This Seventh day of November 1683.
- The Kings most Excellent Majesty,
- Lord President
- Lord Privy Seal
- Duke of Beaufort
- Earl of Huntingdon
- Earl of Bridgewater
- Earl of Chesterfield
- Earl of Sunderland
- Earl of Clarendon
- Earl of Bathe
- Earl of Craven
- Earl of Ailesbury
- Earl of Rochester
- Earl of Nottingham
- Lord Bishop of London
- Mr. Secretary Jenkins
- Mr. Chancellour of the Exchequer
- Mr. Chancellour of the Dutchy
- Mr. Godolphin.
Whereas Complaint was this day made to His Majesty in Council, That his Excellency the Sieur Citters, Ambassadour residing here from the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, was on the Fifth day of this instant November, Riotously Assaulted in his Coach, several Squibs, Stones, and Firebrands being thrown, whereby his Lady who was with him, was dangerously wounded.
His Majesty highly resenting this great Insolence offered to the said Ambassadour, and for the Preventing all Disorders that may be occasioned by throwing of Squibs, and making of Bon-Fires for the future, was this day pleased to Order in Council, That no person or persons whatsoever, do presume to throw any Squibs, or other Fire-works in the Streets of London and Westminster, or the Suburbs thereof, or any Parishes or Places within the Bills of Mortality, or gather or assemble themselves together upon the pretence of making any Bon-fires, or throwing any Squibs, or Fireworks, at, or upon any Festival day, or at any other time or times whatsoever.
And His Majesty is likewise further pleased to Order, That the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the Aldermen of the City of London, and the Justices of the Peace in their several and respective Liberties, do from time to time give their particular Orders to their inferiour Officers to be diligent and careful in Suppressing all such Riotous and Tumultuous Meetings, and the Seizing all such who are guilty thereof, that they may be Prosecuted with the utmost Severity of the Law.
LONDON, Printed by the Assighs of John Bill Deceas'd: And by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1683.