A Message from the LORD To all that despise the Ordinance of CHRIST, which is the power of God unto Salvation; With an Exhortarion to faithfulnesse, which is the cause of true ORDER:

Shewing the difference of Election and Reprobation, and the ground of True Faith and False, from what Centre they doe each of them arise, with Order and Disorder; and how a Believer and an Infidell may be known; the Believer and the Elected Ones, as their fruits doe make manifest:

With something in vindication by the Scriptures, the conditions of the Prophets and Holy Apostles, That those whom the world scornfully call Quakers [as many as are born again of Water and the Spirit] that they are the only people of the Lord & do witness the same conditions that the Scriptures doe declare of.

Read the Scriptures, both of the Prophets and Holy Apo­stles, in whom the power of the Lord was made manifest, and see their conditions, to whom the Lord did manifest his power: They did both quake, tremble, and shake.

Printed in the Yeare, 1653.

Moses quaked, Hebrewes the 12. ver. 21.

Ezekiel was commanded to eat his bread with quaking. Ezek. 18, 19.

Daniel did tremble, Dan. 1 [...].10, 11. and there were with him that quaked.

Job his bones did shake, Job 21 [...]. & 37 and his flesh did tremble, Job. 4.14.

Habakkuk his belly did shake, and his lip [...] qui­vered, and all his flesh trembled: See Hab. 3.16.

David roared by reason of the powerfull workings of the Lord in him; Psal. 10 4, 5. and his bones did shake, and his flesh did tremble: See Psal. 38.8, 9, 10. and 22.1. Psal. 119.120.

Isaiah spoke to the people to heare the Word of the Lord, that did tremble at it, Isa. 66. [...]. with many others, &c.

And there were Mockers then as there are now: See Job 17.2. Acts 13.41. Isa. 28.22. Isa. 29.20. Psal. 50.2, 3.

A Message from the LORD to all those that despise the Ordinance of CHRIST, which is the power of God unto Sal­vation. Read Eph. 2.10.14. &c.
With the Vindication of those whom the World calleth Quakers, witnessed by the Scriptures, the Conditions of the Prophets, and Holy Apostles; Writ­ten from the Spirit of the LORD.

ALL you that despise and wonder at the work of the Lord, [...]. 29.20.1, 28.22. be not you moc­kers, lest your bands be made strong thus saith the Lord.

Behold, ye Despisers, and wonder, and perish [...] I will work a work in your dayes, though a ma [...] declare it unto you, you will not believe him Acts 13.41.

Take heed of despising and making a mot [...] at the power of the Lord, for none doe de­spise and wonder but Infidells, Unbelievers that know not the power of God in them selves; and he that bel [...]veth not, is alread [...] [Page 5]damned, as saith the Scripture, Jo. 3.18. 2 Thes. 2.12.

All the workes of the Lord are strange to the carnall and earthly minded man, Rom 8.7, 8. because he is an enemy to God, and the naturall man knowes not the things of God, because they are spiritually discerned: and so the earthly minded man despiseth the works of the Lord and wonders at them; [...]. Cor. 2. but it is because he wants faith, the power of God to rule in his heart, to overcome that carnall, earthly, brui­tish, beastly nature in him, and so being an In­fidell and void of true faith, it makes him mock and scoffe those that findes the power­full operation of the spirit of God, Eph. 2.4 which worketh faith in them, knowes these what they are.

True faith purifieth the heart, 1 Joh. 5.4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 12. 1 P [...]t. 1.1 14, 15 & and worketh out the carnall part in man: this faith is Je­sus Christ, who is a misterie to the carnall minded man: Shall the Sonne of man finde faith on the earth when he commeth? No, he findes none untill he work it: 2 Cor. 13. all are Infidel [...]s that know not the work of faith wrought [...]n them by the divine powerfull operation of the spirit of God, revealing and manifesting his Son in them; know you not that Jesus Christ [...] in you except ye be Reprobates?

What is a Reprobate? and how may he be knowne? Quaere.

[Page 6] By his fruits, [...]swer. [...]t. 7.16, saith Jesus Christ, every Tre [...] is knowne by his fruits; either the Tree must be good and the Fruit good, or the Tree evil [...] and the Fruit evill; such is the Tree, such is th [...] Fruit.

First tell me. Quaere. What is the fruits of the go [...] Tree that is first spoken of by Jesus Christ in the 7. of Mathew?

I answer, [...]nswer. The fruits of the good Tree whe [...] Christ is made manifest by his power, workin [...] on the old, dead, carnall, corrupt nature; fo [...] where Christ is un-made manifest in powe [...] the carnall part beares rule, which is death Thus saith the Divine Spirit, If Christ be [...] you, [...]om. 8.9, [...], 11. the body is dead because of sinne, but the sp [...] ­rit is life because of righteousnesse: and the [...] of Jesus Christ being made manifest in mo [...] fl [...]sh, the Divine Spirit ruling in those earth Tabernacles, it is knowne by its fruits; su [...] is the Tree, such is the F [...]uits, Matt. 7.1 [...] 19.20.

The fruits of the good Tree.Now the fruits of the good Tree, the spi­tuall Vine, that growes in the midst of [...] Garden in Paradise, Ro. 6.4, 5. John 3.3. the new Creation, plant in men of pure hearts, that are born againt Water and the Spirit being the workman [...] of God, 2 Pet. 1.22, 23. who hath wrought out the old [...] ­ven of malice and wickednes, and made a [...] creature; he that is in Christ is a n [...]w creat [...] wrought out of Selfe into Spirit, and the sp [...] ­tuall [Page 7]Vine in man; Col. 1.13 Col. 3.10, 12, 31, 14, 15, 16. the new Plantation [...]ringeth forth these fruits, love, peace, gentle­nesse, goodnesse, temperance, patience, godli­nesse, brotherly kindenesse, charity, humility, [...]ong-suffering, forbearing, and forgiving one [...]nother freely, even for Christs sake, Eph., 20 Eph. 3.4, who is [...]he love of the Father, and worketh into him­selfe baptising by his spirit into that spirituall [...]ine, to bring forth spirituall fruit to his Fa­thers glory. They that are baptised into Christ, they have put on Christ, & they that are Christs, Gal. 3.27 they have crucifi d the flesh with the [...]ffections and lusts thereof, where he is made manifest by the powerfull operation of his spirit in the hearts of his people, 1 John 3.5, 6, 7, 8. working out the old nature, killing, and slaying the man of sinne by the sword of the spirit, and manife­sting and revealing his glory in us to his owne praise, manifesting his power in us, cutting downe corruptions, and wounding Levi­ [...]than, that crooked Serpent, that was head, Gal. 3.28 29. [...]ow is bruis [...]d in some, and bru [...]sing in o­thers, by the seed of the Woman, the seede of Abraham after the spirit; he casteth out the bond-woman and her Sonne, that he may not have any part with the Sonne of the free-woman which is after the spirit, Gal. 4.30 31. Rom. 6.7, 8, &c. and this power of God manifesting it self through us, doth crucifie the old man with his deedes and raiseth up the new man, which is after [Page 8]God, Pet. 2.3. created in righteousnesse and true holynesse, and so there is pure fruit groweth o [...] of the Vine, which is Christ in us; God mani [...]fest in our flesh, by the powerfull operation of his spirit, 1 Cor. 1.30.

