A Distinction betwixt the Two Suppers of Christ, NAMELY, The last Supper in the same night that he was betrayed, before he was Crucified,
And the Supper after he was risen and ascended at the right hand of God, which he calls People to in Rev. 3. to hear his Voice, and open the Door, and he will Sup with them, and they shall Sup with him.
Likewise, something concerning Christ the Resurrection of the Just and Unjust.
And also, concerning the Stone cut out of the Mountain without Hands, Which smote the Image, Dan. 2.
And concerning Christ, the Vine; and the Jews, how that God planted them a Noble Vine, but they degenerated, and destroyed the Lords Servants, and Son, that came to look for Fruits.
By G. F.
Printed in the Year 1685.
A Distinction betwixt the two Suppers of Christ, namely, the last Supper in the same Night that he was betray'd, before he was Crucified; and the Supper after he was risen and ascended at the right H nd of God, which he calls People to in Rev. 3. to hear his Voice, and open the Door, and he will Sup with them, and they shall Sup with him.
IT is said in Matth. 26. and Mark 14. and Luke 22. & 1 Cor. 11. In the same night that Christ was betray'd, he took the Bread and the Cup, &c. and said, As often as ye do eat this Bread, and drink this Cup, do it in Remembrance of me, and ye do shew forth the Lords Death till he come. And Christ saith, I say unto you, I will drink henceforth no more of this Fruit of the Vine, until that day that I drink it new with you in my Fathers Kingdom. Mat. 26.29. & Mark 22.16. And Christ said, when he was at his last Supper, when he was betray'd, before he was crucified, I say unto you, (namely, his Disciples) I will not any more eat thereof (namely, of the Bread of the Passover) until i [...] be fulfill'd in the Kingdom of God.
Now Mark, the Fruit of the Vine, and the Bread which Christ brake at his last Supper, and gave to his Disciples in the same night that he was betray'd, before he was crucified, which they were to take in Remembrance of his Death, and shew forth his Death until he came, that after they had eat of that outward Bread, and drunk of that outward Cup the fruit of the Vine, which he gave to his Disciples, henceforth, he would eat no more thereof (namely, the Bread) until it was fulfill'd in the Kingdom of God, and drink no more of the fruit of the Vine, until the day that he drink it new in the Kingdom of God. Mat. 26. Mark 14 as Christ said this unto his Disciples, at his last Supper, before he was cruified; but after Christ was crucified, buried, and rose again, he did eat and drink again with them, as ye may see in these Scriptures following, which did fulfil his own words, [Page 4]as in Luke 24.30. And it came to pass as Jesus sate at Meat with them, he took Bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to them (namely, to some of his Disciples) and they said unto others of them, the Lord is come; and he was known to them by breaking of Bread, as in vers. 35. And vers. 41, 42, 43. Jesus appeared unto his Disciples again, and he said unto them, Have ye any Meat? and they gave him a piece of broyl'd Fish and Honey-Comb, and he took it, and did eat before them; And he said unto them, These are the words I speak unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, &c.
And again, Jesus said unto his Disciples, after he was risen, John 21.5.9. Children, have ye any Meat? they answered, No. And as soon as his Disciples were come to Land, they saw a fire of Coles there, and Fish laid thereon, and Bread; and Jesus said unto them, Come and Dine; and Jesus took Bread, and gave to them, and Fish likewise: And this was the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his Disciples, after he was risen from the dead, as in John 21.12, 13. And Christ, after he was risen from the dead, he told his Disciples, All Power in Heaven and Earth was given unto him. And Christ said unto his Disciples, before he was crucified, Verily, I say unto you, ye shall not have gone over the Cities of Israel till the Son of Man be come, whom he sent forth to preach, Mat. 10.23.
And again, Christ said unto his Disciples, I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of Death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom. And again, Christ saith, Verily, I say unto you, there be some standing here which shall not taste of Death, till they have seen the Kingdom of God come with Power, Mat. 16.28. Mark 9.1. Luke 9.27.
And the Apostle saith, Acts 10.41. that they did eat and drink with Christ, after that God had raised him up from the dead. And so, they fulfilled Christs words, that he would eat no more of the Bread, nor drink of the Fruit of the Vine, until he drunk it new with them in the Kingdom of God, Mark 14.25. And again, Christ said, There are some standing here, which shall not taste of Death till they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom and Power, Mat. 16.28. And was not this fulfill'd after Christ was risen, when he said, All Power in Heaven and Earth is given unto me. Then did not he come in Power, and did not the Disciples see him in his Kingdom, after his Resurrection?
And John, he that was one of Christs beloved Disciples, that [Page 5]leaned upon his Brest in the same night that Christ was betray'd, before he was crucified, did not John then take the Elements of Bread and Wine at that last Supper? And was not John one of the Disciples that did not taste Death till he saw Christ come in the Kingdom of his Father with Power, when Christ said, All Power in Heaven and Earth is given unto me? And was not John one of the Disciples that did eat and drink with Christ after he was risen? And after that Christ was ascended, and sate at the right hand of God, and the Churches were gathered, they were not come off many outward Elementary things. And did not Christ send John, after he was ascended, to call the Church to another Supper, and said, Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any man will hear my Voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me; he that hath an Ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.
Now they that come to this inward and heavenly Supper, and to sup with Christ, the heavenly and spiritual Man, the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, after he is risen and ascended, they must have their spiritual Ear to hear the Spiritual Voice of Christ, and his Spiritual knocking at the door of their Immortal Souls and Hearts, and with his Spirit, let the Spiritual Man, the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven, the King of Glory, to come into their Hearts and Souls, and then they to sup with him, and he to sup with them the spiritual and heavenly Supper; and to this heavenly and spiritual Supper did Christ send John, to call the Church of Christ to, after he was risen and ascended: And John said, when Christ sent him with this Message, to call the Church to this Supper, I John, am your Brother, &c. in the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ. So here you may see, John was in the Kingdom and Patience of Christ, when he called the Church to this heavenly spiritual Supper of Christ, after Christ was ascended at the right hand of God; which spiritual Supper, after Christ was ascended, is beyond, and a higher Supper than the last Supper the same night that Christ was betray'd, of taking the Elements of Bread and Wine in remembrance of Christs death, and a shew of his Death till he come: And had not John taken that Supper? And was not the Kingdom of God come, when John said, He was in the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ? Rev. 1.9. chap. 3.20. John tells you, Christ is come, and Christ saith, Behold I stand at the door and knock, (Then is not he come?) and if any man will hear [Page 6]my Voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, (Mark, in to him) and I will Sup with him, and he with me. And doth not the Apostle say, Prove your selves, examine your selves, knew ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except you be Reprobates, 2 Cor. 13.5. And may not Reprobates take the Elements of Bread and Wine in Remembrance of Christ's Death, and say, they will do [...]t till Christ come; yet Christ saith, Behold, I stand at the door and knock, (so then he is come) and if any man will hear his Voice, and open the Door, he wi [...] come in to them, and sup with them, and they with him. And cannot Reprobates be sprinkled with the Elements of Water, and take the Elements of Bread and Wine? And Christ, that is ascended at the right hand of God, saith, Behold, I stand at the door and knock; and though he is come, and stands at the door and knocks, yet they will not open the door, and hear his spiritual Voice, that he might come in to them, and sup with them, and they with him, as is said before, and such wi [...] not come to the spiritual Ear to hear what the Spirit laith to the Church of Christ; for they must have the spiritual Ear that let in Christ, when he stands at the door and knocks at the door of their hearts, to hear his spiritual Voice, and to sup with the spiritual Man at his spiritual Supper, after Christ is ascended, and they that hear not the spiritual Voice of Christ, when he stands at the door and knocks, are such as err from the Spirit of God, and Faith of Christ, and hate his Light, and go from the Grace and Truth in their Hearts; and such do not come to the heavenly Supper of Christ, that he calls to, now after he is ascended, that will not hear his Voice, nor open the door by his Grace, Light, Spirit and Truth, but their dark spirit leads them to live in beggarly Elements, outward things which perish with the using, and which keep them in Bondage, Gal. 4.9. Col. 2.22. And the Angel said unto John, Blessed are they which are called to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. This is the Spiritual Marriage Supper of the Lamb which the true Christians were called to, after Christ was risen and ascended, Rev. 19.9. For they that are come to this Marriage Supper of the Lamb, are marryed to Christ, the second Adam, the Lord from Heaven; and these are they that hear his spiritual Voice, and is come into them, and suppeth with them, and they with him; and this is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, that taketh away the Sins of the World, and they that come to it are blessed; for Reprobates may [Page 7]take the outward Elements of Bread and Wine in remembrance of Christs death, till he comes, as they say, and yet he stands at the door of their Hearts and Souls, and knocks, after he is risen and ascended at the right hand of God, and they will not let him in, nor hear his Voice; and the Apostle tells them, in 2 Cor. 13. They are Reprobates if Christ be not in them.
