To all the People, and Teachers, and Professors of all sorts in these Nations, or elsewhere.
FRIENDS and People, the Truth hath been declared among you; and the sound of it hath been heard by you, and the everlasting Gospel hath been preached, and must be preached to all Nations, Kindreds and Tongues, that thereby the large love of God may be known, and made manifest unto all mankind, that he would not have any to perish, but that they might all come to the knowledg of his truth, that they might be saved. And therefore he hath uttered forth his voyce from on high, and is causing the sound of it to be heard in the Nations, that all people should fear God, and give glory to him, for the hour of his Judgement is come, and coming; and his day is appearing after so long a time of darkness, and night of apostacy which hath been over the face of the earth; even over all Nations, Kindreds and People, for many ages and Generations past, So that darknesse hath covered the earth, and grosse darknesse the people, and the way of the Lord hath been hid from them, which is a straight way, and a way of holinesse, wherein the unclean cannot walk, but they have been walking in untroden paths, & in crooked ways, & have been erred from the Lord, and from his way, dayes without number, nor have not known it. For their hearts have been filled with filthinesse, and all manner of uncleannesse, in so much that they have committed sin with greedinesse, and followed after the vanityes of their own minds, and walking after their own hearts lusts, to the satisfying thereof, and have been stubborn and rebellious children against the Lord, in so much that the Lord hath been against them, and his jealousie hath been provoked, and his indignation hath been kindled against them, and his wrath hath been revealed from Heaven against all ungodlinesse and unrighteousnesse of men, who have holden his truth in the unrighteousnesse, and there hath not [Page 2]been peace to him that came in, nor to him that went out; for that which was manifested of God in them hath not been regarded, therefore hath the anger of the Lord been kindled, and his hand hath been stretched out still, because of all the abominations that have been committed in the Nations, and among the people: who have professed the knowledge of his name; whereby his Name: hath been prophaned and blasphemed among the Heathen round about, 2 Thess, 2.9, 10, 11. and his Truth dishonoured which they have professed in words, but in works denyed, and held it in the unrighteousnesse; Who have not received the truth in the love of it ( which God hath shewed unto them) nor have not obeyed it, but have taken pleasure in unrighteousness, & therefore have they been given up to strong delusions, to beleeve lyes, and to commit iniquity with a high hand, and rejected the truth, and erred from it in their hearts, and striven against it, and have loved their evil deeds, and their unrighteous wayes, and have not chosen the way of the Lord, nor served the Law of the Lord with their hearts nor with their minds, but whilest they have drawn nigh unto God with their mouths and with their lips have honoured him, their hearts have been removed far off from him: And their fear towards him hath been taught by the precepts of men; for the Precepts of God, and his Commands, and Law in the heart hath been disregarded and cast behind their backs; Isa. 5.24. And they have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel: Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and as the flame consumeth the chaffe, so their root shall be rottennesse, and their blossom shall ascend as the dust; for behold the Lord will come with fire, and with his Chariots like a whirl-wind to render his anger with fury, and his rebukes with slames of fire; for by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh, who have corrupted their wayes before him, Isa. 66.15. and delighted in the thing that was not good, whereby he hath been provoked to anger.
And now this is come to passe among all the Professions in the world, who have had the Scriptures of truth which was declared and spoken forth by the Holy men of God, from the Spitit of Truth which was in them, and dwelt in them; whereby they were made able Ministers ( not of the letter but) of the Spirit; by which they were able to try, and judge of all Spirits whether they were of God, and saw many in their dayes who had gotten the true words, and had a form of godlinesse but denyed the power, and [Page 3]so they turned away from such, 2 Tim. 3.5. and did bear their testimony then against such whom they saw separating themselves, being sensual having not the Spirit, and saw such as were erred from the Spirit going in the way of Cain, to envy, and running greedily after the errour of Balaam, for gifts and rewards, and for the wages of unrighteousnesse, And such as served not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellyes, and preached for filthy lucre, and through covetousnesse with fained words made merchandize of the people, and were enemies to the Crosse of Christ, whose God was their belly, who gloryed in their shame, whose and was destruction, who minded earthly things; And such as had great swelling words of vanity, whilest they themselves were servants of corruption, and what they knew; Iude 10. They knew naturally as bruit beasts, and in those things they corrupted themselves. And false Prophets there was, 2 Pet. 2.1, 2. as there shall be false Teachers amongst you; (saith the Apostle) who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and many shall follow their pernitious wayes; by reason of whom the way of truth should be evil spoken of; And that perillous times should come, that men should be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traytors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, 2 Timothy 3.
Now all those before mentioned, were, and are erred from the Spirit of truth which was in the Saints, the holy-men of God, who spake forth the Scriptures which declares of these things, that there was such then, and that there should be such. Therefore now behold all People and see whether the things which the Apostles prophecyed of concerning the false Teachers which should come, be not come to passe abundantly in the Generations since their dayes, and also in this our age; insomuch as the whole world hath been deceived by them, and led after them, and they have drawn them into many Religions, Sects, and Opinions, and set them to kill and murther one another about Religion, and about the Scriptures, and about their worships and Laws to compel men to them; being all erred from the Spirit, and from the Truth, and now know not the Truth, nor the Spirit which was in the Apostles and Saints, in which Spirit they worshipped God in their dayes; and those then that got Christs words, and the Prophets [Page 4]words, and had not his Spirit ( but were arred from it) and were out of the Life, and out of the Truth, which they did professe in words; These I say the Saints and true Christians, who were followers of Christ, and had his Spirit, with it they tryed the spirits of the other, who had it not; and found them not to be of God, nor to be beleeved, nor received, but turned from; for they were false Spirits and false Prophets which were gone out into the world from Christ, and from the Saints, that had the Spirit of God in them, by which they tryed the other, and found them to be of the world, and Antichrists in the spirit of this world, and by it led, which cometh from him who is called, The god of this world who had blinded their minds. 12 Cor. 4. And so they were not true Prophets (or Seers) or true Ministers of Christ, nor true Teachers, but false Teachers, false Ministers, false Prophets and Antichrists, and blind guids gone out into the world, in the worlds Spirit, and so with that spirit they could not confesse Christ come in the flesh, though in words they might say he was come in the flesh (as all the Priests and Professors who are called Christians, do now at this day in words confesse him) but not with the Spirit confesse him, as their fruits make it manifest.
Now saith the Apostle, hereby know ye the Spirit of God. Every Spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God; And every Spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ as come in the flesh is not of God, and this is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is in the world. Ye are of God little children, and have over come them, because greater is he that is in you, then he that is in the world. They are of the world, therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. We are of God, he that knoweth God heareth us: Hereby know me the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of Error, John 1.4. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. verses. Now if those had not had Christs words, and confessed him in words to be come in the flesh, (while they were out of his life, and of another spirit) then the Apostle would not have called them Antichrists, and Prophets, and Teachers, but he would have called them Jews, or Gentiles, or Heathers; but this was it which did differ them from the Jews, and unbelieving Gentiles, and Heathers then; Namely, They had the words of Christ and the Saints, and the Prophets, and did professe them as the Priests and Teachers, and Professors do now [Page 5]the Scriptures, but are erred from the life of Christ, and from the Spirit that was in the Saints who gave forth the Scriptures as they were then, whom John speakes of, erred from the life and Spirit of Christ and the Saints, and so were Antichrists, and false Prophets, and false Teachers and Deceivers, which were gone out into the World, from the Saints life, and Spirit, and so the World heard them, (as they doe now the Priests and false Teachers) and they drew people after them then, from the Saints the true Church, and so set up false Churches and Religions in the World, and false worships in imitation of the true Church, and true Religion, and true worship of God, which is in the Spirit; and so by this means deceived people then at the first, and scattered them from God, and led them into confusion, and darknesse, and disorder, and errour, and so they broke out into many Sects, and Opinions, and Religions, and wayes of Worship; being once gone from the true Worship, which is in the Spirit of God alone, in which the unity is, & where this is wanting there cannot be unity, nor gathering unto God nor true worship of God: And so after the Apostles decease, they being erred from the true Spirit, who did professe themselves to be gatherers, could not gather unto God, but did draw people more and more from God; and so the whole world went after the false Prophets and false Teachers.
Acts 20.29. And these were the grievous Wolves which entered, and scattered the Flock; Math 12.30. (which the Apostle spoke of before which should come) and Christs words were fulfilled, who said, He that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. So he that is not with Christ, but is against him, the same is Antichrist; & he that gathereth not with him, but scattereth, there is the grievous Wolfe that scattereth the Flock, and spoyles the Sheep of the Lords pasture and makes havock of them: And such are all they now at this day, who are called Ministers, and have been accounted gatherers, and Divines, and are called Orthodox men; but are found to be Wolves in Sheeps cloathing, who doe scatter the Flock, and make havock of the Sheep of Christ, and spoyle their goods, and cast into Prison, and whip, and stock, and cut off eares, and wound, and hang, and banish, &c. and cause people to hayle them before Magistrates, and stone, and beat them, & knock them downe in streets for dead, and haile out of the Synagogues, and Steeple-houses, and reproach, and scoffe, and scome, and speake [Page 6]all manner of evill falsely against them who are true Christians that not only confesse Christ come in flesh in words, but also in works, and walke in that spirit which confelseth him come in the flesh; who walke harmlesly, innocently, and righteously before all men, in meeknesse, in patience, in humillity, in lowlinesse, in truth and uprightnesse before the Lord in all their dealing, and abide in Christs Doctrine, to speake the truth in all their communications, their yea to be yea, and their nay, nay; who will not swear, nor lye, nor cozen, nor cheat, nor defraud their neighbours; who are no fighters, nor quarellers, who resist not evill, but doe good for evill, and pray for enemies, and blesse them that curse them; who are not in the envy, and hatred, and malice, and persecution, but are persecuted for righteousnesse sake; who covets no mans silver nor gold, that are willing to deny themselves and their reputations in the world, and forsake the worlds friendships to follow Christ, and suffer the losse of all for Christs sake and the Gospell.
Now are not those grievous Wolvs & Antichrists that turn against such, and rent such, &c. I say, are not these the grievous Wolves that are entered? and the Antichrists that are gone out into the world? And is there not now very many of them Antichrists and Wolves in Sheeps cloathing, among the Professors, and the Apostate Christians, or Antichristians, Who are out of the life of Christ and the true Christians? Such are not with Christ, but against him, and such gathereth not with him, but scattereth, and rents, and tears his Lambs, and Sheep, and persecutes Christ, and his Church the true Christians, who are followers of him, and are gathered to him by his Spirit in them. Rom. 8. And if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Now the Antichrists who are gone out into the World, and the Wolves come in Sheeps cloathing, who inwardly are ravening Wolves; these have not the Spirit of Christ in them, nor are his, and so do turne against him and his; and they are of another spirit, which their fruits doe make manifest, whereby they may easily be known: The true Christians knew them so merly, and did bear their testimony against them; so we know them now, and have, and doe beare our testimony against them, for their fruits have appeared more plainly in this, then in any age since the Arostles dayes.
Therefore now come all ye Priests, Teachers, and Professors in [Page 7]the world who are called Christians; try your selves, and examine your selves, and see what spirit ye are of, who act these things before mentioned against the true Christians, and Sheep of Christ, (who by you in scorne are called Quakers) who hear his voyce, and follow him; and yet ye confesse Christ in words to be come in the flesh: But what spirit is this in you, by which ye are led to act these things wherein ye are now found? Is this the Spirit of Christ, or the spirit of Antichrist gone out into the world, which lyes in the wickednesse, where there is many Antichrists? and the world hears them, for they are of its own; but who are true Christians and followers of Christ Jesus, 1 Iohn 4.5. ( who is not of this World) and are led by his Spirit, these the World will not hear; nay, the Priests and Professors therein, but cry against them, and speake all manner of evill against them falsely for Christs sake (by whose spirit they are gathered out of the world) and say hang them, away with them, they are not fit to live upon the earth; and so would murder, and kill, and destroy. By this we know that this spirit is not of God, nor doth confess Christ come in the flesh, but denyes him who came not to kill, but to save mens lives; and to destroy the Devill, who was a murderer from the beginning; and therefore we cannot beleeve that spirit, but deny it, and declare against it, to be that spirit of Antichrist gone out into the. World; and the same spirit that was in the Scribes, and Pharisees and Jewes, who would have Jesus crucified, & Barrabbas released, (who was a Robber) for he was of their own spirit, and therefore they chused him before Jesus, who was of another Spirit, and bore witness against them for their hypocrisie, and therefore they hated him.
