The curious Distillatory; OR The manner of drawing colour'd Liquors by an Alimbeck, which thing if it hath not been altogether unknown, yet hath been hitherto observed, and noted by very few.
The occasion of writing.
THe English Philosophical Transactions have now a long time been published, and are grown into Volums; also the French Diary, doth consist of and hath compleated five Tomes: And likewise the German Academy is now imployed in putting forth their fourth Volume: [Page 2] so great every where at this day hath been their studious labour, and so great is the Aemulation, and strugling of the most flourishing Nations betwixt themselves: that every one of them do seem to hope in a small time to vanquish and triumph over Nature. Truly it is a most Noble Imployment, and such an one as former Ages hath been unacquainted with: to which if there shall be added, the greater Munificence of Kings, and Princes, there is no doubt left, but that at last from thence, there will redound great Advantage to the Publick.
All of these are imployed about new Inventions, and observations, in the Mathematicks, in Natural Knowledg, or Philosophy, in Anatomy, in Chirurgery, in Medicine in General, also in the Books of Politicks, Histories, and other Books lately Printed to adjudge, and revive them. Also they have mixed many things which particularly belong to the Chymical Art: but they if compared with the rest are but few: although from thence a more plentiful crop might certainly be expected, than from any of the other Sciences.
Upon this very occasion, I evolving those kind of writings, it came into my [Page 3] mind that perhaps it were convenient, that those most excellent Academical men, were by some publick admonition excited to bestow more pains for the future upon that Art, in whose deep Well lies hid an infinite plenty of Arcana's, or secrets. To this intent therefore we have written this Book, and Intituled it Destillatoria Curiosa; I say Curiosa, for neither is it such, that it should be extold by us with high Encomiums, nor can it promise of it self very great advantages, or utility, but this praise is sufficient for it, if by occasion of it, a Spur shall be added to men of sublime ingenuity, and expert Artists, that thereby they may not only find out the like experiments, but having found them out, communicate them without envy.
Of Colour, and of the Appearances of various Colours.
EXactly to teach the Nature of Colour, is as hard as to explain the true reason of Light, of it self most clear: Iul. C. Scaliger, Exert. 325. Sect. 1. Rightly says, The Causes, and Essence of Colours are as full of controversy, and obscurity to the Intellect as they are manifest to the sight. Aristotle Lib. de sens. & sensit. cap. 3. Defines Colour, that it is perfiicui terminante extremitas: The extremity of a terminated body that may be seen, or seen through. Neither more clear is the description of others, That it is a quality of a coloured Body. Also that it is modifyed Light. Many of the Chymists do attribute all Colours to their principle of Sulphur, others of them to Mercury: of which opinion what is to be thought, it is very well worth the reading of Dan. Sennertus, lib. de consensu, Cap. 11. Excellent also is what hath been delivered upon this Argument by Antonius Scarmilionius Fulginas, and [Page 5] Mr. Boyle in his Book of Colours. See also upon this subject, Petrus Maria Capenarius lib. de Atrimentis, and Iohan. Christoph. Kolhansius Tract. Optic. and others.
But these controversies not properly belonging to our design, leaving them, we will rather note the differences of Colours; yet not all of them, since they are many; (and already amongst others) they have been sufficiently and subtilly explained by Scaliger. Exercit. 325. Sect. 6. and in the following: we will only touch upon and handle slightly such of them now, as will lead us the shortest way to our prefixed end.
For the material subject of Colours we distinguish them into those which are real, or true, and into such as are Emphatick, and Apparent, or seeming. A Specimen, or example of these is afforded by the Rainbow, a Prismatick or Triangular Glass, the redness of Wine spilt upon a Napkin. These we divide again into Penetrative Colours, such as Obryz, or pure Gold, and Sealing Wax: and into such as are Superficial, of which sort are Apples appearing outwardly red, and yet are inwardly white.
Moreover Colours considered in the abstract [Page 6] are either Primitive, or Simple; to wit, White, Yellow, Green, Blew, Red, Black; I say considered in Abstracto, or as they are to be distributed into certain, and distinct Clauses: for otherways Green seems rather to be composed of Yellow and Blew, whether it be made of Vegetables, or Minerals. So Auripigmentum, or Orpiment if mixed with Indigo; or Gum of Peru cemented with Cobalt, or Bergblau, as the Germans call it, supposed to be the Native Cadmia, or Copper-Stone: or mix Vltra Marine with Saffron and you shall see a Green Colour will proceed from these mixtures.
Or else they are divided into compound Colours made from the mixture of simple ones: or else they are decompositi, or doubly compounded, which are made again in infinite variety by the mixture of compounded ones among themselves, as may be seen upon the Palates of Painters: but if you go to the Laboratories of Chymists, there you will be supplyed with a reason very different from these, by which Colours may be so changed, (and that with a most delightful variety to behold) that adding what is necessary to be added, there will suddenly result, and appear new Colours.
[Page 7]1. As Spirit of Turpentine, though of it self it be clear, if it be poured upon Saecharum Saturni, (or Sugar of Lead) which is also of it self exceeding White, if it be digested upon it, will in a small time become a Tincture intercely or extremely Red.
2. Also Spirit of Turpentine, if it be mixed with Water, and strongly shook together, will look like Milk; although this milkiness is not lasting, but this oyly Spirit, ascending to the superficies is diminished, or plainly vanisheth again. The like of which happens if Oyl of Olives be mixed with the Lixivium, or Lees of Vine Ashes.
3. Distilled Oyl of Aniseeds, (which is wont to coagulate, and grow thick with the cold Air,) if a Leaf of white Paper be anointed with it, and a few drops of Oyl of Vitriol be poured upon it, it will presently grow Red; I say the Oyl of Vitriol, not the Spirit.
4. Syrup of Violets, which is of its self of an obscure Purple Colour, is changed into a vivid and brisk red, if you mix by drops with it Spirit of Vitriol: (which knack is now known to all the Apothecaries Shops) if you shall add Oyl of Tartar to this, [Page 8] a Green Colour will emerge from thence: which will perish and be lost again, If you add Spirit of Vitriol to it again.
5. Syrup of Piony Flowers, if you mix Salt of Vitriol with it, will become wholly Black: the same happens to Syrup of Clove Iuly-Flowers, if in the time of boyling it be stirred with an Iron Spatula.
6. Tincture of Coral, prepared with distilled Vinegar, mixed with the Tincture of Dasey Flowers, there will result from thence a Liquor of an obscure Blew.
7. If you mix Silvius's Sal volatile, or the like Vrinous Spirit in small quantity, with the same Tincture of Dasyes, or Roses, there will arise an obsure Blew Colour; but if you drop in a little more, it will be made an obscure Red: Neither can you make that Red Colour clear, although you should add more ( Spirit or Volatile Salt) to it. It therefore follows that acid, or sour Spirits, do strike a red Colour with clearness, but urinous ones with obscureness.
8. A Solution of Lead made with distilled Vinegar, appeareth clear like common Water: If you shall add to this Oyl of Tartar, ( per deliquium) which is also clear as Water, the mixture will presently grow White as Milk.
[Page 9] 9. If Antimony which is calcin'd with Nitre be boyl'd in Fountain Water, the straining will be clear, and almost without smell, which nevertheless by pouring any Acid upon it, will acquire a Saffron Colour, with a stinking scent.
10. Common Water in which Mercury Sublimate hath been infused, doth presently grow Yellow by dropping into it Oyl of Tartar.
The solution of calcin'd Tin, mixed with dissolved Salt of Tartar becomes Blew. Dr. Willis lib. de Ferment. cap. 11.
11. Quicksilver and Sal Armoniack ground together, and sublimed in a bolt Head with a heat of Sand, will become a white Powder, which suffer'd to dissolve (by it self in the Air) will produce a clear Liquor like Spring Water, which for all its clearness, if Copper or Brass be moistned with it, they will appear silver'd; and if Copper Vessels be slightly rub'd with it, it will render them as if they were perfectly silver'd: although this be rather an incrustation, (or coating of them over.)
12. But a Powder to gild with, is made thus. Dip fine Lint, made of Linne-Cloath, in Aqua Regis, in which Gold is dissolved, and having cast it into [Page 10] a Crucible, make a Circular Fire about it, at a distance; and so by degrees reduce it into a Powder: But towards the end increase the heat by bringing the Fire nearer to the Crucible, and at last if you please, take out the Powder and free it from durt by pouring Water upon it, it will be without splendor, or shining, and is of a Violet colour; but if you rub it upon Silver, the genuine splendor of Gold will appear, which afterwards will be made more splendid, and shining by polishing.
13. Lignum Acanthinum, or the Wood which is brought from Brazil, infused in common water, will communicate a pleasant redness to it, like that of red Wine: If you pour upon this a little distill'd Vinegar, the Liquor will appear clear like white Wine, but a few drops of Oyl of Tartar reduces the Colour to a deep Purple, after which, if you drop in Spirit of Vitriol, it will be yellow like Sack: if you cast on it Salt of Lead dissolved per deliquium (or in the Aire) the mixture will be whitish like Milk. Dr. Willis (lib. de Ferment. cap. 11.) proposeth this Experiment, every Branch of which will answer the Trial but the fourth, for we by adding Spirit of Vitriol could not produce [Page 11] a pale Yellow, but made a certain obscure Blew Colour.
14. Have in a readiness a solution of Vitriol, and likewise by it self an infusion of Galls. If you pour both of them together, you will make Writing Ink. Add Spirit of Vitriol to this, and the Blackness will clear up; then cast in Oyl of Tartar, and after a little working, and heat, there will appear a light Red, or bright Bay Colour: which by mixing Spirit of Vitriol again will be taken away, all clearing up again: And you may reiterate this Circle as often as you do by turns put in Oyl of Tartar, or Spirit of Vitriol: So that as often as you please you may render the Liquor of a light Red or Bay Colour, or else clear again.
15. It is also a pleasant Metamorphosis, which is proposed by the excellent Mr. Daniel Major, the Famous Professor of the Vniversity of Denmark. Lib. de Chirurg. Infusar. Dub. 9. to this purpose. Pour into a good transparent Glass the Saphire colour'd Water, made by the help of Spirit of Sal Armoniack being put into a Brass Bason: Afterwards add the common Clyssus of Antimony, and the mixture being shook, it will become clear: but if you [Page 12] add to it Oyl of Tartar it will be restor'd to its former Blewness.
