THE HISTORY Of the THREE late famous IMPOSTORS, viz. Padre Ottomano, Mahomed Bei, andSabatai Sevi. The One, pretended Son and Heir to the late Grand Signior; The Other, a Prince of the Ottoman Family, but in truth, a Valachian Counterfeit. And the Last, The Suppos'd MESSIAH of the Iews, in the Year of the true Messiah, 1666. With a brief Account of the Ground, and Occasion of the present War between the TVRK and the VENETIAN. Together with the Cause of the final Extirpation, Destruction, and Exile of the IEWS out of the EMPIRE of PERSIA.

In the SAVOY, Printed for Henry Herringman at the Sign of the Anchor in the Lower-Walk of the New-Exchange. 1669.


My Lord,

THESE ensuing Discourses intitle their Original to the noble indu­stry, and affection to Truth of an Illustrious Person; and to the great and worthy [Page] Ingenuity of a Persian stranger, lately amongst us, from whose mouth I have received the two following first Narrations, and from whom I have been abun­dantly satisfied, that the Particulars are of un­doubted Verity. For the Third and Last, which con­cerns the Story of that Im­pudent Iew, it will need little Analogy; since it pro­ceeds not onely from an Eye-witness, but from the hand of a Person, who has already gratified the Pub­lique with the Fruit of ma­ny [Page] rare and excellent Obser­vations, and which becomes due to your Lordship upon a just claim; so as your Lord­ship having been so pleas'd with the first Relation, can­not be less with the following, though I should never have presum'd to be their deferent in this unpolish'd dress, had I not receiv'd some assurances of your pardon.

It will doubtless appear very strange, that Impostures of this magnitude should so long abuse the World, were there no other Interest in it than the vanity of the Per­sons, [Page] who assume to them­selves the Titles: Whatever the reason of it be; Here we have matter of Fact; and it was more than time the World should at last be dis­abus'd, which has been so long impos'd on, and even la­bour'd under the common Mistake, That, the cause of this obstinate War and Quar­rel 'twixt the Turk and the Venetian was grounded onely upon the taking of Sultan Osmon and his Mother (pre­tended Son and Wife of Sultan Ibrahim) by the Gallies of Malta. This was, my Lord, [Page] the believed Report at my be­ing at Venice the very Year this Action fortun'd; and it has since gain'd credit, and fill'd our Ears, and all the Histories of this Age, as a thing unquestionable; but, with what pretence of truth, these Papers will both inform your Lordship, and give day to some other Passages wor­thy the Notice of Inquisitive men, and of a Conjuncture so seasonable for it; while the Eyes and Thoughts of all Eu­rope are intent upon the suc­cess of Candia. What con­cerns the Valachian Vagrant [Page] will be a service both to His Majesty and other Christian Princes, whom this bold Im­postor has had the front to abuse; but eripitur Perso­na —the Mask is now off, and I have no more to add, than that of being

My Lord,
Your Honors Most obedient, obliged, and humble Servant J. E.

To the READER.

THe Great Scaliger was wont commonly to say, Omnis Historia bona, that all History was good; mean­ing, that it was worthy of no­tice, so it were true, and matter of fact, though the Subject of it were never so trivial. This, though but a Pamphlet in bulke, is very considerable for the Mat­ters it containes, and for that it endeavours to informe, and dis­abuse [Page] the World of a current Error, which has mingled, and spread it selfe into divers grave Relations that have been Print­ed, and confidently published many Yeares without Suspiti­on.

How I came to be enlightned for these Pieces, I have in part declar'd in my Dedicatory Ad­dresses; and if I forbear to pub­lish the Name of that Intelligent Stranger, and that other Person, from whom I receiv'd my Infor­mations; You are to know, that it is not out of fear of being de­tected of Imposture, whil'st we declare against it, and which can­not serve any Interest of the Re­lators; but because, being Stran­gers, or Itinerants, and one of them upon his return into his [Page] Native Country (which may possibly engage them to passe by Malta, and other Levantine parts obnoxious to these Discourses) it would appear but ingrateful in us to expose them to an Inconveni­ence. Let it suffice to assure you, that they are Persons of no mean Parts, Ingenuity and Candor; well acquainted with the Eastern Countreys and Affaires, and that have themselves been wit­nesses of most of these Transasti­ons.

It were to be wish'd that our Christian Monarchs had alwayes near them some dextrous Person of this Gentlemans abilities; were it but to Discover such Cheates as frequently appearing under the Disguise of Distressed Princes, Merchants, &c. are, to [Page] truth, but Spies, and bold Impo­stors, and whom otherwise 'tis almost impossible to detect; not to suggest the many other good Offices, as to the Eastern Com­merce and Affaires, they might be useful in: But this is more than I have Commission to say from those who have no other design in what they Relate, than their Affection to Truth. It is not yet a full Year since there went a Crafty Varlet about the Countrey, who pretended him­self to be the Brother of the fa­mous Peter Serini (whose brave and Heroick Actions had so ce­lebrated him against the Turkes) and related a Story by his feign'd Interpreter, how he fortun'd to be cast on shore on the West of England, as he was conducting [Page] Supplies from abroad. This he perform'd with a confidence and success so happily, as caus'd him to be receiv'd, presented, and assisted (like another Mahomed Bei) by divers Persons of Qua­lity, and some of them my nearest Acquaintance, in his Pretended Iourney to Court; But being at last discover'd in a Tipling-house on the Rode, where un-mindful of his Part and Character, he call'd for a Pot of Ale in too good English, and a more natural Tone than became so great a Stranger, and the Person he put on, we heard no more of the Gamester: I wish our Fin-land Spirit, who is of late dropt out of the Clouds amongst us, prove not one of his Disci­ples; for the Age is very fertile; and I am told, that our Maho­med [Page] having receiv'd his Ajuda de Costo from the Bounty and Charity of a great Person of more easie Beliefe, is slipt aside for fear of the Porters-Lodge, and yet 'tis possible you may hear more of him before his Ramble be quite at a period.

You have at the end of the last Impostor an Account of the Jews Exile out of that Vast Empire of Persia, happening but the other day; which, together with the miscarriage of their late Messiah (the Twenty-Fifth Pretender to it (as I am credibly inform'd, it stands in their own Records) might, one would think, at last open the Eyes, and turne the hearts of that obstinate and miserable People: But whil'st the Time not yet Accomplish'd, I could [Page] wish our modern Enthusiasts, and other prodigious Sects amongst us, who Dreame of the like Carnal Expectations, and a Temporal Monarchy, might seriously weigh how nearly their Characters ap­proach the Style and Design of these Deluded Wretches, least they fall into the same Condem­nation, and the Snare of the Devil.


PAge 15, Line 17, Read defide. l. 28 r. dignità, 18. 6. r. Spina Longa, 21 l. 12. r. DETECTED. 24 l. 23, r. Wafer. 30. 14. dele and 58. l. 17. Es­sendo. l. 21. promessa per gli suoi Profeti e padri no­stri. 59. l. 2. r. digjuni. 66. 11. r. should be wrought. 77 l. 18. r. not onely. 85. 22. r. one that (as it was said. 93. l. 22. r. tenor. 97. 15. dele which, and read it. 99. 7. r. As that. 110. l. 12. r. Cymeterie.


SUltan Ibrahim began his Reign in the Year 1049, according to the Turkish Hegira or Period, which was of our Style Anno 1640. He was about nine years Emperor, and had born to him (after the first three years) a Son nam'd Mahomed, who is the present Grand Signior now swaying the Otto­man Scepter: The Halaki or Great Sultana his Mother (for by that Ad­junct of Great she is distinguished from the rest of that high title) being ex­treamly [Page 2] weak after her delivery, ne­cessitated them to seek out, and pro­vide a fitting Nurse for the new-born Infant. But, before we can proceed in the event of that, some other Circum­stances require the Readers attenti­on.

It fortun'd that from the Year 1640, to 44 there liv'd in Constantinople one Giovanni Iacobo Cesii native of Persia, but descended from a noble Family in Rome, who, being by profession a Mer­chant, did use to traffique not onely in this Port, but held commerce likewise in divers other places of the Levant; so as being a Man of more than ordi­nary note, he came at last to be parti­cularly favour'd by the Grand Signiors chief Eunuch, whose name was Iumbel Aga, otherwise called Keslar Agasi, a great Minion of Sultan Murad, who deceasing a while after, his following Successor confirm'd to him his former Charge, which was to take Care of the Ladies, who were kept in the Se­raglio, and superintended the Women (for so the name imports) nor is the dignity of less esteem than that of the Visier himself, within the precincts of [Page 3] the Seraglio; since it intitules him to the same Access to the Emperour his Lord and Master, whom he serves as Pimp of honour; if there be any true honour in so vile an Employment.

This Kefler Aga, Eunuch as he was, and of no denomination for Sex, (for his Lower-belly was par'd as smooth as his Chin,) would for all this, be thoughr a Lover of Women; not for his ability and furniture; or that he took plea­sure in their Embraces; but because it is the Style of the Countrey, and a mark of good breeding and Courtly Gran­deur.

It was upon this Occasion that he one day sent for Iacobo Cesii, and desir'd that he would search out and purchase for him the most elegant and handsome Wench he could possibly light upon, amongst such slaves as are daily ex­pos'd to sale in the Turkish Dominions.

The Merchant was not longbe'r he happen'd upon a very beautiful Crea­ture, of a modest Countenance, and, as near as could be guess'd, a Virgin. He bought her, and brought her to the Aga, who being extreamly taken with her shape and mine, pay'd him for her 450 [Page 4] Dollers, which was the Price she was valued at. But this pretty Girle had, for all her simpering and innocent de­meanour, been corrupted, it seems, be­fore she came to the Eunuch; and after some time that she had been with him, (for he kept her in a house of his own, and not in the Seraglio)▪ was suspected to be with child. Her Lord was wonder­ful importunate to sift out who it was that might be the Father of her great belly; but she would by no means be induc'd to discover it; which so in­censed him, that the Aga forthwith causes her to be turn'd out of doores; and thus for some time she remained in disgrace, though in the house of her Major Damo, to whom he had given her to be disposed of, till she was at last brought to bed of a goodly Boy.

Some time after the Child was born, the Aga, whether mov'd with Compassi­on or Curiosity, we need not enquire, be­gins to discover a most passionate de­sire to see the little Bastard; which was no sooner brought to him, but being exceedingly pleas'd with the Babe, he immediately orders it a rich Vest, and other fine things to wear, though it was [Page 5] then not above eight or nine moneths old; commanding that it should still be kept in his Stewards house, where it was born.

It fortun'd, that not long after was the Birth of the present Turkish Em­perour; and the Great Sultana (as we said) being indisposed, The grand Aga was sent for to provide a Nurse for the young Prince, that care belonging like­wise particularly to his charge: Imme­diately the Aga reflects upon his dis­grac'd Slave, whom he speedily sent for to him, and brought to Court, (toge­ther with her pretty By-blow, the pre­sent Padre Ottomano) recommending her for a Nurse to the Royal Infant, upon which account she stay'd near two whole years in the Seraglio: Sultan Ibrahim (father of the young Prince) during this time grew so taken with the Nurses Boy, as being much a love­lier CHILD than his own, that he grew infinitely fonder of him; which so in­rag'd and displeas'd the Great Sultana, that being now no longer able to dis­semble her Resentment, she grew in wroth with Ibrahim, and gave a second and more cruel exilement to the unfor­tunate [Page 6] Nurse, and her darling Child; whom she banish'd out of the Seraglio, and could never after abide the Aga that introduc'd them.

This violent action of the Sultana made, you may imagine, a foul house in the Court, and it grew at last to that height, that the Emperour (who took it greatly to heart, his pretty Favorite should be thus thrown out of the Se­raglio, running one day to the Sultana, he snatches his son out of her arms, and threw him into a Piscina or large Fountain, which was near them, where he had like to have been drown'd. This passionate and unnatural action of Ibrahim inrag'd the Sultana now more then ever against the Aga, so as she sought all occasions possible to put him to death, as imputing the ill­nature of her Lord the Emperour to some wicked impressions of his Fa­vorite; but chiefly, for his bringing the fair Slave and her Bastard into the Seraglio.

The continual hatred and machina­tions of the G. Sultana caused the Aga to consult his safety; and besides, he was not a little apprehensive of the [Page 7] capricious and unconstant humour of Ibrahim, who being of a weak com­plexion and understanding, he feared might in time be wrought upon by the Sultana to destroy him; and there­fore makes suit to the Emperour that he would permit him to go on Pilgri­mage to Mecha, since Absence might possibly mitigate her fury; and for that he was now grown aged, and less capable of doing him service in his charge, which he desired he would give him leave to resign.

But Ibrahim, finding him by long experience to be a discreet Person, and one that had faithfully served the Em­perour his Brother, would by no means hearken to his Request, or permit him to go from him; since as the constitu­tion of the Seraglio stands, That had been to have for ever depriv'd him of a Servant, whom he so dearly loved. For you are to understand, that who­ever obtains leave to go that holy Pil­grimage, is ipso facto made free; No Eunuch belonging to the Seraglio (be­ing Slaves of honour to the Grand Sig­nior) can obtain his Liberty, but by the Emperours especial Grace; which [Page 8] also entitles him to a certain Annual Pension, arising from the Revenue of Grand Cairo, set apart for such Rewards: And for this reason it was, that Ibrahim was very unwilling to part with his Eu­nuch: However, being vanquish'd at last with his continual importunity, and for that it was upon condition, that not­withstanding the Custom [...] and Style of the Seraglio in such Cases, he should go but as his slave, and having perform'd his Devotion, return to him again, and to the Office which he would have re­sign'd; he grants him his Request. Up­on this stipulation he dismisses his Fa­vourite, and the Eunuch prepares for his Iourney in the Caravan of Alexandria; the Grand Signior having at that time never a Man of War in the Port.