And here you may see now, that Christ called his Followers to this Marriage Supper, after he was risen and ascended into Heaven at the right hand of God; and is not this the last Supper that Christ called his People to, after he was ascended (namely, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb) yea, such that had taken the Elements of Bread and Wine with Christ at his last Supper, the same night that he was betray'd, before he was crucified, in remembrance of his Death, till he come. And John, who was one that took it remembrance of his Death till he came, said, in his first Epistle, chap. 5.20. after Christ was risen and ascended, We know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an Ʋnderstanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son, Jesus Christ, (Mark, in him) and this is the true God and Eternal Life: And this, John spake after Christ was risen and ascended, he that hath an Ear to hear, let him hear. And Jesus Christ said, If any man love me, he will keep my Words and Sayings; and he that hath my Commandments, and keepeth them, it is he that loveth me; and he that loveth me, shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest my Self to him: I go to my Father, but ye shall see me; and because I live, you shall live also; ye shall know that I am in my Father, and you in Me, and I in you; And he that keepeth my words, my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him, John 14▪
And the Apostle saith to the Collosions, God hath delivered us from the Power of Darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son (Mark, into the Kingdom of his dear Son) and this he said while they were upon the Earth, and after Christ was risen and ascended. And John said, That he was in the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ, while he was upon the Earth, Rev. 1.9. Col. 1.13.
And the Collosions were not converted, when he took Bread and Wine, and gave to his Disciples at his last Supper, the same night he was betray'd. And were not they that were translated into the Kingdom of Christ Jesus, come to the Marriage Supper of the [Page 8]Lamb? And Christ supped with them, and they with him, and sate together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, as in Ephes. 2 6.
Here you may see a distinction betwixt the last Supper the same night that Christ was betray'd, before he was crucified, and the heavenly Marriage Supper of the Lamb, that Christ calleth People to, after he was ascended into Heaven at the right hand of God.
And John saw an Angel standing in the Sun, and he cryed with a loud Voice, saying to all the Fowles that fly in the midst of Heaven, Come and gather your selves together unto the Supper of the great God, that ye may eat the Flesh of Kings, and the Flesh of Captains, and the Flesh of mighty Men, and the Flesh of them that sit on Horses, and the Flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great, Rev. 19.17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
Now, all you that will not open the door of your Souls and Hearts at which Door Christ stands and knocks, nor hear his spiritual Voice, to let him in, that he might sup with you, and you with him, the blessed Marriage Supper of the Lamb, slain from the Foundation of the World; I say to you all, take heed, both great and small, high and low, free and bond, lest Christ do not make of you a Supper for the Fowles to eat your Flesh, and be fill'd with it, as in Rev. 19. for they are not blessed that the Fowls make a Supper of, but they are blessed that are called, and come to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; and they that are a Supper for the Fowls, do not eat the Flesh of Christ, nor drink his Blood, the Bread from Heaven; and such have no Life in them, and so will not come to Christ that they may have Life, but live in outward Elements, John 5.40. But whosoever eateth the Flesh of Christ, and drinketh his Blood, which is the living Bread that cometh down from Heaven, hath everlasting Life. And again, Christ saith, He that eateth my Flesh, and drinketh my Blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him: And these are they that are blessed, and come to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and Christ sups with them, and they with him, after his Resurrection and Ascention into Heaven at the right hand of God, the heavenly and spiritual Supper of the Lamb, and come to be Flesh of his Flesh, and Bone of his Bone, John 6. Ephes. 5.30.
Now concerning them that say, The Bread and the Wine that Christ took and gave his Disciples, and said, As often as ye do eat this Bread, and drink this Cup, do it remembrance of me, shewing forth the Lords [Page 9]Death, till he come, as in Matthew, Mark Luke, 1 Cor. &c. They that say that this outward Bread, and the Wine, the fruit of the Vine, is the very Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and whosoever receiveth and eateth it, receiveth and eateth the Lord Jesus Christ, after the Priest hath consecrated it; in this they may see their Error that do say so, and hold this Doctrine; for the Apostle saith, Ye that do eat this Bread and drink this Cup, ye do shew forth the Lord Jesus Christ's Death, till he come. Then it is clear, the Bread and the Cup is not the Lord Jesus; and the Lord Jesus Christ is not come when they eat this bread and drink this cup; for while they are eating the bread and drinking the cup, they are shewing forth the Lords death till he come: Then he is not come; for they take the Bread and Cup in Remembrance of the Lords Death, and to shew forth his death till he come. So it is clear, the cup and the bread is not the Lord Jesus Christ, as in 1 Cor. 11.24, 26.
And again, the Apostle saith, In the same night that Christ Jesus was betray'd, he took Bread and brake it, and said, do it in remembrance of me, and likewise the Cup. So Christ's Body was whole, and was not crucified, when he brake that outward bread; for that which they were to take in Remembrance of Christ, and in a shew of his death till he came, it was not the Lord Jesus Christ, but outward Bread and Wine in an outward Cup: And Christ was no where call'd a Cup, it is said, Christ took the Cup when he had Supped: Then he did not take his own blood and give unto them, but he called it, the Fruit of the Vine, Mat. 26.29. And Christ took the Cup and gave his Disciples, and said, Drink ye all of it; and took the Bread, and brake it, and gave it to his Disciples also. And in Mark 16.22. They all drank of the Cup, and he brake the Bread and gave it to his Disciples, (namely, the twelve) as in Luke 22. And after he had broken it, and given it them, and given them the Cup, and call'd it the Fruit of the Vine, after Christ had given them this, he said, Drink ye all of this, Mat. 26.25. Luke 22.21. Behold, saith Christ, The hand of him that betrayeth me, is with me on the Table. So it seems here that Judas did eat of the Bread, and drink of the [...]ruit of the Vine in the Cup, and he did partake of these outward Elements in the same night that Christ was betray'd, which Elements were taken in a shew and remembrance of the Lords Death till he came: But Judas did not stay till he came; for he betray'd him. Now if this outward Bread and outward Wine had been [Page 10]Christ, the living Bread that came down from Heaven, and his Blood, which if any man did eat of that Bread, and drink his Blood, he shall live forever, and not dye, as Christ saith, Whose eateth my Flesh, and drinketh my Blood, hath eternal Life, and dwelleth in me, and I in him; and he that eateth me shall even live by me, and he that eateth this Bread that comes down from Heaven, shall live forever; see John 6.50, to 59.
Now here you may see, it is clear, that the Cup and Bread that Judas did eat and drink of at the last Supper, was not the Flesh of Christ or Bread of Life that came down from Heaven, nor his Blood that giveth Life everlasting; for Judas had not eternal Life, nor did not live forever by eating that outward Bread, and drinking of that outward Cup, the Fruit of the Vine.
And so, Judas did not eat Christ and live by him, and live forever, though he drunk of the outward Cup, the Fruit of the Vine, and eat of the outward Bread that Christ brake at his last Supper, the same night that he betray'd him; and that Judas might do, and not eat the Bread from Heaven, the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his Blood; for such have not Life eternal in them, as Christ saith, that do not eat his Flesh and drink his Blood; for Christ said, Except ye eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his Blood, ye have no Life in you, John 6.53. And the Jews murmured at Christ, when he said, I am the Bread that came down from Heaven, and except ye eat my Flesh and drink my Blood, ye have no Life in you; And he that eateth my Flesh, and drinketh my Blood, hath Eternal Life.
