritanc [...] among them which are sanctified b [...] faith that is in me.
WHen first we did begin our di [...]course upon the precious [...] excellent grace of Faith; W [...] told you that we intended t [...] speak of it under a twofold notion and co [...]sideration. First, As it layeth hold upo [...] Christ for Justication; and of this we hav [...] spoken to you at some length, as ye hav [...] heard. Secondly, As it closeth with Chri [...] for Sanctification; and of this we are [...] speak at this time; and have chosen thes [...] words to speak of it, which are a part [...] that excellent Oration and Discourse th [...] Paul had before Agrippa in his own defence▪ In which Oration and Discourse of his, [...] may behold these four things eminently shin [...]ing: 1. That Godlinesse and good manner are not inconsistent, not contrary one to ano [...]ther: Therefore ye will see in the second an [...] third verses of this Chapter, Paul acting th [...] part of a Courtly Orator: and believe [...] [Page 121] there is more good manners to be learned by being seven dayes in the School of Christ, then by being seven years in all the Courts of France. This, secondly, that innocent Policy that he made use of in the deliverance of this Oration, which likewise doth appear in the second and third verse of this Chapter, where he endeavours to insinuate & ingratiate himself in the favours of the person before whom he had stood; I confesse, piety is the best policy that is taken up in intertaining piety, howbeit true policy may move in one [...] and sphere with piety, and the one is not contrary to the other in some case. 3. This shineth in that discourse, even the spiritual boldness Paul had in giving an excellent confession of his faith, and the declaring him to be God, even Jesus Christ in whom he did believe; Christ witnessed a glorious confession before Pontius Pilat for him, and he would witnesse a glorious confession before Agrippa for Christ, that since Christ had not denied him in that notable day, he would not now deny precious Christ in this day: and this is from the beginning and all alongs. Lastly, This shineth in the words that Paul doth set forth, the matchlesse freedom & unspeakable riches of Christ, not onely toward himself in that he did cast the lot of everlasting love toward him; but likewise toward the Gentiles to whom he was sent as a Preacher, and that he did gloriously condescend to visit the dark places of the earth, and to have the morning Star, and the Day spring from on high [...]rising on the habitations of cruelty. And [Page 122] in this verse which we have read, you may behold these five glorious ends of the preaching of this everlasting Gospel, for attaining of which, Ministers are made instruments under God. The first is, to open the eyes of the blind, which in short is even this to give those that are ignorant of God, the spiritual knowledge of the deep mysteries o [...] the Father, and of the Son: So that from this, ye may see that the Gospel hath a kind of omnipotency in producing effects abov [...] the power of nature. The second, we may see in these words, to remove them from darknesse to light: Which importeth these two▪ 1. The removing of persons from an estate of excellent joy. 2. The removing of persons from an estate of iniquity, unto an estate of holinesse, darknesse in Scripture pointing out sin, and light in Scripture pointing ou [...] holinesse. 3. The bringing us from unde [...] the power of Satan unto God, the making [...] blessed exchange of captivity and bondage that these who were under the captivity o [...] Satan, may be under the captivity of Love that those who were under the bondage o [...] sinne, may bee under the sweet obedience [...] Christ, whose yoke is easie, and whose burde [...] is light, Matth. 11.30. 4. That person may receive the remission of sins, and the for [...]givenesse of their iniquity; This is the grea [...] voice of the Gospel, come to a crucifie [...] Christ, come to a pardoning Christ, com [...] to a glorified Christ, Christ hath the pardo [...] of iniquity in his one hand, and riches [...] himself in the other, and these are the grea [...] [Page 123] motives by which he studieth to perswade us to come. And the last is in the close of the verse, that persons may receive forgivenesse of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me, that is, that they may have a share of that glorious mansion, of that excellent Kingdome that Christ hath purchased, and hath gone before to prepare. And withall, in this verse as the words are set down, ye may see the excellent and orderly methode that the Gospel keepeth in conquering souls, & you may see these excellent alurements, these perswasive arguments that Christ holdeth forth to conquer you, as it were, Christ cometh not unto us cloathed with the robes of Majesty, but clothed with the robes of Love and advantage, knowing that in this posture he shal most [...]gain upon our hearts.
Now in speaking unto that last end of the preaching the Gospel, we shall only according to our present purpose, take notice of this one thing from it, (not intending to prosecute it as it is an end of the Gospel) but as a property of Faith: and it is that, Faith in Iesus Christ hath a noble and excellent influence upon the growth of Sanctification, and the attaining of holinesse, they are sanctified, saith he, through faith in me. We shall not stand long to clear this unto you, it is evident from Act. 15.9. where the Apostle telleth us of purifying their hearts by faith: And likewise, 1 Tim. 1.5. where a pure heart and faith unfeigned, they are joyned and linked together: As likewise, 1 Ioh. [Page 124] 3.3. Every man that hath this hope in him, [...] purifieth himself. All the Graces of the Gospel they are linked together by a golden an [...] unseparable chain, so that he that obtainet [...] one, he shall obtain all; yea, more, all th [...] graces of the Gospel, they have a mutual in [...]fluence upon one anothers growth, so tha [...] we may compare them unto Hypocrates twin of whom it was reported, that they [...] laugh and weep together, and they did grow together: even so when one grace doth re [...]joyce, the rest doth rejoce with it, an [...] when one grace doth mourn, the rest dot [...] also mourn with it, and when one grace dot [...] grow the rest of the graces of the spirit they do likewise grow apace.
There are only three particulars that w [...] shall insist a little upon: First, We shal [...] shew you how faith hath influence upon th [...] attaining of Sanctification, and this we mak [...] clear unto you in these respects.
1. In that it discovereth to the soul th [...] matchless excellency, that transcendent beauty, and that surpassing comelinesse that is i [...] Christ, which sight doth exceedingly perswade the soul to draw that conclusion, Wh [...] have I to do any more with idols? A gloriou [...] sight of Christ, and acquaintance with hi [...] maketh us lose our acquaintance with ou [...] idols, and when once we are united unt [...] Christ by faith, we break that union we ha [...] with them. And indeed, the want of th [...] knowledge of that excellent comelinesse th [...] is in Christ, and of love to him, is the grea [...] occasion that the poorest dieties and idols [...] [Page 125] the world taketh up your hearts: did ye but once see him who is that glorious Son of righteousnesse, yee would be forced to put in your Amen unto that excellent confession of Faith, Eccles. 1.2. Vanity of vanities, and all is but vanity and vexation of spirit.
2. In that it is the grace that discovers unto a Christian the spotlesse holinesse of Christ, Faith doth not onely discover the beauty of Christ, but likewise his holiness, and this doth make the soul fall in love with that excellent thing Sanctification. It is recorded amongst the first steps to sin and misery, that we desired to be as Gods, knowing good and evil; but certainly it is among the first steps to life and happinesse, when the soul desireth to be holy as hee is holy: And I suppose, this is the great ground that yee are not much endeavouring a blessed conformity to God, and to be partakers of the blessed Image of Christ, ye know not the beauty of holinesse.
3. Faith layeth hold upon Jesus Christ, [...]nd draweth strength and vertue from him for the conquering of lusts, and in raising [...] up into a blessed conformity unto himself: when the Christian is weak; Faith is that noble correspondent between that emptiness [...]hat is in us, and the fulnesse that is in Christ; [...]aith is that noble correspondent between [...]hat weaknesse that is in us, and that everla [...]ing strength that is in him: Therefore [...]here are two noble and excellent counsels [...]f Faith: First, It counsels us not to lean [...] our own strength: And, secondly, to [...]ave our recourse unto him whose Name is [Page 126] Iehovah that everlasting strength; And no doubt, if we were more taken up in imploying Christ by faith, that prophesie should be accomplished, I will make the feeble ones as David, and David as the Angel of God: and when a Christian is most diffident in himself, then God should prove himself to be Almighty, and All-sufficient.
And, 4. Faiths influence may be cleared in this, that it layeth hold upon the promises, and doth believe them: and believing of the promises bringeth forth that noble birth, conformity to God, according to tha [...] word upon which we were speaking, 2 Pet▪ 1: 4. by believing the promises, (that is the advantage of it) We are by them made partakers of the divine nature.
5. Faith also believeth the threatning [...] that are past in Scripture against sin, and the believing them hath an undoubted and strong influence upon the attaining and growth o [...] Sanctification: Faith strengtheneth a Christian against the committing of iniquity with these two words: that word, Rom. 6.20 O soul (saith faith) commit not iniquity, fo [...] the wages of sin is death: and that word, Rev▪ 21. last, There shall in no way enter into th [...] City, any thing that is unclean, or that committeth iniquity. And be perswaded of it that the faith of the threatnings and of the promises that are in Scripture, would be as [...] threefold cord not easily broken, to restai [...] you from the acting of iniquity: And shall tell you briefly the ground why these curse [...] hearts of ours doth commit iniquity wit [...] [Page 127] so little fear, and with so much delight, it is even this, because we believe not the threatnings of God, which shall be accomplished in their own season: for is it possible that if ye believed that word, Rev 21. last. That nothing shall enter into the New Ierusalem that defileth or worketh abominations, or that maketh a lie; that ye durst not for a world adventure upon the committing of iniquity as ye do. And I shall only say to such that do undervalue the threatnings of God, the day is coming when they shall be constrained to cry out, He hath spoken it, and he hath done it, & faithful is he, there is not one jot nor title in the word of the Lord that shal fall to the ground: And believe it, God will be faithful in the accomplishment of his threatnings, as he is faithful in the accomplishment of his promises.
6. Faith discovereth unto a Christian the noble excellencies, and those spiritual dignities that are in that everlasting estate that is provided for the Saints in light; Faith (as it were) carrieth up the soul to the top of Pisgah, off which it is admitted to behold the promised land, and truely the seeing of these noble things that are provided for the Saints, cannot but make them study holinesse, since they know that there is an impossibility for one to attain to that estate with ou [...] holinesse, because he had said it, Without holinesse no man shall see God. O then if once ye saw heaven, ye would be constrained to walk in that path of Sanctification, since it is the glorious way by which ye must walk in [Page 128] through the gates of that blessed City. Bu [...] ye know▪ not the excellency that is there, i [...] is a fancy and notion unto you: and that i [...] the ground that ye do not study to conform your selves unto that blessed image of God. And I would only ask you this one question▪ Is it possible that such a delusion as this can overtake you, as to think, that ye who never studied holinesse on earth, shall yet enter into heavens gates. I know there are some that say in their hearts, I shall have peace though I walk in the imaginations of my own heart: and many more, that suppose that they might fight and overcome, that they may quite the estate of nature, and be compleat in the estate of grace all in one day. But why will ye deceive your selves, Can a nation be born in one day; Or is there but one step between hell and heaven? O remember, though nothing be impossible with God, yet there was but one thief saved upon the crosse.
7. Faith hath influence upon the attaining of holinesse in this respect, That it believeth the exceeding great advantages that are promised unto the person that studieth holiness: Faith believeth that word, Matth. 5.8. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall see God: Faith it layeth hold upon the truth of the excellent sayings, and maketh the Christian endeavour to attain unto a likenesse and conformity with him, that so he may be admitted to behold his face for all eternity, and to be made like unto him.
8. Faith discovereth unto Christians the sinfulnesse of sin, that is never done till once [Page 129] they be in the lively exercise of the grace of Faith. And I will give you these three grounds why faith compleaty discovereth the sinfulnesse of sin. 1. Faith letteth us see the person against whom we commit this sin, and that doth exceedingly aggrege sin; for when the Christian is admitted to behold God; and to see that matchlesse excellency that is in him; then (saith he) what a beast was I to offend such a glorious Majesty as He? What a fool was I to kick against the pricks; or to enter in the lists with such an infinite God? 2. Faith letteth a Christian see these excellent obligations of love that Christ hath imposed upon us; Faith letteth us see the ancient and everlasting love of Christ; Faith is that grace that letteth us see his sufferings; Faith letteth us see all that he hath done for us, and this maketh the Christian to cry out, Do I thus requite the Lord, O foolish one and unwise: And no doubt, if a Christian were more taken up in the study of this duty, he would be lesse in contracting debt, and were you but seriously taken up in the study of these two great Registers. 1. The Register in which all the infinit acts of love are recorded. And, 2. That Register in which all your acts of offending precious Christ are written, ye would be astonished and ashamed to see so much forgiven you; and durst not sin any more; there ye would see infinite mercy desiring to rejoyce over Iudgement, and there ye would see the spotlesse riches of that transcendent grace that is in Christ. [Page 130] 3. Faith letteth a Christian see the disadvantages of sin, and what woful effects doth follow upon it, and this doth exceedingly hold forth the sinfulnesse of sin.
The second thing that we shall speak to concerning Faiths influence in the attaining Sanctification, shall be to enquire a little unto these things that hinder even Believers from attaining this blessed effect of their Faith; for some Christians there are that in some respects are taken up in the exercise of Faith, making use of Christ for Sanctification, and yet their making use of Christ by Faith, doth not weaken the strength of their idols (at least) to their apprehensions, neither yet raise them up to a conformity with God; so that they are constrained somtimes to cry out, I shall once fall by the hand of one of mine iniquities, and when they fight and doth not overcome, they are at last constrained to say, There is no hope.
The first ground of such a dispensation is, That a Christian is not constant in his acting [...] of Faith, he will be strong in faith to day, and when the morrow cometh, he will faint in that exercise, and this doth exceedingly interrupt the noble victory of Faith: For when faith hath gotten its advantages, they lose them through security and negligence: that is a command that should be continually obeyed, Trust in the Lord at all times: and no doubt, if a Christian were more taken up in the constant actings of Faith, he should sometimes sing that song, I trusted in God, and I was helped.
