A REPLY To the pretended VINDICATION OF THE ANSWER TO THE QUAKERS 23. Quaeryes, sub­scribed by G. F. Which pretended Vindication had no Name to it, but was sent by Richard Heath a Priest of Shrewsbury, unto John Millington.

Read this Book thorow, and you may find things in it that hath never been writ­ten nor printed.


LONDON, Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1658.

A REPLY To the pretended VINDICATION, &c.

FRiend, Thy ignorance and delusion is thy own, and Apostates in the Apostacy, the Ministers therein you be, made of men, and by men and Schools, like Tradesmen, and not by the will of God, as the Apostles were; so from them apostatised; and your souls you have delivered up to Hell, and sold them for dishonest gain, and with it makes Merchandize of others; and you are acknowledging the Doctrine of the old and New-Testament, and walking quite contrary unto it, and teaching up filthy Lucre, and Hirelings, and Shepherds that are greedy Dogs that can never have enough; and them that divines for Money, and preaches peace to the people that put in their Mouths, if not, prepare War against them, and cast them into prison for Means, till death; and this that you preach up, like Wolves makes prey of Lambs, and there you eat them up, like as people eat bread; the Gaols in the Nation witness: And this teaching of yours is contrary to the old and New Testament, and so you are out of the Will of God, your Labour and Teaching is discovered; all people are not blind, and you lead none but blind.

And you are in the devillish Doctrine, as your fruits de­clares, that you make a Trade of Saints Words, but your fruits declares you to be out of their life: Read Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Micah, Isaiah, Matthew, and the Epistles.

And your fruits declares you to be no Ministers of the Gospel, but in the steps of the Pharisees, your fruits, Mat. 23. amongst the Whited Walls, deceitful.

But what is that to you, that the Ministers of the Gos­pel which was not made by the Will of man, had their refreshments in good things? this condemns you Hirelings that are set up like shops, & serves Apprentiships like Trades­men, you are nothing like unto them under the Law, nor under the Gospel, for both those are owned in their pla­ces, and the Scripture shuts you out, and so you are out of the honor of the Saints in the Ministration of the Go­spel.

Under the Law the tenth part of the Earth was to be offered up; but under the Gospel men is redeemed out of it all; and you are like neither Law nor Gospel; you are faln short of the Law that was among the Jews, who was to have a Store-house, and all the Widows and Strangers fil'd; not a Beggar among them; Tythes given for this ser­vice, and other services of the Lord: But you are like un­to the heathen, that take tythes, whose Beggars and Stran­gers are scattered up and down for bread: What is there not a Beggar among Christians? What are you worse then Jews that have Tythes? Oh! shame cover your lips! Do you not stink to all modest and sober people? there is no place in the Scripture that the Apostles took tenths, or tythes; but you a company of poor, ignorant, sottish men crept up through covetousness, and makes a trade of prea­ching; and we are not satisfied with you that tell us we must give you tenths, and you give no Scripture for it from the Apostles, but your own Words; for if God had commanded the Apostles to take tenths, you would have found it before now, but it doth appear that the great ser­vices you do, is to your own bellies; your Prisons declares it, and Courts and Sessions.

Whatsoever you pretend, people look now at your fruits, and we are out of the Janglings of Words, and are come to the thing, and the substance of things; lay away your [...]anglings about tythes, your Courts, and prisoning men [Page 3]to death for them, and persecuting people because they wil not mend the old Mass-House, and give the Clerk mo­ney for sweeping it, and ringing the Christen Bells, and saying Amen, which is all gotten to be a trade. So you are examined.

Tythes was under the Law, to the Priesthood made by the Law, and other Services; and the Law is changed, and the Priesthood is changed, and the commandment disan­nulled that gave them, and that Ordinance blotted out, as Colossians, Hebrews, and Malachi; and Christ the sub­stance is come; Do you think the Jews doth not laugh at you that pleads tythes before the Law, and in the Law? Was not thou talking that you are Ministers of the Go­spel, which is the end of the Law and all similitudes? how art thou netled and put to thy shifts, that art crying up tythes and gifts, and going a begging for such things, like those that use to beg gifts of the King, & use to wrack peo­ple? The Apostles did not use going up and down, begging gifts; but your gifts have blinded your eyes, and hid you from the Wisdom of God.

That which any one was moved to give to the Apostles, is iustified; but are you like the Apostles, that casts into prison them that wil not give, (til death.) Shew where ever any of the false Prophets did thus; you have outstripped them that cry Give, Give.

And the Pope was the first Author of your Tythes since the Apostles; and though some took them out of the Popes hand, yet he was the father of them, and you are his heirs, and the Bishops steps you tread in, persecuting them that will not give them to you, for you keep them in pri­son till death, which never did the Bishops; you Priests have pulled off the Surpliss and Tippet, and pull'd up the Rails and Common-Prayer-Book, and yet you hold up Tythes, and there stands your life in the Tythes, there is your heir-ship; and tythes are forbidden in the Gospel, for it was an Ordinance of God, as in Mal. 3. and is blot­ted out, Col. 2. and the commandment that gave them is disannulled, Heb. 7.

And the Judges now doth as they did in the Bishops time concerning Tythes in such cases, and worse; and Tythes whiles the first Priesthood was standing, they was standing; when the second was come, they were ended; and then the Preachers of the Gospel in the power of God, did not want any good thing, but they was not beg­gars and Bargainers with the people for it, as you are, who shews that from them you are apostatised. And Tythes many hundred years before the Law being paid to Mel­chizedeck from Abraham, out of the spoiles once and no more, then how is it that you Priests does not run after the Souldiers to take the tenths of their spoyles, who suite your selves with Melchizedeck, and let peoples inheri­tance and substance alone? but we tell you Priests, That Christ the substance is come after the order of Melchize­deck the similitude, the likeness, who ends all similitudes and likenesses, and was before Abraham was, and that the Apostle clears in Heb. 7.

And so after the fall of the Pope and Bishops concer­ning tythes, you still their heirs enioy their inheritance and keep it.

And if Melchizedeck do stand yet a Priest upon Earth, when did ye meet him and give your Tythes to him upon Earth? Were ever Tythes given upon Earth to any from Abraham, but to Melchizedeck himself? and are you not like unto them that did not bring out your Bread and Water to him? And the Apostle clears Tythes to be denyed in Heb. 7. before the Law, and in the Law.

What are you Ministers of Wars, taking of spoils? The King of Righteousness took them, without Father or Mo­ther. Now you Priests, how suit you with this? have not you Father nor Mother? beginning of days, & end of life? which Melchisedeck had none. When the Apostle had been spea­king of Melchizedeck, and of the Priesthood that tooke tythes, he told them in Heb. 8. That Christ was the sum of the things that he had spoken to them in Heb. 7. and he doth not say that Melchizedeck lives to take the tenths of mens goods, or the outward spoil of Souldiers; and is not Christ the one offering once for all? And Melchize­deck [Page 5]was a King that the tythes was given unto, who brought forth Bread and Wine to Abraham, whom he gave the tenths of the spoils; Are you Kings? And do you meet with Bread and Wine those that comes from the slaughter? And do they give you the tenths of the spoile? Are you like Mel­chizedeck and Abraham? Do you walk in their steps here? Are you like Gospel or Law? Come, let us try your steps, Where is your walking? Where is your Widows, Fatherless, Stran­gers and Storehouses? And how preach you Christ the end of the Law, to bring people out of the Earth? Christ who is after the order of Melchizedeck the Priesthood that is of him who was before Abraham was, this is the Priesthood that remains and abides for ever; and this is he the Apostle brought people unto; and so to the one offering once for all.