The whole Fleet consisted of but Eight Vessels, whereof Giafer command­ed the first, Mahumed the second, Arab Ogli the third, (this Arab O [...]li was Pa [...]tner with the above-nam'd Gio Ia­cobo Cesii) Cura Mahumed commanded the fourth, Memi the fifth, Bodur the sixth, Nicola a Christian the seventh; and Ian [...] another Christian Captain the eighth, who brought up the rear: These [Page 9] being ready to set Saile, the Aga em­barkes with his Family, and whole E­quipage (amongst which was his beau­tiful Slave, and her little Son) in the first Ship, whereof, as we said, Giafer was Commander: And now directing their course towards Alexandria, they touch'd a while at Scio (an Island in the Archipelago) where lingering some little time, they happen'd to meet with a certain Dominican Fryer (well belo­ved of the chief of the Country) whom, for a former prevarication with them in matter of Religion, they would needs have constrained to abjure his Faith, and become a Turke; which the Reli­gious Man refusing to do, the cruel Eu­nuch caus'd him to be immediately burnt alive: This was in the Year 1644.

Loosing from Scio, they were sur­priz'd with a dismal Tempest, which caus'd them to put in at Rhodes, where they were likewise forc'd to continue for some dayes e'r they durst adven­ture out; But at last pursuing their in­tended Voyage from thence (being now about 15 Leagues distant from Rhodes) they discover six Gallies: It fortun'd to be a great Calme, and yet they were [Page 10] hardly within Ken, so as to distinguish what they were; yet supposing they might be the Gallies of Bailer (who are certain Turkish Guardians of the Ar­chipelago) that were making towards them, they seem'd not to be so much concern'd: But when a little after they came to find their Mistake, and that they belonged to Malta, they were strangely surpriz'd, and in great confusion what to resolve on; for divers Vessels of their company were so dispers'd, by reason of the calme, that they could not possibly joyn them [...]or want of VVind. This happen'd upon the Tenth of May, in the Year 1644.

Well, for all this, the Aga resumes cou­rage, prepares for the Conflict; and upon their approach, begins bravely to defend himself. The Fight continues for some time ve [...]y fiercely on either part, and not without mutual loss; till by an unlucky Broad-side from one of the Malta-Gal­lies, the Eunuch receives a Canonade on his breast, which dash'd him into the Sea; and at the same instant, there was also fallen dead the fair Sciabas, (for so was that female Slave nam'd, a Russe by Nation, and Mother of our Pa­dre [Page 11] Ottomano) without any mark or wound, or so much as the least bruise to be found, which made divers be­lieve she dy'd of very fright and appre­hension; and with these perish'd like­wise divers others in that Vessel; upon which the rest immediately struck Saile, and submitted to Mercy.

The Maltezes now boarding their Prizes, and seeing so many Women, Eunuchs, and other Passengers (for as we recounted, one of these Vessels was wholly taken up by the Aga, and his Domesticks) asked, What pretty Child that was? the distracted People, partly out of terror, and haply, upon hope of better quarter, tell them, that he was the Son of Sultan Ibrahim going to Meca to be Circumcis'd. Greatly pleas [...]d with their success, they set Saile imme­diately for Malta, where the hopes of their fancied Prize had so far exalted them, that they soon noys'd it over all Christendome, that they had taken the Grand Signiors Son, and the Sultana his Mother, with many like stories which pass'd about the VVorld for current, and it gain'd credit, and was indeed general­ly believ'd by themselves: Nay, the [Page 12] whole Colledge, and Religion of Malta were so elated and possess'd with the con­ceit of it, that they began seriously to consult of proposing an Exchange for Rhodes, which had been their antient Seat, and which they almost made themselves as good as sure of.

The Great Master, and the Grand Croci were absolutely of th [...]s Opinion; and did thereupon write Letters to Con­stantinople, to Smyrna, and to several other places and correspondences, to cer­tifie where they might find their young Prince, and his Mother, provided they would come up to their Conditions. For though she were dead in the Com­bate, yet it seems they had either drest up a Property to Personate her amongst the She-slaves that were taken, or wil­ling to have it believed so, and both her own, and the Portrait of her young Son, were Painted to the life, and fami­liarly sold in Italy and France, for the better confirmation of this Beliefe: But after long expectations, receiving no Answer to their satisfaction, they be­gin to be in some doubt, and could not well divine what to make of it, and whether they were not all this while [Page 13] deluded of their Boast, and entertain'd in suspense to abuse them; for so it ap­pears they were to the very Year 1649. But how farr this contributed to the Quarrel with the Venetians, whom they unexpectedly surpriz'd soon after, will be made appear by the Se­quel.

It was in this Year that the Person who gives us this Information (return­ing from Rome, where he had finish'd his Studies in the Colledge De Propa­ganda Fide) into his Native Country of Persia, happen'd in his Journey to ar­rive at Malta; where making some stay, he came to be known to divers of the Order, and principal Persons there; as namely to the Treasurer, several of the Grand Croci, to the Great Master himself, the Commandator, the General of the Gallies, and most of the Nobility there. The Grand Master was then Io­hannes Lascaris, the Grand Commanda­tor, Monsieurde la Helle, the General Mon­sieur de Beauchamp, &c. to omit the rest. These enter into a Solemn Consultation, what was to be done to fift out the truth, and value of their Prize; that is, to know whether the Child were indeed [Page 14] Sultan Ibrahims Son or no; And find­ing this Person, as they conceiv'd, a fit Instrument for their Purpose, as being well experienc'd in the Turkish Langu­age, and the Customes of their Country, and for some other Relations of his at the Port, and one who had given them good Markes of his capacity and faith­fulness, they resolve to dispatch him forthwith to Constantinople, accompa­nyed onely with three or four Turkish Slaves, who had redeem'd themselves, and with Instructions to their Envoye how the Design was to be mana­ged.

Signior Pietro (for so we will now call him) Sailes from Malta, arrives at Constantinople; makes Friends in the Seraglio; enquires with all the se­dulity imaginable, Whether any Child of the Grand Signiors were missing? and whether it were true, that the Ha­saki, or Great Sultana, had some years since been lost, or taken by the Malte­zes in her Pilgrimage towards Mecha? &c. But after all the dilligence he could possibly make, he could never discover any likelihood, or so much as shadow of it: In sum, he finds there [Page 15] was not a syllable of it true; and that the Religion of Malta had all the while but abused themselves in their Creduli­ty, and all Christendom in the Report of it. Pietro writes back to the Religion, and assures them by many indubitable Evidences, nay Oathes and Affidavit's, which he had procur'd, and several other Effects of his dilligence, that it was all Imposture, and that they ought to give credit to the Romance no longer, or hope for the least advantage by it: This was in the Year 1650; for so long, and somewhat longer it was, e'r they would be dis-abus'd: And now at last they begin to defend themselves, and by little and little to let their boast­ing dye, and to neglect any farther Ce­remony to their pretended Royal Cap­tive; In short, they now grew very cold, hardly made any more account of him; Yet so, that having for a long time abus'd the World, as asham'd at their credulity, and to prevent reproach, they continually endeavour'd to have it still thought true; and therefore gave the Boy the Title of Ottomano, which he weares to this day, Non per dignitatem (sayes our ingenious Informer) ma per la vanita.

[Page 16]This is the true and real History of the so much talk'd-of Padre Ottomano, and consequently of that groundless and vulgar Opinion, which has been spread so long about, that this Acci­dent alone was the onely sourse and cause of the Grand Signiors Quarrel with the Venetians, but of which there is so little appearance; the Interest of that Repub­lick, being so different from that of the Maltezes, who are Sworn never to be at Peace with those Miscreants; whil'st the Venetians, on the contrary, were in a profound, and un-interrupted League with them.

It is indeed commonly pretended, that contrary to a stipulation with the Grand Signior, the Venetians had pro­tected the Knights of Malta, after this Exploit of Surprizing the Sultana and her Son, going with an infinite Trea­sure to Mecha; but the truth is, finding no occasion to Commence the War up­on this suggestion, they give out ano­ther, and which is believed was the more real ground of it.

In the reign of Sultan Amorat, there were destroy'd and burnt by the Vene­tians no less than five and twenty [Page 17] Fusti Barbaresche, or Barbary Gallies, who were Rovers and Pyrats upon those seas, and greatly infested the Commerce; These they attaqu'd in the Port of A­velona, demolishing withal their Castle: Complaint hereof being made to Mo­rud, he was provok'd to declare War against them as the first Aggressors; though in truth this had been no vio­lation of any Article between them: However, upon their earnest instigati­on, Amurat seems highly to resent the Affront, as done against his Allies; Hereupon the Venetians offer to give them two Galeasses in satisfaction, and to pay for all the losse which they had sustain'd. But in this interim the Grand Signior ingag'd in the War at Babylon, dyes soon after his return, and leaves the Quarrel to his Brother Isruhim; who, insensed also somewhat more for the Vessels that were destroy'd, upon the neck as it were of this, by the Maltezes, when Padre Ottomano was taken by them, and his Favorite Aga slain (his Design, which was first against the Maltezes failing) without the least pre­tence of renewing his Predecessors qua [...] ­rel with the Venetians, or declaring any [Page 18] formal War) with a Fleet of near 500 saile, he Lands an Army of Threescore thousand Men near the City Canea, and in little time became Master of that, and of the whole Kingdome beside; Candia the Metropolis, Spina Songa, Car­busa, Suda, and some very few Posts more excepted, and leaves the pursuit of this War to his Son Mahomed, who has continued it to this present day. By what Accident the Maltezes contribu­ted to the fatal rousing of this immane Lyon we have seen, but without the least appearance of intituling it to the Merit of this supposititious Child and his Mother, upon which yet it is so vulgarly and so weakly founded.

But what may farther elucidate the utter impossibility of Padre Ottomano's Title, as Heir to that Family, 'tis noto­riously known, that the last Emperor of the Turks (Father to the Sulran now Reigning) never had but three Sons; that the present Grand Signior was al­wayes the Eldest; and that the other two (by an extraordinary Effect of their Brothers good-nature, or Address of the present Valadir or Do [...]ager) are still li­ving in the Seraglio, out of whose pre­cincts [Page 19] they are never allow'd to stir a­broad, but in company of the Grand Signior, and under the strictest guard: Next, that no Prince of the Ottoman blood, or the Sultana her self, does ever Travel to any place whatsoever out of the Palace, but when the Emperor goes himself in Person. This being so, how probable and likely it is, he should ha­zard the Great Sultana, and the Heir of the Crown in a weak and ordinary Ca­ravan, with so small an Equipage, and so little concernment for their losse, as never so much as to treate about their Release, &c. let any rational Man de­termine upon mature consideration, and prospect of the Circumstances.

Besides, as our Intelligence argues and assures us, those of Malta are so insa­tiably covetous, that if they could sell even the very Maltezes themselves, they would not stick to make Money of them; and that it is familiar with these Holy Corsaires, to spoil all the Oriental Christians, without distinction, who come in their way; neither regarding their Faith, nor their Profession: So as when ever they surprize any miserable Slaves, who for the diead of torment [Page 20] have been forc'd to turne Renegadoes; but would now most chearfully revert to their Faith again; the Maltezes will not hearken to them, but sell them a second time to the Turkes, to satisfie their prodigious Avarice: How much more then (as our Informer concluded) had it been to their Advantage, to have sold this pretended Royal Boy, being a natural Turke; than to have suffer'd him to become a Christian? But they reserv'd him upon furture hopes, and when they perceiv'd that fail them, to rid their hands of the Expense of the mock-state, they had so long been at, and yet to preserve their Reputati­on, make out their Boast, and credit their Rel [...]gion; they find a pretence of send­ing him to be bred in Italy, and now suf­fer him to be made a Dominican Fryer forsooth, under the Pompous Title of PADRE OTTOMANO.

THE STORY OF MAHOMED BEI, Who calls Himself Ioannes Michael Cigala; Being at the Writing hereof in the COURT of ENGLAND; Where this Second Impostor was first DELATED.

THe better to acquaint our Reader with the successful Impudence of this famous Impostor, he is to understand, that this Rodomontade had lately pub­lish'd a Book, at his being not long­since [Page 22] in France, to which he had pro­cur'd the French Kings Licence, with all the Formalities of it, which he Intitles, The History of Mahomet Bei, or Iohn Michel de Cigala, Prince of the Imperi­al Blood of the Ottomans; to which he annexes other his Dignities, Bassa and Soveraign Plenipotentiary of Ierusalem, and of the Kingdome of Cyprus, Trebi­zond, &c. Dedicated to the French King with a Front of steele.

In this Treatise, or rather Romance of his Knight-errantry, he sums up the Anti­quity of the Family of Cigala, which he extracts out of several grave and sober Authors; Intituling it to most of the Royal Houses and Crown'd-Heads of Europe; making himself at last to be descended from Scipio, Son of the famous Vi­count de Cigala, who was taken Prisoner by the Turkes Anno 1561, after that sig­nal Battel and Victory of the great An­drea [...] Oria. This Scipio, being now a Captive with his Father, and perswaded to renounce the Faith, was, as he pre­tends, advanc'd to the Dignity and Charge of Grand Visier, by Solyman the Magnificent, under the new name of Sinan Bassa; after that honour, he [Page 23] was made prime Aga, or Generalissimo of the Ianizaries; then Seraschier or General of the whole Army; some­times higher, and sometimes lower; and at last again First Visier, and Se­cond Bassa of the Port, and had above all this preferred to him in Marriage several great Ladies, whom he names, and amongst the rest, Canou Salie Sul­tana, daughter of Sultan Achmet, sister of Osman, and Sultan Amurad (who took Babyl [...]n) and of Ibrahim father to the Emperour now reigning.

