[royal blazon or coat of arms]

At the Court at WHITEHALL The Twenty sixth of March 1684.

  • The Kings most Excellent Majesty,
  • Lord Keeper
  • Lord President
  • Lord Privy Seal
  • Duke of Ormond
  • Duke of Beaufort
  • Earl of Huntingdon
  • Earl of Bridgewater
  • Earl of Peterborrow
  • Earl of Chesterfield
  • Earl of Clarendon
  • Earl of Craven
  • Earl of Aylisbury
  • Earl of Rochester
  • Mr. Secretary Jenkins
  • Mr. Chancellour of the Exchequer.

HIS Majesty being desirous that the Treaties between Him and the Neigh­bouring Princes and States, His Allies, be duly Observed and Exe­cuted, and in no wise misconstrued in this juncture of time, is pleased to De­clare, That the Clause in the latter end of the Fifth Article of His late Royal Proclamation, bearing Date at Newmarket the Twelfth of this Month, (Purporting, That the Goods or Merchandizes of His Own Subjects found in Prize-Ships brought up to His Majestie Ports, shall upon due Proof, be taken out and Restored to the true Proprietors) is to be understood, onely of the Goods or Merchandizes of His Majesties Subjects, taken in the Ships of such of His Allies, as being in War with others, have in the Trea­ties now Subsisting between His Majesty and them, no such Clause o [...] Provision as makes Free-Goods to become Unfree, when Laden and Take [...] in Unfree Ships; But as to those of His Majesties Allies who by Treaty with Him have Stipulated and A­greed, That whatsoever Goods or Merchandize shall be found Laden by His Majesties Subjects, upon any Ship whatsoever belonging to those with whom such Allies are in Hostility, may be Confiscated; It is His Majesties meaning, That the Goods or Merchandizes of His Own Subjects so taken and brought up into Port, be not taken out of any Prize-Ship, or Restored to the Proprietors; But be left in the Power and Possession of the Captor, as well as the proper Goods of those he is in Hostility with, that shall be taken in the same Ship; And this His Majesty Commands to be strictly observed by His Officers in the Sea Ports of His Kingdoms and Dominions, whom it may or shall in any way concern.


LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill Deceas'd: And by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1683.

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