Fasti Gulielmi Tertii: OR, AN ACCOUNT OF THE Most Memorable Actions Transacted during his Majesty's Life, both before and since his Accession to the Crown.

WITH The Days, Months, and Years wherein the same hapned.

LONDON, Printed for John Barnes at the Crown in the Pall-Mall, and sold by Richard Baldwin near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-lane. MDCXCVII.


The Hon ble. Allexander Grantt, younger of that ilk.

To the Right Honourable ARNOLD EARL of Albemarle, Viscount Bury, and Baron of Ashford, Master of his Majesty's Robes, &c.


DID this Book treat of any other Subject, I should begin with ask­ing Your Lordship's Pardon [Page iv]for the Liberty I take of pre­fixing your Name to it; but since it is an Abridgment of the Actions of our August Mo­narch, I dare assure my self that I need no Apology on that account: For what more ac­ceptable thing could one offer to your Lordship, whose Zeal and Affection to his Majesty can hardly be parallel'd?

I likewise think I may dis­pense with another usual Me­thod of Dedications, and there­fore I shall not attempt your Lordship's Character, nor speak of your Valour, Generosity, Civility, and innate Inclination to do Good to Mankind. These [Page v]and many other excellent Qua­lifications, are so conspicuous in your Lordship, that those who know you, would take it ill from me to insist on a Truth they are already convinced of. And for others who know your Lordship only by Fame, they cannot but have a great Idea of your Merit, when they consider, that the most Judici­ous, as well as the most Glorious Prince that ever wore a Crown, finds you worthy of his Esteem and Confidence, of which the great Titles of Honour he has lately conferred upon You, are a publick Demonstration.

I beg your Lordship to ex­cuse the Ambition of this Ad­dress, and to give me leave to assure You that I am with a most profound Respect,

My Lord,
Your Lordship's most Humble, and most Obedient Servant.


THIS Book does not need a long Preface: The Title is suffici­ent to recommend its Ʋseful­ness; and as to the Performance no bo­dy would take my word for it, and there­fore I submit it to the Judgment of the Reader.

The Design I owe to Father Coro­nelli, Cosmographer to the Republick of Venice; but he being a Stranger, and having written upon false Memoirs, committed so many Faults, that I have received very little Assistance from his little Almanack, that was printed here in English in one single Sheet, which (by the by) was worse than the Original.

Tho I have had better Memoirs, and do know many things I relate upon my own Knowledg, I dare not presume to say, I have committed no Errors, but I hope they are not material, and am more [Page viii]afraid of Omissions than Mistakes; but whatever they be, I shall endeavour to mend them in a second Edition, and therefore shall take it kindly if any body will impart to me their Remarks and Corrections.

This Book, tho very small, contains not only the bare Heads of things from the Year 1672. down to this time, but also a short yet exact Account of Bat­tels and Sieges, &c. and several Ori­ginal Pieces at length, which being scatter'd in loose Papers, I thought fit to collect in this Treatise.

I relate few Events before the Year 1672. on purpose to avoid mentioning the Wars between England and Hol­land, in which so many Worthies of both Nations perished, tho they were at War without being angry, that Quarrel being rather the Ministers than the Peoples.

I have endeavoured to do Justice to all Men; but if any thinks himself wrong'd, I desire him to be perswaded [Page ix]that I have had no ill Design, and shall always be ready to correct my self.

I have taken care to avoid that com­mon Vice of the French Writers, who never dare approach their King without a Censer in their Hands; and there­fore I have fairly related the Actions his Majesty has been concerned in, ei­ther successful or not, without any Flat­tery, nay without giving him the Com­mendations his Archievements require, being sensible that tho Heroes are ambi­tious to deserve Praises, yet they cannot bear them.

I have taken notice of several great Events in which his Majesty was not directly concerned, by reason of their being very memorable, and therefore fit to be inserted here.

The Observation of the English and Roman Account will, I hope, prove very useful; at least I am certain, that to find out those Dates has cost me a great deal of Trouble.


LEST the Method of this Kalendar should surprize any, the Reader must know these two things.

1. That I begin the Year upon the 1st of January, tho I know it begins with us only in March; and that because of the late horrid Conspiracy, I have followed the Leap-Year, allowing 29 Days to February.

2. That in relating the Events con­tained in this Book, I don't follow the Series of the Year's beginning in 1650, and so down to this time, but I only observe the Series of the Days and Months; and therefore whatever thing has been transacted in January, tho of this very Year, is here related before what happens in February, without any respect to the Years set down in one of the Columns.

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