Shewing, Sin stoutly punished.

Shewing, Right surely rescued.

ECCLES. 8. 11.

Because sentence against a dull worke is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the Sons of men is fully set in them to doe evill.


LONDON, Printed by W. WILSON, for John Williams, at the Crowne in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1646.

To the Reader.

WE read of King Hest. 2. 6. AHA­SHUEROSH, that having hishead troubled with much businesse, and finding himselfe so indisposed, that hee could not sleep, hee caused the Records to be called for, & read unto him; hoping thereby to de­ceive the tediousnesse of the time, (an honest fraud) and that the pleasant passages in the Chro­nicles would either invite slum­ber unto him, or enable him to endure waking with lesse mole­station.

We live in a troublesome and tumultuous age; and hee needs [Page] to have a very soft bed, who can sleep soundly now a-dayes, a­midst so much loud noise, and many impetuous rumors. Wher­fore it seemeth to Mee, both a safe and cheap Receipt, to pro­cure Quiet and Repose to the Mind which complains for want of rest, to prescribe unto it the reading of History.

Great is the pleasure and pro­fit thereof. Lul. 19. 4 Zaccheus, wee know, was low and little in stature, but when hee had borrowed some height from the Fig-Tree, into which he climbed, the Dwarfe was made a Gyant on a suddain; last minute beneath the Armes, but now grown above the heads of other men. Thus our experi­mentall knowledge is, in it selfe, both short and narrow, as which cannot exceed the spanne of our owne life. But when wee are mounted on the Advantage of [Page] History, we can, not onely reach the yeere of Christs Incarnati­on, but, even touch the top of the worlds beginning, and at one view over-see all remarkable ac­cidents of former ages.

Wherefore, untill such time, as I shall by Gods providence, and the Authority of my Supe­riors, bee restored to the open Exercise of my profession, on termes consisting with my Con­science, (which welcome Mi­nute, I doe heartily wish, and humbly wait for; and will gree­dily listen to the least whisper sounding thereunto) it is my in­tent (God willing) to spend the remnant of my dayes in reading and writing such Stories as my weak judgement shall commend unto me for most beneficiall.

Our English Writers tell us of David King of the Scots, that [Page] whilst he was Prisoner in a Cave in Nottingham Castle, He, with his Nailes, shall I say carved, (or) scratched out the whole History of our Saviours Passion, in the Wall. And although the Figures be rough and rude, yet in one respect they are to bee compared unto, yea, preferred before the choysest Pieces, and most exact Platformes of all En­gravers, being done at such dis­advantages; cut out of a maine Rock, without any light to di­rect him, or Instruments to help him, besides his bare hands.

The Application of the Story serves mee for manifold uses. First, here I learn, if that Princes, then meaner Persons, are bound to finde themselves some honest employment. Secondly, that in a sad and solitary condition, a Calling is a comfortable Com­panion. Thirdly, where men [Page] want Necessaries, fit Tooles and Materialls, the worke that they doe, (if it be any degree passa­ble,) deserves, if not to bee praised, to bee pardoned. Which encourageth me to expect of the charitable Reader, favour for the faults in this Tract commit­ted, when hee considers the Au­thor in effect banished, & Book­lesse, and wanting severall ac­commodations requisite to the compleating an History.

Noah, to make an Essay Gen. 8. 7., whe­ther the waters were abated from the face of the earth, before hee would adventure to expose the whole Fraught of his Arke to danger, dispatch'd a Dove to make discovery, and report unto him the condition of the World, intending to order him­selfe accordingly. A deep De­luge hath lately over-flowed the whole Kingdome, to the drow­ning [Page] of many, and dangering of all. I send forth this small Trea­tise, to try whether the swelling surges, and boyling billowes in mens breasts, (flowing from the distance in their judgments, and difference in their affection) be­gin now to asswage, and whether there be a dry place for this my innocent Dove, safely to settle her selfe. If shee finde any tolle­rable entertainment, or indiffe­rent Approbation abroad, it will give mee encouragement to ad­venture a Volumne of a more usefull Subject, and greater con­cernment in the view of the world.

Thine in all Christian offices, THO. FULLER.

The Index.

  • Book▪ Parag.
  • Alexius Comnenus most de­bauched, 1 1
  • Foolishly rejoyceth at the death of Andronicus. 2 15
  • Wanted rather Breeding than parts. 3 9
  • Stoutly refuseth to signe the war­rant for his mothers death. 3 11
  • Yeelded at the last, conquered with importunity. 3 13
  • Hunted after himselfe, when sent a hunting 3 14
  • The cruell manner of his death 3 18
  • Anna, Widdow to Alexius, woo­ed by Andronicus 3 19, 20
  • Married unto him some weeks after her husbands death. 3. 21
  • Compared to Anne, wife to our King Richard the third.
  • Bemoaneth her miserable success. 4 9
  • Dispossest by an Harlot of her Husbands affections. 4 10
  • [Page]Bo. Pa.
  • Basilius, A Bishop, his Character. 2 8
  • His Speech to Andronicus, desiring him to be Emperour. 2 9
  • His rejoynder to Andronicus upon his refusall. 2 11
  • Made Patriark of Constantinople. 4 12
  • Reproved for his over-melding in temporall matters. 4 13
  • Proudly pleads in his owne defence. 4 14
  • Crowneth Isaacius Emperour. 6 11
  • Maketh a Sermon-like Oration un­to him, touching the duty of Princes. 6 12
  • Continueth in safety and Honour, contrary to all expectation. 6 16
  • Dyeth in his bed. 6 17
  • Conjectures concerning Gods pro­ceedings towards him. 6 18
  • Begger, Vnjustly accused for a Con­jurer. 2 19
  • Delivered to the fury of the people. 2 20
  • By them miserably Massacred 2 21
  • Bow-string, mockingly call'd by Andronicus, the Medicine for all Maladies. 3 18
  • [Page]Bo. P.
  • Caesar, An Italian Lord, 1 7
  • Poysoned. 3 8
  • Combination, Of severall great Lords to fetch in Andronicus. 1 6
  • A Catalogue of their hard names. 1 7
  • Finde themselves too late deceived in Andronicus. 2 17
  • By whom they are slighted and neg­lected. 2 18
  • The vitiousnesse thereof described. 1 4
  • Constantinople conquered, as soon as entred by Andronicus. 1 14
  • Preserved by him from the rapine of his Army, how, and why. 1 18
  • The Walls thereof repaired by An­dronicus. 3 24
  • Adorned by him with severall state­ly Structures. ibid.
  • Conto-Stephanus, Admirall of the Gallies. 1 7
  • Betrayed the fleet to Andronicus. 1 13
  • By whose cruelty his eyes were af­terward bored out. 3 27
  • Coronations of Usurpers, why more pompousin state, then those▪ of lawfull Princes. 2 14
  • [Page] Devil, Why he coucheth his answers in Obscurity. 5 12
  • His Alphabet to be read backward. 5 13
  • Such as have his Text, still need his Comment. 5 14
  • Drexelius, His charitable opinion of Andronicus. 6 7
  • Ducas-Alexius, In vain praiseth himselfe as fit for the Empire. 3 31
  • Franks, Many dwelling in the City of Constantinople. 1 17
  • Ingrosse all the Trade from the Na­tives. ibid.
  • Cruelty exposed to bee spoyled and killed by the Paphlagonian Ar­mie. 1 18
  • Georgius Dysipatus. 1 7
  • Intended to be roasted by Androni­cus.. 3 27
  • Grecians, No skilfull Mariners. 1 12
  • [Page]Bo. P.
  • Hermite, his Oration against Cler­gie mensmedling in civil affaires. 4 13
  • Husbandry much advanced by An­dronicus. 3 26
  • Jester, at the court neglected by An­dronicus, as beneath his anger. 3 6
  • Jests of Andronicus on dying men. 3 18
  • Isaacius, Commended by Mamalus to be made Emperour. 3 30
  • In vaine opposed by Ducas. 3 31
  • Reasons rendred of his miraculous preservation. 5 5
  • Flyeth into the great Church. 5 4
  • By his Eloquence perswadeth the people to save him. ibid.
  • He is solemnly crowned Emperour. 6 11
  • Lapardus, His speech to the Lords of the Combination. 1 5
  • His Character. 4 6
  • Favoureth Andronicus too long, and yet deserteth him too soone. 4 7
  • [Page]Bo. P.
  • His speech on the Scaffold, when his Eyes were bored out. 4 8
  • Library, Of Andronicus, full of rarities, plundered by the soldiers. 5 7
  • Mamalus, With a milde answer pacifieth the passion of Caesarissa. 3 4
  • His speech to the Lords in the be­halfe of Isaacius. 3 30
  • Brought naked to the stake. 4 3
  • There cruelly burnt. 4 4
  • Whilst Andronicus barbarously in­sulteth over him. 4 5
  • Manuel, the late deceased Emperor, hath his ashes derided by An­dronicus. 2 45
  • Manuel Son to Andronicus. 3 15
  • Refuseth to execute Xene the Em­presse ibid.
  • Modestely answereth his Fathers Arguments. 3 16
  • Opposeth the bloudy Edict. 3 27
  • His eyes bored out by Isaacius. 6 19
  • Maraptica, an impudent harlot, her cunning carriage, & great wealth. 5 10
  • Maria Caesarissa, 1 7
  • Her Embassy to Andronicus. 1 8
  • [Page]Bo. P.
  • Excessive passion. 3 1
  • Her Cholerick speech to the Lords of the Combination 3 3
  • Mutability of Peoples affection. 6 10
  • Newters: their base temper. 1 11
  • Palace of Andronicus spoiled 5 6
  • Patience of Andronicus. 6 5
  • Popular tumults most dangerous. 5 7
  • Presages of Andronicus his death, 5 2
  • contemned by him. 5 3
  • Protosebastus Alexius, 1 2
  • Makes preparation against Andro­nicus. 1 11
  • Overcome, and despightfully used. 1 15
  • Seth, A Famous Conjurer. 5 12
  • Scripture wrested by Andronicus to countenance his cruelty. 3 28
  • Sea, why offended at Andronicus. 5 15
  • Ship-wrackt goods preserved by Andronicus, for the owners. 3 25
  • Stephanus Hagiocristophorita, 1 7
  • [Page]Bo. P.
  • Stifleth Xene the Empresse. 3 16
  • Out of malice contriveth the ruine of Trypsycus. 4 16
  • Theodorus, The Patriarke. 1 3
  • Confounded with the Complements of Andronicus. 2 2
  • Retiroth to the Island of Teribyn­thus. 4 9
  • Severall reasons why hee left the Court. 4 10
  • His quiet death, & decent buriall. 4 11
  • Tortures, Used by Andronicus. 3 23
  • As extreame used upon him. 6 1. 2
  • Traitors, caught in their own sub­tlety. 5 5
  • Tyrant, His true description. 4 2
  • Vertues of Andronicus. 3 23
  • Xene, The mother Empresse her voluptuousnesse. 1 2
  • Even when nearest to greatest danger 1 10
  • Accused of high Treason, that shee would betray Belgrade to the King of Hungarie. 3 9
  • Stifled between two pillowes. 3 16


The first Booke.

1. ALexius Comnenus, only An. Dom. 1179. Son of Manuel Com­nenus, succeeded his Father in the Empire of Constan­tinople. A child hee was in Age & Judgment: of wit, too short to measure an honorable sport, but lost himselfe in low delights. Hee hated a booke, more then a mon­ster did a looking-glasse, and when his Tutor indeavored to play him into Schollership, by presenting pleasant Au­thors unto him, hee returned, [Page] that learning was beneath the An. Dom. 1179 Greatnesse of a Prince, who, if wanting it, might borrow it from his subjects, being better stor'd; for (saith hee) if they will not lend mee their braines, Ile take away their heads. Yea he allowed no other Librarie, then a full stor'd Cellar, resembling the Butts to Folioes. Barrells to Quartoes, smaller Runlets, to lesser Vo­lumns, and studied away his time, with base Company, in such de­bauchednesse.

2. Leave wee Alexius drown­ing his Care, or rather careles­nesse in wine, to behold Zene his mother the Regent Empresse. Surfeting also in pleasure with her husband Proto-sebastus, who had married her, Since the de­cease of Manuel her late hus­band. This Proto-sebastus a bet­ter Stallion, then warre-horse, was a perfect Epicure, (so that Apitius, in comparison of him, [Page] was a Churle to starve himselfe,) An. Dom. 1179 better at his palat, then his tōgue, yet better at his tongue, then his Armes, being a notorious Cow­ard. He, with the Empresse, con­spired to the dissolute Education of young Alexius, keeping him in constant ignorance of himself, their strength consisting in his weakenesse, who had he been bred to understand his owne power, might probably have curb'd their exorbitances.

3. The Bodie of the Grecian State, at this time, must needs be strāgely distempered, under such heads. Preferment was only scat­tered amongst Parasites, for them to scramble for it. The Court had as many Factions, as Lords, save that all their divisions united themselves in a generall vitious­nesse; and that Theodorus the Patriarh, was scoffed at by all as an antick for using Good­neesse, when it was out of fashion [Page] and was adjudged impudent, for An. Dom. 1179. presuming to be pious alone by himselfe.

4. As for the City of Constan­tinople, the chief seate of the Gre­cian Empire; she had enjoyed happinesse so long, that now she pleaded Prescription for prospe­rity. Because living in Peace Time out of mind, she conceived it, rather a wrong, to have con­stant Quiet denied, than a favour, from Heaven, to have it continu­ed vnto her. Indeed, Shee was grown sicke, of a Surfet of health, and afterwards was broken, with having too much Riches. For in­stead of honest industrie, & pain­full thrift, which first caused the greatnes of this City: now flow­ing with wealth, there was no­thing therein, but the swell­ing of Pride, the boiling of lust, the fretting of Envie, and the squeezing of Oppression. So that should their dead Auncestours a­rise, they would be puzzl'd to see [Page] Constantinople for it felfe, ex­cept An. Dom. 1179. they were directed there un­to, by the Ruines of St. Sophies Temple. True it was, some years since, upon agreat famine, some hopes were given of a generall A­mendment. During which time, Riot began to grow thrifty, pride to goe plaine, Gluttons to fast, and wantons were starv'd into Temperance. But forced Refor­mation will last no longer, then the violent cause thereof doth Continue. For soon after, when plenty was again restord, they re­lapsed to their former Badnesse; yea afterwards became fouler for the Purge, and more wanton for the Rod, when it was Removed.

