A few Lines given forth, and a true Testimony of the way which is Christ, whom the Saints enjoyes who have believed in the light, and followed it into the Regeneration, which they come to know through the preaching of the Gospel, which hath been received in the Power of God in these latter dayes, and hath been preached in the Demonstration of the Spirit.
IN love to all who have desires in them to know the truth as it is in Jesus, that they may forsake their fallen wisdome, which for many yeares they have had in possession, yet by it cannot come to know the Lord, nor his way, but are in the dark, though the light of the glorious Gospel hath long shined among them, and the day of the Lord hath appeared, which is it that gives the knowledge of God, and his way; even the Grace of God which hath appeared unto all men.
Now all people, both Professors and prophane is to mind the fear of the Lord, for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and by this wisdom which is learnt in the fear of the Lord, by it you come to know the power of God in the light, and as you believe in it, you believe in that which is able to the utmost to save all that comes unto it, so as you wait and feel the power dwell with it, that you may witnesse its workings in you, to the destroying of the power of sin; For while it is ruling in you, you are led captive by the divell, and all who comes not to confesse, and own the light, which is the power of God in them, cannot be freed from it, but as any comes to the light, which discovers sin; that is it which gives power over sin, and dwelling in the light, you dwell in that which never consented unto sin, the true and faithfull witnesse of God, which bears witnesse in every particular against evill; so loving this, and obeying this, to forsake sin as it discovers it, so you will come to have power and dominion over sin, through the power of God, and as you love the light, and dwell in it, you will know another to take the kingdom in you, which is able to cast out the devill, and destroy all his works; but who comes not to the light, comes not to Christ, and are in the reprobate state, without God in the world, alienated from the Common-wealth of Israel. But who comes to the light, and believes in it, to be guided by it, receiving it, they receive Christ the Mediatour of the New Covenant, unto all that are sanctified, in whom the Lord is reconciling the world unto himself by the blood of the Lamb which is shed for many; so all people must come to that which shewes them the evill of their way, and turn from it unto that which discovers it unto you, which is Christ the light in every one of you, for that which makes manifest is light, and the light is Christ. I am the light of the world, saith Christ, which lightneth every one that cometh into the world, which whosoever receiveth, they receive the wisdom and power of God; Him whom God hath given for salvation unto the ends of the earth, whose name is called the word of God, Christ the light, his Name is called the Word of God, so that is it which all people is to believe in, the light, and in it to walk as children of the light, putting off the deeds of darknesse, and to follow the light in all righteousnesse and holinesse, having a conversation void of offence towards God, and towards men; so all people coming to believe in the light, and following it, they come to that which saves the soul, and receives him who is Gods salvation; and every particular which comes to the Light, comes to Christ the seed of God, who is heir of the kingdome which hath no end but endures for ever; and who are obedient to the light, it gives power over sin, and that is it in all, which never consented unto sin, but is a swift witnesse against all sin, when it is but conceived in the heart, before it be acted; it sheweth the creature that it is evill: so who believes in that which makes manifest, and forsakes the sin, shall find mercy. Therefore all people which lives in sin, fulfilling the desires of your evill hearts; Repent and fear the Lord, and come to the light, which will cleanse and purifie your hearts, and turn you from the evill of your ways, and keep to that which checks and reproves you, it will bring all your sins before you which you have acted, and them you do now act, and it will bring condemnation and judgement upon you for them, and this is Christ the light, the condemnation of the world, the light with which every one is enlightened that cometh into the world, which would shew every one the way he is in; For saith Christ, I am the light of the world, and lightneth every one that cometh into the world; so every one being enlightned with the true light, with Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life; every one hath the light, believe in the light, that ye may be children of the light; that which makes manifest is light, which light is Christ the Son of God, which reveales the Father, for none knoweth the Father, save the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him, whom to know is life eternall; and this life is the life of the Son of God, whom God hath given for salvation, that whosoever believeth in him might not perish, but have eternal life; And blessed are all who have believed, and received it in the love of it, and abide in it, those are saved by it, and such have the blessing of the Lord with them, they have the seed, which seed is Christ the heir of salvation, who saveth his people from their sin, and leadeth them from under the powers of darknesse of this world into his marvellous light, and to a kingdome which hath no end; And Christ the light he becomes their guide and leader, and in all truth they are led, and great is their peace, and such cannot go into sin, who are guided by the light, for that never consents unto sin; but who so commits sin, is not with the light guided into it: For sin is of the devill, and he is the Father of it. For they which follow the light, comes to be born of God an incorruptible seed, and he that is born of God sinneth not, because the seed abideth in him, which seed is Christ, whom Satan hath no part in; so all people which knows not the way to the one true way which leads to life, which is a straight and narrow way, they must come to the light, and take up the daily Crosse; for he that will be Christs Disciple, must take up his Crosse and follow him the light; Christ he is the way, the truth, and the life; and the Gospel hath been preached unto nations and people, the sound hath gone forth, but who hath believed the report, unto such is the Arme of the Lord revealed.
London, Printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659.