And the Popes ministers, heirs and successors, have been maintained with tythes since the dayes of the Apostle, and why do you wrest the Scriptures and say that God maintain­ed his ministers before the Law with tythes, which was giv­en out of the spoile once to one single person? and though the Apostle sayes, Melchizedeck yet liveth, he doth not say he yet takes tythes of the Souldiers spoyle and carryes bread and water to them, and takes the tenths of mens e­states, neither did the Apostle set up any such Doctrine that Melchizedeck did so.

Did God order Baalams wages, and the Popes tythes? hath not he made this provision for you? Doth not your garments smell of Popery, houses and Barnes, and not of Melchizedeck, Christ nor the Apostles.

And the Apostles never said that Christ Jesus the ever­lasting priesthood took tythes, and said tythes belonged to them, and had a Law to take it by compulsion; and we never read that Melchizedeck prisoned any till death for tythes, and held them in Courts for treble tythes.

And so tythes have been enjoyed by the Popes Priests, and given to your holy Church (so called) which have apost­atised, from the true Church and the Apostles.

And the sum of tythes in the law, and before the law, and them that took them, is Christ.

And the maintenance bestowed upon the ministers of England, was by the Pope and never yet changed, and when that is taken away, see abundance of Popish priests will lay down their trade, if they should have nothing but what they planted for.

And doth not the ministers of England take tythes when they take the tenth Cock, and shock, and fleece, and more then tythes &c. and where did the Apostles run up and down for tythes and smoke-peny, and plow-peny? And why do you lye ye ministers of England, to say the ministers of England do not take tythes? Why should you be so wicked? do you not run up and down fields amongst peoples cocks and shocks, and so the whole Nation may wit­ness against you?

And though the Apostle said they was made partakers of their good things, yet the Apostle doth not bid them set the tenth cock, shock and fleece for them? and so your ta­king tythes, and paying tythes hath been from the Pope, and not from the Apostles.

And so the Law is changed, and the Priesthood changed, and the Commandment disannulled; and since the Popes Law and Commandment hath been set up, for you take tythes by it.

And so the Law is changed, and the Commandment that gave them disannulled, and the Priesthood also changed that took them; and you priests that since have taken them, are crept up in the night, in which night all the evil Beasts have come out of their Dens, but when the day comes they do not appear.

And so the people are forbidden to give or to take tythes un­der the Gospel, for the Apostle saith the Ordinance is blotted out, and the priesthood was changed that took them, and the Law was changed by which they took them; and the Law was changed by which they were made, and the Commandment disannulled that gave them; and so the Authority was put down that commanded them, so there is no Authority stand­ing but the Popes that commands them, and his Successors.

So it is a sin unto you to take away other mens goods, and a breach of the command in coveting of them, whose cove­tousness makes it self manifest, who casts into prison them you do no work for, for tythes, who are apostatized from the Apostles, who coveted no mans silver, nor goods, nor appa­rel, which you do; the Fruits of your straining of peoples goods you do no work for, makes you manifest.

And so tythes were ceremonial, as the Offerings and first Priesthood; for the Apostle that preached the second, never preached them up.

And all your uncivil clamours in Courts & Sessions against people for them, the Nations begin to be ashamed of you.

And the Apostle lived in the end of the Law, that received the good things of the people, and the taking away your Tythes is but the taking away your inheritance which the Pope hath given your Holy Church and Clarks, which are called Ministers made by mens wills, all which is to be taken away by them which come into the Ministration of the Go­spel, the Apostles was in; for the Pope and the Apostates, and his Ministers are sain to set up Tythes by a compelling Law, and Prison, and Death, and trebble damages, they that will not give it them, that have lost the power of God which should open the hearts of the people, which power the Apo­stles were in.

And they run into the irrational impudence that run into Balaams gifts and wages, and the Popes Tythes, which you call your honourable maintenance, and so it is contrary to the Law of God possessed, and to the Law of the Nation; for the Ecclesiastical Courts and Judges are down, in which they should be sued in, for.

And the Teachers of the Ministry of the Gospel, never assumed the tenth part of mens Estates, and kept them in the nineth part of the earth, but they went to bring them out of all the earth; and do you go about to keep them in the nineth part of the earth, because you get the tenth? Popes Ministers indeed! unlike the Ministers of the Gospel, who are the opposers of the people, and the just one, and Lambs of Christ.

And tythes is peoples own as well as the other, and is to be offered up all to the Lord; For the Earth is his, and the ful­ness thereof; and we are redeemed from the Earth, the nineth part as well as the tenth: Ye Frogs that are creeping up and down the Earth.

As though men should buy the Lands, and not buy the Tythes, the tenth part of the Land; (but he buyes all) What shall I give the tenth part of the goods to the popish priests. Could I do so but I must uphold popery and the Ecclesiasti­cal Courts and Judges, and spiritual Courts? Was not tythes given to be sued there for? And did not the one set up the o­ther? And was not the pope and the papist the first Authors of all this? Did not the smell come first out from them? And is it not oppression to keep people in the nineth part of the Earth? Did not the Apostle go to bring people out of the Earth? And them that were redeemed out of the Earth, did he not say all things was theirs, things present, and which were to come?

You are the great troublers of the Country, as your Gaols and Courts do witness; and so you are men of bad conscien­ces, not like unto them that preaches streely, the Apo­stles.

You complaine if you have not the Popes wages, and so your lying Writs flyes up and down the Nation like Hue & cry, who are the oppressors of the Nation that causes so ma­ny sighs & grones of the just; but the Lord is hearing of them, and the Apostles never sent for Writs out of Courts to sum­mon the People up that are 200. miles off, casting them in prison, not giving it, though the Apostles did write in the E­pistles concerning their outward states and conditions, and the Apostle saith follow us as we follow Christ, and take us for your example, who had Christ for their example, who said it was more blessed to give then to receive; and said af­ter his decease grievious VVolves and covetous should arise and not spare the flock, but make merchandize of them, whose stock and offspring you are; no ministers of the Gospel, but onely makes a trade of the Letter, so like thieves that come to steale, destroy and to kill, as Christ speaks of, vvhom his cry is gone out against

Hovv have you follovved the Apostles, vvhich coveted no mans silver? that casts men into Prisons, and brings them into Courts through your covetousnesse, that you do no vvork for?

And your call is from Oxford and Cambridge, of men; and by men, vvhen you have served an Apprentiship you get a shop of bookes, and set up your selves, and sell out your vvares like Trades-men; and vvhen vvas any of you called from your Nets, Fishermen, to preach, not of men or by men, like the Apostles, you have lost your example, and you may say not of God, nor by Christ, for you never heard their voices as you confess, but by Oxford and Cambridge, Schooles and Colledges, and men, and so the Apostle is not your example, for they never sued any for tythes, and a true Publicans state you are not come to, but worse then the hard-hearted Jews; for you never read that they prisoned a­ny till death, (as you have done) for tythes.

And though the Apostles had some of them dvvelling houses Paul had a hired house at Rome, yet you never read that Paul brought any before the Courts at Rime or cast them into Pri­son til they dyed for not paying tythes, as the Ministers in this Nation have done in Lancaster Castle, and Glocester, and many other places till they dye in Prison; vvas Paul your example in this? or the Devil spoken on in the Revelations, that should cast some into prison? Have not you fulfilled the Prophesie? So the Apostle is not your example, you are not like unto him, who had the good things communicated unto them; but you must know the seven vials poured upon your-heads, & plagues and woes, who set up these things since the dayes of the Apo­stles, contrary to them.