[Page 131]Secondly, The most part of Christians, they are not strong and vigorous in actings of their Faith, their Faith is exceedingly weak, and so they cannot bring forth these noble fruits and effects of Faith. If we were trusting in God with all our hearts, then that promse, Psal. 37.5. should be accomplished to us, Trust in the Lord, and hee shall bring it to passe. Thridly, There is a strong heart conjunction and soul union between us and our idols: wee are joyned to our idols, and therefore we cannot be easily divorced; yea, when we are in the heat of the war against them, there is a procuratour within that cryeth, O spare this little one, or this profitable or pleasant one, and this is ordinarily our practice, to spare the choisest of our lusts; so that our Agags may cry forth, The bitternesse of death is past. But I confesse, if that union were once dissolved, wee should then bee heard with greatest earnestnesse to cry forth, O blessed bee the Lord that teacheth my hands to fight. Fourthly, Sometimes a Christian layeth too much weight upon the actings of Faith, and doth not imploy Faith, but as an instrument to which Christ must bestow strength to conquer. Sometimes we think that faith hath the vertue of overcoming in its own hand, but remember, Faith is but an empty thing without Christ: as ye may see, Acts 15.9. where the purifying their hearts by faith is ascribed to the holy Ghost, so that the activity of faith is from him, and not in it self. Fifthly, A Christian doth not hate sin with [Page 132] a perfect hatred, even in the time of his warfare with his lusts, and with these strong idols that are within him, but there is a secret heart inclination to that very idol which he doth oppose: So that oftenimes there is that twofold contradiction in a Christian; Sometimes his light will cry, mortifie such an idol, and yet his heart will cry, O spare such an idol; yea more, sometimes his hear [...] will cry, mortifie such an idol, and yet hi [...] heart will cry, O spare such an idol: That is to say, there will be one part of our affection crying one thing, and another part o [...] it will cry another thing. O! but there is a remarkable command for the perfect hatred of sin, Rom. 12.9. Abhor that which is evil. The word is in the Original, ha [...]e evil, as ye would do hell, that is: have perfect hatred to sin, O to hate iniquity as much as hell a and joyn that word, Eph. 5.11. Reprove the unfruitfull works of darknesse; or as the word may be rendered, Make out by unanswerable arguments to your tentations, that you cannot imbrace the unfruitfull works of darknesse, convince your tentations that ye cannot do it: As we suppose, it was a noble arguing of Ioseph when he was tempted, How shall I do this? he put the tentation (as it were) to it: O tentation give me ou [...] ground why I should commit such an iniquitie. And certainly, if we were thus reasoning with our tentations, they should flee before us: But the truth is, we imbace the desire of our tentation upon implicite faith. It is a sad regrate; and yet I may utter [Page 133] it, O if men would but deal with God as they do by Satan, we never dispute the promise of Satan, and never examine these allurements he setteh forth, and yet we constantly dispute with God upon every thing. Sixthly, A Christian promoveth not in the growth of Sanctification, though in some measure exercising faith, because he hath not such a heart to holinesse. If we did discover more that excellent beauty, that is, in being cloathed with that glorious robe of the righteousnesse of Christ, and in having the sweet draughts of the Image of Christ engraven upon our hearts, we would have more victory over our lusts: There is a command for a perfect love to that which is good, and holinesse in that same place, Rom. 12.9. and cleave (saith he) to that which is good; or, as the word may be rendered, Be married and glewed to that which is good, let there be an unspeakable and undissolvable knot of union between you and that which is good: And certainly, if once we believed that report which is given of holinesse, we would endeavour more to be cloathed with it: but that is the great ground why we advance not in holinesse, we know not the advantage nor diguity, to be made like God. O will ye think on it, What a thing is it for you who are the dust of his feet, to be made conform to him? Seventhly, A Christian is not much in the exercise of other duties that should go along with faith, suspect that faith for presumption, that can act, and be maintained without Prayer, certainly prayer it [Page 134] keepeth in the life of Faith: Prayer, it is that grace that must act mutually with faith, in accomplishing that blessed work of Sanctification, and if we prayed more, and believed more, then we should have more to speak concerning the victory over our lusts. When was it, O Christian and expectant of heaven, that yee was constrained to put up an Eben [...] zer, and cry forth, Hitherto hath the Lord helped mee? When was it, O Christian and expectant of heaven, that ye was put to cry forth, God hath arisen, and mine enemies are scattered before my face? I will tell you what is your practice, ye make such a covenant with your idols, as Nahash did with the men of Iabesh Gilead, 1 Sam. 11.2, 3. your lusts desire to make you pluck out your right eyes, and there is nothing your lusts will command you, but almost ye will obey; but would you send out prayers as a messenger to tell the King of such a tyrannie, yee should know better what it is to bee victorious. There is such a Covenant between the graces of the Spirit, especially between faith and Prayer (if so wee may allude) as was made between Ioab and Abishai, 2 Sam. 10.11. one grace, as it were, saith to another, If I be weak, Come over and help me, and if ye be weak, I will come and help you. When once grace is like to fall in battel, then another grace cometh and helpeth it; when faith is like to die, then prayer and experience cometh in and sweetly helpeth faith; when love is beginning to die, and waxe cold in the fight, then faith cometh in and putteth life in love; [Page 135] and when patience is like to fall and be overcome, then faith comes in and speaks that word to patience, Wait on God, for I shall yet praise him for the health of his countenance. Oftentimes our patience and our sense they joyn together, for when sense speaketh good things, patience is in life, but when once sense preacheth hard things, it is like to die, and Faith must then maintain and uphold it.
The third thing that we shall speak as to faiths influence upon Sanctification, shall be to draw these four conclusions from the point.
The first is, That ye may know from this, the rise and original of your little successe over corruption: There are many that are troubled with this question; O! what is the ground that I get not victory over my lusts, and they propose that question to Christ that once the Disciples proposed to him, Why was it that I could not cast out such a devil? And I can give no other answer nor Christ gave to them, it is, because ye have not faith; For if yee had faith as a grain of mustard seed, yee might say unto your idols, depart from us, and they should obey you, and there should not be a mountain in the way between you and heaven, but if ye had faith, it should be rolled away and become a plain. And the ground why many are groaning under the captivity of their idols, is, That they are not much in the exercise of faith; sometimes yee enter in the lists with your lusts in your own strength, [Page 136] then ye are carried captives, and if ye do enter in the lists having some faith, yet ye maintain not the war, il faith get but one stroke.
I will tell you six things which if faith overcome, it keepeth the fields, and maketh the Christian sing a song of triumph, even before a compleat victory.
First, Faith helpeth a Christian to overcome that idol of impatience and discontent, some never met with a discouragement, but they cry out, This evil is of the Lord, why should I wait any longer, they are soon put to the end of their patience: Now faith can overcome such an idol, and I will tell you three excellent things that faith performeth to the soul under impatience, or when it i [...] in hazard of it. 1. Faith telleth the Christian there is an end, and their expectation shall not be cut off; Faith telleth that there is a morning as well as night, and this keepeth the soul from being overcome with disco [...] ragement, when they are brought to the midnight of trouble; Faith can tell what hour of the night it is, and how near the approaching of the morning, when day shall break and all their clouds flee away. 2. Faith helpeth the Christian to see there is much in Christ to make up any losse or disadvantage that they have; if ye losse your son, or your choisest contentment in the world, Faith will say such a word as Elkana said to Hannah, 1 Sam. 1.8. Is not Christ better to thee then ten sons? The choisest contentments ye can lose, (that is faiths divinity) Christ is worth an hundred of them: and so this maketh the [Page 137] [...]oul be ashamed of their impatiency, and to [...]ive over their fretting at the excellent and [...]ise dispensations of God. 3. Faith letteth Christian see, that there is not a dispensati [...]n that hee meeteth with, but it hath these [...]wo excellent ends, it hath our advantage as [...]ne end, and the glory of the Lord as another [...]: and there is not a dispensation that a Christia [...] meeteth with, but these are the glo [...]ious ends proposed in it. And therefore I would only give you this advice, evermore [...]hen yee meet with a dark dispensation, let [...]ith interpret it, for it is only the best inter [...]reter of dark dispensations; for if yee meet with sense, this is its interpretation, he is not [...]hastening me in love, but punishing me with [...]he wound of an enemy, but faith will pro [...]hesy good things to you in the darkest night.
The second next great idol that faith will [...]ring low, is that idol of covetousnesse and [...]esire to the things of the world. I think [...]hat word, Eccles. 3.11. was never so much [...]ccomplished as it is in those dayes, and [...]mongst you, Hee hath set the world in your [...]arts, that is the idol that dwelleth and [...]dgeth within you: yea, the world it hath [...]our first thoughts in the morning, and your [...] thoughts at night; yea more, it hath [...]our thoughts when yee are at Prayer, and [...]hen ye are at Preaching; yea, it hath such dominion over you, that it giveth you, as were, a new Bible, and in all the ten Com [...]ands s [...]rapeth out the Name of God, and [...]tteth down the world. And whereas [...]od saith, Thou shalt have no other Gods but [Page 138] me, the world saith, Thou shalt have no other Gods but me, &c. But faith will bring thi [...] idol low, and soon let you see the vanity and emptinesse of it; yea, faith would let you see a more noble object, and withall, discove [...] unto you how short your time is, and how few hours ye have to spend in following afte [...] lies: And I am perswaded of this, that if y [...] could win to shake hands with cold death every day, and say, thou at last shall bee my prince, and shall be the king to whom I shal [...] bee a subject, and if ye believed that the day of Eternity were approaching, it would be [...] mean to mortifie these pursuits after th [...] world: And I shall say, he is a blessed Christian that can maintain alwayes such thought [...] of the world, as he shall have when hee i [...] standing upon the outmost line between Time and Eternity. I shall say it, and believe it▪ O worldling, and O thou that hast the Moo [...] upon thy head, and in thy heart, the day shall once come, that thou may preach a [...] much of the vanity of the world, as thos [...] that undervalued it never so much.
The third great idol that faith will brin [...] low, is that idol of self love and self-indul [...]gence, that which is the great mother of al [...] other Idols. I think, if there were no mor [...] to bee said against that Idol of self love an [...] self indulgence, that which is in 2 Tim. 3.2. were sufficient, that amongst all the grea [...] idols of the latter times, this is put in the first place, They shall be lovers of themselves we cannot take pains for Christ, we canno [...] go about the exercise of any duty, because [Page 139] that idol of self-indulgence forbiddeth us. I will tell you its counsel and great advice it giveth you, O person, pity thy self, that same counsel Peter gave his Master, it biddeth you pity your self: But if wee could rightly interpret that language, it would be this, destroy your self, for self indulgence, and self-love is that which will ruine you. O what blessed attainments of God; what blessed fruitions of Jesus Christ, what advancement in mortification, what conformity to God hath that idol of self indulgence obstructed, and not only utterly ruined, even in the best? I think, if once yee could set your foot upon that idol, the rest should fall apace; that is the general of all the forces of your lusts, and it is as Saul, the head higher then the rest of all your idols within you.
The fourth idol that faith will subdue, is self-righteousnesse, this is a great thing wee maintain, we will never renounce our own righteousness and submit to the righteousnes of Christ: and the great ground of it is▪ That there is this principle within us all, [...] love to go to heaven through a Covenant of Works, [...]nd wee never desire to be much oblieged to [...]ny other, we cannot submit our selves to the righteousnesse of Christ.
The fifth great idol that faith can subdue, [...] that of pleasure, the world, and the con [...]entments of it: Pleasure is the great idol [...]hat many worship and adore, there are [...]ome [...]hat love the gain of the world, and [...]her [...]are others that love the pleasures of [...]he world; but faith hath a noble influence [Page 140] upon the bringing low of such an idol; for faith discovereth to a so [...]l more excellent pleasures, more sweet delights nor is to hee found under the Sun; Faith maketh a Christian lose his state unto all things that are here below; Faith is that grace that maketh us grow blind, and not much to behold these passing vanities, those transient dilights of a present evil world.
Our second conclusion is this, That as Faith helpeth Sanctification, so Sanctification helpeth Faith. I will tell yow three great advantages Faith hath by the growth and exercise of Sanctification. 1. It is a noble evidence of faith, and maketh a Christian to bee perswaded that hee is s [...]tled upon the Rock, and that his interest in God is made sure. Sanctification is that which will help a Christian dayly to read his interest in God: This is clear from Iam. 2.18. I will shew thee my faith by my workes, where this is clearly holden forth, That a Christian much in the work of Sanctification, hee can upon all times give an extract of his Faith, and, as it were, discover it and shew it to the world. 2. Sanctification maketh faith perfect, according to that remarkable word, Iam. 2.22. And by workes was faith made perfect. There is a noble perfection that redoundeth to faith through the exercise of the work of Sanctification; for not only is it thereby made manifest, and receiveth such a shining luster and splendor, as that sometimes the eyes of carnal men are e [...]en dazled to behold a Believer, but it also receiveth strength and power: Faith is not [Page 141] of the nature of these things that spend themselves in bringing forth, but on the contrary [...]f faith bring forth a hundred children (I mean works of holinesse) in one day, it groweth stronger: and this is further clear, 2 Pet. 1.8. For if these things be in you, and abound, ye shall [...]either bee barren nor unfruitfull. And from [...]hat other word, Iam. 2. where it is said, That faith without works is dead, being alone: [...]f faith be alone, it wants its spiritual life and [...]igour; but if yee were much in the exercise of the work of Sanctification, ye would, [...]o doubt, attain to a noble and lively acting of that grace of Faith. And, lastly, if a Chri [...]tian be much in this work of Sanctification, [...]here will be a comfortable exercise of faith, [...]ometimes Faith is exercised with much [...]xiety, and sometimes with much doubting, [...] faith and a pure conscience joyned toge [...]her, they make an excellent feast, and [...]aketh a Christian rejoyce with joy unspeak [...]ble and full of glory.