And so now, they that are of God, in the Spirit of truth have tryed this spirit, which the Priests are in now, and have found it to be the spirit of errour, which neither knoweth God, nor loveth him; For he that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is love: 1 Iohn 4 8. And so all who are found persecuting for conscience sake, and compelling men to sweare, and to worship God in their wayes which they have set up, and hating and envying of people, and reviling and reproaching for matter of Religion, and worship, &c. are found to be of that spirit which is not of God, 1.3.12, 13. which loves not nor knows not God, who is love; but is of the Devill, Iohn 8.44. who was a Murtherer from the beginning, and a Lyar from the beginning, 1 Iohn [Page 8](and the father of all lyars, and murtherers, and Persecutors, and envious ones) who is out of the Truth, from whence all lyes, and murther, and envy, and pride, and hatred, and persecution, and strife, and emulations, and enmity cometh, and all the deeds of darknesse: And he is the god of the world, who hath blinded the minds of all men of the World that beleeve not, lest the Light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. 4.4. who is the Image of God should shine in them. So he it is that makes people darke, and blind, to worke the works of darknesse, and to act as blind men, where they are walking in the darknesse, Isa. 5.20. and love it, and put darknesse for light, & call good evill, and evill good, and know not whither they go, nor know not the truth, nor the way of God, but persecute it, and call it errour, and heresie; as it was in all ages past, even so it is now; for Truth was never persecuted under the name of Truth, but of erruor, and they who did persecute it, were alwayes blind, & will be, for they are out of the Truth, and therefore they know it not; as the Jewes did not know Christ, for if they had known him, they would not have crucified the Lord of life, 1 Cor. 2.8. (saith the Apostle.) So all the worlds Professors now are blind, Math. 15.14. (who doe persecute) they are all groaping in the dark, 2 Pet, 1.19. as the men of Sodom did, who wearied themselves to find Lots doore, Rev. 3.17. Gen. 19.11. And so it hath been in the World, in all their professions that hath be [...] since the dayes of the Apostles, they have been fighting, and [...]ing, and persecuting one another, and hating, and speaking evill one of another, and even wearyed themselves by setting up of this forme, and that forme of worship, and making Lawes to compell to them (which they have called Church Discipline) and by running from one way of worship to another, and from Mountain to Hill, and have been climbing till they are weary, and groaping in the dark, till they are weary to find the dore, and to find the true way, and yet they have not found it; For the Door is Christ, who saith, I am the Door of the Sheep; all that ever went before me are Theeves and Robbers, John 10.7. And againe, I am the Light of the World, &c.
So Friends and people all, know this assuredly, that there is none ever comes to the Door, to find the Door, but who cometh to the Light which Christ Jesus hath enlightned them withall, and every one that cometh into the World, Iohn 1.9. to waite in it, and beleeve in it, and be obedient to it; For Christ saith, While ye have the Light, [Page 9]beleeve in the Light, that ye may be children of the Light. Iohn 12.35.36. So who are children of the Light, they see, and are not blind, (as the Sodomites were, and as the Professors now are, who beleeve not in the Light of Christ.) I say, they see the Door, which is Christ, from whence the Light comes, and enter in, and are his Sheep, who know the true Shepheards voyce; But all who deny the Light, and turn from it, and hate it, and speake against it, they are the children of darknesse, who are unbeleevers, that are without, the Door is shut against them, and the Light is their condemnation: So they are all walking in darknesse, and wearying themselves, and groping, and cannot find the Door, and so never come to enter in by it, nor to find rest for their soules, but are still without where the Sodomites are (shut out of Lots Door,) and without where the Dogs, and Unbeleevers are, and where the Whoremongers, and Murtherers, and Lyars are, and the Unclean, and Sorcerers, and the Idolaters are, Isa. 55. 22 Rev. 15. And so people do weary themselves there, and spend their money for that which is not bread, and their labour for that which satisfies not; But never comes to hearken diligently to the Light of Christ Jesus in them, which reproves them for sin, that by it they might be led out of sin, (and out of Sodome and Egypt) that their souls might live and find rest, for the Light leads to Christ, who gives rest to the soul. And till ye come to hearken diligently to the Light, ye cannot know your souls to live, but still are the people that are dead while ye live, and that have eares, and hear not, eyes, and see not, Mark 8.18. and hearts, and understand not; and so are all as dead men, and blind men, and deafe men, and lame men, (that cannot walke, and say none can keep Christs commands) and dumbe men, and foolish men, without understanding in the things of God, which are spiritually discerned; and without tasting, and feeling, and smelling, that cannot savour the things of God. And here are all the Professions of the World, and their Priests, and Teachers, (even the highest of them all) who denyes that Christ Jesus hath inlightened every one with his true Light, and tell people its a naturall Light, and a delusion of Sathan to draw them from it, and seduce them, and tells them its not sufficient to lead to salvation, &c. I say they are all blind leaders who say so.
And now People, Let me tell you who comes to the true Light which Christ Jesus hath enlightned every one with that are [Page 10]come into the world, John 1.9. and beleeve in it, and wait in it (which is true and spiritual) it brings people to spiritual seeing, and lets them see and discerne the thoughts and intents of their hearts; and who comes to believe in this Light, and hearken diligently to it, they come to hear the voyce of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live; So these are they that come out of death, and come to be made alive unto God; then they are not dead men, Ephef: 2.1. nor deaf men, as the Scripture salth, You hath he quickned, who were dead in your si [...]ts and trespasses; And who comes to have their minds turned into the light of Christ Jesus in them, it will let them see the vanity of their minds; this will unblind their minds which the god of this world hath blinded, see 2 Cor. 4.3. And bring them to see the Light of the knowledg of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, then will they not be blind men, who have eyes and see not, and ears and hear not, as the Scripture saith, Isa. 47., I will give him for a Covenant, for a Light unto the Gentiles, to open the blind eyes, &c. And again saith Christ, Buy of me eye salve that ye may see, Rev: 3.18. and gold that ye may be rich, and white rayment that ye may be cloathed, then ye will not be blind men nor naked. And who believes in the Light of Christ (which is spiritual) which Christ hath enlightned them withall, it will bring them to understand the things of God, and gives to discern them, 1 Cor: 2.10, 11, 12, &c. and to know God. And this is it which reprooves, and judgeth the deceit, and pride, and hypocrisie, and errour in the heart, and the desperate wickednesse in the heart, and the foolishnesse in the heart, and that which is contrary to God in the heart, and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart, and so brings people to be of an understanding heart, and to discern the spiritual things of God, Heb. 3.10. and not allwayes to be of those that have hearts and understand not; Rom: 1.21. who are erred in their hearts, and know not the way of God, and are become vaine in their imaginations, and by their foolish hearts are deceived. And again who come to the Light, and wait in it, they come to taste and savor the things of God, and come to taste of the Heavenly gist, and to tast of the word of God, and the power of the world to come, see Heb. 6.3.5. And they come to discerne the things of God, from the things of the world, and come to discern between the Spirit of God, and the spirit of the world, and come to have Salt in themselves to savour withall, that which will season the heart [Page 11](which is not to be trodden under mens feet) for it is good to judge out that which hath corrupted the heart, Matth: 5.13. and desiled it; Mark 9.5. The Light which shines in the heart, which hath no fellowship with darknesse, nor with the works of darknesse; And so this will season it, and keep it cleah from corrupting, as every one minds it, and keeps to it, to love in, and beleeve in it, and obey it; For there is nothing that is corrupt brought forth, Matth: 15.11. but first is in the heart, for saith Christ, Out of the heart proceeds evil thoughts, Mark 7.20. thefts, murthers, adulter yes, uncleannesse; Matth: 15.18.19 for that which goeth into the man doth not desile the man, but that which cometh out; So every one whose minds be turned into the Light of Christ, this will bring you to taste, and savour, and discern between the good and the evil, the Light and the darknesse, the precious and the vile, the holy and the prophane, the clean and the unclean, the right hand and the left; the Sheep and the Goats; him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not, between the righteous and the wicked, between him that sweareth, Eccles. 9.2. and him that feareth an oath. So then ye will not put darknesse for Light, and Light for darknesse; nor call evil good, nor good evil; Mal: 3.15.18 nor put bitter for sweet, not sweet for bitter; nor call that which is corrupt holy; nor the proud happy, as they did in former times (who wereblind) and as they do now, who deny the Light of Christ, and teach people that it is but a natural light, &c. These are they now who are blind, and without discerning, and tasting and savouring of the things of God; and their hearts are hardned through the deceitfulnesle of sin, and they are without feeling.
Now the Light of Christ wil let you see what is in your hearts, and in your minds, and in your thoughts, and what ye think, and what ye speake, Luke 6.45. For a good man (saith Christ) out of the treasure of his heart, bringeth forth good things, and an evill man out of the treasure of his heart bringeth forth evill things; Now whose minds are turned to the Light of Christ within, it will let you see what treasure you have in your hearts, and what ye do bring forth; or whether ye be the good men which brings forth good things, good words, and good deeds, good desires, good motions, good thoughts, and good affections; or whether ye be the evil men (who out of the evil treasure of your hearts) brings forth the evil things, as evil thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds, &c. This will let ye see whether the good things be there, or the evil [Page 12]things be there at all times (if ye do minde it) and shew ye what ye bring forth, and what ye keep in secret, which ye would not have seen, for that is the evil doer, who doth not doe truth, that would not have his work seen, and so doth not love the Light because the Light will reproove him; but the good man who doth truth, he loves it, and brings his deeds to the Light to be proved. And the Light will let ye see if there be any deceit, Ier: 17.9. or hypocrisie in your hearts, or desperate wickednesse there, and it will reprove for that, and will search your hearts, and try your Rains, and ler you see what rules there, and what Reigns there, in your hearts, and in your minds, and desires, and affections; and whether ye have any Rains to hold in your desires and affections, that they should not run into the lusts and vanityes of the world, and of the flesh; yea, or nay. And it will let ye see whether ye have the girdle of truth to girt up the loins of your minds to God; or whether they are at liberty and loose, and tossed to and fro, as the raging Sea, yea, or nay. And it will let ye see whether ye have a Bit and Bridle for your tongue, Psal. 32.9.39. which otherwise will be unruly, and thereby you will offend, Iames 1.26. if ye use it as your own; I say the Light will discover this unto every one whose minds are turned to it, Iames 3.2. and wait in it, and who hearken diligently to it, and beleeve in it, and obey it; they shall come to know their souls to live; For obedience to it is life, and disobedience to it is death.
And now whilest men who have been in power to govern the Nations, have been making laws without to bind mens consciences, and to limit them, and compell them to this or that worship, and have been talking long of Reformation and Church-Government, and have gathered-Churches (as they have called them) and made Leagues and Covenants, and Assemblies of Divines (so called) to make confessions of Faith, Catechismes, and setForms of worships (as Directoryes, &c.) to worship God by, and to settle Church-Government, and have Laws that all that would not worship God in such a way, and such a Form as they had set up, to fine them, imprison them, and whip them, and stock them, and banish them, and hang them, or cut oft their ears, &c. These have been the Reformations in the world, in the Apostacy, among the Apostate Christians, since the dayes of the Apostles' Among the Protestants and Papists, with their Laws, and Statutes, and [Page 13]Customes, and Ordinances without, and carnal Weapons, and Goales, and Whips, and Houses of correction, and Inquisitions, and Fires, and Faggots, and Courts, and Pennance, and Stools of Repentance (so called) now all these things have been, and are in order to their Reformation, and worshipping of God, and to bring people to the Kingdom of God.
But now mind People, what hath all this produced? For they have all this while begun at the wrong end of the work, and their labour hath been in vain hitherto, and will be; and little Reformation hath been wrought among people all this while, for many himdreds of years past, but one Generation hath exceeded another in wickednesse, pride and covetousnesse, drunkennesse, uncleannesse, deceit and hypocrisie, &c. I say, what hath it brought sorth, but to make people hypocrites, not Saints, false Christians, not true Christians; and Wolves in Sheeps cloathing; to professe God and Christ in words, but in works to deny God; And professe the Scriptures to be their Rule, and yet they are walking as contrary to that which they call their Rule, as if they had no Rule at all, nor no Scripture at all, nor no Law at all to bind them to this or that form of worship.
These are but Babels builders, whose work the Lord is comingto confound & throw down, & their languages is already confounded; and they are all on heaps still; After all their bustle and stir, which the many builders have made for many hundreds of years about Religion, and worship, and Reformation; and they are as far from the true worship as they were: And people do not yet know the Truth, nor the true worship of God which is in the Spirit. Iohn 4.23, 24. And the Lord is seeking such to worship him, as worship him in the Spirit, and in the Truth, for God is a Spirit. But all the world, Teachers, and the Priests, and Professors therein, do not know the Spirit of God, nor know not the truth yer, and so were not like to worship God in it, or to find him in their outward worships, and carnal Ordinances, and Doctrines, and Commandements, or in the outward Observations and Forms, which men have prescribed. Nay, God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth.