And so you have likened, and put the Tythes to other mens earthly inheritances that is like unto your judgement in Wis­dom, for men had inheritances amongst the Saints before the Tythes came up amongst you, and they was to possess as though they did not; and so you are wracking people since the Apostles, about Tythes, and would injoy them as men do in­joy their substance; men may injoy their substance from the Lord, whose the Earth is, when all you Catterpillars and stai­ners [Page 10]of the Earth is rooted out by the spirit and power of God which the Apostles were in; so men may enjoy their inheri­tance when tythes cease, which hath been set up by a corrup­ted pretended Ministry by the will of man: Do you not think the Jews Priests, and Pope does not laugh at you who have been your example in the Tithes? And so do you not follow the Pope who hath been your example, not the Apostles? and so has canker'd and corrupted the Earth by your hypocrital profession? and so we do deny all that doth take tythes, the Pope being their example, and not the Apostle.

And many covetous people hath bought Tithes of the Col­ledges, whose Example is the Pope; and yet they will hypocri­tically profess the Apostles to be their Examples which are quite swallowed up in the Earth; out of the Apostles steps, corrupting the Earth as the Pope doth, suing and imprisoning people for the Tythes: And here is the Priests fruits who walk in the Popes steps, and hath him for their Example.

And there is a Scripture that God did promise that he would bless the obedient in Basket and in the Field; within & with­out; and the Apostle said the Saints should labour in the thing that was good; and them that was possessors as though they did not: And let every man abide in the calling that God hath called him, and labour in the thing that is good. And so they that preached the Gospel, that lived on the Gospel, you are quite unlike them, not treading in their steps, but the Popes, and your Gaols and Courts witness against you; and many places the Apostles came into, they were so far off from taking tenths of them, that they would not eat with them; and this is not the way to preach the Gospel that you are in; for God will raise up a Ministry another way contrary to you, by the power and spirit the Apostles was in, who hath done it already to your shame, and hath shamed you

And so you would not preach without bag, gifts, Gleab-Lands, Tythes, Easter-reckonings, Midsummer-dues, stipends, augmentations; and here is the Popes Crowns on your heads, and Baalams mark in your foreheads: And the Apostles was not to carry the bag, but Judas that betrayed him, now mark in whose steps you go. So we deal plainly with you, you are [Page 11]not Ministers of the Gospel; but we set up the Ministers of the Gospel that live of it, and brings people out of the nineth part of the Earth, the tenth was the Lords before; but we de­ny Baalams wages and the Popes gifts, Enster-reckonings, Mid­summer-dues, Gleab Lands, Tythes that lies under all these things; and wh [...] hath the old Masse-house and its Cross at the end of it, and their Christened Bells; and so we bid you give over deceiving the people for dishonest gain; for the work of the Devil you have been doing, in prisoning and Persecuting people for speaking to you, and your maintenance, and the Apostles work-you are out of, and the power of God.

And you who pray when you are not moved by the spirit of God, are not sensible of Gods command who is a spirit; so you who be in your opportunity praying, are as the Pharisees, standing praying in the Synagogues; and rather worse, for you sell your prayers as well as your preaching, a yearly bar­gain for it by the hour-glasse, that you know how long to pray and preach by it; Is not this the Cup that you give the people? Yea, and the Whores Cup, come up since the Apo­stles?

When was there a Priest stood crying in the opening of the Gates like Wisdom spoken on in the Proverbs? And this Wis­dom is not like the Pharisees chief place which Christ cryed wo against.

And Christ did not gain-say the truth when he cried wo to the Pharises that had the chiefest seat in the Assemblies; and this is not like unto them, as Christ saith, of taking the low­est room, and bidding them come higher; but you are found under the wo as he pronounced against, and so your pride and superiority the very World cries out against, seeing you in the steps of the Pharisees.

And the Apostle called the Saints the Sons of God; and is this damnable with thee? and this with thy generation is damnable, who are apostatized from the Apostles; and your preaching and praying in Pulpits is your Popes invention, got up since the Apostles, imitating the first Priesthood and the Pharisees.

And your preaching is good in no place; being evil, how can ye give good? as your fruits declares you have not profi­ted the people at all, but are such as sowes to the flesh, that so much corruption may be reaped in your Steeplehouses, towns, high-wayes and markets; and your preaching is not onely to get applause from men, but for means; and your publike du­ties are like the Pharisees, and many of your books are the Heathen Philosophers, and like unto the Books the Saints burn.

And Timothy's reading the Scripture who saw the fulfilling of them, who divided the Word aright, you are out of his steps; though he were a Bishop, he never took tythes, nor had not his Spiritual Courts to sue people in for not giving; and the end of their Writing and speaking from the Spirit of God, is, That people might come unto the substance, to God and Christ, and to know the Word that was in the beginning before Writing was.

And Books does not bring to this, but the spirit of God, which spirit has brought many people to see you; to which spirit you cannot come but as you lay down your Crowns.

And God never sent you, nor set you up, but men; your fruits declares you have not profited the people at all; but the fruits of the Elders spoken of by the Apostle, did profit the people; and so you and the Pope is found in the apostacy, in the imitation, you cannot endure daughters to prophesie when God sayes they shall; are you fit men to make Elders of for the work and service of God, or against it?

And you do not know the Woman Jezebel, your Mother the great Whore, whose flesh must be burned; spoken of in the Revelations, that is gone from the Husband, but the state the Apostle speaks of to the Corinthians, was Eve that had the Husband, that must not teach, must be in subjection, as faith the Law; but the mouth of Christ must not be stopt in the male, or in the female; the spirit must not be quenched where it is poured upon the Daughter, and it leads from un­der the Law.

And they that deny the Light within which Christ Jesus doth enlighten every man that cometh into the World with­all, [Page 13]denies the Lord that bought them, and be in the most intollerable blasphemy.

None hold the Head, nor sees the Son, nor hath him, but who receiveth the light within, which comes from him, which is of him, and from him; and so he that recei­veth the light, receives the Son; and he that hates the light, and denies it, denies and hates the Son, and hath neither Son nor Father, but is that Antichrist that is a­gainst him, the Murderers and the Prisoners of the Just; and the light will be your condemnation; and the Son in Judgement will give every of you a reward according to your works, who hath in lightened you, whether they be in the light, or out of it.

And are you not in Satans way, imprisoning, persetu­ting till death in prisons Are you not covetous and proud? Look through the Towns, who is more covetous then the Priests and their Wives? Are you not respectors of per­sons, with your Caps and Hats, quite contrary, unlike the Royal Priesthood? but Satans Messengers and Ministers, all that be of God cannot but declare against you, seeing you walke so contrary to those who gave out Scrip­ture.

And you Ministers have shewed that you do not know the Soul.

And the first principle of the pure Religion we must teach the Priests, which the Gospel now is going forth to be preached to Tongues, and People, and Nations: The first Principle of the pure Religion is that which may be known of God, made manifest in them, which lets you and all mon see when you do the thing that is not righte­ous nor convenient, but worthy of death for doing of it, which mens minds being turned to this, that they retain God in their knowledge, and his Covenant.

And Baxters fruits is seen, who is a Messenger of the Railers, who is out of the truth, like unto thy self; and the Priests railings in their Pulpits, declares them worse then the scolding people, where one must not be sufferd to speak to them without imprisonment, who are the Goats on the [Page 14]left hand, to whom the curse is spoken; and many of you cannot be compared to Goats, who are worse then Goats: And Baxter is confuted, and thee and all the Papists con­cluded in the apostacy from the Apostles, and we shall con­fute you all, Papists and all, by the power of God the Apo­stles were in.