16. Take one Ounce of the solution of Crabs eyes, made with distilled Vinegar: drop into it of the Salt Spirit of Sal Armoniack 120 drops, and you shall perceive the matter to grow Milky, and a white Powder will fall to the bottom, if by turns you pour upon this Liquor as many drops of Ioac. Polemanus his Tincture of the Bloodstone, after some bubling, the Powder which lay in the bottom will be dissolved again, and the whole will be changed into an exceeding Red transparent Liquor, indowed with a grateful Saline taste.
17. The change of light doth also cause a new Colour to appear. So we have observed, the Flowers of Convolvulus or Bird-weed (that sort with the Blew Flower and Ivy-shaped Leaves, with sharp points,) which Lobelius calls Asureum, in the day time is of a delicate Blew, but at night by Candlelight it appears of of a Violet Colour. Wooden Tables, and such like Utensils, if they be painted Blew, by day shew their own Colour, but by night they appear Greenish.
18. Let there be taken two parts of Oyl of Tartar, and one of Cows Milk: this [Page 13] mixture in a heat of Sand will grow Red, a part of the Cheesy, or Curddy part of the Milk swimming at the top, if you strain this through a Cloath, the Red Liquor will be more transparent. Being led by the Analogy, or resemblance of this Experiment, I have thought (that I may add this by the by) whether or no the whitishness of Chyle in an Humane Body, being mingled every day with the red Blood, doth not perhaps grow red upon the like account also. Although the common People wrongfully suppose, this redness is induced upon the Chyle by the Circular motion of the Blood: but motion of it self doth hardly appear sufficient for to change the Colour, unless there be hid also in the Blood it self a Saline Principle, which may continue this Tincture so many years, even to old Age, which is perfected by the assistance of the Heart, its Vessels and Heat.
These and the like Phaenomina, or appearances and their causes, perhaps might be conveniently demonstrated, by the smallest Particulars of which these Liquors consists. A Battel composed of some thousands of thousands which may be dilated, and contracted at the will of the [Page 14] Commander; nay being disordered by the Enemy, may again be rallied, and reduced into order. After the same manner, from the small Particles of Liquors dilated ariseth perspicuity and whiteness: but from their contraction obscurity and blackness. Again, according as the dilatation and contraction is more or less, there will arise intermediate Colours; Yellow, Red, Green, Blew. Whether those that study the Opticks can render a more exact account let them try.
Of the different ways of Distilling, and particularly of bringing the Tincture of Simples over the Helm, or Alimbeck.
THe various ways of Distilling dependeth partly from the variety of Furnaces, of which some are to distil by Ascention, others by Descention: to say nothing of Probatory, Cementatory, Reverberatory, or Wind-Furnaces, partly also from the difference of Vessels, of which sort are Vesica's, Cucurbits, or Bodies, Retorts, Phials, Alimbecks, Receivers, and others of that kind. All which Apparatus or Furniture may not only be seen in our Laboratory, but are also described both by Writing, and Figures by Andr. Libavius. Iohan. Rhenanus, and the rest of those kind of Artists.
There is also other ways of Distilling, respect being had not to the Furnaces, or Vessels, but to the Matter which comes forth during the Operation. For whilst [Page 16] the Fire worketh upon the Matter committed to Distillation, Vapours ascend, which being collected again fall into the Receiver under the Form of a Liquor.
To say nothing of Sublimation [to wit, of Antimony, with Sal Armoniack] by means of which there will also arise fair, and great variety of Colours in the head of the Alimbeck.
Therefore, first, as to what concerns the Vapours, or Fumes, they also differ in their colour. For Nitre though it be a white Body, yet in Distillation (at a certain time of the operation) gives red Fumes. Vitriol of it self Green, or Blew, affords white Fumes. Soot though it be never so Black, yet the Fumes which fill the Receiver are so White, that it seems to be washed within with Milk.
But secondly, as to the Liquors which are come over into the Receiver, although all of them compared together are not altogether of the same Colour; yet it is certain, if you consider almost infinite plenty of Simples, there will be very little difference or variety in them.
Those which draw Aromatical Oyls, may easily observe, that they come over not White, but Coloured: As to instance Oyl [Page 17] of Cinnamon is Yellowish, Oyl of Mace is of a Yellowish White, Oyl of Cloves is of a Yellowish Black, Oyl of Rhodium Wood is of a Yellow Colour tending to Red. And as to distilled Waters, I think it worth our remark, that every one of them (not excluding all manner of Spirits) which are commonly found in the Apothecaries Shops, every one of them I say are limpid▪ and without Colour: Notwithstanding the so great variety of Colour in the Herbs, Roots, Leaves and Flowers from whence they were distilled. All that Blackness, Greeness, Blewness, Redness, Yellowness, &c. is left behind in the bottom of the Cucurbit, or in the Copper distilling Vessel, or Vesica, or rather perisheth: there arising (which is worth noting) nothing but limpid, and almost colourless liquor.
Truly, heretofore this Subject tyred my thoughts, and I have many times weighed this Problem; Whether or no amongst so great variety of Simples, there were not at least some Species, or sorts of them which would bring over the Helm or Alimbeck with themselves their own Native Colours; I mention an Alimbeck only as the chief Instrument, not excluding a Retort, or any other distilling [Page 18] Instrument. That there are some such Species in Nature which will do this, Labour hath taught me, nor do I repent the pains; part of these I have my self observed, part I have collected from the observation of others: The Observations, and Experiments are comprised in the following Chapters. Let the Industry of others add more to them.
Experiments in Metals and Minerals.
THat we may begin this Business, first with Metals, although if they be left to themselves, they constantly retain their Native Colours, better than Vegetables do, by reason of their solidity of substance: yet being tryed with Menstruums, or dissolving Liquors, they are much varied; there doth also arise much more difficulty in distilling them than in Vegetables. The case is the same also in Minerals, although the difficulty in distilling them be somewhat less: but let the difficulty be what it will, having made trials in both sorts, we will produce a few; which Experiments (if not all of them in general) yet most of them are made by the help of an Alimbeck.
Experiment the first, upon Gold.
Take the Calx of Gold prepared with [Page 20] Aqua Regis, and by reverberating reduced to extreme fineness, and an exceeding red Colour; Pour upon it a Menstruum (or dissolving Liquor) composed of equal parts of the best Spirit of Wine, and of the Volatile Salt of Vrine; digest it for fifteen days in a Vessel (Hermetically sealed,) with the heat of a gentle Bath, and repeat this as often as there is occasion: Afterwards joyn all the several solutions of the Gold, which will be red like Blood, and digest them for a Week or two. If you then distil this Liquor by a low Body, or Retort in Sand, at length the Gold together with the Tincture will pass over by the Alimbeck, with an intense redness, leaving in the Body an acid, black and spongy Earth. Mr. Boyl in his History of Fluid, and Firm, Sect. 5. says thus: We prepare a Menstruum, by the help of which, without much difficulty we can bring over the Helm, at the first, or second distillation, so much Gold as is sufficient to communicate to the distilled Liquor a lasting Gold colour. 'Tis an Artifice worth remembring, which Ioel Langelot, in Epist. de Pretermiss. relates in these words: The Powder of Gold ground in the Philosophical Mill, and put into a little Retort, not too [Page 21] high an one, but a plain one, such as the English ones use to be; press it by a sand fire by degrees, and at last, with a very strong fire; and so it will distil a few 'tis true, but those exceding red drops; which digested by it self, or with the Tartarous Spirit of Wine, will become an Aurum Potabile, which is (true, and) not sophisticate with any other peregrine or strange quality.
Experiment the second, upon Silver.
Calcine Silver with Mercury sublimate, after which pour upon it the very same Menstruum of which mention is made in the foregoing Experiment: and so there will appear a most elegant or lovely blew Tincture; upon which if you pour Spirit of Salt, it will become a green.
Experiment the third, concerning Iron.
The Tincture of it is reddish, and is made, by taking the filings of Steel in sufficient quantity: Pour upon them distilled Vinegar, and extract the redness; afterwards pour on more distilled Vinegar, and reiterate this for a Month, or longer, till you perceive it will extract no more redness. [Page 22] Then joyn all the tincted Vinegar together, and distil it in Balneo, and put Spirit of Wine upon that which remains; and digest it so long till it hath drawn a Tincture. Abstract the Spirit of Wine from it by distillation, pour it on again; after you have done this six times, the Tincture of Steel is perfect. It is compleat indeed, but the Tincture is much promoted by the Salt of Vinegar, extracted by the Phlegm of the Spirit of Wine: but yet so nevertheless, that it is very probable that there is some small portion of the Iron in it.
Experiment the fourth, about Copper.
Concerning this the Noble Mr. Boyl, in his Book of Colours, pag. 305. observes, That it is a Metal upon which divers and distinct sort of Liquors do act so easily, that there is scarce any Mineral that will concur to the production of so many different Colours as Copper, it being dissolvable in most sorts of Menstruums: To wit, in Spirit of Vinegar, Aqua Fortis, Aqua Regis, Spirit of Nitre, of Vrine, of Soot, Oyls of divers sorts, and in most other Liquors, the Colours of which are not a little different, and various from [Page 23] each other, although they are comprehended within the limits of Green, or Blew, or of a blewish Green. But it seemeth the before praised Mr. Boyl had not took notice that if the duplicate Spirit of Ioac. Polemanus made of the Blood-stone, and Sal Armoniack, were pour'd upon Copper, that the Liquor would distill over Green, and that green Chrystals would shoot in it.
Experiment the fifth, concerning the rest of the Metals.
Tin, Lead and Quicksilver dissolved in Corrosive Waters, do not tinge their Menstruums after the manner that we have related above, as Gold, Silver, Copper and Iron do, &c. for these Metals are of a baser nature, and whitish; wherefore their solutions also are white: nor is it likely they should easily pass over the Alimbeck of another colour.
Experiment the sixth.
When we make Spirit of Vitriol, if there be added a little Vinegar, the Spirit will come over the Alimbeck of a green [Page 24] Colour: Also the Phlegm of Spirit of Venus, or verd. Aeris, is greenish.
Experiment the seventh.
If you mix Sulphur, Sal Armoniack and Quick-Lime, and distil them by a Retort, although they are Bodies which of themselves are not Red, yet by distillation they yield a red Liquor: which red Liquor being rub'd upon the Fingers doth colour them black. Mr. Boyl, de Coloribus, Experim. 34.
Experiment the eighth.
Spirit of Quick-Lime, prepared after the way that Basilius Valentinus prescribes in Test. Part. 5. and from him is repeated by Thomas Keslerus Process. Chym. Num. 287. This before it be rectified doth please the eye with an elegant blewness.
Experiment the ninth.
Take of Vitriol calcin'd to a yellowness, one part; Flint-stones beaten to a Powder two parts; and of Spirit of Wine as much as is sufficient to make them all into a [Page 25] Past. After which if you distill it by a Retort, there will come forth a Red Oyl. To this purpose confer with Christoph. Glucrad. in Not. ad Tyrocin. Ioa. Beguini lib. 11. cap. 6. Also Andreas Tenzelius in Exegest. Chymiatrica, and Ioan. Schroderus. lib. 3. Pharmacop. cap. 26. Where more Oyls of Vitriol are discovered which pass over the Retort Red.
Experiment the tenth.
This is to be observed concerning Sinobar, as well that which is Natural as that which is Artificial; if you put Spirit of Turpentine upon it, and then distill it by a Glass Body in Sand, the Liquor which comes forth will be of a very fine Red Colour.
Experiments upon Animals.
WE may admire in the Animal Kingdom the diversity of Colours with which the chief Master Picture-Drawer hath most curiously spotted many Fishes, and also Shells; and amongst Insects, Butterflyes of all sorts; and among four-footed Beasts, the Leopard, Linxes, Tygers, &c. but when we come to Birds, who is there that is not amazed at the Feathers of Peacocks, and Parrots? But whatever variety there is in this kind in general, the Alimbeck makes no discovery of them, for whatsoever passeth over by it, as much as is hitherto discovered, is Whitish, only excepting from this rule those which by way of Gleaning we have annexed lest, this place should be empty.
1. From the several parts of a Stag, or Hart, various and efficacious Shop- Medicines are prepared, amongst which the chief are the Horns, whose Spirit being drawn by a Retort, shines with a Yellow, or rather [Page 27] Golden Colour; although I deny not when the Oyl is exactly separated it grows white.
2. Amongst Insects, Bees make Honey; from which the Water which flows at the Beginning of its distillation is White, but the following Spirit is first Yellow, and towards the end of a Gold Colour, and so distils constantly, and is of many uses in Art.
3. Of the Blew Water of Gnats, this following Experiment is produced by Adamus Lonicerus Herb. German. part. ult. pag. 349.
Basser von geme [...]nen Mussen gebraunt wird blaufarb. Dasselbe bereite also: Spreite ein Sacflein, so Laufft das Basser durch das Sacflein oder zuch in die Rachel. Bo du es aber in einem helm brennest, so Wird der helm stiufend. Water ( saith he) distilled from common Gnats is Blewish, I make it thus: Spred a Cloth over a Caldron, but put the Gnats into a Sack, or Bag: and so let them fall out of the Sack, or Cloath into the Cauldron of Water, which if you distil by an Alimbeck, the Alimbeck will contract a stink. Thus far Leonicerus. Although I do not deny that this way of distilling Gnats is partly obscure, and partly defective.
Experiments appearing in Vegetables.
THere goes about a Story of a great Person that was very curious, who having called together to him certain Alchymists, shewed them divers Simples, which having mixed together, he caused them to be committed to distillation in their presence: but it happened that the Liquor as it distilled did breath forth a grateful scent of Musk. When this Illustrious Person required of these Artists a reason of this Odor, for they saw not the least Grain of Musk mixed with the Simples; They afflicted themselves all day long, and yet could produce no reason for the thing, unless this Fragrant scent did arise from the mixture of the Simples in a certain proportion; at length, about the Evening, the Nobleman discovered to them the fallacy, to wit, that unknown to them, he had put Musk into the Nose of the Alimbeck.
As therefore we may counterfeit a Scent, by putting into the Alimbeck, Musk, Civet, [Page 29] or Odoriferous Flowers; In like manner 'tis possible to fain Colours since the Water in its passing carries along with it self the Tincture of those things which are imposed in the Alimbeck: provided you light on such Spectators upon whom this Legerdemain or trick may pass.
1. The most facile way of all is, by putting Flowers into the Beak or Spout of the Alimbeck, (for example) put in Blew-Bottle Flowers: so the Water by passing through them will gain a Blew Colour.
2. If you think it necessary to do the thing with more care, put betwixt the Beak of the Alimbeck and the Receiver, a Fistula or Pipe, wider in the middle then at each end, or Bellyed like a Bottle, in which let those Flowers be contained (the Figure is thus.)
—Moreover this Pipe ought to be somewhat wider in its uppermost end, and narrower in its lowermost: as is to be seen in the Figure.
[Page 30] 3. This is a Spectacle for Mountebanks to shew upon a Stage, Thus: if there be four Cucurbits or Bodies full of Water all in one Furnace, put an Alimbeck upon each of them, let it be done so that the Alimbeck may only be seen, and the Pipes, or Beaks hid. Let there be put into every Beak several Flowers (for example) Blew-Bottles, Violets, Marygolds, Red-Roses, Saffron, Sanders, &c. suddenly by the help of the Fire the Liquors which are forced into the Receivers will obtain different Colours, not without the admiration of the common People which stand by. The same thing may be performed with those Bellyed Pipes put betwixt and covered.
4. This also is for ostentation, and shew: If you take one, or more Wallnuts made Hollow and Empty, and fill them with the Spirit of the roots of Saphire, coloured Pimpernel, describ'd below in the 15th Chapter, and stop them up lightly with wax. Then before the Spectators take these Nuts thus filled, and cast them into a vessel half full of Spirit of Wine, and putting on an Alimbeck, distill it in Sand; from the heat within the Wax will be melted, and the matter flowing out, the clear Spirit will be so tinged that to admiration it will appear all Blew.
Of Veronica or Fluellin.
BUt some body will answer; Ah! but these are fallacies. Tis true. But you must know, that these ridiculous things are also necessary, lest you be deceived your self, and that you may be able to detect the fraud of others. Aristotles Sentence concerning a wise man is this: Qui ipse non mentitur, & alium mentientem facile deprehendit. Who is not false himself, and can easily discover the falshood of others. But now passing over crafty cheats, let us proceed to Operations, which are Genuine, and agreable to truth.
Veronica, or Fluellin, is a Plant known to all the Apothecaries, and its Vertues both as to the Breast, and Spleen; also its curing of Vlcers, and Wounds, are much cryed up to the Sick. Whether it were known to the Antient Writers both Greek and Latin, is uncertain: Although Caesalpinus refers it to Diascorides, Myosotida or Mouseare. lib. 11. cap. 214. others make it another Plant. The kinds of it are commonly [Page 32] (by Herbalists) recorded to be eight: amongst which the most usual is that which by Caspar Bauhinus is called Veronica Mas, supina & vulgatissima. The Male Fluellin the Superior, and most common. There is prepared from it a Syrup, Conserve, Salt, Wine, and also distilled Water: of the former nothing, but concerning the Wine, and the Water, take a couple of Observations.
Experiment the first.
Take fresh Veronica, when it begins to be in the Flower, cut it, and sprinkling it with a little Water, cast it into a Glass Body, and applying the like Alimbeck to it distil it by Balneo Mariae, or Water. So the Water which distills, will not be white and limpid like to other Waters, but Greenish. This Greeness though it be not constant, yet it will last at least three months, and afterwards it will begin to vanish by degrees.
Experiment the second.
If in the place of Fountain Water you put on Wine, and draw it the same way by [Page 33] Balneo, you will then also have a Green Liquor, but in which the Greenness is much deeper, and will also continue for a year, and longer.
Truly this neat Tincture which Veronica brings over the Alimbeck with it, seems to be a Note, or Character of the efficacy, which is indulged to that Plant before a thousand others.
Let no Body here accuse Copper for giving this Tincture: for if the distillation be made in Glass Vessels, the Water of Veronica will be equally Green. The latter way by Glasses is best to perform it, and by that means it will clearly evidence that this Greenness doth not proceed from Copper, but springs only from the peculiar Nature of the Plant.
But concerning Vegetable Waters distilled by Copper Vessels not exactly Tyn'd, we have observed this; if they contain any thing of Copper, by putting in a drop, or two of the Salt Spirit of Sal Armoniack, they will become Milky or White; but if they have no Copper, they will remain clear. However the observation of Otto Tachenius ( an excellent Physitian of Venice) may seem to look otherways, concerning Rose-Water distilled by a Copper-Vessel; which [Page 34] he proposeth, chap. 19. Hippocr. Chymic. to this sence: It doth eat off certain Atoms from the Copper, which are invisibly mixed with the Water. Would you see the Copper? drop into the Water some drops of an Vrinous Alcaly, and by it the whole Water will grow greenish: because the acidity of the Rose Water, doth with more greediness snatch to it self the light, and more like it self Alcaly than the Metal, which therefore by degrees falls Green to the Bottom.
Whilst I am writing this a certain not inexpert Man in the Art of distillation doth affirm, that the Water of Sage, and also of Rosemary, will be Green, as well as that of Veronica, if they be managed with a certain dexterity, and moderate swiftness. The truth of which Experience will determine.
Of Camomil.
BOtanists, or Herbarists, are wont to reckon ten sorts of this Plant, amongst which the most eminent are the common Camomil with the Noble Flower Single, and with the full, or double Flower Camomil without scent, and stinking Camomil or Mayweed; but I shall chiefly have to do in this place with the first sort or common Camomil.
The distilled Water of this is to be had in Apothecaries Shops after the manner of other waters limpid and colourless. There is also to be sold its Oyl, made by infusion from the Yellow Flowers. But that which is made by distillation from the same Flowers is very different from this, for it is deeply saturated and fill'd with a Saphire Colour, very pleasing to the sight.
Experiment 1.
Take the fresh Flowers of common Camomil, [Page 36] sprinkle them with fair Water, and bruise them together; after they have stood some dayes cast them into a Copper distilling Vessel, well covered with Tin, and applying a Head to it, distill it. The Water being drawn forth, you shall perceive the Oyl to swim at the top of it, which though it be but little in quantity, will be of a true Sky Colour.
Experiment 2.
We have with the same success tryed the same, with the dryed Flowers; but the infusion of them stood for fourteen days to procure the greater extraction.
Experiment 3.
If you mix with them a handful or two of common Salt, or the like quantity of Tartar, the Blew Oyl will come over in greater plenty.
Experiment 4.
We substituted in the place of these the Flowers of Roman Camomil, but we had then a Yellowish Oyl, not a Saphire coloured [Page 37] one: what there is to be found in the rest of the sorts of Camomil we have not yet tryed.
Experiment 5.
This innate Blewishness of the Camomil is of that contagious, or communicative Nature, that it is able to infect other things, and render them like it self. For Example: Take the tender tops of a Pine, or Firr-tree, and being cut into pieces, cast them into a Copper Body, adding a good quantity of Camomil Flowers, distill them by themselves, and there will come over a compound Oyl, which may be named Oleum Pini Caeruleum, or the Sky-coloured Oyl of Pines.