Now all this while people have been erred from the Spirit of God, and the Wolf hath been covered with the Sheeps cloathing, Matth: 7 and the Wolves nature still retain'd and lived in, and not the [Page 14]Sheeps nature. 2 Pet. 1.3, 4. They have been all inwardly ravening Wolves, and not in the true Christians nature, which is the Divine Nature, Innocent and harmlesse, and separated from sinners. Now it hath been contrary in the world and is still; they that depart from iniquity are made a prey of, and have been; even the innocent and harmelesse Sheep, and Lambs of Christ have been rent and torn by the Wolves, who did appear like Sheep in the Sheeps cloathing, and had the Saints words in their mouths, and have made havock and spoyl of their goods, and imprisoned their bodies, where the life of Christ hath been made manifest in any measure, which is the Divine nature which the Saints and true Christians were made partakers of, as ye may read in the Scriptures: These I say have been made a prey upon, and persecuted in all ages, since the days of the Apostles by the Priests and Professors, which doth appear, that though they have had the Sheeps cloathing on, Matth. 7.15, 16, 17. yet they were inwardly ravening Wolves, and by their fruits they are seen, and now do appear plainly in this our age and day, wherein never more profession hath been made since the days of the Apostles, then now hath been of late years, and yet their fruits have been as bad as the worst; Even persecuting the innocent to death without cause, devouring of them, and making a prey of them, and accounting of them as sheep for the slaughter all the day long.
These are not, nor never were the fruits of the true Christians, who were called Sheep of Christ; for it is contrary to their nature to persecute any, to whip or imprison any, to kill or destroy any, to bite and devour, and rend and tear to peeces like Dogs and Wolves (as this Generation hath done, Ieremy 23. of Priests and Professors) But now this is not contrary to the Wolves nature to devour and rent and tear, Isa. 56. nor contrary to their nature, Rom. 16. who come in sheeps cloathing for the fleece, Ezek. 34.2, 3. and divine for mony, and preach for hire, 10, &c. and their gain from their quarter, and for their filthy lucre, and for their bellyes, it's not contrary to these who are inwardly ravening Wolves; and these are the fruits by which ye may know them, Iohn 10. and they are known now by all the Lambs and Sheep of Christ, who are his stock which he hath gathered from under their mouths, who do deny them (therefore they follow after them to devour them) and these are children of Light who doe beleeve in the Light of [Page 15]Christ, and follow him, and know his voyce from the strangers; For those who are in the Wolves nature are strangers to Christ, and alienated from his life, and erred from his Spirit. Iohn 10. And so whilest we were in the darknesse, and in the Alienation from the life of God and strangers to the Covenant of promise (as they are now) then we did sollow them, and their voyce was not strange to us, for we were one with them in the same nature, but then enemyes in out minds to God, and without Christ, Ephes 2.12. and without God in the world, But after that we came to believe in the Light of Christ, and to hear Christs voyce, and to follow him, then we turned from the strangers, and would not hear them (the Priests) any longer, for the children of the Light see them, and bear testimony against them, but who are not yet come to the Light of Christ in them they are still in the darknesse, and in the night, and are in Babylon still, nor are not yet come to know a separation between the night and the day, the Light and the darkness, Truth and Error, Christs voyce from the Strangers voice; between the good Shepheards voyce, and the Theeves and Robbers voyce, who come not but to kill, and teale, and carry away, see, John 10. And these come in the night, and so ye being in the nigh, cannot see them. Now they that steal steal in the night, 1 Thess. 5.7. and these doe rob and spoyl ye, and dovour the widdows houses, and makes merchandize of your soule, and ye see them not, Iohn 10.10. and so they kill and steale, and carry away undiscovered; And make ye spend your money for that which is nor bread, and your labour for that which doth not satisfie; and so keeps you allwayes labouring and never satisfyed, and allwayes learning and never come to the knowledge of the truth, for who knows the truth, 2 Tim. 3.6. the Truth sets them free, and gives them ease and rest from their burthens and labours, and peace, and satisfies their fouls; But while people are in the sins and divers lusts (and your Teachers tells you that ye must be there as long as ye are here upon earth) you know not truth which sets free from sin, which loads and burthens the soul, and keeps it in death, where there is no peace, nor rest, nor satisfaction to it; and so it cannot praise God, for its the living that praiseth God, the dead praiseth him not, Isa. 3.12. nor they that goe down to the pit. And so ye are all as a company of weak silly women, who are laden with sins and divers lusts, all in the transgression, and in the death, not a living man amongst you, to speak and to pray [Page 16]in your Church; But its the woman in the transgression, and so all is in the disorder and confusion, where the woman Rules, and Exerciseth Authority over the man (He that can receive this let him) 1 Tim [...]
And thus ye have been, and are cheated, and deceived by the Deceivers, which are come amongst you, the blind guids who leads you blind into the Ditch, Iohn 3.19, 20 and ye love to have it so, and love the darknesse, and will not come to the Light, because your does be evill, least it should reprove them. And there you remaine blind and weak under them uncured, for they are all Physitians of no value.
But now the children of the light sees them, how they do deceive, and cozen, and cheat you, and they declare against them, and they tell you of it, and shew you plainly how, and wherein ye are deceived by them, and yet ye will not beleeve them, nor receive their testimony, and so if ye will be deceived, ye are like to be so; and if ye perish, your destruction will be of your selves, for the Lord will be clear of all your blood, and we shall be clear also, who have warned you to come out of Babylon, the Mother of Harlots, 2 Cor. 6.17. (the false Church) and be separate from her, and touch no unclean thing, and the Lord will receive you; But if ye be partakers of her sins, Rev.17.4.9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20. and trade with her Merchants, and buy of their Merchandize, ye will partake of her plagues that is coming upon her, and that speedily, and the time is at hand; and the Saints shall rejoyce at her fall, when her judgement and torment shall come upon her; but her Merchants shall howl and mourn for her, for by her were they made rich. And these things are seen and made manifest to the children of Light, glory, and honour, and living praises be unto the Lord for evermore: The hidden things of darknesse is making manifest, and coming to be preached upon the house top, and all the hidden things of dishonesty comes to be laid open to the view of all men. 1 Cor. 3.13. For the day is come and coming, which reveals all things, and which will prove every mans work of what sort it is; And every man shall receive a reward according to his deeds done in the body, whether they be good or evil.
Therefore all people, in whom there is any fear of the Lord, or any desire after the knowledge of his way, or any love to his truth, or to your souls peace and welfare. It is high time for you to look about you and to consider your wayes, what ye have beendoing, [Page 17]and what ye are doing, for the times of ignorance God hath winked at, but now he calls all men every where to repent; For it is not a Profession of the words now will serve you, without the possession of the life, for that will not be accepted of God. But all to repent and turn from the evil of your wayes which ye have long been reproved for, by the light of Christ Jesus in you, Iohn 3.19. which is Gods witnesse in all your consciences, which otherwise will be your eternal condemnation, for your profession of Christ will not serve you, nor hide you; nor your mountains, Ierem: 3.23. nor your hills where ye have been gotten up high, and looking for salvation from them, but it hath been all in vaine. Come down from them to Gods witnesse in you, and hearken to that, what that doth testifie to you, for that is true and will not lye, nor deceive you, for that is of God, and leads to God. And with the Lord Jehovan alone is Salvation, and with him is everlasting strength; For those mountains will all fly away from you which ye now do trust in, Rev. 6.15.16. and they shall not hide you from the face of the Lamb, though ye may call to them to cover you, and to the Rocks to fall upon you; nay though ye seek death it shall fly from you.
Therefore I say in time all be warned, and hearken diligently that your souls may live; And away with all your false and deceitful coverings, which are but as so many Fig-leaves sowed together to cover your nakednesse: which will not endure long, and your profession will wither suddenly, and your nakednesse will then appear more to your shame, then if ye had made no profession at all, to have that pluckt off wherewith ye have been covered all this while, which made ye seem to be some body, when that is gone then ye will be naked, and as it were like no body, and have nothing to cover your shame from the eyes of all; for Christ Jesus disowns ye, who are workers of iniquity, Matth. 7.23. and ye must depart from him, and not name his Name. Luke 13.27. For its not every one that saith Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, Matth. 7.20. but he that doth the will of my Father which is in Heaven, saith Christ. Gal. 7.17. But while ye have been seeking to be justified by Christ, and yet lived in sin, and are found sinners (ye have not been doing the will of God) for thereby ye would make Christ the Minister of sin, 2 Thess. 2.8. who came to destroy sin, and the Devil who is the Author of it, Heb. 2.14. and therein he did the will of the Father, 1 Iohn 3.8. and plased him. Iohn 8.29. And so as many as receive him and beleeve in his name, Iohn 1.11, 12. to them he gives power [Page 18]to become the sons of God, and to doe his will in earth as it is done in Heaven, Matth. 6.9. which ye have been praying so long, and saying these words, Romans 10. but do not beleeve in your hearts that any shall ever attain to that here, which you pray for, therefore its not of faith, for with the heart man beleeveth unto righteousness, &c. and ye are not like to recelve that, which ye cannot beleeve; so ye are not come to the measure of faith, Luke 17.20. even as a grain of Mustard-seed, for he that hath it, shall say unto this Mountain be thou removed into the Sea, and it shall be so, saith Christ; But these are all parables, to all you Professors in the world unknown, as it was to them to whom they were spoken then. But who comes to the Light of Christ Jesus to beleeve in it, they read the parables, and they know the faith that removes the Mountains and brings them down, and exalts the valleys, and makes the crooked ways straight, Matth. 3.23. and the rough wayes plain, and prepares the way of the Lord in the Wildernesse, Heb. 12.13. and make straight paths for his feet, and such knows the kingdome of God to come, where his will is done on sarth, as in Heaven, and where the daily bread is received, and sins forgiven, and enemies loved; And Christ said to those that did not know nor beleeve, If I toll ye of earthly things, and ye cannot beleeve, how should you beleeve if I tell you of Heavenly things? John 3.12. And again, I speak that which I have seen with my Father, and ye speak that which ye have seen with your father, John 8.39.
Therefore all ye Professors of the Scriptures, and Teachers of the Prophets and Christs words, and the words which ye have received by tradition from your fathers. Acts 13.41. Its no wonder if the things declared of by the Prophets, Christ, and the Saints, be strange to you, that ye neither know them, nor can believe them, seeing ye me all erred from the Spirit of the Father, even that Spirit which was in the Prophets, Iohn 16.25. Christ, and the Apostles, and Saints, which shews plainly of the Father, 13.verse. and shewed them things to come, which was, and now is the Saints Comforter, which Christ said he would send; Even the Spirit of Truth, which should lead them into all Truth, and should bring all things to their remembrance.
This the Saints did receive in former times, by which they did plainly declare, what they had heard, and what they had seen, and tasted, and handled of the word of life; And this the Saints do now receive, even the same Spirit of the Father which was in the Saints, and is now in the Saints, and shall be in the Saints to the end of [Page 19]the World, as Christ said; by which the Saints do now know the Scriptures which were spoken forth by the Spirit of God (in the holy men of God) and understand them, and witnesse the thing they speake of; So that they are not a Book sealed to us, nor parrables to us, who come to enjoy the things they speake of, which is freely given to us of God, as they were to them who spake forth the Scriptures, as the Apostle said, 1 Cor. 2.11, 12, 13. We have not received the spirit of this World, but we have received the Spirit which is of God, by which we know the things which are freely given to us of God; which things we declare in the plain demonstration of the Spirit, and not with words which mans wisdome teacheth, comparing spirituall things with spirituall. But the naturall man perceiveth not the things of God, for they are foolishnesse to him, neither can he receive them, because they are spiritually discerned. And so with this Spirit which we have receiv'd of God the Father, & the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, doe-we speaks of the things of God, which we have seen with him; by which Spirit the Saints are now led to declare forth the Truth to the world as it is revealed in them from the Father of spirits, as the Children of God did formerly by the same Spirit, who said, As many as are the Sons of God, Rom. 8. the same are led by the Spirit of God. And so now it is, 1 Pet. 4.10. as every one hath received the Gift of the Father, so to minister to others; 1 Tam. 17. and according to the abillity which God hath given, from whence every good and perfect Gift doth come, from the Father of lights, with whom is no variablenesse, nor shadow of turning. And this we know and declare, that if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his, which is the gift of the Fathers love, and he that hath it, hath received it freely from the Father, from whence every good and perfect gift doth come: Mark! Who receives a gift from God, they receive that which is perfect, that which is heavenly, that which is free, and that which comes from the Father of Lights, and so with that they see, and know, and can freely declare of the things of God, of the heavenly things, of that which is perfect, of that which is holy, of that which is true, of that which sins not, of that which is born of God, which overcomes the World, as the Saints did of old, who said, hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit, 1 John 4.13. No otherwise can any one know him now truly, but by his Spirit, which quickens, and [Page 20]makes alive unto God: Iohn 17.3. For it is life eternall to know thes the only true God, 1 Ioh. 5.19, 20. and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent, saith the Saints; and herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldnesse in the day of the Lord; for as he is, so are we in this present World. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, and we know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternall life; and this we have not of our selves, but this we have freely received from God, (as the Saints had) and this we freely declare, and testifie to the world as they did, that so others might come to receive of the same from him, in whom the fullriesse of the God-head dwells, of whose fullnesse have we all recelved, Iohn 1.16. and grace for grace. And so we have nothing to boast of, or glory in of our selves, for it is by grace, which is the free Gift of God, that we are what we are; that no flesh might glory in his sight, but that all the Honour, and the Praise, and the Glory might be given unto God alone, Rom. 11.6. from whence every good, and perfect gift cometh. 1 Cor. 1.29.