And visible miracles hath been done by the Lords pow­er and spirit since the dayes of the Apostles amongst us in the sight of the World; and the deceivable signs, and lying wonders is amongst you, and the Papists, and one of them stand on the top of the Steeple-house, the Cross, and the signe you sprinkle your children withall; and there is ne­ver a Minister in England can say that he hath brought any one without sin, so cannot say he hath presented any one to God perfect in Christ Jesus; for sin makes imperfect, and who are perfect, are out of the sin, and that perfection that is in the sin, is not of God, but stands in the sin.

And your singing is of Davids fastings; and you sing that David fasted till he numbred his bones; and you sing his cryes till his eyes were sunk in his head; and the Apo­stles did not sing but in the spirit of understanding that gave them to understand prayers, and fastings, and cry­ings, from praises; which spirit the Priests of this Nation and the World wants; for they sing altogether like a company of blind men & mad men, like unto your old Fathers that sung the Creed and ten Commandments, and the Lords prayer; can you not see out of what a drossie stock you came out of?

And there thou art, in the World, without the natural affections, condemned with the Light, and wants the Eye­salve, and so the Light that doth enlighten every one that comes into the World, thou dost not see, and thou art an­sered fully to thy Answer.

Tythes is the tenth; and hath the Priests taken so long the tythes of mens goods, and doth not know what it is? and the Light which all are to believe in, is that which doth enlighten every man that comes into the World, which not believing in, is condemned.

And you that stand against the Light which enlightens eve­ry man that comes into the World, are in the strong delusi­on, and Wisdom has taught us to see the frivolousness of your lyes, without weight, and sees you in the deep slumber, error and blindnesse.

And all your maintenance is for your preaching, the Goals declares it that you will have of them you do not preach un­to, you who are so abominable past feeling.

And they that lived on the tenth part, lived under the Law, not in the Gospel; and you Ministers are not contented with the tenth part, but you take trebble Tythes of them you do no work for; and that is contrary to the Apostles; and you are in the thought like Gentiles, worse for your Tythes and your Writs, and your prisons to put them into, that you do no work for, which according to the Apostles Doctrine you was not to eat; so are a company of Ministers of unrighteous­nest that have meat of them you do no work for.

And the Ministers of the gospel hath the power which comprehends the World before the Letter was, which brings the people out of the earth, and opens their hearts; and you be in the need, thoughtfulness and covetousness; and the Priests makes as though the Lord could not give inheritances unto men without Tythes; and so are so grounded in the Popes Doctrine, and ignorant of the Apostles; and the Apostle sayes, them that was to be, was to stand in the will of God, and possess as though they did not.

And tythes is for bidden in the new testament, and in the ministery of the Gospel, which you are out of, and their main­tenance, you lost the power; and the Papists when you raven­ed from the spirit of God that the Apostles was in, and then you set up tenths and your Goales and your Courts compelling people to pay, whether they heard you or no? And were not they to be sued for in the Eclesiasticall Courts? And had not your Pope the tenth of tenths before the King? and have ye forgotten what is done in your fathers house, and that power that ended the tythes and the Priest that tooke them? the same power brought them out of the 9th part, which power you are apostatized [Page 16]from, and got into the 10th part of the earth, and so brings people into the 9th. and so your hard-heartedness and the peoples, will let the widdows and strangers, and the father­less and the Lord have no part with you, but your Widdows and fatherless and strangers and Goales, declares your mi­nistery, and so the power of the Gospel brings people out of the ninthes and tenthes both, and these are not made by the will of man according to the Popes order, but those are made by the will of man according to the Popes order; Theirs will lead them into the ninthes and tenthes, and trebble, and cast them into Goals and prisons till death, if they will not give it them (and have it besides) and these are out of Melchizedecks order, but of the Popes tribe and off-spring, which God now hath made manifest.

And setting up the tenthes, hath been by the Apostates from the Apostles who deny tythes, and had more then tythes given to them, and that was not as Annanias and Saphira that denyed the tythes of the Priesthoood, nor to deny the tythes of the Pa­pists, but your takeing tythes is like unto Annanias and Sa­phira in lying and saying you are ministers of Christ and are not, and so are all struck dead in the earth and carryed out of the Church, out of the power of God which the Apostles were in, which fathomed the world, & out of the power which is now made manifest, with which you are comprehen­ded.

And God is equal amongst men, and his way is just and right; but you by the Ecclesiastical Courts do claim trebble Tythes, and do take more, yea the better part, sometimes all that a man hath and it may be casts him into prison too, there is your propriety; and the Papists your Ancestors have always claimed the tenths, not the Apostles: Now people may see who are your Ancestors; but have you set up Almes-houses with your Tythes? Is not your charity and love grown so cold that you will not preach to them except you have main­tenance from them?

Men are not required by the Law of God to give their Tenths, but it is the Law from your Ancestors, and not from the Apostles; but your Ancestors which is apostatized from [Page 17]them; and we see, and it is manifestly come to pass, that all Priests labour is for their mouth and their back, and yet never satisfied; therefore make they such work about tythes and trebble tythes, and Courts, and get so many in prison; and we cannot own the Popes wages, the tenths, though you do, his Ministers, who follow your Ance­stors.

The Ministry under the Law, and the Maintenance there is unsit now; for they was but to give up their tenths, but the Ministry now is to give up the ninths, and so to bring people quite out of the Earth, and from the first Priesthood; and this power ends the others authority that gives the tenths: Now the mysterie of the bottemless pit hath so darkned your eyes, that you neither know Law nor Gospel; and so you are in the need and the want, which is for want of God.

It is a feeble argument with you to say that the Priest­hood is changed that took tythes, and the Law is changed, the Commandment disannulled that gave them, that have another Law and Commandment from the Pope and Priesthood that takes tythes, who hath honored you with tythe the tenths of the Earth; and hard it is for you to gen that, who keeps people in the ninths, they are out of the power of the Gospel, and the Gospel-power which brings people out of the nineth and tenths power.

The Priests it seems would have the tenths, and you would have that which Christ said to the Apostles, In what­soever House ve enter, whatsoever they set before you, eat; you would have this and the Levites portion both, which the true Apostles never coveted, that plainly appears that you are not Ministers of Christ; for you preach up Tythes, and Ordinances, and Commands, and the Apostle preached it down, the Ordinances and Commands that gave them.

The effects of the Ministry was wrought amongst the Jews when they laid all at the Apostles feet.

Though they had power to eat, and power to drink where it was set before them, but often would not the A­postle [Page 18]use this power; neither would they cumber them­selves to serve Tables; and the Apostle tells you Priests (if you would hear him) concerning Philemon, that he labou­red for supply for himself and others, and the Saints bountifulness towards him; all you Priests may speak this to your shame; how doth your power make the people's bountifulness turn towards you? you must be fain to have your Courts, and your Writs, and your Bailiffs, and Prisons to get maintenance from them you do no work for; surely shame must come upon you, and will come more upon you, that you shall be a stinck to all Nations, and a shame to the very heathen; for I know that the Name of God is blasphemed through you

Gospel-Ministers are partakers of all good things; but is it not deceit and hypocrisie for the Priest who would be partakers of all good things of them they do not preach the Gospel to, nor minister to? Doth not this Ministry prove it self to be a lye, and stand in a lye, who will cast them into prison, and bring them into Courts they do not minister to? Is not this hypocrisie and deceit in the sight of all sober people, and make your selves as loathsom as the Frogs that comes out of the mouth of the Beast and false Prophets.

And Matth. 10. you would be measured by; the allow­ance of Christ is too small for you, which shews your greedy earthly wills is standing.