From this illustrious Mother our Bei deriving himself, he goes on to re­late the Story of his Princely Educa­tion under the Mufti, and of the strange and prodigious Accidents that advanc'd him first to Tephlici or Vice-Roy of the Holy-Land, where we have the mira­culous Dream and Vision, and the as­sistance of the good Hermite, and his own Christian Physitian, by which he became converted to the Faith, and diverted from his Sacrilegious purpose of plundering the Chappels of the Holy Sepulchers in Ierusalem of the Silver Lamps, and other sacred Treasure, which he reports to be there in great [Page 24] abundance; but that still dissembling his Profession, he got to be advanc'd to the Government of Cyprus, &c. Here he acquaints the Reader how he came to be made absolute Commander of all the Forces design'd against Candy; and that being of the first who entred that City, he privately heard, and assisted at Mass, deliver'd many Christian Slaves, &c. Hence, after two years Gallantry, and notorious Exploits, (which no man ever heard of but himself) the suc­ceeding Emperor constituted him Sove­raign of Babylon, Caramania, Magnesia, and divers other ample Territories. In his Iourney about these Govern­ments another Miracle confirms him at Iconium, by the wonderful Iuster of an inclosed Host, in which a splendid Child appear'd through the Chest or Cabinet of a certain Christian Woman that had procur'd and lock'd up a consecrated Water, for fear of her jealous and un­believing Husband; to this adding the Phaenomenon of no less than nine extra­ordinary and refulgent Stars, which ap­pear'd for divers nights over a place where certain Christians had lately been Martyr'd. Coming back from [Page 25] Iconium to Candy a second time, he communicates his resolution of open­ly declaring his Conversion, and conse­quently of quitting his high Employ­ments: But the poor Iesuit (his Ghost­ly Father) unhappily dies before it could be accomplished, and so, as Fate would have it, does that other intimate Confident of his designs, Lazaro Moc­cenigo, the Venetian General. Upon this disaster our illustrious Bei conveys himself again to Constantinople, where he is made Vice-Roy of Trabisond, and Generalissimo of the Black Sea in or­der to his purpos'd retreat. Upon the confines of this it was, that he trusts a vast Treasure of Iewels, &c. to a great Person whom he had Redeemed out of Slavery from the Tartars, and dis­patch'd before him into Moldavia, which was the Rendezvous agreed up­on, and where he had appointed to meet him upon the first opportunity of totally renouncing the Grand Sig­niors Service, to declare himself the Christian, which he had hitherto but disguiz'd. Chamonsi (for so was this Confidents name) in stead of receiving his Friend and Benefactor at the place [Page 26] design'd, plotted with the Governour of Moldavia to have perfidiously sur­prized and slain him; but our Don Herchio Bei, after wondrous proofs of his valour, and giving death to almost all that oppos'd him, escapes their hands, though extreamly wounded; In this plight, he meets with a poor Shepherd, with whom he changes his Princely Robes for the Shepherds Gray Coat, and travels on his ten-toes a tedious and unknown way for many days together. In this unfortunate Encounter it was that he lost his faith­ful Counsellour, another Iesuite, and all his glorious Retinue, who were every one of them kill'd upon the Spot, save one poor honest Iew, and in this lamentable condition came our devout Prince on Foot, and in the Snow to the Cossaque Army, then in hostility against the Muscovite, amongst whom he found three Souldiers that he had formerly freed from Turkish Captivity. These were the first who made his Quality known to their Chief, by whom he was civilly treated, and p [...]swaded to ho­nour Muscovy with his intended Ba­ptism: But our Prince designing from [Page 27] the beginning to make his solemn Pro­fession at Rome, and receive that Sacra­ment from his Holiness's own hands, the Captain being, it seems, a Schisma­tick, and of another Church, neglects and despises him, whom he had hither­to so generously treated. Upon this the Prince steals secretly away from the Cossaques, and by the assistance of an­other vertuous Iew, (who likewise knew him) he at last got safe into Po­land, where the then Queen, Lovize de Gonzagues, hearing the report of his approach, and illustrious quality, re­ceives him (as himself relates it) with infinite respect; and, in fine, prevails with him to honour the Cathedral of Warsovia with his Baptism, which is perform'd by the Archhishop of the place, the Queen her self standing at the Font, and giving the name of Iohn, to our Cousen German of the Ottoman Emperour: Here we have a Relation of the extraordinary Pomp of that Ceremonie, as well as of that of his Confirmation which dignified him with another Name.

Taking now leave of Warsovia he travels towards Lauretto in Pilgrimage [Page 28] to our Lady; From thence he goes to Rome; at first [...]ncognito, making him­self known on [...] to [...] Sa [...]ctity, with a brief recapitulation of his [...]ventures. This was to Alexander [...] VII th, whose Benediction [...], he returns into Poland again to [...] and pay his duty to his Royal God-mother. In this journey he was known to divers great Persons travelling through Germany, especially to the famous N. Serini, and this being at a time when the Emperour was at difference with the Turk, our Hero could not but shew some marks of his Courage, and affection to the Cause he had espoused, which he now signalizes, in not onely offering himself a Voluntier, but by fighting hand to hand with the Turkish General himself, whom he kill'd upon the Spot before both the Armies, performing other stu­pendous Exploits, which would have seem'd incredible had not himself re­lated it.

For this, and other his egregious ser­vices, his Imperial Majestie after a thou­sand Caresses and Presents of infinite va­lue, creates him Captain Guardian of his Artillery, and 'tis a wonder how he [Page 29] escap'd the Golden Fleece. But nothing of all this would prevail with him to stay longer at Vienna. For the Peace being now concluded, he returns in­cognito to Lauretta again, thence makes an excursion into Sicily to visit some Aliances and great kindred, which he had living there. Excessive are the Complements and Presents which he re­ceived from the great Princes of Ger­many and Italy in this Progress. Arriv'd in Sicily, Don Pedro d' Arragon receives and treats him in his Palace, and the whole City of Messina meet and attend him, acknowledging him of the illu­strious house of the Cigala's, from which that Countrey had, it seems, re­ceived many great Benefits. From Si­cily he passes through Calabria towards Rome again, visiting divers of his Friends and Kindred in the way, and arriving at Naples has done him the same honors of the Vice-roy and Nobi­lity there, and so by Sea imbarks for Rome, into which he now makes his publike Entry, and obtain'd Audience accordingly of Clement the IX th, before whom in a bravado he draws and flou­rishes his dreadful Cimeter, in token of [Page 30] his defiance of the Enemies of the Church. Here it is you have him re­ceived, and presented by the Pope, the Nephew, the Cardinals, Ambassadors, and in summe by all the Nobility of this Mistress of the World; till resolving to bless France with his Presence, touch­ing a little at Venice and Turino, he at last arrives at Paris, where he was re­ceived of that great Monarch, who no sooner hears of his Arrival, but he forthwith commands the Duke of S t. Agnan with Coaches and an Equipage sutable to this princely Guest, and to introduce this glorious stranger. The King receives him according to his high Quality, so nearly related to his antient Allie the Turk; and so does Monsieur the Dauphin, his Altess-Royal, and all the Grandees of that Court, not forgetting the Grand Prior, and to be sure, the Knights of Malta, &c. a Palace being assign'd him, and at last a Present made him, no less than two Chains of Gold (they should have been doubtless something else) with the King and Queens Effigies Medalized at his taking leave of that Kingdom.

Thus far goes the printed Relation [Page 31] of our Errant, I had almost said, Re­creant Knight, with the Elogies Latine and French, which prepare the Reader for the Wonders and Adventures of his Life.

But now if upon Examination of all this Geer and enormous Rhapsody, we take the boldness to deplume our Gal­lant of his mutuatitious and borrow'd Feathers; and that our Ottoman Prince, who has brav'd it so long and so suc­cessfully amongst the Birds of Feather, shall prove at last but a Iack-daw.

Spectatum admissirisum teneatis, amici?

This impudent Vagabond then, and pretended Mahound Bei, that has in­deed abused the French King, and be­liev'd he should have done the same to his Majestie of England, is in fine a Natives of Walachia, born of Christian Parents in the City of Trogovisti: They were formerly very opulent and well to pass, and his Father in good esteem with the Prince Matthias Vaivoda of Moldavia. His Father dying, our pre­tended Cigala was taken into the Ser­vice of the Prince, as his Father had [Page 32] been before him, and sent in the Retinue of his Resident to Constantinople about twenty years since; After some time spent there, he returns into his Countrey, where he grew intimately acquainted with a married Priest (as in that place they are permitted to be) and made love to his Wife; but the Woman, the better to colour and conceal the familiarity and courtship that was between them, makes her Husband believe he had a kindness for her daughter, and in so honorable and decent a way, that the simple man believes her, and enter­taining him more like a Domestique now than a Lover, suffers him even to govern his little Family. But it seems our rampant Amoroso could not so govern himself, but the Priest began to suspect and discover his Villany; for either he did, or would have lain with both Mother and Daughter.

Upon this he is complained of to the Vaivoda, who sought all means pos­sible to have apprehended and executed him according to their Law; and that not only for this his Inhospitable Crime; but for sundry other most notorious delicts and misdemeanors, of which he [Page 33] had been formerly convicted. But, it seems, having timely notice of it, he gets away again to Constantinople, where he remained till the decease of Prince Matthias, after which he comes back impudently into Walacria again, thinking all had been now forgotten, and that by some Address or other, he might procure to be receiv'd amongst the Great men of his Countrey; but when upon some Attempts that he made, he perceived they had discovered who he was, and would have laid hold on him, and chastiz'd him for his for­mer Insolencies; to Constantinople he retires a third time, where despairing after a while of his designs at home, he makes himself Turk, and turns perfect Renegado.

Since these Exploits he has rang'd from place to place about Christendom, and in Countries where he was wholly unknown, with that specious story, or ra­ther monstrous Imposture of his being so nearly related to the present Grand Signior, and the dignities and charges he has quitted for the love of Christ; by which he has rom'd about the World, been caress'd and really presented by di­vers [Page 34] great Persons, and especially by the French King, &c. With this Confi­dence and Expectation he came lately into England, had the fore-head to pre­sent himself, and the Legend of his Life to his Majestie. Frequented the Court in his Ottoman Garb and Eastern-mode, till a Person of Great Quality, who had seen him the Last year at Vienna in Au­stria (where he durst pretend to nothing of all this) del [...]ted the Imposture, and a Persian Gentleman lately a Stranger, and by meer accident here at that time, confirms this Relation of him, from whose mouth we receiv'd it, together with this Account of the illustrious Fa­mily of the Cigala, which with a few Reflections upon some Passages of the Pamphlet we mention'd (which does abundantly discover this audacious Hy­pocrite) shall dispatch this second Im­postor.

SINEN BASSA otherwise cal­led CIGALA, had but two sons, Grand­children of Sultan Soliman: The El­dest son of Sinen was named Alii; the second Mahomed: Alii deceas'd after his Father. Sinen a little since, and the [Page 35] second remained alive. This Mahomed married the Sisters daughter of Sultan Mahomed about the year of their He­gira 1003 and of our Aera 1594 of which Daughter he had born a son called also Mahomed after the Name of his Father. This Youth was of a singular good disposition, ingenious, and of a sprit-full Wit, without great Am­bition, or affecting of Command, but add [...]cted rather to the sof [...]er pleasures of life, and was in summe, the Darling both of Sultan Mahomet, and Achmet, and indeed of all that succe [...]ded in the Empire to the Reign of Sultan Mahomed Han the present Grand Signior, who cal­led him Gioran Capuci Pasha, a Title the Emperor usually bestows on those who are dignified with the Office of secret Porters of the Seraglio, and whose charge it is to attend upon all extra­ordinary Occasions, and that are some­times dispatch'd to cut off the Head of a Visier, or Bassa, and such signal Exe­cutions.

This Capuci Pasha we find afterward made General in Candia, and by degrees ascended to be Grand Visier, but he enjoys not that honor long; for he died [Page 36] in that War about fifteen or sixteen years since.

This is what we can yet discover concerning Sinen, otherwise, Cigala. But there is indeed besides This, an­other very noble Family of the Cigala's about Scio: Who are, 'tis believ'd, a Branch of the Race of the Genoveses, and who are at present called at Scio, Cigal Ogli, which imports as much to say as son of Cigali, or sons of Meni Pasha C [...]gala.

This Meni Pasha had two sons that arriv'd both to be Bassa's and Captains of Gallies; One of which was called Beker Pasha, the other Holein Bassa. Beker died some while since, and Ho­lein is yet, I suppose, living: It is not believed that our Impostor Mahomed Bei is brother to Holein, as he some­where boasts himself; because it is a­gainst all appearance of truth; Nei­ther is it probable, that though some of the Cigali might be Merchants, that therefore any of them should go into Ch [...]istendom to change their Religion, and renounce a Government so great and glorious as that of being sole Moderator of the whole Ottoman Em­pire [Page 37] (for to no less does this Impost [...]r pretend) without that ever we should hear of it but from his own Trumpet. If conjecture may be admitted in this case, how this Braggadocio comes to assume the name of Cigala, 'tis possible his Fathers name may be found to have been Cigo; which founding near that of Cigala, might prompt him to usurp the Title of that Illustrious House.

There are innumerable Instances throughout his Legend which fall un­der the same suspicion; some whereof are notorious Falsities, divers of them Incongruous and contradictory; and if there were no other than that of his egregious ignorance in the Turk [...]sh Lan­guage (which he pretends to be his Maternal Tongue, but blatters very im­perfectly) besides his gross unskilful­ness in the Ottoman Court and Oriental Affairs, it were sufficient to disabuse the World, and to brand him for a most impudent Impostor.

Some Passages out of his Book animadverted.

Page 14. That the Vicount Cigala dying in Constantinople in the time of his Captivity, his funeral was openly solemniz'd by permission of Solyman; his Corps publiquely carried through the Town with the Cross and Holy­Water, followed and accompanied by all the Ambassadors of Christian Prin­ces then at the Port, and all the Reli­gious Orders of the City to the Church of Saint Francis, where he was interred according to the Forms of Christian Burial; Almost every particular of which carries a notorious Confutati­on, as all who understand any thing of that time and place do well know.

Page 1. Selim made Cipio Cigala Visier, and second Bassa of the Port: Consider if this were likely, that be­ing a descent; and

Page 21. Whether to be Captain Bassa be a greater honor than to be Prime Visier?

[Page 39] Page 45. Whether the Grand Signi­or uses to permit any Officer to sus­pend Execution, or use Ceremony in decollation, when he is the highest in­censed?

Page 58. Whether there be any such Treasures of Plate, &c. and other pre­cious things among the poor Friers at the Holy Sepulchre in Ierusalem.