And now Oh all ye Priests, and Teachers, and Professors, unto whom these things seemes strange, which we declare of; so that ye cannot beleeve them, but get up into rage, and envy against us to persecute and reproach us, and speak all manner of evill falsely against us, as your forefathers did (the Scribes and Pharisees, who were Hypocrites) against Christ and the Saints in former times, who did declare of those things then, which the blind guides did not know, nor could beleeve, and therefore did they persecute them, and haile them before Magistrates, and cast them into Prisons, and put them to death, though the things which the Saints did declare were true, and the same which Moses and the Prophets, the holy men of God had declared of, which should come to passe, and so did come to passe according to their words: yet now the Scribes, and Pharisees, and Jewes, who had the words of Moses and the Prophets, and were the greatest Professors of Religion then that were in the World; they having the words, but being out of the power, out of the Life of Abraham, and Moses, and the Prophets that declared those things by the Spirit of God; these I say (being erred from the Spirit) did not know the things which the holy men of God did foretell of to come. The holy thing which was to be borne, which is called the Son of the living [Page 21]God, and when he was come, they did unto him as they listed, Luker. 35. & crucified the Lord of Life, because they knew him not. 1 Cor. 2.8. Though they said they were Abraham's children, and knew God, and were Moses Disciples, and were called Jewes, and rested in the Law, and made their boasts of God, and that they knew his Will, Rom. 2.19, 20, [...]. and did approve of the things that are more excellent, and were confident that they themselves were guides to the blind, and a light to them that are in darknesse, and Instructers of the foolish, and Teachers of babes, which had the forme of knowledge, and of the truth in the Law. Thou therefore (saith the Apostle) that teachest another, teachest thou not thy selfe, &c. All these were untaught themselves, though they were teachers of the Law, they were Transgressors of the Law, and when Christ Jesus came, who was the substance, the holy Seed, the end of the Law, who fullfilled it, and brought in everlasting righteousness, who was the Way to God, the Truth and the Life, they knew him not, but slew him; (And so it is at this day, the Professors of the World, who only have) the name of Christians, persecute them that are in the true Christians life and nature) for they were blind Leaders of the blind; (as Christ told them) and that they were of their father the Devill, who was a lyar, and a Murderer from the beginning, for whom God hath sent, him ye beleeve not, but seeke to kill him: And so though they had the true mens words, and the righteous mens words, and the just mens words, yet they were erred from their Spirit, and therefore they knew not the just and righteous One, and Holy one of Israel, but were in the murtherous spirit, and in the lying spirit, which is of the Devill, who did not abide in the truth; and in the envious spirit, and in the persecuting spirit, which is not of God, (as all ye Priests and Professors are found in at this day,) which spirit I say is not of God, nor received of God, For the fruits of Gods Spirit is Love, Gal. 5.22. Meeknesse, Gentlenesse, Patience, Long-suffering, Charity, &c. But the fruits of your spirit is the contrary, as the fruits of theirs was coutrary, who persecuted the Saints in former times, as the Scriptures declares, and plainly makes manifest.
And so now ye come to be tryed, and seen, and manifest, and declared against, by the same Spirit as was in the Saints formerly, and the testimony thereof we know is true, and your deceit and hypocrisie comes to be laid open, as theirs were, whom ye have [Page 22]been crying against for many yeares, (the Scribes, and Pharisees, and Jewes, who crucified Christ, and killed the Saints, and Prophets) and have been envying against them, (and have a Law made that none of the Jewes should come into this Nation, &c.) and speake against them, as they did against the false Prophets, and their fore-fathers that slew the true Prophets, and said, if they had been in the dayes of their fore-fathers, they would not have done so; Math. 23.31. but Christ told them not withstanding, that they were the Children of them that killed the Prophets, and they built their Tombs, and garnished the Sepulchers of the righteous; And he called them, Whited Walls, and painted Sepulchers, and Serpents, and a generation of Vipers, &c.
Therefore come now ye Professors, and Teachers, and Priests, own your fore-fathers, the Scribes, and Pharisees, and Jewes, which are gone before you, whom ye have cryed against, and said, ye would not have done as they did; And yet have ye not done, and are doing many of the same things as they did, in persecuting of the righteous; for now have ye not slaine the Prophet in you which Moses spake of, Deut. 12.85.18. Saying, Like unto me will the Lord raise up a Prophet in the midst of you, him ye shall hear in all things, &c. And are ye not slaying, Iam. 5.6. and persecuring the righteous, and killing the just, who doth not resist you; and are painting and garnishing the Sepulchers, and building the Tombs of the Prophet, and of the righteous? And are in your faire outside Worships, (as they were) to be seen of men; and crying [...] this Forme, and the other Forme of Church government; and this Ordinance, and the other Ordinance; and this way of Worship, and the other way of Worship; and crying up this Learned man, and the other Rabbi, and are in your Observations, as they were; and have set up the Jewes Tythes, (which were to the first Priesthood) and so deny Christ Jesus the second Priesthood; and have set up Sacraments, and Sabboths, and Schools, and Colledges, and Churches, (which God never commanded) and giving them Saints names, as the Papists do, and call the Papists old Masse-houses Churches, and so are crying up dead things, and dead Names, and Ordinances of men, and Doctrines of men, and things which may be touched, tasted, and handled, which all perish with the using.
And by these things have ye kept people in the Death, while they have seemed to live, and have made a great stirre and [Page 23]bustle in the World for many hundreds of yeares, by crying them up, and setting them up; and your Ministry or Ministers as the Oracles of God, and the maintenance for them, and have killed some for witnessing against these things, and have been ready to kill one another about these things, and could not agree about them; and one hath built a Wall, and another hath dawbed with untempered Morter, and so have been dawbing and dawbing to keep it up from falling, and whiteing of it to make it appear beautifull to please men, and to be seen of men: And all this invented Worship and Imitations which ye have set up, and brought people into, are but as so many Tombes and Sepulchers of the righteous; and these have been cryed up by the Priests for Divine Institutions, and Orthodox, and Canonical, and whiteed over with large Pretences, and plausible Arguments, and undeniable Consequences, (as they have called them) and the poor people have received all this for Gospell, and Ordinances of Christ, and of his Church, as if Christ had been there present, (who is the true Prophet, and the Righteous Seed which the Promise is to) when as there was nothing but Tombes, and Sepulchers of he Prophets and of the Righteous which they had garnished. And so people while ye have been in these things, ye have been all in the darknesse and in the Death, and have been all as Graves which men goe over unawares, being erred from the Spirit which quickens and makes alive; which Spirit was in the Prophets, by which they Prophesied and declared forth the Truth, which came to passe accordingly to the Jewes, That in seeing they should see, and not perceive, Math. 13.14. and in hearing they should hear, but not understand, Mark 9.12. which also is come to passe in these our dayes, among all the Teachers and Professors who have been thus dawbing, and building, and painting the Tombes and Sepulchers, and whiteing the Walls; the just hath been killed, and he hath not resisted you, and the Prophet lyes flain in you all, and ye understand not, nor hear him, nor see him, neither have perceived, nor known his Voyce, who is the true Light that lighteth every one, Ioh. 5.37, 38. that all in the Light might beleeve him whom Moses said was like unto him, whom the Lord would raise up a Prophet from the midst of them, whom ye should hear in all things: And it shall come to passe, saith he, that whosoever will not hearken unto this Prophet, shall be cut off from amongst the people. And so Moses saw and declared of concerning Christ, that which ye do [Page 24]not know, nor see, nor hear, though ye have long been talking of him, and naming of his Name; but it was but death speaking of the fame of Wisdome, because ye have been erred from his Spirir, which is the Spirit of truth, which convinceth the World of sin, and reproves them for sin; but this the World cannot receive, which doth reprove them for their sins and evill deeds, because they love their sins and evill deeds, and not God; Now they that love the Lord hate evill, but he that loves not God, nor receives the Light of Christ, nor beleeves in it, (which is the true Propher, and faithfull Witnesse of God) he loves his evill deeds, but hates the Light which reproves him for his sins, and evill deeds, Joh. 3.19, 20, (21. and therefore the Light is his condemnation, as Christ saith; and so this is not their Comforter, who beleeve not but love their evill deeds; But this is he whom we have received and followed, Joh. 8.12. ( even Christ Jesus who is come a Light into the World) and denyed our selves, and our own Wills for him, and taken up his Crosse, and we know the Prophet raised the Spirit of truth come, which is our Comforter in all our troubles, and leads us into all truth, and brings all things to our remembrance and knowledg, which were spoken before by the Prophets, Christ, and the Saints, which Spirit is in us, which was made manifest in the flesh, John 1. and dwelt amongst the Saints, and they saw his Glory, who was the begotten Son of God, and did hear Testimony of him, who said unto them who beleeved in him, I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever: Even the Spirit of truth, whom the World cannot receive: Mark! Because it seath him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you, (Joh. 14.16, 17.) and now is in all his Saints, and so he did come to them according to his Promise, 1 Cor. 12.7. Acts 1.4. And he doth come again to all that waite for him in the manifestation of his Spirit, which is given to every one to profit withall, which is the true Light which Christ Jesus hath inlightned every man that cometh into the World withall, that all through the Ligh might beleeve, and follow the Light, 1 Iohn 9. and not walk in darknesse, but might come to have the Light of Life, and might come to Christ from whence the Light comes.
But now all ye who have set your selves against the Light, and denyed it to be sufficient to lead to Christ, and say it's naturall, [Page 25]and so have kept people from it, are the seducers which John speakes of, 1 Joh. 2.26. Ye are still in darknesse, and walking in darknesse, and following your own spirits, and have seen nothing, Ezek. 13.3. who have prophesied lyes in the name of the Lord, Ier. 14 14. and have been walking in the light of the fire, Ier. 23.25. and of the sparkes of your own kindling; but you shall lye down in sorrow, Isa, 50.11. for that will not bring you to Christ, neither hath, nor to his Life, whose Life is the Light of men, with which he hath inlightned them that they might beleeve in it, and follow him; and so with this they know him, and hear him, and deny you, who are strangers, and hear him not, nor know him, nor receive him, and so have not power, but are crying out ye want power, and the reason is, because ye receive him nor, nor beleeve in his Name, 1 Ioh. 11.12. who gives power to become the Sons of God; and yet are prosessing his Name, and asking, and preaching, and praying, and baptizing in his Name, 2. Tim. 2.19. but none of you are baptized yet into his Name, who depart not from iniquity, though ye have been crying, Lord, Lord, We have eaten, and drunken in thy Presence, &c. Who have had a Forme of godliness, but denyed the Power, which was before the Forme, Isa. 53.2, 3. and is without Forme, and is the substance which shall stand, when all your Formes shall end. And so ye know not the Life, the Power, Isa. 6, 13. the Substance, the Holy Seed which is come, who stands, and remains, and abides, and lives for ever, ye are all out of that, and strangers to it: But ye are in that which ends, out of the truth, who denies the Power, and Life, but retains the Forme, and have a shew of Wisdome in your will-Worships, and voluntary Humility, intruding into those things ye have not seen, 2 Col. 1. being vainly rufft up by your fleshly minds, having a Forme and Shadowes of things to come, but the Body which is Christ, (who is the Life and Substance) hath been wanting amongst you, who have been making a large Profession of Christ and of the Gospell, and had a Forme, but the Substance being wanting, which is the Life and Power, which ye are all our of, Rom. 1. and therefore ye do not know Christ, nor the Gospel, for it is the Fower of God unto Salvation, to every one that beleeves: But many have had that which ye have called the Gospell, (namely the four Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.) and yet want this Power, and know nothing of it, but say they want Power to doe what they should doe, and ought to doe; and this is the farthest that any of them [Page 26]can come, and there they are still in the weaknesse in the flesh, ferred from the Spirit, and cry out they want power, which is the Gospell, and so want peace and want Salvation to their soules, for the Gospell is still hid from them, which is the Power of God which saves the soul.
