[...]ffigies of Iohn Flavell.

Aetatis suoe. 59 An̄o Dom 1689.

Englands Duty, Under the Present GOSPEL LIBERTY. FROM Revel. III. vers. 20. Wherein is Opened The Admirable Condescension and Patience of Christ, in waiting upon tri­fling and obstinate Sinners. The wretched State of the Vnconverted. The nature of Evangelical Faith, with the Diffi­culties, Tryals, and Means thereof. The Riches of Free-grace in the offers of Christ, Pardon, and Peace to the worst of Sinners. The invaluable Priviledges of Vnion, and Commu­nion, granted to all that receive him, and the great Duty of opening to him at the present Knocks and Calls of the Gospel; with the danger of neglecting these Loud (and it may be) last Knocks and Calls of Christ, discovered. By Iohn Flavell, Preacher of the Gospel at Dartmouth in Devon.

Rom. II. 4. Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness, and for­bearance, and long-suffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

London, Printed for Matthew Wotton at the Three Daggers near the Inner-Temple Gate in Fleetstreet, 1689.



Candid Reader,

THE following Discourse comes to thy hand in that Native plainness wherein it was Preached. I was conscienciously unwilling to alter it, because I found by experience, the Lord had blessed and prosper'd it in that dress, far beyond any other composures on which I had bestowed more pains. Let it not be cen­sured, as vanity or ostentation, that I here ac­knowledge the goodness of God in leading me to, and blessing my poor Labours upon this Sub­ject: Who, and what am I, that I should be con­tinued, [Page] and again employed in the Lords Har­vest, and that with success and encouragment; when so many of my Brethren, with their much richer Furnitures of Gifts and Graces, have, in my time, been called out of the Vineyard, and are now silent in the Grave! 'Tis true, they enjoy what I do not; and 'tis as true, I am capable of doing some Services for God which they are not. In Preaching these Ser­mons I had many occasions to reflect upon the mystical sense of that Scripture, Amos 9. 13. The Plow-man shall overtake the Reaper, and the Treader of Grapes, him that sow­eth Seed. Sowing and Reaping time trod so close upon one another, that (in all humility I speak it to the praise of God) it was the bu­siest and blessedst time I ever saw, since I first Preached the Gospel.

England hath now a day of special Mercy: There is a wide door of opportunity opened to it; O that it might prove an effectual door! 'Tis transporting and astonishing, that after all the high and horrid provocations, the Atheism, Prophaness, and bitter enmity against Light and Re [...]ormation; this sweet Voice is still heard in England, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. The Mercies and Liber­ties of this day are a new Tryal obtained for us by our potent Advocate in the Heavens: If we bring forth fruit, well, if not, the Ax lieth at [Page] the root of the Tree. Let us not be secure. Je­rusalem was the City of the great King: The seat of his Worship and Symbols of his presence were fixed there. It was the joy of the whole Earth; the House of Prayer for all Nations; thither the Tribes went up to Worship; the Tribes of the Lord, unto the Testimony of Is­rael. For there were set Thrones of Iudg­ment, the Thrones of the House of David, Psal. 122. 4, 5. These priviledges she enjoyed through the succession of many Ages, and had ramained the glory of all Nations to this day, had she known, and improved, in that day the things that belonged to her peace; but they neglected their season, rejected their mer­cies, and miserably perished in their sins: for there ever was, and will be found, an inse­parable connection betwixt the final rejection of Christ, and the destruction of the Rejecters, Matth. 22. 5, 6, 7. The contemplation whereof drew those compassionate Tears from the Re­deemers eyes, when he beheld it in his des­cent from the Mount of Olives, Luke 19. 41, 42.

Let all that are wise in Heart henceforth depose their animosities; sadly reflect on their past follies, encourage and assist the Labours of their Brethren in the Lords Harvest; and rejoyce that God hath set them at liberty by [Page] Law, whose assistance, in so great an oppor­tunity, is so necessary and desirable: It is against the Laws of Wisdom and Charity, to envy the Liberty, and much more the Success, of our Brethren, 1 Cor. 13. 4. If the Work­men contend and scuffle in a catching Har­vest, who but the owner suffers damage by it? If after so miraculous, recent, and com­mon a Salvation as this, we still retain our old prejudices and bitter envyings; if we smite with the Pen and Tongue when we cannot with the Hand; and study to blast the Reputations and Labours of our Brethren; and still hate those we cannot hurt. In a word, if we still bite and devour one another, we shall be de­voured one of another: let us not lay the fault upon others, we our selves have been the Au­thors and Instruments of our own ruin; and this must be the inscription upon our Toomb­stone, O England, thou hast Destroyed thy Self. I am more afraid of the rooted enmi­ty, and fixed prejudices, that are to be found in many against holiness, and the serious Pro­fessors of it; and inflexible obstinacy and dead formality in many others, (the tokens of a tremendous infatuation) than I am of all the whispered fears from other Hands, or common Enemies upon our borders.

[Page]To prevent these mischiefs, and promote zeal and unanimity among the Ministers of the Gospel, I have presumed to address to them in the following Epistle. I judged it necessary on several reasons to write it in Latin, as what allowed me a greater freedom of ex­pression, than might seem convenient in the common Language. I am conscious of my own unworthiness to be their Monitor, and of the defects their Iudicious Eyes will easily discern, in the style wherein it is written; and yet can promise my self a becoming reception of what is so faithfully, seasonably, and honestly de­signed for their good. I am satisfied that no candid and ingenuous Person will put Words upon the Rack, quarrel a Similitude, or expose a Trifle, when he finds the design Honest, and the matter Good and Neces­sary.

As to the Treatise it self, thou wilt find it a Persuasive to open thy Heart to Christ. Thy Soul, Reader, is a magnificent Structure built by Christ; such stately Rooms as thy Vnderstanding, Will, Conscience, and Affe­ctions; are too good for any other to Inha­bit. If thou be in thy Vnregenerate state, then he solemnly demands, in this Text, ad­mission into the Soul he made, by the consent of the Will: which if thou refuse to give [Page] him, then Witness is taken that Christ once more demanded entrance into thy Soul which he made, and was denied it. If thou hast opened thy Heart to him, thou wilt, I hope, meet somewhat in this Treatise that will clear thy Evidences, and chear thy Heart; Pray, Read, Ponder, and Apply.

I am, Thine and the Churches Servant Iohn Flavell.

EPISTOLA Dilectissimis, & in Christo prequam Reve­rendis Evangelii Ministris; nunc demum miranda Dei pro­videntia libertati restitutis: Senioribus quidem supplex, Iu­nioribus vero & Candidatis Paraenetica.

Patres, Fratres (que) in Christo Colendissimi,

QUamvis nobis non convenit pro arbitratu nostro cudere Metaphoras, eas tamen am­plecti convenit, quas ipse Spiritus Scriptura signavit: signavit autem & graphice depinxit exulantis Ecclesiae liberationem, ingruentis & amoeni veris suavibus deliciis, Cant. II. v. 11, 12.

Sub Sole vernalitellus velut parens benignissima sinus suos recludit, her­bas varias expromit, prata florum [Page] copia condecorat, Arbores prioribus viduatae, novis frondibus se induunt: pulso frigore, aer tepet; pecudes ubera tumentia domum referunt,

Avia tunc Avibus resonant virgulta

revirescunt, & rident omnia. Tem­pus quidem propitium, beneficum; & rebus omnibus, praecipue viventi­bus mirifice commodum ac amicum.

Quae omnia a Brightmanno nostro, summa, quidem industria, ac miro ingenii acumine accommodantur in­signi isti temporis periodo, qua Cyrus Edictum suum (nunquam satis lau­dandum) de liberando populo emit­tebat. Consimilis providentiae radii animantes, veluti Sol Arietem ingre­diens, nos semi-mortuos revirescere fecerunt.

Non nos latet; (adhuc enim cru­descunt vulnera) quam dura & acerba [Page] a multis retro annis conscientiae causa sustinuimus; heu! quae non vidimus! quae non perpessi fuimus indigna! Du­rante hac hyeme aspera, tristi, & omni­modo molesta, vi [...]imus aequora hor­ridis tumentia procellis; quibus ali­qui territi ac attoniti, cuilibet vento vela dedere. Vidimus Arbores tam fructu, quam forma aliis praecellen­tes, nimbosis ventis prosternatas: a­lias sine fructu vel fronde quasi side­ratas. Montes crebris pruinis albican­tes, flumina glacie concrescentia, terras nivibus obrutas, imo sepultas. Alitu­um pecudumque greges famelicos un­dique dispersos, & angustiis pressos. Aucupes astutos retia sua non fine successu dispandentes. Ut verbo ab­solvam, vidimus eheu! Ecclesiam Christi propriis pennis transfixam. Rempublicam legibus fundatam legi­bus fere subversam, inauspicata omnia, & in deterius indies vergentia.

[Page] Diu dire (que) in hoc malorum pelago agitati fuimus. Juvenes inibamus, Senes emergimus; idem nobis evenit quod in obsidione Tyri recordatur, Ezek. XXIX. 18. Omne caput decal­vatum, & omnis humerus depilatus est. Attamen haec omnia molesta potius quam miranda illi videntur, qui serio perpendit verba fatidica magni Aposto­li, 1 Tim. III. 1. [...]. [...]act. lib. 70. de di­vina prae­mio. p. 578, 579. De quibus tem­poribus formidolosis ita Lactantius, Pro­pinquante igitur hujus seculi termino, hu­manarum rerum statum commutari neces­se est; & in deterius nequitia in vales­cente prolabi: ut etiam nostra haec tem­por a quibus iniquitas & malitia usque ad summum gradum crevit, in illius tamen insanabilis mali comparationem foelicia & prope aurea possint judicari. Ita enim justitia rarescet, ita impietas & avaritia, & cupiditas, & libido crebrescent, ut si qui tum forte fuerint boni, praedae sint sceleratis, ac divexentur undique ab in­justis. [Page] Soli autem mali opulenti sint, boni vero in omnibus contumeliis atque in egestate jactentur. Confundetur omne jus, & leges interibunt, nihil quisquam tune habebit nisi aut male quaesitum, aut ma­nu defensum, audacia & vi omnia possi­debunt. Non fides in hominibus, non pax, non humanitas, non pudor, non veritas erit, at (que) ita securitas, ne (que) reginem, ne (que) requies a malis ulla; omnis enim terra tumultuabi­tur, frement ubique bella. Omnes gentes in armis erunt, & seinvicem oppugnabunt. Civitates inter se finitimae preliabuntur; tunc per agrabit clades orbem, metens omnia, & tanquam messem cuncta prosternans: cujus vastitatis & confusionis haec erit causa, quod Romanum nomen quo nunc re­gitur Orbis, (horret animus dicere, sed dicendum, quia futurum est) tolletur de terra.

Quid tibi videtur Lector? no­strane heic tempora describuntur, an longius expectandum donec hoc homi­num genus pestiferum in Scenam pro­deat? [Page] nemo sane de iis dubitet quae sanis ac illaesis sensibus persentiscit.

Caeterum Deus tandem nostri mi­sertus, virum pietatis amantem, & veri studiosum excitavit; qui summis laboribus & maximis periculis cau­sam suam fortiter assereret, & faciem terrae renovaret. Secundum hoc tempus dicetur, quid operatus est Deus! Nunc omni impedimento sublaturo, horrida procella sedata; (quae nos huc illuc sicut stipulas dispergebat) Deus no­ster propitius nos ita alloquitur, Surge Amica mea & veni, ecce enim hyems transiit, pluvia praeteriit, flores conspici­untur in terra, tempus minuritionis adve­nit; & vox Turturis auditur in terra nostra. q. d. jam satis domi latitasti, potes in publicum prodire. Signa Salutis, & incitamenta laboris un­diquaque apparent. Sic hyemis aspe­ritas nobis commendat suavitatem Ve­ris.

[Page]Ad me quod attinet, quam pri­mum vox laeta libertatis aurem atti­gerat, proprio & exoptato operi me­ipsum statim accingere cepi. Si e­nim tanta Dulcedo in mathematica­rum artium studiis invenitur, & cum quis eam degustaverit, quafi Circeis poculis captus se non finit ab illis di­velli: dulcissimum erit labores nostros quamvis exantlatos, gloria Christi, & animarum salute ultro impendere. Gaudio igitur non vulgari gavisus sum, quod demum falcem meam fere ru­bigine exesam, in messem Domini [...] immittarem. Gratias ago Deo meo benignissimo, qui opportunitatis o [...]tium non tantum tempestive apperuit, quin etiam (mi­hi supplicanti) Salubrioris doctrinae [...] suppeditavit; multisque jamdudum benedixit.

Has [...]e ergo primitias restitutae li­bertatis, quales, quales, quas autem non pauci acrius efflagitarunt, ut in apri­cum [Page] cum feram; vobis perquam humilli­me offero. Venia sit fratri, omnium minimo; seque infra omnes Christi Legatos merito aestimanti; si signa­ta & celeberrima hac occasione, au­dacius paulo quam pro eruditionis aut experientiae modulo, sese efferat Chri­stianus [...]ervor.

Pompaticam eloquentiam non am­biit Concionator vester. Oratione populari, non polita; pressa, non praeculta; per totum usus fui. Non minus enim de rebus Theologicis di­cendum duxi, quam de Philosophi­cis Cicero. Istiusmodi res dicere or­nate puerile est, plane autem & per­spicue expedire posse, docti & in­telligentis viri. Merito displiceat, si doctrinam Christi crucifixi; stylo non crucifixo, hoc est turgido per­tractarem.

Hisce praemissis.

Laetemur libertate nostra laetitia debite temperata, laetitia dico, suis pon­deribus aeque librata; & utrinque munita, peccatorum sc. praeteritorum moestitia, nec non futurorum metu. Legimus Ier. XXIX. 12. de voce ge­mitus ac fletus qua sub tempus libera­tionis agnoscerent fideles pristina sua peccata; quibus Deum lacessiverant; & eadem emollitis cordibus ex animis lugerent. Et quam congrua fuit vox ista Ecclesiae, vel ad jacta fundamen­ta redivivi Templi? vox laeta vocife­ratione, ac uberi fletu aequaliter mi­sta, Ezra III. 10. Multi flebant vace magna, multi vociferatione ex laetitia effe­rebant vocem; ita ut populus non internos­ceret sonum vociferationis ex laetitia, a vo­ce fletus populi. Nec pudet sanctos lap­sus sui & dedecoris ad gloriam Dei [Page] meminisse; nihil enim nobis decedit, quod cedit in illius honorem. Ve­nustae admodum & amabiles conspe­ctu suo erunt facies nostrae, cum la­chrymas plorantes gratulabundis la­chrymis supervenientes viderit! veri poenitentis est flere commissa, ne flen­da committeret.

Praecessit nobis Asaphus laudabili [...]uo poenitentiae exemplo, Psalm. LXXIX. 8. Ne recorderis (in quit) iniquitatem priorum, &c. recordari Deus dicitur iniquitatum, cum pec­cata quasi ad calculum vocans, & tam magnitudinem, quam multitudinem horum aestimans, punire constituit. Loquitur de Deo more humano, ho­mines enim gravius offensi, & poenas de liberis suis sumpturi; in memoriam sibi vocant priora delicta omnia quae liberi commiserunt: Revocemus iti­dem, & ex animis ploremus desidiam nostram praeteritam libertatem male concomitantem. Ardenti desiderio non [Page] ita flagravimus; Ex imo pectore non ingemiscimus: Ex cerebro saepe, non medullitus proloquuti fuimus. Ni­mis frigide de rebus vere tremendis inter orandum & praedicandum disse­ruimus. Antecessores superioris secu­li non aequis passibus sequuti sumus. Gravitate morum, & utilitate ser­monum majestatem religionis non conservavimus. Quorum causa Deus noster justam concepit iram, eamque praeteritis calamitatibus patefecit, & patefaciendo de futuro nos palam ad­monuit.


Proinde Fratres in Visceribus Chri­sti enixe postulo, Secundo. ne excidat vobis il­lud Paulinum, Si fieri [...], & quan­tum in vobis est, cum omnibus hominibus in pace viventes, Rom. XII. 18. Du­plex additur limitatio. Prima, Si fieri potest, nempe salva justitia, pie­tate, ac veritate: Ratio veritatis non est sic habenda, ut pacis cura prorsus [Page] negligatur, nec unitas talis ambienda qua veritas deseratur: sed [...], ut ipse loquitur, Eph. IV. 15. Neutram enim ex animo diligunt (ut recte Davenantius noster) qui utram­que non diligunt. Christiani ergo, [...] maxime ornant Christianum nomen. Altera, quantum in vobis est, (i. e.) omnium amici este, si [...]ieri potest, si non potest utrinque, certe ex vestra parte amici este. Veritas inter im probos odium parit, & pietas semper invisa est, cujus rei hanc rationem reddit Lactantius, Lact. de justitia l. 5. p. 382, 383. Quod is qui peccat vult habere liberum peccandi locum; non ali­ter se putat malefactorum voluptate secu­rius perfrui posse, quam si nemo sit cui de­licta non placeant. Ergo tanquam scele­rum & malitiae suae testes extirpare fundi­tus nituntur, & tollere; gravesque sibi pu­tant tanquam vita eorum coarguatur: ho­rum igitur amicitia pietas periclitatur.

[Page] Alios habemus formam pietatis in­duentes, Bernardi Sermo 33▪ in [...]antic. sed qui vim ejus abnegarint. De his ita questus est Bernardus, Vae generationi huic a fermento Pharisaeorum quod est hypocrisis; si tamen hypocrisis di­ci debet, quam jam latere prae abundantia non valet, & prae impudentia non quaerit. Serpit hodie putida Tabes per omne corpus Ecclesiae: & quo latius, eo desperatius: eoque periculosius, quo interius. Nam si insurgeret apertus inimicus haereticus, mit­teretur foras. Si violentus inimicus, ab­sconderet se forsitan ab eo. Nunc vero quem ejiciet, aut a quo absconderet se? omnes Amici, & omnes inimici; omnes necessarii, & omnes Adversarii. Omnes domestici, & nulli pacifici. Omnes proxi­mi, & omnes quae sua sunt quaerentes. Ministri Christi sunt, & serviunt Anti­christo. Honor ati incedunt de bonis Domi­ni, cum Domino honorem non deferunt, &c. De his dicam, in Consilium eorum non veniat anima mea, in Coetu illo­rum non sit gloria mea.

[Page]Multi vero sunt pacis & veritatis studiosi, in fundamentalibus consen­tientes, & contra communes reforma­tae religionis hostes pariter conscripti; qui nihilominus proh dolor! in non necessariis dissiliunt, & suos utrinque ad partes & pugnas vocant. Dum pugna haec hostilis gliscit inter fra­tres, hostibus suis perpetuas insultan­di & nocendi opportunitates suppedi­tant. Si quis huic morbo epidemico medicamentum reperire posset, bene de Ecclesia merueret: at cum tot an­norum experientia sit compertissimum, illud vix, aut ne vix fieri posse pul­vere scholastico luctand [...], aut consci­entiam poenis premendo; consultius esset omnia haec certamina consopire, quam frustra luctando Ecclesiam dila­niare; & tandem ad utilissimam, si non unicam istam pacis regulam re­dire, Phil. III. 16. In eo ad quod usque pervenimus, eadem incedamus regula, &c. cui convenit saluberrimum istud Tos­sani [Page] consilium, Academiae Tubingensi his verbis traditum,

Tollenda merito omnis criminandi & maledicendi amarulentia, & judicum filio Dei domino nostro Iesu Christo ipsisque posteris nostris, qui certaminis non Aucto­res, sed spectatores, aequius sepositis af­fectibus judicaturi sunt permittendum. Ad­versarii nostri etiamnum vivunt, & quo­tidie audaciores fiunt. Noctes & dies hoc agunt & meditantur, ut exortum Evangelii lumen extinguant; antiquasq: tenebras revocent. Interea nos qui initio unanimos per Dei gratiam Evangelium enunciavimus, conversis armis in mutua vulnera ruimus; gratumque hostibus spe­ctaculum exhibemus: qui plus praesidii atque fiduciae in concertationibus nostris, quam inani causae suae fundamento collo­cant.

Iterum iterumque respiciamus illud Apostoli, Gal. V. 15. Quod si alii aliis mordetis ac exeditis; videte ne vicissim alii ab aliis consumamini. Quod [Page] enim Cicero de clarorum virorum dis­cordiis dixit, id Davenantius noster de Ecclesiarum discordiis non dubi­tat affirmare; non alios solere esse il­larum exitus, nisi aut universarum interitum, aut victricium in reliquas injustum dominatum. Valde metu­endum est ne hisce diuturnis & fune­stis contentionibus (quod Deus aver­tat) suum omnes accelerent interi­tum. Nec dubito discordias inter pios extingui posse, quicquid in con­trarium aliqui obtendunt, si quorun­dam mentes ab omnis suspicionis, irae, ac invidiae spumis & scoriis bene ex­purgatae essent: En Fratres, quam pro­priam tempestivamque [...] pru­dentissimus noster Medicus nobis omnibus hoc tempore adaptavit! det Deus effectum desideratum, Ne, Vul­nus in antiquum redeat male firma cica­trix.

Pii ubique gemunt praesentem & deplorandum Ecclesiae statum: & ex [Page] clade nonnullorum, conjecturam faci­unt quid periculi immineat univer­sis.

—En quo discordia gentes,
Perduxit miseras!

Nec potest quisquam in [...]icias ire sanctos & sapientes ex utraque parte (Quantum inter se dissentiunt) in hoc saltem unanimos esse, quod haec non sunt litigandi, sed orandi, & re­dintegrandi tempora; tales enim vo­ces ubique effundunt, Convertat Deus cor patrum ad filios, et cor filiorum ad patres; ne veniens percutiat terram ana­themate. Suis non recte consulunt, qui ob Controversias nunquam fortasse inter doctos terminandas, perpetuis dissidiis lacerant Ecclesiam. Fratres nostri qui serio pro­fitentur se nulla alia causa a nobis dissen­tire in minutioribus Religionis, quam for­midine peccandi; ambabus ulnis sunt am­plectendi: Cito igitur tollantur omnia of­fendicula, ne bis impingeremus in eundem lapidem. Si iterum collidimur, frustula­tim [Page] frangimur; nolumus illis hanc lau­dem concedere, quod illi pacis & concor­diae studiosiores quam nos evaderent; in fundamentalibus & necessariis conformi­tatem exigite, in [...] & non necessa­riis debitam, amplam, & non hamatam libertatem concedite. Nemo sibi arroget li­ [...]entiam dividendi Ecclesiam, & dissol­vendi fraternam unitatem ex ea causa quam nec Christus, nec Apostoli, nec Ec­clesia pure primitiva unquam approbasset.

Omnes Controversias [...]e medio tolli non posse concedimus, sed omnibus discordiis valedicere poteramus; opi­nionum enim varietas, & Opinantium unitas non sunt [...]: Quid facit in pectore Christiano Luporum feritas, Canum rabies, venenum lethale Ser­pentum, cruenta saevitia bestiarum? ut olim Cyprianus. Nova atque in­audita (inquit Gregorius) est ista praedicatio, quae verberibus exigit fi­dem; facessat ergo omnis criminandi & maledicendi amarulentia; tran­quillus [Page] Deus tranquillet omnia.


Praecipue ac prae omnibus supplici­ter vos rogo, ut sepositis omnibus le­vioris naturae studiis, hoc unum in­tendatis, quomodo animas vobis com­missas, (quibus omnia terrena sunt longe postponenda) Christo lucri­faciatis: Hic labor, hoc opus est.

Procul absit a vobis detestanda illa donorum parsimonia, mundanorum immunda cura, corporis vilissimi ni­mis cautela; non magnum nobis vi­deatur vilem sudorem nostrum illa­rum gratia dispendere, cum Christus pretiosissimum suum sanguinem tam libere ac libentissime effudit. Si Do­mini talenta sudario abscondimus, ubi fudaria inveniemus cruentas lachry mas nostras pro tanto facinore exsiccare?

Recolligite Fratres, omne tempus nobis impensum, requiretur a nobis qualiter sit expensum. Quantum temporis inutili silentio jamdudum [Page] amisimus! Sed inter omnia gravamina sub quibus diu gemuistis, nullum persuasissimum habeo aegrius tulistis quam oribus occlusis inter animas ege­nas tam diu latitasse; praesens oppor­tunitas labilis est, quod ad futurum attinet, nubes post pluvias revertan­tur: Surgite ergo viri optimi, agite hoc negotium, & erit Dominus vobis­cum. Communes carnis querelas de­spicite, Coronam istam Coelestem prospicite. Splendebunt prudentes quasi splendor expansi, & qui multos instituunt, quasi stellae in sempiterna secula.

Hac spe labefactantes animos eri­gamus, & muniamus adversus irrisi­ones & molestias quas Evangelii nomine expectandas habemus; quae non induenda viscera misericordiae, cum tales de salute recuperenda, & exitio ad quod in instanti abripi pos­sunt, vitando, cum interim nihil minus de se cogitant; alloquimur? [Page] conqueritur apud Amesium Author laudatus, Casus Consc. lib. 3 Verba vitae in quorundam docto­rum et praedicatorum labiis quantum ad virtutem et efficaciam, p. 116. moriuntur. Adeo enim tepide, adeo remisse verba Dei enun­ciant, ut extincta in labiis eorum penitus videantur; unde sicut ipsi frigidi sunt et extincti, sic frigidos et extinctos relin­quunt. Novi quendam propter hoc de ci­vitate Parisiaca aufugisse: Dicebat enim, se praedicationibus & lectionibus Parisi­ensibus de die in diem, amplius, & am­plius infrigidari, & se timere, si mo­ram diuturniorem ibi traheret, ne tan­dem spirituali gelicidio extingueretur: propter quod transtulit se ad viros ferven­tes, velut ad carbones vivos, ut inter eos conversans ardorem nutriret, & au­geret.

Attollite oculos, & regiones specta­te; albae enim jam sunt ad messem. Nonne videtis vosmet esurientium animarum turmis undique stipatos, hianti ore, solicitisque oculis a vobis [Page] panem poscentibus? si viscera Pasto­rum Principis nobis insunt, pascamus oves suas. Nonnulli senectute & variis aerumnis pene confecti sunt, alii minutiis Scripturae majestatem minu­unt; auresque vulgi vano verborum strepitu complent, aut lenociniis ti­tillant: Interea, si vos quoque qui omnigena donorum copia locupletati estis, & opportunitatem tam com­modam & amicam habetis, zelo Dei & animarum non ardesceretis, horres­cam prospicere funestissimum ac vere miserabilem omnium exitum.


Postremo, paucis expediam quae necessaria dicenda duxi junioribus Theologis, & sacri Ministerii Candi­datis; qui tempore pernecessario huic operi seipsos libentissime dederunt, vel daturi sunt; Nos aestum pon­dusque diei longe portavimus. Mili­tes pene emeriti sumus; dabit poste­rior aetas tractabiliores fortasse animos, [Page] mitiora pectora quam nostrum habet seculum.

Faustis Natalitiis vestris ergo con­gratulor; praesertim si vestra [...] nobilitata & sanctifica­ta sit vel fuerit; idque eo magis, quia jam omnes praestantissimi Chronolo­gi, & temporum Indagatores qui computationi operam dederunt, evase­runt similes mulieri gravidae temporis pariendi computum suum praetergres­sae; quae singulis horis partus dolores expectare necesse habet. Valde pro­babile est diem illum de quo omnes Prophetae Prophetarunt, & quem omnes boni, quasi exerto capite ex­pectarunt, prae foribus jam esse.

Quapropter, Juvenes spectatissimi, spes & expectatio renascentis Ecclesiae, hanc opportunitatem mordicus arripite mentes vestras omnigena donorum copia ditare. Lectionibus assiduis ac precibus ferventissimis reserate diem, & obserate noctem; Qui prostratus [Page] studet optimus Theologus evasurus est. Nudati donis, non possumus veritatem propugnare, aut veritatis inimicos oppugnare. Non bona in­doles, nec elocutionis gratia; non gestus decor, aut conversationis ur­banitas pro egestate donorum com­pensare queat.

Utcunque Fratres, prae omnibus cavete, ne germinante indies Arbore scientiae, S. Ford. Ambitio Sac. sola sterilescat Arbor vitae, ut eximius Theologus satis apposite l [...]quitur; ne sint apud vos ultima prima, & prima vicissim ultima; tam pestifera inversio, toto conversionis operi exitialis erit; caput regulatum est valde desiderandum, sed cor san­ctum absolute necessarium. [...], 1 Cor. XII. 31. Vige­ant [...], sed emineat [...], al­tius radices figant cordibus vestris [...] magni Apostoli, 1 Cor. IX. 27. [Page] [...]. Quid enim prodest peritum esse, & periturum? Aliud est erudiri de veri­tatibus Christi, aliud edoceri de eo, sicut veritas est in Jesu.

Noctes atques dies mentibus ve­stris insideat grav is ista cautela litera­tissimi Reynoldi nostri; Ne nobis nimium adblandiamur, Animalis hom [...]. si forsan ex­quisitissimis naturae dotibus, inge­nii acumine, sermonis elegantia, va­ria lectione, longo rerum usu, Artium, linguarum, scientiarum omnium pe­ritia, judicii gravitate, & rationis pe­ne angelica perspicacia nos Deus or­naverit: nisi simul accedat Spiritualis gratiae adjutorium, quo Coelestis my­sterii cognitionemque adaptemur. Quamvis enim splendidissima haec [...] merito nobis in animis & af­fectibus hominum famam gratiam (que) conciliant, quamvis magnum inde Reipub▪ literariae, & Ecclesiae Chri­sti [Page] emolumentum accedat; nullum tamen ex sese aut ad Dei favorem, aut ad Coelestis beatitudinis mercedem consequendam momentum conferunt. Det Deus dona ministrantia & sancti­ficantia, ut Christi Propugnatores, & inimicorum ejus Expugnatores vosmet comprobetis. Sed manum de tabula, Epistolam hanc levidensem, & pingui (ut aiunt) Minerva contextam; be­nevole tamen excipite [...] de­bitae observantiae

A Conservo vestro in Evangelio Christi Johanne Flavello.
By reason of the Authors distance from the Press, some mistakes have escaped which the Candid Reader is desired to Correct.

ERRATA in this Epistle.

PAge 3. l. 4. read omnimode. p. 5. l. 9. after ita, add neque. ib. r. regimen. p. 7. l. 6. for &, r. ut. p. 10. l. 12. for iniquitatem, r. iniquitatum.


THE worthy Author of the Discourse emitted herewith, is one whose praise is in the Gospel throughout all the Churches. His other Books have made his Name precious and famous in both Englands. Nor can my Testimony add any thing to one every way greater than my self. Nevertheless, a singular Pro­vidence having cast my Lot to be at present in this great City▪ I could not withstand the importunity of them, who desi [...]ed a few Prefatory Lines to manifest the Respect I owe to this Renowned and Learned Man.

It was a wife Reproof which a grave Divine administred to a young Preacher, who entertained his Auditory with an elaborate Discourse: After [Page] he had commended his parts and pains, there was (said he) one thing want­ing in the Sermon; I could not per­ceive that the Spirit of God was in it. And though Morality is good and necessary to be taught and practised, yet it is much to be lamented, that ma­ny Preachers in these days have hardly any other Discourses in their Pulpits than what we may find in Seneca, Epictetus, Plutarch, or some such Heathen Moralist. Christ, the Holy Spirit, and (in a word) the Gospel is not in their Sermons. But bles­sed be God, that there are some (and great is their Company in this Land of Light) who preach the Truth as it is in Jesus: And he who has taken the Book out of the Right Hand of him that sits on the Throne, and is worthy to open the Seals there­of, has been pleased in wonderful ways to set open and keep open a door of Liberty to the Gospel, that they, unto whom he has given an [Page] Heart to Preach Christ, may do it. This is the Lords doings; This is a Spirit of Life from God. When Cy­rus proclaimed Liberty for the free Exercise of Religion, the Lords Servants, who for some years had lain dead, were brought out of their Graves, Ezek. 37. 12, 13.

This Treatise is a word in season: God has made the Author to be a wise Master-builder in his House, and acccording to the Wisdom given him of God, he has inlarged on a Gospel subject very proper to be in­sisted on at such a day as this. I am inform'd by unquestionable hands that there was a remarkable pouring out of the Spirit when these Sermons were viva voce delivered, a great num­ber of Souls having been brought home to Christ thereby. The Lord grant that the second preaching of them to far greater Multitudes by this way of the Press, may by the same Spirit be made abundantly successful [Page] for the Conversion and Salvation of Gods Elect. The Fruit brought forth by the Holy Apostles in respect of the Writings of some, (as well as the Doctrin preach'd by all) of them, does still remain. The fruitful La­bors of this faithful Servant of Christ will promote the Glory of God, and the good of Souls, when he himself shall cease from his Labors and his Works shall follow him. Let the Lords people be thankful to him for that he has sent such a Labourer in­to the Harvest, and pray, that he may be continued long therein, and that many such (for there are but [...]ew such) may be raised up, and be made emi­nently successful in their holy endea­vours, to the inlargement of the King­dom of Christ and of God; and let him reign in this Land for ever and e­ver, which is the Hearts Desire and Prayer of one who is,

Less then the least of all Saints INCREASE MATHER.

Books written by the Author, and sold by Matthew Wotton at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet.

FLavell's Fountain of Life opened, or a Dis­play of Christ in his Essential and Medi [...] ­torial Glory. 4 o.

—The Method of Grace in bringing ho [...] the Eternal Redemption. 4 o.

—Discourse of the Immortality of the Soul. 4 o.

—Husbandry Spiritualized, or the Heavenly use of Earthly things. 4 o.

—Two Treatises of Fear and Evil days. 8 o.

—Divine Conduct, or the Mystery of Pro­vidence. 8 o.

—The Saint Indeed, the great Work of a Christian, opened and pressed, from Prov [...]r [...] 4. 23. 12 o.

—The Touch-stone of sincerity, or signs of Grace and Symptoms of Hypocrisie. Being the second Part of the Saint Indeed.

—The Seaman's Compass. 8 o.

—The Seaman's Companion, containing Six Sermons suited to the various conditions of Seamen. 12 o.

—Token for Mourners, or Boundaries for Sorrow on Death of Friends. 12 o.

—Preparation for Sufferings. 12 o.

—Sacramental Meditations. 12 o.

—Balm of the Covenant, applied to the Bleeding Wounds of Afflicted Saints. 12 o.

—A Sermon Preached at the Publick Thanks­giving Feb. 14. 1689. for Englands Deliverance from Popery.

[Page] Books Printed for Matthew Wotton.

Smith's David's Repentance.

—Great Assize.

David's Blessed Man.

Dent's Plain Man's Pathway to Heaven.

Farnaby's Rhetorick.

Inet's Devout Christian in Three Parts, first, Prayers for a single Person; secondly, Prayers for a Family; thirdly, A Discourse on, and Prayers at, the Sacrament.

Winchester's Phrases.

Markham's Master piece. 4 o.

English Gardner. 4 o.

Salmon's Dispensatory.

Doron Medicum, or Supplement to the Dispensatory.

Baker's Arithmetick.

York's Arithmetick.

Lucian's Dialogues Greek and Latin.


Si accentus, Comma, Colon, Periodus omittantur, vel id genus le­levior a occurr ant festinantis preli [...]; tuam roga­tam velim indulgentiam: graviora quod attinet, exhibeo tibi indicem, ut videre est.

In the Latin Epistle.

PAge 5. line 9. after ita add neque. ib. read Regimen. p. 7. l. 6 for & r. ut. and l. 18. r. aperuit. p. 10. l. 12. r. iniqui­ratum. p. 13. l. 6. for quam qu [...]. p. 15. l. 4. r. judicium. l. 23. for aliis r. alies. p. 25. l. 7. for atques r. aqtue. l. 19. r. Cognitionem Dilectionemque.

In the Book it self Correct thus.

Page 17. l. 23. r. how. To. p. 26. l. 3. r. Co extended. p 39. l. ult. for but r. and. p. 40. l. 15. r. Angel of God p. 41. l. 14 for World r. Word. p. 53. l. 4. r. a point. p. 57. l. 24. r. the Doctrine of Free Grace. p. 65. l. 23. for though r. because. p. 95. l. 4. r. fell. p. 142. l. ult. r. home. p. 159. l6. r. Four. p. 177. l. 19 for too r. some. p. 192. l. 21. r. the Curse. p. 216. l. 28. r. your. p. 227. l. 21. r. hold. p. 246. l. 1. r. once. p. 251. l. 26. for by r. for. p. 256. l. 20. r. Thousands. p. 264. l. 9. for seem r. serve. p. 268. l. 17. r. which. p. 269. l. 17. dele the. p. 270. l. 29. r. scared. p. 275. l. 23. for that r. the. p. 278. l. 1 [...]. song. p. 281. Marg. for est r. & p. 284. l. 22. for have r. hear. p. 291. l. 23. dele and. p. 305. l. 19. r. Word. p. 311. l. ult. r. strikes. p. 312. l. 19. r. you. p. 318. l. 7. for means r. signs. p. 322. l. 5. r. Christ's. p. 326. l. 17. r. gaining. p. 329. l. 25. add not. p. 342. l. 20. for in r. with. p. 394. l. 7. r. to sit. p. 414. l. 17. r. believers. p. 417. l. 14. r. hides. and l. 28. r. poured out. P. 445. l. 3. r. first is this the. l. 19. dele a.

In the Appendix.

Page 17. line 11. add to. p. 41. l. 13. r. when it. p. 54. 1. 27. r. by their. p. 62. l. 18. r. abeneus.


Revel. 3. 20. [Behold] I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me.’

THis day hath our compassionate Redeemer opened unto us a door of liberty, liberty to us to preach, and liberty for you to hear the glad tydings of the Gospel. This is a day few looked for; how often have I said in the years that are past, God hath no more work for me to do, and I shall have no more strength and opportunities to work for God? And how often have you said in your hearts, we have sinned our Ministers out of their Pulpits, and our eyes shall no more behold those our Teachers? But lo, beyond the thoughts of most hearts, a wide (and I hope) an effect [...]al door is now opened in the midst of us. Oh! that it might be to us as the Valley of Achor was to Israel, for a door of hope: Hosea 2. 15. ( i. e.) not only making the troubles they met with in that Valley an Inlet to their mercies, as ours have been to us; but giving them that Valley pignoris [Page 2] nomine, as a pledge of greater mercies intended for them. Upon the first appearance of this mer­cy, my next thoughts were how to make the most fruitful improvement of it amongst you, lest we should twice stumble at the same stone, and sin our selves back again into our old bon­dage.

In the contemplation of this matter, the Lord directed me to this Scripture, wherein the same hand that opened to you the door of liberty, knocks importunately at the doors of your hearts for entrance into them, for union and commu­nion with them. It will be sad indeed if he that hath let you in to all these mercies, should himself be shut out of your hearts: But if the Lord should help you to open your hearts now to Christ, I doubt not but this door of liberty will be kept open to you, how many soever the Adversaries be that envy it, and will do their uttermost to shut it up, Ezech. 39. 29. The mer­cies you enjoy this day, are the fruits of Christs intercession with the Father, for one tryal more; if we bring forth fruit, well, if not, the Ax lyeth at the Root of the Tree. Under this consideration I desire to Preach, and even so the Lord help you to hear what shall be spoken from this precious Scripture, Behold I stand at the door and knock, &c.

These words are a branch of that excellent Epistle dictated by Christ, and sent by his servant John to the Church of Laodicea, the most formal, hypocritical and degenerate of all the seven Churches; yet the great Phisitian will try his skill upon them, both by the rebukes of the rod, ver. 19. and by the perswasive power of the word; ver. 20. Behold, I stand at the door and knock, &c.

[Page 3] This Text is Christs wooing voice, full of Heavenly Rhetorick to win and gain the hearts of Sinners to himself; wherein we have these two general parts.

  • 1. Christs suit for a Sinners heart.
  • 2. The powerful Arguments enforcing his suit.

First, Christs suit for a Sinners heart, wherein we I have ( 1st) the solemn Preface, ushering it in, be­hold. (2dly) the suit it self. The Preface is ex­ceeding solemn, for beside the common use of this word behold, in other places to excite atten­tion, or exaggerate and put weight into an affir­mation; Durham in loc. it stands here as a Judicious Expositor notes, as a term of notification, or publick record, wherein Christ takes witness of the most gracious offer he was now about to make to their souls, and will have it stand in perpetuam rei memoriam, as a testimony for or against their souls to all Eternity, to cut off all excuses and pretences for time to come.

2. The suit it self, wherein we have

  • 1. The Suitor, Jesus Christ.
  • 2. His posture and action; I stand at the door and knock.
  • 3. The suit it self, which is for opening, If any man open.

1. The Suitor Christ himself, I stand; I that have a right of Sovereignty over you; I that have shed my invaluable blood to purchase you, and might justly condemn you upon the first de­nial [Page 4] or demur, behold I stand, this is the Suitor.

2. His posture and action, I stand at the door and knock; [...]. the word is in the Preter Tense, I have stood, but being here joyned with another Verb of the Present Tense, it is fitly translated, I stand, yet so as that it notes a continued action. I have stood and do still stand with unwearied pa­tience; I once stood personally and bodily among you in the days of my flesh, and I still stand spi­ritually and representatively in my Ambassadors at the door, (i. e.) the mind and conscience, the faculties and powers which are introductive into the whole soul.

The word Door is here improperly put to sig­nify those introductive faculties of the soul which are of a like use to it, as the Door is to the House. This is the Redeemer's posture, his action is knock­ing; (i. e.) his powerful essays, and gracious at­tempts to open the heart to give him admission. The word Knock signifies a strong and powerful knock, [...] Cornu, & sic fit [...], & per synco­ [...]en [...]. he stands patiently, and knocks powerfully by the Word outwardly, by the convictions, mo­tions, impulses, strivings, and instigations of his Spirit inwardly.

3. The design and end of the Suit, it is for opening (i. e.) consenting, receiving, embracing and hearty accepting of him by faith. Acts 16. 14. The Lord opened the heart of Lydia, (i. e.) per­swaded her soul to believe; implying, that the heart by nature is strongly barr'd and lock'd up against Christ, and that nothing but a power from him can open it.

II Secondly, The powerful Arguments and Mo­tives used by Christ to obtain his Suit, and get a grant from the Sinners heart, and they are [Page 5] drawn from two inestimable benefits accrewing to the opening or believing soul. viz.

  • 1. Union.
  • 2. Communion with Christ.

1. Vnion, I will come in to him, that is, I will unite my self with the opening believing soul, he shall be mystically one with me, and I with him.

2. Communion, I will sup with him, and he with me; that is, I will feast the believing soul with the delicates of Heaven. Such comforts, such joys, such pleasures as none in the World but Be­lievers are capable of.

And to set home all, these special benefits are proposed by Christ to all sorts of Sinners great and small, old and young, if any man hear my voice and open the door, that so no soul might be discouraged from believing, by the greatness or multitude of his sins, but the vilest of Sinners may see free grace triumphing over all their unwor­thiness, upon their consent to take Christ ac­cording to the gracious offers of the Gospel.

The words thus opened, afford many great and useful points of Doctrine, comprehending in them the very sum and substance of the Gospel. The first which ariseth from the solemn and re­markable Preface Behold, will be this.


That every offer of Christ to the Souls of Sinners is recorded and witnessed with respect to the day of account and r [...]ckoning. Doct. [...].

[Page 6] Here we shall enquire into three things.

  • 1. Who are Gods Witnesses to all Gospel tenders?
  • 2. What are the object matters they wit­ness to?
  • 3. Why God records every offer of Christ, and takes witness thereof?

I First, Who are Gods Witnesses to all the tenders and offers made of Christ by the Gospel, and they will be found to be more than a strict legal number; for

1. His Ministers by whom he makes them are all Witnesses as well as Officers of Christ to the People, Acts 26. 16. I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a Minister and a Wit­ness. Here you see Ministers have a double office to propose and offer Christ, and then to bear witness for or against those to whom he is thus offered: They are expresly called Gods Wit­nesses, Rev. 11. 6, 7. Their labours witness, their sufferings witness, their solemn appeals to God witness, yea, the very dust of their feet shaken off against the refusers of Christ, turns to a te­stimony against them; Mark 6. 11. Every groan and sigh, every drop of sweat, much more of blood, are placed in Gods Book as Marginal Notes by all their Sermons and Prayers, and will be produced and read in the great day against all the refusers and despisers of Christ.

2. The Gospel it self which is preached to you is a Testimony or Witness for God, for or against every one that hears it, Iohn 12. 48. He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath [Page 7] one that judgeth him; the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. And this is the sense of Christs words, Matth. 24. 14. And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the World, for a Witness to all Nations, and then shall the end come. Ah Lord, what a solemn record is here! Every Sermon you hear, yea, every re­proof, perswasion and conviction is a Witness for God to cast and condemn every Soul in Judge­ment, that complies not obediently with the calls of the Gospel: So many Sermons, so many Witnesses.

3. Every mans own conscience is a Witness for God, that he hath a fair offer once made him; the very consciences of the Heathens that never saw a Bible, that had no other Preachers but the Sun, Moon and Stars, and other works of Na­ture; yet of them the Apostle saith, Rom. 2. 15. That they shew the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or excusing one ano­ther. Certainly if such vigour and activity was put into the consciences of Heathens, who could only read the will of God by the dim Moon­light of natural reason; how much more vigo­rous and active will conscience be in its accusing office against all that live under the bright beams of Gospel light? Their consciences will be swift Witnesses, and will ring sad Peals in their ears another day. You shall know that there hath been a Prophet among you, Ezek. 2. 5. This single Witness is instead of a thousand Witnesses for God.

4. The examples of all those that do believe and obey the Gospel, are so many Witnesses for God against the despisers and neglecters of the [Page 8] great Salvation. Every mourning trembling Soul among you is a Witness against all the dead hearted, unbelieving, disobedient ones, that sit with them under the same ordinances. Hence it is said, 1 Cor. 6. 7. Know ye not that the Saints shall judge the World? They shall be Assessors with Christ in the great day, and condemn the world by their examples, as Noah did the old world; and thus Matth. 21. 32. John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not, but the Pub­licans and Harlots believed him, and ye when ye had seen it, repented not afterward that ye might believe him. q. d. What shift did you make to quiet your consciences, and stifle your convictions, when you saw Publicans the worst of men, and Har­lots the worst of women, repenting, believing and hungering after Christ! Their examples shall be your Judges. These are Gods Witnesses.

II Secondly, Next let us consider what are the object matters unto which they give their testimo­ny, and that will be found two-fold, according to the two-fold event the Gospel hath upon them that hear it: of both which, the Apostle gives us this account, 2 Cor. 2. 16. Vnto some we are the savour of life unto life, and unto others the savour of death unto death. Accordingly a double Record is made,

1. Of the obedience and faith of some, which Record will be produced to their joy and comfort in the day of the Lord, when he shall come to be glorified in his Saints, and to be admired in all them that believe, because our testimony among you was be­lieved in that day. Ministers are Instruments of espousing Souls to Christ, and Witnesses to those espousals and contracts made betwixt him and [Page 9] them, 2 Cor. 11. 2. Both these offices are exceed­ing grateful, and pleasant to every faithful Mi­nister.

2. A Record is made, and Witness taken of all the refusals, disobedience, and slightings of Christ by others. Thus Moses will be the accuser of the Jews, John 5. 45. Do not think I will accuse you to the Father, there is one that accuseth you, e­ven Moses in whom you trust. This is the saddest part of a Ministers-work; the fore-thoughts of it are more afflictive than all our Labours and Sufferings. There is a three-fold Record made in this case, ( 1st.) Of the time men have enjoy­ed under the means of Salvation; how many years they have sat barren and dead hearted, un­der the labours of Gods faithful Ministers, Luke 13. 7. Behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this Fig-tree and find none. Behold the same term of Notification with that in the Text, applyed to the time of Gods patience towards them: And again, Ier. 25. 3. From the thirteenth year of Josiah even unto this day (that is, the three and twentieth year) the word of the Lord hath come unto me, and I have spoken unto you rising early, and speaking, but ye have not hearkened. Oh consider all the years and days you have spent under the Gospel, are upon your Dooms-day-book. ( 2dly,) Records are also made of all the instruments that ever God employed for the Conversion and Salvation of your Souls. So many Ministers, whether fix­ed or transient, as have spent their labours upon you, are upon the Book of your account. Ier. 25. 4. The Lord hath sent unto you all his servants the Prophets, rising early and sending them, but ye have not hearkened, nor enclined your ear to hear. They [Page 10] have wasted their Lungs, dropt their compassio­nate tears, and burnt down one after another as Candles to direct you to Christ and Salvation, but all in vain. ( 3dly,) Every call, perswasion and argument used by them to espouse you to Christ, is likewise upon the Book of account, Prov. 1. 24. 25. Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched my hand, and no man regarded, but you have set at nought all my counsels, and would none of my reproofs. These calls and counsels are of too great value with God, (though of none with you) to be lost and left out of your account.

III Thirdly, we shall in the last place inquire in­to the grounds and reasons of these Judicial procedures of God, why he will have every mans obedience and disobedience Registred and Witnessed for or against him under Gospel ad­ministrations; and there are two weighty rea­sons thereof.

First, [...]. Reason. that wherever the end of the Gospel is attained in the Conversion of any soul, that soul, and all that were instrumentally employ'd about the salvation of it, may have their proper reward and comfort in the great day, 2 Cor. 1. 14. As also you have acknowledged us in part, that we are your rejoycing, even as ye also are ours in the day of the Lord Iesus. This will be matter of joy unspeakable, both to you that shall receive, and to them that shall give such a comfortable testi­mony for you. Oh the joyful congratulations that will be in that day between Laborious Faithful Ministers, and their Believing Obedient Hearers! Lord, this was the blessed instrument of my happy Illumination and Conversion; though [Page 11] I might have ten thousand Instructers in Christ, yet not many Fathers; for by the blessing of thy Spirit upon this mans Ministry, my Soul was be­gotten to Christ. And on the other side, Lord, these are the Souls for whom I travelled as in birth until Christ was formed in them. 'Tis a glorious thing to say as the Prophet, Here am I, and the children God hath given me.

Nay, those that were but collaterally useful to help on the work of God begun by others, must not lose their reward in that day, Iohn 4. 36. And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal, that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoyce together.

Secondly, 2. Reason. Records are now made, and Wit­nesses taken, that thereby the Judicial Sentence of Jesus Christ in the last day may be made clear and perspicuous to all the world; that every mouth may be stopt, and no Plea or Apology left in the mouth of any condemned Sinner. For Christ in that day cometh to convince all that are ungodly, Iude ver. 15. to convince by demon­stration, that all that are Christless now, may be found speechless then, Matth. 22. 12. Here it is said, Psal. 1. 5. That the wicked shall not stand, or rise up in the Iudgment. And no wonder when so many full testimonies and unexceptionable Wit­nesses shall come point blank against them, the Minister that preach'd, the word they preached, their own consciences, and the examples of all Believers will be produced against them.


First, The undoubted certainty of a day of Iudg­ment, is hence evinced. To what purpose else are [Page 12] Records made, and Witnesses taken, but with respect to an Audit day; this is a truth sealed upon the consciences of the very Heathens, Rom. 2. 15. their consciences bear witness. But in vain are all these Records made, unless there be a day to produce and plead them, and of that day the Prophet Daniel speaks, Dan. 7. 10. The Iudgment was set, and the Books were opened. And again, Rev. 20. 12. And I saw the Dead small and great stand before God, and the Books were opened, and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life, and the Dead were judged out of those things which were written in the Books according to their works.

Believe it Friends, these are no devised Fa­bles, but most awful and infallible truths; ac­cording to the saving effects the Gospel now hath, it will be a time of refreshing to our Souls, Acts 3. 19. to all others a day of terrour, wrath and amazement, 2 Thes. 1. 7, 8. The day in which the Lord Iesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming Fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gos­pel of our Lord Iesus Christ.


What a spur is here to Ministerial diligence and faithfulness? 'Tis an awful work that is under our hands; the effects of the Gospel which we preach will be the savour of life or Death to them that hear us. If the Lord prosper it in our hands, we shall be witnesses for you, it will be an addition to our glory in Heaven, Dan. 12. 3. They that turn many to righteousness, shall shine as the brightness of the Firmament, and as the Stars for ever and ever. [Page 13] But if we be Ignorant, Lazy, Men-pleasers, our people will come in as swift Witnesses against us, and their blood will be required at our hands; it will be an intollerable aggravation to our mi­sery in Hell, to have any that sat under our Mi­nistry thus upbraiding us! O cruel man! thou sawest my soul in danger, and never dealt faithfully and plainly with me; the same time and breath which was spent in idle and worldly discourse, might have been in­strumental to have sav'd me from this place of torment. Let Ministers consider themselves as Witnesses for God, and their People as Witnesses for or against them; and under that consideration, so study, preach and pray, that they may with Paul take God to record, that they are free from the blood of all men; no sort of men upon earth have more spurs to diligence and faithfulness than we have.


What a Pill is this to purge formality out of all that hear us? every Sabbath, every Sermon is re­corded in Heaven for or against your souls; at what rate soever you attend to the word, all that you hear is set down in the book of your account; think not you shall return as you came, the word will have its effect and end, it shall not return in vain, but shall accomplish the end for which it is sent, Isaiah 55. 11. The decrees of Heaven are executed by the Gospel, some souls shall be quickened, and others shall be slain by the words of Gods mouth, Ezek. 47. 9, 10. The Gospel is a River of the waters of Life, which quickens and refreshes every thing that lives; but the myre and marish places shall not be healed. How [Page 14] weighty therefore is that caution of our blessed Lord, Luke 8. 18. Take heed how you hear? When you come under an ordinance, you are sowing seed for Eternity, Gal. 6. 7, 8. Which will spring up in the world to come. Preaching and hearing may be considered two ways, Physically or Morally, in the former respect, these acts are quickly o­ver and pass away: I shall by and by have done preaching, and you hearing, this Sermon will be ended in a little time, but the consequences there­of will abide for ever. Therefore for the Lords sake, away with formality, no more drowsie eyes or wandering thoughts. Oh when you come to attend upon the Ministry of the Gospel, that such thoughts as these might prepare your minds! The word I am going to hear will quicken or kill, save or damn my soul; if I sit dead under it, and return barren from it, I shall with one day that I had never seen the face of that Mi­nister, nor heard his voice that preached it.


What a dreadful condition are all those in that are real and professed Enemies to the Gospel and them that preach it! That instead of embracing and obeying the message of the Gospel, reject and despise it; instead of opening their hearts to receive it, o­pen their blasphemous mouths against it to de­ride it, and hiss it (if it were possible) out of the world. Ah, what a book of remembrance is writ­ten for such men? I fear there never was an age since Christianity blessed this Nation, that was more deeply drench'd in the guilt of this sin than the present age. How are the Messengers of the [Page 15] Gospel slighted and rejected? What have we done to deserve it? Is not our case this day much like that of the Prophet? Ier. 18. 20. Shall evil be recompensed for good? for they have digged a Pit for my Soul; remember that I stood before thee to speak good for them, and to turn away thy wrath from them. What bruitish madness hath possest the souls of these men? but alas, it is not so much they, as Satan acting in them; he is a jealous Prince, the Gospel allarms him, his Subjects are in danger of revolting from him: No wonder therefore he makes an out-cry at the liberty of the Gospel, as is used to be made when an Enemy invades a Kingdom. In this case Christ directs his Ministers to shake off the dust of their feet for a testimony against them, Mark 6. 11. The signification and meaning whereof is this, that look as you shake off the dust of your feet, even so Jesus Christ will shake off those men that de­spise the Gospel and abuse its Messengers.


Hence it likewise follows, that the case of the Pagan world will be easier in the day of Iudgment, than theirs that live and dye unregenerate and diso­bedient under the Gospel of Christ. There are more Witnesses prepared, and Records filed against the day of your account, than can possibly be a­gainst them; they have abused but one talent, the light of nature; but we thousands, even as many thousands as we have had opportunities and calls under the Gospel. Upon this account Christ saith, Matth. 10. 14, 15. Whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, shake off the dust [Page 16] of your feet. Verily, I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of Iudgment, than for that City.

Ah, what a fearful Aggravation doth it put upon our sin and misery, that we are not only ac­countable for all the light we had, but for all that we might have had in the Gospel day! Ca­pernaum was lifted up to Heaven in the enjoy­ment of means and precious opportunities, and had an answerable downfall into the depth of mi­sery from that height of mercy; as the higher any one is lifted up upon a Rack, the more ter­rible is the jerk he receives by the fall, Matth. 11. 23.


Lastly, hence it appears, that the day of Iudg­ment must certainly take up a vast space of time: For if God will bring every thing into Judgment, Eccles. 12. 14. not only sinful actions, but words, Matth. 12. 36. not only words, but heart secrets, Rom. 2. 16. If all the Records and Registers now made, shall then be opened and read, all the Wit­nesses for or against every man examined and heard; judge then what a vast space of time will that great day take up. Some Divines are of o­pinion it may last as long as the World hath lasted, but this is sure, things will not be hudled up, nor shuffled over in haste; you have taken your time for Sinning, and God will take his time for Judging.

Consider the multitudes, multitudes without number, that are to be Judged in that day, even all the posterity of Adam, which are as the Sand [Page 17] upon the Sea shore; that not only so many per­sons, but all that they have done, must come into Judgment, even the very thoughts of their Hearts, which never came to the knowledge of Men; their Consciences to be interrogated, all other Witnesses fully heard and examined; how great a day must this day of the Lord then be?

The Second Vse.

But the main Use of this Point will be for Exhortation, that seeing all the offers of Christ are recorded and witnessed, with respect to a day of account, every one of you would there­fore immediately embrace the present gracious tender of Christ in the Gospel, as ever you ex­pect to be acquitted and cleared in that great day: take heed of denials, nay of delays and demurs; For if the word spoken by Angels were stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience re­ceived a just recompence of reward; how shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation? Heb. 2. 2, 3. The question is put, but no answer made; How shall we escape? The wisdom of Men and Angels cannot tell how to enforce this Exhortation; I shall present you with Ten weighty Considerati­ons upon the matter, which the Lord follow home, by the blessing of his Spirit, upon all your Hearts.


Consider how invaluable a mercy it is that you are yet within the reach of offered Grace. The mercies that stand in offer before you, this day, were [Page 18] never set before the Angels that fell; no Media­tor was ever appointed for them. Oh astonish­ing mercy! that those Vessels of Gold should be cast into everlasting Fire, and such Clay Vessels as we are, thus put into a capacity of greater happiness than ever they fell from: Nay, the mercy that stands before you is not only denied to the Angels that fell, but to the greatest part of your fellow Creatures, of the same rank and dignity with you, Psal. 147. 19, 20. He sheweth his Word to Jacob, his Statutes and his Iudgments unto Israel; he hath not dealt so with any Nation, and as for his Iudgments they have not known them; praise ye the Lord. A mercy deservedly celebra­ted with a Joyful Allelujah. What vast Tracts are there in the habitable World, where the name of Christ is unknown! Tis your special mercy to be born in a Land of Bibles, and Mini­sters; where it is as difficult for you to avoid and shun the Light, as it is for others to behold and enjoy it.


Consider the nature, weight, and worth of the mercies which are this day freely offered you. Cer­tainly they are mercies of the first Rank, the most ponderous, precious, and necessary among all the mercies of God. Christ the first born of mercies, and in him pardon, peace, and eternal Salvation are set before you; it were astonish­ing to see a starving Man refusing offered bread, or a condemned Man a gracious pardon. Lord what compositions of sloath and stupidity are we that we should need so many intreaties to be hap­py!


Consider who it is that makes these gracious tenders of pardon, peace, and Salvation, to you; even that God whom you have so deeply wronged, whose Laws you have violated, whose mercies you have spurned, and whose wrath you have justly incensed. His pa­tience groans under the burden of your daily provocations; he loses nothing if you be dam­ned, and receives no benefit if you be saved; yet the first motions of Mercy and Salvation to you, freely arise out of his Grace and good pleasure. God intreats you to be reconciled, 2 Cor. 5. 20. The blessed Lord Jesus, whose blood thy sins have shed, now freely offers that blood for thy Reconciliation, Justification, and Salvation, if thou wilt but sincerely accept him ere it be too late.


Reflect seriously upon your own vileness, to whom such gracious offers of Peace and Mercy are made. Thy sins have set thee at as great a distance, from the hopes and expectations of pardon, as any sin­ner in the World. Consider Man, what thou hast been, what thou hast done, and what vast heaps of guilt thou hast contracted by a life of sin, and yet that unto thee Pardon and Peace should be offered in Christ, after such a life of Rebellion, how astonishing is the mercy! The Lord is contented to pass by all thy former Re­bellions, thy deep died Transgressions, and to sign an Act of Oblivion for all that is past, if [Page 20] now at last thy Heart relent for Sin, and thy Will bow in obedience to the gr [...]at commands and call of the Gospel, Isa. 55. 2. & 1. 18.


Consider how many offers of mercy you have al­ready refused, and that every refusal is recorded against you. How long you have tried and even tired the patience of God already, and that this may be the last overture of Grace that ever God will make to your Souls. Certainly there is an offer that will be the last offer, a striving of the Spirit which will be his last striving; and after that no more offers without you, no more mo­tions or strivings within you for evermore. The Treaty is then ended, and your last neglect or rejection of Christ recorded against the day of your account; and what if this should prove to be that last tender of Grace which must conclude the Treaty betwixt Christ and you, what undone wretches must you then be, with whom so gra­cious a Treaty breaks off upon such dreadful terms!


Consider well the reasonable, mild, and gracious nature of the Gospel terms, on which Life and Par­don are offered to you. The Gospel requires no­thing of you but Repentance and Faith, Acts 20. 21. Can you think it hard when a Prince par­dons a Rebel to require him to fall upon his Knees, and stretch forth a willing and thankful Hand to receive his Pardon? Your Repentance [Page 21] and Faith are much of the same nature. Here is no legal satisfaction required at your Hands, no reparation of the injured Law, by your doings or sufferings, but an hearty sorrow for sins com­mitted, sincere purposes and endeavours after new obedience, and a hearty thankful accepta­tion of Christ your Saviour; and for your en­couragement herein, his Spirit stands ready to furnish you with Powers and Abilities, Prov. 1. 23. Turn ye at my reproof, behold I will pour out my Spi­rit unto you, I will make known my Words unto you; and Isa. 26. 20. Lord thou hast wrought all our Works in us.


Again, consider how your way to Christ by Re­pentance and Faith, is beaten before you by thousands of sinners for your encouragement. You are not the first that ever adventured your Souls in this path: multitudes are gone before you, and that under as much guilt, fear and discouragement as you that come after can pretend unto; and not a man among them repulsed or discouraged; here they have found rest and peace to their weary Souls; Heb. 4. 3. Acts 13. 39. Here the greatest of sin­ners have been set forth for an ensample to you that should afterwards believe on his Name; 1 Tim. 1. 16. You see if you will not, others will joyfully accept the offers of Christ; what dis­couragements have you that they had not? Or what greater incouragements had they which God hath not given you this day? Therefore they shall be your Judges.


Consider the great hazard of these precious seasons you now enjoy. Opportunity is the golden spot of time, but it is tempus [...]abi [...]e, a very slippery and uncertain thing; great and manifold are the hazards and contingencies attending it. Your life is immediately uncertain, your breath con­tinually going in your nostrils, and that which is every moment going, will be gone at last. The Gospel is as uncertain as your life; God hath made no such settlement of it but that he may a [...] pleasure remove it, and will certainly do so, if we thus trifle under it; 'tis but a Candlestick, though a golden one, Rev. 2. 5. and that you all know is a moveable thing; and not only your life and the means of your eternal life, I mean the Gospel, are uncertain things; but even the motions and strivings of the Spirit with your Souls are as uncertain as either, Phil. 12. 13. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. That God now works with you is matter of great incouragement to your work; but that he works at his own plea­sure, as a free arbitrary agent who can cease when he pleases, and never give one knock at your hearts more, should make you work with fear and trembling.


Think what a fearful aggravation it will be, both of your sin and misery, to perish in the fight and pre­sence [Page 23] of an offered remedy; to sink into Hell betwixt the outstretched Arms of a compassionate Redeemer, that would have gathered you but you would not.

Heathens, yea Devils will upbraid you in Hell for such unaccountable folly, and desperate mad­ness: Heathens will say, alas, we had but the dim Moon-light of Nature, which did indeed discover sin, but not Christ the Remedy. Ah, had your Preachers and your Bibles been sent among us, how glady would we have embraced them! Surely, saith God to Ezechiel, had I sent thee to them they would have harkned unto thee, Ezek. 3. 5, 6. Matth. 11. 21. The very Devils will up­braid you; Oh, if God had sent a Mediator in our Nature, we had never rejected him as you have done; but he took not on him the nature of Angels.


Lastly, How clear, as well as sure, will your con­demnation be in the great day against whom such a cloud of Witnesses will appear! Oh, how manifest will the righteousness of God be! Men and An­gels shall applaud the Sentence, and your own Consciences shall acknowledge the equity of it. You that are Christless now, will be speechless then, Matth. 22. 12. Knowing therefore the terrors of the Lord, I perswade men, 2 Cor. 5. 11. as one that trembles to think of being Summoned as a Witness against any of your Souls. Oh, that I might be your rejoycing, and you mine in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ!


Revel. 3. 20. Behold [I] stand at the door, &c.’

Having in the former Sermon pon­dered Christs solemn Preface to his earnest Suit; the next thing that comes under our considera­tion, is the Person soliciting, and pleading for admission into the Heart of sinners, which is Christ himself.

Behold I stand. The only difficulty here is rightly to apprehend the manner of Christs pre­sence in Gospel administrations; for it is mani­fest the person of Christ was at this time in Hea­ven; his Bodily presence was removed from this lower World above Sixty years before this E­pistle was Written to the Laodiceans. Iohn's banishment into Patmos, is by Eusebius, out of Ire­naeus and Clemens Alexandrinus, placed in the Fourteenth Year of the Emperor Domitian, and under his Second Persecution, which was about the Ninety seventh Year from the Birth of Christ.

Yet here, he saith, behold I stand, not my Mes­sengers and Ministers only, but I by my Spiri­tual presence among you, I your Sovereign Lord [Page 25] and Owner, who have all Right and Authority by Creation and Redemption, to possess and dis­pose of your Souls; 'tis I that stand at the Door and knock, I by my Spirit, solliciting and mo­ving by the Ministry of Men. You see none but Men; but believe it, I am really and truly, though Spiritually and Invisibly present in all those administrations, all those knocks, motions and solicitations are truly mine, they are my acts, and I own them, and so I would have you conceive and apprehend them. Hence the Se­cond Note is this,


That Iesus Christ is truly present with men in his Ordinances, and hath to do with them, and they with him; though he be not visible to their carnal Eyes.

Thus runs the promise, Matth. 18. 20. Where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them. The midle place was the Seat of the President in the Jewish as­semblies, where he might equally hear and be heard of all. So will I be in the midst of the As­semblies of the Faithful, met together in my Name and Authority, to bless, guide and pro­tect them. Hence the Church is called the place of his Feet, Isa. 16. 13. a manifest allusion to the Ark, called Gods Footstool, Psal. 99. 5. and agreeably hereunto, Christ is said to walk among the Seven golden Candlesticks, Revel. 2. 1. There are the Spiritual walks of Christ, there his con­verses and communion with Men: And this pre­sence of Christ was not the peculiar privileges of the first Churches, but is common to all the [Page 26] Churches of the Saints to the end of the World, as appears by that glorious promise comfortably so extended with the Church from first to last; Matth. 28. ult. Lo, I am with you always to the end of the World. This promise is the ground and reason of all our Faith, and expectations of be­nefit from Ordinances; and the Subjects of it are not here considered Personally, but Officially, to you and all that succeed you, in the same Work and Office; not to you only as Extraordinary, but to all the succeeding Ordinary standing Offi­cers in my Church. As for the Apostles, neither their Persons, nor extraordinary Office was to continue long, but this Promise was to continue to the end of the World.

Nor is this Promise made absolutely, but con­ditionally; the connection of the Promise, with the Command, enforces this qualified sense; as 2 Chron. 15. 2. The Lord is with you, whilst you are with him. Ignorant, idle, unqualified per­sons, cannot claim the benefit of this gracious grant.

Once more, this Promise is made ot every hour and minute of time. I am with you, all the days, as it is in the Greek Text; in dark and dangerous, as well as peaceable and incouraging days; and it is closed up with a solemn Amen, So be it, or, So it shall be.

To open this Point distinctly, we are to con­sider that there is a threefold presence of Christ,

  • 1. Corporeal.
  • 2. Represented.
  • 3. Spiritual.

[Page 27] First, There is a Corporeal Presence of Christ, which the Church once enjoyed on Earth, when he went in and out amongst his People, Acts 1. 21. When their Eyes saw him, and their Hands handled him, 1 Iohn 1. 1. This presence was a singular consolation to the Disciples, and there­fore they were greatly dejected when it was to be removed from them. But after Redemption-Work was finished on Earth, this Bodily Pre­sence was no longer necessary to be continued in this World, but more expedient to be removed to Heaven, Iohn 16. 7. as indeed it was, and must there abide until the time of the restituti­on of all things, Acts 3. 21. And in this respect he tells the Disciples, Iohn 16. 28. leave the World and go to my Father.

Secondly, There is a Represented Presence of Christ in Ordinances. As the Person of a King is represented in another Country by his Am­bassadors, so is Christ in this World by his Mini­sters, 2 cor. 5. 26. We then are Ambassadors for God, as though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Christs stead, be ye reconciled to God. Christ is about other work for us in Heaven, but we stand in his stead on Earth. And this speaks the great Dignity of the Ministerial Office; what­ever abuses or contempts are cast on them, they reflect upon Christ, Luke 10. 16. He that despi­seth you despiseth me. It also teacheth us whence the validity of Gospel administrations is; Christ ratifies and confirms them with his own Autho­rity. It also instructs us how Wise, Spiritual, and Holy, Ministers should be, who represent Christ to the Word. A Drunkard, a Persecutor, [Page 28] a sensual Worldling, is but an ill representative of the blessed and holy Jesus.

Thirdly, Beside and above the two former, there is a Spiritual Presence of Christ in the Churches, and Ordinances; and this Presence of Christ by his Spirit, who is his Vicegerent, is to be considered as that from which all Gospel Or­dinances derive,

  • 1. Their Beauty and Glory.
  • 2. Their Power and Efficacy.
  • 3. Their awful Solemnity.
  • 4. Their Continuance and Stability.

First, From the presence of Christ by his Spi­rit, the Ordinances and Churches derive their beauty and glory, Psal. 27. 4. To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the Sanctuary. Look as the beauty of the Body is a result from the Soul that animates it; and when the Soul is gone, the beauty of the Body is gone also; so the beauty and glory of all Ordinances comes and goes with the Spirit of Christ which is the very Soul of them. The Churches are indeed golden Candlesticks, but the Candlestick hath no light but what the Candle gives it; hence that magnificent description of the new Temple is closed up in this expression, Ezek. 48. ult. The name of that City shall be, The Lord is there.

Secondly, From this Spiritual Presence of Christ, all Gospel Ordinances derive all that Power and Efficacy which is by them exerted upon the Souls of Men; either in their Conver­sion or Edification. This power is not inherent in them, nor do they act as natural, necessary [Page 29] agents, but as instituted means, which are suc­cessful or unsuccessful, according as Christ by his Spirit co-operates with them, 1 Cor. 3. 7. He that plants is nothing, neither he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase; that is, they are nothing to the purpose, nothing to the accomplishment of Mens Salvation without the concurrence of the Spirit of Christ. For when the Apostle makes himself and Apollos, with all other Ministers, nothing, we must understand him speaking not absolutely, but comparatively, and relatively; they are necessary in their places, and sufficient in their kind, for what they are appointed to, else it would be a reflection upon the Wisdom of God that instituted them; but singly in them­selves, and disjunctively considered, they are no­thing; as a Trumpet or wind Instrument is no­thing, as to its end and use, except breath be in­spired into it, and that breath modulated by the art and skill of the inspirer; like Ezekiets Wheels that move not but as the Spirit that was in them moved and directed their motions. If Ordinan­ces wrought upon Souls naturally, and necessarily as the fire burneth, then they could not fail of success upon all that come under them: But it is with them as with the Waters of the Pool of Bethesda, whose healing vertue was only found at that season when the Angel descended and troubled them.

Thirdly, This Spiritual Presence of Christ, gives the Ordinances of the Gospel that awful solemnity which is due upon that account to them. The Presence of Christ in them commands reve­rence from all that are about him. God is great­ly to be feared in the Assemblies of his Saints, and to [Page 30] be had in reverence of all that are round about him. Hence is that solemn caution or threatning, Levit. 26. 23, 24. If you walk contrary unto me, then will I also walk contrary unto you; the Hebrew word in that Text signifies to walk rashly or at an adventure with God, sine personae discrimine, without considering with whom we have to do, and what an awful Majesty we stand before. And the punishment is suitable to the sin; I also will walk at an adventure with you, making no dis­crimination in my Judgments betwixt your per­sons and the persons of the worst of Men. Oh that this were duly considered by all that have to do with God in Gospel institutions!

Fourthly, 'Tis the Spiritual Presence of Christ in his Churches and Ordinances that gives them their Continuance and Stability; when ever the Spirit of Christ departs from them it will not be long before they depart from us; or if they should not, their continuance will be little to our advantage. When the Glory of the Lord once dismounted from betwixt the Cherubims, when that sad voice was heard in the Temple, migremus hinc, let us go hence, how soon was both City and Temple made a desolation! And truly Christ's Presence is not so fixed to any Place, or any Ordinances, but the sins of the people may banish it away, Rev. 2. 5. Who will tarry in any place longer than he is welcom, if he have any where else to go?

But more particularly, let us here discuss these two points,

I. How it appears Christ is thus Spiritually Present with his Churches and Ordinances?

II. Why it is necessary he should be so?

[Page 31] First, By what evidences doth it manifestly appear that there is such a presence of Christ with his Churches and Ordinances? And this will appear by two undeniable evidences there­of.

  • 1. By their wonderful Preservations.
  • 2. From their supernatural Effects.

First, From their wonderful Preservations, for it is wholly unaccountable, and unconceive­able, how the Churches, Ministers and Ordi­nances, should be supported and preserved with­out it, amidst such Hosts of potent and enra­ged Enemies. If Christ were not among them they had certainly been swallowed up long ago. 'Tis he that holds the Stars in his right hand▪ Rev. 2. 1. His walks among the seven golden Can­dlesticks is their best security. The burning bush, Exod. 3. 3. is a rare emblem to open this Mystery; the bush burned with fire, but was not consumed. The bush was a resemblance of the Church of God in Egypt, the flames upon it was their terri­ble Persecution; the wonder that no ashes appear­ed, as the effects of those terrible flames, the reason thereof was, God was in the bush; Jesus Christ was in the midst of his people.

By vertue of this Presence we are here this day, in the enjoyment of Gospel Liberties; no Society of Men in the World have such securi­ty as the Church hath upon this account. The mightiest Monarchies have been over-turned, no Policies nor humane Power could preserve them; but the Church and Ordinances are still preser­ved, and shall ever be by vertue of that gracious [Page 32] Promise, Ier. 30. 11. For I am with thee, saith the Lord, to save thee: though I make a full end of all Nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee.

The Babilonian, Persian, Grecian, Monarchies have destroyed and ruined one another,

—Sic Medus ademit
Assyrio, Syro (que) tulit moderamina Perses, &c.

but still the Church of Christ lifts up its Head, and beholds their ruins.

Secondly, This Presence of Christ in and with his Ordinances is undeniably evinced, from their Supernatural effects upon the Souls of Men; 2 Cor. 10. 4. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. 'Tis the Spirit of Christ that gives them their success and efficacy: The Sword of the Gospel hath its point and edge, but it is im­possible the Heart of a stupid hardned sinner should ever be prickt or wounded by it, if the Spirit of Christ did not manage it. When sin­ners fall down convinced under the authority of the Word, they feel, and readily acknowledge, that God is in it of a truth, I Cor. 14. 25. Ruf­finus reports, that at the Council of Nice, a god­ly man, of no great learning, was the instru­ment of converting a learned Philosopher, whom the Bishops with all their Arguments could not perswade; of which the Philosopher himself gave this remarkable account, Whilst you reasoned with me, said he, against words, I opposed words, and what was spoken, I overthrew by the art of speaking; but when, in stead of words, power came out of the [Page 33] mouth of the speaker, words could no longer with­stand truth, nor Man resist the power of God.

And this indeed is the true and just account of all those marvellous and gracious changes made upon the Souls of Men by the Preaching of the Gospel: Can the vanishing breath of a dying Man, think you, inspire Spiritual and Eternal Life into the Souls of other Men? Can he search the Conscience, break the Heart, and bow the Will at this rate? No, no, this is the Power and Operation of Christ; Mr. Anth. Burgesse on 1 Cor. 3. and of that Presence we must say, saith a Reverend Author, as Martha did to her Saviour, concerning the Death of her Brother Lazarus, John 11. 21. Lord if thou hadst been here my Brother had not dyed. So, say I, if that Presence and Power of Christ were felt by all, which hath been certainly experienced and felt by many, they had not remained in the state of Spiritual Death as they do. But though there be thousands under Ordinances that never felt this Power of Christ upon them, yet blessed be God there are also multitudes of Witnesses and Evidences of this Truth, that there is a Real, Spiritual, Energetical Presence of Christ in his own appointments; which was the first thing to be evinced.

Secondly, The second thing requiring Expli­cation, is the Uses and Ends which makes such a Presence of Christ necessary. And they are

1. To Preserve and Support his Ministers and Churches amidst such Hosts of potent and en­raged Enemies: This Presence of Christ is as a wall of Fire round about them. It was the Di­vine Presence with Ieremiah that was as a Life-Guard to him, against the rage of the Princes [Page 34] and Nobles of Israel, Jer. 15. 20, 21. I will make thee unto this People a fenced brazen Wall, and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee, for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee, saith the Lord: And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible.

It was easier for the Roman Army to scale the Walls, and batter down the Towers of Ierusa­lem, than for all the Enemies in Ierusalem to de­stroy this Prophet of God thus immur'd by the Divine Presence. Athanasius and Luther had the Power of the Empire ingaged against them, yet the Presence of Christ was their security. The Witnesses could not be slain till they had finish­ed their Testimony, Rev. 11. 7. To this Presence alone the faithful Witnesses of Christ owe their marvellous preservation at this day; had not Christ said, Lo, I am with you, you had not said at this day, behold our Ministers are still with us.

Secondly, The Presence of Christ is necessary to assist and enable his Ministers in their Work, for it is a Work quite above their own strength; it is well we are Workers-together with God, else we should soon faint under our Labours. When Moses objected, I am not eloquent, the Lord told him, I will be with thy Mouth, Exod. 4. 10. When God guides the Tongue how powerful and persuasive must the Language be! When the Apostles, illiterate men, were sent out to convert the World, Christ promised to give them a Mouth and Wisdom, Luke 21. 15. a Mouth to speak, and Wisdom to guide that Mouth; and then their words were demonstrations, all their adversaries could not resist that Spirit and [Page 35] Power by which they spake. Empires and King­doms full of Enemies, received the Gospel; but the reason of this wonderful success is given us, in Mark 16. 20. They went out and Preached every where, the Lord working with them. 'Tis sweet and prosperous working in fellowship with Christ: The Spirit of Christ gives a manifold as­sistance to his Ministers in their Work; 'tis he that guides and directs their minds in the choice of those Subjects wherein they labour with such success to their Hearers. He dictates the Matter, influences their Affections, guides their Lips, fol­lows home their Doctrine with success; and this is a special Use and End of Christs Presence with his Ministers and Ordinances.

Thirdly, The Spiritual Presence of Christ is necessary for the preparation and opening of the peoples Hearts to receive and embrace the Go­spel to Salvation; not an Heart will open to re­ceive Christ till the Spirit of Christ unlock them. Paul and Timothy were extraordinarily called to Preach the Gospel at Macedonia, there Lydia was converted; but how? Not by their Skill or E­loquence, but the Spirits influence, Acts 16. 14. The Lord opened the Heart of Lydia. The Church could not be propagated without Conversion; Conversion could never be wrought without Christs Influence and Spiritual Presence. So that this Presence is of absolute necessity; the Church cannot subsist, nor the great ends of Ordinances attained without it.

The first Inference.

Is Christ really Present in all Gospel Administra­tions, how awfully Solemn then is every part of Go­spel [Page 36] Worship? We having to do with Christ himself, and not with Men only, in Gospel Ordinances. Hap­py were it, if, under this Consideration, all our People did receive the Word we Preach, as the Thessalonians did, not as the Word of Man, but as the Word of God, 1 Thes. 2. 13. then it would Work effectually in us as it did in them. But alas! We have loose and low apprehensions of the Word; we come to Judge the Gifts of the Speaker, not to have our Minds informed, our Consciences searched, our Lusts mortified, and our Lives regulated. But oh, that Men would realize the Presence of Christ in Ordinances, and seriously consider that Word of his, Rev. 2. 23. All the Churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the Reins and Hearts, and I will give to every one of you according to your Works.

How would it compose vain and wandering Hearts unto holy seriousness! Oh, if Men would but consider that they are before the Lord Jesus Christ, as Cornelius and his Family did, Acts 10. 33. We are all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God. If they would consider the Word as the executioner of Gods eternal Decrees which returns not in vain, but accomplishes that whereunto God sends it, Isa. 55. 11. and eventually proves the savour of Life or Death eternal to them that sit under it, 2 Cor. 2. 16. In a word, were it but considered as the Rule by which its hearers shall be judged in the great Day, Ioh. 12. 48. then how would Men tremble at the Word? What mighty effects would it have upon their Hearts? How would it run and be glorified? But alas, as Iob speaks, Iob 9. 11. He goeth by me, and I see him not; he passeth [Page 37] on also, but I perceive him not. Few realize the Spiritual Presence of Christ in Ordinances.

Second Inference.

If Christ be really present with his Churches and Ordinances, how vain are all the attempts of Enemies to subvert and destroy them? That pro­mise, Matth. 28. ult. supposes the continuance of a Gospel Church and Ministry to the end of the World, else there would be a Promise without a Subject; as de Iure, there ought to be a Church, so de facto, there shall be a Church with Ministers and Ordinances, let Satan and Antichrist do their worst. I do not say this Promise secures this or that particular Church or Nation, for the presence of Christ is moveable from one place to another, but still the Church is safe. And there are three things that secure it against all hazards.

First, The invaluable Treasures God hath lodged in the Church, viz. his Truths, his Worship, and his Elect; such a precious Cargo secures the Vessel that carries it, what ever Storms or Tem­pests may befal it.

Secondly, The Covenant and Promise of God, with the Church, is its abundant security, Matth. 16. 18. Vpon this Rock will I build my Church, and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. The faithfulness of God is pawned for his Peoples se­curity. If the Church fail God's faithfulness must fail with it.

Thirdly, But above all, the Presence of Christ, in the midst of it, puts it out of all danger of miscarrying. In that Promise, Lo, I am with [Page 38] you alway, are found all munitions and fortificati­ons whatsoever: Here we have his Eye of Provi­dence, his Hand of Power, and whatsoever else is needful to support and secure it. God ac­counts his Presence our safety, Isa. 41. 10. The Enemies of God and his People account it so too, Exod. 14. 25. and shall it not be so in our own ac­count? Provoke not the Lord Jesus to withdraw his Presence, and fear not the consultations and oppositions of Hell or Earth.

Third Inference.

From this Spiritual Presence of Christ all his faithful Ministers should draw incouragement amidst the manifold difficulties and discouragements, they day­ly encounter, in his Work and Service. Christ is with them, they Work in Fellowship with him, let them not be dismaid.

The difficulties and discouragements the Mi­nisters of Christ meet with are great and many; and the more faithful and successful any of them are in their Masters Work, the fiercer oppositi­on they must expect: Besides all the discourage­ments rising out of their own Hearts, which are not a few, they must encounter.

First, The opposition of Enemies from abroad. Secondly, The obstinacy and stubornness of the Hearts they work upon; Satan is a jealous Prince, and will raise all manner of outcries and oppositions against those heavenly Heraulds, that come to Proclaim a new Prince in his Do­minions, and withdraw his miserable Subjects from their cursed Allegiance to him. What is it to Preach the Gospel (said Luther) but to de­rive [Page 39] the fury of the World upon the Head of that Preacher? But this would be easily supportable, did our Work but prosper upon the hearts of our hearers; but this alas, is the killing conside­ration of all; we know the worth of Souls, and how great a service it is to save them from death, Iames 5. 20. We also know the terrors of the Lord, which excite our utmost endeavours to perswade men, 2 Cor. 5. 11. We feel the compas­sions of Christ stirring in our own bowels, which makes us long after their Salvation, Phil. 1. 8. We preach, we pray, yea, we travail again as it were in birth until Christ be formed in them, Gal. 4. 19. And when we have done all, we find their Hearts as Iron and Brass, Ier. 6. 28. We mourn in secret when we cannot prevail, and oft times our Hands hang down with discourage­ment, and we are ready to say with the Prophet, We will speak no more in his name, Jer. 20. 9. But here is our relief, under all discouragements from abroad and at home; the Work is Christs, the Power is his, he is with us, and we are Workers together with him. There was a time when Three thousand Souls were born to Christ at one Sermon, it may be now Three thousand Sermons may be preacht and not a Soul Converted: Yet let us not be discouraged, a time of eminent Con­versions is Promised, and to be expected in these latter days, Ezek. 47. 9. when the living waters of the Gospel shall make every thing to live whither they come. And when the Fishers ( i. e.) the Ministers of Christ shall not fish with Angles as now they do, taking now one, then another single Convert, but shall spread forth their Nets, but inclose multitudes at a draught; When they [Page 40] Shall flee as a Cloud, and as the Doves to their Win­dows. God now opens a door of opportunity beyond expectation; Oh that the Hearts of Mi­nisters and People were suitably enlarged, and the People made willing in the day of his Power.

Fourth Inference.

Hence we also infer the great dignity of the mini­sterial Office, and the suitable respect and honour due to all Christs faithful Ministers.

The Lord Jesus himself is represented by them, they stand in his stead, 2 Cor. 5. 20. his authority is clothed upon them; the honours and disho­nours given them, redounds to the person of Christ, Luke 10. 16. The Galathians received Paul as an Angel of Gold, even as Christ Jesus, Gal. 4. 14.

Yet how have their Persons and Office been vilified and despised in this degenerate age! How many Learned, Pious, Laborious, Peaceful Ministers of Christ have in this age, been hunted up and down the World as wild Beasts, been made the filth and off-scouring of all things un­to this day, I Cor. 4. 13. The Word signifies that dirt and filth which Scavengers rake together in the Streets, to be carried to the Dunghil. No doubt but Satan drives a great design in this to in­validate their Ministry, discourage their La­bours, and break their Hearts: but Jesus Christ will support us under all these abuses, wipe off the dirt thrown at us, for his Name sake, and reserve some of us for better days.

Fifth Inference.

Is Christ Present in his Ordinances, what a strong engagement then lyes upon you all, to attend and wait assiduously upon the Ministry of the Word, and to bring all yours, that are capable, there to wait upon Christ with you? We read in the days of Christs flesh, when he performed his miraculous Cures upon the Sick, what thronging there was after him; how Parents brought their Children, Ma­sters their Servants, pressing in multitudes, un­tyling the House to let down their Sick to him, Luke 12. 1. Ah, shall Men be so earnest for a Cure for their Bodies, and so indifferent for their Souls? 'Tis true, the Spirit of Christ is not tied by any necessity to act always with the World; he acts as an arbitrary Agent, Iohn 13. 8. The Wind bloweth where it listeth: but it is engage­ment enough to wait continually upon his Or­dinances, that he sometimes graciously and ef­fectually concurreth with them. 'Tis good to lye in the way of the Spirit, and there is a bles­sing pronounced upon them that wait continual­ly at his Gates, Prov. 8. 34. Oh therefore neglect no season within your reach, who knows but that may be the season of Life to thy Soul?

Sixth Inference.

