A SERMON On Occasion of the DEATH OF The Reverend and Learned Mr. STEPHEN LOBB, Who Dyed June 3. 1699. By THOMAS GOODWIN.

The Second Edition.

LONDON, Printed for John Marshall, at the Bible in Gracechurch-street, near Cornhill, Where you may be supplied with most of Dr. Owen's Works: Likewise the true Effigies of Dr. Owen sold alone.

TO Mr. Theophilus Lobb.

I Knew none to whom I could better di­rect this Discourse on the Mournful Occasion of your Worthy Father's Death, then you his Son. Do not fix your Mind too deeply on your Loss of him to ag­gravate your Sorrow, but turn your Thoughts to a Review of the Example of his Life which he hath left you, and which deserves to be imitated. Be Good and Generous, ready to do kind Offices to all, and be true to Friendship as he was. Seek the God of your Father to be your God in Covenant, and devote your self with all Sincerity un­to him. Love Jesus Christ, and his pure Gospel, espouse his despis'd Interest, and dare to vindicate his Truths so much invaded on every side, tho' to do so may be contrary to your Interest in this World. Value Humane [Page] Learning in subserviency to Divine and more sublime Knowledge, industriously pur­sue it by close, and unwearied Studies, and after all dedicate it to Christ's Service, and zealously employ it for the Defence of his Truth, as your Father did. But never let Learning through any Vanity of Mind make you to disgust the Plainness, and Simplicity of the Gospel. That a double portion of the Spirit may rest upon you. That you may stand up in your Father's room. That your Mature Years may produce that Fruit which your Blooming Youth promiseth; and that the God of all Grace would establish, streng­then and settle you, and make you useful, and serviceable in the Churches of Christ, is the Hearty Prayer of

Your Dear, and Faithful Friend, Tho. Goodwin.

There is in the Press, and will speedily be Published a Book Intitled the Mystries of God finished. Sold at the Bible in Gracechurch­street.

A SERMON On Occasion of the Death of The Reverend and Learned Mr. STEPHEN LOBB, Who Dyed June 3. 1699.

HEB. 11. 14. ‘Forasmuch then as the Children are partakers of Flesh and Blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same, that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the Devil.’

THIS one Thought that our Lord Je­sus Christ hath conquer'd Satan, and destroy'd the Power of Death, may give us Courage and Resolution to look that otherwise formidable Enemy in the Face. [Page 2] The same Consideration may comfort us, when, by Death, we lose our Relations and Friends: For tho' they depart, yet we knowing that they Dye in the Lord, and that tho' Death strike them to the Heart; yet the Strength and Curse of it is taken off, we ought to Re­gard their departure out of this World as a Happiness to them, however it gives an occa­sion of Mourning unto us.