5. Now there was an Antifashi­on in the Grecian Empire, main­tained by some Lords of antient Extraction, who were highly of­fended at the great Power whch Proto-Sebastus, and L. Xene the Empresse usurped to themselves; [Page] and meeting privatly together, An. Dom. 1179. Andronicus Lapardas, as prolocu­tor for the rest, vented his dis­contentment. Complaining, it was more then high time, that they now awake out of the Le­thargie of Security, into which, by fooles lullabyes, they had cou­sened themselves. That they in the Empire, which have most at the Stake, are made only lookers on; sometimes admitted to the Counsell, out of Complement, and for Countenance barely to concurre; but for the maine kept in Ignorance of most materiall passages. That their names are all branded for Death, and that no love to their persons, but fear what might follow, had hi­therto secured their lives. In a word; that they must speedily resolve on some projects for their protection, or else they should approve themselves heirs to Epi­metheus, who is not found to have [Page] left any Land unto his Sonnes, An. Dom. 1179. but only to have bequeathed an uselesse Sorrow unto them, for their Portion.

Hereupon they entred into a strict Combination with them­selves secretly, vowing that they would improve their ut­most might to bring in Andro­nicus Comnenus, a Prince of the bloud, one of great parts and abi­lities, (but lately banished out of the Empire) to counterpoise the power of Proto-Sebastus, and to free young Alexius from the wardship of such as abused him. We wil present the Reader with a list of their Titles and offices, who were ingaged in this de­signe; intreating him not to be offended with us, because of the hardnesse and length of their Names; but rather with their God-fathers who Christened them. We have an English Pro­verbe that bones bring meat to [Page] Town, and those who are desirous An. Dom. 1179. to feast themselves on the plea­sant & profitable passages of Hi­storie, must bee content some time to stoope their stomacks to feed on hard words, which bring matter along with them.


  • First, Maria Prophyrogenita Caesarissa daughter to Ma­nuel the late Emperour, by a former wife, halfe sister to Alexius the young Empe­rour.
  • 2. Caesar her Husband, an Ita­lian Lord, who was so over­topt with the high birth, and spirit of his wife, that in this Historie we find him not grown much above the bare mention of his Name.
  • 3. Conto-Stephanus, the Great Duke, Admirall of the Gal­leys.
  • 4. Camaterus Basilius President of the City.
  • 5. Hagiochristophorites Stepha­nus, [Page] Captaine of the Guard.
    An. Dom. 1179.
  • 6. Disypatus Georgius Lecturer in the great Church, (an higher office, then the mo­derne acceptation of the word doth imply.)
  • 7. Tripsycus Constantinus one of the most noble extracti­ons.
  • 8. Macroducas Constantinus, no whit inferiour to him in pe­degree, or power.
  • 9. Andronicus Lapardas, for­merly mentioned, together with the aforesaid
  • 10. Theodorus, the Patriark, last named, because least interes­sed. For in matters of piety, hee was governed by his conscience, but in matters of Policy, by good Company▪ being therein himselfe ut­terly unskilled: and stran­gers in unknowne waies commonly follow the most beaten Tract of others be­fore [Page] them. All these joyn'd
    An. Dom. 1179.
    in a league to bring Andro­nicus home to Constanti­nople, who, what he was, and how qualified, we will not forestall the Reader, con­ceiving it, though some­thing painefull, yet more healthfull for him to gaine his Character by degrees in the Sequell of his Actions, wherein he will sufficiently discover himselfe, without our description of him.

8. Now Maria Caesarissa was imployed unto Andronicus (ha­ving ability in her selfe, and ad­vantage by her Sex for the cun­ning carriage of the matter) to acquaint him with their designes. She comming to Oenaeum, where he liv'd in Banishment, informed him of the generall discontent in the Grecian Empire: And how those which basely served Xene, did only command in the State. [Page] That, besides those great persons, An. Dom. 1179. (whose names she presented in writing) many others (as yet scrupulous Newters) would have their doubtes fully satisfied, and declare on his side when they saw him appeare with a powerfull Army. That it would be a meritorious worke to en­franchise his Kinsman Alexius from their slavery, where-un­der he, and the Grecian Empire did grone.

9. Welcom was this Invita­tion to Andronicus, to be request­ed to doe, what of himselfe he desired. How willingly doth the fire fly upwards, especially when employed to fill up a vacuity; because then doing 3. good Of­fices, with one motion; Namely, expressing its Dutifulnesse to the Dictates of Dame Nature; and contributing in Case of Ne­cessity, to the Preservation of the Universe; and pleasing its owne [Page] peculiar Tendency, which de­lights An. Dom. 1179. in ascending: Such now the Condition of Andronicus, who in this undertaking, would show Courteous in granting the Request of his friends, appeare pious in promoting the generall good, and withall satisfie the Appetite of his owne Ambition and Revenge. Wherefore with treasure, whereof he had plenty, he provided men and Armes, and prepared with all speed for the Expedition.

10. But he could not be more bu­sie about his War, then Xene was imployed about her wantōnesse, counting in life all spilt, that was not sport, who to revenge her­selfe on envious death, meant in mirth to make herselfe Repara­tion, for the Shortnesse of her life. That time, which flieth of it selfe, she sought to drive a way, with unlawful Recreations. And though Musicke did jarre, and [Page] mirth was prophanesse, at this An. Dom. 1179. present time, wherein all did feele what was bad, and feare what was worse, yet shee by wā ­ton Songes (Panders to Lust) and other provocatives, did a­wake the sleeping Sparks of her Corruption, into a flame of open wickednesse.

11. But it was a great and sudden abatement to her jollity to heare, that Andronicus, with a puissant Armie, was approach­ing the City. Alexius Protosebas­tus, her minion, did woe al people to make resistance. But he found abundance of Neuters, (of that luke-warme temper) which Hea­ven and Hell doth hate,) who would not out of their Houses, but stay at [...] home and side with neither party, these did maintaine that the publicke Good was no­thing but the result of many mens particular good, and there­fore held; that in saving their [Page] own they advanced the generall. An. Dom. 1179. Indeed they hop'd, though the great vessell of the State was wrackt, in a private fly-boat of Neutrality, to waft their own Adventure safe to the Shore. But who ever saw dauncers on Rops, so equally to poise themselves, but at last they fell downe and brake their Necks? And we will take the Boldnesse to point at these hereafter, and to show what was their Successe.

12. The best thing w ch befren­ded Protosebastus (next to his owne Money) was the obliging disposition of Xene. She had as many Nets as Gestures to catch af­fections in, and with her Smiles, did not onely presse, but pay all Carpet Knights, and amorous Persons to be of her partie. The City of Constantinople was thrice walled, with wood, stones, and bones, plenty of Shipping, artifi­ciall Fortifications, and multi­tudes [Page] of men. The worst was, their An. Dom. 1179. Arsenall was a goodly Stable of gallant wooden Horses, but they wanted Riders to manage them, The Grecians (at this time) being very simple Seamen, though Na­ture may seeme both to woe and teach them to be skilfull Mari­ners, by affording them plenty of Safe Harbours. However the Grecians conceiving Navigation beneath their honour (which in­deed was above their Industrie,) resigned the benefit of Trading in their owne Seas to the Itali­ans of Pisa, Genoa, Florence, and Venice. Protosebastus hired Mer­cenary Mariners of these, and with them man'd his Ships, Stop­ping the passages of Propontis, by which Andronicus coming from Paphlagonia, out of the les­ser Asia, was to passe.

13 But now an Admirall was to be provided for his Navie: Conto-Stephanus the great Duke, [Page] formerly mentioned, challenged An. Dom. 1179. the Place as proper to himselfe, scorning to be made a Stale to weare the Style in Peace, and not to execute the Office in warr, when occasion was offered to shew his valour, and serve his Countrie. What should Pro­tosebastus do? it is equally dan­gerous to offend, or imploy him. Yet he resolves on the latter, not willing to teach him, to be dis­honest by suspecting him, and conceiving it to be an engage­ment, on a Noble Nature to be trusty, because he was trusted. But he no sooner received the Charge, but betrayed all the Gal­leyes to Andronicus, whereby in an instant he was made Master of all those Seas. The news whereof being brought to the City; oh what riding, what run­ing, what packing, what posting! happy he that could trip up his Neighbours heeles, to get first [Page] into the favour of Andronicus. An. Dom. 1179. Many that stak't their wives and children at home in the City, had laid good Betts abroad on the opposite Party.

14. Andronicus being easily wafted over, comes to the Gates of Constantinople. Here to op­pose him, there was rather a Skir­mish then a Fight, or rather a flourish then a skirmish, the land forces consisting of two Sorts. First old Souldiers, who formerly having been notorious Plunderers, had their Armes so pressed downe, with the weight of the peoples just Curses, that they could not lift up their Swords to any purpose, but ha­ving formerly preyed on their Friends, were made a prey to there Foes: Secondly Citizens; vsed onely to traverse their Shops, and unacquainted with military Performances. The city [Page] once entred, was instantly con­quered, An. Dom. 1179 (whose strength was much overfam'd) such populous Places, like unweildy bodies, sink with their owne weight.

15. Protosebastus was taken Prisoner, and was kept some dayes and nights waking, being pinch'd, when once offering to shut his eyes. A torment which we meet not with to be used to so high a person, though (they say) of late in Fashion, for the discovery of Witches.

But to put him out of his paine, Andronicus is conceived by some, mercifull unto him, in causing his eyes to be bored out, seeing it was lesse torture not to see, then not to sleepe; So much for this great Coward, though this his Character, cannot be guessed from his Demeanour herein, seeing a better Souldier might have been worsted in this [Page] Expedition againg Force, of o­pen An. Dom. 1179 Foes, and fraud of seeming freinds, it being impossible to make them fight, who are re­solved to flye.

16. The Army thus entring the City, some outrages, they must of Course commit, but those, neither for Number or Nature, such as might have been expected: For when a place is taken by Assault, the most strict Commanders are not able to keep the mouthes of their Souldiers Swords fasting, but may be commended for mode­rate, if they feed not to a Surfet. Besides, such was the infinite wealth of Constantinople, her treasures would tempt the fin­gers of Saints, much more of Souldiers; the Paphlagonians, (whereof the Army consisted,) vowed, that seeing their Swords had done so good service, they [Page] would make hilts of Gold, for An. Dom. 1179. their Blades of Steele.

17. There was then inhabi­ting in the City of Constantino­ple, multitudes of Frankes (un­derstand French, Germanes, and principally Italians,) so that well might this City be called new Rome, from the aboundance of Latins that lived therein, These first by Manufactures, and then by Merchandice, got great wealth, (their diligence being more, and Luxurie lesse then the Greekes,) insomuch that they in­grossed all Trading to them­selves. This attracted the Envie of the Natives, that Strangers should suck the Marrow of the State, alledging, that in Processe of time, the Ivie would grow to be an Oake, & those prove abso­lute in their owne power, which, at first, were dependent for their Protection. Andronicus with [Page] some-thing more than a bare An. Dom. 1179. Connivance, though lesse then a full Command, freely consigned these Frankes over to the Rapine of his Army.

18. Such of them as related, by former Freindship or Alliance to the Grecians, fled to them for shelter, who, instead of preser­ving, persecuted them, their Company being Conceived In­fectious, lest it should bring the Plague of the Souldiers fury along with it. And who findes a faithfull friend in Miserie? All their goods were spoild, and most of there lives spill'd, save such as formerly had escaped by flight to their Ships. Thus An­dronicus found a cheap way, both to pay his Souldiers, and please the People, who counted him an excellent Phisitian of the State, and this a great Cure done by him, in purging the super­fluous, [Page] yea noxius Aliens out of n. Dom. 1199. the City. Indeed carefull he was to preserve the City it selfe from spoiling, as having then a squint eye at the Empire; and knowing Constantinople, to be the Seat thereof, he would not deface that faire Chaire into which, in due time, he hop'd himselfe to sit downe.

The Second BOOKE.

1. ANDRONICUS being An. Dom. 1189. thus peaceably pos­sess'd of Constan­tinople, first made his humble addresse to the yong Emperour Alexius, and ceremo­niously kissed his feet. The Spectatours variously commen­ted on his prodigious humility therein, Some conceiving, he mean't to build high, because he began so low; others thinking that their Toes had need beware the cramp, whose feet he kissed.

2. The next Stage, whereon his Hypocrisie acted, was the great Church it selfe, where, meeting Theodorus the Patriarke at the doore, he incountred him with [Page] transcendent Courtship, pro­testing, An. Dom. 1180. that in him, he beheld the pattern of of Chrysostome, his famous Predecessour, it be­ing questionable, whether that worthy father, did more truly survive, in the learned Books, he left to posterity, or in the lookes and life of Theodorus. And whil'st the Patriark was medi­tating a modest Replie, Androni­cus did powr Complements, so full and fast upon him, that sti­fel'd therewith, he could breath no Answer in returne, but only fell into a swound of Amaze­ment.

3. Hence, he advanced into the Quire, unto the monument of Manuel his kinsman, and late Emperour. At sight whereof, the teares trickled downe his re­verent Cheekes, as if they had run a race, which of them, should be the foremost: some interpre­ted this, the love which Andro­nicus [Page] bare to the memorie of the An. Dom. 1180. dead Emperour, and others fear­ed, that as the moist dropping of stones is the foure-runner of foule weather; so this relenting of his hard heart, presaged some storme to follow after, in the State. Then coming to Manuels Tombe, ordering his voice so low, as seeming he might not bee, and yet so loud, as certaine hee was heard, what he spake, he expressed himselfe to this effect.

4. Deare Manuel, my loyaltie stiles thee Soveraign, but my bloud calls thee cosin. I will not say it was thy fault, but my fate, not to have my love to thee understood, ac­cording to the integrity of my in­tentions. my Innocence, by thee, was banished into a farre Countrie. The Burthen did not greive mee, but the hand that laid it on; not somuch to be an Exile, [Page] as an Exile made by thee. How­ever, An. Dom. 1180. all my revenge vnto thee, shall be in advancing the honour and safety of thy sonne Alexius, to free whose Innocence, from the Abuse of his friend-pretended-ene­mies, I have embarked my selfe, in a dangerous and desperate de­signe: Yea my manifold Infirmities (of which I am most Conscious) grieve mee not so much, in my owne behalfe, as because thereby I am rendred dis-able, from being serviceable to your sonne, in so high a degree, as I desire.

5. Then sinking his voyce, past possibility of being over­heard, he continued. Base bloudy Hound, which chasest me from place to place. I here arrest thy drowsie Ashes, it being now past thy power to breake this marble Chest. I scorne to ungrave thy dust, (wi­shing that all my Enemies were as Sumptuously entombed,) But thy [Page] Sonne, Wife, Daughter, Favou­rites, An. Dom. 1180. Friends, Name, Memo­ry, I will utterly destroy. The Poets Phansie begat three Furies in Hell, and I will be the fourth on Earth.

6. Some will demand, how we came to the knowledge of this Speech, being so secretly delive­red? It is answered, it is possi­ble some invisible Eare might lie in Ambush within the Eare­reach of his words. Besides, let not me be challenged for a libell, who can produce the party from whom I received it; and amongst others, discharge my selfe on one principall Nicetas Coniates in vita A­lexij nu­mero. 16. Author of Ex­cellent credit. Though I believe that this Speech was never taken from the Originall of Androni­cus his mouth, but was transla­ted from the black Coppie of his wicked Actions, which after­ward he committed.

