At the Court at Whitehal, the 30 th. of November, 1660.
- The Kings most Excellent Majesty.
- His Royal Highness the Duke of York.
- Edward Lord Hide, Lord Chancellor.
- Lord High Treasurer.
- Duke of Albemarle.
- Lord Marquiss of Dorchester.
- Lord Steward of his Majesties Houshold.
- Lord Great Chamberlain.
- Lord Chamberlain.
- Earl of Berkshire.
- Earl of Norwich.
- Earl of St. Albans.
- Lord Viscount Say and Seale.
- Lord Viscount Valentia.
- Lord Seymore.
- Lord Roberts
- Mr. Denzel Holles.
- Mr. Treasurer.
- Mr. Comptroller.
- Mr. Vice Chamberlain.
- Mr. Secretary Nicholas.
- Mr. Secretary Morris.
- Sir Anthony Ashly Cooper.
- Col. Charles Howard.
IT is this day Ordered by His Majesty sitting in Council, That His Majesties Declaration for the Settlement of His Kingdom of Ireland, and satisfaction of the several Interests of the Adventurers, Soldiers, and others His Majesties Subjects there, be forthwith Printed and Published; and that Sir George Lane Knight, the Clerk of the Council attending, do take care, that the same be carefully Printed, by such Person as he shall appoint, and that no other person do presume to re-print the said Declaration, or any part thereof, without special Licence first obtained in that behalf.