Experiment 6.
After the same way you may prepare the Saphirine Oyl of Iuniper, by mixing with a fit proportion of the Camomil Flowers, some Iuniper Berries; and this not without a communication and exaltation of the Medicinal Vertues, with which the Iuniper it self doth abound.
Experiment 7.
The same way the shavings of Lignum vitae, being mixed with the Flowers of Camomil, you may make a blewish Oyl; which though it be well scented of it self, yet adding Oyl of Rhodium to it, it will be rendred more odoriferous.
Experiment 8.
Nay these Flowers seem to be of such a disposition, that whatsoever Rosiny matter they are mixed with, they yeild a Saphirine Oyl. An Argument worthy a further speculation, whether or no by this Method many more Oyls may not be prepared against particular Diseases, by the mixture of peculiar and specifick rosinous Simples.
Experiment 9.
There is a decompound Oyl, which is described by Boetius. lib. 11. de Gemm. & Lapid. cap. 43. Impostures (saith he) joyn the Flowers of Camomil, and the white Oyl or Spirit of Turpentine, and a very large proportion of Artificial Sal Armoniack, They put [Page 39] this mixture into a Copper Body, and to this they add common Water, from whence they distil Water and Oyl after the common way. The distilled Water contains on the Superficies or top of it Oyl of a Colour like a Saphire; this is Oyl of Turpentine joyned with the Oyl of Camomil: for this Herb, or the Flowers of this Herb, do yield some of the Oyl: But the Colour is produced by the Sal Armoniack, which it extracts from the Copper, and communicates it to the Oyl. If the Oyl be kept long it will be spoyled with age, and then you will manifestly discover the Scent of Turpentine. This is an usual cheat with common Chymists or Preparers of Chymical Medicines for the Shops here in London, because many are deceived by this means, and many Chymists are so simple to think the Colour proceedeth from the Camomil. I thought fit hereto discover the Imposture, Cheat and Error of Chymists.
Thus far Boetius, who in vain suspects a fraud in this matter: For, as we have shewed before in the first and second Experiment, that also without any manner of Salt, either common, or Armoniack a Sk [...]-coloured Oyl may be drawn fron the Flowers of common Camomil; wherefore the Colour [Page 40] doth not result from the Copper Body: for otherways the same thing would happen in distilling other Plants in a Copper Body, which nevertheless is very far from being true. It remains therefore in these operations, that the blewishness is produced altogether from the Flowers. But what is affirmed by Boetius concerning the blew Colour being drawn out of the Copper by the Sal Armoniack, signifies nothing in this case, That being an Artifice, commonly known to Barbers.
Experiment 10.
As to what concerns the duration, or lastingness of the Oyl, we have an Oyl which was extracted from Camomil Flowers above three years since, without the addition of Salt or Tartar, whose Saphire Colour appears so constant, that if it continue not for ever, yet it seems to promise to last many years. Nevertheless I do not deny what Boetius alledgeth, of his false Saphire Oyl, that the Blew Colour doth perish with Age, and that the whitishness of the added Oyl of Turpentine will emerge or be apparent.
Of Lignum Nephriticum, or the wood against the Stone.
CAsper Bauhinus in pinnace Botanic. calls this Wood, Lignum peregrinum, sive Mexicanum, Aquam caeruleam reddens, i. e. The strange, or Mexican wood, colouring Water Blew. And places it among the Species or Kinds of Ash trees. Franciscus Hernandes in his Book Intituled Thesaurus Rerum Medicarum Novae Hispaniae, which afterwards was published by Nardus Antonius Recchus in the 4th Book, chap. 25. says thus: 'Tis called Coatlis, by others Tlapalezpatl, or the Medicine of the Scarlet or Crimson coloured Blood. It is a great Trees-Shrub, with a body thick and without knobs, like the Pear-tree wood, the Leaves like Sheep Pease, or Rue, with a Yellow Flower growing among Prickles. It is also excellently described by Nicol. Monades in his History of Simples, chap. 27. in these words; Mittit Nova Hispania Ligni quoddam genus crassum & erode, Materiae piri, [Page 42] cujus usus jamdiu receptus fuit in his Regionibus, ad Renum vitia, urinaeque difficultates & incommoda. Postea experimento comprobatum est, ejus Aquam in Iecoris & Leinis obstructionibus utilem esse. Illa autem hac ratione paratur, Lignum assutatim, & minutim, concisum in optima & lympidissima aqua fontana maceratur, atque in ea relinquitur donec aqua à bibentibus absumpta sit. Dimidia Hora post injectum lignum aqua caeruleum dilutiorem colorem contrahit, qui sensun intenditur pro temporis diuturnitate, tametsi lignum candidum (potius ruffum) sit, caeruleum ideo dico quoniam adulteratur alio ligno simili, quod aquam croceo colore inficit, ne quis fallatur. ‘That is, there is sent from New-Spain a certain kind of thick Wood, without Knotts, like the substance of a Pear-Tree, it hath been long made use of in these parts, against the distempers of the Kidnies, and the difficulties, and inconveniences of making Urine. Afterwards it was found by experience that its Water was beneficial in the Obstructions of the Liver, and Spleen. It is prepared after this manner; The Wood being shaved and smal cut, let it be steeped in the best and clearest Fountain Water, and left in it till it be consumed by those that [Page 43] drink it: Half an hour after the Wood is put into the Water, the Water will contract a pale Blew, which is heightned by degrees according to the time it remains in it, and yet the Wood is White (or rather Brown.) I therefore mention this Blewness, because it is counterfeited with another Wood like it, (which gives the Water a Saffron Colour) lest any body should be deceived.’
This [...], or knack, is now a daies commonly known, and certainly except it were so well known, it w [...]uld be more esteemed. Of which Fire is an Example: which although there be nothing more admirable then the nature of it, yet we despise it as a common thing; which were it brought from the remotest parts of the Indies, and suddenly and unthought-of shewed to us, I doubt not with how much amazement we should contemplate it.
Experiment 1.
Being about therefore to search, if that Golden Blewish Colour, would remain with the same constancy in passing over the Alimbeck, I cast into a Glass Body, [Page 44] the infusion, together with the rasped shavings of Lignum Nephriticum, and drew it off. The Distilling Water, although it lost both the Colours, and was become clear: yet for all that I observed that it breathed forth a grateful rosinous Odour. But the Scent of the Shavings themselves might be observed to be much more pleasing, although the crude Wood of it self was almost [...], without Scent.
Experiment 2.
We substituted in the place of Fountain Water Spirit of Wine, which being poured upon the shavings, in like manner became of a double Colour: But being drawn over by the Alimbeck; it became White like common Water. And because I easily foresaw, that I could do nothing further with this Wood, by distillation with an Alimbeck, I desisted: yet nevertheless I tryed other ways, and the Experiment which follows was produced thereby.
Experiment 3.
We distilled some drops of Oyl of Tartar per deliquium into the Golden Blewish Coloured Infusion, made with common Water, and we perceived both the Colours remained constant.
Experiment 4.
We poured into the same Infusion Spirit of Vitriol drop by drop, and the aforesaid blewish Colour vanished, the Yellow one only remaining.
Experiment 5.
We tryed the same with Spirit of Salt, Sulphur, Nitre, &c. and the Golden Colour continued, the Blew one disappearing, as it did happen in Experiment the 4th. A clear sign that the acid Salt by its penetrative power did infringe, and otherways dispose those Particles, which the Vrinous, and as it were blunt Salt of Tartar could not infringe or otherwise dispose.
Experiment 6.
Many considerable Remarks are produced concerning this Nephritick Wood, by that careful and industrious searcher after Nature, Mr. Boyle in his Book of Colours, Experiment the 10. and in those which follow, which worthily deserve to be read. But I may repeat one of them here, which concerns the redintegration of the once lost Blew Colour. But because the Authors Relation is a little too long, I will repeat it with more brevity. Drop into the double coloured Infusion of the Wood, a few drops of the Spirit of Wine Vinegar, so the Blew Colour will vanish, the Saffron one remaining. Upon this pour a little Oyl of Tartar per deliquium, and immediately the Blew Colour will return, and the Infusion will appear as before of two Colours, perhaps by the acidity of the Salt the Particles are broke, and returned to their former position, which were kept under by the heavy Oyl of Tartar.
Of the Dregs of Wine, of wild Carnations, or Pinks, and Parsley.
OLd Wine deposits two sorts of Excrements; to wit Dregs, and Tartar. The Dregs are the grosser, and earthly parts of the Wine which after fermentation it lets fall (like Slime and Mudd) to the Bottom of the Vessel, it not being void of a useful saltness, from whence the Wine gains strength: So that taken from this root as it were, and put into another Vessel, it will not endure any long time, but will easily degenerate.
Concerning the usefulness of these Faeces, or Dregs, we have a testimony in Brandy, or Spirit of Wine, which the Vintners, and Distillers make from them: That we may omit other uses now, which are not unknown to the common people.
But this we suppose is hardly taken notice of by every body, that an Oyl is to be prepared from these Faeces or Dregs which ascends the Alimbeck of a Green Colour. In [Page 48] this Operation 'tis to be observed, that that Oyl is most green which distilleth last, but this Greenness doth vanish with length of time: Nay presently, if you rectify the Oyl, it being changed into a Yellowishness. Let the distilling vessels be well covered with Tin, lest you suppose the Tincture doth arise from the erotion of the Copper in its passage. Many affirm that from the pressings, or husks of Grapes, an Oyl may be likewise made, after the same manner, which will ascend Green. Wild Pinks, or Carnations whilest they are in Flower, and running up to Seed, if the whole Plant be fresh gathered, cut small, and distilled after the usual manner, there commonly swims on the top of the Water drawn by the Alimbeck, a Greenish Oyl.
You will find the same thing to be true, with the Garden Smallage, or Parsley distilled after the same manner, if you have wrought aright: but this Greenness is but temporary, and of small duration. But the Oyls of Chervil, and Parsley which are to be seen in the Shops, are wont to be prepared by long fermentation, and are of a deep Gold Colour, which they constantly retain.
Of wild Flower-de-luce.