So here is a great difference betwixt the Flesh and the Blood of Christ, or the Bread which came down from Heaven, which giveth Life Eternal, and the Elements of Bread and Wine, which Reprobates and Judas's may take and eat, that have not Life eternal, nor Christ in them, as the Apostle saith, if Christ be not in you, ye are Reprobates.
Here you may see a distinction betwixt the Baptism of John, with his Elements of Water, which must decrease, a fore-runner of Christ's Baptism, which doth increase, who came after John, who baptizeth with Fire, and with the holy Ghost, who cometh with his Fan, and throughly purgeth the Floor of the Heart from Sin and Corruption, [Page 11]burneth up the Chaff with unquenchable Fire; and this Fire that is unquenchable, is above the natural Fire that may be quenched; and Christ gathereth his Wheat into his Garner, into which Garner the Devil with his foul Spirit, nor none of his Verments, his Followers, can come to hurt Gods Seed or Wheat.
And all Men and Women must come to this Baptism of Christ, who baptizeth with unquenchable Fire and the holy Ghost, before ever they know the Wheat or the Seed of God come into Gods Garner; for John, who said, he must decrease, his Baptism with outward Elementary Water, doth not bring the Wheat, the Seed of God, into Gods Garner.
And the Apostle said, He thanked God that he had baptized none of the Corinthians but Crispus and Gaius, &c. for he said, Christ sent him not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel (1 Cor. 14.17.) not with the wisdom of words, lest the Cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
And John the Baptist was prophesied of by Isaiah, before his coming, Isa. 40.3. I indeed baptize you with Water unto Repentance, but he that cometh after me, is mightier than I, whose Shee Latchets I am not worthy to unlose, he shall baptize you with the holy Ghost, and with Fire, whose Fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his Floor, and gather his Wheat into his Garner, but he will burn up the Chaff with unquenchable Fire, Mat. 3.11, 12. Mark 1.9. Luke 3.21. And John said, He that hath the Bride, is the Bridegroom, he must increase, but I must decrease. And John further speaketh of Christ, and saith, He that is from above, is above all. And again, he that is from above, is above all, John 3.29, 30, 31. So John confesseth Christ was greater than he, and came after him, who must increase, and was mightier than he, and preferr'd before him, for he was before him; and indeed Christ is preferr'd before John in his Birth, in his Miracles, in his Offices, and in his Death, who by the Grace of God tasted Death for every man, and was mightier than John in his Birth, who was conceived by the holy Ghost, and in his Power, who hath all Power in Heaven and Earth given unto him. So he was preferr'd before John; for he was before him, for all things were made and created by Jesus Christ, whose Name is call'd the Word of God, John 1.
And when Christ came to be baptized of John, John forbid him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? And Jesue said unto him, Suffer it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to fulfil [Page 12]all Righteousness: th [...] he sufrer'd him, M [...]t. 3.13, 14, 15. So here, John knew that himself must be baptized with Christs Baptism, with Fire, and with the holy Ghost, before the Seed of God, the Wheat, be gathered into Gods Garner. And John answered the Pharisees, when they questioned him, and said, I baptize you with Water, but there standeth one amongst you, whom you know not, he it is that cometh after me, which is preferr'd before me, whose Shoe Latchets I am not worthy to unloose. And John seeing Christ come unto him, said, Behold, the Lamb of God which taketh away the Sins of the World; this is he of whom John said, After me cometh a man which is preferr'd before me, for he was before me; and that he should be made manifest to Israel; Therefore came I baptizing with Water, John 1.27, to 31.
Here you may see, John clearly declareth for what end he was sent to baptize with Water, (namely) that Christ might be made manifest to Israel, the Jews, that had the Figures and Shadows of Christ; for John doth not say, he came baptizing with Water, that Christ might be made manifest to the Gentiles or Heathen, but to Israel. For the Apostle Paul said to the Corinthians, He was not sent to baptize, (namely, with the Elements of Water) but to preach the Gospel; for the Apostle thanks God that he baptized none of the Corinthians but two or three, that he mentions in 1 Cor. 1. And he tells the Corinthians (which were the Gentiles) By one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be Bond or Free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit, 1 Cor. 12.13.
So this was the Spiritual Baptism of Christ that the Apostle brought both Jews and Gentiles into: Then surely the Apostle Paul must see the decreasing of John's Baptism with Elementary Water, who brought them to the spiritual Baptism.
And the Apostle Paul writeth to the Ephesians, and exhorts them, To keep the Ʋnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace; and saith, There is one Body, and one Spirit, &c. and one Lord, and one Faith, and one Baptism, and one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through you all, and in you all, Ephes. 4.3, 4, 5, 6.
So God was in them all, and through them all, by his Spirit; and this was the one Lord, and one Faith, and one Baptism, that the Apostle brought the Church of Christ, the Ephesians, to, which was not John's Baptism, with Elementary Water, but Christs Baptism with the holy Ghost, which burned up the Chaff, by which God [Page 13]Wheat or Seed was gathered into his Garner: Surely these Ephesians had their Wheat or Seed gathered into Gods Garner; for the Apostle saith, They sate together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, Ephes. 2.6. And these were not Jews, but Gentiles. And if John's decreasing Baptism, with Elementary Water, had been Christ's Baptism, then the Apostle would not have thanked God he baptized none but these few, nor have said, that Christ did not send him to baptize with Water, but to preach the Gospel, as in 1 Cor. 14.16, 17. but it is clear, the Apostle did bring the Church of Christ to the one spiritual Baptism of Christ Jesus.
And the Apostle saith in Acts, how John first preached before the coming of Christ the Baptism of Repentance to all the People of Israel; he doth not say, to all the Gentiles: And as John had fulfilled his course (Mark, his course) of Baptism, he said, Behold, there cometh one after me, whose Shoes of his feet I am not worthy to unloose, Acts 13.24, 25.
Now (Mark) as John had fulfill'd his course of Elementary Water-Baptism, John saith of himself, That he must decrease; Then Christ's Baptism came in with the holy Ghost, and with Fire, which doth increase, by which holy Ghost and Fire, the Sin and Corruption, which is Chaff, is burned up, and Gods Wheat and Seed is gathered into his Garner; And so, Christ is the true and heavenly Baptizer, with his heavenly unquenchable [...]ire and holy Spirit.
And Christ commanded his Disciples, That they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the Promise of the Father: And further said, For John truly baptized with Water, but ye shall be baptized with the holy Ghost, not many days hence (Mark, not many days hence) and ye shall receive Power after that the holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be Witnesses unto me (namely, Christ) who baptizeth with Fire, and with the holy Ghost, both in Jerusalem and Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the utmost parts of the Earth, Acts 1.4, to 8. And in Acts 2. The Apostles being met together at Jerusalem, they were all filled with the holy Ghost. Here Christ's words were fulfilled in them and upon them, who said, That John baptized with Water, but ye shall be baptized with the holy Ghhst not many days hence; which came to pass (Acts 2.) and they were Witnesses of Christ, both in Judea and Samaria, and to the Gentiles, &c.
And the Apostle came to Ephesus, and finding certain Disciples, he [Page 14]said unto them, Have ye received the holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any holy Ghost: And he said unto them, Ʋnto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Ʋnto John's Baptism: Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the Baptism of Repentance, saying unto the People, that they should believe on him that should come after him (that is, on Christ Jesus, &c.) And when Paul had laid his hands on them, the holy Ghost came upon them, Acts 19.
Here you may see the Baptism of John, with his Elementary Water, was not the baptism of Christ with the holy Ghost; for they that baptised with John's baptism, said, We have not so as heard whether there be any holy Ghost; Then they were not like to know the baptism of Christ with the holy Ghost; but when the Apostle Paul laid his hands upon them, the holy Ghost came upon them, then they were baptized with the holy Ghost.