Thirdly, Wee may draw this conclusion, [...]f faith have influence upon the work of [...]anctification, and helpeth the producing of noble conformity to God, then I say, there [...]re many that their faith is a delusion, and [...]heir hope shall bee cut off as a spiders web. There are some that have faith, that have not [...]anctification, nor knows not what it is. and [...]hall not that faith unquestionably perish as a [...]eam, and evanish as the vision of the night ▪ [...]nd therefore if ye would testifie the reality [...]f your faith, then study more the work of [...]a [...]ctification. I shall but from Ioh. 8.14▪ [Page 142] 15. give you these eight properties of a hypocrites faith and hope, which may make you try and examine your self. 1. Their hope and their faith is but an act of folly, yea, there is not such an act of foolishnesse under heaven, as a hypocrites hope; because it is but a castle in the aire, and as writing to himself a charter on the sand: so that word yee have rendered, whose hope shall be cut off; is in the Original, whose folly shall be cut off; shewing this, that they build without a foundation, and so their faith must bee most unsure and uncertain, 2. The thing they hope for shall at last loath them: O hypocrites, yee hope for enjoyment of Christ, but be perswaded of it, Christ shall eternally loath you, and yee shall eternally [...]ath Christ: that is clear in that same wor [...], Whose hope shall be cut off, or as the word may be read, Whose hope shall loath them, the thing he hoped [...]or shall loath him, and Christ shall say, Depart, I know you not. 3. And though yee have now much delight and pleasure in the actings of your presumptuous hope, yet at the last, ye shall loath that hope: The word will carry that, not only the thing ye hoped for shall loath you, but ye likewise shall loath your hope. The day is coming, that yee shall cry forth, cursed be the day that ever I believed that I should get heaven. 3. It shall at last be the matter of his vexation▪ from that word, whose hope shall be cut off; or as the word may be rendered, whose hope shall vex him. O whe [...] the hypocrites shall meet with that anxious, [Page 143] that dreadull disappointment one day, they shall then put their hand on their head, being ashamed because of their confidence. 4. He studieth by all means to keep his hope, though it be but false, therefore have ye that word in the 15 verse, hee holdeth it fast, or is the word is, hee keepeth it with hand and arm, with all his strength hee keepeth his hope: so that if Christ would come from heaven and say, man, thou art a hypocrite, and thy hope shall be cut off, they would say, I will keep my hope Sir, and maintain it, and that is an evidence your hope is not built upon the foundation; I love never a faith that in this side of time is unchangeable, and never knoweth what it is to have ups nor downs. 5. It is built alwayes upon a wrong foundation, which is imported in [...] word, He shall lean upon his house, which we suppose may interpret thus, hee shall lean upon his, worldly [...]njoyments, or upon these spiritual like enjoyments hee met with. The hope of a hypocrite is never built upon Christ, and so unquestionably that hope shall be cut off and evanish. 6. Let hypocrites hold fast their hope with both their arms, I will say these three words to them: First, [...] all the Ministers should preach to you, and desire you to quite your hope, and yee will not, yet doth your hope and you shall bee separate: as it is in that word. Your hope shall depart from you, and yee shall quite it. Secondly, Your hope will bring you to death, and no further: according to that word, Iohn 18.14. Whose hope shall bring [Page 144] them to the King of terrours: Will it bring m [...] no further say you, O no, The King of ter [...]rors shall separate you and your hope. Thirdly The day is coming when the foundation o [...] it shall be discovered, and there shall no [...] bee a delusion but it shall be unfolded. Th [...] day is approaching when Christ shall as [...] how you got your faith, and how you main [...]tained it. 7. The hypocrites hope is [...] poor building, it is as a spiders web; which I conceive (without being critick) is this▪ The hope of hypocrites they spin it out o [...] their own bowels, they have it not from Christ, but as yee see a spider spin out o [...] its own bowels, so do they out of them [...]selves, it is no better stuff then their ow [...] [...]otten righteousnesse, Christ never beg [...] those unto a lively hope. Let mee beseech you therefore, that by all means ye would study to make sure your interest in God, an [...] to build your faith on him, whose name i [...] that munition of rocks; For believe it, I may say it with much perswasion, I know ther [...] are many that shall once meet (if God pre [...]vent it not) with a dreadfull disappoint [...]ment: And therefore as ye would not incu [...] that eternal hazard that is attending thos [...] that presumptuously take hold of a hope before Christ take hold of them, study to search your hope what it is: I desire not to raze any foundation of their hope that i [...] laid by the hand of Christ, but would desir [...] and charge you to raze the foundation o [...] that hope which yee have laid from the be [...]ginning by your own hands, and hee knew i [...] [Page 145] not. I would presse these three things upon you. First, O yee that are strangers to Christ, and that know not what it is to imbrace the offers of the everlasting Gospel, obey that excellent counsel, 2 Chron. 3.8. Give Christ your hand; for that word which ye have rendered, Yeeld your self to the Lord, it is in the Original, Give your hand to God; which is in short, Marry him, and be content to contract your s [...]lf to him; for believe it, the day is coming, that either that contract between you and Christ, shall bee eternally confirmed, or that contract between the devil and you, shall be eternally ratified. And, I suppose, there is so much spoken to the commendation of that noble Plant of renown, that yee may take Christ (if so wee may speak) blindly, ye may close your eyes and take him, for hee shall never disappoint your hope; for let you think of him to Eternity, hee shall alwayes be above your thoughts. Secondly, I would earnestly desire you once to search and try, what was the first rise of your faith in Jesus Christ: I am perswaded of it, there are many that take up their faith at their foot, they never travelled in pain, and yet faith is brought forth. Is not this a mystery? shall it be said, before they travelled, they brought forth? I do not question but there may be lesse and greater pangs of the new birth, but this is most certain, there is alwayes some either lesser troubles or greater, till that childe be brought forth: and yet I may condemn these that stay too long in the place of the breaking [Page 146] forth of children, Christ will never refuse you when ye do really come, because y [...] have not been so many years and dayes in prison to the Law: Thirdly, Let me desire you to go and ask, is there a grave between you and heaven, in all that way through which the Saints have travelled, upon which this is written, here lyeth a man that sincerely sought life from Christ, and he denyed him. I think without encroaching too much upon the searching forth of the exercise of the Saints in heaven, I think we may suppose, there may be in heaven some Queries and Interrogations: Christ shall ask▪ O beloved, Did ye want any thing here below when ye was sent forth to travel in the world? and yee shall be constrained to an [...]swer, No: Christ shall ask that question a [...] you. Did I not all things well? and y [...] shall be constrained to answer, Yes: Christ shall propose that question, Are ye not well rewarded for all your pains? and you shall be constrained to answer, Yes: O but to take him, He is the blessed and most excellent One in heaven and in earth, it is the best bargain ever ye made: O ye Merchants that have made many excellent bargains to your own apprehension, will ye come and make one excellent bargain yet, that will make you eternally up? And what is that? Come and buy Christ and take him for nothing, this is not your ordinary bargaining: there is few comes to you, and biddeth you buy excellent things without money; but come in the Gospel, and ye shall get Christ without [Page 147] money: O niggards that are loath to spend your money in the world, will yee come to Christ and believe on him, take him freely: O say ye, if I could get three things of Christ, I would come. 1. I would have much gold and silver; I say, come to Christ, and ye shall get much gold and silver: Is that true? it is abundantly true: See Iob 22.25, 26. where pressing that exhortation, Acquaint thy self with God ▪ and using many arguments, he saith. Thou shall lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks. Is not that gold enough? yea, ye shall have silver likewise, Thou shalt have plenty of silver. In the 26. verse, ye shall not only have gold and silver, but shall have plenty of it, and shall have the most excellent and refined gold. But O say ye, will that promise be literally accomplished to me if I come to Christ. I would only say these three things to thee: 1. Come to Christ, and if gold and silver be for thy advantage, thou shall have it literally accomplished. 2. I say, ye shall have as much contentment in Jesus Christ, as if yee had this house full of gold. 3. I will say this to thee, Christ shall be thy gold and thy silver: according to that word in the 26. verse, which is most remarkable; yea, the Almighty shall be thy defence; or as it is in the Original, shall be thy gold, speaking of the promise of gold before. Secondly, Ye say, I would have this that what I purpose might be accomplished: I say, come to Christ and yee shall have that likewise, Iob. 22.28. Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee; which I [Page 148] conceive, doth not only take in these spiritual decrees; but likewise these that relate to temporal enjoyments. But there is a third thing I would have (say yee) and I would come to Christ, and it is, that I might have all the desires of my heart: I say, O man▪ and O woman, come to Christ, and thou shall have what thou desirest: This is clear from Psal. 37.4. Delight thy self in God, and hee shall give thee the desires of thy heart: What can ye have man but it is there? Would yee have any thing of Christ? Hee putteth a blank in your hand, and saith that word which he said to Solomon, Ask; What would yee have, and I shall give you, Christ, as it were, putteth his name to the foot of a clean sheet of paper, and hee desireth you to ask what ye would have, And is not this an excellent bargan? O niggard, what would yee have which ye will not get in Christ? And bee perswaded, that ye that refuse and will not take him, the eternal curse of all that is in heaven will return upon thy head, the eternall curse of all the expectants of heaven and heirs of life will return upon the head of that person that will not take Christ. And cursed, cursed shall that person be who will not take Christ, and one day all the Congregation in heaven and earth shall say, Amen.
Examine your selves, whether ye be in the faith? prove your own selves, know ye not your own selves, how that Iesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
ASsurance is a precious gift which many that live in these dayes do undervalue, and trode under foot; do not the Christians of these times go halting between two opinions, being neither positive that they are received into the adoption of children, not positive that they are yet in a state of alienation, and enemies in their minds by wicked works; yea, and (that which is worse) there are many among us that walk with much contentment under their uncertainty. I think it is a fault to be condemned in many, they pursue more to satisfie their sense for the present, nor to have a solide well grounded assurance for time to come: I could wish that all the debates and questions of these dayes, that take up so much of our time, and so much of our spirits from better things, were happily drowned in these four excellent questions, which without controversie are of greatest concernment for all to have resolved. 1. Where shall I rest all [...]ight when the long shaddows of the everlasting [Page 150] evening shall be streatched out upon me and whither or not hath Christ gone befor [...] to take up a place for me in his Fathers house 2. It is a soul-concerning question, Master what shall I do to inherit eternal life? to bee asking at him that can sweetly resolve you▪ And 3. not to rest there, but to bee crying forth in the morning, What shall I do to be [...] saved, and to be crying out in the evening▪ Lord what wilt thou have me to do. 4. It i [...] sweet to be asking seriously, Saw yee him whom my soul loveth: There is much of our time spent in asking news from Court▪ and from abroad, concerning the revolutions of States and Kingdomes: But I suppose, it were better to ask, What news from heaven concerning thy self, and what news from within, and news of thy Bridegrooms comeing? for these are great Courts, I mean the Court of heaven, and the Court of conscience, the affairs of which, a Christian should endeavour much to know. 5. It is a soul-concerning question, that a Christian should be much in proposing to himself, What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits. It is certain, we must say, that our faith and assurance, and all our other mercies are from him, and yet alas, we are negligent in praises, we may with Tamar rent our garments of divers colours, even the garments of the Kings daughters, because of spiritual whoredome against God, and our ingratitude to him.
Now having spoken unto you at so great a length of that precious and fundamentall [Page 151] grace of Faith, wee have thought fit to shut up all in speaking a little upon these wo [...]ds we now have read, concerning the evidence and assurance of Faith. The Apostle in this Chapter is vindicating his Ministery and Apostleship, from the contempt that was cast upon it, he proveth he was a Minister of the New Testament, called and sent of God, by the blessing and successe he had among them, in that hee had not plowed nor threshed in vain; and they being so much in censuring his way, and seeking an account of his Ministery: In these words, he doth (as it were) draw them off by a holy diversion unto another businesse, as if hee had said to them, O Corinthians, I will divert you from the exercise of judging me, and will lead you into an exercise that is more divine and profitable; be much in judging and examining your selves: and indeed, it is a truth worth our observation, that if we were more in judging of our selves, wee would be lesse in judging others: but alas, there are some of us, wee are so much abroad, that we cannot be much at home.
In the words, there is these six things considerable. First, That there is such a thing attainable by a Christian while hee is here, as a distinct perswasion and assurance that he is in the Faith, and hath an interest in Christ: by being in the faith; here is not to be understood, a being in the doctrine of Faith only, but it is to be understood of principally, being indeed and really united to Christ by Faith. Secondly, That the seeking [Page 152] after assurance, is a necessary commanded duty, for ye see here the words very imperative, Examine your selves, prove your selves. Thirdly, That there are many mistakes and delusions among people, concerning that noble and excellent thing, Assurance, there being many that keep fast a hope which Christ shall once discountenance and sweep away, like a spiders web, and this is imported in these words, Examine your selves, or as the word may bee rendered, Take an acurate and an experimental search of your selves, try your selves, or prove your selves: it is a word that is borrowed from the Gold-smiths fineing and trying Gold. And so his putting of the Corinthians to so acurate a search of themselves, saith this clearly to us, there are many mistakes concerning this thing, many do passe a decreet in their own favours before Christ hath passed his approbation of them. Fourthly, Take notice of this from the word, that there is much and exceeding much advantage, by trying and searching whether we bee in the faith or no; this is imported in his doubling the exhortation. Fifthly, That one most excellent and spiritual way of attaining assurance, whether we be in the faith or no, is self examination, and putting our self to the trial, as if he had said, would ye have a distinct perswasion that yee are in Christ, then bee much in the exercise of self-examination. For the rest of the words of the verse, wee intend not to handle.
As to the first, That there is such a thing [Page 153] attainable: I shall only propose these reasons unto you to make it evident. 1. It is known in Scripture, that the Saints of old have in ordinary way attained to distinct perswasion of their interest in Christ, Song. 2. vers. 16. My beloved is mine, and I am his, and Rom. 8.38. I am perswaded (saith the Apostle) that neither death nor life, &c. shall bee able to separate mee from the love of God in Christ. And 2 Cor. 5. ver. 1. For we know, if this our earthly tabernacle were dissolved, wee have a house with God not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2. It is the great scope of many Scriptures, to shew how Christians may attain to assurance, 1 Ioh. 1.13. These things I write unto you, that yee may know that yee have eternal life. The great end and design of Iohn, writing in these Epistles, is, to make a soul acquaint with Christ, and to make them to accept of him, and to give them a distinct assurance that Christ hath accepted them. 3. There are many commands in Scripture for Christians to be serious in searching after assurance, 2 Pet. 1.10. Wherefore brethren, give all diligence to make your calling and election sure. It is the blessed end of Gods oath in the everlasting Covenant, that a Christian might get assurance. What was the ground and great end that God confirmed his Covenant with an oath, was it not, Heb. 6.18. That by two immutable things, wherein it was impossible for God to lie, ye might have strong consolation. 5. If assurance of our interest in Ch [...]st were not attainable, then these precious graces of joy [Page 154] and love could not be well exercised: if a Christian were evermore in the dark concerning his interest in Christ, hee could not give obedience to that exhortation, Rejoyce evermore, again, I say, rejoyce, 6. The Scripture hath set down these means by which a Christian may win to assurance: as is clear, 1 Ioh. 3.18, 19. 2 Pet. 4.5. compared with vers 10. where the Apostle Peter pressing the Doctrine of making our calling and election sure, hee fetteth down these excellent means by which they may win to in, and doubtlesse the marks and evidences that are registrate in the Scripture of a gracious state, do assure us, that assurance is attainable. 7. What are the ends of the Sacraments, but that our assurance may bee confirmed, and that our faith may be strengthned, the two Sacraments are the two great Seals of heaven that are put to the Charter of the Covenant.
Now as to the applitation, and the more full improvement of this first point, I shall only offer these considerations. 1. I would have it taken notice of, that though grace and assurance be two lovers, yet there is no such band of union between them, that the one cannot consist without the other: A Christian may have the real grace of God, and yet walk in darknesse and have no light: a Christian may be going to heaven, and yet that word oftentimes in his mouth, I am cut off from thy sight; yea, are there not even some who have had assurance, and sometime a day have been admitted to draw that conclusion, I am my beloveds, and his desire is [Page 155] towards me, who are now under darknesse concerning their interest, and in much bitternesse of spirit, doe sometimes cry out, My hope and my strength is perished from the Lord. But therefore let me say this one word, both to weak ones who never had assurance, and deserted ones who have lost it; when ye misse assurance, beware of drawing such negative conclusions concerning your graces, but when ye fit in darknesse and see no light, Trust in the Name of the Lord, and stay your selves upon your God; that is when ye cannot reach the faith of assurance, be much in maintaining of adherence, remember Iobs divinity, Though thou should kill me, yet will I trust in thee, and consider that sweet word, He will keep them in perfect peace, whose hearts are stayed on him.
My second consideration is, That since assurance is attainable, ye would study to finde out and remove these things that doth hinder you from attaining unto it. And that we may help you in this, we conceive, that the obstructions of a Christians assurance, are especially in these two. 1. Our mistaking of the Lords dealing towards us. And, 2. Our untender and unsuitable dealing towards him.
Of the first sort we shall lay before you these five. The first is, want of favourable termes of prayer; this often maketh a Christian to debate his interest▪ and call in question his evidences, Lam. 3 8. compared with verse 18. I cry and shout, but he shutteth out my prayers: And this is the conclusion of that dispensation, verse 18. My hope and my [Page 156] strength is perished from the Lord; and this i [...] especially occasioned when the Christian i [...] most serious and fervent in prayer, and the [...] he meeteth not with a return, this maketh them exceedingly debate their interest. And I confesse, it is a sad dispensation to meet with a silent Christ in prayer; but yet that needeth not make a Believer question all, and debate the reality of his interest in God, since the dearest of all the children of the Kingdom have been so dealt with, even a David, Psal. 22. Cryed night and day without silence, and is not heard, but cryeth out, Why art thou so far from helping▪ and from the words of my roaring; yea, that passage may relate to him who was the root and off spring of David; for even he was so dealt with, and had not presently a sensible return, when he had prayed thrice, that the cup might passe from him.
Secondly, The want of sensible enlargement and liberty in prayer, that hee never got to his knees, but his heart beginneth to die like a stone within him, then hee cryeth forth that word, 2 Cor. 3.17. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, and sure if I had the Spirit of the Lord, I would have liberty in the exercise of prayer, and that this is a rise of the disputing of our interest, is clear from Psal. 77.4. compared with ver. 7.9. saith David, I am sore troubled that I cannot speak, I have no liberty in prayer, I never go to God in prayer, but (as it were) my tongue sticketh to the roof of my mouth: he from hence draweth that conclusion, Hath God forgotten to bee gracious, and hath hee in [Page 157] wrath shut up his tender mercies for ever: I confesse, this also is a sad dispensation to meet with an absent and vailed Christ in prayer: so that we can never go to seek God in secret, but we may write this upon our prayers, He is gone, he is gone, especially when we have lost that liberty that formerly we have had: and therfore is Davids perplexity much heightened, ver. 5, 6. from his remembring his song in the night, and his calling to mind the years of ancient times; yet wee may remember how soon David wrote his retractions, as to that sad conclusion, I said, this is my infirmity, ver. 10. and so should we do when upon every straiting in prayer, wee begin to question all the Lords kindnesse towards us.
A third obstruction of assurance, is a Christians wrestling with his corruptions painfully and seriously, and yet not meeting with any sensible victory over them, but upon the contrary, their corruptions seem to bee stronger, and they themselves seem to bee weaker, and then it is, they strengthen their misbelief, but that word, 1 Joh. 3 3. Every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself even as he is pure: And indeed, this is a knot that is not easily loosed, but when hee seeth his idols and corruptions prevailing over him, hee will cry out, I am gone, and there is no help in Israel concerning this thing, and yet this also is a word in haste, Paul hath registrate himself a standing witnesse, even after hee was a chosen vessel, Rom. 7. How strangely a childe of God may bee born down with a body of death even under most [Page 158] serious wrestlings against it: And there [...]fore if thou seriously maintain that combate though thou do not sensibly prevail, thou ha [...] no reason upon that ground to weaken th [...] assurance.
Fourthly, When a Christian is put to mor [...] then ordinary outward affliction, when Go [...] doth dispence sadly unto them in outwar [...] things, they then begin to cal in question thei [...] interest, and dispute their assurance, this i [...] clear, by comparing Lament 3. vers. 18. wit [...] the preceeding words, where speaking of th [...] sad dispensations they meet with, he draweth that conclusion in verse 18. My hope and my strength is perished from the Lord, and Ion. 2.2. where he draweth that conclusion from such a promise. I am now cast out of thy sight, the devil he taketh Eliphaz divinity and presents it to a Christian; Call now if there be any to answer thee, and to which of the Saints wilt thou go: As if he had said, did thou ever know a Christian afflicted so as thou art afflicted, and so he would have Iob to quite his integrity; But yet we know all these blessed ones for all their afflictions, were dear unto the Lord, and had their interest secure in him, yea, as many as he loveth, he doth rebuke and chasten, and it is bastards and not sons on whom he will not bestow a rod, and therefore we ought not to quarrel our interest because of afflictions.
And lastly, The rise of a Christians discouragement, and that which hindereth their assurance, is▪ when their former experience of the manifestations of God doth not relish to them, and when the promises upon [Page 159] which they have built become tastlesse unto [...]hem as the white of an egge, and when they meet not with God in Ordinances, but these become lifelesse, when these three rise toge [...]her upon them, their case becomes very per [...]lexed oftentimes: and this also seemed to [...]ave been Davids case, Psal. 77. When he remembered his song in the night▪ and the dayes of [...]ld, and yet had no sweetnesse in them, then he breaketh forth into these bitter complaints which are there expressed: but yet as we said before, this was his infirmity, and there is no reason for a Christian to question his interest upon such an account; because the Ordinances are not at all times alike lively even to the best, and the Lord is not alwayes present, but though sometimes the candle of the Lord doth shine upon his head, yet at other times hee is necessitate to cry out, O that it were with me as in months past.
The second sort of obstructions of a Christians assurance, I mean such as flow from our untender dealing towards God are,
First, A guilty conscience; that is a remarkable word, 1 Tim. 3 9. Holding the mystery of faith in a pure conscience; It telleth us, that this excellent grace of Faith cannot bide but in a cleanly lodging, even in a pure conscience, and when a Christian setteth about to believe hee will know how a guilty conscience will flee in his face, and cry out, O adventure not to believe, dare thou believe; the guiltinesse of a Christians conscience maketh him oft to cry out, Touch not the mountain lest thou be thrust thorow: And I [Page 160] tell you three disadvantages of a guilty conscience. 1. It obstructeth a Christians boldnesse in making applications to Christ; his heart saith close, and his necessity saith close; but his guilty conscience cryeth out, O stand aback and do not close. 2. A guilty conscience oftentimes it hindereth the discoveries of Christ to the soul, and doth so affright and terrifie, yea, it will so sting and bite us, that when he revealeth himself, we cannot take notice, when he would lay on a plaster, our souls will tear it off, and refuse to be comforted. 3. It doth exceedingly obstruct our going about duty. O but our soul moves slowly in the paths of God when wee are under the power of a guilty conscience.
The second obstruction is, That wee are not much in the exercise of tendernesse. O but if a Christian were tender, and if in every step of his life hee desired to set Christ before his eyes, he wold easily win to much assurance, according to that word, Isa. 64 5. Thou meetest him that rejoycest and worketh righteousnesse, and these that remember thee in thy wayes: Would yee know the assured Christian, it is the tender Christian; the Christian that doth not crucifie convictions, the Christian that brea [...]eth not resolutions, the Christian that doth not sit calls and opportunities to prayer, the Christian that saith not of any sin it is a little one; or the Christian that searcheth alwayes, watcheth alwayes, examineth alwayes, and is alwayes casting out sin, that is the assured Christian.
The third obstruction is, The want of the [Page 161] [...]ercise of the grace of fear, we are not much [...]der this disposition, to fear the Lord and [...] goodnesse; this is clear from that word, [...]sal. 25.14. The secret of the Lord is with [...]em that fear him, and hee will shew to them [...] Covenant. I think there are these two [...]reat evidences that much of the power of [...]odlinesse is gone from some of our hearts: [...]ee fear God no more, nor if wee were his [...]ompanion. And we fear our selves no more [...]or if we had not a deceitfull heart within [...], we neither fear God nor our selves, and [...]ut speaketh that much of the life of Religi [...] is lost amongst us.
The fifth thing that doth much astruct our [...]ssurance, is, much worldly mindednesse, and [...] eager pursuit after the things of a present [...]: That is remarkable, 2 Cor. 4. ver. last, [...]ompared with 2 Cor. 5.1. We look not unto [...]he things that are seen, that is, we are not much taken up with the things of a present world, which the men of the world seek [...]nd delight themselves in: and it is subjoy [...]ed, For wee know, if this our earthly house [...]f this tabernacle were dissolved, wee have a [...]ouse not made with hands; so we see assurance [...]nd mortification to the world, are much [...] together. Would yee know where to [...]nd our hearts, the most part of us are con [...]ersing with idols of the world; Would [...]ee know where to find our hearts, they are [...]mong the vanities of the world O how true [...]s that word, Psal. 39. Man walks in a vain [...]hew: What is man in all his actings, but [...]s one walking in a long gallery that is set [Page 162] about with pictures, gazing on these thing [...] and saluting them all, as if they were livin [...] Kings and Queens, and great persons tha [...] could do him good; and so our pursuing a [...]ter the world, is nothing else but a dead shad [...]dow pursuing after dead shaddows, a man tha [...] is but a short living shaddow pursuing afte [...] vanity and nothing, and thus he fools awa [...] his time, forgetting to make sure the one thin [...] necessary.
Fifthly, Want of distinct apprehension of these three, the infinite love of Christ, th [...] infinite power of Christ, and the infinit wise [...]dome of Christ; there is not an objection O Christians that yee have from the multitud [...] of your sins, but it may be drowned in infi [...]nit love; there is not an objection that y [...] have concerning the strength of your idols but it may be drowned in that immense ocea [...] of the infinit power of Christ; there is no [...] an objection ye have from your wants, or abou [...] your evil nature, but ye may drown it in the infinit wisedom and goodnesse of Christ, and there can bee nothing against your assurance, but may be sweetly answered also from these rightly applied, taken up and rested on by the soul. The last thing which hindereth our assurance, is, the smalnesse of the measure of grace that we have attained; for when grace is small, it is hard to be discerned, and therefore, if wee would have assurance, learn not to ly still and dispute, but to rise up and to increase our stock, and then you shall know ye are rich, Grow in Grace and the knowledge of God, and by this ye shall know if [...] follow to know the Lord.
[Page 163]The third consideration is, that assurance [...]s not bestowed at all times, but there are some special times and seasons when God giteth a Christian a broad sight of his interest, and I shall but name these.
The first is, when he is first converted, and Christ and he joyns hands together, even then [...]ometimes the best robe is put on upon the prodigal son, and the farted calf is killed, and [...] is put upon his hand, and shooes upon his feet, Act. 9.17. Paul meeteth with [...] immediately after his conversion, 1 Ioh. [...].12, [...]4. I write unto you little children, because ye have known the Father; and before that, in the 12. vers. I write unto you little [...]hildren, because your sins are forgiven you; so that when a Christian is brought into Christ, [...] will (as it were) lead them to the Registers of heaven, and say, friend come and see, [...] is your name written from eternity. But do not mistake me▪ I do not say, this is alwayes so, but these whom Christ converteth through the thunderings of the Law, these most frequently meet with intimation of the [...]ardon of their sins and peace of God, even [...]t their first acquaintance? I know there are [...]ome Christians, that if ye ask at them when [...]hey were begotten to a lively hope, they would say that word that the blind man once [...]id, One thing I know, I was once blind, and [...]ow I see, but for the time and the day, I know [...]ot when it was.