IT is called Iris, and receiveth its name from the similitude it hath to the Rainbow, it being variously painted with the colours of divers Flowers. From the Form of the Roots it may conveniently be divided into Classes, the first of which is contained under that of the Bulbous, or round rooted, and are in number twenty: the other sort is tuberous, or full of swellings, and of this sort truly there is but one: The third sort is Geniculate, knotted, or jointed on the stems, of which there is about sixty four; the jointed are are subdivided into broad leav'd, narrow leav'd, and dwarfs. First the broad leav'd, which is called by Casper Bauhinus, the common wild German Flower-de-luce, which is so well known, that it is called in the Shops our Orris, or flower-de-luce. They commonly reserve only its root, from whence they make juice, Oyl by infusion, and a Powder called Faecula: The blewish Flowers are beheld for their neatness, but [Page 50] never preserved or kept. Moreover, Ioachimus Camerarius in his Notes upon Petr. Andrea, Mathiolus German Herbal, which was printed 1590 at Frankfort, to wit, upon the first Book, cap. 1. fol. 2. layeth down an observation concerning these blew Flowers worthy our noting, in these words, Das Basser aus den Blumen der schonen jris destilliret, ist gut fur die Bassersucht: and ist solches viel [...]rafftiger, Wann also dasselbe destilliret wird, dak es der blvmen natvrlich Iarbe behalte, tvie den solches ohne allen frembden Busa Bivictlich geschehen-san. Water (says he) distilled from Flower-de-luce Flowers is available in the Dropsy, and is the more efficacious if it be so distilled that it retains the native colour of the Flowers: as also it may easily be perform'd without any strange additament. And truly except we will impute the crime of falshood to Camerarius, there is a way to be found by which a blew Water may be distilled from that Plant, but the way of doing this Camerarius himself ought to have discovered to have freed himself from censure, lest there arise a suspition in the Readers, that the thing is done by the Artifice mention'd above, in Chap. 4. for whether or no the [Page 51] Water distilled by the common method will be Blew, we have not yet had leasure to try.
Curcuma, or Turmerick roots are vulgarly known, but the entire Plant few are acquainted with. The figure or picture shews it to be Indian Saffron (to which the name of Curcuma is added) also it is clearly described by Iacob Bontius in lib. 6. Histor. Oriental. cap. 30. put out by Gulielmus Piso in his Works printed 1658. He attributes to it the Leaves of white Hellebore, and purple Flowers, with a fruit prickly, or like the outward hairy barks of Chessnuts, which includes a Seed of the form of a Pea. If there be poured well rectified Spirit of Wine upon the Powder of common Turmerick, the Liquor being distilled somewhat swifter than ordinary, will be of a light yellow Colour, which yellowness will continue so long only as it shall be kept in a cold and shady place: but it is easily dissipated, and caused to vanish, by the rayes of the Sun, or any other heat. But if any do contend that this yellowness is caused by the coming over of very small particles of the Turmerick with the Spirit, by reason of the swiftness of the distillation, I will not stiffly deny it.
Of Sun-dew.
SOme Plants comprehend many Species or kinds under them, as Tulips, Hawk-weed, Cranes-bill, Orchis, or Dogstones, Treacle Mustard, and Grass. Others contain no variety of kinds, in as much as we hitherto know of; as Annise, Cymbalaria, or Bastard-Italian-Navelwort, Wall-Rue, Matthiolus his Orpine. Others hold a middle betwixt these, and contain but few Species or sorts: As, Goats-Rue, Liquoriss, Celandine. And the last of the three is the most ample, containing under it, amongst other sorts, a Plant of a most excellent structure, which from a dewy Liquor which stands upon the leavs of it, even when the Sun is hottest in Summer, is commonly called Ros Solis, or Sun-dew. Nor do our Botanists know more then two species, or sorts of it: of which one sort is called Sun-dew with the round Leaf, and is the most usually known in the Shops. The other which [Page 53] is rarer with us, is wont to be called Sun-dew with the longest Leaf.
Experiment 1.
Take either of the sorts of this Plant fresh and new gather'd, and let it be the whole Plant, and in the middle of Summer gather'd in a hot clear Air; after you have made it all clean, cut it, and sprinkling it with a small quantity of Water, let it be bruised; then put it into a Glass Body, and without addition distil it by an Alimbeck. There will come over (not without the delight of the Beholders) a Golden Liquor, tending towards redness.
Experiment 2.
We would try the same also with the dryed Plant, pouring Spirit of Wine upon it; after standing some hours, by the help of a Bath, we distilled it with Glass Vessels, observing (which was a pleasant Spectacle) the Liquor distilled by the Alimbeck was of a Gold colour. Concerning the causes of this effect, if I may guess, I believe the Sun-dew is so composed, that it abounds with volatile Salt, [Page 54] which in the time of distillation doth joyn it self with the Rosiny Particles which are dispersed through the whole Plant: for if you behold its external face any manner of way, you will easily discern it to grow reddish from goldishness. Moreover this must happen from a peculiar proportion of Salt: because there are not wanting many Herbs which are both reddish, and rosiny, whose distilled Waters nevertheless do not in the least look reddish, or yellowish.
After we had made these our Experiments, we happened upon Conradus Kunraths, Medulla Distillatoria, who in the fifteenth Tract written upon Ros Solis, propounds (after his custom) a tedious method of making Medicines out of this Plant; and amongst other things asserts, that the distilled Water of it is yellow, and that there is to be prepared from it a Quintessence which is a Panacea in all manner of diseases. Which thing we will leave to its Author, or rather to Isaac Hollandus, out of whose Book, intituled, De Opere Vegetabili, all that Kunrath hath writ seems to be taken.
Of Blew Pimpernel, and of Curcuma, or Turmerick.
THe Family, or kind of Pimpernels may be conveniently divided into two Classes. The first contains those Pimpernels called Sanguisorbae, or Burnet, of which there are four sorts: to wit, the greater, the lesser which is hairy or rough, the lesser which is smooth, and that which is without scent. Of the latter sort are those Pimpinels commonly known by the name of Pimpinella Saxifraga, of which five kinds are reckoned up by Bouhinus in Pinac: that is the greater with the white boss or Top, the other greater, the greater with the red boss or Tuft, and the lesser with the thin Leaf. To which may be added those which were unknown to Bouhinus: Pimpinella Cadanensis Maxima of Iacobus Cornutus, and the Pimpinella Maxima Cadan. with the long red spire or ear, and that with the red ear conglomorated, or heaped together, of Robert Morisons; also Pimpinella [Page 56] Agnimonoides, of the Physick Garden of Padua.
But besides all the aforementioned, there is another sort which grows with us, in the Fields near the City, which for certain reasons we call the Blew Pimpinel; the same also may be found near Steinford, a place six Miles distance from hence, where it is propagated in the Physick-Garden of the Court; and also at Frankfort by the way side.
If you regard its Figure, it doth not seem to belong to those sort of Pimpinels called Sanguisorbes, but to that other sort called Saxifraga's, amongst them to these called Major Vmbella, Candida, or the greater with the white boss, or Tuft, to which it approacheth very near. But again it doth differ from it; First, In the Native Soil, or place of its growth: for Blew Pimpinels grow in a blackish Earth, but the other in a sandy. Secondly, The root of Blew Pimpinels is outwardly of a gray colour, and inwardly is white: the other root is white both without and within. Thirdly, These roots do abound within with a blewish juice, which is never seen in the common sort, for which cause it hath seem'd convenient to me to [Page 57] give it the name of Blew Saxifrage Pimpinel.
Experiment 1.
It is a wonder that so fine a Spectacle should be so long unknown, which this Plant distilled can expose to the sight; for if the roots, either fresh, or dryed, be cut into pieces, and Spirit of Wine poured upon them, it will be tinged with a yellow Colour, and if you distil it by an Alimbeck, the Liquor will pass over of an exceeding Saphirine Colour. The Spectators which are ignorant of the thing, will be amaz'd, and be ready to swear there is some juggle or cheat in it.
Experiment 2.
But if you put the roots either cut, or bruised, into Oyl of Turpentine, with a triple proportion of Fountain Water, and afterwards shake the Glass, the Oyl that swims at the top when it stands still, will be Blew: and if afterwards you distil all of it with a strong fire in Sand, the blew colour will vanish, and the Oyl which swims upon the Water will be of a Gold colour.
Experiment 3.
Wherefore if you have a mind to transfer this operation to a Medicinal use, and particularly to prepare a Physagogal blew Water, then let there be added with the roots of this Pimpinel, the seed of Anise, Fennel, and the other Carminatives, or breakers of wind.
Experiment 4.
If you have a mind to make a blew Water against the Stone, then add to these roots, the seeds of Winter-Cherries, Parsley, and such like; but if you would have the blew Colour to prevail, there ought to be more of the Pimpinel roots then of the rest.
Experiment 5.
If you take equal parts of the blew Pimpinel roots, and of the Herb Sun-dew, and mix them together, and then put them into Spirit of Wine, there will flow from them, distilled by an Alimbeck, a Liquor of a most pleasant Sea-green colour, the blewishness [Page 59] being refracted or broke by the native redness of the Ros Solis, or Sun-dew.
Caution 1. No waterish Liquor will extract the Saphirine colour of these Roots, but it ought to be a Spirituous Liquor; but the best way of all is, with Oleaginous Liquors, by reason of the resemblance betwixt them, and the Rosinous juice of the Roots. This is further to be added, if you pour Oyl of Citrons upon them, they will presently after a little stay let fall their blew Colour.
Secondly, The distillation in these Operations is not to be too gentle, for then the Liquor will be white, but a little brisk, and swift; so at first the Liquor will be of a blewish white, but the latter will appear of a perfect Saphirine colour.
Thirdly, This Blew colour (as you may observe in the two former Experiments) is not so very lasting, but that after three or four Months it will degenerate into yellowness by degrees, but it will endure the longer if it be kept out of the rayes of the Sun, and in a cool place.
Fourthly, These Roots ought to be gathered in the Spring, Summer, or Autumn, and to be kept all the Wint [...]r: for the dryed Roots, as well as the fresh, are fit to [Page 60] produce this Phaenomenon, or appearance: although by very long keeping the Blew juice is dissipated, and after the manner of other Roots they become useless.
Fifthly, Sometimes we steep the very fresh gathered Roots, only in Oyl of Turpentine, and have observed that the day following a Sea green, not a Blew colour to arise: And although we afterwards added a triple proportion of Water, and by fits shook it strongly, yet the Oyl which swam at the top, remained of a Sea colour.
Of Cinnamon.
BY reason of the difficulties, and length of Navigations, there hath been related both by the Ancient Greek, as well as Latine Authors, many uncertain, and also fabulous things concerning Cinnamon. And from hence, heretofore there hath sprang so many controversies amongst Botanists, about the differences and identities of Cinnamon, and Cannella; which quarrels will be easily determined by reading of the writings of latter Authors.