Now where this power of God is not ye [...] made manifest, the despising and the wonde­ring nature standeth up in scornfulnesse, Pet 3.1 [...] 12. de­sp [...]sing the worke of the Lord; but it is no [...] that doth so but I [...]fidels, Unbelievers, tha [...] know not the power of God in them, wor­king out that unbelieving nature in them and so they are ignorant of being made par­takers of the Divine Nature, Pet. 11. [...]er. 4. from whe [...]e true faith doth spring and grow; for faith in God purifieth the heart, and worketh out the carnall part, and so engrafteth into the Di­vine Nature, from whence righteousnesse doth grow: [...]l. 3.1 [...], This is the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith, 1 John 5.4. Put [...] therefore (as the Elect of God, holy and beloved) bowels of compassion, humblenesse of minde, meek­nesse, long suffering, forbearing and forgiving one another: These are the fruits of Election; see if you can witnesse them in you, growing in purity; [...]et. 1.5, 8. and this pure faith hath pure fruits growing [...]n it▪ and flowes forth from it, such as these. 1. Vertue, 2. Knowledge, which is the wisdome of the Father in us: 3. Tem­perance, lust being cut off by the sword of the [Page 9] [...]pirit, and the pure wisdome ruling in men of [...]ure hearts, it c [...]useth them to be pittifull to [...]ll creatures, and to cherish and preserve all [...]e, that all things may be done decently, and [...]n order; Christ ruling in us, he being head of [...]he Church in our hearts, and our bodies being [...]ade the true Temples for his holy spirit to [...]habit in, he sits there preaching the everla­ [...]ing Gospel of his Fathers love in us to our [...]ule, 1 Cor. 6.19. 2 Cor. 6.16, 17. Rev. 21.3 destroying every vile and lustfull affecti­ [...]n to earthly and carnall pleasures, profits, [...]nd delights, which drew forth the mind after [...]ide, covetousnesse, heady-high mindnesse, [...]nvy and malice, back-biting and revenge, [...]rath and surmizings, grudgings and repi­ [...]ings, slavish feares and doubtings, scoffing [...]nd scornings, peevishnesse and crossenesse, [...]leasures and wantonnesse, vaine talkings, Gal. 5.19.20, 21. Col. 3.5, [...] and [...]oolish j [...]stings, which the Devill calls pa [...] ­times and recreations, which are fruits of the flesh, and grow out of the corrupt tree, and [...]runkennesse, and oppression, they are fruits of the flesh, and grow from the spirit of er­ [...]our, and causeth division and dissention, from [...]he pure guide, the spirit of truth; and every [...]s [...]full desire worketh disorder in the heart; 2 Thes. 2.3, 4. [...]nd where these are, Antichrist beares rule, [...]ts in the Temple of God, as God, Gal. 6.7, 8 shewing [...]imselfe to be God: Therefore be not decei­ [...]ed, God will not be mocked, such as ye sow, such [Page 10]shall ye reap, they that sow to the flesh shall of [...] flesh reap corruption; [...]om. 8.8. [...]oh. 4.23, 4. and they that are in [...] flesh cannot please God, who is a spirit, and of [...]rer eyes then to behold iniquity: our God is consuming fire, who is the heart searcher [...] tryer, and will cut down that vain light mi [...] that is got up into pride, and vaine glory, [...] fleshly exaltation, heady-highmindednesse, a [...] earthly wisdome, doth aspire and cast th [...] into torment, Ieb. 12.8, 19. [...]at. 24. 8. v. 22. where is darknesse and bla [...] ­ness, and you must all tremble and quake, a [...] your earthly hearts quiver and shake, and t [...] rocks rent the stony hearts that to mischief are wilfully bent; when you come to kno [...] God in power, [...]el 2.10, 1. v. 27. [...]d 32. and his Son that is sent to ta [...] away sin, you must give an account before hi [...] at Sinai the mount, before ever you can sin the Song of Sion before the King at new J [...] ­rusalem, where there is joy and rejoicing spirit, and in truth, which no Fox nor wild beast can take away. Now the scoffer, an [...] scorner, and lustfull, and recengefull one must come to the barre, and there give accou [...] whose deed they have wrought, and they m [...] be very sore punished, and cast into the fi [...] of the indignation of the Lord, for despis [...] his power in those whom he hath by the blou [...] of his Sonne so dearly bought and purchase to himselfe, who are as deare to him as th [...] apple of his eye: we were by nature th [...] [Page 11] [...]ldren of wrath as well as others, Eph. 2.3, 4, 5, 6, 7. and were [...]ners as well as others; but the Lord who [...]ich in mercy, for his great love where­ [...]th he loved us, in the Sonne of his love, not [...]r any deserts in us, but freely for his names [...]ke. To him be praise, honour, and glory for [...]er and ever: He hath slaine the old man, ver. 13, 14 15, 16. [...]e man of sin, that did beare rule in us, and [...]ised up the new man, the Sonne of his love [...] us being begotten by the Immortall Word, [...]nd borne againe of Water, and the Spirit, [...]nd redeemed us from our vain conversation, [...]o many as are of the new birth hath he set to [...]estifie against all unrighteousnesse whatsoever: [...]nd we doe loath the actions of ungodly per­ [...]ons, as pride, and coverousnesse, and drunken­ [...]esse, Eph 5.1 [...] and whoredom, and theft, and lying, and swearing, and pride, and oppression, and grin­ding the faces of the poore, and all manner of unrighteousnesse of what sort soever, we doe loath and detest it, and have no fellowship with any that act those things, for which we are hated and despised by those that live in unrighteousnesse; but we are made willing through the mercies of the Lord to beare it; it is not we, as men and women that beare the reproaches, mocks, scoffs, scornings, stri­kings, stonings and imprisonments but it is the Lord in us, and he doth en [...]ble our bodies to do or to suffer what his good pleasure is; Heb. 2 [Page 12]for what are we, 2 Joh. 4.17. 1 Cor. 6.11. but through his mercies are made to be what he is in us, and thro [...] us, and we are no more our owne, we (I me [...] that are borne againe, washed, cleansed, j [...]fied, and purchased us to himselfe, Joh. 1.7. that may be glorified by us, for the bloud of Je [...] Christ his Sonne cleanseth us from all si [...] and so purifieth soule and body, that we [...] not serve our selves, but the Lord: we ha [...] loath, and utterly detest, and abhorre all m [...]ner of unrighteousnesse whatsoever, and [...] made to testifie against it by the spirit of tru [...] and righteousnesse that rul [...]th in us, even Jesus Christ, who is the Lord our righteo [...]nesse, and he is the end of the law for right [...]ousnesse to all that believe.

