
☞ An Exact Description of the Roads of Connaught, and part of Mu [...], at present possess'd by the [...], Rebels;) giving the True Distances of the Several Cities, Towns, Passes and Places of Strength, each from the o­ther; with their due Distances from Their Ma­jesties Frontier Towns. Also, an Exact Ac­count of the Situation of the Enemies Chief For­tified Places, viz. LYMERICK, Ath­lone, GALWAY, and SLEGOE, their present Fortifications; with the Additio­nal Works lately made by the French and Irish. Very necessary for all Gentlemen and others, now our Army are Marched into the Enemies Quar­ters. Price One Penny.

☞ An Exact Description of the Roads of Flanders, (according to the last and best Sur­vey) giving the True Distances of all the Cities, Towns, Castles, and Places of Strength (each from the other) in the Ten Provinces. And the most possable Roads for the Confederate Army (Commanded by the King of England) to March to any Place. And the passable Ways, by which the Confederate Army may enter into the very Heart of France. With distinguishing Characters; Shewing What Part of Flanders is possest by the Spaniards; What by the Dutch; What by the Bishop of Liege; What by the French; and What by the Duke of Juliers. Very necessary for Accomodating all Gentlemen and others (during the War in Flanders) in Reaning the English and Foreign Gazatts, and other Intelligences, of the Movements and Acti­ons of the Confederate and French Armies. Price, Two Pence.

Both Printed for, and are to be Sold by Robert Hayhurst, at the Axe in Little-Britain.

London, Printed for Robert Hayhurst, at the Axe in Little-Britain, 1691.

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