Novemberis Monstrum.

OR ROME BROVGHT TO BED IN ENGLAND. with The Whores Miscarying.

Made long since for the Anni­versary Solemnity on the fift day of November, In a private Col­ledge at Cambridge.

By A. B. C. D. E.

And now by conquering importunity made publique.

For a small memoriall of England's great deliverance from the Powder-Treason.

By E. M. A. D. O. C.

Monstrum, Horrendum, Informe, In­gens, cui lumen ademptum.

London, Printed by F. L. for Iohn Bur­roughes, at the signe of the Golden Dragon in Fleetstreet. 1641.


Frontispeece Discovered.

THe DEVILL plots, the POPE will owen
The JESVITE must act or none.
One God doth SEE and SMILE, and BLAST,
What Hell, and Rome, and all forecast.
'Tis not the blacknesse of the Pit
Can cloud this EYE from seeing it.
'Tis not the deepenesse of the Pit,
Can straine this ARME from reaching it.
Tis not the terrour of the Pit
Can scare this SMILE from daring it.
[...] eye can chase the thickest mist,
[...]eav'ns Arme can conquer, when it list,
One looke, one touch, one Smile can quell
The Pride and Pollicy of Hell;
And l [...]t them yet more forces call,
[...]e God will be too hard for all.


I See

He [...]last y [...]

I Smile



I plott

t [...]e actye

I owne

Made long since.

FOR THE ANNI­VERSARY SOLEMNITY on the fift day of November In a private Colledge at Cambridge.

By A. B. C. D. E.

And now By conquering import [...] made publique.

For a small memoriall of Engla [...] great deliveranc from the Powder-Treason.

By E. M. A. D. O. C.

Monstrum, Horrendum, Informe, In­gens, cui lumen ademptum.

London, Printed by F. L. for T. Slater, at the signe of the Swanne in Duck-lane. 1641


GOe litle Booke, (my unlick't Poetry)
And be a Patron to thy selfe and mee,
Shift it among the crowd, and never stay
To dresse thy selfe, like other trim and gay,
[...]ith borrow'd Titles, pluckt from great Ones, who
Are honoured by the Honour that they doe,
[...]eare thy owne cloathes, and thinke it more to be
Knowne by thy face, then by a livery.
[...]e're trust unto fond ficklenesse, that may
Afford a smile at first, and then betray,
That hisse and kill, that by embraces smother,
With one hand take, and throw away with th' other,
That ow'n a Booke, because the [...] ownes them,
Or else they'd never ow'n the Booke agen,
Let those that can warpe Conscience in a straine
And count it but a Poets Spencer veine
To fawne and flatter, and have learnt to call;
One Good, because he's Great, though worst of all;
[Page] Let those who can weigh vertue by the pound,
Where it is scarce by Drammes and Ounces foun [...]
Who make it then chiefe Masterpiece of wit,
To Banckrupt Honour by out-rayling it
Who can say I, or No, sweat, freeze, as hee
Is hot or could, who is their Deity.
Let such Idolatours of Greatnesse shew,
They dare not walke abroad unlesse they goe
Vnder some Hee or Shee-Protection:
My Muse shall venture in another fashion
Make thine owne licence (little one) and bee
Protection to thy selfe, a Passe to mee.
And let such scratching Patron-mongers know
Thou'lt not on stilts, nor yet on Crutches goe,
On thy own feet thou'lt either runne or crawle
And if thou [...] anst not stand on them, thou'lt fall,
Weigh neither smile nor froune, but when you see
Best usage say, this shall my Patronbee:
And as for others that disdaine, say thou
My Master ownes me not, and why should you?

Ʋade (nec Invideo) sine me Liber Ibis▪

To the Reader.

REader, goe on; but first pray wash your eyes
Fom Criticisine curiosityes.
Then thou mayest see the clearer, judge the better:
[...]pend a licentious verdict on each letter,
[...]e peremptorie to condemne or praise,
[...]ubscribe to this with boldnesse, and that race
With a judicious pen, and make it fit
For naught but Drugsters shops wast-paper it
And spare not (Reader) if thy courtesie
[...]id them peruse that, which it made thee by
There are but two I feare, and they shall make
My feare more carelesse for their empty sake
As for the the nicer, squeasy, wanton tast
That's alwaies picking, but still loves to wast,
[...] weigh not his court phancy: let it be
Spent on his wanton Thais-poety.
And for that carping rout that love to be
Still following Momus in his livery,
That thinkes their judgements never shine, untill
They finde some blots dropt from anothers quill
Let them still grin, and snarle, I'le sayno more
Then th' Spart [...]n Prince to an Amhassador,
[Page] Who being found by him sporting away
The tedious howers of a Summer-day;
Amongst his little children did request
The Ambassadour to let his censure rest,
Till he had children of his owne, just so
Till thou hast something of thine owne to show:
Leave off, or if thou wilt still snarling be,
Let me see thine, Ile doe as much for Thee.

The Introduction.

WHere are those cristall floods, which from our eyes
Should make a second Sea? Those briny streames,
Which from the swelling veines of griefe should rise
And flow like surgy Neptune, when he teames
His daily incomes to inrich his Bride,
And still with new revenewes swelles his tyde
Where are those gales of sighes, a windy gale
To drive my paper Pinnace that it may
Mounted upon a briny ocean saile,
And through a See of teares finde out the way
Vnto the sea of Rome, and there descry
Hells masterpiece of hell-hatcht villany?
There rides the whore in state, that purple whore,
Mounted on high upon a scarlet beast;
That man of sinne, quite surfetted with goare,
Gorg'd with the flesh of Saints at Plutos feast.
Bathed in Nectar blood, pancht with mans flesh,
As if it were high Ioves Ambrosia dish.
Foure Cardinalls coupled beares him up in state,
Lending their shoulders to support his pride,
No lesse then Kings and Emperours must waite
To hold his stirrop when he meanes to ride;
And for their paines perchance shal kisse his To [...]
Whether his highnesse doe weare socks or no.
He beares his coate from truest Heraldry,
A Lyon-Rampant in a sanguine field,
Bulls the supporters, fit for crueltie,
A Drago in the crest, which flames doth yeeld
Belsht from sulphurious lungs into a flood;
The word, or motto is, Nothing but blood.
His pastimes little else but crueltie,
To murther Princes is a recreation,
Spurning downe throanes is sporting jollitie,
Nay to doe all of these is true religion,
Gives marrow to their meritts, wins the prize,
And rids them soon to heaven with easy thighes
To curse to Purgatori's but the fashion,
And therefore 'tis a sinne it should goe downe,
To finde out tortur's but to wrack invention,
Worthy a Card'nalls cap, or Fryers Crowne.
An inquisition is a mercy seate
Pitty, compared to their venome heate.
No fire burnes so cleare, or warmes so well,
As that, that's kindled at a stake to burne
Whole legions of Heretiques to hell,
Who stubborne in the truth denie to turne.
The common bonfyre of a whole nation,
Is but a festivalls right celebration.
To strangle infant Majestie before
The cradle suffers it to weare the crowne,
And dye it's mantle in a purple goare,
That it may never know a scarlet gowne
Is but true doctrine at a Councellread,
And therefore must by them be practised.
They'l fire whole solemnities, and burne
[...]he sacrificers to a sacrifice,
Thus make the Temple but a common urn [...]
To hold a quier of Martyre Saints, who dy [...]
Before they dye, seeing their destinie
March towards them before it commeth nigh.
To make of Church and people but one fire,
(Surprizing them within that sacred wall,)
Is nothing but to kindle their desire,
Warming their zeale least it should faltring fall
Into a colder chilnesse, and so spoyle
The blaze of their good workes for want of oy [...]
They whet the knife of cruelty and cut
The tongues from living men, that they may try
To tempt downe heaven from heaven it selfe, & [...]
The Gods unto a miracle, if they
Expect the prayses due to Deity,
Well warbled from a tun'd fidelity.
They dig the infant from its living grave
(That fearelesse innocency, which doth lye
Prison'd ith' parent wombe untill it have
Queene natures mandat for its liberty.)
And then they dandle it on a pike till it
Fall to its first and last sleepe at their feet.
Have not you seene a fetter'd prisoner loose
The burden of his shackled teathering,
And scape his uncouth dungeon-repose,
Only that he may be conveyd agin
Into some closer goale, where he shall lye,
Till death his yron cables doth untye?
[...] else till with the hands of justice knit
[...] faster twist (made for his destiny)
[...]eades him from th' prison to that place, where it
[...]is soule and body must at once untie.
Iust thus the infant from its prison wombe
Is freed to be imprison'd in a tombe.
[...]ut yet we're hardly halfe the way, put on
[...]de faster in the roade of cruelty,
[...]u'l see perhaps a sucking babe anon,
[...]hich smiling to the mothers lullaby,
Hangs on her melting breast, and whilst it takes
The hony flowing from those milkie lakes,
[...]me fist, that's brawnd with frequent cruelly,
[...]ite spoyles the draught, snatching it frō her breast,
[...]nd to compleate determin'd villany
[...]reeth the Parent for to doe the rest.
Making her turne Medea, rend and scatter
The tender softnesse of that infant matter.
[...] yet, oretake but Tiger- Neroes traines,
[...]ose ten that nursed persecution,
[...]st with the blood that sprang frō Martyrs veines
[...]u [...] after gave it flesh to feede upon,
Till it out-liv'd foure ages, and did turn [...]
Three hundred yeares into an ash-heapt urne.
Could I but speake his butcher-crueltye?
Twould make my mouth spit blood at every word
Blacker then incke, and force my penne to dye
Each line into a scarlet thred: his sword
Learnt murther from him, whom it would not sl [...]
But first must trie her skill another way.
When Nero knew not how to live or die,
(For dye he would not though he knew the way)
His venome's such, that when he doth but try
To slay himselfe, he must another slay.
Then to his servant slay thy selfe sayd He
That I may learne to kill my selfe by Thee.
This Nero, grandsire of grand-crueltie
Begot that brat of persecution,
And seeming pious in impietie,
Left it to a succeeding guerdion.
Domitian, Hadryan, and Antonius verus
Trajanus, Maximinus, and Severus.
Those Brother-Emperors of Hydra-Rome,
Who rise like ten heads from that dragon-beast,
And out of their enflamed mouthes did foame
A venom'd froath upon the Christian breast.
Hydra indeed! No sooner once was dead,
But in the roome sprang up another head.
Next flames out Decius, who did commit
A sacraligious rape on chastitie,
And in a ruder flame at once unknit
The chaster zoanes of pure virginitie.
Commanding 40 vestalls for to turn
True virgin-Martyrs in one common urn.
What shall I speake of t' other viper-brood
Galerius and Peternus, which did leade
The brat by both the hands, till it withstood
That stoutest Martyre champion, who did bleed
I' th' face of persecution, Laurence, he
That taught the Gridiron to sing Poetrie.
Next sprange Aurelian from that Tyrant race,
Who first did season his unnaturall hand
For after murthers, in that infant place
Where his owne blood did run, cutting the band
That ty'd his sister unto him more neere
Had but he priz'd her, as his sister, deare.
But heaven fate Iudge, aud censur'd; saw, that H [...]
[...]n this first act had spent snch blood, as might
Have fed ten persecutions, and be
[...]ull tyranny; Heaven therefore stops him quite,
And will not suffer him to quench his thirst,
That made himself quite drunk with blood at first
Iove summons up his Cyclops, and commands
The thunder to proclaime an open way,
Breaking in sunder the clouds faster bands,
That th' lightning may her brighter face display:
Thus frightned with the flashings of that eye▪
Which glanc'd on him, He leaves his crueltie.
Next raging as a whirlewind riseth he,
That swept before him like the wanton dust
Whole Christendomes of Saints, and made them be
Like atom'd crummes under his foot-stoole thrust.
Stay not to aske his name, Reader, goe on,
You'l finde him nothing but Ambition.
Twas He, that crouded for the Imperiall throne
Soaring on Eagles wings Ambition gave him,
Till he at length reacht it, to rule alone,
By doing that his concubine would have him.
Druas commands, A wild boare must be slaine,
He thrusts at Aper, and begins to reigne.
'Twas He, that dawbd Ambition ore with pride,
Being once an Emperour, he must be God;
Hees Phoebus brother, brother to his Bride,
Hee'l sway both earth and Heavens imperiall rod.
Whenonce Ambition doth begin to fly,
Like Icarus, 'twill either mount, or dye.
[...]d now He poasteth out a swift decree
[...]led with waxe, that cannot melt away)
[...]t hee'l be worshipped for dietie
[...]people kisse his feet, those stumps of clay,
And take him for a God; he'l be no man:
[...]iddle his name; 'twas Dioclesian.
[...] who but Dioclesian could doe that,
[...]h Pride commanded, with a prouder hand,
[...]low a furnace up, that might outdate
[...] yeares; and hotter then Ten could command
[...]efore him with their bloodyest decrees:
[...]e was the bottom, and so gave the lees.
[...] Rome, looke backe and blush upon the guilt
[...]ose that markt thee on th [...] forhead so,
[...] cruelty they suckt, twas thy breasts spilt,
[...] then they spend it on their forreigne foe.
[...]hese, these were thy Decemviri, that made,
[...]n persecutions a ten-age trade.
[...]act the quintessence of villanie,
[...]sie the horridst deeds, that ere were don;
[...] to the depth of Phlegeton and see
[...]t cruelties the furies thinke upon.
All is but sucking malice to that they
[...]oe execute on those, on whom they prey.
Cruelty's turnd an Art, 't hath gott to be
Among the liberall sciences, most fitt
For him, that would be rich in pollicie,
He's the best Scholler, that's best skild in it.
The top of honour is to vale her throane,
Be without this you must let that alone.
The Iesuit that climbs by step degrees
From his shorne crowne unto a Card nalls cap,
And thence upon Ambitions pineon flees
To Peters Chayre that he may take a nap,
Winnes all by forging out some skulking trea [...]
Not by his judgement but inventi on.
Charity dwells not now in Hospitalls,
'Thath left her Country house, and's come to to [...]
Wintring her selfe within the frozen walls
Of some cold dungeon upon Tellus downe.
Merits swarme thicker from a Lollards Towe
Then from the maint'nance of a beeds-man bow
Hee'l sooner passe for heaven, that dying leaves
A legacie to build an inquisition;
Or else his scrapt up silverlings bequeathes
To nurture up some tart invention.
Which may delve out new waies for villany,
And teeme forth' tother bastard-cruelty.
To flie to forraigne nations on the wind,
And crosse the seas that they may crosse the land,
So get more worlds, if more were left behind,
And with a paper bull them all command,
Is the Ambition burnes within their breast,
And keepes their busie soules from taking rest.
To puffe up States and Kingdomes at a blast,
To plucke downe Crownes and Septers at one fall,
To swallow Realmes to breake a mornings fast,
And yet scarce satisfied there with all;
Is but course fare at a Lent ordinary,
Such is there raving-craving cruelty.
But soft a while, take fresher breath (my muse)
Leave off to lash her former whoredomes still,
She hath bin scourg'd enough for old abuse,
And yet her fornication-cup doth fill
With new-brew'd poyson; spare thy whip that it
May take new strength, & not the latter quit.
Had every persecution bin ten,
Aud each had burned longer then them all
Maintained with fresh fury, till all them
That were but Christned Protestants had fall,
'Thad made but a straw bonfier compar'd
With that hell-fuell they of late prepar'd
Fuel in oyle, which had but Plato seen
Heapt up, He, staggerd at the sight, would sweare
Envy's Idea had existent bin,
And on the stage ne're durst before appeare.
Fuell stor'd up to feede revenge, and be
A plot to puzzle all Hyperbole.
Had but Pythagoras diviner soule
By [...]ransmigration dwelt in other men,
And so out liv'd his owne age, and then stole
[...]nto another, and at length had bin
One of our owne; He, seeing this alone,
Might well out-vie all ages with this one.
Call up Chronology, and bid her bring
Her bunch of keyes to open Historie;
Ransack that cabinet, and view each thing,
That she hath lockt up from her infancy.
Call aged Time, and bid him search his file
That he this cruelty may parallell.
Arrest the Sunne, and stay his Coach for thee,
That thou mayst parly with him; aske him then
If riding all his circuit He could see
Such treachery, as in this age hath bin.
Chronology must tye up Historie,
Time hang his file, and Phoebus silent be.
[...]en summon up the Furies from their cell;
[...]ock at the doores of darkenesse, and there see,
[...] thou canst speake with Pluto, King of Hell,
[...] to Proserpina admitted be.
Sue for a Synod, and then try if they
Can match themseles agin, or match the day.
[...]ll stands amaz'd. Pluto is mad that he
[...]ould be outvi'd on earth: The Furies sweare
[...]ey went beyond commission; and decree
[...]ll shall afford no more, if they come there.
Megera loaths her service, and decrees
To dwell on earth to learne new cruelties.
[...]berus howles for madnesse, and opes wide
[...] triple throate, from which a whirlewind came,
[...]ich made the rivers rage into a tyde,
[...]d roar'd, as if they threatned all hells frame.
That Pluto thought therabble had come downe
Missing their plot on earth, to get his crowne.
[...]ld but the gelid feare, that freezeth mee,
[...]d cloysters up my blood in coldest veines,
[...]ease my speech, and set my tongue but free,
[...]uld unfold a treachery, containes
The Elixar of the bitterest druggs, that are
[...] Mong all th' Apothecary Pluto's ware.
Then cease thy Styx-dy'd mantle (tragedy)
And buckle soone thy bloody busking on
Dipt ten graines deeper in their goary dye,
Doe thou attend us, while we treate upon
Seven headed Hydra, hatcht long since in Ro [...]
And what conceptions teeme within her wombe▪
But where's the quill that can drop lines of blo [...]
But where's the tragick pensell that can paint
Such hideous cruelty scarce understood?
Or fathom'd with the thoughts of man or Saint.
But wher's the fiery muse that can discribe,
The treachery of that infernall tribe.
Nor thoughts, nor words are ready to unfold
That hideous tragedy, whose plot was found
And first contriv'd in hell, but never could
With prologue once salute the English ground,
Although the stage was built, the sceane was m
On which that Tragick act was to be playd
That tragick act, the thought whereof doth ma
My quivering muse affraid, my ague-quill
Shakes in desiphering it, my hands doe quake;
My teare-drownd eyes a fresh supply d [...]still
And yet at length grow dry; my haires t' untw
And stand an end like quills o'th' Porcupin [...]
But soone my Muse recovered, and my quill
Obeyd the hand that guided it; mine eyes
Clear'd up, and would no farther showers distill,
Then soone I set upon the enterprize.
Turne o're the page, draw but the curtaine, there
You'l see the Monster-Tragedy appeare.


