TO THE FLOCK of CHRIST, Every where to be READ in their ASSEMBLIES.
GRACE, MERCY and PEACE be multiplied among you all from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Fountain of all: And God who hath called you by his Grace, and gathered you to be a People by his Power and Spirit to his Son Christ Jesus, your holy Heavenly spiritual Head, Life, Rock, and Foundation. Now that you may
All walk in Christ Jesus and abide in him your Vine, and in him you will all bring forth Heavenly Fruit, to the Praise and Glory of God.
Christ saies, In me ye have Peace, in the World ye have Trouble; And therefore keep out of the Spirit of the World; Let not the Spirit of the World come into you; for if ye do, ye go into Trouble both Inwardly and Outwardly. But if ye keep in Christ, who is not of the World, you keep in your heavenly Peace and Region: For he that hath the Son of God, he hath Life; and therefore keep in the Life in Christ: And he that hath not the Son of God, is in Old Adam in Death without Life.
And without me (saies Christ) ye can do nothing: without his Grace, his Light, his Truth, his Gospel, his Power, his Spirit, his Faith, ye can do nothing: And if Christ be not in you, you are Reprobates: And if he be in you, and you in him, you are in your Election, and in the seed, in which all Nations are blest.
And therefore my Friends and Brethren, both Males and Females, keep and walk in the seed in which all Nations are blest, which bruises the Head of the Serpent, and destroys the Devil and his Works, which brought Misery and the Curse upon all Nations. So that in this holy seed you all may be the Children of the Kingdom of God that stands in Righteousness and Power, and Joy in the Holy Ghost; I say, in the Righteousness of Christ before unrighteousness was; and in the Power of God, before the power of Satan and Dragon Was; and in the peace of God, that passes all the Ʋnderstanding of the World, and was before the God of the World was; and in the Holy Ghost, which was before the unclean Ghost got into Man and Woman.
And so that you may all come to walk in the New Covenant of Light which was before the Prince of Darkness was, and Life, that is over Death, and before Death was. Here in this you will know your heavenly Region to walk in, which will keep you out of all the Worlds unruly Waies and Actions, and ungracious Words and Languages, that all your Words be season'd with the Grace of God, that hath brought your Salvation, that you may Edifie the Hearers, and your Conversation may be in Heaven.
And keep in the Cross of Christ the Power of God, that keeps you Crucified to the World, that is, Dead to the World; and the World Dead and Crucified to you. For if you do not keep in this Power of God, which was afore the World and its God was, to keep you Crucified to the World, but let in the Spirit of the World, you let in his God which will Crucifie the good in you, and you come to Crucifie to your selves the Son of God afresh, and put him to open shame. Therefore keep that killed and Crucified with the power of God, the Cross of Christ, which did and would Crucifie the Just and then you keep alive in the power of God, and alive in Christ Jesus, and he is alive in you and you in him.
And now, All Friends and Brethren, That your Meekness, your Temperance, and your Gentleness and Sobriety, and Tenderness and Moderation may appear to all men, That your Light may so shine that they my see your good Works, and glorifie your Father which is in Heaven. And ye being the Salt of the Earth, you will make all Savoury: therefore take heed of losing your Salt, lest you be trodden under the feet of Men.
And keep out of the Restless, Discontented, Disquieted Spirit of the World about the Government: For you know it has been alwaies our way to seek the good of all, and to live peacably under the Government, and to seek their Eternal good peace and happiness in the Lord Christ Jesus: and to lay our Innocent Sufferings before them who have suffered as Lambs and Sheep, and made no Resistance; but have prayed for them that Persecuted us and despitefully used us; and hated us, according to the Command of Christ.