The second [...] is, when they are wresting with God like Princes in Prayer, and [...]atching unto that exercise, Dan. 9.23▪ compared [Page 162] [...] [Page 163] [...] [Page 164] with the preceeding verse, hee being much and serious in prayer, doth meet with that word from heaven, O man greatly beloved, or as the word is, O man of desires, and Acts 10.2, 3, 4. when Cornelius is much in exercise of watching and prayer, hee set [...] a vision, and getteth intimation of his peac [...] with God; and Iacob when he [...] was wrestling with Christ, Gen. 32. he hath that testi [...]mony given him, Thou hast as a prince wrest [...]led with God, and prevailed.
The third time is, when a Christian is p [...]sing through the gates of death, and is upo [...] the borders of Eternity: I desire not to b [...] mistaken in this neither; I know some Chri [...]stians are led to heaven through a dark [...] so as they never see a blink of the countenance of Christ, untill the day come th [...] they get him in their arm [...] eternally withi [...] his Fathers house; Some Christians whe [...] they go through the gates of death, they ma [...] be disputing of this question, Where am I go [...]ing, but this is certain, that sometimes, ye [...] oftentimes Christ will dispense a broad sight of a Christians interest unto him at the day o [...] death, 2 Sam. 25.5. When was it that Davi [...] sang that song, which hath strengthned thou [...]sands in the very jaws of death, God hat [...] made with me an everlasting Covenant, was i [...] not when death was shaking hands with him and 2 Tim. 4.8. When was it that Paul san [...] that song, I have fought the good fight of faith I have finished my course, henceforth is laid [...] for me a crown of righteousnesse, was it [...] even then when he was ready, to depart and [...] [Page 165] be offered up? And when was it when old Simeon did sing that blessed song, Luke 2.29▪ Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for my eyes have seen thy salvation, was it not within a step of death, as it were, he went to heaven with Christ in his arms, or rather in his heart hee carried Christ with him, and found Christ before him, and so death to Simeon was a change of his place, and not a change of his company.
The fourth time is, when hee is to be put to some hard and difficult duty: Before Abraham be put to forsake his native land, and become a stranger and a wanderer, hee meeteth with sweet intimation of his interest, Gen. 12.2. I will make of thee a great nation, and vers. 7. The Lord appeared unto Abraham, and before Ieremiah be sent a Preacher to a rebellious people, he will have that word spoken unto him, I know thee before thou wast brought forth.
The fifth time is, when a Christian hath done some singular act of obedience, when Abraham had obeyed the Lord, and was content to offer up his Isaac, he meeteth with a sight of his interest and Covenant renewed to him with an oath, Gen. 22.16. By my self I have sworn, because thou hast done this thing, and hast not witholden thy son, even thy only son, blessing, I will blesse thee, and multiplying, I will multiply thee as the stars of heaven.
The sixth time is, when a Christian is to meet with hard trials, difficulties and afflictions in the world, then they usually meet with assurance, and so Gen. 28.14, 15, 16. before [Page 166] Iacob go to serve Laban, he meeteth with intimation of his peace with God.
The seventh time is, when a Christian is under sad persecution and affliction, then will the Lord give a word from heaven to comfort him and assure him of his fatherly love and mercy: When was it that Christ left that noble Legacy to his Disciples, Ioh. 14. ver. 27. My peace I leave with you, my peace I give you, was it not when he himself was to leave them to troublesome and sorrowful dayes, in a persecuting world.
The eighth time is at some solemn Ordinances and approaches to God, the dayes of a Communion to a tender Christian have been sweet dayes, when Christ hath come to the soul, and said, Behold me, behold me. I think the eleven Apostles met with much assurance of their interest in Christ at the Communion they were at with him: O what sweet intimations were these, This is my body which is broken for you, and this cup is the New Testament in my blood shed for you, and a little after, you are they which have continued with me in my tentation, and I appoint unto you a kingdom.
We come now to the second point which we proposed from the words, viz. That a [...] assurance is a thing which may be attained so to seek after it, is a necessary duty: [...] me not be mistaken, as if I said, the havin [...] of assurance were simply necessary to Salva [...]tion; no, that were a Doctrine as comfor [...]lesse upon the other hand, as the Popis [...] doctrine of the impossibility of assurance [...] [Page 167] upon the other: But the thing I say, is, that the Christians seeking after assurance, and his real (endeavouring to attain unto it, is a necessary command of God which hee hath bound upon the consciences of his children amongst other Gospel duties; And certainly, we need go no further for the clearing of this then the Text it self; what meaneth these peremptory injunctions, Examine your selves whether ye be in the faith or not: Prove your own selves; Know yee not, &c. but if you will, you may add that word, 2 Pet. 1. vers. 5. and 10. compared, what can be more expresly commanded, and more strongly pressed, then that Christians should bend their utmost endeavours for attaining unto this blessed condition of assurance: Give diligence, yea, give all diligence, yea, the rather give all diligence to make your calling and election sure.
From this, we shall only lay before you these Considerations. 1. If the seeking after assurance be a necessary duety, then these three things are most lamentable. First, That there are so many in this Generation who are pure in their own eyes, and yet are not washed from their iniquity; they flatter themselves with a rotten assurance, that hath no other foundation but their own imagination: they never knew since the first day they were Baptized and did begin to professe Christ, what it was to mortifie one lust, nor seriously to wrestle against one temptation, and yet they want not a strong perswasion of their interest in Christ: But ah, will yee [Page 168] stand in awe, lest ye meet with such a dreadfull disppointment, as (when ye think y [...] are in the very gate of heaven) even then to fall backwards to the very bottome of hell, and when ye expect a kindly welcome from the Lord of Glory, as one who thinks you have been in Covenant with him this many years, ye meet with that dreadfull summons▪ Depart from me ye cursed, I know you not.
2. How sad may we be upon this account; that howbeit assurance be an attainable thing▪ and a great many dare not say they have attained it; yet so little diligence is used in pursuing after it: Is it not very lamentable▪ that many of you to whom I am speaking, since first ye gave up your names to Christ [...] a visible way, and were reputed amongst the generation of the seekers of his face, scare [...] ever set a day or an hour a part to examine whether ever indeed you were in Christ or not▪ Alas, is heaven of so little moment, is the having or wanting all the enjoyments which are there of so small concernment to you, that y [...] will not be at the pains as once to enquire af [...]ter your interest in the matter: What if any of you were but possessors of a thousand pound, and your interest or right unto it un [...]certain and questionable, would not your slee [...] depart from you, and your rest be unquiet til [...] you had made it more secure? What thin [...] you shall the men of this generation answe [...] in the day of the Lord for neglecting that on thing necessary, when they have been so vex [...]ing themselves about many things, and hav [...] been so serious in so many consultations t [...] [Page 169] make sure a worm eaten portion in a perishing world, that the whole wit of Men and Angels cannot secure for one moment: It is certain, the root of all this slothfulnesse is Atheism: It is not possible that we believe [...] really there is a heaven as we believe there i [...] an earth, or that the world to come is as real as that which is present, or else it must be a strange power in these lusts that keep us captive, that we are never suffered to think upon Eternity, nor to ask where we must [...]dge when this cottage we carry about shall [...]all about our ears. O will ye think upon it how serious and pressing that command is, 2 Pet. 1.10. Give all diligence to make your [...]alling and election sure, when the Lord saith, [...]ive all diligence, will ye give no diligence, and when he saith, make your calling and election sure, will ye live upon uncertainty, I said to the foolish, deal not so foolishly.
3. It is most lamentable, that since assurance is attainable, yet men live so content [...]dly under the want thereof: how strange is it that many are so seldom on their knees complaining of their uncertainty, if Christ were precious unto you, would it be so, I am sure there are some of us here that have hade the name of Christians I know not how long, that never had one sad thought about the want of assurance: when we look upon the desolations, vastations and plunderings in the world, how many of us can cry out, They have taken away my gods, and what have I more; but when we speak of heaven we care not who deprive us of our portion [Page 170] there. I will not limite the Lord, nor determine what he may do, but believe it, it is one to a thousand, if many Christians of this age have a pleasant night and comfortable closing of their eyes, they are such undervalue [...] of assurance: I may fear, that lamentation shall be heard upon the death beds of many [...] O poor wretched wandring Soul, where art thou going: and it is no wonder it come to this▪ when we are so long in beginning to ask the question. And now I close with this one thing, that I think beyond all question the souls that live contentedly under the want of assurance, are the careless daughters that dwelleth at ease; Christ and they are at a remarkable distance; it must be a cold winter and a dark night (at best) as to their present fellowship with God,
A second consideration from this point is▪ that if the seeking after assurance be so necessary a duty, then let me beseech you to ponder with your selves what means are fit for you to use that ye may attain it, and if ye enquire what these means are, I shall onely lay before you some few.
1. That ye would be much in the exercise of Faith, I mean the direct acts of Faith, whereby the sinner from his sense and feeling of his wants, layeth hold on Jesus Christ▪ closing with him, and leaning upon him for a full supply out of his fulnesse: for indeed there are two great faults amongst the Lord [...] people, some do seek assurance of Faith, before ever they seek to have Faith. 2. Some are much more taken up in debating their evidences, [Page 171] whether they be real or not, then they are in strengthening their evidences, so that most of their time is spent in questioning: O! is this a real evidence of assurance; whereas more actual believing in Christ and gripping to the promises, and l [...]sse disputing, were the shorter and surer way, that word is most clear, Eph. 1.13. After ye believed, yee were sealed with the Spirit of promise, that is, ye got assurance, but not before ye believed: and ye know it is said, Matth. 9 2. And when Iesus saw their Faith, he said, Son, be of good comfort, thy sinnes are forgiven thee ▪ so then it is clear, that to be much in believing, is the nearest way to assurance.
2. Ye would be much in believing the general truths and promises of the Gospel, and frequently meditatnig of them; all assurance is by a practical sylogisme; the first proposition whereof, must needs bee a Scripture [...]ruth: and certainly, the firm assent to that truth, and the souls delightful meditation on it, is often blessed of the Lord as a special mean whereby the conscience is helped to make the assumption, and also to bring forth the conclusion: For instance, wee see with what strength of affection Paul acteth his faith on that word, 1 Tim. 1.15. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, Christ Iesus came to save sinners; and presently we see what followeth on it, of whom I am the chief, then is his assurance; for doubtlesse he meaneth, that he was the chief of saved sinners; yea, certainly, a sinner thus exercising himself, will often find so [Page 172] much sweetnesse in the general truths, that he cannot but put to his own name.
3. Be diligent in the exercise of all spiritual graces and Christian duties, that this i [...] among the best means of attaining to assurance, is manifest from 2 Pet. 1. Give all diligence to make your calling and election sure: for indeed it is very observable, that the diligence there mentioned, is not a diligence in disputing and questioning about our election, but a diligence in the practice of duties and graces▪ as is clear from ver. 5. Give all diligence (saith the Apostle) Whereto? in adding to your faith vertue, to your vertue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, &c. and then vers. 8. If ye do these things, ye shall neither be barren no [...] unfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ; he doth not say in the knowledge of the Lord Iesus Christ simply, but of our Lord Jesus: importing that, that the result of diligence in these graces, shall be the knowledge of Christ as ours, and of our interes [...] in him: and then he addeth (upon the othe [...] hand) he that laketh these things, is blind and cannot see afar off, this is, he cannot see far i [...] any spiritual matter, and so not in the matte [...] of his interest. O therefore, think not tha [...] ye will get assurance by lying down with th [...] [...]uggard upon your bed, or by your formal [...] prayer, or your anxious debates, but if eve [...] ye come to assurance, ye must be striving a [...] in an agony, for so the word importeth, which is used to expresse our diligence in Christia [...] duties.
4. As ye would be diligent, so if ever y [...] [Page 173] would come to assurance, ye would be tender and circumspect in your walking, that is a clear word, Psal. 50. last verse, To him that ordereth his conversation aright, will I shew the salvation of God, and Isa. 32. The effect of righteousnesse is peace and assurance for ever: Ah the untender walk that many of us have: it is no wonder to see us walk in darknesse, such stinking grosse vapors that ariseth off our conversation, cannot but engender clouds that hinder us from seeing God, and certainly such pearls as Assurance is not given to dogs and swine, lest they tread upon them.
