A SERMON, Preached before sundry of the Honourable House of Commons. at Westminster, April, 4. 1641.

By Samuel Fairecloth, Pastor of the Congregation of Ketton in Suffolke.

GAL. 5. 12.

I would to God they were even cut off which trouble you.

LONDON. Printed by R. Cotes, for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his Shop at the entrance into Popes-head-Alley, out of Lumbard street. 1641.

TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL AND His much honoured PATRON, Sr. Nathaniel Barnardiston, one of the Knights of the Shire for the Countie of Suffolke.


SO remarkeable, and conspicu­ous, in the view of all the neighbouring parts of our Country, are the expressions of your noble patronage, and support, both of my selfe, and ministry, that each eye (al­most) observes it; and more tongues speake of it; yet every pious heart, that ever reaped any profit from my poore, and unworthy la­bours (next under the free grace of God) acknowledge your selfe the chiefe and grand instrument of the [Page] same; They are all also assured, as well as my selfe, that it was by your worships favour alone, that a per­son so obscure, and undeserving as I know my selfe to be, had the honour to be called to this so honourable a service; I meane to deliver any part of Gods truth, to any part of your so honourable an assemblie; but by whose meanes these rude notes I then delivered, here come to the Presse, neither they nor my selfe as yet doe truely understand; onely by a Letter the last weeke, from a friend that I am sure had no hand in it, I was informed of it; with intimation, that (if I pleased I might present it to what person I would; and that (though I refused yet) that the Presse had proceeded so farre, as it could not be reversed: in all which pro­ceedings, nothing at all pleased me, but this onely, that (what insufficiencies and failings soever were by the publishing of these notes, discovered in my selfe yet) I should have an opportunitie hereby offered, to make publique confession how much both my selfe, and all the Angle where you live, are obliged to your selfe, and Familie, for planting and supporting the mini­sterie of the word and power of the Gospell amongst us; and to stirre them up still to joyne with mee, in ma­king your worships life, safety, prosperitie and ho­nour of your familie, the subject of our prayers and prayses: which opportunitie had I let slip, your worship had not more voyces for you (in your so ho­nourable election by your Countrey) to that service wherein you are intrusted, then I should have had against me for neglecting upon this occasion of publi­shing [Page] Joshua his practice against Achan, to declare to the world that by your countenancing and in­couraging the vertuous and opposing the profane and vitious, you have approved your selfe to the whole Corner in generall, and my selfe above all in particu­lar, against all the Achans and troublers of our peace and libertie, a true Joshua; which shall ever be ac­knowledged by

Your Worships most obliged SA: FAIRECLOTH.

The Troublers Troubled, Or ACHAN Condemned, AND EXECVTED.

JOSHUA, 7. 25.

And Ioshua said, Why hast thou troubled us? the Lord shall trouble thee this day.

THe just judgment of God upon Achan by Joshua, for bringing judgment upon Israell, in offending in the cursed things, is the summe of the Text.

Where, in Joshua's practise, as in a mirror is, presented a concurrence of all graces, a contexture of all vertues necessarie to be obser­ved, [Page 2] in the execution of penall Justice, upon pub­licke offenders. For whatsoever, by way of dire­ction, concerning the Inquisition, examination, conviction, sentencing, or execution of publicke malefactors is elsewhere in the Scripture, in Thesi, or the rule, is here in Hypothesi, the subject, and practice. For all that can be desired of a Magistrate, in this respect, is comprehended under those two heads, which Solomon in his Prayer, 1. Kings 3. 2. Chron. 1. 10. begs of his God, to wit understanding, to discerne between good, and bad; and wisdome to goe out and in before the people, in judging them accordingly.

The former notes a good head, the latter a good heart; a good head, to know what is to be done; a good heart to doe what is knowne: all that Solo­mon prayes for there, Joshua practices here, the first in the forme of a legall inquisition, and accusation, Why hast thou troubled us? The second in the forme of a judiciall sentence and peremptory verdict, The Lord shall trouble thee this Day. In which accusation and sentence, wee will consider, first the parti­culars, secondly the relation of those particulars either to other.

The particulars are these.

First, two troublers. Secondly, two troubles. Thirdly, two troubled. and Fourthly, two times of trouble.

The two troublers are first Achan, secondly, the Lord. Why hast thou troubled us? the Lord shall trouble thee.

The two troubles: First is Achans, and that is a trouble of pollution and infection.

The second, is Gods troubling of Achan, and that [Page 3] is a trouble of perdition and destruction.

The two troubled, are first Israel, the Church and Common-wealth, Thou hast troubled us.

The second is Achan, troubled by the Lord; the Lord shall trouble thee.

Lastly, the two times of trouble, first Achans time of troubling of Israel, past, Thou hast troubled us, secondly, the Lords time to trouble Achan, is to come, but very speedilie without any procrastina­tion, the Lord shall trouble thee to day: The relation of these particulars either to other, is of the cause to the effect, the foure particulars in the accusation being the cause of those foure in the conclusion, and the foure in the conclusion the effect of these in the accusation, because Achan is a troubler, there­fore God troubles; and because Achan troubled Is­rael, therefore God troubles Achan; and because Achan troubled Israel by infection, God troubles him by destruction; and because he had done it in time past, God will do it certainly for time to come, and that very speedily; the Lord shall trouble thee to day. In the foure particulars in the accusation, we are to learne the cause and meanes whereby a flou­rishing Kingdome is overthrowne and troubled:

In the foure particulars in the conclusion, the meanes and remedy, whereby a rent and distrubed Common-wealth is cured, and repayred; and now

First, of the particulars in the accusation, and 1 therein of the troubler, and trouble together, being most fitly and necessarily considered, contained the cause and person whereby Israel is troubled.

The troubler is Achan, so his very name pro­clames him, who is here considered not according to his Birth, so is he the Sonne of Labdie verse 1. of [Page 4] the tribe of Judab, the tribe royall, &c. nor as a sub­ject confessing his fault, so is he the Sonne of Joshua, verse 29. but as one that offended in the accursed thing, verse 21. so is he the Son of Beliall, an Achan, a troubler of Israel, and the cause of Gods troub­ling him, from whence this position is deduced.

Doct. 1 Those in a Nation that offend in that which the Lord hath execrated, are the persons by whom the Church and Common-wealth are ruined, and distrubed of what tribe soever they be.

Behold Achan of the tribe of Judah by his finger­ing the Babylonish Garment, and the Wedge of Gold, which God had execrated, the armies of Israel, flesht with late victories, are weakned, Joshua their Prince and Captaine dejected, the Elders dis­couraged, enemies exalted, three thousand put to rout, thirtie fix slaughtered, the hearts of all the rest wounded, and melted like Water, true there­fore is the accusation by Joshua, Thou hast troubled us, and as true the position that is thence deduced, That those in a Nation &c.

Before I proceed to further confirmation of this truth, let me premise some things by way of expli­cation, of two termes in it.

First what is meant by the accursed thing.

Secondly, what it is to offend in it.

1. [...] For the first, cherem translated execrable or ac­cursed note properly two things.

First, such a thing which God hath destinated to finall destruction, and totall abolishment, so the Canaanites Idols, Temples, Altars and Images were cherem Deut. 7. 5. to be taken away from under Hea­ven, and so fitly translated accurfed.

Secondly, it notes any thing for ever devoted [Page 5] and consecrated to God without any liberty of alienating it from him by Redemption: so the vowes, dedicated things, and persons that were so reserved to Gods use, that they might not be re­deemed or impropriated from it, Leviticus 27. 28. are called cherem, in a true sense fitly rendred, excom­municated from common uses. The Greeke ren­ders both the senses fitly in one word anathema, which is any thing set apart either sursum, or seor­sum: first sursum from us to God by Devotion, so the goodly gifts dedicated to the Temple, are by Luke 21. 5. called anathemata; or seorsum from us, and God, also by finall destruction, so Paul called the man accursed Rom. 16. 22. that is ever to be sepa­rated from God.

Thus you see what is the accursed thing, viz. any thing finally separated from man, and devoted to God; or secondly any thing destinated to utter abolishment by God: now to offend in this is done two waies, either by impropriation or appropri­ation.

First by impropriating from God what he hath especially reserved.

Secondly, by appropriating to our selves any thing which he hath appointed to be fully destroy­ed. Achan offended both waies, but for the first he impropriated from God the Wedge of Gold, which the Lord had peculiarly reserved to himselfe, chap. 6. v. 19. and secondly appropriated to himselfe the Baby lonish garment which God had appointed to be burnt and abolished. chap. 6. verse 18.

These things thus premised by way of explica­tion, I proceed to the confirmation to demonstrate that those in a Nation that offend in either of these [Page 6] waies in that which God hath execrated are the per­sons by whom the Common-wealth is disturbed; which would be most evident to those that in the sacred Chronicles of the Scripture, shall observe the Lords just proceeding against Achans, under what government soever they lived, whether Patriarchs, Judges, or Monarchs, in all which those that did offend in that which God had execrated were the persons, &c.

Primo Adami there was a government instituted by God immediately, of universall peace, civil, na­tionall, domesticall, spirituall, corporall peace, no­thing but peace, peace; yet Adam and Eve there, as Achan here, tooke but one bit of the excommunica­ted thing, that God had specially reserved, and thereby became Achans, troublers of all the peace publicke, so that he made himselfe and all the world anathema, an accursed thing thereby. After, when peace begun to be restored, and religion repayred in the Familee of Seth, the sonnes of God offended in the execrable thing in marrying the Daughters of excommunicate Caine, and so not onely distur­bed, but brought ruine and destruction upon the whole World, Gen. 6. v. 2, 7. When that great Law-giver Moses, with Lawes judiciall, morall and also Ceremoniall, to tally divine, had setled the glory and peace of the Church, and Common-wealth of Israel, the people offending in the accursed thing of the Golden Calfe, so disturbed all that notwith­standing Law and Government also, they were like to be consumed as one man and wholly extirpated, Exod. 32. Saul was a Monarch annoynted of God himselfe, 2. Sam. 1. 15. elected by the vehement de­sire of all the subjects, yet offending in the execrable [Page 7] thing of Agag, reserving but one person which God had destinated to uter destruction, utterly ruinated his Government, and posterity. Solomon the Prince of peace, that had a Patent of peace, 1. Kings. 11. 11. and such skill in Governments as never any Monarch before him, or after him shall attaine, yet by offen­ding in the execrable thing of Chemosh and Milcome disturbed the peace publique, and made such a rent in his Kingdome, as could never after be repaired.

Machiavill himselfe in his Booke De Repub: gives us one ground for this, whilst perswading Kings, above all things, if they meane to maintaine obedience of their subjects to themselves, and peace one with ano­ther, to possesse them with reverence of divine things, and feare of divine vengeance, as well as terror of hu­mane penalty: for, saith he, whosoever makes no scru­ples, to neglect or offend against these, will make much lesse, when occasion is offered, to plot sedition, to accommodate themselves to changes, to practice Treason, though to the utter overthrow of the whole Government. And surely he that is so loose conscien­ced, and desperate, that he feares not with Achan to offend in the Babylonish Garment, though he doth thereby incurre, and expose himselfe to the curse of the King of Heaven, hath no banks, or bonds to re­straine him when occasion is offered, to ruine others, to disturbe and trouble Church and Common­wealth, and to turne Traytor to the best established Government, or Governours on the Earth.

But to leave the Atheist, ask Joshua in the Text where those that offend in the things that God hath execrated &c. he tells you because that by offending in things accursed, they drive away the fountaine of all peace from it, even God the sole Author and giver of all publicke peace, and tranquillity: so saith God himselfe to Joshua, v. 12. Except you take away [Page 8] the accursed thing from among you, I will be with you no more: and woe unto any State when God departs from them, and will come no more at them in peace, but wrath. Which also every Achan offending in the execrable thing causeth God to doe, even to trouble the people with all adversity, and bring forth his wrath against them, utterly to destroy them: so sayth the text, verse 1. of this Chapter, The anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, because Achan trespassed in the abominable thing. Seeing therefore these Achans by their offending in this kind, drive away the Lord as a Friend, and bring him against the State as an Enemy, it must needs follow that such are the per­sons, &c.

This lesson God taught Joshua, verse the 12. and this lesson Joshua hath taught us in the words of the text, in calling Achan the troubler of Israel.

Applic: First, if God and Joshua say that Achans offending in these things are troublers of the Common-wealth, how strongly is our great master Aristot'e and his Schollers confuted that defend that wicked men may be good Common-wealths men, an Achan be a Joshua, a troubler, a saviour of it. I confesse if by good, they understand good accidentally, such good as God, and the State in which they live, may make good use of, I deny it not in that sense, so may God and his people make good use of Plague, Famine, or the Sword, yet are they not formally good, but destructive to the Common-wealth; even so all offenders in the accursed thing are formally as great evills to the Church and Common-wealth where they live, as these evills are, for they cause God to send these and many more, and also turne away his favour from it. Could Achan have spoken as well as Turtullus; had he knowne the Law as well as Moses; had he kept as great a House in his Countrey, and spent as much [Page 9] provision, as Soloman did in Jerusalem, yet had not the Wedge of Gold in his tent, and the Babylonish Garment on his backe, beene greater evills to the State, then the other good things could have recom­pensed? so though a man be a deepe Scholler, an elo­quent speaker, skilfull in the Lawes of his Countrey, a bountifull House-keeper, yet himselfe an Achan, a Blasphemer, an enemy to the power of Religion, a friend or a better to wickednes▪ or have the accur­sed Wedge of Gold, by oppression, simony, extor­tion, or bribery in his Tent, he is no good Common­wealths man, but an Achan, and a troubler of it.

Applic. 2 Secondly, as it serves to confute this erroneus te­nent concerning evill men; so it serves for further di­rection to all good men, especially all Joshuahs; men in place, and Authority, whose love to their Coun­treys welfare have both formerly, and of late laid them with Joshua upon their faces, before the Lord, in fasting and prayer, in seeking the welfare, and peace of the Church, to these this position speakes, as the Lord to Joshua, why lie you on your faces? rise, and search, Israel hath sinned, there is an Achan; him must you seeke out among your Tents, if you will have your prayers prevalent for the peace of Israel; upon which intelligence Joshua searches nar­rowly, and warily, for Achan.

First narrowly, so that though but one in all the Tents of Israel, and he hid, yet he finds him out.

Secondly, warily, taking no other rule for disco­very but the lot of God; let us also therefore to our supplications, joyne our narrow inquisition, in searching out throughout all our Tribes, and Tents of Israel, to discover this execrable person, that fights against our peace, and welfare, looke if there be never▪ a Babylonish Garment in our Tents, and Families▪ this narrow search God enjoyneth Joshua, and Is­rael [Page 10] after their Prayer; and this search and informa­tion have both God, and our honourable Assembly of Joshuabs required of all persons, by their late or­der, requiring, and inciting us to be active, in our in­quisition and information: wherein that our dili­gence and narrow search for Achans may not be fruit­les, nor miscarry, let us observe Joshuahs rules of dis­covery as well as our diligence of inquirie, to wit, with the lot of God, the direction of Gods word in our hands, let him onely whom God by his word, not men by their malice shall call Achans, troublers of the peace of the Church, be so accounted; Aske Ahab who troubled Israel, and he oversees all Baa's Priests in his Family, and tells you it is banished Eliah that is the Achan: if you aske Amaziah the high Priest of Bethell, he tells you that Amos the prophet is an Achan, and conspirator against the King, and therefore to be banished from the Kings Chappell: if you aske Haman the favorite with the Kings Seale on his hand, he tells you that all the Jewes are Achans, People that will not pay toll or Custome, but are rebellious and refractory to all Lawes tending to the Kings Profit: if you aske Tertullus the advocate and lawyer, he tells you that Paul is an Achan, a sectarie and mover of sedition: if you inquire of the rest of the Priests, Scribes, and Pharises, they tell you that Christ himselfe is an Achan, and an enemy to Caesar his temporall jurisdiction, because he desires to whip out the Buyers and Sellers in the Temple; and to erect the spirituall Kingdome and Government of his Father in their consciences: but if you enquire of the oracle of God, it will tell you that none of these, but every one of their accusers were Achans, and that all these may retort upon their adversaries as Elijah to Ahab. We have not troubled Israel, but thou and thy Idolatry are the cursed Wedges and Babylonish [Page 11] Garment that have brought all disturbance upon us.

By this lot then expresly the Tridentine Papist, the Froggs and Locusts of Rome, croaking over the Land are anathema accursed things, troublers of our Israel, as appeares by Pauls sentence in expresse words against 1. Gal. 1. whilst he affirmes, if either he or an Angell from Heaven, should Preach any other do­ctrine then Justification by grace, they were to be held an anathema, and accursed things. If therefore Angells from Heaven for Preaching an other doctrine are anathematized, how much more the Jesuits, and Seminaries from Rome, that Preach cleane contrary Doctrines among us, and that of purpose to trouble and overthrow our peace, who have not only brought Babylonish Garments, Babylonish Masses, Crucifixes; Images, Indulgences, among us, but Babylonians also to ware them, thereby hoping also to build up Babel it selfe at last among us?

And as by this light the Idolatrous Romanist is discovered to be an Achan, so also by the same ground the impious prophaner of the Sabbath, the blasphe­mous abuser of Oathes, the Simoniacall patron, the Sacrilegious Pluralist, and unconscionable non-Re­sidents are discovered to be Achans, and troublers of Israel also, which will be very manifest to every Ju­dicious hearer, that shall with Chrysostom of old, and Drusius of late, observe that it is onely a peremptorie, universall & inhibition from God, and the annexing of a publicke commination & nationall punishment, in case any one did not obey it, that made the Wedge of Gold, and the Babylonish Garment, the accursed things, as is most evident from the 17. 18. verses of the former chap. from which grounds we conclude who ever offends in any thing so inhibited with pe­naltie of nationall punishment is an Achan still; both which and all before spoken doe plainely declare [Page 12] those before named to be all Achans and troublers of the peace, &c.

First of all, doth not the impious prophanation of the Sabbath impropriate from God that which he hath ever reserved to himselfe, without any redem­ption by appropriating it to unnecessary journeys, hellish and lascivious revellings, wicked sports, and recreations? hath not God inhibited it peremptorily, above a hundred times in expresse Scripture? hath he not annexed a commination of publicke vengeance for▪ it, Amos, 8. even to set fire on the Gates of our chief City therefore? Jerem. 17. hath not this of late troubled most of the Lords Hosts, made the hearts of the Elders melt like Water, slaughtered more then twice thirty sixe, in respect of their livelyhood, and calling? who then can doubt that a prophaner of the Sabbath is an Achan and troubler of Israel?

Secondly, doth not the blasphemous abuser of Oathes impropriate from God and appropriate to common uses, that which is more deere to God then all the Wedges of Gold in the World, I meane the due reverence to his name? hath he not peremptorily and universally forbidden it, Thou shalt not take my name in vaine, Above all things sweare not? hath he not annexed a publicke commination, when he saith because of Oaths the whole Land shall mourne, and if we feare not that glorious name he will make our Plagues wonderfull? Levit. 26. Did not Jonathan say truely of his owne Father Saul, that he had troubled the Land, by impos ng an unnecessary Oath where­by the hony was trodden under foot, the eyes of the people blinded, and the best of the Souldiers weake­ned for want of it? Surely therefore the irreligious abuser of Oathes, is an accursed thing; which how lightly censured from men, shall be heavily punished by God, even till the whole Land mourne for the [Page 13] trouble it brings upon them, which must of necessity follow, that the toleration of that execrable swearing and Blasphemy that wee heare belthed out in the the Streets as wee passe along in City and Country, in Court and University, must needs bee execrable things, and above all such Oaths as are imposed of purpose, and particular intentions, to ensnare and and bring into trouble, the most peacefull spirits of the Land; a blasphemous abuser of Gods name is an Achan.

Thirdly, doth not the Simoniacall, and irreligi­ous patron also offend, in the accursed thing, both by impropriation and appropriation?

First, impropriating from Gods Temples, and peo­ple, their power and liberty that God hath reserved to them, in choosing and consenting to the choice of their spirituall guides? I will not now dispute de jure patronatus, nor de facto in generall of all; for I know many have to their own everlasting praise, & to the profit of Gods people, discharged their conscien­ces and their trust therein; but in particular I affirme when a patron, popish, prophane, blasphemous, and happily a stranger and enemy to all that are good in the place, by vertue of humane Title shall impose against consent, and sound reason, given unto him, a superstitious, unlearned, idle person, over them, he offends in the execrable thing and is an Achan: Nor onely an Achan for impropriating the choice, but appropriating the Wedge reserved also. Here I di­rectly fall not upon impropriations that are tolera­ted by Law, yet give them the Lawyers watch-word, Caveat emptor, but the appropriating that to himselfe which still both by the Law, and conscience, yea and Oath also is fully reserved to the Church, is offend­ing in the execrable thing, when a patron shall before or after the presentation, reserve the Wedge of his [Page 14] owne, Ti [...]hs from the incumbent, and then send Si [...] to the Bishop to begin the first part of his office to the people, by perjury before God, doth he not offend in the execrable thing? is he not also an Achan?