And while Peter spoke to Cornelius's Family, the holy Ghost fell upon them which heard the Word that he preached, Acts 10.44. So the holy Ghost was given through the preaching of the Word Christ, and the holy Ghost doth baptize them; through which baptism the Wheat or Seed of God is gathered into God's Garner.
And Saul, who had been a Persecutor of God's People, and was struck blind, and Annanias went to him, and laid his hands upon him, and said, The Lord Jesus sent me to him, that he might receive his fight, and be filled with the holy Ghost, Acts 9.11, to 18. which came to pass unto Paul, who did receive his sight: And was not he baptized by the holy Ghost, who was filled with it? And then after, did not he bring others to the same spiritual Baptism, and called Jesus Lord by the holy Ghost, and bore witness to Christ, both among Jews and Gentiles? And the Apostles laid their hands upon the Samaritans that believed in Christ; and through the laying on of the Apostles hands, the holy Ghost was given to the Samaritans, when they had pray'd that they might receive the holy Ghost: And Simon Magus proffered the Apostles Money to buy their Gift; but they sharply rebuked him, and said, Thy Money perish with thee, because be thought the Gift of God might be purchased with Money; and told him, that he was in the Gall of Bitterness, and in the bond of Iniquity, and bid him Repent, &c. Acts 10. from vers. 15, to 24.
Now were not these Samaritans, that received the holy Ghost by [Page 15]the Apostles laying hands on them, baptized with the holy Ghost? And the holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Paul for the Work whereunto I have called them. So they being sent forth by the holy Ghost, departed and preached the Word of God, Acts 13.2, 4.
Here you may see, it was the holy Ghost that fitted Paul and Barnabas for the Work where-with they were called, and sent them forth to preach Christ Jesus.
And Stephen said to the outward professing high-Priests and Jews, their Council, Ye Stiff-necked, and Ʋncircumcised in Hearts and Ears, ye always resist the holy Ghost, as your fore-Fathers did, so do ye, Acts 6.15. ch. 7.1.51. And may not the same be said of many that are called Christians, that live in an outward Profession of the Letter of the Scripture, and some outward Elements of bread, wine and water, and outward shews and signs? And how can such as resist the holy Ghost, as their fore Fathers did, come to be baptized by the holy Ghost, and by unquenchable Fire (which is the baptism of Christ) and have their sins and corruption burned up, that Chaff, and their Wheat gathered into Gods Garner.
And some came unto John, and said, He to whom thou bearest Witness, behold, the same baptizeth, and all men come to him: And the Pharisees heard that Jesus made and baptized more Disciples than John, though Christ himself baptized not with Watter; for Christ baptized with the holy Ghost, and with unquenchable Fire, as John bore witness of his baptism, John 3.26. ch. 4.1, 2. And from that time John was cast into Prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, and saying, The time is fulfill'd, the Kingdom of God is at hand, Repent ye, and believe the Gospel, Mark 1, 14, 15. Mat. 4.12, 17. So here you may see, Christ preaches a higher Doctrine than John, and cometh with a greater Baptism after John.
And the Apostle saith to the Romans, That so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into his Death. (Mark) they were baptized into Christ Jesus and his Death: Then that must be by the holy Ghost; and therefore the Apostle saith, We are buried with him by baptism into Death, that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in the Newness of Life a So they tht come out of this Death by baptism walk in newness of Life; and this baptism into Christ, and his Death, [Page 16]is not the baptism of John with his outward Elementary Water: The Apostle saith, If we have been planted together in the likeness of Christ's Death, we shall also be planted in the likeness of his Resurrection, Rom. 6.3, 4, 5. And the Apostle saith, 1 Cor. 10.12. That all our Fathers were under the cloud, and all past torough the Sea, and were all baptized unto Moses in the Cloud, and in the S [...]a, (Mark) unto Moses in the cloud, & in the Sea they were all baptized Exod. 13.21. and ch. 14 21. The Lord caused the Sea to go back by a [...]rong East Wind all that night, and made the Sea dry Land, and the Children of Israel went into the midst of the Sea upon dry ground, and the Wa [...]ers were a Wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. Here you may see, though it is said they were baptized in the cloud, and in the Sea unto Moses, yet they went upon dry Land or Ground, and the Waters did not touch them.
But the Apostle brings the same Corinthians to the baptism of the Spirit, and saith, We are all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. This is Christ's spiritual baptism, which is beyond John's, with the Elements of Water, which was to decrease. And the Apostle saith, He was not sent to baptize, but to preach the Gospel. And the Apostle saith, For as many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ: There is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, Male nor Female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus, Gal. 3.27, 28. (Mark) They that have been baptized into Christ, are all one in him, and have put Christ on. And this baptism into Christ is not into outward Elementary Water; for the spiritual baptism brings to put on Christ, the heavenly Man, and makes all one in him, Heb 6. So it is clear, the Apostle brought People off the Doctrine of many baptisms, to the one Faith, and one spiritual baptism, as in Ephes. 4.5. And by this one Spirit were all to be baptized into one body, and so to drink all into one spirit, and in that they have unity and fellowship with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ, and one with another, 1 Cor. 12, 13. 1 John 1.3. The Lord bring all People into this spiritual Baptism, and into this Fellowship, Amen.
CHrist saith, It is written, behold, I send my Messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. And Christ saith, Verily I say unto you, among those that are born of Women, there is not a greater Prophet than John the Baptist; but he that is least in the Kingdom of God, is greater than John; for all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John: Since that time, the Kingdom of God is preached, and every man presses into it: This is that Elias which was to come, (namely, John) he that hath an Ear to hear, let him hear, Mat. 11.10, to 15. Luke 7.17. to 28. chap. 16.16. And Christ said unto his Disciples, But Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatever they listed; likewise shall also the Son of man suffer by them, (namely, the Jews, &c.) And Christ's Disciples understood that this Elias that was come already, was John Baptist, whom the Jews and Herod had done unto whatever they listed, Mat. 17.12. So you may see here, the least in the Kingdom of God, is greater than John; And since the time of John, the Kingdom of God hath been preached, and men press into it, and the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than John. And the Apostle said, God hath delivered us from the Power of Darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, Col. 13. And Rev. 1.9. I John, who am your Brother, and in the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ. So those that were in the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ, were greater than John the Baptist.
And all those that do grieve and vex the Spirit of God, and err from it, and rebel against it, are such as do resist the holy Ghost, whether they be Jews, or Gentiles, or Christians, or Bond, or Free, though they may make a profession of the Letter of the Scripture, and some outward Shews and Signs of some outward Elementary things, they are not like to be baptized with the holy Ghost, that do resist the holy Ghost, and therefore the Wheat or Seed of God is not like to be gathered into Gods Garner; for none can call Jesus Lord, as the Apostle saith, but by the holy Ghost, and by that holy Ghost, and the unquenchable Fire, (which is above the natural Fire that may be quenched) are all they, who have their Wheat gathered into Gods Garner, baptized; and all such have Communion and Fellowship in the holy Ghost. London, 25th. 11th. Moneth, 1684.
Concerning Christ, the Resurrection of the Just & Unjust.
CHrist said to Martha, Thy Brother Lazarus shall rise again. Martha said unto Jesus, I know he shall rise in the R [...]surrection at the last day. Jesus said unto Martha, I am the Resurrection and the Life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, [Mark] tho' he were dead, yet shall he live, that believeth in Christ, he shall live forever, he hath eternal Life, as in John 11.23, 24, 25, 26. And again, Jesus saith, Whosoever liveth and believeth i [...] me, shall never dye: Christ said, Believest thou this, Martha? She said unto him, Yea, Lord. [Mark] who liveth and believeth in Christ, shall never dye, but have eternal Life, and are grafted into Christ, them that live and believe; and though he were dead, he that believeth in Christ, yet shall he live. And Christ said, As I live by the Father, so he that eateth me shall live my me, John 6 57. And Jesus said, Verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my Word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath Everlasting Life, and shall not come into Condemnation, but hath past from Death unto Life [Mark] Such Believers as these are passed from the Death in Adam, to the Life in Christ, and have everlasting Life in him. And again, Jesus said, Verily, verily, I say unto you [...] (namely, the Jews) the hour is coming, and now is, [Mark, and now is] when the dead shall hear the Voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live. [Mark, they that hear shall live] Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the Grave shall hear the Voice [Mark, the Voice] of the Son of God, and shall come forth, they that have done good, unto the Resurrection of Life, and they that have done Evil unto the Resurrection of Damnation.
