An Exact LIST of all Their MAJESTIES FORCES in Flanders, England, Scotland, and Ireland. For the YEAR 1692. And the Charges of Each REGIMENT.

A LIST of all Their Majesties Forces in Flanders.
HORSE. Troops Numb. Payment per An
FIrst Troop of Guards, 1 260 21921 5 10
Second Troop of Guards, 1 260 21985 3 4
Third Troop of Guards, 1 260 21921 5 10
Troop of Dutch Guards, 1 197 16126 4 0
Lord Berkley's, late Lord Colchester's, 6 300 20634 13 4
Coll. Godfrey's, 6 300 20634 13 4
Coll. Windham's, late Byerlye's, 6 300 20634 13 4
Duke of Leinster's 6 300 20634 13 4
Marq. de Ruvigny's, 9 450 30398 8 4
Danes, Coll. Sehstadt, late Baron Juet's, 6 276 22076 8 4
Danes, Prince Charles Rudolph's of Wir­temberg, late Coll. Donep's, 6 276 22076 8 4
Danes, Marq. de la Forest's, 6 276 22076 8 4
Marq. de Monpouillan's, 3 213 13078 18 0
Lieut. Gen. Scravemore's, 3 213 13078 18 0
Zuilestein's 3 213 13078 18 0
Boncour's, 3 213 13078 18 0
Nienhuise's, 3 213 13078 18 0
Total of Horse, 70 4520 326514 15 8
Lord Fitzharding's, 6 360 15999 3 4
Brigadier Eppinger's, 10 920 32469 8 0
Total of Dragoons, 16 1280 48468 11 04
FOOT. Comp. Numb. Payment. per An
Two Battal. of the First Regim. of Guards, 18 1486 18002 6 0
One Battal. of the Sec. Regim. of Guards, 7 560 137 [...]4 8 3
Regiment of Scotch Guards, 14 1120 20966 4 2
Two Battalions of Dutch Guards, 18 1756 37390 0 4
Royal Regiment, 26 1560 31712 8 4
Coll Churchill's, 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Trelawney's, 13 780 16145 3 4
Royal Regiment of Fusileer's, 13 780 [...]6145 3 4
Earl of Bath's, 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Fitz Patrick's, 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Hodges's, 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Farrell's, 13 780 16145 3 4
One Battalion of Coll. Earls, 13 780 16145 3 4
Lord Castleton's, 13 780 16145 3 4
Earl of Leven's, 13 780 16145 3 4
Earl of Angus's, 13 780 16145 3 4
Lieut. Gen. Mackay's, 13 780 16145 3 4
Sir Charles Graham's, 13 780 16145 3 4
Coll. Lauders, 13 780 14145 3 4
Prince of Hesse's, 12 840 1509 [...] 0 0
Lord Cutts's, 12 840 15097 0 0
Prince of Brandenburg's, 12 840 15171 8 0
Count Nassaw's, 12 840 15171 8 0
Coll. Greben's, 12 840 15171 8 0
Danes, Danes Battalion of Guards, 7 700 14207 2 8
Danes, Queen's Battalion, 7 700 14771 6 8
Danes, Prince Fred [...]rick's Battalion, 6 600 12288 6 8
Danes, Prince Christian's Battalion, 6 600 12142 1 8
Danes, Prince George's Battalion, 6 600 11978 1 6
Danes, The Zeland Battalion, 6 600 12142 1 8
Danes, The Jutland Battalion, 6 600 11978 1 6
Danes, The Funish Battalion, 6 600 11978 1 6
Total of Foot, 375 26602 525011 1 7
Total of Horse, Foot and Dragoons, 461 32402 1425005 10 2
A LIST of Their Majesties Forces in England.
HORSE. Troops Numb. Payment. per An
Royal Regiment, 9 450 30133 15 10
Sir John Lanier's, 9 450 30398 8 4
Coll. Villiers's, 6 300 20634 13 4
Coll. Coy's, 6 300 20634 13 4
Coll. Langston's, 6 300 20634 13 4
Regiment of Guards, 6 480 30051 8 0
Earl of Athlone's, 3 213 13078 18 0
Richteron's, 3 213 13078 18 0
Coll. Schack's, 3 213 13078 18 0
Coll. Reitesel's, 3 213 13078 18 0
Total of Horse, 54 3132 204803 4 02
Royal Regiment, 8 480 20926 13 4
Coll. Leveson's, 6 360 15999 3 4
Total of Dragoons, 14 840 36925 16 8
FOOT. Comp. Numb. Payment per An
One Battal. of the First Regim. of Guards, 9 743 18002 [...]6 00
One Battal. of the Sec. Regim. of Guards, 7 560 13 [...]14 08 03
One Battalion of the Dutch Guards, 9 878 18 [...]95 00 04
Coll. Selwin's, late Kirk's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Brewer's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Beveridge's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Hastings's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Sir James Lesley's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Sir David Collier's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Earl of Monmouth's, 13 780 16145 [...]3 04
One Battalion of Coll. Earles, 13 780 16145 03 04
Sir George St. Georges, 13 780 16145 03 04
Duke of Bolton's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Purcell's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Venner's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Tiffin's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Lloyd's, 12 840 15097 03 04
Total of Foot, 206 13161 275396 01 03
Total of Horse, Dragoons and Foot, 274 17133 517125 02 01
A LIST of Their Majesties Forces in Ireland.
HORSE. Troops Numb. Payment per An
Coll. Wolsey's, 6 300 20634 13 04
Coll. Winn's, 8 480 20707 17 04
Coll. Ecclin's, 8 480 20707 13 04
Total of Horse and Dragoons, 22 1260 62050 04 00
FOOT. Comp. Numb. Payment p [...] An
Brigadier Steward's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Sir John Hanmore's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Sir Henry Bellasis's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Earl of Meath's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Coot's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Hamilton's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll Roe's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Creiton's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. St. John's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Foulks's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Earl of Drogeda's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Michelburn's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Col. d [...] la Melionire's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Cambon's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Bell-Castel's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Total of Foot, 195 11700 242177 10 00
Total of Horse, Dragoons and Foot, 217 1296 [...] 304227 14 00
A LIST of Their Majesties Forces in Scotland.
HORSE. Troops Numb. Payment per An
Troop of Scotch Guards, 1 118 9687 14 02
Sir Thomas Levinston [...]s, 6 360 15999 03 04
Coll. Cunningham's, 6 360 15999 03 04
My Lord Newbottle's, 6 360 15999 03 04
Total of Horse and Dragoons, 7 478 25686 17 06
FOOT. Comp. Numb. Payment per An
Coll. Hales's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Earl of Argyle's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Coll. Beaumont's, 13 780 16145 03 04
Lesley's, Upon the Scotch Establishment.
Coll. Buchan's, Upon the Scotch Establishment.
Coll. Hill's, Upon the Scotch Establishment.
6 Independent Comp. Upon the Scotch Establishment.
Total of Foot, 39 2340 48435 10 00
Total of Horse, Dragoons and Foot, 46 2718 74122 07 06
Besides there are,          
Duke of Bolton's Regim. Hampshire, part of it in the West-Indies, 13 780 16145 03 04
Ʋpnor Company, 1 50 385 15 04
Company of Miners, 1 50 1733 13 00
Company of Fusiliers, 1 100 1727 05 06
New York Companies, 2 120 2354 02 06
Company in the Leward Islands, 1 60 1177 12 06
Total 19 1160 23523 12 02
Total of all Their Majesties Forces in Flanders, England, Scotland and Ireland, 1017 66373 2344004 05 11

LONDON: Printed for Richard Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane. 1692.

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