HIS EXCELLENCIES Letter of the 30 of Ianuary, 1643. TO THE EARLE OF FORTH, Upon that Letter sent to him from the Prince, Duke of Yorke, and divers Lords and Gentlemen at
I Received this day a Letter of the 29 th of this instant from your Lordship, and a Parchment subscribed by the Prince, Duke of Yorke, divers Lords and Gentlemen. But it neither having addresse to the two Houses of Parliament, nor therein there being any acknowledgement of them, I could not communicate it to them.
My Lord, the maintenance of the Parliament of England, and of the priviledges thereof, is that for which we are all resolved to spend our blood, as being the Foundation whereon all our lawes and liberties are built.
I send your Lordship herewith a Nationall-covenant, solemnly entered into by both the Kingdomes of England and Scotland, and a Declaration passed by them both together, with another Declaration of the Kingdome of Scōtland. I rest,
IT is his Excellencies pleasure this Letter be forthwith printed.
Printed at London for Laurence Baiklocke, at Temple-bar. Febr. 10. 1643: