England's Alarm: OR, A most Humble DECLARATION, ADDRESS, and fervent PETITION, To his Most Excellent MAJESTY Charles the Second, King of Great BRITAIN and Ireland; AND To his most Honourable and Grand Council The PARLIAMENT of ENGLAND; AS ALSO To the CITY of LONDON, AND The whole NATION in general. CONCERNING The great Overtures, Catastrophe's, and grand Occurrences about to inundate and pour in upon us, as the Judgments of Al­mighty God upon Antichrist and his Adherents, and the Pride, Nauseancy, and Errour of Professors, in the years 1680 and 1681.

Written by a true Lover of the true Protestant Religion, and of his Tottering poor Native Country of England. Johannes Philanglus.

LONDON: Printed for Thomas Pasham in Fleet-lane. 1679.

England's Alarm.


Most Excellent and Dread Soveraign,

THE meanest Creatures have access and admittance to the Throne of the King of kings, by the Bloud of Jesus; may I, the meanest of your Subjects, have admittance to your Temporal Throne, by the Dreads and horrible Fears of the secret Effusion of your own and our Bloud, by the unpreven­ted Conspiracy of Bloud-thirsty Papists. The meanest Star, as it hath dependance on, and influence from the Sun, hath liberty to dart forth its Nocturnal Beams, when great Phoebus, the Titan of the World, submerses his refulgent Rays on the Neptune-waves; and now your glorious and Princely Rays are feared dayly to set continually, in the Horizon and Nep­tunian-Sea of Popish and Jesuitical Subtilty, and bloudy Cruel­ty. Shall faithful Subjects be afraid of a Frown, when Church, State, and Crown are, by Papal Violence, Tumbling down? — Inter majora sydera minora lucerent. The poo­rest Subject in the Primitive Raigns of the glorious Kings of Israel, have been permitted to cry, in times of extremity, Help, O King! 2 Sam. 14.4. And though your magnificent Majesty be ambiently attended with so many Stars of the first magnitude, yet a poor Micaiah may prophecy to the King, and have a clearer prospect of the Coelestial Councels [Page 4]upon the heavenly Throne, than the Zedekiah's with their iron horns, 1. Kings 22.11.24. though he be fed with Bread and Water till these Euroclydons be blown over. So, most excellent and glorious Prince, I beg Pardon as prostrate at your most Soveraign feet, for this act of seeming-presumpti­on, while I acknowledge my self nothing; yet in the hand of God, things that are not, may instruct things that are. Be­side, the present Necessity, the horrid and trembling sounds of the Plot and Plotters Alarming my Ears, my obsequious duty to my King, and love to my Native Country, is the Womb that hath conceived and brought forth this Trembling Babe: Which, although in its Infancy, may, to the future admiration of the securest Lethargists in this Nation, be credited as a Child of Truth, by that time bright Phoebus hath twice mounted the twelve Herculean Pillars.