Page 86. Whether the Turks make use of any Christian Physicians?

Page 90. Whether the War with [...] Venetian was onely for the surprising of Ibrahims eldest son by the Knights of Malta with the Sultana his Mother, as she went to have him Circumcised at Meca? which we have already con­futed?

Page 112. 'Tis to be considered how timely he makes his two Iesuites and Maccenigo die, the chief and one­ly authentique testimonies of his Con­version and pretended Exploits.

Page 150. That this happens to be [Page 40] known by none save two or three poor slaves, and as many Iews, neither of which appear with him.

Page 167. That he produces not his Story 'till after the death of both the Queen of Poland his God-mother, and, I suppose, the Archbishop too, who he pretends to have baptiz'd him.

Page 167. The Captain Guardian­ship of the Emperors Artillery, is, (as we are informed) no more than Ma­ster of the Carriages, which is all he had to produce here for his grand Di­ploma, without a Word of any thing else to the purpose of the rest of his high Pretences.

THE HISTORY OF SABATAI SEVI, The Pretended Messiah of the Iewes, In the Year of our Lord, 1666. The Third Impostor.

ACcording to the Predicti­ons of several Christian Writers, especially of such who Comment on the Apocalyps, or Reve­lations, this Year of 1666 was to prove a Year of Wonders, of strange Revo­lutions in the World, and particularly of Blessing to the Iewes, either in re­spect of their Conversion to the Christi­an Faith, or of their Restoration to their [Page 42] Temporal Kingdome: This Opinion was so dilated, and fixt in the Coun­treys of the Reformed Religion, and in the Heads of Phanatical Enthusiasts, who Dreamed of a Fift Monarchy, the downfall of the Pope, and Antichrist, and the Greatness of the Iewes: In so much, that this subtile People judged this Year the time to stir, and to fit their Motion according to the season of the Modern Prophe [...]ies; whereupon strange Reports flew from place to place, of the March of Multitudes of People from unknown parts into the remote Desarts of Arabia, supposed to be the Ten Tribes and halfe, lost for so many Ages. That a Ship was arrived in the Northern parts of Scotland with her Sailes and Cordage of Silke, Na­vigated by Mariners who spake no­thing but Hebrew; with this Motto on their Sailes, The Twelve Tribes of Israel. These Reportes agreeing thus near to former Predictions, put the wild sort of the World into an expecta­tion of strange Accidents, this year should produce in reference to the Iew­ish Monarchy.

In this manner Millions of People [Page 43] were possessed, when Sabatai Sevi first appear'd at Smyrna, and published him­self to the Iewes for their Messiah, re­lating the greatness of their approach­ing Kingdome, the strong hand where­by God was about to deliver them from Bondage, and gather them from all partes of the World. It was strange to see how the fancy took, and how fast the report of Sabatai and his Doctrine flew through all partes where Turkes and Iews inhabited; the latter of which were so deeply possessed with a beliefe of their new Kingdome, and Riches, and many of them with promotion to Of­fices of Government, Renown, and Greatness, that in all parts from Con­stantinople to Buda (which it was my fortune that year to Travel) I perceiv'd a strange transport in the Iewes, none of them attending to any business unless to winde up former negotiations, and to prepare themselves and Families for a Journey to Ierusalem: All their Dis­courses, their Dreames, and disposal of their Affaires tended to no other De­sign but a re-establishment in the Land of Promise, to Greatness, Glory, Wis­dome, and Doctrine of the Messiah, [Page 44] whose Original, Birth, and Education are first to be recounted.

Sabatai Sevi was Son of Mordechai Sevi, an Inhabitant, and Natural of Smyrna, who gained his Livelihood by being Broaker to an English Marchant in that place; a person, who before his death was very decrepit in his Bo­dy, and full of the Goute, and other In­firmities, but his Son Sabatai Sevi ad­dicting himself to Study, became a no­table Proficient in the Hebrew and Me­taphysicks; and arrived to that point of Sophistry in Divinity and Metaphysicks, that he vented a New Doctrine in their Law, drawing to the Profession of it so many Disciples, as raised one day a Tu­mult in the Synagogue; for which after­wards he was by a Censure of the Cho­ [...]hams (who are Expounders of the Law) banished the City.

During the time of his Exile, he [...]ravelled to Thessalonica, now called Salonica, where he Marryed a very handsome Woman; but either not ha­ving that part of Oeconomy as to go­vern a Wife, or being Importent to­wards Women, as was pretended, or that she found not favour in his Eyes, [Page 45] she was divorced from him: Again, he took a second Wife, more beautiful then the former, but the same causes of discontent raising a difference be­tween them, he obtained another Di­vorce from this Wife also. And be­ing now free from the Incumbrances of a Family, his wandring Head mov'd him to Travel through the Morea, thence to Tripoli in Syria, Gaza, and Ierusa­lem; and by the way picked up a Li­gernese Lady, whom he made his third Wife, the Daughter of some Polonian or German, her Original and Paren­tage not being very well known. And being now at Ierusalem he began to Reforme the Law of the Iewes, and Abolish the Fast of Tamnz (which they keep in the Moneth of Iune) and there meeting with a certain Iew cal­led Nathan, a proper Instrument to pro­mote his Design; he communicated to him his Condition, his Course of Life, and Intentions, to Proclaime him­self Messiah of the World, so long ex­pected and desired by the Iewes. This Design took wonderfully with Nathan; and because it was thought necessary according to Scripture, and Antient Pro­phesies, [Page 46] that Elias was to precede the Messiah, as St. Iohn Baptist was the fore-runner of Christ: Nathan thought no man so proper to Act the Part of the Prophet as himself; and so no sooner had Sabatai declared himself the Messiah, but Nathan discovers himself to be his Prophet, forbiding all the Fasts of the Iewes in Ierusalem; and declaring, that the Bridegroom being come, nothing but Joy, and Triumph ought to dwell in their Habitations; Writing to all the Assemblies of the Iewes, to perswade them to the same beliefe.

And now the Schisme being begun, and many Iewes really be­lieving what they so much desired, Na­than took the courage and boldness to Prophesie, That one Year from the 27th of Kislen, (which is the moneth of Iune) the Messiah shall appear before the Grand Signor, & take from him his Crown, and lead him in Chaines like a Captive.

Sabatai also at Gaza Preached Re­pentance to the Iewes, and Obedience to Himself and Doctrine, for that the coming of the Messiah was at hand: which Novelties so Affected the Iewish [Page 47] Inhabitants of those partes, that they gave up themselves wholly to their Prayers, Almes, and Devotions; and to confirme this beliefe the more, it hap­ned, that at the same time that Newes hereof, with all perticulars were dis­patched from Gaza, to acquaint the Brethren in Forrain Partes: The Ru­mour of the Messiah hath flown so swift, and gained such reception, that Intelli­gence came from all Partes and Coun­treys where the Iewes inhabit, by Let­ters to Gaza, and Ierusalem, Congratu­lating the happiness of their Delive­rance, and expiration of the time of their Servitude, by the Appearance of the Messiah. To which they adjoyned other Prophesies, relating to that Do­minion the Messiah was to have over all the World: that for Nine Moneths after he was to disappeare; during which time the Iewes were to suffer, and many of them to undergoe Martyrdom: but then returning again Mounted on a Caelestial Lyon, with his Bridle made of Serpents with seven heads, accompa­nyed with his Brethren the Iewes, who Inhabited on the other side of the Ri­ver Sabation, he should be acknowledg­ed [Page 48] for the Sole Monarch of the Uni­verse▪ and then the Holy Temple should descend from Heaven already built, fra­med, and beautified, wherein they should offer Sacrifice for ever.

And here I leave you to consider, how strangely this Deceived People was Amused, when these Confident, and vain Reports, and Dreams of Power, and Kingdomes, had wholly transport­ed them from the ordinary course of their Trade, and Interest.

This noise and rumour of the Messiah, having begun to fill all places, Sabatai Sevi resolved to Travel towards Smyr­na, the Country of his Nativity; and thence to Constantinople the Capital City, where the principal Work of Preaching was to have been perform­ed: Nathan thought it not fit to be long after him, and therefore Travels by the way of Damascus, where resolving to continue some time for better Pro­pagation of this Nes Doctrine; in the meane while Writes this Letter to Sa­batai Sevi, as followeth.

22. Kesvan of this YEAR.

To the King, our King, Lord of our Lords, who gathers the Dispersed of Israel, who Redeems our Captivity, the Man elevated to the height of all sublimity, the Messiah of the God of Ja­cob, the true Messiah, the Coelestial Ly­on, Sabatai Sevi, whose Honour be exal­ted, and his Dominion raised in a short time, and for ever, Amen. After ha­ving kissed your hands, and swept the Dust from your Feet, as my Duty is to the King of Kings, whose Majesty be exalted, and his Empire enlarged. These are to make known to the Supreme Ex­cellency of that Place, which is adorned with the Beauty of your Sanctity, that the Word of the King, and of his Law, hath enlightned our Faces: that day hath been a solemn day unto Israel, and a day of light unto our Rulers, for immediately we applyed our selves to performe y [...]ur Commands, as our duty is. And though we have heard of many strange things, [Page 50] yet we are couragious, and our heart is as the heart of a Lyon; nor ought we to en­quire a reason of your Doings, for your Workes are Marvellous, and past find­ing out: And we are Confirmed in our Fidelity without all exception, resigning up our very Souls for the holiness of your Name: And now we are come as far as Damascus, intending shortly to proceed in our Iourney to Scanderone, according as you have commanded us; that so we may ascend, and see the Face of God in light, as the light of the Face of the King of Life: And we, servants of your ser­vants shall cleanse the dust from your Feet, beseeching the Majesty of your Excellency and Glory to vouchsafe from your habitation to have a care of us, and help us with the Force of your Right Hand of Strength, and shorten our way which is before us: And we have our Eyes towards Jah, Jah, who will make hast to help us, and save us, that the Children of Iniquity shall not hurt us; and towards whom our hearts pant, and are consumed within us; who shall give us Tallons of Iron to be worthy to stand under the shadow of your Asse. These are the Words of the S [...]rvant of your [Page 51] servants, who prostrates himself to be­trod on by the soles of your feet,

Nathan Benjamine.

And that he might Publish this Doctrine of himself, and the Mes­siah more plainly, he Wrote from Da­mascus this following Letter, to the Iewes at Aleppo, and parts the [...]ea­bouts.

To the Residue or Rem­nant of the Israelites, Peace without end.

THese my words are, to give you no­tice, how that I am Arrived in Peace at Damascus, and behold I go to meet the Face of our Lord, whose Maje­sty be exalted, for he is the Soveraign of the King of Kings, whose Empire be en­larged. Sabat [...] [...]rote a Letter to Elect one Man out of every Tribe. According as he hath Com­manded us and the 12 Tribes to elect unto Him 12 Men, so have we done: [Page 52] And we now go to Scanderone by his com­mand, to sh [...]w our faces together, with part of the principal of those particular Friends▪ to whom he hath given Licence to assemble in that same place. And now I come to make known unto you, that though you have heard strange things of our Lord, yet let not your hearts faint, or fear, but rather fortifie your selves in your Faith, because all his Actions are Miraculous, and Secret, which Hu­mane understanding cannot comprehend, and who can penetrate into the depth of them. In a short time all things shall be Manifested to you clearly in their Purity: and you shall know, and consi­der, and be instructed by the Inventor himself; Bl [...]ssed is he who can expect, and arrive to the Salvation of the true Messiah, who will speedily publish his Authority and Empire over us now, and for ev [...]r.


And now all the Cities of Turky where the Iewes Inhabited were full of the expectation of the Messiah; no [Page 53] Trade, nor course of Gaine was follow­ed: every one imagin'd that dayly Pro­visions, Riches, Honours, and Govern­ment, were to descend upon them by some unknown and Miraculous man­ner: an example of which is most ob­servable in the Iewes at Thessalonica, who now full of Assurance that the Re­storation of their Kingdome, and the Accomplishment of the time for the coming of the Messiah was at hand, judged themselves obliged to double their Devotions, and Purifie their Con­sciences from all Sins and Enormities which might be obvious to the scruti­ny of him who was now come to Pene­trate into the very Thoughts and Ima­ginations of Mankinde. In which Work certain Chochams were appoint­ed to direct the People how to Regu­late their Prayers, Fasts, and other Acts of Devotion. But so forward was eve­ry one now in his Acts of Pen [...]nce, that they stay'd not for the Sentence of the Chocham, or prescription of any Rules, but apply'd themselves imme­diately to Fasting: And some in that manner beyond the abilities of Nature, that having for the space of seven dayes [Page 54] taken no sustenance, were famished to death. Others buryed themselves in their Gardens, covering their naked Bodies with Earth, their heads onely excepted, remained in their Beds of dirt until their Bodies were stifned with the cold and moisture: others would in­dure to have melted VVax dropt upon their Shoulders, others to rowle them­selves in Snow, and throw their Bo­dies in the Coldest season of Winter into the Sea, or Frozen Waters. But the most common way of Mortificati­on was first to prick their Backs and Sides with [...]ho [...]es, and then to give themselves thirty nine Lashes. All Business was laid aside, none Worked, or opened Shop, unless to clear his VVarehouse of Merchandize at any Price: who had superfluity in Houshold­stuffe, sold it for what he could; but yet not to Iewes, for they were Inter­dicted from Bargaines or Sales, on the pain of Excommunication, Pecuniary Mulcts, or Corporal Punishment; for all Business and Imployment was e­steemed the Test, and Touchstone of their Faith. It being the general Te­nent, that in the dayes that the Messiah [Page 55] appeares, the Iewes shall become Ma­sters of the Estates and Inheritance of Infidels; until when they are to con­tent themselves with Matters onely n [...] ­cessary to maintain and support Life. But because every one was not Master of so much Fortune and Provision, as to live without dayly Labour, therefore to quiet the Clamours of the Poor, and prevent the Enormous lives of some, who upon these occasions would be­come Vagabonds, and desert their Ci­ties, due order was taken to make Col­lections, which were so liberally be­stow'd, that in Thessalonica onely 400 Poore were supported by the meer cha­rity of the Richer. And as they in­deavour'd to purge their Consciences of Sin, and to apply themselves to good VVorkes, that the Messiah might find the City prepared for his Recep­tion; so, least he should accuse them of any omission in the Law, and parti­cularly in their neglect of that Anti­ent Precept of, Increase and Multiply; they marryed together Children of ten yeares of age, and some under, without respect to Riches, or Poverty, Condi­tion or Quality: But, being promis­cuously [Page 56] joyned, to the number of 6 or 700 [...]ouple, upon better and cooler thoughts, after the deceipt of the false M [...]ssiah was discover'd, or the expecta­tion of his Coming grew cold, were Di­vorced, or by Consent separated from each other.