And we are acquainted with the Scripture, and sees you quite contrary to them, and your maintenance quite con­trary to the Gospel-maintenance; and you have not the power to make your hearers to lay all at your feet, as the Apostles had; but you have your Bailiffs and your Writs, and your Ecclesiastical Courts to give you trebble tythes, you greedy Vipers and Wolves will prison them till death, and have it too.

And so the strangest kind of people contrary to Scrip­ture, that ever got up since the Apostles; you will take all the mens goods that ever they have that you can lay your hands on, and lay them in prison Both; and you outstrip [Page 19]them that are but partakers of all good things; and if you will have tenths, Why will you not take the tenths of mens children, and keep them? And why will you not maintain all the Widows, Strangers and Fatherless? And why will you not set up a Store-house if you will have tenths? Come Priests, pull of all your Points and your Ribbans, and your White Boot-hose-tops, and your dou­ble Cuffs, and maintain the Widows, and Strangers, and Fatherless; if you will have Tythes, and be plain with the people, and tell them you deny Christ come in the flesh; for in Works you deny it, and you are Reprobates from it and every good Work.

It is a sin now to give you Tythes, as it was a sin in the time of the Law to keep it back; for they are transgres­sors in setting up that whi [...] the Apostles did throw down.

And the Ministers of the Gospel never required a Civil Magistrate to sue their hearers for maintenance like unto you, apostates from the power the Apostles were in, so fal­len in Wickedness, and the deadly fin and shame both.

And so such Ministers as you, and your fore-fathers, your ancestors, have your maintenance given to you by Laws that were made by men, and of men, which denies the allowance of Christ, and hath the allowance of the Ecclesiastical Laws, Tythes, and trebble Tythes, and often you trebble them again, your consciences being so seared, you and your Bailiffs trebble them again, and cast them into prison besides, and by your Laws you will take of them you do not preach to; are you honest Ministers? Iudge your selves in this.

And where did the Apostles make use of the Magistrates power to take tythes for maintenance? Did not the Apo­stle denie the first Priesthood, and say it was changed that held it up? and is the Papists the power of God, and the Ecclesiastical Courts? Why did you put them down which tythes is to be sued in for? Did not they cry the higher power? and the Pope the first author of tythes since the Apostles? and was not that the higher power the Apostle [Page 20]speaks of, that put down Tythes and the first priesthood that took them, and disannulled the Commandment, and blotted out the Ordinance that gave them; is not that the higher power that every soul must be subiect to? for it is known that the Apostles did not hold up Tythes, nor the first Priesthood that took them, nor the Ordinance that gave them, nor the Commandment, nor the Law by which the priesthood was made, when he bids every soul be subject to the higher power; that is higher then all those things before mentioned.

And the Papists bestowing upon the Church the Gleab-Lands, and their Easter-Reckonings, and Midsummer­dues, and Tythes which they bestowed upon their Church; and all these things you may give your Father thanks, the Pope; and so this is not the power of the Gospel, but the Papists power, who likewise gave large money for the Priest to pray for the soul of the dead that they might quickly come out of Purgatory; and this is like unto your Funeral Sermons, and preachings over the dead, and pray­ing, for which no example you have from the Apo­stles.

The Apostles kept a good conscience, and exercised it, who denyed the first Priesthood that had the Tythes, and the Commandment and the Ordinance that gave them; and in this good conscience he held the mystery of faith; now you have made shipwrack of a good conscience and faith, you and the Pope that have set up Tythes, Ordinan­ces and Commands to give them, and your Writs, Courts and Gaols for them you do no work for, and will not pay you; and so these are they, the Papists and you, your Ance­stors, that have taken the tenth of mens goods and kept them in the nineth, which you have no right to, but onely from the Popes Power which was the first Giver of them in the apostacy, in the night of darkness; and so they that do deny the Popes command, and his Law, and his Authori­ty who is the first Author of them, they are them that keeps a good conscience whose souls are subiect to the high­er power; (over the Popes power and authority in the a­postacy) [Page 21]in the power of God the Apostles was in; so they that take away Tythes from the people, they take away peoples Rights from them, without the Power of God, but by the Popes, and the apostates power, from the Apo­stles.

And the Apostle to the Heb. when he had spoken of Tythes before the Law, under the law, to the similitude, likeness, like unto the Son of God, & Tythes to the Priesthood under the Law, the change of the Law and Priesthood that gave Tythes, Now (sayes he) of the things we have spoken, this is the sum; Christ was the sum of these things, who is the priest of God, who is the end of Melchizedeck that recei­ved the tenths of the spoyle; Christ who is after his order; and dare you say, priests, that Melchizedeck remains a priest to take the tenths of all the spoile of the Souldiers, and he brings them out Bread and Water? Now accor­ding to your carnal outward reason, vvill not all the priests their ignorance appear in this, vvho claims Mel­chizedecks taking tythes when they put forth their Judge­ment amongst sober people? and is there any more priest­hood but Christ to be looked at to offer up for them, whose offering ends all offerings? Is any other King of Righte­ousness to be looked at but Christ?

So men holds their goods by the power of God vvhich gives them the encrease with blessings with it; and you hold your Tythes by the povver of the Pope, vvhich the power of God puts dovvn, and the authority of his ovvn priesthood that had them; novv vvho are in the povver of God sees this.

So Christ hath ended Tythes, and you and the pope hath set them up, and that by theft and robbery of the Lord God, who is to have all the Earth delivered up to him, as it was in the dayes of the Apostles, vvho ended tenths and ninths, and brought people out of it all, into the povver of God, and Word, by vvhich all things vvas upheld. It vvas theft to keep back tenths in the time of the Lavv, the povver of the Gospel to deliver up all; which povver you and your generation is out of, that are crept [Page 22]into the Earth with your tenths, and keeps people in the nineths.

True Christians are not made by the Law of man, nei­ther is the true Ministers maintenance given by it, but by the authority of the second priesthood, that puts down the first and his tythes; in that power doth men hold that which they have from God; but your Tythes, Mainte­nance, Ministry, Offices, hath been from the Popes autho­rity; all your Ministers maintenance is of man, and by man, onely having the form, denying the power the apo­stles was in, that brought the Saints to lay down all at their feet.

And Eliahs condition judgeth all you priests; it seems the Ravens fed him, and he did not seek to the powers of the Earth for maintenance, nor to the Jewes for Tythes.

The Apostle hired a house before the Popes authority came up that gave Tythes; so tythes is not as the farming of Land; and the Justice, Equity and Righteousness, and the higher power stands when tythes cease and is ended; with which power men are redeemed from the Earth, and comes to reign upon it; so here is nineths and tenths given up, and every man possessing in the Lord whose the Earth is; and the higher power has put down the tythes of the first priesthood; which higher power the apostle was in who enjoyed all blessings that was convenient; so there is no power that gives you Tythes since the Apostles, but the Popes.

And you priests think that no man can enjoy any thing from the Lord, for the Earth is his, (without the Popes authority and Laws) nay, tht Saints that live in the pow­er of God, and his Ministers shall be a top of the Popes Law and authority, and trample them to Dust and Dirt.

And so the preachers of the Gospel doth not live on the tenths, but they bring people out of all the Earth; but you Popes Ministers lives on the tenths, and keeps people in all the Earth, and there you are sighting and striving with [Page 23]them for earthly things; and so it is not a strange thing to us that you deny the Apostles Doctrine that denies Tythes, the Ordinance and the Command that gave them, and the Apo­stle doth not plead for them any where, but when he hath been speaking of them, he shews them the sum of what he had been speaking, Christ.

