Sir Thomas Fairfax's LETTER To the Honorable, William Lenthall Esq Speaker of the House of COMMONS; OF All the Particulars concerning the taking of BRIDGEWATER.
Together with A List of the Persons of quality, and Prisoners taken in the Fight and Town.
ORdered by the Commons in Parliament, That this Letter be forthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.
London, Printed for Edw. Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons, Iuly 28. 1645.
To the Honourable VVilliam Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the House of Commons.
I Dipatched hence Letters yesterday to the Committee of both Kingdoms, which gave some accompt of Gods Blessing upon our endeavours, in the Storm of Bridgewater: On Monday morning last, we gained that part of the Town which lyes on this side the River, and therein above 600. prisoners, divers Officers of quality, and two peece of Ordinance: The Enemy fired that part of the Town, wherein we were immediatly, after our entrance, which continuing all that day, and the next night, burned down all the houses, except two or three; Yesterday, perceiving an obstinate resolution in the Enemy not to yield the Town, I was forced to use those extreamities for the Reducing of it, which brought them immediatly to a Parley, and in short to yield the Town, upon no other terms then bare Quarter: We entred the Town this day, finding great store of Armes and Ammunition, thirty eight peece of Ordnance, above one thousand Prisoners, and amongst them, divers persons of great quality, as you will perceive by the List inclosed. I have not much time to spend here, and therefore did immediatly [Page 4] dispose the Command of it for the present, to Col: Birche, as Governour, wherein I doubt not of your Approbation: And I believe the Commissioners of the Army will offer something further concerning him, for the future settlement of the place: He is a Gentleman of known worth and integrity, and his Regiment at present with Major Generall Massey, and I believe, will with Gods blessing, give you a good account of it: There was found in the Town, a Commission from Prince Charles, to one Philips a Gentleman of this County, to raise a Regiment of Clubmen (which I have sent by Mr. Peters.) I am very desirous to give some encouragement to the Army for their many services, and especially for their honest and sober demeanour this day towards the Prisoners and Town, in refraining that violence and injury, which hath oftentimes brought dishonour upon most of the Armies in this Kingdom, which may be an encouragement to them in the like for the future: I make no doubt but you will be well satisfied in what I shall do, and I assure you, it shall be with as little burthen to the State as may be: I beseech you, Sir, take into your consideration the necessities of the Army for a speedy supply of money, cloathes, and other Provisions, wherewith this Bearer Master Peters will more particularly acquaint you; who can likewise informe you more largly in all particulars of this late Action, then I can now write, I remain
A List of the Prisoners and Persons taken at the Storming of Bridgewater by Sir Tho: Fairfax.
- Sir Iohn Heal,
- Sir Hugh Windham,
- Master Waldron,
- Master War,
- Master Speake,
- Major Sydenham.
- Tho: Elliot, Agent.
- Coll. Winham, Governor.
- Coll. Robert Phillips.
- Colonell Dyer, of Horse.
- Col. Chester.
- Lieut. Colonell Cooper.
- Lieut. Colonell Overton.
- Lieut. Col. Pitman
- Lieut. Col. Miller.
- Lieut. Col. Moon.
- Major Sydenham.
- Major Buskin.
- Capt. Atkin.
- Winter.
- Foulks.
- Tilsdey.
- Boyse.
- Vine.
- Clapton.
- Harvey.
- Read.
- Bessey.
- Culam.
- Clarke.
- Nash.
- Richard Brag.
- Iohn Brag.
- Rawley.
- Wyat.
- Littleton.
- Roberts.
- Hilliard.
- Bryan.
- Iervoys.
- Fry.
- Pyam.
- Philips.
- Consull.
- Pitman.
- Dyamond.
- Stoughton.
- Bond.
- Hamond.
- Caymond.
- Nowell.
- Martyn.
- Iohnson.
- [Page 6] Greenwood.
- Kelsey.
- Cowley.
- Barkin.
- Barnet.
- Lane.
- Powell,
- Iohnson.
- Hauham.
- White.
- Clarke.
- Pet.
- Haynes.
- Read.
- Chalk.
- Bissey.
- Allen.
- Morgan.
- Wake.
- Parfit.
- Tuenie.
- Fouke.
- Sheare.
- Sheapard.
- Leyton.
- Bincham.
- Griffin.
- Stamp.
- Ioanes.
- Bettison.
- Edwards.
- Huggen.
- Belchar.
- Nutlen.
- Willis.
- Highgate.
- Yokney.
- Bell.
- Marlow.
- Fellow.
- Colling-bridge.
- Esmond.
- Gasse.
- Holman.
- Muston, Senior.
- Muston, Iunior.
- Calmer.
- Warman.
- Mordant Spring, Engineer and his man.
- Doctor Web.
- Tho: Clergy.
- Henry Dyer.
- Dodsworth.
- Gerrard, Chirurgion to Prince Rupert, and his Mate.
- Lashoosey, a Frenchman.
- Doctor Rawley Dean of Wells.
- Lacy Priest to Prince Rupert.
- Greenfield.
- Capt. Duton, a Dean.
- Brag.
- Fane.
- Stockman.
- Butler.
- Glover.
- Sydenham.
- Holmes.
- Powell, and others.
- Sir Edw. Savage.
- Master Mallet.
- Master Walrond.
- Coningsby.
- Sydenham.
- Phil: Sydenham.
- Wil: Sydenham.
- [Page 7] Geo: Rawleigh.
- Hen: Rawleigh.
- Clergy.
- Ketney.
- Read.
- Tho: Hopkins.
- Brinsby,
- Greenwood.
- Web.
- Sterney.
- Steyman.
- Smith.
- Andrews.
- Knight.
- Nich. Hollis.
- Hall.
- Prat.
- Collier.
- Edwards.
- Boniface a french man.
- Seaman.
- Sandford.
- Rayman.
- Bruinsweed.
- Dower.
- Marston.
- Hopkins.
- Foster.
- Francis.
Other Officers too many to name, and there were about 1500. souldiers, besides 700. this day taken.
Sir Iohn Digby died in the Town two dayes before the storme; Sir William Courtney shot in both thighs, and conveyed out; women and children went forth the Town: Sir Arthur Ashton taken at Sea, the Colours are gathering up, though most burnt.
Ammunition, forty two pieces of Ordnance, thirty Barrels of Powder, great store of Musquets, &c.
Iulii 26. 1645.
ORdered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That this Letter concerning the taking of Bridgewater be forthwith Printed and Published.