What an unspeakable loss is the loss of the Gospel, seeing the Presence of Christ comes and goes with it? When the Gospel departs, the Spirit of Christ departs with it from among Men; no more con­versions, in Gods ordinary way, are then to be [Page 42] expected: well therefore might the Lord say, in Hosea 9. 12. Wo to them when I depart from them. The Spirit may in some sense depart whilst the Ordinances are left standing for a time among the People, but then expect no such blessings or benefits from them. But when God takes away Ordinances and Spirit too, wo indeed to that People; and are there not Sins amongst us pre­saging such a Judgment? Oh England reflect up­on thy barrenness under it; where be the fruits answerable to such precious means? The Gospel is a golden Lamp, the graces of the Spirit com­municated by it are golden Oyl; as in that stately vision, Zach. 4. will God maintain such a lamp fed with such precious Oyl for men to trifle and play by?

And no less ominous and portentous- is that bitter enmity to the Gospel and the serious pro­fessors of it, which (I cannot speak without horror) is every where found among us; this great hatred brings on the days of visitation, and the days of recompence with a swift and dreadful motion upon any people, Hosea 9. 7.

Seventh Inference.

If Christ be present by way of Spirit and energy in his Ordinances, then there is no reason to despair of the Conversion and Salvation of the greatest of sinners that yet lye dead under the Gospel. What though their Hearts be hard, their Understand­ings dark, and their Wills never so perverse and obstinate, all must give way and open in the day of Christs power, when his Spirit joyns him­self with the Word. This makes it an irresista­ble [Page 43] Word; 'tis glorious to observe the hearts of Publicans and Harlots opening and yielding to the voice of Christ, Matth. 21. 31. What were those three thousand persons prickt at the Heart by Peters Sermon, Acts 2. 36. but the very Men that with wicked Hands had crucified the Lord Jesus? And what were the converted Co­rinthians, but Idolaters turned from dumb Idols, 1 Cor. 12. 2. Whoremongers, Adulterers, Effeminate, &c. 1 Cor. 6. 11. God hath his elect among the vilest of Men: The Gospel will find them out, and draw them home to Christ, when the Spirit of Christ animates and blesseth it. Well might the Apostle therefore say, that the Gospel preached with the Holy Ghost, sent down from Heaven, is an object worthy for Angels to be­hold with admiration, 1 Pet. 1. 12. What though Satan have strongly fortified their Souls against Christ, with ignorance, prejudice and enmity; yet the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God to pull down these strong holds. Despair not therefore of your carnal and dead hearted relations, bring them to the Gospel upon the encouragement of these words of Christ, Ioh. 5. 25. The hour cometh, yea and now is, that the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear it shall live.

Eighth Inference.

Is Christ Spiritually present in his Ordinances, oh then what an indeared affection should every gracious Soul bear to the Ordinances of God! They are the walks of Christ and his Spirit; the appointed times and places for your meeting and Commu­nion [Page 44] with him; there your Souls first met with Christ, there you began your acquaintance with him; there you have had many sweet converses with him since that day; they were the seed of your regeneration, 1 Pet. 1. 23. The bread of life by which your Souls have been sustained ever since, and therefore to be more esteemed by you than your necessary food, Iob 23. 12. Here you have found the richest Cordials to revive and re­cover your drooping Spirits, when ready to sink away in a faint fit under sin within you and af­flictions upon you, Psal. 119. 50. No wonder Da­vids Soul even fainted for the Courts of God, and that Hezekiah desired a sign on his sick bed, that he should go up to the House of the Lord. Here are the choicest comforts of the Saints upon Earth; all our fresh springs are in Zion, Psal. 87. 7. What a dungeon, what a barren Wilderness were this World without them! Prize the Ordi­nances, love the Ordinances, wait assiduously upon the Ordinances, and pray for the liberty and effi­cacy of the Gospel, that it may set no more in your days, nor in the days of your posterity.


Revel. 3. 20. Behold I [Stand] at the door and knock, &c.’

HAving finished Christs solemn Pre­face, and cleared the manner of his Presence in his Churches and Ordinances: I now come to a third Observation, which is ne­cessarily implied in these words, Behold I stand at the door and knock; and that sad Truth therein implied is this,


That the Hearts of Men are naturally lockt up and fast barr'd against Iesus Christ their only Sa­viour.

If it were not so, what need were there of all that pains and patience, used and exercised by Christ, in waiting patiently, and knocking im­portunately, for entrance into the Hearts of Men? To keep a clear method in this point, three things must be stated in the Doctrinal part, [Page 46]

  • 1. How it appears the Hearts of Men are thus shut up.
  • 2. What are those Locks and Bars that shut them up.
  • 3. That no Power of Man can remove these Bars.

First, That all Hearts are naturally shut and made fast against Christ, is a sad but certain truth; we read, Iohn 1. 11, 12. He came unto his own, and his own received him not, &c. He came unto his own People from whose stock he sprang up; a People to whom he had been prefigured, in all the Sacrifices and Types of the Law; and in whom they might all clearly discern the ac­complishment of them all. His Doctrines and his Miracles plainly told them who he was, and whence he came; yet few discerned or received him as the Son of God. Christ found the Doors of Mens Hearts generally shut against him, save only a few whose Hearts were opened by the Al­mighty Power of God, in the way of Faith, vers. 12. these indeed received him, but all the rest excluded and denied entrance to the Son of God. So again, in Iohn 5. from 33. to 40. Christ rea­sons with them, and gives undeniable demon­strations, that he was the Messiah come to save them; proves it from the testimony of Iohn vers. 33. Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness un­to the Truth; Tells them the design of his coming among them was their Salvation, vers. 34. shews them the great Seal of Heaven, his uncontroul­able Miracles, vess. 36. The Works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me: And if that were not enough, he reminds them of the [Page 47] immediate testimony given of him from Heaven, vers. 37. The Father himself which hath sent me, bath born witness of me. He did so at his Baptism, Matth. 3. 17. And lo a voice from Heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. And so again, at his transfiguration upon the ho­ly Mount, Math. 17. 5. While be yet spake, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them; and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my be­loved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him. He bids them search the Scriptures, and critical­ly examine his perfect correspondence to them, vers. 39. Enough one would think to open the door of every Mans understanding and Heart to receive him with fullest satisfaction: and yet after all behold the unreasonable obstinacy and resistance of their Hearts against him, vers. 40. Ye will not come unto me that you might have life.

Not a Soul will open, with all the reasons and demonstrations in the World, till the Al­mighty power of God be pur forth to that end. If another come in his own name (saith he, vers. 43.) Him will ye receive; Any body rather than the Son of God: Every cheat can impose upon you easily, 'tis to me only your Hearts have such strong aversations. Now there is a twosold shut­ting up of the Heart against Jesus Christ.

  • 1. Natural.
  • 2. Judicial.

First, Natural, every Soul comes into this World shut up and fast closed against the Lord Jesus. The very Will of Man which is the freest and most arbitrary faculty, come [...] into the [Page 48] World barr'd and bolted against Christ, Rom. 8. 7. The carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject unto the Law of God, neither indeed can be. Phil. 2. 13. 'Tis God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his own good pleasure. This is a dis­mal effect of the fall, who feels not strong aver­sations, violent rebellions, and obstinate resist­ances in his own Heart when moving towards Christ in the first weak and trembling acts of Faith?

Secondly, There is a Iudicial shutting up of the Heart against Christ. This is a sore and tre­mendous stroke of God, punishing former re­bellions, Psal. 81. 11, 12. Israel would have none of me, so I gave them up to their own hearts lusts. This looks like a prelude of Damnation, a very near preparation to ruine. Israel would have none of me, there's the natural shutting up of the Heart, So I gave them up, there's the judicial shutting up of the Heart; they would not hear, they shall not hear. Oh fearful Judgment! Thus the Lord gave up the Heathens, Rom. 1. 26. they had abused their natural light, and now their minds are judicially darkned; given up to a sottish and injudicious mind, not able to distinguish Duty from sin, Safety from danger; a mind that should elect the worst things, and reprobate the best. This was the reprobate mind unto which God gave them up; What sadder word can the Lord speak than this, unless it be take him Devil? 'Tis true, those that God shuts up he can open, and those whom Justice shuts up, Mercy can set free; but it is beyond all the power of Angels and Men to do it, Iob 12. 14. He shutteth up a Man and there can be no opening. These two clo­sures [Page 49] of the Heart, are not always found together, in the same subject, and blessed be God they are not. Christ meets with many a repulse, and in­dures with much patience the gainsayings of sin­ners, before he pronounce that dreadful sentence upon them, Isa. 6. 9, 10. Go and tell this people, hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye in­deed, but perceive not: Make the heart of this peo­ple fat, &C.

But when it comes to this once, dreadful is the case of such Souls; and none are in greater danger of this Spiritual Judicial stroak of God, than those that have sat long under the light, re­belling against it. That's the first thing, The Hearts of Men by nature are lockt and shut up against Christ.

Secondly, In the next place, Let us examine what those Locks and Bars are which oppose and forbid Christs entrance into the Hearts of poor sinners. And they will be found to be

  • 1. Ignorance.
  • 2. Unbelief.
  • 3. Pride.
  • 4. Custom in sin.
  • 5. Presumption.
  • 6. Prejudices against the ways of holiness.

Bars enough to secure the Soul in Satans posses­sion, and frustrate all the designs of Mercy, ex­cept an Almighty power from Heaven break them asunder.

First Bar.

The first Bar making fast the Soul of Man against Christ, is Ignorance, that obex infernalis, that hellish Bolt, which effectually keeps Christ out of the Soul.

If Knowledge be the Key that opens the Heart to Christ, as its plain it is, from Luke 11. 52. where Christ denounceth a wo to them that took away the Key of Knowledge; then Ignorance must needs be the shutter that makes fast the door of the Heart against Christ. Upon this ground Christ told the Woman of Samaria, Iohn 4. 10. that her Infideli [...]y grew upon the root of her Ignorance, If thou [...] the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. Ah sinners, did you but know what a Christ he is that is offered to your Souls in the Gospel, did you see his beauty, fulness, and suit­ablness, and feel your own necessities of him, all the World could not keep you from him: You would break through all reproaches, all sufferings, all self-denials, to come into the en­joyment of him. But alas, it is with you as it was with those, Cant. 5. 9. What is thy beloved (say they to the Spouse) more than another beloved, that thou dost so charge us? Unknown excellencies at­tract not: Ignorance is Satans Scepter, which he sways over all his Kingdom of darkness, and holds his Vassals in miserable bondage to him. Hence the Devils are called, The rulers of the dark­ness of this World, Ephes. 6. 12. Alas, were the Eyes of sinners but opened to see their woful [Page 51] state, and their remedy in Christ, he could ne­ver hold them in subjection one day longer; they would break away from under his cruel Government, and run over by Thousands to Christ; for so they do as soon as ever God opens their Eyes; in the same hour they are turned from darkness to light, they are also turn­ed from the power of Satan to God, Acts 28. 16. Oh, that you did but know the worth of your Souls, the dreadful danger they are in, and the fearf [...]l wrath that hangs over them; the wil­lingness and ability of Christ to save them, you could not sleep one night longer in the state you are: The next cry would be, what shall I do to be saved? Who will shew me the way to Christ? Help Ministers, help Christians, yea, help Lord; these would be the laments and cries of them that are now secure and quiet; but the God of this World hath blinded the Eyes of them that believe not. No cries for a Phisiti­an, because no sense how their Souls are stab­bed by sins of commission, and starved by sins of omission. Oh, that the great Physitian would once apply his excellent eye-salve to your under­standings which are yet darkned with gross igno­rance both of your misery and remedy.

The Second Bar.

The Second Bar or Lock that shuts Christ out of Mens Souls, is the sin of Vnbelief; this is one of the strongest holds of Satan wherein he trust­eth; this is a sin that not only locks up the Heart of a sinner, but also binds up the Hand of a Savi­our, Matth. 13. 58. He could do no mighty works there, because of their unbelief.

[Page 52] It obstructed his miraculous Works when he was on Earth, and it obstructs his gracious Works now he is in Heaven. A Saviour is come into the World, but poor Unbeliever, thy Soul can neither have Union nor Communion with him till this Bar of thy unbelief be removed. The Gospel is come among us with mighty Ar­guments to convince, and powerful Motives to perswade, but little saving effect follows; its main design is to many frustrated, and all this through unbelief shutting up and hardning Mens hearts under it. The Word preached did not profit them because of their unbelief, Heb. 4. 2. Ah cursed Bar! Which shuts up thy Heart, shuts out thy Saviour, and will effectually shut thee out of Heaven except the Almighty power of God break it asunder: They could not enter in because of unbelief. The ruin of Souls is laid at the Door of unbelief; tis the damning sin, Mark 16. 16. and truly called so, because no other sin could damn but in the vertue of this sin. That's the Second Bar to Christ.

Third Bar.

The Third Bar denying entrance to Christ in­to the hearts of sinners is Pride, and stoutness of Spirit. The natural Heart is a proud Heart; it lives upon its own stock, it cannot stoop to a sincere and universal renunciation of its own righteousness, Rom. 10. 3. Being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and going about to establish their own righteousness [...] they have not sub­mitted to the righteousness of God. Pride stiffens the Will that it cannot stoop or condescend to de­clare [Page 53] their own emptiness, discover their own shame, and live wholly upon the righteousness of another. Proud nature had as live be damned as deny it self in such appoint as this is; this makes Faith so exceeding difficult, because it involves such deep points of self-denial in it; to give up all to Christ, to draw all from Christ, and to be willing to part with all for Christ, what Will can be brought to a deliberate consent to such things as these, unless an omnipotent Power bow it? 'Tis natural to Men rather to eat a brown crust, or wear a course ragged garment which they can call their own, than to feed upon the richest dainties, or wear the costliest garments which they must receive as an alms or gift from another. Oh, how hard is it to subdue this pride of the Heart, even after light and conviction is come into the Soul, to convince Men of their undone condition, and the absolute necessity of an other and higher righteousness than their own? When Souls are in a treaty with Christ, and the match is almost made; this is the sin that makes the last opposition. Feign would they come to Christ, ten thousand Worlds for a Christ; but yet they think they must not ap­proach him without some qualifications which are yet wanting. But Soul, if ever Christ and thou conclude the match, thou must deny Self even in this, the most refined form and in­terest of it, and come as Abraham did, naked and empty handed to him that justifieth the un­godly. Down with this House-Idol thy self, thy righteous self, trimmed up like another Agag with such specious pretences of humility.

Fourth Bar.

The fourth Bar forbiding Christs entrance into the Soul is custom in sin. Sin hath so fixed it self, by long continuance in the Soul, the Soul is so setled and confirmed in its course, that all argu­ments and perswasions to change our way are swept away by the power of custom, as straws and feathers are by the rapid course of a mighty torrent, Ier. 13. 23. Can the Aethiopian change his skin, or the Leopard his spots? then may ye also do good that are accustomed to do evil. Soap and Nitre may as soon make a Blackmoor white, or fetch the spots out of the Leopards skin (which are not accidental, but connate) as the reasonings of Men can prevail to remove the mighty power of customary sin. Physitians find it a hard thing to Cure a Cakexia or ill habit of Body; 'Tis a grave and serious note of Seneca, A teneris assu­escere, multum est. 'Tis a great matter to be ac­customed this way or that from our childhood; every repeated act of sin confirms and strenghtens the habit; and hence it is that we see so few Con­versions in old Age. It was a wonder in the Pri­mitive times that Marcus Caius Victorius imbra­ced Christianity in the sixtieth year of his age; take an habituated Drunkard, a self-righteous Moralist, lay before them the necessity of a change, and you shall find it as easie to stop the course of a River with the breath of your Mouth, as to stop them in an accustomed course of sin­ning. That's the fourth Bar to Christ.

Fifth Bar.

The Fifth Bar opposing and resisting Christs entrance into the Soul is the sin of Presumption; this is the sin that parts Christ and thousands of Souls in the World; presuming, they hope, and hoping, they perish; when Men presume their condition is safe already, their Souls never make out after a Saviour. This was the ruine of Lao­dicea, Rev. 3. 17. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. This damning presumption is discovered in three things, (1) Many think they have that grace which they have not, mistaking the Similar for the saving Works of the Spirit; a fatal mistake never rectified with many thousands till it be too late. (2) They presume to find that mercy in God, which they will never find; for all the saving mercies of God are dispensed to Men through Christ in the way of Regeneration and Faith, Iude vers. 21. (3) They presume upon that time for Repentance and Faith hereafter, which their Eyes shall never see. And thus presumpti­on locks up the Heart against Christ, and leaves sinners perishing in the presence of a Saviour. They make a bridge of their own shadow and so perish in the Waters.

Sixth Bar.

The Sixth and last sin barring up the Heart against Christ, is a strong prejudice against holy­ness, and the strict duties of Religion. Thus in the very infancy of Christianity the World was scared and driven off from Religion by the common prejudices that lay upon the Professors [Page 56] of it, Acts, 28. 22. As concerning this Sect we know that every where it is spoken against.

Thus Iustin Martyr complains, that Christi­ans were every where condemned [...] by common same; and upon this account Christ pronounces a wo upon the World because of of­fences, Matth. 18. 7. Alas! it will be the ruine of Thousands; some have suckt in such prejudi­cate Opinions and vile Notions of Religio [...], and its Professors, as makes them irreconcilable ene­mies to it. Satan hath drest it up in their fan­cies in such an odious form and representation that makes them loath both name and thing. These prejudices are drawn from various things; sometimes from the necessary duties of Christi­anity, which are laid as crimes upon the people of God, Psal. 69. 10. When I wept and chastned my Soul with fasting, that was to my reproach. Some­times the groundless and malicious slanders and inventions of the enemies of Christianity, are the occasions of real prejudices to the World, Ier. 18. 18. Come let us devise devices against Jere­miah, and let us smite him with the Tongue. Some­times the innocent and serious Professors of god­liness are censured and condemned for hypocriti­cal professors sakes, who never heartily espoused Religion. And lastly, the ways of holiness suf­fer for the slips and infirmities of weak Christi­ans; who commonly give too many occasions to disgust the World against the ways of God.

By these things multitudes are kept off from attendance upon the means of Grace, and multi­tudes more have their Hearts shut up from re­ceiving any saving benefit under them.

These are the common Bars and Locks by [Page 57] which the strong Man armed secures his possessi­on in the Souls of sinners; and these Bars are too strong for any power beneath the Almighty power and Arm of God to remove or break; tis said, Acts 14. 27. That the Lord opened a door of Faith to the Gentiles: The Arm of the Lord must be revealed or none will open to Christ by Faith, Isa. 53. 1.

1. The iron Bar of the Law, that thundering terrible Law, cannot force open the Heart of an unbeliever; all the dreadful curses flying out of its fiery mouth, make no more impression than a Tennis ball against a wall of Marble, Deut. 29. 19. You read of them that hear the words of this Curse, yet bless themselves in their Heart, saying, they shall have peace though they walk in the ima­gination of their Hearts, to add Drunkenness to Thirst.

They play with Hell and Eternal Torments, rush into iniquity as the Horse rusheth into the Battle, act as men in love with their own Death, as those that are at an agreement with Hell. Oh the besotting, hardning, infatuating power of sin.

2. The Golden Key of free Grace cannot in it self remove these Bars, and open mens Hearts to Christ, Matth. 11. 17. We have piped unto you, but ye have not danced. The melodious and delicious Airs of Grace, Mercy, Peace and Pardon, af­fect not the dead Hearts of unbelievers: Like deaf Adders they stop their Ears at the voice of the Charmer, charm he never so wisely. These Gospel melodies only dispose them to a more quiet sleep in sin.

3. No works of Providence are in them­selves sufficient to open the Hearts of Men to [Page 58] Christ. 1. The Judgments of God cannot do it; thousands have been made sick with smite­ing, that yet cannot be made sick for sin. I have consumed them, but they refused to receive correction; they have made their Faces harder then a Rock, they have refused to return, Jer. 5. 3. Messengers of Judgment are abroad, smiting some in their Estates, scattering in one day the labour of ma­ny years; and therein giving a warning blow at the Conscience to make sure of Christ, and the World to come, since their comfort and happi­ness is scattered in this World. Some are smit­ten in their dearest relations, Death knocks at their doors and carries out the delight of their Eyes, and with the same admonisheth their Souls to place their happiness in more durable com­forts: Some are smitten in their Bodies with Diseases, giving warning of the near approach of their latter end, and bidding them prepare for another habitation; but all in vain. 2ly, No mercies of God are in themselves sufficient to open the obstinate Hearts of sinners to Christ. God hath heapt up mercies by multitudes upon many of you, all these mercies of God lead you to repentance, Rom. 2. 4, 5. They take you in a friendly way by the Hand, and thus talk with you, Ah, sinner! how canst thou grieve! and dis­honour that God that thus feedeth, clotheth and comforteth thee on every side? Do you thus re­quite the Lord, O foolish people and unwise? Yet all will not do, neither Judgments nor Mer­cies can affright or allure the carnal Heart to Jesus Christ. Tis his Spirit, his Almighty power alone that opens these everlasting Gates, and makes these strong Bars give way and fly at his voice.

I. Inference.

Behold here the dismal state of nature, the woful condition of all unregenerate Souls; Christ the Re­deemer shut out, Sin and Satan shut in. This is the horrid state of nature shut up in unbelief, Rom. 4. 32. Ah, Lord, what a condition is this! We should certainly account it an unspeakable misery to be shut into a House haunted by the Devil, where we should be continually scared and frighted with dreadful noises and appariti­ons; but alas, what is an apparition of the De­vil without us, to the inhabitation of the Devil within us? Nay what is the possession of a Body, to Satans possession of the Soul? Yet this is the very case of the unregenerate, Luke 11. 21. The strong Man armed keepeth the Palace, till Christ dispossess him by Sovereign victorious Grace. Poor wretch, canst thou start at a supposed visi­on of a Spirit, and not tremble to think that thy Soul is the habitation of Devils? There is a two­fold misery lying upon all Christless unregenera­ted persons; Satan is

  • 1. Their Ruler in this World.
  • 2. Their Tormenter in that to come.

1. He is their Ruler in this World, the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of disobedi­ence, Ephes. 2. 3. Look as the holy Spirit of God dwells and rules in sanctified Souls, walks in them as in hallowed Temples, guiding and com­forting the Souls of the Saints; so Satan dwells in unregenerate Hearts, actuating their lusts, in­flaming [Page 60] them with his temptations, using their faculties and members as instruments of unrigh­teousness. And then

2ly, He will be their Tormenter in the World to come: He that Tempts now, will Torment then, Matth. 25. 41. Depart from me ye cursed into ever­lasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels. Flee therefore and escape for your lives, sleep not quietly another Night in so dismal and dreadful estate. If the Son make you free, then are you free indeed.

II. Inference.

What a glorious and admirable effect of Sovereign omnipotent grace is the effectual conversion of a sinner unto God!

If every Heart by nature be secured for Satan under so many Locks and Bars, then the opening of any Heart to Christ is deservedly marvellous in our Eyes: You all acknowledge that the opening of the Graves at the Resurrection will be a glorious display of Almighty power, and so it will; it will be a wonderful thing to be­hold the Graves opened and the dead raised at the voice of the Arch-angel and the trump of God; but yet give me leave to say, That the opening of thy Heart, poor sinner, to receive Christ, is a more glorious work than that of raising the dead: It is therefore deservedly put into the first rank of the great mysteries of godliness, that Christ is believed on in the World, 1 Tim. 3. 16. He that well views and considers Christ, may justly wonder that all the Hearts in the enlightned World do not stand [Page 61] wide open to embrace him; and he that shall consider the frame and temper of the natural Heart, and how strongly Satan hath intrenched and fortified himself in it, may justly wonder to hear of a work of Conversion in an age. Oh Brethren consider the marvels of Conversion, the wonderful works of God upon the Soul that opens unto Christ by Faith.

1. There's a new Eye created in the mind, The Son of God is come and hath given us an under­standing that we may know him that is true, 1 John 5. 20. Oh that Eye! That precious Eye of Faith which shews the Soul as it were a new World, a World of new and ravishing objects, Eph. 5. 8. All the Angels in Heaven, Ministers, and Libra­ries upon Earth, cannot create such an Eye, give such an Illumination; tis only he that command­ed the light to shine out of the darkness, that thus shineth into our Hearts to give the light of the know­ledge of the glory of God in the face of Iesus Christ, 2 Cor. 4. 6.

2ly, And what a glorious supernatural Work is the conviction of the Conscience by the pow­erful stroak of the saving beams of light upon it? Now the Conscience, that lay in a dead sleep, be­gins to startle and look about it with fear and horror. Life and sense is got into it, and now it cries, ah, sick, sick, sick at the Heart for sin, sick for a Saviour.

3ly, And no less marvelous an effect of the Almighty power is the bowing of the stuborn Will so efficaciously, so congruously, and so de­terminately and fixedly to the Lord Jesus.

The Will is efficaciously determined so as no power of Hell or Nature can resist or frustrate, [Page 62] that Mighty power which worketh effectually in all them that believe, 1 Thes. 2. 13. Yet it works not by way of compulsion, but in a way congru­ous and agreeable to the nature of the Will, Hosea 11. 4. I drew them with the cords of a Man, with the bands of love. Satan bids for the Soul, Christ infinitely outbids all his offers; Eternal, Spiritual, and unsearchable Riches, instead of sensitive, perishing enjoyments, which determin the choice of the Will in its own natural method, by the sight of the excelling glory of Spiritual things. And thus the mighty supernatural power of God opens that Heart which Satan had secu­red so many ways against Christ.

III. Inference.

Hence it also follows, that Man hath no free will of his own to supernatural good. The Will cannot by its own power open it self to receive Christ by faith. When it doth open to him, it is not virtute innata, sed illata, not by its natural power, but by the power of God upon it. The admi­rers of Nature talk much of the Sovereignty, Virginity, and Liberty of the Will, as if it alone had escaped the fall, and that no more but a mo­ral swasion is needed to open it to Christ; that is, that God need do no more to save Men than the Devil doth to damn them. But if ever God make you sensible what the work of [...]aving Con­version is, you will quickly find that your Will is lame, its freedom to Spiritual things gone; you will cry out of a wounded Will, as well as of a dark Head, and a hard Heart. You will quick­ly find, That it is God alone that worketh in you both [Page 63] to will and to do of his own good pleasure, Phil. 2. 13. That the birth of the new Creature is not of the Will of Man, but of God, Iohn 1. 13.

IV. Inference.

Learn hence the necessity of Conversion in order to Salvation. Christ and Heaven are shut up against you till your hearts be savingly opened unto him. Verily, verily, I say unto you, you must be born again, Iohn 3. 5. O sinner, that hard Heart of thine must be humbled; thy stubborn and refractory Will must be bowed; all the powers of thy Soul must be unlockt, and opened unto Christ; he must come into thy Soul, or thou canst never see the face of God in peace. It is Christ in you that is the hope of glory, Col. 1. 27. Till thy Heart be opened, Christ with all the hopes of glory stand without thee. And if hopes from the death of Christ without us, without the application of his person, be enough to save Men, then why are any damned? Consult 1 Cor. 1. 30. Adams sin damns none but only such as are in him, and Christs righteousness saves none but those only that are by faith in him; the eternal purposes of the Father, the meritorious death of the Son, puts no Man into the state of Salvation and hap­piness till both be brought home by the Spirits powerful application in the work of saving con­version. Tis good news, good indeed, that Christ died for sinners; tis good news that Christ is brought to our very doors in the tenders of the Gospel, and that the Spirit knocks at the door of our Hearts by many convictions and perswasions to open to him and enjoy the unspeakable benefits [Page 64] of his death: these things bring us nigh to Christ, the next door to Salvation, and yet all this may be eventually but a dreadful aggravation of our damnation, and will certainly be so to them whose Hearts are but almost opened to Christ.

V. Inference.

See hence the necessity of fervent prayer to accom­pany the preaching of the Gospel. Without the Spirit and power of God accompanying the Word, no Heart can ever be opened to Christ: Alas, such Bars as these are too strong for the breath of Man to break. Let Ministers pray, and the People pray, that the Gospel may be preached with the holy Ghost sent down from Hea­ven, 1 Pet. 1. 12. It greatly concerns us that preach the Gospel to wrestle with God upon our knees to accompany us in the dispensation of it unto the People; to steep that seed we sow among you in tears and prayers before you hear it; and I beseech you Brethren let us not strive alone, joyn your cries to Heaven with ours, for the blessing of the Spirit upon the Word. How doth Paul beg of the People as a beggar would beg for an alms at the door, for their assistance in Prayer, Rom. 15. 30. I beseech you brethren for the Lord Iesus Christ sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me.

For want of such wrestlings with God in pray­er, there is so little efficacy in Ordinances. Mar­tha told her Saviour, Iohn 11. 21. Lord if thou hadst been here my brother had not died; and I may tell you that if the Spirit had been here your [Page 65] Souls had not remained dead under the Word as they do this day. Oh when the Sabbath draws near, let fervent cries ascend from every Family to Heaven, Lord pour out thy Spirit with thy Word; make it mighty through thy Power to open these Gates of Iron, and break asunder these Bars of Brass.

Second Vse of Exhortation.

Seeing the Case stands thus, that all Hearts by nature are barr'd and shut up against Christ; let every Soul do what it can, and strive to its ut­termost to get the Heart and Will opened to Christ: Strive to enter in at the straight gate; Christ is at the Door, Oh strive with your selves, as well as with God, now to get it opened; now that Salvation is come so near to your Souls.

Object. Object. But have you not told us that no sinner can open his own Heart, nor bow his own Will to Christ?

Answ. Answ. True he cannot convert himself, but yet he may do many things in order to it, and which have a remote tendency towards it, which he doth not do; and so he perisheth not, though he cannot, but because he will not.

Divers things may be done by poor sinners with their own Hearts, which are not done; and though in themselves they are insufficient, yet being the way and method in and by which the Spirit of God usually works, we are bound to do them. As for Example, (1.) Though it be not in your power to open your Hearts to Christ▪ yet it is in your power to forbear the external acts of sin, which fasten your Hearts the more [Page 66] against Christ: Who forceth thine Hands to steal, thy Tongue to swear or lye, who forces the cup of excess down thy Throat? (2ly.) Though you cannot open your Hearts under the Word, yet it is in your power to wait and at­tend upon the external Duties and Ordinances of the Gospel: Why cannot those Feet carry thee to the Assemblies of the Saints, as well as to an Ale-house? (3ly.) And though you cannot let the Word effectually into your Hearts, yet cer­tainly you can apply your minds with more at­tention and consideration to it than you do: Who forces thine Eyes to wander, or closes them with sleep, when the awful matters of eternal Life and Death, are founding in thine Ears? (4ly.) Though you cannot open your Hearts to em­brace Christ, yet certainly you can reflect upon your selves when the obvious characters of a Christless state are plainly held forth before your Eyes; God hath given you a self-reflecting pow­er; The spirit of a Man knoweth the things of a Man, 1 Cor. 2. 11. When you hear of Convicti­ons of sin, compunctions of Heart for sin, deep concernments of the Soul about its eternal state, hungerings and thirstings after Christ, restless and anxious Days and Nights about Salvation, others have felt; you can certainly turn in upon your selves, and examine whether ever it were so with you; and if not, methinks it were not hard to aggravate your own misery to take your poor Souls aside, and bemoan them, saying, Ah my poor Soul, canst thou endure everlasting burnings? What will become of thee if Christ pass thee by, and his Spirit strive no more with thee? Why can't you throw your selves at the [Page 67] Feet of God, and cry for mercy? Prayer is a part of natural Worship, distress usually puts Men upon it that yet have no Grace, Ionah 1. 5. Do but this towards the opening and saving of your own Souls, which though it be not in it self sufficient, nor puts God under any meritorious obligation or necessity, to add the rest; yet it puts you into the way of the Spirit: And is not thy Soul sinner worth as much as this comes too? Have you not taken a great deal more pains than this for the trifles of this World? And will it not be a dreadful aggravation of sin and misery to all eternity that you perished so easily? Dont you see many striving round about you for Christ and Salvation, whilst you sit still with folded Arms as if you had nothing to do for ano­ther World? The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force, Matth. 11. 12.

Why should other Mens Souls be dearer to them than yours unto you? What discourage­ments have you, which other Men have not? Or what encouragements have they, which you have not? Say not, Object, we have no assurance our pains shall prosper, or our strivings be made effectual to Conversion; if there were any promise in the Gospel that such endeavours should be seconded from Heaven, and made available to Salvation; then we would strive as long as breath and life should last; but all this may be to no purpose, we may be Christ-less, and hope-less when all is done.

But yet remember it is possible God may bless these weak endeavours and come in by his Al­mighty Spirit with them: Sol. Nay, it is highly pro­bable [Page 68] that he will do so, and is a strong proba­bility nothing with you? Do you use to do no actions about your civil callings without an assu­rance of success? When the Merchant adven­tures his Life or Estate at Sea is he sure of a good return? Or doth he not adventure upon the meer hopes and probabilities of a gainful voyage? When the Husbandman plows his Lands, empties both his bags and purse upon it, is he sure of a good harvest? May not a blast come that shall defeat all his hopes? Yet he plowe [...]h and soweth in hope; and ordinarily God maketh him partaker of his hope; but without such in­dustry his expectations would be vain. Away then with vain excuses, up and be doing in the use of all appointed means, and the Lord be with you.

Third Vse for Tryal.

Before I dismiss this Point let us try our selves by it, whether God have opened our Hearts to Christ; broken these Bars of Ignorance, Unbe­lief, Custom, Prejudice, &c. and the Will stand wide open to receive Christ Jesus the Lord.

This is a solemn Use, the consequence of it great; Oh, that our faithfulness and seriousness in the trial might be answerable. Try your selves by these following marks,

I. Mark.

If your Eyes be not opened to see sin in its vileness, and Christ in his glory, suitableness, and necessity; then sure your Hearts were never [Page 69] yet effectually opened by the Gospel. I confess Mens Eyes may be opened to see sin, and yet their Hearts at the same time shut up by unbelief against Christ; but no Mans Heart can be open­ed to Christ whilst his Eyes are shut, Iohn 6. 40. This is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him may have everlasting life. The work of Faith is always wrought in the light of Conviction; the cure of the Heart begins at the Eye of the Mind, Acts 26. 18. To open their Eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God. God opens Mens Hearts by shining into them, 2 Cor. 4. 6. If therefore any Mans Eyes be still blinded with Ignorance, Prejudice, &c. so that he appre­hends not his own guilt and misery, nor sees the worth and necessity of a Saviour; that Mans Heart is still under Satans Lock and Bar, sin is shut in and Christ is shut out of that Mans Soul.

II. Mark.

No Heart opens to Christ by Faith till it be first prickt and wounded by Compunction and Humiliation; this Heart-wounding work is al­ways antecedent to the work of Faith. I doubt not but your thoughts fore-run my Discourse to that famous Scripture, Acts 2. 37. where Peter preaching to those that had crucified Christ, and bringing up his Discourse close to their Consci­ences, in the application of that Sermon, con­vincing them not only what an horrid and atro­cious crime the crucifying the Son of God was in it self; but also charging it home upon them, [Page 70] Whom you have taken, and with wicked Hands have crucified and slain: When they heard this, they were pricked at the Heart; and cried out, Men and Bre­thren what shall we do? Upon this outcry three thousand Souls opened in one hour to Christ▪ Now consider whether your Hearts have been thus prickt and wounded? Hath sorrow for sin pierced thy Soul? Vain sinner, that frothy Heart of thine must be made to bleed, under Compun­ctions for sin, or there will be no room for Christ in it. Come Souls, tis in vain to flatter your selves in your own Eyes; reflect upon the frames of your Hearts, call back the days that are past, and say, When was the Time, and where was the Place when thou layest at the Foot of God sobbing and mourning upon the account of thy Sins? Did ever God hear such a cry as this from thy Soul? Ah, Lord my Soul is distressed, I rowle hither and thither for ease and comfort, but find none: O the insupportable weight of guilt! Oh the bitterness of sin! My Soul fails under it, Lord un­dertake for me. I do not say, The degrees of Compunction and Humiliation are equal in all Converts, neither their sins nor abilities to bear sorrows for them are equal; but this I say, Thy Heart must ake for sin, or it will never open to Christ; he binds up none but broken Hearts, Isa. 61. 1.

III. Mark.

If Christ be come into thy Heart, then the love and delight of every sin is gone out of thy Heart. Christ and the love of sin cannot dwell together; what Christ said to the Soldiers that [Page 71] apprehended him, in the Garden, the like he saith to every Soul that comes to apprehend him by Faith, If you seek me, let these go their way; away with the sin thou most delightest in, Christ cannot come in till these be gone, Isa. 55. 6, 7, 8. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous Man his thoughts, and let him re­turn unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Here be the terms of your Acceptation and Salvation plainly laid down, forsake thy ways and thoughts; the way notes the external acts of sin, and the thoughts the internal acts; both of contrivance, and delight in sin, both these must be forsaken; and that's not all, for this makes up but a nega­tive holyness, Let him return to the Lord and he will have mercy. It is in vain for Men to make the door of Salvation wider than God hath made it; we cannot bring down Christs terms lower than he hath set them; if we will not come up to them, Christ and we must part. And this makes the great struggle, the sharp debate, in the Souls of Converts. Oh, tis hard to give up pleasant and profitable lusts; but away they must go, a Bill of Divorce must be signed for them, or you cannot be espoused to the Lord Jesus. This will be found to be a harder tug than to part with all externals for Christ sake.

IV. Mark.

No Heart can open truly to Christ that is not made willing upon due deliberation to receive him, with his cross of sufferings, and his yoak [Page 72] of obedience, Matth. 16. 24. Matth. 11. 29.

An exception against either of these is an ef­fectual Bar to thy Union with Christ; he looks upon that Soul as not worthy of him, that puts in such an exception, Matth. 10. 38. If thou judgest not Christ worth all sufferings, all losses, all reproaches, he judges thee unworthy to bear the name of his Disciple. So for the duties of Obedience, called his yoke, he that will not receive Christs yoke, can never receive his Per­son, nor any benefit by his Blood.

V. Mark.

Every Heart that opens sincerely, and Evange­lically to Christ, opens to him in deep humility and sense of its emptiness and unworthiness; all self-righteousness is given up as dung and dross; thus Abraham came unto him, as to one that ju­stifieth the ungodly, Rom. 4. 5. Now unto him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness. Yea, here's the true way of Justification indeed; where the imputed righteousness of Christ comes, all self-righteousness vanishes before it. By him that worketh not, understand not an idle, lazy believer, that takes no care of the duties of obe­dience; no, no, an idle Faith can never be a sa­ving Faith; but the meaning is, he worketh not in a Law sense, to the ends and intentions of the first Covenant; to make up a righteousness to himself by his own working, to cover him­self-with a robe of righteousness of his own spinning, and weaving; a home-made Cloth; no, not a rag of that. Thou must receive Christ [Page 73] into an empty, naked, unworthy Soul, or not receive him at all. Blessed Paul heartily rejected all his own righteousness, cast down that House-Idol to the ground, that he might be found in the imputed righteousness of Christ, Phil. 3. 8. cast that Idol out of door, it stands in the way of a better righteousness. There be diverse ways wherein sinners maintain their own righte­ousness to their own ruin; there is a gross and more refined self-righteousness; the one more palpable and easily liable to convicti­on, the other much harder to be discover­ed and cured. Ask some Men upon what their hopes of Salvation are grounded? And they will tell you, they are just in their dealings with Men, and constant in their prayers to God, that's all, and therefore they doubt not of their Salvation: Thus they substitute a righte­ousness of their own in the room of Christ's blood, and are their own destroyers by seeking this way to be their own Saviours: But then there is a more refined way of self-righteous­ness, drest up with such pretences of humility, that Men are hardly to be convinced of it. I pit­ty many poor Souls upon this account, who stand off from Christ, dare not believe, because they want such and such qualifications to fit them for Christ. O saith one, could I find so much bro­kenness of Heart for sin, so much reformation and power over corruptions, then I could come to Christ; the meaning of which is this, if I could bring a price in my Hand to purchase him, then I should be in couraged to go unto him. Here now lyes horrible pride covered over with a vail of great humility: Poor sinner either [...] na­ked [Page 74] and empty-handed, according to Isa. 55. 1. Rom. 4. 5. or expect a repulse; for Christ is not the Sale, but the Gift of God.

VI. Mark.

Lastly, Whatever Soul opens savingly to Christ, it opens finally and everlastingly to him; the Heart once opened to Christ, must stand open for ever to him, never to shut out Christ any more: And here is a very observable difference betwixt a Man that comes to Christ in a suddain fright of Conscience, and parts with him again when that fright is over; and a Man that recei­veth Christ not to sojourn, but to dwell in his Heart by Faith, Eph. 3. 17. when Christ comes in­to the Heart, he saith, Here will I dwell for ever; and Lord, saith the Soul, So I receive thee; this is the day of union, O let me never know a day of separation; let it never be in the power of Life or Death, Angels, Principalities, or Powers, things present or to come, to make a separation between thee and me. Soul, saith Christ, thou shalt be mine whilst I am in Heaven; and Lord, saith the Soul, I will be thine whilst I am on Earth. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee saith Christ; Oh my Lord, saith the Soul, hold me fast in thy Hand, that I may never leave nor forsake thee; my Estate, Liberty, and Life, may and must go; but it is in the fixed purpose of my Heart never, never, to let thee go. The espou­sals betwixt Christ and the Soul are for ever, Hos. 2. 19. I will betroth thee unto me for ever, yea for ever; and here lyes another great difference betwixt the Hipocrite that takes Christ with a [Page 75] politick reserve, that will venture with Christ at Sea no farther than he can see the shore; and the upright Heart that imbarks it self with Christ without reserves, come what will; that saith to him, as Ittai to David, when perswaded to go back in a time of danger; nay, saith he, where my Lord Jesus Christ is, whether it be in Liberty or in Prison, in Life or in Death, there also will I be. Flesh may perswade to a retreat, nay saith the Soul, I cannot retreat; but where­ever the truths of Christ, the interest and glory of Christ are, there also must I be; for upon these terms I first received him, and opened the door of my Heart to him. These things are no surprises to me, Christ and I have debated them long ago; he delt fairly with me, and I must deal faithfully with him.

Now Brethren, view over these six Tryals; Have your Eyes been opened to see sin in its vileness, Christ in his beauty and necessity? Have your Hearts been prick'd and wounded with compun­ction and sorrow for sin? Are the loves and de­lights of sin gone out of your Souls? Have you no exceptions either to the cross or yoke of Christ? Have you given up all your own righte­ousness, whether gross or refined, for dung and dross, and received Christ for ever? Then thy Heart is savingly opened to him.

Fourth Use.

The last Use that closeth this Point will be Consolation, to all those whose Hearts the Lord hath thus opened to receive Christ at his knocks and calls of the Gospel.

[Page 76]Hath God indeed opened any of your Hearts, and made you sincerely willing to receive Christ; then there are ten sweet Consolations like so ma­ny boxes of precious oyntment to be poured forth in the close of this discourse upon every such Soul. And

I. Consolation.

The first shall be this, the opening of any Mans Heart to receive Christ, is a clear solid Scrip­ture evidence of the Lords eternal love to, and setting apart that Man for himself from all eter­nity. I do not say that every Man whose Heart is opened by Faith, is thereupon immediately as­sured and satisfied that God hath chosen him to Salvation; but whether he apprehend it or no, the thing in it self is certain and real, consult 1. Thes. 1. 4, 5. Knowing brethren, beloved, your election of God, for our Gospel came not to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Ghost, &c. Their election of God was the thing to be proved; but alas, might they say, who can know that but God alone? It is among the Divine secrets; yes saith the Apostle, we know it, and by this we know it, for our Gospel came not unto you in an empty sound, but in mighty efficacy, effectually opening your Hearts to believe. A more clear and cer­tain evidence of your Election cannot be given in this World; look again into Rom. 8. 30. More­over whom he did predestinate, them he also called; and whom he called, them he also justified; and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

There are two great and ravishing Truths cleared in this Scripture; the one is this, That [Page 77] the whole number of the called upon Earth is taken out of such as were predestinated to Life before the World was. The other is this, That as the whole number of the glorified Saints in Heaven, is made up of Souls called and justified upon Earth: so the called Soul, that is, the Soul that savingly opens to Christ by Faith, may from that work of the Spirit upon him, solidly reason backward to Gods electing love, before all time; and forward, to his glorification with God, when time shall be no more.

Oh, how strong is the Consolation flowing out of this glorious work of the Spirit upon our Hearts. That's one thing.

II. Consolation.

The opening of the Heart to receive Christ is the peculiar effect of the Divine and Almighty Power of God; the Arm of an Angel is too weak to break those strong bars before mention­ed. Therefore the exceeding greatness of his Power is applied unto this work of believing, Ephes. 1. 19. And what is the exceeding greatness of his Power toward us, who believe, according to the working of his mighty Power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead. Here is Power, the Power of God, the greatness of his Power, the exceeding greatness of his Power, the very same Power which wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead; and all this no more than needs to make the Heart of Man open by Faith to receive Christ; the only Key that fits the cross Wards of Mans Will, and ef­fectually opens his Heart, is in the Hand of Christ, [Page 78] Revel. 3. 7. He hath the key of David, he ope [...]th and no Man shutteth.

How long have some of you [...]at under able Ministers, searching Sermons, and ro [...]ing Pro­vidences, yet all to no purpose, till this Almigh­ty Power came with the Word and then the work was done. The people shall be willing in the day of thy power, Psal. 110. 3. What a glorious Power was that which opened Christ grave, when he lay in the Heart of the Earth, with a mighty Stone rouled upon his Sepulcher? And how mighty a Power is that which breaks a­sunder all those Bars which kept thy Soul in the State of sin and death? None feel this Power but those only whom God intendeth for Salvati­on; and having once wrought this, it is engaged to go through with all the rest which yet remain­eth to be done, to perfect thy Salvation.

III. Consolation.

The opening of thy Heart to Christ is not only an effect of Almighty Power, but such an effect of it, without which all that Christ had done and suffered had been of no avail to thy Salvation; neither the eternal Decrees of God, nor the meritorious sufferings of Christ, are ef­fectual to any Mans Salvation, until this work of the Spirit be wronght upon his Heart. The offering up of Christ is in its kind and place [...]uf­ficient to purchase our Redemption, but it is the receiving of Christ by Faith that brings home Salvation to our Souls; where there be many con-causes to produce one effect, that effect is not produced until the last cause have wrought. [Page 79] Thus 'tis here, the moving cause, viz. the free­grace of God hath wrought, and the meritorious cause, the death of Christ hath also wrought; but still the Heart even of an elect Man remain­eth under guilt and condemnation, until the Spirit, who is the applying cause, have also wrought this blessed effect we now speak of. It is Christ in us ( i. e.) in union with our Souls which is to us the hope of glory, 1 Col. 27. 1 Cor. 1. 30. Behold then, the last stroak given in this opening of the Heart by Faith; herein electing Love hath brought home Christ with all the purchases and benefits of his death into the actual possession of thy Soul.

Oh, how transporting and ravishing a consi­deration is this!

IV. Consolation.

In this work the opening of the Heart by Faith, the great design and main intention of the Go­spel is also answered and accomplished. You behold in the Church a glorious frame of Or­dinances set up by Divine Institution, Ministers appointed to preach Sermons, Sacraments, Pray­ers, Singing, variety of Ordinances set up, ex­cellent gifts given to Men as the fruit of Christs ascension into Heaven. Now what was the design of God in the institution of all these things, but that by them as instruments in his Hand, our ignorant, dead, unbelieving Hearts might be opened unto Christ, in acts of Repentance and Faith, and built up to a perfect Man? Mini­sters are sent to open your Eyes, turn you from dark­ness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, [Page 80] Acts 26. 18. They are not sent by Christ into this World to get a living, to drive so poor a Trade as that for themselves, but to bring you to Faith, 1 Cor. 3. 5. When Gods elect are thus brought in and built up in Christ, you shall see this glorious frame of Ordinances taken down; there will be no more Preaching nor Hearing, the end of all these things being accomplished, 1 Cor. 15. 24. Then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father, &c. Now the consideration of the accomplishment of the great and principal design of the Gospel, thus far upon thy Heart, is matter of transporting joy; Ministers may and must dye, Ordinances may be removed, but this blessed effect of them upon thy Soul shall never dye. God will perfect what he hath begun; that's the Fourth Consola­tion.

V. Consolation.

And then Fifthly, That day wherein thy Heart is savingly opened to receive Christ, that very day is Salvation come to thy Soul. When Za­cheus his Heart was opened to Christ, he tells him, Luke 19. 9. This day is Salvation come to thy House. Salvation was come into the World before thou wast born, yea Salvation was come to thy doors in the tenders of the Gospel before, but it never came into thy Soul till the day wherein thy Heart opened to Christ by Faith; and is not this matter of singular consolation? If Salvation be not, what is? No wonder that the Eunuch went home rejoycing when he had received Christ by Faith, Acts 8. 39. That the Iaylor rejoyced with [Page 81] all his House, Acts 16. 34. Neither blame, nor wonder at Men for rejoycing, for 'tis the day of their Salvation, 'Tis true, their Salvation is not finished that day, there be many things yet to be done and suffered by them before the com­pleating of it; but it is begun that day, the foundation is layed in the Soul that day, and the Top-stone shall be set up with shouting in due time, crying Grace, Grace, unto it.

VI. Consolation.

The opening of a sinners Heart to Christ makes joy in Heaven; a triumph in the City of our God above, Luke 15. 7. I say unto you likewise that joy shall be in Heaven over one sinner that re­penteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons which need no repentance.

As when a young Prince is born, all the King­dom rejoyceth, the Conduits run with Wine, all demonstrations of joy and thankfulness in every City and Town; 'tis much more so in Heaven, when a Soul is born to Christ under the Gospel; 'tis a satisfaction to the Heart of the Lord Jesus who now beholds more of the travel of his Soul, and to all the Angels and Saints that another Soul is espoused to him.

Beloved, when the Gospel is effectually brought home by the Spirit to the Heart of a sinner, and wounds him for sin, sends him home crying, oh sick, sick; sick for sin, and sick for Christ; the news thereof is presently in Heaven, and sets the whole City of God a rejoycing. Christ never rejoyced over thee before, thou hast wounded him and grieved him a thosand times, but he [Page 82] never rejoyced in thee till now; and that which gives joy to Christ may well be matter of Joy to thee; that's the Sixth Consolation.

VII. Consolation.

And then Seventhly, That day thy Heart is unlockt, unbarr'd, and savingly opened by Faith, that very day an intimate, spiritual, and ever last­ing union is made betwixt Christ and thy Soul; from that day Christ is thine and thou art his. Christ is a great and glorious person, but how great and glorious soever he be, the small and feeble Arms of thy Faith may surround and em­brace him; and thou maist say with the Church, My beloved is mine and I am his; for mark what he faith in the Text, If any Man open to me I will come in to him. That Soul shall be my habitation, there will I dwell for ever, that Christ may dwell in your Hearts by Faith; what Soul feels not it self advanced by this union with the Son of God? Hereby the Believer becomes a Mem­ber of his Body, Flesh and Bones; this is an ho­nour bestowed upon thy Soul above and beyond all that honour that ever God bestowed upon any Angel in Heaven; to them Christ is an Head by way of Dominion, but to thee by way of vital influence. Angels are as the Barons and Nobles of his Kingdom, but the Believer his Spouse, and all the Angels of Heaven ministring Spirits unto such. That's the seventh Consola­tion.

VIII. Consolation.

And then in the Eighth place, The opening of thy Heart to Christ brings thee not only into uni­on with his Person, but into a state of sweet, Soul enriching, communion with him. So he speaketh in the Text, If any Man open the door, I will sup with him and he with me. Poor Soul, thou hast lived many years in the World and never hadst any communion with God till this day. Christ and thy Soul have been strangers till now. 'Tis true, thou hast had communion with Ordi­nances, and communion with Saints, but for com­munion with Christ thou couldst know nothing of it till thou receivedst him into thy Soul by Faith. Now thou maist say, Truly my fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Iesus Christ, 1 John 1. 3.

And thenceforth, thy communion with Men is pleasant and desirable.

IX. Consolation.

The opening of a Mans Soul to Christ by Faith is a special and Peculiar mercy which falls to the share but of a very few. God hath done that for thee which he hath denied to Millions; Who hath believed our report, and to whom is the Arm of the Lord revealed, (i. e.) to how small a remnant in the World, Isa. 53. 1. And the Apostle puts the work of Faith among the great mysteries of God­liness; among the wonders of Religion, 1 Tim. 3. 16. Preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the World.

[Page 84] The found of the Gospel is gone forth into the World; Many are called, but few are chosen: There were many Widows in Israel, in the days of Elias, but to none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a City of Sidon, unto a Woman that was a Widow, Luke 4. 25, 26. To allude to this, there were many hundreds that sat under the same Sermon, which opened thy Heart to Christ, but it may be unto none of them was the Spirit of God sent that day, to open their Hearts by Faith, but unto thee; thou wilt freely acknow­ledge thy self as unlikely and unworthy as the vilest sinner there. Oh, astonishing mercy!

X. Consolation.

And then lastly, In the same day thy Heart opens by Faith to Christ, all the treasures of Christ are unlockt and opened to thee. In the same hour God turns the key of Regeneration to open thy Soul, the key of Free-grace is also turned to open unto thee the unsearchable riches of Christ: then the righteousness of Christ be­comes thine to Justifie thee, the wisdom of Christ to guide thee, the holiness of Christ to sanctifie thee; in a word, he is that day, made of God unto thee, wisdom and righteousness, Sanctification and redemption, 1 Cor. 1. 30. All is yours, for you are Christs, and Christ is Gods, 1 Cor. 3. ult. And thus I have shewn you some of those great things God doth for those Souls that will but do this one thing for him, Viz. open their Hearts to re­ceive Christ upon the tenders and terms of the Gospel.


Revel. 3. 20. Behold I [stand] at the door and knock, &c’

THE verb [...] here rendred I stand, is of the praeter tense, and would strictly be rendred I have stood, but being joyned with a verb of the present tense, is here rendred I do stand, a frequent Hebraism in Scripture; and it notes the continued patience and long suffer­ing of Christ. I have stood and still do stand, exercising wonderful patience towards obstinate sinners. Which gives us this fourth Observa­tion,


That great and admirable is the patience of Christ in waiting upon trifling and obstinate sinners.

Thus Wisdom ( i. e.) Christ expresses himself, Prov. 1. 24. I have called and ye refused, I have stretched out my Hand and no Man regarded. Here you have not only Christs [...]arnest calls, but suit­able gestures also, to gain attention. The [Page 86] stretching out of the Hand was a signal given to procure attention, Acts 21. 40. yet none regards; and this the Lord doth not once or twice, but all the day long, Isa. 65. 2. shewing forth all long­suffering, as the Apostle speaks, 1 Tim. 1. 16. In the opening of this Point I will shew you,

  • 1. What Divine Patience is.
  • 2. Wherein it is evidenced.
  • 3. Why it is exercised to wards sinners.

First, Of the nature of Divine Patience, it is an ability in God not only to delay the exe­cution of his wrath for a time, towards some, but to delay it in order to the eternal Salvation of others. Let me speak to the parts of this descrip­tion of Divine Patience.

1. It is an ability or power in God, not the effect of Impotence, or want of opportunity: All sinners are continually within the reach of the Arm of his Justice, and he can strike when and where he will. Esan had a revengeful mind against Iacob, but wanted opportunity, and therefore was forc't to delay the execution of his conceived wrath, until the days for mourning for his Father were come; and then faith he, I will slay my Brother Jacob, Gen. 27. 41. But in God it is a glorious effect of power, Nahum 1. 3. The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power.

The greatness of his patience flows from the greatness of his power: so the Apostle speaks, Rom. 9. 22. What if God willing to shew his wrath and to make his power known, endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted or made up to destruction. And therefore when Moses prays for the exercise of Divine Patience towards the provoking Israelites, he doth it in this form, [Page 87] Numb. 14. 17, 18. And now I beseech thee let the power of my Lord be great, according as thou hast spoken, saying, The Lord is long-suffering, &c. He could exercise this Almighty power upon thee, and crush thee by it as a Moth is crushed; but behold he exercises it upon himself in stopping the propensions of his own Justice, which daily solicit him to cut thee off; tis the power of God over his wrath, bridling, and restraining it from day to day.

2. This Patience is exercised towards such as perish, in a temporary delay of their damnati­on; and though this be but a meer suspension of his wrath for a time, yet it is a glorious act of Patience in him; as that forecited Text, Rom. 9. 22. shews; is it nothing for a sinner condemned, as soon as born, to be reprieved so many years out of Hell? Thou hast been provoking him dayly and hourly, to cut thee off and send thee to thy own place; and yet to be on this side the ever lasting burnings, this is wholly owing to the riches of his forbearance. Ah, how is God to be admired in this his glorious power over his own wrath! When we look abroad into the World, and see every where sinners ripe for de­struction, daring the God of Heaven to his face, yet forborn, how admirable is this Power of God!

3. God doth not only exercise this Power in a temporary suspension of his wrath against some, who alas, must feel it at last; Isa. 48. 8, 9. but he delays the execution of his wrath in a design of mercy to­wards others, that they may never feel it. Thus he bears with his own Elect, all the years of their lives wherein they lay in the state of Nature, and [Page 88] went on in a course of rebellion against God; and this long-suffering of God towards them proves their Salvation, as you have it in 2 Pet. 3. 15. And account that the long-suffering of our Lord is Salvation. Whats the meaning of that? Ah! Christian, thou maist easily know the meaning of it, without turning over many Commentaries, thou art now in Christ, safely escaped out of the danger of wrath to come; but thou owest this thy Salvation to the patience and long-suffering of God towards thee. For what if he had cut thee off in the days of thy ignorance, and re­bellion against him (and thou knowest thou didst give him Millions of provocations so to do,) Where hadst thou now been? Thou hadst never seen Christ, nor the least dawning hope of Sal­vation by him. Remember, how oft you lay in those days upon beds of sickness, upon the brink of the grave; what was it that saved thee from eternal wrath but this admirable Patience of Christ? Well therefore may the Apostle say, Account the long-suffering of God to be Salva­tion.

This Patience of God seems to be a branch springing out of his mercy and goodness; only it differs from mercy in this, that Man as mise­rable is the object of Mercy; but Man as criminal is the object of Patience. Thus briefly of the Nature of Divine Patience, a power of God over his own wrath, not only to suspend it for a time towards them that perish; but to delay the exe­cution of it, in a design of Salvation towards others.

Secondly, Next we come to shew the various evidences of this Divine Patience, or wherein it [Page 89] appears in its glorious manifestations towards provoking sinners; and there are seven full evi­dences and discoveries of it, which should make the Hearts of sinners melt within them whilst they are sounding in their Ears. Ah, methinks such things as these should melt down your hard Hearts before the Lord.

I. Evidence.

And the first Evidence of the riches of his Pa­tience shall be taken from the multitude of sins that Men and Women are guilty of before him, the least of which is a burden too heavy for any creature to bear; the Psalmist faith, Psal. 40. 12. Innumerable evils have compassed me about. It was true, as applied to the person of David; and though it be there applied to the person of Christ, yet not one of them were his own sins, but ours; called his, by Gods reckoning or im­puting them to him. Men can number vast Sums, Millions of Millions, but no Man can number his own sins, they pass all account. There is not a member of the Body though never so small but hath been the instrument of innumerable evils. For instance, the Tongue, the Apostle tells us, is a World of iniquity, Iames 3. 6. and if there be a World of sin in one member, what then are the sins of all? How many idle, frothy, vain words hath thy Tongue uttered? And yet for them Christ saith, Men shall give an account in the day of Iudgment, Matth. 12. 36. And what have the sins of thy thoughts been, The thought of foolishness is sin, saith Solomon, Prov. 24. 9. O who can under­stand his errors? Yet the Patience of God hath [Page 90] not crackt and broken under such innumerable evils. O glorious Patience! Well may it be usher­ed in in the Text with a term of admiration, Behold, I stand.

II. Evidence.

The second Evidence of the Divine Patience, shall be taken from the heynous nature of some sins above others, whereby sinners fly, as it were, in the very Face of God; and yet he bears with much long-suffering, lets not loose his Hand to cut them off. All sins are not of one size, some have a slighter tincture, and some a deeper, called upon that account, Scarlet and Crimson sins, Isa. 1. 18. double dyed abominations, sins in Grain; such are sins against knowledge, sins committed after Convictions and Covenants, and rebukes of Providence. I do not only speak of outward gross acts of sin, for as the School-men well de­termine, though outwards sins are sins of greater infamy, yet inward sins may be sins of greater guilt: Even those sins that never took air to de­fame thee in the World; but whatever they be (Reader) whether outward or inward, thy Con­science is privy to them, and thy Soul may stand amazed at the Patience of God in forbearing thee all this while under such Provocations, and horrid Rebellions against him; especially consi­dering how many there be this day in Hell that never provoked God by sinning with such a high Hand as thou hast done.

III. Evidence.

Thirdly, It is yet a greater Evidence of the Patience of God in bearing with, and forbearing us, under the guilt of that special sin, viz. The slighting and neglecting of Jesus Christ: Here's a sin that goes to the very Heart of Jesus Christ, he can bear any other sin rather than that; and yet this hath Christ born from every Soul of you, You are the Men and Women that have sputned at the yearning bowels of his Mercies, slighted his Grace, trampled his precious Blood under Foot, and yet hath he forborn you unto this day; read Matth. 22. 5 and let thy Conscience answer, whether thou art not equally deep in the guilt of making light of Christ with those wretches upon whom it is there charged? Christ hath suffered the wrath of God in thy room, brought home Salvation in Gospel offers to thy door; and then to be slighted! no Patience but his own could bear it. Every Sermon and Prayer you have fat under, with a dead Heart; every motion of his Spirit which you have quencht, what is this but the making light of Christ, and the great Salva­tion? Here the deepest project of infinite Wis­dom, and the richest gift of free-grace, wherein God commends his love to Men, are vilely un­dervalued as small things; and thus have you done days without number; and yet his Hand is not stretched out, to cut thee off in thy Rebelli­on; Who is a God like unto thee! What Patience like the Patience of Christ!

IV. Evidence.

Fourthly, The length of time, the Patience of Christ hath endured thee, speaks the perfection and riches of his Patience towards thee.

Consider sinner, what Age thou art of, how many Years thou canst Number, and that all this hath been a time of Patience, for thou wast a transgressor from the Womb, Isa. 48. 8, 9. yet for his Name sake hath he deferr'd his anger, and hath not cut thee off. How soon did the wrath of God break forth upon the Angels when they had sinned in Heaven? And how long hath it born with thee, whilst thou hast been provo­king him on Earth? Was there ever Patience like the Patience of God! Many thousands have been sent away to Hell fince thy day, but thou art yet spared; Oh that the long-suffering of God might be Salvation to thee!

V. Evidence.

Fifthly, Tis a great Evidence of the power of Divine Patience that may be drawn from the grievousness of our sins to God, during the whole time of his forbearance: Tis true there is no proper passion in the Divine Nature; no real perturbation, his anger is a mild and holy flame, yet the contrariety of sin to the holyness of his Nature is what makes his patience miraculous in the Eyes of Men: The Scripture speaking in a condescending Language to the understanding of the creature, represents God as wounded to the Heart by the sins of Men; so in Ezek. 6. 9. I [Page 93] am broken with their whorish Heart which hath de­parted from me; and Amos 2. 13. Behold I am pres­sed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves, when the Axel-tree is ready to crack un­der the load; and 2 Chron. 36. 16 'tis said, The wrath of the Lord arose against his people till there was no remedy; his Patience would bear no longer, and therefore when he executes his wrath upon provoking sinners, that execution is represented in the nature of an ease or relief to his burdened Patience and Justice, Isa. I. 24. Ah, saith he, I will ease me of my enemies, and avenge me of my adversaries. Yet observe, it comes in with an (ah) with a kind of regret and reluctancy; so in Isa. 1 [...]. 25. Yet a very little while and the indignation shall cease, and my anger in their destruction. God could have given ease and rest this way, to his anger long ago, but he chuses rather still to bear with thee, than on these terms to ease him­self of thee.

VI. Evidence.

Sixthly, The vast expences of his riches and bounty upon us, during the whole time of his for bearance and patience towards us, speaks him unconceivable and infinite in his long-suffering towards us, Rom. 2. 4, 5. Despisest thou the riches of his goodness, and forbearance and long-suffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? q. d. Vile sinner, canst thou compute the treasures of bounty and goodness, thou hast been riotously spending and wasting all this while? Dost thou know what vast sums Christ hath spent upon thee to preserve thee so long [Page 94] out of Hell? There be two Treasures spending upon sinners all the time of Gods forbearance of them; there's the precious Treasure of thy Time wasted, and the invaluable streams of Go­spel Grace running all this while at the waste Spout; thy Time is precious, the Whole of thy Time, which is betwixt thee and Eternity, is but little, and the most thereof has been wasted in sin, and cast away upon vanity; but that's not all, the Treasures of Gospel Grace have been wasting all this while upon thee: In Zach. 4. 12. it is compared to Golden Oyl, maintaining the Lamps of Ordinances; so it is set forth to us in that stately Emblem, Who would maintain a Lamp with Golden Oyl for wanton Children to play by? yet this hath God done while thy soul hath dallied and trifled with him. The Witnes­ses or Ministers of Christ, in Rev. 11. 3, 4. are compared to those Olive-Trees that drop their precious Oyl, their Gifts, Graces, yea and their natural Spirits with them, into this Lamp to keep it burning; all this while the Blood of Christ hath been running in vain, the Ministers of Christ preaching and beseeching in vain, the Spirit of Christ striving with you in vain. You burn away Golden Oyl, and yet your Lamp is not gone out. Oh, Marvelous Patience! Oh the riches of Gods Forbearance!

VII. Evidence.

Lastly, The riches of Divine Patience to­wards you, are greatly heightned and aggravated by the quick dispatch the Lord hath made of other sinners, whilst he hath spared and pash­over [Page 95] you. This comparative consideration calls upon you in the Apostles language, Rom. 11. 22. Behold the goodness and severity of God, on them which felt severity, but towards thee, goodness; if thou continue in his goodness, otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. Some sinners have been cut off in the beginning of their days, many in the very acts of sin, and those not greater than thy sins; they are gone to their own place, and thou still left for a Monument of the Patience and Forbearance of God. The sin of Achan was not a greater sin, than thy Coveteousness, and the Earthliness of thy Heart is: The sin of Nadab and Abihu in offering up strange fire, than thy superstition, and offering up uncommanded Services to God; yet the Hand of God fell upon them, and smote them dead in the place; in the day and place wherein they sinned they perisht; they were taken away in their iniquities, but thou reserved. Oh, that it might be for an instance and example of the riches of Divine Patience, which may at last lead thee to repentance.

Thus I have given you seven Evidences of the wonderful Patience of Christ, who hath stood, and still doth stand at the door and knock. Next we will enquire into the grounds and reasons of this marvelous Patience of Christ, this astonish­ing long-suffering of God towards sinners; and there are divers obvious reasons of the long-suffering of God towards Men.

First, 1. Reas. The exercise of his Patience is a stand­ing testimony of his reconcilable and merciful nature towards sinful Man. This he shewed forth in his Patience toward Paul; a great ex­ample of his merciful Nature for a pattern to [Page 96] them that should hereafter believe on him, 1 Tim. 1. 16. The long-suffering of God is a special part of his manifestative glory; and therefore when Moses desired a sight of his glory, Exod. 34. 6. he proclaims his Name, The Lord, the Lord God merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth. He would have poor sinners look towards him as an atoneable Deity, a God willing to be reconciled, a God that retaineth not his anger for ever; but if poor sinners will take hold of his strength, Isa. 27. 4. and make peace with him, they may have peace. This long-suffering is an attribute very expres­sive of the Divine Nature; he is willing sinners should know whatever their provocations have been, there is room for pardon and peace, if they will yet come in to accept the terms. This patience is a Diadem belonging to the Imperial Crown of Heaven; the Lord glories in it as what is peculiar to himself, Hos. 11. 9. I will not execute the fierceness of my anger, for I am God, and not Man. q. d. Had I been as Man, the holyest, meekest, and mortifiedst man upon Earth, I had consumed them long ago; but I am god, and not Man, my Patience is above all created Pa­tience; no Husband can bear with his Wife, no Parent with his Child, as God hath born with you; that's one reason of Christs waiting upon trifling sinners, to give proof of his gracious, merciful, and reconcilable nature towards the wrost of sinners.

Secondly, 2. Reas. The Lord exercises this admirable Patience towards sinners with design thereby to lead them to repentance; that's the direct aim and intention of it. The Lord desires and de­lights [Page 97] to see ingenuous relentings and broken­ness of Heart for sin, and there is nothing like his Forbearance and Patience promotes such an Evangelical Repentance. All the terrors of the Law will not break the Heart of a sinner, as the Patience and Long-suffering of God will do; therefore it is said, Rom. 2. 4. That the Goodness, Forbearance and Long-suffering of God leads Men to Repentance; these are fitted to work upon all these principles of humanity, which incline Men to Repentance; Reason, Conscience, Gratitude, feel the influences of the goodness of God here­in, and melt under it; Sauls Heart relented in this case, 1 Sam. 24. 17. Is this thy voice my Son David? and Saul lift up his voice and wept: And he said to David, Thou art more righteous than I, for thou hast rewarded me good, where as I have reward­ed thee evil. Thus the Goodness and Forbearance of God, doth as it were take sinner by the Hand, leads him into a corner, and saith, Come, let thou and I talk together; thus and thus Vile hast thou been, and thus and thus Long-suffering and Merciful have I been to thee; thy Heart hath been full of sin, the Heart of thy God hath been gull of pity and mercy. This puts the sin­ner into Tears, breaks his Heart in pieces; if any thing in the World will melt a hard Heart, this will do it. Oh, how good hath God been to me! How have I tryed his Patience to the ut­termost, and still he waiteth to be gracious, and is exalted that he may have compassion; the Sobs and Tears, the ingenuous Thaws and Re­lentings of a sinners Heart under the apprehen­sions of the sparing Mercy and Goodness of God is the Musick of Heaven.

[Page 98] Thirdly, 3. Reas. The Lord excercises this long-suffer­ing towards sinners to clear his Justice in the damnation of all the obstinate refusers of Chirst and Marcy. Christ waits at our doors now, that he may be clear in his sentence against us hereaf­ter. This Patience of Christ takes away all Apologies and Pleas out of the Mouths of impe­nitent sinners; the more Christ's Patience hath been, the less defence or plea they will have for themselves.

Think with thy self sinner, what wilt thou answer in the great day, when Christ shall say, Did not I stand at thy door from day to day, from Sabbath to Sabbath, from year to year, cal­ling, woing, perswading thee to be reconciled, and accept Pardon and Mercy in the proper sea­son of them, and thou wouldst not? Rev. 2. 21. I gave her space to repent, and she repented not. Well, the Lord gives you time now, a space of repentance, such a space as millions of Souls gone out of Time into a miserable Eternity never had, With whomsoever Christ hath been quick and severe, to be sure he hath not been so with you. This time of Christ's Patience will be evi­dence enough to clear Christ and condemn you: Men and Angels shall applaud the sentence as dreadful as it is, and say, Righteous art thou, O Lord, in Judging thus.

Fourthly, 4. Reas. The Lord draws forth and exerci­ses his admirable Patience towards sinners for the continuation and propagation of the Church. The Church must be continued and propagated from Age to Age, and if God should be quick in cutting off sinners▪ as soon as ever they provoke him, whence shoul the elect of God rise in this [Page 99] World? There are thousands of God's Elect in the Loins of God's Enemies. Many that will heartily embrace Christ must rise from such as reject him.

Now if God should cut off these in the begin­ning of their provocations, how should the Church be continued? Where had good Abijah and Hezekiah been, if wicked Ieroboam and A­haz had been cut off in their first transgressions? The Lord suffers many a wicked Parent to stand for a time under his Patience, because Children are to spring from them who will obey and em­brace brace that Christ whom their wicked Parents re­jected: Yea, the Wicked do not only propagate the Church, but are useful to preserve and defend it; as the useless chass is a defence to the Wheat, Rev. 12. 16. The Earth shall help the Woman.

Fifthly, 5. Reas. To Conclude, the Lord excerciseth this long-suffering towards sinners in a gracious condescension to the Prayers of his People. Were it not that the Lord had left a small remnant, we had been as Sodom, we had been like unto Gomorah, Isa. 1. 9.

The Prayers and Intercessions of the Saints are a skreen betwixt wicked Men and the wrath of God for a time, Iob 22. 30. The innocent pre­serve the Island. The World stands by the Pray­ers of the Saints; what multitudes of rebellious, Christ-despising sinners swarm this day in every part of this Nation? Such as declare by their open practice they will not have Christ to reign over them: Who contemn his offers, despise his Messengers; but blessed be God, yea and let them bless him too, that there are others mourning to the Lord for them, beseeching his forbearance [Page 100] towards them. Little do the wicked know how much they are beholding to the Prayers of the Saints. These and such like Reasons prevail with the Lord Jesus to stand in waiting, pati­ent posture, at the doors of sinners. Ah. how loath is he to give them up! We now proceed to the Uses of this Point, by way of

  • 1. Information.
  • 2. Exhortation.
  • 3. Consolation.

I. Vse.

And first, this Point will be very fruitful for Information of our Understandings in divers great and useful Points, both Doctrinal and Practical, wherein every Soul among you is deep­ly concerned; and therefore I beseech you let them be heard and pondred with an answerable attention and seriousness of Spirit; and the first Inference shall be this,

I. Inference.

If the Lord Jesus do exercise such admirable Patience towards sinners, Then hou much better is it for poor sinners to be in the Hands of Christ, than in the Hand of the best and holiest Man in the World? O sinner, tis better for thee to fall into the Hands of the Meek and Merciful Jesus, than into the Hand of the dearest Friend thou hast upon Earth; no Creature can bear what Christ hears; no Patience like the Patience of Christ; tis said of Moses, Numb. 11. 12 Now the Man [Page 101] Moses was meek above all the Men upon the face of the Earth. There was never such a Man born into the World, for Patience, Meekness, and Long-suffering, as Moses was; and yet for all that, this mirror of Meekness could not bear the Provocations of Israel; You Rebels, saith he, must I draw Water for you out of the Rock? Thus was his Spirit russled with the provocations of Israel, and this lost him the Land of Canaan. Ionah was a good Man, a Prophet of the Lord, yet because the Lord would not be so quick and severe with Niniveh, as Ionah would have had him, In what uncomly Language doth his angry Soul return upon his God? Ionah 4. 2. O Lord, saith he, was not this my saying when I was yet in my Country? Therefore I sled before unto Tarshish, for I knew thou wert a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil; therefore now, O Lord, take I be­seech thee my life from me, for it is better for me to dye than to live. q. d. Ah, Lord, I knew it would come to this, I knew thy gracious nature, how inclinable thou art to mercy, and that up­on the first appearance of their repentance, thou wouldst repent of the evil, and so free-grace would make me as a lyer among them.

Nay, give me leave to speak a higher word than all this, and let it not seem strange that the Patience of the glorified Saints in Heaven is nothing to the Patience of Christ towards pro­voking sinners upon Earth. Those glorified Souls that be above, though they have Patience, among other Graces, perfected in its kind, yet still it is but Created, finite Patience, and it cannot bear what Christ's Patience bears; take an instance [Page 102] of it out of Rev. 6. 9, 10, 11. I saw under the Altar the Souls of those that were slain for the Word of God, and for the testimony which the held; and they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, Dost thou not judge and avenge our Blood on them that dwell on the Earth? And it was said unto them, That they Should rest for a little season. Here you see glorified Souls less able to bear the slow pace of Justice towards their Ene­mies, than Christ was. 'Tis true, here was no sinful impatience, but yet a patience short of Christs infinite Patience. Ah, if you were to de­pend upon the Patience of any creature in Hea­ven or Earth, you had worn it out long ago. I will not execute the fierceness of my anger, for I am God and not Man. Ah, 'tis well we have to do with a God; if a Man find his enemy will he let him go well away? 1 Sam. 24. 19. No, no, he will reckon before he part with him. Sinner, the Lord finds thee dayly in thy sins, and yet lets thee go; yet beware thou try not his Patience too far, lest vengeance overtake thee at last, and pay the justice of God with all the arrear­ages due to his Patience.

II. Inference.

Hence it follows, that convinced and broken heart­ed sinners need not be discouraged in going to Iesus Christ for mircy, seeing he exercises such wonderful Pati­nce towards obstinate and refusing sinners.

This inference breaths pure Gospel; it is a Cordial to chear the Heart that is moving to­wards Christ, with fear and trembling. 'Tis a great artifice of the Devil to daunt and dis­courage [Page 103] courage poor convinced sinners, by telling them there is no hope of mercy for them▪ that they shall find the Arms of Mercy closed, the Bowels of Compassion shut up; that the Time of Mer­cy is now past, they come too late. O how bu­sie is Satan with such suggestions as these in many of your Souls? But I am come to tell you this day that these are but the artifices of the Ene­my; you are going to the Fountain of Mercy, Patience, Goodness and Long-suffering; go on, and you shall find abundantly more than you expect. He will not cast off a Soul that comes Mourning and Panting towards him, and is willing to subscribe the Gospel articles of Reconciliati­on: No, he will not shut out such a Soul whatever its rebellions and provocations have been. Sin­ner, thou art going to the meek and merciful Je­sus, Matth. 11. 28. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest; take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly. You are going to Meekness and Mercy it self; he is the Lamb of God, that is his name; go on then poor trembling sinner, dont stand any longer at shall I? Shall I? with Christ; but make a bold but necessary adventure of Faith; try him once, and then report what you find im to be: Certainly if he exercises such Pati­ence towards the Vessels of wrath, whilst they are sitting to destruction; as he doth Rom. 9. 22 he will not want Patience for a Yessel of Mercy, preparing by Humiliation and Faith for Christ and Glory. Doth he forbear those that stand out in defiance, and will he fall upon those that are mourning to him upon the Knee of submis­sion? Shall a damnede wretch, that is preparing [Page 104] for Hell find so much forbearance, and a poor broken hearted sinner none? It cannot be. If Jesus Christ forbare thee when thy Heart was as hard as a Rock and could not yield one Tear, one Sigh for sin, will he execute his Wrath up­on thee, will he shew thee no Mercy, when thy Heart is broken all to pieces with sorrow, and filled with loathing and detestation against sin and thy self for sin? Did he forbear thee when sin was thy delight? And will he destroy thee now it is thy burden? It cannot be.

Moreover, if the Lord Jesus had not a mind to shew Mercy to thy poor Soul: Now, now, that thine Eyes are opened and thy heart touched to the quick, why hath he forborn the execution of his wrath so long? He might have taken his own time to cut you off when he would, he might have made any day the execution day: But sure among all the days of thy life, the day of thy Humiliation, the day of thy Faith, is not like to prove that day.

Again, as great and vile sinners as thy self have adventured upon the Grace of Christ, and sound it infinitly beyond their expectation. These the Lord Jesus hath set forth as incouraging ex­amples to all the broken hearted sinners that are coming after; that they seeing how it hath fa­red with their forerunners to Christ, might be in­couraged to come on with the more confidence, 1 Tim, 1. 16. But I obtained mercy, that in me first Christ might shew forth all long-suffering for a pat­tern for them that should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. Well then, shut your Ears against all the whispers of Satan, entertain no evil re­ports of Christ; the Devil loves to draw a false [Page 105] picture of Christ, and represent him in the most discouraging form to poor trembling sinners, but you will not find him so. What can Christ say more to convince and satisfie Souls than he hath done? He hath left the bosom of the Father, he hath taken union with thy Nature, he hath poured out his Soul unto Death; he hath told us, Those that come unto him, he will in no wise cast out. Thousands are gone before us in the paths of Re­pentance and Faith, and found it according to his Word; you have been spared all your Life, to this day of Mercy, O do not stand off now upon such weak objections.

III. Inference.

The long-suffering of Christ toward Sinners, in­structeth and teacheth his Ministers to imitate their Lord in a Christ-like Patience and Long-suffering. Christ is our pattern of Patience, if he wait, much more may we; we think it much to stand from Sabbath to Sabbath, Woing, Pleading and Inviting, and are apt to be discouraged when we see no fruit follw. The want of success is apt to cast us under Ieremiahs temptation, To speak no more in his Name; and to lament with Isaiah, That we have laboured in vain; 'tis a hard case to Study, Pray and Preach, and see all our labours return in vain. 'Tis not so much the expending as the returning of our labours upon us in vain, that discourageth our Hearts. Ministers would not dye so fast, Mr. Loc­kier in Colos. saith one of them, nor be gray­headed so soon, did they see the fruit of their labours upon their people. But let us look to our pattern in the Text, Behold I stand at the door and [Page 106] knock. If the Master wait, let not the Servants be weary; The Servant of the Lord must not strive, but be patient towards all; wasting, if at any time, God will give them repentance, 2 Tim. 4. 24.

Though the beginnings be small, our latter­end may greatly increase; though we now fish with Angles, and take but now one, and then another; the time may come, and we hope is at the door, when we shall spread our Nets, and inclose multitudes. Aretius a pious Divine com­forted himself thus, under the insuccessfulness of his Labours, Dabit posterior aetas tractabi­liores fortasse animas, mitiora pectora quam no­stra habent tempora. Future days will afford more tractable Spirits, and easier tempers of Mind, than our present times afford. Beside, the fruit of our labours may spring up to a blessed harvest when we are gone, Iohn 4. 37. One Man soweth and another reapeth; but if not, our reward will not be measured by the suc­cess, but the sincerity of our designs and labours. Our zeal for conversion of Souls to Christ will be accepted, but our discouragement in his ser­vice will certainly displease him. If Israel be not gathered, yet shall we be glorious in the Eyes of the Lord. However, let this be a caution to you, that hear us, that you cast not our Souls under such discouragements. If I may speak, the sense of others, from my own experience, then I can assure you, that the fixedness of your Hearts in the ways of sin, and your untractableness to the calls of God, are a greater burden and dis­couragement to us than all the sufferings we have met withal from the World; yet are we [Page 107] contented to Pray in hope, and Preach in hope, incouraging our selves (the Lord grant it be not without ground) that a crop shall yet spring up, which shall make the Harvest-men laugh.

IV. Inference.

From the Patience and Long-suffering of Christ, we may learn the invaluable preciousness of Souls, and the high esteem Christ hath for them.

Though your Souls be cheap in your own Eyes, and you are contented to sell them for a trifle, for a little sensual pleasure and ease; some of you will hazard them for a Shilling, yet cer­tainly Jesus Christ hath an high asteem of them, else he would never stand knocking with such importunity, and waiting with such wonderful patience, for the Salvation of them. Christ knows their worth though you do not, he ac­counts, and so should you, one of your Souls more worth than the whole World, Matth. 16. 26. The Soul of the poorest Child, or meanest Servant, that hears me this day, is of greater value in Christ's Eye than the whole World; and he hath given three great evidences of it, (1.) That he thought it worth his Heart Blood to redeem and save it, 1 Pet. 1. 19. You were not redeemed with Silver and Gold, but with the precious Blood of the Son of God. Had they not been preci­ous in his Eyes he would never have shed his most precious Blood to ransom them. (2.) Were they not highly valuable in his Eyes he would never wait with such unwearied Patience to save them as he doth. He hath born Thousands of repul­ses, and unreasonable denials from you: Sinner, [Page 108] Christ hath knockt at thy door in many a Ser­mon, in many a Prayer, in many a sickness, in all which thou hast put him off, denyed him or delayed him; yet still he continues knocking and waiting. Thou couldst not have made the poor­est Beggar in the World wait at thy door, so long as thy Redeemer hath been made to wait, and yet he is not gone. At this day his voice sounds in thine ears, Behold I stand at the door and knock. Here's clear demonstration of the preciousness of thy Soul in the Redeemer's Eyes. And then Lastly, When Christ ends the Treaty, and gives up the Souls of Men for lost, and un­perswadable, with what regret and sorrow doth he part with them! Never did one Friend part from another with such demonstrations of sor­row as Christ parteth with the Souls of sinners. The Bowels of his compassion roul together; for the knows what is coming upon them, and what that eternal misery is into which their wil­ful rejection of him will cast them: In Luke 19. 22. you find the Redeemers tears wept over ob­stinate Ierusalend, And when he came nigh to the Ci­ty, he wept over it, and said, O Jerusalem, Jerusa­lem, that thou hadst known at least in this thy day the things that belong to thy peace; but now they are did from thine Eyes. Like unto this is that expres­sion, Isa. 1. 24. Ah, I will ease me of mine enemies, &c. Though it be an ease to his Justice, yet he cannot give them up without an ah, an interjecti­on of sorrow; so in Hosea 11. 8. How shall I give thee up Ephraim? How shall I deliver thee Judah? I must do it, but how shall I go about it? All these expressions shew the great value God hath for your Souls; and did you know it also, cer­tainly [Page 109] you would not make Christ wait one hour longer.

V. Inference.

Hence it follows, That greater is the sin, and se­verer will be the condemnation of them that perish un­der the Gospel, than of all other People in the World. Let me speak freely to you that hear me this day, Jesus Christ hath spent more of the riches of his Patience upon you in one year, yea, in this very day, than he hath spent upon the heathen World in all the days of their lives; they ne­ver heard of Christ, and the great Salvation; they have had no calls to Faith and Repentance, as you have had; dont think God hath dealt at this rate with other Nations. You have his Sab­baths, Ministers, Calls, he hath not dealt so with other Nations; and as for these things they have not known them, Psal. 147. 19. God hath dealt in a peculiar way with us, and these special favours will make dreadful accounts: He told the Iews among whom he had preacht and wrought his Miracles, It would be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorah, in the day of Iudgment, than for them; and in his Name I will tell you this day, that Barbarous Indians and Americans will have a milder Hell than you; Mitius ardent, and as the Lord told Ezechiel chap. 3. 5, 6. Thou art not sent to a People of a strange Speech, and of an hard Language, whose words thou canst not understand; surely had I sent thee to them, they would have hark­ned unto thee; but the house of Israel will not harken unto thee, for they will not harken unto me: For all the house of Israel are impudent and hard hearted.

[Page 110] Ah, Brethren 'tis a sad Truth that the Mini­sters of Christ have found more fruit of their La­bours among the Salvage Americans, than in England, a People born and bred up under the Gospel. Had heathenish People your Sabbaths, your Ministers and Bibles, they would not deal by Christ as you have done: But look you to it, for certainly the severity of his Justice will at last recompence the expence of his Patience: There are two Glasses turned up this day, and both almost run down; the Glass of the Gospel running down on Earth, and the Glass of Christ's Patience running down in Heaven. Be sure of it, that for every sand of Mercy, every drop of Love that runs down in vain in this World, a drop of wrath runs into the vial of wrath which is fitting in Heaven.

VI. Inference.

If Christ have exercised such admirable Patience, and Long-suffering towards you, before he could gain entrance into your Hearts; then you have all the rea­son in the World to exercise your Patience for Christ, and account all long-suffering to be your unquestio­nable duty. Christ was not weary in waiting up­on you, be not you weary in waiting upon him or for him. Now there are three things wherein the People of God will have much occasion to ex­ercise their Patience with respect to Christ, (1.) You will need a great deal of Patience to wait for the returns and answers of your Pray­ers; you knock and wait, at the door of Mercy, and no answer comes; hereupon discourage­ment and weariness seizeth your Spirits. Possibly [Page 111] some of you have Prayers many years agone upon the file in Heaven, some upon Spiritual accounts, and some upon Temporal; and because the an­swer is not dispatcht, your Eyes are ready to fail with waiting, for the Lord may bear long with his own Elect, Luke 18. 7. The seed of Prayer lyes under the clods, and will at last spring up, for he never said to the seed of Jacob, Seek me in vain; none seek God in vain but those that seek him vainly. Now you should not be too quick and short breathed in waithing upon God, for the returns of Prayer, considering how long you made Christ wait upon you.

(2.) You will have occasion to exercise your Patience in bearing the burden of reproaches, and sufferings for Christ; For to you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe, but also to suffer for his sake, Phil. 1. 29. Sufferings you see are the Gifts of Christ, the Comforts of suffer­ings is his Gift, and so are the abilities to suffer-also; and that which will encrease your suffering-ability, will be the confideration of Christ's long-suffering towards you, and the hard things he endured for you and from you.

(3.) You will have occasion to exercise your Patience for the day of your compleat Redempti­on and Salvation. If you love Christ fervently, the time of your separation from him will be born difficultly; vehement love needs the allay of Patience, 2 Thes. 3. 5. The Lord direct your Hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ. Others need much Patience to dye, but such will need as much Patience to live; but whatever the exercises of your Patience shall be, whether in waiting for the returns of your [Page 112] Prayers, in bearing the cross and sufferings of Christ, or in waiting for the day of your com­pleat Redemption and enjoyment of Christ: This single consideration, that Christ stood and waited so long upon you, is enough to fortisie your Patience against all the difficulties it shall encounter

VII. Inference.

Lastly, If Christ thus patiently wait upon trifling and obstinate sinners, then let no godly person be dis­couraged because their unregenerate Relations have not yet made their first step towards Christ in the way of Repentance and saving Faith.

It may be you have layed up a great stock of Prayers for them, the believing Husband hath prayed for his unbelieving Wife, and the be­lieving Wife for her unbelieving Husband; god­ly Parents for their ungodly Children, and the gracious Child for his ungodly Parents; and yet no returns of Prayer appear. Many cries are gone up to Heaven like that of Abraham, Gen. 17. 18. O that Ishmael might live before thee. Well, be not discouraged, Christ is contented to wait, and therefore well may you. Those cries of Pa­rents, Lord my poor Child is in the state of Na­ture, look in mercy upon him, open his Eyes, break his Heart for sin, draw his Will to Christ; these cries may not be lost, though the fruit of them yet appear not; consider how long Christ waited upon you. There be three things that encourage hope, (1.) That your Hearts and theirs were of the same natural complection and temper; and the same power which opened your [Page 113] Hearts can open theirs; thy understanding was once as dark, thy Heart as hard, and thy Will as inflexible as thy carnal Relations now are. The same Hand tha opened thy Heart, can open theirs. Dont think Christ had an easier task to win thy Heart, than he will have to win theirs. Almighty Power wrought upon you, and the same Power can work effectually upon them; the Lord's Hand is not shortned. (2ly.) You have reason to wait, for as much as it is probable you your selves have put stumbling-blocks into the way of their Souls to Christ, and hindred the returns of your own Prayers for the conversion of your carnal Relatives. Oh Christians, there is more due to them than your Prayers, Prayers must be backt with examples; had they not only heard your cries to God for them, but seen your suitable encouraging pattern set before them also; you and yours might have rejoyced together long ago. But (3ly.) consider that God many times makes the fruit of such Prayers to spring up af­ter those that sowed them are dead and gone. The Lord may give life to your Prayers when you are dead: Certainly your Prayers dye not with you. 'Tis the opinion of some that Paul's con­version was the return of Stephen's Prayer, Lord lay not this sin to their charge. Stephen died, but his Prayers lived, and were answered upon one that stood by and consented to his death: But how­ever it be, wait on; if your Prayers come not into their bosoms, they will certainly return into your own. Here's duty discharged, love to Christ and their Souls manifested; which will be your comfort howsoever God disposes the event.

II. Vse.

Secondly, The Doctrine of Christ's Patience puts a great and serious Exhortation into my Mouth this day, to press one of the greatest Du­ties upon you that ever I pressed in the whole course of my Ministry among you: And could I deliver this Exhortation to you upon my Knees, with Tears of Blood mingled with my words, might that prevail, I would surely do it. My Exhortation is, to all that are in an unregene­rate state, that they presume not to try the Pa­tience of Christ any longer. If you have any regard to your eternal Happiness, exercise not his Patience beyond this hour. Oh that this hour might put an end to Christ's waiting, and your danger! Hitherto you have wearied Men, but will you weary God also? Christ hath called, but you have resused; he hath stretched out his Hands but you have not regarded. Your thoughts have been wandering after vanity, whilst the voice of the Gospel hath been sounding in your Ears; some of you have been sottish and unca­pable to apprehend spiritual Truths; others of you sensual, given up to the pleasures of the World, and abandoning all serious thoughts about the World to come. Some of you have been buried alive in the cares of the World, and others setled upon a dead formality in Religion; and to this day Christ hath called upon you in vain. Now that which I exhort you to, is that you venture not to try the Patience of Christ one day longer; if you have any regard to the everlasting happiness of your Souls, come not [Page 115] under the guilt and danger of one denial or de­lay more; if you ask me why? Why may we not venture a little longer? Christ hath born all this while, and will he not bear a little long­er? May we not take a little more pleasure in sin? May we not hazard one Sermon, or Sab­bath more, and yet not perish? I answer, No. If your Souls be precious in your Eyes let there be no more denials nor delays to Christ's suit. For (1.) how patient and long-suffering soever Christ hath been, yet there will be an end of the day of his Patience; a time when he will wait no longer, when his Spirit shall strive no more with you. There is a knock of Christ at the Heart, which will be the last knock that ever he will give; and after that no more knocks. A time when the Master of the house will rise up and the door be shut. You have had to do with a meek and patient Christ hitherto; but believe it sinners, there is a day called, the day of the wrath of the Lamb, and that day is dreadful, Rev. 6. 16. where you find sinners, crying to the Rocks and Mountains to fall upon them, and hide them from the wrath of the Lamb. O if his wrath be once kind­led though but a little, blessed are they that trust in him, that have finished their agreement with him. The day of Christ's Patience towards Ierusalem was a long day, but it had an end, Matth. 23. 37. and it ended in their desolation; therefore try the Patience of Christ no further; you know not the limits of it, it may end with your next refusal, and then where are you? (2ly.) The longer Christ hath exercised his Patience already towards you, the more terribly will he avenge the abuse of it in Hell upon you. 'Tis past doubt with me [Page 116] that there are different degrees of Torment in Hell; the Scriptures are plainly and clearly for it. Now among all the aggravations of the Tor­ments of Hell, none can be greater than the re­flections of damned Souls upon the abused Pati­ence and Grace of Christ. Those that had the best means, the loudest calls, and the longest day under the Gospel, will certainly have the hottest place in Hell, if the goodness and long-suffering of Christ do not now lead them to Repentance; the cries of such Souls will be heard above the cries of all the other miserable wretches that are cast away. 'Twill be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah, than for Capernaum, Matth. 11. 23.

Oh, Friends, you little know the smart re­flections of Conscience in Hell, upon such hours as you now enjoy; such wooing, charming voices and allurements, to Christ as you now hear. There are many thousands of Souls in Hell, that came thither out of the dark heathenish parts of the World, where they never heard of Christ; but your misery will be far beyond theirs; your re­flections more sharp and bitter: Therefore delay no longer, lest you perish with peculiar aggravati­ons of misery. (3ly.) Try the Patience of Christ no further, I beseech you, for as much as you see every day the Patience of Christ ending towards others. Patience coming down, and Ju­stice ascending the Stage, to triumph over the abusers of Mercy. You dont only read in Scrip­ture of the finishing and ending of God's Pati­ence with Men, but you may see it every day with your own Eyes. If you look into Scripture, You may find the Patience of God ended towards mul­titudes of Sinners, who possibly had the same [Page 117] presumptions, and vain hopes for the continuance of it that you now have: If you look into 1 Pet. 3. 19, 20. you shall there find that Christ went and preached to the Spirits in prison, which some­times were disobedient; when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah. The meaning of it is this, that in the days before the Flood, Christ by his Spirit strove with disobedient and rebellious sinners, in the Ministry of Noah, who then were living Men and Women, as now we are, but now are Spirits in prison, ( i. e.) damned Souls in Hell, for their disobedience: And truly, Brethren, you may frequently behold the glass of Patience run down, the very last sand in it spent upon others. Whenever you see a wicked Christless Man or Woman dye, you see the end of God's Patience with that Man or Woman, and all this for a warning to you, that you ad­venture not to trifle and dally with it as they did. (4ly.) Lastly, Do not try God's Patience any longer (if you love your Souls) for this Rea­son, because when Men grow bold, and in­courage themselves in sin, upon the account of God's forbearance and long-suffering towards them; there cannot be a more certain sign that his Patience is very near its end towards that Soul. 'Tis time for God to put an end to his Patience when it is made an encouragement to sin. God cannot suffer so vile an abuse of his glorious Pa­tience, nor endure to see it turned into wanton­ness: This quickly brings up sin to its finishing act and perfection, and then Patience is just upon finishing also. That Patience is thus abused, ap­pears from Eccles. 8. 11. and when it is so abused look for a suddain change. O, therefore, beware [Page 118] of provoking God, for now the day of Patience is certainly near its end with such sinners, Prov. 1. 24, 25, 26. Because I have called [...] and ye refused, I have stre [...]ched out my Hand and no Man regarded: But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your cala­mity, and mock when your fear cometh. When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind. Ah, when sinners scolt and mock at the threatnings of God, and bear themselves up, upon his Patience, as that which will never crack under them; then look out for a whirl­wind, a suddain Tempest of wrath which shall hurry such Souls into Hell. Then misery comes like a storm blowing furiously from all quarters. Well, the Heavens are yet clear over you, but a storm is nigh, and may be certainly presaged from such vite abuses of the glorious Patience of Christ towards you. That's the first Exhortati­on, try not the Patience of Christ by any further delays

II. Exhortation.

Secondly, Admire Christ's Patience and for­bearance of you until now, that he hath not cut you off in your sin, but lengthned out his Patience unto this day, and brought about your Salvation by his long-suffering towards you. Here now I must change my voice and turn it unto those whose Hearts the Lord hath opened: Stand amazed at the riches of his Grace towards you and see that you account this long-suffering of God to be your Salvation; for in plain Truth it is so: your Salvation was bound up in Christ's [Page 119] forbearance; if Christ had not born as he did, you had not been where you are. I could hearti­ly wish that all the time you can redeem from the necessary employments you have in the World, may now be spent in an humble, thank­ful admiration of this admirable Grace and Pati­ence of Christ, and answerable duties to the in­tentions and ends thereof. To this end I shall subjoyn divers weighty Considerations, which, methinks, should melt every Heart wherein the lest drachm of saving Grace is found.

Bethink your selves of the great and manifold provocations you have given the▪ 1. Consid. Lord to put an end to all further Patience towards you; not only in the days of your vanity and unregeneracy, but enen since your reconciliation to him. Do you not believe thousands of sinners are now in the depths of Hell, who never provoked the Lord at an higher rate than you have done? Were you not herded once among the vilest of sinners, 1 Cor. 6. 11. And such were some of you; as vile as the vilest among them; yet you are washed in the Blood of Christ, and your companions roaring in the lowest Hell; or if your lives were more clean, sure your Hearts and Natures were as fil­thy as theirs. And certainly your sins since the time of Reconciliation have had special aggrava­tions in them, enough to put an end to all fur­ther mercies towards you. Light and Love have aggravated these sins, and yet the Lord will not cast you off.

How often have you been upon the very brink of Hell, 2. Consid. in the days of your unregeneracy? Eve­ry sickness, and every danger of life which you escaped in those days, was a marvelous escape [Page 120] from the everlasting wrath of God. Had thy Disease prevailed one degree further, thou hadst been past hope; and out of the reach of Mercies Arm now. Doubtless some of you can remem­ber when in such and such a Disease you were like a Ship riding in a furious storm by one Cable, and two or three of the strands of that Cable were snapt asunder. So it hath been with you, the thread of life how weak soever, hath held till the bonds of union betwixt Christ and your Souls are fastned, and the eternal hazard over. This is admirable Grace.

How often hath Death come up into your Windows, entred into your Houses, 3. Consid. fetcht off your nearest Relations; but had no commission to carry you out with them; because the Lord had a design of Mercy upon your Souls.

This cannot but affect a gracious Heart, that God should smite so near, and yet spare you.

Lastly, 4. Consid. This is affecting, yea very transport­ing; that God hath not only given you time be­yond others, but in that time the precious op­portunities and means of your Salvation, both external and internal; there's the very marrow and kernel of the Mercy; had God lengthned out his Patience for a while, but given you no means of Salvation; or afforded you the means, but denied you the blessing and efficacy of them; at the most it could have been but a reprieve from Hell: but for the Lord to give you the Gospel, and with the Gospel to send down his Spirit, to perswade and open thy Heart to Christ; here is the riches of his goodness as well as for­bearance.

III. Exhortation.

This Doctrine of the Patience of Christ ex­horts all that have felt it, to exercise a Christ-like Patience towards others; as you have found the benefit of Divine Patience your selves, see that you exercise the meekness and long-suffer­ing of Christians towards those that have wrong­ed and injured you. Who should shew Patience more than those that have found it? Dont be se­vere, short and quick with others who have lived your selves so many years upon the long-suffer­ing of God. We are poor short-spirited Crea­tures, quick to revenge injuries, but oh, had God been so to us, miserable had our condition been. Christ hath made this duty the very scope of that excellent parable, Matth. 18. from the 25 verse onward, where the King takes an account of his Servants, reckoning with them one by one, and amongst them finds one which owed him Ten thousand Talents, and having not to pay, com­mands him his Wife and Children, and all he had to be sold, and payment to be made; but the Servant falling down, and begging Patience, his Lord was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and not only forbore but forgave the debt; one would think the Heart of this Man should have been a fountain of compassion towards others; but see the deep corruption of Nature, the same Servant finding one of his fellow-ser­vants which owed him but an Hundred pence, laid Hands on him and took him by the Throat. Alas, the wrongs done to us are but trif [...]les, com­pared with our injuries done to God; where [Page 122] others have wronged you once, you have wrong­ed God a thousand times. Methinks the Pati­ence of Christ towards you should melt your Hearts into an ingenuous easiness to forgive others; especially considering that an unfor­giving Spirit is a dreadful sign of an unforgiven person.

IV. Exhortation.

Burden not the Patience of Christ after your admission of him, and reconciliation to him; let it suffice that you tried his Patience long enough before, give him no new exercises now he is come to dwell in and with you for ever. There be two ways wherein God's own People do greatly provoke him after their Reconcilia­tion.

  • 1. By slugishness to Duty.
  • 2. By sinning against Light.

1. By slugishness and deadness of Spirit in the ways of Duty and Obedience; turning a deaf ear to the calls and motions of Christ's Spirit exci­ting them to the sweet and pleasant Duties of Religion. We have a sad instance of this in the Spouse, Cant. 5. 2, 3. It is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me my Sister, my Love, my Dove, my Vndefiled; for my Head is filled with dew, and my Locks with the drops of the night. One would think that Christ might have opened the Heart of his own Spouse with less solicitation, and importunate Arguments than he here useth; what Wife could shut the door upon her own dear Husband, and bar him out of his own [Page 123] house? And yet see the lazy excuse she makes, vers. 3. I have put off my coat, how shall I put it on? I have washed my Feet, how shall I defile them?

Oh, the slugishness of Flesh, even in Regene­rate persons! Those that have opened the door to Christ by Regeneration, even they do often shut the door against Christ in the hours and sea­sons of Communion with him. Strange, that such a suiter as Christ should be put by, moving and calling to such heavenly pleasant exercises as Communion with him is; but flesh will be flesh even in the most Spiritual Christians; little do we know what a grief this is to Christ, and loss to us.

2ly. Many grieve Christ's Spirit, and sorely try his Patience, even after Reconciliation, by sinning against Light and Love; that caution, Ephes. 4. 30. is not without weighty cause, and grieve not the holy Spirit of God, by which you are sealed to the day of Redemption.

Do we thus requite the Lord? is this the re­turn we will make him for all his admirable kind­ness and unparallel'd Love towards us? Certainly, Christ can put up a thousand injuries from his Enemies, easier than such affronts from his own People; did you not promise him better obedi­ence? Did you not engage to more holiness and watchfulness, in the day that you sued out your pardon, and made up your peace with him? Are all those Vows and Covenants forgotten? If you have forgotten them God hath not.

V. Exhortation.

Improve the time that remains in this World with double diligence, because you made Christ wait so long, and cast a way so great a part of your life, before you opened your Hearts to re­receive him. The morning of your life which was certainly the freshest and freest part of it, was no better than time lost with many of us; all the days of your unregeneracy Christ was shut out, and vanity shut into your Hearts: You ne­ver began to live till Christ gave you life, and that was late in the day with many of you. How should this provoke to extraordinary diligence in those few remains of time we have yet to en­joy? It was Austin's lamentation, O Lord, it re­pents me, saith he, that I loved thee so late. This consideration excited Paul to extraordinary dili­gence for Christ. It made him fly up and down the World, as a Seraphim, in a flame of holy zeal for Christ. Those that have much to write, and are almost come to the end of their paper, had need write close. Friends, you have some­thing to do for God upon Earth, which you can­not do for him in Heaven, Isa. 38. 18, 19. You that have carnal Relations have something to do for them here, which you cannot do in Heaven. You can now Counsel, Exhort, and Pray, in order to their Conversion and Salvation; but when you are gone down to the Grave, these op­portunities of service are cut off.

VI. Exhortation.

Let us all be ashamed and humbled for the baseness of our Hearts and Natures, which made Christ wait at the door so long, before we open­ed to him. O what wretched Hearts have we! That were no more affected with the groans of Christ's Heart, than with the groans of a Beast, no nor so much neither, if that Beast were our own. Oh, the vileness of Nature to make the Prince of the King's of the Earth bringing Par­don and Salvation with him, to stand so long un­answered; let who will cry up the goodness of Nature, I am sure we have reason to look upon the vileness of it with amazement and horror. You could not have found in your Hearts to have made the poorest beggar wait so long at your door, as you have made Christ to wait upon you.

VII. Exhortation.

Seventhly, and Lastly, Let us all bless and ad­mire the Lord Jesus for the continuation of his Patience, not to our selves only, but to that whole sinful Nation in which we live. We thought the Treaty of Peace had been ended with us; many good Men looking upon the iniquities and abominations of these times, considering the va­nities and backsliding of Professors, the Heaven-daring provocations of this Atheistical age, con­cluded in their own Hearts, that God would make England another Shiloh. Many faithful Ministers of Christ said within themselves God hath no more Work for us to do, [Page 126] and we shall have no more opportunities to work for God. When lo, beyond the thoughts of all Hearts, the merciful and long-suffering Redeemer makes one return more to these Nati­ons, renews the Treaty, and with compassions rolled together, speaks to us this day, as to Ephraim of old, How shall I deliver thee? Look upon this day, this unexpected day of Mercy, as the fruit and acquisition of the intercession of your great Advocate in Heaven, answerable to that Luke 13. 7, 8, 9. Well God hath put us upon one Tryal more, if now we bring forth fruit, well, if not the ax lyes at the root of the Tree. Once more, Christ knocks at our doors, the voice of the Bridegroom is heard; those sweet voices, Come unto me, Open to me; your opening to Christ now, will be unto you as the Valley of Achor, for a door of hope. But what if all this should be turned into wantonness and formality? what if your obstinacy and infidelity should wear out the remains of that little strength and time left you, and that former Labours and Sorrows have left your Ministers? Then actum est de nobis, we are gone for ever; then farewel Gospel, Mini­sters, Reformation, and all, because we knew not the time of our Visitation. What was the dismal doom of God upon the fruitless Vineyard? Isa. 5. 5. I will take away the hedge thereof and it shall be eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be troden down; I will also command the Clouds that they rain not upon it. The hedge, and the wall are the Spiritual and Providential pre­sence of God; these are the defence and safety of his People; the Clouds, and the Rain are the sweet influences of Gospel Ordinances. If the [Page 127] hedge be broken down, God's pleasant Plants will soon be eaten up; and if the Clouds rain not upon them, their Root will be rottenness, and their Blossom will go up as dust. Our Churches will soon become as the Mountains of Gilboa; therefore see that you know and improve the time of your Visitation.

III. Vse of Consolation.

I shall wind up this Fourth Doctrin, in two or three words of Consolation, to those that have answered, and are now preparing to answer the design and end of Jesus Christ in all his Patience towards them, by the compliance of their Hearts with his great design and end therein. O blessed be God, and let his high-praises be for ever in our Mouths, that at last Christ is like to obtain his end upon some of us, and that all do not re­ceive the Grace of God in vain. And there be three Considerations able to wind up your Hearts to the height of Praise, if the Lord have now made them indeed willing to open to the Lord Jesus.

I. Consideration.

The Faith and Obedience of your Hearts makes it evident, that the Lords waiting upon you hitherto, hath been in pursuance of his de­sign of Electing Love. What was the reason God would not take you away by death, though you passed so often upon the very brink of it, in the days of your unregeneracy? And what think you was the very reason of the revocation of [Page 128] your Gospel-liberties when they were quite out of sight, and almost out of hope; why surely this was the reason, that you, and such as you are, might be brought to Christ at last. There­fore, though the Lord let you run on so long in sin, yet still he continued your Life, and the means of your Salvation, because he had a de­sign of Mercy and Grace upon you. And now the time of Mercy, even the set time is come, Praise ye the Lord.

II. Consideration.

You now also see the Sovereignty and freeness of Divine Grace in your vocation; your Hearts resisted all along the most powerful means, and importunate calls of Christ; and would have resisted still, had not Free and Sovereign Grace over-poured them when the time of Love was come. Ah, it was not the tractableness of thine own Will, the easie temper of thy Heart to be wrought upon, the Lord let thee stand long enough in the state of Nature to discover that; there was nothing in Nature but obstinacy and enmity. Thou didst hear as many powerful Sermons, melting Prayers; and didst see as many awakning Providences before thy Heart was opened to Christ, as thou hast since; yet thy Heart never opened till now; and why did it open now? Because now the Spirit of God joyn­ed himself to the Word; victorious Grace went forth in the Word to break the hardness and con­quer the rebellions of thy Heart. The Gospel was now preached (as the Apostle speaks) 1 Pet. 1. 12. With the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven, [Page 129] which things (saith he) the Angels desire to look into. Ah, Friends, it is a glorious sight worthy of Angelical observation and admiration to behold the effects of the Gospel preacht, with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven, to see when the Spirit comes along with the Word, the blind Eyes of sinners opened, and they brought into a new World of ravishing objects; to behold Foun­tains of Tears flowing for sin, out of Hearts late­ly as hard as the Rocks; to see all the Bars of Ignorance, Prejudice, Custom, and Unbelief, fly open at the voice of the Gospel; to see Rebels against Christ laying down their Arms at his Feet, come upon the Knee of submission, crying, Lord I will rebel no more; to see the proud Heart cen­tered and wrapt up in its own righteousness, now striping it self naked, loading it self with all shame and reproach; and made willing that its own shame should go to the Redeemer's glory. These, I say, are sights which Angels desire to look into.

Certainly your Hearts were more tender, and your Wills more apt to yield and bend in the days of your youth, than they were now when sin had so hardned them, and long continued custom riveted and fixed them; yet then they did not, and now they do yield to the calls and invitations of the Gospel. Ascribe all to Sovereign Grace, and say, Not unto us, not unto us, but to thy Name give the glory. The observation and experience of our own Hearts will furnish us with argu­ments enough to resist all [...]emptations of self-glo­rying and conceit.

[Page 130] Certainly you were born not of Flesh, nor of Blood, nor of the will of Man, but of God.

III. Consideration.

Lastly, This is a comfortable Consideration, that he that waited upon you so long, and won your Hearts at last, will not forsake you, now that hath gained you at the expence of so much pains and patience. Poor Souls, I question not but there are many fears and jealousies within you, that all this will come to nothing, and you shall perish at last. Divers things foment these Jealousies within your Hearts; the weakness of your own Graces, which alas, are but in their infancy: the sense you have of your own corrup­tions, and the great strength they still retain. The subtilty of Satan, who imploys all his poli­cies to reduce you; sometimes roaring after his escaped prey with hideous injections, which make your Souls to tremble; sometimes the discourage­ing apprehensions of the difficulties of Religi­on; how far the spirituality of active obedience, and the difficulty of passive obedience is above your strength; sometimes feeling within your selves sad alterations, by the hidings of God's face, and with-drawment of sweet and sensible Communion with him. These, and such like things as these, cause many a qualm to come over your Hearts; but chear up, Christ will not lose at last what he pursued so long; he that waited so many years for thy Soul, will never cast it away now he hath seated himself in the possessi­on of it.


Revel. 3. 20. Behold I stand at the door [and knock,] &c.’

IN the former Point we have seen the Re­deemers posture, a posture of condescend­ing humility, rather the posture of a Ser­vant than the Lord of all. Behold I stand at the door; we now come to consider his action, or motion for entrance, I stand and knock; this metaphorical action of knocking signifies no­thing else but the motions made by Christ for entrance into the Souls of sinners; and affords us this fifth Observation.


That every conviction of Conscience and motion upon the Affections of sinners, is a knock of Christ from Heaven for entrance into their Souls.

This action of knocking is ascribed sometimes to the Soul, and is expressive of its desires to come into the gracious Presence and Communion of God; so Matth. 7. 7. To him that knocks it shall [Page 132] be opened (i. e.) to him that seeks by importu­nate Prayer, Fellowship and Communion with the Lord; but here it is applied to Christ, and is expressive of his importunate desire to come into union and communion with the Souls of sin­ners. Here I shall open to you the following par­ticulars,

  • 1. What are the doors of the Soul at which Christ knocks?
  • 2. What his knocking at these doors implies.
  • 3. By what instruments he knocks at them.
  • 4. In what manner he performs this action.

First, What are the doors of the Soul at which Christ knocks? You all know that the term Christ here useth cannot be proper, but meta­phorical; 'tis a Figurative speech, the door is that part which is introductive into the House, and whatsoever is introductive into the Soul, that is the door of the Soul. Now in the Soul of Man there are many powers and faculties that have this use, and are of an introductive nature to let things into the Soul of Man. Some are more out­ward, as we may speak comparatively, and some more inward, as the doors of our houses are.

Christ knocks orderly at them all, one after another, for the operations of the Spirit disturb not the order of Nature.

1. The first door that opens and lets into the Soul is the Vnderstanding; nothing passes into the Soul, but it must first come through this door of the Understanding; nothing can touch the Heart or move the affections, but what hath first toucht the Understanding. Hence we read so often in [Page 133] Scripture of the opening of the Understand­ing; that being as it were the fore-door of the Soul.

2ly. Within this is the Royal-gate of the Soul, viz. The will of Man, that noble and imperial Power; many things may pass into the Mind or Understanding of a Man, and yet be able to get no further, the door of the Will may be shut against them. There were many precious Truths of God let into the Understandings of the Hea­thens by the light of Nature, but could never get further, their Hearts and Wills were lockt and shut up against them; as you may see, Rom. 1. 18. They held the Truths of God in Vnrighteous­ness; that is, they bound and imprisoned those common notices the Law of Nature imprest up­on their Minds concerning the Being and Nature of God, and the duties of both Tables. These Truths could get no further into their Souls, and which is of sad and dreadful consideration, Christ himself stands betwixt these two doors in the Souls of many persons; he is got into their Understandings and Consciences, they are con­vinced of the possibility and necessity of obtain­ing Jesus Christ, but still the door of their Will is barr'd against him, which drew from him that sad complaint, Iohn 5. 40. You will not come unto me that you might have life. When this door of the Will is once effectually opened, then all the inner doors of the affections are quickly set open to receive and welcom him. Desires, joy, de­light, and all the rest stand open to him. These are the doors at which the Redeemer knocks.

Secondly, Next we must consider what is ment by Christ's knocking at these doors, and what [Page 134] that action implies. In the general, knocking is no­thing else but an action significative, of the desires of one that is without to come in; 'tis a sign ap­pointed to that end: And what is Christs knocking but a signification to the Soul of his earnest de­sires to come into it; a notice given to the Soul of Christ's willingness to possess it for his own habi­tation? And it is as much as if Christ should say, Soul, thou art the House that was built by my Hand, purchased and redeemed by my Blood; I have an unquestionable right to it, and now de­mand entrance. More particularly, there are divers great things implied in this gracious act of Christ's knocking at the door of the Soul.

1. It implies the special favour and distinguish­ing grace and goodness of Jesus Christ, that he will stand and knock at our doors, when he passes by so great a part of the World, never gi­ving one such knock or call at other Mens doors; it is certainly a most glorious and admirable conde­scension and favour of Heaven, and whereever it is successful, it speaks a Man highly favoured of God. Oh that when Christ passes by the Souls of Thousands, and Millions, that would certainly afford him as comfortable an habitation as our Souls can do, and will not give one effectual knock, or call at their doors all the days of their life; that he will please to turn aside to thy Soul, and wait, and knock there for entrance; I say, here is one of the greatest acts of favour that can be shewn to the Soul of a sinner. How many Souls be there in the World equal in natu­ral Dignity to yours, and of sweeter natural Tempers, whom yet the Lord Jesus lets alone in [Page 135] the quiet possession of Satan, Luke 11. 21. There is a deep silence and stilness in their Consciences, no stirrings nor disturbances by Convictions, but through a dreadful Judgment of God are left in a deep sleep; and if their Consciences at any time begin to grumble, how soon are they husht and quieted again by Satan? What the conditi­on of the World was in former Ages, we may see in Acts 14. 16. Who in times past suffered all Nations to walk in their own ways. O 'tis the greatest Mercy in the World for the sleepy Con­science of a sinner to be roused by Convictions, because it is introductive to all other Spiritual Mercies. I confess this act of Grace is little apprehended by the Sons and Daughters of Men; much rather would poor sinners be let alone than be thus disturbed by troublesom convictions; and when Christ disturbs their rest, how do they startle at the knocks of his Word and Spirit? How angry be they that they cannot be let alone to enjoy their quiet sleep in sin till the flames of Hell awaken them? Mr. Fenner, that great and eminent Instrument of God in this Work, tells us, in one of his Sermons, how it fared with a certain Man that came to hear him Preach: It seems the Word had got entrance into his Con­science, and gave it a terrible Allarum, and as he was going home, some that followed him, heard him thus blaming and bemoaning himself, O what a fool, what a beast was I to come under this Sermon to day? I shall never have peace and quiet­ness any more. And what is the reason that smooth and general Preaching is so much ap­plauded and affected in the World; And close convincing Doctrin so much shunned and hated; [Page 136] but this, that sinners are very loath to be dis­quieted and have their Consciences throughly awakned. Well, whatever your apprehensions be, certainly it is an unspeakable Mercy for Christ to knock and disquiet the Souls of sinners by his calls. That's the first thing.

2ly. The next thing implied in this action of Christ is this, That the first motions towards the recovery and Salvation of sinners begin not in themselves, but in Christ. We never knock at Heavens door by Prayer till Christ hath first knockt at our doors by his Spirit: Did not Christ move first, there would be no motions af­ter him in our Hearts; we move towards him, because he hath first moved upon our Souls. Christ might sit long enough unsought and unde­sired, did he not make the first motion. All our motions are secondary and consequential moti­ons, Isa. 65. 1. I am found of them that sought me not. As we love him because he first loved us, so we seek after him, because he first sought us. Alas, poor sinners are as well satisfied as any peo­ple in the World can be, to lye fast asleep in the Devil's Arms. When the Spirit of God goes forth with the Word of Conviction, he finds the Souls of Men in the very same posture which the Angels, that had surveyed the World, reported the whole Earth to be in, Zach. 1. 11. Behold all the Earth sitteth still, and is at rest. Every Man setled and satisfied in his own way; what a strange stilness, and midnight silence is there amongst sinners? Not a sigh, not a cry to be heard for sin: So the Psalmist, Psal. 14. 2. repre­sents the case of sinners, The Lord looked down from Heaven upon the Children of Men, to see if [Page 137] there were any that did understand and seek God. They are all gone aside, &c. There is one thing that is admirably strange in this case, that even those Men and Women whose Rattles of earth­ly pleasures and delights, which brought them into this sleep and security, are taken away from them by the Hand of Providence, I mean their Estates, Health, Children, &c. yet they awake not; there are no stirrings after God. O what a dead sleep hath sin cast the Souls of sinners in­to! You have a notable Scripture to this pur­pose, in Iob 35. 9. 10. they are the words of Eli­hu, concerning Men and Women under grievous oppression; persons squeezed and ground by the cruel Hands of wicked Men, by reason of the mul­titude of oppressions they make the oppressed to cry; they cry out by reason of the Arm of the Mighty, but none saith, where is God my Maker who giveth songs in the night? i. e. Succour, Comfort and Refresh­ment to the afflicted.

Here are Men turned out of their Estates, thrown into Prisons, cast upon all extremities and miseries, and what do these poor creatures do? Why (saith he) they cry by reason of their oppression. O my Father, or my Mother, my Wife, my Child, my Estate, my Liberty, but none saith where is my God? O my sin, or my misery by reason of sin; where is he that giveth Songs in the night? The People of God when they lye musing upon their beds under affliction, they have their Songs in the Night, in the midst of the multitude of their troubled thoughts within them, the Comforts of God delight their Souls. Those are their Songs in the Night, but no such word or thought in carnal Men; how plain is it, [Page 138] that all the first motions of Salvation have their first spring and rise in God, and not in us. That's the Second thing implied in Christ's knocking.

Thirdly, Christ knocking at the door of the Heart, implies the method of the Spirit in Con­version; to be congruous and agreeable to the nature of Man's Soul; mark Christ's expression in the Text, he doth not say, Behold I come to the door and break it open by violence; no, Christ makes no forcible Entries whether sinners will or no; he will come in by consent of the Will or not at all. I stand and knock, if any Man open the door, I will come in to him. There is a great difference between a friendly admission by consent, and a forcible entrance; in a forcible entrance bars of Iron are brought to break open the door; but in a friendly admission one knocks and the other opens: Forcible actions are unsuit­able to the nature of the Will, whose motions are free and spontaneous; therefore it is said, Psal. 110. 3. The people shall be willing in the day of thy power. 'Tis true, the Power of God is upon the Will of Man in the day of his Conversion, or else it would never open to Christ; but yet that Power of God doth not act against the freedom of Man's Will, by co-action and force; no, but of unwilling he makes it willing; taking away the obstinacy and reluctancy of the Will by the efficacy of his Grace, which some Divines call victrix delectatio, a sweet and pleasant victory; and so the door of the Will still opens freely, Hosea 11. 4. I drew them with the cords of a Man, with the bands of Love. I drew them, there's Al­mighty Power; but how did this Power draw them? With the cords of a Man, i. e. with ra­tional [Page 139] arguments, convincing the Judgment. Beasts are driven and forced, but Men are drawn by reason, and will not move without it if they act like themselves; it must be confessed, that when the day of God's Power is come, for the bringing home of a poor sinner to Christ, he can­not resist the Power of God's Spirit that draws him effectually; Every one that hath heard and learned of the Father, cometh unto me; yet still the Soul comes freely by the consent of his Will; for this is the method of Christ in drawing Souls to him. There is in the day of a sinners Con­version a kid, an offer made for the Will both by Satan and Christ. Satan bids Riches, Honours, and Pleasures, with ease and quietness to the flesh in the enjoyment of them; abide where thou art saith Satan, remain with me and thou shalt escape all the Persecutions, losses and troubles of the World, which Conscience entangles other Men in; thou shalt draw thy life through peace and pleasure to thy dying day. O saith the flesh this is a good motion, what can be better for me? But then saith Christ, dost thou not consi­der that all these enjoyments will quickly be at an end, and what shall become of thee then? Be­hold I offer thee the free, full, and final pardon of thy sins; Peace and reconciliation with God, treasures in Heaven, all these shall be thine, with Troubles, Reproaches and Persecutions in this World. The Understanding and Conscience of a sinner being convinced of the vanity of earthly things, and the indispensable necessity of pardon and peace with God: I say, when a convinced Judgment hath duly ballanced these things, and laid them before the Will, and the Spirit of God [Page 140] put forth his Power in the renovation of it; it moves towards Christ freely, and yet cannot ac­cording to its natural order act otherwise than it doth. And doubtless this is the true meaning of that expression, so often mistaken and abused, in Luke 14. 23. Compel them to come in. What! by forcing Men against the light of their Conscien­ces? No, no, to the shame of many Protestants let us hear the Gloss of Stella a Popish Commen­tator upon the place. Christ (saith he) compels Men to come in by shewing to their Will such an ex­celling good, as it cannot but embrace; for volunt as natur aliter fertur in bonum. The Will is natural­ly carried to the choice of the best good. And thus the Spirit works upon the Soul harmonious­ly and agreeably to its own Nature. That's the Third thing implied in Christ's knocking.

Fouthly, Christ's knocking at the door of the Soul, manifestly implies the immediate access of the Spirit of God unto the Soul of Man; that he can come to the very innermost door of the Soul at his pleasure, and make what impressions upon it he pleaseth. As for other instruments used in this Work, they have no such privilege or Power; Ministers can but knock at the exter­nal door of the senses. Thine Eyes shall see thy Teachers, we can see their persons and hear their voices; we can reason with sinners and plead with their Souls; but awaken them we cannot, open their Hearts we cannot. We can only lodge our message in their Ears, and leave it to the Spirit of God to make it effectual. This is a Royalty belonging unto the Spirit of God, incommuni­cable to Angels or Men. If an Angel from Hea­ven were the Preacher, he could not give one im­mediate [Page 141] stroak to the Conscience, much less can Man; we have no dominion over your Conscien­ces: The keys of the doors of your Souls hang not at our girdles, but are in the Hands of Christ, Revel. 3. 7. He hath the key of David, he openeth and no Man shutteth; and he shutteth and no Man open­eth. The Consciences and all the faculties lye naked and open to the stroak of God's Spirit; he can wound them and heal them, and make what impressions he pleaseth upon them. Learn hence what need there is both for Ministers and People before they enter upon the solemn Ordinances of God, to lift up their Hearts by Prayer for the blessing and Power of the Spirit upon them. Lord send forth thy Spirit, pour it forth upon, and with thy Word. Ah, how many Sermons have we Preach'd and you heard, and yet there is no open­ing? These are the four things implied in Christ's knocking at the door, viz. Condescending Grace; All first motions begin in God; The motions of his Spirit are congruous and agreeable to the na­ture of the Soul; And that his Spirit can have immedate access to the innermost faculties and Powers of the Soul at his pleasure. Now in the next place let us consider,

Thirdly, By what Instruments Christ knocks at the Doors, that is, the Judgment, Consci­ence and Will of a sinner. And these are two, viz.

  • By
    • 1. His Word.
    • 2. His Providence.

Here my Work will be to shew you how the Spirit of God makes use both of the Word and Works of God, to rouse and open the Consci­ences [Page 142] and Hearts of Sinners. These are the two Hammers or instruments of the Spirit by which he knocks at the door of the Heart.

1. The Word, written or preached, but espe­cially preached; to this Christ gives the prefe­rence, to all other instruments imployed about this Work; and answerably the Word is called God's Hammer, Ier. 23. 29. Is not my Word like fire, and as the Hammer which breaketh the rocks in pieces? By this Hammer Christ raps at the door of a sinners Soul, to give warning that he is there. The Spirit of God can open the Heart immedi­ately if he pleaseth; but he will honour his Word in this Work. And therefore, when Lydias Heart was to be opened, Paul, the great Gospel Preacher, must be invited even by an Angel to come over to Macedonia, and assist in that bles­sed Work, Acts 16. 9. Lydia was to be convert­ed, her Heart must be opened to Christ; the Angel could not do it, but calls for the help of the Apostle, Gods appointed Instrument to carry on that Work. I have made thee (saith God to Paul) a Minister and a witness to open their Eyes, and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, Acts 26. 18. Now, there be three ways in which the Spirit uses the Word as his Hammer in knocking at the door of the Soul.

1. He knocks by the particular convictions of of the Word upon the Conscience; this knock by conviction rings and sounds through all the rooms and chambers of the Soul; particular and effectual conviction wounds to the very centre of the Soul. Ah, when the Word shall come whom by the Spirits particular application, like [Page 143] that of Nathans to David, Thou art the Man; then all the powers of the Soul are rouzed and al­larmed; now it pierces as a two-edged Sword, Heb. 4. 12. divides the Soul and Spirit, the supe­riour and inferiour Faculties of it: Cuts down by the back-bone, lays open the secret guilt, and in­nermost thoughts of a Man's Heart, before which the sinner cannot stand. The secrets of his Heart are made manifest and falling down on his Face, he must acknowledg that God is in the Word, of a Truth, 1 Cor. 14. 24. O these convictions of the Word, are such a rap, such a knock at the door of the Conscience as will never be forgot­ten; no not in Heaven, to all Eternity.

2ly. Christ knocks in the Word by its terri­ble comminations and awful threatnings, mena­cing the Soul that opens not, with eternal ruine; these are dreadful knocks; O sinner, saith Christ, wilt thou not open? Shall all the tenders of my Grace made to thee be in vain? Know then that this thy obstinacy shall be thy damnation. Thus the Word denounces ruine in the name of the great and terrible God to all wilful impenitents and obstinate unbelievers, Iohn 3. 36. He that be­lieveth not the Son, shall not see life; but the wrath ef God abideth on him. O dreadful sound, like unto which is that, Iohn 8. 24. If ye believe not that I am he, ye shall dye in your sins. q. d. Thy Mittimu [...] for Hell shall be made and signed; will you not come to me that you might have life? then I will foretel what death you shall dye, you shall even dye in your sins. Oh, it were better for thee to dye like a Dog in a ditch, than to dye in thy sins. These are loud knocks of the Word, ter­rible sounds, yet no more than needs to startle [Page 144] the drousie Consciences of sinners. And then,

3ly. The Spirit knocks by the gracious invi­tations of the Word, the sweet allurements and gracious insinuations of it; and without this no Heart would ever open to Christ. It is not frost and snow, storms and thunder, but the gentle distilling dews, and cherishing Sun-beams, that make the flowers open in the Spring. The ter­rors of the Law may be preparative, but the grace of the Gospel is that which effectually opens the sinners Heart. The obdurate flint will sooner fly when smitten upon the soft pillow, than upon the anvil. Now the Gospel abounds with alluring invitations to draw the Will and open the Heart of a sinner; such is that, Matth. 11. 28. Come unto me all ye that labour, and are heavy la­den; and I will give you rest. O what a charming voice is here! He that considers it may well wonder what Heart in the World can resist it; like unto this is that in Isa. 55. 1. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money let him come; yea, let him come and buy Wine and Milk without money and without price. q. d. Come sinner, come; though thou have no qualifications, no worthiness, nor righteousness of thy own; though thou be but a heap of sin and vileness, yet come; my grace is a gift, not a sale; and such is that in Iohn 7. 37. In the last day, the great day of the feast, Iesus stood up and cried, If any Man thirst, let him come to me and drink. q. d. My grace is no sealed Fountain, 'tis free and open to the greatest of sinners, if they thirst, they are invited to come and drink. This is that Oyl of Gospel grace which makes the Key turn so pleasantly and effectually amongst all the cross [Page 145] wards of Man's Will. And thus you see how the Word preached becomes an instrument in the Spirit's Hand, to open the door of a sinners Heart, at which it knocks by its mighty Con­victions, dreadful Threats, and gracious Invita­tions.

Secondly, We next come to the Second Ham­mer by which the Spirit knocks at the sinners Heart, and that is the providential Works of God. These in subserviency to the Word, are of excellent use to awaken sinners, and make them open their Hearts to Christ. God hath magni­fied his Word above all his Name; yet there are some of the providential Works of God great­ly serviceable in this case; the Word sanctifies Providences, and Providences assist the Word, and make it work. Now there are two sorts of Providential Dispensations which the Lord Jesus makes use of to gain entrance for him into the Hearts of Men.

  • 1. Judgments.
  • 2. Mercies.

1. Judgments and Afflictions, the Word of God many times works not till some stroak of God come to quicken and assist it; thus did the Lord open the Heart of that Monster of wicked­ness Manasseh, the Word would not work alone, but a smart rod quickned its operation, 2 Chron. 33. 10, 11, 12. And the Lord spake to Manasseh, and to his people; but they would not hearken. Where­fore the Lord brought upon them the Captains of the host of the King of Assyria, which took Manasseh among the thorns, and bound him with fetters, and [Page 146] carried him to Babylon. And when he was in af­fliction, he besought the Lord his God, and hum­bled himself greatly before the God of his Fa­thers.

Thus the Heart of this Man relented under the Word assisted by the Rod. Ah, 'tis good that God take such a course with some sinners, else the Word would do them no good; and to this pur­pose is that in Iob 36. 8, 9, 10. And if they be bound in fetters, and holden in cords of affliction; then he shew­eth them their work and their transgression, that they have exceeded; and openeth their Ears to discipline. This is that rough course, the obstinacy of Men's Hearts makes necessary for their recovery; and therefore it is very observable that some words of God have lain dead in some sinners Hearts for years together, and at last have begun to work under some smart and close Rod. Alas, while all things are pleasant and prosperous about us, the Word hath but little operation and effect, Ier. 22. 21, 22. I spake unto thee in thy prosperity, but thou saidst I will not hear: this hath been thy manner from thy youth, that thou obeyedst not my voice. The wind shall eat up all thy pastures, and thy lovers shall go into captivity; surely then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded for all thy wickedness. q. d. Your Eyes are so dazled with the beautiful Flowers, and your Ears so charmed with the Syren Songs and Lullabies of earthly delights, that my Word can take no place upon you. Let an East-wind blow, and wither up these Flowers; then the Word shall work and Conscience rescent the con­cernments of Eternity; this course God is feign to take with many of you; here you sit from Sabbath to Sabbath under the Word, and no­thing [Page 147] takes place upon your Hearts. Will you not hear the voice of my VVord? go Death, saith God, and smite that Man's Child dead, I will try what that will do; go Poverty, and blast his E­state, and see what that will do; go Sickness, and smite his Body, and shake him over the Graves mouth, I will see what that will do. Thus God sends to sinners, as Absolom sent to Ioab, who refused to come near him, till he set fire to his field of Corn, and then away comes Ioab, 2 Sam. 14. 29, 30, 31. And thus the Lord opened the Heart of the Iaylor, by putting him into a fright, a panick fear of Death, Acts 16. 27. And thus doth the Lord devise means to bring back his banished.

II. As God makes use of the Hammer of Judg­ments, so he makes use also of Mercies to make way for Christ into the Hearts of Men. Every Mercy is a call, a knock of God, and truly if there be any ingenuity left unextinguished in the Heart, one would think Mercy should prevail more than all the Judgments in the World, Rom. 2. 4. Knowest thou not that the goodness of God lead­eth thee to repentance? q. d. Dost thou not see the Hand of Mercy stretched out to lead thee into a corner, there to mourn over thy sins committed against so gracious and merciful a God? By every Mercy you receive, Christ doth as it were [...]ee you to open your Hearts to him; they are so many gifts sent from Heaven to make way for Christ into your Hearts. It would be an endless task to enumerate all the Mercies bestowed to this end upon the unregenerate; but surely this is the errand of them all; and the Lord takes it very ill when his end is not answered in them; hence [Page 148] is that complaint, Ier. 5. 24. Neither say they in their Heart, Let us now fear the Lord our God, that giveth us rain, both the former and the latter in his season. Some of you have been marvelously pre­served in times of common Contagion and Death, when thousands have fallen at your right­hand and left: then have you been preserved or recovered, according to that, Exod. 15. 26. I will put none of those Diseases upon thee, for I am the Lord that healeth thee. I am Iehovah Rophe, the Lord the Phisitian; many of you have been at the Graves mouth, in many Diseases; others upon the Deeps, yet the Hand of Mercy pulled you back and suffered you not to drop into the Grave and Hell in the same moment. O what a knock was here given by the Hand of Mercy at thy hard Heart! Certainly if Men would but observe, they might see a strange, marvellous working and moulding of things by the Hand of providence, for the production of thousands of Mercies for them; and if Mercy would do the work, and win you over to Christ, many rods had been spared, which your obstinacy hath made necessary. O ungrateful sinners! Doth your Redeemer thus woo and fee you by so many gifts of Mercy, and yet will you shut him out? Do ye thus requite the Lord, O foolish people and un­wise? For which of all his benefits do your un­grateful Souls shut the door upon him?

III. You see what Christ's knocking at the Soul of a sinner implies, and by what instru­ments it is performed. In the last place, we will consider the manner how this action is perform­ed, in the Ten following Particulars, wherein much of the mistery of Conversion will be open­ed; [Page 149] the Lord grant your experience may answer them. VVe cannot indeed exactly describe and mark all the footsteps of the Spirit in this VVork upon the Souls of Men; yet these things seem eminently observable.

1. The knocks of Christ at the sinners Heart are silent and secret to all persons in the VVorld except the Soul it self, at whose door he knocks; here be many hundreds of you this day under the VVord; if the Lord shall this day knock by Conviction at any Man's Heart, none will hear that knock, but that Man only; for it is a knock without sound or noise to any but the particular Soul concerned in it. It was fore-prophesied of our Redeemer, and of this very act of his, Isa. 4. 2. 2. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the Street. The Kingdom of God cometh not into the Souls of Men with publick observation; you read in 1 Cor. 2. 11. No Man knoweth the things of a Man, saving the Spirit of a Man that is in him. None knows what Con­victions another Man's Conscience feels, until he himself shall discover them; you hear the same sound of the Gospel, but you hear not the in­ward stroaks it gives to another Man's Conscience. Christ's approaches to the Soul make no noise; little do we know what the Spirit of Christ whispers in the Ear of him that sits next us. 'Tis said of the inward comforts of the Spirit, I will give him the hidden Manna which no Man knows but he that eateth of it. This is true also of inward terrors and troubles. Christ's knocks by Con­viction are but a secret whisper of his Spirit in the Ear of a sinner, saying, Thou art the Man, this is thy case. That is the first thing in the [Page 150] manner of Christ's knocking, 'tis a silent knock without publick sound.

2ly, These silent inward knocks of the Spirit of Christ, though they are heard by none but the Soul it self, yet do they greatly differ as to the terror, or mildness of them in different sub­jects. Some hear them with more terror and astonishment, others in a mild and gentle man­ner, when the Lord knockt at the Iaylors Con­science, Acts 16. 29, 30. it was a terrible stroak; he called for a light, and sprang in like a Man distracted; and trembling and astonied fell down at the Apostles feet, crying, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Here was a terrible knock indeed, which almost affrighted his Soul out of his Body; it is as if he had said, Tell me, for the Lord's sake, and tell me quickly, whether there be any way of Salvation, and where it lies, for I am a lost Man, an undone Soul. But when the Lord opened the Heart of Lydia, there were no such terrors, the Lord spake to her in a more mild and gentle voice; as you see verse 14. the Spirit of God varies his method according to the tem­per of the Soul he worketh on. Knotty pieces need greater wedges and harder blows to rive them asunder; and as he directs his Ministers, Iude 22. to make a difference, to deal tenderly and compas­sionately with some; but others, to save with fear; so he himself observeth like different methods.

3ly, Some knocks of Christ are succesful, and obtain the desired effect. He knocks and the Soul opens; but others are insuccessful, he knocks once, and again by Convictions, which may cause the Conscience for the present to startle a little, but there is no opening to Christ by Faith. O [Page 151] friends this is of dreadful consideration, Prov. 1. 24. I called, and you refused; I stretched out my Hand, and no Man regarded. There's a call with­out an answer, a knock, and no opening; and these things are very common, especially among the unconverted, that live under a lively Gospel rouzing Ministry; of this Christ complains, Matth. 11. 16, 17. Whereunto shall I liken this gene­ration? They are like unto Children sitting in the market-place, and calling to their fellows, saying, We have piped unto you, and you have not daunced: We have mourned unto you, but you have not lamented. q. d. Neither the delicious airs and melody of Gospel grace, nor the mournful and dreadful threats of damnation to unbelievers avail any thing to open your Hearts to embrace me; no voices from mount Gerezim, or mount Ebal will prevail with you. Ah, how many sad witnesses unto this truth have I now before mine Eyes! But God forbid it should be thus all round. No, no, there be some Souls who hear, and open; even every one that hath heard and learned of the Father, Iohn 6. 45. When the Spirit of God puts forth his Power with the Word, then, and not till then it becomes successful.

4ly, Sometimes Christ knocks with a thick suc­cession of Convictions, a quick repetition of his calls. Some men have had thousands of Convicti­ons in a few years; for in this case the Lord saith, as it is Exod. 4. 8. If they will not harken to the voice of the first sign, yet they may believe the voice of the latter sign. And yet sometimes nei­ther the former nor the latter avail any thing. How oft would I have gathered thy Children, and ye woul not, Matth. 23. 37. How often? Intimating [Page 152] the many calls Christ gave Ierusalem to come un­to him, yet all in vain. Obstinate sinners, Christ hath been knocking and calling at some of your Consciences from your very Child-hood; thou­sands of Convictions have been tryed upon some of you, and yet to this day your Souls are shut fast against him. The Lord hath waited from year to year for your answer, by this signifying how loath he is to part with you; such a time thou wast upon a sick-bed nigh unto Death; at such a time under such a Sermon, and then Christ knockt at thy Soul; if all this be in vain, so many Convictions as you have stifled, so many fagots you carry with you to Hell to increase your flames and torments; yet commonly those quick repetitions and redoublings of the stroaks of Convictions end well; and it is a good sign when one Conviction revives another, and the Lord keeps the Soul still waking. But O take heed, and try not his Patience too long, lest the next stroak be more dreadful than all the former; not to open your Hearts, but smite dead your hopes for Heaven.

5ly, Sometimes Christ knocks intermittingly, knocking and stopping, a call and silence, and that at a considerable time and distance; a con­viction this day, and it may be not another in ma­ny Months. There be some aged sinners that have not had more than one or two remarkable rouzings of Conscience in fifty or sixty years time, and then no more. Dont think that the Lord will make his Spirit always strive with Men, Gen 6. 3. no, there is a time when God saith to the Word, convict the Conscience of that Man or Woman no more, not a stroak more by way [Page 153] of Conviction, but henceforth be thou for Obdu­ration, not to open but to shut him up, Isa. 6. 10. Reader, bethink thy self, how long was it since thy Conscience was rouzed and awakened? O saith one, seven or ten years ago I heard such a Ser­mon, which tore my Conscience to pieces, I fell under such a sad providence which rouzed and awakened, all my fears, but since that time all hath been still and quiet; the Lord give a second awakning lest you awake with the flames of God's wrath about you. I observe it is usual when God works upon any very early, he knocks thus in­termittingly; now the Conscience is active and full of trouble, then the vanities of Youth ex­tinguish these Convictions again; but the Lord follows his design, and at last the Conviction set­tles and ends in Conversion.

6ly, Christ sometimes knocks with both Hands at once, with the Word and with the Rod toge­ther; the latter in subserviency to the former; and if ever the Soul be like to open, it will open then, when Ordinances and Afflictions work to­gether: The Word smites the Conscience with Conviction, and at or about the same time, pro­vidence smites the outward-man with some af­fliction, to make the Word work effectually; or under some smart affliction, a suitable word is seasonably directed to the Conscience, and thus Iuncta Iuvant, the one assisteth the other, and both together produce the desired effect: Thus the Lord wrought upon the Thessalonians, 1 Thes. 1. 6. And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the Word in much affliction. A Child dies, an Estate is lost, or a Sickness seizeth, at the time when Conscience is prepared by a [Page 154] Conviction from the Word, or Afflictions have prepared it for the Word. The Rod upon the Back, helps the Word to work upon the Heart; and if both these working in fellowship will not do the work, there is little hope that any thing will do it.

7ly, Every knock of Christ disturbs the sinful rest of the Soul; it rouzeth guilt in the Consci­ence, and puts the inner-man into great distress and trouble; before Christ comes and knocks at the door of the Heart all is still and quiet with­in; the Soul is in a quiet sleep of sinful security, no fears, or troubles molest its rest, Luke 11. 21. When a strongman armed keepeth his Palace, his goods are in peace: But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted. The armour which Satan puts into the Hands of sinners to de­fend themselves against the Convictive stroaks of the Word, are the general Mercy of God, the outward Duties of Religion, partial Reformati­ons, &c. But when Christ comes by effectual Conviction, he disarms the sinner of all these pleas, and then the Soul sees what broken Reeds it leaned upon. When the Commandment came, (saith Paul) sin revived, and I dyed, Rom. 7. 9. i. e. all my vain hopes expired; no artifice of Satan can any longer quiet the sinners Consci­ence; he apprehends himself in a miserable con­dition, meditates an escape; farewel now to sound and quiet sleep; no peace till out of dan­ger.

8ly, Every effectual knock of Christ gives an allarm to Hell, and puts Satan to all his shifts and arts to secure the possession of the convinced [Page 155] sinner. The Devil is a jealous Spirit, and when his interest is in danger, he bestirs himself to purpose; the time of Conviction is an hour of temptation. We wrestle not with flesh and blood, (saith the Apostle) but against Principalities, against Powers, against the Rulers of the darkness of this World, against Spiritual wickedness (or wicked Spirits) in high-places, or about heaven­lies, Eph. 6. 12. The strife betwixt Satan and the Soul is now for no less than the prize of eternal Life; 'tis now for all, or none; for life or death, for Heaven or Hell; the powers of Hell are now all in Arms to destroy Convictions, and secure the possession of the Soul against Christ; as when a Granado falls into a Garison, the first care of the Defendants is, to stifle and choak it before it break. Whilst Christ is speaking by his Spirit in one Ear, the Devil is whispering in the other; and the things he whispers to quench Convicti­ons are usually such as these; It is time enough yet, what need such hast? Enjoy thy pleasures a little longer, thou maist come to Christ and be saved at last; if that will not do, then he chang­eth his voice, to what purpose wilt thou go to Christ? 'Tis now too late; the time of Grace is over; hadst thou come to him in thy youth, and obeyed his first call, it had been somewhat, but now it is [...]o no purpose: If this will not quiet the Soul, then he saith, Thy sins are too great to be pardoned, there's no hope for such a prodigious sinner as thou art. If the Lord help the Soul to overcome this, by discovering to it the riches of mercy, pardoning the greatest of sinners; then he represents the multitudes which are in the same case with the convinced sinner; come, fear [Page 156] not, if it go ill with thee, it will be as bad for millions of Men and Women; if thou go to Hell, thousands will go with thee; but if the Soul be loath to be damned for company, then he bids it look upon the train of troubles and afflictions that come along with Christ, and will certainly follow him, if the door be opened to let him in; if Christ come in reproaches, losses and suffer­ings will certainly come in with him; troops of miseries and calamities follow him; himself hath told thee so, and art thou mad to ruine all thy comforts in the World, and plunge thy self into a Sea of trouble, for what thine Eyes never saw? But if the Soul reply, These are more tol­lerable than damnation; better my flesh suffer for a time than my Soul be cast away for ever; then he represents the insuperable difficulties of Re­ligion; what a hard thing it is to be saved; how many painful duties and acts of mortification the Soul must pass through. Thus you see what an allarm Conviction gives to the powers of Hell.

9ly, Every effectual knock of Christ is follow­ed on, and new Convictions revive old, and for­mer ones; and the Lord never leaves knocking till the door be opened; if one Sermon will not do, another shall; if one wound be plaistered, and healed by the art of Satan, a fresh wound shall be made; if a former Conviction vanish, the next shall be sealed upon the Soul; and when the Spirit of the Lord sealeth a Conviction upon the Conscience, raze it out who can. And here's the difference betwixt special and common Con­victions; common Convictions come and go, they put the Soul in a fright for a day or a [Page 157] month, and then trouble it no more for ever; but special Convictions will be continued, one thing backs another, for Christ is in pursuit of the Soul, and will give it chase till at last he over­take and come up with it.

10ly, In the last place, All the knocks of Christ cease and end when the sinners day of grace is ended. This is of dreadful considera­tion, when the time of Mercy is over, no more strivings of the Spirit with a Man after that. Christ saith to the drousie sinner, as he spake to the drousie Disciples in the Garden, Sleep on now, and take your rest. So here, I called thee in such a Sermon, but thou heardest not; by such a pro­vidence, but thou obeyedst not; sleep on now, and take thy rest: My people would not hearken to my voice, and Israel would none of me; So I gave them up to their own Hearts lust, to walk in their own counsels, Psal. 81. 11, 12. q. d. I have done with them, the treaty is ended, I will make no more essays towards their Conversion and Salvation. So I gave them up. Methinks it sounds as much as this, Take him Sin, Take him Devil, I will have no more to do with him. So Hosea 4. 17. Ephraim is joyned to idols, let him alone. His Heart is glued fast to sin, he is enamoured upon other Lovers, let him a lone. O beloved, 'tis a dreadful thing for God to say, let this Man alone in his forma­lity, and that Man in his carnal security: Let not this be misapplied by poor trembling Souls under Conviction. I know the fear of this Judg­ment is upon their Hearts, nothing makes them tremble more than lest the day of Grace be ended with them. But there is no ground for this fear whilst the Spirit continues Convincing, and the [Page 158] Soul trembling, lest his Convictions should prove ineffectual. Thus much of the nature, instru­ments, and manner of Christ's knocking at the door of a sinners Heart. Our way is now open­ed to a fruitful Application of this Point, which will wind up in divers necessary Uses.

I. Vse for Information.

And first, The Point before us will be useful for Information, in the following Inferences and Deductions.

I. Inference.

Into how deep a sleep hath sin cast the Souls of sin­ners, that Christ must stand so long, and give such loud repeated knocks, before it will awake and open to him? There is the Spirit of a deep sleep fallen upon Men, like that into which God cast Adam. God speaketh once, yea twice, but Man regards it not; 'tis the hardest thing in the World to rouze and awaken a Man out of his carnal secu­rity. Look over Satans Kingdom, and you shall find a general stilness and quietness among his Subjects. There's no trouble for Sin, no stri­vings after Salvation, no cryings out, What shall we do to be saved? Go into the crouds of carnal Men and Women, and you shall find them all intent and busie about other matters. How long shall you be in their company, before you hear one groan for sin? Or see one tear slide from their Eyes on that account? Oh, what a marve­lous thing is here! Do not their Consciences know the guilt that lyes upon them? Are they [Page 159] not aware of a day of reckoning which approach­eth? Yes, yes, these things are not hid from their Consciences; What art then is used to keep them so still and quiet? Why, there are divers Rattles to still the Consciences of sinners, and they do it effectually. There are five causes and occasions of this wonderful stilness in the Souls of sinners.

1. Ignorance of the nature of regenerating Grace; taking that for regeneration which is none of it; thus did the Iews, Ioh. 8. 55. confident­ly affirm God to be their God, and yet they did not know him. How many proor ignorant crea­tures think there is no need of any other Work of regeneration, but what passed upon them in Baptism? They were born and Baptized Chri­stians, and that's enough they think to save them, Matth. 3. 9. We have Abraham to our Father; they thought it sufficient that Abraham's blood ran in their Veins, though there were not a spark of Abraham's faith kindled in their Souls: the Lord forgive the sin of those Men that lead poor Souls into such fatal mistakes. O if Men were but a­ware of the necessity of a greater and further Work to pass upon their Souls than their Bap­tism, common powerless profession, or the Simi­lar Works which appear upon formal Hypo­crites, Heaven and Earth would ring with their cries. But ignorance of the nature and necessity of special regenerating Grace, like a Dose of Opium casts the Consciences of many into this deep sleep.

2ly. Freedom from grosser sins and pollutions of the World, stills and quiets the Consciences of thousands; they have had a civil, sober and [Page 160] fair Education, and though there be no Grace, and Regeneration; yet what Saints do they seem to themselves being adorned with sobriety and civility! This stilled the Conscience of the Pha­risee, Luke 18. 11. God I thank thee that I am not as other Men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this Publican. Thus like delicate Agag they spruce up themselves with moral homiliti­cal vertues, wherein many thousand Heathens were more gay than themselves; but Justice will hew them to pieces as Agag was, for all their moral ornaments and endowments.

3ly, The strict performance of the external duties of Religion quiets the Consciences of ma­ny; they question not but those that do so well shall fare well, and that God will never damn Men and Women that keep their Church and say their Prayers as they do. Thus the carnal Jews delu­ded themselves, crying, The Temple of the Lord, The Temple of the Lord; as malefactors in some of our Neighbouring Kingdoms, fly to the Church from the Hand of Justice, so do these; but God will pluck them from the Horns of the Altar and convince them that the empty name of Religion is no security from damnation.

4ly, Many Consciences are still'd and quieted in a natural sinful state, by misinterpreting the voices of Providence; it may be God prospers your Earthly affairs; succeeds and smiles upon your undertakings; and this you conclude must be a Token of his love and favour: But alas, this is a great mistake, the Lord give you better evidences of his love than these; for who pro­sper more in the World than wicked Men? And who are more crost than the people of God? [Page 161] Read Iob 21. and Psal. 73. and compare both with Eccles. 9. 1. and you will quickly find the vanity of all hopes built upon such a founda­tion.

However by such things as these are, the God of this World blinds the Eyes of multitudes.

II. Inference.

If every conviction be a knock of Christ., how deeply are all Souls concerned in the success and issue of them?

Conviction is an Embrio of the new Creature; if it go out its full time, and come to a perfect new Birth, it brings forth Salvation to your Souls; if it miscarry finally, you are finally lost. It is of infinite concernment therefore to every Man and Woman to be tender over those Convictions their Consciences go big with all. 'Tis true, Conviction and Conversion are two things; there may be Conviction without Conversion, though there can be no Conversion without Conviction. The blossoms upon the Trees in the Spring of the Year, cannot properly be called Fruit, they are rather the rudiments of Fruit, or something in order to Fruit: if they open kindly and knit or set firmly, perfect Fruit follows them; but if a blast, or a frosty Morning kill them, no Fruit is to be expected. Thus it is here, great care therefore ought to be taken about the preserva­tion and success of Convictions, both by

  • 1. The Soul it self that is under them,
  • 2. And by all others that are concerned about them.

[Page 162] 1. What care should the Soul it self have upon whom Convictions are wrought: Have a care, Friends, how you quench them, divert or hinder the operations of them; lest you hinder, as much as in you lies, the very conception of Christ in your Soul by them. I remember it is said, in Exod. 21. 22. If M [...]n strive and hurt a Woman with Child, and mischief follow; life shall be given for life. The life of your Souls is bound up in the life of your Convictions. I know it is hard for Men and Women to dwell with their own Convictions; guilt and wrath are sad Subjects for Men's thoughts to dwell upon; but yet 'tis far better to dwell with the thoughts of sin and wrath here, than to lye sweltering under them in Hell for ever. You may be rid of your Con­victions and your Salvation together; be not too eager after peace, a good Trouble is better than a false Peace. And upon the other side, beware that your Convictions and Troubles turn not in­to discouragements to Faith; this will cross the proper intention of them: They are Christ's knocks for entrance, and were never intended to be bars or stumbling blocks in your way to him; not stops, but steps in your way to Christ.

2ly, Let all others that are concerned about convinced Souls beware what Counsels they give, and what rules they prescribe; lest they render them abortive, and destroy all in the bud. There are two errors, too commonly committed, one in excess, perswading Souls under trouble of Con­science that there's no coming for them to Christ, unless they be so and so prepared; humbled, just at such a degree; this is dangerous counsel, [Page 163] it over-heats the troubles of Conscience, and keeps the Soul from its proper present duty and remedy. I am sure Paul and Silas took no such course with the convinced Jaylor, nor Peter with the three thousand wounded Consciences, Acts 2. Nor do I find where God hath stated the time and degree of Spiritual Troubles, so that there must be no adresses to Christ in the way of Faith, until they have suffered them so long, and to such an height: If they have imbittered sin to the Soul, and made it see the necessity of a Saviour; I think they cannot move too soon after Christ in the way of Faith. Let not Men set bounds where God sets none.

There is another error committed in defect, when Promises and Comforts are presently ap­plied, before the nature of Faith is known, or one act of recumbency put forth towards Christ: These hasty comforts come to nothing; they will not, they cannot stand. 'Tis a dangerous thing to apply Gospel cordials, and pour out the precious ointment of the Promises upon them that were never Heart-sick for sin; When upon every sleight trouble, which is but as an early dew, the peculiar consolations of penitent and believing Souls are hand-over-head applied to them: How many such unskilful Empericks are there in every place? Such as the Prophet Ieremy complains of, They have healed the hurt of the Daughter of my People slightly, crying, Peace, peace, where there is no peace. Remember the foundati­on is now laying for Eternity, and that this is the time of deep consideration; Men and Wo­men must ponder the terms, and count the cost, and deliberately accept and close with Christ, be­fore [Page 164] the Consolations of the Promises can be re­gularly administred to them.

III. Inference.

What a singular blessing is a rouzing faithful Mi­nistry among the people? By such a Ministry Christ knocks powerfully; this is one of the greatest blessings God can bestow upon a people, next to the saving effects of it; when he sends among them Powerful, Judicious, Preachers of the Go­spel, under whose Ministry their Consciences cannot sleep quietly. These are the proper In­struments Christ knocks at Men's Hearts by: and as for those Prophets that sow pillows for drow­sie sinners to sleep quietly upon, the Lord owns them not for his, Lam. 2. 14. Thy Prophets (not mine but thine) have seen vain and foolish things for thee, they have not discovered thine iniquity.

'Tis true, those Ministers that give Men no rest nor quietness in their sins, must expect but little rest and quietness themselves. What is it for Ministers to preach home to the Consciences of others, but to pull down the rage of the World upon their own Heads? But certainly you will have cause to bless God to Eternity for casting your lot under such a Ministry, and the Lord accounts such a mercy sufficient to recom­pense any outward affliction that lyes upon you, Isa. 30. 20. You fare richly under such Doctrine, though the Lord should feed you with the bread of Affliction, and give you the waters of Adversi­ty to drink; this makes amends for all, Thine Eyes shall behold thy Teachers, and they shall be dri­ven no more into corners. O blessed be God that [Page 165] Englands corners are this day emptied, that its Pulpits may be filled with laborious faithful Ministers. O that the knocks of Christ might this day be heard in all the Cities, Towns, and Villages of this Nation! the Kingdom of God is come nigh unto us; this mercy is invaluable; pray that the Lord would continue it, and make all your Ministers and Means, whether more pub­lick or private, successful.

IV. Inference.

And then Lastly, let all Men beware of those things that deafen their Ears, and drown the sound of Christs knocks and calls in the Gospel.

What pernicious Enemies to the Souls of Men are all those persons and things that turn away Men's Ears from attending to the knocks and calls of Christ in his Word? Such are (1.) Pro­phane wicked Men, who like Elimas the Sorcer­er, make it their buisness by wicked insinuati­ons, flouts and jeers, to turn away Men's Ears from the Gospel, Acts 13. 10. O full of all subtil­ty, and all mischief, thou child of the Devil, thou enemy of all righteousness; wilt thou not cease to per­vert the right ways of the Lord? All opposition of godliness hath a spice of Devilishness; and no Child more resembles his Father than a scoffing Enemy resembles his Father the Devil. But bles­sed be God for that good Providence which, in a great measure, hath stopt the Mouths both of the Father and his Children this day. (2.) Take heed of carnal and ungodly Relations which dis­courage and threaten their Children, Servants, and all that depend on them, from attending up­on [Page 166] on the means, or giving way to the Convictions which God by them hath set on upon their Hearts. Cruel Parents, who had rather see their Children turned into their Graves than turning to the ways of serious godliness. O that any should dare to quench the beginnings of Spiritual life in those to whom they were instruments to convey natural life. (3.) Take heed of the World, its distracting cares and charming plea­sures; What a din, what a confused buz and noise do these things make in the Ears of Men! Mark 4. 19. The cares of this World choak the Word and it becometh unfruitful. Tell not them of get­ting Christ, they must study how to get bread. These are some of those distracting and diver­ting sounds which drown the voice of Christ's knocks and calls in the Gospel. As you value your Souls beware of them.

II. Vse for Exhortation.

Christ is now come near us in the Gospel, Be­hold he stands at the door and knocks: And I am here this day to demand your answer, and in his name I do solemnly demand it; What shall I return to him that sent me? What sayst thou sinner? Wilt thou open to Christ, or wilt thou shut him out; And with him thy own Pardon, Peace and Salvation? Once more let me try the force of a few more arguments upon your Hearts, and refute your vain pleas to the contrary; me­thinks no Heart should be able to resist such Mo­tives and rational Perswasions as these following will be found to be.

[Page 167] First, You are in exream need of Christ; 1. Motive you want him more than Bread or Breath; many things are convenient for your Bodies, but Christ is the one thing necessary for your Souls, Luke 10. 9. One thing is necessary. Necessity is an Engine that will open any thing in the World that can be opened; necessity will make all fly before it. Now there is a plain, present, absolute necessity lying upon every one of you to open your Hearts to Christ, and that without delay. Necessity goes before the face of Christ to open the way for him into the Heart; thou must have him, or be lost for ever. Christ and Faith are not among the may bees, but the must bees, to the happiness of thy Soul. A Man may be poor, and happy; reproached, and blessed; but he cannot be Christ­less, and safe; nor Christless, and comfortable; you must have Christ, or you cannot have life, Iohn 3. 36. You must have Christ or you can have no hope, Col. 1. 27. Christ and life, Christ and hope go together; no Christ no life, no Christ no hope; sinner, thou must have Christ, or thou canst have no pardon; for Christ and pardon are undivided, Ephes. 1. 7. In a word, you must have Christ or you can have no Salvation, Acts 4. 12. Well then, if thou canst have no life, nor hope; no pardon, nor Salvation without Christ; then a plain necessity goes before Christ to open his way into thine Heart; methinks, thou shouldst now say, Then will I open to Christ whatever the terms be. Come sufferings, losses, reproaches, yea death it self, all is one; Christ I must have, and Christ I will have; necessity is layed upon me, and my Heart is opened to Christ by it; wo to me for ever if I miss of Christ.

[Page 168] Secondly, 2. Motive. The Lord Jesus is this day come nigh to every one of your Souls. I may say to you as Christ did to them, Luke 10. 9. The King­dom of God is come nigh unto you. The Lord grant he be not as nigh to some of you as ever he shall be; for he must come nearer or else you are lost for ever. It is not Christ among you in the Means of Grace, but Christ within you by the Work of Grace, which must be unto you the hope of Glory, Colos. 1. 27. He is not only among you in respect of external Means, but he is come into your Understandings and Consciences. Yea, some motions of his you may feel upon your af­fections, there wants but a little more to make you eternally Happy. O what would one effe­ctual touch upon your Wills be worth now! The Head-Work is done, but O that the Heart-Work were done too. You are almost saved, but to be almost saved, is to be wholly and eternally Lost, if it go no further. 'Tis a sad thing for a Man that hath one Foot in Heaven, to slide from thence into Hell. 'Tis sad to be Shipwreckt at the Harbours mouth.

Thirdly, 3. Motive. Jesus Christ hath an unquestionable right to enter into and possess every one of your Souls. Satan is but an Usurper, Christ is your lawful Owner and Proprietor; thy Soul, sinner, hath not so full a Title to thy Body, as Christ hath to thy Soul. Satan keeps Christ out of his right. Christ knocks at the door of his own House; he built it and therefore may well claim admission into it; it is his own Creature, Col. 1. 16. By him were all things made, whether they be visible or [Page 169] invisible; Bodies or Souls. The invisible part, thy Soul, is his Workmanship, a stately Structure of his own raising. He hath also a right by Re­demption, Christ hath bought thy Soul and that at the invaluable price of his own Blood. Who then can dispute the right of Christ to enter in to his own House? But alas! he cometh to his own, but his own receive him not.

Fourthly, 4. Motive. Open the door to Christ, for a train of blessings and mercies comes in with him; a troop of privileges follow him: In the same day and hour that Christ comes into thine Heart by a full consent and deliberate choice, a pardon comes with him of all the sins that ever thou committedst in Thought, Word, or Action. Will such a pardon be welcome to thy Soul? Then let Christ be welcome; Ephes. 1. 7. for where Christ comes, par­don comes; if you open to Christ, you open to peace; and who would shut the door of his Soul against Peace? If peace be welcome, let Christ be welcome; for peace follows faith in Christ, Rom. 5. 1: Where Christ comes, liberty comes, Iohn 8. 36. If the Son therefore shall make you free, then are you free indeed. Are you in love with Bonds and Fetters? Satans Laws are written in Blood: Christs yoak is easie, and his commands not grievous. If you love liberty, love Christ. In a word, where Christ comes, Salvation comes; for he is the Author of eternal Salvation to all them that obey him. If therefore you love Pardon, Peace, Liberty, and Salvation, shut not the door against Christ; for all these follow him where-ever he goes.

[Page 170] Fifthly, 5. Motive. Christ this day solemnly demands en­trance into thy Soul, he begs thee to open to him, 2 Cor. 5. 20. He commands thee to open to him, 1 Iohn 3. 23. He denounceth eternal Dam­nation to those that refuse him entrance. Now consider well, here is entrance demanded under pain of the eternal Wrath of God; this demand is filed and recorded in Heaven, at your own peril be it if you shut the door against him; only this I will say in my Redeemers behalf, if you re­fuse, bear witness Heaven and Earth this day, that Christ solemnly demanded entrance into thy Soul and was refused; bear witness, that the door was shut against the only Redeemer, who intreated, commanded and threatned eternal Damnation to the rejecters of him. O methinks that Scripture, Prov. 1. 24. 25. is able to strike terror into the very center of that Soul that refuses the offers of Christ.

Sixthly, 6. Motive. And so I have done my Masters er­rand; if you now refuse the knock of Christ at your Hearts, he may never knock more; and where are you then? There is a knock which will be the last knock, a call which will be his last call; and after that no more knocks or calls, but an eternal Silence as to any overture of Mercy or Grace.

But if I do open to Christ he will never come into such a filthy polluted sinful Soul as mine is? 1. Obj.

Who saith so? Answ. Who dare affirm so impudent a falshood in the very face of the Text? If any Man open unto me, I will come in to him.

[Page 171] If I open to Christ, 2. Obj. I must bid farewel to ease and rest in this World; reproaches, sufferings, losses follow him.

If Christ, Answ. Pardon, and Salvation, be not worth the enduring and suffering these small things, sure thou valuest Christ and thy Soul at a low rate. Oh, who can sufficiently bewail the ignorance and folly of Unbelievers, that will fell their Souls and hopes of Heaven for such trifles! And if Christ and thy Soul must part upon these terms, then hear me sinner, and let it sink into thy Heart; thy Damnation will be both

  • 1. Just and Righteous.
  • 2. Unavoydable and sure.

1. Thy Damnation will be Just; for thou hadst thy own choice, and deliberately prefer­redst the insignificant trifles of this World be­fore Christ and Salvation. It was plainly told thee what the issue of thy rejecting Christ would be, and yet after sufficient warning, thou adventuredst upon it; whatever other sinners will plead I know not, but as for thee thou must be speechless, Matth. 22. 12. If thou dye Christless thou must appear at his Bar speechless; and the day of Judgment will be the day of the reve­lation of the righteous Judgment of God, Rom. 2. 5.

2ly, It will also be Unavoidable, for there is no other way to Salvation but this, Acts 4. 12. No Christ, no Heaven; no Faith, no Christ; How shall we escape, if we neglect so great Salvation? Heb. 2. 3. Mercy it self cannot save thee out of [Page 172] Christ, for all the saving Mercy of God is di­spensed to Men through him, Iude vers. 21. 'Tis to no purpose to cry Mercy, Lord, Mercy, when Christ, in whom all the Mercies of God are di­spensed to Men, is rejected by thee.

III. Vse for Consolation.

This Point winds up in Consolation to all such, as hearing the knocks of Christ, have open­ed, or are now resolved to open their Hearts unto him; and that nothing henceforth shall keep Christ and their Souls asunder. To such I shall address the following grounds of Comfort:

I. Consolation.

An opening Heart to Christ is a work wholly and altogether Supernatural; A special work of the Spirit of God, never found upon any but an elect Soul. There are common gifts of the Spi­rit, such as Knowledge, vanishing Convictions, &c. but the opening of the Heart by Faith is the special, saving, and peculiar work of the Spi­rit, Iohn 6. 29. This is the work of God that ye be­lieve. Yea it is the effect of the Almighty Power of God, the exceeding greatness of his Power is exerted in the work of Faith, Eph. 1. 19. it rises not out of Nature, as common gifts do; but of this it is expresly said, Eph. 2. 8. It is not of your selves, it is the gift of God. Where this work is effectually wrought, we may reason as solidly, as comfortably from it; both backward, to the elect­ing love of God; and forward, to our eternal glorification with him, Rom. 8. 30.

II. Consolation.

The opening of thy Heart to Christ by saving Faith, gives thee interest in Christ the very same hour; the relation is then constituted, the conjugal tye or bond is fastned betwixt him and thy Soul, Iohn 1. 12. To as many as received him to them gave he power (viz. right or privilege) to become the Sons of God, even to as many as believed on his Name. You neither need nor may expect an extraordinary messenger or voice from Hea­ven to tell you that Christ is yours and you are his; you have a better foundation in this Word and Work of Faith; for my part if God will give me the clear and satisfying experience of this Work upon my Heart, I would never desire more satisfaction on this side Heaven. I know not but the Devil may counterfeit an extraordi­nary voice, and cheat the Soul by a lying Oracle; but if I really feel my Heart and Will sincerely opening to Christ upon Gospel terms, I am sure there is no deceit in that.

III. Consolation.

The opening of thy Heart to Christ by Faith, is a good assurance that Heaven shall be opened to thy Soul hereafter: Heaven is shut against none but those that shut their Hearts against Christ by Unbelief. Will you bar Christ out of your Souls by Ignorance and Unbelief, and then cry Lord open to us? No, God will open to none but them that open to Christ. Et [...]rnity it self shall but suffice to bless God for this [Page 174] opening act of Faith; He that believeth shall be saved, Mark 16. 16.

IV. Consolation.

The opening of thy Soul to Christ by Faith makes it Christs habitation for ever; in that hour outgoes sin and Satan, and incomes Christ and Grace: If any Man open unto me I will come in to him, saith the Text; of such a Soul Christ saith, as it was said of the Temple, Psalm 132. 13, 14. The Lord hath desired it for his Habitation. This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell for I have desired it. Thy Soul now becomes an hallowed Temple to the Lord; as he hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and will be their God, and they shall be my people, 2 Cor. 6. 16. O what an Heaven upon Earth is here! Christ dwelling in the Soul, is the glory of the Soul; as Gods dwelling in the Temple was the glory of the Temple.

V. Consolation.

In a word, the op [...]ing of the Heart to Christ is that work which answers the great design of the Gospel. Wherefore hath God set up Ordinances and Ministers, yea wherefore is the Spirit sent forth, but to open the Hearts of sinners to Christ by Faith? When this is done, the main end and intention of the Go­spel is attained and answered; the union is ef­fected betwixt Christ and the Soul; it is now put out of hazard. The whole Work of the Gospel after that is but to build up, confirm, [Page 175] and comfort the Soul; ripen its implanted Gra­ces, and make it meet for glory.

And thus through the assistance of the Spirit I have finished the fifth Observation, That eve­ry Conviction of Conscience, and motion upon the Affections, is a knock or call of Christ for entrance into the sinners Heart.


Revel. 3. 20. Behold I stand at the door and knock, &c. [I stand and knock]’

HEre's pains and patience, all means used by Christ to gain entrance into the Souls of sinners. It speaks the earnestness of his suit, and vehemency of his desire to be in union with the Souls of Men. The sixth Obser­vation therefore will be this,


That Iesus Christ is an earnest suitor for union and communion with the Souls of sinners.

This Point lyes directly and fully in the very Eye and intention of the Text. In the opening of it two things must be spoken to in the Doctri­nal part, viz.

  • 1. The demonstration of this Truth that he is so.
  • 2. The marvelous and admirable grace and condescension of Christ that he should be so.

[Page 177] First, For Demonstration of this Truth, That Christ is an earnest suiter for union and commu­nion with the Souls of sinners. I shall draw down the Demonstration of this Truth from a view and consideration of the dispositions, carriages, and actions of the Lord Jesus towards poor sin­ners from first to last: And when you have com­pared them all together, and by them seen the temper of his Heart, how great and clear a light will shine upon this Point! That his Heart hath still enclined towards union and communion with sinful Man will evidently appear by considering him in a fourfold state, and time.

  • 1. Before his Incarnation.
  • 2. In the days of his Flesh.
  • 3. At his Death. And
  • 4. At, and since his Ascension into Heaven.

First, Consider him before his Incarnation, 1. Demonst. and you will find too things in that state which plain­ly speak his desires after union with us.

1. In the Covenant of Redemption he made with God concerning us before this World had a being; for such Covenants and Promises did really pass betwixt him and the Father before all time, or else I know not how to understand that Scripture, Tit. 1. 2. In hope of eternal Life, which God that cannot lye, promised before the World began. To whom could that Promise be made, but unto Christ, which bears date before the Creation? what else can this mean but the Covenant of Re­demption, made betwixt the Father and the Son; the terms whereof are set down, in Isa. 53. 10, 11. where you find what Christ was to do, Viz. To put [Page] his Soul an offering for sin? And what should be his reward for pouring out his Soul unto Death, viz. To see his Seed, to see the travail of his Soul, even a Church purchased with his own Blood? Whe­ther this be not a great demonstration of the propension and inclination of Christs Heart and Desire towards union and communion with poor sinners, let all Men judge. O what a value did Christ set upon our Souls, that upon such costly terms he would consent to redeem them? Unto this agreement God the Father held him, Rom. 8. 32. God spared not his own Son. And this very covenant Christ pleaded with the Father, Iohn 17. 6. I have manifested thy Name to the Men which thou gavest me out of the World; thine they were, and thou gavest them me. This plainly shews the vehement desire of Christs Heart to be in union with Men; according to that, Prov. 8. 31. Re­joycing in the habitable parts of his Earth, and my delights were with the Sons of Men. Blessed Jesus! nothing but the strength of thine own desire and love could ever have drawn thee out of that Bosom of delights to suffer so many things for the sake of poor sinners.

Secondly, 2. Demonst. Let us consider Christs temper and disposition towards union and communion with sinners, within time; and every thing done by Christ carries and confirms this Conclusion: [Page 179]

  • 1. His Assumption of our Nature plainly speaks it.
  • 2. His whole Life upon Earth evidently discovers it.
  • 3. His Doctrin is a clear proof of it.
  • 4. His Joy at the Conversion of Souls proves it.
  • 5. His Sorrows for Mens unbelief evi­dence it.
  • 6. His indefatigable Labours plainly shew it.
  • 7. His admirable Encouragements to com­ing sinners.
  • 8. His dreadful Menaces to obstinate sin­ners.
  • 9. His sending and encouraging Ministers to draw and gather the World to himself.

All these things which were transacted in the Life of Christ, plainly demonstrate how greatly and earnestly his Heart did propend and incline towards this desirable union with the Sons of Men.

1. Christs Assumption of our Nature manifest­eth his desire after union with us. Herein he gave two incomparable proofs of his transcend­ent love to us, and desire after us.

  • 1. In passing by a more excellent Nature.
  • 2. In marying our Nature to himself.

1. He passed by a superiour and more excel­lent Nature, Heb. 2. 16. Verily he took not on him the Nature of Angels. Angels were excellent [Page 180] Creatures, but behold, vessels of Gold cast into the fire, and Earthen potsherds fitted for glory. 'Tis true, the Angels that kept their integrity are Members of Christs Kingdom; he is an Head to them by way of Dominion, but unto us by way of Vital union. Christ takes the believer into a nearer union with himself than any An­gel in Heaven; but for the multitudes of apo­state Angels, he never designed their recovery, but left them, as they were before, bound in chains of darkness unto the Judgment of the great Day, Iude vers. 6. This preterition of Christ, heightens his love to poor Man.

2ly, In marying our Nature to himself, and that after sin had blasted its beauty, and let in so many direful calamities upon it, Rom. 8. 3. He was found in the likeness of sinful flesh. i. e. Flesh sub­ject to weariness, pains and death, which though there be no sin in them, yet are the effects and consequences of sin: Such a Nature he assumed into a Personal union with himself, not to ex­perience any new pleasure in it, but to capaci­tate himself to suffer and satisfie for us; and therein to give a convincing proof of the strength of his love and vehemency of his desire to us. His personal union with our Nature shews his desire after a mystical union with our Persons. He would never have been the Son of Man, but to make us the Sons and Daughters of the living God; He came in our likeness that we by Sancti­fication might be made in his likeness: Behold how near Christ comes to us by his Incarnation! O what a stoop did he make therein to recover us! Rather than lose us he was contented to lose his manifestative glory for a time; for his [Page 181] Incarnation made him of no reputation, Phil. 2. 7. Behold the desires of a Saviour after union with sinners!