AFfrica multa dedit, vix vix dedit Affrica tan­ta
Quant a uno peperit Roma [...] monstro.
Nec miranda cano: Romae Lupa namque Noverca,
[...]lla dedit monstrum, cur non dabit Illaque monstrum
Sic canibus eatuli similes, Lupa Sicque Lupillo.
Primulus en monstri conceptus; Adultera matrix:
Tartareo spurcamspargit dum semine matrem
Roma ferox, caetae generatur Filia noctis.
Monstri fama fugit, tantae quoque Nuncius aurae
Pegaseis volitat pennis: mox qualia monstra
Roma dabit, dubio meditatur pectore quisque.
Cujus ope proles latebrosis parta tenebris
Prodeat in lucem, Obstetrix è Tartare surgit.
Expectata dies celebranda est; Romaque gestit
Conceptu partus, sed mox prorepit abortus.


1 Proditionis conceptus. 1 Upon the first plotting of the Treason.
2 Matrix, in quâ pubescit embryon. 2 Upon the vault in which this Trea­son was hatcht
  • 1 Upon the buying of it.
  • 2 Upon the digging of it.
3 Tempus quo generatur monstrum. 3 Upon their working in the night.
4 Ipse generandi actus. 4 Upon the bringing of the Pouder from Lambeth and laying it in the Cellar.
5 Concepti fama. 5 Upon the Letter sent to my Lord Mounteagle.
6 Famae mercurius 6
  • 1 Upon the quill that writ the Letter.
  • 2 Upon the sending of it to the King.
7 Partus determinatio 7 The Kings discovering of the plott.
8 Praeelecta Obstetrix 8 Upon Faux, the Man-Midwife ready to deliver it
9 Natalis expectata celebratio 9 The Match of hunting appointed to surprize the Lady Elizabeth.
10 Abortivum monstrum 10 The miscarying of the birth▪
11 Parturientis periculum. 11 Romes Downefall in Black-Fryers upon their fift day of No vember.

Vpon the first plotting of the Treason.

ANd see; the Pope hath travail'd once againe
With a new Affrick Monster, worse then came
From their she-popedome, when a woman prov'd
The Churches head, & all the body mov'd.
(Poore headlesse she-church, where was thy head then
When Ione did loose her maiden-head with men?
Oh she tooke care for that, least Rome should need
Succeeding Popes, she would her self popes breed)
But whither roves my muse? come backe againe,
And see another of that breeding traine
Goe big with envie, labouring with a birth,
Swell'd with a plot, nay brought to bedith' earth.
Ready to teeme forth from a monstrous thigh
A strange delivery, the birth was nigh.
Twas comming forth, but had not the strength to give
So big a monster, as it did conceive.
Fye Rome! thou wantst a midwife, or a Ione
That can without an helpe bring forth alone.

II. Matrix, in quâ pubescit embrion.
Vpon the vault, in which the treason was hatcht.

1. Ʋpon the buying of the vault.

Downe with price of blood, if you would faine
As you have sold out soules, buy in againe.
The purchase you have got by emptying
Your purgatorie may well fiil't againe.
Looke on this arched vault, how will it make
An high way passage to the Stygian Lake?
The price you had the last soules you did sell,
Will buie the Catholiques this way to hell.
Where's He that beares the bag, your Iudas tro
That feeketh to betray his Mother so?
[...] the vault is sold
[...]oney told.
[...]ny you hee'l sweare
[...]ne relique are.
[...], and we
[...] as he
[...]; And be it so,

2 Vpon the digging of the vault.

[...]nd what are you that Tribe, who doe denye
Your black guard thus, the honour of a bed?
[...]ho make it death once with a bride to lye,
Tis Symony to buy a maiden head.
[...]nd yet forsooth you'l dare to ravish all
At once your common mother, force a birth
[...]hether she will or no a monster shall,
Teeme from her wombe out of the groaning earth
You'l rent her matrix else, which nature taught
By closing such an incest to deny:
As if she had foreseene, that Rome had thought
To grapple with her mothers secrecy.
What steepes your frolik spleenes in choller so?
What mooves your touchy blood to such a tide.
How came your pampred carkasses to doe
Such ravisht rapes unto your mothers side?
And must you needs with pickaxe, and with spade,
Threaten unlesse she grant your villany?
Have you no milder Rhetorique to perswade,
And woe a yeeld to such a curtesie?
What made you strike so deepe? was your inte [...]
To fathom Styx, or sound blacke Acheron?
To cast a causy to Don Vulcans tent,
Thus fetch provision he had wrought upon
No no; you dreamt perchance that you shou [...] find
Some yron veine, which nature minted there
Of purpose to helpe forward such a mind,
And runne Art out of breath in a prepare.
To such a stratagem; dreame on, take out
A rib of yron from Dame natures side,
Fall in your dreame again, then cast about
To make your rib the hottest brunt abide.
Dig deeper yet, perchance at length you'l finde
That nature hath dung'd their Salt-peter too
And left her wooden legs and stilts behinde,
To nourish up the flames, all these for you▪
But hold your hands, sweat no more marrow now
Spend the earths ball no farther, nor your strength
I feare the proverbe will prove true, below,
You dig'd so deepe, there came a damp at length

III. Tempus, quo generatur monstrum.
Vpon their working in the night.

Sleep Phoebus sleepe;
What makes thee peepe?
[...]oe not so soone thy sable curtaines draw,
Lie downe againe in Thetis lap,
[...]was late before thou wentst to bed we saw,
O pry thee take another nap.
[...]f thou beginst to rise, these night owles then
[...]ust leave their work, when others do begin,
Then Phoebus stay,
You will but make an Holy day.
What made thee wake?
Couldst thou not take
Thy rest to night, thou heardst such knocking
Let not thy fiery steedes yet sup
Their mornings draught, nor run their full careere here?
Why dost thou call Aurora up?
They plotted not against thy Deity.
Then Phoebus stay,
You will but beg another play.
Goe drowsie droanes,
Make, make your moanes,
To your dead-living Saints; sigh prayers that th
May intercede for you and get,
The Sunne to stand ith' heavens, and so delay
The dawning of the morning, yet
Cry lowder, let another beade yet fall;
Make up your prayers compleate, or you'l marr [...]
For want of sleepe,
Your prayers awake you cannot keepe.
See see, the day
Makes no delay.
Then Phaeton doe thou mount up the coach,
Let loose the horses carelesse raines,
That they may run away the days approach.
On faster wheeles, with easie paines
Whip on thy foaming fteeds, that we may feare
The ratling of thy coach like thunder heere.
Come draw away,
That night shee sooner hasten may.
Tis here, the night
Hath scar'd the light.
[...]he day hath new undrest her self, I saw
But now her under-peticoat.
[...]y thought 'twas dyed in a red more raw
Then any flesh of sheepe or goat;
[...]ut as she stript her selfe of that, she drew
[...] modest Curtaine, thicke as night, to shew,
She Vail'd her head,
As Vesper sent her downe to bed.
Now all the light
Is claspt in night.
[...]orpheus hath woed all things to rest you see,
The'rs no dog moves unlesse it barke
[...]or madnesse at the Moone, least she descry
Their deedes of darkenesse in the darke.
[...]ut never feare: bid Phoebus kisse his Bride
[...]hat she may blush to see her evening tide.
Worke while you may,
Then let him come to wake the day.
Up Phaeton,
Up, up, be gone.
Goe guide thy Father to his mate, that he
May court her with his rosie lips;
Then in conjunction goe with her, till she
Embraced be to an ecclips.
Thus vaile her face that she may never be
Privie to such a monstrous villany.
Away, Away
Phoebus is rise to call the day.

IV. Ipse generandi actus.
Vpon the bringing of the Gunpowd from Lambeth over the Thames, and lay­ing it in the Cellar.

Where is thy Legate (Rome?) Let him provid
His sparkling Spanish jennet straight,
Coapt in his trappings made of gold
When th' golden fleece came from your fold
His feet well shod with Indy plate:
His crisping maine to twisted lockes divide,
Fit for the riders pride.
See how the horses prauncing doth foretell
How he expects his rider, see
In what a language he doth pray
His master for to come away,
And deck him with his company.
Heare how hee neighes, his neighing doe but spell
It hastens his farewell.
[...]uicken thy legate then; doe, bid him seale
His fiery steed, and winged poast
With thy Embassage unto hell;
There once arived let him tell
Don Pluto Primate of that hoast,
[...]at Charons footy keele must hoise his saile
Waiting a trusty gale.
[...]nd to thy tackling then (Styx-Ferry-guide)
The winde hath sight a softer gale.
Lanch out, glide o're the Stygian lake
A fairer harbour yo umust take.
Doe but your beaten pinnece hale
[...]o our Thamefis, there it shall pride
It selfe in Neptunes tide.
Those silver streames shall wash hell from thy boate
And turne that dye, Styx left it last
Into a Cignets purer white,
By their reflection made more bright.
Who when they first thy ferry past,
Dabling in that thy keele there set a float,
Got there so black a foot.
But faster Charon; sweat a little more,
What maketh Aeolus thus blow?
Me thinkes he seemeth out of breath,
Or else his wind is pent beneath,
That he becomes shortwinded so,
On Charon, worke the harder; you are sore
Expected long before.
See how the swelling barrells, stuft with fire,
Are big with expectation:
They long untill they see thy boat,
In which they must be set a float,
To take another station.
Srange contract, see the water slakes her ire
and entertaines the fire.
[...]t stay, what meanes those well growne vessels there?
What? have you poudred up your plot
In barrels, least it should not keep,
Or be discovered when you sleepe?
Sure then some vent your treason got
[...]hat 'twould not keep so long, untill you were
To set abroach November's beere.

V Concepti fama.
[...]on the letter sent to my Lord Mounteagle.

[...] mystery enwrapt in misteries,
[...]mment farre obscurer then the text,
[...]fit that thou should meet an Eagles eyes
[...]h might peirce through the vaile, & tell what's next
Never mount Eagle: gaze not on the Sun
Glance downe-wards to the depth of Phlegeton.
[...]loisterd up in darkenesse, hid in hell,
[...]tled with night, prison'd in Acharon,
[...] barrel'd up in natures misty cell.
[...]e but the letter, and the danger's gone.
[...]trange plot! doe burn't: the blaze will let thee see
How to discover this darke mysterie.
The letter burnt, the danger's past, and all
The mysterie must then be over too,
And yet this burning makes it mysticall,
How can I spell it when 'tis burned so?
However burnt it, in it burnt you'l see,
That which you reade not, when you read it [...]
Darke letter! folded up in flames indeede,
And therefore needs no wax to seale it fast,
Let who will reade, at most he can but reade,
And whn h' hath done, must burne it too at la [...]
Fyer must tell thee what it meanes alone
And when the fyer▪s out, the dangers gone.

Famae Mercurius.

Vpon the quill that writt the letter▪

What molting Seraphim did spill
That speaking, silent muttering quill?
That spake yet spake not, speaking parables▪
Which kept and told the truth in miracles.
That two toung'd Oratour that spake
Still twise at once, and still did make
[Page 29] [...]ystery unknowne by clearing it,
[...]d knowne by making it obscurer yet.
A quill, that could not speake th' intent
Of him that writt, to whom 'twas sent.
[...]d yet could blab the secraest meaning too
[...] him, for whom 'twas maskt, and muffled so.
A pen that by discovering cover'd,
And yet by covering was discovered.
[...]anus face, that smiled one way now,
[...]d frown'd the other with a furrow'd brow.
A pen snatcht from Apollo's hand;
That spake pure Delphos language, and
[...]uld vent nought else but pure Amphibolies
[...]king this that, and that this, this and this;
A danger great by lening it,
And none by making it so great.
[...]ckt from an Eagles wing, 'twas such an He,
[...]at brought it to our Sovereighng's Diety.
Or from that tatling goose which pratled
The foes approaches, when shee cackled.
[...] from some Sphynx his standish it did fall,
[...]at it unriddl'd in a riddle all.

[...]on the sending of the letter to the King.

A letter to the King is sent,
To riddle what the meaning meant;
[Page 30] A letter writ indeede from Babylon,
Speaking confus'on, in confus'on.
Tis true, one language, onely came,
And yet that language languages transpos'd
A Letter in a Letter was enclos'd
So that the same seem'd not the same.
How well may Rome true Babell be,
That speakes thus in a mysterye?
A masked tongue kept Babell from her height▪
And Rom's confused language spoyles hir quite
Plaine English speake, when you write nex
Your letter meant, nought lesse then what it me [...]
Therefore 'twas sent, to whom it was not sent,
Pray henceforth comment on your text.
'Tis brought unto the King we see,
That he may dive the mysterie.
Why? what's the matter! Are our Island's eye
Growne dimme with age, The Vniversities?
Why had not they the letter read?
They would at first strike deepe; 'tis true, but s [...]
That they looke through their Soveraigne, y [...] kn
The eyes are alwaies in the Head.

VII. Partus determinatio.
Vpon the Kings discovering of the plot.

[...]hat Kings are sometimes Prophets too we see,
What made our Iames else prophecie?
[...]rue vertue oftenn crownes Nobilitie.
[...]ow true was he the King of Schollers fam'd,
That Rome with her owne sword hath tam'd?
[...]ell Schollers King, well King of Schollers nam'd,
[...]he paper bids him burne the paper, so
The danger would be over to.
[...]e saves himselfe and paper with a No.
[...]ow so? we reade the danger is not o're
unlesse the Letter burnt before.
[...]hen burne it, and the danger is no more.
[...]ut reade againe, and then perhaps you'l see,
How bravely you are danger free,
[...]t be so soone o're-past, how soone wil't be?
[...]his made our Iames more nimble then the fire,
This thought did make his thoughts retyre
[...]o search out what was tangled in that bryer.
He dived therefore somewhat lower yet;
And truely such a dive was fitt,
To sound the intralls of so deepe a pitt.
His Nobles now as well as He must move,
And presently his verdict prove,
Searching out that below, he saw above.
They seeke, but see not: Did you never heare
Too nigh an object is too neare?
I can see better farther off then here.
The King sees yet: He bids them search agin:
They goe, then bring the message in.
Nothing before, is now the very thing.
(Thus have I seene a beagle soone o'rerunn,
The new-borne sent but now begunn,
Then counterhunt it when it is halfe donn.)
They, that made nothing of it, found it somethi [...]
Reade backwards, if you meane the King,
Who making something of it, made it nothing.

