Two LETTERS The one from The Right HONOURABLE, Sir Thomas Fairfax.
The other from Colonell Ralph Weldon.
Being an exact Relation of the raising of the Siege, and releeving of the Town of TAUNTON.
Which was Read in both Houses of Parliament on Wednesday being the 14. of May 1645.
And commanded to be forthwith printed.
London printed for Iohn Wright at the Kings Head in the old Bayley. 1645.
For the HONOURABLE William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons.
I Have sent you here inclosed Colonell Weldens Letter, shewing Gods goodnesse in the seasonable relief of Taunton; and I heare that the Enemy hath sent part of their Force to Bridgewater, and part to Exceter; we have had a continuall March this fourteene dayes, the extremity of heat and length of [Page 2] way hath much wearied the Souldiers and worne out their Shoes, which I desire may be supplied with all speed. This (with some little rest) will make these men willing and very ready to obey any Command they shall have to doe Service. I shall for the present referre you to this inclosed, and so remaine,
To the Right HONOURABLE Sir Thomas Fairfax, Commander in chiefe of the Army raised for the defence of King and Parliament, present.
ACcording to your command I shall give you an accompt of the good Successe wherwith God hath blessed this Party hitherto. We have marched very hard, lost no time, and this Sunday, the eleventh, came before Taunton, where ten of ours fell on a [Page 4] hundred of theirs, and killed and took some of them; they could not believe but wee were my Lord Gorings Forces, wee were within foure miles of the Towne before they would believe we were come: and then about foure of the Clocke in the afternoone they confusedly ran every way; Gods goodnesse appeared very much to this poore Towne: Wee came in the very point of time, their Ammunition was all spent, very much of the Town burnt, the Towne extremely well defended, many times entred by storme, and beaten out againe, They have two hundred hurt men in the Towne; It must now be our parts to consider how to subsist. The barbarous Enemy hath almost unpeopled the Countrey [...] Since I [Page 5] came heare, in six Weekes time, a wonderfull Change, scarce a man to bee seene in a Village. I shall in all humility acquaint you from that I heare: My Regiment is designed for the West, I humbly intreate, if it be possible, I may waite on your Honour in your Army, which if your honour shall please to grant, it will much oblige