I shall briefly explain the meaning of the Words of the Text, before I raise my Doctrine from them. They declare that our Lord Je­sus was partaker of Humane Nature, with this design, that by Dying he might destroy the Power of Death: and at the same time they give us a thought that will suggest the strongest Consolation in a Dying Hour. Christ found, us to be held equally in the Fetters of Sin, as in the Bands of Death: He there­fore came into the World, assum'd our Na­ture, and dyed, that by the Sacrifice of him­self Expiating our Guilt, and satisfying Di­vine Justice, he might deliver us from the Sla­very of Sin, and the Tyranny of Satan who held us under the Sentence of the Law as condemn'd to Dye, and so had the Power of Death over us. That we may more clear­ly understand that sad Condition into which Sin hath brought the Sons of fall'n Adam, and by which Satan hath obtain'd such a dreadful Dominion over them, we must con­sider that the Scripture expresseth a threefold Death to which Sinners are obnoxious. One [Page 3] is that of which we continually see visible Instances, and of which every one of us, tho' now alive and in health, shall at the appoint­ed hour be an Example. This death puts an end to a Man's being in this World, and the time will surely come in which we shall cease to dwell here, and our Friends shall know us no more, tho' they may remember us. This Death parts Soul and Body, once so dear Com­panions in this World, and mutual partners of Joys, and Pains: And this Death sends the Immortal Spirit to an everlasting State of Bliss or Misery; and lays down the decay'd. Body in the Grave to be Rebuilt in a joy­ful, or dismal Resurrection. Tho' it is this Death which the generality of Mankind doth most fear, who regarding this World as all their Happiness, account it the worst thing they can suffer to be remov'd out of it; Yet there is another Death which is far more dreadful, that Death which tho' stupid Sin­ners do not feel, yet strikes through the Vi­tals of their Souls, and which not only dark­ens the Mind, and damps that holy Fire which in Man's primitive Constitution per­petually flam'd in his Breast, and enkindled his Affections, and mov'd them toward God; but deadens all our Powers and Faculties, and makes Man to be dead in Sin, Eph. 2. 1. and utterly disabled to do any thing that is Good. It is by this Death that Satan hath the advantage and gains a Dominion over us, and leads us Captive at his Will, and prevail­ingly [Page 4] tempts us to Sin and Dye, were it not for this Spiritual Death which hath dis­arm'd and weaken'd us, and which exposeth us defenceless to his Attacks, he could not on all occasions get so easie a Victory over us. Nay, were it not that this Spiritual Death hath universally seiz'd Mankind, the Devil would have little business on Earth, and have no more to do here, than in Hea­ven. And now consequent to this Spiritual Death is that which is Eternal, which is all Anguish and Torture of Mind without Intermission or End, and which is that never­ceasing Misery and Woe under which the Devils and Damn'd Spirits do hopelesly groan. Whereas then we were dead in Sin, and appointed to dye, as it was a Curse threat­ned to the Sinner, and were Sentenc'd to un­dergo all the horrors of Eternal Death, Christ came on purpose to take off the Curse of the one, and entirely to free us from the other. And since it was by dying that he design'd to subvert the Devil's Empire of Death, he took Humane Nature into Union with him­self, that he might be capable of Suffering, and Dying. Forasmuch as the Children were partakers of Flesh and Blood. The Children, those of the Sons of Men whom God the Father had given him. Thus in the Verse preceding the Text. Behold I, and the Chil­dren which God hath given me, in which he refers to Isa. 8. 18. The Children, those whom Christ came to redeem from the Curse of the [Page 5] Law, and to save from the power of Sin, and Death; and cruel Dominion of the Devil. Forasmuch as these Children were partakers of Flesh and Blood, &c. If any ask what is meant by Flesh and Blood, his own experi­ence may sufficiently resolve him. We all feel the Miseries, Sorrows and Pains of our corrupt and frail Constitution, and after ha­ving been weakened by various Diseases which incessantly batter our decaying Frame, we must lie down, and die. By Flesh, and Blood in Scripture, not mere Humane Nature is al­ways signify'd, but 'tis often meant as it is deprav'd by Sin, corrupted, and polluted, Rom. 8. 4, 5. Gal. 5. 19, 24. 1 Cor. 15 50. But in other places of Scripture Flesh and Blood import the Natural Constitution of Man's being without the inherent Malignity of Sin; (Matth. 26. 41.) but yet infirm, and frail, and subject to Pains, and Sorrows. Now the Children of Men are partakers of Flesh and Blood, not only weak and frail, but sin­ful and defil'd. They all communicate of it (for so the word [...] signifies) and this corrupted Mass of Humane Nature tain­ted first in Adam, is diffus'd through all his Posterity, and is the common portion in which they participate, and Miseries and Sorrows are their wretched Inheritance. Now our Lord Jesus assum'd Humane Nature into U­nion with himself not with those Corruptions and Lusts which Infect it in us. No! He was Holy in the first Constitution of his Being, [Page 6] (Luc. 1. 35.) in his Conception and Birth: And all the time of his abode here below he was Holy, Harmless, and separate from Sinners, Heb. 7. 26. And the manner of the Expression in the Text implyeth as much. For when the Apostle speaks of Christ's assu­ming this our Nature, he alters the Phrase, he doth not say [...], he communica­ted it with us, or possessed it in com­mon, as we have it in our Persons with all the Contagion of Sin adhering to it: But [...], he took part of the same, the sound part in all the Essentials of Hu­mane Being without the other that was tainted, and polluted. Now that the Eternal Son should be as truly Man, as he was God, was necessary, that he might be a fit, and proper Mediator, that the Threatning of the Law might be made good, for as it was de­nounc'd that Man sinning should die, this Pu­nishment was inflicted on a Person who was really Man bearing our Sins as imputed to him: It was necessary also. that our Re­deemer should assume Humane Nature, that there might be a Change or Commutation of Persons between him and us, not Natural as if we were transform'd into his Being, or he into ours, but Legal, so that he truly appear'd in our stead to answer what the violated Law charg'd upon us, and to satisfie offended Ju­stice. He really represented us in what he suffer'd, and acted for our Redemption, in­somuch as the Sufferings which he endur'd, [Page 7] and the Righteousness which he perform'd are plac'd to our Account by God his Father, who admitted that he should put his own Person in the room of our Guilty ones, tak­ing our Sins upon him and suffering the Pu­nishments due to them, and accepted for us what Christ did, and suffered in our stead, to all the real Intents, and Purposes of our Justi­fication as if we had suffer'd, and done it our selves. And since the manner of making sa­tisfaction for Sin was to be by undergoing the Penalty which it deserv'd, and God had threa­ten'd, and this was Death (Gen. 2. 17.) not only Separation of Soul and Body, but the Wrath of God, which gives deep and pier­cing Wounds to a Spirit, it was therefore needful that the Person who offer'd up him­self as an Expiatory Sacrifice for us should be Man, that he might be capable of Dying. For God cannot dye, nor be susceptive of the Inflictions of his own Wrath and Justice. Nor could an Angel dye, as Death imports separation of Soul and Body which those Spi­rits have not, and therefore this among o­thers may be given as a reason why the Apo­stle says (Heb. 2. 16.) That he took not on him the Nature of Angels but the Seed of A­braham. For by Death which cannot make any impression on an Angelick Nature, but may on the Humane, Christ intended to de­stroy him that had the power of Death, that is, the Devil. These Words which are the lat­ter part of my Text express the means by [Page 8] which our Triumphant Lord Jesus gain'd the Victory over Satan. He might have employ'd his Invincible Power as God to conquer this Enemy of Mankind who had usurp'd a Domi­nion in the World. The same Jesus who made Legions of Devils tremble at his Voice, when he forc'd them by a powerful Com­mand to go out of the Man possess'd; could by the Power and Glory of his Divinity have entirely not only vanquish'd but destroy'd him without Dying himself. But since God was angry with Man, and provok'd by his Sin had justly permitted Satan to have Dominion over him, and since it was by Man's Sin that the Devil had obtain'd the power of Death, therefore his Empire could not be subverted but by taking away Sin the strength of it. And Sin could not be remov'd but by an Expiation of its Guilt, and abolishing the Curse of the Law, and appeasing God's Wrath, and satis­fying his Justice. And all this could not be effected without a Sacrifice sufficient to make an Atonement. And no other Sacrifice was there, or indeed could be but our Dying Re­deemer: So necessary was it for him to die, That by Death he might destroy him who had the Power of Death, that is the Devil. This latter part of the Verse which I fix on as the Subject of my Discourse affords a Doctrine suitable to the occasion of it.