In the heat of all this Talk and Ru­mor, comes Sabatai Sevi to Smyrna, the City of his Nativity, infinitely de­sir'd there by the common Iewes; but by the Chochams, or Doctors of their Law, who gave little or no credence to what he pretended, was ill receiv'd, not knowing what mischief or ruine this Doctrine and Prophesie of a New King­dome might produce. Yet Sabatai bringing with him testimonials of his Sanctity, Holy Life, Wisdom, and Gift of Prophesie, so deeply fixed himself in the heart of the Generality, both as being Holy and VVife, that thereupon he took courage and boldness to enter into Dispute with the Grand Chocham (who is the Head, and Chief Exposi [...]er of the Law and superin [...]endent of their will and Government) between whom the A [...]guments grew so high, and Lan­guage so hot, that the Iewes who fa­voured [Page 57] the Doctrine of Sabatai, and feared the Authority of the Cho [...]ham, doubtful what might be the issue of the Contest, appear'd in great num­bers before the Cadi of Smyrna, in ju­stification of their New Prophet, before so much as any Accusation came against him: The Cadi (according to the Custome of the Turkes,) swallows Mo­ny on both sides, and afterwards remits them to the determination of their own Justice. In this manner Sabatai gaines ground dayly; and the Grand Cho­cham with his Party, losing both the af­fection and obedience of his People, is displaced from his Office, and another Constituted, more affectionate, and a­greeable to the New Prophet, whose power daily increased by those confi­dent Reports, That his Enemies were struck with Phrensies and Madness, un­til being restor'd to their former tem­per and wits by him, became his Friends, Admirers, and Disciples. No Invita­tion was now made in Smyrna by the Iewes, nor Marriage, or Circumci [...]ion solemnized, where Sabata [...] was not pre­sent, accompanyed with a multitude of his Followers, and the Streets cover'd [Page 58] with Carpits, or fine Cloath for him to tread on; but the Humility of this Pharisee appear'd such, that he would stoop and turne them aside, and so pass. And having thus fixed himself in the Opinion and Admiration of the People, he began to take on himself the Title of Messiah, and the Son of God; and to make this following Declaration to all the Nation of the Iewes, which be­ing wrote Originally in Hebrew, was Translated for me faithfully into Itali­an, in this manner.

L'unico figliolo, e primoge­nito d' dio, Sabatai Sevi, il Messiah, e Salvatore d' Israel eletti di dio pace bessendo che sete fatti degni di veder quel grangiorno della deliberatione e Salvatione d' Israel, e consummati­one delle parole di dio, promess per li sua Profeti, e padri notri, per il suo diletto figlio d' Israel, ogni vestra amaritudine si con­verta [Page 59] in allegrezza, e li vestri diginguiti facino feste, per che non piangerete O miei figliole d' Israel havendovi dati iddio la consolatione inenarrabile, feste­giate contimpani e musiche, rin­gratiando quello chi ha adempito il promesso dalli secoli, facendo ogni giorno quelle cose che solete fare nelle callende, e quel gi [...]rno dedicato al [...] ▪ afflictione e mestitia, convertite lo in giorno giocondo per la mia comparsa, e non spa­ventate niente, per che haveret [...] Dominio sopra, le genti, non so­lamente di quelle, che si vedo­dono in terra, ma quelle che sono in fondi del mare, il tutto pro vestra consolatione & allegrez­za.

Which Translated into English, runs thus;

[Page 60]THe Onely, and First-borne Son of God, Sabatai Sevi, the Messiah and Saviour of Is­rael, to all the Sons of Israel, peace. Since that you are made worthy to see that great Day of Delive­rance, and Salvation unto Israel, and Accomplishment of the Word of God, Promised by his Prophets, and our fore-fathers, and by his Beloved Son of Israel: let your bitter sorrowes be tur­ned into Joy, and your Fasts in­to festivals, for you shall weep no more, O my sons of Israel, for God having given you this unspeakable Comfort, rejoyce with Drums, Organs, and Musick, giving thanks to him for perfor­ming his Promise from all Ages; doing that every day, which is usual for you to do upon the New-Moons; and, that Day De­dicated [Page 61] to affliction and sorrow convert you into a Day of Mirth for my appearance: and fear you nothing, for you shall have Dominion over the Na­tions, and not onely over those who are on Earth, but over those Creatures also which are in the depth of the Sea. All which is for your Consolation and Re­joycing.

Sabatai Sevi.

Notwithstanding the Disciples of Sabatai Sevi were not so numerous, but many opposed his doctrine, pub­liquely avouching that he was an Im­postor, and Deceiver of the people, amongst which was one Samuel Pen­nia, a man of a good estate and reputa­tion in Smyrna, who arguing in the Synagogue, that the present signs of the coming of the Messiah were not apparent, either according to Scripture, [Page 62] or the doctrine of the Rabbins, raised such a sedition and tumult amongst the Iews, as not onely prevailed a­gainst arguments, but had also against his life, had he not timely conveyed himself out of the Synagogue, and thereby escaped the hands of the mul­titude, who now could more easily endure blasphemy against the Law of Moses, and the prophanation of the Sanctuary, than contradiction, or mis­belief of the doctrine of Sabatai. But howsoever it fell out, Pennia in short time becomes a convert, and preaches up Sabatai for the Son of God, and de­liverer of the Iews: and not onely he, but his whole family; his daugh­ters prophesie, and fall into strange extasies; and not onely his house, but four hundred men and women pro­phesie of the growing kingdom of Sabatai, and young infants who could yet scarce stammer out a syllable to their mothers, repeat, and pronounce plainly the name of Sabatai the Mes­siah, and Son of God. For thus farr had God permitted the devil to de­lude this people, that their very chil­dren [Page 63] were for a time possessed, and voices heard to found from their sto­macks, and intrails: those of riper years fell first into a trance, foamed at the mouth, and recounted the future prosperitie, and deliverance of the Is­raelites, their visions of the Lion of Iudah, and the triumphs of Sabatai, all which were certainly true, being effects of Diabolical delusions: as the Iews themselves since have confessed unto me.

With these concomitant accidents, and successes, Sabatai Sevi growing more presumptuous, that he might cor­respond with the Prophesies of great­ness, and dominion of the Messiah, proceeds to an election of those Prin­ces which were to govern the Israe­lites in their march towards the Holy­Land, and to dispence Judgement and Justice after their Restoration. The names of them were these which fol­low, men well known at Smyrna, who never (God knows) had ambition to aspire to the title of Princes, until a strange spirit of deceit and delusion had moved them, not onely to hope [Page 64] for it as possible, but to expect it as certain.

  • Isaac Silvera. King David.
  • Salomon Lagnado. was Salomon.
  • Salom Lagnado jun. named Zovah.
  • Ioseph Cohen. Uzziah.
  • Moses Galente. Iosaphat.
  • Daniel Pinto. Hilkiah.
  • Abraham Scandale. Iotham.
  • Mokiah Gaspar. Zedekiah.
  • Abraham Leon. Achas.
  • Ephraim Arditi. Ioram.
  • Salom Carmona. Achab.
  • Matassia Aschenesi. Asa.
  • Meir Alcaira. Rehoboam.
  • Iacob Loxas. Ammon.
  • Mordecai Iesserun. Iehoachim▪
  • Chaim Inegna. Ieroboam.
  • Ioseph Scavillo. Abia.
  • Conor Nehemias. was Zarobabel.
  • Ioseph del Caire. named Ioas.
  • Elcukin Schavit. Amasia.
  • Abraham Rubio▪ Iosiah.

Elias Sevi had the title of the King of the king of kings.

Elias Azar his Vice-king, or Vizier.

[Page 65]Ioseph Sevi, the king of the kings of Iudah.

Ioseph Inernuch his vice-king.

In this manner things ran to strange height of madness amongst the Iews at Smyrna, where appear'd such pa­geantry of greatness, that no Come­dy could equal the mock-shews they represented, and though none durst openly profess any scruple, or doubt of this common received belief, yet for confirmation of the Iews in their Faith, and astonishment of the Gen­tiles, it was judged no less than n [...]ces­sary that Sabatai should shew some mi­racles, whereby to evince to all the World that he was the true Messiah: and as the present occasion seemed to require an evidence infallible of this truth, so it was daily expected by the vulgar, with an impatience sutable to humors disposed to Novel [...]ie; who out of every action and motion of their Prophet began to fancy something extraordinary and supernatu [...]al. Sa­batai was now horribly puzzled for a Miracle, though the imagination of the people was so vitiated that any leger­demaine, [Page 66] or slight of hand would have passed more easily with with them for a wonder than Moses striking the rock for water, or dividing the red sea. And occasion happening that Sabatai was, in behalf of his Subjects, to ap­pear before the Cadi, or judge of the Citie to demand ease, and relief of some oppressions which aggrieved them: It was thought necessary a Mi­racle should now or never, when Saba­tai appearing with a formal and pha­risaical gravitie, which he had starcht on: Some on a sudden avouched to see a pillar of fire between him and the Cadi, which report presently was heard through the whole room, filled with Iews that accompanied Sabatai, some of whom, who strongly fancied it, vow'd, and swore they saw it; others in the outward yard, or that could not come near to hear, or see for the crowd, as speedily took the alarm, and the rumour ran, and belief receiv'd by the Women and Children at home in a moment, so that Sabatai Sevi returned to his house triumphant, fixed in the hearts of his people, who now needed no further Miracles to [Page 67] confirm them in their faith. And thus was Sabatai exalted, when no man was thought worthy of communica­tion who did not believe him to be the Messiah: others were called Ko­phrim, infidels or hereticks, liable to the censure of excommunication, with whom it was not lawful so much as to eat: every man produc'd his trea­sure, his Gold and Jewels, offering them at the feet of Sabatai; so that he could have commanded all the we [...]lth of Smyrna, but he was too subtil to accept their money, least he should render his design suspected by any act of covetousness. Sabatai Sevi having thus fully fixed himself in Smyrna, and filled other places with rumors of his fame; declared that he was called by God to visit Constantinople, where the greatest part of his work was to be accomplisht; in order whereunto he privately ships himself, with some few attendants in a Turkish Saick, in the Moneth of Ianuary 1666. least the crowd of his disciples, and such who would press to follow him, should en­danger him in the Eyes of the Turks, who already began to be scandal [...]zed [Page 68] at the reports and prophesies concern­ning his person. But though Sabatai took few into the Vessel to him, yet a multitude of Iews travell'd over land to meet him again at Constantinople, on whom all their Eyes and Expectations were intent. The wind proving nor­thernly, as commonly it is in the He­lespont and Propontis; Sabatai was thir­tie nine days in his voyage, and yet the Vessel not arriv'd, so little power had this Messiah over the Sea and Winds, in which time news being come to Constantinople that the Iews Messiah was near, all that people pre­pared to receive him with the same Joy and Impatience as was exprest in other parts where he arrived; the great Vizier (then also at Constanti­nople, being not yet departed on his expedition for Candia) having heard some rumors of this man, and the dis­order and madness he had raised a­mongst the Iews; sent two Boats, whil'st the Saick was detained by con­trary winds, with commands to bring him up Prisoner to the Port, where accordingly Sabatai being come, was committed to the most loathsom and [Page 69] darkest D [...]ngeon in the Town, there to remain in farther expectation of the Viziers sentence: The Iews were not at all discouraged at this ill treatment of their prophet, but rather confirmed in their belief of him, as being the accomplishment of the prophesie of those things which ought to precede his glory and dominion; which con­sideration induc'd the chiefest persons amongst the Iews to make their visits and addresses to him with the same ceremony and respect in the Dungeon as they would have done had he then sat exalted on the throne of Israel: several of them, with one Ana [...]ago, by name, a man of great esteem amongst the Iews, attended a whole day before him, with their Eyes cast down, their bodies bending forward, and hands crost before them (which are postures of humility, and service in the Eastern Countre [...]s) the undecency of the place, and present subjection, not ha­ving in the least abated their high thoughts, and reverence towards his person. The Iews in Constantinople were now become as mad and distracted as they were in other places, all trade [Page 70] and trafficque forbidden, and those who owed money, in no manner care­ful how to satisfie it: amongst which wild crew some were indebted to our Merchants at Galata, who not knowing the way to receive their money, partly for their interest, and partly for curio­sity thought fit to visit this Sabatai, complayning that such particular Iews, upon his coming, took upon them the boldness to defraud them of their right, desired he would be pleased to signi­fie to these his Subjects, his pleasure to have satisfaction given: where­upon Sabatai with much affectation took Pen and Paper, and wrote to this effect.

TO you of the Nation of the Iews, who expect the appearance of the Messiah, and the Salvation of Israel, Peace without end. Whereas we are informed that you are indebted to several of the English Nation: It seemeth right unto us to en­order [Page 71] you to make satisfaction to these your just debts: which if you refuse to do, and not obey us herein: Know you, that then you are not to enter with us into our Joys and Domi­nions.