II. The whole Life of Christ upon Earth, was an evident proof and demonstration of the de­siers of his Heart to be in union and communi­on with us, Iohn 17. 19. For their sakes I sanctifie my self. The Life of Christ was wholly set apart for us; therefore it is said, Isa. 9. 6. Vnto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. What was the errand and buisness upon which Christ came into this World, but to seek and to save that which was lost?

All the Miracles he wrought on Earth were so many works of Mercy; he could have wrought his Miracles to have destroyed and ruined such as received him not; but his Almighty Power was imployed to heal and save the Bodies of Men that thereby he might win their Souls unto him, Acts 10. 38. God anointed Iesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power; who went about do­ing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the Devil: for God was with him. When the Apostles desired a Commission from him to fetch fire from Heaven to destroy the Samaritans, he rebuked them, saying, Ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of, for the Son of Man came not to destroy Mens lives, but to save them, Luke 9. 54, 55, 56. The whole Life of Christ in this World was nothing else but a woing, drawing motive to the Hearts of sinners; he rejected not the vilest of sinners, Luke 7. 39. He rejected none that came unto him; he would not have little Children forbid to be brought unto him, Mark 10. 13. What his win­ning carriage should be, was long before predicted [Page 182] by the Prophet, Isa. 42. 3. A bruised Reed shall he not break, and smoaking Flax shall he not quench. Lentulus, the Proconsul, in his Epistle, ad S. P. Q. R. having Graphically described the Person of Christ, gives this account of his carriage and de­portment; In his reproofs he was terrible, in his admonitions fair and amiable, chearful without levi­ty; he was never seen to laugh, but often to weep; his words grave, few, and modest, &c.

Christ was in the World as a load-stone draw­ing all Men to him; his deportment was every way suitable to his Commission, which was to preach good tydings to the Meek, to bind up the bro­ken Hearted; to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound, Isa. 61. 1.

III. As his Life so his Doctrin was a woing and inviting Doctrin; a most pathetical invitati­on unto sinners, Never Man spake as he spake; whenever he opened his Lips, Heaven opened; the very Heart of God was opened in it to sin­ners; the whole stream and current of his Doctrin was one continued powerful perswasive to draw sinners to him. This was his Language, Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, Matth. 11. 28. In the last day, the great day of the feast, Iesus stood up and cryed, If any Man thirst, let him come to me and drink, John 7. 37. Himself resembles it to the clucking of a Hen to gather her Chickins under her wings, Luke 13. 34. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered thy Children to­gether, as a Hen doth gather her brood under her wings! Certainly, t [...]e whole stream of the Gospel is nothing else but the charming [Page 183] voice of the Heavenly Bridegroom.

IV. The Joy he always exprest for the success of the Gospel, speaks him to be an earnest suiter for the Hearts of Sinners. 'Tis very remarkable that all the Evangelists who have recorded the life of Christ, never mention one laugh or smile that ever came from him. For he was a Man of sorrows, yet once you read that he rejoiced in Spirit; and you shall see the occasion of it, in Luke 10. 21. In that hour Iesus rejoiced in Spirit. And what was it that gladed his Heart, but the report brought him by the Seventy, who returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the Devils are subject to us through thy Name; and he said unto them, I be­held Satan as lightning fall from Heaven, vers. 17, 18. Satans Kingdom was going down in the World, and the mysteries of Salvation revealed unto Babes; this made his holy Heart leap with Joy within him, to behold the success of the Gospel, destroying Satans Kingdom, and the poorest, meanest among Men, inlightned and converted by it. This was a Cordial to his very Soul, and speaks the earnestness of his desire after union and communion with sinners.

V. His Sorrows and Mournings upon the ac­count of the obstinacy and unbelief of sinners speaks the vehemency of his desire after union with them; it is said, Mark 3. 5. When he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their Hearts, &c. You see from hence, that an hard Heart is a grief to Jesus Christ; O how tenderly did Christ resent it, when Ierusalem rejected him! 'Tis said, Luke 19. 41. That when Iesus came nigh to the City he wept, over it. The Redeemers tears wept over obsti­nate [Page 184] Ierusalem, spake the zeal and servency of his affection to their Salvation; how loath is Christ to give up sinners; what a mournful voice is that, in Iohn 5. 40. And you will not come unto me that you might have life. How feign would I give you life, but you will rather dye than come unto me for it? what can Christ do more, to express his willingness? All the sorrows that ever toucht the Heart of Christ from Men were upon this account, that they would not yield to his calls and invitations.

VI. This appears to be the great design of Christ, by the unwearied labours he underwent Day and Night to accomplish it; many weary Journies Christ took, many Sermons and Prayers he Preached and poured out, and all upon this design to open the Hearts of sinners to him, and win the consent of their Wills to become his; this was the Work which he preferred to his ne­cessary food, Iohn 4. 34. My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. q. d. My bringing home the Elect of God, and saving them from wrath to come, 'tis more to me than meat and drink; so vehement and intense were his de­sires after the winning of sinners, that he would lose no occasion to accomplish it, If he were never so weary with his travels and labours, yet if any occasion offered to save a lost Soul, he would be sure to improve it; you have an in­stance of this, in Iohn 4. 6. Then cometh he to a City of Samaria, called Sychar, &c. now Jacobs well was there. Iesus therefore being wearied with his Iourney, sat thus on the well, &c. Christ was wea­ry with his Journy and sat on the Well for a lit­tle rest and refreshment, in the heat of the day; [Page 185] at the same time comes a Woman of Samaria to draw water, a great sinner she was; Christ compassionately beholding this miserable object, forgets his own weariness, presently falls a Preaching Repentance to this sinner, and opens her Heart; a greater refreshment to him than that Well could afford him, by giving him a seat to sit on, or water to drink.

VII. The great and admirable Encourage­ments Christ always gave to coming and willing Souls, plainly speaks the earnest desire of his Heart after union with them; never were the like Encouragements given, that Christ gave, to draw the Souls of Men to him. 'Tis remarkable in what general terms and forms of expression he delivered them, that none might be discouraged; but come on in hope towards him: Come unto me all ye that labour, Matth. 11. 28. If any Man thirst, Iohn 7. 37. All along the terms of invitation are exceeding large, which speak the desires of his Heart to be so also; and his practice was answer­able to his invitations; his mercies and compas­sions never failed when the vilest of sinners came to him in the way of Repentance and Faith; you read, in Luke 7. 41, 42. that when Christ sat at meat in the House of Simon the Pharisee, there came in a poor convinced sinner who had guilt enough upon her, to sink Ten thousand Souls to the bottom of Hell; this poor wretch comes with a great deal of humility unto Christ; not presu­ming to come before his Face, but falls down behind him, kisseth his Feet, washes them with Tears, wipes them with the hair of her Head; all demonstrations of a broken Heart: And how did the merciful Iesus welcome this poor [Page 186] sinner? Seals her pardon, commends the fervour of her affection, and sends her away a joyful Soul; herein making good that gracious promise, Iohn 6. 37. He that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out.

VIII. The dreadful Threatnings of Christ against all that refuse him, and shut the doors of their Hearts against him, speak his vehement de­sires to prevent the loss and ruin of Souls. The threats of Christ are not intended to discourage any from coming to him, to fright away Souls from him; no, no, that's not their intention; but to bring them under a blessed necessity of compliance with his terms. O the dreadful threatnings which, like claps of Thunder, brake from the Mouth of Christ against all that should refuse or delay to come unto him. If you believe not, you shall dye in your sins: He that believeth not, shall not see life, John 3. 36. What a terrible Thunder clap is that against all Unbelievers? So Mark 16. 16. He that believeth not, shall be damned. All these, and many more, are warning pieces shot off from Heaven to prevent the ruin and damnation of Men; the very threatnings of the Gospel carry a design of Mercy in them; damnation is threatned that it may be pre­vented.

IX. And then in the last place, herein appears the earnestness of Christ after union with sinners, that when he could be no longer a Preacher to this World in his own Person, he ordained a succession of Ministers in his Bodily absence from us, to gather and build the Church, and to con­tinue to the end of the World; to carry on the suit that Christ had begun, as long as there was [Page 187] one elect Soul in the World lying in the state of Sin and Nature.

Reader, Christ could not always abide here, he must dye, or we could not live; he must rise again, or we could not be justified; our buisness call'd him to another Place and State: Now when Christ was to ascend to Heaven what doth he do? Why, he chuseth and calleth Men, Men made of the same clay with our selves, whose presence and appearance should not affright or discourage us; who should treat with us in a familiar way about the great concerns of our Salvation in his Name and stead, 2 Cor. 5. 20. We then are Ambas­sadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you; we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. He did not commissionate Angels to be his Legates; their presence would confound and terrifie us; but Men cast into the same mould with your selves, who may say to you as Elihu said to Iob, Iob 33. 6, 7. Behold, I am according to thy wish in Gods stead: I also am formed out of the clay. Behold, my terrour shall not make thee afraid, neither shall my Hand be heavy upon thee. Upon these Commission Officers of Christ he poured forth excellent gifts in great diversity, and useful variety, to fit the capa­cities and various dispositions of Mens Souls; When he ascended up on high, he gave gifts unto Men; this Ministerial Office is by him established in the Church, Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a per­fect Man, unto the measure of the stature of the ful­ness of Christ, Ephes. 4. 11, 12, 13. Unto these his Ministers he gives the highest encouragements to quicken them to their labour; if one do but one part of the work, and another the other; [Page 188] one soweth, and another reapeth; he tells them both, He that reapeth receiveth wages, and gather­eth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth, and he that reapeth may rejoice togther, John 4. 36. He tells them, that every Soul they win to him shall be as a Jewel in their Crown of glory, Dan. 12. 3. And they that be wise, shall shine as the bright­ness of the Firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness, as the Stars for ever and ever. What is Christs intention in all these incouragements to his Ministers? Surely it is as if he should say to his Servants, Study hard, Pray earnestly, Plead with sinners affectionately; every Soul you win to me shall make an addition to your glory in Heaven.

Weigh now the force of this second Demon­stration from the Life of Christ; will you have a proof of Christs earnest suit to gain the Hearts of sinners? his whole Life upon Earth was a great proof of it; his Doctrin, so full of pathe­tical invitations, proves it; the Joy of his Heart at the success of the Gospel; his Tears and Sor­rows for the obstinacy of unbelievers; his La­bours and Travels to gather sinners to him; his admirable Encouragements put into general in­vitations; his dreadful Threatnings to all that reject his motions; his commissionating and qua­lifying, continuing and encouraging his Mini­sters to carry on this suit in his Name: All these things make up a full Demonstration that Jesus Christ is an earnest suiter for union and commu­nion with the Soul of sinners; which was the thing to be proved.

Thirdly, 3. [...]. The Death of Christ is the fullest Demonstration that ever was, or can be given of [Page 189] his love to sinners, and desire after union and communion with him. His Doctrin and Life discovered much, but his Death and Sufferings abundantly more; in his Doctrin he spent his Breath, but upon the Cross he spent his Blood. Here he comes a suiting to the Souls of sinners in his Scarlet robes, his Red garments; gar­ments dipt in his own Blood: You may now pro­pound the same admiring question the Church propounded, Isa. 63. 1, 2. Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? This that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the great­ness of his strength? Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the Wine-fat? Wilt thou know sinner why he cometh to thee in Red garments? It is to give thee such a Demonstration of his love as may draw forth all the love of thy Heart to him; by this Blood he hath bought and purchased thy Soul, for a Spouse for himself, Acts 20. 28. Now there are two things in the Death of Christ evidential of the fervency of his desires after us.

  • 1. The greatness of the sufferings which he endured.
  • 2. The Use and End to which they were designed.

Both these shew how the Heart of Christ is heated with the vehemency of his own desires after union with our poor Souls.

1. The greatness of the sufferings of Christ discover the ardency of his affection. Christs suf­ferings are two-fold.

  • [Page 190]1. External, in his Body.
  • 2. Internal, in his Soul.

Both together making up the fulness of his Sufferings: When you shall hear what Christ hath endured in both kinds to purchase you to himself, then you may guess what value he put upon you, what desire he hath after you. Now (1.) as to the external Sufferings of Christ in his Body they were exceeding great, for the Death he died was not a Natural but a Violent Death; indeed he could not dye a Natural Death, for there was no sin in his Nature to open a door to Death that way: His Body was intended for a Sacrifice to God, and as a Sacrifice it dyed; therefore it is said, 1 Pet. 3. 18. He was put to Death in the Flesh; his Soul and Body were vio­lently rent asunder in the fulness and perfection of his strength and vigour; and this violent Death was also a cursed Death; He was made a Curse for us, For it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree, Gal. 3. 13. A ceremonial Curse was affixed to the Death of the Cross; He that is hanged is accursed of God, saith the Law: The intention of that Death was to shew the person that dyed, to be so vile, that he was not worthy to touch Heaven or Earth, and therefore was hanged betwixt both. Moreover, this vio­lent Death Christ dyed was a most painful Death; full of Torture, and very Slow and Lingering; the Cross was a Rack to the Body of Christ: I may tell all my bones, saith he, they look and stare upon me, Psal. 22. 17. But yet (2.) the Sufferings of his Body were but the Body [Page 191] of his Sufferings; it were the Sufferings of his Soul, that were the very Soul of his Sufferings. These inward Sufferings of Christ may likewise be considered two ways. (1.) In his bitter pro­passions in the Garden; O what Agonies and Conflicts, what sharp Encounters and Distresses did his Soul there meet with, from the Wrath of God there endured for your sakes! Once and again he cried out Abba Father, all things are possible, let this Cup pass; Father, if it be possi­ble, let this Cup pass; thrice he returned to the same place rowling himself on the ground. The Sufferings of his Soul cast his blessed Body into a bloody Agony. His sweat was as it were great drops of Blood falling to the ground, Luke 22. 43, 44. (2.) In the fulness of his Passions on the Cross, there was his blessed Soul for a time deserted of the Father, as to any sensible communications of Joy and Comfort from him; which occasioned that bitter out-cry, Matth. 27. 46. My God, my God, why hast thou for saken me? Never was there such a cry heard since the Heavens were spread over the Earth; never had Christ seen one frown in his Fathers Face from Eternity before this time; but now the smiling Face of God was hid, and a strong impression of his Wrath made upon him. And now, Brethren, you see what Christ hath endured both in his Body and in his Soul, and all for the sake of Sinners: What think you now, is not Christ an earnest Suiter? Doth not all this fully and plainly speak the ar­dours of his Love, the fervencies of his desires after union and communion with us? If this do not, then nothing can demonstrate Love and De­sire. That's the first thing the greatness of the Sufferings which he endured.

[Page 192] Secondly, Let us next consider the Use and In­tention of these Sufferings of Christ, and how this also demonstrates the earnestness of his de­sires after Conjugal union with us. Now there was a double Use and End of the Sufferings of Christ.

  • 1. To make us free, that we might be ca­pable of Espousals.
  • 2. To win our Affections by the argument of his Sufferings.

I. One End of Christs death was to purchase our Freedom, that we might be capable of be­ing Espoused to him; for you must know that we were not in a capacity whilst under the curse of the Law, to be married unto Christ; the Apostle, Rom. 7. 2, 3, 4. compares the Law to a Husband, to whom the Wife is bound as long as he liveth, and not capable of a second marriage until her Husband be dead. The Death of Christ was the Death of the Law, as a Covenant of Works holding us under the bond of a Curse of it, and so it gave us a manumission or freedom from that bond, and a capacity of espousals to Christ, as vers. 4. Wherefore my brethren, ye also are be­come dead to the Law by the Body of Christ, that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead. A Slave to another is not capable of being disposed in marriage, until made Free; you were in bondage to the Law, the slaves of of Sin and Satan: Christ bought out your liber­ty (for his Blood is call'd a ransom, Matth. 20. 28.) and so put you into a capacity of being espoused unto himself; here you see Christ loved you not [Page 193] for any advantage he could have by you, for you had nothing to bring him; nay, he must pur­chase you, and that with his own Blood, before he can be united to you. O incomparable love! O fervent desires!

II. Another design and end of the Death of Christ was to win and gain our Hearts and Af­fections to himself, by the argument of his Death; this himself hath declared to be the very end and intention of it, Ioh. 12. 32. And I if I be lifted up from the Earth will draw all Men unto me; this, he said, signifying what Death he should dye. Christ endured all that you have heard, and infinitely more than the Tongue or Pen of Man can express; and all to draw thy Soul and win thy consent to come unto him: the Lord Jesus by his sufferings casts a threefold cord over the Souls of Sinners, to draw them to him­self.

1. The Death of Christ obtains compleat righteousness for guilty sinners; and if any thing in the World will draw the Heart of a sin­ner, this will; the anxious search, and enquiry of a convinced sinner, is after a perfect righteous­ness to justifie him before God. O that's it the sinner wants! Conscience saith, thou hast bro­ken all the Laws of God, and art therefore a Law condemned wretch; the sentence of the Law casts thee for Hell; Now what would a poor sinner give for a release from this sentence of the Law? O ten thousand Worlds for a Pardon! Why here it is, saith Christ, Come unto me and thou shalt receive a free, full, and final pardon; my Blood cleanseth from all sin; my righteous­ness answers all the demands of the Law. I have [Page 194] taken away the Hand-writing that was against thee, and nayled it to my Cross, Col. 2. 14. Come unto me and take up thy Bonds, thy cancelled Bonds; come unto me and that dreadful attri­bute of Divine Justice shall never scare or fright thy Conscience any more; nay, thou shalt build thy hope upon it; you read, Rom. 3. 25. That God hath set forth Christ to be a propitiation through Faith in his Blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the for­bearance of God: To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness; that he might be just, and the justi­fier of him that believeth in Iesus. Here you see the justification and pardon of a sinner built up­on that very Attribute which was so frightful and dreadful to him before. Well then, poor sinner, is there guilt upon thy Conscience? And doth thy Soul shake and quiver to think how it shall stand before the Just and Terrible God in the great Day? Hearken to the voice of Christ cru­cified, who calls thee to him to receive thy dis­charge, which if thou refuse, the Law still stands in its full force and vertue against thy Soul. This is one cord Christ casts from the Cross, over the Souls of guilty sinners to draw them to him.

2ly, The Death of Christ purchases and pro­cures perfect cleansing from the filth and polluti­on of sin, to wash the defiled Souls of sinners from all their uncleanness. For this is he that came by water and by blood; not by blood only, but by water also, 1 Joh. 5. 6. He comes by way of Sanctification as well as by way of Justification. Lord, saith a convinced sinner, what an unclean Nature, Heart and Life have I? O I am nothing [Page 195] but a heap of uncleanness, an abhorence to God and my self; how shall such an Heart as mine, such an Augean Stable be cleansed? Come unto me, saith Christ, I came by Water as well as Blood; in me thou shalt find a Fountain for San­ctification, as well as Justification; come unto me, and my Spirit shall undertake the cleansing of thy Heart; he shall take away the pollutions of sin perfectly, so that it shall be presented to God without spot.

3ly, And lastly, The transcendent love of Christ shines out in its full strength upon the Souls of sinners from the Cross; and there's no­thing like love to draw love; when Christ was lifted up upon the Cross, he gave such a glori­ous demonstration of the strength of his love to sinners, as one would think should draw love from the hardest Heart that ever lodged in a sin­ners Breast. Herein is love (saith the Apostle) not that we loved God, but that he loved us; and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins, 1 Joh. 4. 10. q. d. Here's the triumph, the riches and glory of Divine Love, never was such love manifested in the World. There's much of Gods love in Temporal Providences, but all's nothing to this, this is love in its highest Elevation; Love in its Meridian Glory; before it was none like it, and after it shall none appear like unto it. And thus you see Christ from the Cross casting forth a threefold cord (which is not easily broken) to draw the Hearts of sinners to him.

Fourthly, to Conclude, 4. Demonst▪ What mighty De­monstrations of the desires of his Heart towards us, did our Redeemer give at, and since his As­cension into Heaven? As the whole Life of Christ [Page 196] upon Earth was a perswasive Argument to draw sinners to him, so his Ascension to Heaven hath many things in it which are mighty attractives to the Hearts of Men. I will only mention two,

  • 1. The gifts he bestowed at his Ascension.
  • 2. The ends and designs of his Ascension.

(1.) The gifts he bestowed on Men at his As­cension; for this very end and purpose; where­of the Psalmist gives this account, Psal. 68. 18. Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast received gifts for Men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them. He alludes to the Ro­man Conquerors, who in the day of their triumph did Spargere missilia, scatter their largesses among the people. Thus Christ at his Ascension shed forth the gifts of the Spirit in various kinds, qua­lifying Men for the Work of the Ministry; to enable them to plead with your Souls, and carry on his suit, when he should be in Heaven. These gifts were extraordinary in the first Age; as the gift of Tongues, and Miracles, &c. and ordi­nary, to continue to the end of the World, Eph. 4. 8, 9. To some he gives depth of Learning and Judgment, to others a mighty Pathos, a melting influence upon the Affections; but all designed to win over your Hearts to Christ. This shews what care he took, and what provision he an­swerably made, for the success of his great de­sign, to draw the Hearts of sinners to him.

(2ly,) The ends of his Ascension, as they are declared in Scripture, plainly speak the vehemen­cy of Christs desire to draw Souls to him. Now the declared ends of his Ascension were (1) to [Page 197] make way for the Spirits coming, to Convince, Convert, and Comfort the Souls of all that come unto him, Iohn 16. 7. Nevertheless I tell yon the truth, It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away the Comforter will not come to you; but if I depart I will send him unto you. And when he is come he will reprove the World of sin, and of righte­ousness, and of judgment. Without the Convicti­on of these things no Man can come to Christ; and no such Convictions can be wrought upon the Conscience of any Man without the Spirit; and the Spirit could not come to effect these things upon Mens Hearts if Christ had not as­cended, Iohn 7. 39. But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given, because that Iesus was not yet glorified. Thus Christ provided for the carrying on of his great design upon your Hearts when he was entring into his own Glory: The thoughts of that Glory made him not to forget his great design upon Earth. (2) Another end of Christs Ascension was to make Intercession with the Father for all and every Soul that should come unto him; that their future sins might make no breach of the bond of the Co­venant betwixt God and them. A Privilege able to draw the Hearts of all sinners to him, 1 Iohn 2. 1, 2. My little Children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not: Mark it, the intercession of Christ must incourage and embolden no Man to sin; that would be a vile abuse of the Grace of God. But if any Man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propitiation for our sins. i. e. If sin surprize and deceive any gracious Soul, the bent of whose [Page 198] Heart is against it, let him not be discouraged he hath a potent Advocate ascended into the Heavens to continue the peace betwixt God and that Soul. O what an encouragement is here to gain the consent of a sinners Heart to embrace Jesus Christ! (3) Another declared end of Christs Ascension was to lead captivity captive, as in the forecited place, Psal. 68. 17. that is, to captivate and triumph over Satan as a conquer­ed Enemy; who led us captive in the days of our vanity: He conquered Satan upon the Cross, Col. 2. 15. but he triumphed over him at his Ascen­sion: And without such a conquest and triumph no Soul could come to Christ. (4) In a word, Christ ascended into Heaven to prepare Mansi­ons of rest and glory for every Soul that should embrace him, in the way of repentance and faith in this World, Iohn 14. 2 In my Fathers house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you; I go to prepare a place for you. q. d. It satis­fies me not to enjoy my glory in Heaven alone, all that come unto me by Faith shall be with me where I am; let them know for their encourage­ment that the glory which God hath given me, I have given them, Iohn 17. 22. All these things loudly speak the fervent desires of Christs Soul after union and communion with poor Sinners; which was the thing to be demonstrated.

(2ly,) Having proved the Point that Christ is an earnest Suiter for union and communion with the Souls of sinners; we next come to shew the marvellous and admirable Grace, and Conde­cension of Christ that it should be so. And this will appear five ways, to the astonishment of eve­ry considering Soul.

[Page 199] 1. Though Christ be thus intent and earnest in his suit for your consent, yet he gaineth no­thing by you when you do consent; the gain is to your selves, but not to him; He is over all God blessed for ever, Rom. 9. 5. above all accessi­ons from the Creature: What doth the Sun gain by enlightning and animating the lower World? Or what doth a Fountain gain when Men drink and are refreshed by its Waters? If any Soul that heareth me, this day, should presently re­solve henceforth to break asunder all the tyes and engagements betwixt him and sin, to sub­scribe the Articles of the Gospel, to give away himself Soul and Body to Christ, to live hence­forth as an hallowed dedicated Creature to the Lord Jesus; this indeed would turn to the infi­nite and everlasting advantage of such a Soul, but yet Christ cannot be profited thereby.

2ly, And that which still encreaseth the won­der is this, that though Christ makes no gain or profit by our Conversion, yet hath he impover­ished himself to gain such unprofitable Creatures as we are to him. He hath made himself poor to make us rich; so speaks the Apostle, in 2 Cor. 8. 9. For ye know the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. He expends his riches, makes no advantage unto him­self; his incarnation impoverished his reputati­on, Phil. 2. 7. How poor was Christ when he said, Psal. 22. 6. But I am a worm, and no man; a r [...]proach of Men and despised of the people? How poor in temporal comforts, when he said, Matth. 8. 20. The Foxes have holes, and the Birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his [Page 200] Head. Yea, how poor was he in Spiritual Com­forts, when that astonishing outcry brake from him upon the Cross, Matth. 27. 46. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? O let it astonish us that Christ should earnestly desire union with our Souls upon terms of such deep self-denial to himself.

3ly, Though Christ gain nothing by you, and impoverished himself for you; yet doth he en­dure many vile repulses, delays and denials of his Suit, and will not leave it for all that. O astonishing grace! One would think that the least delay, and much more a refusal of an overture from Christ, upon such terms as you have heard, should make his indignation presently to smoak against such a Soul; and that he should say, Thou hast refused my offer, so full of self-denying and condescending grace, never shall another offer be made to so unworthy a Soul; and yet you see he is contented to wait as well as knock, Be­hold I stand at the door and knock.

4ly, Herein the admirable Grace of this hea­venly suiter appears, that Jesus Christ passeth by millions of Creatures of more excellent Gifts and Temperaments, and never makes them one offer of himself; never turneth aside to give one knock at their door; but comes to thee the vi­lest and bafest of Creatures, and will not be gone from thy door without his errands end.

Knowest thou not sinner, that among the un­sanctified there are to be found multitudes of Men and Women of more raised and excellent Parts, nimble Wits, strong Memory, solid Judg­ments; yea, Men and Women of cleaner Con­versations, strict Morality, adorned with excel­lent [Page 201] homilitical Vertues, capable, if called, to do him abundantly more service than thou canst; yet these are past by, and he becomes a Suiter to such a poor worthless thing as thou art; yea, and rejoyces in his choice, Matth. 11. 24. I thank thee, Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, because thou hast hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. Here is the triumph of Free-grace.

5ly, And then in the last place, this justly in­creaseth the wonder, That ever Jesus Christ should desire and delight to dwell in such an un­clean Heart as thine, which from the beginning hath been the Seat and Throne of Satan, full of all uncleanness and abominations. O that ever Christ should make an overture of love to such a polluted Soul! That he should chose to erect his Throne where Satans seat was! Look into thine Heart sinner, and think what can Christ see here to be desired? Thou knowest thy Heart hath been a sink of sin, thy Conscience, like the common shoar, into which all the filth of thy life hath been cast; yet Christ passeth by thee, as thou liest in thy blood and filthyness, and casteth love upon thee, and desire towards thee, as it is Ezek. 16. 6, 8. All these things put together make it justly admirable and astonishing in our Eyes, that ever Jesus Christ, the Lord from Heaven, should become an earnest Suiter for union and communion with the Souls of sinners.

I. Vse for Information.

I. Inference.

If Christ be such an earnest Suiter for union and communion with the Souls of sinners, then it follows, That sinners can justly charge their dam­nation upon none but themselves. Your blood must be upon your own Heads; Salvation by Christ is not only freely offered, but you are with great importunity perswaded to accept it. Christ of­fers you life, you chuse rather to dye than accept it upon his terms; where now can your damna­tion be charged, but upon your own wilful ob­stinacy, Hos. 13. 9. O Israel, thy destruction is of thy self. Thou art the Author of thine own ruin, I would have gathered thy Children, saith Christ to Ierusalem, but thou wouldest not; your ruin therefore lies upon your selves, and upon none beside; in­deed if the Ministers of Christ be negligent in their duty, they may come in as accessories to your destruction; but that's a poor relief to you; as for my self, I hope, I may with Paul take God to record, this day, that I am free from the blood of all Men; now, consider what a dismal aggravation of your destruction this will be, that you perished by your own Hands; this cuts off all plea and apology.

II. Inference.

Hence it also follows that distressed sinners have no reason to question Christs willingness to receive them, when their Hearts are made willing to come unto him. [Page 203] It were no less than a blasphemous imputation of insincerity to Christ himself to question his wil­lingness to receive broken-hearted sinners, after so many protestations as he hath made in the Gospel, of his zeal and earnestness for their Sal­vation; that Scripture, Iohn 6. 37. puts it out of doubt, He that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out. I know guilt breeds many fears and jealousies in the Hearts of sinners; will Christ ever accept, and receive such a one as I? Try him Soul, he hath said he will; let him have but the deliberate consent of thy Heart to his terms, and then if thou be rejected, thou wilt be the first Soul in the World that ever met with a re­pulse from him.

III. Inference.

By Christs earnest Suit for the Souls of sinners you may estimate the invaluable worth and precious Na­ture of the Soul of Man. Were not the Soul a Creature of great value, Jesus Christ would ne­ver be so deeply concerned about the winning and saving of it. Sinners have a vile esteem of their own Souls, they will sell them for nought, but Christ knows their true worth, and his soli­citude to save them is answerable to his estima­tion of them; he counts when he hath gained a Soul he hath gained a Treasure. Therefore he pleads, woos, and waits so earnestly and assidu­ously for the Salvation of them. Two things speak the great value of the Soul of Man.

  • [Page 204]1. That it is a marriagable Creature to Christ now.
  • 2. That it is capable of Glory with Christ hereafter.

I. It is a marriagable Creature to Christ now, capable of espousals to the Son of God; upon which account it is Christ so earnestly seeks its love, and sues for its consent: Now this is a dignity beyond all other Creatures in Heaven or Earth; no Angel in Heaven, no other Creature but the Soul of Man on Earth, is capable of espousals unto Christ; 'tis a dignity above that of Angels, for Christ took not on him their Na­ture, and the Hypostatical union is the ground and foundation of the Mystical union. They are Members indeed of Christs Kingdom, and he is to them a Head of dominion; but this honour was never conferred upon Angels to be Members of his Body, Flesh and Bones, as the Saints are, Ephes. 5. 30.

II. As the Soul is capable of espousals to Christ on Earth, so it is capable of glory with Christ in Heaven, throughout eternity, Iohn 17. 24. Father, I will that they also whom thou hast gi­ven me, be with me where I am, that they may be­hold the glory which thou hast given me. It hath a natural capacity of enjoying eternal Blessedness, which the Souls of other Creatures have not. And this will be the aggravation of Hell tor­ments, that Men capable of the highest happi­ness should as it were receive that capacity in vain; but that which constitutes an actual right to the everlasting enjoyment of Christ in glory, [Page 205] is the Souls espousals to him here in the way of Grace. Upon these two accounts it is that Christ puts such a price upon them. Courts their love so passionately, laments their loss so pathetical­ly; and encourages his Ministers to all diligence in perswading and woing them for him with such abundant rewards, Dan. 12. 3. Know then your own worth and dignity; neither pawn nor sell so precious a thing as thy Soul, for any thing Satan can set before thee by way of exchange for it; What shall a Man give in exchange for his Soul?

IV. Inference.

Is Christ such an earnest Suiter for union with sinners, then certainly they are the enemies of Christ and the Souls of Men, that any way endeavour to hinder or break off the match betwixt Christ and them.

Some there are that labour to create jealousies and beget distastes, and prejudices in the Souls of Men against Christ and his ways; Men that bring up an evil report upon Christ, and strict Religion; as that which will begger them and expose them to all the miseries of the World: Who, instigated by Satan, whisper such stories into the Souls Ear whom Christ is woing for himself; that the severity of Religion will cer­tainly extinguish all their joys and pleasures; they shall never laugh more, never be merry more. Beside, it will expose all their comforts upon Earth to hazard, their Estates and Lives must fall a prey to their Enemies; and this is the Estate which Christ will Jointer them if they [Page 206] consent to his terms: And that this is no ground­less jealousie of their own, but that Christ him­self hath openly declared as much; That he that will come after him, must hate Father and Mother, Wife and Children, yea, and his own Life also. This is what they must expect as the fruit of their con­sent to Christs proposals. But O what will these Men have to answer, and how will they stand before Christ another day, who are such profes­sed enemies to his Cross, and set themselves so directly in opposition to the great design Christ is driving on in the World! Is it not enough that you will not enter your selves, but you will hinder them that would? Matth. 23. 13. Thus carnal Parents discourage their Children, one Re­lation another. But to help Souls under this discouragement, I will leave only this one Caveat with them, That such seeming Friends are their real mortal Enemies, their Words are poison to your Souls: Satan hath feed them to do his Work; hired their Tongues for his Service: But if the serious cares of Salvation and servent love of Christ be in thy Heart, thou wilt resolve as Ie­rom did, If my Father who beg at me, and my Mo­ther who bare me, should hang-about my Neck with tears and entreaties, to keep me from Christ, I would fling off my Father and tread upon my Mother that bear me, to go to Christ.

To this Head also belong all those scandals and offences which loose and careless Professors cast in the way, to discourage others from com­ing unto Christ; Wo to the World (saith Christ) because of offences, Matth. 18. 7. Wo to the World, this will be their ruin and undoing; by this means such prejudices will be begotten in their Souls [Page 207] against Christ and Religion, as they will never be able to free themselves from; But wo to them by by whom such offence cometh; it were better a mil­stone were hanged about their Necks and they cast in­to the bottom of the Sea. Christians look carefully to your Conversations, for besides the evil ef­fects of sin upon your selves, you see the mis­chievous effects of it upon others; and thus we may sense those words, Cant. 2. 7. I charge you, O ye Daughters of Jerusalem, by the Roes, and by the Hinds of the field, that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please. Roes, and Hinds, are timerous Creatures, the least crack of a stick will startle and fright them away; such are comers on to­ward Christ, young beginners in the ways of Religion; how small a matter may damp and dis­courage them? O friends, you have sins enough of your own, bring not the sin and ruin of other Men upon your account also.

V. Inference.

To Conclude, How great is the blindness and ig­norance of sinners, that need so much entreaty and importunity to be made happy? 'Tis your ignorance, sinners, that makes all the Gospel importunity necessary; did you know your own misery, and see Christ in his necessity, suitableness, and excel­lency, all these perswasions might be spared; nay, you your selves would become importunate Suiters for Christ; you would not need to be twice offered; there is a Conscience in every Man and Woman set there on purpose by the Lord to give them an Allarm; but the Allarm goes not off for want of a spring, to wi [...], the [Page 208] knowledge of our sin and misery. Ah Soul, didst thou but know who it is that Suits for thy love, what the benefits of union with Christ are? thou wouldst answer his first call in such Lan­guage as this. Lord Jesus, write down thine own terms; be they what they will, I am ready to subscribe them with the fullest consent of Heart and Will; and then how soon would the match be made betwixt Christ and you! Yea, you would watch for and hang on half a word of encouragement from Christs Mouth, as Ben­hadads Servants did on that word of Ahab, my brother Benhadad, 1 Kings 20. 32, 33. There is no need of Rhetorick to perswade a condemned Malefactor to accept his pardon; an hungry Man to sit down at a full Table; but alas, sin is not felt, Christ is not known, therefore the one is not bewailed, nor the other desired.

II. Vse.

In the next place, the Point naturally leads us to a Use of Exhortation, to perswade sinners to embrace Christs motion; subscribe his terms, and huckle no more with him, but end the treaty in a cordial present consent; and so close up the match betwixt him and your own Souls; how long sinner wilt thou be at shall I, shall I? And thy Will hang undetermined betwixt Christ and sin? Bivious and unresolved in so great and deep a concernment? O that Christs next overture might bring the matter to an Issue; why will you trifle and dally with him at this rate? There is indeed a Treaty on foot betwixt Christ and you, but you may perish for all that; there's no [Page 209] conclusion or agreement made, Christ and you may yet part. The Lord help you therefore to ponder, and deliberate with all speed and seri­ousness the terms propounded by Christ in the Gospel; to count the cost, and yet not always to be deliberating neither, but to bring matters to an Issue, and that with all the convenient speed you can; in order whereunto lay two things be­fore you, weigh and seriously ponder them,

  • 1. What are the advantages you will gain by Christ?
  • 2. What is the most you can lose by your consent to his terms? and then bring your thoughts to an Issue.

I. Ponder well the advantages you will gain by Christ; these are so great and manifold that it is impossible for me to enumerate or value them, it shall suffice in this place to shew you one of those bunches of the Grapes of Eshcol; that by it you may estimate the riches and fertility of that good Land, setled upon you by Christ as a Dowry or Joynture; and these are four,

  • 1. The payment of all your debts to the Law▪
  • 2. An Honour above Angels.
  • 3. An eternal inheritance in Heaven.
  • 4. A glorious and joyful presentation of you to the Father in the great day, by Christ as his Spouse and Wife.

1. The same day and hour you give your cor­dial consent to take Christ upon Gospel terms, that is to say, Christ with his yoak of obedience, [Page 210] and Christ with his Cross of Sufferings, all your debts to the Law are discharged and paid; what have you been doing ever since you came into the World but runing upon score to God, deeper, and deeper every day? O what a vast sum owest thou to his Justice? And not able to pay one far­thing. If thou consent not to Christs offer, the Bailiff and Executioner, Death and the Devil, will shortly be upon thy back, and hurry thee away to that prison from whence thou shalt not come out until thou have paid the last farthing, Matth. 5. 25, 26. If thou consent to Christs terms thy debts are paid upon thy marriage day; thy bonds cancelled, and thy discharge in Heaven sealed, Rom. 8. 1. There is therefore now no condem­nation to them that are in Christ; and the reason is given, vers. 4. in this, That the righteousness of the Law is fulfill'd in us that believe. But how in us? Certainly the meaning is not that the To credere, the act of Faith doth, as it is, a work of ours, satisfie the demand of the Law, and fulfil its righteousness; no, but it apprehends the righte­ousness of Christ, applies it, and makes it ours, and so the righteousuess of the Law is fulfilled in us that believe. Is it an ease, is it a comfort to be out of debt? Then embrace the offer of Christ, for after thy espousals to him, the Law cannot touch thee by any act of condemnation; it goes to the Husband Christ, thou art discharged. Well then, resolve what to do; shall the debt run on and increase till Justice come to levy it upon you in Hell Torments? Or will you accept of Christ and the riches of righteousness that are in him, and so be fully and finally acquited from all your debts at once, and so be able to lye down in [Page 211] peace, and enjoy your lives without slavish fear? He that ows nothing, fears no Bayliffs, but may (as we use to say) whet his Knife upon the Coun­ter threshold.

2ly, Your consent to Christs terms will ad­vance you to an Honour above and beyond the Honour of Angels: 'Tis said, That the Children of the Resurrection shall be equal unto Angels; and it is most sure that in some respect their uni­on with Christ advances them far above Angels; for the Apostle tells us, Heb. 1. 14. They are mini­string Spirits sent forth for the good of them that shall be he [...]rs of Salvation. As the great Peers and No­bles in a Kingdom, count it no dishonour to per­form their service to the Heir apparent. The Ministry of Angels is a mystery which we little understand, but by it we receive great and mani­fold advantages, and it certainly puts a great deal of Honour upon all the Members of Christ.

3ly, Christ will not only pay all your debts, and exalt you to a dignity above Angels; but in that day wherein you cordially consent to his terms, he will intitle you to the most glorious inheritance purchased by his Blood; You shall be heirs of God, and joynt heirs with Christ, Rom. 8▪ 17. O what an inducement is here to close the match betwixt Christ and our Souls! If I con­sent to take Christ upon Gospel terms, I shall thereby be intitled to all the glory that is in Hea­ven; it shall be mine as truly as it is Christs: 'Tis true, the glory of Christ will in some re­spects far surpass the glory of the Saints; he will shine among them as the Sun compared with the Stars; but yet the glory which God gave him, that is, the communicable glory, shall be [Page 212] truly theirs as it is his, Iohn 17. 22. The glory which thou gavest me, I have given them. Tell my Brethren (saith he) Iohn 20. 17. I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; to my God, and your God. This you shall gain also by closing this Treaty with an hearty consent to Christs terms and proposals.

4ly, If you will consider and consent you shall be presented by him to the Father, pure and spotless, with exceeding joy and gladness in the great day. This will be such a presentation of your persons to God, as will make your Hearts leap for joy, to read what the Scriptures speak about it. This methinks should induce every Soul, without further delay, to present himself, Soul and Body, chearfully and willingly to Jesus Christ. For (1.) Christ will bring you in the great day to his Father, in the shining beauty of perfect holyness, not a spot or wrinkle upon your Souls, Ephes. 5. 27. The Blood of Christ perfectly washes off every spot of guilt, for then the Spirit of Christ hath perfectly cleansed the Soul from all the desilement and filth of sin; so that it shall come to God a pure and beautiful Creature out of Christs Hand. (2.) This pre­sentation will be made with greatest honour and solemnity; we little think in what state and tri­umph Christ intends to bring the poorest belie­ver to his Father, Psal. 45. 14, 15. With joy and gladness shall they be brought, &c. So Iude vers. 24. They shall be presented faultless, before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. Joy running over; Joy upon all Hands; God himself will rejoyce that ever he created such a Soul, as hath sincerely bestowed it self upon Christ. Jesus Christ will [Page 213] rejoyce that ever he shed his Blood for that Soul, that now places his sole righteousness therein; the Holy Spirit will rejoyce, that ever he came with a commission from the Father, and the Son, to draw such a Soul to Christ, who hath obeyed his voice; the Angels will rejoyce with joy un­speakable, Luke 15. 10. There is joy in the presence of the Angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. If the consent of any of your Souls shall be this day gained to Christ, if the Word you have heard this day shall send any poor Soul hence to his Closet, or into a Corner, there to make his Covenant with Christ, (for that's the way of making up the match with Christ) in that hour the news of it will be in Heaven, and excite joy among the Angels of God; lay these and many other Privileges together, which I want time to mention, but the Scriptures will abundantly fur­nish you with them; and then consider what a rich bargain, what an advantageous match Jesus Christ is for your Souls.

II. Upon the other-side cast up the account what you may lose by your consent to be Christs; and whether those losses be sufficient to ballance or preponderate the gain that comes by such a consent; that so your choice of Christ may be a deliberate and full choice, and you may never re­pent afterwards of the choice you have made: It is a rule in the Civil Law, Non consentit qui non sentit; he cannot consent, that doth not think, understand, and deliberate; and this is the rea­son of so much flinching from Christ, and shame­ful apostacy in times of Persecution; Men did not think of such sufferings and losses, they are meer surprisals to them; to forelay all such oc­casions [Page 214] of offence; our Lord deals candidly and openly with us, and tells us before Hand what are the worst things that may besal us for his sake, Iohn 16. 1, 2. These things have I spoken un­to you, that you should not be offended; they shall put you out of the Synagogues. Yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think he doth God service. But, vers. 4. he adds, These things I have told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. q. d. Remember your selves in times of Persecution, that all these things were propounded, considered, and consented to; they were the very terms you subscribed to me; had you not liked them, you might at the everlast­ing damage and ruin of your immortal Souls have refused and rejected them. Now, the things you are to ballance with the gain of Christ, must by you be'sorted into two Ranks.

  • 1. Things that must be parted with.
  • 2. Things that may be parted with for Christ.

I. The things that you must part with, viz. your Lusts, and all the vicions pleasures you have had in them; how much profit or pleasure so­ever they have brought you in, away they must go; they must be devoted to destruction, and mortification, or you can have no interest in Christ: You must shake Hands for ever with all your sinful courses and companions, Rom. 6. 16. His Servants you are to whom you obey. Be they as pleasant and profitable, as your right Hand or Eye, they must be pluckt out, and cut off, Matth. 5. 29, 30. Doth this sound harsh and unpleasant to your Ears? Doth this cause the demur? O [Page 215] consider, what it is to part with sin; it is but to part with the Disease of your Souls, and the in­struments of your everlasting ruin; which of you would not be glad to part with a Fever, the Stone, or Dropsie? What is Passion, but the Fe­ver of the Soul? What is a hard Heart, but a Stone? What is Covetousness, and Earthly­mindedness, but the insatiable Dropsie of the Soul? Now if Men would be glad to be rid of such dreadful Diseases in their Bodies, and be restored to Soundness, Ease and Health; how much more should you be glad to be rid of your Corruptions, and have the rectitude, ease and pleasure of your Soul restored again? Yea, in­stead of those impure, vicious, bruitish pleasures you have taken in sin; you shall enjoy the pure, divine, suitable, and everlasting pleasures of ho­liness. Consider now, and accordingly make your choice, whether you will take the pleasures of sin, which are but for a season, in exchange for the everlasting joys which are at Gods right Hand for ever.

II. There are other things which you may be called to part with, and give up for Christ; it is uncertain whether God may actually call you to part with your Liberties, Estates, Relations, and Lives for Christ. Many are never actually called forth to such sufferings; but because many are, and every one of you may be so called, you must reallize them, ponder them, and subscribe those very terms, making full account of these things as if they were now before you, Luke 9. 23. For so Christ hath propounded them; but then with all, weigh these troubles with the gain and advantages you shall have by them, and not [Page 216] singly and alone by themselves; for so Christ hath presented them to you, Matth. 19. 28. And every one that hath forsaken Houses, or Brethren, or Sisters, or Father, or Mother, or Wife, or Children, or Lands, for my Name sake, shall receive an hundred fold, and shall inherit everlasting Life.

Now, if you think such gainful troubles, such Soul-enriching losses, be worth accepting for Christs sake; then close the match with Christ, and bring the matter to a conclusion: Do not be­fool your selves with a fond and groundless pre­sumption that these things will never befal you. I fear many flatter themselves with such vain hopes; the Lord knows how soon these supposi­tions, at a distance, may be turned into realities before your Eyes: You have much reason to ex­pect them, and much more to embrace them, when ever Christ shall call you to them. This is the great Work you have now to do; and really you cannot safely demur any longer; this matter must come to a conclusion, and the sooner the better. For you know (1.) that your Lives are immediately uncertain, and it is an unac­countable madness to let the great concern of your Salvation lye one day or night at hazard; your breath is continually coming and going, and that which is going, must at last be gone, Iames 4. 14. You Souls hang over everlasting dangers by the single thread of that feeble breath which plays in your Nostrils, and every Disease, like the flame of a Candle, held under that thread; and can it either be safe or comfortable, to de­lay so great a Work as this, upon which all your expectations and eternal Blessedness depends? (2.) Not only your Lives are hazardous and un­certain, [Page 217] but the enjoyment of the Gospel, and all the opportunities and means of your Conver­sion, are as uncertain as they. 'Tis true, and to the glory of God be it acknowledged, we now enjoy the freedom and fulness of Gospel mercies; but where hath God made any such settlement of these blessings upon you as puts the enjoyment of them out of hazard? The rain is over, but yet the clouds may return after the rain; we are upon our good behaviour, if it bring forth the fruits of your Conversion, well, if not, the Ax lieth at the root of the trees, Matth. 3. 10. And if God remove the Gospel from among us, (as our delays and triflings pro­voke him to do) then the Treaty is ended, and there's little probability that any thing further will be done betwixt Christ and you, Luke 13. 25. (3.) Bring this matter to an issue, with all due speed, because you are not capable to give one sound reason for a moments delay of so great and weighty a concernment; can you be safe too soon? Can you be happy too soon? Certainly you cannot be out of the danger of Hell too soon; and therefore why should not your close with Christ upon the terms propounded, be your very next work? For certainly if the buisness, the main work and buisness of every Mans life, be to fly from the wrath to come, as indeed it is, Mat. 3. 7. and to fly for refuge to Jesus Christ, as indeed it is, Heb. 6. 18. Then certainly, all delays are highly dangerous in such a buisness as this; the Manslayer, when flying to the refuge City before the aven­ger of Blood, when his Heart was hot within him, did not think he could recover the City too soon; and now set all your own reason to work [Page 218] upon this matter; put the case as really it is, I am fleeing from wrath to come; the Justice of God, and curses of the Law are closely pursuing me; is it reasonable that I now sit down in the way to gather flowers or play with trifles? For such are all our other concernments in this World compared with our Salvation. (4.) Bring this Treaty to an issue with all due speed, be­cause most Souls that perish, perish by delays; Men think they have time enough before them, and that to morrow will be as to day, and so Satan gets part by part, what he had not confi­dence to demand in the whole lump. Most that perish under the Gospel, had convictions upon their Consciences, and vain purposes in their Hearts; but not [...] them to a speedy exe­cution, that was their undoing, Iames 1. 24. He beholdeth himself and goeth his way, and straight way forgetteth what manner of person he was. It is an allusion to a Man that looks in the morning into a Glass, where he discerns a spot upon his Face, and resolves with himself, anon to wash it off; but some diversion or other falls in, other mat­ters take up his thoughts, and so the spot remains all day, and he carries it with him to bed at night. O these delays are the undoing of millions. (5.) Delay not to close this Treaty with Christ, because all delay increases the difficulty, and the longer you neglect, the more will your Hearts be hardned by the deceitfulness of sin, Heb. 3. 13. Continuance in sin, and quenching of convictions, do sensibly harden the Heart, and stiffen the Will: Under the first convictions the Heart is tender, the affections flowing, O if this advantage were apprehended, and pursued, how soon might the [Page 219] work come to a comfortable conclusion! but af­ter a while those Soul-affecting words, Sin, Christ, Heaven, Hell, Death, and Eternity will become words of a common sound. (6.) And lastly, Beware of delays in this matter because you can never expect a fitter, and fairer oppor­tunity and season for the dispatch of this great concernment than by the special indulgence of Heaven you enjoy this day, 2 Cor. 6. 1, 2. Now is the accepted time, now is the day of Salvation. You have now the Wind and Tide with you, if you will not weigh Anchor now, you may lye Wind­bound to your dying day; what advantages can you reasonably expect, which God hath not fur­nished you with at this day? You have the means of Grace among you, you have liberty and free­dom to attend on those means without fear. Say not, I have such, or such troubles and encum­brances in the World; for you must never ex­pect to be without them, except you only shall find the World another thing than all others find it; have you health? O what a precious season and advantage is that! Art thou sick? O what a spur is that! What is to be done must be done quickly.

III. Vse for Direction.

But it may be some Souls will plead ignorance that they know not how to manage and transact so great a concernment with Christ, and there­fore set not about it; and it is very likely there may be much truth in that plea. For the help, and assistance of such Souls, I will gather up the sum of what hath been, and ought to be further spoken about this matter, in the following Di­rections; [Page 220] so that nothing but your unwilling­ness, and slothfulness, shall remain to hinder you.

I. Direction.

First, If ever you bring the Treaty betwixt Christ and your Souls to an happy issue and con­clusion, you must, as before was noted, sit down and count the cost, Luke 14. 28. 'twill be in vain else to engage your selves in the profession of Religion; it is not Christs design to draw you under a rash inconsiderate engagement, and so to reap more dishonour by your apostacy and hypocrisie than ever he shall have glory by your Profession. No, he would have you to foresee and seriously bethink your selves of all the out­ward troubles and inconveniencies you may af­terwards meet with for his sake. You are to em­bark your selves with Christ and abide with him in storms, as well as halcyon days; you must follow the Lamb whether soever he goeth, Rev. 14. 4. There's no retreating after engagement to Christ; If any Man draw back, my Soul shall have no pleasure in him, Heb. 10. 38. 'Tis eternal death by that martial Law of Heaven to run from Christs colours in the day of battle. Well then, retire thy self into the innermost closet of thy Soul; sit quiet and patiently there till thou hast debated this matter fully with thine own thoughts; and hast ballanced the good and the evil, the profits and losses of Religion; for want of this the Church is filled with hypo­crites, and Hell with inconsiderate and rash Pro­fessors; the more we deliberate, the better we shall conclude.

II. Direction.

Secondly, Having debated the matter over and over in thy most sedate and serious thoughts, let not Satan discourage thee from casting thy Soul at Christs Feet with an hearty consent to all his terms, for want of such and such qualifica­tions as thou canst not find in thine own Soul: 'Tis usual for Satan to suggest at this time, the want of greater sorrow and humiliation for sin; that the Soul hath not layen long enough under the humbling work of the Law; that the aggra­vations of its sins have been such, that there is no hope of acceptance; free thy Soul from these snares of Satan, by the consideration of this un­questionable truth; That Christ expects from thee no more humiliation than what produceth such a hearty deliberate consent, as thy Will is now to give; and such a consent once gained, no aggravation of sin is pleadable against the duty of believing.

III. Direction.

Thirdly, Distrust not the sincerity of Christ in those gracious offers he makes unto coming Souls. Be satisfied, he speaks his very Heart in them to thee; the Devil labours to sow jealou­sies and beget suspicions in the Hearts of poor convinced sinners, that they will not find such a welcom entertainment with Christ as he seems to promise them, in those encouraging Scrip­tures, Matth. 11. 28, 29. Iohn 6. 37. But that something else lies hid in those Scriptures, as a [Page 222] mystery which they understand not; and so by shaking the assenting act, labours to hinder the accepting act of Faith; this is a case as common as it is sad; the Lord help poor Souls to avoid this snare, lest in stead of honoring Christ by a resolved adherence to him, they make him a lyer and impute insincerity to the God of truth. For he that believeth not, hath made him a lyer.

IV. Direction.

Fourthly, Look up to God for power to en­able you to come to Christ in this supernatural and difficult work of Faith. Dont think Faith is of the growth of thine own Heart; No Man can come unto me, saith Christ, except my Father, which hath sent me, draw him. There is a legal Spirit working under Evangelical pretences in many Souls; they look within them to find that which is quite above them; the Apostle points you to the fountain of Faith, in Eph. 2. 8. It is not of your selves, it is the gift of God. 'Tis one of the greatest difficulties in the World to believe: For if the power of God must be owned as the cause of every new degree of Faith, in the greatest believers in the World, as is plain, Luke 17. 5. The Apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our Faith. How much more is the production of Faith it self, and the first vital act thereof, to be ascribed to the Almighty Power of God?

V. Direction.

Fifthly, Keeping thine Eye of Expectation upon that Almighty Power, pray and plead with [Page 223] the Lord assiduously, and importunately for the exerting of that Power upon thy Soul; and give not over thy Suit till thou feel that Power coming upon thee: The time of believing is a time of earnest pleading, thine own danger and necessity; and the Spirit of the Lord improving them, will abundantly furnish thee with Pleas, and Argu­ments to enforce this Suit. Such as these, (1.) Lord, I have thy call and invitation, yea, I have thy command to encourage me to believe; it is not presumption therefore in thy poor Crea­ture to come after thou hast invited and com­manded me; hadst thou not encouraged me, I durst not have moved towards thee; Lord, whose Word is it, 1 Ioh. 3. 23. is it not thine own? This makes my Faith an act of obedience. (2.) Yea, Lord, I have thy promise as well as thy command, made upon no other condition but my coming to thee; blessed Jesus, hast not thou said, Iohn 6. 37. Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out? An invitation is much, but thy promise is more. (3.) O my God I have not only thy command making it my duty to be­lieve, and thy promise to encourage me to that duty, but I have the examples of other sinners that came unto thee long ago, and thou didst not reject them; nor do I abuse those examples in drawing incouragement from them, for it was thy very design in recording them, that they might be so many patterns to all that should here­after believe on thee, 1 Tim. 1. 16. (4.) O my God I am shut up under a plain necessity, I have no other way to take, thus stands the case with me, I am beaten off from all other refuges, there is no help for me in Angels nor Men, in [Page 224] duties or self-righteousness, in thee only my Soul can find rest. I am shut up to thee as to the only door of hope, Gal. 3. 23. here I must speed or perish; my Soul is burthened and wea­ried, I know not how to dispose of it, but into thy Hands; nor where to lay the burden of my guilt but upon thee; if I miss here, I am gone for ever. (5.) Lord I am willing to renounce and abandon all other hopes, refuges and righte­ousness, and to stick to, and rely upon thee only. Duties cannot justifie me, tears cannot wash me, reformation cannot save me; nothing but thy righteousness can answer my end: I come to thee a poor naked Creature, saying as the Church, Hos. 14. 3. Asshur shall not save us, &c. for in thee do the fatherless find mercy. Thus plead it with God, and still remember you are pleading for Life, yea, for your eternal Life.

VI. Direction.

Sixthly, Labour to make a resolved adventure upon Christ amidst all those encouragements, let the issue be what it will; resolve to venture though you have not the least degree of assurance that you shall be accepted and pardoned. This is that brave and noble act of Faith which carries the Soul to Christ, much as Hester came to the King, Yet will I go in to the King, and if I perish, I. perish, Hest. 4. 16. It pities me to think how the saving act of Faith is grosely mistaken in the World; the generality think it is enough for them to believe that Christ died for sinners, and therefore for them as well as any other; but you see Faith is another matter: O there are great [Page 225] difficulties and mighty wrestlings in the Work of Believing; 'tis a great matter for a poor con­vinced sinner, in the face of so much guilt and vi [...]e [...]ess, and amidst such manifold damps and discouragements from Satan, to cast and adven­ture himself upon Christ, and that upon such self-denying terms; but the pinch of necessity will bring the Soul to this, for now it reasons with it self as the Lepers did, 2 Kings 7. 4, 5. If we go to the Camp of the Assyrians we can but dye, and if we abide here we must certainly dye; thus here, if I sit still in the state of Nature and still continue demurring and delaying, my damna­tion is unavoidable, to Hell I must go▪ and if I cast my self upon Christ, I can but be rejected; but he hath said, He will not cast out those that come unto him; in this way of Faith there is a possibility of Salvation, yea, there dawns from it a strong probability; this therefore is my only way, To him I will go, and if I perish, I perish.

VII. Direction.

Seventhly, Never measure the grace of God, nor the mercy of Christ, by the rule of your own narrow conceptions and apprehensions of him; but believe them to be far greater than your contracted and narrow understanding re­presents them to you: Our casting of the par­doning power and mercy of God into the mould of our own thoughts, disfigures and alters them, so that they look not like themselves, but with a very discouraging aspect upon our Souls; by this Satan keeps off many a Soul from coming to Christ; the Lord knows how to forgive thee, [Page 226] though thou scarce knowest how to forgive thy self, for the injuries thou hast done against him; that's a very considerable Scripture to this pur­pose, in Isa. 55. 7, 8, 9. Let the wicked for sake his way, and the unrighteous Man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy up­on him; and to our God, for he will abundantly par­don. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Man lies under a double misery, one by reason of Affliction, another by reason of Transgression; concerning both these, Gods thoughts are not as ours, but far above what we can think; either (1.) with simple cogitation (i. e.) we cannot think such thoughts to others, under misery in themselves, or under transgression against us, as God doth towards as. Or (2.) by way of reflexive comprehension, (i. e.) we can­not conceive what those thoughts of God are to­wards us, when we are under misery or sin just as he thinks them; still his thoughts will be above ours, as the Heavens are above the Earth; such is the altitude of Heaven above the Earth, that the vast body of the whole Earth is but a small inconsiderable point to it; the highest Cedars, Mountains, Clouds, cannot reach it; Gods thoughts are infinite, ours finite; his thoughts are continued, ours interrupted and at a stand; his are immutable, ours changable; his are in­tuitive, ours discursive: therefore never measure his by your own; the thoughts of pardoning Grace in him, are rich, plenteous, and glorious; but when our unbelieving Hearts have practised [Page 227] upon them, they are quite another thing. Thou saist how can such a Wretch as I obtain mercy? Thou knowest not, but the Lord knoweth. O if we could take in such a proper Idea, and ap­prehension of the mercy and goodness of God, as he hath given of them himself, in Exod. 34. 6, 7. this would bring you to Christ with much in­couragement.

VIII. Direction.

Eighthly, Be not discouraged in the work of Faith, though no peace or comfort should come in by the first act of it: Nay, though there should be an increase of trouble for the present; the first saving act of Faith certainly puts you into a state of peace, but it may not presently produce the sense of peace; you may after you have believed and really closed with Christ, meet with some discouragements, which may make you question whether Christ have received you or no? Whether he have any love for your Souls or no? Yet held on, whether comfort come or come not; though Christ and comfort are insepa­rable, yet Christ and the sense of comfort are not so; think not that all your troubles shall be over as soon as ever you believe, because it is said, Heb. 4. 3. We which have believed do enter into rest: That Scripture speaks of a state of rest, and not of the present or continued sense of rest; the Woman of Canaan, in Matth. 15. 26, 27. did really believe in Christ, yet met with sore tryals under the first act of her Faith; yet this took her not off from the work of Faith, but rather quickned and inflamed her the more; [Page 228] she was glad of a word from Christ, and she ex­pected deeds. O but the words were discourage­ing, It is not meet to take the Childrens bread and give it to Dogs; yet this beats not off her Faith, the Dog belongs to the Family, and crumbs to the Dog. O Woman, saith Christ, great is thy Faith. If you resolve for Christ, you must not be discouraged; a resolute Faith overcomes all difficulties. You pray, you believe, and yet no comfort; well, the vision of Peace is for an ap­pointed time, at the end it will speak and not lye.

IX. Direction.

Ninthly, In your treating with Christ have a care of all secret reserves, that will spoil the bargain betwixt Christ and you; If I regard ini­quity in my Heart, God will not hear my prayer, saith David: If there be but a reserve of one lust, that reserve will break off the Treaty; be honest with Christ, and say not of any sin, the Lord be merciful to me in this; and be sure there be no secret purpose or reserve in thy Heart for a retreat in time of danger; but imbark thy self with Christ for Storms and Tempests, Troubles and Afflictions, as well as Peace and Prosper [...]ty. Christ bestows himself wholly up­on you, and he expects the same from you; give up all, or you will get nothing from him

X. Direction.

Tenthly, Close up your Treaty with Christ by a solemn Covenant with him; ingage your [Page 229] selves to be the Lords, Isa. 44. 5. One shall say I am the Lords, and another shall subscribe with his Hand to the Holy One of Israel. Here you have two things to do, (1.) To give your selves up to Christ, according to that expression, 2 Cor. 8. 5. You gave your selves to the Lord: Make over Soul and Body, Time and Talents, henceforth to be dedicated things to his Service. (2.) Take Christ in both his Natures, and in all his Offices to be yours; and to this Covenant you are to stand to the last breath, whatever times or troubles shall come, this con­sent of thy Heart to be Christs, this choice of thy Will in taking him for thine, is but the eccho of Christs choice of thee, and I would rather have such an evidence of my interest in him, than a voice from Heaven to assure me that Christ is mine.


Revel. 3. 20. Behold, I stand at the door and knock, [if any Man] hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.’
If any Man.

THIS expression extends the gra­cious offer of Christ, [...] Qualis­cunque fu­erit pecca­tor, Hypo­crita, qui diu obsti­tit Evan­gelio. and brings it home to every hearer. 'Tis a Proclamation with a Si quis, If any Man, as if Christ should say, I will have this offer of my Grace to go round to every particular person; if thou, or thou, or thou, the greatest, the vilest of sinners, of what quality or condition soever, old or young, pro­phane or hypocritical, wilt hear my voice and open to me, I will come in to their Souls: And hereby all objections are obviated; as for Example, I am the greatest of sinners, saith one; I have been a self couzening hypocrite, saith another; I have resisted Grace too long, and doubt the time of Mercy is past, saith a third: the ground of all these, and a thousand more objections, is [Page 231] taken away by the gracious extent of Christs offer in the Text: For who is he that can limit where Christ doth not? This gives us a Seventh profitable and comfortable Observation, which is this,

That Iesus Christ will not refuse to come in to the Soul of the vilest sinner, 7. Doct. when once it is made heartily willing to open to him.

If any Man open, I will come in to him. It is not unworthiness, but unwillingness that Bars any Man from Christ: thousands have mist of Christ by their unwillingness, but Christ never put off one Soul upon account of its unworthiness; Christ is not the Sale, but the Gift of God; you come not to make a bargain, but to receive a free gift: Faith is a marriage with Christ, wherein nothing but your Hearty consent is expected; so runs the strain of the whole Scriptures, Isa. 55. 1. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money, (i. e. no merit, no worthi­ness of his own) let him come. Behold the free grace of Christ to the vilest and unworthiest of sinners, so Revel. 22. 17. Let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him [...], and take the water of Life freely; and in the very phrase of my Text he speaks again, Iohn 7. 37. If any Man thirst, let him come to me and drink. 'Tis very ob­servable, throughout the whole Gospel, that Christ never made any objection against any Soul that came to him upon the account of its sinful­ness and unworthiness; but all the complaints of [Page 232] Christ are still upon the account of their unwil­lingness; so in his complaint over Ierusalem, Luke 13. 34. I would, but you would not; so again, Iohn 5. 40. You will not come unto me, that you might have life. The complaint is still upon their un­willingness. In the stating of this Point, I shall Doctrinally discourse these two things,

  • 1. What it is to be truly willing to receive Jesus Christ.
  • 2. How it appears that they who are so, shall certainly be received and graciously ac­cepted of him.

First, What it is to be truly willing to receive Jesus Christ. For this is meant by opening to him; now this implies and involves in it many great and weighty things.

1. It implies and necessarily includes the right understanding and true apprehension of Gospel Terms and Articles: these must be known, pon­dered and duly considered, before the Will can savingly open in an act of consent to Christs of­fer. I desire this may be especially observed, be­cause multitudes are mistaken and deceived about this thing; he that doth not consider doth not consent; you must exercise your understandings upon the Terms and Articles of Christianity, or else your consent is rash, blindfold and un­stable, this in Luke 14. 31. is call'd consulting; the consent of Faith is the result of many pre­vious consultations and debates in the mind; the Soul that comes to Christ must take up Religion in his most sedate and serious thoughts; turn both sides of it, the dark as well as the bright side [Page 233] of Religion to the Eye of his mind; ballance all the conveniencies and inconveniencies, losses as well as gains. If I open to Christ, this I shall gain, but that I must lose; I cannot separate Christ from sufferings, Christ will separate me from my sins; if I seek him, I must let them go; if I profess Christ, providence will one time or other bring me to this Dilemma, either Christ or Earthly comforts must go; 'tis necessary therefore that I now propound to my self what providence may, one time or other, propound to me; he hath set down his terms, Matth. 16. 24. If any Man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. This self-denial deserves serious consideration; for Christ ex­tends it to natural Self, righteous Self, and civil Self; and requires that I give up my Life, my Li­berty, my Estate and Relations, my own Righ­teousness, as hard to be parted with as any of the former. I must take up my Cross, that is, the sufferings and troubles God shall appoint for me, and which I cannot avoid or escape without sin; and I must follow Christ, follow him whi­ther soever he goes. I know not what Religion may cost me before I dye; all this it hath cost others; and there is no bringing down Christs terms lower than he hath laid them. I must come up to them, they will not come down to me; if I like them not as Christ hath left them, the Treaty between him and me is ended, Matth. 10. 37, 38. He that loveth Father or Mother, more than me, is not worthy of me: And he that loveth Son or Daughter, more than me, is not worthy of me: And he that taketh not his Cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. Where by worthi­ness [Page 234] we are not to understand the meritoriousness of these Acts; but the necessary qualification of the Will, and due qualification of a comer unto Christ; these previous consultations, and de­bates in the Mind, prepare and enable the Will to make a serious and well advised choice of of Christ; and for want of this there are such swarms of Hypocrites and Apostates in the World.

2ly, It implies such a sence of misery in us, and of the necessity and excellency of Christ, as determines the Will to the choice of him, not­withstanding all those difficuties and troubles which have fallen, or can fall under considerati­on and debate in the Mind; when the Soul sees that in Christ which preponderates all suffer­ings, all losses, all reproaches, &c. and then de­termins I will have Christ though I sacrifice all that is dear to me in the World for him; this is to be truly willing to open to Christ. 'Tis true, the enjoyments of this World are understood by Christians as much as other Men; they have a feeling sence of the sweetness and comfort of Earthly enjoyments; their Souls have as much affection to the Body as other Men; they under­stand the charming language of the World, and their dear Relations in it as well as others; only they see a greater necessity of Christ, and a greater worth in Christ, than they do in these things; you read, Lam. 1. 11. that in the famine of Ierusalem they gave their pleasant things, for meat to relieve their Soul; Jewels, Bracelets, Gold, Silver, any thing for Bread; they under­stood the worth of those things, knew the price and cost of them; but away they go to preserve [Page 235] Life. So 'tis here, no earthly enjoyment of what value soever it be, hath such an excellency in it, such an absolute necessity of enjoying it as Christ hath.

But, O saith the poor Soul, Object. who can do this? I am willing to have Christ, and to come up to every term he hath laid down in the Gospel; I am willing to part with every sin, and to endure any suffering for Christ; but, Oh, I tremble to think, if it should come to a Prison, to a Stake, to an actual separation from all the Comforts and Relations I have in the World, what I shall do for strength to go through such hard and dif­ficult work as this? Here's the great rub in the way of many Souls, they find a willingness, but fear the want of strength.

Ans. How or where you shall find strength to endure and suffer these things for Christ, Sol. is not the question now before you. God will take care for that, and it shall be given you in that hour, and so others have found, who have had the very same fears you have. I say, the question is not whether you be able, but whether you be hearti­ly willing. Christ asks but your Will, he will provide Ability; the greatest Believer in the World cannot say I am able, to suffer this or that for Christ; but the least Believer in the World must say I am willing, the Lord assisting me, to endure and suffer all things for his sake; and this is the Second thing included in opening to Christ.

3ly, The Third thing which perfects, and consummates the whole act, is an entire choice of of Jesus Christ upon all those terms prescribed by him; the entireness of the choice, without [Page 236] halfing or dividing, excepting or reserving, makes the consent full and effectual. There is a twofold consent of the Will to Christ.

  • (1.) One partial, and with exception.
  • (2.) The other entire, and without any re­servation.

I. There is a partial consent which is always hypocritical, defective, lame, and ineffectual; thus the hypocrite consents to the offer of Christ, he is really willing to have the pardons of Christ, and the glory purchased by Christ; but to part with his beloved lusts, and to give up his earth­ly enjoyments, that his Will cannot consent to.

II. There is a full and entire consent of the Will, called, a believing with all the Heart, Acts 8. 37. Now this integrity and fulness of the Wills choice, is that which closes the match betwixt Christ and the Soul, and frees a Man from the danger of hypocrisie. And there are three things which make the consent to, and choice of Christ, compleat and full.

  • 1. When we give up all we are and have, to him.
  • 2. When we derive and draw all we want, from him.
  • 3. When we are ready to deny any thing for his sake.

1. We do then heartily consent to be Christs, when we give up all we are and have, to him; so that after this choice of Christ we look upon our selves thenceforth as none of our own; but bought with a price, to glorifie God in our Bo­dy and Soul, which are his, 1 Cor. 6. 19, 20. Soul [Page 237] and Body is all that we are, and both these parts of our selves do now pass, by an act of our own consent, into the Redeemers right; we are not to have the dispose of them, that belongs to him that purchased them: You know in all purchases property is altered; you did live as your own, followed your own Wills, Lusts, Passions; were under the dominion and at the beck of every Lust; but now the case is altered, Titus 3. 3. We our selves were sometimes foolish, disobedient, decei­ved, serving divers lusts and pleasures: So many Lusts, so many Lords; but now the case is altered, we have given our selves to Christ, no more to be swayed this way or that, against his Word, and the voice of our own Conscience: Thus our Souls and Bodies are his, hallowed, dedicated things to Christ; Temples for God to dwell in, and then all other things follow of course; if I am the Lords, then my time, my talents, and all that I have is his.

2ly, As we must give up all to Christ, so we must derive and draw all we want from him; else your choice of Christ is not entire and full: God hath stored up in Christ all that you want, a suitable and full supply for every need; and made it all communicable to you, 1 Cor. 1. 30. Who of God is made unto us, wisdom and righteous­ness, sanctification, and redemption. All the belie­vers fresh springs are in Christ: Have I any diffi­cult buisness to do that requires counsel? Then I must repair to Christ the Fountain of Wisdom: Am I under any guilt? Then I must repair to Christ for righteousness: Is my Soul defiled by corruption? Then must I go to Christ for San­ctification: Do I groan under troubles of Soul [Page 238] or Body, temptations, afflictions? &c. then must I relieve my self by the Faith and Hope of that compleat Redemption, and final deliverance procured by Christ from all these: if you consent to be Christs you must not look for Justification, partly upon his Righteousness, and partly upon your own Graces and Duties; but must make mention of his Righteousness, even of his only. If there be but one Conduit in a Town, and not a drop of Water to be had elsewhere, then all the Inhabitants of that Town repair thither for Water. In the whole City of God there is but one Conduit, one Fountain, and that is Christ; there's not a drop of Righteousness, Holiness, Strength, or Comfort to be had else where: Then do we fetch all from Christ, when we live upon him, as the new born Infant doth upon the Mothers Breast.

3ly, Then is our consent to, and choice of Christ intire and full, when we are ready to de­ny, give up, and part with any thing we have for his sake; reckoning nothing to be lost to us, which goes to the glory of Christ; how dear so­ever our Liberties, Estates, or Lives are to us, if the Lord have need of them, we must let them go; thus you read, Rev. 12. 11. They loved not their lives unto the death. These three things shew saving Faith to be another manner of thing than the World generally understands it to be; and it is impossible for any Mans Will to open to, and receive Christ upon terms of such deep self-denial as these; until there be,

  • [Page 239]1. A Conviction of our sin and misery.
  • 2. A Discovery of Christ in his glory and necessity.
  • 3. The drawing Power of the Spirit upon the Soul.

1. Conviction of our sin and misery makes these terms of Religion acceptable; poor sinners stand huckling with Christ, excepting and ob­jecting against his terms until the Lord have shaken them by Conviction over Hell, made them to see the dreadful danger they are in; and then the next cry is, Men and Brethren what shall we do, Acts 2. 37. q. d. Prescribe any means, impose upon us the greatest difficulties, we are willing to comply with them.

2ly, Nor will Souls ever comply with these terms of the Gospel until a discovery have been made to them of Jesus Christ in his glory and ne­cessity; when a Man feels his wants, and sees a compleat remedy, his Will then complies and bows, readily and freely; the convinced sinner sees a full and suitable supply in Christ for all his wants; a compleat Saviour in whom there is no­thing defective, but in all respects according to the wish of a sinners heart, 1 Cor. 1. 24.

3ly, To all this must be superadded the power­ful drawings of the Spirit; in the vertue where­of the Will comes home to Christ, Iohn 6. 44. No Man can come unto me, except the Father which hath sent me, draw him. When these things are past upon the Soul, then it hears Christs voice, his powerful call, which breaks asunder all the ties and bonds betwixt a Man and his Lusts; a Man [Page 240] and his Earthly enjoyments; and without these things the Will is unperswadable to comply with the difficulties and severities of Religion. This is the first thing, what the opening of the door, or consent of the Will to receive Christ is.

Secondly, The next thing to be opened in its order, is, How it appears that Jesus Christ will not refuse to come into the Soul of any sinner, be his sins or unworthiness never so great; when once he is made heartily willing thus to embrace and receive Christ upon his own terms? O sinner, what good tydings are these to thy Soul, that Christ will not disdain to be in union and com­munion with thee, as vile as thou art, if thy Will thus stand open to him! The tydings are sweet, and I hope thou wilt find them as sure, and certain, as they are sweet and comfortable; when thou shalt have seriously perused and pon­dered the following Evidences.

I. Evidence.

The truth of this sweet assertion clearly evi­denceth it self from the form and manner of Go­spel invitations; they are designedly put into large, general, free, and most extensive terms, to assure sinners that Christ will not be shy of the worst sinner in the World, thus made willing to embrace him; they are so framed on purpose to anticipate or take away all objections from sin­ners. No other condition is put in the Gospel, but this only, Art thou heartily willing to take Christ upon his own terms? The offers of Christ are extended to all that thirst and desire after him, Iohn 7. 37. To the greatest of sinners, [Page 241] upon this only condition, that they be willing and obedient, Isa. 1. 18, 19. Go Preach the Gospel to every Creature: He that believeth shall be saved, Mark 16. 15, 16. 'Tis extended to all Nations, For in Christ Iesus there is neither Greek nor Iew, Circumcision nor Vncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythi­an, Bond or Free, Col. 3. 11. If there be any poor Soul of any quality or condition whatsoever, un­der the cope of Heaven, whose Will is wrought up to an hearty compliance with the terms of the Gospel, Christ will not be shy of coming into that Soul, though it have been never so vile and abominable; the Heart of a Mary Magda­len, which had been an Habitation of Devils; the Soul of a Saul, a Bloody raging Persecutor, will make as delightful Habitations for Christ, as the Soul of the most civilized person in the World, when once the Will is thus opened.

II. Evidence.

The truth of this assertion further appears, from the incouraging Promises made by Christ unto all who are thus made willing to come unto him: All the Promises, with one Mouth, assure the willing sinner of a welcom with Christ; so doth that glorious Promise to which so many thou­sand Souls have been beholding, for encourage­ment and help, at their first coming to Christ, Iohn 6. 37, 38. All that the Father hath given me, shall come to me; and him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from Heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. Note here, (1.) That this is not a Promise made to them that are already in Christ, that [Page 242] they shall never be cast out by Apostacy, or fi­nal desertion; but it is a Promise made to com­ing Souls, to such as are moving towards Christ under great discouragements, fears, and trem­blings; when a poor sinner looks to Christ, sees his fulness and suitableness; and feels the pinching need and want of him; Oh, saith he, that I had an interest in him, though I should beg my Bread in desolate places! But looking into his own Heart, and seeing such an heap of guilt and unworthiness there, then, saith he, how can I think that ever Jesus Christ will come into such a Heart as this? These are the persons upon whom this Promise casts an encouraging aspect. (2.) And because the fears of such poor Creatures are double to the fears that others have, Christ hath put a double negative into this Promise, for the Souls encouragement; I will not, not, in no case, or at any Hand cast out, such a Soul as this. (3.) And to put all out of doubt, he doth not only assure the Soul that he will not, but condescends to gives it the reason why he will not cast it out; for, saith he, vers. 38. I came down from Heaven not to do mine own Will, but the Will of him that sent me. As if he should say, This was the very errand upon which I came from Heaven; it was my great business to re­ceive all that were made willing to embrace me; for this I had my Fathers Commission, Isa. 61. 1. To preach good tydings to the meek▪ and to bind up the broaken Hearted; and to comfort all them that mourn. I cannot be faithful to the trust committed to me by my Father, should I shut the door upon such Souls: How can Christ comfort the Soul that mourns, but by opening his Arms of mercy to re­ceive [Page 243] it? If Christ should say to a convinced mourning sinner, hold thy peace Soul, I will give thee Riches, Honors, and Pleasures in the World; but as for me thou canst not have uni­on with me; I say, this would never comfort the Heart of a convinced sinner; 'tis Christ, and none but Christ can quiet it. Like unto this is that Testimony and Promise, made on purpose, for the incouragement of willing Souls, Acts 10. 43. To him give all the Prophets witness, that through his Name, whosoever believeth in him shall re­ceive remission of sins. This you see is a truth con­firmed by the Testimony of all the Prophets, who foretold what his gracious readiness to receive poor broken Hearted sinners should be; and sure they neither did, nor could conspire to deceive the World: These gracious Assurances and Pro­mises cut off all pleas against Faith, from the greatness of sin; and why should we except, where God hath not excepted? Had Christ said, all sinners of such a size and degree may come unto me, but let all others stand back, the case had been otherwise; but this Promise assures us, all that are sincerely willing shall be truly wel­com to Jesus Christ. Moreover, these universal Promises take away all fear and doubt of presum­ption in coming to Christ. That's the case of many a poor Soul; I am affraid, I am running out of despair into presumption; I doubt I am an unbidden, and therefore shall be an unwelcom guest to Christ. All this is prevented and cut off by those sweet universal Terms, inserted on pur­pose, in these Promises for our encouragement. That's the Second Evidence of this Truth.

III. Evidence.

The willingness of Christ to receive the wil­ling Soul, how many, and great, soever its sins and unworthiness be, appears from the actual grants of Pardon and Mercy, even to the vilest sinners that ever were upon the Earth, when they thus came unto him. Here you see how the Wa­ters of Free Grace rise higher and higher; an Invitation is much, a Promise of welcom is more; but the actual grants of Mercy is most satisfying of all. Come on poor trembling Soul, dont be discouraged, stretch out the small weak Arms of thy Faith to that great and gracious Redeemer; open thy Heart wide to receive him, he will not refuse to come in; he hath sealed thousands of pardons to as vile Wretches as thy self; he never yet shut the door of Mercy upon a willing, hun­gering Soul. It is a great matter to have the Way beaten, and the Ice broken before thee, in thy way to Christ. If thou wert the first sinner that had cast his Soul upon Christ, I confess I should want this encouragement I am now giving thee; but when so many have gone before thee, and all found a welcom beyond their expectation, What incouragement doth this breath into thy trembling discouraged Heart, to go on and ven­ture thy self upon Christ as they did? what an Example have we in Manasseh, 2 Chron. 33. from vers. 3. to 12. An Idolater, one that used En­chantments and Divinations, familiar Spirits, shed innocent Blood in the Streets of Ierusalem? a Man might rake the World, and hardly bring [...]o sight a viler Wretch, a greater Monster in sin [Page 245] and wickedness; yet his Heart being broken, and his Will bowed, this Man found Mercy. How great a sinner was Mary, that came to Christ in the House of Simon the Pharisee, Luke 7. 39. So notorious a sinner, that Simon took offence at Christ, for suffering so vile Wretch to come into his presence. If this Man were a Prophet, saith he, he would have known who, and what manner of Woman this is that toucheth him; for she is a sinner. Yet Maries Heart being broken for sin, and made willing to accept of a Saviour; what a gracious demonstration of welcom did Christ give her, and to all other sinners a singular encouragement in her Example? Once more, you have an emi­nent Example of the abundant welcom of ano­ther sinner to Christ, who owned himself for the greatest of Sinners, a Persecuter, a Blasphemer▪ Injurious; but, saith he, I obtained Mercy, 1 Tim. 1. 16. And the Example of his gracious Enter­tainment with Christ, is recorded on purpose for an encouragement unto all that should here­after believe. How many thousands are there now in Hell that never stood guilty of greater enormeties than the Corinthians did; Fornica­tors, Idolaters, Adulterers, Thieves, Covetous, Drunkards, Revilers, Extortioners, such were some of them; yet Sanctified, Washed, Justified, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spi­rit of our God. If ever Christ would have shut the door of Mercy upon any; if ever he would have been coy and shy of coming into any Souls, certainly these were the Souls he would have dis­dained to come near. O what a demonstration is here of that comfortable Point before us! That Christ will not refuse to come into the Soul of the [Page 246] vilest Sinner when ones it is made Heartily wil­ling to open to him.

IV. Evidence.

A further Evidence of this comfortable Truth shall be taken from the Scripture resemblances of the abundant Grace of God, and riches of Mer­cy in Christ towards all broken Hearted and wil­ling Sinners. There are some chosen resem­blances and excellent Emblems, which bring down the Grace of God before the very Eyes of Men; amongst which I will single out three glorious Resemblances of Free Grace, chosen by his Wis­dom, on purpose for the incouragement of poor drooping Sinners. A Resemblance from the Heavens, a Resemblance from the Sun, and a Re­semblance from the Sea; all such as the Wisdom of Men and Angels could never have chosen for such a purpose as this is.

I. A Resemblance from the Heavens, those vast extended Heavens that cover and compass this Earth; what an inconsiderable spot is the whole Terrestrial Globe, to those high and all-surrounding Heavens? and yet these Heavens are not at so vast a distance above the Earth, as the pardoning Grace of God is above the guilt, yea, and the very thoughts of poor Sinners. For of the pardoning Grace of God to penitent and willing Souls, that precious Scripture speaks, Isa. 55. 8, 9. Let the wicked for sake his way, and the unrighteous Man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. O saith the Soul, I cannot think God will ever have Mer­cy [Page 247] on such a Wretch as I, why saith he, vers. 8. My thoughts are not your thoughts, and 'tis well they are not; but as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my thoughts higher than your thoughts. You cannot take the height, nor sound the depth of my pardoning Grace. That's one Emblem, from the unconceivable height of the Heavens above the Earth.

II. Another is taken from the Sun in the Hea­vens, a Creature of admirable Power and Ver­tue; you know that anon this part of the World will be the Throne of Darkness, the Sable curtains of the Night will be spread over all the beauties of this part of the Earth, and it may be in the Morning a thick Fog or Mist will cover it; thick and dark Clouds may darken the Heavens, but behold this glorious Creature the Sun chasing before him the darkness of the Night, breaking up the Mists and Fogs of the Morning, scattering the dark and thick Clouds of Heaven; they are all gone and there is no appearance of them. Just so saith God, shall it be with thy sins, and thy Cloudy fears arising out of sin, Isa. 44. 22. I have blotted out as a thick Cloud thy transgressions, and as a Cloud thy sins. Thy Soul is beclouded, thy fears have bemisted thee; so that thou canst not see the grounds of thine encouragement; but my Grace shall arise upon thee, like the Sun in the Heavens, and scatter all these dismal Clouds both of guilt and fear, and make a clear Heaven over thee, and a clear Soul within thee. Vnto you that fear my Name, shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with heal­ing under his wings, Mal. 4. 2.

[Page 248] III. Another Resemblance you have from the Sea, the great Abyss, that vast Congregation of Waters, whose depth no line can fadom; Veer out as much Line as you will, you cannot touch the bottom. To this unfathomable Ocean the pardoning Grace of God is also resembled, Mich. 7. 18, 19. Who is a God like unto thee, that pardon­eth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities, and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the Sea. If the loftiest Pyramid, or highest Mountain were cast into the depth of the Sea, it would never be seen more by the Eyes of Men. God hath on purpose chosen this Emblem of his Grace to obviate that common discouragement of Satan taken from the great­ness and aggravation of sin; and in that case thou art to make use of them, and bless the Lord for them; he never designed them for encourage­ments to sin, but for encouragements to repen­tance and Faith. That's the Fourth Evidence of the Truth before us.

V. Evidence.

The Truth of this Conclusion will also evi­dently appear, from the innate characters and properties of the Grace and pardoning Mercy of God towards penitent and hungring Sinners. Now there are three glorious Characters of Divine Grace, which do all assure such sin­ners welcom to Christ, whatever they have been or done; the Grace of God, shines forth [Page 249] in Scripture in three illustrious Characters.

  • 1. As superabounding Grace.
  • 2. As Free Grace.
  • 3. As Grace exercised with delight.

First, It is superabounding Grace; Waters do not so abound in the Ocean, nor Light in the Sun, as Grace and compassion do in the bowels of God towards broken Hearted and hungry sin­ners, Isa. 55. 6. Let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. The compassions of our God inserted that word on purpose to relieve poor Souls fainting under the sense of their a­bounding iniquities. Here's abundant Pardon, for abounding Guilt; and yet left a despond­ing sinner should not find enough here to quiet his fears; the Lord goes yet farther in the ex­pression of his Grace, Rom. 5. 20. Where sin a­bounded, Grace did much more abound. It over­flowed all the bounds, it rose quite above the high-water Mark of sin and guilt; but these overflowings of Grace run only through that channel of all Grace, Jesus Christ, to broken Hearted and obedient Sinners.

Secondly, The Grace of God to such Souls is free, every way free; it is the very design of the Gospel to exhibit it in this its glory. It costs you nothing but acceptance, its free without merit, yea, free against merit; you can deserve nothing of God, therefore his Grace is free without me­rit; yea, you have deserved Hell, as often as you have sinned against him, and so it is free against merit. If a pardon were to be purchased [Page 250] by us, we want a stock for such a purchase; nei­ther can we borrow from Men or Angels a suffi­cient sum for such a purchase: Blessed be God, therefore, that it flows freely to us without money and without price, Isa. 55. 2.