So, here you may see, the Resurrection of them that have done good, to Life, them that have done Evil to Damnation, John 5.25, 29. Mat. 25.46. The Wicked shall go into everlasting Punishment, but the Righteous into Life Eternal. Christ saith, The Father hath given him Authority to execute Judgment, because he is the Son of Man: The Father hath committed all Judgment unto the Son, and all Power in Heaven [Page 19]and Earth is given unto him, because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the World in Righteousness, by that Man whom he hath ordained (to wit, Christ Jesus) Acts 17.31. Rev. 22.12. John 5. Matth. 28. And here you may see, Christ saith, He is the Resurrection and the Life; for as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them, even so the Son quickeneth whom he will, John 5.21. And Christ who is the Image of the invisible. God, by him are all things created that are in Heaven, and that are in the Earth, &c. all things were created by him and for him, Col. 1.16, 17. He is before all things, and by him all things consist, and having made peace through the Blood of his Cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself, whether they be things in Heaven, or things in the Earth; for by Christ God made the world, who is the brightness of his Glory, and the express Image of his Substance, and upholdeth all things by the Word of his Power, Heb. 1.2, 3. John 1. All things were made by Christ, the Word, and without him was not any thing made that was made. Christ Jesus, the first born of every Creature, the first begotten from the dead, by him were all things created that are in Heaven, and that are in the Earth. And the Apostle saith, That the Gospel of Christ was preached to every Creature under Heaven, Col. 1.15, 16, 18, 23. And that in the fullness of time Christ might gather in one all things in himself, both which are in Heaven, and which are on the Earth, even in him, Ephes. 1.10. And therefore the Apostle saith, He was to let all men see what is the Fellowship of the Mystery, which from the beginning of the World hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ, Ephes. 3.9. Here you may see, all things were made and created by Jesus Christ, and man being fallen from God into Sin and Death, from the Life, Christ saith, I am the Resurrection and the Life; and saith, He that that believeth on him shall not perish, but have everlasting Life: And moreover (saith he) he that believeth on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me, shall never dye. And Christ saith to the Jews, If any man keep my Sayings, he shall never taste of Death. And again, Christ saith unto the Jews, Verily, verily, I say unto you, if any man keep my Sayings, he shall never taste of Death, John 8.51, 52. The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand; and he that believeth on the Son, hath Everlasting Life, [Mark, hath it, and is not condemned] but he that believeth not the Son, is condemned, and shall not see Life, but the Wrath of God abideth on him, John 3.18, 36.
The Sadduces asked Christ, and said, There were seven Brethren took one Woman to Wife, one after another; and they asked Christ, whose Wife she shall be in the Resurrection? And Christ said unto the Sadduces, That they did err, and not know the Scriptures, neither the Power of God; for when they shall rise from the dead, they neither Marry, nor are given in Marriage, but are as the Angels which are in Heaven; neither can they dye any more, Luke 20.36. And as touching the Resurrection of the dead, that they Rise, have ye not read in the Book of Moses, how in the Bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, Luke 20.38. He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living, for all live to him. And Christ said unto the Sadduces, Ye do greatly err, &c. Mark 12.13, 20, 27. Mat. 22.23, 28, 30, 31. For he that believeth shall not perish, but have Everlasting Life, John 3.15.
And you may see how the Apostles were Witnesses of the Resurrection of Christ from the dead, and that his Soul was not left in Hell, neither did his Flesh see corruption, Acts 2.30, 31. & 4.33. But the preaching the Resurrection of Christ to the Philosophers, Epicurians and Stoicks, they call'd it babling, and so mocked at it, as in Acts 17.18.22. and there see how they opposed the Apostle, when he preached Christ the Resurrection from the dead, Acts 23.6. And the Apostle said, That there shall be a Resurrection of the Dead, both of the just and unjust; and for preaching the Resurrection of the dead, (namely, Christ Jesus) he was called in question, Acts 24.15.21. For all men being dead in Adam, Christ by the Grace of God hath tasted Death for every man, and is risen for their Justification; he is the quickening Spirit, and is the Resurrection and the Life, and the first born from the dead, and is become the first Fruits of them that sleep.
Now concerning the Son of God, Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the Seed of David, according to the Flesh, and declared to be the Son of God, with his Power, according to the Spirit of Holiness, by the Resurrection from the dead, Rom. 1.3, 4. And like as Christ was raised up from the dead, by the Glory of the Father, &c. for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also planted together in the likeness of his Resurrection, Rom. 6.5. And the Apostle said, That I may know Christ, and the Power of his Resurrection, and the Fellowship of his Sufferings, being made conformable to his Death, if by any means I might attain unto the Resurrection of the dead [Page 21](namely, the Lord Jesus Christ) who shall change our vile Body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious Body, according to the working, whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself, Phil. 3.10, 11, to 21. Mark, change your vile body, and fashion it like unto his glorious Body in the Resurrection. So the vile Body must be chang'd, if it be made like unto his glorious Body in the Resurrection. 2 Tim. 2.17, 18. But Hymeneus and Philetes, concerning the Truth erred, who said that the Resurrection was past already. Such over-threw People from the Faith that stands in Christ, who is the Resurrection and the Life, through which Faith they attained to the Resurrection, and had their vile Bodies chang'd, and made like unto his glorious Body. And the Apostle said, Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his abundant Mercies hath begotten us again to a lively hope, by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, from the dead, 1 Pet. 3.21. And through their Faith in Christ Jesus, who is the Resurrection and the Life, did many suffer, as in Heb. 11.35.
And John said, Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first Resurrection, on such the second Death shall have no Power, but they shall be Priests of God and Christ, &c. Rev 20.6.
Now these are the true Believers in Christ Jesus, that shall not perish, but are passed from Death to Life, and shall have Life Everlasting; and they that have done Evil, their Resurrection is unto Damnation; but the Righteous, and they that have done good, their Resurrection is unto Everlasting Life, John 5.29. Mat. 25.46. So, they that come to the Resurrection of Condemnation, who have lived in the Death of Adam, and would not believe in Christ the Life, they are cast into the Lake of Fire, with Hell and Death, which is the second Death; but they are blessed that have part in the first Resurrection, (namely, Christ, who is the Resurrection and the Life, on such the second Death hath no Power, Rev. 20.6, 14, 15. For Christ, who is the Resurrection, and the Life, destroyeth the Devil and his Works, who through Death destroyeth Death, yea, the Devil, the Power of Death, and bruiseth the Serpents Head, and casts the Devil, the old Serpent, and the Dragon, and the Beast, and the false Prophet into the Lake of Fire, Rev. 19.20. & 20.10.
Now Christ, who is the beginning and ending, the first and the last, all that believe in him, and are grafted into him, and put him on, and walk in him, who is the Resurrection and the Life, such [Page 22]neither the first Death nor the second Death hath power over, but they live and walk in Christ, who hath power over Death, and destroyeth Death and the Devil, the power of it, who is the Resurrection and the Life, who brings People out of the first Death in Adam, and gives them Power over the second Death and Hell, which is cast into the Lake of Fire, with all them that are not written in the Lambs Book of Life from the Foundation of the World. So in Christ the Resurrection and the Life, all are blessed and happy eternally.