I know what these patrons would retort against thee, soule-murthering and unconscionable Pluralist and non-Resident: what is it not as fit for a patron to impropriate a Wedge, as for the incumbent to impro­priate himselfe from the people? are we greater A­chans for taking one or two yeares profit from the in­cumbent, then he for taking all the rest from the Cu­rate? may not a Patron present an unworthy Parson, or Vicar, as well as the Parson an insufficient Curate? Quis tulerit Gracchos &c. who is able to heare, much more to answer these tart obliquies against these Soule­murdering Priests as they call themselves? for my part if I could I had rather hide, then uncover the naked­nesse of our Fathers; but yet since wee are in inquisi­tion for Achans, I dare not conceale them; onely as naked as I found them, so naked do I leave them, or at least with nothing but a Babylonish Garment to cover them: even a Wedge of Gold, wrapped in a Babylonish Garment, is an unconscionable non-resident & a trou­bler of Israel. Having thus farre proceeded in discove­ring of these five sorts of Achans by this light of God his word, suffer me now to cast the lot into the laps of the Honourable House, and deliver the light to your judgments, further to discover more Achans by it, humbly desiring your resolution to these few quae­ries, I shall from my text propound unto you. First, concerning the Babylonish Garment. Secondly, the Wedge of Gold. Thirdly, Joshua. Fourthly, Achan; Concerning the Babylonish Garment this is my quaery, whether you conceive not the setting forth, and pub­lishing of Babylonish Doctrines, Babylonish gestures, Pictures, and Altars, in Gods house, be not as an accur­sed [Page 15] thing as to hide a Babylonish Garment in a private tent of an Israelite?

2 Secondly, concerning the Wedge, this is my quaery, whether it be not as great a sacriledge to robbe the Temple of God, of Aarons Bells, the Silver Trumpets, the Golden Shelves, and Golden Candlestickes, I meane the pretious gifts and labours of Gods faith­full Ministers, as for Achan to steale a materiall Wedge, devoted to the Temple out of the spoyle of the Ca­naanites?

3 Thirdly, concerning Ioshua this is my quaery, whe­ther Ioshua had not offended as well as Achan, if after he had burnt Achan for stealing the Garment, and Wedge, he had not also burnt the Garment as well as Achan, and restored the Wedge to the Temple againe from whence it was taken by him, if God had required it of them, as he doth the restoring of our faithfull Ministers, to their place againe?

4 Fourthly, concerning Achan this is my quaery, whe­ther if Achan, beside taking the Garment, and Wedge himselfe, had compelled the rest of his Tribe, to have taken the Wedge, and Garment also, by punishing the refusall with the losse of their owne Wedges and Garments, had not such a one beene among Achans, as Belzebub among the Devills, the Prince and chiefe of them? Consider, consult, and give your sentence, and I doubt not but you will conclude by this search that for one Achans in a whole host of Israel we have whole hosts of Achans in our Tents; every one of which may not onely bring trouble upon themselves, persons, and places, and families, thereby, but upon all our familier also, yea and upon all the Kingdome as well as Achan▪ the consideration whereof leads me from the troubler and trouble to the troubled in the accu­sation even the troubled host of Israel. (Thou hast trou­bled us.)

[Page 16] The persons by this one Achan troubled, are the whole congregation of the Children of Israel, as is cleare from the 1 verse to the 7. of this chap. not only Achans owne Family, Sons and Daughters, but Ioshus and the people are troubled by it; whence observe,

Doct. 2 That a whole nation in generall may be guilty of the sinne, and punishment committed by one Achan in particular; none stole but Achan, none of all Israel had the Garment but Achan, yet God saith verse 1. the Children of Israel committed a trespasse, for A­chan tooke the accursed thing, and Ioshua here, Why hast thou troubled us?

This point is so difficult to be received, that Numb. 16. 22. it made Moses begin to expostulate with God, upon his knees, Shall one man finne and wilt thou be wrath with the whole congregation? yet is it of most undoubted truth and veritie, as appeares in the Scrip­ture which shewes us, that God imputed the sinne of one man in particular not onely to a whole nation pre­sent, when the sinne was committed, but to a future Generation, living long after the offender was depar­ted: for the present, witnes the whole congregation of God, Ioshua 22. who collecting this very lesson that wee noted from these words, adds two other in­stances for further confirmation of it, Did not Achan the sonne of Zerah offend? and that man perished not alone in his iniquity; againe, Is the iniquity of Peor too little for us from whence we are not cleansed unto this day, though wrath came upon all the congregation? and yee sinne to day and to morrow the Lord will be wroth with all the house of Israell. Sutable to which is that of the Apostle, 1 Cor. 5. affirming that the execrable accursed thing of incest in one of the members, had infected the whole iumpe of the Church and every member of it.

And for the future you may see, 2 Sam. 27. when Saul was long dead, the Famine came upon all the [Page 17] congregation of Israel in Davids time; and when Da­vid enquired of God wherefore the Famine was, God told him, it was for Saul, and his bloudy house, because he slew the Gibeonites, yea after Josiahs time, the Lord punished the people for the sinne of Manasses, 2 Kings 24. 3. yea for sinne committed since they came out of Egypt, 2 Kings 27. 15.

Reason. The reason of this truth, upon which it is groun­ded, is the large and spreading nature of sinne, unto others besides those that actually commit it: the Scrip­ture demonstrater this three waies by shewing how many may be guilty of the sinne that one committs;

First accessarily, secondly occasionally, thirdly poli­tically.

For the first, many may be guilty of the sinne acted by one accessarily, when the actor is furthered in his sinne, by the consent, and privity of another, and that either à parte antè, or à parte post.

First antè three waies.

Either by commanding it; so David killed Ʋriah the Hittite, with the Sword of the Children of Ammon, 2 Sam. 12. because he commanded Joab to set him in the fore-front:

Secondly by counselling; so the high Priests are said with cruell hands to kill the Lord of glory, because they counselled the people to cry, crucifie him, crucifie him, Actes 4.

Thirdly by provoking or inticing, and so Eve was in the transgression and not Adam, because she incited him thereto, Gen. 3.

Secondly à parte post, though he had no notice of it before; and that,

First, by consenting after the fact is done, so Ahab is said to kill Naboth, because, after Iesaball had done it without his knowledge, he consented by taking pos­session of his Estate.

[Page 18] Secondly, by defending it, so the Benjamites, Iudges 20. are guilty and punished for the rape of Gibeah, though they knew not of it before, because they defen­ded them against the execution of justice, after it was committed.

Thirdly, by conniving, and that either by not re­proving, if wee have place to doe it; so the Minister is guilty of his peoples fins, Ezek. 3. If thou reprove him not, his bloud will I require at thy hands; or not sorrow­ing for it, if no place of reproofe, so all the Corinthians were leavened, because the Apostle tels them they ought to have sorrowed, and did not; all these waies may a whole Nation be guilty of the sinne of one man, and yet none of these waies was Israel guilty of Achans sinne.

2 The second kind of guilt is occasionall guilt, which is, when the actor is furthered in his sinne without our purpose, privity or consent; as David was guilty of the Blasphemy of Gods Enemies, occasioned by his fall; Thou hast given occasion, saith God, to the enemies of God to Blaspheme, 2 Sam. 12. This occasionall guilt is either culpable, or inculpable: inculpable, when the sinne of another riseth from that which in it selfe is both mate­rially and formally good: so God deferring of sentence against wicked ones, Eccles. 8. is said to be the cause of their going on in their sinne, yet inculpable because materially and formally good.

Secondly, Culpable occasionall guilt, is when ano­ther is furthered in his sinne, by that wich is materially or formally evill in us, which culpable guilt is either by not restraining, or furthering of it occasionally.

First, wee are guilty occasionally for not restraining sinne, so Eli of his Sons sinnes, 1 Sam. 3. because they runne themselves into a slander, and he restrained them not: and that,

First, when wee neglect to restraine it by Authority: [Page 19] so when the people in Nebemiahs time bore burthens on the Sabbath, Nehemiah saith to the rulers, What thing is this that you doe in breaking the Sabbath in bearing burthens? because they restrained not the porters there­from.

Secondly, by neglecting of vigilancy in watching to keepe each other from it; and so I conceive all Israel was guilty of Achans finne, for not watching over him, and restraining him from the same; I know other rea­sons are given, but this seemes to be the best grounded from the text.

Both because God tells them before-hand chap. 6. verse 18. that though all but one abstained, yet if any one did offend he would punish them all for it.

Secondly, the precept is not only Cavete, take heed, but Custodite, set a watch about others; which had they done, it had beene impossible, but some one in such a company had discovered Achan in his theevery.

And as a whole nation may be guilty of the sinne of one man by not restraining it, so likewise by doing that which shall occasionally further it, and that first by ex­ample; thus Peter is guilty of the Iewes and Gentiles conformity to the abolished Ceremonies by his ex­ample and is said to constraine them, Gal. 2.

Secondly, by giving opportunity to sinne, as negli­gence makes theeves. Iudas is said to purchase the field, Acts. 1. because he threw downe the money, which gave occasion to the Jewes to purchase it.

Thirdly, by Imitation of men in their sinnes; thus the Scribes and Pharisees in the 23. Matth. are said to be guilty of all the bloud of the Prophets, that went before them, by imitating their malice; and exercising it against the Lord Iesus, the head of Prophets, that then was with them.

These many waies way a whole Nation be guilty of the offence of one occasionally; yet neither of these [Page 20] waies were the infants of Achans Familie guilty of the sinne of Achan, and therefore the Scripture tells us of another guilt, which is a politicall guilt, meerly pas­sive and no waies active, not of the sin at all, not punish­ment eternall, but temporall, and externall, which ari­ses from the linkes and bonds, of politicke, and civill society, whereby as members of the same body they are made partakers of the good, and evill belonging to either of them, in politicke things, as in the title which Lawyers call Franke pledges, wherein the Tenants are joyntly, and severally bound to their Lord, and one to another, so that if one forfeit their estate, all forfeit with them▪ even so in politicall guilt it comes to passe, as wee see in the death of Infants for their Parents, Subjects for Kings sinne and transgressions. I know some goe about to vindicate Gods justice, by affirming that God found just matter in the most innocent, to justifie his rodde. Which though it be true, yet under correction, it suits not with the Scripture phrase, for it saith, That the Famine in Davids time, was for Sauls bloudy house, not their owne sinne: and therefore it is by politicall guilt; wherein yet the equity of Gods justice, and dispensation may be cleared from this, that as in­nocent persons, by vertue of politicall tyes and bonds, partake of many temporall rodds by occasion of wicked mens sinnes: so do they also receive many temporall commodities from their services; the very Children of Achan, had formally received that life from him, which now they lose by him.

