At the Court at WHITEHALL
The Ninth of
January 1683.
- The Kings most Excellent Majesty,
- Lord Keeper
- Lord PrivySeal
- Duke of Ormond
- Duke of Beaufort
- Earl of Oxford
- Earl of Huntingdon
- Earl of Bridgewater
- Earl of Peterborrow
- Earl of Chesterfield
- Earl of Clarendon
- Earl of Bathe
- Earl of Craven
- Earl of Nottingham
- Earl of Rochester
- Lord Bishop of London
- Mr. Secretary Jenkins
- Mr. Chancellour of the Exchequer
- Mr. Chancellour of the Dutchy
- Lord Chief Justice Jeffryes
- Mr. Godolphin.
Whereas by the Grace and Blessing of God, the Kings and Queens of this Realm by many Ages past, have had the happiness by their Sacred Touch, and Invocation of the Name of God, to cure those who are afflicted with the Disease called the KingsEvil; And His Majesty in no less measure than any of His Royal Predecessors having had good success therein, and in His most Gracious and Pious disposition, being as ready and willing as any King or Queen of this Realm ever was in any thing to relieve the distresses and necessities of His good Subjects; Yet in His Princely Wisdom foreseeing that in this (as in all other things) Order is to be observed, and fit times are necessary to be appointed for the performing of this great work of Charity, His Majesty was therefore this day pleased to Declare in Council His Royal Will and Pleasure to be, That (in regard heretofore the usual times of presenting such persons for this purpose have been prefixed by His Royal Predecessors) the times of Publick Healings shall from henceforth be from the Feast of All Saints, commonly called Alhallon-tide, till a week before Christmas: and after Christmas until the First day of March, and then to cease till the Passion Week, being times most convenient both for the temperature of the season, and in respect of Contagion which may happen in this near access to His Majesties Sacred Person. And when His Majesty shall at any time think fit to go any Progress, He will be pleased to appoint such other times for Healing as shall be most convenient: And His Majesty doth hereby accordingly Order and Command, That from the time of Publishing this His Majesties Order, none presume to repair to His Majesties Court to be Healed of the said Disease, but onely at, or within the times for that purpose hereby appointed as aforesaid. And His Majesty was further pleased to Order, That all such as hereafter shall come, or repair to the Court for this purpose, shall bring with them Certificates under the Hands and Seals of the Parson, Vicar, or Minister, and of both or one of the Churchwardens of the respective Parishes where they dwell, and from whence they come, testifying according to the truth, That they have not at any time before been touched by His Majesty to the intent to be healed of that Disease. And all Ministers and Churchwardens are hereby required to be very careful to examine into the truth before they give such Certificates, and also to keep a Register of all Certificates they shall from time to time give. And to the end that all His Majesties Loving Subjects may the better take knowledge of this His Majesties Command, His Majesty was pleased to Direct, That this His Order be Read publickly in all Parish-Churches, and then be affixt to some conspicuous place there; And that to that end the same be Printed, and a convenient Number of Copies sent to the most Reverend Fathers in God, the Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury, and the Lord Arch Bishop of York, who are to take care that the same be distributed to all Parishes within their respective Provinces.