And the Apostle Paul explains very fully the Resurrection, 1 Cor. 15. and saith, Now if Christ be preached, that he rose from the dead, how say some amongst you, (namely, the Corinthians) that there is no Resurrection from the dead? And if Christ be not risen, then our preaching is vain, and we are false Witnesses, because we have testified of God, that he raised up Christ from the dead: And if Christ be not raised up from the dead, then is your Faith vain, and you are yet in your Sins; for if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised. So, here you may see, here was some amongst the Corinthians, that said, there was no Resurrection of the dead, Cor 15.12. And therefore the Apostle thus reasoned with them, If Christ was not risen, then there was no Resurrection from the Dead, then their Preaching was vain, and their Faith was vain, and they were yet in their Sins; and if in this Life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable; but now Christ is risen from the dead, who is the first born from the dead, as Col. 1.18. And Rev. 1.5. The first begotten from the dead, and the Prince of the Kings of the Earth. And Christ saith, I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I live forever more, Rev. 1.18. For by man (namely, Adam) came Death; and by Man (namely, Christ) came also the Resurrection from the dead; for as in Adam all dyed, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But some will say, How are the dead raised? and with what Bodies do they come? But the Apostle answereth, and saith to such, Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it dye, and that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that Body that shall be but bare Grain; it may chance of Wheat, or some other Grain, but God giveth it a Body as it pleaseth him, and to every Seed its own Body. In the Marginal Note, it is said, That Paul sendeth such fools that seem to be witty and wise, to be instructed of the poor rude Husband-men, 1 Cor. 15.35. As in the first Adam we are all born Natural, so in Christ, the second Adam, we are all born spiritual.
Here you may see how the Apostle teacheth these fools by the Seeds man that soweth his Wheat, or some other Grain, and the natural Seed that is sown in the Creation, preacheth the Resurrection of the dead, and may teach such Fools the Resurrection of the dead, that say, with what body do they come, when the dead are raised up? Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it dye, and that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that Body that shall be, but God giveth it a Body as it pleaseth him, &c. for the Husband-man that soweth his Wheat or Barley, doth he sowe that Body that shall be? And Christ saith, Verily, I say unto you, except a Corn of Wheat fall into the ground and dye, it abideth alone, but if it dye, it bringeth forth much fruit, John 12.24. So, what the Husbandman soweth, whether Wheat, or other Seed, he soweth (Mark) he soweth not that Body that shall be, but God giveth it a Body as it pleaseth him, and to every Seed its own Body; and there are heavenly Bodies, and there are Earthly Bodies: The Glory of the Heavenly is one, and the Glory of the Earthly is another. So here is a distinction of Glories to each Body, so also is the Resurrection from the dead: It is sown in Corruption, it is raised in Incorruption; (Mark) in Incorruption; it is sown a Natural Body, it is raised a Spiritual (Mark) raised a Spiritual Body; There is a natural Body, and there is a spiritual Body: And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living Soul, the second man Adam was made a quickning Spirit; howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural, and afterwards that which is spiritual: The first man is of the Earth earthly, the second man is the Lord from Heaven; and as is the earthly, such are they also that are earthly; and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly; and as we have born the Image of Earthly, we shall also bear the Image of the heavenly, (Mark) as we have born the Image of the Earthly, we shall also bear the Image of the heavenly in the Resurrection, as the Apostle saith. Now this I say, Brethren, that Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, neither doth corruption inherit incorruption (Mark, corruption doth not inherit Incorruption) behold, I shew you a Mystery, we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed (Mark, all) So here is a changing from corruption to incorruption, and from Mortality to Immortality, and from an earthly Image to a heavenly, and from a vile Body unto Christs glorious Body in the Resurrection, whose Flesh saw no corruption, & to be flesh of his [...] [Page 24]and bone of his bone. And further, the Apostle saith, In a moment, in the twinckling of an Eye, at the last Trumpet; for the Trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed [Mark, the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and Mark, we shall be changed] And is not this a heavenly Trumpet? for this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this Mortality must put on Immortality, Mat. 24.31. 1 Thes. 4.16. So when this Corruption hath put on Incorruption, and this Mortal shall have put on Immortality [Mark] put on Immortality and Incorruption, then shall be brought to pass this saying that is written, Death is swallowed up into Victory; O Death! where is thy Sting! O Grave! where is thy Victory! The sting of death is Sin, and the strength of Sin is the Law; but thanks be to God, which giveth us [Mark, us] the Victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. 15: Isa 25.8. Hos. 13.14.
Postscript.PEter saith to the Church, I will not be negligent to put you always in mind, (namely, of the things that he had declared unto them, though they knew them, and were established in the Truth as long as I am in this Tabernacle, to stir you up, knowing that shortly I must put off this my Tabernacle, as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me, 1 Pet. 1.12, 13, 14. And the Apostle Paul saith, For we know, that if our earthly House of this Tabernacle be dissolved, we have a Building of God, an House not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens, for in this, (namely, earthly House) we grean earnestly, desiring to be clothed upon with our House that is from Heaven. So Gods People have an House, and a Clothing from Heaven, when they put off the earthly Tabernacle; for we that are in this earthly Tabernacle do groan, being burthened, not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that Mortality might be swallowed up of Life, 2 Cor. 5.1, 3, 4.
Here you may see what the spiritual Groaning was for, for a House and Clothing from Heaven, and that Mortality might be swallowed up of Life, and so to be ever with the Lord. And here you may see how Christ is the Resurrection & the Life; and in the Resurrection, the vile body is changed like unto his glorious Body; and in the Resurrection they are spiritual, and Mortal puts on Immortality, and Corruption puts on Incorruption; And so as we have born the Image of the earthly, we [Page 25]shall also bear the Image of the heavenly; [...] the Apostle saith, There are earthly Bodies, and there are heavenly Bodies, the glory of the earthly is one, and the glory of the heavenly is another; there is a natural [...], and there is a spiritual Body; The natural Body may be seen with the natural Eye, but the spiritual Body must be seen with the spiritual Eye.
Concerning the Stone that smote the Image, And concerning Christ the Vine, and the Jews, how that God planted them a noble Vine, but they degenerated, and destroyed the Lords Servants and Son, that came to look for Fruits.
DAniel saith, The Stone that was cut out of the Mountain without hands, which broke to pieces the great Image of Iron, C [...]y, Brass, Silver and Gold, and broke them to pieces, that the Image became like the Chaff of the Summer Threshing Floor, and the Wind carried them away, that no place was found for them; and this Stone that smote the Image became a great Mountain, and filled the whole Earth.
Now this Image of Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron and Clay, was the four Monarchies which the Stone brake to pieces; and in the days of these Kings, (namely, the four Monarchies) shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom that shall never be destroy'd, and the Kingdom shall not be left to other People, but it shall brake to pieces all those Kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.
Now here you may see, this Stone, which is Christ, breaks to pieces those great Goliahs, and their Kingdoms, the great Image of Gold, was the Babylonians Monarchy, and of Silver, which was the Modes and Persians Monarchy, and of Brass, which was the Grecians Monarchy, and of Iron and Clay, which was the Romans Monarchy; and in the days of the Roman Monarchy Christ came, who said, All Power in Heaven and Earth is given unto me, and his Kingdom was not of this World. And so in the days of these four Monarchies, which were called the great Image, Christ's Kingdom was set up, [Page 24] [...] [Page 25] [...] [Page 26]which stands forever. So Christ is the Stone, that breaks this great Image to pieces, and became a great Mountain, and fill'd the whole Earth, Dan. 2.35. to 45. [Mark, this Mountain became so great, that it fill'd the whole Earth] and if it filled the whole Earth, then all the People of the Earth may see it, What! can People in Asia, Europe, Africa and America see this great Mountain? Yes, it filleth the whole Earth; and if it fill Europe, Asia, Africa and America, then all the People in these places may see it (namely) in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. And Isaiah and Micah saith, It shall come to pass in the last days, that the Mountain of the Lords House shall be established in the top of the Mountains, and shall be exalted above the Hills, and all Nations shall flow unto it, and many Nations shall come, and say, let us go up to the Mountain of the Lords House, &c. and he will teach us of his Ways, and we will walk in his Paths, Isa. 2.2, 3. Mic. 4.2. Is not this Mountain, which is established on the top of all Mountains and exalted above all the Hills, Christ Jesus, the Mountain that fills the whole Earth, to whom all Nations must flow, to be taught God's Ways, and walk in his Paths? And doth not Christ, this holy Mountain, by whom all things were made, that filleth the whole Earth, enlighten every man that cometh into the World, that with this Light, which is the Life in Christ (I say, that with this true Light) they might all see Christ, the holy and great Mountain, that filleth the whole Earth; yea, I say, all the men that come into the World in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, Christ enlighteneth every one of them that come into the World, that with his Light they might see him, the great Mountain that fills the whole Earth, exalted above all the Hills and Mountains in the Earth; for Christ, the great Mountain, filleth the whole Earth, as is said before.