I remember, it was asserted by that Reverend Bishop James Ʋsher, Bishop of Armagh, sometimes in Ireland, That those Predictions that fell from him (most of which are fulfilled al­ready) were imprinted and engraven on his Spirit: even so are these things that now I write to my Soveraign Lord the King and Country. And moreover, if it be true, or like to be true, that is reported to us by the Speech of the Dead, in Noctur­nal Visions, as is famously reported by antient Philosophers, as Artemidorus, and the famous Remembrances of Julius Cae­sar his Warning before his Death and fatal Stab in the Roman Senate, cum multis aliis; then have I reason to fear the Im­pression of these things on my Spirit, and these scaring Visions of the Night, which for some years past I have sustained, concerning the Person and Crown of your Sacred Majesty; and also of him and them who have raised the Thunder and Tempest in this our Horizon. As also the just fears we may have of the sudden Fall of your Life and Crown, by the hand or hands of Papists. And that except your Majesty be mira­culously defended by supream Providence, and the timely Re­missions by his mighty hand; and also your Royal Adherence, and just and methodical Conjunction to your great Council the Parliament, and so joyntly removing the Nations Grie­vances, and those things offending the King of Kings, and timely and speedily executing Justice upon the notorous Of­fenders [Page 5]of your Majesties Crown and State, and of the Church of Christ; it cannot be, but that before either your Majesty or we are well aware, they you now by your boundless Clemency indulge beyond Necessity, will give the fatal stroak to your sacred Life, and in yours, to all your Subjects, who have the Breast-plate of Christs Righteousness upon them, and the marks of the Whore of Babylon cashiered from you to the Conformists and Nonconformists; and that I trembling fear in the 1680th year. O! would your Majesty please speedily to extirpate out of your Royal Territories, and this City of London, all those Amalekites that trouble Israel, (I mean the French) that devour and eat the bread out of your Subjects mouths; and may you ever remember, that King Saul for neglecting the Word of the Lord, and not totally destroying Amalek, had his life dishonourably taken from him by a Chip of that block, 1 Sam. 15. compared with 2 Sam. 1.13. Antiquity tells us, our English nation was never more blessed with Peace and Prosperity, than when the French Nation were conquered by us; as by Henry the fifth of famous memory, and Henry the sixth, who was crowned in Paris, and planted the Flower-de-luce in Englands garden: But now it is to be feared that the French King will be crowned not in the French, but our En­glish Paris (London) except the providence of the King of kings divert present occurrences, and the prudence of your most Excellent Majesty, in happy Conjunction with your prudent Parliament, prevent it; which that you may, the God of Heaven grant.

'Tis a Curse in Gods Word, to be governed or counselled by the Spirit of Jezabel, or by a wicked woman, Isai. 3.12.15, 16. Hence hath arose monstrous Pride, and intolerable Oppression, the very bane of Church and State. Who knows but by the hands of such, your Majesty may sustain a Stab or fatal Stroak! And nothing would more draw the hearts of your Subjects up to the height of true joy, than if it may please your Majesty to abandon such morning-clouds from the Mountain of your Throne: O how glorious would the day shine! It is expressly said by God, the King of kings, Deut. 17.17. The King shall not multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away. And though Solomons Throne was [Page 6]established by God himself, yet it was strange women made his Crown to totter, and his Kingdom to rend asunder. 'Tis the greatest interest to Kings and Princes, to treat the Lords people kindly, who are still by the Papists and Popish affected, called, in scorn and derision, Hereticks: for he re­proved Kings for their sakes, Psal. 105.14, 15. 'Twas the Prodromus to the destruction of Ireland formerly (as says Dr. Ʋsher) to adhere to the Principles and Patterns of Papists; nothing being true they hold, as said the Martyr, but the Doctrine of the Trinity: for Free will, and general Redem­ption, now embraced by too many, is the Foundation of the Popish Kingdom, first brought into Rome in the fifth Century by Pelagius. 'Twas the hastening the destruction of Ahaz King of Israel, 2 Kings 16. in that he joyned himself to the King of Assyria, vers. 7. Nothing can more suddenly ruine King and Kingdom, than joyning Affinity with Popish Princes, because God hath determined to cast that Mountain as a Mill­stone into the depths of the Sea, Rev. 18. Jer. 50, & 51. and they that will not come out of her when her hour comes, shall perish with her without all peradventure. Besides this, Ahaz goes to Damascus, vers. 10. and takes a fashion of the Altar and the Worship, and sends to Ʋrijah the Priest for to take a pattern thereof; which, Isai. 8. caused the Lord to hasten his Judgments, under the figure of Maher-shalal-hash-baz, make haste to spoil, and to the prey make speed. So verily will God make haste to ruine that Kingdom that shall patternize their Worship, from the grand Idolatry of so impudent an Harlot, Rev. 17. as the Church of Rome is. Alas, our Sun is darkened with Popish Principles, our Moon turned into Bloud, our Stars fallen and falling from Heaven, the true Protestant Profession and Principles; both Universities and Pulpits filled with the Roman Trash that the Martyrs and Fathers of our Protestant Religion truely abhorred, and Gods word is silent in: while those few Stars that remain in their Primitive Lustre, are scoffingly called Calvinists and Solifidians, as if Christ and his Apostles were not the Patrons of the same Doctrine.

May your Majesty be directed by the good Angels of God, to do what may preserve your Life, prevent our Fears, esta­blish your Throne, comfort the Protestant Churches of Christ, [Page 7]and glad the hearts of all your Subjects. Your Majesty knows that the designe of Monarchy is to preserve your Coun­try in it self, not to betray it. For though those things that God will not set up, be attempted in the breast of Maje­sty it self, yet it may not prosper, but will tumble down as Babel. In medio Consistit Virtus. The way to make your King­dom everlasting, and your Crown immovable, is to consult Gods Word and Will, and execute his Commands, cherish his Church, his Doctrine and Truths; banish and subdue his Enemies; and make it the policy of the State, to aim at Gods Glory, the Nations Prosperity, and the Churches Comfort: by permitting the various Interests and Priviledges of King and People to glide sweetly in their proper Channels, as Law, Reason, and Equity hath provided, from the Constitutions of Antiquity.

Vivat Rex, & Vertitas.

To the PARLIAMENT, the great Council of England.

Noble Senators,

WHen you that are our great Representatives, and the Pillars, Nerves, and Sinews of our Body-politick, have not a Being, it may be said, that the People and Nation of England (during that Casma and Gulf of Dissolution) have also no Being. And how monstrous would it be in the eye of Reason, and incommodious to our Interests and grand Con­cerns, at this juncture of Affairs especially, to have a glorious Head without a Body to substitute it? But though yet you are not born into our Angelical Commonwealth, yet I hope you are conceived in the womb of the hearts of the best Peo­ple, whose great Interest it will be to hasten the Birth with all possibility, and by a careful Midwifry to deliver safely that hopeful Child may cherish its aged Mother, and defend her from that Murderous Train of Popish Plotters, and Devils in grain: That you may have the Heart of Piety it self, and the Tongues of Angels, to promote Justice and Verity; bovem in lingua nondum ut habeatis: That Bribes may be as remote from you, as the East from the West, as Popish Cruelty is [Page 8]distant from England's Felicity: And as it was once said of the Belgick People, of their prudent management of great Affairs, so may it be practised by you; Dum nesciunt fingere possunt, quid autem agant statim Statuunt. Noble Sirs, as it was said in another Case, may be now said to you in this present Case, Quid facitis, faxite Citiùs; if you be not nimble, the mangled walls of our old Carthage will be tumbled down, and the Babylo­nish Whore rush in at both ends of the Town. And if bad Councel, or thwarting Providence, or Romish Policy, should either prorogue your time, or dissolve your being once more, 'tis past peradventure feared, we nor you shall live any longer, and your Ruines will make way for our Miseries. O consult God, begin at the Oracle not of Delphos, but Christ: Resolve with Hannibal, when he was going over the Alps into Italy, Aut inveniam, aut viam faciam. Truely, Sirs, you must hew your ways through the Rocks, and meet your Enemies under ground, or they will quickly both you and us Confound. And, as Luther said to Malancthon, If we shall not boldly and resol­vedly do the Lords Work, he will remove us, and raise up o­thers; so say I to you, If through fear, cowardise, or sloath, you should outsleep three quarters of a year more, our Petiti­ons will end, and your Work be finished: Yet will God raise up others yet invisible to deliver his redeemed, and work won­ders for us in our field of Zoan: for the Earthquake, Rev. 11.11, 12, 13. is at hand, 1680 will go near to manifest it, and the time of the three days and half, the time of the Chur­ches Sackcloath and mourning state, is near expiration; and God will call you up in a Cloud of protection, Isai. 26. ult. while he shakes the Earth and Earthly Professions and Profes­sors, and makes the Earth to disclose her Bloud, and bring to nought things that are, by things that are not, 1 Cor. 1. and the Romish Philanax shall be cast in the Sea like a Mill-stone, ne­ver more to rise; and her Brats and Followers, and the Bloud of Christ, but their own dung and dross, shall perish with her: because when they were called out, they refused the Wine, Milk, and Waters of Life, the marrow and fatness of the Go­spel, for Trash, Popish Ceremonies, and Jesuitical Doctrines. And this let Sion expect 1681 or 1682, to 1685. Deliverance will come another way.