That tho' a Believer is not excus'd from Dying, yet Satan being conquer'd by Christ hath not the power of Death over him. He cannot make it a Curse to him, for Christ hath taken away Sin which rendred it such. He cannot distract him with amazing Fears, nor throw his Conscience into the Convulsi­ons of Despair from Apprehensions of Guilt, for Christ by his Blood hath purg'd his Consci­ence from Dead Works, that he may draw near unto God in full dssurance of Faith, Heb. 10. 22. He cannot affect his Soul with the malig­nant Influences of a Spiritual Death, for tho' indeed it was once dead in Trespasses and Sins, yet it is now quickned by Christ Jesus, Eph. 2. 1. He cannot bring the believing Soul with­in the Confines of Eternal Death, for there is no Condemnation to him being in Christ Jesus, Rom. 8. 1. And he having overcome shall not be hurt of the second Death, Rev. 2. 11. Not the least part of it can ever be his Portion, none of its Anguish and Woe ever fall upon him, nor shall any of the Flames of Divine Anger which burn to the lowest Hell, ever pierce his Soul, for his Blessed Jesus hath de­livered him from the Wrath to come 1 Thes. 1. 10. What tho' his Soul must part from the Body as well as others since it is appointed unto all Men once to die Heb. 9. 27. Yet there is no Curse in his Death, nor can the Devil [Page 10] strike any Sting of it into his Heart, nor wound his Conscience with Despair, nor can all his Malicious Arts do him any Mischief. What tho the Believer is not priviledg'd a­gainst the common Fate of all Men, yet he is secur'd from the bad Effects of it, and from all the dreadful Consequents which pursue every wretched Man who dies in Unbelief and with the weight of all his Sins sinking down his Soul. But the Believer even in dying is in a state of Safety, and Death from being a Curse as it is to all others, is chang'd into a Blessing, for it doth not extinguish his Life, but only translate it to Happiness and Glory.

  • I. I shall shew how Satan hath the Power of Death.
  • II. I shall prove that our Lord Jesus Christ hath destroy'd the Devil, and his Power of Death at once.

I. How is it that Satan hath the Power of Death? Hath he any just Title to his Domi­nions? Is any Authority due to him? Or doth he by right sway the Scepter of this Kingdom? Or hath he the supream Com­mand over the Lives of Creatures as God hath, who kills, and makes alive as he plea­seth, Deut. 32. 39. 1 Sam. 2. 6. No certain­ly. It is all an usurp'd Tyranny which God permits him to exercise over fallen Man to punish the Rebellion of that Ingrateful Crea­ture [Page 11] who would not be subject to Christ's Milder Scepter. But how did Satan gain this Power of Death?

1. He obtain'd it by the Conquest of Man, and by making him a Rebel against his God, subdued him to himself. He erected his Em­pire upon the Ruins of this fallen Creature, for ever since he overcame our first Father in Paradise, his wretched Posterity have been the Trophies of his Victory, till Christ as a mightier Conqueror rescued those whom God had given to him to be Redeem'd. Thus it was by Sin that the Devil conquer'd Man, and obtain'd the power of Death over him Condemn'd to Dye. Thus it was by Sin that he enlarg'd his Dominions beyond the Con­fines of Hell, and got footing here on Earth, and set up his dark Kingdom in the World, and rules in the Children of disobedience, Eph. 2. 3.

2. He hath the Power of Death as he hath brought Men under the Law of Sin and Death, insomuch as they are so far from being sub­ject to God, and his Righteous Laws as they are enslav'd to those of Sin, and the Reward of their wretched Service and Obedience is Death, of which the Devil hath the Power, and it is Sin that gives it him. What is the Scepter of Christ's Kingdom? It is Righte­ousness Heb. 1. 8. What is the Scepter of Sa­tan's Kingdom? Nothing but Sin. It is by this he gets his Power. It is by this he holds Men in Bondage. It is by this he wracks, [Page 12] and tortures their Consciences, and drives them to despair. And it is by this he endea­vours to keep the Soul in slavish fear and bon­dage, and to hinder it from believing and tru­sting in Christ.

3. Satan more and more encreaseth this Power which he hath of Death by promoting the Efficacy of Sin, and tempting Men to commit it. How doth he strengthen the Bands of Death, and tie them faster on us? It is by increasing the force of Sin in drawing us to reiterated Acts, and so we are the more en­tangled, and with all our Struglings are una­ble to get loose. How is it that he binds Men over securely to Eternal Death? It is by har­dening them in Unbelief and Impenitence; To treasure up Wrath against the Day of Wrath, Rom. 2. 5. If we then did but seriously think, that every time the Devil enticeth us to Sin, Death is in the Snare, and that tho he co­vers the Mischief with the alluring colours of Pleasure, Profit, or Honour, yet he really tempts us to Murther our Souls, we should be more aware of his many Devices, and Indu­striously avoid all those little Artifices by which he exerciseth on us the power which he hath of Death.

4. He makes use of this power in torturing the Consciences of Men with the Fears of Death. Death indeed is so contrary to Na­ture, and looks so like an utter extinction of Being, that if Christ had not given us assu­rance of a Blessed Immortality, there is not [Page 13] even a good Man who would not regret to dye. But he is not upon the wrack perpetu­ally tortur'd with the horrors of it as wicked Men are when they see it make near approa­ches to them. For not only the Face of Death it self is dreadful as it comes to hurry them from all enjoyments of this Life, in which they plac'd all their happiness; but going out of the World they have a prospect of the sad Regions of Despair into which they are entring. The Devil who flatter'd them before, and gent­ly seduc'd them to Sin, now puts on his natural affrighting Visage, accuseth, and threatneth them with all the merciless Looks of an Exe­cutioner. And that which makes the thing more dreadful, the Law of God accuseth and condemneth the unbelieving Sinner, and this gives force to the Devil's Accusations, for without it he could not accuse, threaten, and perplex any Men with the Terrors of Death. No! It is Sin which is the sting of death, and the strength of Sin is the Law, 1 Cor. 15. 56. It is thus the Devil useth his Power to keep Men in a slavish submission to him, and as a true Ty­rant he Governs his Subjects only by fear.