Applic. 1 First take notice then how much evill the sparing or tolerating of one Achan may doe in a tent, a Fami­lie, a Countrey, or Kingdome, nay in a world, he may doe a whole world hurt, as Rom. 5. By one man sinne entred into the world, and death by sinne; especially if he be in place of power and authority in Church or Common-wealth, or both; oh how much mischiefe [Page 21] may such a one doe accessarily, by commanding, coun­selling, and inciting, others to that he dares not doe himselfe, and after by consenting, defending, and con­niving, either occasionally by not restraining by autho­rity or vigilancie, or by furthering by his example, imi­tation or giving opportunitie.

Applic. 2 Secondly, it serves to vindicate and cleere the justice of God in bringing publicke calamities, and troubles by and through wicked mens actions upon people that may seeme to be actually innocent of these crimes: oh before we complaine we suffer for others guilt, let us examine whether wee be not one of these waies ac­cessary, or occasionally guilty of the crimes wee suffer for: and I feare few will be found, but will find some part of Achans sinne lie in their owne bosome, either occasionally or accessarily, by furthering or not restrai­ning of them.

Applic. 3 Thirdly, let none then hereafter secure themselves in personall innocency, or rest in actuall purity, from the sinnes of the times, he that is as pure as Ioshua in person, may be guilty with Achan by relation; if God himselfe therefore should free thee from actuall guilt by his lot, rest not untill by repentance, and execution of justice thou hast freed thy selfe from occasionall and accessary guilt also, otherwise he that cleeres thee from the act in thy selfe, will correct with deadly blowes for conniving and consenting with others, let me there­fore say with the Apostle to Titus 1. Be not partakers of others mens sinnes. Alas then how vainly doe many pri­vate persons blesse themselves in casting off the blame and danger of the sinnes of the times upon great men in places, because they thinke it is not their duties to reforme these things, but those that have power and authority in their hands to suppresse them, which see­ing they themselves want, it belongs not to them to be grieved for them? but oh deceive not your selves [Page 22] herein, though God hath not given thee a hand to sup­presse them, yet he hath given thee a heart to hate them▪ though God hath not given thee meanes or power to punish them, yet hath he given thee a tongue to pro­test and pray against them; and for sailing in these, thou maist be accessarily and occasionally as guilty for thy part, as they in neglecting their power and place in their part.

And how vainly doe many of our Magistrates with Pilate wash their hands from the sinnes of their divi­sions in Townes and Families by saying, We have no­thing to doe in these sinnes of the times, we joyne not in the practice of drunkards, swearers, and incest, &c. when yet they accessarily and occasionally are guilty of all those which by their counsell, power, and autho­rity they might have restrained: the day will one day come, when all their inferiours under them shall lay the burthen of their sinnes to their charge, when such shall say as Caine, not onely my sinnes are greater then I can beare, but my neighbours sinnes, my people and Servants sinnes, are greater then I can, and yet must beare them, God charges them upon mee; when they shall say as Ioshua to Achan, thou Achan troublest us, so these, thou Idolater, Papist, swearer, uncleane per­son troublest me, for I have beene accessary to your sinnes, and must now answer for them. I knew once an Ale-house keeper taking notice of this truth, went home to his house, crying all the way he went, Oh if I must answer for all the sinnes I have beene accessary unto, how many thousand wicked and intemperate practises, oathes, lies, vaine words have I seen and heard in my house, by them that are now dead, and dyed in the guilt of those sinnes, which I occasioned? what shall now become of mee? And lest wee should thinke it were his folly, or weakenes, Augustine himselfe pro­fesses it was a thing very hideous to him to thinke of [Page 23] a Woman with whom in his yong time he had beene wanton, which after he thought dyed in her impeni­tency, and now, saith he, for ought I know, shee is in Hell-fire for that sinne I drew her unto, and also blas­phemes God that I am not there with her. Oh may not the same thoughts be like burning coales in many a mans bosome? but I will spare you: onely for time to come, say to Achan wee have sinnes enough of our owne to suffer for, wee will not beare your burthen, you shall not sinne at our Soules cost and charges, but if wee be innocent actually, we will also indeavour our selves to be so occasionally and accessarily, so that no Achans offence may bring trouble upon us. And if you aske how this is to be done, what remedy wee are to use in this case, Ioshua and the Lord tells you in the latter clause of the text, the sentence and conclusion a­gainst Achan, The Lord shall trouble you: And thus I slide from the Troubler, Trouble and troubled in the accu­sation, to the troubles and troubled in the conclusion, The Lord shall trouble thee; which remedy that it may be fully discerned what it is that is the Soule-cure of the troubles of a Common-wealth by Achans disturbed, observe the matter out of which it must be wrought, the troubled; which is not only Achan alone, nor the Wedge and Babylonish Garment alone, in which he had offen­ded, but Achan and all his appurtenances, that unto him belonged, his Children, his Cattell, to a hoose, yea the very tent in which they and the Babylonish Garment were kept and hid, every thing in all the world that be­longed to Achan.

Secondly, observe the troubles, what must be done with them that Israel may be cured; not Achan to be imprisoned, or banished alone, not to be fined for the Wedge and Babylonish Garment, his Horses not to be curtald, seised and confiscated, his house, and tent, to be removed and altered: but he and all his Followers [Page 24] stoned, Tents, and Garments, and Wedge utterly to be consumed, and burnt to ashes, in a word all that he hath to be wholly extirpated, and annihilated.

Thirdly, observe the troubler, the Author and actor that ordaines this cure; not passion or revenge in the people troubled, nor humane policy, whose equity and moderation might have beene questioned, but the Lord who is wisdome, love, and goodnes himselfe, he pre­scribes it, yea and not onely prescribes it, but also ownes the execution of it, The Lord shall trouble thee.

As if in this cure he would be knowne to be both the prescriber and administer of the remedy, to all disturbed Churches. I read not (I confesse) that the Lord did immediately throw stones from Heaven upon Achan, as he did upon the Canaanites, Joshua 7. nay I read the contrary, that the Magistrate Joshua and the rest of the people by Ioshuahs appointment, did immediately both burne and stone them, and yet the Lord ownes this act, and will have the cure fathered upon none but him­selfe, teaching us,

Doct. 3 That the divine policie and heavenly rēmedy, to recover a Common-wealth and Church by Achans in­dangered, is that those that have authority under God, doe totally abolish and extirpate all the cursed things whereby it was disturbed.

The rather I observe this note from the text, because besides the description of God before opened, the ele­gant phrase which the Spirit of God useth in setting downe the remedy doth strongly perswade it was principally intended, while the name of the offender, and the name of the offence, and the name of the pu­nishment, and the name of the place of the execution, is exprest by the same Radix in Hebrew [...] as if it were thus pend, Achan for aconizing is acanized [Page 25] in the valley of Achan, or Englished thus, the troubler that troubles a Common-wealth like Achan, is to be troubled for the same as Achan, in the like place of A­chans trouble▪ which the Lord himselfe doth affirme in expresse words in the following words, in ascribing the whole successe of Israels safety to Achans totall abolishment, Then the anger of God was turned from Is­rael: I call it therefure a divine policy,

First for the prescription, secondly the practice.

First, the prescription of God is not onely evident here, but in all other of the like nature, Exod. 32. the execrable thing of the golden Calfe troubled the whole Church so farre that for it the Tables are bro­ken, the people abhorred, God departed, the whole congregation except Moses to be totally consumed: how is this to be remedied? Moses fell on his face there, as Joshua here, and makes God cry out Let me alone, &c. will this cure it? is this all? no. Moses seeth for all Prayers Israel will not be cured, though spared, with­out a full, and totall extirpation of all the accursed things and persons also.

First, the accursed thing the Calfe must be abolished, stampt, ground to powder, burnt to ashes and drunke, there is the totall extirpation of the thing; and verse 25. God saith by Moses his mouth, that had prayed for them, Goethrough all the Campe from Tent to Tent, and Gate to Gate, and slay every man his Neighbour, Friend, Brother and Sonne, that the Lord may bestow his blessing upon you, as if no blessing without a full extirpation of persons, as well as things, verse 26. 30. The like is seene in the course of that great trouble which was brought upon the Church by the accursed things of Baal Peor, for which wrath came upon the whole congregation of Israel, for besides the zeale of Phineas in staying and mitigating the wrath of God by the speedy cutting off of two principall offenders, [Page 26] the Lord to shew that a perfect cure could not be with­out a totall extirpation, prescribes it for this end to Moses, and all the Iudges in their circuits, and divisi­ons. Moses (saith the Lord) hang up every head of the people that were joyned to Baal Pecor that the wrath of God may be turned away, and then that all the Iud­ges and people may slay every man that had defiled themselves in the execrable things, Num. 25. 5. And this totall extirpation to be divine prescription to settle & establish a Common-wealth distempered in peace and tranquillitie, is most evident in the frequent injuncti­on and inculcation of it to Moses, and the people of Israel when they came into Canaan, to abolish and put downe all accursed things and persons from under Heaven, and by their terrible ruins for their partiall extirpation of them.

Neither is this prescription more divine, then the practice in this particular, witnes the immediate pra­ctice of God himselfe, in repairing the ruined Chur­ches and Common-wealth of the old world, by taking away the execrable things and persons that then over­threw it; what was done? God brings an universall deluge, totall confusion and extirpation of them all, as if God himselfe could doe it by no other meanes but this. Sutable to which is that declaration of his, in the whole booke of the Prophets, and the explication of them in the Revelation, where the Lord setting downe, and foretelling the reparation and restauration of the Church upon earth againe, like new Heavens and new Earth where righteousnesse should dwell, and be pur­ged from old troubles and abominations, shewes it shall be brought to passe by the full extirpation of all exe­crable persons and things, Beasts, false Prophets, Thrones of the Beasts, Froggs, and Locusts, name of the Beast, and the number of his name. As in the daies of Noah also, and in the daies of Lot: so also now shall the [Page 27] world be curëd, by a full extirpation: Doth not the pra­ctice of Nehemiah in repairing the Church warrant it? did he content himselfe onely to purge the Temple of all rubish, the Common-wealth of all Ashdods wives and their accursed issues, or thrusting the great enemy Tobiah from the house of the Lord? no, but Tobiah and all his household stuffe also must out, Nehe. 13. 7. shew­ing this to be the divine policie, &c.

Doth Mordecay thinke it sufficient for the Iewes safe­ty to prevaile with the King for the cutting off of the Favorite Haman, or his next court adherents, or the ex­tirpation of all the Churches enemies, in the Palace to the number of 500. except all the adversaries in all the Kings 127. Provinces be rooted out and totally cut off? The Lord reproving, and blemishing the practices of the best of the Kings of Israel for want of full extir­pation, in leaving any of the high places untaken a­way: the Lord rending the Kingdome from Saul and his posterity for sparing one Agag and a few accursed things, for sacrifice, the fatted beasts of Amaleck; and and in declaring that as for want of this thorough ex­extirpation of all these accursed things, he lost both thankes for what he had done, and Kingdome also; so if he had utterly consumed Amaleck, he had thereby for ever setled the Kingdome upon himselfe and his posterity, shewes that it is a divivine policy, both of divine prescription and practice to cure a Common-wealth by Achans indangered, &c.

Applic. Seeing it is so &c. now let the honourable house take notice whence the hope of the peace of our Church, the prosperity of the Common-wealth, the purity of our Religion, the quietnes of our conscien­ces, from the nationall accessary and occasionall guilt of Achans and accursed things in troubling our Com­mon-wealth, must be expected and looked for; even from the valley of Achor; the valley of Achor is the [Page 28] onely dore of this hope, it is not our victory with Saul, our prayers with Moses, could we pray as strongly as he, our good lawes if as good as those that God wrote in the Tables with his owne hand, nor Parliamentary assemblies, nor partiall reformation and execution of Justice upon some offenders, with as much zeale as Phineas against Cosbie and Zimry, that will afford helpe, except that those that are in authority under God ex­tirpate all the Achans, and Idolatrous things among us, that all our Idolatrous Achans, the Iesuits, the impious Achans, the blasphemous Achans, the sacrilegious A­chans with their Babylonish Garments, Babylonish Orders, Ceremonies, and Gestures, their Cattell and Tents, be rooted out from among us: this is the divine policy to counterplot all the plots of our adversaries, to turne Gods wrath from us and to move him to be­stow his blessing upon us, to cut off these Achans, not with a Sithe to lop off the overtopping branches and vast extending boughes alone, but to goe to them with a Plough, roote out both body and roote, and all the sprigs and feeders of them in the Earth where they grow: a meditation never more sutable then at this time, nor more necessary for Ioshua and Israel in those daies, then for us in our daies, who for one Achan in the whole host then, may finde a whole host of Achans and execrable things in one City now; who have as many Babylonish Garments among us, as there were threads or shreads in that one of Achans the removall of which, in respect of the multitude, and power, seemes so un­possible to many, that with those faint hearted Is­raelites in Ieremiah, their hearts faint and are ready to say there is no hope; as good with Issachar be asses and beare our burthens, as with Israel in Egypt by seek­ing to ease our selves of the number of our bricke and taskmakers, to procure our burthens doubled, and in­creased. But what ever these said, yet God and Ioshua [Page 29] shewes in the text, that the valley of Achor will be the dore of this hope: let me say therefore unto you as good Shechaniah to Ezra, c. 10. 2. We have indeed trespassed in the accursed thing, and Achans have done wickedly and troubled us, but yet there is hope in Israel concerning this, the Lord shall trouble them, that God that caused Ahasuerus to hang up Haman, that caused Samuel to hew Agag in peeces, that caused Joshua to extirpate Achan, will inable our Ioshuahs to roote out ours also: which that it may be accomplished, suffer me to pro­ceed with the same Shechaniah to Ezra, to you of the honourable House: Up, for the matter belongs to you, wee also will be with you; wee, even all the godly Mi­nisters of the Countrey as Aaron and Hur with Mo­ses and Ioshua will be with you, stand and fast and pray to strengthen your hands, steady to the worke; all the loyall and godly Commons and people in the Country at your lawfull commands, be ready to joyne with you in casting stones against these Achans; but the matter belongs to you, you must doe the deed, you are they that must cure us by the totall extirpation of all Achans and Babylonish Garments among us.

Let me therefore in the name of the Kingdome that is now endangered by Achans, in the name of religion corrupted by Achans, in the name of all faithfull teach­ers opposed by Achans, in the name of all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba who are now disturbed by A­chans, present this supplication to all of you in gene­rall, and to every of you in particular, to thinke of in your walkes, in your private Chambers, in your sit­tings, and Committees, to save them and theirs from all trouble by them, by your troubling of them as Ioshua troubled Achan, to wit, a thorough abolishment and extirpation of them.

Doe not, wee beseech you, conceive that one new peece of Christs robes put to a Babylonish Garment [Page 30] will make the rent the lesse, for surely such patching will make the breach the wider; nor thinke that any part of a Babylonish Garment will better agree to Christs spouse, then the dirty feete of clay in Nebu­chadnezars Image could temper with his iron Leggs or Head of Gold: what communion hath Christ with Belial, or the Temple of God with Idols? but rather as that reformation, that saves our Soules from the A­chans of Hell, speak, Behold all old things must passe, all things become new: so in this restauration that cures our Church and Common-wealth from the Achans on Earth, let all accursed things passe away, and all things become new, according to the patterne in the Mount; doe in this case as Darius his Generall, that having order from his King to revenge wrongs done to his Subjects by his adversaries the Athenians, cau­sed his Servants every dish of Meate brought to his Table, to cry, Sir remember the Athenians: So that Io­shua's counsell may every meale and meeting, &c. report this in your thoughts, Sir remember the Achans. The East winde did no sooner cure Egypt of the Frogs of Nilus, then this course would England of all the Achans and Frogs of Tiber. Little doe Magistrates know the Majesty and authority God hath graven in their fore­heads, to daunt and chase away these wicked Achans, by their frownes, and verball discouragements, to them; Curtes reports that it was some ease to the poore In­dians in their death to heare one another raile on the Spaniards cruelty; but sure I am, the verball opposition, and admirable speeches of our Ioshua's in the House against Achans of the times, together with their votes in extirpating of them doth marvellously not onely case, but rejoyce the hearts of the poore troubled Is­rael in the Countrey: but now to this verball opposi­tion, adde but a reall execution and a totall extir­pation of them, and then have wee all wee crave of [Page 31] God, or can expect from men.

Thus to oppose and abolish Achans, and Babylonish Garments, is better done then said, but much sooner said then done, else how comes it to passe that so many Achans at our Countrey Sessions, and Assizes, &c. are discovered, and so few suppressed? even because when some bend themselves wholly to save their Countrey and Conscience by legall punishment of them, others bend their heads and studies to invent evasions, and to coyne excuses, and apologies for them: so that now the proverb is, good Ale and the tap houses seldome want a friend in the bench; doe not wee sometimes see that even in the Tents of those that should be our Ioshua's, Magistrates, and in the Townes of their owne resi­dence, more execrable and accursed things are pra­ctised under their shelters then elsewhere? If the Ba­bylonish Garment lye safe in their owne Tents, how can they persecute the search of it in an Ale-house or elsewhere? Black-smiths that heare continuall knock­ing within their shops, seldome looke out at the noyse in the Streets. But where goe I? mibi accusatio etiam vera displicet contra magistratum; I am not now at a petty Sessions or countrey Assizes, but before all the Joshua's in Israel assembled together for this end to restore the Peace of the Kingdome, to the Church and Common-wealth; loth would I be to cast the least aspersion or suspition of any such thing among you; onely let mee suggest thus much unto you, that this Joshua in my text, that did here inquire for the Baby­lonish Garment in Achans Tent, did also before all Israel enter into covenant for his own Tent and House, I and my house will serve the Lord. [...]; saith the Philosopher from Plato: how shall Law-makers hope their Laws will be observed by others afterward, when they are no sooner made, then broken in the Tents and [Page 32] hands of those that first made them? Thou art inexcu­sable oh man that thus judgest or makest law, for in that thou judgest another and doest the same thing, thou condemnest thy selfe. For the avoiding of this, & satisfying the contrary expectation from you, I beseech you remember now the loud exclamations of all the Free-holders in the Countrey in your Countreys ele­ction, doe now with the same vehemencie require and cry out unto you to give out your votes for the full extirpation of all the accursed things among us.

The text besides the duty affords three motives unto you, first hereby you shall be true Joshua's, true Saviours of your Countrey. I have read in Marrulius of a Duke of Bavaria that each morning before he went to his dyet would call his Servants to bring him Water in a Bason, in whose bottome Cato Majors picture was stampt in Gold, so that he might cause the impression of his Image to be fixed in his minde, the imitation of whose vertues he propounded for his practice: and how happy should I count my selfe if instead of Cato his Picture I might with his servant so present Joshua his practise before you, that the impression thereof might ever after abide in your thoughts? Disdaine not the patterne, for he was the most happy and succes­full governour that ever the Lord of the spirits of all flesh set over the congregation of Israel; I know what I say, if Moses were a greater Law-giver, yet was Ioshua a more succesfull Governour: if Solomon were more profound for Theory, yet was he more unhappy in practise of equity; never was the Church of Israel so happy as in Ioshua's daies; consider the manner of his education, his call and Election, his uncorrupt con­versation, his valour and victories abroad, his care for piety, his hatred of Idolatry, his excellent care in house­hold government at home: and then it will be farre from being a disparagement for the best to become his [Page 33] followers; but on the other side his example will be a strong inducement to all pious Magistrates to labour to equall him, especially seeing the Lord himselfe pro­pounds his practice to be the patterne of all Magistrates that should succeed him: this the Lord gives a strong hint of, Nehemiah 9. 27. where speaking of all the good Magistrates that did succeed Ioshua, he calls them all [...] more Ioshua's, as it is translated, more Saviours: teaching us that a good Magistrate is no­thing else but Ioshua metamorphosed, the minde of Ioshua in another person, or rather the vertues of Io­shua in another minde; and of all Ioshua's practises and vertues, there was none wherein he deserved more the name of a Saviour then in that which wee have ob­served from his practice in the text propounded from him for your imitation, to wit a thorough extirpation of all Achans, whether among Canaanites or Israelites.