In this manner Sabatai Sevi re­mained a Prisoner at Constantinople for the space of two Moneths; at the end of which, the Vizier having designed his expedition for Candia; and consi­dering the rumor and disturbance the presence of Sabatai had made already at Constantinople, thought it not secure to suffer him to remain in the Imperial Citie, whil'st both the Grand Signior and himself were absent: and there­fore changes his prison to the Darda­nelli, otherwise called the Castle of Abydos, being on the Europe side of the Helespont, opposite to Se [...]tos, places famous in Greek Poetrie. This remo­val of Sabatai from a worse Prison to one of a better air; confirmed the Iews with greater confidence of his being [Page 72] the Messiah, supposing that had it been in the power of the Vizier, or other Officers of the Turks, to have de­stroyed his person, they would never have permitted him to have lived to that time, in regard their Maximes en­force them to quit all jealousies and suspitions of ruine to their state by the death of the party feared, which much rather they ought to execute on Sa­batai, who had not onely declared him­self the King of Israel, but also pub­lished Prophesies fatal to the Grand Signior and his Kingdoms.

With this consideration, and others preceding, the Iews flock in great numbers to the Castle, where he was imprisoned, not onely from the neigh­bouring parts, but also from Poland, Germanie, Legorne, Venice, Amsterdam, and other places where the Iewt re­side: on all whom, as a reward of the expence, and labours of their pilgri­mage, Sabatai bestowed plenty of his benedictions, promising encrease of their store, and enlargement of their Possessions in the Holy-Land. And so great was the confluence of the Iews to this place, that the Turks thought [Page 73] it requisite to make their advantage thereof, and so not onely raised the price of their Provision, Lodgings, and other Necessaries, but also denied to admit any to the presence of Sabatai, unless for money, setting the price, sometimes at five, sometimes at ten Dollers, or more or less, according as they guessed at their abilities, or zeal of the person, by which gain and ad­vantage to the Turks no complaints or advices were carried to Adrianople either of the concourse of people, or arguments amongst the Iews in that place; but rather all civilities, and li­bertie indulged unto them, which ser­ved as a farther argument to ensnare this poor people in the belief of their Messiah.

During this time of confinement, Sabatai had leisure to compose and institute a new method of Worship for the Iews, and principally the manner of the celebration of the day of his Nativity, which he prescribed in this manner.

BRethren, and my People, men of Re­ligion inhabiting the City of Smyrna [Page 74] the renowned, where live men, and wo­men, and families; Peace be unto you from the Lord of Peace, and from me his beloved son, King Salomon. I com­mand you that the ninth day of the Moneth of Ab (which according to our account answered that year to the Moneth of Iune) next to come, you make a day of Invitation, and of great Joy, celebrating it with choice meats and pleasing drinks, with many Candles and Lamps, with Musick and Songs, because it is the day of the Birth of Sa­batai Sevi, the high King above all kings of the Earth. And as to mat­ters of labour, and other things of like nature, do, as becomes you, upon a day of Festival, adorned with your finest garments. As to your Prayers, let the same order be used as upon F [...]stivals. To converse with Christians on that day is unlawful, though your Discourse be of matters indifferent, all labour is forbidden, but to sound instruments is lawful. This shall be the method and substance of your Prayers on this day of Festival: After you have said, Blessed be thou, O holy God! then proceed and say, Thou hast chosen us before [Page 75] all people, and hast loved us, and hast been delighted with us, and hast hum­bled us more than all other Nations, and hast sanctified us with thy Precepts, and hast brought us near to thy service, and the service of our King. Thy holy, great, and terrible Name thou hast publi [...]hed amongst us: and hast given us, O Lord God, according to thy love, time of Joy, of Festivals, and times of Mirth, and this day of Consolation for a solemn Convocation of Holiness, for the Birth of our King the Messiah, Sabatai Sevi thy servant, and first­born son in love, through whom we commemorate our coming out of E­gypt. And then you shall read for your Lesson the 1, 2, and 3 Chapters of Deut. to the 17 verse, appointing for the reading thereof five men, in a per­fect and uncorrupted Bible, adding thereunto the Blessings of the Mor­ning, as are prescribed for days of Fe­stival: and for the Lesson out of the Prophets usually read in the Synagogue every Sabbath: you shall read the 31 Chapt. of Ieremiah. To your Prayer called Mussaf (used in the Synagogue every Sabbath and solemn Festival) you [Page 76] shall adjoyn that of the present Festi­val; In stead of the Sacrifice of Additi­on, of the returning of the Bible to its place, you shall read with an Audible Voice, Clear Sound, the Psalm 95. And at the first Praises in the Morning, after you have Sang Psalm 91, and just before you Sing Psalm 98, you shall re­peate Psalm 132 but in the last Verse, where it is said, As for his Enemies I shall cloath them with shame, but upon himself shall his Crown flourish; in the place of (upon himself) you shall read upon the most High: after which shall follow the 126 Psalm, and then the 113 to the 119.

At the Consecration of the Wine upon the Vigil, or Even, you shall make mention of the Feast of Conso­lation, which is the day of the Birth of our King the [...]es [...]iah Sabatai Sevi thy Servant, and First-born Son, giving the Blessing as followe [...]h: Blessed be thou our God, King of the World, who hast made us to live, and hast maintain'd us, and hast kept us alive unto this time. Upon the Eve of this day you shall Read also the 81 Psalm, as also the 132 and 126 Psalmes, which are appointed [Page 77] for the Morning Praises. And this day shall be unto you for a Remem­brance of a Solemn Day unto eternal Ages, and a perpetual testimony be­tween me, and the Sons of Israel.

A [...]dite Audiendo & manducate bo­num.

Besides which Order, and Method of Prayers for Solemnization of his Birth, he prescribed other Rules for Divine Service, and particularly published the same Indulgence and Priviledge to eve­ry one who should Pray at the [...]omb of his Mother; [...] if he had taken on him a Pilgrimage to Pray, and Sacrifice at Ierusalem.

The Devotion of the Iewes toward this pretended Messiah increased still more and more, so that onely the Chief of the City went to attend, and proffer their service toward him in the time of his Imprisonment, but likewise decked their Synagogue with S. S. in Letters of Gold, making for him on the Wall a Crown, in the Circle of which was wrote the 91 Psalm at length, in faire and legible Characters; attributing the [Page 78] same titles to Sabatai, and Expounding the Scriptures in the same manner in favour of his Appearance, as we do of our Saviour. However some of the Iewes remain'd in their Wits all this time, amongst which was a certain Cho­chan at Smyrna, one zealous of his Law, and of the good and safety of his Na­tion: and observing in what a wilde manner the whole People of the Iewes was transported, with the groundless beliefe of a Messiah, leaving not onely their Trade, and course of living, but publishing Prophesies of a speedy Kingdome, of rescue from the Tyran­ny of the Turk, and leading the Grand Signior himself Captive in Chaines; matters so dangerous and obnoxious to the State wherein they lived, as might justly convict them of Treason and Re­bellion, and leave them to the Mercy of that Justice, which on the least jealousie and suspicion of Matters of this nature, uses to extirpate Families, and subvert the Mansion-houses of their own Peo­ple, much rather of the Iewes, on whom the Turkes would gladly take occasion to dispoile them of their Estates, and condemn the whole Nation to perpe­tual [Page 79] slavery. And indeed it would have been a greater wonder then ever Sabatai shewed, that the Turkes took no advantage from all these extrava­gances, to dreine the Iewes of a consi­derable Sum of Money, and set their whole Race in Turky at a Ransome, had not these Passages yielded them mat­ter of Pastime, and been the Subject of the Turkes Laughter and Scorne; sup­posing it a Disparagement to the great­ness of the Ottoman Empire, to be con­cerned for the Rumors and Combu­stions of this Dispersed People. With these considerations this Cocham, that he might clear himself of the blood and guilt of his Countrey-men, and con­cern'd in the common destruction, goes before the Cadi, and there protests a­gainst the present Doctrine; Decla­ring, that he had no hand in setting up of Sabatai, but was an Enemy both to him and to hi [...] whole Sect. This free­dome of the Chocham so enraged and scandalized the Iewes, that they judg­ed no Condemnation or Punishment too severe against such an Offender and Blasphemer of their Law, and Holiness of the Messiah; and therefore with Mo­ney [Page 80] and Presents to the Cadi, accusing him as Disobedient in a Capital nature to their Government, obtain'd sentence against him, to have his Beard shaved, and to be condemn'd to the Gallies. There wanted nothing now to the ap­pearance of the Messiah, and the so­lemnity of his coming, but the presence of Elias, whom the Iewes began to ex­pect hourely, and with that attention and earnestness, that every Dreame, or Phantasme to a weak head was judged to be Elias; it being taught, and aver­red, that he was seen in divers formes and [...]hapes, not to be certainly disco­vered or known, before the coming of the Messiah; for this superstition is so far fixed amongst them, that generally in their Families they spread a Table for Elias the Prophet, to which they make an Invitation of Poor people, leav­ing the chief place for the Lord Elias, whom they believe to be invisibly pre­sent at the entertainment, and there to Eate, and Drink, without dimunition, either of the Dishes, or of the Cup, One person amongst the Iewes com­manded his Wife after a supper of this kind, to leave the Cup filled with Wine, [Page 81] and the Meat standing all night, for Elias to Feast, and Rejoyce alone; And in the morning arising early, af­firmed, that Elias took this Banquet so kindly, that in token of gratitude, and acceptance, he had replenish'd the Cup with Oyle, in stead of Wine. It is a certain Custome amongst the Iewes on the Evening of the Sabbath, to repeate certain Praises of God (called Havdi­la) which signifies a distinction, or se­paration of the Sabbath from the pro­phane dayes (as they call them) which Praises they observe to performe in this manner. One takes a Cup filled with Wine, and drops it through the whole House, saying, Elias the Prophet, Eli­as the Prophet, Elias the prophet, come quickly to us with the Messiah, the Son of God, and David; and this they affirme to be so acceptable to Elias, that he never failes to preserve that fa­mily, so devoted to him, and augment it with the blessings of Increase. Ma­ny other things the Iewes avouch of Elias, so ridiculous, as are not fit to be declar'd, amongst which this one is not far from our purpose, that at the Cir­cumcision there is alwayes a Ch [...]ir set [Page 82] for Elias: And Sabatai Sevi being once Invited at Smyrna to the Circumcision of t [...]e First-borne-Son of one Abraham Gutiere, a Kinsman of Sabatai, and all things ready for the Ceremony, Saba­tai Sevi exhorted the Parents of the Child to expect a while until his farther Order: After a good halfe hour, Saba­tai order'd them to proceed and cut the Prepuce of the Child, which was instant­ly perform'd with all joy and satisfacti­on to the Parents: and being after­wards demanded the reason why he re­tarded the performance of that Function, his answer was, That Elias had not as yet taken his Seat, whom, assoon as he saw placed, he ordered them to proceed; and that now shortly Elias would discover himself openly, and proclaime the newes of the general Redemption.

This being the common Opinion a­mongst the Iewes, and that Sabatai Sevi was the Messiah, being become an Article of Faith, it was not hard to per­swade them, that Elias was come al­ready, that they met him in their Dishes, in the darke, in their Bed [...]cham­bers, or [...]ny where else invisible, in the same ma [...]ner as our common People in [Page 83] England believe of Hobgoblins, and Fairies. For so it was, when Solomon Cremona, an Inhabitant of Smyrna, ma­king a great Feast, to which the Prin­cipal Iewes of the City were Invited, af­ter they had eaten and drank freely, one starts from his Seat, and avouches, that he saw Elias upon the Wall, and with that bowes to him, and Complements him with all Reverence and humility: Some others having in like manner their Fancies prepossessed, and their Eyes with the Fume of Wine ill pre­pared to distinguish shadowes, immedi­ately agreed upon the Object, and then there was not one in the Company who would say he did not see him: at which surprize every one was st [...]uck with reverence and awe; and the most Eloquent amongst them, having their Tongues loosed with Joy, and Wine, directed Orations, Encomiums, and acts of Thankfulness to Elias, courting and complementing him, as distracted Lo­vers doe the supposed presence of their Mistresses. Another Iew at Constan­tinople reported, that he met Elias in the Streets, habited like a Turke, with whom he had a long Communication; [Page 84] and that he enjo [...]n'd the Observation of many neglected Ceremonies, and particularly the Zezit, Numb. 15. v. 38. Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make Fringes in the Bor­ders of their Garments, throughout their Generations, and that they put upon the Fringe of the Border a Ribbon of blue. Also the Peos, Levit. 19. v. 27. Ye shall not round the corners of your Head, nor marr the corners of your Beard: This Apparition of Elias being believed as soon as Published, every one began to obey the Vision, by Fringing their Garments; and for their Heads, though alwayes shaved, according to the Tur­kish and Eastern Fa [...]hion, and that the suffering Hair to grow, to men not ac­customed, was heavy, and incommodi­ous to their healths and heads; yet to begin again to renew, as far as was pos­sible, the antient Ceremonies, every one nourished a lock of hair on each side, which might be visible beneath their Caps; which soon after began to be a Sign of distinction between the Be­lievers and Kophrims, a name of disho­nour, signifying as much as Unbeliev­ers; or Hereticks, given to those who [Page 85] confessed not Sabatai to be the Mes­siah; which particulars, if not observed, it was declared, as a Menace of Elias, that the People of the Iewes, who come from the River Sabation, as is spe­cifyed in the second Esdras, Chap. 13. shall take vengeance of those who are guilty of these Omissions.