To the CITY of LONDON.

O, London, London!

MY Soul mourns for thee, like Tyre and Sidon, Ezek 28. thou hast been like the Garden of god, every precious stone was thy Covering; thy Tabrets and Pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou that wast the anointed Chorubin, thou wast upon the holy Mountain of God. Thou hast wallted up and down in the midst of the stones of fire; thou hast had the voice of the Tur­tle in thee, when the dark places of thy Land was desolate; but Ini­quity is found in thee. In thee is found fulness of Bread, Pride and Wantonness, Extortion, Whoredoms, Drunkenness, Errour, and Here­sies. None have partaken more of Christ, and none have more sligh­ted and abused Christ, and the means of Grace: and because thy heart is lifted up, and thou saidest I am as God, Therefore thus saith the Lord, Behold, I am against thee, O London, I will cause (Ezek. 26.3.) many na­tions to come up against thee, as the sea causes his waves and tydes to come up to thee. And they shall destroy they walls, and break down thy towers: God will scrape thy dust from thee, and make thee like the top of the rock. And because thy Children are settled up the Lees, Zeph. 1. God shall search thee with Candles, and purge thee with Nitre and Soap, and cast thee into the Furnace, that his Sons among thee may be tryed. Neither will thy Gold or thy Silver preserve thee in the day of wrath, Zeph. 1.18. because thou hast been wanton, and decked thy self in thy Attires, while thy poor Brethren have wanted Bread, and Arraiment to cover their Nakedness. And thou hast professed a Faith that had nor love nor bowels in it; but hast cried out, Isai. 66. with the Proud, Stand far off, for I am more holy, more rich, more honourable than thou; and hast respected the persons of the rich and great, while thou hast contemned the brother of low degree: Therefore, Isai. 3. shall thy Jewels and Ear-ring, thy Head-attires and Paintings, thy French fashions, and uncivil and unseemly Dressings, prostrating thy self to Strangers, and discovering thy Nakedness by thy French unseemly Robes and Dressings, God will send thee (yea by that Nation) whose folly thou hast impudently followed, Baldness for hair, Stink for per­fumes, and Sack-cloath for cloathing; War for peace, and Bloud for water; till thou return and acknowledge thy iniquities, and break off thy whoredoms and impieties, and be found in the way of repentance. But for the hidden ones in thee, the Children of the Covenant, who have the Faith of Jesus, and the Commandments of God, who have not [Page 10]exacted the labours, but freely followed the Lord the Lamb; and have cloathed the naked, and fed the hungry, and scorned the fashions, and despised the glories, and have been transformed in the renewing of their minds; who have disdained the Babylonish Garment and the wedge of Gold, the Lord will hide them in the hollow of his hand, and say to them, Come, my people, Isai. 26. into your several Chambers, until the indignation be over. But you that drink Wine in bowls, and sport your selves on Beds of Ivory, while the afflictions of Joseph are not minded, suddenly will come your Calamity, as the pains of a woman in Travel, and as the Storm and Thunder in a clear day. A day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wastness and de­solation, a day of darkness and gloominess, and a day of clouds and thick darkness. And you, Canaphims and Kenites, that for your A­theistical Self-interest, that God of the world, so you may keep but your Pride, your Honours and Gold, care not though you set to your slavish hands and help to pull down the Church and State, and swal­low Bribes as Children) Plumb-stones; be it known to you, if God be true, a double portion of divine Vengeance shall be your lot in the day at hand. And note, that Unanimity, not Uniformity, is most re­mote from Papistry, &c.

To the NATION in general.

Ah, England!