Motive 2 The second motive in the text is that God himselfe fathers this act, and honours it with his owne name, & title, The Lord shall trouble thee, as if he had said you shall not only herein resemble Ioshua, but God himselfe also, and have his title ascribed to you. I have read that the greatest honour the heathen could invent to incite their Governours to be faithfull for the weale pub­licke, was to Canonize them for Gods, and therefore they called Indigetes, men for their desert worthy to be Gods: but in bending your whole power received from God, to extirpate these Achans, you shall be Gods in the Canon of Scripture, Psalme 86. I have said you are Gods. because Proverbs 8. 15. by him Judges decree justice, and for him is the judgment, as Hezekiah tells the Judges, Yee judge not for men, but for God: therefore he honours the executioners of it with his owne title. When Satan perswaded Adam and Eve to eate of the execrable things, it was by this motive, You shall be like Gods, and yet that made them like [Page 34] Devills; but by excelling and extirpating these Achans, you shall be like Gods indeed, not Physicè. In nature, and essence, but Ethicè and Politicè, in vertue and glo­ry. First in vertue, there being no other vertue where­in man resembles the Lord more lively, or b [...]ares his Image so perfectly, as in executing of justice against execrable persons, especially, if while he executes Justice upon offenders, he provides withall for the salvation and felicity of the righteous; but now in the extirpa­tion of these Achans, you shall doe both: cut off the wicked and procure the felicity of Gods chosen, as well for their Soules as Bodies: Alas how many mil­lions of Soules in this Kingdome lie under the Altars of these Achans crying with teares from their eyes, and bitternesse of grief in their hearts, How long Lord how long will it be, ere thou revenge the losse of our ordinances, Sabbaths, Sacraments? how long shall it be ere the bloud of Soules shed by idle, scandalous, neg­ligent ministers, by their ignorance, errors, supersti­tion, be regarded by our Joshua? how long will it be ere th [...]u put soule pitying spirits into their pious hearts, to ease us of these execrable Achans? oh let your spirits observe the complaints and petitions brought unto you from all parts of the Kingdome, by the sheepe of Christ, that have no Shepheard, but onely Achans, troubling Wolves to destroy, and with the Lord Iesus Christ that great Ioshuah have compassion upon them, and send labourers to them, so shall you save their soules from death, and be both Ioshuah and God, and Saviour Ethicè in vertue and piety toward them, and being so, God will also make you like himselfe in ho­nour and dignity. I confesse the man that shall neglect to oppose these Achans among you, much more he that shall goe about to patronize any execrable thing, shall be rather an Abaddyon, an Apollon a destroyer then a Ioshuah or a Saviour; yea rather a Satan then God, or [Page 35] if a God a God that rules in this World, in and for the Children of Belial the Achans: but for that Magi­strate that shall now take up this resolution, to the ut­termost of his power with Ioshuah, to extirpate all Idolaters, impious blasphemers, sacrilegious Achans, and Babylonish Garments, oh what honour would they purchase at the hands of this age, oh what a blessing would he bring upon his posterity, oh what peace and joy to his owne soule here, oh what a crowne of glo­ry to raigne with Christ for ever in Heaven? Certain­ly I verily perswade my selfe, all the faithfull people of God in the whole land out of unfained good-will to them, would spend whole daies and nights in praises and prayers to God for them, and if it were fitting fall downe at their very feet and worship them, ring their Bells and clap their hands, make burne-fires at the very report of their names, joy to see them, prosecute them and their posterity and their houses with praise, and all manner of excellent acknowledgments, that as Mo­ses to Aaron, so these unto their Countrey should be like God himselfe to them.

Motive 3 Thirdly, besides these two incitements from the Lord and Ioshuah, there is a third in the text from our selves. Even because they trouble us, thou hast trou­bled us saith Ioshuah. If therfore neither prescription of God, practice of Saints, peace of the Church, prospe­rity of the Common-wealth, supplication of inferi­ours, exaltation of your owne honours do not move you, yet let that which moved the unrighteous judge, that neither regarded God nor Men, to revenge the poore Widow of her adversary, move you, namely because shee troubled him; what troubles these Achans have brought upon our royall Soveraigne, State, Church, and Common-wealth already, you better know then I, from the generall complaints and peti­tions presented unto you every day; but what trouble [Page 36] they will bring upon us, for time to come, if they be not now cut off neither you, nor I can conjecture; one­ly the Lord knowes, but all may see that an universall destruction, extirpation of us, our Religion, Peace, and Lawes, was intended by them traiterously and unjustly; and shall not Ioshua justly extirpate Achans, for Achans unjust extirpation of Israel? Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth, that justice may measure them the measure they would have measured to us, is not onely equall but necessary, nam quid adempta juvat spinis de pluribus una▪ what profits us, if of a hundred Achans and Babylonish Garments to take away one and leave ninety and nine behinde▪ whereas if ninety nine were gone and but one remaining he would trouble us all? especially now when God hath discovered them unto you, and given direction from his word by his lot, that except they be taken away, he will be no more with us, but against us. Had Ioshua spared Achan after his discovery, and conviction, would not the Lord have told Ioshua, Thy life shall goe for his; what thou shouldst have done to him and didst not, I will assuredly lay upon thy selfe for neglecting it: The application I leave to your owne consciences, and make hast to shew you the speed that Ioshua and Israel used in executing this sentence, for Israels preservation in Achans totall extirpation.

This expedition is to be observed from the last two particulars in the text, to wit, the two times of trouble, the first is the time of Achans troubling Israel, and that time was past: Achan had taken his owne time to steale the Wedge, and thereby to trouble Israel; and Ioshua, he had taken Gods time, for inquisition, and examina­tion, and given Achan sufficient time to answer for himselfe before his sentence, and then being convicted by evidence of witnesses, and his owne confession, comes Gods time to be considered which the Lord takes to trouble Achan in executing the sentence against [Page 37] him for troubling Israel, and that was that very day the sentence was pronounced, with all speed and expedi­tion, without one daies procrastination, or unnecessary delaies, The Lord shall trouble thee this day: whose pra­ctice and precept to Joshua affords us and our Joshua's this further lesson and direction.

Do: 4 Fourthly, that those sentences of justice against the troublers of the State, which were concluded after due tryall and examination, are to be executed upon them without any unnecessary delaies or procrastinations.

That I be not mistaken in the proposition let it be remembred, first that I understand it not of commina­tions or threatning of justice, but peremptory senten­ces after due deliberation; for I know the Lords owne practice, in himselfe and will to his servants, is repent of the evill, and to put great distance betweene the commination of judgment and execution of it, but ne­ver to vary or repent from the time of peremptory sen­tence, of a judgment and its execution in commination and prediction, he intends reformation and remission, or at least tryall of the same, as in the 120 yeares for­bearance with the old world; 40 daies prediction of judgment to Nineve; of all which it is true as the A­postle affirmes, 2. Peter. 3. The Lord is not sl [...]ck as men are by sluggish delaies and unnecessary demurres, but is patient that men might repent and be saved▪ but in peremptory sentences he intends personall sa­tisfaction to justice; therefore then after due tryall and examination executes it without any delay, as Gen. 19▪ After God came downe and saw the wickednesse of Sodome, he executed his wrath the same day; after A­dam was throughly examined that day he began to die the death, both in being expelled from Paradise, and in inflicting vengeance upon him.

2 Secondly, I understand it of sentences concluded to satisfie Justice in making an atonement to God for di­sturbances [Page 38] and judgment brought upon a people by Achans: for where the offence is immediate against God, none injured by it but himselfe, he takes liberty to delay, yea sometimes to revoke it; but in such offen­ces where besides the offence against himselfe, in Hea­ven, the Church and Common-wealth also are troubled, by accursed things, as in Achans case, then doth he not pardon or remit execution upon any repentance, of confession whatsoever, but proceed to seeke satisfa­ction of Justice, in the execution of the delinquent, notwithstanding their repentance: is seene in that one example, 2 Sam. 21. 3. Where nothing could make the atonement for the Land by Sauls offending in the ex­ecrable thing of perjury against the Gibeonites, but the reall and speedy execution and extirpation of all his seed, notwithstanding Davids teares and prayers: and that sentences of this nature are to be executed with speed and without procrastination is that I aime now to prove to be the will of God, which I might do with­out any further search then in desiring you to looke backe to those instances wherein you have heard the Lord to prescribe the cure of a disturbed State by a sentence of totall extirpation of the offenders, and ther­in you shall read this truth annexed, and twisted with the other, yea as plainly exprest as the other, that the execution of them be not onely certaine, but speedy without delay. For this of Achan, there is nothing more cleere in all this passage of the Scripture then the expedition of the execution of his sentence; first in the Lords speedy prescribing it, as verse 13. San­ctifie your selves against to morrow, delay not one day, no not one part of the day, deferre not till the af­ternoone, 1 verse 14 early in the morning come accor­ding to all your Tribes: And as in Gods prescription, so in the whole peoples practice & obedience, who shewed,

1 First, speed in inquisition; they rose early in the [Page 39] morning and brought all the people by the Tribes be­fore the Lord, verse 16.

2 Secondly, speed in conviction; Joshua sent messen­gers to search his Tent, who it is said hasted and runne to the same.

3 Thirdly, speed in execution after conviction and sentence, as in the text, The Lord shall trouble thee to day: neither is this expedition peculiar to this instance of Achan, but also most expresly declared to be the will of God in all the other;

Extirpation of the execrable thing of the Golden Calfe and idolatry, Exod. 32. is expresly commanded to be executed without any delay, verse 30. Consecrate your selves to day unto the Lord; in the speedy execution of which sentence how many things might carnall rea­son have objected against it as both rash and cruell?

1 First, must nothing serve but death, for the first d [...]n­cing about the Idoll, may they not repent and live? no they must die.

2 Secondly, but if they must die, what no hand but their Brothers, or Fathers hands, upon them; must not the naturall ties of friendship be regarded? no saith Moses, slay every man his Brother and his Sonne.

3 Thirdly, but if they must have their throats cut by their Kindreds hands, must it be in the heate of their sinne before time given them to repent? yea saith Mo­ses, speedily consecrate your selves this day without any delay.

But surely it was a cruell minded man that was gree­dy of bloud▪ nay Moses the meekest man on the Earth, and one that would rather have died himselfe then they; if that would have satisfied God, he had tende­red his life before.

4 But good men have their faults, so Moses and the Levites might be too hasty, and make more hast then God would have given them thankes for: nay saith [Page 40] Moses, this pleased God so well that it was a conse­crating themselves unto the Lord hereby, and God bestowes a blessing on them therefore, Consecrate your selves, &c. this sacrifice of these mens blouds so plea­sed the Lord that they shall be the persons that for ever after shall offer the sacrifice of his people to him. Againe, that by a threefold witnesse this truth might be established in the extirpation and sentence, and the execution against the execrable thing of Baal Peor, Num. 15. 4. it is expresly commanded that it be exe­cuted without the delay of one day, so saith the text, Hang up all the heads and Princes of the people, Coram isto sole as Junius renders it, before this Sunne goe downe, procrastinate not at all, which they also obeyed, for in the 1 Cor. 10. 5. it is said, There fell in one day, three and twenty thousand, and one thousand Nobles besides: and I conceive the reason why the staying of the Plague was attributed especially to Phineas execution, rather then the others, because he was more zealous, which appeared in his more speedy execution, for verse 7. when Phineas saw he rose up from the midst of his more luke-warme & stupid Companions instantly following, and speedily executed judgment, whereby the Plague was speedily stayed. And upon the knowledge of this part of Gods will, it is that David, Psalme 101. 1. re­solving so to execute mercie and justice that the faith­full in his daies be preferred, concludes to extirpate the wicked out of his Kingdome, I will cut off, saith he, all the wicked from the City of God. But when shall this be done? even without all procrastination, betimes, saith he, will I destroy, or as the originall beares it, in the mor­ning early; shewing it should be his first mornings worke to execute the will of God in procuring the peace of the Kingdome by the speedy execution of justice a­gainst the troublers of it.

