[design incorporating Tudor rose and Scottish thistle as emblems of royal authority]

WHereas the Lords in Parliament, have this day been Informed, That the King is Re­solved to adjourn the next Term from Westminster to York; Upon which, The Lords sent a Committee to the Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England, to know of him, whe­ther he had received any command touching the same, who acquainted the said Committee, That he had recei­ved command from His Majesty, to issue Proclamations, and Writs, to that purpose.

Whereupon, This House taking the said matter into consideration, hath Voted; That the Kings removall of the Term to York, from Westminster, sitting this Parlia­ment, is Illegall.

And hath further ordered, That the said Lord Keeper, shall not issue out any Writs, or Seal any Proclamation, for adjourning the said next Term from Westminster to York, as aforesaid.

Joh. Brown, Cleric. Parl.

May. 18. London, Printed for Joseph Hunscott. 1642.

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