Thirdly, Grace glories in another property also; which is very encouraging to the Soul of a drooping sinner, viz. that it is the darling attri­bute which God greatly delights to exercise. The tender Mother draws not out her aking Breast, with such delight to her hungry crying Child, as the Lord doth his Mercy and Compassion, to broken Hearted and hungry Sinners; in this at­tribute, and in this property of it, his people therefore admire him, Mich. 7. 18. Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? He retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. You cannot put Jesus Christ upon a more delightful imployment, than to bind up the Wounds, and set the broken Bones of poor con­vinced humbled Sinners. Let every such Soul come to Christ and welcom, for he greatly delights in such imployments.

VI. Evidence.

Such sinners need not doubt a welcom recepti­on with Christ; for should he reject and turn back such as these, then none can have the bene­fit of his Blood; and consequently it must be shed in vain, as Water spilt upon the ground. The Blood of Christ is invaluably precious, and it cannot be lost; it were a desperate impeach­ment of the Wisdom and Goodness of God to [Page 251] think so; yet so it must be, if broken Hearted and willing Souls be rejected and turned back from him. There are but two sorts of Sinners in all the World, viz. hardned and broken Hearted Sinners; willing and unwilling Sinners. The whole World falls into these two ranks; as for impenitent, hardned, and obstinate sinners, 'tis certain they can have no benefit by the Blood of Christ; they shall dye in their sins; the Gospel cuts them off (so continuing) from all expectation of pardon and mercy. Now there is but one sort of Sinners more left in the World, and they are convinced and humbled Sinners, who are made heartily willing to re­ceive Christ upon his own terms; who stretch forth the Hands of their desires to him, and pant after an interest in him. Should Christ re­ject these also, who then shall receive the benefit of his Blood? Did Christ dye in vain? Or can the Counsels of Heaven prove abortive? No, no; fear not therefore, to go to Christ thou broken Hearted Sinner, thou poor panting, long­ing Soul; fear not, he will not cast thee out.

VII. Evidence.

Moreover, for the encouragement of all such Souls, mercy and pardon are designed by, be­stowed upon the greatest and vilest of sinners, to enhance and raise the glory of Free Grace to the highest pitch. God picks out such Sinners as you are, on purpose to illustrate the glory of his Grace in and upon you; he knows you to whom so much is forgiven, you will love much, Luke 7. 47. You that have done so much against [Page 252] his Name and Glory, will excel others in zeal and obedience, 1 Cor. 15. 9, 10. You will go be­yond others in service for God, as you have done in sinning against him. All these things laid toge­ther make up a full demonstration of the Point, That Iesus Christ will not refuse to come into the Soul of the vilest Sinner, when once it is made heartily willing to open unto him. Which was the thing to be proved; and now our way is open to the Ap­plication of the Point, which will be exceeding useful for Information, Exhortation and Conso­lation.

I. Vse for Information.

Learn hence, [...] ▪ I [...]fer. what an invaluable Mercy it is to enjoy the Gospel in its light and liberty, which is so great a relief to the distressed Consciences of sinners.

Here only that Balm is to be found, that heals your spiritual Wounds. The Gospel hath been a low prized commodity in England, the Lord pardon the guilt thereof to us. Ah, Bre­thren, if you were in the Heathen World, with your sick and wounded Consciences, what would you do? There are no Bibles, Ministers, or Pro­mises; not a breath of Christ, or the Blood of sprinkling, which are the true and proper reme­dies of sick Souls; that's a pitiful cry, Mich. 6. 6. Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and how my self before the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt-offerings, with Calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of Rams, or ten thousand Rivers of Oyl? Shall I give my first­born for my transgression; the fruit of my Body for the sin of my Soul? Behold here the anguish of a [Page 253] destressed, sin-burdened Conscience; it would give up any thing in the World for peace and ease; they would cast their Children, their dear­est Children, their first-born, into the burning flames, if that might be an atonement for their [...]ins. O the efficacy of Conscience! And the mi­sery of an unrelieved Conscience! But the Go­spel which you enjoy leads you to the Fountain of pardon and peace, I [...]a. 53. 5. By his stripes we are healed. The voice of the Gospel is peace, peace to every one that believeth; a rational peace, founded upon the full satisfaction of Christ, Ephes. 1. 7. In whom we have redemption through his Blood, even the forgiveness of sins, ac­cording to the riches of his Grace. Here you see Justice and Mercy kissing each other; God satis­fied, and the Sinner justified; for Conscience de­mands as much to satisfie it, as God demands to satisfie him; if God be satisfied, Conscience is satisfied. O blessed are the people that hear this joyful sound, Psal. 89. 15. And doubtless it is a joyful sound to every convinced humbled Soul; Beauti­ful upon the Mountains are the Feet of them that bring good tydings, that publish peace. It is a Gospel worthy of all acceptation, 1 Tim. 1. 15. it brings with it a fulness of blessings among the People. O England! O Dartmouth! Provoke not thy God to extinguish this blessed light. Great is our wantonness, and ominous is our barrenness and ingratitude; Yet a little while the light is with you, walk whilst ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whi­ther he goeth, John 12. 35. Should God blow out this light, whither will you go? Who shall pour in Balm to your distressed bleeding Consciences'

II. Inference.

Hence in like manner it follows, II. Infer. that the greatness, heinousness of past sins is no bar to believing and ac­cepting Christ upon Gospel terms. Let no sinner be dismaid by the atrocity, and heynousness of sins past, from coming unto Jesus Christ for remissi­on and peace. I am awar what mischievous use Satan makes of former sins, to discourage Souls from the work of Faith, by heaping them to­gether, he raiseth up a Mountain betwixt Christ and the distressed Soul; but behold this day Christ leaping over these Mountains, and skip­ing over these Hills. Could this objection be rouled out of the way, sinners would go on in hope; but certainly if God have given thee a broken Heart, and a willing Mind, the greatness of thy sin need not discourage thee from belie­ving. For (1.) thou hast sufficient encourage­ment, from the sufficiency of the causes of par­don, whatever thy particular enormities have been; there is a sufficiency in the impulsive cause, the Free Grace and Mercy of God, Exod. 34. 6, 7. Micah 7. 18, 19. Isa. 55. 7, 8, 9. It is well there is Mercy enough in God to heal and cover all, and there is no less sufficiency in the merito­rious cause of pardon, the Blood of Jesus Christ, which taketh away all sin, 1 Iohn 1. 7. 1 Iohn 29. And it must needs be so, because it is Divine Blood, Acts 20. 28. Neither is there any defect in the applying cause, the Spirit of God, who hath already begun to work upon thy Heart, and is able to break it and bow it, and bring it home fully to Christ; and to compleat the work [Page 255] of Faith upon thee with power; thou complain­est, thou canst not mourn, nor believe as thou wouldst; but he wants no ability to supply all the defects of thy repentance and faith. Well then, if the mercy of God be sufficient to par­don the sin of a Creature; if the Blood of Christ, the Treasures and Revenues of a King be able to pay the debts of a Beggar; if the Spirit of God, who works by an Almighty Power, be able to convince thee of righteousness, as well as sin, Iohn 16. 9. I say, if all the three causes of forgiveness be sufficient, every one in its kind; the first to move; the second to purchase; and the third to apply; what hinders but thy trem­bling Conscience should go to Christ; and thy discouraged Soul move onward, with hope, in the way of believing, whatever thy former en­ormities have been? (2.) If God raises glory to his Name, out of the greatness of the sins he pardoneth, then the greatness of sin can be no discouragement to believing; but so God doth, he raiseth the glory of his Name from the mul­titude and magnitude of the sins he pardoneth, Ier. 33. 8, 9. I will cleanse them from all their ini­quity, whereby they have sinned against me; and I will pardon all their iniquities whereby they have sin­ned, and whereby they have transgressed against me: And it shall be to me a name of joy, a praise, and an honour before all the Nations of the Earth; which shall hear all the good I do unto them. And they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness, and for all the prosperity that I procure unto it. As a cure per­formed upon a Man labouring under a desperate Disease; it magnifies the Physitian, and spreads his Name far and near. The Devil envies God [Page 256] this glory, and thy Soul this comfort; and there­fore scares thee off from Christ, by the aggra­vations of thy sins. David was willing to give God the glory of pardoning his great iniquities, and with that very argument moves him for a pardon, Psal. 25. 11. Pardon mine iniquitie, for it is great. You see there are strange ways of argu­ing in Scripture, which are not in use among Men; this is one, Lord pardon my sin, for it is great; he doth not say, Lord pardon it, for it is but a small offence; no, but pardon it, because it is great; and the greater it is, the greater Glory wilt thou have in pardoning it: And then there is another way of arguing for pardon in Scrip­ture, which is peculiar; and that is to argue from former pardons unto new pardons; when Men beg their pardon one of another, they use to say, I never wronged you before, and there­fore forgive me now; but here it is quite other­wise; Lord thou hast signed thousand of pardons heretofore, therefore pardon me again; such is that plea, Numb. 14. 19. Pardon, I beseech thee, the iniquity of this people, according to the greatness of thy mercy; and as thou hast forgiven them from Egypt even until now. (3.) As great sins, as those that now stare in the Face of thy Consci­ence, have been actually forgiven to Men, upon their humiliation and closing with Christ. Poor sinners, under trouble of Conscience, are apt to think, there is no sin like theirs. God forbid I should diminish and extenuate sin, but certain I am that Free Grace hath pardoned as great Sin­ners as thou art, upon their repentance and faith: What think you, had you had a Hand in putting Christ to Death, would not that sin have [Page 257] been as dreadful as any that now discourages you? Yea, certainly, you would have thought that an unpardonable sin; and yet behold that very sin was no bar to their pardon, when once they were pricked at the Heart and made wil­ling to come to Christ, Acts 2. 36, 37, 38. (4.) If it be the design and policy of Satan to object the greatness of your sins, to prevent the pardoning of them; then certainly 'tis neither your duty nor interest to plead it to the same end the Devil doth, to lay a confederacy, and joyn with your mortal enemy in a plot against the honour of Christ, and Salvation of your own Souls; take heed what you do, seal not Satans conclusions; do you think it is a small matter to be confederate with the Devil? Certainly this is his design, he magnifies your sins, on purpose to discourage you from faith; while you were secure and carnal, the Devil never aggravated, but di­minished your sins to you; but now the Lord hath opened your Eyes, and you are come near to the door of hope, mercy, and pardon; now he magnifies them; hoping thereby to ham-string and lame thy faith, that it shall not be able to carry thee to Christ. (5.) If thy sin be really unpardonable, then God hath somewhere ex­cepted it in the Gospel grant. He hath some­where said, The Man that hath committed this sin, or continued so many years in sin, shall ne­ver be forgiven: but now in the whole Gospel there is but one sin that is absolutely excepted from the possibility of pardon, and that such a sin as thy sorrows and desires after Christ, do fully acquit, and clear thee from the guilt of; this sin indeed is excepted, Matth. 12. 31. But the sin [Page 258] against the Holy Ghost shall never be forgiven. This is that which the Scripture calls a sin unto death. Let Apostate Professors, transformed into Perse­cutors, Scoffers, and Haters of godliness and the Professors of it, look to themselves; the dread­ful symptoms of this sin seem to appear upon such. But the humbled, thirsty Soul after Christ, stands clear of the guilt of that sin. (5.) If there were no forgiveness with God for great sinners, then great sinners had never been invi­ted to come to Christ. The invitations of the Gospel are no mockeries, but things of most aw­ful solemnity. Now such sinners are called and invited under the encouragement of a pardon; consult Isa. 1. from vers. 10. to 17. and see the horrid aggravations of that peoples sins; and yet at vers. 17, 18. you may read the gracious in­vitations of God, with conditional promises of a plenary remission; so in Ier. 3. from 1. to 13. what a sad Catalogue of sins, with their horrid aggravations, do you find there? and yet it said, vers. 12. Go and proclaim these words towards the North, and say, Return thou backsliding Israel, and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you, for I am merciful. (6.) If thy sins had not been capable of remission, God would never have given thee conviction and compunction for sin; nor have drawn forth the desires of thy Heart in this manner after Christ. He hath tact remission to repentance, Acts 5. 31. a blessing to gracious de­sires and hungerings, Matth. 5. 6. There is there­fore hope that when God hath given the one, he will not long withhold the other. This very wounding of thy Heart by compunction, and drawing forth thy Will by inclination, shew that [Page 259] remission is not only possible, but even at the door. (7.) And lastly, Let this be thine encouragement, (whatever Satan, or thine own Heart, suggests to discourage thee) that great Sinners are mo­ving in the way of repentance and faith, to a great Saviour, who hath merit enough in his Blood, and mercy enough in his Bowels, to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him, Heb. 7. 25. The Lord open to the Eyes of your Faith, that rich Exchequer of Free Grace, Exod. 34. 6, 7. and give you a sight of that plenteous Redemption, and forgiveness that is with God, Psal. 130. 4, 7. that you may not at once cast re­proach upon the most glorious Attribute of God; impeach the precious Blood of Christ, and stab your own Soul with a death-wound of desperati­on; which is that the Devil designs, and the whole strain of the Gospel designs to prevent.

III. Inference.

If the vilest of sinners stand as fair for pardon and mercy upon their closing with Christ by faith, III. Infer. as the least of sinners do; then certainly the pardon and salvation of sinners is not built upon any righteousness in themselves, but purely and only upon the Free Grace of God in Iesus Christ. Dont think God hath set the Blood of Christ to sale, and that those only are capable of the benefits of it, who have lived the strictest and soberest lives. No, no; though sobriety, morality, and strictness in Religious Duties be things commanded, and com­mended in the Gospel; yet no Man by these things can purchase a pardon for the least sin, Rom. 11. 6. And if by grace, then it is no more of Works, [Page 260] otherwise grace is no more grace; but if it be of works, then is it no more grace; otherwise work is no more work. See how these exclude one another, thus Titus 3. 5. Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us. No Man can satisfie God by any thing himself can do or suffer; not by doing, for all we do is mixt with sin, Iob 14. 4. and that which is sin­ful can be no attonement for sin; all we do or can do, is due debt to God, Luke 17. 10. and one debt cannot satisfie for another. Nor yet by suffering, for the sufferings awarded by the Law are everlasting; and to be ever satisfying, is never to satisfie: So then by the works of the Law shall no flesh living be justified in his sight. The Saints in all generations have fled to mercy for remission, Psal. 130. ult. the two debtors, Luke 7. 43, 44, 45. though there were a vast difference in the debts; yet of the lesser, as well as of the greater, its said they had nothing to pay; no­thing but the satisfaction of Christ can quit your scores with God.

IV. Inference.

If the grace of Christ be thus free to the greatest of sinners, IV. Infer. then it is both our sin and folly to stand off from Christ, and draw back from believing, for want of such and such qualifications, which we yet find not to be wro [...]ght in our Hearts. Poor convinced Souls think, O if they had more humility, ten­derness, love to God, spirituality of mind, this would [...]e some encouragment to believe▪ but because they have no such ornaments to dress up their Souls withal, they are not fit to go to [Page 261] Christ. Now to remove this great mistake, let two things be considered.

1. That such a conceit as this crosses the very stream of the Covenant of Grace, where nothing is sold, but all freely given; this is the very Spi­rit of the Covenant of Works, fain we would find something in our selves to bring to God, to Procure his favour and acceptance; but the Go­spel tells us we must come naked, and empty handed; to be justified freely by his grace, Rom. 2. 24. We must be justified as Abraham was; who believed in him that justifieth the ungodly, Rom. 4. 5. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. The meaning is, to him that worketh not in a law sense, to procure pardon and accept­ance by and for working. Go then poor sinner unto God through Christ, and tell him thou hast nothing to bring him; thou comest not to bring but to receive. Lord, I am a vile sinner, I have nothing to plead but thy mercy, and Christs me­rit. This is the Spirit of the Gospel.

2ly, By standing off from Faith for want of these qualifications, you invert the setled order of the Gospel; by puting consequents in the place of antecedents, and antecedents in the places of consequents; it is as if a Man should say, If I were cured of such and such Diseases, then I would go to the Phisitian; alas, could you otherwise procure the healing of your corrupti­ons, or the gracious qualifications you speak of, you would have no need to go to Christ at all; nothing is required of us in our coming to Christ, but such a sense of, and sorrow for [...]in, as makes us heartily willing to accept Christ, [Page 262] and subscribe the terms on which he is offered in the Gospel.

V. Inference.

Behold the admirable condescension of Christ, V. Infer. that he will come into the Heart of the vilest sinner, and not disdain to take his abode in that Soul which hath been the seat of Satan, where he hath ruled, and every unclean lust hath been harbour'd!

There are two things wherein the admirable condescension of Christ appears. (1.) In taking union with our Nature after sin had blasted the beauty of it; this was a marvelous stoop indeed, and justly admired by the Apostle, Phil. 2. 7. He made himself of no reputation, and was made in the likeness of Men. Yea, God sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, Rom. 8. 3. But (2ly,) 'tis justly admirable in our Eyes, that Christ should also take union with our persons; and take his habitation and abode in our Hearts, after Satan and sin had so long inhabited and defiled them; that he should accept those Members as instru­ments of his service; that very Tongue to praise him that had blasphemed him, &c. yet so he is willing to do, and commands us to deliver them up to him, Rom, 6. 19. As ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness, and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members ser­vants to righteousness unto holiness. One would have thought Jesus Christ should have said, Vile wretch, Satan hath had the use and service of thy Soul and Body from thy beginning to this day; thy Memory hath been his Storehouse, thy Mouth his Shop, thy Will his Throne, and all thy Mem­bers [Page 263] his Tools and Instruments to sin against me; thou hast been a Creature dedicated to Sa­tan, and to him thou shalt go. No, but the mer­ciful Lord declares his willingness, if thou wilt open thy Soul to receive him, to cleanse it by his Spirit, and make it his Temple to dwell in. O admirable grace!

VI. Inference.

Lastly, VI. Infer. How just and inevitable will their damna­tion be, who consent not to the necessary and reason­able terms of the Gospel, which is the only point on which Christ and their Souls part for ever?

The terms required by the Gospel are every way equal and reasonable; if a gracious Prince will bestow a Pardon upon a Traitor upon this condition, that he lay down his Arms, acknow­ledge his Of [...]ence, and list himself in his Princes Service, and he shall refuse so to do, how just and unpitied will his destruction be? and what else doth God require of thee, but only this, Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous Man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon, Isa. 55. 7. And as the dam­nation of such is just, so it will be inevitable; for if there be no way to glory but by Christ, as you know there is not, Acts 4. 12. Neither is there salvation in any other. And if there be no way to Christ but by our accepting him upon these very terms; as it plainly appears, from Luke 14. 26. there is not: what then remains but inevitable damnation to all that come not up to the terms of the Gospel? If you think not Christ a good [Page 264] bargain with all the sufferings, losses and re­proaches that attend him; your Mouths will be stopt, no plea will be left you in the great Day. You refused a fair offer when it was seasonably and graciously made you by the Gospel, and now you must expect no more such offers to Eternity; thy Blood sinner, be upon thine own Head; the freeness and Importunity of the tenders of Grace, will then only seem to illustrate and clear the righteousness of God in thy condemnation.

II. Vse for Exhortation.

In the next place, The point naturally leads me to a vehement perswasive unto all sinners of what rank or size soever they be, to hearken to the voice of Christ, who takes them all within the compass of his gracious invitation in the Text, saying, If any Man open I will come in. Let all sorts of sinners bless God for the extensiveness of this invitation, and that they find themselves by it as yet within the reach and compass of the Arms of a merciful Redeemer. And that there is nothing wanting to secure their Salvation, but the hearty consent of their Wills to the reason­able and necessary terms of the Gospel. Look over the whole Book of God, and you shall there find but one case absolutely excepted from the possibility of forgiveness; but one wound abso­lutely incurable, of which Christ speaks, Matth. 12. 31, 32. And what may be the reason that this only i [...] an incurable wound? certainly it cannot be, because the malignity of this sin exceeds the meritorious and pardoning vertue of the Blood of Christ; but rather because there is no sacrifice [Page 265] appointed by the Lord for it. God never de­signed that the Blood of Christ should be an ex­piatory Sacrifice for that sin; as the Apostle plainly speaks, Heb. 6. 4, 5, 6, 7. All other sins and blasphemies shall be forgiven unto Men, saith Christ, that is, they are capable of forgiveness upon sincere and actual repentance and faith; yea, they have been actually pardoned unto ma­ny; now the greater any Mans sins hath been, the greater need he hath to hasten to Christ for pardon: There are some of you greater sinners than others; for though no sin be venial, light and trivial in it self; yet compared one with ano­ther, there is a vast difference found betwixt them in the weight and aggravations of them. Now I will labour to shew you by what rules Men are to estimate the greatness and aggravation of sin; and then to convince you that the greatest of sinners stand yet fair for mercy, as well as the lesser; and sometimes much fairer: Publicans and Harlots go into the Kingdom of God before you, saith Christ, Matth. 21. 31. Now the rules to estimate the aggravations and greatness of sin by, are these,

(1.) There be sins of infirmity, committed out of weakness, and there are crying sins in the Ears of the Lord; of the former sort, sins of in­firmity, you read Gal. 6. 1. where it is called an overtaking in a fault; here's no premeditation, nor deliberate consent, but a surprize; these go not to the account of gross and heynous enormi­ties, called in Scripture crying sins, such as are the sin of oppression, Hab. 2. 10, 11. The stones shall cry out of the wall, aud the beam out of the tim­ber shall answer it. The meaning is, that the in­justice [Page 266] and oppression which Men have used in raising their own Houses, shall cry in the Ears of the Lord for vengance. The Stone in the Wall shall say, I was digged out of the Quarry, hewen, and layed here, by the unrewarded labours of the poor Mason; and the Timber out of the Beam shall say, I was hewn, squared and placed here, by the unrewarded Hands of the poor Car­penter. This is a crying sin; so also is the sin of Murder, when our Hands have been defiled with innocent Blood; this makes a dismal cry in Hea­ven, Gen. 4. 10. The voice of thy Brothers blood cry­eth unto me from the ground. A sin that makes an horrid outcry in both Worlds at once; in Hea­ven, and in the sinners Conscience. Such also is the sin of unnatural lusts; the sin of Sodom made a cry which came up to Heaven, Gen. 18. 20. Be­cause the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is very grievous. Compare these sins with the sins of common infirmity, which come by way of involuntary surprize, and what vast odds will be found in the weight and aggravations of them?

(2ly,) You find in Scripture a great difference put betwixt sins committed against the clear shi­ning light of Knowledge in the sinners Consci­ence, and sins of Ignorance which are committed for want of Knowledge: Christ himself puts a great difference betwixt them, Luke 12. 47, 48. and so doth the Apostle, Iames 4. 17. To him that knoweth to do good, and doth it not, to him it is sin. Sin with a witness.

(3ly,) There are single acts of sin, and conti­nued or repeated acts of sin. Sins committed af­ter Conviction, Promises, and Resolutions. Now [Page 267] there is not so much of guilt in a single act of sin, as there is in a repeated and continued course of sin, called Deut. 29. 19. Adding of drunkenness to thirst, and Isa. 30. 1. Adding sin to sin. For as it is in numbring, so it is in sinning; if the first figure be one, the second is ten, the third an hundred, the fourth a thousand; and every addition makes a greater multiplication. O what a dreadful reckoning will here be for the Consciences of poor sinners!

(4ly,) Contrivers and studiers of sin are al­ways in Scripture placed in the first rank of sin­ners. The best servant God hath in the World may be surprized by the deceitfulness of sin, against the gracious bent and resolution of his Soul; but the contrivance and plotting of sin is quite another thing; therefore it is said of the wicked, Iob 15. 35. They conceive mischief, and bring forth vanity, and their belly prepareth deceit. That is, sin like the Foetus in the Womb, hath its time of conception, growth, and birth; and all this by the deliberate consent of the naughty Heart, and Will, which fosters and cherishes it.

(5ly,) There are ring-leaders in sin, and single personal sins which spread no farther than our selves; a ring-leader in sin is in Scripture reckoned amongst the greatest of sinners; so Revel. 2. 14. Thou hast them that held the Doctrin of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the Children of Israel; thus Ieroboam the son of Nebat made Israel to sin. There is the same difference betwixt these and single per­sonal sins, as there is betwixt a chain shot, and a single bullet: Mind this, you that have [Page 268] induced others to sin by your counsel or exam­ple.

(6ly,) There are sins in which men glory and take pleasure, and sins for which men groan and mourn. Now the more pleasure any man takes in sin, the greater doth the sin arise in its aggrava­tion. We read of some, Iob 20. 12. in whose mouths wickedness is sweet, and they hide it under their tongue: that is, they draw a great deal of con­templative delight before and after the commis­sion of sin, as well as in the commission of it. 'Tis bad enough to sin and sigh, to sin and weep; but to sin and boast, to sin and make a mock of sin, what a prodigious way of sinning is this? O Sinner, what an heart hast thou, that canst play and sport with that which grieves God, crucified Christ, and with without deep and sound Repen­tance will damn thine own Soul!

(7ly,) The more Bonds of Restraint any man breaks asunder to commit sin, the greater, and more aggravated always that sin is in the sight of God. There be some persons upon whom God hath laid more bonds of restraint to keep back their souls from iniquity, than he hath upon o­thers. The more mercies he hath bestowed upon you, the more restraints from sin. So many mercies, so many tyes, Ier. 2. 5, 6. especially spi­ritual mercies; as light in your minds, pardons sealed to your consciences, love manifested to your souls. Such also are your own Vows, Promises and Resolutions; Ier. 2. 20. Thou saidst, I will no more transgress. Didst not thou promise me, saith God, more care and circumspection for time to come? And such are all the Examples and Warnings God hath given us, by his Judgments [Page 269] upon others, 1 Cor. 10. 11. These things put an Accent upon sin, and make it out of measure sin­ful.

And now my Friends, what have have I been driving at all this while, in opening the greatness and aggravations of sin? The design of all this is to shew you the indispensible need of Repen­tance and Faith to carry you to Christ.

But I am the person upon whom these crying aggravated sins are found. Object. you tell me of going to Christ; alas, there is no hope of mercy for such a wretch as I am. There it sticks. Poor sinners think 'tis to no purpose, they had as good go on in sin, for they conclude there's no hope for them.

Come sinners, give me leave to tell you, you have a Text before you, that the clears the way of your duty and salvation at once. Answ. If any man, be he what he will, be his sins never so great, yet if he hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, saith Christ. There is mercy in Jesus Christ for thee who art guilty of crying sins: For thee, that hast added sinned against light and know­ledge; For thee, that hast drunkenness to thirst: For thee, that hast contrived sin with de­liberation: For thee, that hast induced others to sin by counsel or example: For thee, that hast taken pleasure in iniquity, and made a sport of sin: Yea, and for thee also, that hast broken a­sunder the bonds of mercies, vows and warnings, provided thou wilt now hear the voice of Christ, and thy Will open to him with an hearty firm con­sent, Isa. 55. 4. You are great and heinous sin­ners, but I shew this day a Great and Almighty Saviour: One that is able to save to the utmost all [Page 270] that come unto God by him. Hebr. 7. 25. There is a Sacrifice laid out and appointed for these sins. O bless God for that. They are no where ex­cepted from the possibility of forgiveness. No­thing but the impenitency of thy heart, and ob­stinacy of thy Will, can bar thee from a full and final pardon. Jesus Christ can save thee to the uttermost. Say not within thy self, Can the virtue of his Blood extend it self to the remission of this or that sin? He can save to the uttermost. Look round about thee to the uttermost Horizon of all thy guilt, and Christ can save thee to the uttermost, that the Eye of thy Conscience can discern, yea and beyond it too; but then thou must come unto him. You speak of the greatness of sin, and you have cause to have sad thoughts about it; but in the mean time you consider not, that your Unbelief, by which you stand off from Christ your only Remedy, is certainly the great­est of all the sins that ever you stood guilty of against the Lord. This is the sin that binds the guilt of all your other sins upon you. Let me there­fore address my self, (1) To you who cry out of the greatness of sin, and that discourages you from going to Christ: (2) To lesser sinners, who because they are clear of great Enormities, see not their need of Christ.

1. This Exhortation speaketh to you whose Consciences are [...]eared with the horrid and hide­ous aggravations of your sins, by reason where­of your own misgiving hearts, assisted by the po­licy of Satan, discourage you from all Attempts to gain Christ and Pardon in the way of Repen­tance and Faith. Let me at this time hint three or four Considerations to you by way of Encou­ragement.

[Page 271] (1) The sparing goodness of God till now, gives some encouragement that God may have a reserve of mercy for so great and vile a sinner as thou art. O what a mercy is it that thy life hath been spared hitherto! Many of thy Compa­nions in sin are beyond hope and mercy, whilst thou art left. I confess this is no sure sign of Gods gracious intention to thee, unless the goodness and forbearance of God did lead thee to Repen­tance; then the gracious intention of God in prolonging thy life would evidently appear. But however, it is in it self a very great mercy, be­cause without it no spiritual mercy could be ex­pected.

(2ly,) 'Tis matter of encouragement and hope, That though your Disease be dreadful, yet it is not desperate and incurable. The Text takes it within the compass of mercy: O bless God for that, If any man, &c.

(3ly,) As great sinners as you have been have found mercy, 1 Tim. 1. 16. and God would have it to be recorded for your encouragement. If now the Lord shall make thy heart to break, and thy Will to bowe, whatever thy sins have been, they shall not bar thee from mercy and forgive­ness. But if thou resolve to go on in sin, or sit down desponding or discouraged, and wilt not come in at the Invitation and Call of Christ, then thy wound is incurable indeed; and there is but one way with thee, thy Mittimus is already made for Hell; and that Scripture in 1 Cor. 6. 9. will tell thee whither thou art going. But God forbid that this should be the Issue of Christs gra­cious invitations to thee, and forbearance of thee. Seeing mercy is tendred to any man that will [Page 272] accept it upon Christ's terms, exclude not thy self when he hath not excluded thee.

2. I will close up this Use of Exhortation to another sort of persons who are not of the noto­rious, infamous rank of profane Sinners, but their lives have been drawn more smoothly through a course of Civility. These have as great need to be prest to Repentance and Faith as the most no­torious Sinners in the world. These are a Gene­ration that bless themselves in their own eyes, and thank God with the Pharisee, Luke 18. 11. That they are not as other men. They acknowledge Con­version to be the duty of the profane; that such Sinners as I last dealt with, stand in apparent need of it: But as for themselves, they scarce know where to find matter for Repentance, nor do they feel any need of Christ. Now I would lay three Considerations before such persons, to convince them that their Case is as sad and hazardous, yea, and in some respect more hazardous than the state of the most notorious Sinners in the world; and that a Change must also pass upon them, or else it had been good for them they had never been born.

I. Consideration. Let the civilized part of the world lay this thought close to their hearts, That though their sins be not so gross and horrid to ap­pearance as other mens are, yet continued in, they will prove as mortal and destructive, as those greater Abominations of other men. No sin ab­solutely considered is small. Every sin is mortal and damning without Christ; Rom. 6. ult. The wages of sin is death. 'Tis no great odds, if a man be killed, whether it were by a broad Sword, or by a small Penknife. The least sin violates the [Page 273] whole Law, Iames 2. 10. He that offendeth in one point is guilty of all. The least transgression of the Law, pulls down the guilt and curse of the whole Law upon the Sinners head. And this is your misery that are out of Christ, and stand un­der the rigorous terms of the first Covenant. Moreover, the Law of God is violated grosly, and externally, or spiritually, and more internally. Thus every unchast thought is Adultery: And the very inward burnings of Malice and Anger in the heart is Murther. Now if the Lord shall bring the spiritual sense of the Law home to your Con­sciences, as he did to Paul's, Rom. 7. 9. You will certainly give up that plea, that you have not so much need of conversion as other Sinners have. There are sins of greater infamy, and sins of deep­er guilt. There may be more guilt in those sins that are stifled in thy heart, and never defamed thee, than there may be in some sins that make a louder noise in the world.

II. Consideration. You are guilty of one sin (how civil and blameless soever your lives are) which is certainly more great and heinous than any out­ward act of sin can ordinarily be, and that is, your trusting to your own Righteousness, as the Pharisees did, Luke 18. 9. He spake this Parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righ­teous, and despised others. Here's an Idol of Jealou­sie set up in the room of Christ: 'Tis true, this sin makes not so loud a noise in the world, raises not such a dust, as the sins of prophane ones do. But certainly it is as abominable in the eyes of God, as the sins that stink so much in the nostrils of Nature. Civilized persons thus trusting to [Page 274] their own civility, and neglecting Jesus Christ, will be one day put into the Van of that wretched Crue that are going to Hell; a portion with unbe­lievers, as the Scripture speaks.

III. Consideration. Lastly, It hath been always found a more rare and difficult thing, to convince and bring home to Christ the civilized part of the world, than it is to convince and work upon the prophane part of it, Matth. 21. 31. Publicans and Harlots go into the Kingdom of God before you. Publicans were reckoned the vilest sort of men, and Harlots the worst sort of women; yet either of these were easier to be brought to Christ, than self-righteous Pharisees. Well then, away with your vain and idle pretensions, that your Case is safer and better than others. By what hath been said, it evidently appears that you stand in as much need of Christ as the most infamous Sinners in the world do.

III. Vse.

This point winds up in encouragement to eve­ry willing and obedient soul whom the Lord shall perswade to comply with the Call of the Gospel, whatever his former Rebellions have been. There are some whose hearts the Lord hath touched with a deep sense of their sin and misery, and of the all-sufficient remedy that is in Christ; but the sense of former rebellions appals and daunts them, they cannot hope for acceptance with him. Here's good news for such souls; Christ is at the door, and former Rebellions are no barr to him, pro­vided there be now a hearty compliance with his voice, I will come in to him. A glorious promise, comprising five inestimable benefits or mercies in [Page 275] it. (1.) This is the most glorious work of God that ever was wrought, or can be wrought in this world, upon the heart of a poor sinner, to open it by Repentance and Faith, and put Christ into the full possession of it.

The power of all the Angels in Heaven, Mi­nisters on Earth, Duties and Ordinances cannot effect this; this is the peculiar work of God, 1. Cor. 1. 30. But of him are ye in Christ Iesus. Look, as it was the marvellous work of God to unite our Nature unto Christ by an Hypostatical U­nion; so it is no less a marvellous work of God to unite our persons to Christ by a Mystical Union, to prepare the soul as an habitation for Christ, and give him the possession of it. (2.) This Coming of Christ into the Soul is the very foun­dation of all our Hopes for Glory; till this be done, we are without hope. But in the same hour Christ comes in to the Soul, a solid Foundation of the hopes of Glory is laid in that Soul, Col. 1. 27. Which is Christ in you the hope of Glory. I know the unregenerate World is full of hope, but their hopes are built upon that Sand. Union with Christ is the steady foundation on which the hopes of Heaven are laid. (3.) I will come in to him, that is, to dwell in his soul for ever, never to leave him more: Therefore ( Eph. 3. 17.) he is said to dwell in our hearts by faith; not sojourn for a night, but abide there for ever: Nothing can se­perate Christ and that Soul, Rom. 8. 35. Thy Soul shall never be an habitation for Satan any more. When Christ comes in, he saith, as of the Tem­ple, Here will I dwell for ever. (4.) This Coming in of Christ intitles the Soul to all Spiritual Pri­viledges; 1 Iohn 5. 12. He that hath the Son hath [Page 276] life: and 1 Cor. 3. ult. All is yours, for ye are Christs. (5.) This is the highest honour that ever God put upon a Creature. I will come in to him. O how should the Soul feel it self advan­ced by such an honour as this! What, to be the living Temple of Jesus Christ! for Christ to dwell and walk in thy Soul! as it is 2 Cor. 6. 16. I tell you this is an honour beyond and above the ho­nour done to Angels.

And how near art thou to all these blessed Pri­viledges in the day that thy heart is wounded for sin, thy thoughts become solicitous about union with Christ, and thy Will begins to bowe, and yield, after a serious debate of the terms of the Gospel in thy most solemn thoughts! Now is the door half-open, and Christ ready to make his first entrance into thy Soul. God forbid any thing should now hinder the compleating of so great a Work.


Revel. 3. 20. Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any Man [hear my voice] and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me.’

IN the former Sermon Christs free and ge­neral invitation to sinners hath been con­sidered; in the next place, we are to take into consideration the principal means or instrument by which the Heart of a sinner is opened to receive Christ; and that is not by the native power of his own Will, nor by the alone efficacy of the Gospel preached, but by the voice of Iesus Christ, which opens the Will, and makes the perswasions of the Gospel effectual. If any Man hear my voice.

Hearing is either External, or Internal; for the Soul hath its Ears, as well as the Body. He that hath an Ear let him hear, what the Spirit saith unto the Churches, Rev. 2. 17. ( i. e.) He that hath a Spiritual Ear, to perceive and judge the voice of the Spirit by; and it is a sore Judgment when God denies such an Ear to the Soul, Isa. 6. 9. Go [Page 278] tell this people, hear ye indeed, but understand not. Spiritual hearing is the Work of the inner Man. And though we have many Auditors, yet in this sense no more hearers than believers; words of sense do in Scripture connote affections. This hearing of Christs voice implies not only the re­ceiving of the sound of the Gospel into the ex­ternal organ; but it notes the work of the un­derstanding, which by the Ear trieth words, as the Mouth tasteth meat, Iob 12. 11. And the work of the affections; which receive the truth in love, 2 Thes. 2. 10. It also implies the obedience of the Soul to what we hear. We cannot be said in this sense to hear, what we obey not. Our minds may be delighted with the pleasant air and melody of the Gospel, and yet it is all one as if we heard it not, when obedience doth not follow hearing, Ezek. 33. 32. Thou art unto them a very lovely son, &c. for they hear thy words, but they do them not; but in this place it especially signifies the vital sound of Christs efficacious internal voice, which is the principle of Spiritual Life to the Souls of dead sinners; according to that expres­sion of Christ, Iohn 5. 25. Verily, verily, I say un­to you the hour is coming, and now is; when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live.

From hence the Eighth Observation will be this,


That no Mans Will savingly and effectually opens to receive Christ, 8. Doct. till the Spiritual quickning Voice of Christ be first heard by the Soul.

[Page 279] Now touching this Almighty Spiritual voice of Christ, by which the Hearts of sinners are ef­fectually opened; Six things must be opened in order.

  • 1. The divers sorts and kinds of Christs voice.
  • 2. The general Nature of this internal voice.
  • 3. The innate characters and special proper­ties of it.
  • 4. The objects to whom it is directed.
  • 5. The motives inducing Christ to speak to one, and not to another.
  • 6. The special effects wrought and sealed by it upon every Soul that hears it.

First, We will speak of the divers sorts and kinds of Christs voices. I am here only concern­ed about two, viz.

  • 1. His External.
  • 2. His Internal voice.

1. There is an External voice of Christ, which we may call his Ministerial voice in the Preach­ing of the Gospel; the Scriptures are his Word, and Ministers his Mouth, Ier. 15. 19. He that heareth them, heareth Christ.

2ly, There is also an Internal energetical voice of Christ, consisting not in sound, but power: And betwixt these two, there are two remark­able differences. (1.) The External or Mini­sterial voice of Christ, is but the Organ or In­strument of conveying his Internal and Efficaci­ous voice to the Soul; in the former he speaks to the Ear, and in, or by that [...]ound conveys his [Page 280] Spiritual voice to the Heart. (2ly,) The Ex­ternal voice is evermore ineffectual and success­less, when it is not animated by this Internal Spiritual voice; it was marvellous to see the walls of Iericho falling to the ground at the sound of Rams-horns; there was certainly more than the force of an external blast, to produce such an effect; but more marvellous it is, to see at the sound of the Gospel, not only the weapons of iniquity falling out of sinners Hands, but the very enmity it self out of their Hearts. Here you see is a voice in a voice, an Internal efficacy in the External sound; without which the Go­spel makes no saving impression.

Secondly, This Spiritual voice of Christ must be considered in its general Nature, which im­plies two things in it,

  • 1. Almighty Efficacy,
  • 2. Great Facilty.

I. Almighty Efficacy, to quicken and open the Heart with a word. O what manner of voice is this, which carries such a vital power along with it! In all the mighty works of Christ, his power was still put forth in some voice, as at the Resur­rection of Lazarus, John 11. 43. He cryed with a loud voice, Lazarus come forth; and he that was dead came forth. So in the curing of the deaf Man, Mark 7. 34. He saith unto him Ephphathai, and straight way his Ears were opened. Thus in the exerting of his Almighty glorious power in quickning, a Soul Spiritually dead, and opening the Heart that was lockt up by ignorance and un­belief; an Internal Almighty Efficacy passeth [Page 281] from Christ, along with the voice of the Gospel, to effect this glorious work upon the Soul; an Emblem where of we have in Ezek. 37. 9, 10. Then said he unto me, Prophesie unto the wind, prophesie, Son of Man to the wind, saith the Lord God; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breath upon these slain, that they may live. So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood up upon their Feet, an exceeding great Army. The animating vital breath which quickned the dead, came in or with the four winds of Heaven; as this Almighty power of Christ doth with the sound of the Gospel; and before it the Heart opens, the Will bows, Psal. 110. 3. Man can no longer oppose the power of God; Man and Man stand upon equal ground; the power of Man can repel the power of a fel­low creature; but when the power of Christ comes along with the voice of Man, there is no more power to resist. Clamor hic est pul­satio; signi­ficant cogi­tata a Deo injecta, ad monendam peccatoris conscienti­am;id Deus aliquandiu facit, non semper. This voice of Christ then, of which the Text speaks, Pools Sy­nops. in loc. is an Almighty impression made upon the Soul of a sinner from Heaven; which is to that Soul in stead of a voice; and as fully expressive of Gods mind concerning it, as any Articulate voice in the World can be. It is a beam of light shining immediately from the Spirit, into the Soul of a sinner; as plainly and evidently discovering both its danger and duty, as if a voice from Heaven had declared them▪ thus it is said, Isa. 8. 11. The Lord spake to Isaiah with a strong Hand, that is, by a migh­ty impression upon the Prophets Spirit, which was as a voice to him; thus here, the Lord not only directs a suitable word to a sinners con­dition; but also impresses it with such a strong [Page 282] Hand upon his Heart, as leaves no doubt behind it, but that it was the Lord himself that spake to his Soul; this is Christs way of speaking by his Spirit, to the inner Spiritual Ear of the Soul; not by Oraculous voices, which I take to be but the suppositions of an overtroubled fancy; but by an efficacious impression upon the Heart. As to Oraculous voices, we may sooner meet Sata­nical delusions, than Divine illuminations in that way. The Learned Gerson speaks of a good Man who being in Prayer seemed to hear such a voice as this; I am come in person to visit thee, for thou art worthy; but he justly suspecting a delusion of Satan, shut his Eyes and said, Nolo hic videre Christum, &c. I will not see Christ here, it shall suf­fice me to see him in glory. I am sure Christs voice in the written Word is more sure than a voice from Heaven, 2 Pet. l. 1. 9. This inward Spiritual impression is Christs effectual call from Heaven; and it is a voice sine strepitu Syllabarum, without sound or syllable.

II. As this voice of Christ implies Almighty efficacy, so it implies in like manner the facility of conversion unto Christ; he can do it easily with a word of his Mouth; as in the bodily cures performed by him in the days of his flesh, how suddainly and easily did Christ effect them? Speak the word only, said the Centurion, and my servant shall be healed. Thus let the Spirit but speak in­ternally to the deadest Soul and it lives. Elijah did but cast his mantle upon Elisha, as he was plowing in the Field, and he presently entreats the Prophet to give him leave to go home and bid his friends farewel, and he would follow him; thus it is here, let a beam of saving light shine [Page 283] from the Spirit into a Mans Heart, let an effectu­al impression be made upon his Soul, and he is presently made willing to quit and give up his dearest lusts and interests, and to imbrace Christ upon the severest terms of the Gospel. Conver­sion is too difficult a work for Angels or Men to effect in their own strength; but Christ can do it with a word. And thus much of the general na­ture of Christs Spiritual Internal voice; but all this gives us but a remote imperfect knowledge of it: Therefore

Thirdly, I shall endeavour to open the innate characters and special properties of this Internal Spiritual voice of Christ, which must be heard, or there can be no opening the door of the Heart to receive him.

I. Character.

And the first Character is this, It is a secret and a still voice; whereby somewhat is as it were whispered into the Ear of the Soul, making a particular application of what is spoken Exter­nally to the Ear, much like that of Nathan to David, Thou art the Man. This still voice sounds throughout the whole Soul, yet none hear it but the Soul concerned in it; it is said, 1 Sam. 9. 15. The Lord told Samuel in his Ear, the night be­fore, &c. That is, he whispered the secret into the Prophets mind; so the Spirit of Christ whis­pers a word into the Ear of a sinner which makes his Heart to tremble; after this manner, This is thy very state and condition; this is thy sin, which is now opened by the Gospel in thine Ears. This is a voice without sound or noise to any others, but [Page 284] very intelligible to the Soul unto whom it is [...]po­ken. You read in 1 Kings 19. 11, 12. when Eli­jah stood upon the Mount before the Lord, there came a great and strong wind which rent the Moun­tains, and brake in pieces the Rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earth­quake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice; And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, &c. So it is here. Dreadful things are thundred against men by the voice of the Law, the Terrours of the Lord are made known, Hell and Damnation are set before the eyes of Sinners; but until the Lord come in the still voice of his Spirit, and apply those things to the Conscience, the Sinner never covers his face with shame and confusion, nor goes aside to mourn and lament his misery. This voice of God sounds to the very Centre of the Soul. As for the out­ward voice of the Gospel alone, it signifies little, in hearing men hear not, Matth. 13. 13. They have the voice of Man, but not the voice of God: They hear the sound, but feel not the power of the Word. What is spoken externally, dyes in the ear that hears it: But this still voice of the Spirit by secret passages makes its way to the heart, and none knows what God speaks but the Soul to whom he speaks. That is the first Cha­racter.

II. Character.

The internal spiritnal voice of Christ is a per­sonal and particular voice, speaking distinctly, [Page 285] and particularly to the case and state of the Soul, as if it were by name. Ministers do and must speak in general; they draw the Bow of the Go­spel at an adventure, not knowing to whom God will direct the Arrow; but the Spirit guides it to the Mark. He applies general Truths unto par­ticular persons, so as the Soul to whom he di­rects it, is fully convinced and satisfied the Lord intends and means it, in such a convictive and threatning Expression. O, saith the Soul, hath the Lord singled me out in special? this is my very state and case. You read Iohn 10. 5. that Christ calleth his sheep by name. How doth he call them by name? but by speaking directly and par­ticularly to their Condition and Case, as if he cal­led them by their particular Names. He doth not now in an extraordinary way, as of old, call Sa­muel, Samuel; or Saul, Saul; but he sends a Beam of convincing light into the Conscience, plainly discovering this or that to be our sin, danger, or duty; and so as to the effect, it is all one as if God named him: And truly, till it comes to this, the Word hath no saving operation upon the Soul. A man may hear ten thousand general Truths, assent to them, and never be the better for them. How still and quiet was David's Con­science, till Nathan struck the nail upon the head, by an home personal application, and then his Conscience startled? Thus God singles out one man or woman from among a thousand in the Congregation, speaks to the heart, rips up the secure Conscience; the rest hear the same words, but feel not the same efficacy. And truly, 'tis a choice mercy when God shall please thus to single out one person from among many after this man­ner [Page 286] to speak to his heart. As Christ said in Luke 4. 25, 26. Many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, &c. but to none of them was Elias sent save unto Sarepta a City of Sydon, unto a woman that was a widow; so here, Multitudes sate with you under the same Prayer or Sermon, but unto none of them at that time was the Spirit sent, to make a particular convictive application thereof, but unto thee. In this the peculiar goodness of God shines out, and should for ever be admired in the eyes of that Soul.

III. Character.

Thirdly, This spiritual internal voice of Christ is distinguishable by the Soul that hears it from all other voices, Iohn 10. 4. The Sheep know his voice. As in the style of the Scriptures, there is a weight and majesty which distinguishes it from all human composures; so in this voice of Christ, there is a Majesty, a peculiar Efficacy, a divine and awful Authority, by which the Soul distinguishes it from all human voices. It was said of Christ in the days of his flesh, Iohn 7. 46. Ne­ver man spake like this man. The same may we say of his spiritual voice, the Soul never heard such a voice before; it seals the truth upon the heart so firmly, that no Objections are left against it. It was not so when we heard the voice of man. And there are two things in this inward voice of Christ, which apparently difference it from all human voices. (1.) A marvellous light comes in­to the Soul with it, which discovers all the secrets of the heart. God shines into the heart the same time he speaks unto it, 2 Cor. 4. 6. and now the [Page 287] secrets of the heart are manifest, and God is acknowledged to be in that Word of Truth, 1 Cor. 14. 25.

(2ly,) A marvellous Power accompanieth this voice, to make a deep and firm impression of what is spoken upon the Soul: and this Power is an in­nate Character of the voice of God, whereby the Soul receives it as his, with much assurance, as the Apostle speaks, 1 Thess. 1. 5. Our Gospel came not to you in Word only, but also in Power, and in the Holy Ghost; and in much Assurance. They could not be more certain of any thing in the world, than they were of this, That it was the Lord that spake to them in that Word. 'Tis true, at the first instant the Soul may be amazed, and at a loss, as Peter when he was delivered out of Pri­son, Acts 12▪ 11. thought at first he had seen a Vision; but when he was come to himself, Now, said he, I know of a surety that the Lord hath sent his Angel, &c. Thus it is with the Soul, it is a­mazed, and doubts what manner of Call or Pow­er this is; sure it is, it never heard such a voice, nor ever felt any thing like this before: But the matter is quickly cleared up when the Soul hath reflected duly upon it, and finds (as it quickly doth) such a wonderful change of the frame and temper of the heart following upon it. I now speak not of those into whom Grace is distilled in the way of godly Education in their tender years, but of adult persons, and especially such as have been grosser Sinners.

IV. Character.

This spiritual internal voice of Christ is a sur­prizing [Page 288] voice, altogether unexpected by the Soul that hears it; I am found of them that sought me not, Isai. 65. 1. Little do we foresee the designs God hath upon us in bringing us to such a place, and under such a Sermon, at such, or such a time; even as little as Saul thought of a Kingdom when he was seeking his Fathers Asses. 'Tis much with us as it was with the Apostles when Christ called them; little did Matthew think when he sate at the Receipt of Customs, or Saul think when po­sting unto Damascus upon the Devils errand, that Christ and Salvation had then been so near them. Some have come to scoff and deride the Messen­gers and Truths of God; others to gratifie their curiosity, and many in a customary course, not knowing where else with peace to themselves, or reputation with others, to spend that hour: But God's thoughts were not theirs; the time of mer­cy was now come, and whatever sinful or low ends brought them thither, the Lord's design was then and there to manifest himself to them. It is with such Souls, in some respect, as it was with the Spouse, Cant. 6. 12. to whose expression I may here allude, Or ever I was aware my Soul made me as the Chariots of Aminadab. I went to the Con­gregation for Company, I was fitting under the Word with a careless wandring heart, as at o­ther times; when lo, above all the thoughts of my heart, an Arrow of Conviction was suddenly shot into my Conscience, which so startled, wounded, and disquieted it, as it is now beyond the power of any but Christ himself to settle and satisfie it.

V. Character.

Fifthly, This spiritual internal voice of Christ is energetical, great and mighty in power, piercing the heart, cleaving as it were the very reins; full of efficacy to the Soul that hears it. The power of God comes along with this voice of God. You read Hebr. 4. 12. The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged Sword; piercing even to the dividing asunder of the Soul and Spirit, of the Ioynts and Marrow. Now this effi­cacy is not inherent in the Word it self, it works not thus as a natural Agent, then all would feel this power that come within the sound of it. No, this comes from the Spirit of Christ, speaking in it to the Sinners Conscience; when it is the ad­ministration of the Spirit, then it becomes thus efficacious. You read in Psalm 29. from v. 3. to 10. of the wonderful efficacy of God's providen­tial voice; the voice of the Lord is powerful; The voice of the Lord is full of majesty; it breaks the Cedars, divides the flames of fire, shakes the wil­derness, maketh the Hynds to calve. This the pro­vidential voice of God in the winds, thunders, and lightnings can do; but alas, what's this to the efficacy of his spiritual voice? What is the break­ing of the Cedars of Lebanon to the breaking of the heart of a Sinner? what is the shaking of the Trees in the wilderness, to the fears of wrath to come, which shake the Souls of convinced Sin­ners, and make their very hearts to tremble? Acts 16. 30. What is the dividing of the flames of fire, to the dividing of a Soul from its beloved Lusts? The weapons of our warfare (saith the Apo­stle) [Page 290] are mighty through God, to the pulling down of strong holds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth it self against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, 2 Cor. 10. 4, 5. Here be the glorious effects of this voice, which plainly discover from whom it comes. The voice of God is no less to be admired in its magni [...]icent effects, in the new Creation, than in the first Crea­tion, with which the Apostles compares it 2 Cor. 4. 6. God that commanded the light to shine out of dark­ness, hath shined into our hearts. It was marvellous to see, at the word of Christ, Lazarus, that was dead in his Grave, to come forth bound in his Grave-cloths; and no less to see a Soul dead in sin, bound in the bonds of corruption, at a word of Christ to arise, and come forth with spiritual life, Iohn 5. 25. The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear it shall live.

VI. Character.

This spiritual voice of Christ is so convictive to the Conscience of a Sinner, that it puts a final end to all shifts and evasions. Whilst Man only spake, the Soul had a thousand shifts to evade and put off what was spoken; but now all Disputes and Debates are at an end. No more Subterfuges and cunning Evasions now. The Spirit, when he cometh, he shall convince the World of sin, John 16. 8. The word signifies to convince by demonstration; and that is, to shew a thing to be impossible to be otherwise than we represent it to be. Formerly when the Terrours of God were threatned against sin, the shuffling heart was wont to say, This con­cerns [Page 291] me no more than others; if it go ill with me, it will go ill with thousands as well as me. 'Tis true, this is my Evil, and who is without them? I have some evils in me, but yet I have some good too. But no sooner doth the Spirit speak conviction to the Conscience, but all these pleas are out of doors. It may be the state of the Sinner's Soul was doubtful to him before, but it is not so now. It had some fears of Hell, but ballanced with some vain hopes of Heaven. But now the Debate is ended, the great Question de­termined, Whatever I am, or have, whatever Duties I have done, and whatsoever sins I have avoided, I see I am not regenerated, I am in my natural Christless state, and except I be changed I must be damned. This was the effect of Christs convictive voice unto Paul, Rom. 7. 9. I was alive without the Law once, but when the Commandment came, sin revived and I died. He had read the Law many a time, and had the litteral knowledge of it; but under these things his vain hopes lived and flourish'd, until the spiritual sense of the Law came home to his heart by the teaching and voice of the Spirit, and then his vain hopes gave up the ghost, and his sin and guilt stared in the face of his Conscience.

VII. Character.

The voice of Christ whereof we now speak is generally and ordinarily conveyed to the Souls of men through the Word preached, which is the chosen Organ or Instrument of its Conveyance. We can­not absolutely and universally affirm that Christ always speaks to men this way, but certainly this [Page 292] is his standing and ordinary course, 1 Thess. 1. 5. Our Gospel came not to you in word only, but in power, and in the Holy Ghost. Our Gospel, because preach­ed and ministred by us; but had that been all, it had come to you in word only, as it doth to ma­ny thousand others in the world, who hear and feel nothing in it more than what is human; but unto you it came in power, and in the Holy Ghost; that is, our words were the Vehicle or Organ through which the vital power of the Spi­rit was conveyed into your Souls. Providences have their voices, as well as the Word; and sometimes the voice of Christ hath accompanied the voice of Providence, to the conversion of mens Souls; but this is more rare and unusual: The established and ordinary way of Christ's speaking to the hearts of Sinners is by the Word, and especially the Word preached, which upon that very account and consideration, as it is the Organ of conveying the voice and power of Christ to the Soul, is therefore called the power of God to salvation, Rom. 1. 16. This Instrument the Lord generally [...] and honours for the conveyance of spi [...]itual life into the Souls of men, though it be despised and contemned in the world. The preach­ing of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God, 1 Cor. 1. 18. i. e. the chosen Instrument by which the saving power of God communicates it self to the Souls of men: And although God may exert his saving power through Providences, yet we seldom or never find he doth so where the Word may be had, but is despised and neglected. And truly herein God consults our peace and satisfaction; for suppose he should make use of another medium, [Page 293] as a voice from Heaven, &c. and after Calling, (which is an usual case) the called Soul should question all, and say, How do I know b [...]t all this may be a Delusion? may not Satan impose upon poor Mortals; and this voice from Heaven be a counterfeit voice? my Eternal estate depends up­on it, and I had need to be sure it was the very voice of God himself. In such a case as this it would be hard to give such clear distinguishing Characters as might be to the satisfaction of the Soul, and clearly difference the one from the o­ther. But now when God makes the Word his Instrument in this matter, it yield abundantly more satisfaction, we have a more sure Word of Prophesie, surer than a voice from Heaven, 2 P [...]t. 1. 19. And though Paul was converted by a voice from Heaven, yet the Lord sends him to A [...]anias to preach the Gospel to him, Acts 9. 17. The Lord will honour his Word. Providences may make way, and prepare the heart, but the Word is the Instrument by which the Lord puts forth his power ordinarily to salvation.

VIII. Character.

The voice of Christ leaves abiding effects and lasting impressions upon the Soul that hears it. The words of men are scattered into the wind, but the effects of Christ's voice are durable and lasting things; Psal. 119. 93. I will never forget thy Word, for by it thou hast quickned me. How many hundred Sermons have we heard, and all those excellent Truths vanished away as a Dream? Oh, but if ever thou heardest Christ speaking to thy heart in any Sermon, or Prayer; to be sure that will stick [Page 294] by thee for ever: His words are sealed upon the Soul for ever, they are written in the heart, Ier. 31. 33. What Iob wished concerning his words, that is really perform'd in the words of Christ, they are written as in the Rock for ever. We have slippery Memories, but the weakest Memory will and must retain the words of Christ, spoken to the heart by his Spirit, for they are sealed upon it. Iob 33. 16. He sealeth their instructions, and this secures them. Thus you have the innate Chara­cters of Christ's voice.

Fourthly, I shall next speak unto the personal Objects unto whom Christ ordinarily directs this his internal, efficacious, and saving Voice or Call. And although it be true that the Spirit of Christ is a free Agent, acting with the greatest liberty, and calleth whom he will, according to that, Iohn 3. 8. The wind bloweth where it listeth. And it is true de facto, That Christ hath made some of all sorts and ranks of men to hear his voice; yet if we consider the way he commonly takes, we shall find that it is very rare and seldom that Christ di­rects this saving voice or call of his to the great and wise of this world, 1 Cor. 1. 26. You see your Calling, Brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called. He saith not any, but not many. Some Christ doth call, Lest (as one notes) the world should think that Christians were deceived through their simplicity and weakness. One rich Ioseph of Arimathea; one ho­nourable Ni [...]odemus, but not many. Men of the greatest fame and renown in the world have been the greatest and fiercest Enemies against Christ. Gallen the chief Physician, Porphyry the chief Ari­stotelian, Plotinus the chief Platonist, Lybanus and [Page 295] Lucian the chief Orators, were all the professed Enemies of Christ. Two things make a man great in the eye of the world; The external en­dowments of Providence, heaping up Riches and Honours upon the outward man; and internal gifts and endowments of the mind, adorning the inward man, as strong Reason, sharpness of Wit, &c. when both these meet (as many times they do) in one and the same person, they make him great in the eye of the world, and usually in his own eyes too; yea, too great to stoop to the sim­plicity of the Gospel, and the humbling self-de­nying terms thereof. These the Lord usually passes by, and directs his voice to the poor; the poor receive the Gospel: God hath chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and Heirs of the King­dom, James 2. 5. And this choice of God Christ blesseth him for, Matth. 11. 25. I thank thee, O fa­ther, Lord of Heaven and Earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes;even so Father, for so it seem­eth good in thy sight. And indeed the wisdom of God deserves our admiration in this dispensation. For (1.) hereby the freeness of his Grace is vin­dicated. None can now pretend that any earthly excellency commends any man to God, or that the favour of Heaven is engaged by the same mo­tives that the respects of this world are: For now you see the truth of that Scripture, Iob 34. 19. before your eyes, He accepteth not the persons of Princes, nor regardeth the rich more than the poor, for they are all the work of his hands. Earthly Riches and Honours, as empty things as they are, yet are too much idoliz'd by men: What would they be, could they procure our favour and ac­ceptance [Page 296] with the Lord? (2ly,) By such a choice as this the Lord plainly shews us, That Re­ligion needs not worldly props to support it. As at first it was spread by the power of God in the world by poor contemptible men, so it is still upheld without human policy or riches. The church is called the Congregation of the poor, Psal. 74. 20. The Lord will have us know that he is a­ble to maintain and carry on his counsels in the world without the wealth of rich men, the autho­rity of great men, or the policies of wise men; he needs them not. (3ly,) By this choice he pours contempt upon those things which are most admired among men: So he tells us, 1 Cor. 1. 27. God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to con­found the wise, and the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty. And certainly, shame and confusion of face will cover the great ones of this world, in the world to come: when they shall see those poor Christians, whom they contemned and scorned upon earth, as not wor­thy to come into their presence, to be so infinite­ly preferred before them in the favour of God. In a word, this efficacious spiritual voice of Christ is directed but to a few, even of the many that sit within the sound and call of the Gospel, Matth. 22. 14. Many are called, but few are chosen. Christ's flock is a little flock. There be many Birds of prey, to one Bird of Paradice: Many common Pebles, to one Saphir or Diamond. 'Tis not for us to dispute the Reason, but to adore the Soveraign­ty of God in this matter. And of those few whom he calleth, the greatest part are of the lower rank and order of men. The glitter and dazel of this world blinds the eyes of the greatest. Extremity [Page 297] of pinching wants, diverts the mind of the very lowest; but betwixt these two extreams there is a third sort of persons whom the Lord most usually calls.

Fifthly, If it be queried why the voice and call of Christ should be directed to this person rather than to that? Certainly it is not from any dignity or excellency outward, or inward, that Christ sees in one above another; for all are shut up under the same common sin and misery of the fall; and therefore the Apostle told the Ephesi­ans, who had heard and answered the voice of Christ; That they were by nature children of wrath even as others, Eph. 2. 3. If it were not so, Man would have something to glory in before God; but Christ resolves this whole dispensation into its proper cause, the good pleasure of the Di­vine Will, Matth. 11. 26. Even so Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight. This good pleasure of the Will of God sometimes orders those to hear the voice of his Son, that seem to stand at a far greater distance and improbability to hear it than others do. 'Tis said of the Ephesians, that they were a far off, Eph. 2. 13. yet they heard the voice of Christ; when that discreet Scribe, Mark 12. 34. who was not far from the Kingdom of God, and Agrippa, Acts 26. 28. who almost or within a very little was perswaded to be a Christian, never heard it; therefore it is said, Matth. 8. 11, 12. Many shall come from the East and West, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the Kingdom of Heaven; but the children of the Kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness. O marvelous dispensation! Many a poor Soul under the greatest disadvantages, a [Page 298] poor Servant that hath but little time and mul­titudes of encumbrances, yet such a one is often called effectually by this voice of Christ; when those that enjoy multitudes of opportunities and have abundance of time lying upon their Hands, which they know not what to do with; who have the choicest Books at command, yet hear nothing; feel nothing amidst all these advantages to any purpose; all this is wholly to be resolved into the good pleasure of the Will of God.

Sixthly, In the next place, let us view the ef­fects of this voice of Christ upon the Souls of Men, and we shall find divers remarkable effects wrought upon the Heart by it.

I. Effect.

And the first Effect of the voice of Christ, is Conviction upon the Conscience; Conviction both of sin and misery, Iohn 16. 9. The Spirit when he cometh, shall convince the World of sin. This is a voice of terror, it strikes dead the vain hopes of a sinner, Rom. 7. 9. Now the Soul that was before secure and quiet, becomes the seat of trouble and anxiety. 'Tis true, there was a ge­neral Conviction of sin before, they knew that all are sinners; that they denied not; but alas, this general Conviction is quite another thing to what the Soul feels now; now it can shift and wave the matter no longer. This voice of Christ shews them their iniquities, and how they have exceed­ed, as the expression is, Iob 36. 8, 9. exceeded in number, and exceeded in heinousness of ag­gravation: A general Conviction of sin, affects a Man no more than the sight of a painted Lion [Page 299] upon a Sign-post; but when a particular Con­viction is set on upon the Conscience by this spe­cial inward voice of Christ; sm is now like a li­ving Lion meeting a Man in the way, and roar­ing dreadfully upon him. This is the first Effect of Christs voice, and is introductive unto the

II. Effect.

Which is, humiliation, and contrition of Heart for sin; those threats of Scripture against sin and sinners, which were wont to be sleighted, are now trembled at; those Iews, Acts 2. 37. to whose Hearts Christ spake in Peters Sermon, as soon as ever they heard his voice, sounding Conviction in their Consciences, they were presently pricked at the Heart; no Sword, or Poyniard can make such a wound, and put a poor creature into such pain as a sight of sin will do; therefore Zach. 12. 10. they are said to mourn for Christ as for an only Son. Now this is the glorious prerogative of Jesus Christ, to be able to reach and wound the Heart with a word: The voice of Man can­not do it; but the Spirit of a Man lies naked and open both to be wounded and healed by a word from the Mouth of Christ. No sooner hath a poor sinner heard the awful voice of Con­viction spoken to his Conscience by the Lord Je­sus, but he feels himself sick at Heart; home he goes from that Sermon, by which Christ spake effectual Conviction to him, crying, O sick, sick; my Soul is distressed, because of sin. There is indeed a great difference in the depth and de­grees of this contrition and humiliation; it soaks deeper into some Hearts than others, and holds [Page 300] them longer under it; but certain it is, who­ever hath heard the convincing voice of Christ; he feels so much sorrow for sin as for ever sepa­rates him from the love of it.

III. Effect.

Thirdly, This voice of Christ rouzes and awakens the careless and sluggish mind, to the greatest solicitude and thoughtfulness after deli­verance, and escape from the danger that hangs over it, Acts 16. 30. Trembling and astonished, he cried out, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? All the powers of the Soul run into solicitude and care about deliverance. You shall generally observe in convinced and humbled sinners, three evident signs of extraordinary solicitude about Salvati­on. (1.) There is a strong intention of their minds and thoughts, they stand night and day like a Bow at the full bent; their thoughts are still poring upon this matter; their sleep departs, for their sin and danger is ever before them. (2ly,) It appears by their searching inquisitive­ness about the way of escape; the question they still carry with them from company to company, where they meet with any whom they judge able to resolve or direct them, is this; What course shall I take? What shall I do? Is there any hope for such a one as I? Did you ever know a Soul in my condition? (3ly,) It appears by the little notice they take at this time of their outward troubles and afflictions; which it may be are strong and sharp enough to overwhelm them at another time; but now they take little notice of them. Sin lies so heavy, that it makes heavy af­flictions lye light.

IV. Effect.

A fourth Effect of the voice of Christ, is en­couragement and hope, puting the Soul upon the use of means in order to the attainment of Christ and Salvation; for it is an inviting as well as a convicting voice; and this is a remarkable difference betwixt the voice of Christ and the voice of Satan; with respect to sin. Satan la­bours to cut off all hope, and strike the Soul dead under despair of mercy; as well knowing that if he can cut off hope, all emotions and en­deavours of the Soul after Christ are effectually stopt, and at a dead stand; but how much con­vincing terrors soever there are in the voice of Christ, there is always something left behind it upon the Heart to breed and support hope. And truly the Soul amidst these sad circumstances hath great need of some encouragement; ac­cordingly, the Lord usually after sharp convicti­ons, sets on upon the Soul such a word as that, Iohn 6. 37. Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out; for I came down from Heaven not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. Wherein Christ offers the most rational satis­faction, and greatest encouragement imaginable; that a poor convinced sinner, if he be made wil­ling, shall certainly find an hearty welcom and acceptation with Christ. For mark how he ar­gues it on purpose for the satisfaction of such Souls; I came not down from Heaven to do mine own Will, but the Will of him that sent me. The force of the encouragement lyes here, I and my Father are one; one in Will, and one in Design; our Wills [Page 203] never did, nor possibly can jar and clash one with another; that would be utterly repugnant to the perfect unity that is betwixt us. Now, saith he, I came down from Heaven not only to do my own Will (which must necessarily be supposed to be intently set, and strongly enclined to receive and save all convinced and willing sinners, this being the very end of my Incarnation and Death) but also to do the Will of my Father; who hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted, and anointed me to preach good tydings to the meek, Isa. 61. 1. and therefore no such Soul can rationally doubt of a welcom reception with me. And because the fears and jealousies of a convinced Consci­ence are great and many, and the Devil sets in with them to aggravate them beyond the hopes of mercy; therefore it is usual with the Lord, at such a time as this, to direct the convinced and trembling sinner to such a Scripture as that, Heb. 7. 25. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, &c. Making the fulness of Christs saving power to shine with a chearful beam into the dark and distressed Soul of a sinnner, from such a word as that.

V. Effect.

A fifth Effect or consequent of Christs power­ful voice, is an attractive efficacy, or sweet allicion of the Soul to Christ, by that power and effica­cy which it communicates to the Soul, Iohn 6. 44, 45. No Man can come to me except the Father, which hath sent me, draw him. Every Man therefore that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh un­to me. Mark it, this voice speedily puts the Soul [Page 303] into motion after Christ; coming follows hear­ing: When once the Soul hath heard the voice of God, away it comes from all the engage­ments in the World; all bonds and ties betwixt the Soul and sin break asunder and give way; nothing can hold it from Christ. There is a strange restlesness in the Spirit of Man, nothing but Christ can centre and quiet it.

VI. Effect.

And then lastly, The last Effect of Christs voice or call is sweet rest and consolation to the in­ner Man. When once the Soul is come home to Christ by the efficacy of this heavenly call or voice, it enters into peace, Heb. 4. 3. We which have believed do enter into rest; not only shall, but do enter into rest. As the first Effect of Christs voice was terror and great trouble to the Soul, so the last Effect is peace; it puts the Soul into the most excellent position in the World, for comfort and joy; it never stood upon such ground before; for this vocation, stands betwixt prede­stination, and glorification, Rom. 8. 30. Moreover, whom he did predestinate, them he also called; and whom he called, them he also justified; and whom he justified, them he also glorified. See here into what a blessed Mount of vision the voice of Christ cal­leth the Souls of sinners? where let the Soul look backward, or forward, from eternity to eternity, there is nothing but a vision of peace be­fore its Eyes. This call of God points it backward to Gods eternal choice, which by this very call it is now manifest he made of that Soul before the World was; and it also points forward, to [Page 304] that eternal glory unto which God is leading it. These are the Effects of this Almighty voice of Christ, and these the special instructions sealed by it upon the Hearts of Men.

But now, this voice of Christ is not heard at all times, but in some special season or hour, as Christ calls it, Iohn 5. 25. The hour cometh when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God. And elsewhere, by the Apostle, it is called, the accepted Time, the day of Salvation, 2 Cor. 6. 2. And the conjunction of the Spirit of Christ with the Word, Ordinances, or Providences of God; but especially the Word, makes this blessed hour. The Word alone, though never so excellently preacht, conduces no more to the Conviction and Salvation of a sinner, than the Waters of Bethesda did, when the Angel came not down to trouble them, Iohn 5. 4. But when the Lord pours out his Spirit with the Word, according to that promise, Prov. 1. 23. I will pour out my Spirit upon you, and make known my Words unto you; then Christ speaks to the Heart; this great conjunction of the Word and Spirit makes that blessed nick, and season of Salvation. The time of love, the time of life. Now the voice of Christ is heard with effect; the Ordinances im­pregnated with convincing and converting effi­cacy. There was an abundant effusion of the Spirit in the first Age of Christianity, and then the voice of Christ was heard by multitudes of Souls at once: There hath since been a restraint of the Spirit, comparatively speaking, whereas three thousand Souls were then converted at one Sermon; possibly, three thousand Sermons have since been preached, and not one Soul effectually [Page 305] called. This hath made the Church like a Wilder­ness, a Land of drouth; and so 'tis like to re­main, until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field; according to that promise, Isa. 32. 15. And such a time we expect, Lord hasten it; when the waters of the Ordinances shall be healed, and every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the River shall come, shall live. And fishers shall stand upon it from Engedi, even unto Eneglaim, they shall be a place to spread forth nets, their fish shall be according to their kinds, as the fish of the great Sea, exceeding many, Ezek. 47. 9, 10. Then Ministers shall no longer fish with Angles, catching now one, then another; but shall spread forth their nets, and inclose whole shoals, multitudes of Converts; in the mean time there are some signal periods, and happy seasons, wherein Christ uttereth his Al­mighty voice in the World; but that season is utterly unforeknown to Man; we cannot say when it will come, but are to wait for it, as the Man did at the pool of Bethesda. Ministers must preach in hope, wait in hope, if at any time God will give the people repentance, 2 Tim. 2. 25. We are often mistaken in our conjectures, when we have made the best preparations, and find a more than ordinary enlargedness of Spirit, we are apt to conclude certainly this is the blessed hour wherein Christ will speak to the Heart as we do to the Ear; but we oft-times find our selves mistaken, yet we must wait in hope, and so must our people. Such a happy time may come, and when it doth, it will be a day for ever to be remembred; because then the first actual appli­cation of Christ will be made to your Souls; [Page 306] without which all that the Father had done in Ele­ction, and the Son in his meritorious Redemption, had been of no benefit or advantage to your Souls: And therefore you shall find that this work of the Spirit stands betwixt both those works, and makes them both effectual to our Salvation, 1 Pet. 1. 2. This is that blessed hour upon which your eternal blessedness depends; eternity will be taken up in blessing God for this hour; it will be celebrated for ever in your prai­ses in the World to come. O what an influence hath this hour into all eternity! The hearing of this voice of Christ, effectually opens the Cabi­net counsels of Heaven, and brings to light the eternal counsels of God concerning you, 1 Thes. 1. 4, 5. Knowing brethren, beloved, your election of God: for our Gospel came not to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost. This gives greater assurance of the eternal love of God to a Mans Soul, than the sweetest smile of providence, or any oraculous voice from Heaven can do. This is the time of life, the day of your Spiritual Re­surrection, Iohn 5. 25. A greater and more glo­rious Resurrection by far than that of your bodies at the last day; [...]o much greater as the value of your Souls is above your Bodies. As also, be­cause the blessedness of your Corporeal Resur­rection depends upon this your Spiritual Resur­rection by the voice of Christ. Dreadful will the voice of Christ be at the Resurrection of your Bodies, except you first hear this vital voice of Christ quickning your Souls on Earth with spi­ritual life. To conclude, this is the great Aera or head of account from which you are to reck­on and date all your spiritual sanctified mercies; [Page 307] for as the Lord said unto the Jews, Hag. 2. 19. From henceforth will I bless you. So saith the Lord to you, from this hour wherein you have heard and obeyed the voice of Christ, will I bless you for ever, with all Spiritual blessings in hea­venly places in him.

I. Vse for Lamentation.

This Point presents us with abundant matter of Lamentation and mourning over the greatest part of those that sit under the sound of the Go­spel; but yet as Christ speaks of the Jews, Iohn [...]. 37. who have not heard the voice of God at any time; the Ministerial voice of Christ they hear dayly; but this Efficacious Internal voice, which makes the Ministerial voice, the Word of Life and Power, they have not heard. The Gospel, to the most of our hearers, is but an empty sound; this is a sad symptom, 2 Cor. 4. 3. If our Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost; in whom the God of this World hath blinded the minds of them that believe not, &c. This hiding of the Gospel is not opposed to the external administration of it, nor yet to the understanding of the true sense and meaning of the truths delivered by it; but only to that internal efficacy which is here called the hearing of Christs voice. Our people are generally well satisfied when they have heard a Sermon, much more if they can remember some­thing of it; though the Lord hath not spoken one truth they have heard, home to their Hearts. Now this is a sad case, and God grant it be not that very judgment threatned, Isa. 6. 9. Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but [Page 308] perceive not. So that hearing the meer voice of Man, without feeling the power of God, is all one as if we heard not. Reflect sadly upon this, you that sit as unconcerned under the Word as the Seats you sit upon. God speaketh once, yea, twice, but man perceiveth it not. Well, the eter­nal Decrees and Counsels of God are now ex­ecuting upon the Souls of Men under the Gospel. As many as are ordained to eternal Life, shall be­lieve and feel the power of Gods truths upon their Hearts, Acts 13. 48. And methinks it should be of a startling consideration, when you shall see others struck to the Heart, cast into fears and tremblings, by the same Word that doth not in the least touch your Hearts. It may be you think this is but fancy and melancholy; that very thought is an artifice of Satan to blind your Eyes. I am sure Christ makes another use of it, when he told the secure and self-righteous Jews, Matth. 21. 32. John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not; but the Pub­licans and Harlots believed him: and ye when ye had seen it, repented not afterward that ye might believe him. q. d. What shift did you make to quiet your Consciences, when you saw other poor sinners so humbled, and bronght to Faith under Iohn's Ministry? 'Tis strange there should be no re­flections in your Consciences upon your own state and condition; but thus it must be, one shall be taken, and another left; to some it shall be the savour of life unto life, and to others the savour of death unto death. O who can look over so great a part of a Congregation, with­out melting bowels of compassion? Consider­ing that unto this day the Lord hath not given [Page 309] them Eyes to see, nor Ears to hear: They have heard multitudes of Sermons; they have heard also what effects they have had upon other Mens Hearts, but none upon theirs. O that such poor Souls would cry to the Lord Jesus, in such Lan­guage as that, Cant. 8. 13. The companions hearken to thy voice, cause me to hear it. Lord let me not sit under the Word any longer, deaf to the voice of thy Spirit in it. Open and unstop the Ears of my Soul, that I may hear thy voice and feel thy power; otherwise, the external ministerial voice will be ineffectual to my Salvation. 'Twill be but a Rattle to still and quiet my Conscience for a little while, and a dreadful aggravation of my misery in the issue.

II. Vse of Information.

Secondly, The Point before us presents five other Truths with equal clearness to ous Eyes.

I. Inference.

In the first Place, hence it follows, That we have this day before our Eyes a great Seal and confirmation of the truth of the Scriptures. No miracles can seal it firmer than the events of it do, which are visible to all that will observe them. What you read in the Word, you may see every day fulfill'd before your Eyes; you read, 2 Cor. 2. 15, 16. We are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish. To the one we are the savour of death un­to death, and to the other the savour of life unto life. And again, Acts 28. 24. it is observed, that when [Page 310] Paul in his lodgings had expounded and testified the Kingdom of God to the people, and per­ [...]wading them to believe from morning till-even­ing; it is observed, I say, that some believed [...] things that were spoken, and some believed not. Here you see the different, yea, contrary events of the preaching of the Gospel, according to the Scripture account of it; it quickens some, and kills others; it brings some to Faith, and leaves others still fixed in unbelief. Compare this ac­count with what is daily before your Eyes; do you not see Souls differently influenced to contra­ry effects under the same word? One melting and tender, another hardned, and wholly uncon­cerned? Tell me, you that are apt to ascribe all to nature, how comes it to pass that men exer­cising reason alike, men that have the same in­bred fears and hopes of things eternal, who have the same passions and affections, and are in the self same condition and state with others; yet one Mans Heart shall be wounded and go away trembling from under the self same word, which affects the other no more than if it had been preached among the Tombs to the dead that lye there? Say not, some have more courage than others, or clearer understandings, for it is most certain the Word hath convinced as rational and courageous persons as those upon whom it hath had no such effect. I doubt not but the Jaylor that was cast into such tremblings and astonish­ment, Acts 16. 30. was as stout and rugged a person as any to whom Paul usually preached; his very office bespake him such a Man; wonder not what it is that makes Men fright at such a sound, which you hear as well as they, but it. [Page 311] affects you not: The Lord speaks in that voice to their Hearts, but not to yours; and so it must be according to the account the Scripture gives us of the contrary events of the Gospel upon them that hear it; which is, I say, a fair and firm Seal of the truth of the Scriptures, and highly worth the due observation of all Men.

II. Inference.

What dignity hath God stampt on Gospel Or­dinances, in making them the organs and me­diums through and by which Christ speaks life to dead Souls! This greatly exalts the dignity of the Gospel, and deservedly endears it to all our Souls. I deny not but God can convey Spi­ritual life immediately without them; but though he hath not tyed up himself, yet he hath tyed us up to a diligent and constant attendance up­on them; and that with the deepest respect and reverence to them, Luke 10. 16. He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me. Behold, how the sin is graduated, and ag­gravated to the hight of sinfulness. The con­tempt of the Gospel runs much higher than Men are aware of. We think it no great matter to neglect or contemn a messenger of Jesus Christ; but that contempt flies in the very face and authority of Christ, who gave them their Commissions; yea, in the very face of God the Father, who gave Christ his Commission. Christ speaks in and by his Ministers, they are as his mouth, Ier. 15. 19. Moreover, the sin sticks at [Page 312] our own Souls, and we injure them as well as Christ: For the Word preached is his appointed Instrument to convey spiritual life, the best of Blessings to our Souls. Upon which account it is called the Word of life, Phil. 2. 16. and the power of God to salvation, Rom. 1. 16. We then militate a­gainst our life and salvation when we despise and neglect the Ordinances of God. 'Tis good for men to lye under them, and continually wait on them; who knows when the Spirit of God will breathe life to your Souls through them? What if yet you have found no such benefit from them? the very next opportunity may be the time of life, the appointed season of your salvation. Bring your carnal Relations to them, as they did their sick and diseased Friends in the days when Christ was on Earth, laying them in the way he was to pass. Christ will honour his Ordinances; see that dou don't despise them. I think no Age was e­ver deeper drencht in the guilt of this sin than the present Age is.

III. Inference.

What a fearful Judgment is the removing the Gospel from a Nation, seeing it is in and by the Gospel Christ speaketh life to the Souls of men!

The Spirit of God and the Word of God, usu­ally come and go together: when therefore these are gone, no more Conversions are to be expected. Dreadful is the case of that people, Prov. 29. 18. Where no Vision is the people perish. Those are dire­ful Menaces, Isa. 8. 16. Bind up the Law, seal up the Testimony among my Disciples. And Rev. 2. 5. I will remove thy Candlestick out of its place. Better [Page 313] the Sun were taken out of the Heavens, than the Gospel out of the Church. O England! provoke not thy God to execute upon thee the Judgment here threatned. Think not God hath made such a Settlement of the Gospel, that it shall never be removed, however you use it. Your advocate in Heaven hath obtained it for you for a time upon trial; if you bring forth fruit well, you and the Generations to come shall be happy in it: if not, this blessed Tree which hath brought forth so ma­ny Mercies to you and yours, must and will be cut down, Luke 13. 8. yea, and even now is the ax laid at the root of the Tree, Matth. 3. 10. 'Tis an allusi­on to a Carpenter that throws down the Ax and Saws at the root of the Tree he intends to cut down. The only ground of hope which remains with us this day, is, that there are some Buds ap­pearing, some Fruits putting forth, and if there be a blessing in the Bud, the Lord will spare it, according to Isa. 65. 8. But these hopes are ba­lanced with many sad symptoms, which may make us tremble to think what God is about to do with such a sinful Nation.

IV. Inference.

Those that have heard Christ's voice and call in the Gospel, have no reason to be discouraged from going to Christ in the way of Faith. Christ's Call is a sufficient warrant to believe. Many poor Souls are stagger'd in their work of Faith, by the fear of Presumption; an ugly Ob­jection which they know not how to clear them­selves of: But certainly, this above all Conside­rations in the world enervates this Objection of [Page 314] Presumption. Then men presume when they act without a Call or Warrant; but if Christ have spoken to your hearts by the voice of his Spirit, you have the best warrant in the world to go to him. What though you know not the Issue? yet your Obedience is due to his Call. By faith Abra­ham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an Inheritance, obeyed, and he went out not knowing whither he went, Heb [...]. 11. 8. So must you. It is not necessary to your going to Christ, that you must be ascertained be­fore hand what the Event and Issue thereof shall be: Your believing is an act of Obedience to the voice of Christ that calls you. When therefore Satan shall object, What, such a wretched Soul as thou go to Christ! canst thou imagine to find en­tertainment with him whom thou hast so abused and deeply wronged? Thy answer should be rea­dy, 'Tis true, I have been a vile wretch, and have deeply wronged the Lord Jesus; but Christ hath spoken to my heart, he hath called me, and there­fore it can be no presumption in me to go at his Call; but contrariwise it would be flat Rebellion against his Soveraign Command to refuse to be­lieve, and come unto him; yea, it would be a greater sin than any of my former sins have been. Beside, had the Lord Jesus no intention of mercy (as thou maliciously insinuatest) towards my Soul, he would never have spoken to my heart by con­viction and perswasion, as he hath done.

V. Inference.

If no Soul can open to Christ until it hear his powerful spiritual voice, then the change made upon men by conversion is wholly supernatural.

The rise of Faith is from this power of Christ, not from the nature of Man, Iohn 1. 13. Proud Nature arrogates this power and honour to it self, but without any ground; for though some things may be done by men in their natural state, which have a remote tendency to conversion and spiri­tual life, yet it can never open to Christ savingly without a power communicated from himself. There is a total impotence in Nature to produce such an effect as this. The Scripture speaks it roundly; telling us, The Natural man cannot (of himself) know the things that are of God, 1 Cor. 2. 14. Cannot believe; for Faith is not of our selves, it is the gift of God, Iohn 6. 44. Cannot obey, Rom. 8. 7. The carnal Mind is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can be. Cannot speak a good word, Matth. 12. 34. Cannot think a good thought, 2 Cor. 3. 5. What a poor impotent thing then is the Natural man? who can neither believe, nor obey, speak a good word, or think a good thought by any natural power of his own.

Say not 'tis against Reason for God to require men to do what they cannot, and then damn them for not doing it. For (1.) though man hath lost his ability to obey, yet God hath not lost his right to command: for at that rate any man might shake off the yoke of God's Soveraignty by dis­abling himself through his own sin, for the duties of Obedience. (2.) Though man hath not a suf­ficient. [Page 316] power, yet there is in him an intolerable pride, which puffs him up with a conceit that he hath what he hath not, and can do what he can­not The Command is therefore of great use to check this pride, and convince man of his impo­tency, Rev. 3. 17. (3.) Every man can do more than he doth towards his own Conversion. And therefore it is good for men to be urged by the Commands to all those Duties, in the use and ob­servance whereof Christ ordinarily comes into the Soul by a supernatural power.

II. Vse for Exhortation.

This Point gives a loud Call to all that are within the sound of the Gospel, especially to such as begin to feel some power accompanying the Word to their hearts, diligently to hearken to the voice of Christ, and obey his first Call with­out further delay, Rev. 2. 7. He that hath an ear to hear let him hear. 'Tis a dreadful and dangerous thing to turn away the Ear from him that speaks from Heaven, Hebr. 12. 25. See that ye refuse not him that speaketh, for if they escaped not that refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaks from Heaven. See that ye refuse not; the Caution implies the Matter to be very weighty, and a neglect or refu­sal in this matter to be highly dangerous. Turn not away your Ear, be not guilty of the least a­versation, sleight, or neglect in so great and im­portant a Concern. And truly this Caution is no more than needs; for Satan is never more busie with the Souls of men, than when Christ gives them their first Call to himself.

