At the Court at Whitehall,
April the Twenty first, 1680.
- The Kings most Excellent Majesty
- His Highness Prince Rupert
- Lord Archbishop of Canterbury
- Lord President
- Lord Privy Seal
- Marquess of Worcester
- Earl of Ossory
- Lord Chamberlain
- Earl of Bridgwater
- Earl of Sunderland
- Earl of Bathe
- Lord Viscount Fauconberg
- Lord Bishop of London
- Mr. Hyde
- Mr. Finch
- Lord Chief Justice North
- Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Sir Leoline Jenkins
- Mr. Seymour
- Mr. Godolphin.
WHereas by an Order of Council, Dated the 16th Instant, His Majesty was pleased to promise, That a Reward of One hundred Pounds should be forthwith paid to any One who should Discover or Apprehend the three Persons, or any one of them concern'd in that Barbarous Attempt lately made upon John Arnold, Esq or any of those who did Incite them thereunto: His Majesty was this day pleased to Declare in Council, for a further Incouragement to all persons to use their utmost Endeavours therein, That an addition of One hundred Pounds shall be made to the Sum before promised, and accordingly that Two hundred Pounds shall be forthwith paid to any one who shall Discover or Apprehend the said threé Persons, or any one of them, or any of those who did Incite them thereunto, so as the Discovery be made within a Months time from the Date hereof. And if any One of the said three Persons being touched with Remorse for that horrid Fact, shall discover the same and his Accomplices within the said time of one Mouth from the Date hereof, his Majesty is graciously pleased to promise, That he shall have his Pardon for the same, besides the said Reward of Two hundred Pounds.
And for the further Notification hereof, It is Directed, That this Order be forthwith Printed and Published.