Examine your selves, whether ye be in the faith? prove your own selves, know ye not your own selves, how that Iesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
THere are two great ballances into which men do weight themselves; there are some that weight themselves in the ballance of deceit, who [...]ink that in all their labours there is no ini [...]uity to be found, yet God who is the weigher [...] the spirit, when he shall weigh them will [...]grave this upon their forehead, Thou art [...]eighed in the ballance, and are found light: but there are many who approve themselves, [Page 174] whom Christ shall never approve▪ There are many that call God Father, whom he will not call Children, and many that call Christ Husband, whom he will not call Spouse. 2. There are some who weigh themselves in the ballance of the Sanctuary, who upon solide and most spiritual grounds do draw this conclusion, I am my beloveds and his desire is towards me, who can with boldness and confidence look Christ in the face, and say, thou art mine, and with much spiritual confidence, take him in their arms, and cry out, he shall bee eternally mine: and sure there is not a more pleasant life than to be taking him every day in our arms, and to be crying out, Am I not made up in him, am I not made up in him,
Before I come to the words, there are three great and most soul-concerning errour [...] amongst the Christians of these dayes, that we desire ye may consider. 1. There are many that are more desirous to know what they are, then what they should do; there are some are more taken up to know whether they be justified and sanctified, then to be indeed justified and sanctified; and they are more desirous to know if they be in Christ, then indeed to be in him: and therefore we finde many who do spend a great deal more time disputing that question, Whether am I in Christ or not, then they do i [...] using of these means by which real union and communion with him may be attained: But oh, will ye once study more to be in him, and that shall be the shortest way to attain [Page 175] to the knowledge of your being in him. The second great errour is, that some are more desirous to know what they should do, then they are desirous to do what they know; Are there not many of us that have this question, Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and yet we do not know his Commandment is with us; and that wee should do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. A third errour is, that we are more in talking of Christ, than in believing in him, or closing with him: Some of us think to win to heaven by discourses, if we can talk of Christ, wee think all is without debate or controversie; but alas, there are many who were sweet talkers of Christ, that are cursing him this day in Hell. And I would only say this by the way, if there be any of you that have win to any soul perswasion of your interest in Christ, I intreat you if you can put the conclusion upon record, that in such a day of such a Month, and such a Year of God, you did then win to cry out, I am my beloveds and he is mine: It seemeth to have been Davids practice, Psal. 16.2. O my soul thou hast said unto the Lord, thou art my Lord; and it was Ierimiahs practice, Lam. 3.24. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul, I say, yee should even mark that conclusion as they did, that when tentations come, and begin to assault you, ye may look to your record that yee have set down, and bee ashamed to misbelieve. It is true, that for a little while our assurance at best will be but ebbing and flowing, but I hope ere long, we shall bee [Page 176] above the reach of misbelief, and above the reach of fears, I hope ere long, we shall dispute no more, we shall be jealous no more, and we shall question our interest no more, when all our disputings and questionings shal be sweetly drowned in that infinit ocean of eternal delight and fruition of God. O expectants of heaven, expectants of heaven, are ye not looking after this day, are ye not looking after it: I know not what we do here, if we be not walking forward every day: he is upon his way; O to see him, we will even stand and wonder at him: I hope the day is coming when we shall never lose our grips of Christ any more, he is coming, he is coming; and I think if▪ Christ would give a Passe, we would long to go hence: O what streets are these that are there, is there any here who is groaning for heaven, be of good comfort, I hope ere long he shall come, he shall come and wash all tears from our eyes.
Now at the last occasion, when we spake upon these words, we told you that there was five or six things which we intended to consider in them. The first was, that such a thing as a distinct and well grounded perswasion of our interest in Christ was attainable; and of this we have already spoken. The second thing is, That concerning this noble and excellent thing assurance, there are many mistakes among the people of God, and to make this evident, is is clear first in this Text, from that serious and acurate search in this matter, which the Apostle putteth these people unto, as we cleared [Page 177] unto you from the force of the words, and his doubling of these exhortations, Try your own selves, prove your own selves. 2. From the many commands which the Lord hath left upon record that we should not be mistaken concerning our assurance, 1 Cor. 3.18. Let no man deceive himself, Gal. 6.3. If a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself, and therefore doth the Apostle adde, Let every one prove his own work, and verse 7. Be not deceived. 3. The point is clear from this, that we find in Scripture many who have been mistaken most dreadfully in the matter of their assurance, Hos. 8. Israel cryeth out, my God we know thee, and yet Israel was in a great mistake, for in the words following, verse 3. Israel had cut off the thing that was good, and Prov. 30. verse 12. we finde there, A generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet are not washed from their iniquities. 4. It is clear from this, that it is a great design of Satan the great deceiver, that we might be mistaken about that noble and weighty point of our Assurance of being in Christ: Is there not a power given unto him from Christ to deceive the Nations; I may say, that in no point doth he more prevail to deceive us then in this: If profanity kill its thousands, delusion kills ten thousands, & this delusion its twenty thousands. Lastly, Doth not this prove how much a Christian may be mistaken in the matter of his Assurance, even that came which is given to our hearts, Ier. 17. vers. 9. It is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, and who [Page 178] can know it; no doubt this may show us (though there were no more) how ready our hearts are to deceive us, making us to entertain a delusion in stead of truth, and imbrace a shadow in stead of substance.
The next thing that wee have to speak to you upon this point, is to show you where these mistakes do lye, and what are these false grounds by which so many do deceive their own souls in this matter; and here there are two sorts of persons whom we must inform. 1. There be some who upon most unwarrantable grounds do conclude that their interest in Christ is sure, when indeed it is not. 2. There be some (upon the other hand) who from sad mistakes of themselves, and the Lords dealing towards them, deny that they have an interest, when indeed they have. The first sort are the worst, and in the most dangerous condition, and they build upon these six false foundations, which wee beseech them to consider.
The first is▪ their supposed sensible enjoyments, some Christians in these times especially do meet with some flashes of light and joy which they have not been (it may bee) acquainted with before, or at least, not i [...] such a measure, or in such a sensible manner, and upon this they presently cry forth, My beloved is mine, and I am his. I shall not dispute with such about the reality of these enjoyments, or how they came to know that these are such as proceed from a saving work of the Spirit of Grace, but waving that debate, give me leave to say this much of all [Page 179] enjo [...]ments and sensible manifestions (as in the point in hand) they may bee sometime a good supporter to underprop a Christians assurance when i [...] [...], but never a good foundation whereon he may lay the first stone of that building: and therefore, [...]ee is the wiser-Christian who first tryeth the reality of his interest in Christ by other blessed fruits of righteousnesse and holinesse before he [...]ust the reality of sensible enjoyments, how sweet or comfortable soever they may seem to be. 2. Some build their assurance upon the number and bulk of their duties, without considering the frame of their spirit, and the principle from which they flow, they use prayer, and reading, and conference, they wait upon Ordinances, and are alwayes there where the means is thought to bee▪ most powerfull▪ and upon this they take up themselves in their own arms, blessing themselves as that poor man, Luke 18. I fast twise a week, I pay tithes of all that I possesse: But alas, they do not consider that they▪ do but build their house upon the sand, which the first blast of a temptation will overturn, because not only all our duties when weighed in the ballance, may be found light, but when put to the tryal may be found empty, dead, and lifelesse things, wherein the LORDS soul can have no pleasure. 3▪ Some are mistaken in the matter of their assurance, by judging themselves by the law, not knowing or not regarding the spiritual meaning thereof: Paul was a gallant man (in his own apprehension) when hee was [Page 180] without the Law, that i [...] ▪ when he knew not the spiritual meaning of the Law, he thought himself the most eminent [...] in all his N [...] tion, and as he sheweth us, Phil▪ [...]. he could compare with any of them, but when the Lord opened his eyes, we see, he put himself last in the roll of Saints, and first in the roll of sinners, Rom. 7. He was alive without the Law, that is, thought himself living and reigning above his sinnes; but when the commandement came, that is, when it came to his knowledge, and he saw the spirituality of it, sin revived, and he died, then hee saw how that hee had triumphed before the victory, he then saw all his sins alive, and, as it were, risen from the dead, and himself a dead man, lost and undone in the estate hee was in. O how many are there amongst us in Pauls first condition, alive without the Law: O how many destroy themselves with this, they think there is not a sin forbidden in all the Law of God but onely Ten, but alas, thou fool thou errest in this, not knowing the Scriptures; should thou not judge thy self by that spiritual extent of the meaning of the Law, and that divine commentary which the Apostle Iames hath set forth upon it, wherein hee sheweth thee, That if thou bee guilty of the breach of one point, thou art guilty of all; and by that infallible exposition which Christ himself the blessed Law giver hath set down, Mat. 6. whereby hee discovereth adultery in the heart and in the eye. O atheist, thou must take up the Ten Commands, and subscribe guilty to them all: And let mee tell [Page 181] you this, if yee will subscribe the Law to Christ, He will subscribe the Gospel to you; if thou wilt sincerely say, I am guilty, Hee will as sincerely say, I have pardoned; Son or daughter, be of good courage, thy sins are forgiven thee.
Fourthly, Some build their assurance upon the apprehension of their hatred of some particular sin, that albeit it was sometimes as their right hand, or their eye, yet now they can pluck it out, or cut it off: But O! will thou but consider, some sin may be made weak, and the soul (though not upon a right principle) brought to hate it, and to cry unto it, get you hence, and yet the interest of Satan may be strong in the heart.
The fifth mistake is of many who judge themselves, because they go a greater length then the former, and are kept free from all grosse outbreaking sin; how many are there who go sleeping down to hell with this? I am no drunkard, no adulterer, no murderer, no thief nor whore; this long have I lived in the town, and they were never born that can say, I wronged them: and so they adventure their soul upon this, they never committed any grosse sin. But I beseech you bee not deceived, remember how that wretched man did speed, Luke 18.11. I am no extortioner, nor adulterer, nor even as this publican, &c. poor creature that hee was, Christ giveth not a testimonial to every one who take it for themselves; and I must tell some of you, that there may bee desperate atheists without God, and without Christ in [Page 182] the world, and yet be free of grosse outbreaking sins: I do not think, but many of these who crucified the Lord of Glory, were keeped from other grosse sins, What knowest thou O man that there is more favour shewed to thee, in that thou art keeped from some grosse sinnes, when yet thou hast a desperately wicked heart, then is shewed to the devil, when some links of his chai [...] are taken in, and restraining power, keeping him i [...] from his outmost bounds. God will sometimes restrain a hypocrite, or a heathen, as it was said of Abimelech, and God restrained him ▪ there may be a cord put upon thy jaws, when thou art far from having the power of conquering grace. It may be also that all that abstaining from outward outbreakings, proceedeth but from outward disadvantages, and not from any fear of God, or respect to him, yea, not so much as from the fear of any eternal punishment: Are the [...]e not many amongst us. I believe it, there are many, that take away shame, and Church ce [...]su [...]e, or civil punishment, and other inconveniences of that sort, and set a thousand hells before them, they would not be keeped back from one sinne, but would take their hazard of them all: Yea, is it not want of tentation, and nothing else that hindereth many from grosse out-breakings? If Satan would come but with a kindled match, there wanteth no more to set tongue and hands and all on fire of hell, O wretched soul, do but ask thy self how often thou hast tempted Satan, when he would not tempt [Page 183] thee, and how often thou hast followed a tentation when it fled from thee; yea, when the Lord hath hedged up thy wayes that thou could not overtake thy lovers, how many a long look hast thou sent after them, and what lustings of thy spirit within; and do ye think that heart sins are nothing, although thou had no out-breakings what were the matter of that; if thou had not a tongue thou would break the third command, and curse God in thy heart, if thou had not an eye, thou could commit adultery in thy heart; if thou had not a hand, thou might commit murder in thy heart. O therefore build not thy assurance upon this, that thou hast made clean the outside of the platter, when yet all filthinesse it within.
The sixth false foundation upon which I am sure too many build thir assurance▪ is their gifts and pa [...]s, and especially upon these two, the gift of prayer, and the gift of knowledge; but believe it, it is not much to be a Christian in tongue, but it is much to be a Christian in heart; know ye not that this will cast out many, We have prophesied in thy Name, and in thy name cast out devils. No doubt, these had been excellent flourishers, and if the tongue would have done it, they had been highly advanced; but yet yee see these men meet with a depart from mee [...] know you not. Ah, think upon it, he is not the best Christian that is the best Orator, Religion that is pure and undefiled, consisteth more in the affection, the [...] in the tongue, and more in practice, then in profession: I [Page 184] beseech you, when you cast up your evidences of assurance, consider how well yee have done, and not how well yee have spoken.
The seventh false ground whereby many do misjudge themselves, is, their supposed peace of conscience: O saith one, my conscience doth not charge mee with any thing, I thank God I have a quiet mind, and nothing trouble me; but a [...], poor wretch, will thou tell me, may not the strong man be within, and therefore all is at peace; a dumb conscience, and a s [...]ared conscience, is a dreadfull plague. Knowest thou not that many say, I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of my own heart, and because they say so, the Lord shall not spare them, but all the curses in his Book shall ly upon them.
The eighth false ground, is, the approbation of other Christians, so that if they have the approbation of some such exercised Christians, or if they have the approbation of such a Minister, that is the way to silence all their disputings. O cursed bee the person that putteth his trust in men who are liars; O man or woman, let me assure you this, if yee had a testimoniall to present to Christ, subscribed with all the hands of every Christian that ever yee we [...]e acquainted [...]th, this will be enough for Christ to reject you, and it both, I know you not, and therefore depart from me. There is an emphasis in that word, I know you not, as if he had said, it is not much though all others know you, If I know you not.
[Page 185]The ninth false ground, is, their diligent observing all the Ordinances, their going to Preachings, and their going to Communions, and running to and fro, pretending this [...], that knowledge may be increased; but know it, there are many that have sitten down at a Table with Christ here, that shall never sit down at the higher Table with him hereafter: Are there not many that shall say unto Christ in the great Day, Have we not [...]aten and drunken in thy presen [...]e, unto whom Christ shall say, Depart from me, I know you not.
The tenth false foundation, which is the strong delusion of Atheists▪ of which no doubt there are many here to day: is the building of their eternall happinesse upon this, I [...] with a crosse, I never knew what it was to have a sad day; but to thee I shall onely say, it may be thou never had a joyful day, neither in all [...]hy sinful pleasures under the Sun; but let me tell thee, it is [...]ad Divinitie to conclude, therefore I am in the way to Heaven: It may be it were better reasoning▪ (and though I will not say it, yet it cometh nearer truth) I had never a crosse, therefore I am going on in the way to Hell: O wilt thou but consider, what if Hee be heaping coals upon thy head, and fatting thee to the day of slaughter? What if this word be your portion? Eat, drink, and bee merrie while you are here, for to morrow thou must [...]ternally die. What are all your pleasures? and what are all your honours: and what are all your possessions? What are they [Page 186] all? Are there not a bone cast unto a [...]? the Lord valueth them not, What if they be the fa [...]ting of you to the day of slaughter?
Now as to these who deny they have any interest in Christ, when indeed they have, they commonly deceive themselves, and [...] their own spirits upon some of these [...] the like mistakes. 1. Some judge of their estate by their present frame and conditions, so that if they be in an evil frame, they begin and [...] the foundations; and to such I would onely say, That every change of condition doth not speak a change of estate; [...] childe of God may be in much darknesse, and under much deadnesse▪ and ye [...] a childe of God still▪ Psal. [...]. It was [...] evil [...] be as a beast before God, and [...] then [...]e keepeth grips▪ and holdeth him by the right hand▪ Iob was often in a very ill [...], and yet holdeth fast his integrity▪ and why then should thou upon that account cast away thine.