But, Cor. 6.4, 15, 16. unbelievers know him not, nor tho [...] that act in unrighteousnesse, for unrighteo [...]snesse is the fruit of darknesse and unbelief [...] and pride is a fruit of darknesse, and is the ca [...] of disorder; rov. 6.5, 17, &c. let all things be done decently and in order; put off pride, and put on h [...]mility; let all things be done decently and i [...] order to the divine spirit; for God is a Go [...] of order, and of purer eyes then to behold iniquity. Now covetousnesse is unpure, fruit of darkness, [...]h. 5.3. a transgression of the righte­ous law of God, and is in disorder to the spi­rit of truth, and in order to the spirit of er­rour, thou proud, and covetous man an [...] [Page 13] [...]man, thou art disorderly, and yet thou [...]est out for order, but it is fleshly and car­ [...] that thou wouldst have; thou wouldst [...] Barabbas at liberty that thy lusts may be [...]fied, and Christ crucified, that would se­ [...] and crucifie thy lusts and vile affections, [...] so bring thee to be ordered by the good [...]it, to walke conformable like unto the Son [...] God, in righteousnesse and true holinesse; [...]de and covetousnesse is beastly, Isa. 28.1, 2, 3. and the [...]stly will, and the carnall corrupt heart doth [...]ight in them, and is unwilling to have or­ [...]: put off the old man with his deedes, Col. 3.8, 9, 10. [...]d put on the new man which after God is [...]ated in righteousnesse and true holinesse, [...] else never professe love neither to God not [...]rist; and walk orderly, and doe not disho­ [...]ur him, for he is jealous of his honour; and [...]w can ye believe that seek honour one of a­ [...]ther, Joh. 5.44. and seeke not the honour that is of God? Believers doe glorifie God in bring­ [...]g forth fruits of righteousness; Joh. 15.8. herein is my [...]ather glorified that ye bring forth much fruit: Jam. [...]ew me thy faith by thy workes; faith with­ [...]t workes is dead; where true faith is, it [...]orketh out that disorderly part in man that [...]es in unrighteousnesse; he or she, that lives [...] pride, covetousnesse, lying, swearing, or [...]runkennesse, heady high mindednesse, scoffing, [...]r scorning, pleasures, or wantonnesse, envy, [Page 14]hatred, oppression, and grinding the faces [...] the poore, vain talking, or foolish jesting, [...] fraud, deceit, &c. These or any of these [...] nothing of true faith which worketh out [...] disorderly part, but are Infidells, and [...] faith is formall, standing in the wisdome [...] other mens words, and will not stand the [...] tryall; for faith in God purifieth the he [...] and overcomes the carnall part that delig [...] in unrighteousnesse; but formall faith [...] stands in other mens words, brings forth th [...] fruits as are above mentioned, and is in [...] order to the spirit of truth: these are f [...] of the Reprobate that makes lyes his ref [...] 1 Cor. 2.5. Eph. 4 5. 2 Pet. 1.1. true faith standeth out of all m [...] words, is entered upon the rock: Christ Je [...] who is both the Author and Finisher of [...] this true faith is spirituall, Heb. 10.38 Heb. 11. and overcome [...] [...] doubtings, 1, 2, 3, &c. 1 Pet. 4.12. and questionings, and temptati [...] and is tryed as Gold in the fire, for ev [...] mans works must be tryed by fire, and form [...] [...] faith that stands without in other mens wo [...] will burne in the indignation of the Lords i [...] faith in God overcomes all lusts, and temp­ [...]tions, 1 Pet. 1.7. and is tryed; 1 Pet. 1.7. the tryall of faith is m [...] more precious then gold that perisheth, [...] it is fruitfull: there is a growth abiding [...] faith, vertue to vertue, knowledge to kno [...] ­ledge, temperance to temperance, pati [...] to patience, Pet. 2.7. godlinesse to godlinesse, broth [...] [...] [Page 15] [...] kindnesse to brotherly kindnesse, charity: [...]ese are the fruits of the true faith, and this [...]ith makes fruitfull in the knowledge of the [...]ord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. 2.1 and these are [...] order to the divine spirit, the spirit of truth [...]nd righteousnesse, which causeth to grow [...]rom faith to faith, from grace to grace, 1 Pet. 2.5▪ from glory to glory; and this leades up to God the Father, to Mount Sion, from Sinai, where [...] blacknesse, and darknesse, and smoake in the Temple within, to Sion, Heb. 12▪ 22, 23, 2 [...] the City of the li­ving God, to an innumerable companie of Angels, to the spirits of just men made per­fect, to the Church of the first borne written in heaven, where there is true peace, joy un­speakable, which no tongue can expresse; there is all soule-satisfying comfort (as it is said) Eye hath not seene, Eare hath not heard, 1 Cor. 2 10, 11, [...] neither hath it entred into the heart of man to conceive those things that God hath laid up for them that love him: but God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit. I beare testimony to the eternall truth, through death, for with­out death there is no life; and herein this Church, the new Jerusalem, Rev. 2 [...] where the Taber­nacle of God is with men of pure hearts; those that are borne againe, 1 Cor. 16, 17. all things are ordered by the golden Scepter of Jesus Christ, that sits upon his pure throne of grace, shining forth in glory: and in this new Plan­tation, [Page 16]the heavenly Jerusalem, [...]ev. 21.1, 2 [...], to v. 8. where [...] new heaven and the new earth is, there is [...] Paradise of God, where the spices doe gre [...] and the tree of life in the midst of the G [...] ­den, that beares twelve manner of fruit [...] and there is a river of water of life which w [...] ­tereth the plants, [...]ev. 22.2. [...]ev. 22.1. herbs, and spices, and [...] runs into the City, bringing in overflow [...] [...] streames and gladnesse with it; it is pure [...] Chrystall, nay it is all Christ, and nothing [...] Christ; there is neither mud nor settling [...] the bottome: and in this new City, the he [...] ­venly Jerusalem, there is neither curse [...] paine, [...]ev. 22. [...], 4, 5. sorrow and sighing is not ther [...] it is without in Egypt, and at th [...] mount Sinai, and in the wildernesse, there a [...] many sore and sad temptations, [...]eb. 3.7, [...], 9, 10, 11, [...]2. [...]eb 8.2, 3 and fiery tr [...] ­alls; there the Lord tries and proves to [...] what is in the heart, and there is either [...] standing or falling, and returning into Egy [...] againe, [...]eb. 6.4, [...] 6. and not obtaining the promises, [...] an entring into the promised Land, by re [...] ­son of the carnall earthly part, and so th [...] [...] ­canst not enter; if thou once lookest ba [...] into the wildernesse, and begin to murm [...] and repine, looke to it there, and take he [...] of the love of the world, and the enjoymen [...] and pleasures of the world; the Devill w [...] sift and try forth thy faith and patience eve [...] way, and he will shew thee all the glory, an [...] [Page 17] [...]auty, and excellency of the world to allure [...]d perswade thy heart to follow him in the [...] joyments of the world, and he will suffer [...]ee to professe what thou wilt, and talke of [...]gh truths, but not to live in them; and so [...]ou thinking to have both the love of God [...] the love of the World, Mat. 9.19 20, 21, 22 23, 24. and the glory of [...] [...]od and the glory of the World, and there [...] catcheth thee with his bait, and keepes [...]ee feeding upon fancies, Heb. 11.24, 25, 26 and thou losest the [...]bstance, and art among the Gentiles in the [...]ward Court, trodden under foot, and at [...]st cast into hell, there to be tormented for [...]er: Take heed to your selves all you that [...] [...]e professe God in words, but in workes [...]ny him: it is not he that saith, Lord, Lord, Mat. 7.21▪ [...]at shall enter into the Kingdome of Heaven; [...]t he that doth the will of my Father (saith Je­ [...]s Christ.) Now be not Sayers but Doers, [...]nd walke in order to the spirit of God, and [...] will lead you and guide you into all [...] [...]uth.

