A Letter directed to Master Bridge­man, the fourth of Ianuary, and a Letter inclosed in it, to one Master Anderton, were this day read and ordered to be entred.

To the Worshipfull, and my much honoured friend Orlando Bridgeman Esquire, and a Burgesse of the Parliament, at his Chamber, at the Inner-Temple, These present.

VVE are your friends, These are to advice you to looke to your selfe, and to advise others of my Lord of Straffords friends to take heed, least they be involved in the common Calamitie, our advise is, to be gone, to pretend businesse till the great Hubbub be passed, Withdraw, least you suffer a­mong the Puritans. We entreat you to send away this inclosed letter to M. Anderton, inclosed to some trusty friend, that it may be carried safely without suspition, for it concernes the Common safety; So desire your friends in Coven-Garden, Ianuary 4.

To the Worshipfull, and my much honoured friend Master Anderton, These present.


ALthough many designes have been defeated, yet that of Ireland holds well. And now our last plot workes as hopefully as that of Ireland, we must beare with something in the Man, his will is strong enough, as long as he is fed with hopes, the Woman is true to us, and reall, Her Councell about her is very good: I doubt not but to send you by the next very joyfull newes, for the present, our rich Enemies, Pym, Hampden, Stroude, Hollis, and Haslerigg, are blemisht, challenged for no lesse then Treason: before I write next we doubt not but to have them in the To­wer, or their heads from their shoulders.

The Solicitor, and Fynes, and Earle we must serve with the same sauce: And in the House of the Lords, Mandevill is touched, but Essex, Warwick, Say, Brook, and Paget must follow, or else we shall not be quiet. Faulkland and Culpepper, are friends to our side, at least wise they will doe us no hurt. The Protestants and Puritans are so divi­ded, that we need not feare them; the Protestants in a greater part will joyne with us, or stand Neuters, while the Puritan is suppressed. If we can bring them under; the Protestant will either fall in with us generally, or else, if they doe not, they are so indifferent, that either by faire, or foule meanes, wee shall be able to command them.

The mischievous Londoners, and Apprentices, may doe us some hurt for present, but wee need not much feare them; they doe nothing orderly, but tumultuously: Therefore we doubt not but to have them under command after one brunt, for our Party is strong in the City, especially Holborne, the new Buildings, and Westminster: We are afraid of nothing, but the Scots appearing againe: But we have made a Party there, at the Kings last being there, which will hold their hands behinde them, while we act our parts at home; Let us acquite our selves like men, for our Religion and Countrey, now or never. The Kings heart is Protestant, but our friends can perswade Him, and make Him beleeve any thing. He hates the Puritane party, and is made ir­reconcileable to that side; so that the Sunne, the Moone, and Starres, are for us. There are no lesse then twenty thousand Ministers in England, the greater halfe will in their places, be our friends, to avenge the Bishops dishonour. Let our friends be incoura­ged, the worke is more then halfe done.

Your servant, R. E▪

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