5. The Devil hath the power of Death in­asmuch as he is the Instrument of God's Ven­geance inflicting the second Death. He is the Jaylour and Executioner in Hell, where Death keeps its Court, and sits on a Throne. Now in this respect Satan hath nothing to do with a Believer, who being freed from Sin, and the Curse, and Condemnation of the Law [Page 14] shall never be deliver'd to this Tormentor, as the Expression is Matth. 18. 24. Nor hath he power to inflict Temporal Death on the Be­liever. He cannot separate our Souls and Bo­dies as he pleaseth. If this were permitted him, what Slaughter and Devastation would he make in the World? He destroys indeed the Souls of Wicked Men, but it is with their consent, and they are their own Murtherers. But Men die according to God's Appoint­ment, and by those ways and means which he had fore-ordain'd to put an end unto their Lives.

II. The second part of my Discourse is to prove that Christ by dying hath destroy'd Sa­tan and the power of Death at once. He hath destroy'd Satan not by extinguishing his Being, for the innumerable Mischiefs which he doth, shew him to be alive, and very vi­gorous and active. But as a Tyrant is said to be ruin'd when his Throne is overturn'd, and his cruel oppressive Government is sub­verted; so Satan is said to be destroy'd, when his Kingdom is so, and this hath Christ ac­complish'd by his Death, for he hath Re­deem'd the Elect Sons of Men out of the De­vil's Power, and reduc'd them to his own Kingdom, insomuch as Satan hath no more Dominion over them.

1. It is evident that Christ hath destroy'd Satan, and the Power of Death, because his great Design in assuming our Nature was to [Page 15] accomplish this Glorious Work. He came into the World not to make himself Great and Honourable, and to raise an Earthly Empire, which he might easily have done whenever he pleas'd. But he came to perform a more dreadful and difficult Undertaking. He came to suffer the Punishment due unto us, that so he might be a proper Sacrifice and the great Propitiation to satisfie God's Justice, and ap­pease his Wrath, and Redeem us who were obnoxious to it, and subject to the Curse of the Law. He came to bear our Sins, to be wounded for our Transgressions, to be bruis'd for our Iniquities, to have the Chastisement of our Peace laid upon him, that by his Stripes we might be heal'd, Isa. 53. 5. He came to live miserably, as a Man of Sorrows, and acquainted with Grief, and at last to die for us to endure God's Anger, and undergo Divine Vengeance. And he dyed on purpose, that he might destroy the Power of Death, and that the Curse and Sting of it being left in his own Soul, it might do us no hurt. Thus his great Design was to deliver us from Death, that it might not be a Curse and Hor­rour to us when we pass through its Gloomy Shaddow, that it might not have power to hold us in its Bands, but that our Souls might immediately at the expiring of our latest Breath pass into a state of Immortal Life and Unfading Bliss, and our dead Bodies revive, and breaking the Prisons of the Grave rejoyce in a Glorious Resurrection. This was the [Page 16] great Performance for which he came into the World; It was for this God the Father ap­pointed him in the Eternal Councils between him and his Glorious Son. It was for this the Father sent him, Joh. 3. 16. And this was the Work which the Son did chearfully un­dertake, Heb. 10, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. It was this great Business which he had in his Mind and Thoughts, when he liv'd here on Earth, and of which he so frequently discours'd to his Disciples. And what! Can we think it pos­sible for Christ to fail in the Execution of his principal Design. How should he who was declar'd to be the Son of God with Power fail in accomplishing that Work which was the aim of his Mind, the desire of his Heart: That Work concerning which he expresseth the warmest eagerness of Spirit till it were ac­complish'd, Luke 22. 15. Nothing certainly shall frustrate what Christ so earnestly intend­ed. Nothing can hinder the Believer from partaking the Fruits, and Benefits of his admi­rable Performance, Rom. 8. 33, 34, 35, 38, 39. No! He Travail'd in the Greatness of his Strength as one Mighty to save, Isa. 63. 1. Sin, Satan, and the Power of Death are therefore undoubtedly destroy'd by his Death. For tho' he dyed yet he fell in the Field of Victory, and all those Enemies lay conquer'd by his side, and he conquer'd them that we might rejoyce in him as being more than Con­querors through him who hath lov'd us, and done so much for us, Rom. 8. 37.

[Page 17] 2. That our Lord Jesus Christ hath de­stroy'd the Power of Death is apparent from his having disarm'd it of its Sting, and Power. What is the Power of Death? 'Tis Sin, and when this is taken off from our Consciences, the other in whatever unpleasing Forms of Di­seases it approacheth us, is really nothing more but an easie Sleep in the Bosom of Je­sus. What makes Death a Curse? 'Tis Sin. What puts a Sting into it? Nothing but Sin, and when that is remov'd Death hath no Curse in it to blast us, no Sting to annoy us, but is chang'd into a Blessing. Now our Lord Jesus hath made an end of Sins, Dan. 9. 24. He hath taken off the Guilt of them from the Conscience of the Believer, and purg'd it from dead Works that he may draw nigh to a reconcil'd God, and to his satisfied Justice in full assurance of Faith, Heb. 10. 22. How hath he remov'd the Guilt from us? By ta­king it on himself. And how did he become Guilty in the Judgment of a Just God, and his Righteous Law? Not as having committed any Sin, not as having any inherent in him, but as having our Iniquities imputed to him. He was made Sin for us and so was adjudg'd Guilty, and oblig'd to suffer the Punishments which he had deserv'd. And this was abso­lutely necessary for our Pardon and Justificati­on. We could not have been made the Righte­ousness of God in him, unless he had first been made Sin for us, 2 Cor. 5. 20. Thrice Bles­sed then is the Believing Soul whose Sins and [Page 18] Guilt and Punishment Christ hath born. For whom Christ hath sufferd the Anger of an Incensed God which he the wretched Sinner had provok'd. For whom Christ hath satis­fy'd Divine Justice, and answer'd the Law. To whom therefore Iniquity is not imputed, Rom. 4. 8. And for that reason Death is de­priv'd of its Power and can do him no hurt. And for whom Christ hath brought in everla­sting Righteousness, Dan. 9. 24. That his na­ked Soul being cloath'd with it, may when divested of the Body appear with confidence before a Holy, and Righteous God.