So the Gospell had need to be preached to you all againe, ye Priests and Teachers and Profestors, for it is hid from you, and ye are all in the lost State, seeing ye are all erred from the Spirit, by which it was Preached, (and is Preached) which proceeeds from the Father, and came down from Heaven, and so it is hid from you, you want it, ye have lost it, lost the Power, but retained a Forme in the long night of Apostacy, 2 Tim. 3.8. since the dayes of the Apostles, and have been erred from the Faith, 1 Tim. 6.10, 21. which was once delivered to the Saints, Judg. 3. which stood not in the wisdome of Words, but in the Power of God; 1. Cor. 2.5. but the Power you want, and so the Faith ye have lost, and erred from it, and it hath been so long wanting among you, that ye doe not know it, what it is; for it is a Mistery held in a pure Conscience: And ye have been in the night all this while, 1 Tim. 3.9. (and are still) and have been eating and drinking with the drunken, and beating your fellow-servants, and have said in your hearts, Math. 29.48.(49. The Lord deferreth his Coming, (who hath been in a farre Country from you, and ye have not knowne where he hath been, for the Man-child hath been caught up unto God) but he is come and coming upon you as a thief in the Night, and ye doe not see him, because ye have not watched for his coming, but have been asleep in sin, and have been carelesse, and thought your selves secure as if all had been well with you, and said none can be free from sin here, Luke 18.8. &c. And now behold the Son of man is come, He doth not find faith in the earth, as Christ said, When the Son of man cometh, shall be find faith in the earth?
And now the day of the Lord is come, and coming, wherein every mans work shall be tryed of what sort it is, Luke 1.78. and Truth shall now be known from error and deceit; I say the Day-spring from on high hath now again visited us after the long time of darknesse which hath been over the earth; Yea such a time hath been, that the darknesse hath been so great, that it might be felt, that none could rise from the place where they sate, and is yet upon many Peoples, and Nations, and Kindreds, and Tongues, as it was in AEgypt [Page 27]of old, (see Exed. 10.21, 22.) so it is now, and hath been in spiritual Aegypt, where also our Lord Jesus Christ hath been crucified.
And so his Gospel is again to be preached unto all Nations, Math. 24.14. Kindreds, and Tongues, and People, Mark 16.15. whom God hath given for a Covenant, for a Light unto the Gentiles, to open the blind eyes, Isa; and to bring the prisoner out of prison, and them that have sate in darknesse out of the prison-house. For People have sate in darknesse, and have taken up their seat there, and the Priests have laboured to keep them there, and have been crying out against New-Lights, and calling it Heresie, and getting Laws made to keep out all New-Light (as they called it) to keep out Truth from being known any more then it was, and so have made a Covenant with death, Isa. 28.18, and an agreement with hell, and to keep people in the death, and in the darknesse, and errour (which they called Light and Truth) and none must remove from the place where he sate in darknesse, and in the shadow of death; this hath been the Priests work for many years past to keep people there, in spiritual Aegypt, and darkness; So the Leaders of the people have caused them to erre, and they have told people that these Laws were the Discipline of the Church, to keep out errour, and to preserve the Gospel, and to keep Heresie from spreading: Now this hath been their cry and their pretence whilest they have been keeping out Truth thereby, and limitting the Spirit of God to this or that form, so that Truth hath not had its liberty, which is only able to keep people from Errour and Heresie.
And what Errour, and Heresie, and wickednesse is there that can be named, that is not amongst them? And you (Oh ye Preists and Teachers notwithstanding all your outward Laws) who have had all these fair pretences to keep up your Forms of worships withour the power, even by your outward Laws, and carnal weapons, as Stocks, and Whips, and Prisons, and Courts, and Leagues, and Covenants, and Oaths, and Protestations, and Assemblies of Divines, (so called) and Confessions of Faith, and Directories to worship by, &c. All this hath been but to hold up your Trade to preach for hire and filthy lucre, and for your bellyes, and to bear rule by your means over the people, and to keep them still in the house of bondage, and darknesse, in AEgypt, to labour in the Brick, and so have been as the Taskmasters over them, who would [Page 28]have their tale of brick, Exod. 5. and would allow them no straw; but they must go abroad to get it, and so have oppressed the people, and have been cruel, so that ye have made them to groan under their burthens, and there was none to help them. And now the Lord hath heard their cry, and is risen, and come to deliver his people from under you, even from under the mouths of such devouring Wolves, who have made a prey upon them; And have cryed peace to people in their sins and wickednesse, and have had mens persons in admiration because of advantage, and have kept and do keep many there.
Now ye that have done so, have not been the Ministers of Christ, but of Antichrist; not of righteousnesse, but of unrighteousnesse, and Messengers of Satan; 2 Gor. 11.15. though ye have transformed your selves into several forms and shapes, but your end is seen, and your reward will be according to your work; For though the strong man armed have kept the Palace, Matth 12.29. and so the things therein hath been in peace, Luke 11.12. yet now a stronger then he is come (who is in us) even stronger then he who is in the world; And this is he whom we preach, Christ Jesus the true Light, who hath enlightned every one that cometh into the world, which convinceth them of sin, Matth. 10.34. and reproves for sin, and speaks not peace to them there, but sends a sword to take it away, and leads them out of sin who beleeves and obeys him; and this is he who saves his people from their sins, and destroys the work of the Devil.
And he is come and appeared in his Servants and Ministers, as of old; Acts 26.18. To call sinners to repentance, and to turn from sin unto God, and from the darknesse to the Light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that so they might receive remission of sins, and an inheritance amongst them that are sanctified; Which many who have been turned, and are turned (by them) can witnesse the inheritance, and an entrance into it; Glory be unto the Lord God of Heaven and Earth for ever.
Therefore do I exhort and warn every one of you in the fear of the Lord, to turn in your minds to the Light of Christ Jesus within you; Who is given for a Light to the Gentiles, and for a new Covenant to the house of Israel, Isa. 42. where the Law is written in the heart, Iere. 31.31. that so ye may come to read there what is in your hearts, to know Good from evil, and the just from the unjust, and Truth from error; the right way from the wrong; For the Light will [Page 29]shew you if your minds be turned to it. For the Law is Light Pro: 6.23. saith Solomon, and it is a Light unto my feet, and a Lamp unto my paths, saith David; And again he saith, The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soule; The Testimony of the Lord is sure, Psal. 19.7, 8, 9, 10, 11. making wise the simple; The Statutes of the Lord are right, rejoycing the heart; The Commandements of the Lord is pure, enlightning the eyes: The fear of the Lord is clean, and endureth for ever; The Judgements of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether; By them thy servant is forwarned, and in keeping of them there is great reward. And again saith he, Oh how doe I love thy Law, Psal. 119.97, 98, 99. it is my delight, it is my meditation day and night; Whereby he became witer then all his Enemies, and more understanding then all his Teachers. And this is it which gives the knowledge of sin, and convinceth of sin, and reproves the world for sin, and condemneth for sin them that beleeve not. And this Law is Spiritual, Holy, Rome 7. Just, and Good; and this will let you see, that ye are carnal, sold under sin, and found in the sin and transgression of it, and in the corruption, whilest ye have been promising of your selves liberty and saying ye are justified by Christ ( and so would have made him the Minister of sin, Gal. 2.17.) while yet ye are under the Law, and the Law hath dominion over you, and condemns you for your sins, and evil deeds; As the Apostle saith, Know ye not, Rom: 7.1. for I speak to them that know the Law, how that the Law hath dominion ever a man so long at he [...]eth. For Paul saith Rom. 7. I was alive without the Law once, but when the Commandement came sin revived, and I dyed; That slew him, and so that which was ordained unto life, became death unto him; he being in the transgression of it; and so dying unto sin he was dead to the Law, not under it, for then he faith, I through the Law am dead to the Law, but alive unto God; So that which slew him, and made him dead unto sin, brought him unto Christ Jesus who is the Life, Rom: 10.4. the end of the Law for righteousnesse to every one that beleeves; So the Law was our School-master to bring us to Christ, saith he, Gal. 3.24. So who are come to Christ they are come out of the transgression, they are come to live unto God, they are come to Christ who sulalls it, Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and they are not under the Law but under Grace. For the law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ.
And now ( to the witnesse of God in you all doe I speak, who have long been professing Christ, and justification by him, &c.) To turn in to the Light which is Gods witnesse, and with it try your selves, and examine your selves truly and honestly; and it will let you all see that ye are not come to Christ yet, nor yet known him, who is the end of the Law for righteousnesse, who fulfillls it; but ye are under it still, alive without the Law, unslaine by it (as Paul was) in the sin and transgression, and so not justisied by Christ, neither know him: All ye who do deny the Light which he hath enlightned ye withall; For none comes to know him, but who beleeves in the Light which Christ hath enlightned them withall; nor none come into the righteousnesse which is the end of the Law, and fulals it; but who beleeve in the Light and are obedient to the Light, and walk in it: Here is the righteous nesse known, which exceeds the righteoulnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees who should in no wise enter into the Kingdome of Heaven, who had the Law without, and read it every Sabbath day, but they were sayers and not doers, and hypocrites of whom Christ said, Go not after them, for they had the Form, but not the Power; They had a shew of righteousnesse, and made clean the out-side, but the inside was unclean, and unrighteous, and were but as whited Walls and painted Sepulchers, which did appear beautiful and righteous before men, Mat. 23.27. but within were no [...]ing but rottennesse and deads mens bones, and so were as Graves which men go over unawares, and what they did it was to be seen of men, and thereby did beguile, and deceive the hearts of the simple, and so shut the Kingdome of Heaven against men (as Christ said) and neither entred in themselves, nor suffered others that were entering.
Now are not all ye Teachers, Priests, and professors found here in the Pharisees spirit, and in the same generation with them, in outward shewes of holinesse and righteousnesse, and formes of godlinesse, and making cleane the outsides, as they did, and saying, and are Sayers as they were, but not doers, and so are hypocrites as they were. And yee keep people alwayes saying, but never bring them to doe what they say; but teach them that Christ hath done all for them, and if they can but beleeve that, then they are well enough; and so blindes people by that means, that they doe not minde what they doe themselves, Mat: 23.13 nor what they say to performe, and so are out of the truth, and never [Page 31]come to the knowledge of it, and so the kingdome of heaven is shut against you and them, and so you are ever teaching them, and they are ever learning, and saying after you; and so make a faire shew in the flesh, and appeare to be something outwardly, and perswade them that they are Justified by the righteousnesse of Christ, which he hath wrought for them without, and so there they rest as the Pharisees did in the outward observations, whilest in the meane time, they are inwardly uncleane, their hearts uncleane, 2 Pet. 2.14. their minds defiled, their eyes full of adultery, who cannot cease from sin, and so are shut out of the kingdome, into which no unrighteous thing, or uncleane thing must ever enter; and are but as Tombes garnished, and Sepulchers painted (wherein is rottennesse, and dead mens bones) marke! like the Scribes and Pharisees, and so your righteousnesse doth not exceed theirs. In the same generation with them are yee, and their Children are yee, who slew Christ Jesus the true Prophet, which Moses spake of, when he said, Like unto me will the Lord raise up a Prophet, which all were to heare, &c. as the Pharisees were the Children of them that slew the Prophets that went before them, and are like unto them. And are still slaying, and have been slaying, and killing, and persecuting, and hailing before Magistrates, and out of the Synagogues as they did, those who are the true Chriftians, in whom the Spirit of Christ is manifest, who beare witnesse against your hypocrisie and deceipt now, as Christ did, and the true Christians did in the primitive times; And it is your srultes makes yee manifest now, as theirs did then: and your faire sayings, and not doing now cannot cover you, no more then that could cover the Pharisees then, who said, and did not; and therefore Christ calls them hypocrites. Moreover, as they would not heare him of whom the Father sayd, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, heare yee him; and of whom John bore witnesse and sayd, He was the true Light, Iohn 1.9. that Lighteth every man that cometh into the world. And so because they did not beleeve in the true Light, therefore they were blinde leaders of the blinde; and so it is, and hath been with you, who doe not beleeve in the Light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened you withall, but speak against it, and say it is Insufficient and natural, &c. Therefore yee abide in darkness, and are Children of darkness, who know not whither yee goe, Iohn 12.35. nor know not that yee are [Page 32]walking in the stepps of your forefathers the Scribes and Pharisees, who were hypocrites and blinde guides, who persecuted Christ, and put him to death, and persecuted the Saints ( the true Church) and halled them before Magistrates, and shut them up in prisous, and thought they did God good service in so doing; even so it is now with many of you at this day yee thinke so, who walke in darkness, and know not whither yee goe; But the Children of the Light who beleeve in the Light, they see the true Way which is Christ, and with the Light they see you all where you are in the false wayes, in the way of the Pharisees (and not in the way Christ) and beare witnesse against you now, as the Saints did then against them. And yee can no longer be hid, but your folly will come to be layd open, and manifest more and more, so that yee cannot proceed much further.
