At the COURT at WHITEHAL, The Fifteenth Day of
May, 1672.
PRESENT, • The KINGS Most Excellent MAJESTY, , • Lord Archbishop of
Canterbury, , • Lord Keeper, , • Duke of
Lauderdale, , • Marquess of
Worcester, , • Earl of
Bridgewater, , • Earl of
Essex, , • Earl of
Anglesey. , • Earl of
Bathe, , • Earl of
Craven, , • Earl of
Arlington, , • Earl of
Shaftsbury, , • Lord
Newport, , • Lord
Holles, , • Lord
Clifford, , • Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, , • Mr. Secretary
Trevor, , • Sir
John Duncombe, ,
and • Mr. Chancellor of the Dutchy, Sir
Thomas Osborne.
IT is Ordered by His MAJESTY in Council, that the ensuing Rules and Directions be pursued and put in Execution in manner following.
I. That no Colliers Ship shall have Protection against Impressing their Men until the Master and Owners have subscribed an Obligation to pay here in the Port of London to such Person or Persons as the Court of Aldermen shall appoint, Twelve pence per Chaldron, or Tun, towards the Charge of a Convoy; and also, that all other Ships Trading from any Ports of the Northern Coast that shall desire Protection from such Convoy which apply to any other Ports then London, shall pay Six pence per Tun, and such as come to London shall pay Twelve pence per Tun; according to the Burthen of their Ships.
II. That no Master of any Colliers Ship shall presume to Sail to, or from the [Page]Ports of London, Newcastle, or Sunderland, without a Sea-Brief from the Commander of the Convoy: and that no Commander shall give such Sea-Brief to any Master of any Colliers Ship, until he hath seen a Certificate, that the Master of such Colliers Ship hath given security for the payment of the Convoy-Mony; which Sea-Brief and Certificate shall be delivered gratis.
III. That no Colliers Ship shall have his Dispatch Outward from the Custom-House, until the Master shall exhibit to the Commissioners a Certificate that he hath paid to the Person or Persons to be appointed by the Court of Aldermen as aforesaid, Twelve pence per Chaldron for Convoy.
IV. His Majesty is Graciously pleased to declare, That if Occasion require, He will Furnish the said Ships appointed for Convoy to the Colliers, with Guns for their Defence; to be returned in case the Ships which shall be Furnished with such Guns be not either Taken or Lost.
V. That such Commanders of the said Convoyers as the Court of Aldermen shall nominate, shall be Commissioned as Men of War, and have a competent number of Men protected; and the said Commanders shall from time to time be under the Direction of the said Court of Aldermen, in reference to the Convoying and Defending the Fleets of Colliers. But if it shall happen that any of the Convoyers shall without prejudice or neglect of their said Service meet with, and take any Prize Ships, they are to deliver the same, in the same manner as any other of his Majesties Men of War are to do, and shall have such benefit in proportion as other Men of War have, or ought to have: Whereof the Lords Commissioners for Prizes are to take notice, and give Directions accordingly.
WHEREAS His Majesty hath been graciously pleased, of his abundant Princely Prudence and Care of His Subjects, to condescend to the Expedients provided by His Royal Authority in Council, expressed in the precedent Order for the Protection and Support of the Coal-Trade: It is therefore Ordered by this Court, That the same be forthwith Printed and Published, that so all Persons that find themselves concerned in the said Trade, may apply themselves to the Lord Maior or this Court, who will give their best Assistance to put them into Possession of the Effects of His Majesties said Gracious Intention.
Printed by Andrew Clark, Printer to the Honourable City of LONDON, at his House in Aldersgatestreet, MDCLXXII.