VIII. Praeelecta obstetrix.

Vpon Faux ready to deliver it.
[...]ut Monster-Tiger, a fell vipers brood,
[...]hat would'st such with thy milk, thy mother's blood
[...]awn'd with a Richards tush, not toothles borne,
[...]rawing the fountaine-breast, thou wouldst have torne
[...] passage to hir heart, gnawd that for food,
[...]nd like Prometheus Vultur suckt on blood.
[...]ou'lt suck, but so that thou mayst open too
[...]conduit-veine whence blood with milke may flow
[...]onder that thy mother wean'd Thee not
[...]om hir, whence thou this Viper-nature got.
[...]hy step-nurse, Rome I meane, that purple whore
[...]hose breasts milkt venome from a putrid soare.
[...]t see, Rome nurst Thee, therefore thou wilt be
[...] hir brought up unto this villany.
[...]me once a Nero had to kill a mother,
[...]ast Rome should want one now, thou prov'st a­nother.
[...]d hath not she hir Jesuits, that thou
[...]ust prove a Mid-wife to hir treason now?
[...]hat would you have the whore when all is done
[...]y at our doore hir new borne bastard sonne?
[...]ant grosse excrement: know thus much, that
[...]ngland doth scorne to Father such a brat.
Vpon the same.
Vp night-owle, and breake o'pe thy sealed eyes,
Venter to looke upon the mantled skyes.
Sol hath remov'd his court, the glorious day
And all his followers have packt away.
Night is full mounted in her seate of jet,
And lies wrapt in her cloudy cabanet.
Feare not, Apollo's gone; his prying eye
Can neither see nor blab thy villanie.
Envie hath gone her time, and doth begin
To be in travell with her full-growne sin.
Vp then, and see that all things ready be
'Tis thou must hasten her delivery,
Pluto hath sent his Pursivant away
To summon thy appeareance, make no stay:
Goe, take thy charge, that thou maist licenc't be,
And show a pattent for thy viilany.
Fetch thy darke-lanthorne, that true Gyges ring,
Which, thou unseene, makes Thee see ev'ry thin
Take that turn'd-Hypocrite, whose outward sho
Is night, but inward like the day doth glow.
Foule as a mist without, all fayre within,
Vice would seeme vice sometimes to cloake a si [...]
Thy darke companion will still be true,
And by denying light, will lighten you.
Then downe with hast to that infernall cell,
Where fur ous envy, and hid treason dwell.
[Page 35] [...]ell them Hell's suffrage hath elected you
[...]roome of that chamber, where death lyes below
[...]nd you must call it up as soone as day
[...]e christned, as the Sunne whips night away.
[...]ooke then unto your charge, and see that he
[...]eepe not beyond his time, but stirring be;
[...]se all his breakefast may be spoyl'd, and He
[...]ill misse his morning's draft of Majestie.
[...]or you (proud factors for the Netherlands,
[...]gent for hell) must suffer Morpheus bands
[...] tye your eye-lids up: what if the birth
[...]iscarry, e're the night expires her breath.
[...] stead of being Sainted, you shall be
[...]rol'd for purgatory, and there made free.
Then girt thy selfe for Rome, and charge thine eyes
[...]at they like watchfull Argus keepe the prize.
[...] thou an Heirogliphick to the hare,
[...]eepe waking with thine eyes unclos'd, and bare.
[...]d when the day begins to ope her eyes
[...]ke Nilus with the rising Sunne arise.
[...]hat though thou saile through the Aegaean sea,
[...]st up and downe with fear's perplexity?
[...]inke every one thou seest is come to bring
[...]ee tydings of a kingdome to a King.
[...]ou seek'st a throne: who would not think it
[...] swim-unto it through a sea of blood?
[...]ut heaven looks on, & Love is comming down good
[...]s milkie pavement with a furrow'd frowne
[Page 36] Iustice sits in his eye (and yet 'tis blinde:
It sees but sees not; smiles that it should finde
Such secreasie in Treason) vengeance lyes
Wrapt in the wrinckles round about his eyes.
Next, down the Regent walke, Astraea came
Following high Iove to Iudge the world againe.
Iustice tooke wing before, and left the earth,
But seeing crueltie recover breath,
And grow to such a Gyant-stature, shee
Returnes bedeckt with greater Majestie.
The Cyclops arm'd with thunder round about,
Attends them both to drive those Traitors out.
Then tremble treachery; treason unmaske
Thy muffl'd face; make bare thy knees, and ask [...]
A pardon of the Gods: hold up thy hand,
Guilt doth indite Thee, and for guilty stand.
Iustice is come to visite once againe,
Tenders hir hand to kisse, if you'l reclaime.
Or else (by that impartiall soule, that guides
Hir hand) the sword your soule and clay divides
No no: (Grand Enginere of crueltie)
Ne're startle at the newes: what's this to thee?
Thou hast an Heliotrophian-stone, which will
Put out the eyes of Iustice, blinde hir still.
Send for Don Pluto's sheild, that thou maist see
Approaching justice, and she not see Thee.
Stare in the face of vengeance, and outdate
Those executioners, that comes to skare
Thee from thy charge: Laugh at their thunder-peal [...]
And let them heare the Eccho oft from hell.
[Page 37] [...]hy? thou'rt prepar'd for this; can this be newse,
[...]hen thou such prodigies thy selfe dost use?
[...]rden thy cruell heart, untill it grow
[...]nd like a Sea-calfe to withstand the blow
[...]hotter vengeance: crowne thy head with bayes,
[...] scare the Cyclops from thy hidden wayes.
[...]ll scarse doe: with thine owne plot begin,
[...]w them from earth up into heaven agin.
[...]ou know'st thy charg; what Rome expects from Thee;
[...]w she hath cram'd thee for this crueltie?
[...]rite after hir, and when the coppy's writt;
[...]t all that reade, see thou'rt hir counterfeit.
[...]like hir, but more cruell in thy wit,
[...]rite by the coppie, but still better it.
[...]mulus suck'd a wolfe, and was as shee,
[...]ou suckst of Rome, then thou like Rome must bee.
[...]hat Romulus did suck, to Rome he gave,
[...]hat Rome from Romulus, that thou must have.
[...]tvie them all, Rome, Romulus, and Hir
[...]at nurst thy cruell grand progenitor.

IX Natalis expectata celebratio.
Vpon the match of hunting appointed o [...] the birth day, where they intended to surprize th Lady Elizabeth, but in the meane time they themselves were surpriz'd.

Actaeon's gone to hunt, the day we see
Appointed is, and where the game shall be.
Actaeon as he hunted glanc'd a side,
And there Diana in a thicket spy'd.
Diana? No, it was a fairer she,
Her Nymphs it may be might Diana's be.
And yet me thinkes Diana it should be
Rather Diana's true Divinity.
For as Actaeon spies that beauty there,
Actaeon's turn'd Actaeon like a Deere.
He that came forth to hunt is hunted straight,
They lye in waite for him, that lay in waite.
The yelping Ecchoes of the hound's are done,
The Hue and Cry after the Hunter's gone:
I see that Poets now can prophesie,
And in a parable tell what shall be.
I see that fables are not alwaies lyes,
Time often doth a fable moralize.

X Abortivum Monstrum.
Vpon the miscarrying of the birth.

Oft have I knowne a child prove Parracide,
Dividing soule and clay as't did divide
[Page 39] [...]e Parent's gasping wombe, through which her soule
[...]ent with the body of the child for tole
[...] pay the infant's passage, and repreive it
[...]om th' falling prison, if not quite releive it.
[...]mtimes a child the Parent's name doth smother,
[...]lling the mother 'fore it had a mother,
[...]t have I heard a woman travail'd so
[...]at in the sigh her sonle did come and goe.
[...]ange travell! when her soule is faine to take
[...] farre a journey for her infants sake.
[...]hen thus the Parent mother must begin
[...] leave the world to bring her infant in;
[...]ust dye, to teach hir child how first to live,
[...]d being dead in it learne to revive▪
[...] if Pythagoras had taught her soule
[...]s transmigration, And it knew no Pole:
[...]o Paradise, but presently did passe,
[...]d in the infant clay informant was.
[...]hat? did you never see a wombe deny
[...]e burthen, but unload it presently.
[...]me proves it selfe an Hierogliphick well
[...] speake what I have spoke, and yet shall spell
[...]e truth once over to you more; if yet
[...]our cloak't-capaciti's are hid from it.
[...]deede their fruitfull shee-Pope tarry'd not,
[...]t brought forth soone, as if she had forgot
[...]ce to bespeake a midwife, or else thought
[...] brew as well as she had bak't for nought.
[Page 40] And yet see, how shee's brought to bed in State
How many thousands hir congratulate
Being at hir labour met. I wonder she
Was brought to bed alone in companie.
But now ther's no such matter; Rome would faine
Once travaile with a second birth againe.
And see, the Pope grows big indeede: How now
What, hath not Rome had breeding Popes enough
How did your Card'nalls misse the chayre, that they
Have let another she-Pope slip away?
Oh 'tis no matter, they'l take care that she
Be not deliver'd now too openly.
The heav'n no more shall prove a Canopie
The Market place no more a chamber be.
When this shall be deliver'd Rome will bye
A privie-chamber for this secrecie.
(Had not Pope Ione bin brought to bed so patt,
She would have found a vault too for hir Bratt.
But see, the birth day's come; Conduct your who [...]
Vnto hir privie-chamber, where ther's store
Of Pluto's Pothecarie drugs that be
Provided for her safe delivirie.
What? Is she yet in labour? hath she got
Hir Predicessors faculty or not?
Had she an harder travaile then your Ione?
What hath God sent hir tro? what two or one
I feare she was so overbig, that shee
With Bratt miscarri'd in deliverie.
[Page] [...]hat was the matter Rome? did not [...]
[...]oe full the time she reckon'd on before?
[...]as this hir first conceived bratt, that shee
[...]efore hir time met hir deliverie?
[...]hat? Is the child still borne? Tis so I see
[...]he birth's abortive, though the mother be.
Thus have I seene an hasty apple drop
[...]bortive from the tree before the crop.
[...]ut then 'twas rotten, blasted, withered
[...]lthough the mother-tree was no way dead.)
[...]he still-borne batt hath thus miscarried,
[...]was not deliver'd though delivered.
The womb that casts before the time doth still
Threaten the Infant, if not alwaies kill.
[...]her's now the Infant which new borne had slaine
[...]t once both England & her soverainge?
[...]hich had spitt living coales as he begann
[...]o live, and dy'd as they had dyed than.
[...]hat meanes November's fift day and the store
[...]rovided for the birth so long before?
[...]he purple whore this day expected shee
[...]ould have beene blest with her deliverie.
[...]his day once come, the birth was nigh indeed;
[...]t th' Bratt was still borne, we delivered.
The child, which dyes before it lives, doth still
Threaten the Mother Parent, if not kill.