3. It cannot be deny'd that our Redeemer hath destroy'd Satan and the Power of Death. Forasmuch as he hath put a stop to his Accu­sations: Put a stop did I say? I did not speak enough, Christ hath invalidated them, they are of no force, and vertue, they are frivolous Gavils, and are rejected at God's Court of Justice. Is Satan thus thrown over the Bar, that he cannot implead the Believer, nor lay any thing to his charge, Rom. 8. 33? Why then truly he is destroy'd, for it is the Plea­sure, the Strength, the very Life of his Soul to be an Accuser. This is the Name that is given him to express that Temper and Dis­position, which is inseparable from his Na­ture, Rev. 12. 10. And therefore when he is cast down, when he is thrown out of this ill Office which was his Malicious Delight, he is wholly dis-spirited. Nor is Satan's Courage and Strength only enervated, but the Power [Page 19] of Death is broken too. When doth the fear of Death prevail over a Man? 'Tis when his Apprehensions of are not only disquieting, but tormenting. 'Tis when Conscience flash­eth Guilt in a Sinner's Face, and Satan joyn­ing with it enforceth the Accusation, and urg­eth it with the greatest vehemence on pur­pose to drive the wretched Soul to despair. But our Lord Jesus disanulls these Accusati­ons, insomuch as they are of no force against a Believer. Were it not for this, Satan would perplex the poor Soul all its Days, and wea­ry it out by continually accusing it, and di­stract it at the last moment of Life. It must be acknowledg'd, indeed that the Devil is of­ten permitted to disturb many Holy Persons with his Accusations. But what then? Christ who hath ruin'd his Power in this re­spect, steps in to the Soul's Rescue, and dri­ving Satan off prevents the attempted Mis­chief, and restores Peace to the Afflicted Con­science.

4. It is evident that this our mighty Savi­our hath deliver'd us from the Power of Sa­tan, because he hath recover'd our Souls out of that Spiritual Death, into which Sin, and the Devil had thrown them. This was the Strength of the Devil's Empire in us, for he could never have rul'd us, had we not been dead in Sin, nor have led us Captive had we not been thus weaken'd. 'Tis this Spriritual Death that makes Men an easie Conquest to him, and secures the Peace of his Dominion [Page 20] in their Hearts. Christ therefore by quicken­ing the Soul which is dead in Trespasses and Sins (Eph. 2. 1.) frees it from the Power of Satan and Death. He thereby gives us a new Life from the dead, and we are not within the Dominions of the Devil any longer, for the Spirit of a Believer is Life, (Rom. 8. 10.) and he is therefore no Subject of Death's Kingdom. And to strengthen our Assurance, that if we are Believers we are quickned with Christ, (Col. 2. 13.) and so are no more any part of Satan's Empire than he himself is: Let us consider that our Lord Jesus hath Life in himself for this purpose, that as he Lives, we may live also. God hath therefore given to the Son to have Life in himself, as he hath Life in himself. Joh. 5. 26. This assigns the cause of what is said V. 25. Why the Dead should hear the Voice of the Son of God, and they which hear shall Live. It is the Soul's Vivification by the Voice of Christ in the Go­spel that is meant. For the Hour that Christ speaks of as now coming and instantly pre­sent, must import the time of the Preaching of the Gospel which was very near, whereas the Day of the Resurrection was Seventeen Hundred Years distant in Futurity. The cause why the Voice of Christ makes dead Souls live is assign'd v. 26. The Son hath Life in himself, and therefore Quickens whom he will, v. 21. Thus that Spiritual Death in our Souls by which Satan once kept us under his [Page 21] Subjection is remov'd, and so his Power, and Dominion over us is destroy'd.

5. It is plain, it is openly visible that Christ hath destroy'd Satan who hath the Power of Death, inasmuch as he hath broken his dark Kingdom, subverted his Throne, de­pos'd him from that Authority so arrogantly assum'd by him, and thrown him out of that Empire which he had usurp'd in the World. This Christ hath done not by Arms, but by Dying. As Sampson his Type kill'd more at his Death, than he had through his whole Life, and tho he dyed, yet fell a Conque­ror: So our Great Saviour destroy'd all his and our Enemies by dying, and in the sight of all the Angels triumph'd over them when he Ascended after his Victory, and will at last openly triumph before the Eyes of all the World when he shall sit on his Throne ha­ving all his Enemies put under his Feet, Hoh. 1. 13. Heb. 10. 13.