Suffer a word of Exhortation and Admo­ [...]tion: We have no envy to any mans person [...]ut to his evill actions, that he may not live [...] them lest he be destroyed with a sore de­ [...]ruction, and knowing the terrour of the [...]ord: out of love doe I perswade you all to [...]ke heede of dissembling with the Lord (it is [...] dangerous thing;) you say you love God [Page 16] [...] [Page 17] [...] [Page 18]with all your hearts, [...]ets 5.1, 3, 5, 6. the 12. you say well, but doe so Ananias and Saphira said that they brough all their substance to lay downe at the Apo­stles feet, but did not; and for their dissemble the judgement of God came upon them a [...] struck them dead to the ground; and t [...] Lord is the same God of power now that [...] was then: take heed of dissimulation.

You say you love God with all your heart you that make a profession of him, but [...] knowes your hearts: Ieb. 4.13. now looke to it as y [...] will answer it before the Lord, the righteo [...] Judge of heaven and earth, when you stand nakednesse of heart before the tribunall s [...] of judgement, that you doe professe no mo [...] then you doe possesse and practise, lest t [...] judgement of God come upon you at u [...] wares as it did upon them, and strike y [...] dead to the ground, and your name and [...] mory come to rot and perish; it is a dan [...] ­rous thing to dissemble with the Lord; loo [...] to it, and let your love be made manifest your actions, in walking in order to [...] commands of the spirit of truth, Rom. 8.13 14. Jesus Chr [...] the divine power of righteousnesse.

Now, to love God is to keep his comm [...] dements; Joh. 14.15 1 Joh. 2.4. for (saith Jesus Christ) If ye [...] me keep my commandements: and he that s [...] he loves God and keepeth not his commandem [...] is a lyar, and the truth is not in him. See h [...] [Page 19]you doe obey him in keeping his commande­ments, and do not dissemble, John 14.23, 24.

I command you to love one another (saith Jesus Christ;) how doest thou obey this when thou livest in envie with thy br [...]ther? Joh. 15.13, 14. 1 Joh. 3.16. and he that envieth is a muderer, as saith the Scri­pture; take heed of disorderly walking, God doth forbid it, and the judgement of God hangs over thy head that doth so. Now thou that livest in envie, thou art a disorderly fel­low, and art guided by the spirit of errour; 1 Joh. 4.6, 7, 8. yet thou canst talk much of God and of Christ, but walkes contrary; it is not the Sayer but the Doer that shall be justified be­fore the Lord, the righteous Judge; take heed of dissimulation and disorderly walking, for God is a God of order.

Saith Jesus Christ, Mat. 5.1 20.44.45 46, 47, 4 Do unto all men as ye would be done by, love your enemies, blesse them that curse you, pray for them that despightfully use you, that ye may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven.

1. But how do you walk in obedience to these commands when you mock, and scoffe, and scorne and deride others? would you have them to doe so by you? take heede of dissimulation lest the judgements of God come upon you at unawares, and so destroy you with a sore destruction: This is disorder to the spirit of truth.


it, [...] 5.34.37. and tell you when you doe any evill the you should not doe: so if thou doe but heat ken to it and let it lead and guide your mind [...] it will bring you to few words, sollidnesse and temperatenesse in all things, and to pr [...] ­on faithfulnesse, to be what you speake in a [...] things; for that is orderly and according t [...] the spirit of truth.

These with many more thou shalt find commanded in thy spirit, written in the ne [...] law of righteousnesse in thy heart; [...] 31.33, if thou d [...] but turne within to read there it will brin [...] thee to the law and to the testimony, b. 8.10, alway [...] to see that thy thoughts, words, and action [...] be according to righteousnesse; so shalt th [...] have peace in walking in obedience to th [...] righteousnesse of the law in thy heart, and will not let thee doe any evill if thou dost b [...] minde its leadings in thee; [...]. 5.7. [...]al. 119. it will bring tha [...] to faithfulness and orderly walking toward God and Man in all things; let all things b [...] done orderly by the spirit of truth, that Go [...] may be glorified by you all that doe profe [...] love unto his name; and take heede of diss [...] mulation and disorderly walking, for [...] God is a severe Judge, and hee will not suff [...] sinne to go unpunished, for he is a God [...] order, and of purer eyes then to behold i [...] ­quity: be not Sayers but Doers, professe [...] more then you doe possesse, and take heede [...] [Page 23]speaking evill of that which you know not; and if any thing seeme strange to your carnall mindes, be not hasty in speaking evill of it, but wait upon the Lord till it be made manifest to you, for all the workes of God are strange to the carnall heart; prove all things, Eph. 5.1 11. hold fast that which is good; but take heede of dis­simulation and disorderly walking; stand i [...] [...]we and sinne not, for God is a God of truth, is God of power, and of purer eyes then to behold ini­quity.

Thus saith the Lord, Will ye not feare me, Jer. 5.22 Will [...]e not tremble at my presence, Jer. 5.22.

Would you not say it was madnesse, Quest delu­sions, or witchery, and disorderly, to see men and women to tremble now in these dayes?

What thinke you of it? but thoughts are vaine that arise out of the earthly heart: Answ But would it not be a wonder to you to see men and women to tremble, 1 Cor. 3 19, 20. and their flesh to shake, and their bones to quake, and some to fall downe to the ground, and others to chat­ter like a Crane or a Swallow, as Daniel and the men that were with him did, Dan. 10.10, 11. Isa. 28.1 15. Hab 3.1 Psal. 38 and as He­zekiah did; and would you not wonder to see some their bellyes to shake, and their lips to quiver, and to lye roaring by reason of the powerfull workings of God in them, as Ha­bakkuk and David did, &c. What think you? could you owne the same power now that [Page 24]was then in those dayes and not despise it▪

You may say it was so then, Obj. but that is pa [...] and now there are no such things to be looked f [...] nor no such power as was then.

I answer, Answ. God is the same God of pow [...] now that he was then, and he doth make [...] manifest in revealing his Son in us.

But you may say, Obj. Revelations are ceased, [...] not to be looked for in our dayes.

You may as well say, Answ. God is ceased to b [...] God, and Christ to be Christ as to say so who art thou that limits the holy One of Isra [...] by thy carnall mind? 59.1. 55.9. Gods power is not to b [...] limitted which way he will manifest himself [...] but the wayes and workes of God are con­trary to mans carnall wisdome, as saith th [...] Lord, [...]. 56.1. my wayes are not your wayes, for as fr [...] as the heaven is above the earth, so far are [...] wayes above your wayes; and Christ saith [...] that he is the same yesterday, to day, and fr [...] ever: [...]b. 13.8. and he saith, that no man knows the Fa­ther but the Son, neither knows any man the So [...] but the Father, and he to whom he is revealed [...] Mat. 11.27.