Object. Against this position the necessity of expedition, [Page 41] some of the house of Z [...]dy Achans Brethren possibly may object the practice of that illustrious preserver of the peace of his Country, Fabius Maximus qui cun­ctando restituit rem, that is, by delay and using long p [...]w­ses in going against the troublers and enemies of his Countrey did use to weary them, and weare them out by little and little rather then by speed and celeritie to vanquish them, and for it is called cunctator, pater pa­triae, scutum populi, the preserver of his Country, the shield of the Common-wealth.

Answ. 1 For answer to it I say first that Fabius delayes was not in executing justice against domesticke enemies, Achans at home, but in going against torraine and poli­ticke enemies abroad, both which may well stand to­gether in the same man, to wit, delay in going against forraigne enemies in a militarie way, and expedition in extirpating domesticke enemies in a judiciall way, as is seene in the same Fabius who was so speedy in execu­ting death against the legions of his owne, that revolted to Hannibal; that he tooke the very course that Ioshua here doth, cast lots to set out the persons to be execu­ted, and then beheaded them with his owne sword, not staying for the comming of the executioner to doe it.

Answ. 2 Secondly I answer, that his delaies was rather in de­ferring the execution of the plots and violence of his enemies against the peace of his Countrey, then his owne or Senates Counsell against his enemies; it was Hanniballs plots and counsells that Fabius delaies, and not his owne resolutions: which policy in delaying and crossing the counsell and plots of Achans against the State, is the speediest and soonest way to put in ex­ecution the State counsell against these Achans: this I shall by a digression cleare unto you in the instance of Hushai and Davids practice, in defeating the counsell of Achitophell against him and the State.

1 Never any Achan or Traytor better headed, and [Page 42] principled to contrive the ruine of the State and go­vernment then Achitophel, chiefe man in Davids councell, one for policie like the oracle of God, so that David prized more his judgment then all the rest of his board.

2 Secondly, never did Achitophel bend his braines and exercise the quiotessence of his trayterous wit, and policy more, then in seeking the overthrow of the Kingdome & government under David, in his Treason with Absolon, whether you respect the contrivance of the plot, or managing of it: for the contrivance it was,

1 First, by closing with him in the Treason that he saw the King did most fondly affect, and had greatest power with the King, even Absolon.

2 Secondly, by his plausiblenesse and favour, to worke a misliking in the hearts of as many of the Subjects of the King as he could, concerning the indirect admini­stration of justice and lawes, as it was ordered by those faithfull servants which David imployed in the worke, and withall to promise and possesse them with better proceedings, if things might come to Absolon hand.

3 Thirdly, by carrying on this Treason under pre­tence of piety and devotion: Absolon hath vowes to pay and these must not be paid at Jerusalem, in accommo­dating himselfe to that pure worship, which God had instituted, but he must abuse the Kings favour, and draw the people with him to Hebron, there to joyne with them in a way of sacrifice, that was over and above Jerusalems worship, whereby he drew most of the Sub­jects not well grounded, to follow him in conforming to his Hebron worship; and then to side with him a­gainst government established: thus deepe was Achito­phells contrivance, nor was Achitophells practice inferi­our to his contrivance, for

1 First, the Subjects being then alienated from the King he labours to cut off all hope and meanes of peace [Page 43] betweene the King and them, by causing Absolon to goe in to his Fathers Wives in the sight of all Israel, that so he might be made so odious to his Father, that there might be no hope of a reconciliation betweene them; and thereby also the hearts of the people made strong and resolute in siding with them, when they should see no hope of any peace to follow betweene them.

2 Secondly, he stirres them up to follow it by a mili­tary expedition against David, and all the faithfull Subjects in the Land, wherein he offers himselfe to be the leader and Generall, that as he had beene president of the Councell in peace, so that now he might feed his ambitious humour in making himselfe Generall of the forces in Warre, Let me choose ten thousand, saith hee.

3 Thirdly, he presses all hast and expedition, no fur­ther counsell, but his owne, he would not have the Battle delayed one day, Let mee follow the King this night, saith he.

4 Fourthly, he perswades from the opportunity of prevailing, Now David and his men being weary and weake handed.

5 Fifthly, from the facility, he would doe it with twelve thousand men.

6 Lastly, from the commodiousnesse, he would onely slay the King and those that were blockes in his way, and these being slaine, all the people would returne to him as one man: thus you see that no Achan or enemy of the world could bring more trouble upon a Com­mon-wealth then Achitophell intended: now see that no policie to secure the Kingdome and bring speedy ruine upon Achitophell, is more prevalent, then de­laying his counsell in his military way, which will appeare,

F 1 irst, from Davids prayer and counsell, and

[Page 44] 2 Secondly, from Hushais practice.

1 First, Davids prayer, Lord turne his counsell to folly.

2 Secondly, perswading Hushai to defeat his plot with Absolon: and then Hushai, first in taking off Achitophells counsell, and then in propounding his owne contrary to it: he takes of Achitophells counsell by declaring that though Achitophell deserved the name of a wise man, yet at this time he missed: for whereas he had said that David and his men were weary handed, he tels them now that they were like Beares robbed of their Whelpes: and for taking of David alone there was no probability, for David being a skilfull Warrier, would not lodge with his people all night; and for the time of going the night would be worst of all, for David would be hid in a Cave, and then how should they finde him in the darke? and againe being in the night, in a wood, the assailants would have the disadvantage and the defendants the gaine, at least to kill some which in the night being heard, would discourage the rest and make them all runne away. Having taken of Achito­phells counsell he propounds his owne.

1 First, for time he would have them delay till all Israel be gathered; for company he would have all Is­rael come together, from Dan to Beersheba; for the Ge­nerall not Achitophell, but the King himselfe in his person; all which counsell was for no other end but to delay and procrastinate the counsell of Achitophell, thereby to bring speedy ruine upon them, both which also came to passe; for Achitophell seeing his counsell was not taken, considers if the King was overcome, he was but a dead man; if he were not overcome, yet the honour of the victory would fall upon Hushai, whose counsell was followed when his was rejected, and ther­fore hanged himselfe that night: and the next is Abso­lon hanged in the Tree by his neck. By which instance, you see that expedition of our owne counsells and pro­crastinating [Page 45] the plots of adversaries in military waies well agree together, to bring speedy deliverance and cure to a troubled Church and State.

Applic. The consideration of which truth, with application of the same to the proceeding of but Honourable as­semblies against the Achans among us, affords us all just occasion and matter of a twofold dutie. First of Praise. Secondly of Prayer.

1 First of Praise, when wee reflect upon that which is already done.

2 Secondly of Prayer, when wee looke forward upon that which is yet to doe.

For the former, if expedition in execution of justice be the will of God, for our preservation, then let all the Kingdome and severall Shires of the Land fing praise to our God, and give due honour to his instruments, by whose indefatigable labours, and incessant diligence in examining and convincing our Achans, so great a stay of Idolatry, injustice, molestation, in the Church and Common-wealth, is already attained; so deepe a foundation of purity in the Church, of peace and tran­quillity in the whole Kingdome, in so short a time, in so few moneths is so deeply layed Compare the com­plexion of our Kingdome, Judicatures, Oratories, &c. at this present, with the countenance they have carried for many by-gone yeares, and you will say more have beene done for our peace, and against Achans, within five moneths last past, then in fifty yeares before, if all see it not, it is because they are blind or consider not that it is in great bodies and publique businesses of State, as in the motions of the Heavens, which are most speedy in their course, yet not sensibly perceived, but by their effects, when wee discerne those Starres that were aloft overnight, are under feet in the morning, though wee saw not their motion, yet wee conclude the speed of their course: even so when wee see bla­zing [Page 46] Comets and boystering clouds scattered, our darke Starre elevated; when wee see Hushais counsell enter­tained, and Achitophells rejected; when wee see a Warre as furiously persecuted, and bent to as great hazard to our Kingdome, as Absolons was against Israel, by our Joshuahs, and Hushais delayed, now turned to a glorious peace, a Triennall Parliament concluded, Achitophell hanged, wee cannot choose but say as David to Abigail, Blessed be the Lord that sent▪ you, and blessed be you & your counsell, that hath thus [...]oon [...] made our B [...]achim the place of our weeping, become our Beracha, and turned our teares into Songs; yee have made this yeare the yeare of Jubilee unto us, wherein so many exiled and banished from Gods house, from their owne houses, and places, and Kingdomes, as at the death of the high Priest have returned to their owne inheritance againe, and with Ezra, chap. 7. 27. Blessed be the Lord which hath put such a thing as this into the Kings heart; give unto the Lord you mightie, give unto Lord glory due unto his name, for he hath loosed the collars of Princes, and made the Judges vaines blesse yee the Lord yee house of Aaron, for he is now your helpe and shield: yea let all the Saints be joyfull with glory to our God, and fing aloud upon their beds, for God hath put into their hearts both power, and readinesse, to execute vengeance on Achans and cor­rection among the people, to binde their great ones in chaines, and their Princes in fetters of Iron, to execute speedily the judgment that is written: this honour have all his Saints, Praise yee the Lord.

2 Secondly, as it affords matter of praise to God and you for the expedition already past, so also further oc­casion of Prayer, in respect of what is behinde; if ex­pedition in execution of Achans, is the will of God, then let us pray God to convey his will into your wills still, and make you more willing to make speed [Page 47] to save us, and hast to helpe us; suffer us to pray God to remove all blockes, and impediments out of your waies, and from your owne hearts, and spirits, that what Achan soever shall by due examination be convin­ced to be a troubler and disturber of the lawes of God and the Kings, as in Ezra 7. 26. Judgment may be exe­cuted upon him, and that speedily whether it be unto death, or banishment, or confiscation of goods or imprisonment; suffer me in the name of God and his poore Church to pray you that if God stir up the hearts of some to be for­ward, there may none be found that may retard or delay the same serendo moras from selfe-love, favour, feare, or carnall reason; but that still Justice against these Achans may runne downe in the straightest way and the shortest course, and not in the winding bankes of unnecessary delayes. Consecrate your selves to day unto the Lord, and if all Achans could be hanged up, Coram isto sole, let none remaine untill tomorrow how ever, in exercising mercy and justice betimes in cutting off all the wicked, from the City of God: thinke not that our prayer of expedition ariseth from distrust or suspition of your wisdome and diligence; for al­though he that beleeveth in God himselfe, doth not make hast, by way of diffidence, yet doth he pray, God make hast to helpe us, oh Lord make speed to save us, out of confidence; and if the God of Heaven give us leave to incite him with our arguments, and quicken him by our prayers, I hope I shall without offence pray this honourable House that they would quicken them­selves, by the consideration of these incitements fol­lowing, tending to speedy execution.

