JANUARY 11. 1642. An Explanation of the Agreement of the 21. of December last, betwixt His MAjESTY and the Inhabitants of the County of Oxford, for provisions for His MAjESTIES Horses billited in this County.
WHereas it was desired by His Majesty, that the sixe Regiments of Horse conteining eight and Twenty Troopes, quartered in this County for His Majesties service, should be provided for at the charge of the Inhabitants of this County, which charge being cast up after the rate of seven shillings the week for a Horse, and three shillings six pence a week for a man, amounts to the summe of two and forty pounds a week for every Troop, the whole charge of the eight and Twenty Troopes amounting in all to the summe of Eleven hundred seventy and six pounds a week. The gentlemen and Free-holders of this County, who attended the Lords and others his Majesties Commissioners at [Page 2] Christ-Church, did for their own parts, and for so much as concerned themselves agree, and did beleeve that those who were absent, would for their parts likewise agree to supply His Majesty with the weekly Loane of the said summe of Eleven hundred seventy and six pounds, for the uses aforesaid, in manner following, to be raised upon the whole County, as other publique payments are usually made, viz.
lib. | s. | |
The Hundred of Banbury weekly | 73 | 10. |
The Hundred of Bloxam, | 73 | 10. |
The Hundred of Poughley, | 147 | 00. |
The Hundred of Wootton, | 147 | 00. |
The Hundred of Chadtington, | 147 | 00. |
The Hundred of Bampton, | 147 | 00. |
The Hundred of Bullingdon, | 100 | 00. |
The Hundred of Thame, | 42 | 00. |
The Hundred of Dorchester, | 38 | 00. |
The Hundred of Lewkenor, | 50 | 00. |
The Hundred of Pirton, | 42 | 00. |
The halfe Hundred of Ewelme, | 80 | 00. |
The Hundred of Binfield, | 39 | 00. |
The Hundred of Langtree. | 35 | 00. |
The Towne of Henly, | 15 | 00. |
Which severall summes shall be subdivided by the high-Constables of every Hundred, upon the severall Townships in the said Hundreds, as is usually done in other paiments, and shall be collected by [...]he Petty-Constables in their severall Towneships, and Villages, and [...]y them be paid over to the High-Constables, and by them to be paid [...]o such generall receivors as are hereafter named for that purpose, viz.
- In the Hundreds of Banbury and Bloxam, to Sir Thomas Pope K t.
- In the Hundreds of Poughley and Wootton, to Sir Thomas Coghill K t.
- In the Hundred of Chadlington, to Sir William Walter Baroner.
- In the Hundred of Bampton, to Sir Thomas Whoord K t.
- In Bullingdon Hundred, to Broom Whorwood Esq;
- In Thame Hundred, to Vincent Barrey Esq;
- In Dorchester Hundred, to Timothy Doylie Gent.
- In the Hundreds of Lewknor and Pirton, to Iohn Chamberlaine Esq;
- In the Hundreds of Langtree, the halfe hundred of Ewelme, and the Towne of Henly upon Thames, to Henry Stephens Gent.
- In Bynfield Hundred, to Humfrey Elmes Esq;
From whom it is to be receaved for the purposes aforesaid, by the Commanders or Officers of the Army hereafter named in manner following, viz.
Sir Thomas Byron, or such as shall be appointed thereunto by warrant under his hand and seale, to receave for the six Troopes of the Princes Regiment weekly, two hundred fifty and two pounds; one hundred forty and seven pounds thereof to be paid him by the Receavor for the Hundreds of Banbury and Bloxam, and the residue being one hundred and five pounds to be paid by the Receavor for the Hundreds of Wootton and Poughley.
The Earle of Carnarvan, or such as he shall appoint, to receave for his five Troopes, and the Lord Wentworth's company of Dragoneers, the like Summe of two hundred fifty two pounds, one hundred eighty nine pounds thereof to be paid by the Receavor for the Hundreds of Wootton and Poughlie, and the remainder being sixty three pounds to be paid by the Receavor of the Hundred of Chadlington.
Sir Iohn Byron, or such as he shall appoint, to receave the like summe of two hundred fifty two pounds for his sixe Troopes, eighty foure pounds thereof to be paid him by the Receavor of Chadlington hundred, one hundred forty seaven pounds by the Receavor for the Hundred of Bampton, and the residue being Twenty one pound, to be paid by the Receavor for Bullingdon Hundred.