Then there is no knowledge of God but by revelation of the Sonne; he that hath the Son [...] hath life, [...]oh. 9. and he that hath the Sonne hath the Father also. Take heede of limitting the holy one of Israel, he is pouring forth his spirit upon Sons and Daughters according to his promises, [...]ts 2.18, as in Joel 2.28.

[Page 25] Let God be God powerfull, omnipotent, [...]d incomprehensible; let Christ be the power [...]f God unto salvation, immortall and invisi­ [...]e, and not be seene with carnall, mortall, [...]sible eyss▪ and let him be a mistery to [...]e wise ones of the world that live in the [...]istory, and know not that which hath beene [...]recold; let the carnall minde be as it is, [...]n enemy to Jesus Christ, and death and de­ [...]truction is the portion of carnall mindes, and [...]he carnall minde is death, and keepes the pure [...]ede in bondage; but now the vialls of [...]rath are to be poured forth upon the man [...]f sinne, the enemy of righteousnesse; Rev. 16. Rev. 17. [...] the Lord is making his power knowne in the [...]earts of his people, let despisers and won­ [...]erers perish▪ God is the same that he was, [...]nd it is the same power now that is made manifest that was in the Saints and servants of the Lord in former ages, as is made manifest by the Prophets and Apostles.

Therefore behold ye despisers and wonde­rers, and perish; Act. 13.4 I will worke a worke in your dayes, though men declare it to you, you will not believe them; the Lord shall arise as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon that he may doe his worke, his strange worke, and bring to passe his act, his strange [...]act. Now be ye not mockers lest your bands be made strong, Isa. 28.21, 22.

[Page 26] See the conditions of the servants of Lord in former ages, to whom the power the Lord was made manifest: read the S [...] ­ptures and see whether you can own the s [...] power that they did that spoke them for yea or no; I bear testimony to them thro [...] death; Joh. 3.3, 14. thus saith the Lord, to this man w [...] looke, that is poore, and of a contrite spirit, [...] trembleth at my Word, Isa. 66.2. there is Go [...] delight in broken spirits, those that are bro [...] by his Word in their hearts, which is pow [...] ­full, Ieb. 4.12, [...]3. his Word is his power, and the Word [...] the Lord is quick and powerfull, and sharper th [...] any two edged sword, to cut downe all lusts a [...] corruptions; and this Word is within, R [...] 10.8. Now see, could your lustfull mind [...] owne this? to see a man tremble, would y [...] not despise the worke of the Lord in him [...] Take heede what you doe despisers and wo [...] ­derers, perish▪ Acts 13.41. Isaac, hee tremble [...] exceedingly, Gen. 27.33. what thinke you b [...] that? was it the power of God or the pow [...] of the Devill that made him to tremble? H [...] Isaac been here in those dayes, and trembled would you not have said it was madnesse; de­lusions, and witchery? what thinke you? i [...] not God the same God of power now tha [...] he was then? take heed of despising the work [...] of the Lord, despisers and wonderers perish.

Moses, he did exceedingly feare an [...] [Page 27] [...]ake, Heb. 12.21. what thinke you by that? [...]t all the thoughts of the wise are vaine that [...]se out of the first wisdome, 1 Cor. 1.25 1 Cor. 1.19, 20, 21. and 27, 28, 29. the wisdome of [...]e flesh; the wisdome of the world is foo­ [...]nesse with God, let it be so, let God be [...]se, and every man a foole; for every man [...]ust be a foole that he may be made wise: [...]t had Moses beene here now and quaked, [...]ould not your wisdome despise him for it, [...]hat thinke you? is not God the same now [...]hat he was then? despise not the worke of God: take heede of despising the worke of [...]he Lord, for despisers and wonderers perish, [...]nd be ye not mockers lest your bands be made [...]trong. Acts 13.41. Isa. 28.22.

Moses, he trembled at the worke of the Lord, Acts 7.32. what power was that which made him to tremble? was that the power of God or the power of the Devill, what thinke you? would you owne the same power now if you should see men tremble? would you not mock them? take heed of despising the worke of the Lord; and be ye not mockers lest your bands be made strong; our God is a God of power.

When the children of Israel came out of the Camp to meet with the Lord, the whole mount quaked greatly, Exod. 19.16, 17, 18. what power was that think you? was that the power of God or the power of the De­vill? [Page 28]take heede of despising the work o [...] Lord; none doe but infidells and unbelie those that never yet knew the power of in themselves, working out sinne and evill, destroying the workes of the Devill that despise it in others; but despisers and [...] ­derers perish, take heed what you doe.

Job▪ Job 14.14. Job 21.5, 6 Job 16.14, 15. Job 17.1, [...], &c. there was such feare and tremb [...] came upon him, that made all his bone shake and his flesh to tremble, and his h [...] also trembled, and was removed out of place, Job 31.1. what think you by this? [...] this the power of God or the power of Devill that made Job's bones to shake and flesh to tremble, and removed his heart out its place? and had Job beene in this gene [...] ­tion, and done so, would you not have s [...] that he had beene mad? &c. but you [...] take mad mens words to talk of, and kno [...] nothing of their condition, and where [...] power of the Lord is made manifest in [...] that they witnesse Isaac's, Moses's, or Jo [...] condition; you cry out of delusion, madne [...] or▪ witchery: and so it is now as it was the there are mockers now to mock and sc [...] those that witnesse their condition, as the did, see Job 17.2. saith he, are there not ma­kers? Now the same persecutes the power [...] truth: take heed what you doe, God is a Go [...] of power now as he was then, I witnesse [...] [Page 29]the conditions through death: see what [...]ptures you can witnesse fulfilled in you, experience spoken in from the life of the [...]ptures, and live not in words without life, they will faile you.

David lay roaring all the day long, Psal. 28. to v. 12. Psal. 22.1. Psal. 6.2, 3. Psal. 32.3. Psal., 5.55.4, 5. all his [...]es did shake, and his flesh trembled, hee [...]d there was no soundnesse in his flesh nei­ [...]er was there rest in his bones; he was feeble [...]d sore broken, and roared by reason of the [...]squietnesse of his heart, Psalm. 38. his heart [...]nted, and his strength failed him, and his sight [...]ew dim, and all his bones did shake and his flesh [...]emble; what thinke you of this? was this [...]e power of God or of the Devill?

See further, the power of the Lord will [...]ake all earthly carnall hearts, and bring [...]owne all that are proud and lofty, Isa. 2.11, [...]2. and 17 18, 19, 20, 21. heare the Word of the Lord, all ye that tremble at his Word, Isa. 66.5. See Isa. 54. The power of the Lord maketh the nations to tremble, Isa. 54.1.

Hezekiah chattered like a Crane, or a Swal­low, Isa. 28.14, 15. that was his condi­tion.