[Page 317] O what a thick succession of Discouragements do impetuously assault the Soul at this time! Art thou young? then he insinuates that it is too soon for thee to mind the serious things of Religion. This will extinguish all thy pleasure in a dull me­lancholy; thou maist have time enough hereafter to mind these matters. This Temptation Augu­stine confesseth kept him off many years from Christ. But certainly, if thou art old enough to be damned, thou art not too young to mind Christ and Salvation. There are Graves just of thy length, and abundance of young Sprigs, as well as old Loggs, burning in Hell flames. Besides, all those godly young ones which turned to the Lord betime, as Iosiah, Abijah, Timothy, and many more, will be your Judges, and condemn you in the great day. Never any repented that they opened to Christ too soon: Thousands have re­pented that they kept him out so long. Art thou old? then he scares thee with the manifold sins of thy youth, and rouls them as blocks in thy way to Christ. And whether young or old, he will be sure to present the Sufferings, Reproaches, and Persecutions of Godliness to discourage thee from hearkning to the voice of Christ. But what are the Sufferings of Christ here, to those Suffer­ings from Christ hereafter? what are the pains of Mortification, to the pains of Damnation? Be­sides, all the Promises of Christ, promises of strength, comfort, success, &c. go along with the Command of Christ to believe, and shall sure­ly be performed to the obedient Soul. See there­fore that thou refuse not his voice.

III. Vse for Trial.

But you will say, All that hear this spiritual voice of Christ are said to live, Iohn 5. 25. Now I am much in the dark, whether ever this vital voice of Christ hath founded unto my Soul. Alas, I feel little, if any thing, of the spiritual life in my Soul. Quest. I am dead and dark. By what means doth the Life of Christ discover it self in the Souls of Men?

I Answer, Answ. There are divers Signs of spiritual life, and blessed is the Soul that finds them.

First, 1. Sign. There is a spiritual sense and feeling flowing from, and accompanying the spiritual life. I speak not only of the sense and feeling of comfort; for many a Soul that is in Christ, feels little of that; but certainly there is a sense and feeling of the burthensomness of sin, Rom. 7. 24. And 'tis well that we can feel that; for there are Multitudes in the world that are past feeling, Is [...] 6. 9. 10. 'Tis a sign Christ hath spoken to thy heart, if sorrows for sin begin to load it.

Secondly, 2. Sign. Spiritual Motions towards Christ are a sign of spiritual life; at least that God is about that quickening work of Faith upon thy Soul, Iohn 6. 45. Every man that bath beard and learned of the Father cometh unto me. The effectual voice of God sets the Soul in motion towards Christ; the Will is moving after him; the Desires are panting for him. The voice of God makes the Soul that hears it, restless. As for others, their Wills are fix'd, there is no moving of them, Iohn [Page 319] 5. 40. Now consider how it is with thee, Reader: Art thou one that art weighing and pondering the terms of the Gospel? strugling through discou­ragements and temptations to come to Christ up­on his own terms, lifting up thy heart to him for power to believe, crying with the Sponse, Draw me, I will run after thee? This is a comfortable sign Christ hath spoken to thy heart.

Thirdly, 3. Sign. A Spirit of Prayer is an Evidence of spiritual life, as the effect of Christ's voice to thy Soul. Assoon as ever Christ had spoken effectu­ally unto Paul's heart, the first effect that appear­ed in him as a sign of spiritual life, was Prayer­breath, Acts 9. 11. Behold, he prayeth. God hath no still- [...]orn Children. Measure thy self by this Rule: Time was when thou couldst say a Prayer, and wast very well satisfied with it, whether thou hadst any Communion with God in it, or no; but is it so still? Is there not an holy restlesness of spirit after God since the time that his Word came home to thy heart? Surely thou eanst remember when it was not with thee as it is now.

Fourthly, There is a spiritual relish, 4. Sign. a divine gust resulting from the spiritual life, which is also evidential of it; Omnis vita gustu ducitur. If God have spoken life to thy Soul, there will be in it an agreeable pleasure and delight in spiritual things, Psal. 63. 5. My Soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, &c. Now thy thoughts can feed with pleasure upon spiritual things, which they nauseated before.

Fifthly, Spiritual aversations, 5. Sign. as well as spiri­tual [Page 320] inclinations, speak spiritual life. Every Creature hath an aversation to that which is noxi­ous and destructive to it. Now there is nothing so destructive and dangerous to the spiritual life as sin; that's the deadly poison which the renew­ed Soul dreads, Psal. 19. 13. Keep back thy servant al­so from presumptuous sins. It cries out as a man that finds himself upon the brink of a Pit, or edge of a Precipice; Keep back thy Servant. Such aver­sations to sin and tremblings under temptations tending thereunto, are comfortable Sign Christ hath spoken life to thy Soul.

Lastly, Heavenly tendencies and propensions af­ter God are an excellent Sign thy Soul hath heard his voice, and been quickned with spiritual life by it. Sanctification is a Well of water spring­ing up into everlasting life, Iohn 4. 24. If thou hast seen the beauty, felt the power, and heard the voice of Christ, thy soul, like an uncentred Bo­dy, will be still propending, gravitating, and in­clining Christ-ward. When thou hast once heard his effectual Call, Matth. 11. 28. Come unto me, thy Soul will be continually echoing with the Spouse, Rev. 22. 17. Come Lord Iesus. The Spirit and the Bride say come, and let him that heareth, say Come. A sweeter Sign of thy hearing Christ's voice can hardly be found in the Soul of man, than restless longing to be with Christ in a state of perfect freedom from sin, and full fruition of the beloved and blessed Jesus.


Revel. 3. 20. —If any Man hear my voice [and open the door,]’

THE powerful voice of Christ is the Key that opens the door of the Soul to receive him. The opening of the heart to receive Christ is the main design aimed at in all the ex­ternal and internal administrations of the Gospel and Spirit.

The Gospel hath two great Designs and Inten­tions. One is, To open the heart of God to men, and to shew them the everlasting counsels of Grace and Peace which were hid in God from Ages and Generations past; that all men may now see what God had been designing and contriving for their happiness in Christ before the world was; Ephes. 3. 9. To make all men see what is the fellowship of the Mystery which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Iesus Christ, to the intent that now unto the Principalities and Powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God. The next In­tention and Aim of the Gospel is to set open the [Page 322] heart of man to receive Jesus Christ, without which all the glorious discoveries of the eternal Counsels and gracious Contrivances of God for and about us, would signifie nothing to our real advantage. Christ standing, knocking, and speak­ing by his Spirit (of which we have before treat­ed) receive their Success, and attain their End, when the heart opens it self by Faith to receive him, and not till then. Hence note,


That the opening of the heart to receive Christ by Faith, 9. Doct. is the great design and aim of the Go­spel.

This is the Mark to which all the Arrows in the Gospel Quiver are levelled; the Centre unto which those blessed Lines are drawn, Iohn 20. 31. These things are written that you might believe, and be­lieving might have life through his Name. All those precious Truths that are written in the Scriptures are to bring you to Faith. The great aim of the Spirit in his Illuminations, Convictions, Humili­ations, &c. are the very same thing, Iohn 6. 29. This is the work of God, that you believe. 'Tis not only Opus Deo dignum, a work worthy of such an Author, but it is that on which God's eye is fixed in his workings upon us; the end and aim of his work.

Great persons have great designs. This is the glorious project of the great God, and every Per­son in the Godhead is engaged and concerned in it. (1.) The Father hath his hand in this work, and such a hand as without it no heart could ever open [Page 323] or move in the least towards Christ, Iohn 6. 44. No man can come unto me (saith Christ) except my Father, which hath sent me, draw him. None but he that raised up Christ from the dead, can raise up a dead heart unto saving Faith in him. (2.) The sons hand is in this work, he is not only the Ob­ject but the Author of our Faith, 1 Iohn 5. 20. We know that the son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Iesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. (3) And then for the Spirit, he comes from Heaven design­edly and expresly to convince Sinners of their need of Christ, and beget Faith in them, Iohn 16. 9. So that this appears to be the great design of Heaven, the drist and level both of the Word and Works of God. Touching this design of the Gospel, I shall here speak, indeavouring to o­pen this great and glorious project of Heaven in the ensuing Properties of it; which are

  • 1. The Greatness of it.
  • 2. The Difficulty of it.
  • 3. The Instruments imployed in it.
  • 4. The Scope and aim of it. And

First, Of the Greatness of this design of God; we little understand what a marvellous thing is done in the Earth, when the heart of a Sinner is brought to close with Christ by Faith. It would transport us with admiration, did we throughly consider it. Well may the Apostle place it in the first rank of all the glorious and wonderful works of God, as he doth 1 Tim. 3. 16. Great is the my­stery of godliness, God was manifest in the fl [...]sh, ju­stified [Page 324] in the Spirit, seen of Angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the World. Observe with what works of wonder Faith is here ranked and associated. It is an astonishing work of God that ever God should be manifested in flesh, that he that thunders in the Clouds should be heard cry­ing in a Cradle; that he who is over all, God blessed for ever, should become a man. It is a­stonishing, that when he was taken down dead from the Cross, laid in the Sepulchre, and the Stone sealed upon it; he should rise on the third day from the dead by his own power. That ever the Gospel should be preached to such a miserable and sorlorn people as the Gentiles were, the scorn and contempt of the Jews. And no less marvel­lous is it to see the hearts of such poor Creatures glued so fast to Idolatry; so perfectly dead in sin, to open to Christ upon such self-denying terms, as to let go all they had in the world for a blessed Inheritance which they never saw. And were not this a marvellous work of God indeed, there would never be such joy and triumph in Heaven among the holy Angels, as there is upon the o­pening of every Sinners heart to Christ, Luke 15. 7. the whole City of God is moved with it. Hea­ven rings again with the joyful tydings; as soon as ever the Will begins to bowe and open to Christ, the news is quickly in Heaven, and all the Angels of God rejoyce at the tydings. As when a young Prince is born, the Conduits run with Wine, there is Joy in every City throughout the Kingdom: So also there is in Heaven when Christ hath gotten a new habitation in the Soul of any Sinner upon Earth. Moreover, the greatness of this design appears from the great Rewards promised by the [Page 325] Lord to every Servant of his who hath but the least hand to help it on. God would never reward the Instruments so richly, if the success of the work were not of great value in his eyes. The Ministers of Christ may be ill rewarded by men, perfecuted and reproached for their labour; but God will bountifully repay their pains and faith­fulness, Dan. 12. 3. They that turn many unto righ­teousness shall shine as the Stars, and as the brightness of the firmament for ever and ever. All these things be speak it a very great and important design up­on which the heart of God is much set.

Secondly, And then in the next place, as it is an exceeding great and important design and work of God, so it is a very hard and difficult work in it self; a work whose difficulties surmounts the abilities of Angels. It is certainly a work carried on by the mighty power of God, through the greatest oppositions imaginable. And therefore it is noted, Rev. 3. 7. that it is the peculiar Pre­rogative of Jesus Christ, who only hath the Key of the house of David, to open the heart of a Sinner by Faith. Men think it is an easie thing to believe; but if you consult the Scriptures, you will quickly be informed how grosly you mistake the nature of this work. In Col. 2. 12. the be­lieving Soul is said to rise with Christ, through the faith of the operation of God, who raised him from the dead. In the Resurrection of Christ, there was a glorious operation of the power of God in­deed; you know it astonished the world to hear of it. The very same power that wrought that, must also be put sorth to work this, or else it would ne­ver be wrought. So again, Eph. 2. 8. By Grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of your selves, [Page 326] it is the gift of God; not of your selves. You are no more able to believe in Christ, than you were to raise him from the dead: No more able to come one step towards him by Faith in your own power, than Lazarus was able to unbind himself in the Grave, and come forth. Yea, in Eph. 1. 18, 19, 20. the work of believing is ascribed unto the exceeding greatness of the power of God, Nothing but power can do it; no other power but the Almighty power of God can do it: It exceeds the power of Ministers, yea of Angels. Three things will evince the difficulty of this work, Viz.

  • 1. The Nature of it.
  • 2. The Subject of it.
  • 3. The Enemies of it.

First, The Nature of the work of Faith which is wholly supernatural; it is no less than the gain­ing over the hearty and full consent of the Will to take Jesus Christ with his yoke of Obedience, Matth. 11. 29. and with his Cross of Sufferings, Matth. 16. 24. And how far these will carry a man into outward dangers, losses, torments, and sufferings, who can tell? and all this upon the ac­count of an unseen happiness and glory; dearest Lusts and Corruptions must be mortified, sweetest Pleasures and Profits in the World abandoned and forsaken, all Reproaches, Losses, Pains and Penalties the Devil and the World can lay upon us for Christs sake, must be embraced and well­comed; and can it be supposed that any power beneath the Almighty Power of the Lord, any voice except the efficacious voice of Christ, can [Page 327] prevail with the Will to give its firm explicite consent to such difficult and self-denying terms as these?

Secondly, Consider the Subject wrought upon, viz. the dead, hard, obstinate heart of a blind perverse sinner, an heart harder by Nature than the nether Millstone. It is as easie to melt the most obdurate Rock into a sweet Syrup, as it is to melt the heart of a Sinner into penitential for­rows for sin. What! to bring a dead heart to life. To make that man bitterly bewail the sins that were his pleasure and delight, more than e­ver he bewailed the death of the nearest and dear­est Relation in the world! To make a proud heart renounce its own self-righteousness, which it so dotes upon, and take all shame and reproach to it self upon the account of sin! This is won­derful. You would think it a strange thing to see the course of the Tyde stopt with the breath of a man; but O what a marvellous thing is here, that at the preaching of the Gospel by a poor worm, the Lord should turn the Tyde of the Will, and thus work about the Soul to a ready compliance with his most self-denying terms and proposals!

Thirdly, And that which farther encreaseth the difficulty of believing is the fierce and obsti­nate opposition made by the Enemies of Faith: All the powers of Hell and Earth, Devils and Men without us, are confederate and in league with the Corruptions within us, to res [...]t and hinder this work of believing. Never is the De­vil more busie than when Christ and the Soul are treating about Union. Oh the Discouragements, Objections and Difficulties that are rowled into the way of Faith! One while it is the highest [Page 328] Presumption; another while it is impossible and utterly too late: Sometimes blasphemous injecti­ons, like fiery Darts, are shot reeking hot out of Hell into the Soul: Otherwhile the invincible difficulties of Religion are objected, all Losses, Torments, &c. opposed unto this work: The Tempter casts himself into a thousand shapes to hinder the Souls passage out of Nature unto Christ. Sometimes objecting the greatness of sin, and sometimes the lapse and loss of the proper season and opportunity of mercy, toge­ther with the want of due qualifications to come to Christ. Thus, and many other ways, he en­deavours to rap off the fingers of Faith from taking hold of Christ. And as every Devil in Hell opposes this work, so every Carnal interest we have in the world, is an Enemy to Faith. We have Enemies enough within us, as well as without us, both conspiring together to obstruct this work: All things increase the difficulty of believing.

Thirdly, We are next to speak of the instru­ments imployed in this great design; and these are

  • 1. Principal, or
  • 2. Subordinate.

(1.) The Principal instrument in whose efficacy the Heart is opened, is the Spirit of God; with­out whom it is impossible the design should ever prosper; neither Ordinances, Providences, or Ministers can successfully manage it without him. If the Lord will make use of any Man for the Conversion and Salvation of anothers Soul, he may rejoyce in it; but withal must say as Peter to the Jews, Acts 3. 12. Why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power, or holiness we had [Page 329] made this man to walk? So may the ablest Minister in the World say, when God blesses his labours to the conversion of any Soul; look not upon me, as though by the strength of my reason, or power of my gifts, I had opened thy Soul to Christ; this is the work of Gods Spirit, in whose hand I am an instrument, 1 Cor. 3. 7. He that plants is nothing, and he that waters is nothing. Nothing in himself, the very first stroak of con­viction which is introductive to the whole work of conversion is justly ascribed to the Spirit, Iob. 16. 9. The Spirit when be cometh shall convince the world of sin. He is the Lord of all sanctifying and gracious influences; Ordinances are but as the sayls of a Ship, Ministers as the Seamen that manage those sayls; the Anchor may be weighed, the sayls spread, but when all is done, there is no sayling, till a gale come. We preach, and pray, and you hear; but there is no motion Christward, until the Spirit of God (comparded to the wind, Iohn 3. 8.) blow upon them; till he illuminate the un­derstanding with divine light, and bow the Will by an Almighty power; there can be no Spiritu­al motion Heaven-ward. Now the Spirit of the Lord is a free agent, tyed to means, time or in­struments; but as at a certain time an Angel came down upon the waters of Bethesda and put a healing virtue into them; so it is here: There­fore never come to any Gospel Ordinance, with­out an Eye to the Spirit, on whom all their bles­sing and efficacy depends. Oh, lift up your Hearts for his blessing upon the means, as ever you expect saving benefits from them.

(2ly,) The Subordinate instrumental means by which this blessed design is effectually manag­ed in the World, is the Gospel-ministry, 1 Cor. [Page 330] 3. 5. Who then is Paul, and who is Apollo, but Ministers by whom ye believed? This is the ordina­ry stated method of begetting Faith, and though God hath not tyed himself to this or that Mini­ster, time, or place; yet he hath tyed us to a diligent and constant attendance upon them, Rom. 10. 14. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear with­out a preacher? I confess it seems a very unlikely means, a weak and foolish method, according to the dictate of corrupt humane wisdom; yet by the foolishness of preaching, it pleases God to save them that believe, 1 Cor. 1. 21. That which the wisdom of Man derides, God makes effectual unto Salvation. And oh how many are there that will have cause to bless God to all eternity for gifting and sending such Ministers among them, whose Doctrin the Lord blessed unto the conversi­on of their Souls!

Fourthly, In the next place, let us consider the scope and intention of this great design, wherein these instruments are employed: There are no great designs in the World but aim at some end to be accomplished by them. Now there are two things in the Eye and intention of this design, which are worthy of it;

(1.) The exaltation of his own grace, and the riches of his goodness before Angels and Men to all eternity. The Name of God is never made so glorious in this World, as it is by bringing over the Hearts of Men and Women to believe. God reaps more glory from the faith of a poor creature that comes to Christ empty and weary, than he doth from the other works of his Hands: He hath not the like glory from the Sun, Moon, [Page 331] and Stars; as from such poor creatures, whose Hearts open to Jesus Christ under the Gospel call. Thus they are fitted to manifest the glory of his grace, Eph. 1. 5, 6. To the praise of the glory of his grace, &c. God will have his rich and glorious grace praised and admired by Angels and Men for evermore; and every converted Soul is as it were a monument erected unto the praise of his grace. Heaven will ring with praises for ever, that the great God would humble himself to come into the Heart of a vile sinner, and dwell and walk therein, as the expression is, 2 Cor. 6. 16. O this is admirable, that the high and lofty one, who inhabits eternity, will take up his dwelling place in a poor contrite sinner, that trembles at his Word, Isa. 57. 15.

(2ly,) The eternal Salvation and blessedness of the Soul so opened to Christ, is also the de­sign and aim of this work of opening the Heart, Luke 19. 9. When the Soul of Zacheus was open­ed by faith, This day, saith Christ, is salvation come to this house. You do not only believe to the glory of God, but to the Salvation of your own Souls, Heb. 10. 39. The opening of our Hearts to Christ now, is in order to the opening of Heaven to us hereafter. This is both the finis operis & operantis, the end of the work, and intention of the worker, 1 Cor. 1. 21. It pleased God by the fool­ishness of preaching, to save them that do believe. It presently puts them into a state of Salvation, though they be not yet actually and compleatly saved. There is a necessary connection betwixt Conversion and Salvation; though betwixt Con­version and compleat Salvation there may be many groaning hours, sick and sad days and [Page 332] nights; but full deliverance from sin and misery is secured to the Soul in the work of Faith, Col. 1. 27. Christ in you is the hope of glory.

Fifthly, Thus you see this great and glorious design projected and managed; and that this is the very scope, aim, and intention of the whole Go­spel, even the opening the Hearts of sinners un­to Christ by faith, will evidently appear by con­sidering the several parts of the Gospel which have a direct aspect upon this design; and the declared end of the Spirit who is sent forth to make it effectual to this very end and purpose.

(1.) To this the commands of the Gospel look; it lyes full in the Eye of the preceptive part of the Gospel, 1 Iob. 3. 23. And this is his command­ment, that we should believe on the Name of his Son Iesus Christ. And it is a very great encourage­ment (if rightly considered) that faith is con­stituted a duty by a plain Gospel precept; for this cuts off that vain pretence and plea of pre­sumption; What, such a vile wretch as thou (saith Satan) presume to believe in Christ! But this cuts off the plea. Here's a command from the highest Sovereignty, the contempt whereof Men shall answer at their utmost peril.

(2ly,) This also is the declared end and scope of the Gospel promises and threatnings, whereby the Souls of sinners are assaulted on both sides: As for Promises, how are all the sacred pages of the Bible adorned with them, as the Firmament with radiant Stars! Amongst which that in the Text seems to excel in glory, If any Man open to me, I will come in to him. Like unto which, is that Iohn 6. 35, 37. I am the bread of life, he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me [Page 333] shall never thirst; him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out. Such rich and excellent encourage­ments to faith had never been put into the pro­mises, but for faiths sake; and then for Gospel threatnings, though they have a dreadful sound, yet they have a gracious design; what a terrible thunder-clap is that, Iohn 3. 36. He that believeth not the Son, shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him? To which another Threatning echoes with a like terrible voice, Mark 16. 16. He that believeth not shall be damned. There be dread­ful things, you see, threatned in the Gospel a­gainst unbelievers; but what is the intention of those threatnings, but to scare Men out of their unbelief, and carnal security unto Christ? And thus both the promises and the threatnings, though of far different natures, conspire and meet in the self same design, even to open the Heart to Christ by faith.

(3ly,) For the sake of this design all Gospel Or­dinances and Officers are instituted and appointed, maintained, and continued in the World unto this day: Why did Christ at his Triumphant ascension shed forth such variety of gifts upon Men, but that God might dwell among them? Psal. 68. 18. Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive; thou hast received gifts for Men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them. The whole frame of Gospel ordinances is declaredly set up for this purpose, to bring Men to Christ, and build them up in Christ, Eph. 4. 12:

(4ly,) All the Scripture records of converted sinners, whose Hearts God hath in any age opened, were made for this very purpose to en­courage [Page 334] other Souls by their examples to believe in, or open unto Christ as they did. For this purpose that famous and memorable conversion of Paul was graciously recorded, 1 Tim. 1. 16. Howbeit, for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first, Iesus Christ might shew forth all long-suffering, for a pattern to them that should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. Never was any Mans Heart bolted and made fast with stronger prejudices against Christ, than this Mans was; yet the Spi­rit of the Lord opened it: O how flexible was his will! Lord what wilt thou have me to do? This gives great encouragement to other sinners to come in to Christ as he did; and therefore when Men shall see other sinners receiving Christ, and themselves continue still obstinate, and unbe­lieving; those very examples which God hath set before their Eyes put a dreadful aggravation upon their unbelief; as you may see, Matth. 21. 32. Iohn came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not; but the publicans and har­lots believed him; and ye when ye had seen it, repent­ed not afterward, that you might believe him. q. d. Though you saw Publicans, reputed the worst of Men, and Harlots, the worst of Women, con­vinced, humbled and brought unto faith; yet these fights no way affected your Souls; you ne­ver had one such reflection as this, Lord have not I as much need to fly from the wrath to come, and mind the Salvation of my own Soul as these? Will it not be a dreadful aggravation of my mi­sery that such as these should obtain Christ and Heaven, and I shut out?

(5ly,) To conclude, The opening of the Heart to Christ is the very end and errand of the [Page 335] Spirit of God, upon whose concurrence and bles­sing the success of all Ordinances depend; up­on this design he is sent expresly from Heaven, to open the understanding and consciences of sin­ners by conviction, Iohn 16. 9. For it is not in the power of the Word alone to produce this effect; thousands of excellent Sermons may be preacht, and not one Heart opened by conviction. He is expresly sent to this end and purpose. What remains, is the Application of this Point.

I. Vse of Information.

If the opening of the Heart to Christ, be the great and direct intention and end of the Gospel, I. Infer. How are they deceived that bless themselves in the at­tainment of some lesser ends and intentions of the Go­spel, whilst the great end, (the effectual perswasion of the Will to Christ) is not at all effected upon them! There are some collateral stroaks, some by effects, as I may call them, which the Gospel hath upon Men. It would pity a wise conside­rate Man to see how poor Souls hug themselves with a conceited happiness in these lesser things, whilst they still stick fast in the state of unre­generacy. I would seign undeceive such mistaken wretches, who bow down under the power of self-deceit; and that in so great and important a Point, in which their eternal Salvation is con­corned. There be two things which are ex­coeding apt to deceive Men in this matter, viz.

  • 1. Partial convictions on the Understand­ing.
  • 2. Transe it motions upon the Affections.

[Page 336]In these two things multitudes deceive them­selves, as if the whole design of the Gospel were accomplished upon them therein. (1.) Partial Convictions upon the Understanding; light and knowledge breaking into the mind, producing orthodoxy of Judgment; this seems to be the effectual opening of the Understanding to Christ, though alas, to this day they never saw sin in its vileness, much less their own special sin; nor Christ in his suitableness and necessity. People that live under the Gospel, can hardly avoid the im­provement of their Understandings by the light that shines upon them: Knowledge grows, Parts thrive; these inable them to discourse and de­send the Points of Religion excellently. Yea, it may be from the strength of these Gifts, they can pray with commendable variety and large­ness of expression: these things beget applause from Men, and confidence in your selves, whilst all the while, no saving influences are shed down to quicken, change, and spiritualize the Heart. (2.) There are transcient motions and touches of the Gospel upon the affections, which give some Men their melting pangs and moods, now and then under the Word, though it never settles into a spiritual frame, an habitual heavenliness of temper; of such the Apostle speaks, Heb. 6. 5. And this is the more dangerous, because they now seem to have attained all that is essential to Religion, or necessary to Salvation. For when unto the light of their understandings, there shall be added melting affections; Mr. Antho­ny Burges in his Spi­ritual Re­fining. a Man now seems to be compleat in all that the Gospel requires unto the being and constitution of a Christian, as a great Divine speaks; for thus poor Souls [Page 337] are apt to reason; If I had only light in my mind, and never found any meltings of my af­fections, I might suspect my self justly to be a hypocrite: but there are times when my affecti­ons, as well as my understanding seem to feel the power of the Gospel. And yet these things may be where the Heart never effectually opens to Christ; all this may be but a morning dew, an early cloud that vanishes away, as is plain in Iohn's hearers, Iohn 5. 35. and in Paul's hearers, Gal. 41. 14, 15. For except the convictions upon the understanding be particular, and effectual, and the motions upon the affections setled to a heavenly habit and temper; the Man is but where he was before, as to the real state and condition of his Soul. Were thy understanding so convin­ced of the evil nature and dreadful consequences of sin, and thy Affections and Will thereupon so effectually determined to choose and embrace the Lord Jesus upon a considerate and thorough ex­amination of his own Terms and Articles pro­pounded in the Gospel; then thou mightest con­clude the great design of it were accomplished upon thy Soul; but to rest in general convictions, and transient affections without this, is but to mock and deceive thy own Soul. Alas, this comes not home to the main end of the Gospel.

II. Inference.

Learn from hence, the prodigious stubornness and hardness of the Hearts of Men living dayly under the Gospel, 2. Infer. which still resist it, though it bear upon them in part of it.

[Page 338] You have heard how all its commands, promi­ses, threatnings and examples, bear directly and joyntly upon the Hearts of sinners, to get open the Will to Christ. And yet how few are there comparatively that obey and answer this great design of it! All these are like Heavens great Artillery planted against the unbelief and stuborn­ness of the Hearts of Men, to batter down their carnal reasonings, overthrow their vain hopes, and open a fair passage for Christ into their Soul, 2 Cor. 10. 4, 5. For the weapons of our warfare are niot carnal, but mighty through God; to the pulling down of strong holds, casting down imagi­nations, and every high thing that exalts it self against the knowledge of God, and bringing into cap­tivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. If a mount be raised, and many Canon planted there­on, and all play'd against the wall of a Fort, thousands of shots made, and yet no breach, not one stone moved out of its place; you will say that's a strong Wall indeed. Beloved, God hath as I may say, raised a Mount in the Gospel, planted the great Ordinance of Heaven upon it; discharged many dreadful vollies of threatnings, nay he hath, as it were, come under the walls of the unbelieving Soul, with terms of grace and mercy, and yet no opening; O prodigious obsti­nacy! We have piped unto you, but ye have not dan­ced; we have mourned unto you, but ye have not la­mented, Matth. 11. 17. Neither the sweet Airs of Gospel Grace, nor the dreadful thunders of the Law make any impression upon you. O what an obdurate Rock is the Heart by nature! Certain­ly, every Christian may see enough in others, and find enough in himself; without the help of [Page 341] other Books, to confute the Arminian Doctrian which so extolls and flatters the nature of man. It is as possible to make an impression with your fin­ger upon a wall of brass, as for the best Sermon in the world in its own strength, to make an effe­ctual saving impression upon a sinners Will.

III. Inference.

Is it the great design of the Gospel to open the hearts of men to Christ, then wonder not that it meets with such strong and fierce opposition from Sa­tan wherever it is sincerely and powerfully preached. As for general and formal preaching, which comes not to the quick, the Devil is not so much con­cerned about it; he knows it will do him no great damage; nay, it fastens and secures his in­terest in the Souls of men. But wherever the Gospel comes with spirit and power, laying the Ax to the Root, shewing men the vanity of their ungrounded hopes, pressing the necessity of Re­generation and Faith, this preaching quickly gives an alarm to Hell, and raises all manner of oppo­sition against it. What is it to preach the Gospel, said Luther, but to derive the rage and fury of the whole world upon us? Satan is the God of this world, all men by Nature are his born Subjects: No Prince on earth is more jealous of the revolt of his Sub­jects than he; and its time for him to bestir him­self when the Gospel comes to dethrone him, as it doth in the faithful preaching of it, Iohn 12. 31. Now is the Judgment of this world, now shall the Prince of this world be cast out. Now he falls as Lightning from Heaven, Luke 10. 18. Now Sin­ners are made sensible of the cruel tyranny and bondage of Satan's Government, and of the glori­ous [Page 340] liberty offered to them by Jesus Christ. Satan suspecting the Issue of these things, bestirs himself to purpose. O what showers of Calumnies, and storms of Persecution doth he pour upon the Names and Persons of Christ's faithful Ambassa­dours! certainly he owes Christ's Ministers a spight, and they shall know and feel it, if ever he get them within the compass of his Chain. But let this discourage none imployed in this glorious design; the Lord is with them to protect their persons, and reward their diligence.

IV. Inference.

If the opening of the heart be the main de­sign of the Gospel, 4. Infer. then Christ and Faith ought to be the principal Subjects that Ministers should insist on among their people.

There are many other useful Doctrins, which may and ought to be opened and prest in their time and place. Moral duties, &c. have their excellencies; but Christ and Faith are the great things we are to preach. Let men be once brought to Christ, and the rest will follow; but to begin and end with Morality will never make men Go­spel Christians. Grace teaches Morality, Titus 2. 11. but Morality without Grace saves no man. I doubt not but it hath been a grand Artifice of the Devil to confound Grace with Morality; and make men believe that nothing more is requir'd unto mens salvation but a civil sober conversation in the world, and so lay by the principal part of the Gospel, which opens and presses the necessity of Regeneration, Repentance, and Faith in the Blood of Christ: Such preaching as this answers [Page 341] not the end and design of Christ in the conversion of Souls; such toothless preaching disturbs not the Consciences of men; the Lord help all his Ambassadours to mind the Example and Charge of their Redeemer, and laying aside all carnal interest, to apply themselves faithfully unto the Souls and Consciences of their hearers, not as men-pleasers, but as the servants of Christ.

II. Vse of Conviction.

In the next place, This Doctrin is of excellent Use to convince men of the dreadful damning na­ture of the sin of Unbelief: A sin which defeats and frustrates the main design of the blessed Go­spel of Christ on the Unbelievers Soul.

This is the sin that keeps the heart fast shut a­gainst him. As Faith is the radical Grace, so Un­belief is the radical Sin. What shall I say of it? it is the Traytors Gate through which those Souls pass, that are to perish for ever. The Gospel can do you no good, the Blood of Christ can yield you no saving benefit, whilst your Souls remain under the dominion and power of this sin. When we consider the mighty Arguments of the Gospel, we may wonder that all that hear them are not immediately perswaded to Christ by them. And on the other side, when we consider the mighty power of Unbelief, how strongly it holds the Soul in bondage to sin; we may admire that any Soul is brought over to Christ by the Gospel. It was not without cause that the Apostle puts faith in Christ among the great Mysteries and Won­ders of the Gospel, 1 Tim. 3. 16. Now the in­trinsick evil and fearful consequences of this sin [Page 342] of Unbelief will appear in these following parti­culars.

1. Unbelief fixes the guilt of all other sins on the person of the Unbeliever; it binds them all fast upon his Soul, Iohn 8. 24. For if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall dye in your sins. Dye in thy sins man! it were better for thee to dye in a Ditch. What more terrible can God threaten, or man feel? This is the sin that makes the death of Christ of none effect to us, Gal. 5. 4. There is indeed a soveraign virtue in the Blood of Christ to pardon sin, but thy Soul cannot have the bene­fit of it while it remains under the dominion of this sin. As it was said of the miraculous works of Christ, He could do no mighty works there, because of their unbelief, Matth. 13. 58. so none of his spi­ritual works, no ordinances can do thy Soul good till the Lord break the power of this sin, Hebr. 4. 2. The word preached did not profit them, not being mixed in faith in them that heard it. If a man were dangerously sick, or wounded, the richest Cordial or most soveraign Plaister in the world can never recover him, unless received and applyed. Un­belief spills the most soveraign Cordials of the Gospel, as Water upon the ground. The great­est sins that ever thou committedst might be par­doned, did not this sin lye in the way; were this gone, all the rest were gone too; but whilst Un­belief remains, they also remain upon thee.

2ly, Of all the sins that are upon the Souls of men, this is the most difficult sin to be removed and cured: Other sins lye more open to convicti­on, but this hath the most specious pretences to countenance and defend it. Men commit this sin out of a fear of sin. They will not believe, lest [Page 343] they should presume. They dare not believe be­cause they are not qualified. The strength of o­ther sins meets in this sin of Unbelief: it is the strongest Fort wherein Satan trusteth. Take an Adulterer, or a profane Swearer, and you have a fair open way to convince him of his sin: shew him the Command he hath violated, and he hath nothing to say in his own defence: but the Un­believer hath a thousand plausible defences.

3ly, This is the great damning sin of the world. I do not say but all other sins deserve damnation, (for the wages of sin is death) but this is the sin in the virtue whereof other sins damn and ruin the Soul. This is the Condemnation, John 3. 19. And as it is a damning sin, so it is a sin which damns with aggravated damnation, 2 Thess. 1. 8. O then let us mourn over, and tremble at this dreadful sin, which opposes and so often frustrates the great de­sign and main end of the whole Gospel.

IV. Vse for Exhortation.

Is it the main scope of the Gospel to bring men to Christ by Faith, then be perswaded heartily to comply with this great design of the Father, Son, and Spirit, Ministers, Ordinances, and Providences, in opening your hearts to receive Christ this day by Faith unfeigned.

And oh that I could suitably press this great Point, which falls in so directly with the main stream and scope of the whole Gospel: And oh, that whilst I am pressing it, you would list up an hearty cry to Heaven, Lord give me faith, what­ever else thou deny me; open my heart to Christ under the Gospel Calls. I do not only press you to a [Page 344] ge­neral and common assent to the Truths of the Gospel, that Christ is come in the flesh, and laid down his life for sinners; but unto an hearty Evangelical consent to receive him upon Gospel terms; to close with him in all his Offices, subjecting heart and life unto his Authority, living entirely upon him for righteousness, and to him by holiness. The value of such a Faith as this, is above all estimation. For (1.) this is the Grace which God hath dignified, and crown­ed with Glory and Honour above all its fellow Graces. Its singular Praises and Encomiums are in all the Scriptures. This is called precious faith, 2 Pet. 1. 1. Soul enriching faith, Iames 2. 5. That's a miserable poor Soul indeed that is destitute of it, whatever the Largesses of Providence have been to him. And he is truly rich, to whom God hath given Faith, whatever he hath denied him of the comforts of this life. This Christ calls the work of God, Iohn 6. 29. This is the work of God that you believe. Why? so are all other things that your eyes behold, they are the works of God; the Earth, the Sea, the Sun, Moon and Stars, they are his handy-work. True, they are so; but this is the work, the most eminent, glori­ous, and admirable work of God, sine pari, excel­ling all his other works which your eyes behold. And (2.) that which exalts and dignifies it, not only above all the works of God's hands, but even above its fellow Graces, the works of his Spirit, is that high Office unto which it is appointed in the justification of a Sinner. God hath singled out this Grace from among all the other Graces, to be the instrument of receiving and applying the righteousness of Christ for the justification of a guilty Soul, Rom. 5. 1. You are never said to be [Page 345] justified by love, hope, or desire, but by faith. 'Tis true, all other Graces are supposed in the person justified, but none apprehends and applies the righteousness of Christ for justification, but this only. And the justifying act of faith being a receiving act, the Glory of God is therein se­cured, therefore it is of Faith that it might be by Grace. (3.) The Grace of Faith, which I am re­commending to you this day, is not only the in­strument of your Justification, but it is also the bond of your union with Christ, Eph. 3. 17. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by Faith. 'Tis the uniting Grace, the Marriage Knot,'tis that which gives interest in, and title to the person and be­nefits of Christ. The great thing upon which the eyes of all the awakened world are intently and solicitously fixed. Whatever apprehensions you have of an interest in Christ, and whatever his benefits be worth in your eyes; neither himself, or them can ever be obtained without Faith. O Brethren, there is a day coming, when they that now sleight and neglect this interest and concern of their Souls, would gladly part with ten thou­sand worlds for a good title to Christ, could it be purchased therewith: But it is Faith, and nothing without Faith, that intitles you to Christ, and to his benefits. (4.) That which should yet more endear this Grace of Faith to you is this, that it is the hand which receives your pardon from the hand of Christ, the Messenger that brings a sealed Pardon to a trembling Sinner, Acts 10. 43. And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses. Cleared of all those sins from which the Law could never clear them, nor any Repentance, Restitu­tion, [Page 346] or Obedience of their own without Faith, O what a welcom Messenger is Faith, and what joyful tydings doth it bring! you would say so, if ever you had felt the efficacy of the Law upon your Consciences; if ever you had lain, as some sinners have, with a cold sweating horrour upon your panting bosoms, under the apprehensions of the wrath God. This fruit of Faith is rather to be admired than exprest, Psal. 32. 1. (5.) Faith is not only the Messenger that brings you a Par­don from Heaven, but it is, as I may say, that heavenly Herauld that publishes Peace in the Soul of a Sinner. O Peace, how sweet a word art thou! how welcom to a poor condemned Sinner! Beautiful upon the Mountains are the feet of them that publish peace. Now 'tis faith that brings this bles­sed News, and publishes it in the Soul, without which all the publishers of peace without us, can administer but little support, Rom. 5. 1. Faith brings the Soul out of the Storms and Tempests with which it was tossed, into a sweet Rest and Calm, Hebr. 4. 3. We which have believed do enter into Rest. Is the quiet Harbour welcom to poor weather-beaten Seamen after they have past fu­rious storms and many fears upon the raging Sea? O how welcom then must Peace be to that Soul that hath been tossed upon the tempestuous Ocean of its own fears and terrours, blown up and in­censed by the terrible blasts of the Law and Con­science? It was a comfortable sight to Noah and his Family to see an Olive leaf in the mouth of the Dove, by which they knew the waters were aba­ted. But oh, what is it to hear such a voice as this from the mouth of Faith! Fury is not in me, saith the Lord; his anger is turned away, and he [Page 347] comforteth thee. Fear not thou poor tempestu­ous Soul, the God of Peace is thy God. (6.) Faith doth not only bring the tempestuous Soul into a Calm, but it is the Grace also which opens to the Soul a door of access into the gracious presence of God; without it there is no coming to him ac­ceptably, Hebr. 11. 6. He that cometh unto God must believe. This liberty and access to God is indeed the purchase of the Blood of Christ; he procur'd it at a great Sum; But Faith is the Grace that brings the Soul actually into the presence of God, and there helps it to open and ease its griefs; and with liberty of Speech to discover all its grievan­ces, fears, and burthens to the Lord. And truly, this world were not worth the living in, without such a blessed vent to our troubles as this is. The Believer only hath gotten the key that opens the door of access unto God; if he have any sins, wants, burthens, affictions, temptations, &c. here he can ease them. Ah Christian, the time may come when thy heart may be filled with sor­rows to the brim, and there may not be found a person of thy acquaintance in all the world, to whom thou canst turn to ease thy sorrows, or give vent to thy troubles: Now blessed be God for Faith. O the ease one act of Faith gives a trou­bled Soul, which is like Bottles full of new Wine, and must either vent or break! well may it be said, The Iust shall live by Faith; how can we ima­gine we should live without it? Certainly our Afflictions and Temptations would swallow us up, were it not for the sweet assiduous reliefs that come in by Faith. (7.) And yet farther to en­flame your desires after Faith, this is the Grace that gives you the Soul reviving sights of the [Page 348] in­visible world, without which this world would be a dungeon to us, Heb. 11. 1. 'Tis not only the substance of things hoped for, but the evidence of things not seen. O'tis a precious Eye, how transporting are those visions of faith, 1 Pet. 1. 8. Whom having not seen we love, whom though now we see him not, yet believing we rejoyce, with joy unspeak­able and full of glory. We that preach of Heaven to you, cannot shew you the glorious person of Christ there; nor the Thrones, Crowns, and Palms that are above; but faith can make these things visible. That's an Eye that can pene­trate the Clouds, and shew you him that is invis­sible, Heb. 11. 27. (8.) The grace of faith, which I am recommending to you this day, is in­strumentally the livelyhood of your Souls in this World, Hab. 2. 4. The just shall live by his faith. When God gives a Soul faith, he gives it him for a livelyhood, and expects he should keep house upon it, while he is in this World; and God reckons he hath made plentiful provision for your Souls, when he hath given them faith, and fur­nished out such variety of precious promises for your faith to feed upon. Abraham, Moses, David, and all the Saints kept house upon no other pro­vision but what faith brought in, and at what a high and excellent rate did they live? Here Man eateth Angels food. 'Tis a store-house of Provi­sion, 'tis a shop of Cordials, I had fainted, unless I had believed, Psal. 27. 13. A believer lives the highest life of all Men upon earth; and as the believers Soul is dayly fed by faith, so all the other graces in his Soul are maintained and day­ly supported by the provisions faith brings them in. The other graces (as one saith) like the [Page 349] young birds in the nest, live upon that provisi­on this grace of faith gathers for them, and puts into their mouths. Take away faith, and you quickly starve the Soul of a Christian; will not all this engage your desires after faith? Why then (9.) consider this is the grace whereby we dye safely, as well as live comfortably; as you cannot live comfortably without it in this World, so neither can you dye safely or comfortably without it when you go out of this World, Heb. 11. 13. These all dyed in faith, not having received the promises; but having seen them a far off, and were perswaded of them, and embraced them. Mark here, how these excellent persons died; they all died embracing the promises in the arms of their faith. An allusion to two dear friends, hugging one another at their parting. O precious pro­mises, saith the dying believer; of what un­speakable use and benefit have you been to me all the days of my pilgrimage! You are they to whom I was wont to turn in all my troubles and distresses; but I am now going into the life of immediate Vision, farewel blessed Promises, Scriptures, Ordinances and Communion of im­perfect Saints; I shall walk no more by faith, but by sight. (10.) In a word, and that a great word to; this is the grace that saves you, Eph. 2. 8. By grace are you saved, through faith. Your salvation is the fruit of free grace; but grace it self will not save you in any other method, but that of believing. The grace of God runs down through the channel of faith; faith is the grace that espouses your Souls to Christ here, and accompanies it every step of the way until it come to his full enjoyment in Heaven; and then [Page 350] is swallowed up in vision. It embarques you with Christ, and Pilots you through the dange­rous Seas, till you drop Anchor in the Haven of everlasting rest and safety; where you receive the end of your faith, the salvation of your Souls O then in consideration of the incomparable worth, and absolute necessity of this precious grace; make it your great study, make it your constant cry to Heaven night and day; Lord give me a believing Heart, an opening Heart to Jesus Christ. If you fail of this, you come short of the great end and design of the whole Gospel, which is to bring you to faith, and by faith to Heaven.


Revel. 3. 20. —If any Man hear my voice, and open the door, [I will come in to him, and sup with him.]’

IN the former Sermons we have considered Christs suit, for a sinners Heart; we now come to the powerful Arguments and Mo­tives used by him to obtain his suit, which are two,

  • 1. Union, I will come in to him, and sup with him.
  • 2. Communion, and he with me.

These are strong and mighty arguments, and encouragements, able one would think to open any Heart in the World to Christ; and yet con­sidering how fast the Hearts of Men are glued to their lusts, fixed and riveted in their sins until the Spirit come upon them with powerful con­victions: and when under conviction, what mighty discouragements they labour under from their former sinfulness and present unworthiness; all this is little enough to bring them to faith: nay, in it self utterly insufficient without the Almighty power second and set them home with [Page 352] effect on the Heart; for it is not meer moral sua­sion will do the work. 'Tis true, Christ will not make a forcible entrance into the Soul, he will come in by the consent of the Will; but the Will consents not, till it feel the power of God upon it, Psal. 110. 3. Almighty power opens the Heart, and determins the Will, but still in a way con­gruous to the nature of the Will, Hos. 11. 4. I drew them with the cords of a man, with the bands of love. When under the influence of this power the Soul opens unto Christ, he will come in, take that Soul for his everlasting habitation; refresh and feast it with the sweetest consolations and privileges, purchased by his Blood; whence the Tenth Observation is,


That Christ will certainly come into the Soul that opens to him; 10. Doct. and will not come empty handed, but will bring rich entertainment with him; I will come in to him, and sup with him.

When the prodigal (the Emblem of a convert) returned to his Father, Luke 15. 22. his Father not only received but adorned, and feasted him. In opening this Point, I shall shew

  • First, What Christs coming in to the Soul in­tends.
  • Secondly, How it appears Christ will come in to the opening Soul.
  • Thirdly, What that rich entertainment is he brings with him.
  • Fourthly, Why he thus entertainsthe Soul that receives him and opens to him.

[Page 353]First, What Christs coming in to the Soul intends; and in general, I must say, this is a great myste­ry, which will not be fully understood, till we come to Heaven, Iohn 14. 20. At that day you shall know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. Then the essential union of Christ and his Fa­ther, and the mystical union between believers and Christ will be more clearly understood, than we are capable to understand them in this im­perfect state: yet for present so much is dis­covered as may justly astonish poor sinners at the marvelous condescension of the Lord Jesus to them. More particularly, this expression, I will come in to him, imports no less than his uni­ting such a Soul to himself; for he comes in with a design to dwell in that Soul by faith, Eph. 3. 17. to make such a man a mystical member of his body, flesh, and bones, Eph. 5. 30. which is the highest honour the Soul of man is capable of; indeed, this coming of Christ into the Soul of a sinner, doth not make him one person with Christ, that is the singular honour to which our nature is advanced by the Hypostatical Vnion; but this makes a person mystically one with Christ, and though it be beneath the Hypostatical Vnion, yet it is more than a meer Foederal Vnion. Christs coming into the Soul signifies more than his coming into Covenant with it, for it is the ta­king of such a person into a mystical Union with himself by the imparting of his Spirit un­to him; as the vital sap of the stock coming into the grass, makes it one with the stock, Iohn 15. 5. So the coming of Christs Spirit into the Soul makes it a member of his mystical body; and this is a glorious supernatural work of God, [Page 354] 1 Cor. 1. 30. most honorable, most comfortable, and for ever sure and indissoluble; Method of Grace, p. 25 as I have else­where more fully shewed.

Secondly, In the next place, I shall evidence the truth and certainty of this most comfortable point, that Christ will come in, and that with sin­gular refreshments and comforts, to every Soul that hears his voice, and opens to him. No present unworthyness, or former rebellions shall bar out Christ, or obstruct his entrance into such a Soul. Whatever thou hast been, or done; all that not­withstanding, Christ will come into thee, and dwell with thee; and make thy Soul an habitati­on for himself through the Spirit, Eph. 2. 22. I say, let thy Heart but open to him and he will both fill and feast thee, with a non obstante, as to all thy former miscarriages.

I know it is the common discouragement that multitudes of convinced humbled sinners lye un­der, who seeing so much vileness in their natures, and practices; cannot be perswaded that ever the Lord Jesus will cast an Eye of favour on them; much less, take up his abode in them. What, dwell in such a Heart as mine, which hath been an habitation of Devils, a sink, a puddle of sin from my beginning! This is hard to be belie­ved; but sinner, thou hast the word of a King from Heaven for it; a word whose credit was never crackt or stained from the first moment it was spoken; that whatever thy former or pre­sent vileness or unworthiness hath been, or is; he will not be shy of such a Soul as thou art, if thou be but willing to open to him; thy great unworthiness shall be no bar to his union with thee, If any man open, I will come in to him, &c. For,

[Page 355] First, If personal unworthiness were sufficient to bar Christ out of thy Soul, it would equally bar him out of all the Souls in the World; for all are unworthy as well as thy self. Where-ever Christ finds sinfulness, he finds unworthiness; and to be sure he finds this where-ever he comes. Christ never expected to find worthiness in thee, but it highly pleases him to find thee under a be­coming sense of thy personal unworthiness, Ier. 3. 13. Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgrest against the Lord thy God, &c. The re­turning prodigal acknowledged to his Father, I am not worthy to be called thy Son, Luke 15. 18, 19. But this did not bar his access to, or hinder his acceptance by his Father. All that come to God to be justified, must see and confess their own vileness, and come to him as one that justifieth the ungodly, Rom. 4. 5.

Secondly, Thy former vileness and present unworthiness can be no bar to Christs entrance, because it can be no surprize to him. He knew thou wast an unworthy Soul when he made the first overture of grace and reconciliation to thee; and if thy unworthiness hindred not the beginning of his treaty with thee, it shall not hinder the closing and finishing act thereof in his union with thee. I knew that thou wast a transgres­sor from the womb, Isa. 48. 8.

Thirdly, Christ never yet came into any Soul where Satan had not the possession before him. Every Soul in which Christ now dwels, was once in Satans power and possession, Acts 26. 18. To turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God. So Luke 11. 21, 22. When a strong man armed keepeth his pallace, his goods are in peace. [Page 356] But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him; he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoil.

Fourthly, Thy present vileness and unworthi­ness can be no bar to Christs entrance into thy Soul, because Christ never yet objected to any man his unworthiness, but his unwillingness to come unto him, Iohn 5. 40. You will not come unto me, that you might have life. And again, Matth. 23. 37. How oft would I have gathered thy Children, and ye would not? Indeed, you find something like a re­pulse from Christ to that poor Canaanitess, Mat. 15. 24, 26. Lord help me, said that poor distressed Soul; but he answered and said, It is not meet to take the chil­drens bread, and cast it to dogs. However harshly and discouragingly these words sound, yet cer­tainly it was none of Christs intent to damp and discourage her faith, but to draw it forth to a more excellent and intense degree; which effect it obtained, vers. 27.

Fifthly, Neither would Christ have made the tenders of mercy so large and indefinite, had he intended to have shut out any Soul upon the single account of personal unworthiness, provi­ded it be but willing to come unto him. Cast thine Eye, poor discouraged Soul, upon Christs invitations and proclamations of grace and mer­cy in the Gospel, and see if thou canst find any thing beside unwillingness, as a bar betwixt thee and mercy; harken to that voice of mercy, Isa. 55. 1. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eat; come, buy wine and milk without money, and without price. (i. e.) without personal desert, or worthiness: So again, Rev. 22. 17. The Spirit and [Page 357] the bride say come, and let him that is athirst come; and whosoever will, let him take the water of life free­ly. Here you see personal vileness and unworthi­ness is no obstacle in the way of Christ. Once more, see Iohn 7. 37. In the last day, that great day of the feast, Iesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink. Thus you see what Christs coming into the Soul is, and what evidences there are, that when once the Soul is made truly willing, Christ will certain­ly come into it; and no former vileness or pre­sent unworthiness shall be a bar to obstruct his entrance.

Thirdly, In the next place, I shall shew you, That when Christ comes into the Soul he will not come empty handed. 'Tis Christs marriage day, and he will make it a good day; a festival day; bringing such comforts along with him, as the Soul never tasted before; he spreads as it were a Table, furnishes it with the delicates of Heaven: I will sup with him, saith the Text: What those Spiritual mercies are which Christ brings a long with him to the opening willing Soul, comes next in order to be spoken to. And

1. When Christ comes into the Soul of a sin­ner, he brings a Pardon with him, a full, a free, and a final pardon of all the sins that ever that Soul committed. This is a feast of it self; good cheer indeed: Christ thought it to be so when he told the poor Palsey-man, Matth. 9. 2. Son be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven thee. He doth not say, Be of good cheer, thy Palsey is cured, thy body recovered from the grave; but be of good cheer, thy sins are pardoned. O how sweetly may the pardoned Soul feed upon this! [Page 358] And this is not any peculiar mercy, designed for some special favorites, but what is common to all believers, Acts 13. 43. By him all that believe, are justified from all things. Christ and pardon come together; and without a pardon no other mercy would relish; no feast, no musick, no mo­ney, or honour, have any favour or comfort with them to a condemned man; but the comfort of a pardon reaches to the very Heart, Isa. 40. 1, 2. Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith the Lord; Speak comfortably to Jerusalem, or as in the He­brew, Speak to the heart of Jerusalem. But what are the ingredients of that cordial that will comfort Ierusalems Heart? Why, Say unto her that her iniquities are pardoned; that carries along with it the Spirit of all consolation.

And there are four things in the pardon of sin that make it the sweetest mercy that ever the Soul tasted; comfort which is impossible to be communicated to another, with the same sense that the pardoned Soul hath of it, Rev. 2. 17.

First, That which makes the pardon of sin ravishingly sweet, is the trouble that went before it. The labourings and restless tossings of the troubled Soul, which were antecedent to this pardon, make the ease and peace that follows by it incomparably sweet. As the bitterness of Hell was tasted in the sorrows of sin, so the sweetness of Heaven is tasted in the pardon of it.

Secondly, The nature of the mercy it self is incomparably sweet; for it is a mercy of the first rank. Pardon is [...]uch a mercy as admits no comfort to come before it, nor any just cause of discouragement can follow after it. If God have not spoken pardon to the Soul, it can have no [Page 359] fetled ground for joy, Ezek. 33. 10. And if he have, there can be no just ground for dejection, whatever the troubles be that lye upon it, Isa. 33. 24. The inhabitants shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their ini­quities.

Thirdly, The third thing that makes this mercy delicious, and ravishingly sweet to the Soul; are the properties of it, which are four. (1.) God writes upon thy pardon frank; 'tis a free mercy, which cost thee nothing, Rom. 3. 24. Being justified freely by his grace. Thou hast bought me no sweet Cane with money, yet I, even I am be that blotteth out thy transgression, for my own names sake. (2.) God writes upon thy pardon full, as well as free, the pardon extends to all the sins that ever thou committedst, Acts 13. 43. By him all that believe, are justified from all things. The sins of thy nature, and practice; the sins of thy youth, and age; great sins, and lesser sins, are all comprehended within thy pardon. Thou art acquitted not from one, but from all! Certainly, the joy of Heaven must come down in the mercy of remission. O what a feast of fat things with marrow, is this single mercy; a pardon free without price, full without exception! And then (3.) its final, without revocation; the pardoned Soul never more comes into condemnation: Thine iniquities are removed from thee as far as the East is from the West; as those two opposite points of Heaven can never meet, so the pardoned Soul and its pardoned Sins can never more meet unto condemnation, Psal. 103. 12. (4.) God writes upon the pardon another word, as sweet as any of the rest, and that is sure. 'Tis a standing mercy [Page 360] never to be recall'd, vacated or annulled, Rom. 8. 33, 34, 35. The challenge is sent to Hell and Earth, Men and Devils; Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect? 'Tis God that justifies, who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, &c. Who can arrest when the Creditor dischargeth? Who can sue the bond, when the debt is paid? 'Tis Christ that died. The Table is spread, and the first mercy served in, is the pardon of sin. Eat, O friends, drink, yea, drink abundantly O be­loved. Now the labouring Conscience that rowl­ed and tossed upon the waves of a thousand fears, may drop Anchor and ride quiet in the pacifique Sea of a pardoned State. What joy must stream through the Conscience, when the sweetness of that Scripture, Rom. 8. 1. shall be pressed into thy cup of Consolation! The pardoned Soul may speak and think of Death and Judgment without consternation; yea, may look upon it as a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, Acts 3. 19. This is heavenly Manna, the sweetness of it swallows up all expression, all conceptions; no words, no thoughts, can comprehend the riches of this mercy.

II. And yet this is not all, behold another mercy in consequence unto this, brought in to refresh and cheer the consenting Soul, and that is peace with God. Pardon and peace go toge­ther, Rom. 5. 1. Being justified by faith, we have peace with God. Peace is a word of a vast com­prehension; peace in the language of the Old Testament, comprehends all Temporal good things, 1 Sam. 25. 6. And peace in the New Te­stament, comprehends all Spiritual mercies, 2 Thes. 3. 16. the blessings of Heaven and Earth [Page 361] are wrapt up in this word. The Soul that opens to Christ hath peace of reconciliation in Heaven, the enmity that was betwixt God and that Soul is taken away through the blood of Christ, Isa. 12. 1, 2. O Lord, I will praise thee; though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortest me. This must be an invaluable mer­cy, for the purchase of it cost the blood of Christ, Isa. 53. 5. The chastisement of our peace was upon him. He made peace by the blood of his Cross, Col. 1. 20. and this peace of reconciliati­on is setled by Christ upon a firm foundation. His blood gives it a more firm and steady basis and foundation than that of the Hills and Moun­tains, Isa. 54. 10. And that which makes it so firm and sure, is the Advocateship of Jesus Christ in Heaven, 1 Iohn 2. 1. 2. If any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father. There is also peace in the believers Conscience, peace as it were by Proclamation from Heaven; and this is built upon the peace of Reconciliation. We cannot have the the sense of peace, till we are brought into a state of peace; the latter is the result of the former. And this is a special part of that supper Christ provides to entertain the Soul that re­ceives it. How sweet this is, is better felt than spoken. A dreadful sound was lately in the Ears of the Law-condemned sinner; but now his Heart is the seat of peace. And this peace is (1.) the Souls gard against all inward and out­ward terrors, Phil. 4. 7. The peace of God shall keep [...] or as the word is, guard your hearts and minds. The persons of Princes are secured by guards of armed and valiant Men, who watch while they sleep. Thus Solomon had his royal [Page 362] guard, because of fear in the night, Cant. 3. 7, 8. This peace of God, Christian, is thy life-guard, and secures thee better than Solomons threescore valiant men, that were about him. Time was when thou wast affraid to sleep, for fear thou shouldst awake in Hell: Now thou maist say with David, I will both lay me down and sleep, for thou Lord makest me to dwell in safety. Now, come life, come death; the Soul is safe, the peace of God is its royal guard. (2.) This peace is ease as well as safety to the Soul; 'Tis heart-ease; no sooner doth God speak peace to the Conscience, but the Soul finds it self at ease and rest, Heb. 4. 3. We which have believed, do enter into rest. It is with such a Soul as it was with the Dove, Noah sent out of the Ark; that poor creature wan­dred in the Air, as long as her wings could car­ry her; had her strength fail'd, there was no­thing but the waters to receive her. O how sweet was rest in the Ark? (3.) This peace is news from Heaven, and the sweetest tydings that ever blest the sinners Ear, next unto Christ, Heb. 12. 24. The blood of Christ speaketh better things than that of Abel. And you are come to this blood of sprinkling, the same day and hour that Christ is come into your Souls. This is the voice of that blood, Thou hast sinned, I have satisfied; Thou hast kindled the wrath of God, And I have quencht it. The Angels of Heaven cannot feed higher; their joys are not more delicious than those pre­pared for believers are, whereof this is a foretast; whatever circumstances of trouble a man be in, this effectually relieves him. Paul and Silas were in sad circumstances, shut up in the inner-prison, their feet made fast in the stocks, their cruel [Page 363] keeper at the door, their execution designed in a few days: God did but set this dish upon the Ta­ble before the prisoners, and they could not for­bear to sing at the feast, Acts 16. 25. At midnight they sang, &c.

III. After these two royal dishes, Pardon, and Peace, a third will come in, viz. Ioy in the Holy Ghost; this is somewhat beyond peace, 'tis the very quintessence and Spirit of all Consolation. The Kingdom of God is said to consist in it, Rom. 14. 17. 'tis somewhat near to the joy of the glo­rified, 1 Pet. 1. 8. 'tis Heaven upon Earth. All be­lievers do not immediately attain it, but one time or other God usually gives them a taste of it; and when he doth, it is as it were a short Sal­vation. O who can tell what that is which the Apostle calls, The shedding abroad of the love of God into the Heart, by the Holy Ghost, which is given to us! Rom. 5. 5. It is a joy which wants an Epi­thet to express the sweetness of it, 1 Pet. 1. 8. Ioy unspeakable and full of glory. It hath the very scent and taste of Heaven in it, and there is but a gradual difference betwixt it, and the joy of Heaven. This joy of the Holy Ghost, is a spiri­tual cheeriness, streaming through the Soul of a believer upon the Spirits testimony, which clears his interest in Christ, and glory. No sooner doth the Spirit shed forth the love of God into the believers Heart, but it streams and over­flows with joy. Joy is no more under that Souls command; and this will evidently appear, if you consider the matter of it; it arises from the light of Gods countenance, Psal. 4. 6, 7. the hea­venly 1 Pet. 1. 8. Whom having not seen we love, &c. The Soul is transported with joy, ra­vished [Page 364] with the glory and excellency of Christ. Didst thou ever see this Christ whom thy Soul is so ravished with? No, I have not seen him, yet my Soul is transported with so much love to him; Whom having not seen, we love. But if thou never sawest him, how comes thy Soul to be so delighted and ravished with him? why, though I never saw him by the Eye of sense, yet I do see him by the Eye of faith; and by that sight my Soul is flooded with spiritual joy. Believing we rejoyce. But what manner of joy is that which you taste? why, no Tongue can express that, for it is joy unspeakable. But how are Christ and Hea­ven turned into such ravishing joys to the Soul? why, the Spirit of the Lord gives the believing Soul not only a light to discern the transcend­ent excellency of these spiritual objects; but a sight of his interest in them also. This is my Christ, and this the glory prepared for me; without interest, Heaven it self cannot be turn­ed into joy. My Soul rejoyceth in God my Saviour, Luke 1. 47. We read, Luke 13. 28. of some that shall have a sight of Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob, and all the Prophets in the Kingdom of God, and yet a sight without joy; a dreadful sight to them, for want of a joint interest with them in that glory. They shall see, and yet wail and weep, and gnash their teeth: But an interest sealed gives joy unspeakable. Now as to the excellency of this joy, it will be found to be the pleasant light of the Soul; light and joy are Synonimous terms in Scripture, Psal. 97. 11. 'Tis as the cheer­ful light of the Morning after a sad and dismal Night. You that have sat in darkness and the shadow of death, you that have sat mourning in [Page 365] the dark without one glimpse of a promise, you that have convers'd with nothing but dismal thoughts of Hell and Wrath; O I shall be cast away for ever! What will you say when after all this darkness, the Day-star shall arise in your hearts, the joy of Heaven shall beam upon your Souls? Will not this be a glorious reward for all your self-denyal for Christ? and fully recom­pense for the frowns of carnal relations for giv­ing entertainment to Christ? This joy of the Lord, if there were no other Heaven, is an a­bundant recompense. This joy of the Lord shall be your strength, Neh. 8. 10. Let God but give a man or woman a little of this Joy into his heart, and he shall presently feel himself strength­ened by it, either to do or to suffer the will of God. Now he can pray with enlargement, hear with comfort, meditate with delight; and if God call him to suffer, this Joy shall strengthen him to bear it. This was it that made the Martyrs go singing to the stake. This therefore tran­scends all the joys of this lower world: There are sinful pleasures, men find in the fulfilling their lusts: There are sensitive joys that men find in the good creatures of God, filling their hearts with food and gladness: There are also delusive joys, false comforts that Hypocrites find in their ungrounded hopes of Heaven. The joys of the Sensualist are bruitish, the joys of the Hy­pocrite are ensnaring and vanishing; but the joys of the Holy Ghost are solid, sweet, and lead­ing to the fulness of everlasting joy. This is the third heavenly dainty you may expect to feed on, if you open your hearts to receive Christ by Faith, else you have all the consolation that ever you must expect.

[Page 366] IV. We read in Scripture of the Sealings of the Spirit, a choice and blessed Priviledg of Believers consequent upon believing, Eph. 1. 13. In whom after that ye believed, ye were sealed, &c. This then may be expected, by every Soul that opens to Christ, how rich soever the comforts of it be. The Spirit indeed seals not before Faith, for then he should set his Seal to a Blank; but he usually seals after believing, and that as the Spirit of pro­mise. Note here, the Agent or Person sealing, the Spirit, he knows the counsels, thoughts, and purposes of God, 1 Cor. 2. 10, 11. He also is au­thorized to this work; and being the Spirit of truth, he cannot deceive us. There is a two­fold Seal spoken of in Scripture; one referring to God's eternal foreknowledge and choice of men, 2 Tim. 2. 19. Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord know­eth who are his, (i. e.) the Lord perfectly knows every Soul that belongs to him, through the world. But now what comfort is this to a poor Believer, that God knows who are his? There­fore there is another sealing referring to the Spi­rit, as his act upon Believers, to make them know that they are his. The first is general, The Lord knoweth who are is: But this is particular, The Lord knoweth thee to be his. This is joyful news indeed: the former makes it sure in it self, the latter makes it sure to us. Now this is a most glorious priviledge, a work of the Spirit which hath a most ravishing delicious sweetness in it; and that which makes it so, is (1) The weightiness of the matter sealed to, which is no less than Christ, and the eternal Inheritance pur­chased by his Blood. This Seal secures our Title [Page 367] to Christ, and to the eternal glory: We are sealed to the day of redemption. The sealed Be­liever can say, Christ, how great, how glorious soever he be, is my Christ; the Covenant of Grace, and all the invaluable promises contained in it are mine.

(2.) The rest and quietness which follows it, makes it an invaluable mercy; this brings the anxious solicitous Mind and Conscience to rest and peace. O what a mercy is it to have all those knots untied, those objections answer'd, those fears banished, under which the doubting Soul so long laboured, and which kept it so many nights waking and restless! God only knows at what rate some poor Creatures live under the scarings of their own Consciences, and frequent fears of Hell: And what an inconceivable mer­cy it would be to them to be delivered at once from their dangers and fears, which hold them under a Spirit of Bondage? Open to Christ, and thou art in the way to such a deliverance, Come unto me and I will give you rest, saith Christ, Matth. 11. 28, 29.

(3.) This sealing of the Spirit which follows upon believing, will establish the Soul in Christ, confirm it and settle it in the ways of God, which is an unspeakable priviledge, 2 Cor. 1. 22. Now he which establisheth us with you in Christ is God, who also hath sealed us. Mark how establish­ment follows sealing. New temptations may come, great persecutions and sore afflictions may come; but how well is that Soul provided for them all, that hath the sealings of the Spirit un­to the day of redemption? Yea, though the Soul that was sealed should for the present be under [Page 368] new darkness, new temptations and fears; yet former sealing will give establishment and re­lief, when the thoughts run back to the sealing day, and a man remembers how clear God once made his title to Christ, Well then, open to Christ, if ever you expect to be sealed to salva­tion. If you continue to despise and reject the tenders of Christ in the Gospel, whilst others that embrace him are sealed to redemption: Your unbelief and final rejection of Christ will seal you up to the day of damnation.

V. And lastly, we read likewise in the Scrip­tures of the Earnest of the Spirit. This is three times mentioned in the Scriptures, Eph. 1. 14. Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the re­demption of the purchasad possession, 2 Cor. 1. 22. where it is joyned with the former priviledge of sealing, Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our Hearts. And again, 2 Cor. 5. 5. He that hath wrought us for the self same thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit. The word is [...] originally a Syriak word: The Greeks are supposed to get it from the Phonician Merchants, with whom they traded; and it notes a part paid in hand to con­firm a bargain for the whole. There are two things in an earnest. (1) It is part of the sum or inheritance: If it were a contract for a sum of mony, then it was a small part of a greater parcel: If for an Inheritance, then the earnest is a taking a part of the Inheritance, as a twig or turf, part of the whole. Now the Spirit of God chooses this word on purpose to signifie two great things to his People by it.

(1.) That those comforts communicated by [Page 369] the Spirit to Believers are of the same kind with the Joys of Heaven, though in a far inferiour degree, 1 Pet. 1. 8. called there Ioy unspeakable and full of glory, and Rom. 8. 23. called there, The first-fruits of the Spirit. The First-Fruits and the Crop or Harvest are one in kind. Surely there is some­thing of Heaven as well as Hell tasted by men in this world: Hell is begun here in the terrors of some mens Consciences; and Heaven also is begun here in the absolution, peace and comfort of other mens Consciences.

(2.) As an earnest is part of the sum or inhe­ritance, so the use and end of it is confirmation and security; as much as to say, Take this in part till the whole be paid: yea, take it for thy security that the whole shall be paid. Believers have a double pledge or earnest for Heaven; one in the person of Christ, who is entred into that glory for them, Iohn 14. 2, 3. The other in the joys and comforts of the Spirit, which they feel and taste in themselves. These are two great securities, and the design of God in giving us these earnests and foretasts of Heaven, are not only to settle our minds, but to whet our indu­stry, that we may long the more earnestly, and labour the more diligently for the full possession. The Lord sees how apt we are to flag in the pur­suit of Heavenly Glory: and therefore gives his People a taste, an earnest of it, to excite their diligence in the pursuits of it. God deals with his People in this case, as with Israel; they had been forty years in the Wilderness, many sore temptations they had there encountred; at last they were come upon the very borders of Canaan; but then their hearts began to faint; there were [Page 870] Anakims, Gyants in the Land, poor Israel feared they should not stand before them; but Ioshua sends Spies into the Land, who returning, bring the first-fruits of Canaan to them, whereby they saw what a goodly Country it was; and then the fear of the Anakims began to vanish, and a spirit of Courage to revive in the People. Thus it is even with the Borderers upon Heaven; tho' we be near that blessed Land of promise, yet our hearts are apt to faint upon a prospect of those great sufferings without us, and those conflicts with corruptions we feel within us: But one taste of the first fruits of Heaven, like those grapes of Eshcol, revive our Spirits, rouze our Zeal, and quicken our pursuits of blessedness. For these reasons God will not have all of Hea­ven reserved till we come thither. And now tell me, you that have tasted these first-fruits of the Spirit, (1) Is there not something in faith of that glorified Eye, by which the pure in heart do see God in Heaven? Matth. 5. 8. O that eye of Faith! that precious eye! which comes as near to the glorified eye, as any thing in this imper­fect state can come, 1 Pet. 1. 8. Whom having not seen ye love, in whom though now ye see him not, yet believing ye rejoyce, with joy unspeakable and full of glory. (2) Is there not something of that glo­rified love to be felt in an inferiour degree by the Saints in this world? What else can we make of that transport of the Spouse, Cant. 2. 5. Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples, for I am sick of love? 'Tis true, our love to God in Heaven is much more servent, pure, and constant; yet these high-raised acts of spiritual love have a tast and relish of it. (3) Is there not something here of [Page 371] that heavenly delight wherewith the glorified de­light in God? As the visions of God are begun on earth, so the heavenly delights are begun here also. Some drops of that delight are let fall here, Psal. 94. 19. In the multitude of the thoughts I had within me, thy comforts delight my Soul. David's heart, 'tis like, had been full of sorrow and trouble; a sea of gall and wormwood had over­flowed his Soul: God lets fall but a drop or two of heavenly delight, and all is turned into sweet­ness and comfort. (4) Is there not something here of that transformation of the Soul into the image of God, which is compleat in Heaven, and a special part of the glory thereof? 'Tis said in 1 Iohn 3. 2. We shall be like him, for me shall see him as he is. This is Heaven, this is glory, to have the Soul moulded into full conformity with God; something thereof is experienced in this world: O that we had more! 2 Cor. 3. 18. But we all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image, from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord. (5) Is there not something felt here of the ravishing sweet­ness of God's presence in Ordinances and Du­ties, which is a faint shadow at least, of the joys of his glorious presence in Heaven? there is cer­tainly a felt presence of God, a sensible nearness unto God at some times, and in some duties of Religion, wherein his name is as an oyntment poured forth, Cant. 1. 3. something that is felt beyond and above all the comforts of this world. (6) In a word, the joys of Heaven are unspeak­able Joys; no words can make known to others what they are. When Paul was caught up into Paradice, he heard unspeakable words, 2 Cor. 12. 4. [Page 372] And are there not times even in this life, where­in the Saints do feel that which no words can ex­press? 1 Pet. 1. 8. Rev. 2. 17.

Now, if such earnests of the Spirit do fol­low after believing; if opening the Soul to Christ do bring it into these Suburbs of Heaven; who then would not receive Christ into his Soul, and such an heaven upon earth with him? And thus I have shewed you what some of those hea­venly rarities are with which Christ entertains Believers upon earth, the fulness and perfection whereof is reserved for Heaven, and hereby se­cured to the opening or believing Soul: which was the first thing to be discovered.

Secondly. Next we shall enquire into the rea­sons why Christ thus entertains, feasts and re­freshes the Soul that receives him. And

First, 1. Reas. This he doth to express the great joy and satisfaction his Soul hath in the faith and obedience of poor Sinners. We read, Isa. 53. 11. of the hard travel of Christs Soul, and the great satisfaction he hath in the fruit and issue there­of: He shall see of the travel of his Soul, and shall be satisfied. O what pleasure and satisfaction doth it give him to behold the eternal coun­sels of God, and sore travels of his Soul brought to such a birth! there is no pleasure like it, to the Soul of Christ in this world. As it is abundant satisfaction to a man to behold the accomplish­ment of a design upon which he hath laid out ma­ny thoughts, and much cost, at last happily fini­shed: Or as it is to a Woman that hath had a hard labour, a sore travel for a Child, to behold the fruit of her Womb, to embrace and smile [Page 373] upon that Child she travail'd for. So and much more than so it is to Christ; and therefore as the Father of the Prodigal manifested the Joy of his heart for the return of his Son, (who was to him as dead and lost) by a feast and musick: So doth Christ here answerably manifest the content and satisfaction of his Soul, by entertain­ing the Believer with these royal dainties of Hea­ven: 'tis the Souls welcom home to Christ.

Secondly, 2. Reas. This Christ doth to relieve and re­fresh poor distressed Souls, who have endured so many fears and sorrows from the time of their first conviction, until this day of their union with Christ by Faith. The way of faith is a very humbling way; there's much cutting work in antecedent convictions and humiliations, sad nights and sick days with many poor Souls; and these things bring them very low: They see the Law broken by sin, wrath hanging over them in the threatnings, the bitter tast thereof they have in their consciences; they have dwelt with fears and horrors a long time, and they need suc­cour and support, which the Lord Jesus is now resolved to give them, lest the spirit fail before him, Isa. 57. 16. He delights to comfort them that are cast down, 2 Cor. 7. 6. Christ is of a compassionate nature, he is as ready as able to succour them that are tempted, Heb. 2. 18. That word which we render Succour, signifies to run in by way of help, at the cry of one that is in distress. Many emphatical cries have gone up to Heaven from the distressed sin-sick Soul; these the compassionate Jesus hears, and now comes in seasonably to succour and refresh it: He hath [Page 374] rich Cordials for fainting hours: the Soul hath had a bitter break-fast, and therefore Christ will give it a comfortable Supper, I will come in to him, and sup with him.

Thirdly, 3. Reas. Those that open their hearts to Christ must expect to meet great troubles, suf­ferings, and temptations in that new course whereinto they are entred: Their way to Heaven lies through much tribulation; all our troubles are not over when we are got into Christ; nay, then commonly our greatest outward troubles be­gin, Heb. 10. 32. After ye believed, ye endured a great fight of affliction: Carnal relations now scoff, frown, and cast off; the world hates them, and marks them out for persecution: Now that poor Christians may not utterly be discouraged, when they meet with those troubles in the way of their duty; Christ will chear and hearten them by these spiritual refreshments: This is a stock laid in for a rainy day: Christ himself had a voice from Heaven, Matth. 17. 5. This is my beloved Son, a little before his great combat, much more do his poor people need such consolations to sup­port and encourage them. The wise God fore­sees, and by this provision forelays the troubles they are to meet with: An hour of Sealing for­tifies the Soul for an hour of Suffering. It hath been the observation of some Christians, when they have felt more than ordinary comforts of the Spirit, that some great tryal hath been near them; and the event hath confirmed it. What­ever comforts Christ gives his people at their first entrance into his Service, they will have need enough of them all before they finish their [Page 375] course. To these first sealings they will need often to run back, and have frequent recourse to them, and all little enough to support them in after-tryals.

Fourthly, 4. Reas. Christ comes in to the opening Soul with such divine Cordials and refreshments, to defeat and countermine the plot of Satan, who hath so often, and so lately, been discouraging them, by representing the ways of Christ as sad, melancholy ways; telling them, they shall never laugh more, never be merry more, after they have embraced and espoused the ways of holiness, Spiritus Calvinianus, est spiritus melancholicus. Well their own experiences shall now confute it, for they now taste that pleasure in Christ, in faith, and obedience, which they never tasted in the ways of sin; thus that scandalous libel of the Devil is experimentally confuted. They find they were never truly merry till now, Luke 15. 24. All true mirth commences from our closing with Christ; and they began to be merry.

Now these spiritual refreshments are by Christ here called a Supper, because the Supper among the Jews was their best meal, Luke 14. 17. and because it is the last meal. This is not only the best meal that ever a believer made, but upon these spiritual comforts (though much more re­fined and perfect) they are to feed for ever in Heaven. O Christian, well maist thou be con­tented with thine outward lot of providence, however it shall fall in this World with respect to thy outward-man; Will a King from Heaven come and sup with thee? Doth he feed thy Soul with pardon, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost? [Page 376] Seals an earnest of future glory? then thou livest at an higher and nobler rate than any of thy car­nal neighbours do. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ, Eph. 1. 3. The same person that thus blesses God with an Heart over-flowing with joy and comfort, endured as many Persecutions, felt as many wants and straighs as any man. What [...]f Providence do but meanly cloath your Bodies, so that you cannot ruffle it out in that splendor and gallantry others do? yet mayst thou say with the Church, I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my Soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of Salvation; he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth her self with Iewels, Isa. 61. 10. What if thou fare not deliciously as the great ones of this World do? yet if Christ will give thee to eat of the hidden manna which he pro­miseth, Rev. 2. 17. Art thou not better clothed and fed than any of the Grandees or Nobles of the World? This takes away all grounds of complaint; it may be you will say, O but we have Bodies, as well as Souls; if God had crea­ted us Angels, that we could live without mate­rial food it were another case. I reply, Christ never thus intended to feast thy Soul, and starve thy Body: he that feeds thy Soul with bread from Heaven, will take care for all necessary provisions on Earth, Isa. 41. 17. You have sought and found the Kingdom of God, and his righte­ousness; fear not but all other things shall be added to you.

I. Vse for Information.

The Point before us is full of Uses; I shall begin with Information, in the following Infe­rences.

I. Inference.

Hence learn, 1. Infer. That it is a vile and groundless slan­der upon Religion, to say or insinuate, that it deprives men of the comfort and joy of life.

The Devil in design to discourage men from the ways of God, puts a frightful mask upon the beautiful face of Religion, pretending there is no pleasure or joy to be expected therein; but this is abundantly confuted and refelled in the Text, I will come in to him, and sup with him. Solomon tells us, Eccles. 10. 19. A feast is made for laughter. I am sure that Soul that sits with Christ at such a feast as hath been described above, hath the best reason of any man in the World to be merry. Religion indeed denies us all sinful pleasure, but it abounds with all spiri­tual pleasure. No rational solid mirth can come before Christ; the unsanctified rejoyce in things of nought, and their joy will be soon ended; they are hastning to that place where they will find that to be verified of the wages of sin, which they now falsely impute to the wages of holiness; they shall never rejoyce more, never be merry more: But believers shall find that Scripture at­tested by their dayly experience, Prov. 3. 17. All her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. And that there are such pleasures in [Page 378] the ways of God as they never experienced in the ways of sin; for is it a solid ground of com­fort to a man to be out of debt, and all fears of arrests? And is it not much greater to have our debts paid to God by Christ our Surety? Matth. 9. 2. Be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven thee. Is it matter of joy to have a sufficiency of all things for the supply of every want? he that is in Christ hath so, 1 Cor. 3. 22, 23. All are yours, and ye are Christs. Is it a joyful life to be a bor­derer upon Heaven, to confine upon blessedness it self? Then it is a joyful life to be in Christ, for they that are so, may rejoyce in the hopes of glo­ry, Rom. 5. 2. Is it matter of all joy to have the Comforter himself, who is the Spirit of all Con­solation, taking up his residence in thy Heart, cheering, comforting, and refreshing it with such Cordials as are unknown things in all the unbe­lieving World? Then certainly the life of a Christian, and the ways of holiness, must be most pleasant and comfortable; and therefore let none that are looking towards Christ be dis­couraged in their way, by the slanderous re­proaches designedly cast upon Religion for that end. Christ and comfort dwell together.

II. Inference.

Hence in like manner it follows, 2. Infer. That Christians usually meet the greatest difficulties at their first en­trance into Religion.

The first work of Religion is cutting work, wounding work, groaning and weeping work; thus Religion usually begins, Acts 2. 37. Acts 16. 29. Now the Soul seems to be struck dead in the [Page 379] giving up of all its former vain hopes, Rom. 7. 9. When the commandment came, sin revived, and I dy­ed; but afterward comes pardon, peace, joy in the Holy Ghost. They that go forth weeping, bearing precious seed, now come back rejoycing, bringing their sheaves with them, Psal. 126. 6. Now that blessing takes place upon the Soul, Matth. 5. 4. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be conforted. Light is sowen for the righteous, and joy for the upright in Heart. 'Tis quite contrary in the ways of sin; all the pleasures of sin come first, the terrors and gripes of Conscience come after. Sin comes with smiles in its face, but a sting in its tail. Pleasures lead the van, Hell and destruction bring up the rear, Job 20. 12, 13, 14. Though wickedness be sweet in his mouth, though he hide it under his tongue; yet his meat in his bow­els is turned into the gall of Asps within him. But here conviction and humiliation come first, these prepare the way for Christ; and after him comes rest and peace. Their sorrow is turned into joy, John 16. 120.

But is this always true? Do not the worst things of Religion many times come last? Object. How many Christians go out of the world in a bloody winding sheet?

Whatever the after-sufferings of Christians may be, Sol. the worst is past when they are once in Christ. Great and sharp sufferings they may en­dure, but the Lord sweetens them with answera­ble consolations, 2 Cor. 7. 4. I am filled with com­fort, I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation. The lowest ebbs, are followed with the highest tydes; the greatest troubles need not give an interrupti­on to their peace.

III. Inference.

Thirdly, 3. Infer. Hence it follows, that no man can be owner of any true comfort till he be in Christ.

Comfort and refreshment in the natural order follow faith; 'tis the vainest imagination in the World to expect solid Spiritual comfort before union with Christ; you may as well expect an harvest before a seed-time. I do confess there are two sorts of comforts found in the World without Christ. (1.) Men may have sensitive and sinful comforts and delights without Christ; these are common in the unregenerate World; where you may dayly see rich men taking com­fort in their riches; voluptuous men in their pleasures, Iam. 5. 5. You have lived in pleasures up­on Earth. But these are the pleasures common to bruits, and beneath the noble immortal spirit of a Man. (2.) Hypocrites have their delights and comforts, in a false imaginary happiness which they fancy to themselves; but this is a va­nishing shadow: they take comfort from their groundless hopes of Heaven, whither they shall never come; 'tis a feast in a dream, Isa. 44. 20. Thus they make a bridge of their own shadow, and are drowned in the waters. Such sensitive and false comforts and pleasures Men may have; but no true solid scriptural joy takes place in any mans Heart before Christ come into it.

IV. Inference.

Guess from hence what Heaven is, 4. Infer. if there be such a feast to the Soul in the very foretasts of it.

[Page 381]If a relish, a taste of Heaven in the earnest thereof be so transporting and ravishing, what then is the full fruition of God! If these be un­utterable, what must that be! Give me leave to say, Whatever the comforts and joys of any be­liever in this World may be, yet Heaven will be a surprize to him when he comes thither. The joys of Gods presence are other manner of things than our present comforts are; though these be of the same kind with them, yet in a far infe­riour degree. There is a fix-fold difference be­twixt the Spiritual comforts of believers on Earth, and the joys that are above. They differ,

  • 1. In Quantity.
  • 2. In Constancy.
  • 3. In Purity.
  • 4. In Efficacy.
  • 5. In the Society.
  • 6. In the Durability of them.

First, They differ in quantity; Here we know but in part, but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away, 1 Cor. 13. 9, 10. When the Scripture speaks of the comforts communicated to Saints on Earth it usually ex­presses them in some diminutive terms or other, calling them first-fruits, earnests, and the like; and indeed it is necessary we should receive them here with such alloys, and in remiss degrees, be­cause the imperfection and weakness of our pre­sent state will not bear them in their plenitude and perfection. Here the joy of the Lord enters into us, but there we are said, to enter into that joy, Matth. 25. 21. 'Tis too great to enter into [Page 382] us, therefore we enter into, and are swallowed up in it.

Secondly, They differ in Constancy; the best comforts upon Earth are found to be intermitting comforts; a Sun-blast and a Cloud; a good day and a bad; you know houskeepers feed upon two sorts of meat, dayly-bread, and dainties; rari­ties come not every day to the Table. The day­ly-bread upon which believers live, is the recum­bence, and affiance of faith; as for assurance and joy, those come but now and then.

Thirdly, They differ in Purity, as well as Con­stancy; here we have the comforts of the Spirit, but we mingle sin with them, and usually the sin of Spiritual pride, which spoils all. Yea, many times the Lord suffers Satan to mingle his tempta­tions and injections with them, lest we should be exalted, 2 Cor. 12. 7. But above, the comforts of the Saints are as the pure water of life, clear as Cristal, Rev. 22. 1.

Fourthly, They differ in Efficacy as well as in Purity. The highest comforts of the Spirit here are not perfectly transformative of our Souls in­to the image of God, as they are in Heaven, 1 Iohn 3. 3. We shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Here, after we are comforted by him, we grieve the comforter himself by sin; neither do the comforts of the Spirit, in this state, produce the fruits of obedience in their perfect maturity, as they do above; there is the same difference in in point of efficacy as there is betwixt the influ­ence of the Sun beams in the winter-months, and those in May, and Iune.

Fifthly, There is a great difference in respect of Society. Here the believer, for the most part, [Page 383] eats his pleasant morsels alone; one Christian eats, and another hungers; but in Heaven they all feast and feed together at one Table, Matth. 8. 11. They shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of God. O what is it to rejoyce in the fellowship of Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, where the joy of one is the joy of all!

Sixthly, They differ also in Durability; sin here puts a stop to our comforts, but in Heaven as there is no comma, so there shall never be a full point, or period: Everlasting joy shall be upon their heads: There's an eternal feast, no taking away the cloth, no rising from that feast, 2 Thes. 2. 16. 'Tis everlasting consolation: We shall be ever with the Lord.

II. Vse.

This point puts serious matter of Exhortation into my mouth. The Lord direct it to the Hearts of all, whether they be in Christ, or out of Christ.