[Page]7. His devotions ended, hee An. Dom. 1180. retired to his owne house, and there lived very privately, as renouncing all worldly Pompe and Pleasure, whilst his Engi­neeres, under-hand, were very active to procure the Empire for him, which was thus con­trived: A Petition was drawne, in the name of all the People, re­questing Andronicus, that hee would bee pleased, for the good of the State, to be chosen joynt Emperour with Alexius. This was subscribed by the principall men in everie place; and then Herds of silly Soules did the like. They never consulted with the Contents of the Paper, whe­ther it was Bond, Bill, Libell, or Petition. But thought it a sinne, not to score their Marks, where they were told, their betters had gone before them. At first they wanted names for their [Page] Parchmēt, but afterward, Parch­ment An. Dom. 1180. for their names. Here it would bee tedious to recount, what slights and forgeries were used herein. If any delayed to subscribe, they were presently urged with great mens Presi­dents; that it was Superstition, to bee more holy than the Bi­shops: Rigour, to bee more just then the Judges: Malapartnesse, to pretend to more wisdome than so many States-men, who had already signed it. And thus, many fearefull Souls were com­pell'd to consent, by the Tyran­ny of others Examples. Indeed some few there were, which durst be honest, whose Soules did stand on a Basis of their own judgements, without leaning, with implicite faith, on others. These disavowed this State-Bi­gamie, protesting against the Co-Empireship of Andronicus, [Page] and boldly affirming, that An. Dom. 1180. Crownes take a Master if they accept a Mate. But then all their Names, were returned unto Andronicus, who registred them in his black Kallender, who, for the present, did remem­ber, and for the future would re­quite them.

The principall Agent, that openly promoted this Businesse was Basilius, a Bishop, one that professed Heaven, and practi­sed Earth, much medling in Temporall matters, being both lewd and lazie in his owne pro­fession: onely herein he had the Character of a good Church­man, that by his preaching and living he set forth his office accor­dingly.

9. And now the Scene being covertly laid, in a Solemne As­sembly, on a high Festivall, this Bishop, as the mouth of [Page] the rest, (whose names hee An. Dom. 1180. held in a Parchment Roll) re­presented to Andronicus the sin­cere Intentions, and earnest wi­shes of the State. Most humbly requesting him, that he would be pleased so farre to ease the tender yeares of his dear kins­man, young Alexius, as to beare halfe the burthen of the Crowne, and to accept to bee joynt-Emperour with him: Pre­suming, that such was the Good­nesse and Humility of Androni­cus, that he would not disdaine a Part, though hee did deserve the Whole. And after a long O­ration concluded. Thus ancient­ly the Roman Senate coupled old delaying Fabius, with over-hasty Marcellus, blending Youth with Age, the Swift with Slow: Whol­some mixture, when the one brought Eyes, the other Hands; the one was for Advice, the other [Page] for Action. And thus alone it is An. Dom. 1180. possible that the distempered State of the Grecian Empire at this pre­sent, can be cured with this Cor­diall, and sacred Composition, of the Gravity of your Highnesse, to temper the green yeares of A­lexius.

10. Hereat Andronicus discove­red a strangenesse in his looks, as if he had needed an Interpreter to understand the Language which was spoken unto him; and after some Pause proceeded. Let me not be censured for unmanner­ly in not returning my thanks, ha­ving my soule for the present pos­sest with an higher employment of Admiration, That so many Aged States-men, as rich in wisedome, as yeares, should bee so much mi­staken in mine Abilities, as to conceive me in any degree fit for the Moity of a Crowne. Goe chuse some Gallant, whose very flesh is [Page] steele, can march all day, and An. Dom. 1180. watch all night, whose vast At­chievements may adde Honour un­to your Empire. Alas! my pale face, leane Cheeks, dimnte eyes, faint heart, weak legges, speake me fit for no Crowne, but a Coffin, no Royall Robes, bvt a winding­sheet. Nor am I ashamed to con­fesse, that my youth hath been ex­ceeding vitious, wherein I spared the Devill the paines of courting me, by preferring my selfe to his service: And now it is my onely joy, with griefe to recollect my former wickednesse. O flate I have found out a small private place, (call it, as you please, least of Cells, or greatest of Graves,) wherein I intend wholly to devote the Remnant of my life to Medi­tation of Mortality. For seeing naturally our soules are too deep­ly rooted in Earthlinesse, it is good to loosen them a little before, [Page] that so by Death, they may be An. Dom. 1180. pluckt up with the more Easinesse: Not that wilfully, either out of Lazinesse, or Sullenesse, I decline to serve my Country, which claimes a Share in mee. But though I know I am not to live for my selfe, I am to dye to my selfe, and may now at this Age, iustly Challenge to my selfe a Writt of ease, from all wordly employment.

11. But Basilius perceiving that he did but Complement a denyall, pressed him with the greater importunity: Confessing it would torment the modesty of his Highnesse to be told how high the Audit of his vertues did amount, knowing that he de­sired rather to deserve then hear his own commēdations. But withall instantly intreated him to remember (what he full well understood) that the Intreaties of a whole State, had the power [Page] of Commands; and that Heaven An. Dom. 1180. it selfe was not so impregnable, but that it might be battered open, by the importunitie of poore Petitioners, That from his acceptance of this their hum­ble Proffer, they should here­after date the begining of their Happinesse. That this day should stand in the Front of their Al­manackes, and in Scarlet Text, as a leader, command over the rest, which followed it, as the new Birth-Day of the Grecian Empire.

12. How ever at that present nothing more was effected, & be­cause it was late, the Assembly was dismissed, only some prin­cipall Persons were appointed with their private perswasions, to mollifie the stiffenesse of An­dronicus, who prevailed so farre, that meeting next morning in the full Con course of all Sorts of [Page] People, Andronicus, First loos­ned An. Dom. 1180. the Vizard of his dissimula­tion for a time, letting it fairly hang by, at last it fell off of it's owne Accord, and thankfully accepted their Shouts, and Exclamations, with GOD SAVE ALEXIUS AND ANDRONICUS JOINT EMPEROURS OF GREECE.

13. Then mounted on a high Tribunall, he made an eloquent Oration, as indeed he was not only sweet, but lushious in his Language, and with the Circles of fine Phrases, could charme any Stranger, both into love, and admiration of his per­son; smiling, with a pleasant Countenance, he told them, that he conceived his owne Condi­tion was represented in the Eagle, displayed in the Imperiall Standard: For as Naturalists re­port. [Page] that Soveraigne of Birds, An. Dom. 1180. renewes his Age; so Hee seemed to himselfe growne young again: as if the Heavens had bestowne upon him, new Shoulders for new Burdens. And seeing it was their pleasure, to elect him to the place, he promised to rescue Right out of the Paws of Op­pression, to be the only Master of requests: so that all complaints, should have free Accesse to him, and, if just, Redresse from him. But especially he would be Carefull of his owne Conversa­tion, intending, (Grace assis­ting him,) to have a Law in his owne example. In a word, his speech was all excellent good in it selfe, save for this only fault, that not one syllable thereof, was either truly intended or really performed.

14. The Solemnites of his Coronation were performed in [Page] great State, with much Pompe An. Dom. 1180. and Expence; And wee may observe, that the Coronations of usurpers, are generally more gorgious in their Celebrations, than those of lawfull Princes. For usurpers, out of excessive joy of what they have undeser­vedly gotten, care not what Cost they lavish. Besides, Cere­monies are more substantiall to them, to tell the world what they are, who otherwise would take lesse notice of them, as not intituled by any right to the place they possess. Wheras Kings, on whose Heads Crownes are dropt from Heaven, by lineall descent, often save superfluous Charges, at their Coronation, as being but a bare Ceremony, deriving or adding no right unto them, but only clearing and declaring the same to others.

15 The noise of the peoples [Page] Shouts, did allarm young Alex­ius, An. Dom. 1180 which hitherto was fast slee­ping in some obscure Corner, and little dream't, that meane while, an Empire was stollen away from him. But now coming to Andro­nicus, he publickly congratulated His happinesse, & with a smiling Countenance, embraced him, as hartily glad, that he had gotten so good a Companion in so great an employment. Wee read, that in the Country of Lituania, there is a peculiar Custome that mar­ried men have Adjutores Tori, Helpers of the marriage bed, which, by their Consent, lye with their wives; and these Husbands are so farre from conceiving ei­ther Hatred or Jealousie against them, that they esteeme them their principall friends. Surely the Beds in that Country are bigger than in other places: seeing amongst all other Nati­ons, [Page] a wife is a Vessell, where­in An. Dom. 1180. the Cape-Merchant will not admit any Adventurers to share with him. It seemes, A­lexius was one of this Lituanian Temper, that could accept a Partner in his Empire, tickled with joy at the Shewes and So­lemnities of his Coronation, (and well might hee laugh till his heart did ake,) though some did verily thinke, that amongst all the Pageants there presented, he himself was the strangest, and most ridiculous spectacle. As for Xene the Empresse, shee ap­peared not at all in publike, be­ing pensive at home, having al­most wept out her owne Eyes, because Protosebastus had his bo­red out.

16. Next very day, in all Pat­tents and publick Receipts, their Names were transposed. First, Andronicus, and then Alexius, [Page] this reason being rendred, that An. Dom. 1180. it was unfitting that a youth should be preferred before so grave, and Reverent an old Man. Or rather, because, as in Numeration, the Figure is to be put before the Cypher. Here some of the friends of Alexius propounded, to stop the ambiti­on of Andronicus, before the Gangrene thereof spread fur­ther; seeing what he received, did not satisfie, but enlarge his proud breast, prompting new thoughts unto him, and wide­ning his heart for higher desires. The motion found many to praise, but not to practice it; none would doe, what all desired were done. The younger sort conceived, that this office, be­cause dangerous, was most pro­per for old men to undertake, who need not to bee thrifty of their lives, seeing it was too late [Page] to spare at the Bottome. Old An. Dom. 1180. men were of the opinion, it best beseemed the Boldnesse & Activity of Youth: and such as were of middle Age, did par­take of the Excuses of both. Thus in a Project that is ap­parently desperate, even those who are proudest on their termes of Honour will bee so humble, as in modesty to let meaner men goe before them.

17. As for the Lords of the Combination, (who first procu­red Andronicus his comming to Constantinople,) they found themselves, that they now had farre over-shot the Marke they aimed at. For they intended one­ly to use him for the present, to humble and abate the Pride and power of Protesebastus. Which done, they meant, either wholly to remove, or warily to confine [Page] him. But now what they chose An. Dom. 1180. for Physick must be given them for daily food: and wofull is the condition of that man, who, in case of necessity, taking hot water to prevent Swooning, must ever after drinke it for Be­verage, even to the burning out of his Bowells. For Andronicus, thouhg he came in as a Tenant at will, would hold his place in Fee to himselfe and his Heires. And whereas the aforesaid LORDS promised themselves, if not Advancement to new As­surance to their old Offices; they found themselves preferr'd to nothing but neglect and con­tempt: neither intrusted in the Advice, nor imployed in the Execution of any matters of Mo­ment.

18. Indeed Andronicus did loath the sight of those Lords, as Debters doe of Bailiffes, as [Page] if their very looks did arrest him An. Dom. 1180. to pay for those Grand favours which he had formerly received from them, brought by their helpe from banishment, to pow­er and wealth in the City. Nor would he make use of them, as too sturdy to bee pliable to his Projects; standing on their for­mer deserts and present Digni­ties; but employed those Osiers of his owne planting, which might be easily wreathed to all purposes, being base up-starts, depending on his absolute Plea­sure. And as he used these alone, so these onely in matter of Exe­cution: who taking himself, (and therein not mistaken) to be sole friend to himselfe, would not impart his Counsells to any one, being wont to say, that Ships sinke as deep with one, as with onehundred Leaks.

19. Wee will conclude this [Page] Book with an Independent Sto­ry, An. Dom. 1180. hoping the Reader will take it as wee finde it. There was a noted Begger in Constantinople, well known to the people there­abouts, (as who had almost worne the Thresholds of Noble mens doores, as bare as his owne cloathes) an exceeding tall, raw-bon'd Body, with a meagre, and lanke Belly, so that hee might have passed for Famine it selfe. This man was found beg­ging about the lodgings of An­dronicus, very late at night, at an unseasonable houre, except one would say, that men of his pro­fession, as they are never out of their way, so they are never out of their time, but may season­ably beg at any houre, when they are hungry. Being apprehended at the Guard, and accused for a Conjurer, (his ugly face being all the Evidence against him,) [Page] Andronicus delivered him over An. Dom. 1180. to the indiscreet discretion of the People, to doe with him as they pleased. These wilde Ju­sticers, without legall proofe, or further proceeding, for Almes, bestowed on him a Pile of Wood, and a great fire, where they burnt him to Ashes, whose fact might justly have intitled him to a whipping Post, but not to a Stake.

20. Say not that this is be­neath our History, to insert the Death of a Begger in the life of an Emperour. For all Innocents are equall in the Court of Hea­ven; And this poore man, who, whilst alive, was so loud at great Mens doores, for meat to preserve his life, his bloud may be presumed to bee as cry­ing and clamorous at the gates of Heaven to revenge his death. For herein Andronicus taught [Page] the People to bee Tyrannicall, An. Dom. 1180. a needlesse Lesson to such apt Schollers, who afterwards pro­ved Proficients herein, to the cost of their Teacher, as, God willing, shall be shewed here­after.

The third BOOK. An. Dom 1181.

1. THE newes of An­dronicus his being chosen joynt-Em­perour, no sooner arrived at the eares of Maria Caesarissa, but shee was drowned in a deluge of griefe: being be­holden to nature that she could vent her selfe in teares; seeing that sorrow, which cannot bleed in the eyes, doth commonly fe­ster in the heart. And when her Nurse lovingly chid her, for ex­cessive sadnesse, she pleaded her sex, which can scarce doe any thing without over-doing; so that Feminine passions, must ei­ther [Page] not be full, or over-flow. An. Dom. 1181.

2. But Anger, soon after having got the conquest of her owne grief, with furious speed she re­paired to the place, where the Lords of the Combination were as­sembled, & ther she abruptly ven­ted her self in these Expressions.

3. Greece is growne barbarous, and quite bereft of its former worth; not so much as the ruines of valor left in you, to reach forth unto posterity, any signes that you were extracted from brave ancestors. Time was when the Gre­cian Youth, adventured for the Golden-Fleece, you may now ad­venture for the Asses Skin, the dull Embleme of your owne Con­ditions: The merry Greek, hath now drowned the Proverbe of the valiant Greek. Tame Tray­tors all! that could behold an U­surper, Mate and check your lawfull Emperour, and neither wag hand or tongue in opposi­tion. [Page] Did my father Manuel An. Dom. 1181. for this, impaire his owne, to raise your estates? He made you honourable and great: Oh that hee could have made you grate­full! The best is, your very sin will be your punishment. And though your practice hath beene so base, your judgement cannot be so blinde as to believe, that your Channells of Nobility can have a stream, when the Foun­taine of Honour is dammed up, by your unworthinesse.

