• Tho. Cantuar.
  • J. Sommers C. S.
  • Shrewsbury.

WHereas We have received Information upon Oath, That the Persons hereafter menti­oned have Committed High Treason in Clipping and Counterfeiting the Current Coin of this Kingdom, for which several Warrants for High Treason have beén Issued out against them, but they have withdrawn themselves from their usual Places of Abode and are fled from Iustice: We have therefore thought fit, by the Advice of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council, to Issue this Proclamation, and We do hereby Command and Require all His Majesties Loving Subjects to Discover, Take and Appre­hend Captain William Wintour of Dymock in the County of Gloucester, he is a Tall Lusty Big Man, of a Brown Complexion, of about Five and fourty Years of Age, He speaks Loud and Hoarse; Anthony [...] his Servant, of a Middle Stature, a Black Swarthy Complexion, Short Black Curled Hair, about Five and twenty Years Old, he speaks in the Welch Tone; William Barnes a Sadler without the Southgate-street at Gloucester, he is a Short Thick Man, with a very Red Face, about Fifty Years Old; William Trigg of Mitchel Dean in the said County, a Black Short Thick Man, betweén Twenty and Thirty Years Old, with a Black Curled Head of Hair; William Cutler of Mitchel Dean aforesaid, a Tall Thin Black Man, Pale Visaged, betweén Thirty and Fourty, shot through one of his Hands, wears his own Hair; Richard Beard of Dymock aforesaid, a Middle-sized Man, about Eight and twenty Years Old, Brown hair, goes a little Splay­footed, with his Toes out; William Broadly of Mitchel-Dean aforesaid, Blacksmith, a Tall Lusty Man, of a Brown Complexion, a little Disfigured with the Small Pox, about Thirty Years Old, his own Hair Thin and Lank; John Tanner of the Parish of Box in the County of Wilts, a very Little Short Thin Man, between Thirty and Fourty, of a Brown Complexion, wears his own Hair; Thomas Tanner, Brother of the said John, of the Parish aforesaid, somewhat Taller and of the same Complexion with his Brother, where ever they may be found, and to carry them before the next Iustice of the Peace, or other Chief Magistrate, who is hereby Required to Commit them to the next Goal, there to Remain till they shall be Delivered by due Course of Law. And We do hereby Require the said Iustice or other Magistrate immediately to give Notice thereof to His Majesties Privy Council or one of His Majesties Principal Secretaries of State. And We do hereby Publish and Declare to all Persons who shall Conceal the Persons above named, or any of them, or be Aiding or Assisting in the Concealing of any of them, or Furthering their Escape, that they shall be Proceeded against for such their Offence with the utmost Severity ac­cording to Law. And for the Encouragement of all Persons to be Diligent and Careful in endeavouring to Ap­prehend and Discover any of the said Persons, We do hereby further Declare, That whosoever shall Discover and Ap­prehend the said William Wintour shall have the Reward of One hundred Pounds, and whosoever shall Discover and Apprehend the said Anthony [...] shall have the Reward of Fifty Pounds, and whosoever shall Discover and Ap­prehend any of the other Persons above named, and shall bring them before some Iustice of the Peace or Chief Ma­gistrate, as aforesaid, shall Have and Receive as a Reward the Sum of Twenty Pounds. Which said several Sums the Lords Commissioners of His Majesties Treasury are hereby Required to Pay accordingly, over and above the Sum of Fourty Pounds Appointed to be Paid for the Apprehending and Convicting any Person Guilty of Clip­ping or Coining, by an Act of Parliament made in the Sixth and Seventh Years of His Majesties Reign. And We do hereby further Declare, in case the said Anthony shall Surrender himself to any Iustice of the Peace or other Chief Magistrate, and shall make a full Confession and Discovery of his Knowledge of any Persons being Guilty of Clipping or Counterfeiting the Current Coin of this Kingdom, he shall have His Majesties most Gracious Pardon for his said Offence.

God save the King.

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1696.

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