AT THE Council-Chamber in Whitehall, The Second Day of November, 1697. PRESENT, Their Excellencies the Lords Justices in Council.
WHereas divers of His Majesties Subjects who are Attainted of High Treason, or who have been in Rebellion against His Majesty, and other Dangerous and Disaffected Persons, have withdrawn themselves into France, and other Parts beyond the Seas; And whereas Information has been given to this Board, That some Persons, being His Majesties Subjects, have lately come out of France into this Kingdom, without any Permission or Leave for the same, which, if not prevented, may Endanger the Safety of His Majesties Royal Person, and Disturb the Peace of this Kingdom: Their Excellencies the Lords Justices in Council, taking the same into Consideration, have thought fit to Order, That all Mayors, Justices of the Peace, and other Magistrates and Officers, whom it may Concern, in or near the respective Ports of this Kingdom, do take Care, and give the necessary Directions, That all Persons, being His Majesties Subjects, who shall come out of France into this Kingdom, not having a Pass from His Majesty, be Apprehended and Secured in Safe Custody, together with their Papers, till they are Examined. In Order to which the said Magistrates are to give Notice from time to time to One of His Majesties Principal Secretaries of State of all Persons so Apprehended, that such further Directions may be given concerning them, as shall be Requisite. And to the intent that all Persons concerned may take due Notice hereof, Their Excellencies have thought fit to Direct that this Order be Printed, and also publisht in the Gazette.