Jeremiah, his heart within him was broken, Jer. 23.9 Jer. 4.24 and all his bones did shake, and his flesh did tremble because of the Lord, and because of his holinesse: will ye not feare me, saith the Lord? will ye not tremble at my presence? for [Page 30]thus saith the Lord, Jer. Jer. we have heard a v [...] trembling, of feare, and not of peace: A [...] now, and see whether a man travail with c [...] wherefore doe I see every man with his ha [...] his loins, as a woman in travaile, and all fac [...] turned into palenesse, Jer. 30.5, 6. What th [...] you by this? is not this a strange work, [...] a man should travaile with childe? I tell [...] all the works of the Lord are strange to [...] none can owne his works but those that borne againe; and except ye be born agai [...] cannot enter into the Kingdome of Heaven is as hard a thing for a rich man to enter into Kingdome of Heaven, as for a Camell to through the eye of a needle; that's a str [...] worke also.

The word of the Lord came unto Ez [...] saying, Ezek. 12.18, 19. Eat thy bread with quaking, and dr [...] thy water with cheerfulnesse, and with trembl [...] see further, Exek. 26.16. and 32.10. [...] people trembled also; what power was [...] think you?

Daniel he trembled, and fell downe to ground, & the men that were with him qua [...] Dan. was that the power of G [...] or the power of the Devill, think you, th [...] struck Daniel downe to the ground, and m [...] the men to quake, and to run away for f [...] to hide themselves? take heed of despis [...] the workes of the Lord, he is the s [...] [Page 31]God of power that he was then.

Thus saith the Lord, Joel 2.1, 2. let all the Inhabitants the earth tremble; and Joel saith, the earth all quake before the Lord, ver. 10, 11. see Na­ [...] 1.5, 6.

Habakkuk his belly shoke, and his lips did [...]iver, and his flesh trembled, Hab. 3.16. Ezra he sat downe astonished at the power [...] the Lord, and the children of Israel came [...]to him trembling, Ezra 9.3, 4.

Paul trembled at the voice of the Lord, and [...]ell downe to the ground, Acts 9 4, 5, 6.

The Corinthians received Paul with fear and [...]embling, 2 Cor. 7.15.

Paul wrote to the Philippians, Phil. 2.12.13. and exhor­ [...]ed them to worke out their salvation with [...]eare and trembling; but, saith he, it is God [...]hat worketh in you by his power; and, saith [...]e in another place, the power of God wor­ [...]eth in me mightily; the power of the Lord will make all flesh to tremble: take heede of despising the power of God, or resisting, for [...]n so doing you despise and resist the Ordi­nance of God, and despisers and wonderers [...]perish.

Take heede of resisting and despising the power of God, for he that despiseth the power despiseth the Ordinance of Christ, who is the power of God unto salvation: the Lord is now making his power knowne [Page 32]in his Sonnes and Daughters; therefore [...] every soule be subject to the higher pow [...] God is a God of power, and he is the righ [...] ­ous Magistrate, who beareth not the sword [...] vaine, he will not suffer sinne to goe unp [...] ­shed, therefore take heed of dissimulation, [...] disorderly walking, for God is a God of [...] ­der.

Thus saith the Lord, Woe unto the wich [...] it shall be ill with them, for the reward of th [...] hand shall be given them, Isa. 3.11.

Say ye to the righteom, it shall be well w [...] them, for they shall eat the fruit of their doin [...] Isa. 3.10.

Rejoyce ye Saints and righteous Ones, t [...] Lord is Keeper and Rewarder; for, saith h [...]Blessed are you when men revile you, [...]uke 6. [...], 23. [...]sac. 5.11, [...]. and per [...] ­cute you, and say all manner of evill against y [...] falsly for my sake, rejoyce and be exceeding gl [...] for great is your reward in heaven: rejoyce [...] as much as ye are partakers of Christs s [...] ­fering, that when his glory shall be reveale [...] ye may be glad also with exceeding joy: If [...] be reproached for the name of Christ, happy [...] ye, for the spirit of glory and of God resteth up [...] you; on their part he is evill spoken of, on yo [...] part he is glorified, 1 Pet. 4.14. Therefo [...] rejoyce with exceeding great joy.

Now see who deny the Scriptures b [...] those that deny to live in the life of the [...] [Page 33]professe no more then you doe possesse, Tit, 1.1 and be not Sayers but Doers, for you had better never professe any thing at all, then to profess [...]nd not put in practise what you do profess; [...]or it will rise up in judgement against you.

Many shall come from the East, and West, Mat. 8.12. [...]nd shall sit downe with Abraham, Isaac, and [...]acob, in the Kingdome of Heaven: and the Children of the Kingdome shall be cast into utter darknesse.


A MITE given forth of the TREASURIE.