And the Apostle Paul saith, God who commanded Light to shine out of Darkness, hath shined in our Hearts, to give the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God, in the face of Christ Jesus, John 1.9. 2 Cor. 4.6.
So, here you may see, it is the light of Christ that shineth in the Heart, which Christ enlightneth every man that cometh into the World withal, that giveth the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, who is the great Mountain, that filleth the whole Earth. So that every man that cometh into the world, in what part so ever it be, with the Light may see Christ, the Mountain that filleth the whole Earth. And they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my [Page 27]holy Mountain, saith the Lord; which holy Mountain is Christ, and none doth hurt nor destroy in Christ Jesus; for in him they have Life. Peace and Rest, who is the holy Mountain that filleth the whole Earth; for Christ destroveth the Devil, the destroyer, which hurts People, and his Works; and the Earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the Waters cover the Sea, Isa. 11.9. And that which giveth the knowledge of the Lord, and Christ Jesus to all People, it is the Light of Christ Jesus that he hath enlightned them withal, which shines in their hearts, by which Light they know the Lord, and see Christ the holy Mountain.
And the Apostle saith to the Church of Christ, the Hebrews, Ye are come unto Mount-Sion, and unto the City of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, Heb. 12.22. And is not this the Mount-Sion, in which Christ is laid, who is elect and precious, the chief corner Stone, 1 Pet. 2.6. And is not this the Stone that becomes a great Mountain, and filleth the whole Earth? And the Apostle saith, There shall come out of Sion a Deliverer, and shall turn away Ʋngodliness from Jacob, Rom. 11.26. Isa. 59.20. This is not that outward Hill Sion, that Mountain at outward Jerusalem, for Christ was born in Bethlem in a Stable, some Miles from Jerusalem. So this was heavenly Sion, in which Christ was laid, and the Church of the Hebrews in the new Covenant and new Testament came unto.
And David saith, O that the Salvation of Israel was come out of Sion, when the Lord bringeth back the Captivity of Israel, Jacob shall rejoyce, and Israel shall be glad, Psal. 14.7. Here you may see, Christ the Salvation comes out of Sion, and David saith, The Lord is greatly to be praised in the City of our God, in the Mountain of his Holiness, beatiful for Scituation, the joy of the whole Earth, is Mount-Sion, Psal. 48.1, 2.
So, here you may see, Mount-Sion is the joy of the whole Earth; Is not this the Mountain of Gods holiness, which fills the whole Earth, which is the joy of the whole Earth? Out of Sion, the Perfection of Beauty hath God shined, Psal. 50.2. So that with his divine Light of Christ they might see, and come to this Mount-Sion, the joy of the whole Earth. And David saith, The Lord sends help for his Sanctuary, and strength out of Sion, Psal. 20.2. And Jeremiah saith, The Lord will bless thee, O habitation of Justice, and Mountain of Holiness, Jer. 31.23. Is not this the Mountain of Holiness that is establish't above all Mountains, and exalted above all the Hills, and silleth the whole Earth? [Page 28]And so with the Light of Christ you may know the Lord your God dwelleth in Sion, his holy Mountain, and saith, Blow ye the Trumpet in Sion, and sound an Alarm in my holy Mountain, Joel 2.1. & chap. 3 17, 20. Here you may see where God dwelleth, and where the Trumpet is to be blown, and Alarm is to be sounded, namely, in Sion, Gods holy Mountain. Upon Mount-Sion shall be deliverance, and there shall be Holiness, and Saviours shall come upon Mount-Sion to judge the Mountain of Esau, and the Kingdom shall be the Lords. Is not this Mount Sion a great Mountain, and the Watch Tower that fills and looks over the whole Earth, and is the joy of the whole Earth? And is not this the Mount-Sion that the Apostle said, the Hebrews were come to in the New Testament and heavenly Jerusalem, the City of the living God, and an innumerable company of Angels in the City, and the Spirits of just men made perfect▪ Which outward Jerusalem and the outward Mount Sion, was a Type of the heavenly Jerusalem, and the heavenly Hill Mount-Sion: And upon that outward Hill Mount-Sion, a man might see a great way in the Land of Canaan, but upon heavenly Mount Sion in heavenly Jerusalem, the spiritual men may see over the whole World or Earth; for it is the joy of the whole Earth. And John said, I looked, and lo a Lamb stood upon Mou [...]t Sion, and with him a hundred and forty four Thousand, having his Fathers Name written in their Foreheads. And was not this heavenly Mount-Sion, and heavenly Jerusalem, as in Rev 21. Chap. 14.1. and the glory of God doth light it, and the Lamb is the Light thereof, and they whose Names are written in the Lambs Book of Life, enter into this heavenly Jerusalem and heavenly Mount Sion. And David saith, Give unto the Lord the honour and the glory due unto his Name; worship the Lord in the Mountain of Holiness, Psal. 28.2. And Christ saith, The hour cometh, and now is, when the true Worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth, and not at the Mountain of Samaria, nor at Jerusalem; for God is a Spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in Spirit and in Truth. Is not the Worship in the Spirit and in the Truth above all the Worships in the World, above the Dragons, Devils, Beasts, and Will-worshippers, and the Mountain at Samaria, and Jerusalem's Worshippers, they that worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth, do they not worship him in the Beauty of holiness? Psal. 29.2. John 4.20, 21, 23, 24. And the Lord saith, For out of Sion shall go forth the Law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem, Isa 2.3. Mic. 4. [...]. [Page 29]And is not this heavenly Jerusalem and heavenly Sion the joy of the whole Earth, which the Word of the Lord goeth forth from, and the Law of Life, Love and Faith in the New Covenant and [...]ew Testament; for the Law of Works in the old Covenant and old Testament, was it not receiv'd from Mount Sinai, & observ'd by the Jews in outward Jerusalem, where the outward Hill Mount-Sion was, but the Children of the new Covenant and new Testament, the Apostle saith, were come to heavenly Jerusalem, the City of the living God, and so to Christ Jesus, the elect and precious Stone laid in Sion. And is not Christ the Mountain of My [...]e and Hill of Frankinsense, spoken of in Canticles, yea, the Mountain that fills the whole Earth? Cant. 4.6. Dan. 2.35. And John saith, We know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an Ʋnderstanding, and we know him that is true, even his Son Jesus Christ. Now John, who was a witness of Christ both in the days of his Flesh, and after his Resurrection and Ascention, was not he come to this heavenly Jerusalem and Mount Sion, the joy of the whole Earth? And John saith to the Saints, That ye may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ; and if we walk in the Light as he is in the Light, then have we fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin, [...] John [...].3.7. And Christs blood is call'd the blood of the everlasting Covenant & Testament, Heb. 13.20. And Jesus Christ, who hath loved us, and washed us from our sins by his own blood (Rev. 1.5.) who hath redeemed us to God by his Blood, out of every Kindred, Tongue, People and Nation, and made us unto our God Kings and Priests, and we shall reign upon the [...]arth, (Rev. 5.9, 10.) These are they that sing a new Song, and are come to Mount Sion, and to heavenly Jerusalem, and to Christ, the Mountain that fi [...]eth the whole Earth, that is established above all the Mountains, and exalted above all the Hills, and they overcame with the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their Testimony, and they loved not their Lives unto death. So these were the Weapons by which the Saints over came, namely, by the Blood of the Lamb, the Life of Jesus, they overcame Death & the Devil, the power of Death, and by the word of their Testimony, the Testimony of Jesus, the Spirit of Jesus, or Spirit of Prophecy, & the Word by which all things were made, which liveth, abideth and endureth forever, by which Gods People are born again of the immortal Seed, by the Word of God, who feed upon the Milk of the Word, which liveth and abideth forever. And Christ said to his Disciples, I am the true Vine, my Father is the Husband-man, abide in me, and I in you; as the branch cannot bring forth of it self, except it abide in the Vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me; I