2. Christians judge their estate by dispensations, they think every change of dispensations, speaketh a change of estate, and if Christ do not smile alwayes, we know not what it is to keep up the faith of our interest; and indeed this is a great fault among Christians, that when they cannot read love in the beautifull face of Christ, they think it is not in his heart. What though he change his dispensation, doth that speak forth a change of thy estate. Christ cannot change his voice to us, but we think he changeth his heart, Christ he cannot speak to us in the [Page 187] whirle-wind; but we cry out, Why art thou become unto me as an enemy? Oh, shall precious Christ be thus mistaken.
The third ground of mistake about our interest in Christ, is, that we judge of our estate by what we are in our selves, and not by what wee are in Christ. When a Christian beginneth to judge and search himself, he can finde nothing in himself; but what is the matter of doubting, and therefore thinks it high presumption to think himself a Believer: But O fool, can thou not look to Christ, and cry out, though in my self I be nothing, yet in him I am all: O if Christians knew to judge of themselves be what they are in Christ, and not be what they are in themselves, that with one eye they might look to themselves, and cry out, I am undone, and with another look to Christ, and cry out, There is hope in Israel concerning me, that with one eye they might look to themselves, and blush, and with another eye they might look unto Christ, and hope, that with one eye they might look to themselves, and weep, and with another eye they might look to Christ and rejoyce. O Christian will thou judge alway of thy self, be what thou art in Christ, and not be what thou art in thy self; yea, I would say this to thee by the way, when thou mee [...]est with tentations that put thee to dispute thy interest, do but send them to Christ to get an answer, and say, O precious Christ, answer this tentation, for this is Christs way with the soul, the Law [Page 188] must bring us back to Christ, and Christ must [...]en [...] us back to the Law, and deliver us over to it, not to the condemning power of it as before, but the directing and guiding power of it as a rule of holinesse; so that a Christians whole life must be a sweet and constant travelling between Christ and the Law: when thou hast broke the Law, flie unto Christ to take away thy guilt, and when thou hast closed with Christ, come running out again in his strength to perform the Law.
The fourth mistake is, that Christians judge of their estate by the measure of their graces, more nor by the sincerity of them; some Christians, if they finde not love in such a degree, and if they finde not repentance in such a degree, immediately they begin and raze the foundations, and do call their enjoyments delusions, and their faith presumption, and their mortification hypocrisie; but I must say this to thee, we should not onely weigh our graces in the ballance, but try them also by the touch-stone, for the smallest piece of gold is gold, and the least degree of faith, is alike precious faith, with that the Apostles themselves had.
The fifth ground of mistakes among Christians is this, That they compare themselves more unto the Saints, then they judge of themselves by the Word. O saith one, if I were like David, I would believe, but I am not like David, nor Iob, nor Hezekiah: and therefore there is none of the Saints to [Page 189] which I should go, and if I should call, there is none to answer, and why then should I believe: I would onely say to thee whose objection that is, it is even Davids objection, Psal. 22.5, 6. Our fathers trusted in thee; O they were excellent men; But what a man am I? A worme, and not a man, and yet, he was put from that objection: and I would say this, Are yee below him: In what? I hope yee are not below David in necessity: Now though ye be below him in grace, if ye be not below him in necessity, yee have so much the more right to believe; for as wee said before, necessity giveth you a right, and the more necessity, the greater right to believe.
The sixth ground is, That Christians judge of their estate by Christs part of the Covenant, and not by their own, rather examining themselves by what Christ hath promised to do for them, then by what is left to them to do, which thing if it were headed, would put a close to many of our mistakes and disputings.
Having now laid out some mistakes upon either hand, the next wee would do, i [...] to propose some considerations to presse you to guard against these mistakes, especially the first.
And the first consideration is, That mistakes about one interest in Christ, and assurance, is a most universal and popular evil; it is not one of a [...]y, nor two of a family, but many are mistaken in their interest in [Page 190] Christ: that word, Prov. 30.12. There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not cleansed from their iniquity, it is not one or two that are under this mistake, but it is a generation: And I suppose, there are many of us, we are of this tribe and generation, Matth. 7.22. Hee saith, many in that day shall say unto mee, Lord, Lord, and have wee not prophesied, and yet hee shall say unto them, I know you not: Since it is so universal a mistake, I intreat you be much in the search of your selves, search your own selves: Certainly I think, if there were but within this Church one that were under this mistake, it should put us all to this, Master is it I, Master is it I; but how much mo [...] since there is a generation of mistakers, should it not be our exercise every day to cry out, is it I.
The second consideration is, That as it is a most universal, so also it is a most irrecoverable mistake; if ye mistake about this your being in Christ, there is no making up of that mistake; if once yee passe the borders of Time with this lie in your right hand, I am in Christ, there is no hope of recovery, eternity will cut off accesse to make up that mistake: I intreat you go not down to your grave with this, I am in Christ, when yet Christ may say, I know you not: I believe it, if ye could have a testimonial subscribed by the hands of all the most eminent and tender Christians that ye have known, that yee are indeed a Saint, a [...]d if all the Ministers [Page 191] that ever you spoke to should praise you in the gate, and declare you to be a son and daughter of Abraham; yet when you shall bring up your testimoniall to Hevean, and the Father shall read it, and shall ask you where is my Sons Name, if that be not there, it will certainly be rejected, and cast over the bar.
Thirdly, It is a soul destroying delusion, this mistake about ones interest in Christ, is the very ruine of their immortal soul, according to that word, Isa. 44.20. A deceived heart hath led them aside, and what is the fruits of it, so that he cannot deliver his soul, and by consequence it may be said, that they destroy their soul; I believe it, there are many that go to hell in a chariot of delusion; we know some Christ guideth to Heaven by the gates of hell, and letteth them not see life till they be in sight of hell; but it is true also; there are others whom the devil guideth to hell, by the very borders of Heaven, he maketh them believe they are dwelling in the gate of Heaven all their dayes, and yet at last they are thrust down to these habitations that are prepared for the devil and his angels.
Fourthly, If once a person be mistaken about their interest in Christ, they will have these three notable disadvantages attending upon them. 1. As long as he is under this mistake, he is without all reach of profiting by the Ordinances, for when he heareth preaching, he will apply promises, when he should apply threatnings, and upon the [Page 192] other hand, apply threatnings when he [...] should apply promises, and so that which should be his medicine, becometh poison to him. 2. As long as he is under this mistake, it maketh him that he cannot pity nor have compassion upon himself, that though he be the most suitable object of compassion, yet he knows not what it is to weep over his own ruine. 3. Readily all his graces are but delusions, all his good motions are but flashes, and all his mortification counterfeit, and all his tendernesse is but the mother of stupidity, and therefore guard against mistakes about your interest in Christ I intreat you.
Fifthly, Consider, that mistakes about ones interest, is a most abiding and constant mistake, believe it, if once we mistake in this, it is one to a hundred if ever wee come right again: this is clear, Ier. 8.5. They hold fast deceit, they keep it with both their hands: And, Isa. 44.20. Their is a lie in their right hand, that is, they hold the lie and they keep it with all their power; I say, if once one be mistaken concerning their interest in Christ, it is hard to put them from it, yea, delusion it is such an abiding thing, that we find Christ speaketh of it, as if it would wait upon one before the judgement seat of Christ, and as if some would never quite their hope of heaven, till Christ pronounce that word, Depart from me, I know you not, delusion may carry us over the borders of Time, and lead us in to Eternity.
Sixthly, There is much counterfeit Religion [Page 193] that is in those dayes, their is a painted faith, there is a painted love, there is a painted mortification, and there is a painted tendernesse; some they love shaddows and pictures, and yet they do not love the very shaddow of Christ, and are there not many who think they are imbracing Christ, and yet are imbracing a delusion and a fancy.
That which thirdly wee would speak to from this poi [...], is, to give you some evidences by which yee may know if the assurance ye have of your being in Christ, be right or no: Believe it, there are many that draw that conclusion, I am in Christ, which the devil and their own deceitfull heart hath drawn, and Christ never gave consent to it: And I shall propose these seven or eighth evidences of real assurance, by which ye may discern.
First, A real assurance is a purifying and sanctifying assurance: this is clear, 1 Ioh. 3.3. Every man that hath this hope in him, that is, perswaded of this that he shall come to heaven, He will purifie himself, as he is pure: And 2 Cor. 7.1. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse our selves from all filthinesse of the flesh, and of the spirit. O! When a Christian getteth Christ in his arms, hee cannot but cry forth, What have I to do any more with idols: When he hath once gotten Christ in his arms, he will answer every tentation that he meeteth with this, I am not mine own, I am bought with a price, I cannot now dispose of my [Page 194] self: and if your assurance of going to heaven be not a purifying assurance; be perswaded of it, it is but the devils pillow sowed under your arm holes: is it possible a person can be assured of heaven, and not study holinesse, can such a delusion at this overtake you.
Secondly, A real assurance putteth the Christian to a pressing and earnest pursuit after communion and fellowship with God: is it possible for one to be assured, and not to [...]e saying, he is sick of love: this is clear Song 2.16, 17. My beloved is mine, and I am his; and immediately▪ followeth, Turn thee, O my beloved, and be like a roe, or a young har [...] upon the mountains of Bether: And it is clear, Song 7.10, 11. I am my beloveds, and his desire is towards me: and what followeth upon that, She cometh and inviteth Christ, O come down with me to the fields, let us lodge in the villages. O when gave ye Christ such an invitation as this, O precious Christ, let us lodge in the villages, and go down to the secret places of the field: and Psal. 63.1. My God, there is his assurance; and immediately followeth upon that, Early will I seek thee, my soul thirsteth after thee as in a dry parched land where no water is. There is a pressing desire after communion. But I would ask you, Are there not many here who have the hope of heaven (to their apprehension) and yet the desire of communion with Christ was never with them: I desire to say to thee, (be who thou will) [Page 195] Be not deceived, God is not mocked, that which thou sowest, thou shall also reap. I think there are some of us, we would let Christ live in Heaven many dayes without giving him one visit, if He would let us alone: But O if we were within sight of our interest in Christ, how often would this be our complaint when he were absent, They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him; or my idol hath carried me away from Him, and I know not where to find Him.
Thirdly, Assurance of our being in Christ, will put us to the exercise of praise; believe it, I think this is one of the most searching evidences of assurance: There are some Christians they will be convinced for the neglect of the duty of prayer, but for the neglect of the duty of praise, they never have one conviction; and I tell you the reason of it, prayer is a selfish grace, (so to speak) but praise it is a denying grace, prayer seeketh, but praise giveth, Exod. 15.2. He is my God, I will prepare him an habitation, and he is my fathers God, I will exalt him, Psal. 118.28. He is my God, I will praise him, he is my God, I will exalt him: What needeth David these repetitions, might not one serve? No saith he, I would even spend my dayes in this, My God, my God, there is much of heaven in that word, My God, and love committeth many sweet batoligies: Now I say to thee, was thou ever put to the heart exercise of praise, by this assurance that thou [Page 196] hast, this is an evidence indeed, but alas, many of us cannot say it.
Fourthly, A person that liveth within sight of his interest, Christ is match [...]esse unto him, as is clear, Song. 2.3. I sat down under his shaddow, there is faith and assurance of it, and what accompanieth that, As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons: Christ hath not a match, saith the Spouse, in his sweetnesse, his power, his beauty; and his usefulnesse is above all.
Fifthly, Real assurance is a humbling thing, the assurance of a Christian maketh him to sit low in the dust: Was not Iacob low in his own eyes, when he cryed out, I am lesse then the least of all thy mercies; What? was not David low in his own eyes, when he spake that word, What am I, and what is my fathers house, that thou hast brought me hitherto; and was not Paul a low man in his own eyes, Ephes. 3.8.16. I am lesse then the least of all thy Saints, and when he cryed out, I am the cheif of sinners: The assurance that is real, it will make a Christian to sit down in the dust, and cry out, Wo is me, I'am a man of polluted lips.
Sixthly, Real assurance will put him to take much pleasure and delight in the going about of duties: that word, Psal. 40.8. My God, saith he, that is his assurance, and presently he subjoyneth, I delight to do thy will, O Lord, this he speaketh of himself, as himself, and likewise as a type of Christ, [Page 197] Psal. 119.115. Depart from me evil doers, for I will keep the commandements of my God; I believe it, the love of Christ when it is much in exercise, it will constrain us to our duty: and therefore this proud transporting assurance in these dayes, that setteth men above all duties and Ordinances, and maketh them count the Gospel as well as the Law, but beggerly rudiments ▪ and cry out to their neighbours, Stand aback, for I am holier then thou, must needs be a delusion.
Lastly, There are these three properties of a real assurance, it is a begotten assurance, it is a living assurance, and it is a constraining assurance. The first two properties of it are set down in that, 1 Pet. 1.2. He hath begotten us to a lively hope; Who begat that assurance in thee? I suppose some have assurance, and it was begotten without travel; but if Christ be not the father of thy assurance, it will evanish and passe away. And, secondly, it must be a living assurance, some hearts are dead as a stone, and yet they say they have the hope of heaven. And thirdly, it must be a constraining assurance, it will put the Christian to do what he commands, yea, if it were the most pleasant Isaac that we have, if he commandeth us to sacrifice it, we would put a knife to the throat of it, and be willing to offer it up.