The most noble sort of Cinnamon is the Cannella Zeilanica, or the Cinnamon of Zeilan: the next to this, is that of Malaver, or Iava: the next is, the Peruvian. Nor must we pass by the Clove Cinnamon, or Clove Bark, so called from its tast, which in this Age begins to be brought to us from the Southern Provinces of America, called Guiana.
[Page 62] But the History of Cannella is above all others most exactly described by Gulielmus Piso, cap. 1. and 2. of his Mantissae Aromaticae, which he hath described and annexed to his splendid and neat work, De Indiae utriusque re naturali atque Medica. Printed Anno 1658 at Amsterdam. I confess I was not a little joyed when I turning over this Volumn, first beheld the Cut or Figure of the intire Cinnamon Tree: having been troubled at the negligence, shall I say, or ignorance of the rest of Herbarists, for almost every one of them in their Commentaries, have hardly afforded us but one Leaf, with a Berry, with a small Pipe, or Stem. Moreover, because this Author, as Iohan. Iohnstonus (who follows his steps in his Hist. Nat. de Arboribus,) is not to be found in every bodies hands, and that besides there is hardly any hope left, that this Tree will ever be procured to grow in our colder Clymat: Therefore we esteem so much of this Cardinal, and most fragrant Spice, that being led by the example of Piso, I have caused its Effigies to be ingraved, and that it might be the better known to our Countrymen, have taken care to insert it in this place.
[Page 64] But that we may draw nearer to what we design, there is made of this Bark a Water to be had in the Shops; which if you reckon to be the first of Aromatical, or spicy ones, you will not be mistaken; for it is so cordial and friendly to the Vital Spirits, and doth so powerfully expel Wind in the Stomack and Guts, and also is so grateful, and pleasing to the Palate, that it leaves other Spices much behind it. They are wont to distil it with Wine, or without with Borage Water: either way that which first distils over the Alimbeck, is of a Milky colour. But this Milkiness is hardly native, or true, but doth proceed from the Oyl, with which this Spice doth abound: which being dispersed through the Water in small Particles, causeth a Milky colour: And if these, as it were Atomes, shall by length of time be united, they will be carried to the top of the Liquor, and there will shew themselves small Oyly drops of a Golden colour, leaving the Water clear: although that Oyl, if it be somewhat more plentiful, doth usually at last fall to the bottom.
[Page 65] Nor ought this so to be interpreted, as if this milky Colour were only proper to Cinamon water: for it appeareth also in the Water of Cloves, Nutmegs, and the rest of waters drawn from Spices. But I thought fit to name Cinamon above the rest, because, as we said a little before, it doth excel other Waters. And also, because it is more frequently used every where.
Of Corrals.
THere are three kinds of Corrals: Red, Black, and White. The White may also conveniently be distinguished into branched, starred, joynted, and that which is warty, or knobby. There is also a sort of Corral which is Red without, and Black within. But that which is prised above the rest in Medicine, is the Red called the Male Corral, of which Pedac. Dioscorides. lib. 5. cap. 139. Thus: Sea Corral is a Shrub, which drawn to the top of the Water growth hard presently, and swims, and as it is incompassed with aire it concretes, or hardens. Much of it is found in a Promontory by Syracuse. The name of which is Pachyno. The most commended is the Red sort, of the Colour of a Daffidil stalk, or of the deep coloured Sardix or Orient bright Purple. Being of a long and round figure easy to break, and of a like hardness in every part of it: again, it is of the scent of Oreweed, or Sea-grass. It is very full of small branches, and is like in form to [Page 67] the Shrub Cinamon. The like description to this Pliny hath lib. 32. Histo. Natur. but that he erroneously alledgeth that these Berries or litle Balls, which are worn for ornament about womans Necks, do grow of their own accord on this small Sea tree: for it is sufficiently known at this day, that they are made by Turning; and that also might as well have been known heretofore. Of the same reddish Beads, is to be understood the most antient of Poets, Orpheus, in his peculiar verses of Corral, in which he elegently prosecutes the vertues of it, and the Fables of it also.
Concerning this bright sparkling Corral, whether or no the true tincture of its genuine Colour, can be extracted, hath been already examined: The Solutions made with Iuice of Lemmons, or of Barberries, although they delight us with a false shew, yet they will not answer the thing designed: Neither also will those Liquors which after abstraction remain of a Red Colour in the bottom of the Vessel. Of this sort may be seen many Processes or Methods in Anselm. Boetius. lib. 11. Histor. Gemm. & Lapid. cap. 154. But many more in Io. Lodov. Gansius Histor. Corral. caput 7. Also amongst other late Authors. The [Page 68] business consists in this point, that a reason may be shewed, how without the addition of any suspected thing, there may be drawn either by Alimbeck, or Retort a Red Liquor from Corrals, that is, a Genuine and true Tincture.
Expirement 1.
The forecited Io. Lodov. Gansius, sect. 8. doth testifie that it was sometime observed by the famous Physitian of his time, Iac. Zuingerus, That a Tincture might be drawn by distillation in an Alimbeck, if the Corral being made into a very fine Calx or Powder, and being well digested with Spirit of Wine, it be distilled nine times, first with a gentle distillation, afterwards forced over with a vehement heat, so that the Water will come forth first Yellow, and at last Red, which is believed to be the Tincture.
Experiment 2.
The same Gansius in the same chap. sect. 16. hath this following. Let the Powder of Corral be calcined with Spirit of Salt: then wash the Calx with distilled [Page 69] water, that the saltishness may be taken away. After which extract it, by adding Spirit of Wine. Let the extractions poured back again upon the Corrals be distilled so long till the Tincture ascends by the Alimbeck. From this separate the Spirit by a Balneo. Note in this place that what is extracted, is always to be circulated ten days space: and after each time to be cohobated, or poured back again, and distilled.
This is to be done six times, always adding new Spirit. The Red Colour is said to come forth in the fifth distillation, and in the sixth a Powder altogether Red will remain at the bottom.
Experiment 3.
Agreeable to this way, is that of Conradus Kunrath in his Medulla Distillatoria, Tract. 10. written upon Corral, which therefore at this time we will not repeat, but leave untouched.
Experiment 4.
Daniel Sennertus lib. 5. institut. Medic. pag. 3. sect. 3. cap. 9. laies down the following [Page 70] way. Let Corral dissolved in Vinegar be impregnated with Spirit of distilled Vinegar till the Salt will receive no more of that Spirit; which is performed thus: To one pound of Corrals, add two ounces of the strongest Vinegar, and distil it gently, there will only distil from it an insipid phlegm. The second time add to the Corrals three ounces of Vinegar, and distil it again, and so proceed every time, adding of one Ounce of Vinegar more than formerly, and continuing this, so long, till the Vinegar distil as sharp, and strong, from the Salt of Corral as it is put upon it. Let the Salt so impregnated be digested for thirty days in Balneo Mariae, or a Bath of hot Water, and afterwards distill it in a close Reverberatory, by a Retort, but so that the Phlegm may be received first by it self, and then the White Spirits by themselves, till all the Spirits are come forth, together with an Oyl, Red as Blood. This Spirit is to be rectified by an Alimbeck, and the Red Oyl will remain at the bottom. But this Spirit poured upon fresh Corral doth extract a Red Tincture like to Gum Lacca, which if it be again freed from this Spirit by distillation, and the Corrals be joyned with Spirit of Wine, or some Cordial [Page 71] Water, and by distilling, and cohobation, it will be made volatile, and will then be the Tincture of Corral.
Experiment 5.
Also this following is a compendious way. Take of Red Corrals three ounces, and of Sugar half a pound, being finely bruised and mixed, distil them in a Retort, and you will see a Red Liquor to come forth.
But it is not to be doubted concerning these Operations, that this Redness is hardly due to the Corrals: but is more owing to the Spirit of Salt, Salt of Vinegar, Sugar, and the like additions: and much of it also to long digestions. Insomuch that these sort of Tinctures, are rather to be taken for Analogous, then Genuine, until the Fates grant us the true one. And truly whilst I am writing this, there is come to my hand the Epistle of that most excellent man Dr. Ioel Langelot (chief Physitian of the Duke of Holsteen, my most Noble Friend.) De quibusdam in Chymia praetermissis, wherein he sets down an hitherto unknown solution of Corral, [Page 72] which (as I suspect is performed by Oyl of Citrons) doth first mollify the hard Fragments, and afterwards doth dissolve them into an exceeding Red Mucilage, or slimy Substance, and afterwards (as may be seen) by pouring on of Spirit of Wine that is Tartarised, it will go also into an exceeding Red Tincture.
The Conclusion: Containing three sorts of Observations.
SInce we have spoken concerning Colours emerging, and resulting from mixture in the second Chapter: we shall not seem to wander from the matter, if by way of Colophony or conclusion, we produce also by way of Example, the various effervescencies, and incalescencies of things, together with their attenuation, and coagulations. These also are Chymical, and afford much light towards the Knowledg of Nature, and of the differences of Acid, and Vrinous Salts. As also it will easily appear from hence, which Saline Spirits will either suffer themselves to be joyned to each other, or refuse it. Which Doctrine, as it contains under it the foundation of some of the most noble Operations, and is not commonly known to all men: So upon its own account it seems worthy to be annexed to our Distillatory, by way of Mantissa, or overplus.
Observations relating to effervescency, and incalescency, or production of heat.
To begin with those things best known: It is well known to the common people, that if Water be sprinkled upon QuickLime, it will excite from it both heat, and smoke: which Operation is by Brick-layers, and Plaisterers called slaking, or extinguishing of Lime.
2. If you moisten with Aqua-fortis, the filings of Iron, Copper, or Tinn, the Glass in which it is done will grow so hot, that you can scarce hold it in your hand, there also ascending at the same time plenty of Fumes.
3. Almost the like effect doth follow, if you poure the Caustick Water upon Quicksilver, Lead, or Marcasite. But as to what relates to the more perfect Metals; Luna, or Silver, doth stronglier resist Aqua-Fortis, than the imperfect Metals are wont to do: but Gold doth plainly elude its force, except Sal Armoniack be added.
4. You may also observe an exagitation, if you pour Aqua Fortis upon Salt of Tartar.
5. Pour Fountain Water upon calcined [Page 75] Vitriol, whilst it is yet warm, stirring it softly; and you shall perceive it to wax vehemently hot. The same will happen if you pour Water upon any Alcalizate, or fixed Salt whilst it is yet hot.
6. Distil drop by drop of the Spirit of Vitriol, into the Salt, or the Oyl of Tartar prepared per deliquium, and there will be caused a crackling noise: which being finished there will appear a coagulum which is commonly called Tartarus Vitriolatus.