3. The Lords, though by their Silence they seemed first to swallow her words, yet the ex­pression of Tame Traitors would not goe downe their Throats; the largest soules being narrow­est in point of credit, and soo­nest choakt with a disgrace. Ma­malus therefore in the behalfe of the rest; Madam (said he) suffi­ceth it now for us, barely to deny [Page] your speech. Had you been a man, An. Dom. 1181. we should have proceeded to defie the Speaker. What your passion, now condemnes in us for base; your judgement will not onely acquit, for right, and approve, for safe: but even commend for ho­nourable, and advantageous for our Master Alexius. Our Lives and Lands, are at the sole dis­pose, and the cruell mercy of our enemies. We are instantly undone, if we whisper the least and low­est syllable of Loyalty, and utter­ly disabled from any future ser­vice to Alexius. We conceive it therefore better, for a time, to bow to our foes, rather than to bee bro­ken by them: To spare in words, and spend what wee please, in thoughts. We want not a will, but wait a time, to expresse our Realli­ty to the Emperour, with most safety to our selves, and effect for him, in a season, least subject to suspition.

[Page]5. Pacified with these words, An. Dom. 1181. she was contented to attend the performance of the Promise, in time Convenient; though never living so long, as to behold it, be­ing prevented by violent Death. For now Andronicus began free­ly to rage in Innocent bloud, cutting off such Nobles as hee thought would oppose him. Something like truth was al­ledged against them, to stop the Clamours of the multitude. And Power never wants pretences, & those legall, to Compasse what it doth desire. They were indict­ed of Conspiracy against An­dronicus; and Knights of the Post, (of the Devils owne dub­bing) did depose it against them. Yea, silence was not enough to preserve mens Innocence: some being accused that their No­ses did wrinkle, or their Eyes winke, or their Fore-heads [Page] frowne, or their Fingers snap An. Dom. 1181. Treason against Andronicus.

6. In this his Epidemical cruelty, it was much, that a famous Iester of the Court escaped his furie. Of this Fellow, his body downwards was a Foole, his Head a knave, who did carefully note, and cun­ningly vent, by the priveledges of his Coate, many State-Passages, uttering thē in a warie twilight, betwixt sport & earnest. But be­like, Andronicus would not break himselfe by stooping to so low Revenge, and made Conscience in breaking the antient Charter of Iesters, though wronging the Liberty of others, of greater Con­cernment.

7. Of such as were brought to Publicke Execution, it was strange to behold, the difference of their demeanour. Some, who were able to be miserable, with an undaunted minde, did be­come their afflictions, and by [Page] their Patience made their mi­series An. Dom. 1181. to smile, not bowing their Soules beneath themselves, only appealing for Iustice in another world. Others did foolishly rage, and ramp, mustring whole Le­gions of Curces, as if therewith to make the Axe turne Edge. And then seeing no Remedie but Death, their Soules did not bow by degrees, but fell flat in an instant; of Lions, turning Calves, halfe dead with feare, received the fatall stroake of the Executioner. So many were confusedly hudled to death, it is hard to ranke them in order, only wee will insist on some principall Persons,

8. First, Maria Caesarissa, and her husband (whether it was Conscience or Manners, not to part man and wife:) And because Andronicus durst not, for feare of the People, bringe them to [Page] publick death, their Physitian An. Dom. 1181 was brib'd with Gold, which he conceived cordiall for himselfe; And thereupon he did quickly purge out both theire Soules by Poyson, (an unsuspected way,) which robs men of their lives, and yet never bids them to stand.

9. Next followed Xene the Mother Empresse being accused of high Treason for attempting to be tray the City of Belgrade, to Bela King of Hungarie. A pack't councell condemn'd her to death, which though otherwise vitious, was generally bemoan­ed; as most innocent in this par­ticular. But, Andronicus the Em­perour, cunningly derived the whole hatred hereof, on yong A­lexius (whose Power he never u­sed, or owned, but onely to make him the Cloak-father for odious Acts) vrging him to signe the warrant, for her execution. In [Page] the stout refusall whereof, A­lexius An. Dom. 1181. shew'd more Constancy then was expected to come from him, clearely answering all Ar­guments, herein shewing him­selfe a childe in Affection, and more then a childe in Judgement. Whereupon some ground their presumptions, that his soule deserved better breeding, and that hee was not to bee censured for weaknesse of Capacity; but rather his friends to bee con­demned, for want of care, and himselfe to bee bemoaned, for lack of Education. Hee flatly told Andronicus, that Nero was recorded Monster to all Ages, for killing his Mother: And that hee would never consent to her death, that gave him life.

10. But he proceeded to ag­gravate the Crime of Xene, Bel­grade being such a piece of [Page] strength, that it was a whole An. Dom. 1181. Province in effect. And though but a Towne in Bulke, was a Kingdome in benefit. All Greece awfully attending the fortune thereof. Hee minded Alexius, that Fathers of Countries, should know no Mothers; but that So­veraignes affections are onely of kin to the good and safety of their Subjects. Besides, (saith he) you need not scruple so much at her death, who is dead whilst living, and hath been ma­ny yeares drowned in Luxurie. So that what was cruelty in Ne­ro, will be Exemplary Justice in you.

11. Alexius rejoyned, that if his Mother Xene was so drowned in Luxurie, the more need she had to drowne her sins in peni­tent Teares, except it were conceiv'd Charity to kill both her soule and body. That Prin­ces [Page] were not to owne private af­fections, An. Dow. 1181. where they were de­structive to the Common good, but might and must, where they consisted with the publike safe­ty. Or else to become a Prince, would be all one, as to leave off to be a man. Grant Belgrade a strong Place▪ it was still in their owne possession, and her inten­ded Treason succeeded not. And therefore he conceiv'd it a middle and indifferent way, that she should be depriv'd of liber­ty for Plotting of Treason, and yet be permitted to live because the Plot took no effect: A Cloi­ster should be provided, where­to she should bee close confin'd, therein to doe Pennance for her former enormities. And in this Sentence, he conceived that hee impartially divided himselfe be­twixt the affection of a Childe, [Page] and severity of a Judge. An. Dom. 1181.

12. But Andronicus who was resolved to have no denyall, highly commended him for his filiall care of his Mothers soule: Yet, said he, for the benefit there­of, fifty Friers at my own pro­per charges, shall bee appointed, which after her Death, Night and day, shall dauly pay their pray­ers in her behalfe, whose suffra­ges are as well knowne above, as her Prayers are strangers there: it being to bee presumed, that whilst shee is living, the Heavens will be deafe to her, which so long have beene dumbe to them. Speake not of her Project that it tooke no effect; for had it succeeded, none would have called it Treason, but have beheld it under a more fa­vourable Notion. He minded A­lexius that hee had sufficient power of himselfe, being joynt­Emperour to put her to death, [Page] but that he would in no case de­prive An. Dom. 1181. him of this Peerelesse Op­portunity of Eternizing his me­mory to Posterity, and securing the State by his necessary Seve­rity. For all hereafter would be deterred from attempting of Treason, as despairing of par­don, when they beheld the Ex­emplary justice on his own Mo­ther.

13. Alexius still persisting in his denyall, Andronicus at last fell to flat menacing, yet so cun­ningly carryed it, that his threats did not seeme to proceed from any anger, but from love to the person, and griefe for the per­versenesse of Alexius. Hee pro­tested he would no more break his sleep, he would steere the State no longer; Let even the Windes and the waves hereaf­ter bee the Pilots to that crazie vessell. He call'd the Heavens to [Page] witnesse, (before whom hee An. Dom. 1181. entred a Caveat to preserve his owne Innocence,) how he had tendred happinesse to Alexius, but could not force it upon him, who wilfully refused it. In a word, so passionate he was, and so violent was the streame of his importunity, that the young Emperour, either out of weak­nesse, or wearinesse to swimme against it, was at last carryed a­way with the Current thereof, and subscribed the Warrant.

14. To divert whose minde from musing upon it, a solemne Hunting in the Countrey was contrived, that there he might take his pleasure. In a Forrest not farre off a stately Stagge was lodged, ambitious (as they told him) to fall by the hand of an Emperour, or else to bee dubbed an Hart Imperiall, if chancing to escape. All things being ready, [Page] Alexius is carried thither; but An. Dom. 1181. withall, those are sent along with him, which hunted this Hunter, markt all his motions, learnt the language of his looks, and hands, with the different Dialects of his severall fingers, so that hee could not speake a word, or make signe to any of his faithfull servants, but pre­sently it was observed, and if materiall, reported to Androni­cus. None of his friends durst shew any discontent. If any was seen sadly to wag his head, it was a certaine signe that that head stood but loose on his shoulders, and by the next re­turne, the newes would bee, 'that 'twas fallen off: so mise­rable was the condition of this Prince, and of all his follow­ers.

But Andronicus had a Hinde to hunt at home, and must pro­vide [Page] for the Execution of Xene. An. Dom. 1181. And now to enter the tender yeares of his sonne Manuel, for great Actions, he thought first to bloud him with an Empresse, in private delivering the War­rant unto him. Behold here an unexpected accident! This good Childe of a bad Father, (Grace can cut off the oldest, and stron­gest Entaile of Wickednesse) re­fused the Employment, alledg­ing, there was no such dearth of hangmen, that a Prince need take their Office; and that it was against his Conscience, her Crime being rather pack't than prov'd, seeing shee was never brought to answer for her selfe: Here-at his Father mad with rage, rated and reviled him. Bastard, thou wert never true Eagles Bird, whose eyes are daz­led at the Sunne of Womans Beau­tie. What? doth thy Cowardice [Page] take Sanctuary at Conscience? He An. Dom. 1181. never climbes a Throne that stands on such poore pretences. What if she never appeared to an­swer? where the fact it selfe doth Cry, it is needlesse for the offen­dor to speake: Narrow-hearted foole! A Cottage is fitter for thee than an Empire. Have I pawned mine owne soule, to found thy greatnesse, and am I thus requi­ted? and so abruptly brake off in­to weeping.

16. Manuel Modestly retur­ned: I am sorry Sir, you should pawne your soule for my sake, but however I am resolved not to loose mine owne. Whosoever climbes a Throne without Conscience, never sits sure upon it. I had rather succeed to your private paternall possession, then to an ill-gotten Empire. Nor am I daz'led at the Lustre of her beauty, but at the clearenesse of her Innocence; all [Page] men being generally Compurga­tors An. Dom. 1181. for her Integrity herein. Employ me, and trie my valour in any other service. Command, and I will fetch the Lions onely heire out of his Den, both insight and spight of Sire and Dam; onely herein I desire to be excused, and I hope deserve not to be accounted a Coward for fearing to commit a sinne. How much Andronicus was bemadded here-at, may easi­er be conceived, than exprest, to receive a finall repulse from his owne Sonne, insomuch as at the last he was faine to make use of Hagio Christophorites Stephanus, Captaine of the Guard (who a­lone of all the Lords of the Com­bination, stuck to him, and was respected of him) and hee verie fairely tooke order to dispatch her, stifling her (as some say) be­twixt two Pillowes.

17. The next Newes which tooke possession of the Tongues [Page] and Eares of People, was the An. Dom. 1181. cruell and barbarous death of young Alexius: whilst, the vul­gar did wonder that he dyed so soone, and the wise did more admire that he lived so long; and the difference was not great be­twixt him that was now but a Ghost, and whilst living, but a shadow [...] 2 lib. parag. 9. Basilius went too far to fetch a fit Paralell out of the Roman Historie, to compare An-dronicus and Alexius with old Fabius and sprightfull Marcel­lus; who might have met in the same Story farre nearer, (be­cause later by 100 yeares) a more lively resemblance in the Consulship of Julius Caesar and Bibulus, whereof the one did all, the other drankeall.

18. The manner of Alexius his death was, that hee had his neck broken with a Bow-string; the punishment in that place, (as still amongst the Turkes) much [Page] used: and in this Tyrants Reigne, An. Dom. 1181. the string did cruelly strangle more at home, than the Bow did valiantly kill abroad. This Bow-string (to make a short digression) was an Instrument whereon Andronicus used to play, and sportingly to make much Mirth and Musick there­on to himselfe, calling it his me­dicine for all Malladies. For whereas (said he) Purges were base, Vomits worse, Cupping painfull, Glisters immodest, bloud-letting Cruell; this Bow­string had all the opposite good qualities unto them. And the same did quench the heat of Fea­vers, draine the moisture of Dropsies, cure Plurisies without piercing a veine, stay the Verti­go, heale the Strangurie, by opening the Urine, and onely stopping the breath. This being one base humour of Andronicus, (unworthy Civility and Chris­tianity) [Page] to breake iests on men An. Dom. 1181. in miserie, just as they were to dye. As for the Corps of Alex­ius (on whom he had practised with his foresaid Medicine,) they were most unworthily handled, and dead Bodies, though they cannot bee hurt, may bee wrong'd, especially of such eminent persons.

19. Now to refresh the Rea­der a-mid'st so many murders, and Massacres; it will not be amisse, to insert an unexpected Marriage. Alexius left Anna an Empresse Dowager. And some days after her husbands death, he addressed himself a Sutor unto her, being to encounter with in­vincible disadvantages. First he came reaking with the bloud of slaine Alexius. And what hope could hee have that shee would embrace that Viper, that had stung her other-selfe to death! Secondly the dispropor­tion [Page] of his Age, being past 70. An. Dom. 1181. and what motly colour'd Mar­riage, would it make to joyne his gray to greene! his cold No­vember being enough to kill her flourie May. Notwithstanding all this, he had formerly been so flesh't with fortune, he conceived he could never bee leane after­wards; and knew that in mat­ters of this nature, confidence in attempting, is more than halfe the way to successe.

20. First, He possess'd himselfe of her judgement, and made her beleeve, that all his former un­dertakeings, were in service to her, grieving that Alexius did not valewe the Pearle he wore. He protested there was nothing about him, but his haires, which were dyed white, not by his Age, but by his Carefulnesse for her preservation. Then, He assaulted her affection, principally pres­sing that Argument, which was [Page] never propounded to a meere An. Dom. 1181. woman, & returned with a deni­all, namely, assuring her of power & greatnes, promising she should be the Conduit, through which al his favours should passe, and all his people under his com­mand, should be blest or blasted by her Influence, neither were gifts wanting, & those of the lar­gest size, bestowed on her servāts, (who promoted his cause) and the dullest Bodies worke on the most subtile Soules, by the me­diation of such Spirits.