XI. Parturientis periculum.
Vpon the whores downefall in Blackfrye [...] on their fift day of November.

What makes us then sigh prayers for Babel's fall
As if that Babylon ne're fell at all?
Wher's Rome's Armado Spaine so stood upon,
No Navie but a wand'ring Babylon?
Is not that fallen? True; how could it stand?
It was a Babel, but 'twas built o'th' sand.
The wind's they whisl'd to the wav's a charge,
The wav's brake out, and roaring speake at large
Their message to the Sands: the sands obey
After the cap'ring waves they dance away.
When th' wind thus blew, when thus the water co [...]
There Babel built upon the sands, prov'd lame.
What makes us then sigh prayers for Babels fa [...]
As if that Babylon ne're fell at all?
But on, what meanes November's Holy-day?
Her fift dayes chiefest royalty, which may
Be calculated with the reddest letter,
To speake their bloody Stratagem the better▪
Rome then began to build a Babel too,
She dig'd for a foundation so low;
[Page] And then had thought to plucke downe
Out of her ruines to repaire their owne.
But as they built they were surpriz'd, that they Th [...]
Were faine to leave their Babel halfe the way.
Thus not to rise is nothing but to fall,
Who'l say that Babylon ne're fell at all?
But once more reade, and then perhaps you'l see
Babel a third time fall a third degree.
Water did once o'retop Rom's Babel's so,
That though 'twere Babel it did Rome o're throw
Babell first fell by water, next by fire,
Not that it burnt, but that it slack't it's ire.
Fire and water, though they disagree
Become now sister Elements we see
And joyne their forces to enact heav'ns will,
Th' one by fighting, th' other standing still.
What fire and water doth, that earth will doe,
For earth did swallow falling Babell too.
November twice saw Babel fall on day,
This makes her fift day twice an holy day.
And Eighty Eight told Babell by her fall,
That, that was then her Climacteticall.
And yet is Babell still? where doth she stand?
She fell by water, and she fell by land.
Thrice Babylon we see hath got a fall,
But oh that she were fallen once for all!
Babel's so high it is no wonder she,
Is so long falling to her last degree.
[Page] [...] tis well that she three stories fell;
[...] but the fourth, 'twill bring her downe to hell▪
Me thinkes I see those knotted rafters there
Like carv'd-out Atlases, which well might beare
A burthen greater then the Spheares could lend
An Aetna if it once began to bend.
Enough to keepe up mountaines, and support
From nodding even Babel's stoutest fort.
And yet when Babel's Bratt loaded with sinne,
Comes on the Stage to act her part therein;
It makes the oake to yeeld, the Cedar bend
And roots up the foundation from their end.
That which before did make the prouder walls
Sprout up to heav'n, tript up by heav'n, it falls
Downe levell with the earth, and that which knew
No crookednes, bends like a twig of ewe
Sin makes the creatures groane, & bowing downe
Lye in the dust for that, man won't bemoane.
Fye purblind Rome! what-made your bald-pate crew
Outface the face of heav'n in such an hew?
Did heav'n your fift days treachery betray
That you might turne it to an Holy-day?
Went on your plot so well, that you must call
A day a part for a set Festivall?
What ignorance hath brawn'd your fottish soules
That when the arme of strength stretcht out con­troules
With a proclaim'd defiance what you did,
Poynting out that from heav'n, which lay so hid?
[Page 45] [...]ou nod at the finger in a triumph straight,
And shout the conquest being lead captivate?
What made you sound the Trumpet so and call
Such a rifie-raffle to your Stygian hall?
Was it that you might beltch out a defie
In open. Court upon the Gods, 'cause they
Opening the casements of the spangl'd spheare
Lookt downe from heaven, and so discov'rd there
That mantled project, which you thought to keep
From them; no, no, The gods are not a sleep.
Or was it ▪cause that Albion baukt your ire
You'd curse us to a Purgatories fire?
Rather purchance you felt an hell within
Still glowing in each conscience, which the sin
Had newly kindled; and dispaire had blowd,
Till it to a consuming fire glowd.
And therefore you must thither poast to take
The refuge of your holy water-lake;
Sprinking your selfe with it, that you might tame
The fury of your selfe consuming flame.
Or wash your hands in it, and so might be
As innocent as Eden puritie.
Fondnesse! as if that niter could cleanse sinne,
Which may show faire without, when foule with­in.
Or else to blesse your selves from after losses,
Crossing your selves to keep your selves from cros­ses
Nor this nor that: you thought that rable crue
(Which in a Catholique bravado threw
[Page 46] There carelesse lives a way, that they might get
More Kingdomes to your Triple Coronet)
Were hang'd to Saints, & that their unjust doome
Was nothing but to suffer Martyrdome.
And therefore you'd be sure the fift day too
Should be as well an Holy-day to you.
Thus winged with a fault'ring zeale thy flye
Vnto their consecrated Friery
T'adore those new-made Saints, and gratulate
Their safe arrivall at the Eliz'an state.
And now to them, wh' alive were dead in feares,
Being dead, they pray to rid them of their cares.
Then by a gen'rall councell they agree
To celebrate their yearely memory,
Thus rob the yeare of dayes, that so they may
Give to each Saint his sev'rall Holy-day.
Or' cause they jointly suff'red as one member
They give an All-Saints-day unto November.
Fond zelots! you had better turne the page,
Convert your feasts into a pilgrimage.
Walke with repentant feete to forreigne Isles
Their sigh your selves to sadder syllables:
And ev'ry desert, that you softly tread
With naked pennance feete, let fall a Beade.
That so all passengers in after age
May count the paces of your pilgrimage.
[Page 47] [...]ut downe your Saints, that by their merits found
[...] new way up to heaven, above the ground.
[...]hose ropes will serve for cords to gird about
[...]our hairie loynes to doe your pennance out?
[...]r else preserve them, till you steale away
[...]he Poles, on which their head's march in array,
[...]hen send them o're, I'le warrant you they'l be
[...] choicer Relique for posteritie.
[...]ut whisper softly (muse) a while, you'le drive
[...]hose empty droanes out of their borrow'd hive.
You'l coole their hot divotion, put them out
Before their Ceremony's brought about.
You'l turne the Priest besides the cushion straight,
Make him scratch mem'ry from his balder pate.
Before h'hath found it, he will loose the text,
And scarce the first word out, forget the next.
You'le make the other from his palsie fist
Drop downe his wafer God-Emmanualist.
And then some sawcy dog will snatch it there,
And transubstantiate it, I know not where.
The third disturb'd, will sprinckle unawares
The Holy-water on the sacred sta'res.
Stand backe a while, keepe off, vengeance will come
And summon them to silence e're they've done.
Looke what that right hand speakes unto the wall,
See there imprinted fairely Babels fall.
[Page 48] The hand from heav'n hath charg'd the walls, th [...] th [...]
Withdraw their shoulders, and the walls obey.
Nay there stands Sampson, him whom they bega
With sulphur'd lungs to spitt their venome on,
And like the wanton Philistimes to play
Some pranks upon him on their holy-day.
But he the truer- Sampson verifi'd
What Typically t'other Sampson did.
He toucht the posts with a command, they fall
Striking all dead into one funerall.
Perchance they thought He was as blind as He,
But henceforth see, the eye of heaven can see.
A Video rideo smil'd on you before,
He saw you then how durst you tempt him more
But when the Asse, that falles into the pit
Will not take heede, Hee'l fall agin it it.
Who bolder then blind Bayard, who more blin [...]
Then such a sottish, stockish, rabble kind
Where ignorance doth murther zeale, a brat
As blind as their carv'd God, as cold as that?
But now by this I hope they've learnt to see
They strike at heaven, that aime at Majestie.
Proud Gygantaean race, leave off to move
In Martiall fight the unconquerd Gods above.
What? will you get 'gainst Iove your seiges lay?
And still before the walls of heaven display
Hells blacker banners, raise the siege at length,
Retrait, ne're stay to trye out strength with strength
[Page 49] You felt the weight of his immed'tate hand,
Who beck'ning only just at his command:
Destruct'on posted plum'd with Fury's wing
And stay'd not for a solemne summoning
By Gods owne pursevants which commonly
Doe use to be destruct'on's Mercury.
Fire or water, stormes, or darts of thunder,
These use to be his messengers of wonder.
Sometimes he post's to batle in array,
Wrapt in a whirlewind, fur'ous of delay.
Sometimes he rides upon a prouder wave
And thence he doth his stoutest foes outbrave.
Sometimes againe he marcheth through a cloud
Girt with a scarfe of light'ning, and aloud
[...]end's forth his watchword to the Cyclop's there
Who rank's the squadron's out, & keeps the reere)
Bidding them with as loud a voyce discharge
A volly of thunder, which may rend at large
The duskish mantle of the skyes, and make
[...]. passage through the clouds, that wrath may take
[...] freer Aime to shoote her vengeance right
[...]nd execute what he decree'd hath quite.
Now this, and this, now that's his messenger,
[...]et alwaies God hath not a harbinger.
[...]ometimes his hand doth smite without a sword,
[...]ometimes without an hand, he sends his word,
Whereof the softest accent is enough
[...]o rend the world if once sent out in wrath.
[Page 50] Then see (proud Rome) thy seeded villany,
That Majestie it selfe must deale with Thee.
Creatures those Proxie-searjants of the King,
Hee'le hardly trust at thy grand suffering.
To rid a way thy execution,
Hee'l be in presence there to see it done.
He might have rent the bowells of the earth,
That roaring Bor'as with his blust'ring breath,
And whirle wind-nostrills might rush forth, & cast
The Fabrick levell at one rendring blast.
He might have op't the treasury's of the ayre,
And sling'd his hayle downe, to untop it bare.
Thus made a way for thicker stormes to fall
And fling downe death on each in ev'ry ball.
He might have bidden Neptune call a way
His white plum'd hills to march in set aray.
And with his Trident-mace command each wave
To swell unto a tide, and thus out-brave
The proudest top that peirc't above the rest,
And swept thy building too a way at last.
He might have caus'd a showre of brimston fall
And rain'd downe flames of Gunpowder withall
Not to blow up it, but to burne downe all.
But neither fire did fall, nor water rise
Nor wind, nor storme joyn'd in this enterpize.
The word, that with a word did make all these
Without them, can doe when, and what he please
[Page 51] When he intends to make his glory ride
Tryumphant, shining with a sacred pride:
He lay's a side the meanes with his left hand,
And with his right doth, what he please, com­mand;
Then tremble Babylon to see thy fall,
Twas God himselfe was in the reeling wall.
He set himselfe to do't: that all might see
Twas his right arme that gate the victory.
His presence made the trembling stones to shake
[...] a quivering ague, and the rafters quake,
Till all their unknit joynts were loos'd, the wal [...]
Before his sacred presence downe did fall.
He charg'd the finewes of the house to shrinke▪
And bid the pinns unty, that all might sincke.
They heare his voyce, and at his voyce obey,
Thus thus the crumbling fabrick pines away.
What makes us then sigh prayers for Babels fal [...]
As if that Babylon ne're fell at all?
[...] fell, and sure the fall was great; it fell
[...]s if it had prepar'd away to hell;
[...]aking a passage with it's weight, to send
[...]hat rable rout unto their Styg'an end.
[...] fell, and in the fall below'd so loud,
[...]s if two rocks, falling at once, did crowd,
[...]ushing each others side, and strove which shall
[...]ccho the neighbouring hills the louder call.
[...] fell, and struck so, it could not more harme
[...]ad it beene hurled from a Cyclop's arme.
[Page 52] It fell but holloo'd out, so loud i'th' fall,
As if it would the dead, it kil'd, recall.
It fell; stop there! Lett's heare a while what Fome yeare
Can say unto this second Martyrdome.
Should they but pilfer out more dayes from th'
To cannonize for those that suffer'd there
They must create new Alma nacks, and make
Their next yeare longer for their Martyr's sake.
Or else joyne two Saints to make up one day
A sunkin, and a gimkin Holy-day.
Now plodding Rome, what have your pie-ball trick [...]
Gendred in plotting 'gainst the Heretic kes.
Goe, goe, divide the spoyle that is come in,
Wee'le cast up ours, and let them laugh that wi [...]
You thought to make us rise, by rising fall;
You fell at once, but never rise at all.
If we had fell, by falling we had rise
Hell's sometimes the high-way-roade to blisse.
Had you then rise, yet rising you had fell,
Heaven is sometimes the broadest way to hell.
You fell, we stand, heaven downward striks we s [...]
And hell aimes upwards; what's the mistery?
Is Rome's America plac'd in the Ayre,
Their new found Purgatory founded there?
That Pluto plot's such stratagems to guard
The English Catholiques up thither-ward.
'Tis so I see; their Purgatory's there;
I thought it was a Castle in the ayre.

The Corollary.

STrange birth! the Pope he is the Holy Father,
The Earth the Mother is, the Master rather.
Pluto the Grandsire, and the Deputyes
Not two or foure, but all the infernall fryes
Of Monk's, and Iesuit's, Priests, Masse Priests too
Intended are as witnesses unto
This Affrick birth; would you the midwife yet?
Faux was appointed to deliver it,
It was begot in Hell, conceiv'd in Rome,
And should have beene deliver'd here at home.
But England would not lend that life, which fell
To be a Mongrell betwixt Rome and and Hell.


OR The Historicall narra­tion of the damnable Pouder-Treason.

WITH The dayes Is for England's Mira­culous deliverance.


London, Printed by Frances Leach.


To the Iuditious Reader.

NOt biting Satyr, nor an hony stile
Dropt only from a Parasite I will.
A bitter sweet is good, wormewood in wine
Is to a Poet the best Hypocreene.
Thou art the Man uuto the man of Sinne
Is the Musit'ans hitting the right string.
Her's nothing whipt and stript but Babels Bratt,
Which long agoe hath beene condemn'd to that.
Thence all not bitter sweet, nor sweetnesse bitter
If you finde both, you will finde both together,
And so both mingled, both together shall,
Prove to bad stomackes a good Cordiall.
Be but judicious in thy censure then,
And if thou rellish gall dropt from the pen,
Conclude it is not hony, nor should be:
Or that thou bringest a sick taste with Thee.