And so you be in the shamelesness, out of the Apostles do­ctrine, (in the sight of all people that be in the power of the Gospel) that takes Tythes, and preaches them up; and Mel­chizedecks taking Tythes was but only out of the spoil of the Souldiers; which was never known that he took spoil of the Souldiers after the Law, nor after the Gospel; nor the Apo­stle never preached that he should take Tythes and the spoile of Souldiers; but you Papists Priests preaches that he must take Tythes of mens goods; and you are unlike the Apostles, who said Christ was the sum, when he had spoken of Melchi­zedeck and the Tythes of the spoil. And now you may see your selves in this you are like Papists, and not like the Apo­stle, who is clear against Tythes in the Old and New Testa-Testament, as Colossians and Hebrews.

And so now we see the Priests, so they can get for their bellies, Tythe, no matter what way they get it, so they have it; and the Law is, That you should sue for Tythes in the Ecclesia­stical Courts, & they should be the Ecclesiastical Iudges; and so you Priests will turn to any thing so you can get but your Tythes; truly it is a grief to all sober people that ever you should take the Name of the Lord into your mouths, and you take the fifth part, and the fourth part too, oftentimes, more then treble Tythes, and besides that, cast a man into prison, & no [...] let him come out til you have his life, & so you Priests will have the goods of men, & the bodies of men, & the life of men, witness Ashburner, Priest Shaw had his Goods, had his body in prison until he had dis life. And witness the Gaol at Glocester, there they had the bodies, and the life, and the goods. And witness the Fleet at London, there they have their goods and their bodies. Witness the gaol at Lancaster, there the Priests gets the goods and the bodies. Witness the gaol at Horshame, there they get the goods and the bodies; and the gaol at Bi­shoprick, [Page 24]and the gaol at Carlisle and York, and most of the gaols in England may see the Priests have gotten the goods and the bodies of the people into prison that they do no work for; Oh shame cover your faces to all modesty! where you appear in the day, ye evil beasts, Dragons and Wolfs, it is time for you to go to your Dens; the night is far spent.

And the Priests and you at Shrewsbury are in the darkness, who sees not the light who hath enlightened every man who comes into the World, like the Jews Priests, which shines in darkness, and your darkness comprehends it not; so no true believers that has not passed from darkness whose minds are blinded by the god of the World: Now there is something blinded whose hearts are hardened, and the Prophesie of Esaiah is come upon you, and you are no true believers though you be enlightened, so you are no true believers in the light which is sufficient, that shines in darkness, but you would be comprehending of it with your darkness, who be out of the true belief, faith and love, as the fruits of your gaols declares it, who be the natu­ral men, not come to the light that Christ doth enlighten every man that comes into the world withall; and so who cannot receive the things of God, nor spiritually discern them; for the light is spiritual, and you being natural in the darkness, cannot see the light of the Son Christ Jesus, the light of the Saints, nor light of gospel, which is the image of God, nor your sal­vation, nor the common salvation which doth enlighten every man which doth come into the world; so you are all void of faith, and the knowledge of God; for none comes to the faith, the knowledge of Christ and God, but who comes to the light which Christ hath enlightened every man which comes into the world withall.

And none knows Scripture to what conditions they were spoken unto, but who comes to the light which Christ hath enlightened them withall; nor none are Ministers of Christ but who comes to the light, and knows it which Christ hath enlightened every one that come into the world withall; ye that doth not know that, are Ministers of darkness that can­not comprehend the light.

And Christ which doth inlighten every man that comes into the World, is the excellent light, and none sees his excellency but with the light; and this is the light which the priests of the World keeps such a stir against, that calls it natural and created, which was before natural and crea­ted was; for all things was made by it, and the Scripture doth not tell us of a natural light, nor super-natural, but of the Sun, Moon and Stars, which was made by Christ the light, that came a light into the World, which doth en­lighten every one which comes into the world.

And this is not a natural Light, but a Common Salvati­on; a natural light is Sun, Moon and Stars, which is the priests light, and not the light which doth enlighten every man which comes into the world; and the priest cannot teach the knowledge of the Scriptures, who denies the light which hath enlightened every one which comes into the world; and that light makes manifest their apostacy, and turns them Wise men backward; and confounds their Wisdom, and brings their understanding to nought, and Babes and Sucklings out of their mouths hath the Lord ordained strength.

And the Scripture doth not work faith, but Christ and God by his power, in which their faith stands. But the priests sayes Scripture works faith, and sets faith on work, and the Scripture sayes it works by love.

So the Scripture did not make the Jews wise unto salva­tion, as it hath not made the priests apostates and papists; no wise unto the light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world; though they have the Scriptures in their darkness, yet the darkness cannot comprehend that light; the Scripture is able to make wise unto salvation through the faith, who be in the light which Christ hath en­lightned every man which comes into the world withall, with that they see the end of the Prophets, who prophesied of salvation.

And the priests drawing people from the light which doth enlighten every man withall, draws them from Scri­pture, and from that by which they should be saved, and [Page 26]from the light which shines in their hearts, which should give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus; and so are the Devils Ministers, false Apo­stles and apostates; and so draw people from God, and from instruction of the spirit, into the Devils Way, out of the truth, which is the light, who cannot endure to hear talk of the light within, he and his Ministers being gone out of it.

And so you speak the Scriptures in your own earthly un­derstandings, having no more light then the Sun and Moon, and denies the light within: And you priests, your title hath come from the pope, and Name from his order, and all your degrees in your Schools, and not from the Apostle, who was of the Royal Priesthood; for you be out of that power, and receive your priesthood from another Order, and Tythe and Maintenance, the popes Suprema­cy, and not the Apostles; so when you deny the Popes Tythes, Maintenance for his priests, and his Schools, and Colledges, and Degrees, and his old Masse-House, with the Cross at the end of it; and the Jesuits Order of black Coats, and comes to the light that Christ hath enlight­ned every man that comes into the World withall, and speak freely, and come into that power the Apostles was in, We will say then, You are of the Royall Priest­hoood.

And if you would have a proof that your Tythe is from the papists, look the Pope and Bishops Canon, and there you may see your root, and your first authority and supre­macy apostatized from the Apostles; and all that are out of the apostacy, in the power the Apostles were in, denies the receiving any thing from the popes usurped authori­ty; but you priests are flying thither to your head and ori­ginal for your maintenance and Ministry, which be all apostatized from the life and power the Apostles were in, and the Saints are now in; and your title of Parson and Vicar is from the pope, as you may look in their Law-Books, and the noise that is amongst the priests chiefest Courts in the Nation, Tythes, Tythes, Tythes, as though [Page 27]they would swallow up all people, and eat them up like bread.

And Paul was what he spoke, which the priests of the World are not; but they are ravening Wolves, with sheeps clothing on their backs, as their prisons, goals, courts, hou­ses of correction declares it, which these Wolves hath made their Dennes to put the Lambs in to be their prey.

And so the Ministers of the Gospel was never called Viccars, Curates, Clerks, Batchellers of Art, Batchellers of Divinity, Masters of Art, Students, Fellows, Proctors, &c. By this you are of the popes Tribe, out of the Apo­stles power.

The priests see no further then with their bodily eyes, and denies the light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the World; and there they be in darkness ca­villing about light, and taking their ioy like heathen in their earthly things which the bodily eye beholds, their eye being blinded, and they can see no further then the natural Sun, that sees not the light which every man is en­lightened withall, and so come not to Christ in whom there is light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, and the priest saith it is the Scripture that Christ doth en­lighten every man that comes into the World withall; E­very man that comes into the World hath not Scripture, and the Scripture is not Christ, but he was before Scrip­ture was given forth and written; and so the treasures of Wisdom is hid from you, and knowledge and riches; & you are seen with the light that Christ hath enlightened every man that comes into the World withall; for the Jews had Scripture, and knew not Christ this light; and the apostate Ministers of the Popes Tribe sayes, that the Scriptures is the light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the World withall; and the Jews that had the Scriptures stood against the light as the apostatized Christians do now, and so had not knowledge, for the light gives know­ledge; and the Word, the entrance of that Word is many peoples Lanthorn to light them out of the night of apo­stacy, [Page 28]and from the apostates that puts letter for Light and Lanthorn; for the Jews had the Lanthorn, and saw not Christ; and you with that Lanthorn does not see the light which every man that comes into the World is lighted withall.