The Lord Andover, or such as he shall appoint, to receive for his three Troopes the summe of 126. l. to be paid him by the Receivour of the hundred of Langtree, the halfe hundred of Ewelme, and the Towne of Henley upon Thames.
Colonell Gerard, or such as he shall appoint, to receive for his three Troopes, the summe of one hundred twenty six pounds; seaventy nine pounds thereof to be paid him by the Receivour for Bullingdon hundred, thirty nine pounds by the Receivour for Binfeild hundred, and eight pounds by the Receivour of Dorchester hundred.
The Lord Digby, or such as he shall appoint, to receive for his foure Troopes the summe of one hundred sixty eight pounds, forty two pounds thereof to be paid him by the Receivour for the hundred of Thame, forty two pound more by the Receivour for the hundred of Pirton, fifty pounds by the Receivour for the hundred of Lewknor, thirty pounds by the Receivour of the hundred of Dorchester, and foure pounds by the Receivour of the hundred of Langtree.
If any Inhabitant refuse to pay his ratable proportion to this service, the Petty-Constables are to returne the default to the high-Constables, and they to the Receivours in their severall limits, who are to certifie the same to the Lords Commissioners, that such course may be taken therein, as His Majesties service may receive no prejudice.
If any man deliver in provisions, according to the rates hereafter set downe, to the Army, or have Horses billeted with him, the Tickets of those that receive such provisions, or that are quartered in such houses or places where they are furnished with such provisions, shall be esteemed as ready mony; And if any particular man send in more provisions, or billet more Horses or men, then his proportion, it shall be made good to him out of the mony paid to that quarter, to which he sends in his provision, or where he is charged with the billet.
For Hay by the Todde, | 5 d | |
For Oates by the Bushell. | 20 d | |
For Beanes by the Bushell. | 2 s | |
For Straw to make litter, by the load. | 6 s | 8 d |
Every man that paies his part of this weekly Loane, and of the [Page 5] [...] Contribution of one thousand eight hundred pounds a moneth, to [...]ree from all other extraordinary payments whatsoever, and to en [...] his Horses, Cattle, and other goods quietly, from being taken away, upon any pretence, and severe punishment to be inflicted on such as shall offend therein.
If there be any Horses or Dragoones already billeted, or hereafter to be billeted in this County, more then the six Regiments before mentioned, His Majesty is gratiously pleased to promise they shall be removed out of the County, into some other parts, or in case there be a necessity of their being in this County, no man that paies his proportion to this present Loane, and the Contribution, shall be compelled to billet such Horses, but upon payment of ready money.
If any alteration be made of the six Regiments, intended to be provided for by this Loane, and some of them be removed into other Counties, and others placed in their steads here, they who so come in (not exceeding the number of those that goe out) shall be provided for, as the former were.
This Loane to beginne as upon the 21 th of December last, and all rules and directions hereby made for the time to come, are to be observed from the 21 th of December till this time respectively, and to continue three moneths from the said 21 th day, unlesse His Majesty please sooner to withdraw His Army out of this County, to a place more commodious for it, or that in the meane time there be a cessation of Armes, and when either of those shall happen, if any money remaine in the hands of the Petty-Constables, chief-Constables, or Receivours, they shall repay it proportionably to the severall Townes from whence it was received.
That the security which His Majesty shall please to give for the repayment of this money, shall be made to six or more of the Gentlemen, named herein to be Receivours of the sad Loane, as men in that behalfe trusted for the whole County, in such manner as Councell shall reasonably advise. And it is humbly referred to His Majesty to propound the security Himselfe.
Lastly, that this present Agreement may by His Majesties Command be speedily published in Print, that the whole County may take the more publike notice thereof, and that the cheif-Constables, [Page 6]without expecting any new warrant, may forthwith proceed to assesse and gather the arreares from the 21 th of December till this time, and so continue the payment of this weekly Loane to such generall Receivours, as are by this Agreement nominated and appointed for that purpose; Wherein it is expected that the high-Constables shall proceed with all expedition that may be, after the receipt of this Agreement signed by His Majesties Commissioners.