First, To those that are out of Christ, and will not yet be perswaded to open their Hearts and consent to his terms. O what a spiritual in­fatuation is here! What, shut the door of thy Heart against Christ, and all the delights and comforts of this and the coming World! What madness is this! Hear me thou poor deluded sin­ner, that wilt not be perswaded to part with thy sinful sensual delights in exchange for Christ, and the peace, comfort, and joy that follow him: I have a few things to speak on Christs behalf at this time; O that they might prevail, O that by [Page 384] them the Spirit of the Lord might perswade thy Spirit, thou poor unregenerate creature! Let me offer four or five Considerations or Pleas on Christs behalf; if haply they may prevail and make way for his entertainment in thy Soul. And

I. 1. Plea. Let me plead thine own necessity with thee; a mighty argument, which in other cases useth to make its way through all oppositions, and make all difficulties fly before it; thou art a poor, necessitous, pining, famishing Soul; how­ever thy body be accommodated, thou hast not one bit of spiritual bread for thy famishing Soul to live upon. Christ is the bread that cometh down from Heaven; the starving Prodigal, Luke 15. v. 16, 17. is the lively Emblem of thy Soul, he fed upon husks, and thou feedest upon that which is not bread, Isa. 55. 2. Thou art wretched and miserable, poor, blind, and naked, Rev. 3. 17. Thy body hath often been fill'd and refresht with the good creatures of God, but thy Soul never tasted one bit of spiritual bread, since it came into thy body; it never smackt the sweet­ness of a pardon, the deliciousness of a pro­mise, the joy and comfort of Christ; the choi­cest food that ever thou tastedsts was such as thy Soul cannot live upon.

II. 2. Plea. Christ is at the door of thy Soul with plen­ty and variety of heavenly comforts, costly dainties purchased by his blood; if thou wilt but open to him, Thou shalt be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of his house, and drink the rivers of plea­sure, Psal. 36. 7, 8. He that believeth, as the Scrip­ture [Page 385] hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water, John 7. 38. meaning the graces and comforts of the Spirit.

III. 3. Plea. If Christ be put off and refused now, you may never taste of those invaluable mercies for ever, Luke 14. 24. For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper. They were bidden, invited to this feast, and so are you; they refused to come, God grant you may not; for methinks this sentence of Christ, Those men which were bidden shall not taste of my sup­per; is like the sentence upon a malefactor that is to be hanged in chains, and whom the Law per­mits none to relieve. O'twill bed readful to see the Saints sitting at the Royal feast in Heaven, and your selves shut out; as a company of starving beggars standing in the Streets, and about the doors where the marriage supper is kept; they see the lights, they behold the rich dishes carried up, they hear the mirth and musick of the guests, but not a bit comes to their share.

IV. 4. Plea. The refusal of Christs invitation, as it is the greatest of all sins, so it will be avenged with the forest wrath and greatest punishment; 'tis said of those guests that were bidden, Matth. 22. 5. that they made light of it, but it fell hea­vy upon them, vers. 7. He was wroth, and sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burnt up their City. Have a care of making light of Christ.

V. 5. Plea. What light and vain things are all those pleasures of sin, for the sake whereof you de­prive [Page 386] your Souls of the everlasting comforts of Jesus Christ? Deluded Soul, 'tis not the intent of Christ to rob thee of thy comfort, but to ex­change thy sinful for spiritual delights, to thy unspeakable advantage. 'Tis true, you shall have no more pleasure in sin, but in stead of that, you shall have peace with God, joy in the Holy Ghost, and solid comfort for evermore; what are the sensitive or sinful pleasures of this World? You have the total sum of them, in 1 Iohn 2. 16, 17. All that is in the World, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doth the will of God abideth for ever.

But how may a poor unregenerate Soul be prevailed with to make such a blessed exchange, Quest. to part with the pleasures of sin, in exchange for the comforts of Iesus Christ?

Beside all that hath been offered before, Answ. let me briefly add these three following Directions and Counsels to such a Soul.

First, Labour to see and feel thy need of Christ, and then thou wilt quickly be willing to give up all the pleasures of sin for the enjoyment of him. What makes men so tenacious of their lusts, so hard to be persuaded to give up their sinful plea­sures, but this, that they never felt the need of a Saviour! Oh sinner, didst thou but feel thy need of Christ, wert thou but an hungry and thirsty for him; thou wouldst never stand upon such trifles for the enjoyment of him. We read, in the famine of Jerusalem, how they parted with their pleasant things for bread to relieve their Souls; Jewels, Rings, Bracelets, things which [Page 387] cost dear, and were highly valued at another time, now were willingly parted with for bread. Christ is more necessary to thee than thy neces­sary bread.

Secondly, Consider the spiritual and immor­tal nature of thine own Soul, which cannot live upon material things, and must over-live all temporary things. Now if thy Soul cannot live upon them, and must certainly over-live them; what a miserable condition will it unavoidably fall into, when all these sensual and sinful enjoy­ments are vanished and gone, as thou knowest they shortly will be, 1 Iohn 2. 17. These things pass away; and then hath thy Soul nothing to live upon to all eternity.

Thirdly, Hearken to the reports and experi­ences of the Saints, who have tried both sorts of pleasures, which you never did: They have tried the pleasures of sin, and they have tasted the pleasures of Christ, and so are best able to make a true judgment upon both; and they have ac­cordingly determined, That one glimps of the light of Gods countenance, puts more gladness into their hearts, than in the time that their corn and their wine increased, Psal. 4. 7. Nay, the wisest Christians upon tryal of both have rightly determined, That the worst things in Religion are infinitly to be preferr'd to the best things belonging to sin; the very suffer­ings and afflictions of the people of God, have been pronounced better than the pleasures of sin for a season, Heb. 11. 25. Could you but see with their Eyes, and were you but capable of making a right judgment as they did; there needed not a word more to be said to perswade you to let go your most pleasant and profitable lusts in ex­change [Page 388] for Christ and his beneficial comfortable sufferings.

Secondly, The point affords variety of Coun­sels and Exhortations to the Regenerate, who have opened their Wills to Christ, and are there­upon admitted into this comfortable state.

It is found; in experience, a difficult thing for Souls after conversion to bear and duly manage their own comforts, as it was to bear and right­ly manage their troubles at conversion. My buisi­ness here is to advise Souls, under their first com­forts and sealings of the Spirit, how to manage and improve their spiritual comforts that they may abide with them, and be growing things continually in their Souls.

I. Advice.

And first, See that you humbly admire and adore the condescending goodness of God to you, in all the comforts of the Spirit which refresh you.

Oh, that ever God should comfort such a Soul as thine, that hath so often grieved him! That Christ should be a joy to thee, who hast been a sorrow unto him! If you look into Eph. 1. 3. you will find the Spirit of the Apostle there fill'd with the sense and admiration of this mercy; which breaks forth into this rapturous expression, Bles­sed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in hea­venly places (or things) in Christ. Some there are that never enjoy an ordinary degree of earth­ly comforts, Iob 30. 3, 4, 5. others enjoy abun­dance of earthly comforts, but no spiritual com­forts, Psal. 17. 14. Some there are for whom [Page 389] God intends everlasting consolations in the World to come; but are kept low as to spiri­tual comforts in this Wold, Psal. 88. 15. O what cause have you to admire the bounty of God to you, for whom there is not only fulness of joys prepared in Heaven; but such precious foretasts and earnest of it communicated in the way thi­ther.

II. Advice.

Secondly, Cleave fast to Christ, and those sweet and comfortable duties of Religion wherein you have found and tasted the best comforts that ever your Souls were acquainted with.

This is one thing God aims at in the commu­nication of these spiritual refreshments, to glue your Souls fast by them to the ways of holiness. The Lord knows temptations will befal you, dis­couragements enough you shall be sure to meet with; but these enjoyments of God, which you have met with in Prayer and Hearing, in Medi­tations, Sacraments, &c. should engage your Hearts for ever to the ways of obedience. You never found that sweetness in the ways of sin, which you have found in repentance and faith. When a temptation comes baited with sinful pleasures, say as the Olive-tree and the Vine in Iothams parable, Iudges 9. 9, 10, 11. Shall I leave such Soul refreshing comforts as these for the in­sipid pleasures of sin? God forbid.

III. Advice.

Thirdly, Be communicative of the spiritual com­forts you enjoy, for the benefit and refreshment of others.

The Lord never intended you should engross the comforts of his Spirit to your selves, nor eat your pleasant morsels alone, 2 Cor. 1. 4. He com­forts us, that we may be able to comfort them that are in any trouble; by the comfort wherewith we our selves are comforted of God. 'Tis true, Religion lays not all open, nor yet doth it conceal and hide all. There needs a great deal of wisdom, humility and caution, to secure us from pride and vanity in Spirit, whilst we communicate our comforts to others; as Ostentation, so also Impropriation of our comforts are against Scripture law; he may be justly suspected that opens all, and so may he too that conceals all. Spiritual comforts are not diminisht, but improved by a wise and humble communication.

IV. Advice.

Fourthly, Be much in renewing the acts and ex­ercises of faith; be frequent in that work.

Your first faith hath brought in your first comfort, your renewing and repeating those precious acts of faith will bring you in greater stores of comfort than you yet enjoy. We are not to look upon faith as a single, but a continu­ed act, 1 Pet. 2. 4. To whom coming as unto a living stone. Thy Soul Christian is to be in a continual motion towards Christ; the more you believe, [Page 391] the more you will rejoyce. You see the door through which comfort comes into your Souls. Joy is the daughter of faith, Rom. 15. 13. your present comfort is the first birth of faith; but there are many comforts more in the womb of faith, which will yet be born to your Souls if unbelief cause not a miscarriage.

V. Advice.

Fifthly, Take heed you be not a grief to Christ who hath already brought so much comfort to you.

'Twill be a sad requital, if after he hath gi­ven you the joys of Heaven to drink, you should give him that which is as Worm-wood and Gall; the Lord write that caution upon thy Soul, Read­er, Eph. 4. 30. and grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed to the day of Redemption. The argument of the Apostle in this place, strongly in­fers caution from comfort. Christ hath been all joy, all peace, rest and comfort to you; take heed you be not a grief and shame to him. The intermissions of thy duties, the falling and flatting of thy affections in duties, thy rash adventures upon sin, will be a grief to the Heart of Christ, who hath filled thy Heart with so much comfort; and if you grieve him, you cannot expect he should comfort you. A little sin may rob you of a great deal of comfort.

VI. Advice.

Sixthly, Be not staggard or dejected, if the first comforts Christ gives you should afterwards abate, [...] be taken away for a time.

[Page 392]This is a very common thing in the experi­ence of most Christians. You must not think your first comforts are such fixed setled things, that there is no hazard of losing them. Alas, nothing is more volatile than the joys of a Chri­stian; you will be apt to lose your first love, Rev. 2. 4. and if you lose your first love, no wonder that you lose your first comforts; yet if it should so fall out, be not cast down, and dis­couraged; Christ is not gone, though comfort be gone; and though comfort be gone, 'tis not gone for ever; renew thy repentance, faith and obedience, and try if God will not renew thy comfort. There is a former, and there is a lat­ter spring of joy; God will make thy comforts spring again. Beside, thy Iustification is stead­fast, though thy Consolation be not so; there are two things belong to a Christian, one to his being, viz. union with Christ; another to his well being, viz. comfort from Christ: The latter is uncertain and contingent, the former fixed and stedfast.

VII. Advice.

Seventhly, Be filled with compassion to others who want those comforts you enjoy, especially such as God hath knit to you in the bonds of natural relation.

Art thou a Father or a Mother to whom God hath given those comforts, and Soul refresh­ments that have been opened in this discourse? And hast thou no compassion for thy poor Chil­dren, who never yet tasted one drop of these spiritual consolations? Certainly, it will do a man little good, to be feasted abroad, whilst his [Page 393] Wife and Children are starving at home; say to them, as Paul in another case, Would to God you were all as I am, except these corruptions. Religi­on breeds bowels of compassion. O tell them what sweetness there is in the ways of godli­ness: Counsel, plead and pray, that those that are yours may also be Christs.

VIII. Advice.

Eighthly, As ever you expect the continuance or enlargement of your comforts, See that you walk cir­cumspectly.

'Tis as much as all your comfort is worth to give way to a little carelesness; that's a remark­able expression of the Psalmist, Psal. 85. 8. I will harken what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, and to his Saints; but let not them return again to folly. Sin, in this Text, is fitly called by the name of folly, for indeed it is the greatest folly and madness in the World to forfeit and devest our selves of such sweet peace and comfort by returning unto sin, which hath cost us so much sorrow and trouble before. Are you willing to be in your former darkness and fears, tears and troubles, to exchange the plea­sant light you now enjoy, for the horrors you have formerly felt? This you must do if you re­turn again to folly.

IX. Advice.

Ninthly, Long for Heaven, where the fulness of those joys is, whereof these you taste are but the ear­nests and first-fruits.

[Page 394] One design of God in giving them, is to set us a longing after Heaven; to help our concepti­ons, and raise our affections; if these be so sweet, what must they be? Rom. 8. 23. We which have the first-fruits of the Spirit, even we our selves, groan within our selves; waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. We are not sit down satisfied, and say we have enough in these first-fruits; but they are given to set us agroan­ing after fulness of those enjoyments. This answers Gods end in giving them.

X. Advice.

Lastly, Improve every spiritual comfort you have from Christ, unto greater chearfulness in the paths of obedience to Christ.

This is another end for which God communi­cates them, that our Souls being refreshed by them, we might pluck up our feet the more nimbly in the paths of duty, Psal. 119. 32. Then will I run the ways of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart. Now God expects that you pray more frequently, meditate more delightful­ly, and perform every duty more cheerfully: And this is the way to perpetuate your comforts. How many Christians go on droopingly in the ways of duty for want of those encouragements you enjoy?


Revel. 3. 20. —I will sup with him, and he with me.’

WE have heard the first encouragement or argument of Christ, to perswade the Hearts of Sinners to open to him, viz. That he will come in to them, and that not empty handed; He will also Sup with them; and to make the encouragement compleat and full, he here adds, And he with me. This last clause sets forth that Spiritual-soul-refreshing-communion which is betwixt Christ and belie­vers; begun in this World, compleated and per­fected in the World to come. Hence our tenth Observation is,


That there is a mutual, sweet and intimate commu­nion betwixt Iesus Christ, and believers in this World.

Communion with Christ is frequent in the lips of many men, but an hidden mystery to the Souls of most men. This Atheistical age scoffs, and [Page 396] ridicules it, as Enthusiasm, and Fanaticism; but the Saints find that reality, and incomparable sweetness in it, that they would not part with it for Ten thousand Worlds. When the Roman Soldiers entred the Temple at Ierusalem, and found no Image there, as they used to have in their own Idolatrous Temples; they gave out in a Jeer, that the Jews worshiped the Clouds. Thus prophane Atheists scoff at the most solemn, aw­ful and sweetest part of internal Religion, as a meer fancy; but the thing is real, sure, and sensible; if there be truth in any thing in the World, there is truth in this, That there are real intercourses betwixt the visible and invisible World; betwixt Christ, and the Souls of belie­vers, which we here call communion, 1 Iohn 1. 3. Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Christ Iesus. 'Tis really and truly so, we impose not upon the World, we tell you no more than we have felt. The life of Enoch is call'd his walking with God, Gen. 5. 24. O sweet and pleasant walk! All pleasures, all joys, are in that walk with God. Blessed are the people that hear the joyful sound, they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance, Psal. 89. 15. The joyful sound there spoken of, was the sound of the trumpet, which called the people to the solemn Assemblies, where they walked in the light of Gods countenance, the sweet manifestations of his favour; and because the World is so apt to suspect the reality and certainty of this Doctrin, the Apostle again asserts it, Phil. 3. 20. Truly our conversation is in Heaven. We breath below, but we live above; we walk on Earth, but our con­versation is in Heaven. To open this Point [Page 397] three things must come under consideration,

  • 1. What Communion with Christ is?
  • 2. That there is such a Communion be­twixt him and believers.
  • 3. The excellency of this Communion.

First, What Communion with Christ is in the general nature of it. To open this it must be considered that there is a twofold Communion.

  • 1. A state of Communion.
  • 2. Actual Communion.

The first is fundamental to the second; we can have no actual Communion with the Father, Son or Spirit till we be first brought into a state of Communion. This state of Communion is in Scripture called [...], our fellowship or part­nership with Christ. Such a Fellowship as Merch­ants have in one and the same Ship and Cargo; where one hath more and another less, but how­ever a joint though unequal interest; one lives in one Kingdom, another in another Kingdom, but they are joyntly interested in the same Goods. This comparison must not be stretcht beyond its intention, which is to shew nothing but this, that Christ and believers are co-partners, or co-heirs in the same inheritance; hence they are called, Psal. 45. 7. his fellows; God even thy God hath anointed thee with the oyl of gladness above thy fel­lows; and again, Rom. 8. 17. If children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ. Christ states his people, gives then a right and title not only to himself, but to those good things pur­chased [Page 398] by him; yea, and the very glory he now enjoys in Heaven, Iohn 17. 22. The glory which thou gavest me, I have given them.

'Tis true, there are some things in Christ which are peculiar to himself, and incommuni­cable to any creature, as his eternity, consub­stantiality with his Father, &c. neither have we fellowship in his mediatorial Works; we have the fruits and benefits of them, but no partnership with him in the glory and honour of them; that is peculiarly his own: and though it be said in the Scriptures, that believers are righteous as he is righteous, yet the meaning is not that they can Justifie others, as Christ doth; no, they are Ju­stified by him, but cannot communicate righteous­ness to others as Christ doth to them. But there are other things wherein there is a partnership betwixt Christ and his people; among others, they partake with him in the Spirit of Sanctifica­tion on Earth, and glory in Heaven: The same Spirit of holiness which dwells in Christ without measure, is communicated by him to the Saints in measure, 1 Iohn 4. 13. He hath given us of his Spirit. And as Christ communicates his Spirit to the Saints, so he communicates the glory of Hea­ven to them; not that they shall be as glorious in Heaven as Christ is, no, no; he will be known among the Saints in glory, as the Sun is known from the lesser Stars. Thus briefly of the state of communion which is called in Scripture, our being made nigh, Eph. 2. 13. and indeed we must be made nigh, before we can actually draw nigh. We must be put into a state of fellowship, before ever we can have actual communion with God.

[Page 399]Secondly, Beside this state of Communion, there is also an actual Communion, which the Saints have in this World with the Father and Son in the duties of Religion. This is that I am here ingaged to open: This is our supping with Christ, and his with us; and for clearness sake I shall open it both,

  • 1. Negatively, What it is not.
  • 2. Positively, What it is.

I. Negatively, What it is not; for I find persons are hugely apt to mistake in this matter, taking that for Communion with God which is not so; and here let it be noted,

First, That Communion with God doth not consist in the bare performance of Religious du­ties. I do not say that Men may have Commu­nion with God in this World without duties, 'tis a delusion of Satan to think so; but this is what I say, that Communion with God consisteth not in the mere performances of Duties. Communi­on and duties of Religion are two things sepa­rable one from the other. Men may multiply du­ties, and yet be strangers to Communion with God in them; even humiliation and fasting days may be kept by Souls that are estranged from Communion with the Lord, Zach. 7. 5. Speak unto all the people of the Land, and unto the Priests saying, When ye fasted and mourned in the fifth, and seventh month; even these seventy years, did ye at all fast unto me, even unto me? q. d. Had your Souls pure intentions and respects in those duties to my glory? Had you special Communion with me, or I with you in those duties? Did you ever [Page 400] feel your Souls in these days wounded for sin? Or did you not fast out of custom, and mourn for company? God may be near in Mens mouths, and at the same time far from their reins, Ier. 12. 2. Religious words may flow out of Mens lips, when not one drop of Religion touches their reins and hearts; that is, the secret inward powers of their Souls; you cannot therefore safely depend upon this, Christ rejects this plea, Matth. 7. 22. Get a better evidence of Commu­nion with God than this, or you will certainly come short of your expectation. I know you not, saith Christ; there was never any Spiritual ac­quaintance betwixt your Souls and me; I know you not in a way of approbation.

2ly, Neither do all stirrings and workings of the affections in duties, infallibly evidence and prove Communion betwixt God and that Soul, for it is possible, yea, common, to have the af­fections raised in a natural way, and by external motives in the duties of Religion; this you see in that Example, Ezck. 33. 32. And lo thou art unto them as a very lovely song, of one that hath a plea­sant voice; and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not. The sweet modulation of the Prophets voice, was like the skilful touch of a rare musical Instru­ment, which in a natural way moved and exci­ted their affections: thus Iohns hearers rejoyced in his Ministry for a season. I confess, this is very apt to cast Souls into a mistake of their con­dition. They distinguish not betwixt the influences that come upon their affections from without, from extrinsick things, and those that are purely inward, Divine, and Spiritual. But then,

[Page 401] II. To shew you positively what Communion with God is. Here we must consider two things.

  • 1. What things it presupposes in us.
  • 2. Wherein the nature of it consists.

First, There are divers things pre-required and presupposed unto all actual Communion with God in Duties; and where these things are wanting men can have no communion with God. You may have Communion with his Peo­ple, and Communion with his Ordinances, but not Communion with God and Christ in them. And these pre-requisites are three,

I. Vnion with Christ is fundamentally necessa­ry to all Communion with him. All Communi­on is founded in Union; and where there is no Union there can be no Communion. You know (saith an excellent Person) the member receives nothing from the head, Dr. Iacom in Rom. 8. p. 69, 84. unless it be united to it; nor the branch from the root. All is yours, and ye are Christs, 1 Cor. 3. 23. Here's a vast possession, but all founded upon Vnion; as all Communion is founded upon Vnion, so all Vnion terminates in Communion; and the closer the Vnion, the fuller is the Communion.

Before our Union with Christ, we are strang­ers unto God, Eph. 2. I3. We live without God in the World; 'tis in Christ that we are made nigh; 'tis in the beloved we are made accepted. Whilst we are in the state of alienation from Christ, we have no more to do with the communications of joy and peace, with the seals and earnests of the Spirit, than a Native Indian hath with the pri­vileges of London. If any man open to me, saith Christ, I will come in to him and sup with him, and he with me.

[Page 402] II. Communion with God presupposes the habits of grace implanted in the Soul by sancti­fication; a found and sincere change of Heart. No sanctification, no communion, 1 Iohn 1. 6. If we say we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness we lye, and do not the truth. The Apostle gives the lye to such bold pretenders: The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him, unto all that call up­on him in truth: That latter clause restrains all spiritual communion unto upright Souls. For an Hypocrite shall not come before him, Job 13. 16.

III. Communion with God doth not only sup­pose grace implanted, but also implanted grace excited; grace in act: For a man may have the habits of faith, love and delight in him, and yet be without actual communion with God; for by this grace is awakned and put into act. A be­liever when he is asleep, and acts no grace, is in a state of communion with God; but if he will have actual communion, his faith, love, and de­light must be awakned; they must not lye a­sleep in the habit. Thou saidst, seek my face, my heart said unto thee, thy face Lord will I seek, Psal. 27. 8. It was in order to actual communion with Christ that the Church so earnestly begs fresh influences of the Spirit to excite her graces in­to act, Cant. 4. I6. Awake O North-wind, and come thou South, blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits. And though believers are not so to wait for influences of the Spirit, as mean time to neglect all proper out­ward means of exciting their own graces, enga­ging their Hearts to approach unto God, Ier. 30. 21. Yet certainly it is the work of Gods Spirit, [Page 403] and without him we can do nothing to any pur­pose. The Seaman may trim the Sayls, wey the Anchor, put all into a sayling posture; but till a gale come from Heaven there is little or no motion. The same Spirit that plants the habits, is he also that excites the acts of grace. These three things therefore are pre-requisites unto all communion with God.

Secondly, Next let us consider wherein this Heavenly privilege of communion with God doth consist; and more generally it will be found to lye in a spiritual correspondency betwixt Christ and the Soul. God lets forth influences upon our Souls, and we by the assistance of his Spirit, make returns again unto God. Commu­nion is a mutual action, so in the Text, I will sup with him, and he with me. We cry to God, and God answers that cry, by the incomes of Spiritual grace upon the Soul, Psal. I38. 3. In the day that I cryed thou answeredst me, and strength­nedst me with strength in my Soul. More particular­ly, there are many ways or methods wherein Men have this Spiritual correspondence or com­munion with God, viz.

  • 1. In the contemplation of his Attributes.
  • 2. In the exercises of our grace in Religi­ous duties.
  • 3. In his various Providences. In all these the Saints have communion with them.

First, There is a sweet and sensible communi­on betwixt God and his people in the contemplati­on of the divine Attributes, and the impressions God makes by them, upon our Souls whilst we medi­ [...]ate on them, As for instance,

[Page 404] (1.) Sometimes the Lord discovers and mani­fests to the Souls of his people his immense great­ness; the manifestation of which Attribute makes an awful humbling impression upon the Soul; makes them seem as nothing to them­selves. Thus when Abraham that great believer considered the greatness of that God with whom he had to do; that sight of God seemed to re­duce him to his first principles, to crumble him as it were into dust and ashes again, Gen. 18. 27. I that am but dust and ashes have taken upon me to speak unto God. He now looks upon himself as an heap of vileness and unworthiness; so Da­vid, Psal. 8. 12. When I consider thy Heavens, the work of thy hands; the Moon and the Stars which thou hast made, (from whence he inferr'd the greatness of the Creator) Lord what is man, that thou art mindful of him? q. d. When I con­sider what a great God the Creator of the World is, I am justly astonished that ever he should set his Heart upon so vile a thing as Man. When men compare themselves among themselves, and measure themselves by themselves, their Spirits are apt to swell with pride; but would they look up to God, as these holy men did, they would admire his condescension. And this is communi­on with God in the meditation of his immense greatness.

Secondly, The representations and meditati­ons of the purity and holyness of God, working shame and deep abasement in the Soul, for the pollutions and sinful filthiness that is in it. This is communion with God, and an excellent way of fellowship with him. Thus when a represen­tation of God in his holyness was made unto [Page 405] the Prophet, Isa. 6. 3, 4, 5. There were the Sera­phims, covering their faces with their wings; and crying one to another, saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty; the Earth is full of his glo­ry. The effect this produced, or the return made by the Prophet to this manifestation of God in his holiness, was deep abasement of soul for his unsuitableness to so holy a God, vers. 5. Then, said I, wo is me, for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips, &c. And this is real communion with God in his holiness: Thus Iob who had stifly defended his own integrity against men, yet when God enters the lists with him, and he saw what a great and holy God he had to do with; cryed out, Iob 40. 4, 5. Behold, I am vile, what shall I answer thee? I will lay my hand upon my mouth. Once have I spoken, but I will not answer; yea, twice, but I will proceed no further. q. d. I have done, Lord, I have done; I could answer men, but I cannot answer thee; thou art holy but I am vile.

Thirdly, There are sometimes representati­ons of the goodness and mercy of God made unto the Souls of his people. When these produce an ingenuous thaw and melting of the Heart in­to an humble, thankful admiration of it, and an answerable care of pleasing him in the ways of obedience; then have men communion with God in his goodness: The goodness of God runs down to men in a double channel; his goodness to their bodies, in external providences; his goodness to their Souls, in spiritual mercies. When the goodness of God either way draws forth the love, and gratitude of the Soul to the God of our mercies; then have we real com­munion [Page 406] with him: Thus Iacob, Gen. 32. 9, 10. And Jacob said, O God of my Father Abraham, and God of my Father Isaac; which saidst unto me, Return unto thy Country, and to thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee. I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan, and now I am be­come two [...]ands. Ah, Lord, I see a multitude of mercies round about me, and the least of them is greater than I: So David, 1 Chron. I7. I6, I7. And David the King came and sat before the Lord, and said, Who am I, O Lord God, and what is mine house, that thou hast brought me hitherto? And yet this was a small thing in thine eyes, O God, &c. what can David speak more to thee? You see in these instances what effects the goodness of God even in inferiour outward mercies, useth to pro­duce in sanctified hearts. But then, if you come to spiritual mercies, and ponder the goodness of God to your Souls, in pardoning, accepting, and saving such vile sinful creatures as you have been; this much more affects the heart, and over­whelms it with an holy astonishment; as you see in Paul, 1 Tim. 1. 16. The grace of our Lord was abundant. I was a persecutor, a blasphemer, yet I obtained mercy. So Mary, that notorious sinner, when pardoning grace appeared to her, into what a flood of tears, into what transports of love did the sight of mercy cast her Soul! She wept and washt her Saviours feet with tears of joy and thankfulness, Luke 7. 44. No terrors of the Law, no frights of Hell, thaw the heart like the apprehensions of pardoning mercy.

[Page 407] Fourthly, Sometimes there are special repre­sentations of the veracity and faithfulness of God, made unto his people, begetting trust and holy confidence in their Souls; and when they do so, then have men communion with God in his faith­fulness, Thus Heb. 13. 5, 6. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. There is a discovery of the faithful­ness of God; and what follows upon this? See vers. 6. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is our God; we will not fear what man can do unto us. Here's faithfulness in God producing trust and confi­dence in the believer. This is that reciprocati­on, that sweet fellowship and communion betwixt God and a believer with respect to his fidelity. Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid, Isa. I2. 2. And truly, friend, this is what the Lord justly expects from thee, even thy trust and confidence in him, thy steady dependance on him, in return to all the discoveries of his faith­fulness to thee, both in his Word and Provi­dences.

Fifthly, There are manifestations of the an­ger and displeasure of God, by the hiding of his face from them, and the frowns of his provi­dence, when these produce repentance, and deep humiliation for sin; an unquietness, a restlesness of Spirit till he restore his favour, and manifest, his reconciliation to the Soul; even here also is real communion betwixt God and the Soul, Psal. 30. 7. Thou hidest thy face, and I was troubled. Nor will a gracious Soul rest there, but will take pains to sue out a fresh pardon, Psal. 51. 8. Make me to hear joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken, may rejoyce; restore unto me the joys of thy salvation, vers. 12.

[Page 408] I cannot here omit to detect a great mistake here, even amongst Gods own people; many of them understand not what communion there should be with God, under the manifestations of his displeasure for sin; they know that the af­fectionate meltings of their Souls into love, praise, &c. to be communion with God; but that the shame, grief and sorrow, produced in them by the manifestations of Gods displeasure; I say, that even in these things there may be communion with God they understand not. But let me tell thee, that even such things as these are the choice fruits of the Spirit of Adoption, and that in them thy Soul hath as real and be­neficial communion with God, as in the greatest transports of Spiritual joy and comfort. O'tis a blessed frame to be before the Lord, as Ezra was, after conviction of thy loosness, carelesness, and Spiritual defilements, the consequents of those sins; saying with him, O my God I am ashamed, and even blush to lift up my face unto thee, Ezra 9. 6. Shame and blushing are as excellent signs of communion with God, as the sweetest smiles.

Lastly, There are representations and special contemplations of the omniscience of God, pro­ducing sincerity, comfort in appeals, and re­course to it in doubts of our own uprightness. And this also is a choice and excellent method of communion with God. (1.) When the omnisci­ence of God strongly obliges the Soul to since­rity and uprightness, as it did David, Psal. 139. 11, 12. compared with Psal. 18. 23. I was also up­right before him. The consideration that he was always before the Eye of God, was his preser­vative [Page 409] from iniquity, yea, from his own iniqui­ty. (2.) When it produceth comforts in ap­peals to it, as it did in Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20. 3. Remember now, O Lord, that I have walked before thee in truth, and with a perfect heart. So Iob 10. 7. he also appeals to this attribute, Thou knowest that I am not wicked. So did Ieremiah, Chap. 12. 3. But thou, O Lord, knowest me, thou hast seen me, and tryed my heart towards thee. (3.) When we have recourse to it, under doubts and fears of our own uprightness. Thus did David, Psal. 139. 23. Search me, O God, and try my heart; prove me, and see my reins; see if there be any way of wickedness in me. In all these attributes of God, Christians have real and sweet communion with him, which was the first thing to be opened: Communion with God in the meditation of his attributes.

Secondly, The next method of communion with God, is in the exercise of our graces in the various duties of Religion; In Prayer, Hearing, Sacraments, &c. in all which the Spirit of the Lord influences the graces of his people, and they return the fruits thereof in some measure to him. As God hath planted various graces in regene­rate Souls, so he hath appointed various duties to exercise and draw forth those graces; and when they do so, then have his people sweet actu­al communion with him. And

1. To begin with the first grace that shews it self in the Soul of a Christian, to wit, repent­ance and sorrow for sin. In the exercise of this grace of repentance the Soul pours out it self be­fore the Lord, with much bitterness and broken­ness of Heart; casts forth its sorrows, which [Page 410] sorrows are as so much seed sown, and in re­turn thereto the Lord usually sends an answer of peace, Psal. 32. 4, 5. I said, I will confess my trans­gression, and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Here's a voice of sorrow sent up, and a voice of peace coming down; which is real communi­on betwixt God and Man in the exercises of re­pentace.

2ly, As there are seasons in duty, wherein the Saints exercise their repentance, and the Lord returns peace; so likewise the Lord helps them in their duties to act their faith, in return whereunto they find from the Lord inward sup­port, rest and refreshment, Psal. 27. 13. I had fainted unless I had believed. And oft-times an as­surance of the mercies they have acted their faith about, 1 Iohn 5. I4.

3ly, The Lord many times draws forth emi­nent degrees of our love to him, in the course of our duties; the heart is filled with love to Christ. The strength of the Soul is drawn forth to Christ in love; and this the Lord repays in kind, love for love, Iohn 14. 21. He that loveth me, my Father will love him; and we will come and make our abode with him. Here is sweet communion with God in the exercises of love. O what a rich trade do Christians drive this way in their duties and exercises of graces!

4ly, To mention no more, in the duties of Passive Obedience, Christians are enabled to exer­cise their patience, meekness, and long suffering for Christ; in return to which, the Lord gives them the singular consolations of his Spirit. Double returns of joy; The Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon them, 1 Pet. 4. 13, 14. The Lord [Page 411] strengthens them with passive fortitude, with all might in the inner-man, unto all long-suffering; but the reward of that long-suffering is joyful­ness, Col. 1. 11. This is the trade they drive with Heaven.

Thirdly, Beside communion with God in the contemplation of his attributes, and graces ex­ercised in the course of duties; there is another method of communion with God in the way of his Providences; for therein also his people walk with him: To give a taste of this, let us consider Providence in a fourfold aspect upon the people of God.

1. There are afflictive providences, rods and rebukes, wherewith the Lord chastens his chil­dren; this is the discipline of his house, in an­swer whereunto gracious Souls return meek and childlike submission; a fruit of the Spirit of Adoption; they are brought to accept the pun­ishment of their iniquities. And herein lies com­munion with God under the rod; this return to the rod may not be presently made; for there is much stubborness unmortified in the best hearts, Heb. I2. 7. but this is the fruit it shall yield, and when it doth, there is real communion between God and the afflicted Soul. Let not Christians mistake themselves, if when God is smiting they are humbling, searching, and blessing God for the discoveries of sin made by their afflictions; admiring his wisdom, in timing, moderating, and chusing the rod; kissing it with a childlike submission, and saying it is good for me that I have been afflicted; that Soul hath real commu­nion with God, though it may be for a time without joy.

[Page 412] 2ly, There are times wherein providence straightens the people of God; when the waters of comfort ebb, and run very low; wants pinch; if then the Soul returns filial dependance upon fatherly care, saying with David, Psal. 23. 1. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want: It belongs to him to provide, and to me to depend: I will trust my Fathers care and love. Here now is sweet communion with God under pinching wants. The wants of the Body enrich the Soul: Outward straightnings are the occasions of in­ward enlargments. O see from hence how good it is to have an interest in God as a Father, what­ever changes of providence may come upon you.

Thirdly, There are seasons wherein the Lord exposes his people to eminent and visible dan­gers; when to the Eye of sense there is no way of escape. Now when this produceth trust in God, and resignation to the pleasure of his Will; here is communion with God in times of distress and difficulty; thus David, Psal. 56. 3. At what time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. q. d. Father, I see a storm rising, thy poor child comes under his Fathers roof for she [...]er; for whether should a distressed Child go, but to his Father? And then as to the issues and events of doubtful providences, when the Soul resigns and leaves it self to the wise disposal of the Will of God, as David, in 2 Sam. 15. 25, 26. Here am I, let him do with me as seemeth good in his sight. This is real and sweet communion with God in his providences. And so much for the nature of communion with God.

Secondly, In the next place, I shall evidence the reality of communion with God; and [Page 413] prove it to be no fancy. I confess it grieves me to be put upon the proof of this, but the Athe­ism, and prophaness of the age we live in seems to make it necessary; for many men will allow nothing for certain but what falls under the cog­nisance of [...]ense. And oh, that they had their Spiritual senses exercised, then they would sensi­bly discern the reality of these things: but to put the matter out of question, I shall evidence the truth and reality of the Saints communion with God divers ways.

First, 1. Evid. From the Saints union with Christ; if there be a union betwixt Christ and believers, then of necessity there must be a communion be­tween them also. Now the whole Word of God which you profess to be the rule of your faith, plainly asserts this union betwixt Christ and believers; a union like that betwixt the branches and the root, Iohn 15. 4, 5. or that be­twixt the head and the members, Eph▪ 4. 16. Now if Christ be to believers as the root to the branches, and as the head to the members; then of necessity there must be a communion between them: for if there were not a communion, there could be no communications, and if no communications no life. For it is by the com­munication of vital fap and spirits, from the root and from the head, that the branches and mem­bers subsist and live.

Secondly, 2. Evid. There is a cohabitation of Christ with believers; he dwells with them, yea, he dwells in the [...] 2 Cor. 6. 16. I will dwell in them, and walk in the [...]. The Soul of a believer is the [Page 414] Temple of Christ, yea, his living Temple, 1 Pet. 2. 5. And if Christ dwell with them, yea, if he dwell in them and walk in them, then cer­tainly there must be communion betwixt him and them; if they live together, they must converse together. A man indeed may dwell in his house, and yet cannot be said to have communion with it; but the Saints are a living house, they are the living. Temples of Christ; and he cannot dwell in such Temples capable of communion with him, and yet have no communion with them.

Thirdly, 3 Evid. The reality of communion betwixt God and the Saints is undeniably evinced from all the Spiritual relations into which God hath taken them. Every believer is the Child of God, and the Spouse of Christ. God is the believer Fa­ther, and the Church is the Lambs Wife. Christ calls the believer not only his Servant, but Friend; hence forth I call you not Servants but Friends, &c. Now, if God be the believers Fa­ther, and the believer be Gods own Child, cer­tainly there must be communion between them. If Christ be the believers Husband, and the be­liever be Christs Spouse, there must be commu­nion between him and them. What, no commu­nion between the Father and his Children, the Husband and the Wife? We must either re­nounce and deny all such relations to him, and therein renounce our Bibles; or else yield the conclusion, that there is a real communion be­twixt Christ and believers.

[Page 415] Fourthly, The reality of communion with God evidently appears from the institution, 4 Evid. and appointment of so many Ordinances, and duties of Religion, on purpose to maintain dayly com­munion betwixt Christ and his People. As to in­stance but in that one institution of Prayer, a duty appointed on purpose for the Souls meet­ing with God, and communion with him, Iames 4. 8. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Now to what purpose can it be conceived such an Ordinance is appointed for the Souls drawing nigh to God, and God to it; if there be no such thing as communion to be enjoyed with him? If communion with God were a meer Phantome, as the carnal World thinks it to be, what encouragement have the Saints to bow their knees to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ? But surely there is an access to God in prayer, Ephes. 3. 12. In whom we have boldness and access with confidenc [...]. Access to what? If God be not there, and that there can be no communi­on with him, what means that access? I will meet you, saith the Lord, and I will commune with you in every place where I record my name, Exod. 25. 22. Certainly duties had never been appointed, but for the sake of Gods communing with us, and ours with him.

Fifthly, This is yet further evidenced from the mutual desires both of Christ, 5 Evid, and his peo­ple to be in sweet and intimate communion one with the other. The Scripture speaks much of the Saints vehement desires of communion with Christ, and of Christs desires after communion with the Saints, and of both jointly. The Saints [Page 416] desires after communion with him, are frequent in all the Scriptures, see Psal. 63. 1, 2, 3. Psal. 42. 1. Psal. 119. 20. and the like throughout the New Testament. And Christ is no less desirous, yea, he is much more desirous of communion with us than we are with him. Consider that expres­sion of his to the Spouse, in Cant. 8. 13. O thou that dwellest in the Gardens, the companions h [...]rken to thy voice, cause me to hear it. As if he should say, O my people, you frequently converse one with another, you talk dayly together; why shall not you and I converse one with another? You speak often to men, O that you would speak more frequently to me! Let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for thy voice is sweet, and thy countenance comly. And then these desires are mutually exprest one to ano­ther, Rev. 22. 20. Surely (saith Christ) I come quickly, Amen, even so come Lord Iesus, saith the Church: Now if there be such vehement mutual desires after communion betwixt Christ and his people in this World; then certainly there is such a thing as real communion between them, or else both must live a very restless and dissatis­fied life.

Sixthly, The mutual complaints that are found on both sides of the interruption of com­munion, 6 Evid. plainly proves there is such a thing. If God complain of his people for their estrange­ments from him, and the Saints complain to God about his silence to them; and the hidings of his face from them: Surely then there must be a communion between them, or else there could be no ground of complaints for the inter­ruptions of it. But it is manifest God doth com­plain [Page 417] of his people for their estrangments from him, Ier. 2. 5. Thus saith the Lord, I remember thee the kindness of thy youth, and the love of thy espousals. What iniquity have your Fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me? As if he should say, You and I have been better acquainted in days past; what cause have I given for your estrangments from me? And thus Christ in like manner complains of the Church of Ephesus, after he had commended many things in her, yet one thing grieves and troubles him, Rev. 2. 4. Ne­vertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. And then on the other side, when the Lord hids his face and seems to estrange himself from his people; what sad laments and moans do they make about it? As an affliction they know not how to bear. Thus Heman, Psal. 88. 14. Lord, why castests thou off my Soul? Why hidest thou thy face from me? So Psal. 27. 9. Hide not thy face from me, put not thy servant away in anger. This is what they cannot bear.

Seventhly, 7 Evid▪ The reality of communion with God is made visible to others, in the sensible ef­fects of it upon the Saints that enjoy it. There are visible signs and tokens of it appearing to the conviction of others. Thus that marvelous change that appeared upon the very countenance of Hannah after she had poured her heart in prayer, and the Lord had answered her, it is noted, 1 Sam. 1. 18. She went away and her coun­tenance was no more sad. You might have read in her face, that God had spoken peace and satis­faction to her heart. Thus when the Disciples had been with Christ, the mark of communion [Page 418] with him was visible to others, Acts 4. 13. Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, they marvelled; and took knowledg of them that they had been with Iesus. 'Tis sweet, Christian, when the heavenly cheariness, and spirituality of thy con­verses with men, shall convince others that thou hast been with Jesus.

Eighthly, 8 Evid. We may prove the reality of com­munion with God, from the impossibility of su­staining those troubles the Saints do without it. If prayers did not go up, and answers come down, there were no living for a Christian in this World. Prayer is the out-let of the Saints sorrows, and the in-let of their supports and comforts, Rom. 8. 26. Say not other men have their troubles as well as the Saints, and yet they make a shift to bear them without the help of communion with God. 'Tis true, carnal men have their troubles, and those troubles are often too heavy for them. The sorrows of the world work death; but carnal men have no such troubles as the Saints have; for they have their inward Spi­ritual troubles, as well as their outward troubles. And inward troubles are the sinking troubles; but this way the strength of God comes in to succor them: and except they had a God to go to, and fetch comfort from, they could never bear them, Psal. 27. 13. I had fainted unless [...] had believed. Paul had sunk under the buffetings of Satan, unless he had gone once and again to his God, and received this answer, My grace is suf­ficient for thee; 2 Cor. 12. 9.

[Page 419] Ninthly, We conclude the reality of commu­nion with God, 9 Evid. from the end of the Saints voca­tion. We read frequently in Scripture of ef­fectual calling; now what is that to which God calls his people out of the state of nature, but unto fellowship and communion with Jesus Christ? 1 Cor. 1. 9. God is faithful, by whom ye are called unto the fellowship of his son Iesus Christ our Lord. They are called, you see, in to a life of communion with Christ; therefore certainly there is such a communion: else the Saints are called to the enjoyment of a fancy, instead of a privilege, which is the greatest reproach that can be cast upon the faithful God that called them.

Lastly, 10 Evid. In a word, the characters and descrip­tions given to the Saints in Scripture evidently prove their life of communion with God. The Men of this World are manifestly distinguished from the people of God in Scripture; they are called, The Children of this World; the Saints, The Children of light, Luke 16. 8. They are said to be after the flesh, Saints to be after the Spirit, Rom. 8. 5. they mind earthly things, but the Saints con­versation is in Heaven, Phil. 3. 19, 20. By all which it undeniably appears that there is a re­ality in the Doctrin of communion betwixt Christ and his people. We are not imposed up­on, 'tis no cunningly devised fable; but a thing whose foundation is as sure as its nature is sweet.

[Page 420] Thirdly, In the last place, I shall shew you the transcendent excellency of this life of com­munion with God; it is the life of our Life, the joy of our Hearts, a Heaven upon Earth; as will appear by the Twenty Excellencies there­of following.

I. Excellency.

It is the Assimilating instrument whereby the Soul is moulded and fashioned after the image of God. This is the Excellency of communion with God, to make the Soul like him. There is a twofold assimilation, or conformity of the Soul to God, the one perfect and compleat, the other inchoate and in part. Perfect assimilation is the privilege of the perfect state, resulting from the immediate vision and perfect communion the Soul hath with God in glory, 1 Iohn 3▪ 2▪ When he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Perfect vision produceth perfect assimilation; but the Souls assimilation or imper­fect conformity to God in this World, is wrought and gradually carried on by dayly communion with him. And as our communion with God here, grows up more and more into spirituality and power, so in an answerable degree doth our conformity to him advance, 2 Cor. 3. 18. But we all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord; are changed into the same image, from glory to glory, as by the spirit of the Lord. All sorts of communion among men have an assimilating efficacy; he that walks in vain company, is made vainer than he was before; and he that walks in spiritual heavenly company will be ordinarily [Page 421] more serious than he was before; but nothing so transforms the Spirit of a man, as communion with God doth. Those are most like unto God that converse most frequently with him. The beauty of the Lord is upon those Souls; it figures the Spirit of a Man after the Divine pattern. That's the first Excellency of communion with God, it assimilates them to God.

II. Excellency.

It is the beauty of the Soul, in the Eyes of God, and all good men; it makes the face to shine. No outward splendor attracts like this; it makes a man the most desirable companion in the whole World, 1 Iohn 1. 3. These things have I written unto you, that you might have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with the Son Iesus Christ. This was the great and only inducement the Apostle makes use of to draw the World into fellowship with the Saints; that their fellowship is with God. And if there were ten thousand other inducements, yet none like this. You read of a blessed time, Zach. 12. When the Earth shall be full of holiness; when the Iews that are now as a lost generation to the Eye of sense, shall be called, and an eminent degree of sanctification shall be visible in them; and then see the effect of this, vers. 23. In those days ten men shall take hold, out of all languages, of the Nati­ons, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Iew; saying, We will go with you for we have heard that God is with you. This is the powerful at­tractive, the Lord is with you; 'tis the effect of communion with God which makes the righte­ous [Page 422] more excellent than his neighbour, Prov. 12. 26. what a vast and visible difference doth this make between one man and another! How hea­venly sweet and desirable, are the converses and company of some men! How frothy, burden­soin, and unprofitable is the company of others! And what makes the difference but only this, the one walks in communion with God, the other is alienated from the life of God?

III. Excellency.

It is the Centre which rests the motions of a weary Soul; 'tis the Rest and Refreshment of a man's Spirit, Psal. 116. 7. Return unto thy rest, O my Soul. When we attain perfect Communion with God in Heaven, we attain to perfect Rest; and all the Rest the Spirit of man finds on Earth, is found in Communion with God. Take a san­ctified person who hath intermitted for some time his communion with the Lord; and ask him, is your Soul at rest and ease? He will tell you no. The motions of his Soul, are like those of a member out of Joynt, neither comly, nor easie. Let that man recover his spiritual frame again, and with it he recovers his Rest and Com­fort. Christians, you meet with variety of trou­bles in this World; many a sweet Comfort cut off, many a hopeful project dasht by the hand of Providence; and what think you is the meaning, of those blasting, disappointing Providences? Surely, this is their design and errand, to disturb your false rest in the bosom of the Creature; to pluck away those pillows you were laying your Heads upon, that thereby you might be reduced [Page 423] unto God, and recover your lost communion with him; and say with David, Return unto thy rest, O my Soul. Sometimes we are setling our selves to rest in an Estate, in a Child, or the like: at this time it is usual with God to say, Go Losses smite and blast such a mans Estate, go Death, and take away the desire of his Eyes with a stroke, that my Child may find rest nowhere but in me. God is the Ark, the Soul like the Dove, Noah sent forth, let it fly where it will, it shall find no rest till it comes back to God.

IV. Excellency.

It is the Desire of all gracious souls through­out the World. Wherever there is a gracious Soul, the desires of that Soul are working after communion with God; as Christ was called, The desire of all Nations; so communion with him, is The desire of all Saints: and this speaks the ex­cellency of it, Psal. 27. 4. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I might dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to see the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his Temple. (i. e.) To enjoy communion with him in the publick duties of his worship. One thing have I desired, that is, one thing above all other things; such an one, as if God shall give me, I can comfortably bear the want of all other things. Let him deny me what he will, if so be he will not deny me this one thing; this one thing shall richly recompence the want of all other things. Hence the desires of the Saints are so in­tense and fervent after this one thing, Psal. 42. 1. My Soul panteth after thee O God; and Psal. 119. 81. [Page 424] My Soul fainteth for thy Salvation, Psal. 101. 2. When wilt thou come unto me? No duties can satis­fie without it; the Soul cannot bear the delays, much less the denials of it. They reckon their lives worth nothing without it. Ministers may come, Ordinances and Sabbaths may come; but there's no satisfaction to the desires of a gracious Heart till God come too. O when wilt thou come unto me?

V. Excellency.

As it is the Desire, so it is the Delight of all the Children of God both in Heaven and Earth; as communion with the Saints is the delight of Christ, Cant. 2. 14. Let me hear thy voice. And again, Cant. 8. 13. The companions harken to thy voice, cause me to hear it. So communion with Christ is the delight of his people, Cant. 2. 3. I sat under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet un­to my taste. 'Tis the pleasure of Christ to see the yearning Countenances, the blushing Cheeks, the droping Eyes of his people upon their Knees. And it is the delight of the Saints to see a smile upon his Face, to hear a voice of pardon and peace from his Lips. I must tell you Christians, you must look for no such delights as these in any earthly enjoyment; none better than these till you come home to glory. Communion with God then appears most excellent in as much as it is found to be the desire and delight of all gra­cious Souls.

VI. Excellency.

'Tis the Envy of Satan; that which cuts and grates that wicked Spirit. O how it grates and galls that proud and envious Spirit, to see Men and Women enjoying the felicity and pleasure of that communion with God, from which he himself is fallen, and cut off for ever! To see the Saints embosomed in delightful communion with Christ, whilst himself feels the pangs of horror and despair! This is what he cannot en­dure to behold. And therefore you shall find in your experience, that times of communion with God, are usually buisie times of temptations from the Devil, Zach. 3. 1. And he shewed me Jo­shua the high Priest standing before the Lord, and Satan standing at his right-hand to resist him. 'Tis well for thee Christian, that thou hast an Advo­cate standing at Gods right-hand to resist and frustrate his attempts upon thee; otherwise Sa­tan would this way destroy your communion with God, and make that which is now your delight, to be your terror. Many ways doth the Devil oppose the Saints communion with God. Some­times he labours to divert them from it. This business shall fall in, or that occasion fall out, on purpose to divert thy Souls approach to God; but if he cannot prevail there, then he labours to distract your thoughts, and break them into a thousand vanities. Or if he succeed not there, then he attacks you in your return from duty, with Spiritual Pride, Security, &c. These fierce oppositions of Hell discover the worth and ex­cellency of communion with God.

VII. Excellency.

'Tis the End of all Ordinances and Duties of Religion; God hath instituted every Ordinance and Duty, whether publick or private, to beget and maintain communion betwixt himself and our Souls. What are Ordinances, Duties, and Graces, but perspective Glasses to give us a sight of God, and help us to communion with him? God never intended his Ordinances to be our rest, but mediums and instruments of communion with himself, who is our true rest. When we go into a Boat, 'tis not with an intention to dwell and rest there, but to Ferry us over the Water, where our business lies. If a Man miss of commu­nion with God in the best Ordinances or Duty, it yields him little comfort. He comes back from it, like a man that hath travelled a great many miles, to meet a dear friend, upon special and important business; but met with disappoint­ment, and returns sad, and dissatisfied. God ap­points Ordinances to be meeting places with our God in this World, Exod. 25. 21, 22. Thou shalt put the mercy-seat above upon the Ark, and in the Ark thou shalt p [...] the testimony that I shall give thee; and there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy-seat, from between the two Cherubims. It was not the sight of the golden Cherubims, or of the Ark overlaid with pure gold, that could have satisfied Moses; had not the special presence of God been there, and he had had communion with them. O God (saith David) my Soul thirsteth for thee, that I might see thy beauty and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the [Page 427] Sanctuary, Psal. 63. 1, 2. Magnificent structures, artificial ornaments of the places of Worship, are of little account with a gracious Soul. 'Tis the presence of God, and communion with him, which is the beauty and glory the Saints desire to behold.

VIII. Excellency.

'Tis the Evidence of our Union with Christ, and interest in him. All Union with Christ must evidence its self by a life of communion with him, or our pretensions to it are vain and ground­less. There be many of you (I wish there were more) enquiring after evidences and signs of your union with Christ; why, here is an Evidence that can never fail you; do you live in commu­nion with him? May your life be call'd a walk­ing with God, as Enoch's was? Then you may be sure you have union with him; and this is so sure a sign, as death it self, (which uses to discover the vanity of false signs) will never be able to destroy, 2 Kings 20. 2, 3. Remember now, O Lord, (saith Hezechiah) that I have walked be­fore thee in truth, and in a perfect Heart. O Pro­fessors, 'twill be a dreadful thing, (whatever ungrounded hopes, and false comforts you now have) to find them shrinking away from you as certainly they will do at death, and all upon this account; I have been a man of knowledge, I have been frequent in the external duties of Religion, but my heart was not in them; I had no communion with the Lord in them, and now God is a terror to my Soul. I am going to his awful bar, and have not one sound evidence to [Page 428] carry a long with me; that's a remarkable place, Gal. 5. 25. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit; that is, let us evidence the life of grace in us by exercising that grace in a life of communion with God. When all is said, this is the surest evidence of our union with Christ, and no gifts or performances whatsoever can amount to an evidence of our union with Christ without it.

IX. Excellency.

'Tis Ease in all pains; sweet and sensible ease to a troubled Soul. Look as the breathing of a vein cools, eases, and refreshes a severish body; so the opening of the Soul by acts of communi­on with God, gives sensible ease to a burdened Soul; griefs are eased by groans heaven-ward. Many Souls are deep laden with their own fears, cares and distresses; no refreshment for such a Soul, no such Anodine in the whole World as communion with God is, Psal. 32. 1, 2, 3. How did troubles boyl in Davids Soul? Night and day Gods hand was heavy on him; his Soul, as Elihu speaks, was like bottles full of new Wine, he must speak to God that he may be refreshed; and so he did and was refreshed by it. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord, and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. It would grieve one to see how many poor distressed Souls carry their troubles up and down the World, ma­king their complaints to one, and another; but no ease. Away to thy God poor Christian, get thee into thy closet, pour out thy Soul before him; and that ease which thou seekest in vain, [Page 429] elsewhere, will there be found, or nowhere.

X. Excellency.

'Tis Food to the Soul; and the most delicious, pleasant, proper and satisfying food that ever it tasted; 'tis hidden Manna, Rev. 2. 17. By these things, O Lord, do men live, and in them is the life of their Soul, Isa. 38. 16. A regenerate Soul can­not live without it; their bodies can live as well without bread or breath, as their Souls without communion with God; 'tis more than their ne­cessary food. Here they find what they truly call marrow and fatness, Psal. 63. 5, 6. O the sa­tisfaction and support they suck out of spiritual things, by thoughts and meditations upon them! To be spiritually minded is life and peace, Rom. 8. 6. The delicates upon Princes Tables are husks and chaff to this. Crows and Vultures can live upon the Carrion of this World; but a renewed Soul cannot subsist long without God. Let such a Soul be diverted for a time from its usual re­freshments this way, and he shall find something within paining him, like the sucking and draw­ing of an empty stomach; 'tis Angels food, 'tis that your Souls must live upon throughout Eter­nity, and most happily too.

XI. Excellency.

'Tis the Guard of the Soul against the assaults of temptation. 'Tis like a Shield advanced a­gainst the fiery darts of that wicked one. Your safety and security lyes in drawing nigh to God, Psal. 73. 27, 28. They that are far from thee shall pe­rish. [Page 430] But it is good for me to draw near to God. 'Tis good indeed, not only the good of comfort, but the good of safety is in it, Deut. 33. 12. The be­loved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him. You know the gracious presence of God is your shield and safety; and if you will have the Lord thus present with you in all your fears, straights and dangers, see that you keep near to him in the Duties of communion, For the Lord is with you whilst you are with him, 2 Chron. 15. 2.

XII. Excellency.

'Tis the Honour of the Soul, and the greatest honour that ever God conferr'd on any creature; 'tis the glory of the holy Angels in Heaven to be always beholding the face of God, Matth. 18. 10. Oh! that God should admit poor dust and ashes unto such a nearness to himself! To walk with a King, and have frequent converse with him, puts a great deal of honour upon a Subject; but the Saints walk with God, so did Enoch, so do all the Saints, 1 John 1. 3. Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Christ Iesus. They have liberty and access with confidence; the Lord as it were delivers them the golden key of pray­er, by which they may come into his presence on all occasions, with the freedom of Children to a Father.

XIII. Excellency.

'Tis the Instrument of mortification; and the most excellent and successful instrument for that purpose in all the World, Gal. 5. 16. This I say [Page 431] then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the works of the flesh. Walking in the Spirit is the same thing with walking in communion with God. Now, saith the Apostle, if you thus walk in the Spirit, in the acting of faith, love and obe­dience, throughout the course of holy duties, the effect of this will be, that ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh; he doth not say, You shall not feel the motions of sin in you, or temptati­ons to sin assaulting you; but, he saith, you shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh; sin shall not have dominion over you; this will let out the life­blood of sin. A temptation overcome this way, is more effectually subdued than by all the vows, resolutions, and external means in the World; as a Candle that is blown out with a puff of breath, may be rekindled by another puff; but if it be quencht in water, 'tis not so easily light­ed again. So it is here, you never find that pow­er or success in temptations, when your hearts are up with God in the exercises of faith and love, as you do when your hearts hang loose from him and dead towards him. The Schoolmen assign this as one reason why the Saints in Heaven are impeccable, no sin can fasten upon them, be­cause, say they, they there enjoy the beatifical vi­sion of God. This is sure, the more communion any man hath with God on Earth, the freer he lives from the power of his corruptions.

XIV. Excellency.

'Tis the Kernel of all Duties and Ordinances: Words, gestures, &c. are but the integuments, husks, and shells of Duties. Communion with [Page 432] God is the sweet Kernel, the pleasant and nour­ishing food which lies within them; you see the fruits of the Earth are covered and defended by husks, shells, and such like integuments; within which lye the pleasant kernels and grains, and that's the food. The Hypocrite who goes no farther than the externals of Religion, is there­fore said to feed of Ashes, Isa. 44. 20. to spend his mony for that which is not bread, and his labour for that which satisfieth not, Isa. 55. 2. He feeds but upon husks, in which there is little pleasure or nourishment; what a poor house doth a Hypocrite keep? Words, Gestures, Ce­remonies of Religion will never fill the Soul; but communion with God is substantial nourish­ment. My Soul, saith David, shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, whilst I think and meditate on thee, Psal. 63. 5, 6. It would grieve ones heart to think what airy things many Souls satisfie them­selves with; feeding like Ephraim upon the wind, well contented if they can but shuffle over a few heartless empty duties; whilst the Saints feed upon this hidden Manna, are feasted as it were with Angels food.

XV. Excellency.

'Tis the Light of the Soul in darkness; and the pleasantest light that ever shone upon the Soul of Man: There's many a Soul which walketh in darkness; some in the darkness of ignorance and unbelief, the most dismal of all darkness, ex­cept that in Hell. There are others who are Children of light, in a state of reconciliation, yet walk in the darkness of outward afflictions, [Page 433] and inward desertions and temptations; but as soon as ever the light of Gods countenance shines upon the Soul in the duties of communi­on with him, that darkness is dissipated and scattered; 'tis all light within him, and round about him, Psal. 34. 5. They looked unto him, and were enlightned: they looked, there is faith acted in Duty; and were enlightned, there's the sweet effect of Faith. The horrors and troubles of gracious Souls shrink away upon the rising of this chearful light; as wild Beasts come out of their Dens in the darkness of the night, and shrink back again into them when the Sun ariseth, Psal. 104. 20, 21, 22. So do the fears, and inward troubles of the people of God, when this light shines upon their Souls. Nay, more, this is a light which scatters the very darkness of death it self. It was the saying of a worthy Divine of Germany, upon his death-bed, when his Eye-sight was gone, being askt how it was within? Why, said he, though all be dark about me, yet pointing as well as he could to his brest, hi [...] ­sat lucis, here is light enough.

XVI. Excellency.

'Tis Liberty to the straightned Soul; and the most comfortable and excellent liberty in the whole World. He only walks at liberty that walks with God, Psal. 119. 45. I will walk at li­berty, for I seek thy precepts. Wicked men cry out of bands and cords in Religion, they look upon the duties of goldliness as the greatest bondage and thraldom in the whole World, Psal. 2. 3. Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their [Page 434] cords from us. q. d. Away with this strictness and precisness, it extinguishes the joy and plea­sure of our lives; give us our Cups instead of Bibles; our prophane Songs instead of Spiri­tual Psalms; our Sports and Past-times instead of Prayers and Sermons. Alas, poor creatures, how do they dance in their shackles and chains! When in reality the sweetest liberty is enjoyed in those Duties at which they thus snuff. The Law of Christ is the Law of Liberty; the Soul of man never enjoys more Liberty, than when it is bound with the strictest bands of Duty to God. Here's liberty from enthralling lusts, and from enslaving fears. The Spirit of Life which is in Christ Iesus, hath made me free from the law of Sin and Death, Rom. 8. 2. And here is freedom in­deed, If the Son make you free, then are you free indeed, John 8. 36. And here is freedom from fears, Luke 1. 74, 75. Those that will not en­dure any restraint from their lusts, they will have their freedom to sin; a freedom they shall have, such as it is, Rom. 6. 20. When ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. Let none therefore be prejudiced at the ways of Du­ty, and strict Godliness. The law of Christ is the perfect law of liberty, James 1. 25. Not liberty to sin, but liberty from sin.

XVII. Excellency.

'Tis a Mercy purchased by the blood of Christ for Believers, and one of the principal Mercies setled upon them by the new Covenant grant. A peculiar mercy which none but the Redeemed of the Lord partake of; a mercy which cost the [Page 435] blood of Christ to purchase it. I do not deny but there are thousands of other mercies, bestow­ed upon the unregenerate; they have Health, Wealth, Children, Honours, Pleasures, and all the delights of this Life: but for communion with God, and the pleasures that result there­from, they are uncapable of these. No supping with Christ upon such excellent privileges and mercies as these, till the heart be opened to him by faith; you cannot come nigh to God, until you be first made nigh by reconciliation, Eph. 2. 13. Heb. 10. 19, 20, 21, 22. What would your lives, Christians, be worth to you if this mercy were cut off from you? There would be little sweetness, or savour in all your outward mer­cies, were it not for this mercy that sweetens them all. And there is this difference among many others, betwixt this mercy and all out­ward mercies. You may be cut off from the en­joyment of those, you cannot from this; no pri­son can keep out the Comforter. O bless God for this invaluable Mercy.

XVIII. Excellency.

'Tis Natural to the new Creature; the incli­nation and instinct of the new Creature leadeth to Communion with God. 'Tis as natural to the new Creature to desire it, and work after it, as it is to the new-born babe to make to the breast, 1 Pet 2. 2 As new born babes desire the sin­cere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby. There is a law upon the regenerate part which inwardly, and powerfully obliges it, to acts of Duty and converse with God in them. Commu­nion with God is a thing that riseth out of the [Page 436] principles of grace. You know all Creatures in this lower World act according to the Laws of Nature, the Sun will rise, and the Sea will flow at its appointed time; and the gracious Soul will make towards its God in the times and seasons of Communion with him. They are not forced on to those Duties by the frights of Conscience, and the fears of Hell, so much as by the natural in­clination of the new Creature. Two things de­monstrate Communion with God to be co-natu­ral to the regenerate part, called the inner-man, and the hidden-man of the heart, viz. (1.) The Restlesness of a gracious Soul without it, Cant. 3. 2. The Church in the first verse had sought her beloved, but found him not; doth she sit down satisfied in his absence? No, no, I will rise now and go about the City, in the streets, and in the broad ways; I will seek him whom my Soul loveth. (2.) The Satisfaction and Pleasure, the rest and delight which the Soul finds and feels in the enjoyment of Communion with God, plainly shews it to be agreeable to the new Nature, Psal. 63. 5. My Soul shall be satisfied whilst I think on thee. And when it is thus, then Duties become easie, and pleasant to the Soul, 1 Iohn 5. 3. His com­mandments are not grievous. Yea, and such a Soul will be constant and assiduous in those Duties. That which is natural, is constant, as well as pleasant; what's the reason Hypocrites throw up the Duties of Religion, in times of difficulty, but because they have not an inward principle agreeable to them? The motives to Duty lie without them, not within them.

XIX. Excellency.

'Tis the Occupation and trade of all sanctified persons, and the richest Trade that was ever dri­ven by men. This way they grow rich in Spi­ritual Treasures; the Revenues of it are better than Silver and Gold: There be many of you have Traded long for this World, and it comes to little; and had you gained your designs you had gained but trifles. This is the rich and profitable occupation, Phil. 3. 20. Our conversati­on is in Heaven. Our Commerce and Trade lies that way, so that word signifies. There be few Christians that have driven this Soul-enriching Trade, any considerable time, but can shew some Spiritual Treasures which they have gotten by it, Psal. 119. 50. This I had because I kept thy pre­cepts. As Merchants can shew the Gold and Sil­ver, the Lands and Houses, the rich Goods and Furniture, which they have gotten by their suc­cesful Adventures abroad; and tell their Friends, so much I got by such a Voyage, and so much by another. So Christians have invaluable trea­sures, though their humility conceals them, which they have gotten by this heavenly Trade of Communion with God. Their Souls were weak, and by Communion with God they have gotten strength, Psal. 13 8. 3. I cryed, and thou strength­nedst me with strength in my Soul. They have got­ten peace by it, a treasure inestimable, Psal. 119. 165. Great peace have they that love thy Law, and nothing shall offend them. They have gotten puri­ty by it, Psal. 119. 3. They do no iniquity, that walk in thy ways. O what rich returns are here! Nay, [Page 438] they get sometimes full assurance by it. The riches of both the Indies will not purchase from a Christian the least of these mercies. These are the rich rewards of our pains in the Duties of Religion; In keeping thy Commandments there is great reward.

XX. Excellency.

'Tis Oyl to the Wheels of Obedience, which makes the Soul go on chearfully in the ways of the Lord, Psal. 119. 32. Then will I run the ways of thy Commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart. Non tardat uncta rota. Oyled Wheels run trig and nimble. How prompt and ready for any Duty of Obedience, is a Soul under the in­fluences of Communion with God! Then as Isaiah having gotten a sight of God, Here am I, Lord, send me, Isa. 6. 8. Now the Soul can turn its hand to Duties,

  • Of
    • 1. Active. And
    • 2. Passive Obedience.

I. Hereby the Soul is prepared and fitted for the Duties of Active Obedience, to which it ap­plies it self with pleasure and delight, Psal. 43. 3, 4. Then will I go unto the Altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy; or as it is in the Hebrew, the gladness of my joy. It goes to prayer as an hungry man to a feast, or as a covetuous man to his treasures, Psal. 119. 14. I have rejoyced in the way of thy commandments as much as in all riches.

[Page 439] II. It prepares the Soul for Passive Obedience; makes a man to rejoyce in his sufferings, Col. 1. 24. 'Twill make a Christian stand as Porters in London do, at the Merchants doors, to receive any burden or load they have to lay upon their shoulders, and thank them to be so employed: This joy of the Lord is their strength, Neh. 8. 10. A Christian under the chearful influences of near communion with God, can with more chearful­ness lay down his neck for Christ, than other men can lay out a shilling for him. In all these Twenty particulars you have an account of the Excellency of this priviledge; but oh! How short an account have I given of it! What re­mains, is the Application of this point, in a double Use,

  • 1. Of Information.
  • 2. Of Exhortation.

First, For Information in the following Infer­ences.

I. Inference.

How sure and certain a thing is it that there is a God, and a state of glory prepared in Heaven for sanctified Souls?

These things are undeniable, God hath set them before our spiritual Eyes and senses; be­side the revelation of it in the Gospel, which sing­ly makes it infallible; the Lord, for our abun­dant satisfaction, hath brought these things down to the touch and test of our Spiritual senses and experiences. You that have had so many sights of God by faith, so many sweet tastes of Heaven [Page 440] in the Duties of Religion, O what a confirmati­on and [...]eal have you of the reality of invisible things! You may say of Heaven, and the joys above, as the Apostle did of him that purchased it, 1 Iohn 1. 1. That which our Eyes have seen, and our Ears have heard, and our Hands have handled, &c. For God hath set these things in some de­gree before your very Eyes, and put the first fruits of them into your own Hands. The sweet relish of the joy of the Lord is upon the very palate of your Souls; to this Spiritual sense of the blieving Hebrews the Apostle appealed, Heb. 10. 34. when he said, Ye took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in your selves that you have in Heaven a better and an induring substance. This knowing in our selves is more certain and sweet than all the traditional knowledge we get from the reports of others, 1 Pet. 1. 8. Whom having not seen ye love, whom though now ye see him not, yet believing ye rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory. There is more of Heaven felt and tasted in this World than men are aware of; 'tis one thing to hear of such Countries as Spain, Italy, Smirna, by the discourses and reports we heard of them in our childhood, and another thing to understand those Countries by the rich commo­dities imported from them in the way of our Trade and Commerce. O did we but know what other Christians have felt and tasted, we would not have such staggering thoughts about invisible things; But the secret comforts of Religion are, and ought to be for the most part inclosed things. Religion lays not all open; the Christians life is a hidden life.

II. Inference.

If such an height of Communion with God be at­tainable on Earth, then most Christians live below the duties and comforts of Christianity.

Alas, the best of us are but at the foot of this pleasant Mount Pisga; as we are but in the in­fancy of our Graces, so we are but in the infan­cy of our Comforts; what a poor House is kept by many of Gods own Children? Living be­tween hopes and fears, seldom tasting the riches and pleasures, the joys and comforts of assur­ance; and will you know the reasons of it, there are Five things which usually keep them poor and low as to Spiritual Joys and Comforts. (1.) The incumbrances of the World, which di­vert them from, or distract them in their duties of Communion with God; and so keep them low in their Spiritual Comforts: They have so much to do on Earth, that they have little time for Heavenly employments. Oh, what a noise and din do the trifles of this World make in the Heads and Hearts of many Christians! How dear do we pay for such trifles as these? (2.) A Spirit of formality creeping in to the duties of Religion, impoverishes the vital Spirit thereof; like the wanton embraces of the Ivy, which binds and starves the Tree it clasps about. Reli­gion cannot thrive under formality; and 'tis dif­ficult to keep out formality in a setled course of Duty, and much more when Duties are inter­mitted. (3.) The business of temptations pe­stering the minds of many Christians; especially such as are of melancholy; constitutions; how [Page 442] importunate and restless are these temptations with some Christians? They can make little comfort or advantage out of Duty by reason of them. (4.) Heart-apostacy, inward decays of our first love, is another reason why our Duties prosper so little, Rev. 2. 4. Thou hast left thy first love. You were not wont to serve God with such coldness. (5.) In a word, Spiritual pride im­poverishes our Comforts. The joys of the Spi­rit, like brisk Wines, are too strong for our weak heads. For these causes many Christians are kept low in Spiritual comforts.

III. Inference.

How sweet and desirable is the society of the Saints! it must needs be desirable to walk with them, who walk with God, 1 John 1. 3. No such com­panions as the Saints. What benefit or pleasure can we find in converses with sensual world­lings? All we can carry away out of such com­pany is guilt, or grief. All my delights, saith David, is in the Saints, and in the excellent of the Earth, which excel in vertue, Psal. 16. 3. And their society would certainly be much more sweet and desirable than it is, did they live more in Communion with God than they do. There was a time when the Communion of the Saints was exceeding lovely, Mal. 3. 16. Acts 2. 46, 47. The Lord restore it, to its primitive glory and sweetness.

IV. Inference.

What an unspeakable Mercy is Conversion which lets the Soul into such a state of Spiritual pleasure?

Here's the beginning of your acquaintance with God, the first taste of Spiritual pleasures, of which there shall never be an end. All the time men have spent in the World in an uncon­verted state, hath been a time of estrangement and alienation from God; when the Lord brings a man to Chris, in the way of Conversion, he then begins his first acquaintance with God, Iob 22. 21. Acquaint now thy self with him, and [...]e at peace, thereby good shall come unto thee. This is your first acquaintance with the Lord, which will be a growing thing; every visit you give him in prayer increaseth your acquaintance, and begets more intimacy, and humble holy familiarity, be­twixt him and you. And oh, what a paradice of pleasure doth this let the Soul into! The life of Religion abounds with pleasures, Psal. 16. 11. All his ways are ways of pleasantness, and his paths are peace, Prov. 3. 17. Now you know where to go and unload any trouble that presseth your Hearts; whatever prejudices and scandals Satan and his instruments cast upon Religion; this I will af­firm of it, that that man must necessarily be a stranger to true pleasure, and empty of real comfort, who is a stranger to Christ and the du­ties of Communion with him. 'Tis true, here's no allowance for sinful pleasures, nor any want of Spiritual pleasures. Bless God therefore for converting grace, you that have it; and list up a cry to Heaven for it, you that want it.

V. Inference.

Lastly, If there be so much delight and pleasure in our imperfect and often interrupted Communion with God here; O then, what is Heaven! What are the immediate visions of his face in the perfect state? 1 Cor. 2. 9. Eye hath not seen, nor Ear heard, neither have entred into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. You have heard glorious and ravishing reports in the Gospel of that blessed future state, things which the Angles desire to look into. You have felt and tasted joys unspeakable, and full of glory, in the actings of your faith and love upon Christ; yet all that you have heard, and all that you have felt and tasted in the way to glory, falls so short of the perfection and blessedness of that state, that Heaven will and must be a great sur­prize to them that have now the greatest ac­quaintance with it. Though the present com­forts of the Saints are sometimes as much as they can bear, for they seem to reel and stagger under the weight of them, Cant. 2. 5. Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples, I am sick of love. Yet, I say, these high tides of present joy, are but shallows to the joys of his immediate pre­sence, 1 Cor. 13. 12. And as they run not so deep, so are they not constant and continued as they shall be above, 2 Thes. 4. ult. Ever with the Lord. And thus much for Information.

I. Vse for Exhortation.

The last improvement of this Point will be by way of Exhortation, [Page 445]

  • 1. To Believers.
  • 2. To Vnbelievers.

First, Is the privileged state, into which all be­lievers are admitted by Conversion? Then strive to come up to the highest attainment of Communion with God in this World; and be not contented with just so­much grace as will secure you from Hell; but labour after such an hight of grace and communion with God, in the exercise thereof, as may bring you into the sub­urbs of Heaven on Earth.

Forget the things that are behind you, as to satisfaction in them, and press towards the mark, for the prize of your high calling. 'Tis greatly to your loss that you live at such a distance from God, and are so seldom with him. Think not the ablest Ministers, or choicest Books, will ever be able to satisfie your doubts, and comfort your hearts, whilst you let down your Communion with God to a so low a degree. O that you might be perswaded now to hearken obediently to three, or four necessary words of Counsel.

I. Counsel.

Make Communion with God the very level and aim of your Souls in all your approaches to him in the Ordinances and Duties of Religion. Set it upon the point of your compass, let it be the very thing your Souls design; let the desires and hopes of Communion with God be the thing that draws you to every Sermon and Pray­er, Psal. 27. 4. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after, that I may see the beauty of [Page 446] the Lord, and enquire after him in his Temple. That was the mark David aimed at. And Mens suc­cess in Duty is usually according to the Spiritu­al aims and intentions of their Hearts in them; both sincerity and comfort lye much in mens ends.

II. Counsel.

In all your approaches to God, beg and plead hard with him for the manifestations of his love and further Communications of his grace. Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice; have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When thou saidst, Seek ye my face, my heart said unto thee, Thy face Lord will I seek. Hide not thy face far from me, put not thy servant away in anger, Psal 27. 7, 8, 9. How full and thick of pleas and arguments for Communi­on with God was this prayer of David? Lord, I am come in obedience to thy command, thou saidst, Seek ye my face, thou bidst me come to thee, and wilt thou put away thy servant in anger? Thou hast been my help, I have had sweet expe­rience of thy goodness, thou dost not use to put me off, and turn me away empty.

III. Counsel.

Desire not comfort for comforts sake, but com­forts and refreshments for service and obedience sake; that by it you may be strengthned to go on in the ways of your duty with more chear­fulness, Psal. 119. 32. Then will I run the ways of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart. As if he should say, O Lord, the comforts thou shalt give me, shall be returned again in chear­ful [Page 447] services to thee. I desire them, as Oyl to the Wheels of obedience, not food for my pride.

IV. Counsel.

As ever you expect to be owners of much com­fort in the ways of your Communion with God, see that you be strict and circumspect in the course of your Conversations. 'Tis the loosness and carelesness of our hearts and lives, which impoverishes our Spiritual comforts. A little pride, a little carelesness dashes and frustrates a great deal of comfort which was very near us, almost in our hands; to allude to that, Hosea 7. 1. When I would have healed Israel, then the ini­quity of Ephraim was discovered. So here, just when [...] desire of thy heart was come to the door, some sin stept in the way of it. your ini­quities, saith God, have separated between you and you God, and your sins have hid his face from you, Isa. 59. 2. The Comforter, the holy Spirit, is sensible and tender, he hath quick resentments of your unkindnesses and offences. As ever therefore you expect comfort from him, beware of him, and grieve him not.

Secondly, In the last place, this Point speaks necessary counsel and advice to Vnbelievers; to all that live estranged from the life of God, and have done so from the Womb, Psal. 58. 3. To you the voice of the Redeemer sounds a summons once more, Behold I stand at the door and knock. Oh, that at last you might be prevailed with to comply with the merciful terms propounded by him. Will you shut out a Saviour bringing Sal­vation, Pardon and Peace with him? Christ is [Page 448] thy rightful owner, and demands possession of thy Soul, if thou wilt now hear his voice, thy former refusals shall never be objected. If thou still reject his gracious offers, mercy may never more be tendered to thee; there is a call of Christ, which will be the last call, and after that no more. Take heed what you do, if you still demur and delay, your damnation is just, inevi­table and unexcusable. Hear me therefore you unregenerated Souls, in what rank or condition soever providence hath placed you in this World; whether you be rich or poor, young or old, Ma­sters or Servants, whether there be any stirrings of conviction in your Consciences or not. For however your conditions in this World differ from each other at present, there is one common misery hanging over you all, if you continue in that state of unbelief you are now fixed in.

And first, Harken to the voice and call of Christ, you that are exalted by providence above your poorer neighbours; you that have your Heads, Hands and Hearts full of the World; men of trade and business; I have a few solemn questi­ons to ask you this day.

I. You have made many gainful bargains in your time, but what will all profit you if the agreement be not made betwixt Christ and your Souls? Christ is that treasure which only can en­rich you, Matth. 13. 44. Thou art a poor and miserable wretch, whatever thou hast gained of this World, if thou have not gained Christ; thou hast heaped up guilt with thy riches, which will more torment thy Conscience hereafter than thy estate can yield thee comfort here.

[Page 449] 2ly, You have made many assurances to secure your floating Estates, which you call Policies; but what assurance have you gotten for your Souls? Are not they exposed to eternal hazards? O impolitick man! To be so provident to secure trifles, and so negligent in securing the richest treasure.

3ly, You have adjusted many accounts with men, but who shall make up your accounts with God, if you be Christless? What shall it profit a man to gain the whole World, and lose his own Soul? Matth. 16. 26. Say not you have much business under your Hands, and cannot allow time; you will have space enough hereafter to reflect upon your folly.

Secondly, You that are poor and mean in the World, what say you, Will you have two Hells, one here, and another hereafter? No comfort in this World, nor hope for the next? Your ex­pectations here laid in the dust, and your hopes for Heaven built upon the sand? O, if you were once in Christ, how happy were you, though you knew not where to fetch your next bread! Poor in the World, but rich in faith; and heirs of the Kingdom which God hath promised, James 2. 5. O blessed state! If you had Christ, you had then a right to all things, I Cor. 3. 22, 23. You had then a Father to take care for you: but to be poor, and Christless; no comfort from this World, nor hopes from the next; this is to be truly mi­serable indeed. Your very straights and wants should prompt you to the great duty I am now pressing on you; and methinks it should be [Page 450] matter of encouragement that the greatest num­ber of Christs friends and followers came out of that rank and order of men to which you be­long.

Thirdly, You that are Seamen, floating so of­ten upon the great deeps, you are reckoned a third sort of persons between the living and the dead; you belong not to the dead, because you yet breath; and scarcely to the living, because you are continually so near death: What think you friends, have you no need of a Saviour? Do you live so secure from the reach and danger of death? Have your lives been so pure, righteous, and innocent, who have been in the thick of tem­ptations in the World abroad? Ponder that Scripture, I Cor. 6. 9, 10. Be not deceived, neither Fornicators, nor Idolaters, nor Adulterers, nor Ef­feminate, nor Abusers of themselves with man-kind, &c. Ponder it, I say, and think whether you have not as great and pressing a necessity of Je­sus Christ, as any poor Souls under Heaven? You have had many temporal Salvations from God, great and eminent deliverances, and will these satisfie you? Is it enough that your bodies are delivered from the danger of the Sea, though your Souls sink and perish in the Ocean of Gods wrath for ever? If you will yet accept Christ upon his terms, all that you have done shall be forgiven, Isa. 55. 2. The Lord now calls to you in a still voice, if you hear his voice well, if not you may shortly hear his voice in the tempestu­ous storms without you, and a roaring Consci­ence within you. Poor man, think what an in­terest [Page 451] in Christ will be worth, wert thou now (as shortly thou maist be) floating upon a piece of wreck, or shivering upon a cold and desolate rock, crying mercy, Lord, mercy: Well mercy is now offered thee, but in vain wilt thou expect to find it, if thou continue thus to despise and reject it.

Fourthly, You that are aged and full of days, hearken to the voice of Christ, God hath cal­led upon you a long time: When you were young, you said, 'tis time enough yet, we will mind these things when we are old, and come nearer to the borders of Eternity. Well, now you are old, and just upon the borders of it; will you indeed mind it now? you have left the great concernments of your Souls to this time, this short, very short time: And do the temptations of your Youth take hold upon your Age? what, delay and put off Christ still, as you were wont to do? Poor Creatures, you are almost gone out of time, you have but a short time to delibe­rate; what you do must be done quickly, or it can never be done: Your night is even come up­on you, when no man can work.

Fifthly, You that are young in the Bud or Flower of your time, Christ is a Suiter for your first Love; he desires the kindness of your youth; your Spirits are vigorous, your Hearts tender, your Affections flowing and impressive; you are not yet entred into the incumbrances and di­stracting cares of the World; hereafter a crowd [Page 452] and thick succession of earthly employments and engagements will come on; sin will harden you, by custom and continuance; now is your time; you are in the convertible Age; few that pass the season of youth (comparatively speaking) are brought over to Christ afterwards: 'Tis a rarity, the wonder of an Age, to hear of the conversion of aged Sinners; besides, you are the hopes of the next Generation: Should you be Christ-neglecting and despising Souls; how bad soever the present Age is, the next will be worse. Say not, we have time enough before us, we will not quench the sprightly vigour of our Youth in melancholy thoughts: Remember there are Sculls of all sizes in Golgotha; Graves of all lengths in the Church-yard: You may anticipate those that stand nearer the Grave than you seem to do. O you cannot be happy too soon: As young as you are, did you but tast the Comforts that be in Christ, nothing would grieve you more, than that you knew him no sooner. Behold he stand­eth at thy Door, in the morning of thy Age, knocking this day for admission into thy Heart.

Sixthly, You that have had some slight ineffectual vanishing Convictions upon you formerly; the Lord Jesus once more renews his call, will you now at last hear his voice? 'Tis an infinite mercy to have a second call. I doubt not, but there are many among you, whilst you have sat under the Word, have had such thoughts as these in your Hearts, sure, [Page 453] my condition is not right, nor safe; there must another manner of work pass upon my Soul, or I am lost for ever. External duties of Religion I do perform, but I am a stranger to Regene­ration. Such inward convictions as these were the Knocks and Calls of Christ, but they passed away and were forgotten; your Convictions are dead, and your Hearts the more hardned; for it is in puting a Soul under Conviction, as it is in puting Iron into the Fire, and quenching it again: which hardens it the more. You have been near the Kingdom of God, but the more miserable for that, if you be shut out at last. The quicknings of your Convictions is the right way to the saving of your Souls. The Lord make you this day to hear his Voice.

Seventhly, Such as have come hither upon vain or vile accounts, for meer novelty, or worse ends; to catch advantages, or reproach the truths of God. Scoffing at the most so­lemn and awful Voice of Christ. The Word that you have slighted and reproached, the same shall Judge you in that great Day, ex­cept the Lord give you Repentance unto Life, and make the Heart tremble under it, that hath scoffed at it. Be not mockers, lest your bands be made strong, Isa. 28. 22.

Eighthly, To Conclude, Let all, whose Hearts the Lord hath opened this day, for the en­joyment of the Gospel, the blessed instrument of their Salvation, bless the Lord, that [Page 454] hath made it a Key by Regeneration to open the door of Salvation to your Souls. And as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him.

For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness, Text. and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteous­ness.

IN all the foregoing Sermons I have been plead­ing and wooing for Christ. And as Abrahams Servant to win the Damsels Consent, told her what Treasures his Masters Son had, so have I la­boured to shew you some part of the unsearchable Riches of Christ, if by any means I might allure your hearts, and be instrumental to close the happy Match betwixt him and you; and (as the Apostle speaks) espouse you to one Husband, even to Christ.

[Page 2] But alas! How few stir towards him? The most seem to be immovably fixed in their Natural State, and sinful Courses. All our Arguments and Intreaties return to us again, and effect nothing. 'Tis amazing to think what is the matter, that Souls which have in them the inbred Hopes and Fears of the World to come, and self reflecting Powers; cannot for all this be prevailed with to quit the way of sin, and to embrace the way of Holiness, though their Consciences mean while stand convinced that Eternal Damnation is the issue and result of the one; Life, Peace and Eternal Joyes of the other.

This hath put me upon a serious search what may be the cause and reason of this fixed and un­reasonable obstinacy, and in this it seems evidently to lye, with most that live in an unregenerate state under the Gospel; that they put a force upon their own Consciences, and do imprison and hold the Truth in unrighteousness, though the Wrath of God be revealed from Heaven against all that do so.

If by this Discourse I can but set truth at Liberty, and loose the Lords Prisoners which lye bound in your Souls. I shall not doubt but the value of Christ will quickly rise among you, and free Con­victions will make the work of your Ministers much more easie and successful than they now find it. 'Tis hardly imaginable but the things you have heard must leave your Souls under Convictions, but if you suppress and stifle them, they produce nothing but aggravations of Sin and Misery. Now in order to the free and effectual working of all your Convictions, and begetting that reverence [Page 3] which is due to them from every Soul, as to the Voice of God, I have chosen this Scripture, the scope and sense whereof I shall next give you.