7. Mix the same acid Spirit of Vitriol, or of Sulphur with the Gall of an Ox (which is fill'd with its own native Vrinous Salt,) and you will presently perceive them to fight. But the ebullition will be much stronger, if you mix Gall with Aqua-fortis: insomuch that a great disturbance will follow it, and a White froath will arise a great height upon it.
8. If the Genuine Red Oyl of Vitriol, and Spirit of Turpentine be mixed together; the Glass doth begin to wax so very hot, that it cannot be touched by naked hands.
9. Neither doth the Spirit of Salt Nitre, or Peter will agree with the butter of Antimony, but these two Liquors being mixed together, are seen rather like Enemies to fight between themselves.
[Page 76] 10. I had lately reserved for a use, Spirit of common Salt, and after it was consumed, I put into the Glass (perhaps whilst it was yet moist) Spirit of Sal Armoniack, tincted with the Flowers of Brass, (which many now a days call the Saphirine Spirit) I observed when I poured it in, immediately the first drop stirred up a Cloud in the Glass, and a Smoakie Vapour did manifestly exhale from it. A not obscure Argument, that these two Spirits were almost insociable, upon the account of their contrary Salts.
11. To this place belongs the Observation of Regnerus de Graff. in his Book de Succo Pancreatico, pag. 60. which he lays down to this sence: We took, says he, Oyl of Tartar per deliquium and we poured it into Cows Milk, after which we added a small quantity of Spirit of Vitriol, and presently there arose an effervescence, and that of longer continuance, than if Milk had not been added. Which differency seems to depend upon the viscidity of the Milk: this effervescence will not proceed so well, if you put the Spirit of Vitriol into the Milk before you put in the Oyl of Tartar, ( to wit,) because of its aptness to be coagulated by the Acid.
Observations of Attenuation, and of Coagulation.
1. We call Attenuation, when a solid and Gross Body, is rendred thin and fluid: but the contrary to this is called to inspissat, thicken, or coagulate, when such things which of themselves are fluid, and thin, acquire firmness and subsistence, and are thickned, either by the means of Coagulation, or Glaciescency, (that is, freezed or made Ice) or else altogether Lapidificated, or turned into Stone; which Physical, or natural affections above all others are most frequently known not only in the Apothecaries Shops, but also in other Mechanical Arts: wherefore the whole Spagirical Art is by many believed to receive its name from dissolving and congregating, or compacting together, for which reason these two qualities (in our opinion) justly deserve a peculiar consideration.
2. When the Apothecary prepares Decoctions, or Infusions, and the Cook makes fresh Broth, by pouring on of Liquids: gross and dense bodies are attenuated, and their nobler parts extracted. There is the like reason in Iuleps, or emulsions, and [Page 78] the rest of Medicines in a Liquid form.
3. Thus we see the bodies of all dry Salts, are melted and attenuated, by effusing watry Liquors upon them: From whence those Solutions called the simple ones, of which sort for Example is that of Vitriol dissolved into Fountain Water, which being mixed with the infusion of Galls produceth Ink, of which mention is made above in chap. 2.
4. Relating to this purpose are all the corrosive Solutions made by Caustick Waters, upon the solid compage of Metals. For Gold by its smallest parts doth swim in Aqua Regia, so that, that which if left to it self stops the sharpest sight from looking into, it presently changeth its Species, and Texture, and appears diaphanous, or transparent.
5. Nor is it less to be wondred at, that the same Gold, and the rest of the Metals will suffer themselves to be so attenuated by the Fire, (by as it were a certain corrosion) that they will flow like Waves of Water: which fusion truly, unless the thing were so common as it is, would hardly be believed by such as were ignorant of it.
[Page 79] 6. Alablaster, and Gypsum, or Plaister of Paris, may be burned as they do Limestone, as is commonly known; and it is particularly asserted by Anselmus Boetius, lib. 2. de Lapid & Gemm. cap. 269. But whether or no the following Experiment be much noted, I know not, (and therefore will set it down) Cast into a vessel of Brass, or Iron with a Flat botom, Alablaster, or in stead of it Plaister of Paris, (very finely grown'd, and sifted) some pounds weight: Apply Fire to it by degrees, even to the utmost height. And you shall see this Stony Powder to put on the form of a Liquor, and to boyl like Waves, sending up White Vapours, resembling Smoak; moreover if you then stir it with a Stick, you will not find it to resist the motion of your hand, like Sand, but to yeild like Liquor: which thing truly doth produce no small delight, to the curious Spectator, as Mr. Boyl doth witness of himself, in his History of Fluidity, Sect. 18. where he addeth more notes, and cautions upon this thing.
7. It is also a [...], of a species of attenuation, by which Salt of Tartar is dissolved into a Liquor per deliquium: And amongst Natures works, it is an Illustrious [Page 80] Attenuation, by which the thickest Ice of Rivers in the Spring time is dissolved by the heat of the Sun.
8. But that we may also come to the Phaenomena or appearances of Coagulation, amongst those which are best known is that of making Bread, whilst the Bakers by mixing Water with Flower or Meal coagulate it into a Mass, to make Bread out of. The like, but more compounded work, is that of the Confectioner, who mixeth together Butter, Sugar, Egs, and divers other ingredients.
9. But there is hardly extant a more domestick, or familiar Example, than the coagulation of Milk, whether it be performed by Calves, or Lambs Runnit, or by juice of Limons, or by sowre Herbs, Spirit of Vitriol, or other acid Salt: by which means the fluid substance of the Milk separates it self from the whey, and suddenly joyns together into a cheesy Mass.
10. In the Canary Islands they thicken, (by boyling) the fluid juice of Canes and Reeds into innumerably useful, and most sweet Sugar: And on the contrary, in the Island of Succotra, they make Aloes of the juice of a Plant, which is so exceeding bitter that it is become a nickname, [Page 81] for other bitter things: [You will have a large account of coagulations of this nature in the Philosophical Essay of Petrification, written by the Translator of this Treatise, and printed Anno 1672.] Nay without Art, or Labour, Water is converted into Stone in divers dens. And to omit other Countrys, the Cave called Baumanus's Cave, not far from the Mountain Bructer in the great Forest of Hircinia in Germany, in which not only Waters are turned into stony Icicles, but also there is found a wonderful company of the Bones of Animals, but from what Original, or how they came there, is yet uncertain.
Eleventhly. But as to what concerns Minerals. If you mix the best Vrinous Spirit of Sal Armoniack equal parts, with the most dephlegm'd Spirit of Wine, they will set, or fall to the bottom of the Glass in the manner of Icy flakes, or rather like Snow. For whilst the Acrimony of the Armoniack Spirit is blunted and mitigated▪ by the sweetness of the Spirit of Wine, the crisped, and sharp pointed Particles of the Salt falling to the bottom, and others falling still upon them, they represent the form of Snow.
[Page 82] Twelfthly, If Spirit of common Salt be mixed with the Acid Spirit of Sal Armoniack, (not with the Salt Urinous one) then at first the mixture will grow hot, and presently it will be troubled, and thick, and at length it will begin to conjoyn together plainly in the form of Butter.
Thirteenthly, If there be mixed together equal parts of highly rectified Spirit of Wine, and exquisitely dephlegm'd Spirit of Vrine, they will coagulate (by agitating them) in a quarter of an hours time: first, into the form of Snow, and a little after, into a solid Mass. But unless both the Spirits be freed from all Phlegm, this business will want success: As Mr. Boyl doth prudently admonish in his History of Fluidity and Firmness, Part 2. Sect. 32.
Fourteenthly, Beat the white of an Egg, even to thinness, then mix with it half as much of the best Spirit of Salt: and you shall see this mixture will coagulate, even in a few Minutes of an hour by agitating it.
Fifteenthly, Many have attempted di [...]s ways to coagulate the most Fluid Body of Quicksilver Io. [...] Part 1. Pag. 35. proposeth his way. And that I may omit others, Thomas [...] [Page 83] now hath propounded his, Cent. 1. Num. 79. But the most exquifite, and no less certain way, is by the vapour of Lead; if you make a hole with a Stick in melted Lead, being removed from the Fire, and beginning to cool, then sprinkle some Ashes into the Hole, and nimbly pour in the Quicksilver: and so the Vapour ascending from the Lead will congeal it, although there are not wanting those which doubt of this coagulation. But the Translator of this Treatise hath experimented it to be true.
Sixteenthly, 'Tis a more difficult operation which I make use of to procure a yellow coagulated Mercury: for I take of Quicksilver one ounce, of rust of Brass, and common Salt, of each an ounce and a half, Wine, Vinegar a pound or pint: boyl them in an Iron frying-Pan the space of an hour or two, continually stirring them with an Iron Spatula; till at length the Mercury coagulate into an Amalgame, which afterwards wash several times from the Salt▪ and then form it into little Balls, the bigness of Pease. These little Balls being exposed to a temperate Air, after a few hours, will harden of then own accord: But if you have a mind also to induce a colour upon this coagulated Mercury, then [Page 84] take of Turmerick roots fourteen Drams, and of prepar'd Tutia one ounce, and mixing them together, make with the Balls Stratum super Stratum, that is, one row of the Powders, and another of the Balls, and so do till you have filled up a Crucible, which lute well, that nothing may expire. Let it stand at first in a gentle fire, that the matter may dry: afterwards for an hour or more, apply a strong fire to it; then take it off, and after it is cold, melt it as they use to do Metals, and pour it into an Ingot, and you will have a Mass very much resembling Rhenish Gold, of which may be made Rings, Bracelets and Medals. If there be any body that will not allow this Mass any longer to participate of the Quicksilver, I will not contest with him; because others which are acquainted with that Planet, will not be induced easily to believe, that it can freely endure a vehement fire for an hour together.
Observations upon Blood, and its Serum.
How much the Blood within is altered, by attenuating, or coagulating it, by means of Mineral Spirits injected into the Veins [Page 85] of Brutes, hath long since been declared by us, in Clysmatica Nova, cap. 5.