21. Now, whether it was out of Childishnesse, not being full fourteene, or out of feare, being farre from her friends, and her Person in his power; or out of pride, loath to abate of her former State; she assented to his desire. But to speake plainely, he sheweth him selfe to have store of leisure, and want of worke, who is imployed to finde a Root [Page] in Reason, for all the fruit that An. Dom. 1181 growes from Francie: Sufficeth it, she loved him, affirming it, it was no wonder, that he should take a poore Ladies Affections captive, whose valour in the Field, had subdued the most manly of his Enemies.

22. To make this story passe for probable, we may fellow it, with the like in our English Chronicles. RICHARD the, Third, though not so old, more ugly, then ANDRONICUS, obtained the love, and was matried to the Countesse of Warwicke, the Relictt of Prince Edward (sonne to King Henry the sixt) whom the same Richard had slaine at Teuxbury, she knowing so much, and he not denying it, They were Name­sakes, both Ann's, and when they had cast up their Audit, both, I beleeve, might equally boast of their Bargains.

[Page]23. But Andronicus who was An. Dom. 1181. never unseasonably Amorous (but had his Lust subordinate to his Ambition and cruelty, when they gave him leave, and leasure to prosecute his pleasure) was not softned by the Dalliance of Marriage, to remit any thing of his former Tyranny. He pro­tested that he counted the day lost, wherein he had not kill'd or tortur'd some eminent Per­son: Or else, so planett-struck him with his frownes, that he enjoyed not himselfe after. He never put two men together to death after the same way; as not consisting with his state to weare one torture threed-bare, but ever appeared in exchange, & variety of new māner of punish­ments. And if any wonder, that there was not a generall insur­rection made against this mon­ster of mankind, to rend him from the Earth; Know that he [Page] had one humour, that did much An. Dom. 1181. helpe him, in being sterne and cruell to Noble men; but affable and courteous to poore people, and so still kept in with the vul­gar. Besides, many stately Stru­ctures he erected, and sweetned his cruelties with some good acts for the Publick. Now, that we might not seem to have wee­ded the life of Andronicus, or to be a kin to those flyes, which travelling by many fragrant Flowers, onely make their resi­dence, on some sore, or Dung­hill, wee will recount some of his good deeds, and pitty it was, that they had not proceeded from a better Author.

24. Hee surveyed the Walls of Constantinople, and mended them, wheresoever the chinkes thereof did call for reparation. Hee pluckt downe all the buil­dings without (yet so, that the owners sustained no losse there­by) [Page] for feare in case of an ene­mies An. Dom. 1181. invasion, those houses might serve them for Ladders to scale the City with more ease. Thus all Constantinople was brought within the compasse of her Walls, (as she remaines at this day) not like many ill pro­portioned Cities in Europe, which groane under over-great Sub­urbs (so that the Children over-top the Mother) and branch themselves forth into out-Streets, to the impairing of the root, both weakning and impoverishing the City it selfe. Hee bestowed great cost in ador­ning the Porphyrie Throne, which an Usurper did provide and beautifie, for a lawfull Prince to sit upon it. Hee brought fresh Water, (a Treasure in that place) through a Magnificent Aque­duct, into the heart of the City, which after his death, was spoy­led out of spight (as private Re­venge [Page] in a furious fit, oft im­paires An. Dom. 1181. the publike good) peo­ple disdaining to drink of his water, who had made the streets runne with bloud. His benefacti­on to the Church of forty Mar­tyrs amounted almost to a new founding thereof, intending his Tombe in that place, though it was arrant presumption in him, who had denyed the right of Se­pulture to others, to promise the Solemnity thereof unto him­selfe.

25. But that which gained him the greatest Reputation far and neare, even amongst those that never saw his face, was, an Edict for the saving of Ship-wrackt goods. There was amongst the Greeks a constant practice, foun­ded in Crueltie, and strengthned by Custome; that if a Vessell was discovered in danger of drowning, those on the shore, [Page] like so many ravenous Vultures, An. Dom. 1181. flockt about that Carkasse, to pick out the eyes thereof, the wealth therein. These made all their Hay in foul weather, which caused them not onely duely to wait, but heartily to wish for a Tempest: And as the wicked Tenants in the Gospel conclu­ded to kill the Heire that so the Inheritance might bee their owne, These remorselesse men, to pre­vent future Cavills and clamours about the goods; dispatcht the Mariners, alwayes by wilfull neglecting their preservation, & too often by downe-right con­triving their destruction. More cruell then the verie stocks and stumps of Trees, which growing by Rivers sides; commonly hang over the water, as if out of pi­ty, tendring their service to such as are in danger of drowning, & stooping downe to reach their [Page] hands to help them to the shore. An. Dom. 1181. Now, Andronicus taking this barbarous Custome into Consi­deration, forbad it, for the time to come, on most terrible pe­nalties, (and this Lion, if enra­ged, would by his loudnesse, roare Hearing into the deafe) and enjoyned all to improve their utmost endeavours, for the preservation of their persons. Hence followed such an alterati­on, that shipwrack't goods, if floating to land, safely kept themselves without any to guard them. Men would rather blow their fingers, than heat their hands with a rotten Planke▪ rather goe naked, than cover themselves with a rag of Ship­wrackt Canvas: It was ominous to steale the least inch of of a Cable, lest it lengthned it selfe in­to an Halter to him that tooke it. All things were preserved e­qually [Page] safe, of what value so­ever, An. Dom. 1181. and untold Pearle, might lye on the Shore untoucht, like so many Oyster-shells. This dispersed the fame of his Ju­stice and Mercy into forraigne parts: And as Sounds which are carried a-long by the Rivers side, having the advantage of hollow Banks, and the water to convey them, are heard soo­ner and quicker, then Sounds of the same lowdnesse, over the Land; So the Maritim Actions of Princes, concerning Trading, wherein Strangers, as wel as their owne Native Subjects are inter­essed, report them to the world in a higher Tone, and by a quic­ker passage, than any Land-lockt Action of theirs, which hath no further influence, but onely terminates in their owne King­dome. Yea this one ingratiating Decree of Andronicus, did set [Page] him up with so full stock with An. Dom. 1181. Reputation, that upon the bare credit thereof, might now runne on skore, the committing of ma­ny Murthers, and never have his Name once called to Ac­compt for any injustice therein.

26. And as the Sea-men by water, so the Husband-men by land (and those wee know have strong Lungs, and stout sides) cryed up the fame of Androni­cus, because he was a great pre­server of Tillage, and Corne was never at more reasonable rates than in his Reigne. Hee cast a strict eye on all Customers and Tax-gatherers, and (as evill Spirits are observed to walk much about silver Mines) so An­dronicus did incessantly haunt all publique receivers of money; and if finding them faulty; oh excellent sport for the people to see how those Sponges were [Page] squeezed! He allowed large and An. Dom. 1181. liberal maintenance to all in pla­ces of Judicature, that want might not tempt them to cor­ruption. Thus, even the worst of Tyrants light sometimes on good actions, either stumbling on them by chance, or out of love (not of vertue, but) of their owne security. They are wic­ked by the generall Rule of their lives, and pious by some Ex­ceptions, just, by fits, that they may be more safely unjust when they please. And hereby Andro­nicus advanced himselfe to bee tollerable amongst Man-kinde.

27. Wee could willingly af­ford to dwell longer under the Temperate Climate of his Ver­tues; but Travellers must on their journey. Comming now to the Torrid Zone of his Fury, which indeed was not habitable: His Foes hee executed, because [Page] they were his foes; and his An. Dom. 1181. friends, because they were his friends. For they that let out a Courtesie at Interest to a Ty­rant, commonly lose the Prin­cipall: Witnesse Conto-Stepha­nus, the great Duke, Admirall of the Galleyes, who by betray­ing his trust, brought Androni­cus to Constantinople, and now fairely had his eyes put out. As for Georgius-Dissipatus, Andro­nicus intended to roast him, be­ing a Corpulent man, upon a Spit, affirming that such fat Ve­nison wanted no Larding, but would baste it selfe, and meant to serve him up as a dainty dish in a Charger or Tray, to his Widdow, had not some interve­ning accident diverted it. He made a bloudy Decree, which had a traine of indefinite, and unlimited extent, and would reach as farre as the desire of the [Page] measurer: namely, that all such An. Dom. 1181. of the nobility which were, now, or should, hereafter, be cast into Prison; should bee executed without any legall Triall, with their Children and Kindred. Prince Manuel, (whose worst fault was, that Andronicus begat him) in vaine opposed this De­cree, alleaging this to be the ready way for his Father to un-Emperour himselfe, by de­stroying that Relative Title, and leaving himselfe no Sub­jects.

28. But Andronicus had found Scripture, whereby to justifie his Act, and brought St. Rom. 7. 19, 20. Paul for his Patron, whose practise and confession hee cited. For the Good that I would, I doe not; But the evill which I would not, that I doe. Now if I doe that I would not, it is no more I that doe it, but sinne that dwelleth in me. God [Page] keep us from Apocrypha-Com­ments An. Dom. 1181. on Canonicall Scripture: send us his pure Text without the glosse of Andronicus, who, be­like, conceiv'd hee could not bee a perfect Tyrant, by onely tortu­ring of men, except also he did rack Gods Word, rending Text from Con-text, and both, from their true intent.

29. This Decree startles such Lords of the Combination as were left alive, together with Mamalus, principall Secretary to the late Emperour, and Alexius Ducas, the most Active, but not nearest, Prince of the bloud. These, meeting together, much bemoaned themselves, till Ma­malus counting such puling pas­sion beneath Masculine Spirits, thus uttered himselfe.

30. You late adorers of Andro­nicus, who did conceive it would pose the power of heavē to cure the [Page] State, save oncly by his hand, bee An Dom. 1181. your owne Judges, whether it be not just that they should dye of the Physicke who made a God of the Physitian. Diseases doe but their kind, if they kill, and, an evill ex­pected, is the lesse evill: But no such Torment as to die of the remedie: Onely one helpe is left us, if secret­ly and speedily pursued. We know, Isaacius Angelus by birth and merit is intitled to the Crowne. True, hee lives privately in a Co­vent, but worth cannot bee hid, it shines in the darke; and Great­nesse doth best become them to weare it, by whom it is found, be­fore it is sought for, as more deser­ved then desired by them: say not that he is of too milde a dispositi­on; for, his soft temper will make the beter Pultis for our sore necks, long gauled with the yoke of Ty­ranny. And seeing we have thus long been unhappy under the ex­tremities, [Page] the childe-hood of A­lexius, An. Dom. 1181. and old yeares of Andro­nicus, let us try our Fortunes un­der the middle age of Isaacius: And no doubt we shall light on the blessed meane and happy temper of Moderation.

31. The motion found enter­tainment beyond beliefe. And yet Alexius Ducas offer'd it to their consideration; that so meek a Dove would never make good Eagle: Giving a Character, how a Prince should be accomplished with valour and experience, by insinuation designing himself. It is pleasant to heare a proud man speaking modestly in his owne praise, whilst the Auditors affect a wilfull deafenesse, and will not heare his whispering, and slen­ting expressions, till at last hee is faine to hollow downe-right Selfe-flattery into their Eares. Here it fared thus with Ducas, [Page] who thereby only, exposed him­selfe An. Dom. 1181. to contempt: and perceiving no successe, zealously concurr'd with the rest for advancing of Isaacius. All necessary particu­lars were politiquely contrived, each one had his taske appointed him: some, to seize on the ships, others, to secure the Pallace, make good the great Church: and the whole modell was exact­ly methodized, considering the vast Volumne thereof, which consisted of many persons of qualitie therein ingaged.

The Fourth Booke.

1. BUT, great designes, An. Dom. 1182 like wounds, if they take Arie, corrupt. This project, against Andronicus, could not be covert­ly carried, because consisting of a medly of persons, of different tempers, and un-suiting soules, having private intents, to them­selves, not cordiall, uniting their affections, but only Freinds, for the time being, against the com­mon Foe: So that, through the Riftes, and chinks of their se­verall aimes and ends, which could not be joynted close to­gether, [Page] the vigilancie of Andro­nicus An. Dom. 1182. did steale a glymps of their designe, apprehensive enough to light a candell for himselfe form the sparke of the smallest discoverie.

2. And now, let him alone to prevent their proceedings, by cutting both them and theirs off (that no mindfull heire might succeed to their spite) and that with all posible speed; for hee steer'd his actions, by the compas of that character, which one made of him, as followeth.

I love at leasure, favours to bestow:
And tickle men by dropping kindnesse slow,
But my revenge, I in one instant spend,
That moment which begings it, doth it end.
Halfe doing undoe's many, 'tis a sinne
Not to be soundly sinfull; to begin,
And tire; I'le do the work. They strike in vain,
Who strike so, that the stricken might complain.

.3 Mamalus was the first who was brought to Execution, on [Page] this manner. A mighty fire was An. Dom. 1182. made, and to provoke the Ty­rannie thereof (as if that pure Element of it selfe had been too fine and slender, effectually to torment him) they made the flame more stiffe, and stuffie, by the mixture of pitch and brim­stone. Then Mamalus was brought forth starke naked, in­somuch that all ingenuous be­holders, out of a modest Sympa­thy, conceived, that they saw themselves naked, in seeing him: and therefore, (as much as lay in their power) they covered him, by shutting their eyes. When the Souldiers with Pikes, were provided to thrust Mamalus into the fire, whil'st many Spec­tatours durst not expresse their pittie to him, out of pittie to themselves; lest commisera­ting of him, should be under­stood complying with him; but [Page] were cautious to confine their An. Dom. 1182. Compassion, within the Com­passe of their brest, that it should not sallie forth, into their eyes, and outward gestures.

4. Betwixt this Dilemma of Deaths, the sharpe Pikes of the Soldiers on the one side, & furie of the fire, on the other; he pre­ferred the former, not as most honourable, and best complying with a militarie Soule; (not being at leasure alasle, in time of tor­ment, to stand on termes of cre­dit,) but as least painfull. But the Soldiers denied him this choyce, and forc'd him into the fire; and then hearing his Shreekes, even those who refus'd, out of favour, to give any pitie to his person, could not, out of justice, denie the payment of some compas­sion, (bound there-unto, by the Specialtie of Humanitie) unto his miserable condition.

[Page]5. Meane time, Andronicus An. Dom. 1182. was a spectatour, tickling him­selfe with delight, only offend­ed, that the sport was so short, and Mamalus dead too soone. The stench of whose burning flesh (offensive to others) was a perfume to him, who had the Roman-Nose of Caligula, Nero, Domitian, and such Monsters of crueltie. And, as he pleased his owne Smell, with the Odour of Revenge; his Sight, with be­holding the execution; his Eare with the Musicke of his enemies dying Groanes: So, there want­ed not those that wish't, that his other Senses, were also imployed, according to his deserts, his Touch, and Tast, that they migh feelingly partake of the torture of the fire. Thus died Mamalus, scarce twenty four yeares of Age, before the Bud of his youth had opened into a flower; ha­ving [Page] in his parts, not only pro­mises, An. Dom. 1182. but some Assurance, that the hopes of his future worth, should be plentifully performed, had not this untimely Accident prevented it.