And the Ministers of the Gospel they were the light of the World, and shined as lights in the World; but your Prisons, and Courts, and Gaols, and Houses of Correcti­on, and making havock, and spoiling peoples goods, sets forth your shining for a company of greedy dogs that can never have enough, and ravenous beasts.

And you shew that your Works be out of the Son and the Father, and quite out of the state that they was in that gave forth Scripture.

And so you are as the Gentiles, that what you know is by visible things, and believes not in the light that doth en­lighten every man that comes into the world; who are reproved by the spirit which leads believers in the light into all truth, and so are found in the spirit of the World, and not knowing the things of God which is given forth of them who received of God; which has not the spirit of the world, but which is of God; and none comes to this out of the bottomless pit, where there is no foundation, but who comes to the light which Christ hath enlightned them withall, and there they come to the Rock, the Foundation of God; and so you are like unto the brute beasts, in Cain and Cores Way, who are separated from the spirit of God the Apo­stles was in, and what you know, you know as natural brute beasts, out of your old Books, Schools and Colled­ges.

And you being from the light which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, you are from the hope of the high calling; your minds are blinded, you are from that which should give you the knowledge, and hard­ness and blindness hath happened to you, and so from the perfect knowledge; and what you know is but natural, by the Sun, & the Sun all men cannot see it, but all men that are come into the World are lightened by Christ Jesus, which is not natural.

And so you are in the dimness, and dim-sighted, and you are from the light that is sufficient to salvation; and from the Church which the Grace hath brought the Saints to; and the light is saving which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world, which is common salvation; and none comes to the knowledge of God but by that; and your darkness that cannot comprehend the light which hath enlightned every man which comes into the World, but calls it a dim light, who cannot get into it by your Wis­doms, and knowledge, and understandings, but it is that which shall confound it all.

And we call the light which doth enlighten every man which comes into the World, the light of Christ who doth enlighten them; and we call the Sun, Moon, and Stars, lights made by Christ.

And the light that every man is enlightened withall that comes into the World is sufficient; for the same light that enlightens the Saints, enlightens the World, and is sufficient for him that believes in it, to save him, and con­demn him that doth not.

And the Priests holds forth that there is a truth which is not Christ and God, and so calls them grosly ignorant that doth say the contrary, and sayes the Apostles said he spoke the truth, therefore was he Christ? I answer and say, All truth is in God and Christ; where there is any truth in men, it is from him, and of him, who speakes truth, and doth truth, its from Christ the truth; and all untruths is of the Devils, who is out of truth in the world; and all you priests that be from the light, and stand a­gainst it that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the World, be all from truth, and out of truth, and from Christ and God, from whence all truth comes that is amongst men whatsoever, who gives every man a light to see him and know him, loving it who is the maker of all lights, and Creator of all that are created, and gives a man light to see beyond the created, the Creator of them; and this is that that gives the knowledge of Cod, and of things visible and invisible.

And the Priest saith there is a truth which is not God and Christ; and the Scripture saith, He is God of all truth, and Christ is the truth, and no man comes to the Father but by him; and no man comes to the Truth but by Christ, and all his Words are truth, and all his Commandments are truth; and mens thoughts are vain; and every one that doth truth, loves the light; and every one that doth the truth, comes to Christ; the Priest sayes there is truth in their thoughts and Words; but Christ who is God and man, is another thing then that truth that is in their minds; then that is untruth which is not him; and so let God be true, and all men lyars.

And you which are not come to the light which Christ hath enlightened you withall, are in the untruth; for where truth is, there is Christ, for he is the truth, and his Words are truth; but what have you to do to talk of Christ and truth, that stands against his light, whose unsoberness in this appears.

And the light which doth enlighten every man which comes into the World, by which men are saved, the natu­ral is made by it; and you that draw people from the light which every man is enlightened withall that comes into the World, are them that make Sects.

But you are them that calls that light which enlightens every man which comes into the World, natural and darkness, as instance the Priest of Kingston; and so all your professions of Scripture, God, Christ, Truth, and being from the light, you are all with it iudged and condem­ned.

And you and the said Jews are one in nature, being from the light which hath enlightened every one which comes into the World, and so erres, not knowing the Scri­ptures; which light should give you the knowledge of them, and of God, and so you know neither Law nor Te­stimony, that be from the light, for the Law is light, and the Testimony of JESUS is the Spirit of Prophe­sie.

And the light that shines in a dark place, your darkness cannot comprehend, though you have all the Scriptures, [Page 31]and you that turn people from the light that Christ hath enlightened every man that comes into the World with­all, turns them into darkness, and so stops their eyes, and stops their ears, and are like unto the Jews that Christ bid search the Scriptures, that never heard the voice of God, but thought to have had life in the Scriptures; and you are not like the Bereans, but the Thessalonicans that persecu­ted; and so them that turns to the light, turns from you Ministers of darkness; for you have not been the openers of Scripture, but the bringers of People on heaps one a­mongst another, and are apostatized from the spirit of the Saints which opened the Scriptures, and shewed the fulfil­ling of them, which brought people into the life and po­wer which they were given forth from.

And so you priests that denies the light which every man that comes into the World is enlightened withall, are the Houses of darkness, and your ears are stopped to the light, who are all apostatized from the Apostles, Popes Ministers, Popes Tribes, apostatized from the light that shines in the heart, to give People the knowledge, &c. And so all your means is to be iudged and denyed, which you sell for money and moneys-worth, which did not the A­postles and the Prophets; and the Apostle does not say as you Priests sayes, That which may be known of God ma­nifested in the Gentiles, is visible, as the Priests doth, which calls the light of Christ natural; and no one can know the visible things, nor invisible thing from the Creation, but as they come to know that of God in them; and they that send people from that of God in them, into the visible, are not the Ministers of Christ that brings all people to that of God in them which they have been estrayed from; with that they know God and Christ; and the natural man as it is written doth not know the things of God; therefore that which lets to know the things of God which is invisible, and his God-head, is that of God in peo­ple, for that which may be known of God is manifest in them.

And that which brought the Gentiles to do the thing con­tained in the Law, which is a thing of God, it was that of God in them.

And what have you to do to talk of Jew, Gentle, and Apo­stle, who are not like the Jews that keep the Law, that had the Store-house and Tythes nor like the Gentiles that did the thing contained in the Law [...] but like those Jews that caused the Name of God to be blasphemed amongst the heathen; therefore is the Name of God blasphemed by you amongst the profane people, whose conversations are in the Earth, not in Heaven; and who are believers Jews, or Gentiles, come to the end of the Law who are the true Christians; if the Jews professing the Law, and vvalking contrary to the Law, (the gentiles doing by nature (without a command) the thing con­tained in the Law) this judgeth the Jews as them you call Heathen; doing [...]he thing contained in the gospel, you profes­sing of it, not doing of it; shall judge you, that is to say, your unmercifulness, and the mercifulness which hath been shewed more then yours to them, which hath come amongst them, which hath been amongst you.