For now is the Day dawning, and the Day-starr arising in the hearts of many people, 2 Pet. 1.17, 18, 19. who take head unto the more sure mord of prophecy, as unto a Light that shineth in a darke place; and such as doe so, doe well; and when the Day-starr doth arise, the Sun is neare approaching which expells all the darkness, that men comes to see round about them; And then they can see what the holy men of God did, and what Christ and the Saints did, and what the Scribes and Pharisees did, and so see over the Apostacy to the Apostles dayes; And what the Apostate Christians have been doing since the Apostles dayes, and what they are still doing, and what the Saints the true Christians are now doing, and who are they; and can know them who have done well, and who now doe well, from them that have done evill, and now doe evill; for the day is that, which tryes every mans worke of what sort it is. And all who are come to the day now, can see beyond the night of the Apostacy, and over it, and what was before it, and what hath been since in it, among the Apostate Christians since the Apostles dayes; that people have been in the darkness and night, who have not seene the true way, nor knowne whither they have been going. Mal. 4. But now unto all that feare my Name shall the Sun of righteoususse arise with healing in his wings, saith the Lord. For who comes to take heed unto the Light which shines in the darke place, they doe well; and who comes to doe well, they come to be healed, and to know the Sun of righteousnesse to arise from whence the Light comes, and they are those who doe [Page 33]righteously, and truly, and honestly, and walke as in the day time, and to put off unrighteousness, and the workes of darkness, and fleshly lusts which warre against the souls. For that is it which hath wounded the soule, even the fleshly lusts that warres against it: 1 Pet. 2.11. now the Light which shines in the heart leads from the fleshly lusts, and out of them to Christ Jesus the Sun of righteousnesse, who ariseth with healing. For as the unrighteousness, and workes of darkness is put off, and the fieshly lusts abstained from, which warres against the soule and wounds it; so Christ Jesus the Sun of righteousness ariseth, and is put on, who heales and bindes up the wounds, and powers in wine and oyle thereinto, Luk. 10.30, 31, 32.33. who is the good Samaritan, who is better than the Priest, and the Levite, who passed by like strangers, and left the man halfe dead, who had fallen among theeves and robbers, among his Enemies, and was wounded; as the hyrelings Priests doe now, who are strangers that passe by, and leave many wounded, and as it were halfe dead; and instead of helping of them, are rather the theeves that rob, and wound, and murther, and kill. For, saith Christ, Iohn 10. the hyroling cometh not but for to kill, and to steale, and to destroy, neither careth he for the sheepe, but for the fleece, and for his Tythes; as the Priests and Levits did, who passed by. And again, saith the Prophet, As atrope of Robbers waite for a man, Hosea 6.9. so do a Company of Priests further in the way by consent. And these things have been seene, and are as plainly fulfilled, and manifested amongst this generation of Priests, and Teachers, and professors, as in any age of the world. Nay it will be more tolerable for those that went before, then for these, even the Scribes and Pharisees, who perfecuted the Saints, and put Christ to death ( whom they did not know that it was he that should come, as the Scripture saith, If they had knowne they would not have crucified the Lord of life) But these say they beleeve that he is come, and professe they know him, and yet persecute him, where ever he is made manifest in sons, or daughters, and cast him into prison, &c. Math. 25. Now the Fewes and Pharisees were under another Priest-hood which God had commanded, and so had a righteousness there according to the Law of Moses outwardly, which mey sought to establish, and so could not own Christ Jesus, the second Priest-hood, Rom. 10.3. who is Gods righteousness, nor submit unto it, and so were rejected.
But now the Priests and professors and Apostare Christians [Page 34]they doe confesse Christ Jesus comain the flesh ( in words) who is the second Priest-hood, who is Gods righteousness, and doe deny the Jewes & Rharisees And yet they set up another Priest-hood, which is contrary to Christ, and contrary to the Jewes, which God never commanded; and they take Tythes, and stipends, and Augmentations, and gleabe-lands, &c. and seeke to set up a righteousnesse without them to be justried by ( which they call the righteousnesse of Christ) while they are in the unrighteousnesse themselves, and in the sin, and transgression of the Law of God, and so have not submitted to the righteousnesse which is of God by faith in Christ Jesus, no more then the Jewes did; Therefore this is but their own righteousnesse ( which is but as filthy rags) and Antichrist in the likenesse of Christ, and Antichristians and Apostates, in the likeneste of true Christians. For this is but their own Inventions, and their own righteousnesse (which inderd is not worthy to be called righteousnesses, where they are puft up in their sleshly minds) which they goe about to establish, whilest they are disobedient to him who is the righteousnesse of God, Rom: 8 and was made manifest in the likenesse of sinfull flesh, and for, sin condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousnesse of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who walke not afrer the flesh, but after the Spirit.
Now there is none ever cometh to the righteousnesse of God, and to have the righteousnesse of the Law fulfilled in them, and to walke after the Spirit, but who come to beleeve in the Light of Christ in their own particulars, and obey it; which convinceth of sin, and reproves for sin, and condemnes sin in the flesh; who doe so they walke not after the flesh, they come our of the weaknesse; for the Law was weake through the flesh, or they come to feel the power, and the opperation of the Spirit, which makes free from the Law of sin, and death; which the Law could not doe because it was weake through the flesh: But now God hath sent his Son in the likenesse of sinfull flesh, and for sin condemned sin, in the flesh, that the righteousnesse of the Law might be fulfilled in us (say the Saints) who walke not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. And this Law of the Spirit of life, which condemnes sin in thee, and makes free from the Law of sin and death, and is in Christ Jesus; and this is the Light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened every one with that cometh into the world, and is a manifestation of [Page 35]the Spirit which is given to every one to profit withal his which is sent into the world to convince the world of sin, and to reprove for sin; and will be, the condemnation of all the world who beleeve not in it, but dirobey it, and hate it, and love their evill deeds, and their sins which it doth reprove them for; So that it is not their comforter, but their reprover and condemner that doe not receive ir, and love it not, but reject it. But it is the comforter of all those who doe receive and love is, and beleeve and obey it, and are led by it; for it leads into all truth, and sets free from sin and death, and heares witnesse with their spirits, that they are the sons of God; for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, the same are the Sons of God. This the Saints did beare witnesse of in former times, and this the Saints doe, witnesse now, glory and honour and living praises be unto the Lord God of heaven and earth for evermore.
But this is a mystery to the world, and hid from all the Apostate Christians in it; of what sect, or opinion, or judgement, or Religion soever they be of, who deny the Light which Christ Jesus bath Lighted every one withall to be [...]ufficient to lead to salvation, [...]. I say, Iohn 1.34. they know not that which makes free from sin and death, and brings to life; no can they beleeve that, Rom: 4.7. when it is declared to them; Rom: 6.2.6, 7. but say none can be free from sin on this fide of the grave; Rom: 6.18. and account it errour to say that any can be free from sin here, Rome 8.10. or be righteous here without sin; 1 John 1.7. and say the most righteous man sins, 1 John: 3.8.9. and he that is borne of God sin ( which is Blasphemy so to say) and this is, I Joh: 3.6. and hath been their doctrine in the world, amongst the Priests and profelsors, I Iohn 5.18. the Antichrists and Anrichristians, who are out of the life of Christ, and the true Christians that now their nakednesse appeares to thein shame, because they have not submitted to the righteousnesse by faith in Christ Jesus that they might be covered with it, who is the true Light; to beleeve in the Light, that by it they might be led unto Christ Jesus from whence it comes, who is Gods righteousness, and thereby know the righteousness of the Law fulfilled in them, Rom: 8.3.4. and know the kingdome of god within, which cometh not with observation, as Christ saith, and the righreousness in which it stands, and the power in which it stands is within; and the Law of the Spirit, which makes free from the Law of sin and death, and the life which is eternall, which is the gist of God through [Page 36] Rom. 8.2. Jesus Christ, in whom the Law of the Spirit of life is. But now all who are pleading for sin, and say, None be free from sin here, they are still under the Law of sin and death, ( which Paul sayd he was made free from) Sin is still a Law to them, and they are servants to it, and so they are free from righteousness, as the Apostle said; While ye were servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness; but being made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness: Rom. 6.18, 20. That at sin had reigned unto death, so righteousness might reigne unto life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And againe; His servants ye are whom ye obey, whether sin unto death, or obedience unto righteousness.
Therefore come all ye Teachers and Professors of the World, what say you? Can none be made free from Sin and Death here, while he is upon Earth? Ephef. 1.1. what is there not a living man amongst you all who is quickned? Is there none of you come up out of the Grave that can truly say, 1 Gor. 15.55, 56, 57. Oh Death, where is thy Sting? Oh Grave, where is thy Victory? Thanks be to God, who hath given me Victory over Death? Ioh. 5.25, 28. What are you all as Graves which men go over unawares? Have none of you heard the Voyce of the Son of God yet, which they that hear shall live? Are you all dead in your sins and trespasses, unquickned yet, in the Fall, in the first Adams state, in the Disobedience, Rom. 5.12, 19.(21. by which Sin entare dinto the World, and Death by Sin? Are you all there still where Death reigns? Is there none come to Lise, which is through the Obedience to Christ Jesus, 1 Cor. 15.46.(48. the second Adam, the quickening Spirit, the Lord from Heaven? Have none of you the Word of God abiding in you, Heb. 4.12. which Word is Quick, and Powerfull, and the enterance of it gives Life? Come forth and answer for your selves; What are you all shur up in the unbelief untill this day, and have not beleeved in him whom God hath sent, who is the Resurrection and the Life, Iohn 11.26. (who saith) he that beleeveth in me shall live for ever, he shall never dye; for he hath Life in himself, and he gives Life to every one that beleeveth; What are you all searching the Scriptures which testifies of Christ, and thinke to have eternall Life in them, and you not yet come to Christ that you may have Life? him whom the Scriptures testifies of, and saith, He is the trus Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World, that all might beleeve in the Light, Ioh. 8.12. and become Children of Light, and he who followeth him should not walke in darknesse, but he shall have the [Page 37]Light of Life, and know Christ Jesus, who is the way so the Father, the Truth, and the Life, who saith, No man cometh unto the Father but by me: I am come a Light into the World, &c. What doe you not beleeve Christ? Or doe you thinke to sind another Way to the Father? an easier Way then Christ? or a broader Way? a Way which is not a Crosse to your Wills, or a Way where you may walke your selves without a Guids, that ye may goe whither you list, ( but that's not the Way to God) as Christ told Peter, when he was young he girt himself, and went whither he would, &c. Answer me plainly to these Queries, Oh ye Priests and Professors, who have been so long talking of the Scriptures, but have been out of the Truth, and out of the Life of Righteousnesse, and out of the Light, and out of the Way, who have been wandering in the Darknesse, not knowing whether you goe, and seeking the Living amongst the Dead, and are erred from the Truth in your hearts, and hold it in the unrighteousnesse, professing the true Words, but are, and have been out of the Truth, and so could never be established there; for none can ever be established, but in the Truth and in the Righteousnesse.
But ye have been out of the Life, and so are dead men still, and are yet in the Graves, and have not heard his Voyce that should raise you up yet, because you have not hearkened diligently that your souls might live; though you have been long talking of him, and searching for him without in the Observations, and have been saying, Lot, here is Christ, and Lot he is there, in this Form, or in that Forme of Worship, and in this, or that Ordinande; Iob 28.22. so Death hith heard of the fame of Wisdome, and hath been talking of the fame of Wisdome, which is justisied of her Children; but ye who only have been talking of Wisdome, and speaking of it, while you were in the Death, and did not learne the Way to Life, ye are but soolish Children, and are not justified; for you have all been but as the foolish. Virgins (the best of you) who have had Lamps, but wanted Oyle, and so ye are in the darke still, Luke 10. your Lamps are not burning, nor your Lights shining; neither hath your Light so shined before men, that they may see your good workes, Math. 5.16. and glorifie the Father: But you have all professed that which ye did not possesse, and so are found in the hypocrisie, and your righteousnesse hath been like the Righreousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees, whom Christ told, should in is wise enter into the Kingdome of [Page 38]Heaven; Now all that are but there will be shut out; though you have been talking of Faith, and Hope, and Sanctification, and Redemption, and Adoption, and Justification by Christ, and by his Righteousnesse, while you are in the Unrighteousness, and in the Sin, and Transgression, who would have Christs righteousnesse to be a Cloake and Cover for your sins, and would be justified by Christ in your sins, who came to save his peopie from sin, and to destroy sin, and to destroy the Devill who is the Author of it; and he came to take away all Cloaks and covers for sin, who saith himselfe, If I had not come and spokon to you, ye had not had sin, but now have ye no Cloake for your sin, so he it is that hath spoken to you once and againe, but ye have not regarded, and he doth speak to you, and reproves you for sin, all of you secretly in your consciences, and for your evill deeds, by the Light of his Spirit, with which he hath enlightened you all; who saith, Except ye beleeve that I am he, ye shall dye in your sins; and then there will be no covering for you, for your shame and nakedness will be seene, though ye may call to the Rocks and Mountaines to fall upon you, and cover you. But the woe is unto all, who are covered with a covering, and not of my Spirit, saith the Lord; and woe will be for ever to all such who want the covering of Gods Spirit at the last day.