THus have I seene Ambition's Min'on soare
To teach the towring Mount of cob­wed-fame,
Counting it Piety, t'imbrace in goare
His blood-renc't hands, so He may get a name.
Though He like Tantalus both live and dye:
Catch at the Apple, that doth most Him flye.
Thus that proud Impe, that thought to ware his glory▪
Before the fire of Diana's shrine,
And make his name blaze forth in his own story▪
Brighter then did the glowing Temple shine,
Must needs attempt that sacriledge to have
His name & Him joynt-tenants of one grave.
Thus have I knowne a Monke and Fryers pride
Iustle for th' wall of cruelty, and see
Which of them should prove better Regicide,
That they for Saints may canonized be.
Whil'st he that thinkes to blazon forth their glory,
Blots out their names in setting out their story
He that doth looke, from honour's hands to hav [...]
The Lawrell wreath, to crowne his works withal [...]
Must with the hands of virtue it receive
Virtue gives scutch'ons to a funerall.
Else he, that would be heire of Fame, shall be
Excecutor of nought, but Infamie.
If Icarus doe strive with borrow'd wings
To reach the Sun, and graple with his bride,
You'le see how soone his false Ambition flyngs
Him downe, and drownes his honour in the tyde
He that makes wings to flye to fame, shall see
Fame will be ready to take wing and flee.
What did proud Phaeton's ambitious minde
(In coveting his Father's reines to guide)
Provide him for a Trophye, did he finde
That was the rode, where Fame and glory ride?
No, Fame will ne're Ambition's yoake-mate b [...]
Hell must lend fire to light his infamie.
Then thinke no more (Proud Rome) of building stayres
That those may seale to heav'n, and Sainted be,
Who were chiefe agents for thy hell-affaires,
In plotting treason, and hid Tyranny.
Thou can'st not raise a Babell halfe so high:
Ne're think to top those walls, or come so nigh
But if thou will needs have thy factors ride
Full mounted on the Pegasus of Fame,
Wee'le helpe them up, a Pegasus provide,
But wing'd with infamy, and plum'd with shame.
Blacke deedes are Cronocled that they may be
Enrol'd for hatred, not for memory.
Then Historie fetch thy brazen penne, and send
For incke from blacker Acharon, that I
May (guided by thy hand) in brasse commend
Rom's Monster-Bratt to all posterity.
That sager Time, may point out Rome to see,
And make her blush, at her owne progeny.
* That dreaming Emperour, whose phancy prov'd
Truer then Phocas did, that did succeed,
Thought in his sleepe he slept, & death was mov'd
By th' murd'rous hands of Phocas to proceed.
Deames prove not alwaies night-mayres, coun­terfie
Murderes awake, when we least dreame of it.
This Phocas dranke ambition's Mercury,
Which kindled such a fire within his breast,
Nothing would quench his thirst, but Dignity,
Mauricius must die, and *all the rest.
Thus waded through his blood unto his throne
This pro [...]'d a dreame to him: the other none.
Once mounted to the high imperiall seate
Brim-full of Honour, honour must runne o're,
Let but th' Imposture Pope his consc'ence cheat [...]
With a full pardon, and quit murder's score
Phocas will ope a sluce, from which shall flee
Supremacy to swell the Bishops See.
'Twas he, was Rom's grand Patron, and fir [...]
The Triple Crowne to th' Papall dignity,
And that Rome might as horrid treasons have gav
He left his murthers for a legacy.
A cruell Monster must that honour be,
That's got of murder, and full Tyranie.
Rome proves his wil, and then makes hast to tak [...]
A full possession, next he seekes to find
Some cruell skulking Iesuite to make
Him treasurer of what was left behind:
Where warres doe nought, there treason mu [...] begin
So have I seen a scattered army lye
(The conqu'rer's strength soon conquered by slight
And yet the next day rise with victory,
Getting by forging, what they lost by flight.
Our foe may teach us how to winne the prize
By falling often times wee learne to rise.
The Iesuite makes much of what h'hath got,
Phocas his lcgacy shall not be spent,
And yet he will be prodigall; but not
Spend on the Principle, ▪tis his intent
To trade with Hell, and put it out to use,
That, which the Feinds return, shall feed abuse.
And well he hath improv'd what Phocas left:
For envy, Mallice full inveterate;
For murther, Murthers, mixt with skulking theft:
For Regicide, both King and kingdom's Fate:
To kill a king is petty treason, fit
For lay-murder, not a Iesuite.
Those poled Pates have quite impov'rish't hell,
And mate the Duke of darkenesse morgage all
His hidden plots to them, treason shall dwell
No more within Don Pluto's Stygian Hall,
All's fell to them, they'l turne the Feinds out quite,
And Hell shall be their owne before the night.
With jaws as wide, as the vast arch of heav'n
They gape for Kingdomes, royall blood's their draft
With treason's blacker feet they'r headlong driven
Murther is counted but on handy craft.
See all in this one plot, which though but one
Hath all in it, the other all are none.
WHen blest Eliza swai'd proud England▪s rod
And ballanc't in her hands the golden ball:
Peace sat by hir, laid downe her head to nod
Within her Princely lap, and there did fall.
Into a slumbring sweet-security.
Peace flyes not Scepters, but dread Tyranny
This quiet Empresse hardly could enjoy
The sweetnesse of that royall maiden bed.
But something would her present rest annoy,
And with a surly joy, divorce her Head.
Or treason's rage at home, or warr's abroad,
Kings must not alwaies look for peace aboad
But alwayes as Queene-Peace [...]awak't, she turn'd
Lending a glance to blest Eliza still,
And smiling on her Angell-face, shee burn'd,
And blusht, as if she long'd to speake her will.
But pluckt an Olive branch to give her still,
And so laid downe her head to sleepe her fil [...]
Then, then it was, that time look't young agin,
Wiping his hoary foretop from his eyes
He lookt, and thought the golden age had bin,
And deeming of himselfe in paradice,
Began to count his age, and scarce beleiv'd
(Seeing Eliza) he so long had liv'd.
The earth was watred with a milder dew,
Which peace did sprinkle from her fruitfull hand,
That Tellus in her sparkling coate did show,
As if sh'had on, that couler'd swadling band,
Which wrapt her infancy with var'ous wreaths
Like those which lovely May, for Phyllis weaves
The plough-men earlyer then the morne, did rise
Whistling Apollo's steeds to watering,
Whil'st with their chearefull notes, they did devise
How to divide the day with quavering,
Thus play themselves to worke, & then divide
The earth to furrowes, as the plough did glide.
They put Dame nature to the sword, and made
Her open wide her wombe, to lodge the graine,
The plow ne're knew the share, the earth no spade
But Mars did make away for Ceres traine.
New plow'd with swords, they beat their armor out
For horseshoes, or to plate their wheeles about
Neglected helmets then were cast away,
The spideres tooke them for their shops to weave
Their thinner-softer, Taffety, where they
Kept a continuall working-day with leave,
And made them monuments, that they might­ly
There, softly wrapt in their owne destiny.
The hoarser throates of Cannons bellow'd forth
Not for Bellona's sake to summon warre,
But when soe're they thund'red, 'twas the worth
Of some great triumph to be blowed farre:
And that about the world, did give the fire,
Or celebrate Eliza's crown'd desire.
The Taratant'ring sound was never heard,
Which when the horses e're once soopeth up,
It makes them mad for battaile, and unscar'd
He runnes at push of Pike, the flame doth fup
Into his fiery nostrills, till it come
Out of his mouth like to a seathing foame.
The drumme unbrac't lay speechlesse al the while
The flute had got a cold i'th' rusty throate:
Insteed of these we heard the Philomele
Sing to the Musick of the Lute her note.
Peace lay a sleepe under hir Olive tree,
Charm'd with the winged Quier's Lullaby.
Devotion in her whiter robe, more white
Then th' unborne Snow within her region,
Go's to the Altar with a soule more bright
Then th' spotlesse spotted Bride of heav'n, the moon
And there with holy-hands, and washed eyes
Offers her undisturbed sacrifice.
[...]straea keepe her state; both eyes doe see
[...]nd yet they both are blind: her eares both deafe
[...]nd yet both open too: she keeps a Key
[...]o lock out bribes, and open for reliefe
'Twas shee that lasht Erynnis out and then
Came peace & calm'd the troubled earth again
[...]ut night doth close the eyes of dying day;
[...] storme doth alwayes follow fairest weather
[...] never saw Proud Cynthia's aray
[...]imselfe in glory for a Month together,
But sometimes mourne, weepe in his Southern weeds
And glister sometimes in his Easterne beades.
[...]s constant is a Kingdom's fading state:
[...]ow Peace doth shine on it from open Spheare:
[...]nd then a Counter-warre doth change his fate
[...]rawing on it a gloomy cloud of Feare.
Fortune's Queene regent of all things below:
And Kingdoms, like the Moon, do ebb, & flow▪
[...]once Eliza shine so bright that she
[...]n Earth is like the Sunne in his owne spheare,
[...]arting forth Glory from her Majesty,
[...]nough to make the lesser Princes bleere;
The world will gather clouds to blind her too,
Least earth in glory should the heav'n outgrow.
Envy, which can't endure aequality
Ne're lookes at parallels, she aimeth higher.
An Eagle scornes to make her game a flye:
Let th' bramble take acquaintance with the bry
'Tis the tall Ivie, that growes above the rest,
Is shaken with the wind, and most opprest,
Mallice still layes her seige against that tower,
Where vertue keepes the doore, honour the ho [...]
One of them is not worth her mustred power.
A Cat doth scorne to play with a dead mouse.
'Tis cowardize to sticke one on the grou [...]
Who falls to earth, can be no lower found▪
Spayne, envy's mother, Mallice nurserie,
Squinting with both those eyes at her, that m [...]
This stripling Ile in strength the world outvie,
Building a walking wall, and fence to shade.
This little vine from forraigne foemen's stren [...]
Summons her forces, and invades at length.
Have not you seene the wood's greene God de [...]
Like a stout Amazon begirt with bays,
Marshalling all her troopes of Trees t' withstan [...] sta [...]
The insurrect'on of the wind, that playes
With them, & makes them seeme to march wi [...]
Whil'st others seeme to rise, and others fall.
[...]he placeth in the front the lofty Pine,
[...]he sturdy Cedar, with the Pine doth goe,
[...]nd then she calles the oake in his ball crine:
[...]hese march a breast t' withstand the strongest
And keepe out Aeolus from darting feare
At th' young Artillery, which march i'th' reare. blow
[...]st thus Spain's Coronell did march away
[...]efore that wandring wood, which danc't o'th
[...]s if that Orpheus had bin there to play,
[...]nd leade them, with his musick, captive slaves. waves,
The little ships about the great, did dance,
As maids of May, about the May-pole prance.
[...]ollicy joynes, with virtue, hands to helpe,
[...]he greater vessell rides before the lesse,
[...]hey set the Lyon for to guard the whelpe,
[...]hat's couchant, whilst the other rampant is▪
But all together seem'd so vaft, we thought
Neptune had in his fist, an Iland caught.
[...]he Captaine of each ship, Ambition:
[...]he Master, Pride: Envie, the Gunner was▪
[...]he Pilot, Ignorance her blinder sonne:
[...]he Sailers, prest from Charon's keele, did passe,
Over his ferry, and arriv'd at Spaine,
The Feinds were glad such pay to entertaine.
Their sailes did swell in hope of victory,
That made them bring so much of ware-house roo [...]
As if they meant the Iland should not lye;
But they would ship it over into Rome.
They rid so proudly all, as if they all
Were of the narrow Seas, joynt Admi rall.
They look't, when Neptune would give up his ma
And make them primate-lords of albion's court
They make no friends unto Bellona's pace
For warre munition, but to Pluto's host,
They send for scorpion-whips, as if they mea
To whip us from our Iland Tenement.
But mountaines do oft times bring forth a mou [...]
High towers weakely built the sooner dy [...]:
A Castle in the aire is not an house,
Conquest in Arras is no victoy.
Bold confidence will ne're prove armour stro [...]
Who stands upon his own leggs, stands not lo [...]
Heav'n from the ships discry'd each towring m [...]
And fear'd they went Ioves Pallace to invade:
For as the sailers climb'd the ropes with hast,
They seem▪d to saile heav'n's cristall wals, & ma [...]
A passage through the clouds to enter there,
And of her fpark'ling Diadems rob the sphear
[...]nd now the Gods began to count the warre
[...]heir owne, and joyn'd their forces with us too▪
[...]eav'n shootes a warning pen to end the jarre,
[...]r else to tell them theire a common foe.
Then muster'd up the sea▪s, and prest the wind
To joyne in battell; heav'n and earth combind.
Aeolus with a gast break's ope his denne,
[...]nd ragiug sailly'd forth to graspe each wave,
[...]hen with his wider throat call'd Neptune's men
[...]rom calme security, and made them rave.
The winds o're take winged ambition's flight,
Their I ride, a Prouder wave did swallow quit.
[...]ome hang on Neptune, fawning on his ceck,
[...]oping to bribe wit'h prayers their enimy,
He straight receives them with a foaming check,
Yet with his full embraces makes them dye.
Some drown'ed in drinking seas ne're see the land
Some feele the land, but sinck in drunken sands
Others before they're drown'd are drown'd in
And therefore flye to harder rocks for pitty,
The rocks do borrow brine to drop downe teares fears
That they may mourne for them, but lends no pit­ty.
Those, that enjoy'd the mercies of the seas,
Are cast away upon the rocky lays.
Some flye, and ferry o're the newes to Spaine,
Some yeeld, as glad to veiw our conquering Isl [...]
Though they dye Captives here in living paine [...]
Some sharke away by some preventing wile,
But all being conquer'd all together yeeld
To wind or warr, to rocks or England's sheil
Have you not seene how in th' Olympick game,
After the Conquerer hath wonne the prize;
The people raise the dust, to choake up fame:
Vnlesse she tell the world his enterprize.
One plucks from Daphnes head a lock of bay
Another tunes his victory in lays.
So lov'd Eliza came from Tillbury
Attended with her conquering loyall traine,
Led by the Gods, who did discend the skie
To leade her forth, and bring her back againe;
That tongue be silenced, which cannot keep
Her memory from an Endineion's sleepe.
Glad peace reviv'd, and decked with the spoyle,
That came from Spain's Armado, she did stand
At London's prouder gates, and with a smile
Welcom'd Eliza home, then kist her hand,
Who greiv'd, that peace had hurt her waiting eye [...]
Sate down, that she might rest upon her thighe [...]
[...]e slept, and for her former watchings tooke
[...]e licence of a longer graunted sleepe;
[...]iza reckning her, would often looke
[...]on her face, and still for joy did weepe.
[...]rinces love peace, & should their combates mea­sure
[...]o keepe their own, not get a forraigne treasure
[...]ace slept, but as she slept did often start,
[...]s if some dreame mudded her phancy still,
[...]nd in hir sleepe, she tooke Eliza's part,
[...]s if she had foreseene approaching ill
March towards her, & then within hersleeep
Shee'd prate Eliza's name, and closer creepe.
[...]t slept she, 'till amazement made her rise,
[...]hen in her sleepe she wak't, till Morpheus tooke
[...]r heavie shackles from her leaden eyes,
[...]rst op't her sluce of teares, and then awoke.
Eliza melting ask't what feinds opprest
Her start▪ing phancy, scar'd her from her rest.
[...]his Empresse with a milder voyce
[...]om Philomele, when she did prostrate lye, then came
[...]efore the bryer ravisht with the same)
[...]eplyed thus: (Heroick Royaltie)
I dreamt, and thought I saw Rom's Synod sett
In a close celler, full as darke as jett.
There sate sad envy with thin-chapt despaire,
Dull Ignorance, with superstition,
And nexr Erynnis with disheav'led haire
Like to uncombed Snakes: Devotion
The incestuous brood of blinder zeale, wa [...] ther [...]
Which turn'd the Synod like the wandring
Me thought I hear'd their councell deep as Hell spheare
They did decree to act on hidden sage,
Where treason Prolouge was, and sceane as wel [...]
And thus make England's Throne goe equipage.
With lower earth, and yet no eye should kno [...]
The hand that struck, nor yet the hidden blow
I saw the Feind, that drew the Tragick plot
With buried eyes, Lent-cheeks, in Less'us plight
I knew not what he was, a man or not,
But by his ball-pate seem'd a Iesuite.
Hell gave a Plaudit to the Tragaedy,
Which clapt mee from my sleepe security.
But Innocency straight came swing'd from Iove,
And bid Eliza shake off drooping feare:
The Gods of late did in their armour move
Fighting for her, and will they now forbeare:
No, no, the Dove shall fly with carelesse wing
And never feare the Co [...]hawkes to wreing.
Then Poast from heav'n Iov's cheifest Herald came
Mounted on Plumes pluckt from a Cherubin:
His coate was azure, spangled with the traine
Of Vesper's glittering-crue: which late was seene
About Orion, for he snatcht it thence,
As he came downe from Lov's high excellence.
Passing through Heav'ns rich wardrobe in his flight,
Where starres enamel'd round with blew appeare
He tooke a longer robe more bright then light,
But as he past the purer fierie Spheare,
Dipt in the Element his robe, did seeme
Like flaming Phabus yellow Saphton beame.
As he came downeward in his journey lower
He overtooke the gloomy hoast, that shrouds
Heav'ns face in darkenesse: Phaebus sent before
His beames to mixe a Rainebow in those clouds,
That he might take it for a scarfe, and tye
About his arme, in signe of Victorie.
Next as he cut the lower Region,
His wings struck Musick in the airy Spheare,
[...]hen all the feather'd Queristers began
[...]nd strove, to raise a consort with him there,
Thus plaid heav'ns herald w th their musiek down
Directing him the way to Albion's Crowne.
Arriv'd at length with loyall feet, he goes
(Faith and good [...]speede are wings for Mercury)
Vnto Eliza's Court, there to disclose
His whole Ambassage from Iov's Majestie.
Eliza dranke the newes: appoynts a day
To heare, what Iav's Ambassadour shall say.
And now her busie soule is full possest,
Wrapt in the deepest robes of richest glory,
Shee 'dornes her selfe, against Iove prooves a gues
That with a reall acted fuller story
Of brighter Majestie, she might receive
Old Atlas Nephew, and more luster give.
Thus have I seene the lovely Nymphs trip 'ore
The Mountaines from Pactolus sand,
Laden with all the treasure they there store,
All following Hymen at his first command.
Then round about the lovely bride they g [...]
To crowne hor, with a wedding Coronet:
One doth unfold her richer lap, a shop,
Where Corall, Christall, Amber, Rubye shine,
Another takes them from her Indy-lap,
And doth them into cunning bracelets Coine,