Christian Friends,

THE end of all my writing is, to t [...] off false aspersions that are cast up [...] the c [...]uch by those that speake evill of th [...] they know not; and to exhort them to b [...] mindefu l of the tru [...] guide, that would gui [...] them and lead them out of darknesse; [...] those that know the name of the Lord th [...] cannot but speake well of him; but becau [...] they know him not, ruling by his holy spi [...] rul ng in themselves, therefore doe they [...] know them that are borne againe, in whom [...] hath manifested his love and power, as [...] I John 3.1. Behold what manner of love the F [...] ­ther hath bestowed on us that we should be c [...] the Sonnes of God: now we are the Sonnes [...] God, therefore the world knoweth us not, [...] ­cause it knew not him; and that is the reas [...] why they speake evill of the truth; beca [...] they know it not in themselves, therefore th [...] know it not in others, where it is made m [...] ­nifest; Jo. 4.5, 6 because they are of the world, the [...] ­fore [Page 35]speake they of the world, and the world hea­ [...]eth them: we are of God, he that knoweth God [...]eares us, he that is not of God heares us not; [...]ereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit [...]f errour: And this is the record that God hath [...]iven to us eternall life; and this life is in his [...]onne. 1 John 5.11. Now to know the Sonne, [...] to know the power of God, ruling by the [...]ower of his div [...]ne spirit, operating within, [...]orking out all sinne and evill, for he being made manifest, is made manifest to destroy [...]he works of the Devill. Now he that hath [...]he Sonne hath life, and he that hath not the [...]onne hath not life: now this life is within, [...]herefore the end of all writing is to lay open [...]hat which is the cause of dissention, from the [...]rue guide, the sp [...]rit of truth. The mystery of [...]niquity hath borne rule long in man; Anti­ [...]hrist that sits in the temple of God, as God, [...]hewing himselfe to be God, and sits deckt a­ [...]ove the Crosse; (Christ) as a well-favoured Harlot, having got Saints words in forme and method to speake of, but not made confor­mable to them in life and conversation, having onely the forme, but denyes the power of godlinesse; even Satan transformed into an Angel of light; Leviathan, the old crooked Serpent, the Devill who is the enemy of all [...]ighteousnesse, be gets up into the highest [...]orme, and hath such faire colours that hee [Page 36]cannot be discerned but by the power, an [...] where the power of truth is he rageth at i [...] both within and without, and casts fort [...] flouds of wickednesse after it; but the wit [...] kednesse of the wicked shall slay them, th [...] Lamb shall overcome and get the victory Now the Lion of the tribe of Judah is takin [...] off the seales, and opening the booke that ha [...] beene sealed, and doth discover Antichrist, th [...] man of sinne, with all his deceivablenesse, an [...] his craftinesse, how he lyes in wait to decei [...] the simple. Now where the simple desire is b [...] got towards the truth, minde that which do [...] beget the desire, and wait there upon th [...] Lord, who first b [...]gets the will, and then giv [...] power to act and perform that which is goo [...] upon the obedience to him; for all the promises of God run upon the obedience Therefor, deare heart, minde the motions [...] thee that doe arise to perswade thee to fo [...] sake that which is evill, and to embrace th [...] which is good, and it will bring thee into true discerning betwixt good and evill, th [...] thou maist chuse the good and refuse the ev [...] The Lord is now setting up the ministery [...] his Son in the spirits of his people; and if the bee but still and sit in silence out of all m [...] words and writings, and outward teaching that arise from the first nature, which is alt [...] gether corrupt and uncleans; and if the her [...] [Page 37]be uncleane, which is the ground, then the words and writings must needes be the same: therefore cease wholly from all that is out­ward and visible, and come to know that which is inward and invisible; for as the light­ning commeth out of the East, and shineth into the West, so shall the comming of the Sonne of man be: therefore wait wholly within, to know thy teacher there; doe but returne out of all thy own wisdome, which is foolishnesse with God, and returne out of all thy owne righteousnesse, which is unrighteousnesse, and so shalt thou know the wisdome and righte­ousnesse of God, which is pure, spirituall, and divine, which doth farre excell and go beyond all thine, which wisdome is hid from all Vul­terous eyes, and venemous beasts, and is not to be purchased with Gold, nor Rubies, nor Pearles, nor the preciousest things that are, Job 28. it is not to be found out by wit nor art, study nor industry; minde but to returne within out of all thy owne words, thoughts, or musings, to have thy minde kept pure, and free from all thoughts, and objects without, and thou wilt be fit to receive the teachings of the Father, which will teach thee true know­ledge indeed; and thou wilt finde the booke of life to be opened to thy soule in waiting within, & hear glad tidings brought to thy soul, and the everlasting Gospel will be preached to [Page 38]thee, and the mysterie of godlinesse unfolde to thee, which hath been hid from ages an [...] generations, which now the Lord is revealin [...] by his spirit to those that wait upon him: stan [...] wholly out of all mens words, and sink dow [...] into the ground, the eternall word of li [...] within, Rom. 10.8. and know it preached i [...] thy heart, and it will melt thee, and brea [...] thee to peeces with the flowings forth of lo [...] that runs forth from this pure Vine, the Lor [...] Jesus Christ within; open when he knock [...] and if thou dost but lay thy finger on th [...] latch thou shalt feele the smell of myrrhe [...] Oh wait on the Lord for teaching, and tho [...] shalt heare words unexpressable, which wi [...] make thee to rejoice in the Lord with exceedi [...] joy; for the Kingdome of Heaven consiste [...] in righteousnesse, peace, and joy in the Ho [...] Ghost, where there is love, and peace, a [...] joy, and freedome in the Son of righteousnes [...] who is King of Kings, and Lord of Lord [...] To him be praise, honour, and glory for eve [...] more. All his works praise him, Oh blesse [...] Lord, praise him and magnifie him for ever.

Written in the first yeare of Jubilee, by o [...] that had been in Egypt under sore taxations [...] Pharaoh, and was redeemed by the pow [...] of the Lord, that sent his Angel, the Messe [...] ger of the covenant of grace, who leads [...] Israelites, the promised seede, from place [...] [Page 39]place, which leadeth up to him, who [...] Keeper and their King. This Angel of the Lord doth lead the promised seed through the Sea of many great and deep troubles, and through the Wildernesse, where there are fiery tryalls, there to try all, to see whether they will stand or fall; there are such troubles there as seldome hath been knowne and there the Lord he gets himselfe renowne, and so leades through the warsare spiritually, where many a strong hold is throwne downe by the Lords owne powerfull hand, and a [...]l his ene­mies are brought unto a stand, and the Lord leades his seede into the promised Land, that he may have the praise, to whom it doth be­long: And thus the seede comes to its rest at Sion, the beauty of holiness, where there is a largeness of the love of God, who will rule all nations with his Iron rod; the Lord is King, ruling there in power, each day, and eke each houre: To him alone be all praise, honour, and glory, both now and evermore. Amen.

Thine in the Vine, Rich: Farneworth.

Sinne kept out of the KINGDOME.