Therefore all people, turne in your minds to the Light of Christ Jesuswithin you, which doth reprove you for sin, and never consents to the doing of any unrighteous thing, and beleeve in the Light, and be obedient to it ( for obedience to it is life.) Then will ye come to put off that, and be uncovered of that, which ye have been covered with, which the woe is too, & brings the trouble, and sorrow, and anguish upon your soules; and which will bring shame and confusion, and woe and torment for ever, except it be cast off, and separated from. And who come to the Light of Christ, and beleeve in it, and love it ( which is the Law of the Spirit of life) with it they come to be quickened, and made alive unto God, and made dead unto sin; and so come to be covered with the covering which the woe is not too; for the Spirit is Life because of Righteousnesse, but the body is dead unto sin; As the Apostle said, How can we who are dead unto sin, live any longer therein? Mark! They who were quickned (which Paul writ to, who were once dead in sins and trespasses, & children of [Page 39]wrath as well as others) these were made alive unto God; but they were first dead unto sin, and so could not live any longer therein, except they would goe about to build again that which before they had destroyed, and so make themselves transgres7s;ors, 2 Gal. 18.
Now this the Saints said and witnessed who were made alive unto God, and quickned by his Spirit dwelling in them, and made free from the Law of Sin and Death; but now this is conttary to all the Apostate Christians ( the Priests and Professors) in this Age; who say, That they must live in Sin, and have the Body of Sin as long as they be here, and none can be perfect here, nor be made free from sin, but they sin in thought, word and deed dayly; and say they had need to pray for the forgivenesse of the sins of their Prayers, and the best of their holy Duties is full of sin, and the most righteous doth sin, &c. and so teach people.
These I say never yet did know sin destroyed, nor never yet come out of the transgression, nor our of the fallen Adams state, nor we yet re-quickned, but are still dead in their sins and trespasses, and therefore they are not like to shew people the way out of sin, or how to be freed from sin, for they themselves are still in the Death, the dead not raised yet, and therefore hath all their preaching and praying been in vaine, both to themselves and others, and their faith vain also, and they are yet in their sins, even as the Apostle said, If the dead arise not, 1 Cor. 15.14. then is our Preaching vaine, and your faith is vain also, and ye are still in your sins. Now you (I say,) who long have been called Christians, and you who have professed your selves to be Ministers of Christ, and yet are walking according to the Course of this World, not redeemed out of the World, nor separated from the World, but dead in sins and trespasses, unquickned yet, unmade alive unto God, in the Death yet, where all the World lyes who are in the wickednesse; your conditions are far unlike to the Saints conditions, who spoke sorth the Scriptures, ye who are not yet come from among the dark world, who sit in the darknesse, and in the shadow of Death, and love darkness rather than Light, because their deeds are evill: And will not these Teachers and Professors abide with them in the darknesse? And doth it not appear that they are resolved upon it, who say they must have sin, and cannot be freed from it here, but as long as they live here they must carny a body [Page 40]of sin about with them, and a body of Death, and so they walk in the shadow of it, and sit in the shadow of Death, and are not yet come to the Light, nor will they come to the Light, ( that they might see a way out of it) but love their evill deeds rather than the Light, so there they are sate down in the darknesse, and remaine in the Death untill this day, and will not arise, and hearken to the Voyce of Christ Jesus, Isa. 42. whom God hath given for a Covenant, for a Light unto the Gentiles, Isa. 49. to open the blind eyes, and to unstop the deafe eares, and to bring the Prisoners oat of Prison, and them that sit in darknesse out of the Prison house; and out of the House of bondage, where they are all in Egypt still, in the Land of darknesse; and it hath been and is still the worke of the hireling Priests to cry peace to the people there; and when any of the Servants of the Lord have been sent by him to call people our of the darknesse, to come to the Light of Christ, which he hath enlightned them withall, that by it they might be led out of spirituall Sodome and Egypt, Rev. 1.8. where our Lord Jesus Christ hath been, and is crucified afresh, and put to open shame; I say the Priests and Teachers, they have stood up to oppose, and have been like Jannes and Jambres who withstood Moses, 2 Tim. 3.8. and would have hindred the people from going our of Egypt, even to keep people in the darknesse, and by the flesh-pors of Egypt, where they may eat and drink with the drunken, and satissie their lusts, and yet notwithstanding tell the people that they are the Children of God, and Christians, and that none can be free from sin, and the best have their sailings, and so dawb with untempered Morter, and speak peace where the Lord speakes no peace, 2 Tim. 3: 6. and so lead people about like silly women, laden with sins and diverse lusts, ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth; For who knowes the truth, Ioh. 8.32. the truth makes them free, and brings them from under the load, and from under that which burthens, and vexeth the righteous soul, as the righteous soul of Lot was vexed from day to day with the uncleane conversation of the wicked Sodomites; Now these would keep people in Sodome and Egypt, under the heavy burthens and loads in the fleshly lusts, and filthinesse by the fleshpots of Egypt, that even peoples hearts and minds have been boyling up with wickednesse and uncleannesse, and their eyes full of Adulrery who cannot cease from sin, and here they have been ever learning, but could not know truth while they are there; and [Page 41]so by this means they have made people to pay them for reaching of them, and to uphold them, and give them fire, and these are the blind leaders of the blind into the Ditch.
But who comes to the Light which Christ Jesus hath enlighmed them withall, to waite in it, and hearken diligently to it, they hear the Voyce of Christ and live, and arise up from their seats, and so come out of Egypt, and out of the shadow of Death, and the house of bondage, and from under Pharaoh and his Taskmasters, and they come through the Sea, (as Israel did, and was Baptized unto Moses in the Cloud, and in the Sea,) I Cor. 10.2. and through the fire to be Baptized into the name of Christ, with the Spirit and with Fire and to be baptised all into one Spirit, Rom: 6.3, 4. and to be made like unto Christ in his Death, to be made dead unto sin that they may not live any longer therein, and to drink of the spirituall drink, and to eate of the spirituall meate, and to drink of the spirituall Rock, which Rock is Christ that is gone before us, ( which Rock is the same which Israel drank of which followed them) who were under the Law untill the Seed came, which Seed is Christ, Gal. 3.19. who redeems from under the Law, who was made under the Law, that he might redeem them which were under the Law, who fulfilled the Law, and blotted out the hand writing of Ordinances, and nayled them to his Crosse, which whosoever are followers of him, Math. 16.24. they must take up this Crosse which crucifies the flesh with the affections, 1 Coll. 20. and lusts, and makes dead unto sin, 2 Coll. 14. and slayes the Transgressor, and so makes peace through the blood of his Crosse; I say this Crosse must be taken up dayly by all who will be true Disciples indeed, and true Christians; the Preaching of which Crosse now to the World and Professors therein is foolishnesse, and is despised, and cannot be endured, Cor. 1.18 &c. as it was formerly to the Jewes a stumbling block, and to the Greeks foolishnesse; but unto them that beleeved therein both Jewes and Greeks, it was the Power of God, and the Wisdome of God, and to them that believe now it is the same, but unto the unbeleeving it is foolishness even to all who are not yet turred to the Light of Christ Jesus within, which he hath enlightned them withall, they are still in the unbeliefe, and so never yet knew the Power of God, nor the Wisdome of God, and so it is foolishnesse to them, for they are all spiritually blind, and so cannot discern the things of God which are spiritually discerned, but are all as foolish and sottish Children [Page 42]without understanding, and untaught, and unlearned, neither are they come to receive the Law from him who is the Law-giver, that they might be taught of him, Mat. 11.30. who sarth, Learne of me, I am meeke, and lowly im heart, and ye shall finde rest for your soules, and be made wise unto salvation, for in him is hid the treasure of wisdome cand knowledge. Now all those who only lookes out at, the Scriptures, and comes not to the Light of Christ within, which the Scriptures declares of, the treasure of wisdome and knowledge is still hid from them; for it is in Christ Jesus from whence the Light comes; which Light leadeth to Christ, where the treasure is hid, and where the Life is hid from all the world yet, who are searching the Scriptures, 1 Iohn 4.5. and thinking in them to have eternall life; But ye will not come unto me that ye may have life, Iohn 26.40. saith Christ; I am the Life, Iohn 11.25. the Way, and the Truth, and our Life is hid with Christ in God, Iohn 14.6. sayd the Saints.
Therefore now all people, this is an Invitation of love to all your soules, to turne in your minds to the Light of Christ within you, which is spirituall, holy, true, just and good, which will let you all see what your words are, your actings are ( though done in secret) and what the thoughts and intents of your hearts are, it will try them all, and let you all see ( your minds being truly turned to it) what is in your hearts and minds, and what your wayes are now, and have been, and what your lives are, and how you have lived. Now this I say, which lets you see these things, and reproves what is contrary to it, will let ye see whether ye are come to Christ yea or nay; who is the Way unto God, the Truth, and the Life; and the righteousnesse of God, from whence the Light cometh; and so here every one of you will know Judgement layd to the Lyne, Isa. 28.17. and righteousnesse to the Plummet, and that which is lyes and deceit, and hypocrisie, will be Judged, and condemned in every particular, with the Light, which is and will be the condemnation of the world, who love their evill deeds, evill wayes, evill lives, evill thoughts and intents of their hearts, and evill words, rather than the Light which doth reprove them: and therefore the way, the truth, and the life, which is Christ, is hid from them; Col. 2.3. and they know not him in whom the treasure of wisdome and knowledge is hid. Now the Light is that which doth Reveale, and make manifest that which is hid, and hath been hid from the wise and prudent men of this world, Col 1.26. and hath been hid [Page 43]from ages and generations past. But now is the Truth plainly seen, and known, and declared, as it was in former ages ( by them whom it was then manifested to, by the Spirit of God) Even by us ( whom the world in soorns call Quakers) who have beleeved in the Light of Christ, and received the manifestation of his Spirit ( which is Light) which is freely given, and tendered unto all, and hath appeared unto all; but is not, neither hach been received by all. But as many as receiveth him, to thom doth he give power to become the Sons of God, even to as many as beleeve i [...] his Name, who is the true Light, and who is true, and faithfull, and everlasting; The same to day, yesterday, and the same for evermore.
And this we can declare forth freely unto the Nations round about, which we have freely received of him, even of his Spirit of truth, which was the promise of the Father, To lead us into all truth, whereby we are come to know the Leadings of the Spirit; and know that we are the Children of God, and taught of God; and led by his Spirit, and this is it which doth comfort our hearts, and assure us that we are his Children: And as many as are the Sons of God, the same are led by the Spirit of God; as the Children of this world are led by the spirin that is of the world, which is of him who is called the God of the world; Ephef. 2.3. whose work it is to blinde the mindes of people (as we were also at well as others) while we were in the vaine conversation, and walked according to the course of this world, even the Prince of the power of the ayre; that spirit which now worketh in all. the Children of disobedience. And they may be easily known, for they are full of ayre, and talke of that which they possesse not, of others conditions and not their own, and so have been in travell ( as it were) but have brought forth nothing but wind; have a form of godlinesse, but want the power, and are talking of the Spirit of God, but are led by the spirit of this world, and are disobedient to the manifestation of the Spirit of God, which reproveth them for sin, and checks them secretly when they doe evill. But all who receives it, and are obedient to it, they know the movings of the Spirit, and the teachings and leadings of the Spitit; and what it is to be borne of the Spirir, and what it is to live in the Spirit, and to walke in the Spirit, and to mortifie the deeds of the body by the Spirit, and so to be quickned by the Spirit; and what it is to be [Page 44]raysed up from the Dead ( with Christ) by his Spirit dwelling in them; Rom.8.11. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, the same is none of his. Therefore how can any of the Priests, and Teachers, and professors in the world confesse Christ come in the flesh, and know not the Spirit which is of God, &c. Who say they have not the same Spirit that was in Christ & the Apostles, and Saints, and say none have the same Spirit now which they had? Therefore I say truly they are not like to know that Spirit, who are erred from it, nor confesse Christ come in the flesh, who are of another spirit, which not being the same, must needs be the spirit of this world ( which is the spirit of Antichrist) by which they cannot know the things of God; 1 Cor.2, 12, 13, 19. for none knowes the things of God, saving the Spirit of God; neither were they like to discerne them, or demonstrate them by the Spirit which they have not, but are erred from it; nor know the Scriptures which were given forth by the Spirit of God in the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles, but give their private interpretation of them, and meaning which they add to them, which is of no private Interpretation; for the Spirit of the Lord was but one in all them that spoke them forth; and them who are in the same Spirit and Life now reads them, Isa. 9.24. and knows them again as they were spoken, and knows the Interpretation of them, which is not private, but publique, and plaine, and manifest; But all who are of another spirit, they are erred not knowing the Scriptures, Math. 2.29. nor the power of God (as Christ sayd) and so they neither know that which hath been spoken by the Spirit of God formerly, Mark 2. 24. not what the same Spirit speaketh expressely now, not what the Scripture meanes where it is spoken plainly and expressely. Ezek. 3. And truly it is no wonder now to see it so; 1 Tim. 4.1. for people and their teachers are so farr erred from the Spirit by which the Scriptures were spoken forth, that it is become a strange thing ( which cannot be beleeved) even amongst all forts of professors who are called Christians; For one to say he is moved by the Spirit of the Lord to speake, 2 Pet.1.20, 21. or to pray, or to doe any thing else (as the servants of the Lord were in former times) and this is become a scorne and derision amongst them, which is a shame to them, and doth plainly manisest what spirit they are of.
Now if they were Children of God, or Sons of God ( who are led by the Spirit of God, as some of thone professe themselves to be) mark this diligently, then must they needs know the meaning of [Page 45]the Spirit of God, and the leadings of it, otherwise it could not lead them and they not know it; And they would be in the spirituall feeling, and tasting, and savouring, and discerning of the things of God in themselves, and of the fruits of the Spirit in others brought forth, and try all Spirits with that, and know them, and love the good, and not mocke and scoffe at them. And so I say, then it would not be a strange thing unto them, if they themselves were come to know a motion, or leading by the Spirit of God in themselves, which would manifest that they were the Children of God, and Sons of God; that they were of Christ, who have his Spirit, and are led by it, and so were true Christians, and followers of Christ; and this would be a true restimony to themselves, and to others; And then surely they, neither any of you would mocke, or scoffe, or scorne at any who can witnesse the same.
But now the want of this hath caused your nakednesse appear to your shame, and to the shame of all your blinde guides whom ye have so long been following for teaching, who have caused you to erre by their lyes, otherwise they might have brought you to have known the truth before now, and to have raught you better manners, then to have scoffed at it, and at those who have declared it amongst you, and walke in it ( whom you in scorne call Quakers) and utter forth evill words, which corrupts the good manners; howsoever if it were so, that we were not in the truth, but in the errour, and not moved by the Spirit of the Lord, as ye say, but erred from it; then we were but where ye are.
Now Friends this I say, and testifie in the Lord, and know assuredly that my testimony is true, and Gods witnesse in all your Consciences shall beare witnesse to it to be true, and the Scriptures of truth will beare witnesse to the same; That ye cannot say in truth ( whom any of you doe scoffe, or scorne, or mocke, or reproach any of us, or others) that ye are moved thereunto by the Spirit of God, or led unto it by the Spirit of God, or taught by the Spirit of God to doe so, or taught by the Scriptures to doe so, which the holy men of God spoke forth, which ye call your rule. Neither can ye say, that scoffing, and scorning, and repsoaching, and persecuting is the fruits of the Spirit of God. But on the contrary, it is the fruits of that spirit in you which lusteth to envy, Iames. 41.5. which is of the Envious one, the enemy of all mankinde, the Devill, who [Page 46]was a lyar, & a murtherer from the beginning, & out of the truth.
And so it is he that moves some to murther now, and some to accuse falsly, ( for he is the accuser of the Brethron) and he moves some to persecute, and to hate, and to cast into prisons now, (those that live in the truth, and bear witnessetoit) and he moves others to scoffe, and scorn, and speak all manner of evill of them that are good now in these dayes, as he did of old; He it was that led Cain to murther his Brother Abell who was a righteous man, and it was he who moved Ishmaell to mock at Isaac, who was the Son of promise; and it was he (the Devill) that moved the Scribes and Pharisees to say that Christ had a Devill, and that he cast out Devills through Belzebub, &c. and led them to persecure Christ, and put him to death, and Judas to betray him, and the High Priests and the rest to spit upon him, and smite him, and Crown him with thornes, and mock at him, and to say haile King of the Jewes, and to cry to have him crucified, and Barrabas to be released, (who was a Robber) Now here are some of the fruits of that spirit which is not of God, nor of Christ Jesus, but is against God, and against Christ Jesus: And the Scripture saith Be not ye mockers, lest your bonds be made strong; and the Scriptures speaks of some who mocked the Messengers of God, and despised those whom he sent to warn them till his wrath broke out upon them to destroy them; now they that did so were not mov'd & led by the Spirit of God, but by the evill spirit which is of the Devil.
Therefore now all people try and examine your selves, and see what Spirit ye are of, and what Spirit ye are led by, by the fruites which ye bring forth: For this I say, and know and testifie, that there is no people upon the face of the earth, but they are either of the good Spirit, or of the evill Spirit; that is, they are either led by the Spirit of God, or by the Spirit of the Devill; and this is that, which doth nearly concern all people to know which of these they are led by, Chron. 6.16. which they may know by the fruits which they bring forth, Isa. 6.22. for that is it which doth, and will make it manifest plainly, even as a Tree doth manifest it selfe what it is, whether good or evill, by the fruit it brings forth, for the fruit doth come from the sap and vertue, ( or as I may say, the spirit and life that is in the Tree) which comes from the Root of it, and ground in which it stands; Math. 7.16, 17, 18, 19. Now the Scripture saith, A good Tree bringeth forth good fruit, and again, If the Root be holy, so are the Branches, [Page 47]then the fruit is good, there is the good Tree; but now if the root be rotten or corrupt, which stands in the cursed ground, then the branches will be rotten and corrupt, & the fruit will be evill, or none at all, and there is the corrupt Tree, which is to be hewen down and cast into the fire, and burned, for it is good for nothing else; And there is the plant which must be plucked up, which Christ saith, the Father hath not planted, for its a degenerate plant.
Now people these Parables are true, therefore learn to read them, and understand them with the Light that Christ Jesus hath enlightned you withall, who spake them forth unto the World, who is the Gift of the Fathers love unto the World, whom he hath sent a Light into the World, that all men through the Light may beleeve, which they that did beleeve in him who is the Light, he said unto them, Joh. 1.9, 10. it was given to know the Mistery of the Kingdoms of God, Math. 13.11. but unto the World who did not then beleeve in him, they were Parables, and are so still to this day.
Now the Light which Christ Jesus hath enlightned you withall is the Gift of God to you, and the manifestation of his Spirit which is given to you, Titus 2.11. and his grace which hath appeared unto you all, (which brings salvation) therefore receive it, and beleeve in it, and be obedient to it, and so you will come to know the Misteries of the Kingdome, Rev.3.7. and to understand all the Parables which Christ spake to the World, & know the Key of David which opens and none shuts, and shuts and noman opens; otherwise ye will all remame in the dark World still, which loves not the Light, but doth choose darkness rather; and they will remaine Parables to you still, and ye will be shut up in the unbelief, and in the darkness, & the Light will be your Condemnation for ever.
Therefore in true love I exhort you all to consider, in time oh all ye People, Professors and Prophane, that ye may escape that eternall condemnation and Judgment which will come upon all the World of Unbeleevers, and ungodly men, who doe not beleeve in the Light of Christ Jesus, who is come a Light into the World, but slight it, and hate it, ( and say it is not sufficient to lead to Christ, and to lead to salvation) which reproves you for sin, and for your evill deeds, that ye might be turned from sin and from the power of Sathan to God; otherwise your sins, and your evill deeds, which now ye love rather then the Light which reproves them, will be sufficient to sinke ye downe into hell, and into the pit of perdition.
I say now is the day of the Lords visitation of his grace and mercy and love to your souls, that he would not have any of you to perish, but all to come to the knowledge of his truth, which would surely save you, and set you free. Every one therefore seriously to sit downe and consider where ye have been, and what ye have been doing, and what ye are doing, and what ye have gotten, and what ye doe possesse of all that which ye have made profession of, and what assurance ye have of the health, and welfare, and salvarion of your soules; and what certain Evidence and testimony ye have thereof in your selves, and to your selves; For that alone will stand you in stead, and be your comfort and stay in time of trouble, and in the houre of tempration, and when ye come to lye upon your death-beds, when all things else will fayle you, and yeeld ye no comfort nor helpe; nay your teachers whom ye have so long been following, cannot helpe you, nor comfort you, if ye have not the witnesse in your selves, and testimony of Gods Spirit to beare witnesse with your spirits that ye are the Children of God; all your profession will be nothing worth, which hath only stood in words and out-side worships, and formes, without the power and life of that which ye have professed.
Therefore honestly consider in time, and turne in your minds to the Light of Christ Jesus in all your Consciences, which is Gods witnesse in you all, which will either accuse or excuse you, and acquit, or condemne you in every thing that ye doe, or word ye speake, or thought that ye thinke. If ye doe turne your minds into it, and waite in it, by it you will come to see, and examine, and truly to search and try what is in your hearts and minds at all times, and so come to be acquainted therewith, and see what lodgeth there. Otherwise ye will not know, nor be acquainted with your own hearts, which will then deceive you, for they are desperately wicked, and ye will not know that wickednesse that is there, which is ready to joyne to any thing that is evill, and to be led into any errour; but as ye doe minde that of God within you, which will searh your hearts, and try your reynes. And in this Condition have people been, and are still in the World, and in all their professions there and worships, which stands in ourward observations, and carnall ordinances, and worships set up in mens wills, and practised in the worlds spirit, which knowes not God, nor the things of God, and are in their own wills, and led [Page 49]by that spirit. So their hearts & minds are drawn out into those things, to looke at the things that are seene which are temporall, 2 Cor. 4.16. which are of the World, from that which may be known of God, which is manifest in them, from the things which are not seene, which are eternall, and with which they should know the true, and living God, Acts 17.23. whom they have for a long time been thus ignorantly worshipping, not knowing of him, though he was not far from every one of them, neither have they known the true worship of him, which is in the Spirit, & in the truth, in wch the true Church stands and is gathered our of the world, and out of itsworships & wayes and customes, which are corrupt, and are upholden by mens lawes, made in their corrupt wills, whereby they have compelled people to their worships which is not true, but are all erred from the truth, and true worship, and true Church which is in God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the pillar and ground of truth, wherein they worship God in the Spirit, and in the truth, and so have found the Father, Iohn 4. who is seeking such to worship him in this his day, which now is dawned after the long night of Apostacy & darkness which hath been over all people, so that the whole earth hath been covered with darknesse, and the vayle hath been over all faces, and the whole Earth been corrupted by the abominable worships that hath been therein in this time of darknesse in the false Church, which is the whore of Babylon, the mother of harlots, and the abomination of the Earth (gotten up in the roome of the true Church) with her false worships in Imitation of the true worship, whereby all nations have been drunken with the Cup of her fornications; Rev. 17.2.18. And all the Emperours, Kings, Princes and Judges, 18.3.9. and Rulers of the Earth, 19. & 19. and they have all been making of Lawes to uphold her, and she hath ridden upon them, for they have been the beast which have carried her; Rev. 13.4. and the beast and the false Prophet (which receives their power from the Dragon) have made warr with the Saints, 17. & 3. and overcome them; and their blood hath been shed by her, which hath cryed, and doth cry unto the Lord for vengeance, and the Lord hath heard the cry of it. And he is now risen to take vengeance upon all them that dwell upon the earth, where the Devill hath been their King, Rev. 12.9. who is the Dragon that old Serpent, who was cast out into the earth; And now the time is come that he shall be bound and chained and cast into the pit, Rev. 20.3. and the beast & the false Prophet) with him, shall be taken alive and cast into the Lake. And the Lord [Page]God is come to Judge the great whore (the false Church) who hath set upon the Kings of the Earth, & made them drunke with her cup, and to render vengeance with fury upon her, and burne her with fire. And all her Merchants shall cry woe and alacke, who have been made rich with her merchandize: and the great City shall fall in which they have been trading; which is Babylon the mother of them all; in what forme, or profession, of shew, or colour, or dresse soever they have appeared; For the houre of her Judgement is come, and strong is the Lord that Judgeth her. Therefore woe, woe, from the Lord will be unto all that seek to uphold her, and come [...] of her! For all that drinke of her cup, and partake with her in her s [...], must be sure to partake of her plagues. And the decree of the Lord is sealed, and gone forth against her, Rev. 8.4. and the warre is openly proclaimed against her, and the Beast, and the false Prophets who have gove forth to deceive. Rev. 17.4. And the Lambe is come forth, and his sword is drawne, and ho is riding on conguering and to conquer, and with him are his Saints, who are called, and faithfull, and chosen, who are made willing to follow him whither soever he goes. Rev. 14.4. And the victory is determined, the Lambe and the Saints shall have the victory; and their weapons are not carnall, but spirituall: For with the sword of the Spirit which proceeds out of the mouth of the Lambe shall all his enemies be slaine; and great shall be the day of slaughter of Gods enemies, who have the Beasts marke, or his name, or are of the number of his name; Rev. 21.27. they shall all be slaine both small and great; even all whose names are not written in the Lambs book of life, who was staine from the foundation of the world. And this the Lord is now bringing to passe in this his day, Zach. 4.6. not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit will I doe this, saith the Lord. And therefore blessed are all they who have an care to heare, and an eye open to see what the Lord is doing, and a heart to understand, and receive his counsell, and to doe his Commandments, and his will, and to answer his requirings. Written by a Friend to all your soules, a lover of truth and righteousnesse, and a sufferer for the testimony of a good Conscience towards God;
Who am called by the name of Henry Fell.
Written at Thersord in Norfolke the place of my Imprisonment, the 5th month in the yeare 1660.