6. Lapardas acted next on the Scaffold, though not condemned todeath, but to have his Eyes bo­red out: His Extraction was No­ble, State Greate, Pride greater; to maintain which, he contrived the Advancing of Andronicus to the Throne: the under ground Foundation of whose Greatnes, was closely laid, by Lapardas, whil'st he left the vilible Struc­ture thereon, to others. Like a Mole he conveyed his train, clos­ly spurring on Basilius (who po­sted of himself,) to Act in odious Projects, whil'st himselfe sculk't unseen; hoping, if matters held, to be rewarded by Andronicus, for his secret Service; if they miscari­ed, to provide for his own safety; [Page] seeing none could challenge him, An. Dom. 1182. of any appearing open ill Ac­tion, wherein he was engaged.

7. But quickly he fell off of his speed in serving Andronicus, whether, because he conceived his deserts found not a propor­tionable Reward: or, because he bare a love to the person of Alexius: or, because he was not perfectly bad, and fainting in the way of wickednesse, could not keep pace therein, with the fast and wide strides of Andro­nicus: or, which is most probable, he slowly perceived his Errour, that Tyrants plucke downe those staires, whereby they ascend to their greatnesse: and then, too late, began to unravell, what he weaved beforer. True it was, he had assisted Andronicus, so long, that he had offended all the side of Isaacius, and had deserted him so soone, that he dis-ingaged all the partie of Andronicus, and [Page] so was unhappy, not to have the An. Dom. 1182. cordiall Affections of either.

8. On the Scaffold hee spake little, expecting that the paine would kill him, confessing he ow'd a Death, to Nature, and a violent Death, to Justice, and for­gave all the world, save his owne selfe. Beholding the Sunne; Farewell (said hee) Life of my life, my night must bee at my noone; and then laying his hands on his eyes: Must I loose you thus? was it because I shot forth wanton Glances? Or, beheld Rivalls, with envious lookes? Or, adored the Shine of gold; that I must thus lose you? Or, was it, because I act­ed in a darke way, to advance the crueltie of a Tyrant; that now all my endeavours are seene by the world, and I must be blinde? However, Gods justice appeares clearest to mee, in the losse of my Eyes. Thus was Lapardas tortu­red: [Page] and though some may think An. Dom. 1182. that Andronicus swerved from his Principle, taking away onely light, not life, from him, and thereby rather more en raging him for, than wholly disabling him from, revenge; yet wee may bee assured, that Tyrant did never so doe his workes by the halfe, but that hee strook out their Teeth, whose Eyes hee bored out, so securing their persons, that he put them past power of doing him mis­chiefe.

9. During this raging cruelty of Andronicus; wee may com­mend, in Theodorus the Patriark, rather his successe, than Policie, (his simple goodnesse being in­capable of the later) who season­ably withdrew himselfe from Constantinople, to a private place he had provided in the Isle of Te­rebynthus: here hee had built [Page] him an handsome house, equal­ly An. Dom. 1182. distant from Envy and Con­tempt, Bravery and Basenesse, so that if Securitie and sweetnesse had had a mind to dwell toge­ther, they could not have found a fitter place for that purpose. Severall Reasons moved him to his speedy removall, besides the avoiding the fury of Androni­cus. First, because Basilius un­dermined him at the Court in his Patriarkship, Theodosius being absent thence, when present there; bearing onely the name and blame, when the other had the power and profit thereof.

10. Secondly, to avoid the sight of People, conceiving e­very Eye which did behold, did accuse him, as a principall cause of their miseries, for helping Andronicus to the Empire. In whom Theodorus had been [Page] strangely mistook, as the best An. Dom. 1182. men are soonest deceived with the painted Piety, and pensive looks of Hypocrites, counting all Gold that shines, all sooth, that is said; betraid by their owne charitie into a good opini­on of others. Lastly, it grieved him to see ignorance and impie­ty so rampant, base hands com­mitting dayly Rapes on the Vir­gin Muses; so that they might now even ring out the Bell, for dying learning, and sadly toll the knell for gaping Religion. Wherefore, as Divines solemnly observe, to goe off of the Bench, just before the sentence of con­demnation is pronounced upon the Malefactor; so this Patriark, perceiving the City of Constan­tinople, Cast, by her owne guilti­nesse, and by the confession of her crying sinnes against her self; thought it not fit for him to stay [Page] there, till divine Justice should An. Dom. 1182. passe a finall fatall doome upon the place, (which he every mi­nute expected) but embraced this private opportvnity of de­parture.

11. Soon after his retiring, he ended his life: we not enquire into his decease, if wee consider his age, accounting now foure­score and foure Winters. And well might his yeares bee recko­ned by Winters, as wanting both Springs, and Summers of Pro­sperity, living in constant affli­ction. And yet the last foure yeares, made more wounds in his heart, than all the former, plow'd wrinkles in his face. He dyed not guilty of any wealth, who long before, had made the poore, his Heires, and his owne hands, his Executors. After hear­ty Prayers, that Religion might shine when he was set, falling [Page] into a pious Meditation; hee An. Dom. 1182. went out as a Lampe, for lack of Oyle: no warning Groane was sighed forth to take his last fare­well, but even he smiled him­selfe into a Corps; enough to confute those, that they bely death, who call her grim and grizely; which in him seemed lovely and of a good Complexi­on. The few servants hee left, proportioned the Funerall, ra­ther to their Masters Estate, than Deserts, supplying in their sor­row, the want of Spices and Balme, which surely must bee so much the more pretious, as the Teares of men are to bee preferr'd before Gums, which are but the weeping of Trees.

12. The Patriarks place was quickly supplyed by Basilus the Bishop, so often mentioned, pre­ferred to the place by the Em­perour. A Patron and Chaplaine [Page] excellently met; for what one An. Dom. 1182. made Law, by his List; the other endeavoured to make Gospel, by his Learning. In stating of any Controversie, Basilius first studied to find out, what Andro­nicus intended or desired to doe therein: and then, let him alone to draw that Scripture, which would not come of it selfe, to prove the lawfulnesse of what the other would practice. Thus, in favour of him, he pronounced the legality of two most ince­stuous matches; and this Greci­an Pope, gave him a dispensati­on to free him from all Oathes of Allegiance, which hee had formerly sworn to Manuel or A­lexius: for this was the Humour of Andronicus, to have Religion along with him, so farre as it lay in his way, courting the compa­ny of pious pretence, (if possib­ly they might be procured) to [Page] countenance his designes: But An. Dom. 1182. in case they were so foule, that no glosse of Justice could be put upon them; hee disdained that Pietie which would not befriend him, and impudently acted his pleasure in open opposition of all Religion.

13. But whilst this Basilius was thus hot about his secular affaires; there wanted not an a­ged Hermite, who took him to taske, and soundly told him his owne, though it made but small impression in him. Meeting him at advantage; Hermites, you know, saith he, hate both Luxu­ry & Complement. In plain truth, I must chide you, that seeing, earth is but your Inne, and heaven your Home; you mistake the first, for the latter. Mans soule is so intent on its present object, that it is impossible, it should attend two callings at the same time, but must [Page] needs make default in the pursu­ance An. Dom. 1182. of one of them. Your tempo­rall intermedling drawes the envy of the Laity, for whose love you should rather labour. Nor are you stor'd with forraign Observations, really to enable you for such un­dertakings. Say not that you may meddle with temporall State-af­faires, and yet not entangle your selfe with them, seeing the world is such a Witch, it is impossible to doe the one without the other. Ob­serve those Clergy-sticklers on the Civill Stage, and you shall seldome finde them Crowned with a quiet death. Remember your Predeces­sour Chrysostome, who did one­ly Pray, and Preach, and Read, and Write, thereby made happy in the despight of his Enemies: For though twice expell'd his Patri­arkship, hee was twice restor'd with greater honour: so that it [Page] was not want of Policy, which lost, An. Dom. 1182 but store of Piety, which caused him to recover his place againe. I speake not this, out of any re­pining at the lustre of your pre­ferment, who envy outward Ho­nour no more than the shining of a Glo-worme, but meerely out of love to your person, and desire of your happinesse.

14. But Basilius, in some pas­sion returned, I perceive you are lately broken loose out of your Cell, which makes you more fierce and keen, like Hawkes when they are first un-hooded, and newly re­stored to the light. Know, Sir, one may well attend two Callings, if they bee sub-ordinate, as the meanes and the end. All my secu­lar Businesse is in order to the good of the Church. The love of the Laity unto us, without some awe mingled with it, can neither be long-lasting, or much service­able. [Page] My Education hath admit­ted An. Dom. 1182. me into generall Learning, and made mee capable of any imploy­ment. I deny not the World to be a Witch, but I know how to arme my soule with holy Spells against all her Inchantments. Whereas you say, one cannot meddle with worldly matters, but must in­tangle himselfe therewith, it is all one, as if you should affirme, that a temperate man cannot eate meate but he must surfet. Proofes from the event, argue not the ju­stice or injustice of the Act; and nothing can be inferred from the ill successe of our medling in se­cular affaires. To your instance of Chrysostome, I oppose the example of Augustine Bishop of Hippo, who set in full brightnes, and yet kept a Court in his owne house, where he umpir'd and de­cided all temporall controversies. You trample on that which you [Page] call pride in me, with that which An. Dom. 1182. is so in your selfe. And all this proceeds out of spight, because you cannot turne your Cowle into a Mitre.

15. But Basilius was deafe to all these perswasions, and joy­ning with Hagio-christophorites Stephanus, (chiefe Enginier for Andronicus) advanced all cruell designes. And now Mamalus and Lapardus being executed, all o­thers were possest with a Panick feare: and no wonder when the string is broken, if the Beads be scattered. It being feared, that the Plot miscarryed, they strove to make themselves innocent, by first making others guilty. And yet it was vaine to take the pains who should start quickest, when they all met even at the Post: For Andronicus took order that they were all alike executed.

16. There were two of his [Page] Creatures, Trypsycus, and Hagio­christophorites An. Dom. 1182. Stephanus, who onely fell out, who should bee most officious to him: Each had the other in jealousie, fearing his Rivall would engrosse the Emperour unto him. Especial­ly, Stephanus, was fearefull of Trypsycus; understanding that Andronicus wrote private Let­ters unto him, stiling him, his Beloved friend, with other ex­pressions, which spake more intimacy than Stephanus was willing to heare. This Trypsy­cus had been a dangerous Pro­moter in all company, Repre­senting to Andronicus every syllable spoken against him, to the disadvantage of the spea­ker: and as one saith, (I con­ceive rather in the Language of the times, than his owne) Eve­ry man then was to give an ac­count of every idle Word. It [Page] happened therefore that one An. Dom. 1182. was procured, who accused TRYPSYCUS for jeering of JOHN the Emperours eldest Sonne for Deformed, and that he scattered some loose expres­sions▪ bewailing the Miserie of the Times. Now, though the grear Service which TRYP­SYCUS had done, might de­serve to over-weigh so light an Offence; it cost him his Life, Confiscation of his goods and Ruine of his Posterity.

17. Now hath STEPHA­NUS roome to Domineere a­lone in the favour of AN­DRONICUS, sending him to seize on ISAACIUS, who for the present was got out of his Covent. It was past the skill of the Spannel to catch him, who dived for the instant, but we shall find him in due time above water, and that to purpose.

The fift Book.

1. SECURITY is the An. Dom. 1183. Mother of dan­ger, & the Grand­mother of destru­ction. Let AN­DRONICUS bee a proofe hereof, who now, nearest to his ruine, grew most confident, as conceiving he had stopp't every cranny, where danger might creep in, and therefore in a bra­very, he sent a defiance to For­tune her selfe, which notwith­standing, was returned with his owne speedy overthrow.

2. Yet could hee not justly complaine, that he was suddenly surprised, seeing Nature might [Page] seeme to have gone out of her An. Dom. 1183. way, to give him warning, and Nemesis did not hunt him so fast, but that she allow'd him faire Law to provide for himselfe, by several Prodigies which hapned at that time. But Andronicus, not onely against the full intent, but almost visible meaning, of the same Accidents, did make a je­sting Construction of them, and and was deafe to the loud lan­guage of all ominous passages, as not relating unto him.

3. Being told of the apparition of a Comet, (no leiger-starre of Heaven, but an extraordiany Embassadour) portending his death, as some expounded it; he skoffingly replyed, that hee was glad to see the heavens so mer­ry, to make Bone-fires, for his Triumphs: And what was a Co­met, but the Kitchin-stuffe of the aire, which blazing for [Page] a while, would goe out in An. Dom. 1183. a snuffe: Adding, that that Starre might presage the fall of some Prince, that wore long haire, whereas, his was short e­nough. When another told him of an Earth-quake, which had lately happened; I am glad, saith he, that the Mother-Earth, sicke of of the Collick, had so good a vent for a winde: Being informed that the Statue of Saint Paul, (his Titulary Saint) was seene to weep; he evaded the sad presage thereof, by distinguishing on Teares, therebeing an Harmony in their language, as bearing not onely different, but contrary Sences, proceeding either from Mirth or Mourning; and there­fore, that weeping might pro­bably fore-shew good successe. In a word; All serious and so­lemne Omens, he tuned to a je­sting meaning, keeping him­selfe [Page] constant to his first prin­ciple; An. Dom. 1183. That, Fortune; when fear'd, is a Tyrant; when, scorn'd, is a Cow­ard. But, though hee unjustly perverted the sense of these Pro­digies; the event did truely in­terpret them in his destruction.

4. For Isaacius Angelus per­secuted by the Executioner, fled into the great Church, (in those dayes, the Sanctuary at large for Innocents) where, making an Oration to the people, he ex­ceeded Expectation, and himself; as if hitherto he had thriftily reserved his worth (a serious, others say, simple man) to spend it more freely when occasion required it. He spake not like those mercenary people, which make their tongue, their ware, and Eloquence, their Trade; but, he uttered himselfe so patheti­cally, that he did not court At­tention, [Page] but command it. Hee An. Dom. 1183. made both his Innocence, and the cruelty of Andronicus, to ap­peare so plaine, that the people not onely afforded him, pro­tection for the present; but al­so, bestowed on him Sove­raignty for the future, and in­stantly elected, and proclaimed him, Emperour of Greece.

