A Relation of some notable Cures accounted incurable, as followeth.
Ens primum [...] Germania.
WHereas the Vertue of the Ens primum Acidularum Germaniae, that is (as it were) the Quintessence of the (Swalbacher) Sower-springs in Germany, hath by its good effects to mens health been made known in and about London, and in several Counties of England, and many people desirous to be helped, being stil ignorant of it: The multitude of such as vaunts themselves (under the Name of Doctors and Physicians) with store of placards affixed about the streets, having by such a manner, (that prostitutes its Masters to a vulgar discredit, and over-scrupulous contempt, in prejudice upon the innocent Art of Physick) made for a long time a stop to any farther intimation concerning the said Ens primum: Yet upon the earnest desire of several persons, the Cures hereafter mentioned, being in truth effectively performed; it hath been resolved, hereby once more to give publick notice of it, and its particular virtues, according to late experience, since that general account given of it about 2. years past. By the blessing of God it is an universal preserver of mens bodies & every sublunar creature whatsoever, against all kind of putrefaction, corruption and infection; more particularly, the Ens primum has been found beneficial to many that wanted appetite and digestion. Also it has been found good in the stopping of the stomach, in Consumptions, in Agues, in Vomiting, Surfeit, Ulcers, Scurvy, Feavers, Worms, Cough, Spleen, Flux of blood, shortness of breath and stitches, great colds, Colick, fits of the Mother, Obstructions, Convulsion-fits: in the Small-pox it hath been very effectual, and exceeding successful; it is also a good preservative against the Gout, and hath been administred in many other diseases, restoring some persons to perfect health [Page 2] that were given over by Physicians. Women subject to barrenness and miscarriage, and also those whose children after birth usually dyed, having taken of the Ens primum all the time of their being with child, brought forth sound Children, not subject to the Rickets or Scab because as it purifies the whole body from all corruption, so consequently the Womb.
Oleum de Lapide Butleri.
THat this Oyle is an Universal Medicine as well as the Stone it self, is publikely known by the Writings of Van Helmont: And therefore having for many years tried divers things concerning it, I have of late found something near it, whereof the Oyle into which this stone is dipped, hath given these proofs, viz. By annointing the limbs it has cured the running Gout: And by annointing the feet it gave present ease to a painful Gout: It hath cured the Kings-Evil, Lameness of long continuance, Apoplexie, Spleen, Melancholly, strange pains in the body: Also a great imposthume, that after many applications in five years was not cured, was rendered curable. Another in a Consumption, having a hard lump on the side of her belly, and all over her body, as it were an entire scab, was perfectly cured in a short time with the said Oyle. A hand as it were venomed, and swelling up to the shoulder with blew spots, being annointed, the pain immediately ceased, and the swelling asswaged. A great swelling on the head and face, neck and shoulders with much pain, and the Kings evil, was eased and advanced to a cure by this Oyle. Feet swelled and very sore, and lameness on the huckle-bone, have been cured. A man overtaken with a painful distemper over all his body, for the space of five days, not knowing what it was, was cured immediately. Another being brought very low, first he was afflicted with knobs in a strange manner, and his flesh was much consumed of a sudden, and his appetite quite lost, presently after he had touched this stone twice on the tip of his tongue, the knobs fell in a wonderful manner; and using it in the same manner 20 days, his flesh came again, and he grew pretty strong. Likewise many being troubled in mind, and many troubled with head-ach have been soon refreshed with some few drops upon the tongue. A very dangerous and desperate Fistula entring into the body, was brought to a cure with the same, &c.
Epilepsia, Hydrops, Pustulae & Podagra.
PAracelsus (in sine Libri II. de Praeparationibus) is declaring something concerning the Cure of the Falling-sickness, [Page 3] Dropsie, Morbus Gallicus ( vide Paracelsum in Chirurgicis, Libr. 2. De Pustulis ibi: De Pustulis seu Morbo Gallico) and the Gout, exalting the excellency of the true Spirit of Vitriol in the diseases made mention of; but he there speaks of the making of that Spirit according to the Philosophical manner. However I may say in truth, that a woman aged 45. years, having had the Falling-sickness sixteen years in a most cruel raging manner, had been wholly cured by this Medicine within six Weeks. Another woman 36. years of age▪ being afflicted with the Falling-sickness for 30 years, hath been cured by the same within eight weeks. A Boy of twelve years being taken with this disease half a year after he was born, insomuch, that when the fit was upon him, he must be holden by two or three men; & when he felt the fit was coming, in a strange manner he would seek to avoid it, sometimes by offering to run into the water, sometimes into the fire, sometimes against the wall, so that it was an exceeding great misery to behold such a poor creature; he was at last cured within 6. weeks by this Medicine, and is still in good health. Another Maid of 22. years of age, had often such fits three hours long, was restored within four weeks. Also a woman being constantly afflicted with the Falling sickness whensoever she was with child, was perfectly cured by the use of this Medicine, and not troubled any more therewith.
Thus it is manifest by such proofs, that Paracelsus is true in his promise or assertion concerning the excellency of that wonderful Spirit of Vitriol: And therefore we may safely conclude, that the said Paracelsus speaks truth also, concerning the cure of the Gout, Dropsie and French-Pox, with the self same Spirit of Vitriol; which whether it be so or not, might be experienced without any harm, because this Spirit of Vitriol is not hurtful at all to the nature of Man, as being freed from all corrosiveness, that is ordinary to such like Mineral Spirits, its virtue and nobility being as it were derived from an Astral influence, by its artificial and secret preparation, which Paracelsus loco citato, describes under the figure of the ninth Alembique.
As concerning Pustulas, or the French-Pox, which Paracelsus makes mention of, my Book in print, entitled, A Paradox of the Shameful Disease, may give larger satisfaction to him that desireth more information of it, together with its cure, under a parable in the second part of the same, wherein I have more particularly disclosed Paracelsus ground, whereof the said Medicine of that disease doth arise according to his intention.
Calculus Vesicae, or stone of the Bladder.
HAth been from age to age a very hard trial to Physicians, of which the cure by inward means, finally grown desparate, hath caused the cutting of the bladder-stone. Mercatus and Capivaccius do confess they were ignorant of any remedy for it. Erastus is perswaded, that by no means the bladder-stone is curable inwardly. Nevertheless the most authorized Philosophers do afford its cure by their experience. Basile Valentine hath performed the said cure with his Lapis Ignis, so called; Paracelse with his Ludus, of which Van Helmont declareth something more plainly concerning its preparation, viz by the Alcahest. And so always such as being fitly qualified, have sought in a right manner, have found somewhat. A boy of six years pitifully tormented with the stone of the bladder night and day, I verily certifie, that he was cured entirely with a Medicine, whether according to Basilius by the Lapis ignis, or according to Paracelsus by the Ludus, I think needless to express more particularly, Curiosity being not satisfactory in this respect. Another boy of a bigger age was cured of the same, viz. Stone of the Bladder, after some years affliction therewith by this Medicine alone. So that I am convinced, Philosophers are true in their writings concerning this cure.
I Say more, An old man of 6 [...] years having a Rupture on both sides, to the bigness of a mans fift, was restored by the selfsame Medicine within ten weeks. Another about the same age burst at the one side alone, was restored to his health by the same within eight weeks, and this beyond all expectation.
These things I thought fit to publish for the common good, that I might not by my silence be the cause, that any who may & would be helped, should perish, knowing not, that there was a remedy provided for his distemper under the blessing of God.
Given forth at London, in Thames-street, over-against Baynards Castle, at the bottom of Adlin-Hill, 8. of 7 ber 1663.