And so you are in the state of unbelief, that be estray, and doth not good, whose Throat is an open sepulchre, under whose Tongue is the poyson of Asps, whose feet are swift to shed blood, your gaols witnesseth; who hath not known the Way of Peace, nor hath any fear of God before your eyes, and so out of the Apostles Doctrine in the Popes, from the Light, out of the converted state, vvho are vain in your ima­ginations, whose foolish hearts is darkned, professing your selves wise; and are become foolish; who is filled with unrigh­teousness and covetousness, maliciousness and envy, murther and debate, and back-biters, whisperers, haters of good, de­spiteful, inventers of evil things, without understanding; co­venant-breakers, without natural affections, unmerciful, &c. Now these be your fruits, your Courts and your prisons will shew it, who are without God in the World, and strangers to the Covenant of promise; blind guides, who are from the light which Christ enlightened every one withall; so are from the hope, so haters of the light, haters of God, and cannot [Page 33]see the state that the Apostle speaks to the Jevvs and gentiles not converted, how he equally measures them; but you are in the state of darkness, that is your time, not in the light of the Lord.

And that which gives to see the Law, and shew the Law, is beyond the corrupt nature in Jevv, in gentile.

And you never see the Covenant of light to the gentiles, & the new Covenant to the Jevvs, but as you come into the light which enlighteneth every man that comes into the World, neither are you Preachers of it.

And vvho comes to the light, comes to the Scripture; and vvho comes not to the light, comes not to the Scripture, and the thing it speaks of; so you are them that stumble at the light which enlighteneth every one that comes into the World; and you stumble at the Prophet which every one should hear.

And so you say Christ that doth enlighten every one that comes into the World, is not sufficient to salvation, which not believing in, are condemned; and all that walks in the light which doth enlighten every one which comes into the World, walks in that which doth condemn you all; with vvhich light they see that of God in the Jevv, and in the gentile; vvith vvhich they knovv vvhen they do the thing that is not conve­nient nor righteous, but vvorthy of death; and hovv that the judgement of God comes upon them that take pleasure in unrighteousness, and act contrary to that of God in them; with which light you are all seen, acting contrary to that of God in you, who shall receive vvorthily from the Lord accor­ding to your doings, a reward.

And you (contrary to Christ and the Apostles) say, follow­ing the light is not sufficient to save; the Apostle sayes, He that follows the light, and believes in the light, shall not be condemned, nor abide in darkness; so you will make people believe if they follow Christ they shall not be saved, for he is the light, and the light which every man that comes into the World is lightened withall, gives him the knowledge of his salvation, and the Scriptures; and the Scriptures do not with­out the light and the spirit was in them that gave it forth; for [Page 34]the Jevvs and you have Scripture, yet neither you nor they had the knowledge of salvation, that stand against the light which doth enlighten every man that comes into the World.

And all you that are from the light within, are in death and damnation, which the light leads from it to salvation; and the Priests of the World saith, That the light within the (Scripture saith) wil lead into darknes [...], death and damnation, who are in the death and damnation themselves, Ministers of lyes, the Scripture speaks no such thing; for are you not kil­ling and haling out of your Synagogues, and thinking you do God good service, and neither know the Father nor the Son, nor his light which doth enlighten every man that comes in­to the World withall?

And they that know not the Father nor the Son, go from the light within; and Paul was from the light within, onely professing Scripture without, like you when he persecuted; and this proves you all uncoverted who are not come to the light within, but onely Ministers of the Letter, making a Trade of the Letter, and so going on the wrong Way; for when Paul was converted, he told others when he was a Minister of Christ, The l [...]ght that shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of God in the face of Christ Jesus.

And here you all prove your selves uncoverted by Scrip­ture, and you are all in the gentiles state, alienated from the life of God; that is, being in the Transgression, and some­thing is transgressed in you, which Covenant brings Jew and gentile out of Transgression, a Light believing in it; and you Priests that denies the light which enlightens every one which comes into the World, denies Christ the Saviour, and are that Antichrist that Christ said should come, that John saw was come, which went forth from them, which in you since has reigned.

The Ministers of Christ turned people from darkness to the light, and they told them it was within them, and they bid them believe in the light and they should not come into con­demnation, This was Christs words which the Ministers of [Page 35]darkness, the Messengers of Satan, sayes it is not sufficient; for there is none knows Scripture, or gave forth Scripture, but it was from the light within them, and that was sufficient to lead them to give forth Scripture, who were learned of God and Christ the Father of light and life; and God will dwell in men, and walk in men; and that is sufficient, but not to you Ministers of darkness.

And so our questions have tryed you, and made you to judge your selves, and made you to manifest your selves, which has tryed you as Christs questions tryed the Pharisees, which made them to judge themselves; and we know you would not lose the World to come into the light which is Christ the Saints Way; and you are not under the Gospel, nor truly under the Law subjected, so from both their maintenance, and we know that you cannot; nor are not able to answer to the queries, nor the thing it self propounded to you, who have long gone under the Name of Ministers of Christ by the ig­norant people, but now in this the day of the Lord are made manifest; and we are sober who have comprehended you root and stock, to be separated and erred from the power the Apo­stles was in.

The Ministers of the Gospel never desired the tenth part; for the Apostle said he had power to eat, and power to drink, that was not the Ten [...]hs, moreover he said he had not used his power to eat amongst the Corinthi [...]ns, whereby to keep the Gospel without charge; therein he kept his glorying, and the Apostles example shews that he did not take Tenths, and the keeping the flock, eating the milk, doth he eat the tenth? And planting a Vinyard, and eating the fruit, must he eat the Tenth? I, but come Priests, come; the Apostle would not use his power though he spake this, and he brought them out of the ninth and the tenths both; away with your hypocri­sie & covetousness; but what have you to do with to ask of A­postle? ask of the Church of Rome what your old Canon sayes, your Father the Pope, there is no talk of the tenths amongst the Apostles for their maintainance; truly I am ashamed of you and you will be troubled until you come into the power the Apostles was in, who brought people out of the tenths [Page 36]and ninths; before you come to that, you must come to the light that receives the power, and denie all your Schools and Masse-houses, and Tythes, and all that ever the Pope hath set up in Engla [...]d to make Ministers in, those Schools I speake of, for the glory is shined forth, and her brightness is shining, and he is risen that will make the Popes Kingdom totter; for the foundation of God is seen that stands sure; and all apo­states which made up the Popes Kingdom, and apostatized from them, broken into several foundations, they will break them into pieces, even they who stand in the foundation of God; and it will break to pieces these foundations, who stands with the foundation of God; Christ will rule and reign who is come to set up his Kingdom.

So all ye called Ministers, come to the light which Christ hath enlightened you withall, that you may know his mainte­nance differing from the Popes; lest ye be all condemned by this light, and slain by him; for the light is your condem­nation, and every mans upon the Earth which doth not be­lieve in the light which Christ doth enlighten them withall, & so you have been the wooriers of the Lambs; but the Lambs and the Saints shall have the victory; and if you were the Mi­nisters of Christ, and not the Popes why do you put us in pri­son till they dye, and hale us before Courts, and spoile our goods, and thus prison us for maintenance that you do no work for? How do you bring trouble to a Nation in this manner? Do you not believe that this is the way that God hath tryed you and made you manifest to be out of the pow­er that the Apostle was in? though you have said you was his Ministers, have you done the works of his Ministers? In your works and actions you have denyed them, and your fruits are very unlike theirs. I am perswaded if the pow­ers of the Earth did not hold you up, you could not tell what to do, a company of Priests run creeping up and down with Petitions; Oh shame! learn to thresh, get a flock, plow, and sow, and plant; are you like them that brings glad tydings, with their feet o'th the top of the Moun­tains?


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