5. Stand wee here still, and wonder what should be the Rea­son, that Andronicus should suf­fer this Isaacius, next Prince of the bloud, so long safely to sur­vive, who had cut off other Per­sons of lesse danger, & lower de­gree. Wee cannot ascribe it to his incogitancy, as inconsistent with his vast memorie, to forget a matter of such importance; lesse can we impute it to his Pitty, as if sparing him out of compas­sion: seeing that a Thred might [Page] sooner hope to be prolonged un­der An. Dom. 1183. the knife of of Atropos, than any to finde favour under his impartiall crueltie. Was it not then because he had him in his power? and counting himselfe sure to seize on him at pleasure; reserved him, as Sweet-meat, to close his stomack, when first hee had fed on severall Dishes of courser Diet: Or, because hee slighted him, as a narrow-hear­ted man, religiously bred in a Covent, unfit for a Campe, the object rather of his contempt, than feare; for that his hands might seeme tied with his Beads, from being dangerously active, in the State. But, let us remove our wondring at this neglect of Andronicus, to make roome for our admiration of divine Pro­vidence, who confounded this Politician in his owne cunning. Thus the most expert Gamsters may sometimes over-see; and, [Page] Traitors, though they be carefull An. Dom. 1183. to cut downe all Trees, which hinder their ambitious Prospect; wil unawares leave one still stan­ding, whereof their owne Gal­lowes may be made.

6. Immediately all the Pri­sons in the City were set open, and those petty sinks of disso­lute people emptied themselves into a common Sewer, and be­came into a tumultuous Tor­rent. Headlong they haste to the Pallace of Andronicus, where, not finding him at home, they wreckt their spight upon that beautifull building, and sumptu­ous furniture therein. Should I insist upon particulars, all sorts of Readers would be sadded there­with. Ladies would lament the losse of so many Pearles and pre­cious stones, whose very Ca­ses were Jewells. Souldiers be­moane the spoyling of so mag­nificent an Armorie. But Schol­lers [Page] would be most passionate, to An. Dom. 1183. bewaile the want of that Libra­rie so full fraught with rarities, that nothing abated the Preti­ousnesse, but the Plenty of them. Many Records, (the Staires whereby Antiquaries climbe up into the knowledge of former times) were torne in pieces, though wee need not believe them so old, as that some of them had escaped Noah's floud, and were now drowned in a po­pular Deluge.

7. Nothing was preserved whole and entire. Whether, because they pretended some Religion in Revenge, as not ai­ming, out of Covetousnesse, to enrich themselves, but, out of Ju­stice, to punish the Tyrant; or because they thought the very Goods of Andronicus, were be­come evill, guilty of their ow­ners faults; and therefore were [Page] all to be abolished as execrable: An. Dom. 1183. yea, as if the very Chappel it self, which hee had built, had been un-hallowed, by the Prophane­nesse of the Founder; with all the Utensils thereof, it was defa­ced. A stately Structure it was, ANDRONICUS not be­ing of their opinion, who concei­ving an holy horrour to live in darke and humble Cells; fancie not Triumphant Churches, for feare that their Hearts bee there lost in their Eyes. But he profes­sed his Devotion to rise with the roofe of the Church; so that his soule seemed to anticipate hea­ven, by beholding the Earnest thereof in a beautifull Temple. However, now his Chappell was layd flat to the ground; and, a­mongst other things therein, of inestimable value, the Letter, which, by tradition, was reported to bee written by Christs owne [Page] hands, to Abgarus King of Edessa, An. Dom. 1183. then was embezeled. So irresist­able is the Tyrany of a Tumult; and therefore, it may be all good mens Prayers, that the People may either never understand their own Power, or alwayes use it a-right.

8. Andronicus, as we said be­fore, had secretly conveyed him­selfe away. Who would not have thought, but that this great Fen­cer should have been provided of variety of Guards, against all the crosseblows of Fortune; at least, to have had some impregnable place, neare hand, to retire un­to? Whereas hee had no other Policy to escape, than that poor shift, which the silly simple Hare useth against the Hounds, by flying before them. Indeed, had the Conspiracy against Androni­cus, been but locall, or partiall, so that hee had had any sound part [Page] to begin on, he would probably An. Dom. 1183. have made resistance, (as Phy­sitians must have some strength of Nature in their Patient, to practice on;) but the defection from him was so generall and u­niversall, hee found not any ef­fectuall friend left him. Onely hee had scrap't together a masse of Coyne, more trusting in mo­ney, than men hoping, in for­raigne parts, to buy some friends therewith; knowing that Gold, if weight, is currant in all Coun­tries. Then taking Anna his Em­presse, and Maraptica his whore, with some few servants, he durst confide in, and the Treasure hee had formerly provided; he made speede, in a Pinnace, through the black Sea, to the Tauro-Scythians, out of the bounds of his Em­pire, hoping there to liue in quiet. And because we have men­tioned Anna the Empresse, wee [Page] cannot passe her by in silence. An. Dom. 1183 For if one would draw a map of miserie, to paire like yeares, with like mis-hap, 'tis hard to finde a fitter Patterne.

9. Daughter shee was to the King of France, being married a childe (having little list to love, and lesse, to aspire) to the yong Emperour Elexius, whilst both their yeares, put together, could not spell Thirty. After this, shee had time too much, to bemoane, but, none at al, to amend, her con­dition, being slighted and neg­lected by her husband. Oft-times, being alone (as sorrow loves no witnesse) having roome, and leisure to bewaile her selfe, shee would relate the Chronicle of her unhappinesse, to the Walls, as hoping to finde pitie, from stones, when men prov'd unkind unto her. Much did shee envie the felicity of those Milk-maids, [Page] which each morning passe over An. Dom. 1183. the Virgin-dew, and Pearled­grasse, sweetly singing by day, and soundly sleeping at night, who had the priviledge freely to bestow their affections, and wed them, which were high in love, though low in condition: Where­as, Royall Birth had denyed her that happinesse, having neither liberty to chuse, nor leave to re­fuse; being compell'd to love, and sacrificed to the Politique ends of her potent Parents.

10. But Anna, unhappy at her first Voyage, hoped to better her Condition by a second Adven­ture; yet made more haste than good speed, marrying Androni­cus some weeks after the death of Alexius. Surely there is an Annus luctus, A yeare of mourning, which the modestie of widdowes may doe well to observe, lest neglecting it in their widdow­hood, [Page] it be required of them af­terwards, An. Dom. 1183. with Interest, in the ill successe of their second mar­riage. For, Maraptica, a proud Harlot, but excellent Musician, justled with Anna in the Empe­rours affection: (and halfe an old Husband was too much for a young Lady to spare) and in processe of time, prevailed to obtaine violent possession. The Empresse, knowing her selfe honest, and amiable, stood on her Deserts; not descending to beg that love, which shee concei­ved due unto her, but daring him to detaine it at his owne perill, seeing hee wronged himselfe in wronging of her, forfeiting his Troth, which he had publikely pledged unto her. But, the Cur­tizan, knowing that that love needs Buttresses in Cunning, which hath no foundation in Conscience; applyed her self in [Page] all particulars to bee complizant An. Dom. 1183. to the desires of Andronicus. This Maraptica, though shee had faire fine finges to play on the Lute, had otherwise foule great Clutches, to snatch, graspe, and hold, whatsoever shee could comeby. And knowing that shee had but a short Terme in the Tenement of her greatnesse, (sub­ject both to the mortality and mutabilitie of Andronicus) and withall, that shee was not bound to reparations, therefore cared not what waste shee made; but, by wrong and rapine, scraped toge­ther a masse of money. Meane time, Anna was kept poore e­nough; who, whilst Maid, Wid­dow, and Wife, (twice a Bride, before once a Woman) scarce saw a joyfull day; though borne of a King, and wedded to two Emperours.

11. But to returne to Andro­nicus, [Page] who pursued after by his An. Dom. 1183. guiltie conscience, found no rest in himselfe; so that for nights, sleep was a stranger him. Hee that had put out other mens eyes, could not close his owne; and when Nature in him starv'd, for want of rest, did at last hungerly snatch at short slumbers: Dreams did more ter­rifie, than sleep refresh him. His active fancy in the night did des­cant on what hee had done be­fore. Sometimes, the pale Ghost of Alexius seemed with glowing Pincers to torment him; other­while, Maria Caesarissa stitcht hot burning Needles through his side; and, not long after, two streames of reeking bloud see­med to flow out of the eyes of Lapardas, wherein Andronicus for a while seemed to swimme, till, beginning to sinke, to save himselfe, he caught hold on his [Page] Pillow, and so did awake. An. Dom. 1183.

12. When awaked, his minde was musing upon a Prophesie, which some dayes since was deli­vered unto him: For hee had employed an Agent, unto one Seth, an old Conjurer, to know of him what should be the name of his next successour in the Em­pire. Now, first a great S. was presented in a Bason of wa­ter; and next that, an I. but, both so doubtfully delineated, that they were hardly legible: done on purpose for severall Rea­sons. Because, it stood not with the state of the Prince of Darknesse, to bee over-cleare in his Acts; and those that vent bad Wares love to keep blind shops: Besides, obscurity added venera­tion to his Oracles, and active Su­perstitious Fancies, whet with the difficulty of them, would be sharpe-sighted to read more than [Page] was written. But the maine was An. Dom. 1183. to save his owne credit, taking covert of Mysticall Expressions, that in case Satan should faile in his Answers, hee might lay the blame on mens understanding him.

13. Put then these two Let­ters together, S. I. and read them backwards I. S. by an Hysterosis, & take a part of the whole by a Sy­necdoche; (all favourable Figures must bee used, to piece out the Devills short skill in future Con­tingents) and then Andronicus was told by the Conjurer, hee had the name of his Successor. Aske mee not why Hells Alpha­bet must be read backward, let Satan give an account of his owne Couz'nage; whether out of an apish imitation of the He­brew, which is read retrograde; or, because that ugly filthy Ser­pent, [...] Crawls Cancer-like, [Page] or to make his Answers the more An. Dom. 1183. AEnigmaticall, for the reasons a­fore-said. Andronicus by this I. S. understood I Saurus Comne­nus, who lately, by Usurpation, had set up a Kingdom in the Isle of Cyprus, and therefore alwayes observed him with a jealous eye, and now too late perceives his errour, and findes the Prophesie performed in Isaacius Angelus.

14. Thus, those that are cor­respondents with the Devill, for such Intelligence, have need when they have receiv'd the text of his Answers, to borrow his Comment too, lest otherwise they mistake his meaning. And, men may justly take heed of Cu­riosity, to know things to-come; which is one of the kernells of the forbidden Fruit, and even in our Age sticks still in the throats of too many, even to the danger of choaking them, if [Page] it bee not warily prevented. An. Dom. 1183.

15. Hitherto, what disasters had happened to Andronicus, might partly be imputed to men, and second causes: Whereas now, divine Justice, to have its power praised in its punishmens, seemed visibly to put out a hand from heaven; and he wants eyes, that cannot, or shuts them, that will not, behold it. See now the Gally, wherein he sayled, having having all the Canvas thereof, imployed with a prosperous Winde, when suddenly it was checkt in the full speed, and bea­ten back with fowle weather in­to a small Harbour, called Chele. Soon after, the windes serving againe, hee set forth the second time, and had not made many leagues, when Neptune with his Trident thrust him back againe; such was the violence of the [Page] Seas against him. A third time An. Dom. 1183. he set forth with a faire Gale, when instantly, the wind chan­ging, forced him to returne. Here, what tugging, what Towing, what Rowing! no­thing was omitted, which Art, or Industrie, Skill, or Will, could performe: Andronicus dropping a shower of Gold to the Saylers, to reward the Sweat that fell from them. All in vaine; For as, indeed, hee had offended the Fire, with the Innocents hee burnt there­in: angred the Aire, with hun­dreds of Carkasses, which there­in hee had caused to bee han­ged: provoked the Earth, by burying men alive, in her Bo­some; So, most of all hee had enraged the Water against him, (now mindfull of his Inju­ries) by him made a Charnell­house, [Page] and generall Grave, in­to An. Dom. 1183. which, the body of the young Emperour ALEXIUS was cast, with thousands of his Subjects. God, herein to pre­vent all mis-constructions of Ca­suality (which otherwise men might fasten upon it,) and knowing that men are slow in their Apprehensions, and dull in their Memory to learne the Lessons of his Justice, he re-ite­rated and repeated it three se­verall times, that the most blockish Scholler, might learne it perfectly by heart: This is the worke of the Lord, and it may justly seeme marvellous in our eyes. Thus ANDRONI­CUS was, the third time, sent backe to the place from whence hee came, and so to the place of Execution. For hee was no sooner come to the shore, but [Page] Servants, imployed by ISAA­CIUS, An. Dom. 1183. (who had way-laid all the Ports on the Blacke Sea) stood ready to Arrest him.

The Sixt Book.

1. ANDRONICUS ha­having An. Dom. 1183. now left him neither Ar­my to fight, or legges to flye; (being in the pos­session of his Enemies) betook himselfe to his Tongue, be­moaning his Case, and with Teares begging their favour. But those Eyes, which, weeping in jest, had mock'd others so of­ten, could not now bee trusted, that they were in earnest. The storme at Land was more impla­cable than the tempest at Sea. Two heavy Iron Chaines were [Page] put about his neck, (in Mettle An. Dom. 1183. and weight, different from them he wore before) and loaden with Fetters and Insolencies from the Souldiers; (who, in such Ware, seldome give scant mea­sure) hee was brought into the presence of Isaacius. Here the most mercifull and moderate contented themselves with Tongue-revenge, calling him Dogge of uncleannesse, Goat of Lust, Tygre of Cruelty, Religi­ons Ape, and Envies Basilisk. But, others pull'd him by the Beard, twitch't the haire left by Age on his head, and procee­ding from depriving him of Or­namentall Execrements, dasht out his teeth, put out one of his eyes, cut off his right hand; and thus maimed, without Sur­geon to dresse him, man to serve him, or meat to feed him, he was sent to the publike Prison a­mongst [Page] Theeves and Robbers. An. Dom. 1183

2. All these were but the be­ginning of evill unto him. Some dayes after, with a shaved head crowned with Garliek, he was set on a scab'd Cammell, with his face backwards, holding the Taile thereof for a Bridle, and was led cleane through the Ci­ty. All the Cruelties which he in two yeares and upwards, had committed upon severall per­sons, were now abbreviated and Epitomised on him, in as large a Character, as the shortnesse of the time would give leave, & the subject it selfe was capable of: they burnt him with Torches and Fire-brands, tortur'd him with Pincers, threw abundance of dirt upon him; and withall, such filthinesse, that the Reader would stop his Nose, if I should tell him the composition there­of; it is enough to say, that the [Page] worst thing that comes from An. Dom. 1183. Man, was the best in the mix­ture thereof.