Motive 1 First, from the Lord, whose will it is, that you make speed; he as soone as ever any Achan hath sinned, in offending in the execrable thing, sets out his judgments and wrath after him, and the Kingdome also where he dwells: if Joshua's execution overtake Achan before [Page 48] Gods, then they spare, and save themselves as in the cause of the Gibeonites is evident; when Davids judg­ment overtakes him▪ the Lord forbeares; but if not, he goeth on still: Oh what danger is there then in one daies delay, when if our speed in execution bee not sooner then Gods, we come too la [...]e? Thinke Right Honourable, in your pursuing of these Achans, that the Lord is pursuing you both, with his threatned wrath, if you execute not vengeance on them betimes; and if you delay one day, thinke God that comes on Eagles Wings, and is a swift witnesse against Achans, will come in the day you begin to be slacke, and so surprize you before them: oh therefore make no delay, when hast onely saves. I read in the 1 Samuel 25. when A­bigail heard that David was offended, and comming to destroy her Familie, for Nabals fault, that she hasted to take two hundred Cakes to prevent David, verse 18. and commanded her servants, verse 19. to make more hast then her selfe could, But goe yee before mee and I will follow after: and when shee saw David, verse 21▪ she ha­sted and lighted off her Asse, and anne to meete him, and fell at his feete; but what need all this hast? even the hast that David made to revenge himselfe on Nabal and all his Familie, he would not delay nor procrastinate till the dawning of the day; God doe so to mee and more also if I leave ought of Nabal alive till the dawning of the day, saith David. Therefore not her Cakes not confession, but hast saved her and her Familie, as David tells her in terminis, verse 30. As the Lord of hosts liveth▪ except thou hadst hasted and met moe [...] ▪ I had not left any thing a­live by the breaking of the day. Ch [...] name, the cause is ours, our Achans Nabal [...] have provoked Da­vids God against us, more then David against Nabal; his poore servants come tell you, evill will come upon us therefore; you are ou [...] Abigails, hast, for as the Lord liveth except you hast wee may feare little will be left [Page 49] in a few daies, and the rather because God is in view, and therefore stay not while his wrath overtake us; stay not while our Kingdome be destroyed.

Motive 2 Secondly, if Gods haste move not, yet let Achans haste effect it, for the more daies Achans are permitted to stay, after discovery; the more doe they infect us; is the iniquity of Peor too little for us saith the people, but wee must have more? so say I, is it not sufficient that their sins have troubled us, but their continuance must infect us, and destroy us, Deut. 21. there is a law made, that the dead body of an executed malefactor should not be suffered to hang on the tree till to morrow Junius out of Epiphanius gives the reason, because the fight of them above the earth was execrable to the Lord: till they were wholly abolished they would infect; now, if the bodies of our Achans infect spirituall as well as corporall, why should they stay above the ground till to morrow; which much like as is said of the Ba­filisk, spectando, & dum spectantur, both by our seeing them, and their seeing of us, they slay us.

1 First so long as they are seene, they slay us, because they keepe the fountaine of life from us, God will not come one moment to us till they be gone; censures and judgment, without execution, no more brings comfort to the body of a State, then promises of payment with­out satisfaction paies debts: while the debt is not paid the suite goes on, and while the life of the malefactor is in him, by unjust and unnecessary procrastinations; Gods justice for all our censures and purposes are still in force against us.

2 Secondly, and much more spectando while they live do they actually hurt, when they are questioned & con­demned, the Law of Man against these Achans doth as the reviving of the Law of God in the consciences of wicked men, make them desperately evill, m [...]e then be­fore, [...] pere [...]te, [...]at mundus, saith Achan, o [...] that seeing [Page 50] I must die or Israel, that I might destroy Israel before I die. Baalam when he cannot curse from his Alt [...]t [...], undoeth Israel by his secret counsells to the King Ba­lacke against Israel; had not Absolon beene spared, he had never driven his Father out of his Kingdome, this David and all the faithfull of Israel have got, by hear­ing the Woman of Tekoah for his reprievall; I may say of all Achans as our Saviour of Judas, it had beene good for them and the Kingdome where they live, they had never beene borne, but that they had perished before they had done either good or evill; but having done so much evill and mischiefe to the lives and welfare of whole Kingdomes, why should life be further granted to them whose very life brings death to all about them▪

Motive 3 Thirdly, in procrastinating their execution you hin­der the joy, the comfort, the Jubilee of the Church, for the returne of its praise; as long as these sonnes of Belial live, the Kingdomes peace and comfort cannot be established, onely when these are cast downe, will the Church lift up its head, and say exaltation, and shouting. Oh what joy was in Israel when Moses, Aaron, and Miriam saw the Egyptians dead upon the shore, then they sung and danced, when Debora and B [...]ck saw Sisera beheaded, then all but Meros that did not helpe the Lord, rejoyced: when Mordecai and Hester saw Haman hanged, then they kept the feast and daies of Ʋrin [...]; and when England shall see these Achans exe­cuted, then shall they rejoyce in the Lord, and in the returne of his presence into his Temple, ordinances, and judicatures; hi gandia nostra morantur: while these Froggs and Jesuits of Rome be extirpated, wee shall not sing the song of Moses and the Lambe. Oh therefore hast their ruine, and your owne triumph; though Rome were not built in one day, yet may it be, nay it shall be destre [...]d in a day, Revel. 18. 8. her pangs shall come in one day, nay in one houre, verse 10. in one houre is thy [Page 51] judgment finished; our Church hath long time beene in travaile to be delivered of these Vipers, and long tra­vails are perilous, especially if so; and that the spirit and strength of pregnant begin to wast: the Dra­gon and false Prophet, labours with all their might to make the birth abortive, or destroy the issue in the Wombe, oh do you afford such helpe that shall be quick and lively, and be delivered before such Midwives come at her, then shall she forget all her sorrow, and immediately shall follow the Church Hallalajah, even the day that others have desired to see and could not, but by your expedition, in Achans destruction, your eyes shall immediately behold truth, and peace in your daies, and joy in all the Israel of God.

Motive 4 Fourthly, nor shall you by this expedition bring greates joy, to the Church then blessing to your selves. Consecrate your selves to day, saith Moses, to the sons of Levi, that God may bestow a blessing upon you; teaching us, the blessing that God will reward this ser­vice withall, should quicken their indeavours therein. Never any service that you shall doe unto God, or your Kingdome, shall be better rewarded, then this shall. Levi did all the services of the Temple, yet for his speedy extirpation of the abominable things had he the blessing; by this Levi got off the temporall guilt of the She [...]bonites bloud; by this their scattering in Israel was turned to a blessing, the temporall blessings of God assured, the blessing of immunitie from the sinnes of the Land obtained, the acceptation of the sacrifice of the people of Israel from their hands promised, as their hereditary blessing: so shall you by this worke of expe­dition of Achans judgment free your selves from the sinnes of all Achans of the times, as Ioshua here, turne away the wrath of God from your selves, and others, as Phineas elsewhere; you shall be sure that God that awarded Jeh [...]es extirpation of [...] idolatry, with [Page 52] reward of a Kingdome, in the fourth Generation, though done in hypocrisie, will not be forgetfull of this your labour, to recompence it foure-fold more then to Iehu, if you doe it speedily and in sincerity: and that God of blessing, that blessed Phineas and all his posterity, saying, I impute his zeale, his speedy cutting off two execrable persons, for righteousnesse, and give him therefore the covenant of peace, and he shall have it, and his Sonnes after him from Generation to Gene­ration, will certainly impute your speedy extirpation of many Achans, for righteousnesse, unto you and your Sons and heires, thereby in [...]ouled in a Covenant of peace, and they shall have it from Generation to Ge­neration when you are dead and gone.

Motive 5 Fifthly, to conclude all, and put an end to the ex­hortation, remember this one thing, that execution of justice upon Achans is the end and perfection of all other your paines, and labour spent, in the inquisi­tion, examination, conviction, and sentencing, of A­chans. All these are wholly directed to this, as to their end and scope, without which it is in vaine to rise up early and sit up late, and spend whole Weekes; and Moneths from your houses and families, to discover and bring them to light; to what end is this waste, if being found out, sentence is not executed, execution being the end & perfection of all censures & uncorrupt judgments? how can it appeare that the grounds, in­tentions, and rules of your sentences were pure, and uncorrupt, except after they be pronounced they haste more then ever to the in execution? for this is the dif­ference betweene naturall, and violent motions, violent, the further they goe the fainter they grow; but natu­rall, make so much the more haste, by how much they draw neerer to their end and center; therefore that it may appeare to all the world, that this Assemblies aim [...] was the peace of the Kingdome, and remove all of un­justice [Page 53] and unrighteousnesse from it, and was carried thereto by the rules of wisdome and naturall affection to truth and holinesse, being now so neere the end, make haste to the center, to wit, execution of Achans, without unnecessary delaies, and needlesse procrastra­tions.

Thus have you seene and heard the end and meanes of the ruine of the Church, in Achans accusation, and the notes and meanes of the recovery of a Church in Ioshua's sentence, and execution.

What now remaines; but as Musitians report, that a Lute or other well tuned instrument, hanging by, on a Wall, will resound the notes and choice straines, and touches, which another played on before it, by a skil­full hand may seeme to dictate unto it, and that wher­soever it failes, in answering its patterne, yet it is most observant of the closes in the end, and keeping time with them; so Ioshua is the instrument by whom the Lord hath presented these notes and lessons of heaven­ly melody unto your eares, concerning Church pur­ging, and state reforming policy, in the valley of Achor; as therefore to the honour of God and the joy of his Church, you have hitherto observed all the former notes of this heavenly musicke, by your harmony, and sweet consent, examining and sentencing these Achans: So God grant you may most carefully keepe time also with them, in the close; not ending in a Large, or a Long procrassination of executing Justice, but in a Briefe, quicke, and speedy extirpation of them with Ioshua, to trouble them all, and that this day.


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