THE POPES Dreadfull Curse.
Taken out of the Leger-Book of the Church of Rochester now in the Custody of the Dean and Chapter there. Writ by Ernulfus the Bishop.

BY the Authority of God Almighty the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and of the holy Canons, and of the undefiled Virgin Mary, the Mother and Patroness of our Saviour, and of all the Celestial Virtues, Angels, Arch-Angels, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Cherubins and Seraphins, and of the holy Patriarchs, Prophets, and of all the Apo­stles and Evangelists, and of the holy Innocents, who in the sight of the Holy Lamb are found worthy to sing the new Song, and of the holy Martyrs and holy Confessors, and of the holy Virgins, and of all the Saints, and together with all the holy and Elect of God; We Excom­municate and Anathematize him or them, Malefactor or Malefactors,—and from the Thresholds of the Holy Church of God Almighty We Se­quester them, that he or they may be tormented, disposed and delivered over with Dathan and Abiram, and with those who say unto the Lord God, Depart from us, We know not thy wayes. And as Fire is quench'd with Water, so let the light of him or them be put out for evermore, unless it shall repent him or them, and make satisfaction. Amen.

May the Father who Created Man Curse him or them. May the Son who Suffered for us, Curse him or them. May the Holy Ghost who was [Page 2] given to us in Baptisme, Curse him or them. May the holy Cross whom Christ for our Salvation Triumphing over his Enemy ascended. Curse him or them. May the Holy and Eternal Virgin Mary Mother of God Curse him or them. May St. Michael the Advocate of holy Souls, Curse him or them. May all the Angels and Arch Angels, Principalities and Pow­ers, and all the heavenly Host, Curse him or them. May the Laudable Number of the Patriarchs and Prophets, Curse him or them. May St. John the Chief fore-runner and Baptist of Christ, Curse him or them. May St. Peter and St. Pa [...]l, and St. Andrew, and all other Christs Apostles, to­g [...]ther with the res [...] of the Disciples and the four Evangelists, who by their Preaching converted the Universal World, Curse him or them. May the holy and wonderful Company of Martyrs and Confessors, who by their holy Works are found pleas [...]ng to God Almighty, Curse him or them. May the holy Quire of the Holy Virgins who for the Honour of Chirst have despised the things of the World, Curse him or them. May all the Saints who from the beginning of the World to Everlasting Ages are found to be the Beloved of God, Curse him or them. May the Heavens and Earth, and all the holy Things remaining therein, Curse him or them. May him or them be Cursed where ever he or they be, whether in their House or in their Field, or in the High way, or in the Path, or in the Wood, or in the Water, or in the Church. May him or them be Cursed in Living; in Dying, in Eating, in Drinking, in being Hungry▪ in being Thirsty, in Fasting▪ in Sleeping▪ in Slumbring, in Waking▪ in Walking▪ in Standing, in Sitting, in Lying, in Working, in Resting, in Pissing, in Shitting, in Blood-letting. May he or they be Cursed in all the Faculties of their Body. May him or them be Cur­sed inwardly and outwardly. May he or they be Cursed in the hair of his or their head. May he or they be Cursed in his or their Brain. May he or they be Cursed in the top of his or their Head, in their Temples, in their Forehead, in their Ears, in their Eye-browes, in their Cheeks, in their Jaw-bones, in their Nostrils, in their fore-Teeth or Grinders, in their Lips, in their Throat, in their Shoulders, in their Wrists, in their Arms, in their Hands, in their Fingers, in th [...]ir B [...]ast, in their Heart, and in all the interior parts to the very Stomach▪ In their Reins, in the Groins, in the Thighs, in the Genitals, in the Hips, in the Knees, in the Legs, in the Feet, in the Joynts, and in the Nayles. May he or they be Cursed in all their Joynts, from the top of the Head, to the sole of the Foot: May there not be any Soundness in him or them.

May the Son of the Living God with all the Glory of his Majesty, Curse him or them; and may Heaven with all the Powers which move therein, rise against him or them to Damn him or them, unless it shall repent him or them, or that he or they shall make Satisfaction.

Amen, Amen. So Be it.

THE Publication of this is to shew what is to be Expected from the Pope, if he come to be Supream Head of the Church in this Nation.

London, Printed and are to be Sold by L. C. on Ludgate-Hill. 1681.

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