3. Such as consult with their Credit will bee cautious how they report improbable Truthes, fearing they will not be received for. Truths, but rejected for improbable. Efpecially in this Age, wherein men resume their Libertie, conceiving it against the priviledge of their judge­ments, to have their Beliefe, (which should be a Voluntary) prest by the authority of others, to give credit to what beares not Proportion with Likely-hood. Could an old man (such as An­dronicus was) passe the age of man, three-score and ten, who now onely lived by the curtesie of Death to spare him, endure such paine, three miles, through so po­pulous a City? The Poets onely feigned Atlas to be weary of car­rying [Page] of Heaven; but, must not An. Dom. 1183. our Andronicus be either stifled for want of breath, or back-bro­ken with store of weight, under so much earth throwne upon him? And was it possible, that Hee, who, before these times, had one foot in the grave, should have the other not follow after, when driven with such crueltie?

4. To render this likely, we may consider; first, that it was the intent of the People, not to kill, but to torment him. Second­ly, when one Dish is to go clean through a Table of Guests, men are mannerly; all, take some, though none, enough. Besides, he was one of a strong Constitu­tion, whose Brawny flesh Na­ture had knit together with Hor­ny Nerves. And yet, had hee been a weak man; a Candle with glim­mering light will burne long in a Socket, being thrifty of it selfe. [Page] Life was sweet to Andronicus, An. Dom. 1183. under all those noisome smells; and he would not part with it, whilst hee could keep it. But what was the maine, it was possi­ble God might support his life, either out of Justice, or mercie. (And, wee read in Revel. 9. verse 6. Scripture, of Men, that they shall desire to dye, and death shall flee from them.) I say not of Justice, visibly to acquit himselfe, in the eyes of the world, by making such a Monster, the open Marke for Mans Revenge; or out of mer­cy, giving him a long and large time of Repentance, if hee had the happinesse to make use thereof

5. Behold here a strange Con­flict, betwixt the Crueltie of the People on the one side, & the Pa­tience of Andronicus on the o­ther; and yet an indifferent Um­pire would adjudge the Victory [Page] to the latter: No raging, no An. Dom. 1183. Raving, no Muttering, no Repi­ning; but swallowed all in Si­lence: Onely he cryed out, Lord have mercy upon me: And, Why breake yee a bruised Reed! and sensible of his owne guiltinesse, hee seemed contented to passe his Purgatory here, that so hec might escape Hell hereafter.

6. After multitudes of other Cruelties, tedious to us to re­hearse, (and how painfull then to him to endure!) hee was han­ged by the Heeles betwixt two Pillars: In this posture; Hee put the stump of his right Arme, whose wound bleeded afresh, to his mouth, so to quench (as some suppose) the extremity of his thirst, with his owne Bloud, ha­ving no other moysture allowed him. When one ranne a Sword thorough his Back and Belly, so that his very Entralls were seen, [Page] and seemed to call (though in An. Dom. 1183. vaine) on the Bowells of the Spectators, to have some com­passion upon him. At last, with much a-doe, his soul (which had so many doores opened for it) found a passage, out of his body, into another world.

7. Heare, how one of great * Learning, is charitably opinio­ned a Drexeli us upon e­ternity, 5. Considera­tion. p. 147 of his finall Estate, making this Apostrophe to his Ghost: Oh, ANDRONICUS! Oh thou Emperour of the East! how much wast thou bound unto God, whose will it was, that for a few dayes thou shouldst suffer such things, that thou mightest not perish for ever! Thou wast miserable for a short time, that thou mightest not bee miserable for all eternity. I make no doubt, but thou hadst the yeares of Eternity in minde, seeing that thou didst suffer such things so constantly, and couragiously.

[Page]8. But doth not so strong An. Dom. 1183. charity argue a weak judge­ment? Despaire it selfe may pre­sume of salvation, if such an-one was saved. How improperly did he usurp that Expression, com­paring himselfe to a Matt. 12. v. 20. Bruised Reed, when, another Scripture­resemblance was more applyable unto him, of a Isai. 58. v. 6. Bul-rush bowing downe his head; onely top-heavy for the present, with sense of suffering, not inwardly contrited in heart, for the sinnes hee had committed. Must not true Re­pentance have a longer season to ripen it, and by workes ensuing, to avouch to the world the since­rity thereof? Insomuch that, of late, some affirme that the good Theefe on the Crosse did not then first begin, but first renew his Repentance, lately interrup­ted by a fellonious Act. Allow Andronious for a Saint; and we [Page] shall people Heaven with a new An. Dom. 1183. Plantation of Whores and Theeves. (how volumnious will the Booke of Martyrs be, if Paine alone does make them!)

9. On the other side, we must be wary, how, in our Censures, wee shut Heaven-doore against any Penitents. Farre bee it from us to distrust the power of Gods mercy, or to deny the efficacie of true (though late) Repen­tance: the last groan which di­vorces the soule from the body, may unite it to God: though the Arme of his body was cut off, the Hand of his faith might hold. All that I will adde is this, if Andronicus his soule went to Heaven, it is pitty that any should know of it, lest they bee encouraged to imitate the wicked Premises of his life, ho­ping by his Example to obtaine the same happy Conclusion after death.

[Page]10. After his Execution, the An. Dom. 1183. tide of the Peoples fury did turne, who began to love his memory, and lament his Losse: Such as before were blinded with Prejudice against him, could now clearely see many good deeds he had done for the Publique, and began to recount with them­selves, many Sovereigne Lawes, which hee had enacted: some bemoaned the misery which he had endured, as if his punishment was over-proportion'd to his de­serts. Whether this pitie procee­ded out of that generall humour of men, never to value things till they are lost; or, because their re­venge had formerly surfeted up­on him, & now began to disgorge it selfe againe; Or, which is most probable, this Compassion a­rose from the mutability and in­constancy of humane Nature, which hates alwaies to be impri­soned [Page] in one and the same An. Dom. 1183. minde; but being in constant Motion through the Zodiac of all Passions, will not stay long in the same Signe; and sometimes goes from one Extre­mity to another.

11. By this time Isaacius was brought by Basilius the Patri­arch unto the Throne, and pla­ced thereon with all solemnity: then the Crowne was put upon his head, on the top whereof was a Diamond-Crosse, (greatnesse and Care are twins) which Isaa­cius kissed: I welcome thee, said he, though not as a stranger, who have been acquainted with Crosses from my Cradle: Thou art both my Sword and my Shield; for hi­therto I have conquered with suf­fering. Then weighing the Crowne in his hand; it is (faith he) a beautifull burthen, which loads, more than it adornes.

[Page]12. Here Basilius the Patri­ark An. Dom 1183. made a Sermon-like Orati­on unto him, which, as it was uttered with much Gravity, so it was heard with no lesse Atten­tion, and embraced by the Em­perour, with great Thankfulnes. Not presuming, Sir, to teach you what you doe not know, I am in­cited by my Calling, and encou­raged by your Clemency, to put you in minde, of what otherwise you may forget. This Crowne and Sceptre were sent you from Hea­ven; onely we have done our duty in delivering them unto you. And now me thinks, that Divine Ma­jesty perfectly shines in You his I­mage. These our Eyes upheld, & folded hands, and bared heads, and bended knees are due from us to God, and wee pay them to him, by paying them to you his Recei­ver. And wee doubt not, but you will improve the Power and Ho­nour [Page] bestowed on you, for the pro­tection An. Dom. 1183. of the people committed unto you.

13. In a mans body, whilst na­turall Heat and radicall Moisture, observe their limits; all is preser­ved in health: if either exceedes their bounds, the body either drownes, or burnes. It fareth thus in the constitution of the State, betwixt your Power, and our Pros­perity; whilst both agree, they sup­port one another: but, if they fall out, about Masterie, even that which over-comes, will be destroy­ed in a generall confusion. And, if you should betray your Trust, though we bow, and beare, and sigh, and sob, armed with Prayers and Teares; yet know, that our sad Mournings will mount into that Court, where lye the Appeales of Subjects, and the Censures of Soveraignes, which will hea­vily bee inflicted by him, whom [Page] you represent. Speake I not this, An. Dom. 1183. out of any distrust of your Justice, but out of earnest desire of your happinesse, wishing, that the great­nesse of Constantine, Founder of this place, the goodnesse of Jovian, the successe of Honorius, the long life of Valens, the quiet death of Manuel, the immortall fame of Ju­stinian, and what soever good was singl'd on them, may joyntly be hea­ped upon you, and your Posterity.

14. Hereupon followed such a shout of the people, as the old­est man present had not heard the like; and all interpreted it as a token presaging the future felicity of the new Emperour. And thus we have presented the Reader, with the remarkable in­tricacie and perplexity of suc­cesse (as if Fortune were like to lose her selfe in a Labyrinth of her owne making,) winding [Page] backward and forward, within An. Dom. 1183. the compasse of five yeares, with more strange varieties then can easily bee paralell'd in so short a continuance of time.

  • 1. First, Alexius; no Andro­nicus.
  • 2. Then, Alexius; and An­dronicus.
  • 3. Then, Andronicus; and A­lexius.
  • 4. Then, Andronicus; no A­lexius.
  • 5. Then, Isaacius; no Andro­nicus.

Thus, few strings curiously plaid upon by the cunning fin­gers of a skilfull Artist may make much Musick: and Divine Providence made here a miracu­lous harmony by these odd expe­cted [Page] transpositions, tuneing all An. Dom. 1183. to his owne glory.

15. Here I intended to end our History, save that I cannot discharge my Trust, and bee faithfull to the Truth, without taking some speciall observati­on of Basilius. Wee cannot for­get how Active an Instrument hee had been to serve the cru­elty of Andronicus: and when first I looked wishly upon his hands (so busied in wicked em­ployments) I presently read his Fortune, that hee should come to a violent death. The old * Hermite seemed to mee a 4 th. Book 13. Paragr. Prophet, to confirme me in my opinion, (when reproving him for stickling in temporall mat­ters) and my conjectures grew confident, that this Patriarke in processe of time, would ei­ther shake his Mitre from his [Page] head, or his head from his shoul­ders. An. Dom. 1183. And, perchance, if the in­genuous Reader would be plea­sed freely to confesse his thoghts therein, hee was possest with the same expectation.

16. How wide were we from the marke? how blinde is Man in future Contingents? How wise is God, in crossing our conceits, leaving the world a­mused with his wayes; that men finding themselves at a losse, may learne more to adore, what they cannot understand! See Ba­silius, as brave, and as bright as ever; and whilst all his Fellow­servants had their wages paid them by Andronicus, (some made longer in their Necks, o­thers shorter by their Heads) He alone survives in Health and Ho­nour: which made most to ad­mire, what peculiar Antidote [Page] of Soveraigne vertue hee had An. Dom. 1183. gotten, to preserve himselfe from the infectious fury of that Tyrant.

17. But that which advan­ceth this wonder into the Marks of a Miracle, is, that this cunning Pilot, should so quick­ly tacke about, when the winde changed, and ingratiate Him­selfe with Isaacius. When times suddenly turned from Ex­treames; those persons which formerly were first in favour, are cast farthest behinde, and they must bee very active and industrious to recover them­selves. But Basilius by a strange Dexterity, was instantly in the front of Favourites, and, with­out any abatement, carryed it in as high a straine as ever be­fore; and, although (being weary already) I am loath to [Page] travell further into the Reigne An. Dom. 1183. of this new Emperour, to see in the sequell thereof what be­came of Basilius at last; yet, so farre as I can from the best cho­sen Advantage discerne and discover his successe; no signall Punishment, aboue the ordinary Standard of Casualities, did be­fall Him; and, for ought appears to the contrary, hee dyed in his bed.

18. Of such as seriously con­sider this Accident, some per­chance may bee so well stockt with Charity, as to conceive, that hee repented of his for­mer Impiety; and, thereupon, was pardoned by Heaven, and came to a peaceable end. O­thers may conceive, that as, when a whole Forrest of Trees is felled, some aged, eminent, Oake, by the high-wayes side, [Page] may bee suffered to survive, as An. Dom. 1183 uselesse for Timber, because de­cayed; yet, usefull for a Land­marke, for the direction of Tra­vellers; for Basilius being now aged, and past dangerous Activi­ty, was preserved for the Infor­mation of Posterity, and (when all others were cut downe by cruell deaths,) he left alone to instruct the insuing age of the Tragicall passage which had hap­pened in his Remembrance. But the most solid, and judicious will expresse themselves in the language of the 1 Tim. 5. 24. Apostle, Some mens sinnes are open before-hand, going before to judgement, and some mens follow after. All no­torious offenders are not pub­lickly branded in the World with an infamous Character of shame or paine: but some carrie their sinnes concealed, and re­ceive [Page] the reward for them in an­other An. Dom. 1183. world.

19. It onely remaineth, that wee now give the personall de­description of Andronicus, so farre forth as it may be collected from the few extant Authors which have written thereof.

I. His Stature.

HEE was higher then the ordinary sort of Men. He was seven full feet in length (if there be no mistake in the difference of the mea­sure.) And whereas, often the Cock-loft is empty, in those which Nature hath built many stories high; his head was suf­ficiently stored with all Abi­lities.

II. His Temper.

OF a most healthfull Con­stitution, of a lively Co­lour, and vigorous Limbes, so [Page] that he was used to say, that he could endure the violence of a­ny Disease for a Twelve-month together by his sole naturall strength, without being behol­ding to Art, or any assistance of Physic.

III. His Learning.

HEE had a quicke Appre­hension, and solid judge­ment, and was able on any e­mergent occasion, to speake rationally on any Controversie in Divinity. Hee would not a­bide to heare any Fundamentall Point of Religion brought in­to question; insomuch, that when once two Bishops began to contend about the meaning of that noted place, My Father is greater than I am; Androni­cus suspecting that they would [Page] fall foule upon the Arrian He­resie, vowed to throw them both into the River, except they would bee quiet, A way to quench the hottest Disputa­tion, by an in-artificiall An­swer, drawne from such Au­thoritie.

IIII. His Wives.

FIRST, Theodora Commenia, Daughter of Isaacius Seba­basto Crator, his nearest kins­woman; so that the Marriage was most incestuous.

The second, Anna, Daugh­ter to the King of France: of whom, largely before.

V. His lawfull Issue, both by his first Wife.

IOHN COMNENIUS his eldest sonne. It seemes hee was much deformed, and his Soule, as cruell, as his body, ugly. He assisted Hagio Christo­phorita-Stephanus in the stifling of Xene.

Manuel, his second sonne, of a most vertuous disposition. Let those, that undertake the ensu­ing History, shew how both had their eyes bored out by I­saacius.

VI. His Naturall Issue.

I Meet with none of their names, and though hee lived wantonly with many Harlots, [Page] and Concubines: yet (what a Father observeth) [...], Many Wives make few children. And it may be impu­ted to the providence of Na­ture, that Monsters (such as An­dronicus) in this particular, are happy that they are Barren.

VII. His Buriall.

BY publike Edict it was pro­hibited that any should bury his body; however, some were found, who bestowed, though not a solemne grave, yet an ob­scure hole upon him, not out of pitty to him, but out of love to themselves; except any will say, that his Corps, by extraor­dinary stinch, provided its owne buriall, to avoyd a generall an­noyance.


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