6. The Believer knows by his own Expe­rience, which is more convincing than all Ar­guments which can be urg'd, that Christ hath deliver'd him from the Power of Satan, and Death, because he feels himself freed from the fear and bondage of it. He knows that Christ hath made his Peace with God, and brought him into a Justified State insomuch as nothing can be laid to his charge, and therefore is not afraid to go to a Reconciled God who hath fully Pardon'd, and perfectly Justified him. He sees his Soul sprinkled [Page 22] with the Blood of Jesus (as that of the Pas­chal Lamb was on the Posts of the Israelites Houses, Exod. 12. 13.) and knows himself se­cure from any destroying Angel the Instru­ment of God's Vengeance. In what a Horror were they on that dismal Night, when Death march'd in pompous Destruction through all the Cities of Egypt: But how were they re­assur'd and comforted when they saw the badge of their Safety on the Posts of their Doors? In what a Consternation is a poor Soul when he regards Death not only as his Dissolution, but as having the Wrath of God, his offended Justice, and all the Horrors of Hell joyn'd with it to render it terrible? But when he sees his Conscience sprinkled with the Blood of Jesus, and purged from Dead Works, that he may draw nigh to God in full Assurance of Faith, he dreads Death no longer, when he sees Christ the Captain of his Salvation to be with him to hearten, com­fort, and support him in charging through this difficult Pass, he is not apprehensive of any danger, but encouraged by his Presence tho he go through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, yet he fears no Evil, Psal, 23. 4. And is so far from thinking it to be any Unhappi­ness to die, as he desires to depart and to be with Christ, Phil. 1. 23.

7. Every Instance which we have of a Be­liever's dying proves the Assertion of my Text, and Doctrine, for even by this Death our Lord Jesus finisheth the Ruine of Satan, [Page 23] and of the Power of Death. The Believer's Victory is now compleated who is more than Conqueror, through the Power and Strength of Christ, he had before fought many a Bat­tle with Satan, and put him to flight. He had often resisted Sin successfully, and gi­ven it a Repulse: And now he conflicts with his last Enemy, and overcomes, and his Death is a Triumphant Chariot to carry him to Heaven, where he rejoyceth in a safe Re­treat from all Sin, and Misery. It is there he is out of the reach of all Evils. It is there that being freed from the Body of Sin; and Death under which he groan'd (Rom. 7. 24.) he feels Diseases and Pains, and Pangs of Dying no more. It is there he is plac'd out of the reach of Satan's Temptations, and violent Assaults, for tho that Active and Ma­licious Spirit pursued him with the fiercest Rage while in this World, yet he cannot fol­low him to Heaven, nor will any of his Bat­teries carry so far. Thus the Day of Death is the Day of a Believer's finish'd Victory, in which he may truly say he is more than a Con­queror, Rom. 8. 37. And then the Blessed Soul is remov'd from a wretched Abode to an happier Mansion, and by Death comes to be more closely united unto God the Spring of all Life, and to the compleat Enjoyment of that which is Eternal, which is God's Gift to him, who first begun it in him by his re­newing Spirit, and brought him to the entire possession of it at last.

[Page 24] 8. The last, and most signal Evidence of Christ's destroying the Power of Satan, and Death, will be when he raiseth the Dead Bodies of Believers from the Grave by his Spirit which develleth in them, Rom. 8. 11. This last Day is the Day of Christ's com­pleat Victory, when, as himself was Victo­rious over it at his own Resurrection, so all his Members in theirs shall Triumph over it too. Then he will appear with all whom he Redeem'd, and whom he now makes entire Conquerors by vertue of his Victory, and he will appear as having made a Conquest over the Grave it self (1 Cor. 15. 25, 26.) For he must Reign 'till be put all his Enemies under his Feet, and the last Enemy which shall be destroy'd, is Death. Then the Bodies of all the Elect which have lain for so many Ages in the Grave shall at last have the dark Prisons open'd, and ascend Triumphant over Death it self. How Great, and Glorious will that Day be in which at one Word of Command from Christ, the Earth and Seas shall give up the Dead which are in them. (Rev. 20. 13.) and all the Bodies of the Saints shall come forth new form'd like unto Christ's Glorious Body, according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself, Phil. 3. 21. when we shall meet the Patriarchs; and Prophets, the Apostles, and Martyrs, and all our Relations, and Friends (who have slept in Jesus) in the Morning of the Resur­rection, and see them shining in Glory, and [Page 25] our Lord Jesus with refulgent Majesty at the head of them. What an Illustrious appea­rance of things will this be? Never was there brighter day then this, when Christ shall make an utter End of Death, as he hath conquer'd, and destroy'd Satan, who had the power of it.

As there is no Truth in the Gospel but may and ought to be practically applyed, let us see what use we may make of this Important Doctrine, which I have endeavour'd to Ex­plain, and prove to you.

USE 1.

Is it so that Satan hath the Power of Death over the Soul, and Conscience of every unbeleeving Sinner: Then every one of you who have not believ'd in Christ tremble at the thoughts of your dismal con­dition. Seriously reflect upon your present misery, and future danger. What can be more deplorable then your present misery? You are not only under the Tyranny of Sa­tan, and a base vassal of his dark Empire. You are not onely servilely addicted to his obedience, but you are also expos'd unto all mischeifs which he may and will do you by exercising that power which he hath of Death. He will strengthen and increase that spiritual Death which is in your Souls, for he will prevailingly tempt you to Evil, and [Page 26] sad experience may convince you, that a Man by continuing in Sin, and frequent commis­sion of it grows more, and more Insensible, and Dead, and all the powers of his mind are more weaken'd to any Holy or good Action, and the more he Sins, the more he becomes Slave to it. What a dismal consi­deration is this? And yet this is the woful state of every unbeleever. And now do but look beyond the spaces of Time, and this World and take a due prospect of your fu­ture danger. If you Dye in this condition, it is not more certain you are now alive then that you will be condemn'd, nay are [...] condemn'd already to Eternal Death. The indignation and wrath of a provok'd God will be pour'd out upon you, Rom. 2. 8. 9. And who knows the power of his An­ger? (Psal. 90. 11.) Who then can bear it?