am the Vine, ye are the Branches, he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing; if any man abideth not in me, he is cast forth as a Branch [Page 30]and is withered, and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burnt, Joh 15.1, to 6. Here you may see, that none can bring forth fruit, except they abide in Christ the Vine; for from him every Branch receives its Sap and Nourishment viz. from Christ, the Vine-Tree, as they abide in him. And Micah saith, They shall sit every man under his Vine, and under his Fig Tree, and none shall make them afraid, for the Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it, Mic. 4.4. And in Z [...]ch. 3.10. In that day, saith the Lord of Host, shall ye call every man his Neighbour under his own Vine, & under his Fig Tree. And is not this the day of Christ and his Gospel of Salvation preached to every Creature under Heaven, to bring them into and under Christ the Vine, so that they might bring forth Fruit in him: for without him they cannot bring forth fruit? Now Christ is the great Vine Tree, who with his Grace, Truth and Light enlightneth all that come into the world, so all do abide in his Light, Grace and Truth, they are Branches of Christ Jesus, and abide in Christ the great and flourishing Vine, and in him they bring forth fruit; but if they do not abide the Light, Spirit of Grace and Truth, that cometh from the Vine, they cannot abide in Christ the Vine, and then they are withered Branches to be cast into the Fire.—So here you may see, Christ is the great Vine that spreads over all the Earth, and all are the true Christians and the Branches that abide in him, and bring forth righteous holy Fruit to the praise and glory of God. And David saith, Thou hast brought forth a Vine out of Egypt, and thou hast cast out the Heathen, and planted it with thy right hand, Psal. 80.8, 15. And were not they the Children of Israel, that God had planted with his right hand (after he had thrown out the Heathen, the Rubbish) whom he called the Vine; and in Isa. 5. he called the Jews his Vineyard, and he planted them a choice Vine, and fenced it, and built a Tower in the midst of it, and he looked for Grapes, but it brought forth wild Grapes; and the Lord said, This Vine and Vineyard was the house of Israel, and the men of Judah, that he had planted, that went into Wickedness, as you may see, Isa. 5. from vers. 1, to 10. And again, the Lord said, I had planted thee, (namely, the Jews) a noble Vine, wholly of a right Seed, how art thou returned into a degenerate Plant of a strange Vine unto me? Jer. 2.21. Psal. 44.2. Ezek. 17.5. Here while the Jews kept to the good spirit of God, and to the Lord and his Law, they kept within the hedge that fenced the Vine, and sate every one under his Vine, and under his Fig Tree in safety, 1 King. 4.25. and then their Vines gave a good smell to the Lord, as in Cant. 2.13. And when the Vines do flourish, which are compared to the Church, and the tender Grapes appear, such come to bring forth fruit to the Lord, as in Cant. 7.11. And Solomon saith, They made me keeper of the Vineyard, but my [...] Vineyard I have not kept, Cant. 16. And they that do not keep their [Page 31]own Vineyard, they are not like to keep others. And Christ speaketh a Parable to the Jews, of a certain Housholder, which planted a Vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a Wine-press in it, and built a To [...]er, and let it out to Husband-men, &c. and when the time of fruit drew near, he sent his Servants to the Husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it; and the Husband men took the Servants and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another; and again, he sent other Servants, more than the first, and they did unto them likewise; and at last he sent his Son, saying, surely they will reverence my Son; but when the Husbandmen saw the Son, they said among themselves, come let us kill him, and let us seize of the Inheritance, and it shall be ours; and they cought the Son, and cast him out of the Vineyard, and slew h [...]m: And Christ asked the Jews, when the Lord therefore of the Vineyard cometh, what will he do with the Husbandmen? And the Jews answered Christ, and said unto him, he will miserably destroy these Husbandmen, and let the Vineyard unto other Husbandmen, which will render him the Fruits in due season, Mat. 21.33, to the end, Mark [...]2.1. Luke 20.9. Jer. 2.21. Isa 5.1. for the chief Priests, Pharisees and the Jews perceiv'd that Christ spake this Parable of them, and they had given judgment against themselves, and were so angry, they sought to lay hands on Christ, but they feared the multitude, which took him for a Prophet.
And here all the Persecutors in Christendom may see in this Parable the persecuting Jews, which beat, and stoned, and killed the Servants of God, and at last killed the Heir that came to look for heavenly Fruits amongst them, and at last God sent his Son, and they killed him. And this Parable may serve for all the persecuting Jews and Christians in the world, who make an outward Profession of the new and old Testament, and beat, persecute and kill Gods Servants, that he sends to seek for spiritual heavenly fruits amongst them. And will not the Jews judgment that they gave against themselves, come upon such Christians, that the Lord will miserably destroy these wicked Husbandmen, and let out the Vineyard to other Husbandmen, that will render him the Fruits in their season; this was the Jews judgment upon themselves, who had beat, killed and stoned Gods servants, and at last killed the Heir which came to look for heavenly spiritual Fruits amongst them. And therefore let all the beaters, killers and persecutors of Gods Servants concerning Religion, see which way they can escape the judgment and sentence upon themselves, or get off that judgment before mentioned, as in Mat. 21.41.
Again, it is said in Deut. 33. Moses commanded us a Law for an Inheritance of the Congregation of Jacob. So if the Law which Moses received from God in Mount Sinai, was an Inheritance for the congregation of Jacob in the old Covnant and old Testament, which had served till Christ [Page 32]the Seed came, who is the end of that Law, and the end of that Inheritance; for the Apostle saith, Christ is the end of the Law for Righteousness sake, to every one that believeth. So he is the end of that Inheritance; and as the Apostle saith, Christ hath redeemed us from under the Law: And so, Christ redeems from under and out of that Inheritance namely, the Law that came by Moses, and is the end of that Inheritance; for the Apostle saith, While Moses is read, the vail is over the heart. But that vail is done away in Christ; for Moses had a vail over his face, &c. when he brought the Law to the Children of Jacob for an Inheritance in the old Testament. And so, while Moses was read, and the old Testament it was a Vail over the Jews hearts, which vail, as is said before is done away in Christ, who is the end of the Law for Righteousness sake to every one that believeth; & he that believeth is entred into Christ, his eternal Rest. So now, if the Law was given for an Inheritance of the Children of Jacob in the old Testament and old Covenant, which served till Christ the Seed came in his new Covenant and new Testament; Then is not the Law of the Spirit of Life, which is in Christ Jesus, that which makes People free from the Law of sin and death, all the Children of the new Covenant and new Testament, the Inheritance, in which Inheritance they serve God in the Newness of Life, and in the new and living way? And so, is not the Law of Life, Love and Faith an Inheritance for all the Children of Light in the new Covenant and new Testament, for them to inherit, possess, enjoy and walk in? For all Gods Saints are in his hand, and he loveth them, and they are humbled at his feet, to receive his words, Deut. 33.2, 4. The Ministration of Death or Condemnation, written and engraven in Stones, was glorious, so that the Children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses, for the glory of his Countenance, which glory was done away by Christ; so that outward Glory which Moses with a Vail cover'd and hid, was done away in the old Covenant and Testament by Christ; for we all in the new Covenant & Testament, with open face beholding, as in a Glass, the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same Image, from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord. So in the new Covenant and new Testament this is a spiritual Image and Glory, and an inward Glory, which is not to be done away, but remains, and all who profess Christianity are to mind that, that they may enjoy it.