But to return again to Sabatai S [...]vi himself, we find him still remaining a Prisoner in the Castle of Abydos upon the Hellespont, admir'd and ador'd by hi [...] Brethren, with more honor then before, and visited by Pilgrimes from all parts where the same of the coming of the Messiah had arriv'd; amongst which one from Poland, named Nehemiah Cohen, was of special note, and renown, learn­ed in the Hebr [...]w, Syriack, and Chaldee, and versed in the Doctrine and Kabala of the Rabines, as well as Sabatai him­self, one (of whom it was said) had not this Sevi anticipated the Design, esteemed himself as able a Fellow to Act the Part of a Messiah as the other: Howsoever, it being now too late to publish any such Pretence, Sabatai ha­ving now eleven Points of the Law by Possession of the Office, and with that [Page 86] the Hearts and Belief of the Iewes: Nehemiah was contented with some small appendage, or Relation to a Messiah; and therefore to lay his De­sign the better, desired a Private Con­ference with Sabatai: These two great Rabbines being together, a hot Dispute arose between them; For Cohen alleadg­ed that according to Scripture, and Ex­position of the Learned thereupon, there were to be two Messiahs, one called Ben [...]phraim, and the other Ben David: the first was to be a Preacher of the Law, poor, and despised, and a Servant of the Second, and his Fore-runner; the o­ther was to be great and rich, to re­ [...]tore the Iewes to Ierusalem, to sit upon the Throne of David, and to per­fo [...]me and act all those Triumphs and [...]onques [...]s which were expected from Sabatai. Nehemiah was contented to be [...] Ephraim, the a [...]licted and poor Messiah; And Sabatai (for any thing I hear) was well enough contented he should be so: but that Nehemiah accu­sed him [...]or being too forward in pub­lishing himself the latter Messiah, be­fore Ben Ephraim had fitst been known unto the World. Sabatai took this re­prehension [Page 87] so ill, either out of pride, and thoughts of his own infallibility, or that he suspected Neh [...]miah, being once admitted for Ben Ephraim, would quickly (being a subtile and learned person) perswade the World that he was Ben David, would by no means un­derstand, or admit of this Doct [...]ine, or of Ben Ephraim for a necessary Officer: And thereupon the Dispute g [...]ew so hot, and the Controve [...]sie so irrecon­cileable, as was taken notice of by the Iewes, and controverted amongst them, as every one fancy'd: But Sabatai be­ing of greater Authority, his Sentence prevail'd, and Nehemiah was rejected, as Schismatical, and an Enemy to the Messiah, which afterward proved the ruine and downfal of this Impostor.

For Nehemiah being thus baffled, and being a person of Authority, and a haughty Spirit, meditated nothing but revenge; to execute which to the full, he takes a Journey to A [...]rianople, and there informes the Chief Min­sters of State, and Officers of the Court, who (by reason of the gai [...] the Turks made of their Prisoner at the Castle on the Hellespont) heard nothing [Page 88] of all this Concourse of People, and Prophesies of the Revolt of the Iews from their Obedience to the Grand Sig­nior; and taking likewise to his Coun­sel some certain discontented and un­believing Chochams, who being zealous for their Nation, and jealous of the ill­consequences of this long-continued, and increasing Madness, took liberty to informe the Chimacham (who was De­puty of the Great Vizier then at Can­dia) that the Iew, Prisoner at the Ca­stle, called Sabatai Sevi, was a Lewd Person, and one who indeavoured to debauch the mindes of the Iewes, and divert them from their honest course of livelihood, and Obedience to the Grand Signior; and that therefore it was ne­cessary to clear the World of so Fa­ctious and dangerous a Spirit: The Chimacham being thus informed, could do no less then acquaint the Grand Sig­nior with all the particulars of this Mans Condition, Course of Life, and Doctrine; which were no sooner un­derstood, but a Chiaux, or Messenger, was immediately dispatched, to bring up Sabatai Sevi to Adrianople. The Chiaux executed his Commission after [Page 89] the Turkish fashion in hast, and brought Sabatai in a few days to Adrianople, without further excuse or ceremony; not affording him an hours space to take a solemn farewel of his Friends, his Followers and Adorers; who now were come to the vertical point of all their hopes and expectations.

The Grand Signior having by this time received divers informations of the madness of the Iews, and the pre­tences of Sabatai; grew big with de­sire and expectation to see him: so that he no sooner arriv'd at Adria­nople, but the same hour he was brought before the Grand Signior: Sabatai ap­peared much dejected, and failing of that courage which he shewed in the Synagogue; and being demanded seve­ral Questions in Turkish by the Grand Signior, he would not trust so farr to the vertue of his Messiahship, as to deliver himself in the Turkish Language; but desired a Doctor of Physick, (who had from a Iew turned Turk), to be his in­terpreter, which was granted to him; but not without reflection of the stan­ders by; that had he been the Messiah, and son of God, as he formerly pretended, [Page 90] his tongue would have flown with va­rietie, as well as with the perfection of Languages. But the Grand Signior would not be put off without a Miracle, and it must be one of his own choice: which was, that Sabatai should be stript naked, and set as a mark to his dex­terous Archers: if the Arrows passed not his body, but that his flesh and skin was proof like armour, then he would believe him to be the Messiah, and the person whom God had de­sign'd to those Dominions, and Great­nesses, he p [...]etended. But now Sabatai not having faith enough to stand to so sharp a trial, renounced all his title to Kingdoms and Governments, al­ledging that he was an ordinary Chocham, and a poor Iew, as others were, and had nothing of Priviledge, or Ver­tue above the rest. The Grand Signior notwithstanding, not wholly satisfied with this plain confession, declared, that having given publique scandal to the Professors of the Mahometan religion, and done dishonour to his Soveraign authoritie, by pretending to draw such a considerable portion from him, as the Land of Palestine; his treason and [Page 91] crime was not to be expiated by any other means then by a conversion to the Mahometan faith, which if he refus'd to do, the stake was ready at the gate of the Seraglio to empale him. Saba­tai being now reduced to extremitie of his latter game; not being the least doubtful what to do; for to die for what he was assured was false, was against nature, and the death of a mad man: replyed with much chearfulness, that he was contented to turn Turk, and that it was not of force, but of choice, having been a long time desi­rous of so glorious a Profession, he esteemed himself much honored, that he had opportunity to own it; first in the presence of the Grand Signior. And here was the non plus ultra of all the bluster and noise of this vain Impostor. And now the Reader may be pleased to pause a while, and contemplate the strange point of consternation, shame, and silence, to which the Iews were reduc't, when they understood how speedily their hopes were vanished, and how poorly and ignominiously all their fancies and promises of a new Kingdom, their Pageantry, and Offices of Devo­tion, [Page 92] were past like a tale, or a midnights dream: And all this was concluded, and the Iews sunk on a sudden, and fallen flat in their hopes, without so much as a line of comfort, or excuse from Sabatai; more than in general, to all the brethren. That now they should apply themselves to their Cal­lings and services of God, as formerly, for that matters relating unto him were finished and the sentence past. The news that Sabatai was turned Turk, and the Messiah to a Mahumetan, quickly filled all parts of Turky. The Iews were strangely su [...]prized at it, and ashamed of their easie belief, of the arguments with which they had per­swaded one the other, and of the Pro­selytes they had made in their own fa­milies. Abroad they became the com­mon derision of the Towns where they inhabited: the Boys houted after them, coyning a new word at Smyrna (Ponftai) which every one seeing a Iew, with a finger pointed out, would pronounce with scorn and contempt: so that this deceived people for a long time after remained with confusion, si­lence, and dejection of spirit. And yet [Page 93] most of them affirm that Sabatai is not turned Turk, but his shadow onely re­mains on earth, and walks with a white head, and in the habit of a Mahumetan: but that his natural body and soul are taken into heaven, there to reside until the time appointed for accomplishment of these wonders: and this opinion began so commonly to take place, as if this people resolved never to be un­deceived, using the forms and rules for Devotion prescribed them by their Ma­humetan Messiah: Insomuch that the Chochams of Co [...]stantinople, fearing the danger of this error might creep up, and equal the former, condemned the be­lief of Sabatai being Messiah, as dam­nable, and enjoyned them to return to the antient Method and Service of God upon pain of Excommunication. The style and tenure of them was as followeth.

To you who have the power of Priesthood, and are the know­ing, learned, and magnanimous Governours and Princes, re­siding in the Citie of Smyrna, may the Almighty God pro­tect you, Amen: for so is his will.

THese our Letters, which we send in the midst of your habitations, are upon occasion of certain rumors and tumults come to our ears from that Citie of your Holiness. For there is a sort of men amongst you, who fortifie them­selves in their error, and say, let such a one our King, live, and bless him in their publique Sy­nagogues every Sabbath day: [Page 95] And also adjoyn Psalms and Hymns, invented by that man, for certain days, with Rules and Methods for Prayer, which ought not to be done, and yet they will still remain obstinate therein; and now behold it is known unto you, how many swelling Waters have passed over our Souls, for his sake, for had it not been for the Mercies of God, which are without end, and the merit of our forefathers, which hath assisted us; The Iews scruple to say, the head of Israe [...]. the foot of Israel had been razed out by their enemies. And yet you continue obstinate in things which do not help, but rather do mischief, which God avert. Turn you therefore, for this is not the true way, but restore the Crown to the antient custom and use [Page 96] of your forefathers, and the law, and from thence do not move; We command you that with your authoritie, under pain of Excommunication, and other penalties, that all those Ordinances and Prayers, as well those delivered by the mouth of that man, as those which he enjoyned by the mouth of others, be all abolished and made void, and to be found no more, and that they never enter more into your hearts, but judge ac­cording to the antient com­mandment of your Forefathers, repeating the same Lessons and Prayers every Sabbath, as hath been accustomary, as also Col­lects for Kings, Potentates, and anointed, &c. And bless the King, Sultan Mahomet, for in his [Page 97] days hath great Salvation been wrought for Israel, and become not Rebels to his Kingdom, which God forbid. For after all this, which is past, the least motion will be a cause of jea­lousie, and you will bring ruine upon your own persons, and upon all which is near and dear to you, wheresore abstain from the thoughts of this man, and let not so much as his name proceed out of your mouths. For know, if you will not obey us herein, which will be known, who, and what those men are, who refuse to conform unto us, we are re­solved to prosecute them, as our duty is. He that doth hear, and obey us, may the Blessing of God rest upon him.

These [Page 98] are the words of those who seek your Peace and Good, having
  • Ioam Tob son of Chananiah Ben-Iacar.
  • Isaac Alnacag­na.
  • Ioseph Kazabi.
  • Mana [...]seh Barn­do.
  • Kalib son of Sa­muel.
  • Eliezer Castie.
  • Eliezer Gherson.
  • Ioseph Accohen.
  • Eliezer Aluff.

During the time of all these trans­actions and passages at Constantinople, Smyrna, Abydos, upon the Helespont, [Page 99] and Adrianople, the Iews leaving their Merchantlie course, and advices, what prizes commodities bear and matters of Traffique, stuffed their Letters for Italy and other parts, with nothing but wonders and miracles wrought by their false Messiah. As then when the Grand Signior sent to take him, he caused all the Messengers immediately to die, up­on which other Ianizaries being again sent, they all fell dead with a word on­ly from his mouth; and being desired to revive them again, he immediately recall'd them to life; but of them one­ly such who were true Turks, and not those who had denied that faith in which they were born, and had profest. After this they added, that he went voluntarily to prison, and though the gates were barr'd and shut with strong Locks of Iron, yet that Sabatai was seen to walk through the streets with a numerous attendance, and when they laid Shackles on his neck and feet, they not onely fell from him, but were converted into Gold, with which he gratified his true and faith­ful believers and disciples. Some Mi­racles [Page 100] also were reported of Nathan, that onely at reading the name of any particular man, or woman, he would immediately recount the Story of his, or her life, their sins or defaults, and accordingly impose just correction and penance for them. These strong reports coming thus confidently into Italy and all parts, the Iews of Casel di Monferrato resolved to send three persons in behalf of their society, in the nature of extraordinary Legates, to Smyrna, to make inquiry after the truth of all these rumors, who ac­cordingly arriving in Smyrna, full of expectation and hopes, intending to present themselves with great Humi­lity and Submission before their Mes­siah and his Prophet Nathan, were en­tertain'd with the sad news, that Sa­ [...]atai was turned Turk, by which in­formation the Character of their Em­bassy in a manner ceasing, every one of them laying aside the formalitie of his function, endeavoured to lodge himself best to his own conveni­ [...]nce. But that they might return to their brethren at home, with the [Page 101] certain particulars of the Success of the affairs, they made a visit to the brother of Sabatai; who still conti­nued to perswade them, that Sabatai was notwithstanding the true Mes­siah, that it was not he who had ta­ken on him the habit and form of a Turk, but his Angel or Spirit, his bo­dy being ascended into Heaven, un­til God shall again see the season, and time to restore it, adding fur­ther, that an effect hereof they should see by the prophet Nathan, certified, now every day expected, who ha­ving wrought Miracles in many pla­ces, would also for their Consolation, reveal hidden sec [...]ets unto them, with which they should not onely remain satisfied, but astonished. With this onely hope of Nathan, these Le­gates were a little comforted, resol­ving to attend his arrival, in regard they had a Letter to consign into his hands, and according to their instru­ctions, were to demand of him the grounds he had for his Prophesies, and what assurance he had, that he was divinely inspir'd, and how these [Page 102] things were reveal'd unto him, which he had committed to Paper, and dis­persed to all parts of the World. At length Nathan arrives near Smyrna, on Friday the third of March, to­wards the Evening, and on Sunday these Legates made their visit to him: But Nathan, upon news of the success of his beloved Messiah, began to grow sullen and reserved; So that the Legates could scarce pro­cure admittance to him; all that they could do was to inform him, that they had a Letter to him from the brother-hood of Italy, and com­mission to conferr with him concern­ing the foundation and authority he had for his prophesies; but Nathan refused to take the Letter, ordering Kain Abolafio a Chocham of the City of Smyrna to receive it; so that the Legates returned ill contented, but yet with hopes at Nathan's arrival at Smyrna to receive better satis­faction.

But whil'st Nathan intended to enter into Smyrna, the Chochams of Constantinople, being before advised [Page 103] of his resolution to take a Journey into their parts, not knowing by which way he might come, sent their Let­ters and Orders to Smyrna, Prussia, and every way round, to hinder his passage, and interrupt his journey; fearing that things beginning now to compose, the Turks appeas'd for the former disorders, and the minds of the Iews in some manner setled, might be moved, and combustions burst out afresh, by the appearance of this new Impostor; And therefore dispatc [...] ­ed this Letter as followeth.

To you who are the Shepherds of Israel, and Rulers, who reside for the great God of the whole World, in the Citie of Smyrna, which is Mother in Israel, to her Princes, her Priests, her Iudges, and espe­cially to the perfect wise men, and of great experience, may the Lord God cause you to live before him, and delight in the multitude of Peace, Amen, so be the will of the Lord.