The true scope and aim of this Context, is to prove the Justification of Sinners to be only by the imputed Righteousness of Christ in the way of Faith. To make this evident, he distributes the whole World into Gentiles and Iews; the one seek­ing Righteousness by the dim Light of Nature, or the Law written in their Hearts; the other, viz. the Iews by the works of the Law, or External Conformity to the Law of Moses, but that neither can find what they seek, he distinctly and fully proves. He proves it first upon the Gentiles, from this verse to the 17th. verse of the second Chapter; and then he proves it upon the Iews also from thence to the end of the third Chapter. As for the Gentiles, he acknowledges that they had inbred Notions of God, imprinted in their Nature, they had also the Book of the Creatures before them; enough to leave them without Excuse, ver. 20. they have no pretence of ignorance, but these com­mon Notices of God, and of Good and Evil, they did not obey and put in practise, but acted against the very Light and Dictates of their Natural Con­sciences. For which cause the Wrath of God was revealed from Heaven against them, as the Text speaks. Wherein note,

  • 1. A clear and dreadful Revelation of Divine Wrath.
  • 2. The Object or impulsive Cause thereof, Vn­godliness and Vnrighteousness.
  • [Page 4]3. The special aggravation of this their Ungod­liness and Unrighteousness, that they held the truth in unrighteousness.

(1.) Here is a clear and dreadful Revelation of Divine Wrath, the wrath of God (saith the Apostle) is revealed from Heaven, [...] the indignation or vengeance of God. 'Tis a word of deep and dreadful signification; the Damned that feel the weight of it, have the fullest sense ot it. 'Tis said, in Psal. 90. 11. Who knows the power of thine anger, according to thy fear, so is thy wrath. That is, the fears of an incensed Deity are no vain Bug-bears, Nor the effects of Ignorance and Superstition as Atheists Fancy; but let mens Fears of it be what they will they shall find except they repent, the Wrath of God to be according to, yea and far above their Fears of it. If the Wrath of a King be as the Messengers of Death, what then is the Wrath of the great and terrible God? This Wrath is here said to be revealed, [...]. discovered, or made manifest, and so it is divers wayes; it was revealed to them by the light of Na­ture, their own Consciences gave them notice and warning of it. Thus it was revealed to them by an internal Testimony, a Witness within them, and it was also revealed to them by the Instances and Examples of strokes and punishments of Sin in all Ages by the immediate hand of a justly incens­ed God. They came not by chance, but Divine direction, therefore it's added [...] from Hea­ve [...], or from God in Heaven.

(2.) Here is the Object, or impulsive Cause of this revealed and inflicted Wrath, 'tis revealed [Page 5] from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighte­ousness of men. [...]. The former [...], ungodliness, comprizeth all sins a­gainst the first Table; the irreligious lives and practices of Men, living in the neglect of the Du­ties of Religion: The other word [...], unrighte­ousness, comprizeth all sins against the second Table, acts of Fraud, Uncleanness, &c. against Men: And because these two general comprehensive words are branched out into many particulars, therefore he saith, the wrath of God is revealed a­gainst all ungodliness and unrighteousness. There is not one of the many sins into which ungodliness and unrighteousness are branched out, but incenseth the Lords Wrath, and though he only mentions the Sins, in the Abstract, we are to understand the Abstract put here for the Concrete; the sins for the sinners that commit them; or Gods punishing these sins upon the persons of the Sinners.

(3.) Lastly, We have here before us the special aggravation of these sins, or that which made them much more provoking to God than otherwise they had been. And it was this, that whilst they com­mitted these Sins, or omitted those Duties, they held the truth in unrighteousness: [...], the word signifies to detain, stop, hinder, or put a Re­mora in the way of that Truth of God, or those common Notions they had of his Being, Power, Goodness, Truth, &c. as also of his Worship, and the difference between Good and Evil. These Truths struggled in their Consciences, as the Child in the Womb, to come to the Birth; Conscience instigated them to Duty, and laboured to restrain them from Sin, but all in vain, they overbare their [Page 6] own Consciences, and kept those Sentiments and Convictions Prisoners, though they struggled for Liberty to break forth into Practice and Obedience. Their Convictions were kept down under the Do­minion and Power of Corruptions, as a Prisoner is shut up by his Keeper: Their Lusts were too hard for their Light. Thus you have both the Scope and Sense of the Text. The Point from it is this.


That the wrath of God is dreadfully incensed against all those that live in any course of Sin, against the light and dictates of their own Consciences.

Sins of Ignorance provoke the Wrath of God, yet are they not of so heinous a nature as sins a­gainst light and Conviction are, nor shall they be punished so severely, Luk. 12. 47. That servant which knew his Lords will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. It excuses a tanto in some measure, when a man can say, Lord, had I known this to be a sin, I would not have done it, but when the Consci­ence is convinced, and strives to keep us from such an act or course of sinful actions, and we stop our Ears against its Voice and Warnings; here is an high and horrid Contempt of God and his Law, and gives the sin a Scarlet Dye or Tincture. Sins of Ignorance cannot compare with such sins as these, Ioh. 3. 19. Ioh. 15. 22. To open this Point, let me.

  • [Page 7]1. Shew you what Conscience is.
  • 2. What the Light of Conscience is, and what its kinds are.
  • 3. How this Light binds the Conscience, and makes it strive in us.
  • 4. Then instance in some Cases wherein it doth so.
  • 5. And Lastly, how and why the imprisoning of these Convictions so dreadfully incenseth the Wrath of God.

(1.) 'Twill be needful to speak a little to the nature of Conscience in general. Conscience (as our Divines well expresse it) is the judgment of a man upon himself, as he is Subject to the judge­ment of God. A Judgment it is, and a practical Judgment too; it belongs to the understanding fa­culty, 1 Cor. 11. 31. If we would judge our selves, &c. this self-judgment is the proper Office of the Conscience; and to enable it for this its work and office, there are (as is generally observed) three things belonging to every mans Conscience.

(1) A Knowledge of the Rule or Law according to which it is to judge, called the Synteresis, which is a treasury of Rules and Principles without which Conscience can no more do its work, than an Ar­tificer that wants his Square or Level can do his.

(2) Knowledge of the Facts or Matters to be judged, called the Syneidesis. The Conscience of every man keeps a Register of his Actions, Thoughts, and the very Secrets of the Heart.

(3) An Ability and delegated Authority to pass [Page 8] Judgment on our selves and Actions according to the Rule and Law of God, called Crisis, Judgment. Here it sits upon the Bench as Gods Vicegerent, Absolving or Condemning as it finds the Sincerity or Hypocrisie of the heart upon Tryal. 1 Ioh. 3. 20, 21.

Conscience therefore is an High and Aweful Po­wer, it is solo Deo minor; next and immediately under God▪ our Judge; riding as Ioseph did in the second Chariot, and concerning Conscience he saith to every man, as he once did to Moses with respect to Pharaoh, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh, Exod. 7. 1. The Voice of Conscience is the Voice of God. What it bindeth or looseth on Earth, Clave non errante, is accordingly bound or loosed in Hea­ven, 1 Ioh. 3. 21. the greatest deference and pre­cise Obedience is due to its Commands. Its Con­solations are of all the most sweet, and its Con­demnations (only excepting those by the mouth of Christ in the last Judgment) most terrible. Zuin­glius spake not without ground when he said, What Death would I not rather chuse? what Punishment would I not rather bear? yea, into what profound Abyss of Hell would I not rather enter, than to wit­ness against my Conscience? 'Tis like he had felt the Terrors of it, to be more bitter than Death. How many have chosen strangling rather than life under the Terrors of Conscience? Wherever you go, Conscience accompanies you. VVhatever you say, do, or but think, it Registers and Records in order to the Day of Account. VVhen all Friends forsake thee, yea, when thy Soul forsakes thy Body. Conscience will not, cannot forsake thee. When thy Body is weakest and dullest, thy Conscience is most vigorous and active. Never more life in the Consci­ence, [Page 9] than when Death makes its nearest approach to the Body; when it smiles, chears, acquits, and comforts, O what an Heaven doth it create within a Man? And when it frowns, condemns, and ter­rifies; how doth it becloud, yea, benight all the Pleasures, Joyes and Delights of this World. O Conscience, how glad would the damned be to have taken their last farewel of thee, when they bid this World, and all its Inhabitants farewel at Death! And what had become of all the Sufferers and Mar­tyrs, when shut up from Friends in Dungeons, had it not been for thy chearing Cordials and Comforts, thou there administredst to support them! 'Tis cer­tainly the best of Friends, or the worst of Enemies in the whole Creation. This is Conscience, these are its Powers and Offices, which was the first thing.

Secondly, Our next enquiry must be into the Light of Conscience, and the various kinds of that Light.

The Lord did not frame such an excellent Stru­cture as the Soul of Man, without Windows to let in light; nor doth he deny the benefit of light to any Soul: But there is a twofold Light which Men have to inform and guide their Consciences.

  • 1. The Light of Natural Reason, which is com­mon.
  • 2. The Light of Scripture Revelation, which is special.

(1,) There is the common light of Natural Rea­son, which is connate, called by Solomon, Prov. 20. 27 The Candle of the Lord. The Spirit of Man is the Candle of the Lord. This is affirmed by him that had an extraordinary portion of intellectuals, [Page 10] a brighter lamp of Reason and Wisdom than other Men: And this is not only true of the Soul in ge­neral, but of that special Power of it, which is cal­led Conscience, which is Gods Spie, and Mans O­verseer. The Heathens had this Light shining in their Minds and Consciences: Some of them by the alone help of this Natural Light made wonderful discoveries of the Mysteries of Nature, yea, they found its Efficacy and Power great in their Consci­ences to raise their hopes or fears according to the good or evil they had done.

Conscia mens ut cui (que) sua est, ita concipit intra
Pectora pro facto, spem (que) metum (que) suo.

And to the shame of many that are called Chri­stians, some among them pay'd great Reverence to their own Consciences

—Imprimis reverere teipsum,
Turpe quid ausurus, te sine teste time.

But however, the generality of them did not so, and are taxed for it in the Text: And besides, this Light can make no discoveries of Christ, and of the way of Salvation by him. The most Eagle-ey'd Philosophers among them, were in the dark here. And therefore,

(2.) God hath afforded Men a more clear and excellent Light to shine into their Minds and Consci­ences; even the Light of the Gospel, which com­pared with the Light of Natural Reason, is as the Light of the Sun to the dim Moonlight, Psal. 147. 20. He sheweth his word to Iacob, his Statutes and [Page 11] his Iudgments to Israel; he hath not dealt so with any Nation, and for his Iudgments they have not known them, Praise ye the Lord. Every Creature hath the Name of God engraven on it, but he hath magnified his Word above all his Name, Psal. 138. 2. God who best knows the rate and value of his own Mercies, accounts this a singular favour and privi­ledge to any Nation. Without Revelation, we could never have known the cause of our Misery, the fall of Adam, or the only way and means of our recovery by Christ: By this a People are lifted up to Heaven, Matth. 11. 21. in respect of means and advantages of Salvation; and consequently the contempt or neglect of such Light and Love, will certainly plunge the guilty into proportionable mi­sery. Iohn 3. 19. This is the condemnation that Light is come into the World, and Men love Darkness rather than Light.

Moreover, God doth not only afford the Light of Natural Reason, and External Gospel Revelati­on to some Men in an eminent degree; but to both these he superadds the internal illumination of his Spirit, which is the clearest and most glorious Light in the whole World. He shineth into their hearts, to give the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God, in the face of Iesus Christ, 2 Cor. 4. 6. These are the three sorts of Light that God makes to shine into the Soules and Consciences of Men, to direct and guide them; the first a common and general Light, the two last the most clear and transcendent in Excellency; especially that of the Spirit with the Gospel: For though the Sun be ri­sen, yet men may draw the Curtains about them, and lie in darkness, but the Spirit opens them, and makes it shine in.

[Page 12] (3.) How this Light shining into the Consciences of Men, obligeth them to Obedience, and how Mens Lusts struggle against the Obligations of an enlightned Conscience, is the next thing to be spo­ken to.

'Tis manifest and beyond all Controversie, that an enlightned Conscience lays strong and indispensa­ble Obligations and Engagements on the Soul to Obedience: For the Will of God is the Supream Law, 1 Tim. 6. 15 'tis the Will of the only Potentate the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords: And the promulgation and manifestation of it, so binds the Conscience of the Creature to Obedience, as no Authority or Power on Earth can loose those bands; no Man can grant a supersedeas in this case, or re­lieve the Soul so bound by a noli prosequi; for Conscience as Gods Vicegerent in his Name requi­reth Obedience, and the Man that heareth the Voice of God from the Mouth of his own Consci­ence, presently thereupon becomes a Debtor, Rom. 1. 14. put under a necessity, 1 Cor. 9 16.

Now Conscience by reason of the Light that shi­neth into it, feeling it self under such strong bands and necessities, stimulates and urgeth the Soul to Obedience, warnes, commands, and presses the Soul to its duty, against the contrary Interests and inclinations of the Flesh: And hence arise those Combats and conflicts in the bosoms of Men; as the struggles of the Child in the Womb at the full­ness of time causes the throws and pangs of Travail. Sometimes Conscience prevails, and sometimes Lusts and Corruptions prevail, and that with great difficulty; for 'tis not alike easie to all Men to shake off, or burst the bands of their own Consciences, [Page 13] though others can do it easily What an hard tugg had Saul to conquer his own Conscience? I forced my self, saith he, 1 Sam. 13. 12. He knew it belonged not to him to offer Sacrifice, his Con­science plainly told him, it would be his Sin, but yet the fear of the Philistins being stronger than the fear of God, he adventured upon it renitente conscientiâ, against the plain dictates of his own Conscience. Thus Herod gives Sen­tence to put Iohn to death, Matth. 14. 9. The King was sorry, nevertheless, for his Oaths sake, and them which sate with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her. His Honour weighed up all his fears of sin, his own Word weighed more with him than Gods Word: Nemo ita perplexus tenetur inter duo vitia, quin exitus pateat absque tertio: No man is held so perplexed between two Vices, but he may find an issue, without falling into a third.

Pilates Conscience was convinced of Christ's In­nocency; Matth. 27. 18, 19. yet the fear of Coesar hurries him on to the greatest of wickednesses, even to give Sentence against Innocent Blood, yea, the Blood of the Son of God. Darius in like manner, Dan. 6. 14. He knew that Daniel was not only an excellent Person, but that he was entrapt by the Nobles merely for his Conscience, and that to put him to Death, was to sacrifice him to their Malice, this he and his Conscience debated all the day, many encounters he had with it, for the Text saith, He was sore displeased with himself, and set his Heart on Daniel to deliver him, and laboured until the going down of the Sun to deliver him; but af­ter a days sharp fight betwixt him and his Consci­ence, Lust prevails at last against Light, and returns [Page 14] Victor out of the Field in the Evening. So it was with poor Spira, he seemed to hear as it were an inward Voice, Don't write Spira, don't write; but the love of his Estate, Wife, and Children drew his Hand to the Paper, though Conscience struggled hard to hold it back.

Thus as the restless Sea strives to beat down, or break over its bounds, so do impetuous Lusts strive to overbear Light and Conviction; video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor: They know this or that to be a Sin, and that they hazard their Souls by it, but yet they will adventure on it, and rush into Sin as the Horse into the Battle.

(4.) I promised to give you some instances of the Conflicts betwixt Mens Consciences and their Cor­ruptions, wherein Conscience is vanquisht and over­born, and by what Weapons the Victory over Con­science is obtained. Now the Convictions of Men are two-fold, viz.

  • I. General, Respecting their State.
  • II. Particular, Respecting this or that Action.

(I.) There are general Convictions, and Noti­ces given to some Men and Women by their Con­sciences, that their Condition or State of Soul is neither right, nor safe; that they want the main thing which constitutes a Christian, viz. Regenera­tion, or a gracious change of Heart and Life: They hear and read the signs and effects of these things, but their Conscience plainly tells them, it cannot find them in them; that they enjoy the External priviledges of the Saints, but they belong not to [Page 15] them, that something is still wanting, and that the main thing too: O my Soul, thou art not right; thou hast gifts, thou hast a Name to live, but for all that thou art dead. Some further work must be done upon thee, or thou art undone to Eternity: thou passest for a good Christian among Men, but wo to thee if thou die in the State thou art. These, and such as these are the whispers of some Mens Consciences in their Ears; and yet they cannot yield themselves up into the hands of their Convictions, so as to confess, and bewail their Hypocrisie, and gross mistakes, and seek for a better foundation to build their hope on. Foelix his Conscience gave him such a terrible rouze and monition as this, and made him to tremble whilst Paul reason'd with him about Righteousness, and Temperance, and Judg­ment to come, Acts 24. 25. it whispered in his Ear such Language as this, O poor Soul, how shall such an Oppressor, such an intemperate wretch as thou art stand before God in this day of Judgment, which Paul proves in thy face, is certainly future; for as Tacitus sayeth of him, He was inexplebilis Gurges, an insatiable gulph of Covetousness; so it was with Agrippa, Acts 26. 28. He stood at half bent, dubious and unresolved what to do: He saw the Heavenly Doctrine of Christianity evident­ly confirmed by Doctrine and Miracles, his Con­science pleaded hard with him to embrance it, and had almost prevailed. Almost, or within a little as the word is, thou perswadest me to be a Christian; but Agrippa had too much Wealth and Honours to deny and forsake for Christ; the Love of the present World overbore both the hopes and fears of the World to come: And thus that Excel­lent Fisher for Souls, who had throughly conver­ted [Page 16] so many to Christ, caught but a piece of Agrippa, almost is a great deal for so great a person: The Gospel is a Drag-net, and brings up all sorts, whole Christians, and half Christians. The Conscience is caught, and the Will begins to incline, but oh the power and prevalence of Sin! which like the Rudder, commands all to a contrary course.

If we come a little nearer, and enquire what are those remoraes that stop Conscience in its course, bind and imprison, stifle and suppress its Convi­ctions, that although a Man strongly suspect his foundation to be but Sand, his hopes for Heaven a strong delusion, yet he will throw up his vain hopes, consfess his self deceits, and begin all anew: What is it which overbears Conscience in this cafe? Let Men impartially examine their hearts, and it will be found that these three things bind and imprison these Convictions of Conscience, and hold the truth in unrighteousness, viz. shame, fear, and pride of Heart.

(I.) Shame, Men that have been Professors, and of good esteem in the World, are ashamed the World should know the Mistakes and Errors of all their life past, and what deluded Fools and self-de­ceivers they have been: This is a powerful re­straint upon Conviction; how shall they look their Acquaintance in the face? What will Men think and say of them? How can ye believe which re­ceive Honour one of another? Saith Christ, Iohn 5. 44. q. d. What you be Christians, and yet not able to endure a censure, or a scoff upon your Names? That stand more upon your Reputation, than your Salvation: How can you believe?

[Page 17] Oh what Madness and exalted Folly appears in this Case! Men will chuse rather to go on, though Conscience tells them the end of that way will be Death, than suffer the shame of a just and necessa­ry retraction, which yet indeed is not their shame, but their Duty, and Glory. You that are so ten­der of the shame of men, how will you be able to endure the contempt and shame that shall be cast on you from God, Angels and Men in the great Day? Luk 9▪26. 'Tis no shame to acknowledge your mistake, but persist in it after Conviction, is shame­ful Madness.

I knew an excellent Minister, who proved an eminent Instrument in the Church of God, who in the beginning of his Ministerial Course, was not upon the right Foundation of Regeneration. This Man had rare Abilities, excellent Natural and Ac­quired Gifts, and could Preach of Regeneration, Faith, and Heavenly-mindedness, though he felt nothing of these things in his own Experience. His Life was very unblameable, and he had no mean Interest and esteem among good men. It pleased the Lord whilst this Man was studying an excellent Spiritual Point to preach to others, his Conscience first preach'd it in his Study to himself, and that with such a close and rousing Application, as made him to tremble at it; telling him, that though he had Gifts above many, and sobriety in his Conversation; yet one thing, and that the main thing Sanctifying Grace was wanting. Hereupon the pangs of the New Birth seized his Soul, and the Lord made him a most inward, searching, experi­mental Minister, and crown'd his Labours with un­usual Success. This Minister to his dying day, was [Page 18] not ashamed in all companies to acknowledge his mistake, and bless God for his recovery out of it, and in most of his Sermons, he would endeavour to convince Professors of the necessity of a second Conversion.

(2.) Fear is another pull-back, which with-holds men from executing the Convictions of their own Consciences, and obeying its calls in this grand case and concern of the Soul. They are pretty easie and safe under the External Profession, and Duties of Religion, and are afraid of throwing up their vain hopes, and engaging themselves heartily and tho­roughly in Religion, and there be two things scare them.

(1) The inward pains and troubles of Spirit at­tending the New-Birth; which they have read and heard of, and seen the effects of in others. Oh 'tis a dreadful thing to lye under the Terrors that many have felt, and so 'tis with them as with one that hath a bone ill set, who if he have any ease, will rather endure a little dayly pain, and be content to halt all his Life, than undergoe the pain of another fraction or dislocation in order to a perfect cure.

(2) They are afraid of External Sufferings. The form of Godliness leaves men a latitude to take or leave according as the times favour or frown upon the wayes of Religion, but the power of Godliness that will engage and put them beyond retreat: They must then stand to it, come what will. But Soul let me tell thee if the just fears and apprehensions of Hell, and the Eternal Wrath of God were upon thee, to which thy Hypocrisie and formality will [Page 19] expose thee; all these fears of inward or outward troubles would vanish the same Hour.

(3.) Pride of Heart suffers not this Conviction of Conscience to work out its effects, but holds this Truth in unrighteousness, to the hazard and ruine of many Souls. Men that live upon their own Duties, and Self-Righteousness are not easily brought to renounce all this, and live upon the Righteousness of Christ alone for Justification. Proud nature will rather venture the hazzard of Damnation than such self denial, Rom. 10. 3. As you see it common among poor People, to live meanly on coarse Fare of their own, than upon the Almes and bounty of another.

O but if once the day of Gods Power be come, and a man begins to feel the Commandment come home to his Conscience as Paul did, Rom. 7. 9. when he comes to realize the World to come, the value of his Soul, and the danger it is in; then all these Remora's are as easily swept away, as so many straws by the rapid Course of a mighty torrent. Then let men say or think what they please, I must not throw away my own Soul, to maintain a vain Estimation among men. Let inward or outward sufferings be never so great, 'tis better for me to feel them, than to suffer the everlasting wrath of the great and terrible God. Let my own Righte­ousness be what it will, all is but dung and dross to the pure and perfect Righteousness of Christ.

Secondly, As this General Conviction with re­spect to Mens State and Condition is held in Un­righteousness, and Men and Women go with grum­bling [Page 20] Consciences and frequent inward Fears by reason of it: so there are many particular Convicti­ons bound and imprisoned in Mens Souls. Particu­lar Convictions I say, both as to sins committed, and known Duties omitted against both Tables of the Law of God; called in the Text, ungodliness and unrighteousness. Conscience labours and strives to bring men to confess, bewail, and reform them, but cannot prevail; contrary Lusts and Interests overpower them, and detain them in unrighteous­ness. What these are, and how they are with-held by those Lusts, I shall give some Instances.

I. Instance.

And First, for Convictions of Vngodliness. There are many that call themselves Christians, whose Consciences tell them God is to be daily and duely worshipped by them, both in Family, and Closet Prayer. It sets before them Iosua's pious practice, Ios. 24. 15. As for me, I and my house we will serve the Lord. They know God is the Founder, the Owner, the Master of their Families; that all Fa­mily Blessings are from him, and therefore he is to be owned, acknowledged and sought, in daily Fa­mily Prayers and Praises. It tells them the Curse of God hangs over prayerless Families, Ier. 10. 25. and that they live in the inexcusable neglect of these Duties, seldom worshipping of God with their Fa­milies, or in their Closets; and that therefore they live without God in the World. And dreadful will the account and reckoning be at the Great Day, for their own Souls, which they have starved for want of Closet Prayer, and for the Souls commit­ted to their charge, which perish for want of Family [Page 21] Duties. This is the case of many who yet will needs pass for Professors of Christianity.

Lord, how sad a case is here? How can men possibly live in the daily neglect of so great, so necessary a Duty? Certainly 'tis not for want of Light or Conviction, the very light of Nature, if we had no Bibles, discovers these Duties. But three things hold this Truth of God dictated by Mens Consciences in Unrighteousness, viz.

  • 1. The Love of the World.
  • 2. Consciousness of Inability.
  • 3. A Disinclined Heart.

First, The Love of the World choaks this Convi­ction in the Souls of some; and they think it enough to plead for their Excuse, the want of opportuni­ties, and many encumberances they have, which will not allow them time for these Duties. The World is a severe Taskmaster, and fills their heads and hands all the day with Cares and Toyles.

And must the mouth of Conscience then be stop­ped with such a plea as this? No, no, God and Conscience will not be answered and put off so. The greatest number of Persons in the World from whom God hath the most Spiritual and excellent Worship; are of the lower and poorer rank, Psal. 74. 20. Iam. 2. 5. And its highly probable your Necessities had been less, if your Prayers had been more▪ And what sweeter outlet and vent to all these troubles can you find, than Prayer? This would sweeten all your Labours and Sorrows in the World.

[Page 22] Secondly, Consciousness and sense of Inability and want of Gifts, restrains this Conviction in others. Should they attempt such duties before others, they shall but expose their own ignorance & shame.

But this is a vain pretence of shake off Duty. The neglect of Prayer is a principal Cause of that inability you complain of. Gifts as well as Grace grow by Exercise. To him that hath shall be given, and he shall have more abundantly. And besides, 'tis the fruit of Pride, and argues your eye to be more upon your own Honour than Gods. The Lord regards not Oratory in Prayer; your broken Expressions, yea, your Groans and Sighs please him more than all the Eloquence in the VVorld.

Thirdly, But the principal thing that restrains Men from obeying their Convictions as to Fa­mily and Closet Prayer is, A disinclined Heart. That's the root and true cause, of these sinful neg­lects and Omissions. You favour not the sweet­ness of these things, and what a man relishes no sweet­ness in, or finds no necessity of, is easily omitted and let pass.

But wo to you that go from day to day self con­demned for the neglect of so known, so sweet, and so necessary a Duty. If our Hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts, I Ioh. 3. 20. He that lives without Prayer, is dead whilst he lives; and let men talk what they please, of secret Com­munion with God; I am sure, if Religion did thrive in the Closet, it could never be banished out of the Family. The time is coming also when death will disband and break up your Families, separate the VVife from the Husband, the Child from the Pa­rent, the Servant from the Master; and then where [Page 23] you shall find relief and comfort who have spent your time together so sinfully and vainly, I can­not tell, nor what account you can give to God in the great day. Think sadly on these things, they are worth thinking on.

II. Instance.

A second Instance of Vngodliness continued in un­der the Convictions of Conscience, is Formali [...]y in all the external duties of Religion, and Ordinances of God. Have not some of your Consciences often and plainly told you that though you be often in­gaged in the publick duties of Hearing, Prayer, &c. yet your hearts are not with God in those duties. They do not work after communion and fellowship with him therein. 'Tis nothing but the force of E­ducation, Custom, and care of Reputation brings you there.

Such a conviction as this could it work home, and do its work throughly, would be the salvation of thy Soul. Were power added to the form, as Conscience would have it, thou wert then a real Christian, and out of the danger of Hell. The want of this thy Conscience sees will be thy ruin, and accordingly gives thee plain warning of it. O what pity is it such a conviction as this should be held in Unrighteousness! but so it is in very many souls, and that on several accounts.

First, Because Hypocrisie is so odious and abo­minable a sin that men are loath to own and acknow­ledge it how guilty so ever they be of it. What, dissemble with God, and play the Hypocrite with him; 'tis so black and foul a Crime that men cannot [Page 24] easily be brought to charge themselves with it▪ They may have the infirmities which are common to the best of men, but yet they are no hypocrites, thus Pride of Heart casts a chain upon this convicti­on, and binds it that it cannot do its work.

Secondly, 'Tis a cheap and easie way to give God the external Service and Worship of the Body, but Heart-work is hard work. To sit or kneel an hour or two is no great matter, but to search, hum­ble, and break the Heart for sin; to work up the dead and earthly Affections into a spiritual heavenly frame, this will cost many an hard tugg. 'Tis no severe task to sit before God as his people, whilst the fancy and thoughts are left at liberty to wander which way they please, as the thoughts of formal Hypocrites use to do, Ezek. 33. 31. but to set a watch upon the heart, to summon in the Thoughts to God, to retract every wandering thought with a sigh; this is difficult, and the difficulty overpowers conviction of duty.

Thirdly, The Atheisme of the heart quenches this conviction in mens Souls. Formality is a secret invisible sin, not discernable by man; the outside of Religion looks fair to mans eye, and so long its well enough, as if there were not a God that trieth the hearts and the reins. This when a beam of light and conviction shines into the Soul, a cloud of natural Atheism overshaddows and darkens it.

But poor self-couzening-hypocrite, these things must not pass so; thy Conscience as well as the Word tell thee that it is not the place of Worship, but the spirituality of it that God regards, Ioh. 4. 23, 24. That they are Hypocrites in Scripture ac­count, [Page 25] who have God in their mouthes, but he is far from their reins, Ier. 12. 2. and that hypocrites will have the hottest place in Hell, Matth. 24. 51.

III. Instance.

A Third instance of Convictions of ungodliness held in unrighteousness is in declining or denying to consfess the known truths of God, which we our selves have professed, when the confession of them infers danger.

In times of danger conscience struggles hard with men to appear for the Truths of God, and upon no account whatsoever, to dissemble or deny them; and enforceth its Counsels and VVarnings upon us with such awful Scriptures as these, Luk. 9. 62. No man having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. And Matth. 10. 33. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my father which is in heaven. In this case Conscience useth to struggle hard with men, yet is many times over-born, by the preva­lent Temptations of the Flesh, as

First, By Carnal Fears. The fear of Suffering gets the ascendant of the fear of God. Men chuse rather to adventure their Souls upon Wrath to come, than the present VVrath of incensed Enemies. They vainly hope to find mercy with God, but expect none from men. Thus the fear of man brings a snare, Prov. 29. 25. and so the voice of conscience is drowned, by the louder clamours and threats of Adversaries.

Secondly, As the fear of mans Threatenings, so [Page 26] the distrust of Gods Promises defeats the design of Conscience. If men believed the promises, they would never be afraid of their duties. Faith in a promise would make men as bold as Lions. If such a word as that Isa. 57. 11. Of whom hast thou been afraid or feared, that thou hast lyed, and hast not re­membred me? Men would say, as Zuinglius did in the like case, what Death would I not rather chuse to dye? what punishment would I not rather under­go? yea, into what vault of Hell would I not rather chuse to be cast, than to witness against my own conscience?

Thirdly, The immoderate and inordinate Love of the VVorld overpowers conscience, and drowns its voice in such an hour of Temptation. So Demas found it, 2 Tim. 4. 10. O what a dangerous conflict is there in an hour of Temptation betwixt an enlight­ned head, and a worldly heart?

Lastly, The Examples of others who comply, and embrace the sinful termes of Liberty to escape the danger emboldens men to follow their Examples, and Satan will not be wanting to improve their Ex­amples. Don't you see such and such men beating the road before you? Learned Men, and prudent men, who it may be have less heat, but more VVis­dom than you. VVhy will you be singular? VVhy will you hazzard all for that others will hazzard nothing.

But certainly such sins as these will cost you dear, 'tis a dreadful thing to betray the Truths and Hon­our of God, for base secular ends; and you will find it so, when you and your consciences shall de­bate it together in a calm hour.

[Page 27] Secondly, There are also sins of Vnrighteousness, against the Second Table, in which many live against the plain dictates and warnings of their own Con­sciences, though they know the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all unrighteousness of men, who hold the Truth in unrighteousness. To give some Instances of this.

I. Instance.

And first let me Instance in that sin of Defrauding, and going beyond others in our civil Commerce and Dealings with them; over-reaching, cozening, and cheating the ignorant or unwary, who it may be would not be so unwary as they are, did they not repose trust and confidence in your deceitful words and promises. Conscience cannot but startle at such sins, the very Light of Nature discovers the evil of it, and the sober Heathen abhor it; but we that live under the Gospel cannot but feel some terror and trembling in our Consciences when we read such a severe and awful prohibition back'd with such a dreadful threatening as that is in 1 Thes. 4. 6. That no man defraud or go beyond his brother in any matter, because that the Lord is the Avenger of all such. The word is, [...], that no man overtop, viz. by power or by craft and policy. To this sin a dreadful threatening is annexed, the Lord is the Avenger of all such. The word is [...], but once more that I remember used in the New Testament, Rom. 13. 4. and is there applied to the Civil Magistrate, he must see Execution done upon Malefactors, but here, the Lord himself will do it, he will be this mans Avenger. This Rod, or rather this Ax, Conscience shews men, and gives [Page 28] warning of the danger, and yet its Convictions are overpowered and bound as Prisoners, by

(1.) The Excessive Love of Gain; 1 Tim. 6. 9. But they that will be rich, fall into Temptation, and a snare; and into many foolish and hurtful Lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. When a resolution is made for the world, men will be rich by right or wrong, this powerfully armes the Temptation. Set Gain before such a man, and he will break through the Law of God, and convicti­ons of Conscience but he will have it. This drowns them in perdition and destruction, that is, it surely, throughly, and fully ruins them; as he is a dead man that is only drowned, but to be drowned in destru­ction, yea in destruction and perdition too; this must needs make his ruin sure; as sure as words can make it, and so all such persons shall surely find it, who persist in such a Course.

(2.) Pinching Necessities and Straights overbear Conscience in others. Necessity hath no Ears to attend the voice of the Word and Conscience. Here Conscience and Poverty struggle together, and if the Fear of God be not exalted in the Soul, it now falls a prey to Temptation. This danger wise Agur foresaw, and earnestly intreated the Lord for a competency, to avoid the snare of Poverty, Prov. 30. 8, 9. Poor Wretch! how much better were it for thee to endure the pains of a griping stomach, than those of a griping Conscience? such gains may be sweet in thy mouth, but bitter in thy Bowels.

(3.) The Examples of others who daily venture on such sins without scruple, and laugh at such squeamish Consciences as cheque at such things: this emboldens others to follow them, Psal. 50. 18, and thus the voice of Conscience is drowned, and [Page 29] Convictions buried for a time, but it will Thunder at last, and thy buried convictions wil have a Re­surrection, and it shall be out of thy power to si­lence them again.

II. Instance.

The truth of God is held in Unrighteousness, when mens Lusts will not suffer them to restore, what they have sinfully and unjustly gotten into their hands. This Sin lies boking in the Consciences of some men, makes them very uneasie, and yet they make an hard shift to rub along under these regrets of Conscience. Now those things which make a forcible entry into the Conscience, take the truths of God Prisoners, and bind them, that they cannot break forth into the duty of Restitution are,

(1.) The shame which attends and follows the duty to which God and Conscience calls the Soul. O 'tis a shame and reproach they think, to get the name of a cheat. Loath, loath they are, these works of darkness should come into the open Light; men will point, and hiss at them; and say, there goes a Thief, a Cheat, an Oppressor; this keeps many from Restitution.

But dost thou not here commit a greater Cheat than the former? Which is the greater shame thinkst thou? to commit sin, or to confess and reform it? to tye the snare upon thy soul by Commission, or loose it off from thy Conscience by Repentance and Restitution? to be the derision of wicked men, (for none else will deride thee for thy duty) or to be the contempt and derision of God, Angels, and all good Men for ever. To attain inward peace at this [Page 30] hazzard, or to lie under the continual lashes and wounds of thy own Conscience?

(2.) Poverty and inability is sometimes pleaded to quiet the troubled Conscience; and indeed this is a just and very frequent blast of God upon ill gotten goods. The curse of God is upon them. They melt away. O what a miserable snare have you now intangled your souls in? once you could, but would not restore, a Worldly heart would not part with unjust gains; now you would, but cannot. Thus a worldly heart, and an empty purse holds you first and last under the guilt of a known sin. A lamentable case!

(3.) Vain purposes do often suppress and silence convictions, my condition may after, I may be in a capacity hereafter when I can better spare it than at present. Or I'le do it in my last Will when I dye, and charge my Executors with it. Thus do men bribe their Consciences, to get a little quiet whilst they continue under known guilt, and cannot tell how soon death shall summon them to the aweful Bar of a just and terrible God.

Sirs, As you value your peace, and which is more, your Souls; release the Lords Prisoner which lyes bound within you, with cords and chains of Satans making; do it I say, as you hope to see the face of God in peace. You know without Repen­tance, there can be no Salvation; and without Re­stitution, no Repentance: For how can you re­pent of a sin you still knowingly continue in? Re­pentance is the Souls turning from sin, as well as its sorrow for sin. You cannot therefore repent of sin, and still continue in it; How shall we that are dead [Page 31] to sin, continue any longer therein? Rom. 6. 2. Trust Providence for the supply of your wants, and the wants of yours, in ways of Duty and Righteous­ness. A little that a Righteous man hath is better than the Riches of many wicked. You'l have more comfort in Bread and Water with peace of Conscience than in full Tables with Gods curse. You'l lye more at ease on a burden of Straw, than on a Bed of Down with a grumbling conscience.

III. Instance.

How many lye under the condemnations of their own consciences for the lusts of Uncleanness, in which they live? and though they read, and their consciences apply to them such Scriptures as that, 1. Cor. 6. 9. Be not deceived, neither Fornicators, nor Idolaters, nor Adulterers, nor Effeminate, nor Abusers of themselves with mankind, &c. shall inhe­rit the Kingdom of God; a dreadful Sentence: and that, Heb. 13. 4. Whoremongers and Adulterers God will judge: Yet convictions are overborn and sti­fled by

(1.) The Impetuous Violence of carnal Lusts, which permit not of calm debates; but hurry them on to the sin, and leave them to consider the evil and dangerous consequences afterward. Thus they go, as an Oxe to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks, Prov. 7. 22. Lust besots them. To give counsel now, is but to give Phy­sick in a Paroxisme, or counsel to him that is run­ning a Race, Lust answers conscience as Antipater did one that presented him a Book treating of [Page 32] Happiness, [...], I have no leisure to read such Discourses.

(2.) Others would feign solve their scruples, with the sinful failings of good men, as David, So­lomon, &c. not considering what brokenness of Heart it cost David, Psal. 51. and the other, sor­row more bitter than death, Eccl. 7. 26. Laeta ve­nire venus, tristis abire solet. This is a presump­tuous way of sinning, and how dreadful that is, see Numb. 15. 30.

IV. Instance.

Truth is often held in unrighteousness by sinful Silence, in not reproving other mens sins, and there­by making them our own. We are sometimes cast into the company of ungodly Men, where we hear the name of our God blasphemed, the Truth, Wor­ship, or Servants of God reproached; and have not so much courage to appear for God, as others have to appear against him. In such cases Conscience useth to instigate men to their duty, and charge it home upon them in the authority of such a Scripture, as that Lev. 19. 17. Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart, thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. O saith Conscience, thy si­lence now will be thy sin. This poor wretch may perish for want of a seasonable, plain, and faithful rebuke. Thy silence will harden him in his wick­edness. No sooner doth such a conviction stir in the Conscience, but many things are ready to lay hold on it; as

(1.) A Spirit of Cowardice, which makes us afraid to displease men; and chuses rather the wrath [Page 33] of God should fall on them, than that their wrath should fall on us. We dare not take as much li­berty to reprove sin, as others do to commit it. They glory in their shame, and we are ashamed of what is both our glory, and our duty.

(2.) Dependance on, or near relation to the Person sinning. 'Tis a Father, an Husband, a Su­perior on whose favour I depend; and should I dis­please him, I may ruine my self: this is the voice of the Flesh. Hence duty is neglected, and the Soul of a Friend basely betrayed. Our Interest preferr'd to Gods, and thereby frequently lost: for there is no way to secure our own interest in any mans heart, as to settle it by our Faithfulness in his Conscience, and by being willing to hazzard it for Gods interest and glory. The Lord blesseth Mens Faithfulness above all their sinful Carnal Policies, Prov. 28. 23. He that rebuketh a man, afterwards shall find more favour than he that flattereth with his lips.

(3.) Mens own Guilt stops their Mouths, and silences them. They are ashamed and afraid to reprove other mens sins, left they should hear of their own. Fear of Retortion keeps them from the duty of Reprehension. Thus we fall into a new sin for fear of reviving an old one. He that reproveth a scorner, getteth to himself shame; and [...] that rebuketh a wicked man, getteth himself a bist. Prov. 9. 7.

But this is the fruit of our Pride and Ignorance, What we fear might turn to our benefit. The Re­proof given is a Duty discharged, and the Retor­tion [Page 34] in return, a fresh call to Repentance for sin past, and a caution against sin to come.

V. Instance.

Another Instance of Convictions of unrighteous­ness imprisoned in mens Souls, is in not distributing to the necessities of others, especially such as fear God, when it is in the power of our hands to do it, and Conscience as well as Scripture calls us to our Duty.

Men cannot be ignorant of that Text, Math. 25. 40, 41. where by a Synecdoche, Charity to the Saints is by Christ put for the whole of Obedience; and mens Eternal States are cast according to their observance of this command; though I fear few, very few study and believe it as they ought. Thou canst, saith Conscience if thou wilt relieve such or such a poor Christian, and therein express thy love to Christ; yea refresh the bowels of Christ, do it, God will repay it; if thou refusest, how dwelleth the love of God in thee? 1 Ioh. 3. 17. This is the Voice of God and Conscience, but divers Lusts are ready to lay hold on and bind this Conviction also, assoon as it stirs, viz.

(1) The excessive love of Earthly things. The World is got so deep in mens Hearts, that they will rather part with their peace, yea and with their Souls too, than to part with it. Hence come those Churlish answers like that of Nabal, 1 Sam. 25. 11. Shall I take my bread, and my water, and my flesh; and give it to men, whom I know not whence they be?

[Page 35] (2.) Unbelief, which denies to give Honour and due Credit to Christs Bills of Exchange drawn upon them in Scripture and presented to them by the hands of his poor Saints. They refuse I say to credit them, though Conscience protest against them, for their Non-compliance. Christ saith, Mark 9. 41. Whosoever shall give you a cup of cold water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. He shall gain that which he cannot lose, by parting with that which he cannot keep.

(3.) The want of love to Jesus Christ. Did we love Christ in sincerity, and were that love so fervent as it ought to be; it would make thee more ready to lay down thy neck for Christ, than thou now art to lay out a shilling for him. 1 Ioh. 3. 16. 'Tis our Duty in some cases to spend our blood for the Saints. So it was in the primitive times, Be­hold ( [...]said the Christians Enemies) how they love one another, and are willing to dye one for a­nother. But that Spirit is almost extinguished in these degenerate dayes.

VI. Instance.

How many stand convinced by their own Con­sciences what a sin it is to spend their precious time so idly and vainly as they do? When a day is lost in vanity, duties neglected, no good done or re­ceived; at night Conscience reckons with them for it, and askes them what account they can give of that day to God. How they are able to satisfie themselves to lye down and sleep under so much guilt? and yet when the morrow comes, the va­nity [Page 36] of their hearts carries them on in the same Course again the next day; and whilst they keep themselves in vain Company, they are quiet, till Conscience finds them at leisure to debate it again with them. Now the things which master Con­viction are

(1.) In some men, their Ignorance and Insensibi­lity of the Preciousness of time. They know 'tis their sin, to spend their time so vainly, but little consider that Eternity it self hangs upon this little Moment of Time; and that the great work of their Salvation will require all the time they have, and if it be not finished in this small allottment of time, it can never be finished, Ioh. 9. 4.

(2.) The Examples of other vain persons, that are as Prodigal of their precious time as them­selves, and entice them to spend it as they do.

(3.) The charming power of sensual Lusts and Pleasures, Oh how pleasantly doth time slide away in Playes, Alehouses, in relating or hearing taking Stories, News, &c.

(4.) Inconsiderateness of the sharp and terrible rebukes of Conscience for this on a Death-bed, or the terrors of the Lord in the day of Judgment.

In all these Instances you see how common this dreadful evil of holding the truth in unrighteousness is; yet these are but a few selected from among many.

[Page 37] (5.) In the next place I am obliged to shew, how and why the imprisoning of Convictions, or holding the Truths of God in Unrighteousness, so dreadful­ly incenseth his Wrath. And this it doth upon se­veral accounts:

(1.) Knowledge and Conviction of sin is an excellent means, or choice help to preserve Men from falling into sin: There be Thousands of sins committed in the World, which had never been committed, if Men had known them to be sins, be­fore they committed them. Every Sinner durst not make so bold with his Conscience as you have done. The Apostle tells us the reason why the Princes of this World crucified the Lord of Glory, was, be­cause they knew him not, 1 Cor. 2. 8. Had they known him, they would not have dared to do as they did. And so it is in multitudes of lower and lesser sins than that, Satan mops their Eyes with Ignorance, then uses their Hands and Tongues in Wickedness; he is the Ruler of the darkness of the World: Eph. 6. 12. But when Men do know this or that to be sin, and yet venture on it, here an excellent Antidote against sin is turned into a dread­ful aggravation of sin, which highly incenses the Wrath of God.

(2.) Knowledge and Conviction going before, adds presumption to the Sin that follows after it; and presumptuous Sin is the most provoking and da­ring Sin; from this way of sinning David earnestly beseeches God to keep him, Keep back thy servant (saith he) from presumptuous sins: When a man sees sin, and yet adventures on it, in such sinning there is a despising of the Law of God: A Man may [Page 38] break the Law, whilst he approves, reverences, and honours it in his heart, Rom. 7. 12, 13. but here the Commandment is despised, as God told David, 2 Sam. 12. 9. 'Tis as if a Man should say, I see the Command of God armed with threatnings in my way, but yet I will go on for all that.

(3.) Knowledge and Conviction leave the Con­science of a Sinner naked, and wholly without ex­cuse or apologie for his sin: In this case there is no plea left to extenuate the offence: Iohn 15. 22. Now they have no cloak for their sin; if a man sins ignorantly, his ignorance is some excuse for his sin, it excuses it at least a tanto, as Paul tells us, thus and thus I did, but I did it ignorantly: Here is cloak or covering, an excuse or extenuation of the sin, but knowledge takes away this cloak, and makes the sin appear naked in all the odious deformity of it; nothing left to hide it.

(4.) Light or Knowledge of the Law and Will of God, is a very choice and excellent Mercy; 'tis a choice and singular favour, for God to make the light of Knowledge to shine into a Mans mind or understanding: 'Tis a Mercy withheld from multi­tudes, Psal. 147. 19. and those that injoy it, are under special engagements to bless God for it, and to improve it diligently and thankfully to his Ser­vice and Glory; but for a Man to arm such a Mercy as this against God, to fight against him with one of his choicest Mercies, this must be highly provoking to the Lord: 'Tis therefore mention'd as an high aggravation of Solomons sin in the 1 Kings 11. 9. that he sinned against the Lord, after the Lord had appeared unto him twice.

[Page 39] (5.) This way of sinning argues an extraordina­ry degree of hardness of heart; 'Tis a sign of little tenderness, or sense of the evil of sin: Some Men, when God shews them the evil of sin in the glass of the Law, they tremble at the sight of it: So did Paul, Rom. 7. 13. When the Commandment came, sin re­vived, and he died; he sunk down at the sight of it: But God shews thee the evil of sin in the glass of his Law, and thou makest nothing of it: O obdu­rate heart! When the Rod was turned into a Serpent, Moses fled from it, was afraid to touch it, but though God turns the Rod into a Serpent, and discovers the venomous Nature of Sin in his Word, thou canst handle and play with that Serpent, and put it into thy bosome, this shews thy heart to be of a strange complexion.

(6.) To go against the convincing warning voice of Conscience, violates and wounds a Mans Con­science more, than any other way of sinning doth; and when Conscience is so wounded, who, or what shall then comfort thee? 'Tis a true Rule, Maxima violatio Conscientiae, est maximum peccatum: The more any sin violates a mans Conscience, the grea­ter that sin is: The sin of Devils is the most dread­ful sin, and what makes it so, but the horrid viola­tion of their Consciences, and malicious Rebellion against their own Light and clear Knowledge, Iames 2. 19. They know and sin, they believe and trem­ble, [...], they roar under the Tortures of Conscience like the Rote of the Sea, or noise of the Rocks before a Storm.

O then, if there be any degree of sense and ten­derness left in you, if any fear of God, or regard [Page 40] to salvation; let go all Gods Prisoners which lye bound and are imprisoned in any of your Souls this day: Blessed be God some have done so, and are at ease, and rest in their spirits by so doing: They could have no ease till they unbound them, and yiel­ded obedience to them. 'Tis said, Acts 16. 38. that when the Magistrates of Philippi understood, that those Men whom they had bound and im­prisoned, were Romans, they feared, and well they might, for the punishment was great for any Man that injured a Citizen, or Freeman of Rome; but every Conviction you imprison is a Messenger of Heaven, a Commission Officer of God, and woe to him that binds or abuseth it. Do you know what you do? Are you aware of the danger? Wast thou not afraid (said David to the Amalakite) to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the Lords Anointed? So say I, Art thou not afraid to destroy the immedi­ate Messenger of God sent to thy Soul for good? Conviction is a kind of Embrio of Conversion; the Conversion and Salvation of thy Soul would be the Fruit of it, were it obeyed: Thy strivings with it causes it to miscarry, renders it Abortive, and thy Life must go for it, except God revive and recover it again: As you know the Law is for striking a pregnant Woman, Exod. 21, 22, 23. Loose then every Man the Lords Prisoners, I mean your re­strained stifled Convictions, stifle them no longer, you see what a dreadful aggravation of sin it is, and that the Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of Men that hold the truth in Unrighteousness.

I. USE. For Information.

I. Inference.

This will prove a fruitful Doctrine to inform us, First, That knowledge in it self, is not enough to se­cure the Soul of any Man from Hell.

No Gifts, no Knowledge, but that only which is operative and influential upon the Heart and Life, and to which we pay Obedience, can secure any Man from Wrath, Iohn 13. 17. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them: The greatest sins may be found in Conjunction with the grea­test knowledge, as you see in the fallen Angels: Light is then only a Blessing, when guides the Soul into the way of Duty and Obedience; there's ma­ny a knowing head in Hell: Yet from hence let no Man indulge himself in Ignorance, or shun the means of knowledge, that he may sin more freely, and less dangerously; for you must account with God for all that knowledge you might have had, as well as for that you had; for the means of know­ledge he gave you, as well as for that knowledge you did actually attain by them.

II. Inference.

What singular and choice Mercy is a tender Con­science! A Conscience yielding Obedience to Con­viction! A drop of such tenderness in the Consci­ence is better than a Sea of speculative knowledge in the head, 1 Cor. 12. 31. Many poor Christians are ashamed to see themselves so out-stripped and [Page 42] excelled by others in Gifts, and apt to be discoura­ged, but if God have blessed thee with a tender obediential Heart to the Will of God, so far as he is pleased to manifest it to thee; thou hast no reason to be discouraged for want of those Excellent Gifts and parts others do enjoy: You cannot discourse floridly, nor dispute subtilly; but can you obey con­scienciously, and comply with the manifested Will of God tenderly? Then happy art thou, O! 'Tis far better to feel a Truth, than meerly to know it: It was the high Commendation of the Romans, that they obeyed from the Heart that form of Gospel­Doctrine which was delivered them, Rom. 6. 17. or into which rather, [...] they were delivered, as mel­ted Metals are into the Moulds. Two Learned Di­vines travelling to the Council of Constance, were affected even to Tears, at the sight of a Shepherd in the Fields, mourning and melting at the sight of a Toad; and blessing God that he had not made him such a loathsome Creature; whereupon they ap­plyed Austins words to themselves, Surgunt in­docti, &c. The Unlearned will rise and take Hea­ven from the Learned: Thy little knowledge made effectual by Obedience, is more sanctified, more sweet, and more saving than other Mens; and there­fore of much greater value: 'Tis more sanctified, for the Blessing of God is upon it, Gal. 6. 16. 'Tis more sweet, for you relish the goodness, as well as discern the Truth of Gospel-Doctrines, Psal. 119. 103. 'Tis not an insipid dry speculation, and then 'tis more saving, being one of those better things that accompanieth Salvation, as it is, Heb. 6. 9.

III. Inference.

Learn hence in the third place, What an uncom­fortable Life knowing, but unregenerate Men and Wo­men do live: They are frequently in Wars and Com­bats with their own Consciences, Isa. 46. 22. There is no peace to the wicked, saith my God. They and their Consciences are ever and anon at Daggers draw­ing: They have little pleasure in Sin, and none at all in Religion: They have none in Religion, because they obey not its Rules, and little in Sin, because their Consciences are still gauling and terrifying them for imprisoning their Convictions.

'Tis true, some Mens Consciences are seared as with an hot Iron, 1 Tim. 4. 2. but most have grum­bling, and some have raging, and roaring Consci­ences; they seldom come under the Word, or Rod, but their Consciences lash them: And when Death approaches, the Terrours of the Almighty do shake and terrifie them: Altogether to neglect Duty, they dare not, and how to escape a lash from their Consciences they know not. Feign they would have the pleasures of sin, but then like Balaam they meet a Sword in the way; they plunge themselves into Earthly diversions, like Cain, to be rid of a Fury within them, but all will not do. Is this a Life for thee Reader to live? No peace with God, nor any with thy self? No, no, expect no peace whilst thy Convictions lye bound and imprison'd in thy Conscience: Sin for a moment is sweet in thy mouth, but its presently turned into the Gall of Aspes within thee Ioh 20. 14. O that you did but know the pleasures of a pure peaceable Consci­ence, [Page 44] ence, and how much it excels all the delights of sense and sin!

IV. Inferences.

Ministers had need often to repeat and inculcate the same Truths to their hearers: For the work is not half done, when Truth is got into the minds and Conscien­ces of Men.

Our work sticks at the Heart, more than the Head: The Understanding is many times open'd when the Heart and Will are lockt, and fast barr'd against it: To open the passages betwixt the Head and Heart is the greatest difficulty; this is the work of Almighty Power: There is knowledge enough in some Mens heads to save them, but it hath not its Liberty: Restrained Truth cannot do its Of­fice: Tis much easier to convince the Mind, than to change the Heart, or bow the Will: The hardest part of the Ministerial work is to preach Truths into the Hearts and Lives of Men. This makes the frequent inculcations of the same Truths necessary and safe to the peoples Souls, Phil. 3. 1. To write the same things unto you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.

V. Inference.

How astonishing and wonderful is the Power and Strength of Sin, which can hold Men fast, after their Eyes are open'd to see the Misery and Danger it hath involved them in.

One would think if a mans eyes were but once [Page 45] opened to see the Moral Evil that is in sin, and the Everlasting train of Paenal Evils that follow sin; to­gether with a way of escape from both; it should be impossible to hold that sinner a day longer in such a state of Bondage; the work were then as good as done; but alass, we are mistaken; sin can hold those Men and Women fast, that see all this. They know it is an horrid violation of Gods just and holy Laws, they know it brings them under his Wrath and Curse, and will damn them to all Eternity if they continue in it: They know Christ is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, and that he is as willing, as he is able; and yet no Arguments can prevail with them to part with sin. Shew but a beast a flame of fire, and you cannot drive him into it, if he see any way to escape it. Tell a man this is rank poyson, and will kill you; and you cannot make him swallow it, though wrapt up in Sugar, or put into the most pleasant Vehicle. But let a sinner see death and destruction before him, and sin can make him rush on as a horse into the battle Ier. 8. 6. He goes as an Oxe to the slaughter. His heart is fully set in him to do evil, Eccl. 8. 11. As one said, when his Physitian told him, If he fol­lowed such a course of sin, he would in a little time lose his Eyes; Then, said he, vale lumen amicum, farewel sweet light, I cannot part with this practise. So tis with others, rather than forego their pleasures, and break their Customs in sin, farewel Heaven, Christ, and all. O the enchanting efficacy of Sin! Ier. I8. 11, 12, And they said, there is no hope, but we will walk after our own devises. When a man considers what Visions of Misery and Wrath Conviction gives Men, he may wonder that all convinced men are not converted; and on the otherside, when he [Page 46] considers the strong hold sin hath gotten upon the hearts of sinners, it may justly seem as great a won­der that any are converted:

VI. Inference.

How dreadful is the State and Case of Apostates, who have had their eyes opened, their Consciences a­wakened, their Resolutions for Christ seemingly fixed: and yet after all this, return again to their former course of Sin.

You see Brethren, sin hath not only power to hold men in Bondage to its Lusts after their eyes have been open'd; but it hath power to recover and fetch back those that seemed to have clean e­scaped out of its hands, 2 Pet. 2. 18, 19. The un­clean Spirit may depart for a time, and make his re-entry into the same soul, with seven Spirits worse than himself. Matth. 12. 43. Restraints by con­viction and formality do not wholly dispossess Satan, he still keeps his propriety in the Soul, for he calls it my house, and that propriety he keeps under all those Convictions and partial Reforma­tions opens to him and all his Hellish retinue a door for his return. But oh how doleful will the end of such Men be! and how just is that Martial Law of Heaven, that dooms the Apostate to Eternal Wrath! Heb. 10. 38. Such are 'twice dead, and will be pluckt up by the Root, Iude 12.

VII. Inference.

To conclude this Use, How sure and dreadful will be the condemnation of all those in the day of the [Page 47] Lord, who obstinately persist and continue in sin, under the Convictions and Condemnations of their own con­sciences!

Poor wretches, you are condemned already, Ioh. 3. 18. Condemned by the Law of God, and by the sentence of your own Consciences. What thy own Conscience saith according to Gods Law, God will confirm, and make it good, 1 Ioh. 3. 20. If our hearts condemn w, God is greater than our hearts, and knoweth all things. His sentence will be as clear, as it will be terrible; for in the last Day the Books will be opened; the book of Gods Omniscience, and the book of thine own Conscience. Now the book of Conscience is as it were a Tran­script or Counterpart of Gods book, for thee to keep in thine own bosom: Now when Gods book and thy own book shall be compared, and found exactly to agree, there can be no farther dispute of the Equity of the account. O when God shall charge thee saying, thou knewest this and that to be sin, and yet thy lusts hurried thee on to com­mit it; Is it not so? Look sinner into thine own book, and see if thy Conscience have not so charged it to thy Account. Thou knewest Prayer was thy duty, when thou neglectedst it; and over-reach­ing the lgnorant, Credulous and Unwary, was thy sin, when the love of gain tempted thee to it, You knew I had plainly told you Thest, Unclean­ness, Drunkenness, and Extortion, would bar you out of the Kingdom of Christ and of God, 1 Cor. 6. 9, 10. and yet putting that to the venture, you have lived in those sins; is it not so? Examine the book in your own bosom, and see. The Lord make men sensible of coming Wrath, for those sins [Page 48] they live in under light, for the Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against them.


Is the Wrath of God revealed from Heaven a gainst all that hold the Truth in Unrighteousness? Then let me exhort and perswade you, by all the regard and love you have for your Souls, by all the fears you have of the Incensed Wrath of the great and terrible God; that you forthwith set your Convictions at Liberty, and loose all the Lords Prisoners that lye bound within you, because there is Wrath beware, Iob 36. 18. O stifle the Voices of your own Consciences no more, slight not the softest whisper, or least intimation of Conscience; reverence and obey its Voice. Motives pressing and perswading this are many, yet estimate them by weight rather than by number.

I. Motive.

The Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven a­gainst them that hold the Truth in Unrighteousness, and because there is Wrath beware. Are you truly informed what the Wrath of God is? Who knoweth the power of thine anger? according to thy fear, so is thy wrath, Psal. 90. v. 11. O if the Wrath of a King (who in all his Glory is but a mortal Worm) be as the roaring of a Lyon, and as the Messengers of Death; Prov. 20. 2. Prov. 16. 14. What then is the power of his Wrath, at whose frowns the Kings of the Earth tremble, the Captains and the Mighty Men, shrink like worms into their holes! if the lesser Executions of it by [Page 49] Providence in this world, be so dreadful, that men, yea, good men have desired an hiding place in the Grave, till it be past; Iob 14. 13. then what is the full execution thereof upon the ungodly in the place of Torments! If the threats and denunciations of it against others, have made an Habakkuk, though assured of personal safety to quiver with his Lips, and tremble in his Bowels; as you see it did, Hab. 3. 16. How much more should those tremble and quiver who are to be the Subjects of it, and not the meer Heralds of it as he was! And (which is more than all) if Iesus Christ who was to feel it but a few Hours, and had the power of the Godhead to sup­port him under it; did notwithstanding, sweat as it had been great drops of blood, and was sore a­mazed; think with wthy self poor wretch, how shall thy heart endure, or thy hands be strong when thou hast to do with an incensed Deity?

II. Motive.

Till you let your Convictions go, Satan will not let you go He binds you, whilst you bind them. Here is the Command of God, and the Command of Satan in competition. Let go my Truths, saith God, which thou holdest in unrighteousness; bind and suppress them saith Satan, or they'll deprive thee of the liberty and pleasure of thy Life. Now, whilst thou slightest the voice of God and Conscience (for the voice of Consci­ence is the voice of God) dost thou not avowedly declare thy self the bond-slave of Satan? His Ser­vants ye are, to whom you obey, Rom. 6. 16. Dare not to make one step further in the way of known sin saith Conscience, continue not at thy Peril in such a dangerous state, after I have so clearly convinced [Page 50] and warned thee of it: fear not saith Satan, if it be bad with thee, 'twill be as bad with Millions. God will wound the heads of such as go in their Tres­passes saith Scripture, Psal. 68. 21. Tush, others do so, and escape as well as the most nice and tender, saith Satan. Now, I say, thy Obedience to Satans commands, plainly declares thee, all this while to be a poor enslaved Captive to him, acted and car­ried according to the Prince of the power of the air, the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of diso­bedience.

III. Motive.

Nay further, until you obey your Convictions, you are Confederates with the Devil in a desperate Plot against your own Souls. You joyn with Christs great and avowed Enemy to dishonour him, and damn your selves.

Two things make you Confederates with the Devil, against your own Souls.

First, Your Consent to this his Project, for your Damnation; for so your own Consciences out of the Scriptures inform you it is. Consent makes you a Party.

Secondly, Your Concealment of this Plot brings you in as a Party with him. Confess thy sin and bewail it saith Conscience, not so saith Pride and Shame, how shall I look men in the face if I do so? Don't you in all this believe Satan, and make God a Liar? Don't you act as men that hate your own Souls, and love death? Prov. 8. 36. O 'tis a [Page 51] dreadful thing for men to be accessary to their own Eternal Ruin, and that after fair warning and no­tice given them by their own Consciences. Satan (be his power what it will) cannot destroy you without your own Consent.

IV. Motive.

Whilst you go on stifling your own Convictions, and turning away your ears from its calls to Re­pentance and Reformation, you cannot be pardon­ed. You are in your sins, and the guilt of them all lies at your door. You may see what the Terms of Remission are, Isa. 55. 7. Let the wicked for sake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him turn unto the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, and he will abundantly pardon. So again, Prov. 28. 13. He that hardneth his neck shall not prosper, but he that confesseth and for saketh shall find mercy. You see by these, and may see by many more plain Scripture Testimonies, there can be no hope of Remission whilst you go on in this path of Rebellion; concealing, yea and persisting in your known wickedness. There is a necessary and inseparable Connection betwixt Repentance and Remission, Acts 5. 31. and Luke 24. 47. And can you endure guilt to be your Bedfellow during Life, and your Grave fellow after Death?

V. Motive.

You can never have peace with your own Con­sciences, whilst you keep Convictions Prisoners. Now a mans Conscience is his best Friend, or his worst Enemy. Thence are the sweetest Comforts, [Page 52] and thence are the bitterest Sorrows. 'Tis a dread­ful thing for a man to lie with a cold sweating Hor­ror upon his panting Bosom. Tum pallida mens est Criminibus, tacit a sudant praecordia culpâ. And this (or which is worse) Obduration and Stupidity must be the case of them that hold the Truth in Unrigh­teousness. There can be no sounding a retreat to these terrors, till Sheba's Head be thrown over the Walls; I mean, till that Sin your Conscience convinceth you of, be delivered up. As Israel could have no peace, till Achan was destroy'd, so thou shalt have no peace, whilst thy sin is covered, and hid. Men may cry peace, peace, to themselves, whilst they continue in sin, Deut. 29. 18, 19. but the sharpest troubles of Conscience, are better than such peace. Deliver up thy self Man, if thou love peace, into the hands of thy own Convictions, and thou art in the true way to peace. Thy rejoycing must be in the Testimony of thine own Conscience, as the Apostle speakes, 2 Cor. 1. 12. or thou rejoycest in a dream, in a delusion, in a thing of nought.

VI. Motive.

What dreadful Charges are you like to meet with upon your death-beds, on the account of those sins you have lived in, against Knowledge and Con­viction! Conscience is never more active and vigo­rous than in the last hours and moments of Life. Now, it will be stifled, and over-ruled no longer. It whispered before, but now it thunders. If a Man have a clear and quiet Conscience, his Evening is clear, and his Sun sets without Clouds, See Psal. 37 37. The end of that man is peace. In Contem­plation of this Felicity it was that Balaam uttered [Page 53] that wish, let my last end be like his: This peace is the result of a Mans integrity, and Obedience to the voice of Conscience, this being the Evidence, we can most safely rely upon, of our Uprightness, and Interest in Christ, but the result of such violences and abuses to thy Conscience, cannot be peace to thy Soul: 'Tis true, some wicked Men dye in seem­ing peace, and some good Men in trouble, but both the one and other are mistaken; the first, as to the good Estate he fancies himself in, and the other as to his bad Estate; and a few Moments will clear up the mistakes of both.

VII. Motive.

Obedience to Convictions will not only produce peace at Death, but it will give you present ease, present relief and refreshment in hand: No sooner did David resolve to obey the voice of his Consci­ence, in confessing his sin; but he had sensible ease in his own Spirit, Psal. 32. 5. So Isa. 32. 17. the fruit of Righteousness is peace, quietness, and assurance for ever: On the contrary, you find in Iob 20. 20. Wicked Men have no quietness in their Bellies, that is, in their Consciences: For Guilt lies boking there as a Thorn doth in the Flesh: And what is Life worth without ease? To live ever in pain, to live upon the Rack, is not worth while to live: If then you love ease and quietness, obey your Consciences: Pull out that Thorn, I mean that Sin that sticks fast in thy Soul, and akes in thy Conscience: Who would endure so much anguish for all the flattering pleasures of sin?

VIII. Motive.

Convictions followed home and obeyed, are the inlets to Christ and Eternal Salvation by him; they are the first leading work of the Spirit, in order to union with Christ, Iohn 16. 8. till you obey and yield up your selves to them, Christ is shut out of your Souls, he knocks, but finds no entrance, at your peril therefore be obedient to their calls: All the while you parly with your Convictions, and de­mur to their demands, Christ stands without, of­fering himself graciously to you, but not admitted; so that no less than your Eternal Happiness or Mi­sery depend on your Obedience, or disobedience to the Voices and Calls of your Convictions.

IX. Motive.

Obey your Convictions, Honour their Voices, and restrain them not; then shall your Consciences give a fair testimony for you at the Judgment seat of Christ: You read 1 Pet. 3. 2I Of the answer of a good Conscience towards God; than which no­thing can be more comfortable: This gives a Man boldness in the day of Judgment, 1 Iohn 4. 17. Believe it firs, 'tis not your Baptism, your Church­priviledges, the Opinion Men have of you; but the testimony of your Consciences that must be your comfort. I know Men are not justified at Gods Bar, by you own Obedience, nor any exactness of Life, 'tis only Christ's Righteousness that is the Sinners plea; but yet your Obedience to the Calls and Voices of God and Conscience, are your evi­dence that you are in Christ.

X. Motive.

Lastly, Consider what a choice Mercy it is to be under such Calls and Convictions of Conscience as are yet capable of being obeyed: 'Tis not so with Mens Convictions after this Life. Conscience convinceth in Hell as well as here, but all its Con­victions there are for torment, not recovery. Oh 'tis a choice Mercy your Convictions are yet Medi­cinal, not purely Poenal; that you are not malo ob­firmati, so fixed in the state of Sin and Misery, as the damned are; but may yet enjoy the saving be­nefit of your Convictions, but this you will not en­joy long, therefore I beseech you by all that is dear and valuable in your Eyes; Reverence your Con­sciences, and let go the Lords Prisoners that lye bound within you.


I next come to expotulate the matter with your Consciences, and propound a few Convictive Que­ries to your Souls this day: I cannot but look upon this Assembly with Fear, Jealousie and Compassion. I am afraid there be many of you in this wretched case: Men and Women that hold the Truths of God in Unrighteousness, though the Wrath of God be revealed from Heaven against all them that do so: Let me Demand,

I. Demand.

Do not some of you stand convinced by your own Consciences this day, that your Hearts and [Page 56] Lives, your Principles and Practises, are vastly dif­ferent from the People of God, among whom you live; and whose Characters you read in Scripture? Do not your own Consciences tell you, that you ne­ver took that pains for your Salvation you see them dayly to take; that there be some it may be in your Families, nay, possibly in your Bosoms that are se­rious and heavenly, whilst you are vain and earth­ly; that are in their Chambers upon their knees, wrestling with God, whilst you are in your Beds, or about the things of the World: And doth not Conscience sometimes whisper thus into thine Ear, Soul thou art not right; something is wanting to make thee a Christian: Thou wantest that which others have; and except something further be done upon thee, thou wilt be undone for ever: If it be so, let me advise thee to hearken diligently to this voice of Conscience: Don't dare to adventure to the Judgment-seat of God in such a case: Ponder that Text, Matth. 21. 32. and let the disparity your Conscience shews you betwixt your own course and others, awaken you to more diligence and seriousness about your own Salvation: How can [...]t thou come from the Alehouse, or thy vain Re­creations, and find a Wife, or Child in Prayer, and thy Conscience not smite thee? It may be they have been mourning for thy 'ins, whilst thou haft been committing them. It may be there lives not far from thee a Godly poor Man, who out of his hard and pressing Labours, redeems more time for his Soul in a week, than ever thou didst in thy Life. O hearken to the voice of thy Conscience: Else thou art he that holdest Truth in Unrighteousness.

II. Demand.

Did thy Conscience never meet thee in the way of Sin, as the Angel of the Lord met Balaam with a drawn Sword, brandishing the threatnings of God against thee? Did it not say to thee as a Captain once said to his Soldiers about to retreate, he cast himself down in their way, saying, if you go this way, you shall go over your Captain: You shall trample him first under your feet: Stop Soul, stop, said thy Conscience; this and that Word of God is against thee: If thou proceed, thou must trample upon the Soveraign Authority of God in this or that Command; yet thy impetuous Lusts have hurried thee forward: Thou wouldst not fairly debate the case with thy Conscience, and then did not thy Con­science say to thee, as Ruben spake to his Brethren, Gen. 42. 22. Spake I not unto you saying, do not sin against the child, but you would not hear; there­fore also his blood is required of you: If this have been your course of sinning, verily you are the per­sons that have held the Truths of God in Unrighte­ousness, and against you the Wrath of God is re­vealed from Heaven.

III. Demand.

Have you not seen the Wrath of God revealed from Heaven against other Sinners that have gone before you in the very same tract and course of sin in which you now go, and yet you persist in it, notwithstanding such dreadful Warnings? Thus did Belteshazzar, though he saw all that the God of Heaven had done to his Father, Dan. 5. 20, 21, 22. You have seen great Estates scattered, and their [Page 58] Owners that got them by fraud and oppression re­duced to beggery; and yet when a temptation is before you, you cannot forbear to take the advan­tage (as you call it) to get the gain of oppression: You have seen Drunkards cloathed with rags, and brought to miserable ends: Adulterers severely pu­nished, their Names and Estates, Souls and Bodies blasted and wasted by a secret, but just stroke of God: Have you taken warning by these strokes of God, and hearkned to the monitions and cautions your Consciences have thereupon given you? If not, thou art the Man that holdest the truth of God in Unrighteousness.

IV. Demand.

Do not you inwardly hate, and do not your hearts rise against necessary and due reproofs given you by those that love your Souls better than your selves? If you hate a faithful Reprover, though you know you justly deserve the reproof, and are guilty of the sin he reproves; if you recriminate, or deny in such cases; you are certainly so far Confederates with Satan against your own Souls; and imprison your own Convictions.

V. Demand.

Are not some of you Apostatized from the first Profession, and are not those hopeful blossoms that once appeared upon your Souls blasted and gone? You had quick Convictions, and melting Affe­ctions, tenderness in your Consciences, and zeal for Duties: But all is now vanished: Your Affections are grown cold, your Duties omit­ted, [Page 59] though Conscience often bids you remem­ber from whence you are fallen, and do your first Works: You are the persons guilty of this sin.

VI. Demand.

Do none of you presume upon future Repen­tance, and so make bold with your Consciences for present, thinking to compound that way with it? This argues thee to be a self-condemned Man, and one that holdest truth in Unrighteousness: Thy Sin is present and certain, thy Repentance but a peradventure, 2 Tim. 2. 25. This is an high and a daring way of presumptuous sinning.

VII. Demand.

Lastly, Have none of you taken the Vows of God upon you, to reform your course, and break off your iniquities by Repentance, when you have been under dangerous sickness on shore, or dreadful tempests at Sea? Have you not said, Lord, if thou wilt but spare and save me this once, I will never live at the rate I have lived any more: Try me O Lord this once: And yet when that Affliction hath vanished, your purposes and promises to God have vanished with it: You are the Persons that hold the known Truths of God Prisoners in your Souls; and to all these seven sorts of Sinners, this Text may justly be as the hand-writing upon the Wall once was, even a Mene tekel; that may make thy very loynes to shake.


This Doctrine winds up and finishes in Directions for the prevention of such presumptuous sins in Men for time to come; that truth may have its free course through your Souls.

I. Direction.

And to this end, my first Counsel and Direction is, that you fail not to put every Conviction in speedy Execution. Don't delay, 'tis a very criti­cal hour, and delayes are exceeding hazardous: Convictions are fixed and secured in Mens Souls four wayes.

(1.) By deep and serious consideration, Psal. 119. 59. I thought upon my wayes, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.

(2.) By earnest Prayer, thus Saul under his first Convictions fell presently on his knees, Acts 9. 11. Behold be prayeth: The warm breath of Prayer fo­ments and nourishes the sparks of Conviction, that it be not extinct.

(3.) By diligent attendance upon the Word, the Word begets it, and the Word can through God's blessing preserve it, 1 Iam. 23. 24.

(4.) Present Execution, falling without delay on the Duty thou art convinced of, Iam. 1. 24. Be not forgetful hearers, but doers of the work; otherwise a Man is as one that looks into a glass, and straight­way [Page 61] forgets what manner of man he was. Take the sense thus, a man looks into the Glass in the Morning, and there perhaps he sees a spot on his Face, a disorder in his Hair, or Cloaths; and thinks with himself, well I will rectifie it anon; but being gone from the place, one thing or other diverts his mind, he forgets what he saw, and goes all the day with the spot on his Face, never minding it any more. O brethren, delayes are dangerous, sin is deceitful, Heb. 3. 13. Satan is subtil, 2 Cor. 11. 3. and this way gains his Point. This Motto may be written on the Tomb-stones of most that perish, Here lies one that was destroyed by delayes. Your Life is immediately uncertain, so are the strivings of the Spirit also. Besides, there is a mighty ad­vantage in the primus impetus, the first heat of the Soul, when thy heart is once up in warm Affections and Resolutions, the work may be easily done, as a Bell if once up goes easily, but hard to raise when down. See 2 Chron. 29. 36. What advantage there is in a present warm frame! Beside, the nature of these things is too serious and weighty to be post-pon'd and delay'd. You cannot get out of the danger of Hell, or into Christ too soon Moreover, every repetition of sin, after Conviction greatly aggra­vates it. For it is in sinning, as it is in numbering; if the first be one, the second is ten, the third an hundred, the fourth a thousand. And to conclude, think what you will, you can never have a fitter season than the present, the same difficulties you have to day you will have to morrow, and it may be greater. Fall presently therefore to execute your Convictions.

II. Direction.

If you would be clear from this great wicked­ness of holding the Truth in Unrighteousness, then see that you reverence the Voice, and stand in awe of the Authority of your own Consciences; and re­solve with Iob, My heart shall not reproach me as long as I live, Iob 27. 6. There be two considera­tions apt to beget reverence in men to the Voice of their own Consciences.

  • 1. 'Tis our best Friend when pure and inviolated.
  • 2. 'Tis our worst Enemy when wounded and affronted.

1. Conscience obeyed and kept pure and invio­late, is thy best Friend on Earth, 2 Cor. 1. 12. This is our rejoycing, the testimony of our Consciences. The very Heathen could say,

Nil conscire tibi, nulla pallescere culpa,
His murus ahenus esto.

What comforted Hezekiah on his supposed Death­bed, but the fair Testimonial his Conscience gave in of his Integrity, 2 King 2. 3. A good man (saith Soloman) shall be satisfied from himself; but the back­slider in heart shall be filled with his own ways. Mark the opposition, Conscience gives the Backslider his Belly-full of Sorrow, and the upright man his Heart-full of peace. He is satisfied from himself, that is from his own Conscience, which though it be not the Original Spring, yet it is the Conduit at which he drinks peace, joy, and encouragement.

[Page 63] 2. Conscience wounded and abused, will be our worst Enemy. No Poniards to Mortal as the wounds of Conscience. A wounded Spirit who can bear? Prov. 18. 14. Could Iudas bear it? or could Spira bear it? Whats the Torment of Hell, but the Worm that dies not? and what is that Worm, but the remorse of Conscience? Mark 9. 44. O what is that fearful Expectation mentioned, Heb. 10. 27. see how you like that life described Deut. 28. 65, 66. the primitive Christians chose rather to be cast to the Lyons, than into the Paws of an enraged Conscience, ad leones, potius quam ad Lenones. Every little trouble will be insuppor­table to a sick and wounded Conscience, as a quart of water would be to your Shoulder in a great lea­den Vessel.

O if men did but fear their own Consciences, if they did reverence themselves, as the Moralist speaks. If they did herein Exercise themselves to have alwayes a Conscience void of offence, as Paul did, Acts 24. 16. Then would you be clear of this great Sin of holding the Truth in Unrighteousness.

III. Direction.

If you would escape the guilt and danger of hold­ing Gods Truths in Unrighteousness, then keep your Hearts under the awful sense of the Day of Judgment, when every secret thing must come into Judgment, and Conscience like a Register book is to be opened and examined.

The Consideration of that day gives your Con­sciences a sevenfold defensative against Sin.

[Page 64] (1.) It provokes every man to get real solid Grace, and not rest in an empty Profession, Matth. 25. and this secures us from formal Hypocrisie. That we be not found foolish Virgins.

(2.) It excites us to the diligent improvement of our Talents, that we be not found slothful Servants, neglecting any duty, God and Conscience calls us to, Matth. 25. 21.

(3.) It confirms and establishes us in the ways of God, that we wound not Conscience by Apostacy, 1 Ioh. 2. 28.

(4.) Its a loud call to every man to Repentance, and not to lye stupid and senseless under guilt, Acts 17. 30, 31.

(5.) 'Tis a powerful Antidote against formality in Religion, the general and dangerous disease of Professors, Matth. 7. 22, 23.

(6.) It excites holy fear and watchfulness in the whole course of Life, 1 Pet. 1. 17.

(7.) It puts us not only to our watch, but to our knees in fervent Prayer, 1 Pet. 4. 7.

And he that feels such effects as these from the consideration of that Day, is fortified against that sin my Text warns of; and dares never hold the Truth of God in Unrighteousness. 'Tis our re­gardlessness of Judgement to come, and ignorance of the Nature of it, which so emboldens us to neg­lect [Page 65] known Duties, and commit known Sins, Amos 6. 3. 2 Pet. 3. 3, 4. If our Thoughts and Medita­tions were engaged more frequently and seriously on such an aweful Subject, you would rather chuse to dye, than to do violence to your Consciences.

IV. Direction.

Get right and true apprehensions of the Moral Evil that is in sin, and of the Paenal Evil that follows sin: then no Temptation shall prevail with you to commit a sin, to escape a present trouble, or neg­lect a known duty, to accommodate any earthly interest, and consequently to hold no truth of God in unrighteousness. 'Tis fear of Loss and Sufferings that so often overbears Conscience, but if men were once made throughly sensible, that the least sin is worse for them than the greatest affliction or suffering; the peace of Conscience would be well secured. And that this is really so, appears thus;

(1.) Afflictions do not make a man vile in the Eyes of God. A Man may be under manifold Af­flictions, and yet very dear and precious in Gods Account; Heb. 11. 36, 37, 38. but S in makes a man vile in the Eyes of God, Dan. 11. 2.

(2.) Afflictions do not put men under the Curse of God, Blessings and Afflictions may go together; Psal. 94. 12. but Sin brings the Soul under the Curse, Gal. 3. 10.

(3.) Afflictions make men more like unto God, Heb. 12. 10. but Sin make us more like the Devil, 1 Ioh. 3. 8. Ioh. 8. 34.

[Page 66] (4.) Afflictions for Conscience sake are but the Creatures wrath inflam'd against us, but Sin is the inflamer of Gods Wrath against us, as in the Text.

(5.) Afflictions are but outward Evils upon the Body, but Sin is an internal Evil upon the Soul. Prov. 8. 36.

(6.) Afflictions for Duties sake have many sweet Promises annexed to them, Matth. 5. 10. but Sin hath none.

(7.) The effects of Sufferings for Christ are sweet to the Soul, 2 Cor. 7. 4. but the fruits of Sin are bitter; it yields nothing but shame and fear.

(8.) Afflictions for Christ are the way to Heaven, but Sin is the Road-way to Hell, Rom. 6. ult.

(9.) Sufferings for Duty are but for a Moment, 2 Cor. 4. 17. but Sufferings for sin, will be Eternal, Mark 9. 44.

If such thoughts might be suffered to dwell with us, how would they guard the Conscience against Temptations, and secure their Peace and Purity!

V. Direction.

Be throughly perswaded of this great Truth, that God takes great pleasure in uprightness, and will own and honour Integrity amidst all the dangers that befall it, Psal. 11. 7. Prov. 11. 20. when he [Page 67] would encourage Abraham to a Life of Integrity, he engages his Almighty power for the protection of him in that way, Gen. 17. 1. I am God Almigh­ty, walk thou before me and be perfect. So Psal. 84. 11. The Lord God is a Sun and a Shield, he will give grace and glory, and no good thing will be with-hold from them that walk uprightly.

An upright man is the boast of Heaven, Iob 1. 8. He is Gods darling; and the reason is because he bears the Image of God, Psal. 11. 7. The upright Lord loveth uprightness: Yea, and if Integrity bring them into trouble, they may be sure the Lord will bring them out; Psal. 34. 19. Many are the affli­ctions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth them out of all. How safely then may they leave them­selves in the hands of his infinite Wisdom, Power, and Fatherly Care?

Nay, God is not only the Protector, but he is also the Rewarder, of Conscientious Integrity, Psal. 18. 20. and that four ways.

(1.) In the inward peace it yeilds them, Isaiah 32. 17. The work of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance for ever. But the effect of sinful shifts and carnal Policies, are shame and sorrow.

(2.) In the Success and Issue of it; it not only turns to Gods glory, but it answers and accommo­dates our own designs and ends far better than our sinful projects can do, Prov. 28. 23.

[Page 68] (3.) Great is the Joy and Encouragement re­sulting from it in the day of Death, 2 King 20. 3. Psal. 37. 37.

(4.) In the World to come, Psal. 49. 14. Were this duely considered, and throughly believed, men would chuse rather to part with life, than the puri­ty and peace of their own Consciences. They would suffer all wrongs and injuries, rather than do Conscience the least injury.

VI. Direction.

Do not idolize the World, nor overvalue the Trifles of this life, 'tis the love of the World that makes men warp from the Rules of their own Con­sciences, 2 Tim. 4. 10 'tis this that makes men strain hard, to get loose from the ties and bonds of their own Consciences. The young man was con­vinced, but the world was too hard for his Con­victions, Luk. 18. 23. the degree of his Sorrow, was according to the degree of his Love to the Creature. 'Tis not the having, but the overloving of the world that ruins us. 'Tis a worldly Heart which makes men twist and turn, shuffle and dissem­ble at that rate they do in time of Temptation. Could you once dethrone this Idol, how secure and safe would your Consciences be! The Church is described, Rev. 12. 1. as clothed with the Sun, and the Moon under her Feet The most zealous Age of the Church, was the Age of Poverty. Try these few considerations upon your hearts to loose them from the inordinate love of the World.

[Page 69] (1.) What good will the World do you when you have lost your Integrity for its sake, and peace is taken away from the inner man? VVhat joy of the world had Iudas, and what comfort had Spira? If you part with your integrity for it, God will blast it, and it shall yield you no joy.

(2.) Except you renounce the world, you are renounced by Christ. Disclaim it, or he will dis­claim you; Luke 14. 33. No man can be admitted into Christs Service, but by fealing those Indentures with him.

(3.) VVhat ever loss or dammage you shall sustain, for Christ and Conscience sake, he stands obliged to repair it to you, and that with an infinite overplus, Mark 10. 29. 30.

(4.) In a word, all the Riches, Pleasures, Hon­ours, and Liberties in the world are not able to give you that Joy and heart-refreshing Comfort, that the acquitting and chearing voice of your own Con­sciences can do. Settle these things in your hearts, as defensatives against this danger.

VII. Direction.

Lastly, Beg of God, and labour to get more Christian Courage and Magnanimity, for want of this Conscience, is often overborn against its own Light and Conviction. Christian magnanimity, is Consciences security. 'Tis excellent and becoming a Christian, to be able to face any thing but the frowns of God and his own Conscience. All the [Page 70] famous Champions of Truth, and VVitnesses for God that came victorious out of the Field of Temp­tation with safe and unwounded Consciences, were men of Courage and Resolution; see Dan. 3. 16. Heb. 11. 27. Acts 21. 13. and what is this Christi­an Courage, but the fixed resolution of the Soul to Encounter all dangers, all sufferings, all reproaches, pains and losses in the strength of assisting Grace, that shall assault us in the ways of our duty, and so it stands opposed in Scripture to the Spirit of Fear, Heb. 11. 27. to Shame, Mark 8. 38. to Apostacy, Heb. 10. 39. He must neither be afraid, nor asham­ed, nor lose one inch of ground for the sake of what dangers he meets with, and that because he hath embraced Christianity upon those terms, and was told of all this before, Ioh. 16. 1. because there's no retreating but to our own ruin, Heb. 10. 38. be­cause he owes all this, and much more than this to Christ, Phil. 1. 29. because he understands the va­lue of his Soul above his Body, and of Eternals a­bove and beyond all temporals, Matth. 10. 28 and in a word, because he believes the Promises of Gods Assistance, and rewards, Heb 11. 25, 26, 27.

O my Friends, were our fears thus subdued, and our Faith thus exalted, how free and safe would Truth be in our Consciences. He that owns any Truth to live upon it, or accommodate a carnal In­terest by it, will disown that Truth, when it comes to live upon him, let Conscience plead and say what it will; but he that hath agreed with Christ upon these Terms, to be content to be miserable for ever, if there be not enough in Christ to make him happy; this man will be a steddy Christian, and will rather lie in the worst of the Prisons, than to imprison Gods known Truths in Unrighteousness.

The Conclusion.

I have now done my Message. I have set before you the Lord Jesus in the glory of his Free Grace, and condescending Love to Sinners; Oh that I had skill and ability to have done it better; I have wo­ed and expostulated with you on Christs behalf. I have laboured according to my little measure of strength, to cast up and prepare the way by remov­ing the stumbling Blocks and Discouragements out of it. This hath been a time of Conviction to many of you, some have not been able to hold their Convicti­ons any longer under restraints, but many I fear do so, and therefore I have in the close of all, handled this startling and awakening Scripture among you, to shew you what an horrid evil it is to detain Gods Truths in Unrighteousness. I have also in the Name and Authority of God demanded all the Lords Priso­ners, his suppressed and restrained Truths at your hands: If you will unbind your Convictions this day, cut as under the bonds of carnal fear, shame, &c. with which you restrain them; those Truths you shall so make free, will make you free: If not, but you will still go on stifling and suppressing them in your own Bosomes; remember that there are so many VVitnesses prepared to give evidence against you in the Great Day. And Oh that whilst you delay this Duty, the sound of this Text may never out of your ears, nor suffer you to rest. For the wrath [...]f God is revealed from heaven against all un­godliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.


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