THat the monies received by the Bursers of such Colledges wherein the Parliament hath placed new Heads, shall be delivered to such Heads, or such, whom they shall appoint to receive it.

Francis Rous.

WHereas by an Ordinance of Parliament of the 21 of Aprill 1648. It is Ordered that the Bursers and Trea­surers of the Colledges in Oxford shall keep such monies as they have received, without making any divident, untill they shall receive Order from the Committee of Lords and Commons for Reformation of the University of Oxon; and that from henceforth, all Tenants and such others as are to pay any money or other duties to any Colledge in the University of Ox­ford, shall pay the same to the Heads of Houses appointed by autho­rity of Parliament respectively, or to those whom they shall ap­point to receive the same, and to no other. It is Ordered, that the Committee sitting at Haberdashers Hall for advance of moneys, be assisting to the said Heads of Houses placed by authority of Parlia­ment in the severall Colledges and Halls in the said University of Oxford, for the putting that Ordinance and every clause thereof in execution, and for the procuring effectuall payment to be made of the said Rents and duties accordingly.

H. Elsing Cler. Parl. D. Com.

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