Hath Death entred into the World by Sin, let then our sorrow for our Dead Re­lations and Friends sharpen our hatred, and in­dignation against it. In every Sickness we see, or feel the effects of it, and tho' our Freinds Dye in the Lord, yet their Death shows us what Sin brought into the World, and when we hear them breathing out their last Groans, this may bring to our minds what mischief [Page 27] Sin does. Let us consider that tho' our Lord Jesus Christ has obtain'd the pardon of Sin, and taken away the infliction of Vindictive justice, yet it is true, that by every Sin which we commit, we displease God and so displease him that he will make us to feel his Fatherly correction. He will put us in mind by some severe chastisement how we have been wanting in our duty and that we have done that which has not been right in his sight. This sad occasion then which causes us to Mourn for the loss of our Freind, may at the same time make us Mourn for our Sins. Were it not for them, this had never been, for both he and we should have been Immor­tal and so never have parted. Therefore the greater our loss is, let us detest our Sins the more. Now to Press this thought upon you, and to excite in you, and my self a just ha­tred and indignation against Sin by which we have displeas'd God, and which is the cause of that loss under which we Mourn, Let us consider the worth and excellency of the Person who God has been pleas'd to move from us. I know very well that Sermon's Preacht upon such occsions are too much abus'd to flattery, but there is no fear of it in this case, for there is no need of it. I shall onely speak that of our Friend and Bro­ther Deceas'd, which all that were acquain­ted with him must acknowledge to be true: And to speak the truth, can't be imputed to [Page 28] Favour, Affection, or any prejudicate opinion. If we consider him as a Man or as a Christian there was every thing in him to endear him to us. He was of an excellent benign temper, rarely provok'd to anger, and if he were it must be from some weighty cause, and yet even then his passion was soon over. He was a Man prone to do good, ready to receive the distres­sed, active to promote any publick interest, any cause of Christ, and the prosperity of his Church. He was a Man of a discerning, penetrating Spirit, of great strength of mind, of a firm and sound judgment and yet which was an excellency most to be admir'd; He was not proud of these admirable endowments, And as God had bestow'd upon him these natural abilities (and therefore to praise them is to praise God the author of them and to give him the Glory.) So he took care to improve them, and to cultivate the rich Soyl. He was industrious to encrease his knowledge by a severe application to God and useful studies. But you'll say these are but humane accomplishments, knowledge, Learning, and Generosity of Spirit were found in many of the Philosophers who knew not Christ. 'Tis true, but our dear Friend and Brother knew and loved Jesus Christ and his Gospel, and in the whole course of his Study, those were most delightful to him, that led him into the Mysteries of our Redemption. The know­ledge of Divine things most ravisht his Soul, [Page 29] and was the Element in which his Spirit breath'd, and as he lov'd the Gospel, so he understood the truths of ît, and knew how to vindicate them. In their necessary defence he employ'd that Art of reasoning of which he was a Great Master, I do not mean an Art of Sophistry and Cavil, but that which gives just Rules for the framing clear, and distinct Ideas, which direct us to judge ac­cording to the due perceptions that we have of things; and which Instructs us in an or­derly Method of Arguings, that we may not be confus'd, perplex'd, or mistaken in our Reasoning. This was the Art of which he made use, and he Argued without Wrang­ling, and knew how to be zealous for the Truth, and yet not be Angry. If we consi­der him farther as to his relative Duties, he was a Loving Husband, a Tender Father, True to his Friend, Punctual to all Acts of Kindness, and never promis'd more than he meant to perform: And to name that Stati­on in which he most shin'd, he was a Faith­ful Pastor, labouring in the Word and Do­ctrine, conversing with Souls, enquiring in­to their Cases, and Necessities, and admini­string Counsel, or Reproof as was needful. The Churches of Christ have lost a Man of great Use and Service, a Loss which I fear they will every Day feel more and more. You who are Members of that Congregati­on over which he was in the Lord; you e­specially [Page 30] have lost a Faithful Pastor, and there is nothing to relieve you under this severe Affliction, but this one Thought, (which indeed is sufficient) that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Universal Pastor never dies, and you walking in his Ways and observing his Ordinances, may be assur'd of his Presence, Care, and Direction. I am now to speak unto you who are his Off­spring, you have lost a Loving Father, but he has left to you a grateful Memory of himself and the Example of his Life. You lived and conversed with him, imitate him in that Good Nature, Candour, Ingenuous Temper, Piety towards God, and Vertuous Deportment among Men, which endeared him to you, and to all that knew him. But above all know the God of your Father, and serve him with a perfect Heart, and a willing Mind, if you seek him he will be found of you, as a Father of which you can never be depriv'd, But if you forsake him he will cast you off for ever, 1 Chron. 28. 9. And now let every one of us make a right use of this Afflicting Providence. Let us seriously reflect how many Worthy Ministers of the Gospel we have lost, and that within the compass of a few Years. Let us lay our Hands upon our Breasts, and make a close Enquiry, what have I done? Or how have I been wanting in the Performance of my Du­ty? Let us all consider this and turn to [Page 31] the Lord with our whole Hearts least he make an utter End of us and not only take away some Ministers but all, and the Gospel together.