THese our Letters are dis­patched unto you, to let you understand, that in the place of your Holiness, we have heard that the learned man, which was in Gaza, cal­led Nat [...]an, Benjamin, hath pub­lished [Page 105] Vaine Doctrines, and made the World Tremble at his Words and Inventions; And that at this time we have re­ceiv'd Advice, that this man some dayes since, departed from Gaza, and took his Journey by the way of Scanderone, inten­ding there to Imbarke for Smyr­na, and thence to go to Constan­tinople, or Adrianople: And though it seem a strange thing unto us, that any Man should have a desire to throw himself into a place of Flames, and Fire, and into the Sparkes of Hell; notwithstanding we ought to fear, and suspect it; For the Feet of Man alwayes guide him to the worst: Wherefore we Under-written do Advertise you, that this Man coming [Page 106] within the compass of your Ju­risdiction, you give a stop to his Journey, and not suffer him to proceed farther, but presently to return back. For we would have you know, that at his coming, he will again begin to move those Tumults, which have been caused through the Imaginations of a New Kingdome; And that Miracles are not to be Wrought every day.

God forbid that by his com­ing the People of God should be destroy'd in all places where they are, of which he will be the first, whose Blood be up­on his own Head: For in this Conjuncture, every little Error or Fault is made Capital. You may remember the Danger of [Page 107] the first Combustion: And it is very probable that he will be an occasion of greater, which the Tongue is not able to ex­press with Words. And there­fore by Vertue of Ours, and Your own Authority, you are to hinder him from proceed­ing farther in his Journey, up­on paine of all those Excom­munications which Our Law can Impose, and to force him to return back again, both he, and his Company. But if he shall in any manner Oppose you, and Rebel against your Word, your Indeavours and Law are sufficient to hinder him, for it will be well for him and all Israel.

[Page 108-109]For the Love of God, let these Words enter into your Eares, since they are not vain things; for the Lives of all the Iewes, and his also, consist therein. And the Lord God behold from Heaven, and have pitty upon his People Israel, Amen. So be his holy Will:

Written by those who seek your Peace.
  • Ioam Tob, Son of Chanania Iacar.
  • Moise Benve­niste.
  • Isaac Alce­nacagne.
  • Ioseph Ka­zabi.
  • Samuel A­cazsine.
  • Caleb Son of Chocham, Samuel de­ceased.
  • Moise Barn­do.
  • Elihezer A­luff.
  • Iehoshuah Ra­p [...]ael Ben­veniste.

By these meanes Nathan being dis­appointed of his Wandring Progress, and partly ashamed of the event of [Page 110] Things contrary to his Prophesie, was resolved, without entring Smyrna, to returne again: Howsoever he obtained leave to visit the Sepulcher of his Mo­ther, and there to receive Pardon of his Sins (according to the Institution of Saba [...]ai before mentioned) but first washed himself in the Sea, in man­ner of Purification, and said his Tephil­la, or Prayers, at the Fountain, called by us the Fountain Sancta Veneranda, which is near to the Cymetry of the Iewes, and then departed for Xio, with two Companions, a Servant, and three Turks, to conduct him, without admitting the Legates to Audience, or answering the Letter which was sent him, from all the Communities of the Iewes in Italy. And thus the Embas [...]y of these Legates was con­cluded, and they returned from the place from whence they came, and the Iewes again to their Wits, following their Trade of Merchandize and Bro­kage as formerly, with more quiet, and advantage, then the meanes of re­gaining their Possessions in the Land of Promise. And thus ended this mad [Page 111] Phrensie amongst the Iewes, which might have [...]st them dear, had not Sabatai Reno [...]t his Messiaship at the Feet of Mahomet.


YOu have heard in the foregoing [...]tory from what Glorious Ex­pectations the whole Nation of the Iewes were precipitated by the Impostorious, but Improsperous Vi­lany of their late pretended Messiah: [Page 114] You will in this Relation perceive farther, how Signally the Hand of Almighty God (about the same time) went out to their yet greater shame and extermination: And if any thing were capable to reduce that miserably de­luded People, certainly one would think these continu'd Frownes, and Accents of his Displeasure against all their Enterprises; as it ought to con­firme the Truth of the Christian Pro­fession, so it should even constraine them to hasten to it; For the Wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

In the Reign of the famous Abas, Sop [...]y of Persia, and Grand-Father to the present Emperour, the Nation be­ing low, and somewhat exhausted of Inhabitants, it entred into the Minde of this Prince (a Wise and Prudent Man, and one who exceedingly stu­died the Benefit of his Subjects) to seek some expedient for the Revival and Improvement of Trade, and by all manner of Pr [...]viledges and Immu­nities to encourage other contiguous Nations to Negotiate and Trade a­mongst them; And this Project he [Page 115] fortified with so many Immunities, and used them so well who came, that repairing from all Partes to his Countrey, in a short time the whole Kingdome was filled with Multitudes of the most Industrious People and Strangers that any way bordered on him.

It happened, that amongst those who came, innumerable Flocks of Iewes ran thither from all their Dis­persions in the East; attracted by the Gaine, which they universally make where ever they set footing, by their innate Craft, Sacred Avarice, and the ex­cessive Extortions which they continu­ally Practice. And it was not many years but by this meanes, they had so im­poverished the rest, and especially the Natural Subjects of Persia, that the Clamor of it reached to the Eares of the Emperour; and indeed it was Intollerable, for even his own Ex­chequer began to be sensible of it, as well as his Peoples Purses, and E­states, which they had almost De­voured.

[Page 116]How to repress this Inormity, and remedy this Inconvenience, without giving Umbrage to the rest of those profitable strangers now setled in his Dominions, by falling severely upon the Iewes on the sudden, he long con­sulted; and for that end call'd to his Advice his Chief Ministers of State, the Muf [...]i, and Expounders of the Law: After much Dispute 'twas at last found, That the Iewes had al­ready long since fo [...]feited their Lives by the very Text of the Alcoran; where it is express'd, That if within Six Hundred yeares from the promul­gation of that Religion, they did not Universally come in, and Profess the Mahumetan Faith, they should be de­stroy'd. The Zealous Emperor would immediately have put this Edict in Execution; but, by the Intercession of the Mufti, and the rest of the Doctors, 'twas thought fit to suspend it for the present: But that these growing E­vils might in time have a Period, His Maj [...]sty Commanded that all the Cha­chammi, Rabbins, and Chiefe amongst the Iewes, should immediately appear [Page 117] before his Tribunal, and make An­swer to some Objections that were to be propounded to them.

The Iewes being accordingly con­ven'd, the Sophy Examines them a­bout several Passages of their Law, and particularly concerning the Pro­phet Moyses, and those Rites of his which seem'd to have been so long annihiliated amongst them, since the coming of Isai (for so they call Iesus) after whom they pretended their Ma­homet was to take place, and all other Predictions to determine.

The Iewes much terrified with the manner of these Interrogatories, and dubious what the meaning and drift of them might signifie, told the Em­peror; That for Christ they did not believe in him; but that they expected a Messiah of their own to come, who should by his Miraculous power deli­ver them from their Oppre [...]sors, and subdue all the World to his Obedi­ence.

[Page 118]At this Reply the Sophy appear'd to be much Insenc'd: How! sayes he, Do you not then believe Christ, of whom our very Alcoran makes so Ho­norable mention? as that he was the Spirit of God, sent down from him, and returning to him, &c. If we Be­lieve him, Why do not you? What say you for your selves you Incredu­lous Wretches? The Confounded Iewes perceiving the Emperour thus Provoked, immediately prostrated themselves on the ground, humbly supplicating him to take pity on his Slaves, who acknowledged themselves altogether unable to Dispute with his Majesty; That for the Christians, they seem'd indeed to them to be grosse Idolaters; Men, who did not Wor­ship God, but a Crucified Malefactor, and a Deceiver: which still the more displeased the Sophy; not induring they should so Blaspheme a Person for whom their Alcoran had so great a Reverence: However, for the Present he dissembles his resentment; ' [...]is well, sayes he, you do not believe the God of the Christians: But, tell [Page 119] me, What think you of our Great Prophet Mahomet? This Demand ex­ceedingly perplex'd them, not know­ing what to Reply: and indeed it was contriv'd on purpose, that convincing them of Blasphemy (as they esteem'd it) against their Prophet, the Sophy might find a specious and legal pre­tence to ruine and destroy them, with­out giving any jealousie or suspition to the rest of the Strangers, who were Traficking in his Country, of several other Religions, but who were not in the least obnoxious to his displeasure.

After a long pause, and secret con­ference with one another, it was at last resolved among them, That though they had deny'd Christ, they would yet say nothing positively against Ma­homet: Therefore they told the Em­perour; That though their Religion forbad them to believe any Prophet save Moses, &c. yet they did not hold Mahomet for a false Prophet, in as much as he was descended of Ismael the Son of Abraham; and that they desi­red to remaine His Majesties humble [Page 120] Vassals and Slaves, and crav'd His pity on them.

The Sophy easily perceiving the Cunning and wary Subterfuge of their R [...]ply, told them; This should not serve their tu [...]ne: That they were a Peo­ple of dissolute Principles and tha [...] un­der pretence of their long expected Messiah, they pe [...]sisted in a false Reli­gion, and kept off from Proselyting to the true Beliefe; and therefore requi­red of them to set a positive Time, When their Messiah was to appear; for that he would Support them no longer, who had impos'd on the World, and Cheated his People now so many Yeares; But, withal assuring them, that he would both Pardon and Pro­tect them for the time they should Assign, provided they did not go a­bout to abuse Him by any incompe­tent Procrastinations, but assign the Year precisely of his Coming; when, if ac­cordingly he did not Appear, they were Sons of Death, and should all of them either Renounce their Faith, or be certainly Destroy'd, and their Estates Confiscated.

[Page 121]The poor Iewes, though infinitely Confounded with this unexpected De­mand, and Resolution of the Sophy; after a second Consultation among themselves, (which the Emperor gran­ted,) contriv'd to give him this An­swer. That according to their Books and Prophesies their Messiah should in­fallibly Appear within Seventy years; prudently (as they thought) belie­ving, that either the Emperor or They should be all of them dead before that time; and that, in the interim, such Alterations might emerge, as all this would be forgotten, or averted; and that at the worst, a good summe of Money would reverse the sentence. But that something was of necessity to be promis'd to satisfie his present humorous zeal.

The Emperor accepts of the An­swer, and immediately causes it to be Recorded in form of a solemn Sti­pulation between them; That in case there were no news of their Messiah within the Seventy years assign'd (to which of Grace, he added five more) [Page 122] they should either turn Mahumetans, or their whole Nation utterly be de­stroyed throughout Persia, and their Substance confiscated: but with this Clause also inserted; That if their Mes­siah did Appear within that Period, the Emperor would himself be obliged to become a Iew, and make all his Subjects so with him; This drawn (as we said) in form of Instrument, was reciprocally sign'd and seal'd on both parts, and the Iews for the present dismiss'd; with the payment yet of no less than two Millions of Gold (as my Author affirms) for the favour of this long Indulgence.

Since the time of this Emperor A­bas, to the present Sophy now Reign­ing, there are not onely these Seven­ty years past, but one hundred and fif­teen expir'd; during which the Per­sians have been so molested by the Turks, and by continual Warr in the East Indias, &c. that the succeeding Princes no more minded this Stipula­tion of their Predecessors; 'till by a wonderful Accident in the Reign of [Page 123] the second Abas, (Father of him who now governs) a Person extreamly curi­ous of Antiquities, searching one day a­mongst the Records of his Palace, there was found this Writing in the Iournal of his Father, intimating what had so solemnly pass'd between him, and the Chiefs of the Iews in the Name of their whole Nation.

Upon this the Sophy instantly sum­mons a Council, produces the Instru­ment before them, and requires their advice, what was to be done; and the rather, for that there began now to be great Whispers, and some Letters had been written to them from Mer­chants out of Turkey, of the motions of a pretended Messiah, which was the famous Sabatai: This so wrought with the Emperor and his Council, that with one Voice, and without lon­ger pause, they immediately conclude upon the destruction of the Iews, and that this wicked Generation of Impostors and Oppressors of his People were no longer to be indured upon the Earth.

[Page 124]In Order to this Resolution Procla­mations are issu'd out and published to the People, and to all that were Strangers and Inhabitants amongst them, impowering them to fall im­mediately upon the Iews in all the Persian Dominions; and to put to the Sword Man, Woman, and Child, but such as should forthwith turn to the Mahumetan Belief: and to seize on their Goods and Estates without any remorse or pity.

This cruel and bloudy Arrest was accordingly put in Execution first at Ispahan, and suddenly afterwards in all the rest of the Cities and Towns of Persia. Happy was he that could escape the fury of the inraged Peo­ple, who by vertue of the publique Sentence, grounded upon the declared Stipulation, and now more encouraged by the dwindling of their pretended Messiah, had no commiseration on them, but slew and made havock of them, where-ever they could find a Iew through all their vast Territo­ri [...]s; falling upon the spoil, and con­tinuing [Page 125] the Carnage to their utter Extermination; Nor did the Perse­cution cease for several Years, begin­ning from about Sixty three till Sixty six, at Ispahan, the Cities and Countries of Seyra, Ghelan, Huma­dan, Ardan, Tauris, and in summe, through the whole Empire, without sparing either Sex or Age; excepting (as was said) such as turned Mahu­metans, or escaped through the De­serts into Turkey, India, and other farr distant Regions, and that without Hopes of ever Re-establishing them­selves for the future in Persia, the hatred of that People being so dead­ly and irreconcileable against them. And in truth this late Action and Miscarriage of their pretended Mes­siah has rendred them so universal­ly despicable; that nothing but a determined Obstinacy, and an evident and Judicial Malediction from Hea­ven could possibly continue them in that prodigious Blindness out of which yet, GOD, of his infinite Mercy, one day, deliver them, that they may at last See and Believe in Him whom [Page 126] they have pierced; and that so both Iew and Gentile may make One Flock under that O [...] Shepherd and Bishop of our Souls, Iesus Christ the True MESSIAH. Amen.


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