Placing them with such art to such a twist
That evry one lends glory to the rest.
One curles her tresses with rich Diadems,
Another sends a pendent to her eares,
Hir neck, one bindeth with a lace of Gemmes,
A fourth to deck her robes the glittering Spheares
But on Diana's carefull breast there be
An Onyx, friend to purer Chastity.
Thus Amphetrite met her bride-groome going
Deckt with those Diadems fond Neptune sent
As tokens to her; when He went a woing:
Thus girt with luster, Goddesse Iuno went,
When first she came in all her wedding state
With open lap high Iove to recreate.
But brave Eliza's glory did not shine
[...]om her owne Spheare alone, she round about
[...]as circled with a luster more divine,
[...]hen that of Sols, which doth the Starres put out.
Thus Cynthia have I seene Queene-Regent ride
Whil'st all her court of stars shine by his side.
[...]e sister Graces were her virgin-maides
[...] honour, clad with full variety,
[...]ee did for them with chast Diana trade
[...]ho spunne a thread of flaxen purity.
Then wove it into roules more white then white▪
And broyder'd them, about with various light.
Thinks earth, I feare her troopes by land▪ or sea
Thinks Heav'n tho Cyclops battaile I doe feare?
My forces are as strong as both can be,
I care not for those claps, that mock the ayre.
Iov's thunder will but drown our bellowing noi [...]
His flashings will bnt light our dark'ned joye [...]
You, you are our beloved; we repose
Great confidence in Rome: and with full joy
Wee'l lay our Scepters at your fee [...], depose
And pawne our Kingdomes for you to annoy
Those that disturbe your peace: Tis you defen [...]
Our right, and we will ours to you intend.
Thus said (Deare Empresse, dearer to the Gods
Then Rome to bell) theire Legate sallyed forth,
And riding with the wind, did get the ods,
He poasted on so fast to tell the worth
Of his Ambassage to his Lord from hell,
And greet his Highnesse from th' infernall c [...]
Gladnesse now plumps their veines, their bones are fraugh
With marrow's fatnesse: Bacchus runnes so free
He with his staggering feet light Venus caugh
The stews keept open house: and patents flee
With a new licence from the Pop's broad-sea
To admit all, to that she common-weale.
Have you not heard how proud Darius steed,
With open neighings did his Lord proclame
King regent, just as if he meant indeed
To show in his new kind of laughing straine
How glad he was that day to celebrate
Which chose him Iennet for his riders state.
[...]hen at the horses suffrage all the rest
With shouting give their voyces to the King,
As if they would joyne triumph with the beast
To guil'd the day with making up the thing
One throwes into the aire his frolick cap,
That it may dally in her wanton lap.
Another from his purse dilated wide
As his free heart, let's flye a mint of gold
[...]hat the poore commons there, may see him ride
[...]ull mounted on his horse in printed mold.
Whil'st every cottage brings it's fagget mite
To eake the day with a lent bonfiers light.
[...]ust thus the Romane crew
[...]ere prickt up with the Message Hell return'd after their eares
[...]rom their God Pluto's darker-clouded spheares)
[...]ith joy begun to rage with envy burn'd.
Their hearts runne o're their hogs head found a vent,
[...]ith brimfil'd hearts, and full cups not content.
Now their exchange is tost with no discourse,
Bur who shall be installed Monarch here,
Who Prince of Wales, and who in royall cour [...]
Shall orderly succeed each royall Peere?
What Iesuite or Bellarmine shall be
In Canterburies Arch-ship, or Yorke See.
With what a couching plott, and hidden bate
They'd catch the Realme: nay England is their own [...]
To their Infernall King it's confiscate
They'd only come to take possession,
Not [...]or to fight or conquer) and they'l bring
Nothing but Peter's Keys to make them King
But is Iove deafe, because he hath no care,
Or blind because no eye to see withall.
The waking eye, to which all things appeare;
The open eare, in which each thing doth fall,
Saw what he heard, and heard what he did s [...]
The eye, and eare in God's his Diery.
Seeing what envy had conceiv'd in Rome,
Hearing what treason whispered in the dark,
The God into their councels-chamber come
Zealous to fence this swimming Iland barke,
Opening the booke of life, they cast up th [...]
Eliza's vertues Chronocl'd in heaven.
[...]nd thus Conclude: what shall Eliza be
[...]o loyall to the Gods, so true to men,
[...]aith's sheild in making Faith her sheild, shall we
[...]rowne her to stand and fight for truth, and then
Suffer Rebellion from our common foes
To Snatch both Crowne from her, and truth depose?
[...]o, no, Eliza is to us more deare:
[...]ur truth's as deare to her: we will defend
[...]he Faith's defender from all forraigne feare
[...]et us to her a love-ambassage send.
Goe Mercury, said they, to Albion's Throne
Vnfold Heaven's secrets unto her alone.
[...]nd now (dread Queene) know thus much, all was true
[...]hat fell from heaven in that prophetiek dreame,
[...]hich grace unfolded in his sleepe to you,
[...]he boyling fury of your foes did steeme
Into a fog, and all the heaven's or'e spread,
But by Ioves brighter shine 'tis scattered.
[...]he Gods have lent you as their choicest gemme
[...]om heavens rich cabanet to England▪s front,
[...]hat you might shine within that Diadem,
[...]nd quite blinde Envy as shee looks apon't.
Spain Sees, & covers, fame would steale it thence
That England's faith might loose her reverence.
But at Ioves councell-table 'tis decreed,
The world no longer shall this gemme retaine,
'Twas onely taken from the richer breed
To show the world and put it up againe.
Iewells of richer prize are not long worne;
Virtues unto more crownes then one is borne
Kings have their change of robes: Eliza shall
Have change of crownes, and royall Scepters to
If earth won't suffer her to shine at all
In her unborrowed brightnesse here below,
The Gods will place her as a fixed starre
Shooting forth glory from a richer spheare.
No (blest Eliza) Rome shan't circumvent
With buried treason or coucht pollicie
Thy Majesty or state at Parliament;
The Gods decree Eliza first shall dye
They all are set in Parliament above,
Unto the upper honse thou must remove.
At their late Synod thou wert chose to be
With the ioynt sufrage of that royall house
One of Ioves privy-councellers, that he
His royall secrets might to. The disclose,
Heav'n hath prepar'd a crowne, that thou ma [...] reign
Among the Gods to judge both Rome & Spa [...]
[...]his measur'd out the length of heaven's decree;
[...]his was Ioves A [...]iassye in full gommission.
[...] humble pride [...] the Queene as shee
[...]eceiv'd the news [...] renew'd condition,
And straight shee▪s sick of love, sick to enjoy
Her chang, her crown, her all, then dye for ioy.
[...]ut first before death did divorce her soule.
[...]r heav'n espouse it to another bridegroome.
[...]s peace did by the love-sick bed condole
[...]er dying Patron in the fainting Roome;
[...] Eliza turning but her eye (her eye
Through which death looked out with maiesty.)
[...]id there espy her ancient servant peace,
[...]bout to dye for griefe, as if she'd faine
[...]oe with Eliza to the grave, de [...]case
[...]liza dead, and with her still remaine.
Shee saw her, and then said I must leave thee
Unto my kingdome as a legacy▪
[...]ake from my fainting head this fading Crowne
That I may lay mine honour in the dust)
[...]hen from thy facred hand present renowne
[...]nto our dearest Iames, whilst you intrust
His honor'd temples with our Diadem,
And with thy presence still attend on him.
With this Eliza ended: For her soule
(As if it meant to goe along with peace)
Departed flying to the highesti Pole
Translated to a crowne of [...]liffe, and case
Death opened wide a gate of life to her
That she through Death might scape both dea [...] & fear
Have not you seene a palsie feare possesse
The guilty Traitor, as he dying stands
In expectation of a Death that guesse
Made over to him from the Iudges hands,
Feare making suite to death, that standeth by
Death bring a Pardon, that he may not die.
Iust thus when Rome and Spaine rid circvite­jud
Of lise and Death on Englands Soveraigne,
Both brib'd to falsehood by a festred grudge
Shee sentenc'd was to dye, but all in vaine
Iove sends his privy seale the death, and he
Brings her a parden, that shee may not dye.
Shee dyes; yet dyes not, dying doth escape
Thy tyranny, which hov'ring o're did move
Vpon death's borrowed wings, to make a rape
With fastned tallys on this virgin dove.
Iove takes Her from his Crowne, that so her Crow [...]
May not be tooke from her, e're she go down
[...]nd now Eliza's dead; who did bequeath
[...]ir virtues as a royall shrine to Crowne
[...]uceeding Iames with a true noble wreath,
[...]ommending peace to him as Guardion.
All shined in him with so full a blisse,
As if her soule had beene espous'd to his
[...]nd these had bin her portion: Can you tell
What was full Regent in her royall breast,
Which was not in our Solomon as well
Say what in her, and that in him was best,
As if that nature kept her mol'd to fash
Him after her in each proportion.
[...]nd so this Peere did reigne, that had not shee
[...]rst swayd the Scepter with so full a grace
Thad bin a sin to thinke that sex could be
[...]o Masculine to keepe him equall p [...]ce
But Iove did disinherit all their Kin
To make this woman, and this Masculine.
[...]haebus can doe no more then call the day,
[...]nd Phebe lesse, shee can but guild the night,
[...]or he can lend the night an helping ray,
[...]or Shee put out to use a minut's light.
Night gives to day, and day to night the way
But these maintained still a constant day.
As soone as blest Eliza did goe downe.
Iames rise with glory on our Hemi-spheare.
Thus Scepters yeeld to Scepters, crowne to crow [...]
In constancy is always constant here
Kingdomes like Ianus have a double face;
They look on both sides with an equall grac
Have you not seene the ray enous Lyon run
With roaring stomack for to seek a prey,
Snuffling the until'd forrest once begun
With hunger-biting nose to finde the way
Rending the aire now, with a thundring throa [...]
Then bounding o're the Hills, bequeath's a no [...]
Of terror to the trembling vallie by,
Where innocency shroud's it selfe for feare
Among the little lambs, that there doe lye
And frightned often doe their food forbeare,
Then when in hot pur suite sh'hath lost the da
Shee follows night more eager for a prey.
Thus, thus the Lyon of the infernall tribe
Out run Eliza's dayes in hot careere,
Thinking his ya wning stomack thus to bribe
By making her a prey; and faine would tare
Her selfe and throane in sunder, till they be
Made Morsells for his whelpish pedegree.
[...]nd then once loosing his desired prey,
[...]is cheated stomack barks with hotter rage:
[...]ow nothing will goe downe, but Majesty
[...]e rounds the Iland to renew his age
With some well married prey, at length he saw
Another game provided for his paw.
[...]he buṙied Embers of that ash-heapt treason,
Which lay like quenched coales in sawdust hid,
[...]ome rakes up with the hand of blinded reason
[...]nd blows them with false zeale, untill they breed
With hatching heate a treason, which may be
A plot-forme unto all cōnspiracy.
What though proud England lately lost her head
The crowne hath luster still: the right hand's gone,
But where's the Scepter though? Eliza's dead,
But Iames is from her Phaenix-ashes sprung
Starrs rise & fall; the clouds are low and high
Princes decease, but kingdomes never dye,
The crowne is placed on a sager Head
Shining in golden Fleece: From thence will spring
More rays of wisdom: deep fetcht councel's breed
And nimble pollicy where reignes a King.
A stronger arme the Scepter now doth sway,
A woman's but a warrier for a day
Yet stout Eliza like a Gyant rose
And with an heart hoopt in, with valour stoo [...]
At Tillburie our forces to appose
And scattered like the wind th' Armade wood
But now we meet both strength & wisedom [...] doo [...]
Pollicy may, but both must overcome.
If once their Queene was such a whip to Spain tam
Their King will be a Scorpion: was shee
Rom's feare? hee'l make Hell shake and Pluto
Strength must not guide the sterne, but Pollicy
Close wrapt in treasons must sit there, if w [...]
Or hope to get, or get the victory.
And now that treason, which did seeme to sleep
And slept, Eliza sleeping; they awake.
The Goaler-Iesuite, which her did keepe
Close Prisoner in his dungeon, now must take
The fetters from her, let her loose, that shee
May range about, and sit on Majesty.
Thus have I seen foul guilt, and sad despaire
Making the Malefactor guilty cry,
And after they condemned Him to feare
Forced the Iudge to sentence him to dye,
And yet at length hath sue'd his pardon too,
Which graunted, he more villanous doth gro [...]
What though the treason slept, the Traitors still
[...]ept scouting eyes, & watchfull heads from fleep:
[...]asting so long from villany, they will
[...]reake up their Lent, a cruell Easter keepe.
And murther innocency, that they may
Really cellebrate that Holy-day,
When slight and strength doe in a Duell fight,
[...]rength seemes the conquerer, flight feares that day
[...]o takes her heeles, & with a Parthian flight,
[...]ee kills her foe by running thus away;
So have I seen a Ram retreate, that he
With stronger hornes may butt his enemie,
[...]he aged hoary Winter now had seen
[...]ummer thrice wrapped in her winding sheetes,
[...]hree races Phaebus with his steedes did winne
[...]ut running the fierce Lion at three sweats,
That he was faine to get the crab to pace
His horses back, as he came from the race.
[...]nd all this while hid treason buried lay,
[...]nd never knew a resurrection;
[...]t length Rome thinkes to call a judgement day
[...]nd summon Iames to know his censur'd doome.
A Spanish twigg shall strike the Poppys head.
The royall seed be sowen in Romish bed.
The Heroick top-bow of that noble stemme
Shall wither at the root, the branches fall.
The twiggs stript off, shall grafted be on them
That grow in Rome, till fruit sprout forth like g [...]
Fed from the sop that fats the Iesl [...]ite
Forgetting all the former nurture quite.
They'l reigne o're them that reigne or not at a [...]
They'l have more crown's then one or els have no [...]
Lets tripling trees for them or rise or fall;
They'l aime at Cedars or let all alone
They weigh not London's mace, that pretty staff
They'l write at once all Englands Epitaph.
At length the Gates of Darknesse open wide
Through which Hell's Ministers doe sally out
Though night-shades, sainted Devills, very pri [...]
Those putrid poasts with false zeale gilt about,
With them their arch-ringleeder Iesuite,
Who vows allegeance to the Prince of migh
He like his predicessor Iudas well
Comes compas't round with his riffe-raf [...]e rout,
The excrement of earth, the scumme of Hell;
Who er'e hath brawny hands, hearts steel'd abo [...]
For rapes, for murthers, and new cruelty
Are his assistants in this villany.
1 [...]1
[...]n Euglish seed, which with rebellious lungs
[...]pit venome in their mothers face, and then
[...]un o're to Rome, & their bound heart & tongues
[...]o serve Aprentiship, sent o're againe:
At home they toyle in journey worke for Spaine,
[...]'entrap both mother, and her Soveraigne.
[...]his done, He calls them round about t' unclose
His sealed heart: But first he makes them sweare
That none shall prove a comment to their foes
On this obscurer text: That all should feare
Th' unmanlike forfet of fidelity
If they intend to feed on Majestie.
Before he doth unlock his mind, hee'l first
[...]ast bolt it too, aud barre it with an oath:
[...]reason's companions are guilt, Feare, mistrust:
[...] telling it to tell it he is loath:
And yet hee'l tell it blabbing guilt alone
[...]irst feares himselfe, then her companion
[...]e brings the booke of life that they may seale
[...]eaths warrant with it: they straight with a kisse
[...]o close both heart and lipps, that neither tell
[...]he secreacy, that now deliver'd is
Thus making Heav'n subscribe to Hell in sinne,
And seale the bond that they are all bound in
After wi [...]h sacrilegious hands he steels
The Priests blood wine, and gives the Laitye;
They kisse the cup, and with a kisse each seales
His closest heart to keep this secrecy
Thus life to Death just transubstantiating
Whil'st they in one cup life and death suck i [...]
And now they stand prest vassells at the nod
Of Pluto to exact what e're he will,
He must serve Hell, that will not serve his God;
One servant cannot have two masters still
Their Captaine Iesuite conducts the way,
They lead by that false fire goe astray.
Thus, thus those Hell combined Feinds doe mee
To satisfie blood thirsty appetite.
They march like threatning Comets through [...]
Which once appearing to th' amazed fight
Presage some bloody deluge or the Fate
Of Majestie or overthrow of state
At length their greedy feet o'retake the place
(Revenge doth seldome creep, but poasts awa
That place where treason stood to end the race▪
And did for them in expectation stay.
With death presaging engines that did show
Their foes had not a guard for such a blo [...]
[...]th▪ English Troy-novant they pitcht the treason;
That royall seate, which beares the mother name,
England's Pernassus, where diviner reason
Hath built her Throne, and honour rais'd her fame
The City, which this day hath Europe set
Above her sisters in full glory dight.
[...]hat, which commands the Indys, France, & Spain
[...]tripping them all of all their choicest treasures
[...]f wine and Spices, of the golden chaine,
[...]nd yet to all the world her bounty measures.
Feeding the hungry with a belly full:
The naked cloathing with her nappy woo [...]
[...]l countrys worship Her, strive, and which shall
[...]esent her with the richest offering;
[...]rabia comes with her perfumed ball
[...]nd gives it her as to the fairest Queene:
Hydaspes flatters her with Odours too
Striving Arabia's sweetnesse to outgoe
[...]aine drinks to her, and then send o're the cup
[...]at she may pledge her in the selfe same grape;
[...]e Parthians richer Diadems put up,
[...]d come to her, with a rich laden lap.
Ʋirgeinia sends Her that diviner weed,
Which had Iove tasted, he would begge the seede
Her streets no stree [...]s but pleasant gardens are
Where little Hyacinth that lovely boy
Sports up and downe with young Narcissus faire
Tell me what is not there for Palate joy?
First fruits are duely paid to her, as if
Shee were Queene mother, of all Cities chief
There you shall see the bloodbright cherry gro
With blushing ripenesse, e're Dame nature can
Couler her sister's paler-cheekes, which grow
In other places, with a faintish wan
The unprest wine full bottel'd you may se [...]
In forward bunches, tempting of yonr eye
Their various flowers dresse the rising spring,
As she hath new got up, and make her show
So glorious with her frequent varying,