But, moreover, we have tryed many things upon Humane blood whilst it was yet warm, and newly drawn out of the Veins by Phlebotomy: observing that by instilling those Mineral Spirits, the Blood hath undergone various mutations: of which kind are Ebullitions, (or boyling, and bubling,) Attenuation, (or becomming thinner,) grumescence, curdling or coagulation, and the exaltation or heightning of its colour, or the obscuration, darkning or hiding of it, and many the like variations. But before Humane blood, let out by opening a Vein, do lose its heat, and begin to thicken, there useth to swim upon it a Liquor, heretofore taken for Bile, or Choler, now esteemed its Serum, or Whey. Certainly it is not so bitter that it can deserve the name of Gall, or Choler: neither is it so thin that it altogether deserves to be called Whey, or Serum. If it be taken up gently in a Silver Spoon, and without the mixture of the bloody substance, if it be held a little while over warm Embers or Coals, it will be coagulated like to the white of an Egg boyl'd, both as to its substance and colour, [Page 86] and is also almost like it in taste. As to what concerns its colour, I have taken notice of this difference; that in many it is perfectly white, in others it is palish, in others it tendeth towards yellowness: which variety may depend either from the temperament, or from the healthy, and infirm state of the Body, or from those things which are received into the Body, (for it appeareth that some portion of the Chyle is not changed altogether into Blood.)
If you put in of the aforesaid Mineral Spirits by drops upon this Chylous Serum put into several Vessels, there will also appear various Phaenomena, which will be useful for a careful Physician to take notice of. In these kind of examinations, our very much honour'd Collegiate, that excellent man Dr. Godfredus Leisnerus, when he was living, did lately take much pains, who himself writ these following Observations, and a little before he yielded to Fate, communicated them to me to be divulged in this place.
Observation 1.
Mr. N. N. by birth of Clive, of thirty [Page 87] years of age, he was Scorbutick, had red Spots, and Pustils in his Face, a heaviness and weariness in his Ioints, and a numness, a flushing in his Face after drinking strong Wine, or strong Beer, or the Swalbasher Spaw Water, and was obnoxious to bleeding Gums, and the like; after having take Pills upon the 28 day of Iuly, 1671. He was let Blood in the left Arm, and had about seven Ounces taken from him, in three Porringers. The Blood was very hot in its flowing forth: the day before he had drank Wine largely, after which he was cold, his Blood had much Serum, and the grumous and curdled parts were very red, and would easily be divided by a Twig; in the bottom it was of a bright Bay colour, the Serum poured off, was of the colour of Lee, like Vrine of a Citron colour tending to red: It was divided into twelve Dishes, and the Liquors being mixed with it, things appeared thus.
First, With Spirit of Nitre dropt on it, it presently coagulated into a substance like cheese, from the top to the bottom of the Liquor, in that space the Spirit was dropt into: This Curd was white on the top, but towards the bottom yellow like Sulphur, the rest of the Serum swimming about [Page 88] it was clear, but dropping in Spirit of Nitre it also became of a Cheesy substance; some of the Liquor which remained, poured out clear like water, upon inclining of the Vessel.
Secondly, The sweet Spirit of Nitre being drop'd on, made no alteration; but after a short time, the upper half of the Liquor grew altogether clear, but the lower half was a little troubled, yet so, that there could scarce any difference be discerned but by curious Chymical eyes.
Thirdly, Spirit of Salt did presently pervade the Liquor, not only in that place where it was drop'd in, but through the whole circumference of the Liquor, and about the bottom precipitated a white coagulum, but not stiff.
Fourthly, The sweet Spirit of Salt did trouble the Liquor a little, but in a short time there was a separation made like the cream of Milk, which swam at the top.
Fifthly, Spirit of Vitriol, did precipitate a White Curd equally from all parts to the bottom, almost Analogous to the curd made with the sweet Spirit of Salt, but thinner.
Sixthly, Aqua-fortis did altogether agree with the Spirit of Nitre, both in the whiteness of the Curd, its yellowish bottom, [Page 89] and the clearness of the Liquor which was left uncoagulated.
Seventhly, Spirit of Sulphur, converted the whole Liquor into a white coagulum, or Curd, except a few drops which were left.
Eightly, The Clyssus (or the Sulphureous acid Spirit of Antimony) being dropped in, precipitated to the bottom of the Liquor a Curd, which was on one side White, and Cheesy, and on the other side transparent, and like a Ielly.
Ninthly, Arcanum Nitri (that is the Solution of the Salt of the caput Mortuum of Aqua-fortis, or its red Earth left in the bottom of the Retort) dropped in, at the beginning it did presently fall to the bottom of the Liquor in which it was put: nor would it be mixed with it, so that it might be very well discerned from it, but after an hour or two, the Liquor was of an bigher Colour, and there settled in the bottom of the Vessel a troubled Sediment, which upon slightly shaking of the Glass united again with the Liquor.
Tenthly, The Salt Spirit of Sal Armoniack did introduce no alteration at all in the Liquor, neither in its Colour, nor in its consistence.
[Page 90] Eleventhly, The fixed Liquor of Nitre, did thicken and trouble this Liquor, and precipitated to the bottom a certain Saltish Curd, the Liquor which swam at the top was very clear.
Observation 2.
A Young man who was descended of consumptive Parents, and was himself consumptive, (with much coughing casting out both Blood, and Matter;) a Vein being opened there was taken from him about eight Ounces of Blood. The grumous Blood was of a florid Colour, Thin, and had much Serum, which being poured out into little dishes, it brought off with it from the top of the Blood a little redness, this subsided and fell to the bottom in a days time.
1. Spirit of Nitre, And
2. Sweet Spirit of Nitre, both produced the same effects, as in the former Observation.
3. Spirit of Salt did the same, but with this difference, that the Coagulum was more Phlegmatick on the top of it, and as it were a Ielley.
[Page 91] 4. The Sweet Spirit of Salt, did the same as in the former Observation, but the Cream was thicker.
5. Spirit of Vitriol, And
6. Aqua-fortis, did the same as in the former Observation.
7. Spirit of Sulphur made a Coagulum like Spirit of Salt, but a little thinner, and more like Ielley.
8. The Clyssus made a white and thick Curd.
9. Arcanum Nitri. And
10. The Salt Spirit of Sal Armoniack. And
11. The Liquor of fixed Nitre, did the same as in the former Observation.
12. Spirit of Verdigrece, at the first dropping into the Glass did make the clear Liquor to look Milky, and afterwards did make no further change.
Observation 3.
Mr. N. N. Splenetick, and Scorbutick, afflicted with a Vertigo, or Giddiness, and a straitness in his Breast, upon the 27th day of Iuly, Anno 1672, was let blood, the Blood was good, and had much tincted [Page 92] Serum, into which the following things were dropped.
1. Aqua-fortis, from which there was a cheesy and white concretion, the Serum which swam at the top was pale; this Coagulum was not dissolved, by dropping into it Spirit of Sal Armoniack.
2. By the Clyssus there was made a white Curd, which fell to the bottom, but was less tenacious, or tough.
3. Spirit of Nitre, made a Coagulum like Aqua-fortis in all things, and when more Spirit was put in, the Serum was almost all coagulated.
4. Sweet Spirit of Nitre, made no alteration at all.
5. Spirit of Salt did equally precipitate a white Curd to the bottom, like a Ielly, and of a pale Yellow Colour at the top, leaving a Liquor that was somewhat paler above it.
6. Spirit of Vitriol, did absolutely the same thing, excepting that the Liquor which swam at the top, did remain somewhat more tincted.
7. Spirit of Verdigrece made no change at all.
8. The Spirit of Sulphur made the same Coagulum with Spirit of Vitriol.
9. Polemanus's double Spirit, did the same [Page 93] with Spirit of Salt, excepting that the Coagulum was a little thicker, and less white.
10. Arcanum Nitri, made a troubled bottom, but the Glass with the Liquor being shook it was exactly mixed again, and no alteration appeared. Into this mixture there being dropped one or two drops of Aqua-fortis, it produced a milkie curd after the usual manner.
11. The Liquor of fixed Nitre also made a troubled bottom, and shaking the glass it was exactly mixed again, but dropping in Aqua-fortis there was an ebullition made, and much Spume, or Forth raised of a Sulphureous colour, but nevertheless nothing was precipitated.
12. Spirit of Sal Armoniack prepared with the Bloodstone, did not thicken the Liquor, but only a little heighten the Colour, a drop or two of Aqua-fortis being added to this, presently made a milky curd: but a greater quantity of Spirit of Sal Armoniack being poured upon it, it was again dissolved with small bubbles, and instead of the Coagulum there remained as it were a little thin transparent Phlegm.
Observation 4.
These were instituted not in the Serum, but in the clotted blood it self. To wit Mr. N. N. after he had spit blood for some years, fell into a spitting of Matter, with an inordinate or irregular Feaver, after exhibiting of Medicines, and chiefly of Adstringents, the thirtieth day of May he fell into a large Haemoptisis, or spitting of blood, he having been afflicted before it with a weightiness, and weariness of his Joynts: upon the first of August this Symptom was urgent again, and he cast up much florid blood▪ which was easily coagulated. The 2d day of August after Midnight, his spitting of blood was very urgent, only he perceived his blood which he threw up to be hotter whilst it was in his mouth: it was neither putrid matter, nor Salt as heretofore. I commanded to take about four ounces of Blood, by opening a Vein in the Right Arm. The Blood which was let out was taken in two Silver Dishes, and appeared black even whilst it was flowing forth: it had little Serum, scarce two drams, and that of a Yellow Colour. The clotted blood had a florid red circle about it, the [Page 95] middle part was like the skin of a Jelly. To this blood, being well dryed with spongy Brown Paper, these following things were applyed.
1. One drop of Spirit of Nitre, did presently and sooner than in the twinkling of an Eye, impress a white spot upon it, and that not superficially, but sufficiently deep, and very white.
2. The Sweet Spirit of Nitre, made no change at all.
3. Spirit of Salt, did more slowly make a spot, and that less white, and less deep. The red Circle of the blood it self, and the circumference of the drop, were both black.
4. Sweet Spirit of Salt, at the first did nothing, but after it had stood sometime upon the Liquor it did a little dissolve the outward skin of the Blood, and made a hole in it, and rendred the blood under it, (in which it was contained) of a livid flesh Colour, spotted like Marble.
5. Spirit of Vitriol did slowly make a spot a little whitish.
6. Aqua-fortis did swiftly and immediately (with some Fume) make a spot altogether agreeable with that of Spirit of Nitre.
[Page 96] 7. Spirit of Sulphur, made a Spot like that of Spirit of Vitriol.
8. The Clyssus produced a white spot.
9. Spirit of Verdigrece as to its effect agreed with the Sweet Spirit of Salt.
10. Arcanum Nitri stood upon the Blood in its own circumference, afterwards it made a yellowish spot, and rendred the skin of the Blood thinner, so that it might easily be divided by a twig.
11. Spirit of Sal Armoniack made no change, or spot.
12. The Liquor of Fixed Nitre rendred the Blood much Redder and transparent.