THE TESTIMONY OF Severall eminent Commanders, late of the Army, commanded by the Lord INCHEQVIN, Commander of the Parliament Forces in MƲNSTER.


London, Printed for R. L. Anno, 1648.

THE TESTIMONY Of severall eminent Commanders late of the Army, commanded by the Lord Inchequin.

IN obedience and discharge of our trust to the Parliament of Eng­land, sitting at Westminster: wee give this information under our hands, to be presented to them, which wee shall be ready to make good in our persons upon oath: viz:

That the Lord Baron of Inchequin Lord President of Munster, having been abroad with some part of his Ar­my, [Page 2] whereof we are members: Did upon the third of this moneth upon his returne home, being at Mayallo, send for us, who have hereto subscribed to appeare pre­sently before him at his Quarters, which being perfor­med, and all of us assembled together in his presence Chamber: His Lordship declared this unto us, that in order to the Nation [...]ll-Covenant, and to that particular branch thereof, which concerns the re-investing his Ma [...]esty in his Throne: hee had with the advice of his Officers taken a resolution to oppose the present preten­ded Parliament in England: who were forced by an In­dependent faction, they having broken all Oaths and Covenants, which they had made both to God and Man: and to that purpose, was now putting himself in­to a posture of defence: And that for the managing of this Designe, hee had correspondency with the King, with the Scots, and generally all the Presbyterian party that were agreed with the King: who were resolved to endevour to their utmost the re-inthroning the King, and restoring a free Parliament, which hee fully decla­red this not to be: and for the better effecting and car­rying on this Designe, he was resolved to joyn with the Lord Taff, and the whole Irish of the Province of Mun­ster: who have assured him of their assistance, both with their persons and estates, and that he had now sent for us, who were only the suspected party of the Army to report this to us, and to require of us our resolution whether wee all would comply with him in this or no: To which we answered, Wee stood for the King and Parliament, as wee had ever done, upon which hee re­quired us not to juggle with him, but to declare whe­ther [Page 3] it was this present Parliament wee meant, for hee said the truth was, they did not acknowledge this to be a Parliament, to which wee answered his Lordship, we could not comply with him: he still using many aggra­vations, to make good what hee had said against them, and farther said, Hee hoped to see this present Parlia­ment laid flat on their backs by Michaelmas day, and that this was no rash resolution, but a premeditated a­ction, he being confident, that let it come to the worst it could, yet in spight of all, hee would be able to pro­cure good terms both for himself and the rest that ad­hered to him: and that which induced him chiefly to put it in practice at present was, that he was now assu­red, hee was before-hand with the Independent party, which hee never was before; yet hee had thought for some time longer to have forborn his declaring, but yet some suspitions, the Vice-admirall Captaine John Crowther had of him; could not permit him to carry it private any longer, in regard the said Captain Crowther had protested against him, and blockt up his Harbours, and his Lordship did further declare, that all which would not joyn with him in this design, he required thē to depart, and go for England, for that hee would not permit any neere him, or in his Army, that would not faithfully comply with him in his intention; and as a motive to induce us to joyn with him, hee informed us that he was certainly assured, that Collonel Jones had by order from the Parliament of England, made a Ces­sation with Owen Roe Oneal, and that faction; who chose rather to enter into League with the Parliament then the King: and in this respect hee would now joyne with [Page 4] the Lord Taff, and Munster forces against the other, for the truth of all these we have here to subscribed our names this seventh of April 1648, aboard the Bona­venture, in Kinsale Harbour.

  • Christopher Elsing.
  • Alexander Barington.
  • John Gray,
  • Thomas Davis,
  • Thomas Chandlor,

Copia vera,

John Crowther.

WE under written having this present seventh of Aprill, 1648, heard read unto us the severall heads made by the Lord Inchequin, to the respe­ctive Commanders in his Presence Chamber, at his head Quarters at Mayallo, the third instant forementi­oned, doe declare, that the said things were in the field upon the same day propounded to us, and the other Officers then in the Army, whereupon he desired our complyance, we refused the same, as inconsistent with our duties to the Parliament, and thereupon disserted our severall Charges, and Offices under his com­mand.

  • John Benyworth,
  • William Battle,
  • William Stotesbury,
  • John Gettings.

HE whose name is under written doth inform, that being under restraint for his affection to the Par­liament. At the instance of my Lord, (it making for the aforesaid Declaration) the same was presented to him by Major John Craford, with many arguments to in­duce him to comply with my Lord Inchequin promise­ing thereupon preferment, but he scorning to betray his trust, or dissert the Parliament of England whom he served; denyed any such commission, upon which he was expunged from his command, with charge to depart, in testimony of which, he hath subscribed his name the 17 of Aprill, 1648.

Thomas Heyford.

FRom the premises, the Reader may observe,

First, The universality of the designe pretended,

Secondly, The pillars on which he would set or fix it. Rebels, Papists, Royallists, Presbyters.

Thirdly, Against whom, The present Parliament.

Fourthly, the setting up of a free Parliament, and a free and good one it's like to be, if set up by an Irish power.

Fifthly, The way intended to restore his Majesty, the fall of this Parliament.

Lastly, The ground, the Covenant, that ends old, and begins new miseries. Which sure should awaken those in power, first, to sement among themselves: secondly, to carry on with more vigour the Warre of Ireland, and afford them reasonable money, which will sufficiently draw dry this new adversary of his power: and lastly to speed the setling of this Kingdom, that when storms arise from so many parts, England may be unanimous in bearing up against them.


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