Is it so that our kind Redeemer by dying hath deliver'd us from the Power of Satan and Death? Let us have an high, and grate­ful Sense of his Love in the Performance of the extraordinary favour he hath done us, and of the Inestimable Benefits, which we have receiv'd. It is a small Matter in our Account that the Eternal Son of God should descend from Heaven and all its Glories, and take upon him the Form of a Servant, and he a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with Griefs, and after a Miserable Life pass'd on Earth die to Redeem us from Death? Is it a small matter that this Glorious Person who lay in the Bosome of the Father should by undertaking our Cause, and put­ting his own Person instead of ours, and bearing our Sins imputed to him, expose himself to all the Threatnings and Curses of the Law, and to all the Wrath, and Ju­stice of the offended Deity? What mov'd him to do this? Nothing but that Infinite Love which is above all our Thoughts, and which we can never sufficiently Adore. And if we regard the Blessings which flow [Page 32] to us with his Blood, and spring out of that Grave in which he lay but three Days, how Inestimable will they appear to us? What greater Misery could befall us, than that Spiritual Death which had seiz'd our Souls, made us Vassals to the Devil's Arbitrary, and Tyrannical Sway, and enslav'd us to every Vicious Inclination, and bound us in Fetters ready for the execution of Eternal Death? What Happiness is there greater, and in which we have more reason to rejoice than to feel the Power of this Death de­stroy'd by that of Christ, then to experience that as he died unto Sin once, we die unto it daily, then to be free indeed by his making us the Sons of God, and to see the De­vil's Fetters knock'd off, and our selves deli­ver'd from Vengeance, and the Wrath to come? What could be more vexatious than to be subject to the Bondage of the fear of Death which oppress'd us with its intolerable weight? And what can be more pleasing to our disquieted Souls then to be delivered from these Fears which perpetual­ly tortured them? Now looking on Christ by Faith as their Resurrection and Life, they are ready chearfully to go out of the World at God's Call, knowing that their departure hence is but the beginning of their Happiness.


If any of us when we come to die would encounter this our last Enemy in the strength of Faith, and so be Victorious: If we would look Death in the Face with a firm Courage, and Constancy of Mind; let us look to it that we now believe on Christ, that we now live by Faith on the Son of God, and then we shall die in Faith, and Joy. If we trust in him all our Days, he may, he will be our Confidence at our latest Hour. If we hold this Shield of Faith, and never suffer it to slip out of our Hands, we shall be able to repel Satan's Fiery Darts, even those which are thrown thickest at us when we are dying; we shall with undaunt­ed Resolution face our last Hour, and in whatever-shape Death appears it cannot af­fright us. But if we come to die, and have no Faith in Christ, if we come to give up our Souls before we have in trust committed them to him, we can resign them to nothing but Hell and Despair. Let us consider what a dreadful Scene of things will open upon us in that Hour. Wherever we shall turn our Thoughts, they will encounter nothing but Objects of Horror. If we reflect on our forepast Lives, we see innumerable Sins un­pardon'd coming in Troops to assault us, we hear our own Consciences accusing us, [Page 34] and feel the Devil driving us to De­spair. If we look back on the World which we are leaving, the thoughts of loosing all these enjoyments whom we so much lov'd, and pursued as all our happi­ness will Torture us with regret. If we take a view downward there is nothing but Hell, and Flames ready to receive us. If we cast our languishing Eyes up to Heaven, there is God indeed before whom we must appear, but 'tis an angry God, an avenger of Sin, and now no longer manifesting him­self Glorious in his Grace, but terrible in his Justice. What hope can the Poor Guilty Sinners have, when he hath not one Minute more to promise to his affrighted Spirit, but he must immediately appear before God, whom he hath provok'd all his days? Where will he have a shelter to secure him? What place can he run to for safety? Where shall he find a Sanctuary to protect him from God's Anger? The Blood of Christ he despis'd, and he who came to save Sinners was never thought of by him. The Grace of God was either slighted, or turn'd into wantonness, and how can such a Soul think to find mer­cy in this hour of its greatest need. But if we are Believers on Christ in our last mo­ments we shall more, or less Act Faith on him for our support, and comfort, and we shall then have a Gladsome prospect of a dif­ferent [Page 35] face of things. We leave this misera­ble World with joy for a better Country above, of whose Possession we are assur'd. We have not the least regret in loosing the pleasures of Life, because we know that we are going to our God who with smiles and kindness in his looks invites us to his pre­sence where there is fulness of Joys, and at his right Hand Pleasures for evermore. We shall fear no Hell nor Devils, for Christ hath delivered us from the one, and Con­quer'd the other. In whatever manner there­fore Death shall attack us, our Souls ready to take their flight, and knowing what a change they must undergo, yet will not be Amaz'd. If Death comes on a sudden, we shall Dye without pain, and one easy step out of the Body sets us in the other World of Happiness. If Death makes gra­dual approaches, and we feel pains of Di­seases, and expiring Pangs, yet still the thoughts of God our Kind Father who makes our Bed in Sickness, the assurance of Christ's Favour, and that our Peace is made will make every thing lie easy under us, and cause us to rejoyce through all the Traverses of a Tedious Sickness. We shall account them but as so many steps, tho a little Wearisome to our Father's House, and when Nature is quite spent, and our Souls must fall from their Bodies, they will yet fall [Page 36] gently into the Bosome of our Redeemer. If we would thus Dye, let us now by Faith commit our Souls to Christ for Life, and Salvation. If we do so, we may make this wish in full assurance of hope, may we Dye the Death of the Righteous, and may our latter End be like his.


Books Printed and Sold by John Marshal, at the Bible in Grace­Church-street, 1699.

  • GOD's Exaltation in the Glorious Work of Man's Salvation through Christ, the Highest End, and the Greatest Desire of all Gracious Souls: In a Sermon upon the Funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Tub, from the Text (chosen by Her) Psal. 18. 46. The Lord liveth, and blessed be my Rock, and let the God of my Sal­vation be exalted. Preach'd by Samuel Blower Pastor of the Church at Abington.
  • A Call to Weeping: Or a Warning touching approching Miseries. In a Sermon Preach'd on the 23th of March, 1699. At the Funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Westen, who departed this Life on the 17th. of the said Month, in the 38th. Years of Her Age. By Benjamin Keach.
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