Now after all these evidences, I desire to have a report from you concerning your estate; What think ye of your selves, are ye in Christ, or no; I suppose, if Christ should [Page 198] come here to day, and put us all to the door but these that are in Christ, wee would have a thin assembly: I confesse, I wonder, that that word doth not make us to walk with sadnesse, Many are called, but few are chosen: Now I ask this question at you all, as in the sight of God, and as ye will one day answer unto him that will be your Judge; What think ye of your selves? Is there none here that can give a present positive answer to this, Are ye in Christ: I suppose this, if I were to go round them that are here, and ask, are ye in Christ, are ye, and ye in Christ, O! I doubt much if there should be many negative answers within the doors, we have so strong a faith some of us, that since we were born, we never doubted of it; But I think (without commending doubting) I may say, the faith that thou never doubted of, is too like a delusion, and the faith that thou never took pains to keep, and yet it keeped it self, that is too like a delusion, the faith that never knew what it was to put thee to real seeking of Christ, is too like a delusion. But let me close with this, be your estate what it will, search and come away; I think that is one of the most Gospel invitations that is in all the Scripture, Lam. 3.34. Let us search and try our wayes, and turn again unto the Lord: When thou hast searched, come away, for I tell thee this, there will be nothing that will commend thee to Christ so much as necessity, and I hope there is none of you, but ye have enough of this, and know it, if ye will [Page 199] not come to Christ, hee will compell you to come, but it shall not be for your advan [...]age to stay away, till ye be compelled. O persons that are out of Christ, Come away; O persons that are in Christ, Come away; we must preach that word, Come away, unto you, as long as ye are here, till ye come and be fixed as a pillar in the house of God, and go no more ou [...], O study to be near him: O Christian didst thou ever think upon this, and say with thy self, O when shall I have immediate imbraces of blessed Christ: When shall there be nothing between my heart and Him? till then▪ we never get Christ near enough, there is alway something between Him and us, till we be above the clouds: O these immediate soul infoldings and imbracings of Christ: Are ye never sending a messenger to heaven, desiring a passe to go away that ye may enjoy them, and are ye not longing for the day, when the waters of Iordan shall divide themselves, and the ransomed of the Lord shall passe thorow: Now let us sing praises to our King, sing praises, for he hath gone up with a shout, and shall come again, sing praises to our King, sing praises.
Examine your selves, whether ye be in the faith? prove your own selves, know ye not your own selves, how that Iesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
I Think ere long, there are many that passeth under the notion of Professors, that the veriest atheist when he beholdeth their walk, may cry out, Are thou also become like unto one of us: Are there not many here that are in a golden dream, and in a fools paradise, that dream they eat, and behold, when they awake, they shall be hungry; therefore I think it is incumbent upon us, to search and examine our state, and condition; profanity hath slain its thousands, but delusion and presumption hath slain their ten thousands. It was an ancient complaint of Christ, Luk. 12.57. And why even of your selves judge ye not what is right; I am perswaded of this, there are many decreets of peace past upon earth, that are never ratified in heaven, there are many that cry out, The bitternesse of death is past, whom yet God by the sword of his Justicee, shall hew in pieces before our eyes. We told you at the [Page 201] last occasion, that we spake upon these word; there were six things we intended to speak from them, of the first three we have spoken.
That which we intended to speak to at this time, is, that there is much soul advantage and spiritual gain, that doth redound to the Christian, by the distinct perswasion of his interest in Christ; this we gathered from Paul's doubling the command of searching and trying themselves, as if he had said, it is a businesse that will be so much for your advantage, that it is incumbent for you to search and try diligently: And for further clearing of the point, I shall only give these three places, Rev 2.17. I will give unto them a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, that no man knoweth, but he that hath received it: By the new name, and the white stone, is understood assurance, and the intimation of it to the soul: This indeed is such a mercy, that I defy any to make language of it, no man knoweth it, much lesse can he expresse it, but he that is the professor of it, and that place, Isa. 62.2, 3. I will give unto them a new name, which the mouth of the Lord will name: O what a name must that be which the mouth of the Lord will name: I think, what he giveth, must be one of the noblest names that ever was given, all the stiles and titles under heaven cannot equal it. And, thirdly, we see David in the 18. Psal. found much sweetnesse and advantage in this, when nine times he hath that word, [Page 202] my: My strength, my rock, my fortresse and my deliverer, my strength and my buckler, the horn of my salvation, and my high tower, O David, what needeth all these Mys, David would answer us; O! he is so sweet in himself, but O! much sweeter to me, when I put to that possessive note, My.
Now to speak more particularly to these advantages of assurance, The fi [...]st is, That a person that is assured of his interest in Christ, he is much in desiring communion with Christ: Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, (there is his assurance) where thou feedest, and where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon, there is desire of communion, and Song 7.10, 11. My beloved is mine, and his desire is towards me, there is her assurance, and immediately followeth, Come my beloved, let us go forth into the fields, let us lodge in the villages, there her desire of communion, Song 2.16, 17. My beloved is mine, and I am his, and what followeth upon that, He feedeth among the lillies, untill the day break, and the shadows flie away, Turn my beloved, and be as a roe, or a wilde hart upon the mountains of Bether, that is in short, let me have sweet correspondency and fellowship with thee, till the day of Eternity shall come: I think the desires of an assured Christian, they are like the grave, the cry continually, Give, give, and they never say, it is enough: What is the reason, ye seek so little after fellowship with Christ, it is even this, ye are not perswaded of your interest in him; believe [Page 203] it, if once ye had attained to this blest length, as to cry out, Christ is mine, it would be a hell upon earth for you to live at such a distance with him as ye do for the most part: O but assurance maketh absence from Christ an unsupportable burden, Psal. 22.1. My God, my God, there is assurance, and immediately followeth his complaint, Why hidest thou thy self from me, Song 3.1, 2, 3. that word, Him whom my soul loveth, made her to weep so much under absence from Christ, and Ioh. 20.13. when the Angels ask the question at Mary, Women why weepest thou? I think she thought it a needlesse question, and she tells the cause of it, They have taken away my Lord: I think her heart was at her mouth when shee pronounced these two words, My Lord, she spake them with a great deal of emphasis and force, could ye resent absence with Christ so little, if ye were assured he were yours. I confesse, it is no wonder when persons losse that which is not their own, that they weep not much for the losse of it; but O! to losse that which is our own, it maketh it a crosse and a burden to us.
Secondly, It maketh the soul to have a high and matchless esteem of precious Christ, Song 5.10. My beloved is white and ruddy, the chief among ten thousand: O saith the Spouse, I never saw his like, and I shall never see his like again; there is much in that My; interest maketh her look upon Christ with another eye nor she would have done, [Page 204] strangers look upon him but as a tree planted on the sand, 1 Pet. 2.7. To you that believe Christ is precious, not to every one: And Song 2.2. I sate down under his shaddow with great delight, the reason is, interest in the words going before, As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons; yea, assurance will make every thing in Christ exceeding pleasant to the soul: as is clear, Song 5.16. My beloved is altogether lovely, or, hee is all desires. I tell you what assurance will do, it will make Christs person pleasant and precious to the soul, it will make Christs Natures pleasant to the soul, it will make Christs Offices pleasant to the soul, it will make Christs Promises pleasant to the soul, it will make Threatnings pleasant to the soul, it will make the smell of Christs Garments pleasant to the soul, and it will make the kisses of His Mouth pleasant to the soul: O saith the assured Christian, there is nothing of Christ but it is most pleasant, and is all desires; His Threatnings are pleasant, they are the wounds of a friend, and His kisses are pleasant, they are better then wine, His Name it is pleasant, it is as precious ointment powred, forth, His smellings are most delightsome, whose countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars: O to imbrace a married Christ, how pleasant is it to the soul; What makeeth you to have so low thoughts of Christ? even this, the want of assurance that Hee is your H [...]sband.
[Page 205]Thirdly, Assurance will make the Christian patiently to submit to every crosse and sad dispensation he meeteth wi [...]h: this is clear, Heb. 10.34. They took with joy the spoiling of their goods, and what made them do so, They hoped for a better inheritance, and a more induring substance: I tell you, assurance, it will answer all crosses with this, Christ is mine; when they are afflicted, assurance will lift up its face, and cry out, Christ is mine, and when they are reproached, they will comfort themselves with this, Christ is mine, I can put on the Lord Iesus.
Fourthly, Assurance will keep you from apostacy and defection from Christ, 2 Pet. 1.10. Make your calling and election sure, and if ye do this (saith he) ye shall never fall, Heb. 3.11.12. It is there set down as a fruit of the evil heart of misbelief, it maketh us depart from the living God, but on the contrary, assurance knitteth the soul to Christ by a threefold cord, which is not easily broken. Believe it, the assured Christian can cry out with much confidence of faith, My mountain standeth strong, I shall never be moved; the assured Christian can cry out with much chearfulnesse: In God will I praise his word, in God have I put my trust, I will not be afraid what flesh can do unto me; yea, he can sweetly sing in the very mouth of danger, The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid, Psal. 27.1.
[Page 206]Fifthly, Assurance keepeth all the graces of the spirit green and flourishing, it is as a refreshing dew upon our branches, which maketh every grace sweetly to blossome in its season. 1. It stirreth up the exercise of love: O how vigorous are the actings of love, when a Christian can cry out, My beloved is mine, and I am his, Song 1.13. My beloved, there is her assurance, He is a bundle of myrrhe, and shall lye all night between my breasts, that is, as long as time shall last, I shall never have Christ out of my my heart, there is love, 1 Ioh. 4.19. We loved him, because he loved us first; our hearts are naturally cold, but love kindleth love, the sense of his love to us, putteth our hearts into a heavenly flame towards him again. 2. Assurance keepeth up the exercise of prayer, it is the assured Christian that can p [...]ay best, and to best advantage, and in these three things especially, is prayer helped by assurance. First, It helpeth in the point of boldnesse: O but the assured Christian can go boldly to the Throne of Grace, Crying Abba father, and my Lord and my God. Secondly, It helpe [...]h our diligence in prayer, Psal. 63 1. O my God, there is assurance, early will I seek thee, there is his diligence as the fruit thereof. Thirdly, It helpeth the fervency of prayer, as in that same place, my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee, there is his fervency as another fruit of his assurance. 3. Assurance keeepeth in exercise and life, the grace of mortification: [Page 207] [...]s is clear by comparing, 2 Cor. 4. vers. last, with 2 Cor. 5.1. We look not after the things that are seen: O Paul, what aileth you, may ye not take a look of the world, O saith Paul, and would ye know the ground of it, Wee know if this house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a house not made with hands, eternally in the heavens: my house and my treasure is in heaven, I must have my heart there, and my eyes also: Would yee know what would stay your pursuit after the world, study to have the assurance of your interest in Christ continually with you. And 4. It keepeth in exercise the grace of humility; there is nothing will keep a Christian so humble as assurance, Gal. 2.20. I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in mee, Eph. 3.8. there hee is all in exalting grace, and debasing himself: It is the misbeliever and discouraged person that dwelleth nearest pride; Believe it, misbelief is big with childe of pride and apostacy, these are the two children which that fruitfull mother will bring forth. And, 5. It will help the grace of Repentance: Would yee know what would make the Christian to repent, it is even this, to take Christ in our arms and call him ours, Zech. 12.10. They shall look unto him, that is, their faith, and and they shall mourn as one mourneth for his only Son: I think it is known by experience, the soul never weeps more tenderly under the conviction of sin, then whe [...] he hath Christ in his arms, and can see, Hee [Page 208] is mine: O how sweetly doth they then complain, there is not a sight of Christ as their own, when they have offended, but it breaketh all their heart in pieces, and it is as a sword piercing into the bones, when they cry out, O what a fool was I to offend such a precious One, in whom I had so much interest; Was it not sense of interest that made Mary wash the feet of Christ with her tears. Lastly, It will keep in exercise the grace of Joy, 1 Pet. 1.8. It is faith which maketh one to rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Would yee know why your graces are withered? would ye know why all the pleasant plants of God within your soul are decayed? It is this, ye live without sight of your interest in Christ, believe it, (if so I may speak) assurance will be a watering to your graces every morning, and [...] fresh them every hour, it being as a [...]hannel through which divine influence is conveighed to the increase of grace, and especially of joy.
The sixth advantage that cometh in to the Christian by assurance of his interest in Christ, is, That it maketh death exceeding pleasant and comfortable to the soul; what maketh death the king of terrours, and what maketh it so unto us? Is it not this, wee go to heaven under a cloud: the assured Christian can take death in his arms, and cry out, welcome, O friend: the assured Christian, when he seeth the chariots his father sends for him, doth with old Iacob rejoyce, and [Page 209] Psal 23. When I walk through the valley of the shaddow of death, I will fear no evil: What brought you that length, David? I tell you why, saith he, for God is with me, ver. 4. I think I need not feas any thing, when I have God in my company: It is the assured Christian that can cry out, Why should I fear death, should I not laugh at destruction: I think indeed, the assured Christian needeth no [...] fear death, because death to him is the death of all his lusts, the funerall of all his sorrows: and is not the day of death his coronation day, his marriage day, the day of his triumph, and of his entering into rest, and why then should he fear it.
The seventh advantage is, That a Christian being in the state of assurance, can put the highest account upon the smallest mercy that hee meets with from God: the assured Christian looketh upon every mercy as a wonder; it is the assured Christian that cryeth out, I am lesse then the least of all thy mercies: there is not a mercy he meets with, were it but a drop of cold water, but if hee can read this on it, that it came from my Husband, and from my Father, it will be better to him then the sweetest wine.
Lastly, Assurance doth exceedingly help us to chearfulnesse in obedience: O that is a remarkable connexion that Paul hath, Act. 27.23. The Lord whose I am, and whom I serve: That passage also, 2 Cor. 5.14. is very observable, The love of Christ constrained us, &c. Why art thou so painfull a Minister [Page 210] Paul? Why? Knowest thou no man after the flesh, are not led by carnal interests, nor affections, art so busie and diligent as all the world counteth thee mad? Why? (saith hee) love will not let me rest if I would be lazie or carnal, or fold my hands to sleep: the love of Christ doth alwayes sound that in my ears, that I was dead, and he hath died for me, that henceforth I should not live unto my self, but to Him who died for me: Now to him who is the first and the last, who was dead, and is alive for evermore, Wee give praise.