SEVERALL LETTERS SENT From His Excellency Sir THOMAS FAIRFAX, AND The Officers of the Army.

TO THE Right Honorable the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of LONDON, in Common-Councell ASSEMBLED.

With their Answer to the said Letters.

Printed by Richard Cotes, Printer to the Honourable City of London, 1647.

[royal blazon or coat of arms]

FOR THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE Lord Major, Aldermen, and Com­mon-Councell of the City of LONDON.

Right Honorable,

WE received yours of the Eighteenth of this instant, whereof, though all passa­ges were not so answerable to our ex­pectation as we hoped, yet we appre­hend the same good affection in you towards this Army, as was expressed in your former Letter: And that not onely from the assurance of the worthy Gentlemen, (your Commis­sioners) again sent to us; but also from that informa­tion we have received of your extraordinary endevors to procure Money for the Army: To prevent further raising or listing of Souldiers, and to procure those already Listed to be disbanded, (some Persons of your Militia onely, having been active for the raising of [...]

And for the things exprest in our Representation though of weighty importance, yet because they will require time, they shall be no occasion to impede our remove, and in the meane time both by Proclamation from his Excellency, and all other wayes we shall en­deavour, That the accustomed supplies to your City, may be freely sent up.

To conclude, we say from our hearts, That as our especiall ends are the glory of God, and the good of this whole Land, so our endeavours shall be to prose­cute the same without prejudice to the being or well-being of Parliament in generall, (the maintenance whereof we value above our own lives) or (as we have formerly said) of this Parliament in particular, but altogether in order to the good and peace of this Na­tion, and with a most tender regard to your City, to which we professe we shall by all actions make good all engagements tending to the security thereof, in what way your selves shall desire, consisting with the good of the whole Kingdome, you making good your mutuall correspondency with us, not doing any thing to our prejudice in the prosecution of our just desires and endeavours.

WE heare (even now) since the writing of this Letter, that (yesterday) divers of the Reforma­does came again (in a threatening manner) to Westmin­ster, the House of Commons then sitting, to the great [Page 5] affrightment and terrour of divers faithfull Members then present, and to discouragement of others from their attendance there; so that we cannot but perceive that the freedome of this Parliament is no better than that those Members (who shall according to their con­sciences endeavour to prevent a second Warre, and act contrary to their wayes, who (for their own preserva­tion) intend it, they) must do it with the hazzard of their lives; which indeed is a thing so destructive to Parliaments, and Freedome, that we conceive our selves in duty bound to endeavour to the utmost to procure redresse therein.

By the appointment of his Excellency Sir THOMAS FAIRFAXand the Councell of Warre. Jo. Rushworth, Secretary.

For the Right Honourable the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Common-Councell of the City of LONDON.

My Lord and Gent.

WEE have in all things dealt clearly and plainly with you, and hope wee shall con­tinue still to doe so. As soon as the worthy Alderman, and the other two Gent. your Commissioners came the last night to us; wee ac­quainted them with our purpose to draw the Head-Quarter to Uxbridge, that so mee might contract our Quarters which have hitherto lien scattered: at which place we hope to receive that which will be satisfacti­on to the Kingdome, and will remove obstructions out of the way of Justice; wherein if right were done, wee should let you and all the world see, that we would be so farre from pressing neer your City of London, it should be indifferent to us to march not onely to the distance already prescribed, but to any part of the Kingdome we should be commanded to by the Parli­ament; we have asked nothing hitherto but right in the things that are knowne, as if they were proved an hun­dred [Page 7] times before them from whom wee have sought them, which if granted would not onely be a Justice to the Army, but would let the Kingdome see the Fountaine in a way to be cleared, without which no­thing of force or power would be a security to any man. We wish the name of priviledges may not lie in the ballance with the safety of a Kingdome, and the re­alitie of doing Justice, which as we have said too often we cannot expect whilst the persons we have accused are the Kingdomes and our Judges; A little delay wil indanger the putting the Kingdome into bloud, not­withstanding what hath bin said, if it be confidered that in wales (besides under-hand-workings in your City) and other places, men are raised, and that in no smal numbers. And are not those men in the Paliament who have continued faithfull to the principles of common interest from the beginning of the Parliament to this very day, still awed by the concourse of Refor­mado Officers and others to their doores? Expence of time will be their advantage only who intend to bring evill purposes to passe: we have written this to you for your satisfaction, that so nothing may be done without giving you a perfect account of our intentions and ends; And still to continue our assurance to you, That should necessity bring us nearer to the City, our former Faith given you shall be observed inviolably, there being nothing more (next the good of the King­dome) in our thoughts and desires, then the prosperity of your City.

By the appointment of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Councell of Warre. Signed; Jo. Rushworth.

For his Excellency Sir Tho. Fairfax, Knight Generall of the Forces raised by the Parliament, and his Ho­norable Councell of War.

May it please your Excellencie, and the honorable Councell of War.

WEe the Major, Aldermen, and Commons in Com­mon-Councell assembled, having received yours to us of the 21. and 22. and your Excellencies to our Committee of the 23. instant; with a Copy of a Remonstrance directed to the Parliament; did send three of that number yesterday to acquaint you with our resolutions thereupon, since which wee have caused Co­pies of those Letters to be presented to both Houses, desiring their direction concerning the residing of some of that Committee continually with you in the head-Quarter; and that according to our former requests the Reformadoes and other Officers and Souldiers raised for the service of the Parliament, might be required forthwith to repaire into their severall Counties, there to receive such satisfaction as is or shall be appointed by Parliament; and that if any Souldiers be listed upon the Votes of the Committee of Lords and Com­mons, and Committee of the Militia, that they may be forth­with discharged. Whereupon severall Votes were made, unto which wee desire to be referred.

Wee have also taken those Letters (with another re­ceived from those wee sent yesterday, and a Copie of a Letter dated the 24. instant, delivered to the Commissioners of Parliament, and yours of the 25. instant) into further consideration, thereby observing the constancie of your ex­pressions, [Page 9] to doe nothing in prejudice either of the Parli­ament or City, and of your purpose by Proclamation, and otherwise, to endeavour that the accustomed supplies of this City may be freely sent up; all which wee doe with all due thankefulnesse acknowledge, and to preserve aright un­derstanding with you, wee have appointed the said Com­mittee, or six of them at the least, continually to reside in your head-Quarter, and do intend to make it our request to the Parliament, that who ever have or shall endeavour to raise any forces to ingage this Kingdome in a new Warre, may be discovered and prevented therein; and that you may receive satisfaction equall to those that have left the Army, so soone as it is possible for the Parliament to performe the same; relying upon the assurance you have given us, that your speciall ends are the glory of God, the good of this whole land, and the safety of Parliament and City. To conclude, the neere approach of your Army to this City, causeth us once more to desire you to take it into your most serious consideration; for albeit you doe not come to offer any violence to us, yet wee have and shall suffer very much in our trade and price of Victualls by reason thereof, which wee hope you will bee so sensible of, as to prevent it in the suture, by removing further off, and by taking such a course that wee may receive no further prejudice either in the one or the other, which is our earnest desire, and that in your in­deavours to save the kingdome from ruine, you doe not o­verthrow the fundamentall constitution of Parliament, which is essentiall to the well-being thereof.

By command of the Major, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common-Councell assembled. Michel.

To the Right Honourable the Lord Major, Aldermen and Common-Councell of the City of LONDON.

IT was last night resolved by the Generall and Councell of War, for present not to Advance any of the Army nearer London; but whereas the Foot (being all quartered then at Watford, Uxbridge, and Colebrook were very troublesome and burthensome to those places, It was onely Ordered, That the quarters of the Foot should be inlarged for the ease of those places; whereupon (by a mistake of that Resolution in the setting out of quarters) some Regiments had quarters assign­ed for inlargement at places lying much forwarder towards London, as far as Harrow on the Hill, Hayes, Cran­ford, Harlington, Bedfont, Feltham and Hanworth; This morning, so soon as this was understood by the Generall and the Officers, there were Orders immediately sent out to stop the Regiments, and now none quartered nearer London then Watford, Rislip, Ikeham, Hellindon, Cowley, Drayton, Hamsworth, Stanwel and Stanes, which make a line about fifteen or sixteen miles distance from London: And to avoid any disquieting to the Par­liament or City upon future apprehensions, His Excellency and His Officers do promise, That there shall be no farther Advance, either of the Army, or any quarters of it, any near­er to London, without timely notice thereof, and of the Reasons of it, to the Parliament and City.

By the appointment of his Ex­lency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Councell of War. John Rushoworth.

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