That Iuno's bird being by would seeme a crow
Nay forward Hiblas top may well confesse;
To that, shee's but a wild spread wildernesse
Tell me (Brave Citizen) if e're the day
Got up, Arabia did not call on thee:
If whil'st on tender downe each member lay
Thy bed seem'd not a Phoenix-nest to thee:
Thence from that gather'd garden did aris [...]
Such odours for thy morning sacrifice.
There planted is within her fruitfull wall
The tree of life, which spreads faire branches o're
Her confines, and with fatnesse feeds them all;
Their sprouts the tree of knowledg more & more,
No worme, nor canker in the apple is:
'Tis not a garden, but a paradise.
Close by Her swelling Thamasis doth glide
Fencing it with a snakelike twinning wall:
Neptune doth every day come downe the tyde
And brings his Bride to see those stately halls
who veiwing them amaz'd such state to see
Sincks downe into an ebb, and back doth flee.
[...]ust on her smelling breast a Towne doth floate,
The arched bridge [...] thickset double row
Of houses hedge it, through it boates doe shoote
As swift as arrows from the Parthian bow.
With whose vast weight the river's prest so soare
'Tis forc't with louder murmurings to roare
Beyond it you may see along her side
That monument of grace antiquity,
Londons chiefe fort, the towning towers Pride:
Where Mars, and his munition prisoners lye:
Till peace disturbed by her foes put in
Sufficient bale to fetch them out againe.
Next neighbour to it stands oth sandy mold
That house, which with her dayly customes fils
Th' excheqnor with refined fleece of gold
Richer then Iason brought from Causa's hills,
Thither the Indian ships their riches bring
Vnloading yearely tribute to their King.
Where Thamisis is broader set below
Running in deeper waves with lesser noise,
There you may see a navy proudly goe
Whilst full mouth'd Zephjrus their sailes doth hoise
Thamis is London wall: the ships are all
The watchmen, London sets to keepe the wall
Some lye returned from their two yeares race
And bring the prize with them which they did
By tilting with their Masts, running apace
At th' golden line to cut the Ecliptique string. winne
Some overcharg'd with wine begin to recle▪
But some discorging it they save the keele
Some after they the fowler feas do scower
Licking his slimy filth on either side,
Rerurne with crazy ribs, beat with the power
Of thunder tempests, and a raging tyde
And there all furr'd with grasse in harbour lye▪
That they may cure their green-fick mala dye▪
Whilst others round about them sporting play
Not troubled with that lazy sloath defease)
[...]amaskt about their decks with glittering ray
[...]atched with beauty like Ioves cristall lays,
Sounding the trump to welcome Thetis down
Whil'st she conveys the Eccho to the towne.
[...]ut on, and see that wooden Gyant rise
[...]ith such a Monster crest, and threatning front
[...]ou'd thinke hee'd wage new warrs against the skyes
[...]nd like the Gyant race soone set upon't
A ship so vast as if ten woods had beene
Cut downe to build it, when they did begin.
[...] ship, enough even of it selfe to make
[...] navy, and hold stoutly out in play
[...]ith an Armado: had it bin oth' lake
[...]ith it, alone 't had frighted them away.
When once it plowes the feas, [...] ▪le boldly say
Neptune will dive that he may give it way.
[...] pallace fit for Majesty where he
[...]ay keepe his court, and did he deeme it meet
[...]ight ride a progresse in it: should it be
[...]sieged, with an hoast, till all their mea [...]e
Provided were devoured, they might plant
Plough, sowe within it to supply their want.
Bnt yet come back againe, and with the tide
Recover London bridge, that you may passe
(Whilst on a smoother wave you thorough glide
With safety on the equall tract of glasse,
Then feast your eyes on each side by the way,
Veiwing those frames, that cast so bright aray
Leading to that, from whence Apollo spake
In Englands Oracle, renowned Iames;
Where once that Prelate Monarch Woolsie took
His Primate dignities, those swelling names,
Which flow'd, and ebb'd at last like th' Emble [...]
That rise, and fell so oft by's pallace side.
White-Hall, where he once sate upon a Throne
Without a Crowne, and kept a Court, as if
His king were Prelate, and he King alone
Swaying both King and Scepter; till his life
Proclaim'd him Traitor, and his Pride prov'd s [...]
Not lifting him so high, as't left him low.
On either side faire Fabricks beautified
With Dedall cunning border it about:
On this the Minster mounts her facred head,
Where Britaines Kings in Christned pomp go o [...]
Being then first crown'd with the Diadem
After dead Caesar yeeldeth up his stemme
There lyes the royall dust, and quiet bones
Of all our Henries, the Marble their
Weeps o're our famous Edwards and bemoanes
Eliza's urne, paying a tribute teare
To her dead Soveraigne; till all the store
Quite spent, it drys to stone, and weeps no more
On that side stands a Frame whose prouder spires
(Guilt on there crests with a deep Saphron beame)
Doe court the clouds, and kisse Ioves taper fires
Goe equipage with Heaven. and often seeme
To lend themselves to Atlas, while they beare
(To ease Him) on their tops the moving spheare
A goodly Hall, which dares vye statelinesse
With all the patterns of our former dayes,
Brazen Colossus, tall Pyramides,
The Ephesian temple shrin'd about with bays.
That high-fam'd structure, & that polisht frame
Founded, and finished by th' Assyrian dame
A well knit unity this house divide
[...]nto an upper, and a lower region,
[...]o planets in their severall spheares abide
[...]et keepe a constant and united motion
The King like Titan from his flaming crest
Sparkles his mutuall glory to the rest.
With him, the Pawne of England's hopes, those twiggs
That sprouted from the aged royal Sire,
Shrin'k, as if Phaebus lent them pery wiggs;
Budding forth glory, which was blowen there
To fuller bightnesse, sitting next the King,
Like Ʋenus next Sol more light borrowing.
With him, those two tops of Pernassus Hill,
Those tapers, which upon our altars stand
The two Arch Prelates, who with luster fill
The senate; luster, which poore oile maintain'd
Sincerer wisedome shin'd in them so bright,
Like th' greater put-out honours lesser light.
With him, the rest of Brittain's noble traine
Those scarlet troopes, that shine in royall blood
Array'd in spotted Furres, richer then can
Be dapple dyed in Assyrian flood.
Glittering in brisker gemms then e're was set
On best of Parthian King or Coronet.
With him, the Iudges all in cloath of goare
To Embleme that they sit on guilty blood;
Vnbrib'd Astraea beares the sword before,
They must not strike till justice thinke it good,
And draw the sword: She guides both blade and hand
Iudges condemne, but 'tis at her command.
[...]ll these with full united glory meet
[...]ike tapers mingled lights, which stronger shine [...]
[...]he trumpets Eccho triumphs to the street
[...]s they ride on with majesty divine.
The thronged commons twist their votes 'ith reare
Teaching the birds to sing an Ave there.
[...]hey're ready now to mount that judgement hall
[...]here Iustice sword stands bare, her ballance e­ven
[...]ce shink▪ her head, & Impudence looks pale
[...]aring Astraea is come downe from Heaven
[...]here stands Romes whipping post; the Iefuite
[...]lucks in his horns, & thinkes of couching slight.
[...]ow prayers Elysinm seale with winged flight,
[...]natius cannot rest within his grave
[...]ey howle such votes to that grand Iesuite,
[...]ith prayers both whipt and stript his aide they crave
At length the Devill doth a plot infuse
And they sing Hymnes unto Ig [...]atius.
[...]nder that stately house sly cellars creepe
[...]o adders under fairer flowe [...]s sh [...]ou'd)
[...]ere Bacchus doth in drov [...]sie hogsheads sleep,
[...]enus there his bottel-nose doth crow'd
Night spreads her sable wings in dismall fort
Over the vault, and keeps continuall court.
Pluto that treason-Patron from deepe Hell
Seing the Caverne with convenience set
So nigh his confines; and so apt a cell
To further their designe, he doth them greet
With larger summes from his owne treasury
To Stock the treason, and the cellar buy.
Then summons all ▪pon paine of Hel's displea su [...]
To midnight silence, whilst with equall dole
He doth his royall charge to each deliver,
Which did from him like louder thunder role.
They shiver all in cold amazement, while
They heare the thing, and yet they do it toyle.
Tis thus (Heroick soules, our royall breed,
Borne for no meane disignes) let crackling bays
Whize out their slender fame, who onely bleed
In an Armado, that's not worth our praise
Wee'l build our Trophys on a Kingdom's rui [...]
Or wee'l have none: The iron's hot, be doin [...]
Tis red for striking▪ Opportunity
Iust now hangs out her bush, catch hold on tha
Or else occasion's gone, sh'ath wings to flye:
If once the Synod rise, Time shows his pate,
Then fasten on his lock, and make him stay
To see and Chronicle November's day,
Iust when that furnish't fabrick shall begin
To swell with Pride, because in her the flower
Of drest nobility is compast in,
When Majestie sits under her spread bower,
Shining like Phebe in the azur plaine
Amids bespangled Uesper's glittering traine.
When every state is plact, beginne your play,
Strait draw the curtaine from the Tragick s [...]eane,
Let hell appeare in her owne shape that day;
And let destruction sally forth unseene
When th' King with sugred speech is charming al [...]
Send him a plaud it from th' infernall Hall.
Then bullet up from that munition'd cell
Thy splintred barres, & broken rocks to teare
The prouder walles in sunder, let all feele
What sands the bankes of Acharon doe beare.
Blow up the bottoms of their towers to heav'n
Levell their prouder top with Tellus even.
Each haves his charge, all like the baite so well,
They chew upon it with a full delight:
Thrice watery stomachs long, untill they fill
Themselves with Majestie, they long for might.
Hope claps them on the back, & cheeres them so
They feare not, care not what they undergoe.
Have not you seene how aged summer casts
His shedding haire by handfulls from her head;
Her leaves tost up and downe by Autumn's blasts
Fall in full shoales till earth be covered:
Iust so in swarmes Hell's Harbingers doe fly
Sent to take up this shop of cruelty.
And now as soone as night gave day the fall
They creepe into that caverne vaulted deepe,
But yet, not nigh enough to Pluto's Hall,
Where they they their engines & munition keepe
They must delve deeper yet, 'tis their intent
To borrow Ʋulcan's forging tenement.
With spades, and mattock forces they goe down
Like Hannabal they'l finde or make away;
They then besiege earth's closed dungeon
And carve out trenches in the mangled clay.
Break through resisting rocks, teare up the ground
The rivers trembling back at th' noyse resound.
With beamy-yron-rowes they sticke the heart
Of Mother earth, that neigbouring Thamis grew
Sill to have shaking fits as day did part,
The earth so quak't with a quotidian ague.
They dig'd so farre Pluto was faine to [...]nd,
(Fearing an undermine) to bid them end,
[...]nd now they are within Hell's liberties
[...]rrived close at black Cocytus layes
[...]hey heare strong neighings, which do mock the skys,
[...]hundring from steeds, that on Cocytus gaze.
They like the Omen, and petitiones make
That they that harnest teeme from Hell may take
[...]ell grants commission, that they may unteather
[...]he Stygian brood, and knock their fetters off,
[...]he coale-blacke double brace come up together
[...]urvetting over Aetna's hilly roofe.
All hooft with thunder, prancing as they came
They make each flint with lightning flashes flame
Aethon throwes mist into the thickned ayre
[...]om furnace-lungs breathing forth Sulphure fogs
[...]icteus with bushy taile doth sweepe it cleare,
[...]ill it all lyes on earth in scummy bogges.
Orphaeus staring eyes with fire glow.
And in the ayre like kindled Meteors show.
[...]lastor like swift Pegasus doth flee,
[...]is wings deepe dipped in the Stygian booke
[...]oe drop downe clouds of darkenesse, which doe
[...]he Ile in sable black, & makes her looke,
As if sh'ad bought her mourning, which she went dye
To hang on England's funerall monument.
Treason's wide warehouse now prepar'd, they yoa [...]
This blackbread broode unto Hells midnight [...]a [...]
Whose axletree well loaded 'gins to croake
Like death's Ambassadour, as Ravens jarre
In untun'd harmony, and croaking tole
A passing bell for some departing soule▪
Full stuff't out barrells presse the groaning wain
Whose rising wombs, and empty nerves are fill'
With black blue Peter, that [...]nkindled gaine,
Which is through Stygian salted sand distill'd.
A little seede scattered on Erebus,
And there to dryer mould, was parched thu [...]
The fiery horses draw this loade of sinne,
With staring maines, and racked joynts so long
Till foaming sweat doth dapple their black skin
And quite weare out the carmans whipping thon [...]
At length th'unload the wain, that they may loa [...]
Bacchus, whil's they with these his barrels crou [...]
Thus adding fire to that tinder-fuell,
They strive to lick up with this dryer dust
That oylie liquor: faine would make a duell,
Whilst these, at those wel marshall'd barrels thru [...]
But straight conclude their private quarrell so
That they joyne forces 'ganst a common [...]oe.
[...]nd now the Horses draw with easer thighes,
Wantoning back to hell with frisking limbs
[...]pitting forth boyling foame abroad, which flyes
[...]rom their unruly chaps in hizzing hymnes.
Quench in the colder ayre like cinders bright
Which in the water hizzing, quench their light.
[...]hey feed on provinder of Stygian graines,
While Sterops and Pyracmon are at jarrs
[...]nd sweat in blood of yellow S [...]ythians,
[...]triving who shall beate forth more Iron barrs.
Great store of sturdy Thracian Iron's sent
To forge at Ʋulcan's furnace-tenement.
With this large minerall the second time
[...]hey loade the cart, and weigh so ponderous
[...]t made hells baited horses blow againe:
[...]ike slow Bootes now from Erebus
They creepe along; their fiery mettall dyes
Yet night bring's all into their treasuryes.
[...]here in that cavern's deepe abysse, they heape
[...]n Iron Pyramis, the Basis layd
[...]pon the barrells, but the top shall creepe
Forc't up wards) to the heavens, and Iove invade
Had you but seene that monster you'd have thought
Peryllis there his brazen bull had brought.
They stay not, but with Pegasean speede
(Treason's suspitious alwaies of a vent)
They lash their horses backe with twining reed
Who swift as thawing winter's current went;
Then cut downe woods to billets, batter down
Their rotten woodden Gods to bring to town [...]
Cast down their images, all gnawne within
To putred worme-holes, but dawb'd o're with pain [...]
That emblem, nay there God head, trunke divine▪
These they build o're for fuell coverment.
You would have sworne had you that pile but seene
The wooden horse had entred Troy agin.
With pickaxes as sharpe as those that breake
The tougher yee of glazed Tanais,
They next into some craggy paved creeke
(Where angry seas 'gainst foaming rocks do rise)
Launch forth, that they may cutt Don Neptunes warts
Hew downe I meane those raving rockes in parts.
Digging whole quarryes from his monstrous side
Then dashing them to lesser thunderbolts,
Next downe the bankes of Phlegeton they glide,
And there take Captives all the damned doubts:
Make the day labourers to gleane the land,
Gathering the stones lye on th' unpav'd sand.
[...]hilst others with rude mattocks dig up all
[...]els regent-walke, and levell it alone
[...]ith cinder dust, which from their forge doth fall;
[...]ay they'l not leave for Sysaphus a stone:
All joyne to build a fort for envy's hall
And hedge in treason with a rampant wall.
[...]d now 'tis built: they first dig deepe to lay
[...] strong foundation, with a mixed rout
[...]f barrels stu [...]t with wine, and pouder-clay
[...]ake up, they build upon that bottom stout
Vpon the fire they heape on fuell wood,
Vpon the fuell barrs of Iron stood.
[...]pon the Iron, stones their forces send
[...]ixing a quarrye with a Minerall:
[...]ast with a faintish flame the fire send
[...]t coldly upward Iron keepes downe all:
And, least the Iron with a falling [...]it
Sinck downe, to blow it up the fier's set.
[...]us strength resisted growes the stronger still,
[...]us contradicted passion rageth more:
[...] Cammamell trod downe grow upward will,
[...] bended bowes fly up, and strike more soare,
They hide the treason; darts foreseene will
Not hurt so much, forewarn'd forearmed still.
Now match the patterne: Let me see who dar [...]
Discover his ranck blood, and say that he
Is of that kindred, envie will not share
With them, or take in more affinity.
These have ingrost the saile of blood; no fees
Can bribe up hell to grant more Patentees.
Now treafon's ready drest to goe abroad,
And Faux hath borrow'd Plutos livery
To manne her: Hee's the Pimp to helpe her trad [...]
She never stirrs but in the night, and he
Is faine to snatch a fire-brand from Hell,
Which his dark-lanthorne-lights to guide h [...] sti
[...]aux, whose black blood stood in his face, & the [...]
Emblem'd the couler of his filthy heart
Sooted with blacker vice, and swarthy feare,
Yet blood-red pampar'd with raw flesh: his pa [...]
At every meale was wovsh milke, which [...]ame
From those two soare breasts, festred Rome an Spain [...]
With too officious duty he prepares
To lay his mistris cloaths against she rise;
Marshalls the barrels, rancks the Iron barrs,
Then primes the powder, traines it till it lyes
Close by the barrells mouth, ready to broach
The Treason: lights, & blowes the kindled matc
[...]nd now he calls on [...]lowpac't aged Time
[...]hinking his waxen wings are melted quite,
[...]ach minute seemes a day, each day as nine,
[...]he houre-glasse is stop [...], or runnes not right.
He sweares the clocks doe lye, and Sextons fee's
Greasing their fists, that they the wheeles may grease
[...]hen sends to Time that oylie ju [...]e, the Moone
[...]pon her Heifers sprinkles; bids him noint
[...]is stiffened limbs with that, which Phaeton
[...]upples his steeds; and chafe each sleeping joynt.
And yet Times crazy-staffe doth softly goe,
And yet his tyred leggs as lazy show.
At length he offers dayly mattins to him
[...]ropping as many beades as words do fall:
He knitts both prayers and promises to woe him,
Come (Nimble Time) come to our Stygian hall
Il'e let Thee in to see a Tragedy
Where the Spectators act; The standers by
Shall neither see nor heare; nor act, nor sceane
Doe measure it; no sugred words collouge
With peevish eares to begge a plaudit in:
The proloug here, shall be the Epiloug
And clap it selfe: a Tragaedy just donne
As soone as it is but in thought begunne.
Wee'l hang no false lights out to entertaine
The actors that their luster may more shine:
The candles here shall be the Tragick flame
Not lighted 'force the Tragedy begin.
A thought both light them shall, and put the [...] ou
So quick an exit brings the Sceane about.
No musick here shall call the Prologue in,
But thunder-claps, & shreeking cryes (which com
From tortur'd Princes to those Ecchoing,
This ceac't the play beginnes not, but 'tis done.
Nay, whilst the Sceane is acting you shall see
The stage pluckt downe: My sterious Tragedy
Chiefe actors are but three, and they all drest
Iust in the whores attyre like puppet Rome:
Dull Ignorance comes out before the rest;
Hir maides are Errour, Superstition.
These follow ignorance still but on this stage
They all goe hand in hand just equipage.
The stage is rudely built as low as Hell,
Hang'd round about with darker clouds & mists
The walls thicke mud, caru'd out of Natur's cell
The roofe for Majesty faire bowers twists.
Set up in England, but the Actors come
Out of th' attyring house of puppets Rome.
Ignorance enters first, a wizled Dame
Wrapt in the seamelesse coate her Saviour wore:
So old, she's in her dotage; blind, and lame
Led by the Church, on crutches of the whore
In one hand there's a Bible clasped fast,
In th'other a dimme light, which can not last
Next Errour staggers in, drunk with the wine
Of Fornication, reeling up and downe;
Tost with the wind of Church-faith varying
Walking with naked feete all scurfy growen
With dirty pennance: In one hand's a pardon,
Th' other a purse to pay for his salvation.
After her gaudy superstition
In chang of costly cloaths still varying:
Her maid is counterfit Devotion,
Who carrys after her some holy shrine
Stole from the Virgin Ladies sacred brows,
To which with supple knees she humbly bows.
Shee proudly walkes with tinckling feet, & shines shrines,
In that same purple robe Christ once put on
Hung round about with beads, & crown'd with
Wearing the God sh' adores with such renowne.
In one hand ther'es a candle ne're goes out,
A bell in th' other cursing all about.
Sometimes shee's loofely drest in Hermite leaves,
Girt with that cord about her hairy loyne,
With which, Christ whipt those buying selling
Out of the [...]emple, who did there conjoyne (theeve [...]
Both God and Beliall in one house together,
Thus girt for pilgrimage, she wanders thither.
Where all the sacred reliques treasur'dlye
To see the Angell Gabriel's plumes, who brought
The first newes of her Lords Nativity,
The thirty peeces which her Saviour bought,
The crosse, the nayles, the tombe, the spunge, reed,
The very vinegar, which he drank, is there (speare
These three leade forth an old, blacke, meagar wight
With fatted eyes, blown cheeks, & brothel crown,
Wrapt close in weeds of darkenes life grim night,
With necke into his shoulders shrouded downe,
With fleering chaps, his gag-teeth threatning all.
His very image was Hereticall.
Ignatius eldest sonne, an Epicene,
Proteus in doctrine; a iust courtier Priest;
A wolfe in wooll; a glow-worme that doth shine
Most in the darke: a Sainted feind at best:
Rome in a Surplice, ranck hypocrisie,
Rotten, but painted o're divinitie.
A Iesuite; that monster pharifie
That fasts with sweet means, keeps a box forth' poore,
But Iudas like them fils his treasury.
What not? A just darke Lanthorne and no more.
Whose tongue is nothing but equivocations,
His heart made up of mentall reservations.
He brings a map upon the stage wherein
Crownes pictur'd are, and Scepters cast aray:
But close by swordes are draw'n by coulering,
A cup of poyson's placed in the way.
Dasht braines, rent limbs, blood spiltly's pictur'd by
Thus Crownes they win, aud weare by cruelty.
With that, he soone descends a loathly cell▪
And sets him downe just like Diogenes
In's hogshead, where full barrels round Him well
And there upon a plot he shewing is,
Thinking to compasse more in's tub alone,
Then Alexander can upon his throne.
At length he calls those Three, that set him on
Vpon that hideous task [...] to doe this deed,
Ignorance, Error, superstition;
They 'plaud the deepenesse of his reaching head,
Promise to raise assistance, who shall cry
Out of his plot to make a Tragedye
One error bribes, another Ignorance,
But Superstition with her conjuring charm's
Commands them all, straight after her they dance▪
Hypocrifie religion soone takes arms
The chiefe were those three furys sent from Hell
To stand for treason, and keepe sentinell
Faux, Percy, Catsbey, Romes Trium-viri
Those Parri-regick people-regnicides;
Spirits incarnate, abstract blasphemy,
Who thrust at Iove through kings and Princes sides
White gun-powder, who kill without a noyse:
True lime who seeming quencht, then most a n­noyse.
A trebble twisted courd of relatives
Bound Percy over both to king and state;
And yet with masked zeale he falsly strives
Guarding the King, the King to captivate:
A fence hath thorns, and he chose Pensioner
(Honor'd, with lending Majesty such honour)
Made his strict homage a back doore, where He
Might let in treason and rebellion:
Over much zeale's a blast of pollicy
To blow up parisite presumption.
Thus an ungratefull snake doth often string
The breast, that warm'd it, once recovering.
Faux strives to cloath his couching villany
In Percys livery, goes for his man,
Waites on him in the roade of Tyranny,
But rides before him, striving to out [...]u [...]ne
His master, and his mate; they softly came,
Whilst he in hot careere pursues the game.
A traitor to himselfe, that would betray
(Posing the aire, that breathed Him a soule)
The Patron of his life, before his day
Hastening to Pluto's file, and their enrole
Himself for darknesse, and present his King,
His Countrey too for a burnt offering
These are the true borne of that Father Feind,
A Cadmus brood sprung from the scattered seed
Of that true serpent's teeth, and now they bend
Their forces that they may dissentions breed.
The purer blood of long liv'd unity,
Which ranne in Englands veines, they'l now let flye.
So are they taught by theit Trivertick Father,
Such doctrine howles forth triple Cerberus;
Mad wisdome! puddle knowledge; mudded ove [...]
Like flimy streames of filthy Erebus:
Religion in the Lees! divotions mire!
A cold, false, foggy, wandring, fatuate fire
Oh 'tis the cause, that is so Catholique,
Rome's almost ready for her matyrdome▪
Our miters have beene shak't, if England strike
The second time, down comes our Triple Crown.
Religion cals, whilst her cause wee cry,
Tis virtue for to Sin, a price to dye
Aleaprous Church, a Church from scars as free
As it is full of wounds; one onely soare:
Festred corruption springs and runs from thee,
So full of spots, uncapable of more
What horrid Tyranny dare show it's head,
That hath not first at Rome, beene licenced.
These, these, that joyn'd to beare that common yoake
Fettred together with her sacrament:
Was by her sacrilegious hyre bespoke
To call up Tyranny, and they consent.
Let's on: the danger's sweet▪ a Bull shall be,
Our pardon; merrit, our security.
Wee I goe no common road, away with that
Prefumption, which is obvious, what e're
Hath once beene heard shall never in our plot
Iugredient be: Presumption shall despaire
When she first heares of it; nay death shall be
Amaz'd to hearc of such a prodigy,
Wee'l take up hearts of steele, and triple brasse
Shall hoope them in: Then dastard Tyranny
To follow us to Hell; and there wee'l passe
With confidence toth' Stygian diety;
So learne new magick that we may extract
Sulphurian sands from Styx his Cataract.
Some scattered Atom's dust wee'l gather thence,
Which with impetuous rage, shall blow up all;
An Omnicidian blast to recompence
The fury of that thronged Capitall.
Nor sheild, nor bullwarke, nor that Iron coate
Which fenceth thunder, shall this blow keepe out.
Nor strength, nor care, nor both, nor all shall be
A Remora to stop the full careere
Of instant ruine; which well arm'd shall flee
With close revenge, and bring a weapon with her,
Will all the acts of murther soone o'recome,
Put an whole Kingdome to a martyrdome
That burning hill that keeps continuall sire
Casting live coales into Calabrias breast,
Doth but an hatching milder heate expire,
And rageth with a fury quite supprest
Compar'd to this; a furnace, had it beene
But kindled, Hell had had lesse fireing.
Nay Phoebus sealding beames (though he or'etake
The fiery Lyon at his raging denne)
In scorching Libya could never make
So hot a Solstice, burne as this had then
Wept or'e the flame they had not quenched this
Had with their running sives the Bel [...]ides
A fruitfull age; barren in all but some,
Fruitsull in sending forth a forward spring
Of ripe impiety. What gulfe within
The deepe Abysse of Tartarus can bring
Bring forth such monsters with a direfull hand
Against anointed holinesse to band.
Nor cholerick Seytha, nor yet Concanus,
He that was pampred up with horses blood,
Nor he of Dacia servile Davns-Dacus
Such Tyrant Mysteries e're understood:
Nay the Sicambri that red pated-race
Poison'd with slaughters at this vale their face:
The affrighted aire with cold amazement shooke
Fearing the thumping blows it should receive,
The starrs doe quench their flames ith' misty brooke
Of Acharon, as if they would bereave
The Snblunary orbe of all it's light
Loathing so black a deed so strang a sight.
Phoebe began her palsie head to shroud,
And seared at the sight pluckt in her horns▪
Apollo's steeds did start into a cloud
And each with strange reluctancy suborns
The guider, that he would let loose the raine
That they might draw the day quite back again
Phoebus invests himselfe in sable black
Mourning to think upon so foule a birth.
The Axle-tree of heaven begins to crack
Fearing some new forg'ed thunder-bolts from earth
The heaven's begin to weep, & with their teares,
Would make a deluge for to drowne their fears
The unwreath'd snakes of the Eumenides
Stood bolt upright upon the Fury's heads:
The hundred-headed beast at th' news of this
Hangs down his eares, his taile like twinig reeds
He twists betwixt his leggs, runns howling out,
The Ghosts in strange disorder range about
The heaven stands still, the Earth seems now to round
In her diurnall circuit: the whole frame
Of nature seem'd unpin'd: disorder found
Her order now came in, and tooke the same
The world amaz'd, thought Iove had suffred
Or that the world now at an end had been then,
The sands of Bosphorus begun to groane,
They heard of it and murmure of the newes.
The Libyck Syrtes faine their heads would drowne
In Affrick sea, but Neptune doth refuse
The Arminian waves doe roare, and carry thus
The news to Taurus, and to Caucasus.
The Hyperborean mountaines, which retaine
An equall portion of the day and night,
Halfe yeare in day, and halfe in night remaine
Scar'd from their course keep a continuall night
The Oakes on Gargon on their tops look farre
As if for madnesse they had toare their haire.
The aged Alpes dissolve their frozen snow
Filling up Rhodanus with their melting teares,
And Rhodanus doth her rising bancks o'reslow
Blabbing to France and Italy our feares.
Acturus will goe downe, Aericthon rise,
That they may leave tempestuous seas and skyes.
And yet, and yet, that hell-hatcht crew controles
Both heaven and earth, goe equall with the stars,
With proudest heads confront the highest poles
Promise to warm with flames heav'ns coldest cars
Heark, hearken, Hell applauds us then they cry
And so applaud themselves in villany.
And now the day's their owne, that glad-sad da [...]
That deare, that raising, that foule-faire weather,
Which must both raise a tombe, and Trophy lay
For England, and yet not for England neither▪
Britain's sad Epitaph hangs o're her hearre,
And Romes false Iubile is turn'd in verse.
And now some pen that's Iesuiticall
Must forme a letter of equivocations,
Indited by a head politicall
To keepe the truth in mentall reservations,
'Tis sent unto some cull'd Nobility:
Goe one, and riddle me the mysterie.
My Lord that Catholike affinity,
Which knitts relation betwixt me, and those,
Which are so nigh to you, makes me untye
What sacrament to you, which should keepe close
The dearest secreat of my breast, but see
How neare I prize your safe securitie.
Then as you love that soule, which is espous'd
In such a fellowship, so neare your breast,
Let it not be divor [...]t: you are expos'd
Vnto a common danger with the rest:
Take up some forg'd excuse ontrust, which may
Sue at your absence on the Senate day.
The God's decree is past, and man consent
Both have conspir'd, and seal'd their minds, that they
Will muster up revenge to punishments,
This yron rusted age shall battered be.
A blow with sudden terror there shall be:
And yet the hurt, who hurts them, shall not see
No motions these commotions shall betray;
Vshering the sequell with a prolog [...]e in,
No trumpe shall sound initialls to the fray
To tell the foeman when he shall begin.
A thunder-clap shall fall with such a blow
The left hand here, shall not the right hand
Nor slight you now this warning peice, you may know.
Escape the ruine horrours o're your head,
With-draw your selfe, take wing, and fly away,
Or else your life's already buried.
You may outlive the Fates; know, 'tis no more
But burne the letter, and the danger's or'e.
Heaven warn's you, be sore-arm'd: I hope that she
That guided hath the hand, and penne to write,
Will ope'you eyes to reade the mysterie:
He that doth read, and understands not it
Is ready to neglect; neglect will make
An Index to't, let care keepe what you take.
The Aenigma's tyed in a Gordian knot,
The letter writ and sent, but who can spell
The meaning drawne in Ony'on juce, that's not
Reveal d at all unlesse the fire tell.
Burne but the letter, then perchance you'l see
And yet that burnt, tell me the mystery
Who with the nimble strength of Daedall wit
Can loose these tangled lines? what Lynceus eye
Can sift the bottom of so darke a pit,
And there those hidden mineralls descry?
Who can this Labyrinth finde out, and trace
That Minotoure in this Meander maze?
None but that eye, that sees without an eye,
None but that sun, that shines in midnight darke.
Could either see or reade this mysterie,
Or quench this fire in it's ember spark.
None but that Oracle, which never spake
By Oracles could this transparent make,
God speakes by men, the Devill speakes, but by
His wodden carkasses, God speakes the truth,
The Lyer teacheth stockes, and stones to lye,
And yet a miracle doth breath from both.
The Devil's raines hangs loose sometimes, but so
That there's a curb commands him, too & fro.
Let hell begin to open wide his jawes
Thinking to swallow heaven with yawning thro [...]
Hell shall prepare his stomack, but for those
Of his owne Tribe, that beare her branded note.
A pit is often digg'd for other men,
But he that diggs, shall sometimes first fall in
If Diomedes traynes his horses up
With living men in stead of fodder food,
An Hercules shall rise, and fill the cup
To drench an horse with Diomed [...]s blood.
Peryllus may prepare a Bull, but he
Shall first in his owne Bull tormented be.
Let hell send forth her paler Pegasus
That treason may ride poast on it to bring
The newes of winged ruine unto us,
Yet Iove can hang a plummet on the wing,
And force the fates to hover till he hit
Vnder there wings, and make them fall it'h pit
Iove calls his bird, that royall Eagle forth
Makes him his winged Mercury; goe fly
To Albions court, that Synod of true worth,
And there this mantled monster-brat discry.
Give Iames the Clue, that he may finde the way
Like Theseus, and that he Minotaure betray.
This Lord soares on the wings of loyalty
And faithfully conveys that riddle spell
To Caeasars councell, where true royalty
[...]ate Iudge on it, and censur'd, each doth tell
His severall verdictt, but the meaning still
Was tyed fast within the knotty spell.
Till heaven sent downe a light, and did infuse
The truer spirit of an Oracle
Into our Monarch's soule, to tell the newes
Where dire Reveng doth, with hid treason, dwell.
He reads the letter, and the language knowes
That confus'd Ideome of his Babel foes.
And now the miners soone are undermin'd,
Ʋulcan's discovered in his loathly cell
Sitting with other Gods, who there combind
To summon ruine from the depth of hell.
Vulcan sits next to Bachus caskye throne,
And Pan is mounted on a rocke of stone.
The wooden God is first pluckt downe, and then
Ʋulcan and Bachus are descried there
Calling toth' rockes to cover them from heaven,
Shrouding their Hogsheads under stones for feare
The fuell's snatched from th' unkindled fire
The fowle es [...]ps, the fowler's hang'd ith' bryer.
What candle was it, that could guide the eye
To spell the meaning of so darke a spell?
What hand could catch at treason, and fast tye
That captive, to remove him from his cell?
A light not lighted did those lines unfold
An hand, without an arme, the foe controld.
That hand, which once did write without an arme
Printing full terrour upon Babels wall,
Guided this hand to write that hidden charme,
Which proved their's, as that did Babels fall.
This did Ʋriah in his letter beare
The sentence of his death, ere, death came neere
That hand, which guided both, pluck me a quill,
From the choice pineon of a Seraphin
Dipt in diviner inck, that't may distill
Full characters of prayse, in charoling
The wonders of that arme, which could com­mand
And loose fast treason from so dark a band.
Infuse fresh Anthems in my duller muse,
That so it may outrunne a Poets straine
Lending the world new wonders to perufe.
My Muse wrapt up beyond Apollo's veine.
Then in one Halelu-Ile sing a consort
Shall drowne a quier of Angells full report.
Where lodgeth now that true authenticke soule,
Which was ne're out of tune iu David's breast,
But kept continuall harmony, the pole
Still heard him in the quier above the rest.
Wher's that sweet singers glory, who did make
Each string of his owne glory to pertake.
Warbling his makers praise? where are those toungs,
Which run division out of breath, while they
Strove who should first outsing themselves in
And with a Cignets chame call death a way
All striving thus one consort for to make
Breaking the consort, each a consort take.
Were but that old Philosophy in season,
Which makes the soule remove her lodging still,
Tuning in this, and then in th'other mantion,
By transmigration lending the same will
And power to enact, there were some hope,
I might have Davids soule for Davids scope.
A way fond hopes! Blinde nature is no guide
Elisha can't Elija's soule inhearit,
Then looke not where the Prophets soule doth hide,
Without his soule thou mayst have Davids spirit▪
The wind blows where it lists, Olet me finde
In the right corner of my heart the wind.
Thus'winged with the wind my soule shall rife
To tune her Maker's prayse, farre, farre before
The early Larke doth charme the dawning skyes
My glory shall get up and ope the doore.
That from my enlarged breast a quire may goe▪
And learne the Spheares to play Novembers 10.

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