ALL Professors and People, consider whe [...] you are, and from whence you are fal [...] you that plead for sinne, and say none can b [...] set free from sin while they are in the world, you plead for an hold for Saran in yo [...] whilest you are here, and where will you hav [...] him cast out? or what fellowship can you have with God, whilest the Serpent is head [...] you? you are separated from God, and know [...] him not; for what communion hath light with darknesse? God is light, and he that dwells i [...] God dwells in light; [...]h. 1.5. and in him is no darkness at all: but whilest you live in sin you live in darknesse, and the God of this world hath blinded your eyes that you cannot see it; or.4.4. you are led captive at his will to serve him, and you are willing to be so, and you do not be­lieve that you shall ever be otherwise; you are servants to sin, and you take pleasure in it, you are in the flesh and sin, and have made [...] covenant with hell and death, you are resolved to serve and please the flesh whilest you [Page] [...]e, and you will repent at your death, Psal. [...] Heb. you [...]e forgot that your times are in the hand of [...]e Lord, and that this is the day of grace and pentance, which you turn into lascivionsness, [...]d wantonness, you make it plainely appeare [...]n love your luftfull pleasures and filthinesse [...]ore then God; you that love the world, and [...]e things of the world, 1 John 15, 16. the love of the Fa­ [...]er is not in you; for whom ye love, him [...]ill you follow: Christ saith, If yee love [...], follow mee, keepe my Commandements: Joh. 14.6. [...]nd those who follow him he leades th [...]m out [...]f all the wayes of sinne, into the wayes of [...]urity and holinesse, and so he is the way to [...]e Father, for without holiness none can ever [...]e God, for he is of purer eyes then to be­hold [...]old iniquity; neither can any uncleane thing [...]ome in his sight; but whilest you follow the of disobedience, bringing forth fruits of [...]n and unrighteousnesse, having your conversa­ [...]ion in the earth and earthly things, following [...]our corrupt wills and pleasures, and yet you will professe you love God, and owne him in words, and the Devill in practise: O horrible [...]ypocrite I shall not the righteous God finde you out, and reward you according to your workes? you cannot deceive him, you de­ceive your selves, who thinke to be heires of two Kingdomes; you will have the pleasures [Page 42]of sin here, and you say you hope to be h [...] of the Kingdome of Heaven too; but hope of the hypocrite shall perish; remem [...] thy Father Dives, in whose steps thou walk [...] and the same way leades to the same end, [...] Lord saith that the wicked shall be turned to Hell, 9.17. and all they that forget God, but deceit in it sayes that thou must live in f [...] whilest thou art here, and have thy though [...] in the world, and yet thou shalt enter into [...] Kingdome of Heaven too. Now who must lyar, whether God, or thou? O vaine m [...] was it not Sin that separated God and M [...] at the first? and thinkest thou to be reconcil [...] againe so long as sin stands in thee? Man w [...] not created in sinne, but pure and holy in th [...] Image of God, and whilest he stood here [...] had communion with God, [...]en. 127. and had that pu [...] wisdome of God, by which he was able to s [...] into the wonders of God, [...]en. 2.19, [...], and to give nam [...] unto all creatures; [...]en. 3.24. but so soon as he had com­mitted sin he was stript of all this, and be­came naked, and was thrust out of Paradis [...] and was cursed from the Lord, yea the grou [...] was cursed for his sake, and all this becaus [...] of sin, which thou thinkest so light of: so od [...] ­ous is sinne in the pure eyes of the holy God and didst thou but know thy condition, [...] thou lyest in sinne, in thy first birth, a child [...] wrath, and one to whom all the curses in th [...] [Page 43] [...]ok of God are due; thou wouldst tremble at [...] and not plead for it, wherein thou plainly [...]ewest thy selfe to be a servant of the Devil, [...]d pleads for his Image and K [...]ngdome; and [...]ere it not that he had blinded thy eyes, thou [...]ightst see where thou art, when thou thus busest the goodnesse of God, that having left he sins and faylings of others upon record, 1 Cor. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. [...]s warning to all that come after not to doe he like; and these thou makest u [...]e of to en­ [...]ourage thee in thy sin and filthinesse and be­ [...]ause God is mercifull to pardon Sinners what time soever they repent, therefore thou [...]rt encouraged to live in sin the lo [...]ger unre­pented or. Now all that have eys in their h [...]ads may plainly see whose children they are; for the Apostle saith, Rom. 2. Know ye not that the long suffering and forbearing of God leades to repen­tance? It doth so, to the children [...]f God, but that Scripture is fulfilled in thee which saith, because Judgement is not speedly executed on the wicked, therefore his heart is set in him to work wickednsse: and thus thou makest the mercy of God a cloake for thy u [...]g [...]ous actions, and yet thou wilt talk of a Rede [...]mer, and of saith in Christ: But O friend, where is thy redemption witnessed whilest thou art yet in thy sinnes? what art thou redemmed from? Joh. 8.35, 36. or what art thou redeemed to? those who are redeemed are set free from the servitude [Page 44]of sin, but thou servest sin as long as thou obey the motions of it; then where is freedome? canst thou witnesse Christ dyed thee, and thy sin is still alive? how wilt [...] witnesse his death in thee, or thy selfe d [...] with him? the Saints who were dead [...] Christ were dead to sin; and saith Paul, [...] can you who are dead to sin, [...]om. 6.2. [...]om. 6. [...]7. live any longer the in? and saith, those that are dead with Ch [...] are free from sinne, and are become servant [...] righteousnesse: And, saith he, Now being m [...] free from sin, [...]om. 6.22. and become servants of God ye h [...] your fruit unto holinesse, and the end eternall l [...] but whilest thou livest in sin thy fruit is unho [...] and the end thereof is death, and then whe [...] is thy redemption? they who are redeem [...] by Christ are redeemed from earth & earth [...] things up to God again, from whence they h [...] faln, out of every Kindred, and Tongue, and Pe [...] ­ple, [...]ev. 5.9.10 and Nation; and are made unto God King and Priests to reigne above sin and the ear [...] and are made conformable unto his Image agai [...] which was lost by sin: [...]om. 8.29 but what conformity [...] there in thee whilst thou art in sin? thou art n [...] like him, but like the Devill, for every sinne [...] the Image of the Devill, who sinned from th [...] beginning, and whilst thou cornmittest sin [...] thou holdest forth the Image of the Devill i [...] thee, who is thy Father; and Christ told the Seribes and Pharisees, who professed them­selves [Page 45]to be the children of God, but lived in [...], that they were of their Father the Devill, Joh. [...]. [...] his workes they would doe, for every sin [...] the worke of the Devill; and, saith John, [...] that committeth sin is of the Devill; and saith, Joh. [...] [...]t for this purpose was the Son of God mani­ [...]sted to destroy the workes of the Devill: who [...]er can witnesse Christ manifest in them, can [...]itnesse sin destroyed; but if thou sayest thou [...]nst witnesse Christ manifest in thee, and yet [...]mmit sin, thou art a lyar; for the Scripture [...]ith, that whosoever abideth in him, sinneth not: 1 Joh. 3.6. [...]hosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither [...]nowne him; and he that saith, I know him, and [...]eepeth not his Commandements is a lyar, and, [...]he truth is not in him: Joh. 2. [...] And, saith the Holy Ghost, whosoever is borne of God sinneth not; [...]ut he that is begotten of God keepeth himselfe, [...]nd that wicked one toucheth him not; and saith [...]gaine, whosoever is borne of God doth not com­mit sinne, 1 Joh. 5.1 1 John 3.9, 10. for his seede remaineth in him, and hee cannot sin because he is borne of God; and saith plainly, In this are the children of God manifest, and the children of the Devill: Whosoever doth not righteousnesse is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. God in all ages hath known his by their obedience, Gen. 18 Rev. 7.3 but thou sayest thou must live in disobedience, and yet would be counted for one of his too; but where is thy marke by which thou art known from the [Page 46]world? those that are God's are marked, [...] knowne from the world, [...] and therefore ha [...] of the world; but thou art in love with [...] world, and can conforme to them in all th [...] wayes, words, works, and worships, and [...] would be counted one of Gods too. O th [...] deceiver! thou deceivest both thy selfe [...] men that are like thee; but thou canst [...] deceive the Lord: take heed, repent, halt [...] longer betwixt God and the World; if th [...] wilt owne God, thou must dis-own the Wo [...] and the world will dis [...]owne thee; thou [...] not have both.

[Page 47] I received these few lines inclosed in a [...]ter, which came from my deare Brother [...]orge Fox, whose desire was, that they [...]uld be put in a booke: (I having written is to go to the Presse, was moved to answer, [...] desire) (it being my desire also) as in the [...]ite out of the Treasury, as it is there expres­ [...]d, that peoples mindes may be taken wholly [...]t of all bookes and formes, that they may [...]ow God, the Father of our Lord Jesus [...]hist, to be their Teacher by his spirit: & Jesus [...]hrist, the unsolder and opener of the Booke [...]f life within, even the hidden mystery of his [...]athers will, which hath beene hid from ages, [...]nd generations, which the Lord doth now [...]eveale unto these that wait upon him for [...]eaching, whose mindes are taken out of all [...]ens teachings, and words, formall wayes of worships, to worship the Father in spirit and in [...]ruth, John 4.23, 24.


Oh all Friends, who write or speake, [...] your wills nor mindes go before the light in you, but let all your words be from that is infallible, that all your words may be the of life, which is eternall, which shall jud [...] nally. Therefore deare friends all, every write nothing but as you are moved by the and from the Lord, lest there be presu [...] rashnesse, hastinesse, or pride, and light [...] your spirits, but every one improve your (that which is pure in you) to the bringing [...] the unpure, by the pure: Let none print [...] What they can eternally witnesse; here all will be cleare, and pull downe that which clear [...], and cut downe all that which is filth [...] holy, and unrighteous.

Curious mindes write and print things, which feede the light minde, [...] fleshly mind thirsteth after novelties ( Diver But a warning to all you who make all th [...] for the Fire, which keepeth up Formes an [...] stomes, lest you be burned your selves.

Take wa [...]

G. [...]

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