THou hast had thy Name from thy Angelical State and Beauty, but thou art fallen like Lucifer. Thou wast an inexhaustible pit of Treasure, and his Devilish Holiness in quondam times hath licked his Neapolitan fingers of thy Sweetness: and now he remem­bers thy Delicacies, and would attempt to ravish thy Wardrobes, and drain thee dry with his insatiable Bucket; if for thy Iniquities thy God gives him leave. For the Pope, like the Devil his Father, cannot come one link of his chain, unless thy God suffer him, for thy unrepented Sins; and while thou art crying out against the Je­suits and other the Incendiaries, thou forgettest to cry to him, whom by sin and dishonour thou hast provoked to send the Wolf and the wild Boar of the Italian forrest, into thy Vineyard. Remember, England, if thou art not mad drunk with the Whores Charms, how that thy Preaching-Ministers are turn'd into dumb Dogs and ravening Wolves. And they bear rule by thy means, and thou lovest to have [Page 11]it so, Jer. 5.31. And you that are of the Ecclesiastick Function, that not long since, if you do remember, did cast out the Labourers of the Lords work in the Lords Vineyard, and got the Fleece, and turned the Flock to the Devil, and set up your drunken, mad, Ar­minian, Pelagian, and Pope-poisoned Sons to ensnare the Flock. You hate the Pope, but have received Popery: Arminianism, Free-Will, General Redemption, Falling from Grace, denying a free, personal, eternal Election, are all hatched in Hell, and are the Popes founda­tion, that which the Martyrs abhorred, &c. and in those days Pa­pists only asserted; and in your bringing in of this Serpent, of this Army of Vipers in the belly of the Trojan Horse, painted o're to the Peoples view with a shew of Zeal, Religion and Purity, yet the ground of Popery in England, and of our Desolation and Destructi­on: and this brand will lye on you, Gentlemen, when England is wallowing in her bloud. And have raised up Persecutions and Acts of Parliament against the Lord's Lambs, for serving their God, and preaching Christ to the People, whom you have famished with your Assyrian and Roman dishes, and driven them from post to pillar, while you suffered the Romish Leopard to lye in your houses, in your Territories, and in your Pulpits. And now you are come up in remembrance before God, and she (I mean the whore) whom you have adored and jussled so nigh to, will jussle you out of your States, Dignities, and Honours: for though you turn, she'll no more trust you, you shall burn. Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, Jer. 50.31. and 51.44. and you shall spew out again all the Dainties you have swallowed down by iniquity. Your Wall shall fall. Break off your Iniquities by Repentance, if happily the Lord may accept you, and turn to the Bloud of Jesus, and acknowledge your Errours, your Covetousness, your Persecutions of Christs Lambs, your feeding your bellies, and famishing the Flock with Popish Trash and dry Ceremonies; and cast from thou that Babylonish Garment you have bespotted your selves with, and let not the dust of an Idol lie in your Gowns, in your Families, in your Churches, and in your Pul­pits. My Soul mourns for you, because you have the name of Pro­testants. O that you had the Spirit, and Doctrine, and Gifts of Pro­testants. Gather your selves together, yea, gather together, O Na­tion not desirous, before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the Chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord come upon you. Seek the Lord all ye meek of the Land, that have Christ's imputed Righteousness for your Wedding-garment, and his Bloud alone for your Laver; It may be ye shall be bid in the day of the Lords fierce [Page 12]anger, Zeph. 2. Repent of your fulness of Gospel-bread, your for­saking the pure Doctrine of Christ and his Messengers, and giving heed to lyes and sables: ever learning and running up and down, but never attaining to the faith of Gods Elect, and to the Love that covers a multitude of sins; who justifie your selves, and cloak over your enmity, malice, and implacable spirits, with fair words and soft speeches, and voluntary humility, while within you are Pride, Co­vetousness, Revenge, Lust, and all manner of wanton filthiness. The Lord hath made bare his holy arm, and will take away your Cloak that you have deceived with, and you shall seek from sea to sea for the pure Word you have contemned, with its dispensers, while you have laid out your money for that that is no bread, that is, not Christ And you shall know that the Lord hath spoken to you, but you have refused the still Waters, and chosen the swift streams. There is no Peace to the wicked in their own righteousness, out of Christ imputed Righteousness; but it shall be well with the Righteous, even in the day of the greatest distress. Then lift up your heads and re­joyce, for the day of your Redemption draws nigh. For in twenty four years to come, there shall be neither Pope, nor Popedomes, but the Lord shall reign in Mount Zion before his Antients glori­ously, Dan. 7.


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